Dumpster Diving! NO WAY! Look WHAT We Found In The TRASH! Found Money!

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some bunch of yellow bags in here oh my god right under this yellow bag that i just moved what's this what's up all you beautiful people out there we are back with another video we're gonna take your guys advice because storage units yeah that scene's kind of sucked recently so again we're gonna take your advice and go dumpster diving today can't wait haven't been in a while let's quickly get into it don't forget to like the video subscribe if you're new let's go very windy out here today first dumpster i'm going to check is barnes and noble and i don't see any of the usual boxes this is like starbucks or coffee shop trash i don't know if it's a starbucks in there or not and this is all boxes great nothing next here is petsmart let's see what we got that side is full of cardboard and this side we have some more cardboard move that out the way more cardboard more cardboard some bedding let me get to the other side suck in all right more cardboard it's like plywood get up i can't lift this here move nope nothing under there that is very happy nothing here let's go find another one just wanted to point out real quick that we used to have a bed bath and beyond right over here but they are out of business and completely gone from the shopping center so we're gonna have to go find another one if we want to check out what they got right here now is the supposed five below which i have yet to find any trace of actual trash and both of those are completely empty i'm gonna go over there and check those too right here is where i think alta is uh so obviously i see some makeup thing so i see like a makeup stand right there there's one back there that says damages but i'm honestly not sure if i can even get in and out of this one because i don't even have like a stepladder or anything and there's no way that i'd be able to grab that let me see if i can reach anything by jumping on the side right here and if i get anything i'll show you otherwise you'll see us at a different dumpster so right there is the dollar general dumpster that we always usually scored at and it is obviously daytime the door is right there and i'm kind of nervous i have to open that latch and pull the little thing at the bottom without making too much noise and in hopes that employee does not come out of that door right there so again kind of nervous but let's see if we can get in there oops slide back here all right quick quick check here let me pull down that box look at this holy crap that's everything more than one hand to get all this do my best i feel like i gotta get a good bunch and then leave and come back car boxes there's a couple more right here but i'm not worried about it um let me take this box to the car and i'll come get the rest secured this box of goodies let's go see what else we can get [Music] get on this side this time our cardboard easter promotional stuff actual trash oh this is heavy there's random stuff in this bag taking this whole bag all right taking this to the car i gotta secure one bag at a time just in case i get caught i'll have at least some so if i get caught now at least i got a box in this bag going back there has to be more in here there's so much stuff right in the front that's such a tight gap right here so these black bags right here have to have stuff in them uh that looks like a bunch of regular trash this right here is tied let's see here actual trash guys i don't see anything else unfortunately regular trash so call this one a good score and we'll find the next dumpster let's go guys before we go to the next dumpster i wanted to mention if you guys have never gone dumpster diving before one good tip to make sure that a place does not lock your dumpster is to leave it better than you found it leave it exactly or better how you found it if it was locked lock it back if there's trash all over the place pick it up if you make a mess pick it up otherwise it will get locked we've had experience with that in the past so please other dumpster drivers just pick up after yourself like a decent human being let's go see what we can get into so happy for that good start this place is awesome we always find something here so i can't wait to find some more stuff so these next two dumpsters are possibly where a comic book shop is and in here is literally all food it's disgusting let's check this open topped one here it's like mostly food boxes um some wood like a bed thing right there yeah no comic books in here unfortunately okay so just now i didn't take the camera to this dumpster right here it's actually second and charles i've never had the chance to check it before because i checked that at night there's a lock right there on the edge which obviously they usually have it locked at night this time they didn't so i just kind of peeked in there but it's literally full at the top and there's no way even if they had something in there i'd be able to get it out excuse me mr krill can you like get out of the street stop drinking the water get get out all right let's see if i'll move if i go toward them thank you all righty at ollie's bargain outlets see what we got haven't checked this one in a while let's see anything in here looks like regular trash move aside all right it's actual trash but these see these few boxes down here smash crispy candy cane so i mean i'll try to grab as many boxes of these check this side real quick another regular bag right trash bag some bacon what is this you use two hands for this one in here we have a weird gross box of opened old spice okay and then there's my flower pot in here so i'm definitely gonna need two hands for that so give me a second let me get this out all right so just to show you what was in here real quick i took the bubble wrap because why not uh looks like the old spice has splattered on the inside of this but i could definitely clean that up no biggie and um i think i see something else in there so let's go over here again real quick let me see if i can move this all right guys check this out so i have more of the smashed crispy candy cane the rice krispie treat poppers which i'm gonna try to grab and then this big blue thing i'm gonna try to see if i can dig out at all so again give me one second i need two hands for this so bear with me okay finally done with ollie's dumpster there's the rice crispy stuff right there in the back seat but i did get something else out and it's in the trunk actually um but i'm gonna have a big recap at the end so wait until then to see all that we got also if you haven't already and you're enjoying it thus far please hit that like or dislike button you know if you dislike it just hit the dislike button it's cool and subscribe if you are new because we're gonna keep trying to get dumpster diving videos out when we can so i have arrived at a five below and a petco that could possibly share the same dumpster uh this one the first one that i'm going to come to looks like the recycling and yes it is but this next one is open and is not recycling so let's see what they got oh wow that's kind of cool that's like the toy display this came out of five below check this out like you put the different toys in the bubbles hmm that's just like cool i don't i don't know what if i should take that i feel like i should i don't know and there's not much in here i'm gonna think about that for a second make sure there's no dumpster right on the corner the petco could use now i'm gonna make sure this is all recycling yeah it's a pretty decent amount of boxes that's empty that's empty and honestly guys take this to the car because i think it's cool somebody might buy it right so as you can see i'm at ulta now but i don't see anywhere that i can drive to get to their dumpster so i'm gonna have to start walking and scope this out see if i can find it so here's the back of ulta sorry if it's too loud there's a lot main road right behind me and here's the back of the other places so i don't see any dumpster that these stores can have so maybe it's like inside one of these doors but oh well i'll just go look for another one no problem doggy hi doggy okay so kind of lost here so i'm behind the shopping center there's like three different dumps two or three different dumpsters around here i have to find gamestop so i'm just gonna check everyone until i see something gamestop [Music] is this game stop no it's completely empty but look at this this is absolutely disgusting so i guess it's like a grease dumpster or something like that but oh um gross okay next one all right this is the last dumpster that i see see if there's any game stop no gross food thing gross food bag right here and then just boxes for like tissues where's gamestop i guess they don't throw away trash so i found another game stop here this side right here has a padlock on it so let's check this side and that does as well wonder what they're hiding hmm what's up obviously we are home now so i definitely want to go through this because i don't even know what i found obviously i know i found the big plant pots the rice krispies candy cane things but other than that especially the dollar general stuff i have no idea so i'm excited to get into this stuff so first of all let me see how many boxes of this smashed crispy what is it called smash crispy candy cane marshmallow rice treats all right two dollars a box so one two three and i'll stack them and we also found these rice krispies treats snap craple poppers and these are caramels and i guess it's just rice krispie treats covered in caramel so there's one box of those another box of those there's another one of the candy cane ones we have four of those so far that's all i see right now i i grabbed the bubble wrap because why not we always need it and in this first pot first of all nice color combination out here second of all the whole inside is full of like a busted box of like these old spice um old spice volcanic with charcoal what is oh shampoo so i'll clean those up a little bit and see what like if they're even salvageable um if there's even you know a least bit of shampoo still in there if there is then obviously i'll just save them and sell them at the yard sale otherwise they go back in the trash next we have this thing what was this let's see there's a little sticker thing here let's see if it says what it is uh no it does not but maybe like a flower pot um the only thing i see wrong with it is that this right here is chipped and then there's a crack going all the way right here and it stops right here so it doesn't go all the way to the bottom which means the bottom secure um definitely like handmade my ring just hit that definitely handmade like clay pot here um like i said assuming for uh flowers but somebody could definitely super glue that if they want to it's a perfectly good thing to put out on your yard sale possibly the next thing are these three big these are worth 20 bucks a piece of ollie's but these big flower pots again super nice color on the outside i like like the um fadedness of the color on the outside i do notice that there's a crack right here but nothing some super glue can't fix especially if you put it on a yard sale for a dollar somebody will super glue that this next one has the crap on the side a little bit worse crack but this right here a little bit worse than the other one but still definitely fixable super good and then this last one has a crack like the first one which is not bad at all again super glue super glue fixes everything superglue or duct tape i had to have to say so let me put these back in here and then i can finally see the stuff that i have yet to see other than the car charger like i saw that as i was going through the dollar tree the dollar general dumpster but other than that i have no idea what is in this bag and these are the bag in the box from dollar general let's pull out this bag first see what we got looks like a bunch of household stuff right off the bat um broken tape dispenser thing the lights you guys just saw that fall thing of lights right here uh i have a plug right here yes they do let's see if they work and they work they all work the actual whole strand works that's crazy so i'm going to put that over there in that pot a broken tape dispenser this right here rust preventative spray enamel rust inhibitor seems like i mean oh the little spray thing's gone so i don't really know what to do with that i guess that's why it's in the trash this right here is rexall anti-diarrheal tablets i wonder if they just threw these out because the box is open who knows here's the tape to the broken dispenser what else do we have in here a little doggie a winkies here's winking at you little dog here literally nothing wrong with that dog a dvd peter rabbit it says damage uh let me see if i look at the bottom of the disc i don't see any damage to the bottom of the disc so i don't really know what could be damaged maybe it was just returned and they didn't know what to do with it why not just put it back in the shell we have this spray bottle all-purpose cleaner wonder why would they would throw this away it's not leaking there's literally nothing wrong with this i don't know why they threw this away some of the stuff that people throw away or somebody store throw away you just like wow like cool because i get to keep it or sell it but why seriously plastic thing plastic thing there's some bunch of yellow bags in here somebody's oh my god guys you're not gonna believe this so my heart rate right now is absolutely crazy let me take a breath okay so in the corner of this bag right under this yellow bag that i just moved was this now come on now this looks like 100 i mean like if i'm sifting through a bag this is a 100 bill no joke and then i peek right here you can see a little bit of a blue i open it and it says stays it says you got prank so pranked 500 bills great and laying next to it was this a pack of fake 100 bills that say you got pranked okay so if that wasn't the biggest troll of my life there it is okay let's just continue oh so this bag right here has um air wick essential oh scented oil for the plug-in diffuser thingies so i feel like oil on the outside of them but like this one this one looks pretty full this one looks pretty full this one right here is broken so i can't use that one and this one right here is full too i don't remember if the ones that i got recently were air wicks so i'm just gonna put these off to the side i can just wipe these off because four out of the five that were in there are good so i keep that broken one in the bag in this bag we have a couple things of smart water why would you throw away smart water there's stuff there's stuff on the outside of them but other than that yeah little sticky stuff on the outside of them but that could just be cleaned off and used um over here we have an unmarked bottle i'm assuming it's like shampoo or body wash or something like that don't really know this is wall so i know that's some kind of razor or shaver or something this is actually brand new comes with scissors uh what is this what's in here oh like a little teeny razor okay um the actual clippers and then this whole set right here of the attachments the brush the cones and different things are in there that's crazy and they probably literally just threw this away because it didn't have the box like it didn't have the original box i guess they couldn't sell it so that's brand new we have a bottle of palm olive pot i just opened it i was trying to get the top because it's like squished down but palm olive dishwashing liquid this is some kind of ball sounds like it might have candy in it it still has the plastic on it so i don't want to open it um this one here auto ban eliminates odors disinfected fabric and air freshener air did i just say air pressure air freshener this is very useful you can always use some air freshener around the house here is two cans of cashmere wood by glade we actually found this exact scent and a storage unit and it's still sitting on our bathroom almost gone so now we got two more but that is um it for that bag so let me put all this stuff back in here and get into the box finally okay let's get into this box so these are the things right here that i grabbed with my hands that weren't in the box when i picked the box up out of the dumpster so let's see what they are this right here it says torch does that work it does so a torch lighter which is crazy we have a rapid car charger five foot cable for all vehicles for use micro usb um android micro usb all these right here a car charger so it's one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 10. 11 12 13 car chargers right off the top um pair your earbud blue board earbuds uh bluetooth actually and then this right here is a premium glossy shock absorbing skin for the iphone 6 so just a phone case this is like the five below type stuff we would usually find and then in the bottom of the box there was a bag let's see what's in this bag and the bottom of the box is just like plastic trash so nothing else down there let's see so another car charger so i lost count uh one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen so we have 14 total car chargers and what is in here we have oh a baby outfit that was for three to six months and it even comes with little shoes that match so literally like a onesie type thing a pair of pants and a pair of shoes in the trash um we have some choice cuts choice cuts and gravy dog food so three i see three cans right here two in here one right here and then here's my pedigrees the other one had every two yeah and then two cans right here so five cans of dog food um a pack of busted sugar wafers so it's pretty much dust right now a pack of tortillas uh corn tortillas i don't see any kind of date on them anywhere but tortillas another thing of dog food so that might complete the pack of dog food right here and then a bunch of these reese's take five which have pretzels caramel peanut butter peanuts and chocolate bar snack size so this was open but here are all the actual pieces in the bottom of the bag here so it's probably just an open bag and they just decided to toss it why don't i put it in like an employee break room or something i don't know and then this ooh this right here is tortillas but um yeah over there i don't know what happened i really don't that does not look like mold it's just dirty like how did the tortillas get dirty please explain that to me anyway that's it for the box the last thing that i have is the thing that i found in the petsmart dumpster or the pet pet five below dumpster and it's this thingy that had different sections for the toy so they had like a frozen toy paw patrol a troll spongebob and a toy story so i guess they had a bunch of the little toys in each one of these sections so i don't know why i took that i just thought it was cool so that is all the stuff that i found today and just one day of dumpster diving so as always if you did enjoy it please leave us a big fat thumbs up and subscribe if you're new follow us on social media and until next time peace out
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 46,979
Rating: 4.9182539 out of 5
Keywords: found money, found cash, money found, cash found, finding money, finding cash, money, cash, treasure hunting with jebus
Id: IaUFziHMDw4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 21sec (1521 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 03 2021
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