How To Win At Chess (Ep 5, 1200-1600)

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welcome to how to win a chess episode 5 a series  where i play against my twitch subscribers on   stream going up the rating ladder 10 minute games  and i take you through the opening the middle game   in the end game in this video we have six games  the seventh one got cut off the person had to go   and i'm showing you in the first few  games how to beat the london system   then how to win with the london system when  you're playing white there's a game where i'm   completely lost and i need to make a comeback  and there's many other things hope you enjoy d4 let's go d5 are we gonna get a london  we have a london now dearest chat members   even though you are not on the screen for this  edition you should all know that the general   antidote the best antidote is at some point  to play the move c5 so you play knight to f6 and then c5 you can also play e6 and c5 you  can also develop the bishop and play e6 and   c5 i'm gonna play the immediate c5 now  if this gets taken it's actually not so   difficult to win this pawn back  because you'll play e6 and then take   and the other benefit of moving this is that  your queen can always come out like this uh so let's say we go let's let's just finish  developing the knight oh i have to hide the   the the audio tracks huh youtube we have music  here but we it's a secret don't tell anybody okay queen to b6 now trying to go for b2 i'm  not saying that it's always gonna work now this   is instructive you might think that you take  oh i double their pawns that's good for me   in reality you want them to take  you so that you can open the file   how do you force them to take you by playing  this this is actually not a fork uh because they   can just take the queen and then move the bishop  out of danger so they're not losing any material   but we have forced them to take our queen  opening up our rook which is advantageous for us   and then the next phase of the game we can play  something like here for example developing our   bishop or b5 i'm gonna go here and i actually have  a very sneaky threat i'm not threatening to take   this obviously but i was threatening to take the  knight remove the rook and then take now i can   just expand on the queen side with b5 e6 and then  push in with b4 so we use our queen side majority   uh another very useful move for these  positions actually kind of funny this is not   uh i this is not like easy to spot at all at all  but it's to go here the point is that they want   knight h4 to get our bishop and if we play the  move h6 we can slide the bishop back to safety   but for now i'm gonna go e6 let's see if  my opponent knows about the knight h4 idea   if they're listening to me then they will play  knight h4 because it's the best move but the   good thing is that i've already replaced my light  squad bishop with a lot of light squared pawns   and well as you see this is a big space  advantage really considering this move but i   also am considering just finishing my development  first getting my king to safety thank you a duck   with pie for the two gifted subs uh i appreciate  that you are a duck with pie so i can take i can   also not take because i'm guarded uh you don't  have to take everything that you see in chess   so i think i will just castle and i again i it's  really difficult to tell the difference between   taking and letting them take you uh and a lot  of you ask about time management and it's not   something you need to spend a million years on  here again i can take or leave it and continue   with my plan i'm gonna continue with this pawn  expansion because if this trade were to happen   i make progress into the position and  i still have a pawn for the future   not right away because i would lose my  horse but am i accepting rated or unrated   i'm not accepting challenges uh we queued  up seven people like we always do uh and uh that's the point and it's sunday today so  i'm playing subscribers i play subscribers   every episode but today on stream this is  not the only thing that i'm doing but in   general it's going to be focused on subscribers  because that is what we do on sundays is nice we have a calm moment here nice and calm and  relaxing moment rook f to d1 does that move create   any threats no i'm going to take why because  this trade isolates this pawn as a weakness   i can now immediately go for it i can also  go here and here which also looks good   um i also i i really like this though but i also  also also hello i also have this so see we've   like really isolated this weakness and uh that is  why this trade is better than this trade because   this trade didn't have any like tangible benefit  whereas creating this weakness that's really   difficult to target and now bishop goes to a3  and we are immediately swarming look how quickly   we're targeting that weakness now this  looks completely safe but hidden in   all this is this bishop which does see this  rook so any of any night move is good for us   except here and here because the rook would  take so knight takes f2 for example my opponent   says sad i don't know what they're calling  sad but knight takes f2 here is picking up   material because the rook is being taken for  free that's very important that the rook has   no guard because if we're losing a knight  but getting the rook for free it's good   but if we were we were losing this bishop too  that would not be worth it do i think tom brady   will win the super bowl this year i cannot  tell you how little i care about tom brady um but i mean i guess knight to d7 that's a very clear attack on my  rook let's go rfd8 thank you joshua oh my god he   donated again this is an attack here this seems  like a very natural counter-attacking response   and actually my opponent has no way out asking  chess people about the nfl why just why guys   chess people can like the nfl i just personally  don't watch the nfl what are you talking about   plenty of people who love the nfl good move  actually because it saves the and i can't go   here because it's covered so i guess i'll just  slide over a square and jozo giving five subs so this guess i'll take i'm up material so it's good for  me uh and i i mean i want to go bishop to b2 and   pick up this pawn but i also see bishop here to  attack the knight but then the knight goes here   let's let's let's stay focused on the other side  of the board you know sometimes you get a little   bit of tunnel vision when you see something  like this because you're really tempted to   win something here but you don't you don't need  to because the thing is when an opponent ties   two pieces together like this it's like tying your  shoelaces together right like the person's already   gonna have difficulty moving as is you don't need  to go shove them so they fall over like there's a   very high chance that they're gonna fall anyway  uh so you just leave these two and you you know   all right so the knight moves but where's  the knight going i mean it's going here but   i'm picking up material i can also play rook  c6 also rookie 7 is an x-ray isn't it it is and   then if knight c5 i take the bishop and they take  the rook and i take the knight so i get the two   pieces whereas the difference earlier several  moves ago when i took here on c2 was the fact   that i got the rook for free whereas in this case  this this this this is me picking up two pieces although now that i'm thinking about  it i completely blundered this move   yeah i just completely blundered that  okay well that you know looks like i   can learn from my own video series i just  completely forgot the rook could go there   well that's okay we'll take and we're  up three pawns we're up three pawns uh   let's do something instructive here which  does not involve me losing more material   i'm gonna go trade the rook and what's gonna  well i don't know if they're gonna trade with me   uh then let's go back for a second what  was better than all this well it was better   again i i i literally just said not to get  tunnel vision and then i got tunnel vision and i just immediately that was that was like i  went back for it and i didn't have to rook to b2 all right let's go here someone says did you  notice how i switched personas i that's nonsense   nonsense personas okay um uh this is an  endgame what's important in endgames it's uh   obviously material number one and then activity of  your pieces we got three extra pawns but you can't   just go pushing i don't want you all to think  like that so this end game the pieces involved   are opposite colored bishops now generally that  can be a draw but if you put your pawns on the   correct color complex like this and you don't  let your pawns be targets for the enemy bishop   and you don't just run the pawn down the board  because what happens in opposite colored bishop   endgames is you could get blockaded if you  put all your pawns on dark squares you can   get blockaded by the light squared bishop and  you won't be able to make any forward progress also you have to avoid isolating  some of your pawns weaknesses   so i'm going to bring my  king that's what you notice here what's the drink iced latte three shots  of espresso okay this is attacking this   but i am setting a trap when the bishop wanders in you  close the cage like a mouse trap and there you go that was nice i realized my whole like crop is a bit weird  this is a bit over there and this is like when you go king here you take you can take with either take with the  king and now we have a bishop up so we can bring   the bishop all the way back and now the difference  being that the opponent only has a king left   we just move the pawns down the  board make a branded coffee mug if i push this gets taken i'll push this one let's go here here push check from a distance push the pawn forward   it's threatening to go here the  king comes up we go here protected now there will be an instructive moment  in this end game do not stalemate   if we go here it is a draw our  opponent doesn't have any moves even if there is pawns the pawns can't move always  make sure they have at least one more square and then we will go king to e2 my opponent is writing me messages they said this  looks bad but it's better than last time we played   listen that's great what do you mean it looks  bad so i'm double your rating it's supposed   to look bad but it's it's not that's not a  bad thing it's supposed to be instructive   you're not supposed to queue up as a 1200  and beat me that would be kind of strange   who would be teaching who in that instance don't  worry if it don't worry about it it looks bad or   what no it doesn't listen playing on stream  it's like that's uh that's commendable what   are you talking about looks bad stop this silly  stuff looks bad i tell you when i play blitz   it looks bad against people who are my level  the past few weeks losing all my rating anyway   this is how you play against the london again like  now if this is episode five of how to win a chess   throughout every episode i've had a london with  black and every time i've been playing like this   so over a course of time once you pick up the  ideas of these positions how to play against   london you're going to be beating the london  in this game that's that's all we did i mean   we played c5 queen b6 we traded the queens  and uh and then we advanced on the queen   side i guarantee you i i will guarantee  you if you watch this game now on stream   or on the youtube video and play a game like this  in the future you will win exactly like this my   opponent says i've never seen the queen bishop  fork in the early game so there you go right there   you go the pawn push all right penguin on the  loose is next uh and now i will show you how to   that's the thing that's the beautiful beautiful  thing about chess you got to know how to win   with the opening and you know how you got to know  how to beat the opening as well all right bishop   f5 symmetrical london so against symmetrical  london uh what i like to do is play a quick c4   that's what i like to do so i'll  play something like c4 right away   even to turn it into a queen's gambit and then e3  and then like this and the point is that i'm first   to the queen side you notice i did the exact same  thing but now that i'm now i'm doing it with uh you know now i'm doing it with white last game  i did it with black with this queen maneuver   oh we might literally get the exact  same structure that's really funny it's going to be it might potentially turn  into the exact same idea with both sides   okay my opponent plays queen d7 um there is a trap  when the queen goes like this there is a trap here   okay and it has to do with this  getting here at some moment watch how we clear this out so  we're gonna begin with this move   now like i said it's it's a trap  they have to fall into the trap   they have to fall into it so if they  don't fall into it then there is no trap   but so you see the difference between which way  they take it opens up this now the in reality   when the queen gets here the best thing to do is  just to pop the knight into e5 that's what you do   that's what you do you i mean the queen is awkward  on this square the queen belongs on b6 or on c8   where it's not quite a target or at least it's  going to trade for the queen here it's a target   both for this now you say well levy how are you  going to do this i mean the knight is going to   go here right like the bishop is going to go to  b5 but the knight will go to you know c6 sure   but what if you take the knight first which  looks like a move that basically never happens and now you want to get the bishop here  but you don't want to do it quietly   you don't want to go e3 bishop e bishop  b5 you want to play a move with a tempo   even if this is a bad trade because it  forces black to react if you just play e3   they go a6 i mean it you can by the way you could  take that and they can't take back so but they can   maybe go knight e7 knight c6 it gives them a full  turn but when you go e4 it comes with a with an   attacking tempo and if they play knight e7 you  win a bishop you don't need to win the queen   you just need to win something right so you you  have to hit him with e4 because they have to   respond to it and then bishop goes to b5 and this  is only possible you cannot see this if you've   never seen this before because it's just like  it it's just so weird the whole board is closed   right now you say well let me this is stupid what  if you just took back this way fair like yeah yes   but that's what i said it's a trap and then i  said the best thing to do is just to go here   because this is always a target and don't forget  that the knight now has no natural developing move   when you play queen to d7 so you kind of  stunt your own queen side development right   uh when you do like this but play cd5 you play  bishop takes b8 so the knight can go to c6 and   then bam to e4 and my opponent realized that this  was coming i can still play this by the way not   all checks are created equal uh but bishop to b5  is a good move because there's no way to block it   now the king has to move and then i take  the bishop so now my opponent cannot castle   and has also lost the bishop and  what makes this even worse is that   their center is destabilized i can play  queen takes d5 with a check as well um and um okay i guess we'll trade queens we don't  have to trade queens but we're up materials   so it's good practice and then i'll finish my  developmental castle now we're up at night and   it's uh you know we won a night on move nine or  ten so you beat the london and you know how to win   with it as well and that's that's how chess works  i mean that is that is how the best best players   in the world do it you know they gotta they  gotta beat people uh with an opening they gotta   beat people when they're on the other side of that  opening as well uh let's go night here to hit this   again i'm not too concerned about this because  it's protected but if it wasn't protected then why is it always good to trade equally  if you're up it's not always good but   it's usually good i see an open king so this  doesn't work because this what is the first thing   that i see it's time to just start bringing the  rooks because they're the only ones not playing   i see a king on the other side so i'm going to  line up my rook to the king it's not a complicated   is that a pattern you already knew or you  saw that all on the spot uh a mix of both so   that pattern to win the queen i've seen in  different positions where you can play bishop   takes the knight and then you know you have  something like this but no otherwise it's just   basically forcing moves uh titled players  you know we we scan the board very very   very like like this sometimes we just immediately  cut out all the bad stuff we leave ourselves   a sample size of three or four good moves and  then we have to analyze now with the rook king   this is a double check so this cannot be  taken because the rook is also checking   and we will pick up the rook here and this is  just all kind of a a slope keep falling down   you know you fall behind early it's difficult  to recover just going to activate my rook   this doesn't look like an activation but  when i move my bishop i will have a target   isn't that trap easy to analyze if you  haven't seen it um if i gave this position   to get my opponents 1294 if i gave  this position to like a sample size of   fifty five zero thirteen hundreds less than  five of them would even conceptualize this   as a possibility i would say 45 to 45 to 49  of them would just say one of these moves   because you just they're like okay well whatever  i mean i'm just gonna keep developing you don't   think oh i can already win something so quickly  and that's the point of of doing this is that it   shows you that you can in fact do stuff like this  so it's very easy to see it when i do it let's   put it this way it's very easy to see it when  you're observing when someone is explaining it is   you guys already know this it's very different to  do this in a live game it's just i mean it's not   the same it's like again it's so much simpler when  i'm like and you're like oh yeah that makes sense   right so this is what's gonna happen this this  this this checkmate night blocks and rook cuts off   let's see if that let's see if my prediction  comes true so this stops guarding this   mate maybe i don't know if my  opponent spots it maybe not so they decided not to take now i  can uh i'll push my d-pawn forward   to try to bait them to going here here's another prediction here here here  here here here the point is my rook is   doing a really good job cutting this king's  circulation and isolating it to the back rank   my opponent had a little bit more breathing room  i wouldn't have any of these kind of tactics   i'm gonna go here though i actually  don't think that was a stream snipe   i know i always talk about this when i film  these but that wasn't that was too uh that   was too quick you know what i mean it's usually  there's a few seconds pause okay let's go d7   anyway thanks mr bubbles for the  prime thank you to ali shelby   if you're subbing and i don't read it out  don't think that you're not appreciated anyway you've been obsessively watching your chess  videos just started playing on   everything that feels obvious and observation  falls away when you're actually playing exactly   yeah by the way the rook couldn't take the  bishop because the pawn was promoting there   um that's exactly right i mean that's  yeah yeah that's how i feel with with uh   when i watch tutorials on how to play hamster  better in overwatch let's just sacrifice the   bishop for the two pawns just to show you how  to simplify we've got the two rooks versus one   i'll be watching like uh yeedle who's one of the  i think he was world ranked number one or i don't   know na rank number one or something and uh you  know yiddle does all this crazy stuff and i go   try to do it and i run into the whole team and  i die so i don't know anyway we're gonna try to   trade this rook and push this pawn that's  what we're gonna do for the rest of this game   why don't i play hyper  bullet i do that all the time   i'm not gonna play hyper bullet on this  series that just wouldn't make any sense correct it also could be a teammate's thing but i  also try to do some of the stuff that he does and   ball got nerfed uh oh really i'll never feel it okay instructive moment king wants to come closer  so what do we do you watch my rook and pawn end   game video cut the king off that's what that's  called cutting the king off cut off yes very good   and then b7 and bring back my rook  bro in reality promoting to a queen   is better but i missed my rook i want my  rook back i want a monster reborn my rook   it's like my blue i'm like blue blue eyes white  dragon you know i'm like kaiba always always   with his blue eyes white dragon obsession until  like the later seasons when he got real cards um anyway that was uh that was an instructive moment  symmetrical london early queenside expansion like   this i guarantee these next two games if you  play the london or you don't play london now   you want to play london and you play against the  london these the these two games of this if this   is the only thing that you watch from this  episode will gain you like a hundred points   literally if you just play like this with  the london against the symmetrical london   or against the london the way we just played the  first game you're gonna be winning all your games   when london is on the board uh next guy  up colton123 boom hopefully no no london   this time please no d4 i want an e4 game  i want to play a play e4 e5 or something   but let's see colton e4 there it  is uh so e5 standard standard stuff i'm not going to i i continuously avoid the  stafford gambit no disrespect to eric rosen   i just i i want to play a little bit more  classically okay so rue lopez there's a lot   of ways to play against the lopez uh i'm going  to play something called the bird variation   it's when your knight immediately goes  to d4 it's called the bird's defense   it's a very interesting line actually and  not a lot of people know about it but it's   a it's a it's a really good way to counter the  ruler but it's going to really throw people off   uh you could play all this classical stuff there  was a there was a guy in chat a couple days ago   who was like should i play the berlin i was like  what's your rating he's like 1380. i was like i went full pablo escobar meme on him you  know i was like look at this my opponent's   thinking on move four what do you mean play  the berlin do you mean play the berlin like why   why because the gms do it this is the point  of this okay this is the point um you get this   block in the center and the way you  play this position is you play c6 you force a difficult decision out of this  bishop okay opponent decides to go there   uh you you you don't even necessarily always  want to play no the bishop is not trapped   the bishop is not trapped because  even if i gave a check there is c3   but we'll analyze that after and there's  a lot of positions where this goes here right like in this and and the queen goes  over there and kind of kind of stands around   and does its thing and then you play  like bishop to c5 uh and you blunder   bishop takes f7 check while you're trying to  show in a did i actually just blunder that wow i think i only play bishop c5 when the  bishop is on a4 this is such a good opening   weapon said gotham chess as he blunders a pawn  on move six i think i was supposed to play d5 in this line that's why you got to know  your theory okay this does not take away   the credibility from the bird it does not  take away the credibility from the bird it   just takes away from the credibility of me as a  content creator however i constantly get requests   to play games where i'm fighting back like i'm  losing so actually because people just like   like dude you'll show this stuff to get a better  position but how do you play from a worse position   and that is true i'm gonna go king f8 because  i actually don't want to take and and run into   this so this is going to be a game to how to  fight back when you you know make a mistake   no i completely blundered i'm not trying to hide  behind that at all um and you know what the worst   part is i've actually made this mistake before  that is really bad that is really bad it's it's   difficult for those of you that don't know uh  it's currently january 10 2021 and i am going   through one of my worst chess slumps ever i am  at my lowest blitz rating in two and a half years   uh and this is just an example of it i'm just  playing horribly i'm making mistakes it doesn't   matter what rating i'm playing i'm making very  uncharacteristic mistakes so but but the good news   is we will bounce back we'll come back stronger so  my opponent takes this i guess i can just hide my   king i mean it's very ugly it's like i castled  but my rook got drunk and didn't wake up in time   so you know i'm not i can't like see it it won't  it won't let me do it so queen comes out to f3 um any threat let's actually scan this  time instead of just playing a move   doesn't look like there's any threat so probably  the best thing to do is to finish our development   i think i'll move my queen out a little bit put  my pawn up my bishop and then my rook that's   the plan and then maybe i'll hide my king like  in this little fortress and we'll be all right so i mean everybody has slumps i have my slumps as  well but this but this is very uncharacteristic   this is a a terrifying long slump for me uh i  think d6 like i said i mean knight b3 is a move   but i just moved my bishop and this  is guarded and that doesn't look   really bad and knight c4 looks nice if the knight  was there but it doesn't actually do anything so and then in reality if i can get an open f file  oh is that an indication is my opponent trying to   no but surely this is just not a  good idea to castle into this right   like your knight the chief defender of  the king if it lands there will be overrun like the defenders of the us  capital too soon for that joke   okay this move i don't like at all  because it doesn't accomplish anything   my opponent was doing a good job  but i don't know why they're not i don't know why they're not castling that's a  strange move that allows me like a full turn now   to do something uh you know what's funny i want to  go here but my move actually has an idea i want to   hide my king and play rook f8 see i don't know if  i want to commit my rook over to this side because   i don't know where they're going i'm going to give  you know it's funny i'm going to say this move   doesn't do anything in reality my move actually  wants to hide my king and move my rook out even   though i copied them i promise my move has an idea  no my opponent wants to stop this but i was never   even threatening to do that so it's just a weird  this is a strange move it's a lazy move it's kind   of a h3 it's a bit of a lazy move because now  they're gonna have like are they gonna go g4   no g4 would be awful that is not i mean the  king's still in the middle what are we doing   what are we doing maybe maybe a lot of you  suggesting this long term but you guys are   trying to justify move sometimes we work too  hard to justify our opponents moves you know   like they play a move and you're like well  you know they played this move because they   have like 17 long-term plan you know to make a  positional stronghold on this square brother like   look they cancelled king side i mean i don't so  sometimes a move just doesn't have a point they   just played it to play it you know what i mean  um so at some point you can't spend so much time   now i will move my rook here because that was  always my plan and now there is actually a target   um i'm only down one pawn it seems really bad but  it's it's really it's not terrible i mean it's   it's bad i would lose this many times out  of many times too like a grand master for   example and this is coming which is the  one drawback of playing the birds defense   uh but i'm going to put my king on h7 put my rook  yeah this shows up this is going to make the game   significantly harder so i'll probably have to play  g6 i really don't want to let this pawn get to f5   that does not let that does not look very good  at all and then i think what we're gonna have   to do is bring this bishop back it's gonna  have to start fighting on this diagonal but   currently the bishop is defending the pawn so we  will need to move this pawn up slide the bishop   back reinforce maybe make a connect four shout out  to eric rosen and then play d5 put this work here   maybe double doubling is also an option but this  rook is awful we gotta get the rook into the game am i holding bitcoin no not anymore i sold it at a  34 what i had left of it i my logic was if it goes   to 40 or something then whatever you know whatever  whatever i am not i'm not crying over that   there will be a price adjustment most  likely and then we'll have to figure   out when the next timing is i'm going to go  c5 as planned and then slide the bishop back why is the f pawn dangerous you've gotta  think how your opponent can a take space and b   uh make more progress in the position so that  could be done with pieces like knights bishops   rogues or with pawns which are also classified  as pieces but have their own and then you know   just think about this it's like a thorn white  takes a ton of space gains territory locks   down squares in your position and activates  the rook at the same time so 100 out of 100   i don't even know what that means i just literally  made up a phrase 100 out of 100 the best move is   is what i'm showing uh again see king h1 it's like  a i don't know what i'm doing so i'm just gonna   you know and i also to be fair i also don't know  what i'm doing i'm just thinking to reactivate my   bishop on a diagonal and restructure my pawns  strengthen my pawns and relocate my bishop so   it's not a position that can be changed too  much you also have to think about it like this   both sides have pawns right and pawns are like  the fence of a position so you have to look   where there is a hole where there is an opening  where you can advance and expand and you know um something like this why no pushing of the c  pawn ah it's actually not not not a bad move c4   to what to take take and go like this kind of  interesting i don't know it's just a decision   i oh this is a little bit more passive this  f3 can't i just go here immediately now yes yes i can okay well look at that our plan  has now been justified we now have two bishops   all right so yeah opponent just needs to  play a bit more ambitiously now of course   chat let's not forget opponent knows they  are playing me they know they're on stream   they know they're going to be in a youtube  video there's some psychological effect as   well if my opponent was playing a 13 1400  they would have no respect but frankly the   lesson heroes don't have respect for anybody  when you play e takes d5 i hope that's sarcasm   i hope you were just trying to get my  opponent to uh botez gambit here so don't respect anyone in general chess  wise yes otherwise no you should   well i mean not really not like neo-nazis  like they're like there's you know there's   just people who objectively speaking you  should not respect you know what i mean um but yeah for the most part you know you in chess  no don't respect anybody as a i don't respect them   as competitors as people you should be nice but  as competitors no i mean look to take people's   heads off well i mean listen you you have one  life to live why are you gonna play you know   play chess cautiously you know you should do your  taxes cautiously you should you know be cautious   with your diet you should be cautious with all  sorts of stuff why be cautious with your chest   have fun learn be creative i made this trade  because now i don't have double pawns anymore   um you know i really feel like i should play  this the proper way which would be activating   both of my rooks but now i see that this could be  a target oh i'm starting to think naughty things   very naughty things are going through my  head right now but i need reinforcements   so let's finish this plan let's make  the connect4 now we have no weaknesses and although actually queen d6 was probably  just a better move threatening mate   but queen d6 there would have been f4  again and and frankly frankly frankly   i am very happy to not see this move you'll  notice that i said this many many moves ago   and it hasn't happened so i'd really  rather stay away from moves that force this   right so okay c3 is not a bad  move that's actually a great move   uh if i take i activate their bishop if  i don't take i activate so what if i push   normally this is just not very good but i'm not  activating any piece and actually now i have a   pass pawn is what that is a pass pawn is a pawn  that has no pawn blocking its path to the end   there is a bishop in front of it but it's still  a past pawn and if i can protect it that makes   it even stronger it becomes like i keep saying a  thorn it's a protected past pawn so it's good for   all end games i'm not gonna play this  move right away because the knight can   still go to the middle right now these  are like space takers is what they are g5 a little bit bold um something like g5 you know  i'm doing this to suppress f4   and uh you say well levy the pawn's in  front of your king why are you doing   that yeah but you've got to think about  uh can they actually attack your king can they actually attack your king that's the  thing how notice that my opponent look at this   this is a fascinating position my opponent does  not have a single forward move with any piece   no this is actually very interesting they have no  forward move with any of their pieces pawns yes   they cannot move the knight bishop queen or any of  the rooks forward safely because every square is   occupied so you got to think about that they have  no forward move yes for example they can sacrifice   and pin me but they would be losing the knight  and the bishop in this process so they play g4   so this sacrifice does exist but it's it's not  very good and now i'm really well no i gotta be   listen i gotta give this rook a chance i gotta  give this rook a chance no but now guys queen d6   is not a mate threat although there is a threat  and it's rook takes f3 which is very pretty   deflecting the queen away from the checkmate  can i give my opponent more time to be nice i   don't actually have that ability um but this  was a nice game we stabilized everything and thank you very much for the donation i appreciate  that this is this is a this is a mind pawn   it actually cannot be captured  for two reasons number one   i i i see this and this is how you set traps  in chess you don't necessarily need to respond   you go wait if they take me don't i have this oh  that's nice so we go here the night has retreated   and now that the night has retreated remember a  very long time ago i said don't go here because   you just activate the night now that the knight  cannot be activated now we go here you notice that   and we've caged in the knight the knight used to  be able to jump to the middle but now that it's   gone back we glue it shut this is protected and  we can move our connect forward each up one row   which is funny we used to have this but now we  go up and we keep expanding and scaling it right   and and we and i mean i can push  one more but i there's no need   but now we need to break through we need to break  through i'm gonna play one more improving move i   think just lining this up it's not a threat but  it improves our position just ever so slightly   um yeah and our opponent is on the defense now   but you notice there are four light scored  pawns which means that trading off the dark   squared bishop would be really nice for  me and i actually think that is exactly   what i am about to do i'm going to trade the  bishop creating a swiss cheese of dark squares like this and i'm gonna use the dark squares to  break in i can take with the pawn i can also take   with the queen very tough to tell the difference  this pawn is a killer in the end game and look at   this we slide in here i don't know what's next but  it's gonna be great maybe we break out with the   pawns notice that it's it's it's kind of it's like  a combination of both sides of the board this game we use we use oh that's a great move ah  the queen wants to go here so what do we do we shut that down we shut that down oh this is a beautiful  one oh this one is so beautiful what's the   best move here guys what's the best move this  pawn used to guard this there is a hidden pin rook takes g4 if queen takes bishop takes if  pawn takes this if no one takes it's an x-ray   you gotta look that's not taking this not  taking this because the knight is guarding   but rook takes g4 lights out all this pressure  putting the opponent locked behind their pawns   and then finally rook takes g4 comes in  and it's a cross pin and we win the queen   and now we've broken through all hell  breaks loose and uh the game is over   so we we took the early  blunder we stabilized the game   and the opponent did not play ambitiously enough  is honestly is honestly what happened there and   and truly like they played fine but they like  again the queen doesn't need to be out here   which you know why they played this queen move  is because a move or two ago when they played   this their mind was set on playing queen h5  so they played the queen out but you know i   have this video on on my youtube channel how  to like how how to uh stop early queen attacks   the thing about queen attacks is that  you can't play queen versus a full force   right you just can't do that you the queen needs  to have more pieces in front of it that's why it   would have been better like look if i put  this computer into engine computer if i put   this position into computer what's the best move  here for white castle knight to d2 uh-huh queen f3   doesn't hate it so my opponent  actually played like decently   but now what's the best move okay now computer  is saying uh bring the queen back is one of the   suggested moves so after h3 it really doesn't  like h6 castles and now i'm going to show you   the most important moment of the game right  here do we have the engine on the screen you   do there yeah it's kind of small but what are  the best moves what's the best move f4 f4 oh oh   it's it's catching up on the engine eval  see you'll notice that the top move is a4   but a few moves down if you follow the line it  says f4 this is the move which is going to give   white the advantage in this position i play rook  c1 c5 is at f4 again again right going like this   this is when my opponent played king h1 and look  at what happened to the advantage king h1 it tanks   tanks by a full point almost and then a few moves  later black is better despite being down upon   isn't that amazing black is better the  engine is now negative which means that   black is better despite black being down  a full pawn because of how passively white   played this position like if white didn't play  f4 and i activated my bishops and that's it so that's it i mean you gave me enough time to  stabilize my position now my pawn deficit   doesn't even matter because think about it think  about it think about it what is the counteract of   being down pawns like if i don't have pawns if  i don't have pawns i have lines that are open   right right that's how it works you still  have bricks in your castle or your fence   but i have open lines which is why people like  gambits because they lose pawns but they open   the lines of the position right the bishops i  just hit myself in the face so that's how you   have to think about this when you're up material  the whole point of why f4 is so strong is because   you use your pawn mass to take space that is  what you do and by the way somebody said c4   and see my best thing is to protect against the  move because look if i allow f5 look at this this   is so ugly first of all they get their own connect  four right and now they have this and now this and   the rook is activated they have this nasty bind  of space which is really unpleasant all right   luke colton is next i'm going to play e4 this  game i always mix up the openings a little bit i   don't want to just stick to one opening that was  a that was a good game that was a good game car   con um what do i play against the karo khan man  there are so many options uh oh i know what i play   against the karo khan i played this in the last  one i'm gonna make a youtube video on this soon le fantasy le fantasy the most secret gangster  variation of the kara khan that exists   it's called a fantasy because the ideal position  that you get is one with two central pawns two   knights two bishops and a castled king with an  open file that's why it's called the fantasy   my opponent already has made an inaccuracy i  think i don't think you're supposed to let me   go e5 but i gotta think is that actually accurate  am i saying an accurate thing because last time i   spoke very quickly in the opening but i think that  this is a bad move because it immediately allows   me to attack the knight and then it allows me to  take more space with my central pawns like this   so this is just not good it's not losing but  it's it's not good uh is really what it is   um would i ever invest into tesla  who's to say i haven't already   who's to say i haven't already  now am i suspicious of tesla's uh   skyrocketing as a company and valuation  absolutely capitalism is a very weird thing   so i can play bishop e2 in castle i can also  stabilize my center which is very important   um i think i will go bishop to e3 just to keep  my pawn well protected in case i ever want to   lose my queen what do i do for a living outside of  streaming um i drive for uber and i deliver pizzas   so uber eats knight c3 probably is not a bad  move just developing a knight to the middle   this can't be bad no i actually have a  very pleasant position but i'm i'm not   winning by any stretch of the imagination  am i serious no i'm absolutely not serious   i stream anywhere from four to eight hours a day  i make youtube videos i make openings courses   now here's a better question what were  you doing before you were doing this i was   teaching chess and i was getting paid to teach  chess in new york city that's what i was doing i want to go bishop to e2 but here's my problem  with this move if my opponent takes and i take   i lose my pawn it's kind of unpleasant and i  would have to take with my pawn which i really   don't want to do um do i like pineapple on pizza  i don't care personally and it's it's actually not   something that i would kill anybody over but if  i play here in the night castle i should be fine   uh i personally don't think that you should cook  your steak well done or put ketchup on your steak   that's disgusting like that is objectively  wrong pineapple on pizza is just a preference am i a millionaire or a billionaire  yeah i'm a billionaire yeah   thank you good question definitely  a billionaire that's why i work   you know 12 to 14 hours every day guys the  the secret to making more money after you have   a million dollars is to work less you guys know  how that's how it works work put in correlating   to money made is not the same for someone who's  living borderline in poverty or a billionaire   right many people who are living borderline in  poverty work many more hours than billionaires   so that's i mean that's just how the world  works now we've castled um i want to go h3   i also can slide out of this pin which is  another option and try to put my queen it's   another benefit of oops it's another benefit  of having this let's go queenie one queen g3 so queenie one queen g3 oh interesting move f5 so   again i can take in peasant opening  up my bishop i don't actually say   on pissant like that and also i get yelled  at for pronouncing the tea in on poisson okay for my french friends okay i'm gonna get canceled let me not get  cancelled i want to take on poisson because   i i want my bishop to be open i  think so i will take like this   i don't know if it's the best move because  this trade comes with pluses and minuses   my opponent will take and now have activity they  stare at this they stare at this i wanna that   move looks really good that just looks good  you know there's moves that just look good   how did i get myself into investing i discovered  there was a way to put your money into something   and then it becomes more money or less money  but you know if you have a comfortable amount   think about you got to think about investing  like this if there's a comfortable amount of   money you have in life that you could just set on  fire and it would just disappear and it wouldn't   hurt you that's what you invest that's just i  mean at the same time on a very serious note   i don't know about europe i don't know about asia  i know about africa i don't know about antarctica   in the united states unless you go to a very good  school which invests in multiple elements of their   education financial literacy investing credit  card understanding bank understanding is garbage   in the united states where i grew up i grew up new  york new jersey my family taught all of that to me   i don't know if that's just what's expected i  think financial literacy absolutely should be   in the curriculum but it's not it's not in  europe it's the same oh okay okay i can't   speak for education in other countries so anyway  bishop to d6 um i see a fork but then they take   and then if i take by the way this opens up oh man   what if i take say i don't like that the  knight gets here i really don't like that   can i play rook takes f6 look at this this is  guarding this right so why can't i take this if they take with the queen i take you isn't  that just two pieces isn't that just good   and if they take this i take with check right that looks good okay that looks  good resources on learning this stuff i would say this uh if you're if your family like  if you're from the united states or something um   i can only speak for u.s if like you're you know a  son or daughter of immigrants and they don't speak   english very well and they can't teach it to you  you got to go to the the people who can help you   you got to find trusted sources if it's a friend  with you know english-speaking family that can   walk you through the whole financial process learn  from them uh ask a guidance counselor in school   um you know what i mean so reddit honestly  reddit good you know the right internet forums   so coursera yeah but the thing is there's a lot  of ways you know you you you gotta realize you   gotta you gotta second guess everything i'm from  new york city right so i'm from new york city so   we question everything we take nothing like  if someone says something we're always like   are they lying to me we're not naive  it's just very different i mean it's   for better for worse we don't believe anything  anybody says unless we like triple check it   for better for worse if g7 takes f6 the same thing  i get the bishop so this was a removing the guard   tactic i realized that this is guarded by this and  this is a common tactical pattern you sacrifice   the rook and you get the two pieces and now i have  two pieces for the rook so i'm slightly better   um slightly better not saying i'm oh but  wait a second let's not forget about this   what used to be the problem the problem  used to be that there was bishop takes   night but now i'm just forking oh that's  very bad that's very unfortunate actually yes and i'm not talking about  wall street bets the meme utopia   of investing which man my  bishop is still hanging this this yes but think about take take take my bishop  take knight follow the right follow this right just follow the uh the path there this i can just   i mean i can take this with the king  or actually just bring the horse back   just to keep my king protected so now i have  three pieces now we're definitely winning who's the best u.s gem for classical uh  fabiana corona it's not really close i   mean it's very clear world number two  blitz and rapid i still think hikaru   uh but yeah i mean it would be cool if we had a  gm who could rival magnus in all three formats here's the question do i rather trade the night  for the night i don't like this queen arriving on   that square i really don't like that so here's  what i'm gonna do i'm gonna move my knight   i also think i have to preserve my  bishop pressuring the king i think   this is the bishop i need to keep because this  bishop threatens nothing so i'm happy with this   because my queen comes it stabilizes the  center i can bring my rook if i trade the   rooks i trade the queen slowly but surely if i  make it down into an end game with less pieces   my two knights and bishop will be superior right  now with my opponent having queen correct but this   is a good example by the way someone's asking  about simplification so i was going to say um my opponent having you know queen and two  rooks means that my opponent wants to attack me   they have heavy firepower but the more i nerf  it the better queen e4 is an idea yeah queen e4   with the bishop but they just go g6 so it's  not like we're gonna mate anybody here but   do i think magnus carlsen is a  better problem solver in puzzle rush i i don't know because he doesn't do it because  he's assigned to a different chess website but   i don't know do i think magnus carlsen is  better at something i've never seen him do i don't know i don't think so actually i  think puzzle solving is a very different skill   actually very different and it's fascinating how  the brain works like ray robson is an exceptional   puzzle solver but yeah definitely knight d6 or  knight g5 is the next move actually isn't this   just very clearly better than moving the knight  to d6 the knight on d6 looks beautiful that's an   outpost square we're we're 58 minutes into this  youtube style but if you're not following gotham   chess on instagram you really should because look  at this if you follow gotham chess on instagram   two-thirds of my pictures are about my life  but look at this one third of my pictures   is literally just instructional chess  content down the middle there look at that   carousel style posts what is an outpost and you  just swipe through boom you learn and it's good   i wanna you know i wanna share my life but i also  wanna share instructive chess stuff so go follow   you know the instagram actually is crazy i didn't  realize like youtube has a robust discovery   algorithm but oh my god instagram is nuts some of  my posts get 40 engagement with people who don't   follow me that's that's wild man that that is like  an astounding statistic on youtube right now it's   like 58 59 but um not subscribed so something like  that but yeah instagram is uh is wild and you know   gentlemen you you you and i both know that  the explore page can be a little bit uh busty   sometimes let's play bishop takes  h7 knight takes is also good   and then i think i need to i need to bring  in the queen at some point i mean listen it knows what we like but it  really needs to chill out sometimes   it's really like it's really bad i mean i can't go  on there without getting you know hit in the face with like it's not the worst thing to look at it's  just like too much you know like there's a limit   it's like i mean like like i'm i'll tell you right  now my instagram explorer page is like basketball   mma and something i can't say on youtube for fear  of being demonetized also it's always bella porch   is that just me it's always a bella porch clip  along with the other stuff there's always bella   porch always always a clip and it's never her  account it's always one of those fake fan accounts she's a she's a she's a viral tick tock star yeah like i yeah not porch there's an a  in there poa rch anyway that's not an a   stay focused on youtube we're just listening  we're trying to listen it's hard all right   these things are like an hour and a half mind  drifts a little bit let's bring the bishop   back uh the idea is queen to h3 check that's  what i want to do right now with the open king so thanks it's feza after the game can  you look at sacking to this place queen   and go queen h4 move 15 that's a very  specific thing that you're asking for um   here and taking here is good taking this  loses a queen that's how you throw the game   but this move should win just  queen h3 rook to h6 then i take and uh if king goes to here i have mate why  don't i take the free rook i prefer checkmate   i had fork at 96 guys i know  we have a lot of good options yes i i know i'm just going for mate we could  have taken the rook we had a lot of ways to win   this game notice by the way that even in this  position there's queen f2 like it's never and   there's queen d4 so you have i i did scan these  moves and king goes to h1 and i'm safe but it's   you know you have to mentally scan how they can  still attack your king even now um queen to g5   the game would end in a very nice way with uh  double check and then i would win the queen who's my favorite artist like music the weeknd  well old weekend star boy was one of the greatest   albums ever let's give a double check and then we  will mate with the bishop very pretty checkmate   very pretty also we could have won with  smothering like this uh starboy to me is   uh is the greatest solo album of of of like  the last like 10 years or something every   single song on there was good i've never  heard an album like it every song he made   on there was good literally every song you know  every album you like pick out like six or seven   but every song on that album was fire i used  to run to it like i used to run and just listen   to the whole album non-stop nah i mean they were  good you know some of this old stuff was good but   anyway fantasy variation baby incorporate this  you will beat the karo khan forever if you're   watching way later in the future on youtube i  have a video on this on my youtube channel but   the fantasy variation will win you so many games  it's so good oh my god it's just so good um god oh my goodness just like this get the  knights to all the pieces out my opponent   says fantasy variation haunts my dreams for  good reason sir okay let's play daniel faye e4 so last time i played e5 uh let's play a sicilian play sicily in defense  knight f3 i'm gonna play the e6 sicilian so if my   opponent plays d4 this is the open sicilian okay  knight takes d4 so now i can go for a time on off   i can play the con i'm gonna play knight to f6  which is just normal knight to c3 and uh this is   called the two knight sicilian or or four knights  i mean it's it's called two nights or four nights   but for black it's the two nights now b takes  c6 does my opponent know what they're doing   i'm going to be really shook if they  know what they're doing because this is   you know the point is that i take back like this  and now i play d5 plus the good thing okay so   they don't quite know which is good but let's  go d5 that's the point you got this big center   uh this is not good at all so now i go cd5 and  notice i have two central pawns they have none they have no central bonds that's nice uh i'm  gonna just finish my development with bishop   b7 and castles uh and remember a couple games ago  i said when you clear out your pawns what do you   have open lines right so we have open lines here  where do they have open lines here so okay that is   uh actually bishop b2 you know what i was gonna  say this is a little bit strange this is not how   sicilians are played normally but i don't hate  it actually because this is gonna be a problem   this is gonna be a good game that's why i  like to play 1500s especially in rapid can   i expand in the center with my two pawns yes  when you're expanding you need to make sure   you're you're supported so now i can plant my  bishop here maybe go e4 kick this bishop out   also would be nice to kind of counteract the  bishop on the diagonal in the long term but   um and notice that d4 is not what i played because  d4 the knight jumps it hits my pawn also knight e4   is unpleasant if we trade my rook is under attack  this just allows me to continue going forward no   which was my idea just now i've expanded in the  center okay that makes sense uh this is aggressive   this stabilizes the center  where do i move my bishop   very tough question also you've got to keep  an eye on reroute so this is a nice square   and it could go here and here and blockade my  pawns is what that's called a blockade of my pawns bishop f5 enables the move d4  because it defends this however   d4 could just be walking into death i  might die i might die i don't want to die let's just develop a bishop for now and  stabilize the center bishop to b4 is   interesting but honestly i just i want to  just develop a piece that hasn't moved yet   i don't know about bishop before it pins but  then they go a3 so just like before you just   go wandering in like this you need to be like  what if they just attack me and attack me again   and i don't want to trade like the last trade  that i want is this bishop okay buddy okay buddy   hopefully you make idea by yourself um this is  the first thing that i'm thinking here but you   can also go here uh i'm thinking this because i  like this and i like this and i want to connect   the rooks plus i'm not creating any weaknesses  with this move and it's a 10 minute game right so   if your move is not immediately blundering  something it's really difficult to tell the   difference between this this between this sorry  rook c8 between this this you don't need to spend   five minutes here figuring this out that's a good  example of time management it's just a good move   it's a flexible move it doesn't blunder anything  it monitors the king side monitors the queen side   you could put your rooks behind looks good it  looks good okay opponent goes g3 now here are   my ideas i want to go rook c8 attacking this pawn  i want to go rook d8 centralizing i want to maybe   go bishop c5 i'm not looking at bishop before  which you guys keep suggesting because just c3   i don't really see i don't see a reason to play  bishop to b4 it's just a another idea is routing   the knight this way and then popping it in  there another idea is bishop g4 how on earth   do you figure all this out let's  go rook c8 this is a very easy move   it doesn't require a lot of analysis it's  just quite literally threatening to take upon   right it's really hard to analyze which of these  moves is significantly stronger than the other   so you cannot play for i  mean think for seven minutes and then and then you know like i i really  really really want to land my knight on f3   the question is my like what's my  opponent going to do are they just   going to let me land my knight in f3 you  guys are also suggesting this this and go   back and mess up their fiance i know it's  a little bit too dank let's go knight to g4 now do we continue with our plan i like it 93  chat members that is just a throwaway of a horsey   ah stopping me from going knight to  f3 but chat members if the knight   is stopping us from going to f3 what do we  do to the knight why we attack it of course now there is a huge threat that threat will win  us the game yes we murder it exactly that's a   great move stopping me from going here again  now i have to constantly see if this is a threat   this is attacking through this queen  b6 adds some pressure to the knights   groove's a good game like this game a lot  f5 hangs a bishop moving the bishop out   of the way of the night is a possibility  but i want to keep trying to make progress what about queen here that looks good because the only way to guard this is to  bring the king and i somehow don't believe i don't believe oh you guys were suggesting uh  bishop takes sacrificing and then taking i don't   know about that because afterward you don't only  lose a bishop you also have a rook on the same   diagonal so right so now i oh i can actually so  this looks like it's hanging but there is this   but i think we just take with the queen and shut  up this was not a good trade i don't think unless   i'm missing something i don't think this was  a good trade now that i trade off my my uh   my light squad bishop i can create a crown  what why are you trading everything you   were doing so well this is a sign of  respect from my opponent i'm sensing   don't just trade pieces for the sake of trading  pieces oh but now it all falls apart chat in this position we can capture three things we're not going to take this we could take this can't take this it's pinned and it all falls apart did i say one correctly it's not on i i didn't  say the end did i i said like oh oh oh oh oh it's like a it's like  a bouncing ball oh oh dude got it i'm learning wait if i  push oh if i push i hang my queen oh that would have been really bad oh it's  the new pogchamp emote that's really funny   because twitch is doing this  rotating pog champ thing now uh i guess i take i don't know oh of course  i do of course i know just activate the rook rook up rook over while my opponent cannot take here if king moves this i like it see this is why we we didn't have  chat today on the screen because y'all are   eating each other alive with this new pog champ  emote and youtube's like what's bog champ unless   you watch on both in which case you're like  damn i'm missing out on the pog champ farming someone wrote how dare you stand where he stood  but you locked him in the eye and murdered him   or killed him killed him that's  what harry says he said killed him he trusted you what if i  don't want a trait of queens so check this out here pawn takes attacking rook but i have a queen danger levels my rook is hanging  but mate is threatened if f4 again um oh my god they could have taken my rook  he could have taken my rook because there's like   oh my gosh oh my gosh i don't even know what  would have happened i mean i'm losing but   it's still a game oh my gosh i completely  forgot the king can just go i just assumed i just assumed that he would just take  i didn't even it didn't even occur to me   that the rook could be taken and  then i got there and i was like um okay wow um can we stop  throwing please that was terrible bishop c5 and we should be we should be in  good shape tracia and snacks thank you both   for donations question is how do i play against  you one of these have to be a subscriber on twitch   and i try to do like two or three  recordings a week maybe two a week   and then i'll put them up on um i'll put them up  on youtube kind of as as we as we go but okay one   second i i need to i'm sorry i need to focus um  my rook is hanging i want to bring my queen back   to give a check but then queen e4 i've rook  f6 i've rookie 8 i don't have a lot of time   i actually have to start moving significantly  faster so here's what i'm going to do i will   give a check because that just seems natural but  in doing that i am destabilizing f7 so i need   to be very careful i'm also going to go here  because i have to move my rook out of the way my opponent says i call this the turtle no  he says the fox has been flushed from its den   why are you speaking like  an npc from a a village game   the fox has been flushed from its that  shut shut up bro just kidding that's mean that's not very nice the new yorker is coming  at me i got two minutes and 15 seconds i'm   under stress thinking about [ __ ] guys don't  talk to your opponents in the middle of a game   bishop to e3 queen sack really i'm gonna go  bishop b4 oh i like that oh i like that now   my bishop's not in danger anymore oh  now we're calling the shots now we'd   be calling the shots thank you to z new  for subscribing for six months in advance   wow normally the only thing that you have  to do in advance is like a mortgage or a car   and i appreciate your belief in me as a creator  let's go rook f6 now i don't want to trade   the king is in the middle i want as many pieces  on the board as i can possibly get to maximize the   pressure here i'm obviously not worried about this  in fact as my queen pressures this bishop how can   it still maintain defense because let me tell you  something if the queen goes here and i can bring   my queen back to create threats aren't i just  winning don't i have just too many threats period   like for example i'll give you an example  i take rook takes and then i bring the   the queen back i'm just winning like rook takes   oh my bishop is hanging not now but i'm  just saying if i bring my queen back what   if here take check or check check and  then i t what is going on in this game   okay no checks for my opponent that's  the good thing this is such a crazy well it's because i played the sicilian play   the sicilian if you enjoy games like  this it's a bitter fight to the death you told somebody have a good day at the  start of the game and he aborted instantly i mean yeah i would too i'm a you know we don't  we don't what is this niceness i think people can   be nice to each other still thanks reinbach  for the 15 months white has a mate in four   if you could find a maiden 4 here for  white i'll give you 10 million dollars   forced not black just throws black throws  probably even faster okay wait here here here   no i want this one i want the king in  the open i don't want the king hiding   be a man come on king c3 what are you  thinking about what you got two moves   what's the big what's the what's that of course  you play king c3 don't even think about it king c3   any tips on how to improve memory no that's  a better question for google honestly i'm not   even trying to be like sarcastic i i don't know  honestly i would tell you but i'd have to kill you   thanks squalor goblin appreciate  it very much long time no see i can change my plan now instead of taking  this i can go check only move check only move   check and i win the queen i don't have to take  the bishop anymore although actually taking this   wait if i take this there's still rookie for i  can't go rookie for now no but let's just go here   uh and then let's go rook c8 and we're  winning wow what a game what a weird game wow also queen b6 king a4 queen a6 queen a5  no but this is the uh wow that's a nice idea wait did i also have like some queen eight mate  can i like i don't know let's just go here uh   crazy thing is like this is not  so easy it's not so easy still oh oh my god oh my god what am i doing  oh my god this has been a really weird   okay well now i can go here but it's  trying to mate me this is so not nice   oh no see now there's a mate which is not nice i can't believe i missed queen d2 i keep  telling you guys look it's cause of time   but it's a very bad game of time management  for me i'm not managing my time well   no guys the queen d2 here is is no  good because of back rank mate but   if i if i create a lift if i create a i  had queen d2 again but there was rook c3 oh wait a minute wait a minute what am i doing  wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute i could   have went here here and then a5 what am i doing  i could have gone here here a5 deflecting the   king from the rook and then the king goes here and  then i take the bishop because the rook is blocked   unbelievable i mean this is like a  monumental level throw of of of sorts   okay let's take d7 no i mean i deserve  to lose this game i'm playing like a   let me take with check hold on a second  let me take with check what is going on   check and i'm winning the pawn oh my goodness and  now oh and now everything falls oh my god oh my   god oh gosh i i never want to look at this  game again let me just finish this game off   let me just i'm gonna the the the last  uh cherry on top here is i find a way   to stalemate oh my goodness i don't deserve this  game i don't even wanna it was a good game though it's a good game very competitive played  the four nights my opponent should go study   the line here that's how you if you're gonna  play the open sicilian uh with cd4 knight d4   you've gotta have your lines down and um  yeah so the fox got kicked out of the den   and also flushed down the toilet it was a good  game honestly if you just follow the the analysis   of that game start to finish you know navigating  the middle game uh expanding with the pawns   and then just decision making trying to manage  your time better as horribly as i did that   uh my opponent never had a no my opponent  never had a mate because he was in check   he was always in check that whole time so super cow let's play d4 uh the fox has retaken to then yes exactly okay  d4 knight f6 now i'm going to play trompowski i   never play this but d4 knight f6 bishop g5 is  called the trumpowski it targets then i don't   have six immediately um d5 and now the point is  that you take and you damage the pawn structure g takes f6 interesting so what you do here is  you play e3 and you're going to try to play c4   i'm going to try to regroup on the on the dark  squares in the center e5 wow am i playing a real person wow i know i have when i say  i never play this i meant in uh the climb   i've never played this in the climb can i play  c4 and shred it open so here's the thing these   pawns notice by the way i'm not again i'm  not just taking the first thing that i see   because i don't want to undouble my opponent's  structure i would much rather these pawns go   this way so that this and this is doubled forever  doubled and isolated so that it looks terrible my opponent is 1660 and rapid but doesn't play a lot of rapid so this person  could very well be a lot stronger than rap than   than their rating reflects so we'll need to  just assume we're playing like a grandmaster okay what are we thinking about here my opponent says i play on lea chess and i'm  2100. i don't play on chess like how much sorry   okay 2100 liches is like 900 so i guess 1600 is inflated that's a joke okay no there's no queen a4 check first  of all chat you're very selfish   constantly looking at your own  ideas when you yourself are in check   uh stop it pay attention to what  they're threatening to let's go a3 let's go here here guys it's not there's there's no  just knight c6 that's knight c6 chat   that's knight c6 queen a4 knight c6 there is no  there's no there's no fork i promise okay that   was a very long i asked my opponent what their  account on leachate says they haven't told me yet ah now they did let's go verify this rapid 1900 yeah well two they said  2100 2100 was a little bit of a stretch mr 1990 ah classical classical okay okay okay okay okay  conversation is over it's time to play chess let's   play chess so the trompowski with g takes f6 and  black trying to attack the center like this it's   all about how the pawns are transformed and how  the pieces are traded and we noticed that we have   messed up our structure a tiny bit but we still  have a lot of pawns very solidly in the center   my opponent meanwhile has got a very bad pawn  structure a lot of weaknesses but counterbalancing   that with like like we've been saying open  lines um speaking of open lines the thing is   this move prevents me from moving my bishop out  uh at the same time i could have gone g3 and i   might do that because this is destabilized which  i it's a word i love to use but this can't really   be like exploited because they can't put any  more pressure and if i just get this in castle right so okay i mean don't take because the knight  comes in so just go bishop g2 stable solid you'll   notice chat members dearest members of the chat i  have traded off my dark square bishop and you will   notice if you look that every single pawn that  i have is on a dark square to counter balance   the fact that my dark square bishop is absent  from the game knight to h4 attacking the f5 pawn   isn't bad my only concern is that if queen  f6 defending where the hell is my knight   going for the rest of the game so it's a very  short-sighted move knight h4 i'm not saying you're   a short-sighted person when i say that i'm  just simply saying the knight going to h4 might not have such an effect it just might not now there goes the queen anyway  now i want to expand maybe like this because my   knight is protecting this pawn so i'm expanding  a little bit it's the first pawn very brave pawn the first pawn that's not on the dark  square thank you for the 5 donation 41   sabbath says your content helped me  a lot my content helped me a lot too   not really because i'm  losing 200 rating points but um 1997 nissan central says i'm six foot  three don't you dare call me shortsighted aren't you a car how can you be a six foot three car just saying i don't i was actually walking down the street and i was walking by all these cars  i was like cars are short man   i'm five foot nine all right i i need an advantage  over anybody i can find an advantage over so you know i was looking at these cars like damn they're kind  of short all right any threats maybe pawn attack   in the future i gotta i gotta go do some damage  over here somehow i think my opponent wants to   go knight to f6 somehow what about pawn in the  center a pawn break in the center how do we feel   about that you like that i don't know because i  think this is gonna happen no matter what i do i i like it because i think when this trade occurs  i i activate a rook which is very good for me   maybe i should have played a few moves to  anticipate the king going in this direction you know i should have been like oh the king's in  the castle queen side yeah so of course i'm gonna   but now now this is still good for me i think  this trade i still like it i have good pressure i mean queen a4 looks nice but then just king  to b8 again i think if you ever want to attack   a king that's castled you gotta go you gotta  let the small dudes go first i mean it's like   a you know metaphor for life why did they always  send the poor in the words of system of a down   why don't presidents fight the war  why do they always send the poor system of a down was right is right man i like got a binge uh listening session of  system of a down recently i could have played   a6 but bishop c6 i'd rather chip away we'll  just keep we just keep going keep chugging   keep chugging along here shredding open the  position send 70 year old presidents to war   it was it was a it was a joke a guy who got very  offended by my comment why do we fight war anyway that's a topic for a different day bishop to d5 yeah okay i'm  gonna keep keep shredding okay chat chat's having a good conversation about  war queen c2 rook c1 checkmate is it gonna happen   i think we did a pretty good job here  throwing all of our pawns forward   opponent is two moves away from having  a very strong attack of their own rook c1 this is the plan here attacking yeah pressure the juicer exactly in the  words of philosopher hikaru nakamura queen b2 oh man what a weird i mean it feels like   i'm so close but i i need like  more juice i need more juice somehow uh oh i'm in danger i want to take take let's  think about this take take d5   no no i don't think i'm in danger actually i think  my opponent is in danger if anybody's in danger   d5 first see i'm winning a tempo  so i'm opening up sacrificing   this bishop's gotta get activated maybe here maybe queen e5 dude make a move yeah let's activate the bishop this was honestly  a sacrifice just to open my queen's line of sight   and then maybe rook c1 queen e5 it feels like  despite me being a pawn down i have very good   sustained pressure on the right targets if  the knight moves i have queen to b8 yeah so   the threat is not a check which gives me a full  turn to come up with a defensive response here rook f1 looks really good uh rook f1 looks  really good queen e5 looks good so this still   has sights and this is the current threat so for  example queen e6 here is a good move for black queen e6 will probably the good thing  about queen e6 is that i have queen f4 i will play knight f1 at a certain moment  yes like if i have to play this move i will   if i have to play this move i will another good  idea for me is that this move doesn't again it's   not a check queen d6 i loses because i  just take and i can take this so take   so very easy take and i take the  horse so the pressure paid off and   now we're winning but there is this  and if i take there is this hitting gotham if he played queen e6 you  could have pinned with the bishop   and a queen correct that's why  i did the whole thing because i it's still not easy still not easy wait you pronounce the r in three in french it's traw wait how  do you say it how would it be pronounced it's straw wait it's onto trou oh it's like the all right guys i'm sorry stop it y'all not catching this fool i will have you know i got a phd in french getting backseated by like a 14 year  old kid who only speaks american enough i'm gonna bring my king take e4 pawn no i'm pinned   i can't take e4 yet but what  i can do is activate my king and the king has made it all the  way baby king's gone all the way   all the way to the middle you'll notice that  i activated my king i'm gonna go rook h6 sounds like a very aggressive spit take the bishop  okay i will play rook to h5 say knight chavel hey i gotta not lose my pawn  i need this cavalier cavalier   chevelle is a is a french guy telling you  to shovel snow i want you to shovel the snow oh chevelle is horse oh i was right i  want you to shovel the driveway because   there is a lot of snow on it okay i'm  going to stop before i get cancelled let us attack the rook push the pawn and bring the king  everybody gets a turn check bring the king fork that took a long time but we won and it was worth  it took a long time good game super cow you were   quite super that was an intense game and you  know the craziest thing is we have one more   it's gonna be the longest how to  win a chess episode ever here we go never mind red panda 1705 has skipped out on  today's session so that entire sign that i put up   was just for nothing red panda is not here we end  with super cow hope you enjoyed if you've made it   this far in the episode if you made it this far  on the stream you're still here but and i love   you for being here if you made it this far on the  youtube video you're not yet subscribed go do that   got a lot of other playlists for you to enjoy  so far this is episode five but hopefully we're   like 10 months in the future we have a lot more  take care be nice be kind keep winning at chess
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 1,084,878
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Keywords: Gotham Chess gives lessons, Gothamchess lessons, gothamchess openings, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess guide, gothamchess e4, gothamchess, gothamchess rating climb, chess rating ladder, climbing the rating ladder, chess speedrun, daniel naroditsky speedrun, gmhikaru speedrun, e4 rating climb, d4 rating climb, chess openings for beginners, chess lessons for beginners, london opening chess, how to win at chess, how to get better at chess, win at chess, winning at chess
Id: i94pEwDhJCg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 54sec (6114 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 14 2021
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