Beating Amateurs in the 2020 Yearly Classical Arena

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okay let's play london not berserking i'm gonna keep this chill and educational i'll treat this as knight c6 so with knight c6 we can still i mean i could play d5 i don't know if i've ever actually looked into this specifically but um maybe after the game i'll have to check this it's like an alekhine's defense against d4 but for the sake of simplicity i think uh a london is nice to stick with and yeah with the knight committing itself to c6 it's more likely i'll end up playing c4 wow f6 so against f6 i think wait a minute i'm tempted to play e4 hoping for g5 and then just mate uh the thing is black wants to play e5 here so i could play knight f3 yeah let's discourage so i'm discouraging e5 i'm also preparing d5 and then if 95 i would just win upon and this move i'll just kind of calmly move back oh black really wants to play e5 you're absolutely brilliant to love you man oh i love you too microwave soup thanks for that um and this is classical i have time to think uh let's play d5 i mean yeah like you don't see this every day it's hard to punish though but this is my best attempt at punishment yeah my opponent's provisionally rated but no mercy and no mercy even against maybe newer players thank you emblem with 100 bits and stogran solving for four months okay so this night i could keep kicking around um in general probably just want to focus on development yeah let's just play normal opening principles so far it's a good example of like one side following opening principles another side like moving the same piece twice playing some questionable pawn moves but i'm going to be patient now with e5 i can on poisson i'm allowing the bishop to develop but then i'll probably play e4 and try and enjoy the position okay i'll play e4 i mean given the opening i would have liked to punish blackmore um but i can't complain a simple development it's not easy for black to complete development on the kingside basically the bishop and knight are both fighting for the same square and this is one reason to avoid playing f6 early on as you kind of hamper your own development oh and thanks brian yeah brian's active it's on discord and in chat okay so f5 is inviting a nice little fork uh so hitting the bishop and the pawns also attacked twice now there is a tricky move here queen e7 where then if i take the pawn black can do like crazy i'm just gonna say bishop b3 with check so if we seven i just have to be careful that my king doesn't get punished i'm realizing if if queen e7 maybe i still take because bishop b3 doesn't do much my knight defends c2 oh that's a move too i'll quincy it defends the bishop it also defends the pawn okay let's take so the main goal is getting initiative completing development um expecting takes and then i'll play the goal is to play vision b5 queen e2 have all the pieces in action oh how do i get red arrows you just have to believe hard enough also hold down shift so right clicking and dragging defaults to green holding down shift is red alt is blue and then shift alt is yellow as far as i know these are the only four colors you can make so for those of you who uh who watched i guess the first part of our lesson we we covered a game where maiden one was missed this queen move the kiss of death checkmates do i remember when my alt key was stuck yeah i do i think it was a sticky shift i think it was more of a software problem rather than the hardware problem but it led to me kind of ferociously shaking the keyboard yeah queen h5 was also possible but then g6 or this okay so the knight is pinned to the square i'm looking for fancy moves oh let's just play simple chess it's a position there like there's a lot of ways to try and attack but i just want to build build up a little bit more pressure and eventually the king's gonna be suffering there's this idea this idea maybe this and this lots of fun to be had and lots of tea to be lots of tea to be drunk or drink lots of tea to drink how about [Music] and a night to capture oh leo says my coach also says a kiss of death checkmate i forget where i learned it there's some coach who says it i can't remember it may have been like the the some chassett3 company where they teach chess to like toddlers and they use fun analogies i forget though i sometimes also say the the inyo face checkmates it's a very common type of checkmate when i teach kids it's like usually the first mating pattern to address what do i do for a living i i i play moves and i thank people for subbing with prime things mr tomb something with prime yeah my job consists of playing chess drawing arrows and drinking tea it's a nice job i enjoy it i should update my bio yeah my website is maybe a little bit last time it was updated was maybe a couple years ago i take pictures too yeah except not recently was the last picture i took let's see oh yeah no i i took a picture a couple days ago i took a walk and there were there were ducks right or there was a singular duck and maybe some other bird type things um but that's more of a more of a hobby at least these days can people make a living only from chess um well there there's opportunity to be entrepreneurial in the chess base uh which is i i guess what we're seeing with streamers and coaches um when it comes to playing chess it's hard to make a living just on prize money it's been pretty pretty well accepted like to make a good living as a professional chess player probably need to be within like top 50 to 100 in the world but to make a living as like a coach or streamer or content creator or these days i guess there's commentary you can be you can work for a company like chess24 chessable um so that i think the industry is definitely expanding and there's job opportunities that are related to chess in some way that don't require being a strong chess player which is nice to see oh so many appealing moves play this move here we go okay so this is this is a photo i tried sharing this is my walk the other day in the park what is this it looks like so it looks like wow i didn't even realize i took this it looks like one duck that's like a yin yang half black and half white but it's two is this a duck or like um one of those puffin furry birds and then there's surrounding ducks but i like how the white dot kind of fits the shape of the darker duck uh my knights should be more powerful than the the rook i'm gonna keep the knights now that the king is here it uh the pawn is pinned to the king meaning this pawn is is undefended and there's some nice x-ray vision whenever you're in doubt where to put your rooks it's usually nice to put them aligned with either your opponent's king or queen or in this case both and hopefully good things will happen what body of water was that uh what do we call this a lake no a probably a pond not entirely swamp like yeah kind of a pond but it might be like like it's connected via some kind of stream or river oh so opponent's defending now i have a i have another fork i wasn't interested in taking the rook at the first opportunity but now i kind of want to take the rook because when i take the rook then maybe i can win the pawn oh it's a pin yeah it's a pin party and the opponent's not divi invited or my opponents like the the the person were surprising with the party how do i make this work because now there's there's more alignment man uh i guess i'll just take i'll take the rook we might trade queens but then i'll win the pawn i'll be up a rook what did the birds say i think they chirped wait no ducks wait what do ducks say alexa what do ducks say here's a duck quack okay yeah that's a quack i wonder how does that translate to quack it's just like some high pitched like i don't even know [Music] okay am i mating i'm close to mating the king is cut off on both files the thing is black can play king d7 and it's um okay let's count here king d7 bishop c6 king nevermind okay uh interesting game yeah so i think the biggest problem for black was just playing a few kind of sus moves in the opening got behind development i got more pieces into play the king lost casting rights so that's why usually it's better to stick with something a bit more traditional be a bit nicer to the pieces okay life goes on that was the first game so i'm gonna play i'm gonna stick with my promise and play the openings that uh that andre would play and that's kind of the openings that we went over so i'll play sicilian intending for a dragon not berserking this tournament i need to save as much time as possible to share pictures and tell stories about birds more you see the cool thing about google photos you can type in like any word and it'll just bring up photos of said word so like i type in bird uh oops it brought up crisper but yeah i type in bird and now now it's just like bird photos except this is a squirrel i think okay so we're gonna play a dragon oh a dragon is a dragon a bird dragons can fly right alexa is a dragon a bird no that's not true oh okay i'll believe you what opening too strong man yeah poland can deal with my pawn chain and my bishop diagonal i guess uh okay i should retire now winning with the sicilian in two moves i didn't even get to like show my dragon that's okay oh alexa is a dragon a reptile no that's not true oh you know best i guess wait are there any like reptile birds or flying reptiles because most reptiles are like land animals right or sand animals okay i'm gonna go back to london oh like dinosaurs hmm or an arrow oh aerodactyl is that a valid scrabble word it sounds like it could be maybe potentially valid okay london time yet again we'll see what the opponent wants to do [Music] oh i didn't recognize this flag in trinidad and tobago okay so d6 signifies boxing to play king's indian so i usually like to play knight c3 here i'm going for more of a pierce opening oh thank you isabel hs and skype 106. man should really keep a counter of how many prime subs have been today i don't think i've ever received so many prime subs in a single day thanks people um so i've had this position once in a tournament game i went for this interesting idea queen d2 bishop g7 bishop h6 okay but we're not going to see that here now is a decent time for e4 and thank you we qtacs slaving with prime oh if you launch them with enough velocity all reptiles can fly good to know so queen a5 it's an attempt to basically play e5 next which i think i'm okay with or am i a3 is kind of interesting i was thinking queensland castling but then [Music] uh black would have b5 and the problem is that b4 would threaten not only to win this pawn but also this pawn like my knight would be kind of doing too many things so i like a3 because now black has to constantly worry about b4 whoa it's four dollars hey eric i am raising 14.50 on liches and consistently run into a lot of players who don't play traditional openings would you recommend i spend more time studying tactics to punish their dubious moves or prioritize theory i play mostly rapid classical [Music] uh oh you're rated around 1450 yeah so at that level you're not gonna run into like so many mainline things as you would against maybe a stronger player or just stronger players in general and also like the majority of your games probably won't be determined in the opening they're usually determined by tactics or [Music] time management so um you'll probably get more value from like sharpening your tactics developing your patent recognition and um but then it doesn't hurt to like try and take away lessons from the openings that you are running into and try and reflect like if you play if you play a few dozen games see what you're running into most often and where the improvements could be so it's still good to keep some balance h6 kind of a slow move very tempted just to expand here like b4 maybe it's not necessary this is another option let's play this i'll still have the possibility of playing before i still might want to castle queenside if i castle queenside i don't want to commit to this so i hope i gave you some insight there um but yeah like when it comes to chess study if if you are devoting some time to studying in addition to playing it's good to mix things up and and like do tactics analyze your games analyze the games of good players you can use the databases to like check the openings that you're running into even if they're more obscure openings you can usually find the games of strong players and then see what they do but yeah it's good to hear okay you're playing rapid in classical so yeah you'll learn learn more from the slower games um b5 so i could start with b4 here because the thing is if i play bishop b3 b4 i'm kind of losing a pawn i could play bishop a2 so these are probably the two there's also bishop d3 um let's play b4 first i have a sense of what my my kind of long-term strategy is assuming black retreats somewhere i'll play bishop b3 and then the game plan is to castle king side put a rook on e1 and try and bust open the center then in the meantime it's not clear what black's king is doing as if black wants to do this and this uh the pawn will be hanging with the battery so black's gonna have to play some move like this or this and then it's a bit weakening and the king stays in the center for too long then um like after e5 happens it's hopefully going to be nice for me so i'm not sure if everything will work out so perfectly but i have a good idea of what my next few moves are oh question from wander shout out to wander by the way very strong scrabble player and scrabble streamer laundry 15. i was actually watching wander last night playing some strong scrabble i was asking does stockfish always use the same opening um so when it comes to openings and engines some engines will have a built-in opening book but then engines will determine moves based on like the cpu power and the depth so it can vary and in general engines don't have the best understanding of openings like humans actually still probably have better understanding of what openings are more effective just because like after even after like four or five moves there's there's just so many possibilities a computer can't crunch through um like there's some there's some effect called the horizon effects where after like a few moves the engine just will uh there'll be so many possibilities that it won't be so useful but it's still it can still be helpful and like these days engines are more they're more of a tool to help humans like better prepare and sometimes they're finding they're good at finding ideas that a human wouldn't otherwise find that's a good idea knight c4 black wants to win the bishop here so i'm debating whether to allow this or i could prevent it as queen e2 leaning towards preventing it i could also allow it and allow queen dig's bishop and get the f [Music] file now let's play queen e2 keeping control and this probably gives black more decisions to make too okay a few people to thank few donations to address um oh but now i don't have my battery so black's probably gonna castle unless i do something crazy i could play this move it's actually kind of a cool move let's do it let's do it i'm relying on some intuition here but it's interesting unleashing the queen kind of pressuring this pawn maybe enabling g4 [Music] i might just go completely insane and pawn storm okay let's thank some people thank you sergeant cole solving for six months half a year thanks so much and zozo so many sevens maybe seven sevens also subbing for six months and drafa says love your content just had a baby you work from home watch your videos all day got back into chess while i take care of the baby oh that's nice to hear oh shout out to your baby and thanks for the 200 bits and cole m cole another new sub with prime oh okay so this is the first like real blunder by black um i was talking about this concept with andre it's a overworked piece this pawn is defending too many things at once so i can take here first and this is all collapsing for black because after it takes i'll take here attacking the rook and also attacking the knight yeah maybe i could have taken here first i'm not sure though it probably works because after it takes i attack the knight and the bishop but yeah this is this is simple so one thing i guess i didn't mention but after the h4 i'm preventing black from castling because if black castles this pawn would be pinned and i would be able to take here so yeah that h4 it was it was an aggressive move but it was also prophylactic move oh i didn't mean to shout at the baby just give a shout out to the baby sorry if that wasn't clear yeah i don't really enjoy shouting at babies or just shouting in general oh current sub count is 16.99 almost a nice number also there is a one dollar donation from uh kozan saying something something something this one no not that one well i am here for three months now i feel like oh one third of a baby thanks carlo yeah this message channel is growing rapidly maybe it's time for to make some improvements uh decent background improvement or a new camera or something like that make stream more professional you can use my one dollar for that oh i appreciate that i did so i upgraded uh microphones recently got this um this baby it's a shore it's the new shore mv7 the microphone for noobs but also like good quality and [Music] yeah i've been i've been researching other types of things i might get some better lighting um i mean the shelf behind me is also new i needed somewhere some some place to put my uh my youtube button and and the books all the books and tea that people have sent me um yeah at some point i might wait what oh wow so my the games i'm black i'm just winning really before the game starts the previous black game i i had one in two moves and i gained one rating point for that too let's go so i actually i do have a camera like a nice quality camera i use for photography um that i ran into into some issues using as a webcam so it's more of a a matter of troubleshooting than uh than getting equipment it might require just a better capture card so c6 let's play knight d2 c6 is a bit um i will say i play this as black and usually if i play c6 the idea is to meet e3 with g5 and bishop takes g5 queen a5 is a a nifty trap so i'm going to play knight d2 because now g5 i can safely take it g6 okay let's play this controlling the center also thank you smith reed or schmidty solving with prime let's be solid and bologna bolognese something at tier one thanks so much did alpha 0 find the refutation to 1 e4 can you find something that doesn't exist i don't know oh it's a berlin okay i guess that's solved then okay so b5 sometimes when b5 is played too early like even if though it's supported i can challenge it with a4 let's do that it's a classic kind of positional moment and black would like to play a6 but that would i think lose a pawn because it takes there'd be some eventual pin and in this case then this pawn is a bit lonely now the plan is to just build a pressure on the a file okay black gets some initiative play rook a3 rook a2 is met with this oh wonder getting two elgato key lights today nice yeah i know elgato elgato makes a lot of things for streamers i have uh actually have the elgato green screen i think this thing is that better no i'll have a more uh visual background yeah i feel like a key light would probably go good with the green screen yeah my main lighting source is one of those like dumb walmart lamps actually i think it's a target lamp it's f5 so black wants to trap my bishop i have to be careful here it's interesting like blocks playing aggressively but also kind of anti-positionally even though there's a tactical threat there's going to be long-term weaknesses hopefully so let's start by taking mainly looking at this pawn oh oh there's a cool idea i can take the bishop this looks like the most natural but then bam oh but does it not work it almost works ah it's a calculation i just assumed this wins material the the thing is there's knight f4 that i can take and then takes and then check rook f7 knight g5 if king h8 still my g5 threatening this of queen f8 where's my win my pawn is kind of ridiculous on g4 one more time g4 knight f4 i really want to play this move but i don't want to lose my queen so g4 knight f4 takes takes queen e6 king h8 i mean i don't have to go into that i could be civil i just play this move question the pawn let's play this move yeah rather than going for some questionable like tactical variation which probably doesn't work for me this is just more kind of pure positional play i pin the pawn unleash the queen there's still lingering ideas of maybe playing this eventually i just want to get the pieces to good squares oh this among us clip you know this um i guess some people are still using the among us command i never recovered after falling through the hole i don't post it on youtube actually oh no okay everything's normal where's my tasks so i can i can do [Music] wait what wait what [Music] it's like what happened did i accidentally vent no oh no no [Laughter] should we let him kill some people first rebecca why'd you hit the button okay did eddie quake upload to something no i fell through like a hole and then [Music] becca you're not supposed to hit the button [Music] i i began making a thumbnail this is my thumbnail so far it was kind of hard to like visualize or like design a hole i wasn't sure whether to add my face i don't know it's a work in progress actually um well i wanted to do with that clip i was going to post like the one minute clip on youtube but then it came out to be like a minute and five seconds wait what does this move i really still want to play this but again knight f4 or even wait the bishop's attacked but now it's complicated i could start with this [Music] this is kind of a cool move too maybe i'll play this because the knight wasn't doing anything anyway on d2 to put my pieces to work oh people saying add the face yeah there's different there's different ways to add the face i could make my face i don't know i could make my face smaller i can just have like my mouth i don't know i'll play around with it oh yeah i was trying to explain so with youtube youtube released a new feature recently that maybe not everyone is aware of what is this f file what's going on here so okay there's there's maybe three options i could take i could take or i can move the queen somewhere if i take here the problem is my bishop and queen would then be hanging but there's a line [Music] actually there's a line so if takes takes then i take and then the rook's just awkward and i have queen e6 actually looks nice for me and if takes rook takes is playable and then queen e3 and the knight and rook are attacked or maybe queen d2 queen e3 there's knight d5 wait one more time so takes rook takes queen d2 i think i'm just winning a piece there or some material and it takes pawn takes let's be precise takes takes queen e6 king g7 i'm maybe not trapping the rook like the rook's hard to attack but i just play rookie one and position it looks really really good so yeah let's start with this i just realized wait i just realized after this no after this this there's knight c4 oops okay but we're not going into that okay so here i i have to take [Music] that's funny like if there's anyone just tuning in who didn't see the previous moves it's hard to imagine how a rook can just be on f4 just chilling because that file is now closed but if the rook comes back here it's not getting trapped so it's a question i should probably start with this i mean the other move to consider is rook a1 but then there's some queen d7 so maybe check and then rook a1 and then the queen is more limited yeah at this point i'm trying to keep initiative and keep improving the pieces okay i should predict what block's going gonna do g the only move to defend the pawn is queen c7 and then everything is tied down kind of lights restricted but i'm not sure if there's a knockout below [Music] it feels close it feels very close what i could do is rook a1 queen c7 and then rook goes to e1 threatening this okay let's start with this what was i talking about and the position became more interesting than whatever i was talking about something among us oh yeah so i was going to try and um use this new youtube feature so youtube released what's called youtube shorts which is basically their com like their competitor product uh rivalry rivaling uh tick tock where if you post like a video less than one minute it'll be promoted in like their shorts feature um so i'm probably gonna post the among us clip as a shorts video which takes a little bit more editing work okay so let's go for this it's okay so i'm threatening this if knight d5 i have c4 really i'm just threatening to win a pawn because after here takes takes k moves takes and life should be good oh also thank you oh 10 minutes ago i don't think i read this name gear gear crawley solving for three months with prime appreciate that oh that's a good move i played this or this oh i have a cool idea oh i missed it here though i could have played queen i could have played queen a2 winning the pawn oh but then knight c8 i should have considered queen a2 how'd you do this because the rook's going to come here and block's going to be very solid i have an idea involves doesn't quite work though i was thinking here oh wait a minute if i play here wait a minute oh we had this so we could repeat actually if i play here black could repeat with this which i'd probably be okay with i was looking at rook a1 rook f7 and then takes which is also interesting another idea is to play rook a5 to discourage this rick from coming here oh that might be more effective so i could force a queen trade so here here takes takes rook a1 and there's still knight c8 i'm looking for punishment it seems like black's just like barely defending in all these lines another possibility is c4 and just go for the throat wait what about queen a2 initially queen a2 that's still knight c8 the thing about this position my knight's not doing anything i want my knight to do something so i could play like this this this or maybe dance somewhere what does black want to do we got five and then what realizing black's restricted so there might be time for me to [Music] like slow play a little bit more like maybe just go after this pawn and the benefit with moving the knight is i can play g3 with tempo [Music] let's move the knight the rooks and queen are happy it's really the knight that needs improvement always got to be mindful about getting skewered but i control the e-file for the time being i guess the one possibility for black is to play this this this but i should have enough time to defend okay so maybe now well if i played knight e4 there's rookie seven and that would be bad that would be really really bad or would it oh there's a cool idea that's a really cool idea uh if i play 94 allowing rookie 7 and then hope it's not really really bad because there's a really cool idea wait knight e4 rookie seven [Music] there there there there there wait i'm just winning there i think it's okay i'd better be okay i don't want to say anything too revealing opponent could always be watching so i'm allowing i'm allowing black to skewer my queen and knight on the surface it looks really bad because like if i take those takes takes and mate i'm down a lot of time yes the phone's been moving quickly um i mean if black doesn't play this i'm ready to win a pawn maybe fork on the eighth rank could be nice okay so black black plays this move so my my secret hopefully brilliant ideas play knight c5 or knight g5 not sure if there's a difference i mean the whole point is i allow my queen to be taken but then i win it back and then i'll be up a rook i think knight c5 is probably the way to go oh wait a minute oh am i not winning oh no wait no it's still okay i think i realize there's a move i didn't consider knight c5 knight d5 uh defending the rook and keeping the skewer but then i can take in 96 so i think it's okay what robocalls okay so let's play knight c5 i think i like this move better because i have access to d3 it's a funny position a lot of things are hanging but i'm attacking i'm attacking the rook even though my queen and knight are hanging if black takes tonight i win the rook if black takes here i'll win back the queen and be up a rook and if knight d5 or knight c8 i can take and if knight takes i fork if queen takes we trade i have rook a7 in the end and i should end up being up a pawn actually no i'm gonna fork in the end yeah so i take here if queen takes i take take and then fork and if here i'm again winning the queen i'm winning a rook here that was nice it's kind of a cool uh a tactical sequence okay man took some calculation i think this was kind of an instructive moment like this sort of position because there were a lot of different ideas but really it just came down to asking myself the right question of which piece out of these pieces is not doing anything which even though the knight was it was on a decent square it wasn't doing anything and then it it managed to do better and more powerful things yeah i think it's winning but maybe black should play this move this is probably the best try i don't think rook e7 yeah so yeah knight c5 and knight g5 are similar rook f7 yeah so rook f7 the game would continue but positions pleasant for for white and the night uh i found a better home okay so for the last like several moves that game i was not looking at chat [Music] it's usually the case if the position gets complicated i don't want to look at chat and look at move suggestions um yeah i came from um i guess solid opening but yeah positionally i was uh so i was always happy with the the situation okay let's move on it is tiring to play like at least higher quality slower games but uh keep chugging away okay um why playing d4 so i had the lesson earlier with andre he plays king's indian except this is this is a trompowski um against tromposky i like to play d5 so this is not going to be king's indian this is going to be [Music] what i like to play g6 is still a playable move you know e3 c5 is uh is fine here think the main line instead of e3 i think this is a bit more common hi eric nice to see you oh good to see you too who was that that was e weiger zuge subbing for three months and just win bb gifting a sub to zippy dos thanks for that yeah so there's a bunch of things black can play against uh trompowski um this line is inspired by carlson karjakin 2016 the first game of the world championship match featured something like this which it may have been this exact position i don't recall c3 being a main move but it's playable man i'm calculating a line where i get mated there's a funny line uh queen b6 queen b3 c4 queen c2 bishop f5 typical idea to deflect the queen from defending the pawn but after queen takes f5 queen takes b2 there's queen c8 mate so let's not get mated i could take i'm not sure whether i should be concerned about lights maybe taking and eventually defending because there's a line knight c6 takes e5 b4 i mean i could play queen v6 and then maybe just leave the tension knight c6 that looks reasonable and here i'm not scared of taking because takes all attacked the rook and then the pawns would be weak yeah i actually went to new york what was it november 2016 it was around november 10th ish um that was actually the first ever world championship match i attended in person and i showed up without any tickets but i showed up with a camera and they gave me a press pass oh do i take opening suggestions sometimes but this at least these games i'm playing i'm playing the openings i was teaching earlier so earlier i had a lesson with uh andre guilhoto and uh he had a pretty specific repertoire of uh king's indian for black london for whites we looked at some dragon lines so um but okay this opening this opening is a bit different and we're gonna have a positional game i like the structure even though i have two sets of double pawns my my pawns have moved closer to the center one step closer of getting a a central pawn cube let's play rook rook g8 thank you kron double seven and solving for three months have i ever gotten a speeding ticket i have gotten pulled over i can share my my stories but never no i've never gotten speeding tickets my bishop f5 the first time i ever got pulled over like late at night and i had no idea what i did wrong and then the cop came to the the window and basically said the best thing i could possibly hear was that he had misread my license plate like he just misentered a digit and said that i was free to go and said sorry it was nice and then i actually i did get pulled over for violating a rule that i didn't know was a rule i guess i'll share it just so other people are aware and don't make the same mistake because it wasn't so intuitive um i was dry so i i was driving in iceland i went to iceland for uh my first time actually traveling to europe i was there for two days rented the car and in the u.s so actually before even before i ran to the car i looked up like all the driving laws and there's a whole video explaining what like what you should be careful about so i thought i was pretty well prepared but there is a rule in iceland that isn't the same case with the us in the u.s you can make a right turn on red if there's no cars coming and there's no signs telling you not to but in iceland you can't make a right turn on red like ever so thankfully the cop was nice gave me a warning i learned my lesson so yeah it's it's good to uh like be aware of the driving rules when you guess when you drive in different countries enjoying the stream oh thanks i'm enjoying your bits microwaved soup appreciate that okay let's focus on chess it's kind of a interesting position i mean look at my pond i have a pond house just a nice little house of ponds shouldn't probably put back the bishop so the minor pieces are occupying the house three bedrooms a few guest rooms too kitchen office space closet front yard let's play this move i want to open the file and if white takes uh i mean maybe white could actually hold on to the pawn but probably not oh there's actually a nice line if white takes i attack the pawn if white defends the pawn i take this pawn attacking the knight and then everything crumbles for white oh no turn on red is everywhere in the eu okay yeah i think i've i probably would have assumed that but that's good to know um is the house solar powered i don't know i don't need solar panels yet and white's actually really solid too white has like a tp or gazebo i might as well i'm just born cloud delayed bomb cloud unpinning my knight now the knight is actually kind of more useful oh can you turn left on red wait maybe i'm not following the context there's some countries where like they draw they drive on the other side of the road uh like australia or of various other places so that requires like i guess there's different there's different rules depending on the place all right white's being very very solid okay it's going to take work to to crack the position i was thinking of knight a7 [Music] i mean f5 is another idea maybe f5 calculating takes takes e4 which is kind of annoying because takes takes bishop's hit d5 comes i could throw in this move and so much tension also play this move [Music] oh i have a cool move c4 leaving the bishop unable to retreat let's play c4 so i relieve the tension between the pawns but um i kind of like this now the bishop will be more likely eventually to take i might even be having ideas of just maneuvering the night now leave the bishop without a purpose in life there goes my pawn house a pond house is just undergoing some renovation the roof is expanding this is now my chimney okay so this is a move but then doesn't really accomplish much but i might need to do it because white wants to just win a pawn and taking yeah taking doesn't seem so appealing either let's push i mean maybe long term this pawn this pawn is fixing the pawn on h3 so there's some positional benefits yeah f5 that's still a tense position [Music] that's the problem with f5 is fill this line with e4 maybe rook a5 yeah rook a5 is actually kind of forceful because if a4 then knight a7 i win a pawn i think or not oh look at this line a4 rook a5 knight a7 b4 it's kind of dirty and then if i take my rook is trapped i guess i could take c3 not so weak [Music] okay so i'm trying to figure out how to justify this line like takes takes takes that's just worse for me [Music] well i could do it's weird but rook a5 assuming a4 rook just goes back and then the bishop can't retreat and then i play knight a7 and the long-term idea is to take uh pawn takes and then bishop d7 and win the pawn let's do that i think it's more likely white will take but we'll see what happens yeah okay the house is continuing to transform what are these ponds wow white's house who has a better house i mean we both have all eight pawns i just have more double ponds more pawns closer to the center as it's knights versus bishops and positions about to open up bishops can't be so bad i just don't know trying to figure out how to approach uh like determining what to do in this position i guess the first question is what does white want to do because either capture isn't so threatening so i might just leave all the tension and like if i capture either thing that allows the knight to come in keep the tension wait a minute what wait didn't you sub yesterday i'm so confused justin blew subbed yesterday but now has subbed again because deja vu and subbing for 23 months thanks for that i don't know how that's some kind of magic trick or something or maybe i just hallucinated i'm not sure and deja blue yeah i'm so confused but this position is just as confusing man okay so what are my ideas if my pawns aren't going to move how do my pieces improve i can play rook b5 but that's just easily defended i could play b5 but then that prevents me from ever playing rook b5 and it's hard to actually get the break in so one benefit of playing b5 is to then [Music] eventually maneuver the bishop put a rook here later play b4 [Music] that's nice having time to kind of just chill and think i don't think i've fully answered the question what white wants to do though because white doesn't want to take either thing i guess white wants to just improve the rooks so i have time hmm okay rook b5 would prevent white from improving the rook so much i mean maybe i can start with this like just give white a chance to make a mistake and then later play this i don't want to spend too much time here eventually i'm going to have to try and use the clock as a weapon okay i'm probably going to stop looking at chat for time being you know i saw some moves being suggested but i don't really understand how they relate to this position and and some not so good moves being suggested so yeah let's uh let's play the rest of the game without looking at chat and then later all i'll re-engage so king e3 man that's such like a juicy looking [Music] meal kind of like rook b5 first i'll start with rook b5 yeah so i think the king on e3 is more of a it's more of a target than it is like anything useful for lights but the question is like how do i actually destroy the king there's this idea it's a little bit slow but what is y doing in the meantime i know c5 i promise e5 is takes and maybe it's playable [Music] 94 it just gets really messy and d4 is always defended c5 takes takes takes takes lights come in [Music] i think i'd rather leave the tension [Music] maybe start with king d7 and just see what white does and the benefit with king d7 is that i'm maybe opening the possibility of rook e8 wow what does this move now i'm very tempted to play c5 the problem is white's threatening to trap my bishop now that's the one drawback of moving my king here um i could just kind of stay calm and slide over i should consider taking twice wait c5 here and then i could take and get a cube now let's leave the tension i feel like the combination of this and this white's asking to um to get punished it seems a little bit self-destructive but it's so double-edged thank you peach peach bear or no peach beach for sobbing appreciate that okay and there is this move but no let's take first okay so i could throw in a it check really do that much man my house is kind of no longer a house what is it it's like an alien spaceship everything is randomly on the queen side now the focus should really be in the center oh my pawn is weak but white wait white's allowing this man what's going on here's a crazy move d4 takes and then this but it doesn't do anything i could play check here takes that actually looks like it does something wait so check here takes and then white has a choice which to take let's do it so it's a question do i want to take and potentially lose this pawn i could also i could play f6 here and just keep the structure lose upon like f6 white could take and then take here but then d4 and it's kind of like an end game gambit okay i'm relying on intuition yeah the center the center situation is more important than anything else it's never too late to play f6 here i could take the pawn i probably want to take the pawn because i prevent the knight from coming back to f3 and and the file's opening this pawn could be like a monster coming to e3 thanks for subbing a fiozen oh i think someone was asking earlier what type of tea i'm drinking i'm drinking morning dew green tea it's really nice um okay so i have e3 oh i have this move if i play this move i'm just winning i think i'm just winning the bishop has has entered white's house home intruder that's why you should invest in a a security system have to find a should get sponsored by simply safe home security wow that ended kind of abruptly it ended very roughly but that's the thing like when there's so much tension in the position maybe like one wrong decision can lead to defeat yeah like could have tried to fight but yeah the knights maybe the uh why white wants to maybe like try and stack the exchange but i take and then win this pawn yeah everything kind of crumbles please analyze 20 c5 c5 on move 20. oh in this position c5 it's interesting yeah i guess i was just trying to be patient um [Music] yeah so the the problem just from a positional standpoint when i move the c pawn i give up on maintaining a pawn here so after it takes takes then this is a little bit less appetizing maybe it's still fine though like you get the nice bishop um and it's still a very tense position like there's a lot of tension between these pawns i'm not sure i'd imagine the engine would probably say close to equal but let's see yeah like a lot of moves i could i could choose between so c5 here also playable it's just so hard to calculate i was trying to be patient and let whites kind of make do the the decision making oh the whole chat was asking for wait what oh for c5 oh yeah i mean at this point i want i wanted to keep throwing pawns but i have to still focus on playing good moves um [Music] and yeah it's a type of position like the engine it'll just spit out numbers and moves but like a lot of the the moves are all similar evaluation so it really comes down to identifying a more cohesive plan that uh it was difficult to find oh bishop c5 oh bishop c5 oh [Music] i didn't realize so i could play bishop c5 and not have to retreat because after this i take with check it's funny if king takes i just chase around the king and if knight takes i got the bishop to d5 probably should have found that but okay that was a fun game yeah the game ended for those of you that didn't see the finish the game ended [Music] with a a skewer from behind okay oh yeah was this um yeah carlson karjakin first game of the the match in 2016. um oh we actually followed wait oh yeah carlson took here that was an interesting line oh my opponent's average rating is 16.50 do i play one more game i feel like the games are increasingly taking more energy i'll play one more game oh so some title players yeah to to make a running for first like it's kind of necessary to berserk all the games but i'm just trying to keep it chill have some instructional moments oh welcome back alex pierce okay playing debu i'm sticking with the same rapper tour actually it's been a while since i've just played like the same repertoire like in every single game in the tournament i don't think this is going to be a 10 hour stream unless it is oh so i was talking about this earlier whenever black plays this move or this move too early then rather than playing the triangle setup we're going to play something that more resembles a queen's gambit and the point is to exert pressure against d5 but also against b7 which is no longer defended let's play that f3 first and c4 is probably coming next thank you shampoosie solving with prime oh yeah i don't think i acknowledged it but did cross whoa it's fifty dollars hey eric thanks so much for the superb content i am learning a lot oh that's great to you here's something towards your t fund in return [Music] i am running low on tea so i'll definitely put that to good use i'm gonna probably order more nice loose leaf tea in the near future thanks so much jay perkin i really appreciate that that means a lot i i was just about to say i didn't acknowledge the fact that i guess a 1700 subs were crossed so yeah i do really appreciate like all my all the amazing support today really nice to see also appreciate this position this is one of like the the nice solid london lines kind of leads to a very pleasant middle game for white oh i need a t command i need to compile a list of like the the various teas i i recommend also the various teas that i've been sent like a lot of people send me tea as a as fan mail yeah i do have a mix of like loose leaf tea but also just kind of standard tea bags or tea sachets have i tried hojicha uh i have not at least not knowingly i feel like green tea from japan is probably like the best type of green tea that's where green tea is born right queen 85 so rather than going for defense of the pawn black's going for attack calculating a weird line knight e4 takes takes queen c87 actually don't know what's going on there but i don't think it's likely black will play this we'll see and thank you kale kalevag 95 and the nine use this for more tea bags oh i'm gonna have a tea party but not like the real like the political party more like the the hot soothing beverage man to go tea shopping yeah people have like tea recommendations let me know oh xd tulip watch the automate chess video was one of the funniest chess videos ever oh glad glad you liked it it was a bit different than normal am i in t anonymous uh i'm in what's the opposite of anonymous alexa what's the opposite of anonymous anonymous antonyms are named dubbed turned notorious in star i'm a t star or unanimous i'm t unanimous yeah or infamous or famous or all of the above so a6 it's ironic it tries to prevent b5 but it just makes b5 stronger because the apon's pinned yeah this is nice whoa it's flats oh typical brit here drinking his english breakfast tea at 8 pm at 8 pm wait i have some caffeine right i guess if you want to stay awake so i have what do i have here i have the i don't know this is a rival to english breakfast or just a sibling but it's irish breakfast which i think it's similar but it's irish wait what does this move i guess i can win a pawn let's win a pawn yeah so the issue with a6 is that now after takes i'm i'm just winning the a pawn oh that was actually a wise decision because now [Music] like i want to take and just chill develop castle but then there's rook a1 if i take here probably don't want to mess with this move so it was kind of a cool idea which ah it doesn't work i was thinking rook a4 to then take take rook a b3 the problem is bishop c2 so i'm gonna have to do something that's not super comfortable but it should be completely fine so i'm thinking takes takes and then just bishop e2 rook a1 bishop d1 bishop c2 castle we could trade i'll be up upon hey it's llama attack or maybe it's spanish and it's yama attack thanks for subbing for two months oh this is a typical move and black is trying to get the bishop here i'd rather not not concede i might have to concede but let's let's be annoying bring back the duck content do you guys want more photos of ducks i don't know if i have more i'm gonna type in ducks and see what comes up oh wow i have lots of duck photos uh oh and some non-duck photos ah that's a good move um i wanted to like do fancy things but after takes takes rook b7 knight a4 bishop c2 i would lose a pawn i could play this move but then [Music] let's just play back okay get ready for some duck photos so again i just type in i typed in ducks wait let's do the game first i'll show the duck photos photos here we go okay here's my duck photos these are st louis ducks and then there's some weird like bird creature just kind of chilling in the back forget what they call this there's got to be at least one bird expert watching right okay so this was original plan a goose oh a stork right or crane wait i'm familiar with paper cranes i could castle but i could also should probably use the king as a actually let's castle that way the the rook is defended oh definitely a huron wait here on it's a stork those storks are a bit more compressed okay we're gonna have an end game oh it's obstacle our bishops so it takes some work hmm let me start with this move oh there's a cool trap okay oh tricky so these are the photos that google brought up when i typed in ducks most of them are ducks oh this is a video actually a duck like just came up to me i wanted food probably but i didn't have any food so that went away was that a mallard alexa what's the difference between a mallard and a duck according to an alexa answers contributor a mallard is a type of dabbling duck oh alexa what does dabbling mean as a noun darling is usually defined as no dabbling very dear to another one dearly loved as an adjective darling is usually defined as very dear dearly loved for more alexa what does dabbling mean dabbling is a form of the verb dabble which is usually defined as to play and splash in or as if in water especially with the hands for more ask me to give you more definitions like a duck no thanks okay so this was my cool trap was to confuse my opponent with the the bishop and then it's really hard to stop bishop b7 bishop takes c6 so i think i'm winning this pawn and then this pawn too like the knight wants to somehow defend but it can't and black also wants a counter-attack but it can't oh thanks for the kind comments big cuadro from switzerland appreciate that what else floats on water most boats hopefully and probably like an air mattress and cheap pedes gifting a sub to cutford thinks she feed us are those my pictures yes these are my my google oh here's uh did we determine what this is so this is a stork oh it flies so it's a real bird i forgot i captured this like beautiful video uh oh that's actually an interesting move i think i'll go ahead and win the pawn and we're going to have an obstacle bishop ending but i'll be up three pawns so it better be enough what's an egret oh maybe it's an egret so this is an egret yeah a kind of long neck people were saying crane earlier i don't think it's a crane oh okay so upon sacking got rid of my at least some of my pawns but not all my pawns okay so the the way to win this is to use a king use a knight use a bishop help the pawn promote maybe win all of lax pawns we'll see oh more videos oh yeah i was i've seen this bird i don't know if i caught it on camera but it was fishing like it just sticks its neck in the water and catches fish but it's very like slow and then then it just pounces oh should i do bishop and nightmate um only if it's necessary what else do we have a lot of videos of this egret oh it's a puffin yeah i posted this instagram this is a puffin with like nice hair look at that hair and it's like very splash worthy ges rose and face oh geese thanks frenzy lee with a geese free sub okay so this pond is going to be blockaded so i might as well win these pawns is it a muppet bird maybe what's a muppet bird oh the handsome puffin bits thanks for that the miller high life oh like big bird i don't know i typed in muppet bird do they look similar i don't know oh best books are other ways to learn about what to do in middle game after developing i mean one thing i can recommend is like game collection books like any books with annotated games um [Music] hey it's a dollar something about oh why don't i try to get to gm uh nightbot can answer that yeah just use the gm command um yeah the other book i can recommend when it comes to just middle game positional understanding is reassess your chest by jeremy sillman it is kind of a higher level book but it does a great job of breaking down like higher level concepts what was this game oh yeah this game so there's a i give black doesn't play a6 i still go for this there's an idea here to play bishop a6 and get in this move um and that's a nice thing like even going back to like this position with this structure it's just like the ideas flow very very nicely for white what book do i recommend to learn the london system i have a london course it's a video course wait what did i do wait what oh i did something oh i did there that was weird i did something to chat where it um it asked me if i wanted to purge delete everything so london yeah so a couple years ago maybe three years ago it was already a while ago but i made a london course it was like a london tactics course has eight hours of video content link is in the chat i think the price the price in that link should be the lowest price at like 30 dollars because elsewhere it's probably like 60 dollars could my chest improve to gm level on its own so the thing with achieving like the grand master title it's not enough to just play online like i would have to play in like really serious tournaments have to really work on [Music] my opening preparation like my high level opening preparation which is different from my dubious staff or gambit preparation i have to become a lot sharper tactically work on time management [Music] and then i mean to get like gm norms and to get reading you have to travel a lot to like various tournaments uh so it hasn't been my priority in like recent times and like this past year uh i haven't really had over-the-board chess but that's not to say i won't play more at least when over-the-board tournaments become more of a thing again um [Music] and i went through a phase 20 maybe starting in 2016 but then after i graduated in 2017 i i lived pretty nomadically and i traveled like all over the world for for competitions um but it wasn't wasn't really a matter of chasing a title it was more using chess as a vehicle to travel and i'm thankful to be at a level where at least for international events i can usually get uh like accommodation covered is there a big difference to playing over the board then to online uh yes like most over the board competitions involve games lasting an average of three to four hours if not more i played the tournament in indonesia in 20 it was 2018 and i had like a six-hour game and there were two rounds a day so i had to play a six hour game and then had like another like three or four hour game afterwards the real commando subbing with prime thanks for that i should write a book on how to get a pawn cube from each opening uh i'd rather make a video series but yeah there's so many book possibilities yeah if i got the gm title then i am rosen would just stand for i am rather than international master is this one any good stafford and bowdoin kaiseritsky gambit wait this one i was showing this earlier this book is dedicated to me kind of and to other people too hey thanks ivi gaming hd with a sub as far as i know this is the only book written on the staff room um yeah i've i probably read through it in the span of like 20 minutes because a lot of the lines of chairs uh i've seen before but it has some some nice kind of collection of games i don't know if i'll ever write a book but i would like to to get around maybe to self-publishing a course oh is it possible to lose the i am title so i think if you sorry what something went wrong quiet please try asking alexa quiet quiet
Channel: Eric Rosen
Views: 160,648
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chess, imrosen, Eric Rosen, Chess Openings, Chess Tactics, Blunder, Chess Strategy, Twitch Chess, Chess Stream, lichess, IM Rosen, IM Eric Rosen, Eric Rosen Chess, Best YouTube Chess Channel, Best Chess Channel, YouTube Chess, Blitz Chess, Speed Chess, Chess Commentary, International Master, Chess Tutorial, chess game, chess video,, chess explained, slow chess, chess 2020, London Opening, London System, Eric Rosen london, Classical Chess, Trompowsky, chess pro
Id: Bk71DDIYKm8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 27sec (7227 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 10 2020
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