RACIST Owner Tries To TAKE His Stuff Back! WE SAID NO! I Bought an Abandoned Storage Unit

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guys we pulled out the biggest oldest lookin treasure times I think we've ever found in a storage unit 3 2 1 well American treasure anyway Jesus got in today we got probably the craziest storage unit story you've ever heard definitely the craziest for us so before we get in there I've got to tell you the significance of why this is so crazy so we were at a live auction this oxygen company doesn't like the recording so we didn't record the auction but I want to explain it to you so there was a woman here that was trying to buy their unit back people do that it's not technically illegal if they do it anyway they try to buy their unit back usually if somebody's trying to buy their stuff back we will not bid no matter what's in there because obviously it's a moral thing where if you don't want to I don't want to take it from them right from their face some people do it but that's just kind of me but that's what happened however this woman decided she's going to start making racist comments towards a lot of people here I'm not gonna repeat what I'm saying here but there's a lot of Hispanic people to go to these auctions and well they were making super racist comments towards all of them which that's it's one of those pet peeves it's driving us crazy I cannot stand ignorant racist people you get on my nerves so badly so badly so right when we started saying all that you can see everybody else was uncomfortable there I'm like no you're not you're not gonna tell me and make everybody uncomfortable like this so weird to buy the unit no matter what we've been up to $85 it's always paid for it but I was not I was oh we were just heated at the boat or just heated that everybody just keeps the racism stuff and everybody else felt so uncomfortable I was like no you're not doing that so we got this unit for $85 they certainly needed this we're gonna be the bigger people here we're still gonna give the pictures they wanted back to the front but they don't know that I just wanted to give them a taste of their own medicine they made everybody else mad and uncomfortable so let's make you mad now comfortable too but like we said we're not gonna be spiteful and throw this stuff away which kind of if you want to do because I'm really mad we're still gonna give it back to them I just wanted them to feel a little bit of what they've given everybody else back so without further ado don't forget to like the video subscribe if you're new let's get into it [Music] all right so before you answer that's one or say something again after we won the unit the auctioneer was telling us how he's so happy we won the unit because of the people they are again then when we get to the front to pay the lady that works there said the same thing if they were just disgusting torture so you know what I was just like part of me so bad want it to be the spiteful person just another pictures in the trash but I'm trying my best to just be that guy that steps above it and give it all back anyway the party is what's the fool they made me still mad but let's start going through this unit it's really dark in here we don't have a light so oh what's going in a lot in the middle flip it over on its side into it we'll be doing good I don't know this one out so there's actually a lot call on both sides of this thing this thing is locked shut that's when we find a key in there you don't have to bust it up it can be a pretty nice like tool bench or something we're toolbox I guess let's hope we can find a key look at this ooh did you see they just get assault oh I don't know I did I don't know if I got it all right but we got a little some kind of salt it doesn't look at that greatest shape whatever it is but it's something that'll sell with this unit if we make money great most important all over the curve Inge they had to eat this oh I hate that here's some pictures which they're not getting the frame back I'm doing the minute minimum possible to try to be a decent human being I'll take the pictures out and we'll give them back oh I'm just like reliving it in my head now like heat it again guys heat it again this looks like a bunch of party decor and Jolyon looks like a bunch of Halloween crap really exciting and their Thanksgiving at Halloween just cheap little Dollar Tree stuff stuff will sell for a dollar we're gonna put it all on that crate and keep on going but if you can see in the back I don't know how it's pretty dark in there good there's a huge trunk right there look at the bottom there's at least one or two other Trump's I can't tell the one on top too drunk to but let us get this stuff together and we'll keep on going so we got out another grand total let's have some weird stuff in it CD holder rock and roll Zeppelin Led Zeppelin CDs mm-hmm let's just see these this could be worth a little something probably not let's tell them for like reefer a dollar or something like that they're just okay so let's take a find the case it's gonna be good for Miss Moore let's see yeah these are all Roxie - check that out ac/dc or ac/dc you can actually have a lot of value to Beatles hmm we don't know hopefully they save that well yeah sorry I was trying to put him there but don't have to say that uh hopefully they save this folder somewhere else so you find the CD holders will actually be a lot better all these are empty nothing nothing here nothing hoo boy there's a few pictures and nothing else so this so it's pretty much young nothing too exciting in there so we got another toad out see we have some Tammy to look at the dolphin thing everybody thought that was gonna be heavy it's like super light but cool wall hanger we're gonna give it back to him like most of our motion sensor for like ten minute he's like 30-second lights now this is like some lights or something no you know like seashells that's picture the next some type of base some of these to be really expensive well don't play they look into it never know how the newspaper wait to see you look at that doesn't have a brand enough Nona but pretty nice nothing else in here so these pictures I know this is like random stuff a couple of USB that should be interesting to look at later probably a clean honestly they seem like this nothing in there and fortunately that's interesting nope cheap cost enjoy most likely any silver markings there isn't working and there I can't read it I'll check when we get home oh look look at that baby there's alright there isn't working it too I can't see it haha well as you know at the next clip what do you think oh whoa what that would definitely have to go through this oh yeah whole finger ring ooh I'm excited now oh that's great to be a little flashlight you see that fit another dollar in there here's a key there's this one of the box under it you know what else is in there with the change right you know pictures say if they are well give them back we'll give them back be the bigger guys don't fight negativity with negativity just be the bigger person even though sometimes it is very hard very very hard these are all pictures I'll send the whole box back nothing up in there but for now I want to look at the rain container when we come back we'll let you know if anything was real so we'll be right back so put a little pink tote here by the way from what we see the rings have markings in them but not like regular markings I don't see you 9 to 5s or 12 carat 14 care anything like that but when we get home we'll go through them and you'll definitely know in the recap we have real jewelry right from now I can't see anything Kristof of the people over dere right honest yeah I don't know I don't know I know I always think it will flick it like how its crystal like how do you know that somebody like me a nice little face again just glassware candleholder that's kind of cool looking I don't know what it is but it's cool-looking yeah enjoy the splendor nature plunder of nature I can read the whole thing well that's weird looking isn't it mm-hmm ten dollars whatever it is new definitely not new no more this whole thing glass work nothing too exciting just a bunch a little addition things like that so we're gonna gonna get that why I think we got a few more toast before we get into the trunk so we'll be right back got the next green toad I'll see what yeah a butterfly canvas alright movie player yeah well DVD player what does this make up oh cool they're new oh it's not crap all these new batteries okay like a salt lamp looks like we have a lot of like sprays in here but people will buy the sprays you use easily because let's take a countertop I hate these lights every 10 seconds go on and then no timer no anyway I think the most logical setup I've ever heard of in my life what is this - the stock jar full of money oh just picking perfume come on and there's something in here - probably perfume and this perfume - I could feel it perfume so probably but I'm all out charge dollar a piece and get about 15 bucks of that pocket not that exciting but hey stuff it'll sell so that is just towed out opened up when I looked at it kind of just close button you guys let me know if anything expensive this is an ultra suede brand fabric we got this one chosen couture collection that looks nice really gross San Francisco 49ers we have here Vancity just a bunch of more 40 minutes of crap and just a bunch more clothes nothing too exciting so that's how these two charges on our piece we don't know about the other stuff at least ten bucks for that so it may be more but you know in a recap so this black - that is weird like buckles on it I've never seen it on until it before it's kind of strange let's see what's in there you gotta keep the tote it safe yeah that's empty hmmm maybe some value to it pictures up I can't pick it up close big freighter right more pictures more pictures like we said people made it mad but we'll still send them back anyway what is this sonic jewelry glue a jewelry cleaner all right we'll let you know in a recap other than that bunch of nothing so we got the first to the chest down look at this on the front this is a nice-looking old chest you think it solders made to look old hmm it looks pretty cool whatever it is you know I don't I don't everyone guesses on that cuz I haven't no idea I'm like a baby for chests which are hunting a Jebus you know you ready to be fall gold right and yes what is the gems of pirates always looking for on cartoons platoons or something I don't know what it's called somebody would correct me in the comments let's see oh it couldn't get more opposite than treasures Christmas decorations all that's in here really genie lamp that's why they had this okay Oh didn't work well the only positive thing we have going for us and it is late October and November December the Christmas stuff might go so I'm not gonna be too mad at it but it's not gonna be for much as might be ten dollars with the stuff in here and somebody might buy the chest I don't know look at the side it's kind of broken and on this knife even worse up here look so I don't know if I was gonna buy this Jess but let's hope so keep on going so we got this chest down look at this the hatches are actually all shut I hope that's not locked let's see you ready one two no these do oh three right that's a big bowl if that's what that is geez what are you even put it in this yeah he's like a centerpiece thing hmm hand wash only not for use in the oven microwave a dishwasher all right this thing 30 bucks price tag on it 1996 hot hot August night coca-cola bottle some coca-cola stuff is very collectible and they're using what they are if I get this thing out the weights really and over here we got Barry here fairy godparents in the Crocker dance you know talking about than you're a good person if you don't you never live life you got some fairies to let's feel like a skull yeah oh cool human stalls out in trunk what a cool store another coca-cola bottle hmm I'm gonna see a date on those eeeh mm-hmm 75th anniversary so 1905 to 19 1980 I'm guessing just say well there's like a Japanese Coke in so many things all the coke and I'm still sealed Sunday Super Ball January 20th 1996 yeah we got some more actually let's keep going go follow the collective golden golden coke bottle no date on that though about this one another one a Mickey Mouse coke bottle hmm hoping either how valuable think this might be the last one will take them all off with a recap to show you anyway that just looks like an old glass coke bottle hmm it's a lot of coke bottles in their deck listen kind of collector let's hope they have some value to him guys we pulled out the biggest old is looking treasured hands I think we've ever found in a storage unit this thing is so heavy I actually couldn't get any way to put the camera down get both sides and get it out of here it has to be full of gold bars right they just have to be it has to be all right see this one oh wait hold on is this um can you read that uh no even something ever I don't know ever even sting lot put a light on it yeah there we go ever everlasting lot it says something 140 44 at the bottom I have no idea I'm seeing if we can get a brand cuz I don't know I don't know if the weights coming from stuff enjoy it or it's the trunk itself well geez that works alright you ready yeah three two one oh well this is gonna be hard to go through now have to do it one-handed blankets quilts yarn something some jackets in here this one is Izzy leather eyes easy I love it is that a good brand guys I don't think so we just found that anyway yeah this one's like a firm like on the inside but I can't see a plan they want it what a long one that wasn't it I don't see a brand no so not sure a lot of leather in here if you love their again certain ones might be I don't know this one's Avante New York let's see this one is out oh it's meeting Italy whatever it is handmade in Italy GV looks like they're selling it for $25 or something you see that I think that has some value maybe this is you know that longest Trent's been in here trunk you've been in here since World War two and stuff I don't know we have looks like a cat button legs what is this Oh much this is a like a funeral thing for a dog it died no oh I'll go with it what what if the dogs bodies in here oh gosh don't say that no it would stick hey I would stick in there in there what are they do it's open a blanket open it like unfold it that helps I don't know what it is gosh how do they do in here yeah alright guys we're gonna have to put the camera down and get this stuff out I don't know what it is but we're gonna have to figure it out so first thing we want to get out of here is look at this thing the Beatles what would you call these walrus canvas art I'm like that but beetles are usually money so I'll take that and check this portrait out if we can get it out the frame is busted yeah so we got a John Lennon portrait by who signed by Bradford John Salomon all right but it looks nicely done I don't know how much I'll go for just sure the Buster's frame but hopefully that's just a frame they both put on it's not nothing special I got some of these blankets out the way now you think we really get to whatever this is you you have to move it back hmm any markings on that not that I see go to the vacuum nothing on it [ __ ] Sherman cuz they're gonna be like the littlest itching on it nope alright nothing but we'll use Google Image Search I'm gonna find out something about it it might just be like a decorative thing you feel like they have to be on but it might be something valuable another one the same thing another one I know that yeah well last time we kept finding pieces and pieces that went to a dying thing it ended up pretty well maybe well did it again that looks pretty cool though this is like flashback again this is why so heavy though look there's another one that's strange how many things are there there's six again that like this is meant to happen look at the same thing they're all definitely part of one big mural alright let's see what else we got in here cuz it looks like it ends there it's Madonna again a nice Madonna thing guys hope you all know we're just joking I know it's Marilyn Monroe it's like to play any people but Marilyn Monroe thing some people are like legitimately offended last on there like that's not my Nona be so happy there when others look at you they become happy too you know that's cool let's look at this first hold on here needs a personal pictures look at that The Rolling Stones presents awesome freakin Rolling Stones concert poster from 1969 that might really really have some value to it check that out it's like parade condition - ooh I can't wait to look that up I put the personal pictures over here that could have some serious value ooh how'd you think guys put down the comment what else do we got going on is it the blankets out it's like all the rock and roll stuff personal pictures what's in here I think there's not personal first oh no look at that a journey band poster chest that's worth anything - crystal know how to tell this has a little edging on a look it's definitely Japanese done or some type of yeah I'm guessing Japanese that's like before these two go together patent number I made in Japan maybe they're valuable - yeah one more here that's four pieces that all go together I'm waiting to pull out like a freaking Golden Record or something let me so awesome what about that just put it aside I guess yeah alright next level although the nature is not personal be personal oh wait camera what come right back guys so we went all the way down to the bottom of this trunk and all the way else was in there was personal picture there's a lot of them so again even though we probably shouldn't cuz they were kind of annoying we are gonna leave this stuff behind so they can come back and get the personal pictures be big a person people because a bigger person so just pull out this poor bust it up so here yes you know a lot better days and I already see more v YC Chanel - hold on you gotta get this behind it actually start with no look at that you know well where's this box actually for it's not like a purse what's going in there for a few maybe ya know guess well it's just random little thing nothing important look at the Beatles The Beatles Anthology that's a big book you think they have some value to it there hmm no-one's public see if we find a date on it mm probably not and I can't read their handwriting [Applause] get out all right it's getting tape all over me it's attacking I think we get this again when we did the recap well good looks like it says to be a wine bottle that's super fancy with some sort think so yeah all right oh boy trap cards and personal things like that that'll go back with the pictures Madonna where oh that's cool hmm that's cool little picture here Donna was so pretty personal one what is in this I'm probably the same stuff you think yeah yeah personal stuff a flower thing made in China clue scroll I love this cool stickers and stuff card nothing personal coach - you get all this high-end boxes in here savour chocolates okay you said this van with it look like a fancy box savor chocolates you said so Forge I was trying to make it thank you get off a case just more random stuff and there's a lot of candles in there just keep them all but not being too interesting in that one I think we sell one more of those in there yeah some suitcases let's go see what you get ourselves into so we got the last time out of the unit here really have it again let's see stereo or radio a Panasonic CD stereo system sa PM 18 and I guessing these are the two speakers $10 glass blown stuff or something in this towel - what do you think it is careful it's a teapot China Joe Montana beer like why you keep this yeah is it crystal I don't know what I'm jet good for that and that's Pritchett I think there's something else broken in there I want to dig in there cuz it on gloves so not to upset so we have to some pieces left and this one is unfortunately bras socks t-shirts and junk and they're not lying nothing interesting in there besides just cheap whatever so we're gonna thought this one aside we have one more suitcase to go throw that's everything from the g-unit and then we'll do a recap so let's go get it all right guys last suitcase let's see I can pull out a jewelry box Christmas tag that's no fun what about what is this big thing anything else in here so we also got [Applause] not about overall you gonna get it home go through everything and then do a recap and show you everything we found out so be right back all right guys dark outside finally finish it's going through the van and everything so in the van all we have is the I'm assuming what goes in the back of a truck was the toolbox thing which we still haven't gotten open yet so I'm not sure what we're gonna do with that yet unless you have an idea the other big trunk anyway bug back there that has the Chinese paintings the if I remember right Bradford artist he's the conquer posters yeah the concert poster that stuff is in there still which is not going to the flea market and then this right here all this stuff and that's why this story box all this stuff down here and the only thing we've done to it so far as magnet tested this is everything that was not magnetic there is a lot of nine to five in it I don't see any gold but a lot of ninety-five for sure alright jewelry box also this I am not sure if this is ivory or not I'm not sure how to tell the texture or the look of it but my first thought was ivory so if you guys have any more detail about that of course I'm gonna look it up or something yeah can you see that I can't really tell what it is but it's there is it I don't know which way it looks like a 10 there or something I have no idea I'm definitely not being solid just in case of divert and here we also have all the coke bottles there's a few other things which I didn't know whisk if if it was collectible or not there's Chinese fans there's a few Chinese statues in here um a few other rocks I don't like we found the other unit and a few other glass like plates that have interesting markings on it so in the leather jackets all the large jackets are out there besides all of that stuff everything else is flea marketable or complete trash so a lot of stuff was broken which I had to throw away but that is pretty much it overall I mean very interesting unit that I thought it was gonna be an overall trashy unit but we ended up finding that trunk full of stuff which was amazing and I can't wait to look more into that stuff by the way I gotta say one thing I looked that trunk up and altogether that thinks all for like 900 bucks so I don't know if we can get like 150 200 off somebody that does antique restoration or something yes but it's worth a lot in good shape alright so with all that being said we hope you enjoyed this video if you did leave it a big fat thumbs up and you're not already hit that subscribe button for all some treasure and videos all the time if you do our follow us on social media links gonna be on screen or click the links a description below make sure you follow us on whatever you have thank you so much for watching and until next time peace out [Music] [Music]
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 269,538
Rating: 4.7241182 out of 5
Keywords: owner tried to take his stuff back, i bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage locker, i bought a storage unit, abandoned storage units, abandoned storage unit, abandoned storage locker, abandoned storage locker auctions, abandoned storage lockers for sale, storage unit finds, storage wars 7.5 million dollar locker, storage wars, storage auction locker, storage auction finds, storage auction, treasure hunting with jebus, storage unit
Id: 87GpVOCqkQM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 11sec (2291 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 21 2019
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