I Bought This Thieves Storage Unit! She Was Arrested! I Bought an Abandoned Storage Unit

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finally time to see what's in the giant Shack I think this might be the biggest test we've ever found at the store three two here we are back at this store that we've offered three hundred dollars at the auction so we paid three hundred we started looking through it and we found out the previous owner was actually stealing from our job and we think storing some of the merchandise in her storage unit so we've got a lot of new stuff but there's still a lot more stuff to go through let's get in there [Music] so you see it's pretty empty we took everything went through last time took a lot home this is all the stuff that we went through in the last part but come on it's our box we're not gonna talk about in the toy box this is very very bad very very inappropriate if you didn't see part one go see it yourself I'm not repeating myself let's see what else we got in this unit that I think I also looked at this giant chest you know I want to make dramatic we're gonna save that for later let's see what's in here Oh happy Mother's Day it's a couple months three months away a blanket and this little thing it good rocket dick so I look like one of those like Neeta from cartoon to like just cover their stuff you didn't see that or hear that little doll I think the rest of this is all blankets so last time we found the whole suitcase set they were all new except for this one which had hairline tags on it so let's see want there bring it into our airports here call me airport security what do you got okay you got nothing in there but what do you got in here okay they have nothing in it there's definitely some weight to it this is not empty let's see what you got in your main compartment see see a book bag full of illegal narcotics definitely see you can't have that here very bad very illegal this is all brand-new paper and notebooks and just stuff to make you feel still glad I'm done with school this is more new stuffers and this stuff folks use doesn't limit people like this stuff or brand-new there's tons of them what the brain is folders that's I think that's used yeah just a little phone yes leather eraser that's ok drink it each day and I was there when I was a kid not gonna be one of the people when I was a kid we had the ones at the top of your pencil now a and the big pink ones we didn't get no fancy phone erasers these things felt strong their pipe cleaners I thought yeah what's a felt straw just also cool stuff look in here really quick it's all taped glue markers awesome stuff in well once more paper and opens it all again brand-new why does somebody have so much brand-new stuff stored doesn't make sense let's look into this box over here you see this is called tactical azi so I kind of went through the chest first put them over our staff and I won't do this you gotta be smart we got that it's a pop blown-up thing what is this doing here what is this doing here or from Northern Virginia this is like the closest team to home for us we went to Oil Stadium I can't tell you how many times beautiful Park it's kind of crazy you would expected in Baltimore but it is look at this sleeping bag I guess yep [Music] and every single storage unit it's like a freaking air mattress in a sleeping bag and I guess we got more kitchen stuff what is it a loaf pan hey that's a pot our plate not even a pan it looks like a pan we can do that for steaks fish I hate fish and well a bunch of pate well he looks like Peyton but two plates and pots yeah let's pull this thing out over here mostly aquarium of some sort an LED 10 we're gonna use a first snake fish food fish to everything like a filter it's literally a little nest take them out it's again brand new stuff nobody buys this much brand new stuff and never use it and stores it unless like we said or found out last time you're stealing it so set that over there fragile glass and let's see ear cancer man we got again easy liner not used oh look at this war brand-new stuff that has never been used yet look at that tasty 3-piece nonstick cookie sheet brand-new what's in here these are lovin mates which again brand new every year as soon as we started going through this up yesterday last time I just knew this is gonna be the case nobody stores this brand new this is kitchen towels which are also brand new Lantern it's brand new to no price on it though but a metal and wood lantern that's brand new there's actually two of those in here six one two and we got two two which are oh nine point five inch LED lantern so they look like candles but their lanterns which again brand-new so what they get another box label the last is actually just full of brand new merchandise something seems Shady I'm telling you both full this box out now just like the last one says I have a glass what wasn't in there let's see if it's true they might have told the truth this time this looks like the only box of stuff we found something more that has actually been used wow that's a lot jeez these are fully market people of odd hands for like two to five dollars what they higher self realistic that's probably like a $40 box even other years so not bringing new stuff this time they were right about one of like 20 boxes so far so let's put that one aside and go through by now so we got a hole in here this is definitely one of the cooler finds in this unit let's see there's anything in there no thanks clean brand-new again why did somebody have so much brand-new stuff sense to me what's in here that is visions for glasses like for all the people that thought John Jones one develop the other day against Rayo you thought he won there's glasses and glass cleaner for you if you don't want you to I've seen you have no idea what I'm talking about that's okay just keep going little baseball hmm this another blowing up dingy what is this Oh purse yeah good now I worry about the rain you think it'll work of course it's not even gonna cover my big head you know oh my big body that get out I see Gold's Gym I'm allergic to these this is at Gold's Gym stable that's just one of those balls you do crunches push-ups and things that got on putt seems to be a theme of this what is it brand-new tape shot never opened all right this is what is that let's say part of a 10th home my show today maybe let's see what's in here though Walmart bag a lot of this stuff seen from Walmart and crazy enough she might have worked there hmm let's see what we got a Nike cleat that's really sharp I just thought I stabbed myself you see that mm-hmm it's just wrapping pin on the bag hello kitty with nothing in it boo and over here Hello Kitty lunchbox oh it's newer Oh what do you think I'll see a tag in a 1013 I think it's used yeah what are we get inside fabulous necklaces beautiful you a yeah talking about it oh wow the jewel the canary what about that some Howard Johnson Johnson Johnson no Howard Johnson and Oh once upon a time now there's nothing in there dirty show that yeah I can hear that something's in there okay okay hope it's all right Oh paint brushes all right forget this whoa my bag done but I did it guys did you no I did it this is actually mine from high school believe it or not I was a cheerleader there's nothing like a six foot six 300-plus pounds Sheila cheer but you know it's just California so probably thought yeah what is this little digging on ice dang even all the way it still won't strap around my head you know what that just ruin my day we got scrabble Junior Connect four well books healthcare information not the most interesting box we've got almost all of them all now and we're gonna get to that chest but we got a pompom give me a SUV scri ve subscribe you know this is California if you think this is weird you're a bigot leave me alone let's keep going we got this thing a John Moore health rehabilitation services what is it looks like a chair cool nice little chair these are good for the flea market two reasons I stood on them say you've seen the broom challenge have you seen the chair challenge mm-hmm another sleeping bag the material of this I think was pointed on this video Danner Big Sky Lodge sleeps 10 that's like I'm Chi a house look at the size of it look at the pictures that's gotta be worth a good little penny I would hope yeah this might be hard to sell right now there but you're mad you're like having that actual camping that'd be cool yes that's why they had so many blowup mattresses yeah they often sleep in well this is just a on the go that box rings that green thingy there's a smaller tent I know how to turn for the greenhouse yeah which is just a tent it's not naming it weird stuff all right love so much everything in the unit except the giant chef so I think there's only one thing left to do let's see what's in there finally time to see what's in the giant check I think this might be the biggest chance we've ever found in the storage it honestly you ready three two all right toy it's toys not toys but this is another that is that's another American Girl goes all these are selling used for like 35 to easy dollars depending on which one it is we already have one up on eBay and now we got two that's good and Wonder Woman sheet American Girl she is that's I mean I guess you they change the clothes owner that's why they're like that but that's all another American girls two of them in a row what about you I know you're not you're a Disney Princess thing what else we have in there that cabbage slaughtered dolls no no oh well Little Mermaid oh that's a DSi and it's got a game in it the Disney tangled all right let's play you think it's gonna cut on right now yeah hey ha ha that's like the first time ever that's blinking they're dead yeah that's what it works it works it works I mean they're not that expensive anymore but hey it's cool let the charger to it I think just smack me in the face that would look lik I don't know what a DSi charger that's right you need it no it's not dang it Topa somewhere in here oh my gosh look at this high-capacity magazines so dangerous if I leave this make sure somebody watches that because if nobody's watching it it might get up and start doing bad things so keep an eye on that princess thing glasses in the boxspring at all and my little pony let's keep going on this side hello kitty and that thing we want more American Girl dolls that's where the money that can get some real control yeah that would be fun imagine chasing the cats around house that wallet what stuff in it but no money oh my gosh another one this is so dangerous look at it it just looks like it's gonna go start doing damage I'm gonna put it over there keep it away from people okay it still has another one still have to move jets crazy it's almost like someone has to move it for it better be a toy that's all I'm saying that better be you freeze it I better be a kid toy not in adults one something is vibrating that crazy in here where is your pants boy well it looks like we just have a bunch of random toys I'm not seeing anything expensive again but you know how you're all will do a recap once we get everything home and let you know if we see anything else in there alright for us here in this recap can you believe these dolls stand up on their own that's pretty impressive but yeah two more American Girl dolls unfortunately they're missing their clothes because we looked at them and all the clothes that were found in the storage it would look like American Girl clothes the majority of its build a so it's not actually their stuff yeah so my question to you guys is you guys that know something about American Girl dolls and their clothes do like clothes that can fit them the All American girls clothes have a tag that say American girls basically because this door right here if you could see those shoes that she has on says American Girl at the bottom but these shoes are on her and do not they say fundrise Inc and the super woman costume said builder there so obviously I know that's builder Barry but I'm assuming if they don't say American girl it's not authentic it's probably just something the kid put all in there there yeah that could fit so yeah with nonetheless these dolls sell for like so there's like forty and eighty dollars depending on which one it is we're ready to put the other one the other one we got the other part of this unit sold for between fifty and seventy dollars on eBay so we looked at her fifty don't even be sure we haven't looked up like which what they're worth exactly we gotta look up their name and stuff and put them on eBay when they'll be on eBay - along with the Nintendo DSi I found the unit little pink one actually one of the first game systems we found that's like perfect no cracks no scratches I mean for a kid you know these things are looking kids have and we know it works because it turned on for split second in the unit so we just gotta get a charger or front charge on this cell with no charger that's it ya know probably like we said you saw it come on I could probably go to converse split second again maybe let's see well it yes he like it cuts up for a second you can't even see it on there but it like talking it works and it has what came with it Disney tangled they're only like 20 30 bucks nowadays but it's still something to list on eBay this I don't I just brought this here because what is that I wish I can get it closer to you but it's like it looks like it sounds gross but it looks like a tiara and a dog eater box crowns and take a dump that's what it looks like when it comes to help but it's like this it was in a toy box we went through all the toys and stuff and it's like this weird it feels like rock ball that has color spots in it I have no idea what that is but I don't know I hope if somebody else might have an idea anyway everything else went to storage it is probably just flea market stuff cuz it's either not worth very much or it isn't worth a decent amount but then the shipping would kill that decent amount so it's not worth listing so realistically for eBay and out of this unit we got three dolls in a DSL everything else fully market but anyway that's different this unit don't forget we bought two more $375 one and the pink one hundred and twenty-five hundred remember so those are coming next - you're also gonna see a fleamarket video somewhere in the middle when we go back in grind mode so I'm get ready for those videos coming back every single day guys are you making the baby clock yeah that's cool she's doing the outro all right so don't even like the video subscribe if you're new and until next time peace out [Music] [Music]
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 42,893
Rating: 4.8458538 out of 5
Keywords: i bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit mrbeast, abandoned storage unit auctions, abandoned storage unit for sale, abandoned storage unit they left money, best abandoned storage unit finds, storage unit, i bought a storage unit, storage unit auctions, storage unit finds, storage unit mrbeast, storage unit wars, lunkerstv i bought a storage unit, storage hunters, storage locker, storage units best finds, storage wars, treasure hunting with jebus
Id: NKP2qTuu5oE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 2sec (1142 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 16 2020
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