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what's up everyone welcome back to a new video guess what we finally are having a yard sale today so we have to get all of this stuff back here which is tons and tons of stuff you guys have no idea without further ado don't forget to like the video and subscribe if you are new let's get this stuff out in the driveway but before we get all this stuff we'll have some obstacles to overcome this it is low of 18 high 38 today not ideal yard sale conditions but there is a lot of black ice in our driveway we tried hot water but that doesn't melt it fast enough so jeevus is over there getting in the car he's going to go to lowe's and get some salt hopefully we can clear most of this up so we don't have a lawsuit on our hands i'll try to cover it up as much as possible in the meantime let's go thank you yes good morning thank you look you didn't feel too bad but it's a little cold man i'm getting glasses from this freaking thing i can't see crap yeah what a pain right thank you thank you one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13. about 20 bucks for everything i got 13 then i just did seven for that whole bag thank you thank you welcome thank you dress the bag no club uh yeah i want both of the bags all right uh how about five bucks i don't have the wire thank you thank you glad you found some treasures i appreciate it you're welcome let me come up with a good price for you yeah i was trying to wait for the crowd that i am so they can help me help you we have a dolly over here too if you need to use it thank you five bucks thank you just this yes the dollar let me hold it please start it all right here don't worry about it one two three four five six thank you see if i got a change in here 14. all right sorry here's 12 let me find two more ones i haven't even had a chance to go through this at all all right thank you let me find eight thank you can you please organize this yeah oh okay okay how about 10 bucks yeah give me one second one two three four five bucks throw that in there five bucks wow you saw it on facebook yeah yeah let me see what you got all right um all right i've seen enough how about three bucks for all of it okay i don't feel like counting it and your hands are full you're welcome thank you i was scared to hold it today to be honest because i didn't know people would show up looking for stuff that's what i was hoping i was like alright we'll do one two three three and what i think is five thank you by the way i just found your channel last night oh really so you're the reason i didn't get any sleep last night because i was so excited to come here did you click on my profile and see my links for anything okay i thought on facebook the uh the advertisement for this and then i noticed that you had a youtube channel okay awesome let me give you some more thank you thank you thank you rip it all apart whatever you need to do to get what you want there's the top broke in there i was already broke yeah okay even if you find another one just use one of these knives too yeah not one two two dollar piece three i can wrap them in yes i do actually thank you i'll be back if you see something you like just let me know i'll let you know a price nutcrackers aren't for sale i've got i gotta give them to my mom because she collects them all right thank you have a good day you too thank you send your friends thank you thank you very much for the whole bag five bucks all right dollar for both you still looking good all right yeah what about the plates the points for all of them like all of them yes a dollar a piece singly uh two for a dollar if you see how many there are i mean you just tell me how many they are because honestly i didn't count them but if you're interested i mean i'll give you a deal on them even i mean two or three for a dollar i just need to know how many there are thank you one two three four thank you have a good day guys about 25 how much 25 yeah i didn't feel like taking everything out of the bag nine sure that works thank you people have been piling in since 8 15 we're supposed to start at nine o'clock it's now 11 38 this is the first time since we started that there's nobody here literally everyone's like it's going to be too cold no it's not we probably had 100 plus people here we've been killing it but you don't get to see how much until it's all done so since this is our first break let me take you around kind of show you what we have left everything's a little ransacked but that's to be expected most of the glass stuff up here was sold look empty tote that's what i like to see get we've given people quite a few deals here as you guys have seen surprise nobody has grabbed these yet but you know a lot of stuff out of here gone uh nobody's taking the quarter maps there we had to put this down this is how we solve the ice problem this morning uh yeah i mean everything else is literally just picked through when we get another chance we'll try to clean it up a little bit but hopefully we get another rush of people when it's almost over i'm sure we'll keep going for another hour after we're supposed to be done but that is all good how about 10 bucks are you separate are you separate you have a 10 bucks and i get the objection for you we'll do four bucks for all that thank you put that together that's uh no we moved back in october of last year yeah we didn't like it out there so we moved back here for sure thank you yep have a good day that's why i kept it because we could but i'm saying we can put everything in a lot so when i say two dollars thank you offset how about 20 bucks riddle about 20 for everything yeah like 10 bucks for that and 10 bucks we're in here one two three thank you two dollars i don't have anything to put all of it and i can help you take it to the car oh okay okay all right one one two three four six how about seven uh yeah four one yeah thank you about eight yeah this is all the small change i have one two three five six seven and yeah now i have no change great just 20. a dollar yeah thank you one two thank you thank you any golf songs you get i'll take them all whenever you get them okay and he said you found us on um facebook yeah i think you can follow my profile on there it's like a commerce profile or something technically but see if you can go on there and follow it this tool this so just this and this how about six thank you this one two three four five six all right six yeah five five dollars yeah thank you so much you're welcome thank you because i'm really cute have a fight i can't feel it one two three four five six about seven whole three eggs i don't yeah y'all still shopping i think we're done okay yeah then she's gonna pick you up hers all right man okay and then tablecloth and then clippers is like to throw the hunt it's always fun right all right how about 25. i'll just do five bucks for this one thing for free i did not you can have them for free thank you you're welcome i just want two but i don't i have twenty i might have a couple of those in my car i'm not at three dollars so i mean you can go here take it take it i mean i'm perfectly fine with you guys taking it yeah go ahead you too are you all set all right do you want all of them yeah okay i mean like five bucks for the whole box what are we how many boxes that one two three four five six seven and six seven five three nine times i'll just do 20 for everything i don't feel like counting thank you you're welcome have a good day youtube one two three four how about five two i don't have the wire to test it oh okay it's it's a pretty common wire i just don't have it oh okay um if you want to take a gamble to dollar thank you can you sort that me too one two three four that's what like one two three four five six see if change oh good hold up y'all doing really good today yeah way better than i thought yeah thank you thank you too whatever you tell me okay if you give me 20 i have yes okay well there you go thank you i definitely want this all right just tell me what it is about four bucks for everything thank you have a good day so now it's a little bit after 2 p.m we wanted to end that too so whatever time you wanted to end you know put on the sign ends an hour earlier because people are just gonna keep showing up for that extra hour so the little after two we just posted everything for free we're gonna let it go for about two hours hopefully fingers crossed these people come and condense it down to one dump load for us that is the end goal here fingers crossed let's see how much cash we made so guess what everything we had left fit into one load the truck is loaded for the dump tomorrow now the most exciting part of the yard sale and that's counting up all the cash you know i was getting to the point that i was almost going to take the stuff to the dump but throw it away just because i was so tired looking at that you know we've really sellers know what i'm talking about you get tired of looking at it in your house you just want it gone but we decided to go with the yard sale i'm glad we did let's see how much we got today 20 40 60 80 100 20 40 60 80 200 20 40 60 80 300 20 40 60 80 400 20 40 60 80 so 80 500 10 20 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 543 in cash we had 16 and four dollars in cash app so another 20 so 563 dollars plus i think we got a few bucks to change somewhere right so like 565 overall so you know what i'm not complaining that's a good day to get rid of some stuff we were gonna throw away welcome to the end of the video where we are going to try to remember to put anything that you guys did in the p.o box at the end but what i wanted to say before i get into these three things that i wanted to thank all of you guys that sent uh christmas cards or wedding gifts all that stuff i know we didn't put in the video but thank you if you did we very really appreciate it so i'm gonna open this first letter from donna simmons it is a card love laughter and everything good but she sent a stamp and her address and stuff so jesus amber mama divas and baby jesus hey i hope you're all doing well i love watching you guys y'all make my day can i please have all you guys's autographs please with love donna thank you donna and we will figure out something to send with our autograph and thank you for including the postage appreciate that yes we will send it um this is from collins this first thing right here is a binder that is full of a dragon ball cars dragon ball dragon ball z drywall super i'm assuming i don't think they made superheroes do that yeah i don't know i've never played this is the only thing dragon ball i don't know i don't have in the house is card no i do yeah many pages of oh it's okay they're on the back dragon dragomazine cards yeah yeah they're all dragon ball z cards um i think collins you mentioned that on the live stream and then i talked to you during the live stream on facebook said you're gonna send a few things so here are the few things hey randomly before we go do you guys remember me finding this in that unit right there that goku ball now it sits on my tv so what do you got this is a goku in the winter blue jacket fig pin from the broly movie from the rolling movie which we just watched yesterday yeah i've seen it like three or four times already socks these are ones we've 100 percent seen a game stop before so we have a goku we have a golden frieza behold golden i'm about to get a super saiyan goku tattoo that takes up my whole forearm here very soon and then lastly we have shinron with dragon ball keychain he's gonna go over here look at all the plushies we already got going around the fireplace and stuff he's gonna go right over there with all the other guys in the letter i gotta read the letter letters amber and jebus my son wanted to send you all these dragon ball z cards figment stuff ball with dragon from dragon ball z he collected these but he just does he does collect pokemon cards and stuff we enjoy your videos hope you enjoy them can you say hello to bryce on a video hi bryce hi keep videos coming can you open on video here you go uh love friend don and robert collins all right and bryce awesome thank you guys so much you know what's amazing to me all this dragon ball stuff somehow you managed to get things that we actually don't have in the house somewhere i mean look at this you managed to somehow literally get stuff we don't have in here that's pretty impressive lastly we have david david from placentia california this is don't act like we don't know what that is yeah it's not like we have already eaten like three bags of it so david we broke it open and ate one on the way home from the post office but you gotta explain the story behind that stuff this nice man david sent us 11 total bags of alien fresh jerky now we took a trip when we were in california we took a trip to vegas we stopped an alien fresh jerky place it's in the middle of the desert yeah middle of nowhere the absolute tenderest if that's a word jerky the best jerky that i've ever had in my life but yes there's different flavors honey teriyaki and this like there's three or four different flavors in here but the whole like if you walk into the store there's probably like 50 different flavors and different like size bags and everything um so we have honey teriyaki sarah connor sweet and spicy which is one of my favorites um and then john connor's mesquite barbecue season which is one of his definitely haven't eaten two bags of that already yeah so bunch of jerky appreciate that david like we go to the p.o box and like you got my two favorite things food and dragon ball this is my life right here summed up in basically two packages yep so if you guys want to send us stuff like i said i'll try to remember to put at the end of any video that we go to get it and bring it back and we'll put it at the end of the video but if you want to send us stuff in the description is the p.o box address send the stuff and we'll open it dexter dexter dexter now one of the main reasons we needed to do this yard sale was to finally have our garage back he saw the beginning we couldn't walk in here now it's pretty much empty well i'm saying pretty much because all the stuff's gone but there's some other stuff in here these nutcrackers are going to her mother yes sorry for anyone that i wanted or not for a christian oh well these books are going to second and charles for store credit this table and chairs is going to our grandmother these fishing poles and this other stuff over here like the vintage rocking chair guitar and a couple other things over there the navy poster the coke lamp stuff like that are going to an auction house these are the clothes i didn't sell these clothes are going to donations so by tomorrow our garage will be completely empty so that i can finally have space when we see a good unit we can buy it because i hate the idea of renting a unit to buy units so anyway it's empty we made a lot of money we had a lot of fun hope you enjoyed it too if you enjoyed it leave it a thumbs up subscribe if you're new until next time peace out
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 54,412
Rating: 4.9644208 out of 5
Keywords: yard sale, yard sale finds, yard sale finds 2020, yard sale finds for ebay, yard sale finds worth money, yard sale finds youtube, yard sale flipping, yard sale money, yard sale pokemon cards, yard sale profit, yard sale selling tips, yard sale selling tricks, yard sale tips and tricks for sellers, best yard sale finds ever, how to make money at a yard sale, selling yard sale items on ebay, things to sell at a yard sale, yard sales near me, treasure hunting with jebus
Id: k-muSmqeeGg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 27sec (1947 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 21 2021
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