BEST FIND EVER! Crying Tears Of Joy! Flea Market Making Money

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welcome back to treasure hunting with jesus guys and today we're doing something a little different we didn't win any storage units this week because they all stuck we went too high so we still need to hit that treasure hunting thrill so what are we doing today going to a couple indoor flea markets outdoor flea markets to see what cool stuff we can find so we've lived here for almost four or five months now we haven't once gone to a flea market out here and we're like you know what let's go see what they got let's go you know what's crazy this is the warmest morning we've had in the last two weeks 33 degrees i love it back on the east [Music] before we hit the flea markets we gotta hit bub because we need caffeine it's early one large unsweet tea and one large diet coke with no ice i kind of started this battle years ago but we're going to continue it now that we have a lot bigger fan base soda is better than tea there's just there's no second hand okay from mcdonald's unsweet tea with some splenda in it is better than night no diet killed am i the only one that thinks it's weird that like regular coke out of a can tastes like crap but if you get diet coke or coke from mcdonald's or fast food place it's like super good for some reason donald's diet coke they do something i don't know what they put in they put coke in their coke it's 6 41 now first we're gonna go to one called bellwood drive-in flea market it opens at seven so it takes us about 24 minutes to get there we'll be there right when they open let's see what we can find [Music] this is what's awkward when you've never been somewhere facebook says it opens at five google says it opens at seven and here we are at 705 and not one vendor set up yet they're all just now pulling in so i guess we find something to do until they start popping their little stands up it's time to improvise so obviously they're not ready to sell yet we got to find something to do so i just typed in a bunch of stores that might have an interesting looking dumpster and we found a dollar's interval four minutes away so let's go see what they got in their dumpster well a padlock with like steel things to keep it shut is definitely not what we wanted to see this is not going like i was planning it would you know sometimes when you just plan things the second they happen it doesn't really go the way you want so let's drive around see what we can see and wait for these flea market people to show up because i want to go find some cool stuff and we're going to find it today by the way guys you enjoy our raw weird footage leave the video a thumbs up let's hope we get in that play market soon so apparently the only thing open at 7am is gas stations and walmart so we went to walmart and we developed this theory that if there's something dragon ball z that we don't have in our house it has to be in our house so we got three things three fig pins wait i don't know if you can see that oh super saiyan goku super saiyan goku we have over 9 000 vegeta with the tail scouter vegeta scouter vegeta and then we have ultra instinct goku with the blue that looks pretty sick it does there's also a game stop in this parking lot and while it's only 7 43 they don't open till 12 so let's go assess their dumpster situation first of all sorry about the lighting situations pretty bad um second we checked for the gamestop dumpsters there's one in the back and one in the front so we have to check both so let's go alrighty let's see what we got please have something ah so i see a ps4 box back there they definitely use this one now if there's something in that box actually it doesn't say gamestop haha i didn't know if that was gamestop box i might have to hop up and grab that in a second but i'll put the camera down let's check this one that one is completely empty so give me one second let me see if i can get that box got it that's it we have and it is absolutely nothing except for some packing material and a pop box so let's check that back dumpster so there was actually a security guard in the back of the shopping center so kind of just got out real quick peeked and left but there was nothing in there and it looks like they don't even use it anyway so let's see what else we can find i need your help i have an addiction we went by target to see if they had dragon ball stuff and look i'm buying too much i have two more figures i just bought and four little mystery figures four of them what am i doing with this mini anyway it's been over an hour since we checked the flea market so let's go see if they're open now so we can find more stuff we're opening them right after this clip it's now 8 30 and there's still like nothing set up here look at this place there's literally nothing so we're gonna go try the other flea market and maybe come back to this one and see if it ever becomes anything because right now it looks like an empty parking lot now we found the flea market a second one it's pretty packed look over here there's lots of people selling so we're going to switch over to the body cam and let's go see what we can find a couple questions how much are you selling the comics for uh most i'm going for like a dollar a piece okay but you know if you get 20 comics um yeah about a dollar piece something like that you know the only are the more they're worth okay you know if you have a 10 cent comic is worth a hell of a lot more than 100.75 right because of the rarity of it now are you selling these as like a lot or are you selling those all together or what these are man yeah are you selling those all together if you want them all together yeah i mean these are sterling right here it's awkward marine this is a don't worry about this 129 yeah because i had it praised by that guy in that tent okay he's all still right here and you know if you're interested in them how much would you sell all of them for i mean this right here yeah like the whole bag just this right here yeah uh 50 bucks 50. okay that's cheap i mean you can look at it you got it i got you i mean that's a good price all right thank you i had a question yeah how much for i don't know if i were to buy a board well these and then are these both in here or are there two okay this this is the same as these two the same as that it might be like a black handle or a green handle but yeah yeah so these three these two those four 20 bucks i didn't realize that this was in here too so is it this this those two and those all right i'll just give you here thank you yeah so these two i always try to bring i'm always looking for stuff like that like they look familiar yeah yeah okay oh yeah that's awesome oh this one's cool there's a wolf one that sounds like native american too all right we're out 60s did you put that in there yeah and are we looking for any kind of design everything looks cool you know woodland one yeah they all look cool to me yeah but i didn't put it up there so many knives feel like if i find one that i like i'm keeping knives and guns you can never have too many and weed ones okay where'd that one go what that weed one right here that's 60 at five bucks give me a nice to meet deal and congratulations on your wedding oh thank you very much hi thank you all right there you go thank you ma'am i've been watching these guys for a long time now my facebook page is cadoos comics and collectibles although i'm getting away from comics i do mostly silver jewelry and coins all right and it was great to see you nice to meet you guys too i've been watching you all for at least two years in a long long time so we're finally done this flea market was amazing we got some good stuff i think we're going to make a lot of profit on i think we got like what close to 20 knives a lot of them brand new in boxed from one of our subscribers and everybody it's freaking awesome i'm super happy we came here we met a lot of people really yeah we did um probably what four different subscribers total which is awesome nice to meet all of you guys because i know you're probably watching this seriously nice to meet everybody thanks for the awesome deals i think we're easily gonna resell what we bought and make like all the money that's been on dragon ball figure so now i don't feel as bad but let's go see if we can find another play market because i'm having a good time right now i hope you guys are too so now we're at this place called odd balls collectibles in antiques let's see what kind of stuff they have looks like a pretty big store let's go see if we can find some other cool stuff at a good price came across something really cool and i've never seen before it's called the nickbox so it's like 90s cartoons you see hey arnold heart the rugrats what's in here tommy's ball is in there this is a rocco what shirt yeah it's a rocco polo what is this this is rocco's blanket oh my gosh rocco socks that where's that from i don't remember um that was from rocco too it's all rocco stuff so red and stimpy enamel pins and a decal from odd real monsters so we have another one over here i already see rocco's dog i see rugrats i don't know what's in there is this it's cynthia cynthia oh my gosh geez cat dog flash drive these are like magnets or something and chucky's t-shirt no way besides that it's a large okay all right nick's off what's in this one uh i'm going crazy this is from assuming this says pete's i don't know what that's from legends of the hidden temple double dare picket thingy my gosh the guts piece of the aggro crab the good burger flashlight oh my gosh blast in the past guys black from the past goodbye money look at this look at this if i didn't have half of these i probably bought all of them but oh that goku super saiyan mango dimensions definitely getting him definitely getting him should i get majin vegeta yeah we need that one it looks pretty cool too i think all the rest of them we have besides like one but it's all right we're gonna get those okay i'm sorry i think escapes my eyes i'm getting a little bit of nerd rage here not gonna lie does that say vegeta this is obviously goku you know what else this dragon balls eat that is not from dragon ball z [Music] but i got super goku too so always so excited about the dragon ball stuff i completely forgot to record one of the best deals we got these proof sets were five bucks a piece so look at these these are dollar coins one two three four dollars right there so literally a dollar a piece is what i'm saying because literally i paid 15 bucks and if i took them out of the case right now they'd be worth 12 so literally three dollars for all these i look them up on ebay they're going for a lot more than that not to mention i got a lot of dragon ball collectibles i've been looking for so this was a good stop all right so now we're heading out for one final stop we're gonna go back to our first original stop that flea market that was never set up it's now after eleven so if we're not set up now i don't know when they're gonna ever be set up but a few subscribers at the first flea market did let us know that their better day is usually sunday so i'm definitely thinking of coming back tomorrow and check it out see what they have too if you guys are enjoying this video make sure you let us know down in the comments we can definitely do more like this it's a ton of fun i haven't done this in a while so let us know let's go see if this market has some vendors worth going to all right so they're a little bit more set up but uh the guy at the front told us anything other people told us sunday is the day where there's a lot of people here so we'll come back tomorrow but let's just go see because it's driving me crazy now i want to go see what they have for sale we're gonna switch to the body cam and go check it out so what just happened at this flea market well paid three dollars to get in not bad you know 1.50 apiece but the worst on this day i'd say because we haven't given a chance on sunday so i'm going to stay positive but literally one interesting booth everything else is like dollar general couponing type thing yeah nothing that we're interested in whatsoever so maybe we'll try tomorrow now that we're home let me go through and show you everything we bought up close and personal and tell you the exact prices we paid for alex i think we did great not including all the awesome stuff we found for ourselves to add to the dragon ball collection let's check it out so first look at these coin collections again we paid five bucks a piece for these so this is the first one united states meant they're gold dollars again if i broke these cases and took them out that's four dollars i can spend so i literally paid basically a buck a piece for these is the way i'm looking at it so we got that set then we got this set these are i think they're different presidents no no they're just different people i'll see andrew jackson i see james monroe so they're not all the same john quincy adams so we got that one and then we got this set right here george washington thomas jefferson james madison and john adams so that's just that's such a cool deal so 15 bucks here and this is the first guy's booth we went to we paid 20 bucks for these knives so we got a lot of loose pocket knives some of these are definitely old and vintage that's one of the reasons that we really like them so one two three four five loose knives we got this multi-function knife it's still in the box and we got ended up getting three we didn't realize this at first that both of these boxes were full we thought one of these knives went in the box we got three of these they're like army combat knives in many versions and they're going for a lot more than we paid for them so that's super cool by the way most of this stuff will probably be up on one of our live auctions and then we got two more small survival knives here so 20 bucks for all these and then the best deal of the day we paid 40 for these we got these 12 brand new knives so this one's black with the red spider and spider web super nice this one's just black and red one i might keep for myself to be honest this one's got like a golden yellow blade and a black handle then we have the route 66 knife right here this one actually has two blades and it's like a batman knife it opens up with a blade on each side i bought one of these before brand new it cost me over 40 bucks so i know they can be expensive so that one's really cool this one got the pot leaf i know somebody would think it was funny we got the wolf right there then this one's a black handle of flames this one's actually a tack force which is a good brand we sell ours at auction usually for around 40 bucks 30 to 40 bucks for a tack force knife so that's a good deal right there and it's pink and it's got the little it looks like a medical symbol on it so nice knife then we got one over here has like native american with some wolves on it the rainbow one which she decided she's keeping so we both keeping one we got ten to sell and then we got another pink one right here so all in all these 40 bucks 20 bucks 15 bucks i think we did really really good so it is sunday now we were gonna go back to that flea market but it might be covered in snow it's still coming down outside like very heavily very heavy very heavy but anyway if you guys enjoyed this video let us know we can do stuff like this all the time it's a little alternative when there's no storage dude it's going for auction and it was fun so let us know what else are they supposed to do leave it a like and subscribe if you haven't already follow us on social media merch link all that good stuff in the description and until next time peace out
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 43,005
Rating: 4.9408441 out of 5
Keywords: flea market money making, flea market, flea market finds, flea market flip, flea market making money, flea market resale, flea market selling, flea market tips and tricks, how to sell at a flea market, making money flea market vendor, making money at flea markets, making money online, how to be self employed and make money, how to make money, buy and sell, garage sale, how to be self employed, self employment, self employment tax, sell on ebay, storage unit, swap meet
Id: qrB0XFh_d2o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 42sec (1062 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 07 2021
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