Found 2 GIANT SAFES In $1,200 Storage Unit! BIG MONEY Storage Unit Finds! Massive Profits!

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let's pull out the first of two safes let's see what's in the century safe i'm kind of nervous you ready please we're up nice and early back here at the 1200 storage unit to find all kinds more treasures if you didn't see the last video first off shame on you but if you did you'd understand why i couldn't sleep last night why i'm back here so early let's get in there let's find some treasure [Music] so if you don't know why i'm so excited first of all you didn't watch the video we got beef now but second of all behind the couches over there you can't see it there are two safes stacked on top of each other so plan one let's clear off the couches so we can move the couches and then you know what comes after that get into the safes let's start going through what's on the couch let's see if we got anything else interesting this box can you see it in here good all right so we got let's see jigsaw blade is that a whole looks like it's all in there or it sounds like it's in there at least let's see what it is yeah look it's like a clamp and saw and everything in there still in the box not bad not bad what else do we have in here uh craftsman thing that is a door lock installation kit brand new and the dewalt saw blade or something or sandpaper thing i probably got it all wrong craftsman professional little pocket thing i'm guessing a screwdriver kit kinda so let's get this box one out of here as you can see we cleared out a lot of the junk that was on the floor up here and the only thing that's nice that came out of that is this gigantically heavy bag of all kinds of tools we're talking wrench screwdrivers pliers everything there's got to be like 30 pounds of tools there so that should be a nice little chunk of money there too we got a case which usually means one or two things boom boom or tools either which way money what they say cobalt oh check that out that's a nice little drill set right there yep it looks like it's never even been used honestly there's like no wear on any of those bits so that's got to be a little bit of money right there now let's pull down one of these black bags so we can get these couches out the way because i am so just wanting to get back there let's see sorry i'm still looking all right what do we got in this bag oh boy here's a saw blade and you're never going to guess what else i see in this bag you'll never guess take a wild guess look right there lures alert slurs slurs this whole baglers this whole bag's layers look at this ow hook this one right here all there is one of them's out of the box at least right here because it just got my hand um what else is in here these all layers too here's one with the hook out this might be more lures let's open it up don't you guys love the way i say that blurs look at that a whole bag of brand new ones too by the way we're gonna have auction soon coming up with a lot of this stuff we might have to do two auctions this week i don't know because we just have such a large quantity of stuff so just stay tuned we'll always announce it in the video beforehand but look more lures oh my goodness look at this do you see this this is all freaking lures all theirs these are loose i don't want to reach in there i've gotten stuck inside i've got so many hooks in my hand over the last week but look down here these are all still in the package layers let's see if this is all following too i'm assuming so right it's a good guess yes it is all full of freaking blurs i mean this has to be another legit 150 200 layers and these are all in the box even they're not even loose this time around everything i pull out of here is like brand new boxes of lures these are the gummy things i guess that still counts as players um let's see oh my gosh look at that all alert all i mean i'm saying we probably have another 250 in this box there's some hooks oh look at this a t-mobile samsung galaxy light and it does feel heavy but oh look it is in there haha it's actually in there this time i don't think it's never been used i don't know how old the samsung light is but it might be kind of irrelevant now you know how phones and computers go like one year is brand new two years later completely outdone and irrelevant so we'll figure that out oh my god you see this just going down again like i said it's probably another 200 i don't even know i'm going to say this is like probably 300 to 400 more alerts and pretty much all these are brand new i can't argue with this this is pointed probably the best unit we've ever bought if i had to guess so i got a basket and if you remember the first video of this unit we found this shoe and never found the other one until now check this out it's like a little wooden boat kind of cool definitely like a little crafty thing another than that it's just a lot of pictures in there this was something i knew i'd come across eventually a brand new or not brand new the box kind of beat up a boat cover it's in there you know what's very strange about this unit that right outside of the unit in the parking lot you know storage facilities you can pay for parking spots there's a super nice boat like right outside of it and i'm like i wonder if it's the same guys you know what i mean it'd be kind of coincidental that there's one boat in this whole lot it's right outside of the storage unit so i don't know what is this colored pencils that are everywhere yeah i see something that says fishing on it too let's look in here first oh this is heavy it's caught on something uh well we're not getting this out right now nope that's caught on there let's see what's in this bass thing probably if i had to guess more fishing lures smells like fish like these are used i could tell you know that river smell yeah that's got that river smell so on top just a few of those gummy thingies let's go on the inside this is probably gonna be like knives and hooks and stuff no just more the gummy fish thing gummy worms oh no look at all those reels antlers so look at that what brand do we have here high speed abu by the way look at all these layers this one looks like it's water here too he's definitely wood so who knows what kind of things we have in there layer wise another fishing reel another fishing reel and well more that's a gummy lure and more alert is that the bottom level of this yes it is but once again guys the fishing money just doesn't stop we got a nice shop back here these are easy sales usually two 40 50 bucks depending on the brand i'm not really familiar with the brands so i also want to try to clear off this dresser because if you remember that drawer is where we found all the jewelry and coins at and we couldn't get to the other drawer so no telling what could be in there as well get this thingy out of here i guess that's like a wicker table probably at the top somewhere i don't know i think i could pull this now i think it's going to go boom if i pull it i'll try to no we'll see no it's not moving all right let's just keep clearing stuff out this is a tool box tool box yeah what is that an old washer what is this i think this is an old washing machine under here but break into that in a second it's like a police radio or just like a house phone this is legit like an old phone isn't it i thought it was like a walkie-talkie i don't know what it is wireless phone safety tips okay it was like one of the first wireless phones ooh new technology it's so weird to think about isn't it yeah all right let's pull out these pictures yeah look at that that definitely looks like a washing machine all right yes it does so we have just a gross redskins jersey that's like a high school jersey isn't it yeah junk over here see all these pictures these are like just home decor things like that i don't think none of these are purse look at the lighthouse that looks kind of cool look guardian of the sea this guy told me he was guardian of the sea and i went to this unit i believe i yeah okay there's one picture in there and all the rest is home to course let's get this out the way see if we can pull the dresser out and get in those last drawers now we got the dresser out well this was in between the dresser and the old washing machine so another little tackle box with gummy worms but i think last time all he got through was like these three drawers so let's go through the rest of the dresser oh look at that is that an old photo album yeah it is so they'll get that back um i'm just looking in here it looks like it's mostly underwear a few pennies receipt make sure there's nothing like that all pennies in that drawer so let's just put that one back this one looks like more of the same and we'll check all we check all the socks and stuff like that at home because people have stuff in socks so you never know let's make sure stretcher's made weird this looks like a junk drawer no good junk though this one open up okay this one's all closed maybe there's just one good drawer in this dresser i'm ready to check this one right now it's getting dark down here is it yeah sorry glasses clothes little something i don't even know what it is hmm so look in the last door let's check the last one it's just old gene so nothing worth seeing anyway dressers moved out now we kind of got to these things to move that other wicker bench thing this bag looks like it's completely full of like just used gummy bait and it smells like river tremendously so that stuff is definitely used this was also back there let's see what's in this skill bag skill what kind of skill is it more fishing stuff of course it's more fishing stuff so like a tackle box what's in here i doubt this is what it actually is actually ziploc bags it might be because it looks like the plastic's still on it let's check it yep they're sealed never use zip bags what is this excalibur chest it's like electronic you see that that's kind of weird but uh first squadron guns all right a little badge in there and another gummy thing is there any side pockets to this nope that is it let's slide the big box here out if it'll slide let's see what we got in here it's like an old nike look at that an old nike thing i don't know if that has any value but it's cool gosh this feel this weight of this for it guys you feel it it's super heavy for real does it have a brand on it though trek new york that's got to be worth something i've never felt a coat this heavy and i'm assuming based on everything else in this unit it's probably old so might be a vintage coat hey look carlite 4a i don't know what a car car there you go see that's why i needed your help um let's put these over here i don't know and we got what's this curtain rod there's all curtains underneath of it that's what the box says is it but i'm gonna back check them let's see is this curtain huh does this look like curtains to you that's a honda book not curtains but um i think all of the the rest of it's pretty much oh it's all courtesy notice something missing where i'm standing at oh look the couches are gone oh look what's behind the couches safe number one and safe number two but before we get into that let's get the box off the top right let's see what's in here and then we'll get into the safe because i cannot wait no longer i'm getting very impatient let's see we got in here random guess there's a nice tackle box we'll put some in there look in here more fishing lures this one more of the same thing let's open them up make sure they don't look like anything crazy special nope just a bunch more layers i can't get the top back on it close you all right we'll close in a bit what's this heard of it i don't know what it is what's in there oh what was in there this is not guns is it yeah look hand gunner well that's not good look at this fishing reel galore hold on what does that say i thought this is i saw a magnum i was like um the gun stuff sure what is this shirt's new that's like basketball jersey or football pads it has like pads on it it looks like a basketball jersey weird so it looks like some military gear here what else is in here come on you guys know what i'm looking for it's gotta be in here somewhere some glassware anything special valmont china anyone recognizes that i'm not seeing what i'm looking for not in here unfortunately the rest of it looks like all dishware besides a couple more lures that are sitting at the bottom let's pull out the first of two safes this big boy first oh it's heavy all right let's watch that watch that watch out all right all right storage gods we're begging you right now please please please please please before we get into the stage though guys please help us out we're in the last week of december we're so close to hitting this goal for being the most liked month of the year so please leave this video a thumbs up and don't forget if you're new subscribe because we put videos out like this pretty much every single day now let's crack them what do you think it is money uh oh you're kidding me well time to if i would have guessed anything in the world this probably would have been my first guess a box of brand new lures again is this all fishing stuff what is this oh it's all those gummy things and well are you kidding all the way down the safe is nothing but fishing stuff again i mean i shouldn't be surprised but i'm kind of disappointed now let's slide the sensory safe which is kind of scared of because look you didn't see this the door on both of them were open which is kind of not a good thing i wanted to break them but what can you do let's pull it out okay let's see oh what's in the sentry safe i'm kind of nervous you ready please it looks like crap this look an american eagle coin book thing oh look you see this it's probably what held it guaranteed batteries um one ounce proof silver coin what was in there all right not in here though not anywhere that i see yeah unfortunately this one's even worse than the other one that's usually what happens in the storage business unfortunately you see what i see smith and wesson case but guys they just keep trolling me nothing in it i'm getting really disappointed here should i pull out another box i guess sure let's pull out this top box see what we got in here oh let's bring it to the dresser see a little better yeah it's not 800 pounds now all right so this thing i bet you that's how they move their safes you ready uh plants plants come on now an alarm clock hydrogen peroxide deodorant deodorant not a picture frame dang it i thought it was a jewelry box and just well a lot of household in here let's bring out the little white box here and see what we got in this one oh my gosh you know what that sounds like right there's like a 500 there you know where fishing lurks blurry yeah pronounced just like that not lore no blur people just don't know how to say it open box oh my gosh this is like a thousand lures look at that oh at least they're all in the pack yeah at least they're in the package that's the only positive here but some of these look like they're all don't they like look this one didn't even have a barcode they had to manually put a barcode on wherever they bought it from some of these might be older some of these might be newer but geez i mean this is a deep box we're talking like again i feel like i've said this a million times in this unit probably another 100 fishing layers that are brand spanking new let's pull out another box off this back wall right here oh my gosh it's like i'm happy because they're good money people always want them they sell for us and whatnot but i'm just tired of looking at fishing lures i only know how to get into this one i need a knife look at this i want to see what's in this in a second but once again i mean we're talking 100 somewhere again look at this 100 wood right there on that one so no telling what else we got down there and what's in this one they kept separate for some reason then they taped this box up as well let's see if we can get into this little box maybe it's something special so this one it looks like it might be these are all what i think this might be like a whole box of different wooden lures so you probably bought this as like a little mini collection off somebody but once again fishing lure galore anyone want to change their bets earlier remember we said guess somebody's in here everybody's like maybe a thousand fifteen hundred how many things are in here now let's get this big old box out of the way right here i hear the bottom one that's not a good sign all right who wants to bet 50 dollars into fishing stuff well that's a spinnerbait this stuff yeah let's see what this is really quick whoa so i don't even know what these call these are these floaty thingies a spinnerbait spinnerbait yeah okay that holy crap look at this what does it say it just says what it is so i'm still looking for some kind of sign that says the they owned a store or something along those lines but i haven't found it yet and here we go look at that layer oh never mind it looked like it was the color of wood but it's not out there's hooks in there too there's some like loose layers in that bag look at all these gooey ones what's in here no way more fishy glue whoa well speaking of fishing lure larry sorry i didn't mean to say laura look down here another whole tackle box full of them in just a ridiculous amount look at them all this is another let me say my favorite line of the unit that's got to be another 100 to 200 fishing letters in this box how many times have i said that really but i mean even at a dollar to a piece guys every box is just money next box from that stack a safer dresser see all right let's see this one looks like ah the medical stuff um rubber gloves gosh look at the amount of pillows in here it looks like duct tape with this these actual glasses what what are these like fishing glasses mad marlin maybe like some type of fishing glasses what is this thing come here what is that huh it's like a fish tracker maybe i don't know lots of duct tape knife sharpener another sharpening block the batteries and well a bunch of pips not too much in this box so i just kicked this box right here out of the way it's all pots and pans don't want to look at it this does not sound like any vacuum i've ever heard let's see what it is no it's very random [Music] like a sugar pot or something i don't know worries maybe more kitchen that master your money um well this looks like it's actually more kitchen stuff too i just thought i'd show it because i picked it up it said vacuum didn't sound like a vacuum i was hoping to do something interesting but not this time you'll never guess it a hundred years what i found back here you'll never guess so believe it or not in here it's fishing lures blur sorry i keep saying it correctly uh a bunch more there and then guess what's in here it's actually a couple of gummy ones but this one right here where's the front of it over here kaboom all more fishing lures we have to i think we're gonna hit four to five thousand when it's all said and done yeah and i said even if we sell them for a dollar each that's four or five times when we paid for the unit just the lures let's see who's in the little box here we're gonna go through another box or two then we gotta start packing up and get home that doesn't count is this all just freaking towels and pots and stuff boring that doesn't count next this one's up to you let's grab another one which one you know this is gonna be kind of interesting it says sales on it so you can use full blown sales in a box i don't know uh wait like s-a-i yeah ella listen sounds interesting let's see if it is [Music] oh look there's a thing of pennies yay there's like make sure that's just a pill yeah okay it's just kind of weird that wasn't there by itself shoes pictures another pair of shoes and while checking these pill bottles and things we gotta make sure we don't miss nothing but i'm not seeing much else in this box either this looks like somebody's like personal bedside stuff let's put it aside i have something important to tell you guys before we do that i gotta say we've gotten a crap ton of messages through facebook twitter instagram comments about people trying to buy this that and that we are going to be having a live auction this saturday 3 p.m eastern u.s time so if you're trying to buy the lures the coins all the stuff that people have been asking us about like crazy that's what it's gonna be also we have one lot of lords up on ebay the link is down in the description below we're trying to compare and contrast ebay versus live auction and see where the better avenue is gonna be if it's selling though so if you want to bid on those that link's in the description before we go to tell you something new i don't really know what but love you guys and we have more boxes coming tomorrow so come back
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 61,787
Rating: 4.9271622 out of 5
Keywords: storage unit finds, storage unit finds 2020, storage unit finds car, storage unit finds guns, storage unit finds money, storage unit finds mrbeast, storage unit finds pokemon cards, storage unit finds reddit, storage unit finds shoes, storage unit finds videos, storage unit auction finds, storage unit business, storage unit wars, storage auction, storage wars episodes, real storage auction, self storage, found money, how to make money, treasure hunting with jebus
Id: i_KVzWLRxK4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 54sec (1494 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 27 2020
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