Becoming The Supply of Heaven (Part 1) | Kingdom Talks - Chris Blackeby & Gil Hodges

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talking about things we haven't talked about yet we haven't discussed it but we'll get started right after this welcome to kingdom talks where we engage leaders teachers creative artists and everyday people in conversations that awaken listeners to new revelations of the kingdom age all of our courses community conversations partnership links and much more can be found on our website kingdom talks now enjoy the show all right hey everybody we've got chris blackaby here and um chris just want to you know find out a little bit about your background and what's going on we shared a little bit last time you were on the show but um tell us a little bit about who you are where you've been and what's going on right now in your life because i know you're doing a lot of traveling yeah so i moved to america i did seven years on the road pretty much about five of those seven years i was actively moving around the nations and i finally thought i'm going to move to the usa i'll get myself an apartment i'll go to a local church because when you're traveling you don't have one right i have a pastor i thought that's amazing and i arrived here on january the 17th and then god asked me in the dream if i keep traveling for him keep moving i said yes not knowing what that would entail and uh on the first of march i packed all my belongings again into the same suitcase last seven years and uh into a camaro i took off i started driving and i've been driving since the first of march i've done about maybe 15 000 miles at least oh my goodness not including flights cars not including flights so does that include uh i mean have you actually driven back and forth from coast to coast have you yeah i've drove from l.a to orlando atlanta to above detroit above detroit to seattle and now i'm driving from seattle back to washington dc again so i've gone wow uh across wise three times by in another week coast to coast three times so you said you're going to washington dc oh yeah now are you i guess you're not going there for what is it that's going on right now the return no no no no okay okay that will be over i'll be there election weekend we can leave the election i'll be there yeah that's going to be a very interesting time yeah do you feel like you have an assignment there i feel well just your audience is an accepting audience oh absolutely yeah yeah absolutely yeah so there are things which are graced like before the foundation of the world you decided to bring something to earth and then you get born into some australian body that you know maybe likes himself or doesn't like themselves and all these things and forensically look at the evidence in your life and you can see that god treats you very differently than how you see yourself yeah and god's got me there that weekend uh wasn't my doing and because what is assigned to me and what happens in the atmosphere when i'm present just by my being there because of who i was before the foundation no no good discipline on my behalf just have to see the evidence and accept the fact that my presence does shift things and so god's got me in just outside in virginia uh for that weekend for a reason yeah okay okay well that's that's good to know and i do like where you're going with that so i mean you're asking about the audience and how they would they would they would love to learn more and understand more of what you're saying um about you know what how you were created before the foundations and coming here and you're impacting the earth yeah so i don't know if you want to say a little bit more yeah absolutely it's actually it's foundational there's a few foundational understandings for me of scripture which are completely missing in church life and because those foundations aren't there we can't build on them so you can never walk in the full and substantial christ in your lifetime because you don't know what you're created to be yeah so before the foundation the world you knew god which means you had an intimate relationship with him so you're one but you're separate and like marriage is the metaphor for that we're returning to that but you know greater measure yeah and i believe you decided you received a mandate to come to earth to reveal a certain aspect of the manifold glory and wisdom of our father yep and to release it into this earth and you inherit a set of dna and then you're overcoming that dna's certain issues okay and everyone's got a certain set of dna you inherited um in your overcoming you release that which is the same as the israelites taking the land the giants yeah because giants has bad dna so you're overtaking bad dna yeah and rewriting another sound and as you do that uh you release the the certain aspect of god you're called to do on the earth and that's not christianity right yeah you can be a great christian but never fulfill what you're called to be and normally what you're called to be is the desire of your heart and christianity would probably not let you pursue the desire of your heart you must release your true sound yeah yeah well have you ever heard of a book called the soul's remembrance no i haven't okay so that's an interesting book and i'm trying to remember the author um maybe it'll come to me but uh they're actually written back in 1992 right so you know way before this movement has you know really took you know uh where the rubber myth the road and we really took off with this whole movement um and it's all about how this this one man had asked that his uh gift would be that he would remember what it was like before and how he chose and it's very detailed about how he chose to come here and he even chose the challenges that he would face while he was here so it takes away the whole victim mentality it's controversial ideas i i believe that um that's my belief i wouldn't argue it i wouldn't lose a friendship over it right right i certainly believe that uh i chose to inherit the results of generational generations of uh that's now part of this dna set and its challenges and but all the grace and resources for me to do that is there which is the same as israelites saying i cannot or i can take that land right yeah yeah so this dna which i've inherited can move into the fullness of statue of christ in its lifetime which is to be transfigured right the risen christ the same resurrection life he has yeah yeah that's very spiritual that's uh sounds like the bible and so and uh roman six and so i can do it and as shut down if if i met a girl from kazakhstan and she became a christian and i said so you can clearly see in the spirit yeah i said but you could clearly see in the spirit before you got saved she's like yeah like and because their ancestors never said you can't we're our ancestors right through um uh our lineage of christianity from augustine right through to yours and mine whatever yours were your calvaristic background i can tell by your facial structure and whatever mine were they all said the only angel you can listen to here is the devil or gabriel and our ancestors went ah okay yes and click click click that record goes in shuts us down and what uh what what we see is spiritual maturity it's not but it took me 30 years to be able to see in the spirit and see these things and do these things yet some person in kazakhstan gets saved goes ah steps right yeah steps right in and they can see look because their ancestors never said you couldn't yeah our sister said we could and so it's very hard for us sometimes we get saved we come into this movement and there are some people who just naturally see everything and perceive everything but if you compare it's going to steal your joy of what you're called to overcome what you can and and you can that's the same israelites as joshua's saying we can take that land yeah and it has been given to us it's my rest to open up this dna as i look at my life experience i think that my ancestors they must have cursed god like to his face like mr inherited it did not like god it uh didn't believe in anything spiritual it didn't doesn't believe in anything subjective uh if i'm trained as an accountant uh if life was southern baptist uh seminary uh and that was christianity i would be there king like yeah i'd race through the top of the ranks of everything i'm staying for everything explanation everything but no relationship no intimacy no subtlety no mystery and certainly not engaging relationally with the cloud or heaven yeah well i'm i'm just sitting here thinking like there's a zillion different tracks we could go off onto right now just because i i love the the whole aspect of us understanding well number one just understanding who we are and and you know for my for me my perspective has been that um you know the bible says that god is love god is light god is fire god is um spirit yes and then the bible says that we are spirit and that we are light but it doesn't say that we are love and it doesn't say that we are fire so when it says that we are created a little lower a little less than part of what that means to me is that part of the reason we're here is to learn to love learn to love well and and then i think you know in some ways we we do become that fire and i kind of wonder that when you were saying that's why you're going to dc is you're carrying a certain level of fire that is meant to affect that area yeah so two things to well that's what you brought up is actually a very important concept and there's no mistake you did but first of all so you're called to release something on the earth and let's just point this as a metaphor in heaven there's a storehouse anonymous written guild yeah call your real name and i've been there yeah oh well that's another interesting thing you know that the whole idea of my name you know a lot of people get new names gil in hebrew is joy oh really i so well joy's a technology from the tribe of jasher and i can tell you story after story in the heavens of engaging as king of joy a king of joy not the king but a king of joy and so it's like my parents somehow got gave me the right name in the first place wow um it is interesting is it jasher yeah when the tribes is connected to joy and they bring a dimension anyway that's going let's go another direction so um let's stay on track so there's a storehouse with gil written on it and everything that storehouse is already yours you agree to it but only sits on gil being his true self his true sound right it doesn't sit on a good christian that's it an american doesn't sit in the mail it doesn't sit on the pastor it does sit on the mystic it doesn't sit on anything it sits on gill being who is who he said he'd be before the foundation of the world and that probably is the desire of your heart if you ask most christians today god said right now choose the desire of your heart i'm backing it i wouldn't even know what to do because i haven't himself permission to dream or think about it or some people would know yeah actually i've always wanted to do this but it's so poorly formed because they haven't let it marinate and imagine and a structure come out because god's not that good to them which is the life yeah but absolutely getting back to that fire because i'd stay on that fire okay so in salvation your spirit set right and you're like done but fire so spirit and light but fire and love is maturity yes which is crossing the jordan into the promised land which is going through the curtain or going through the flame back into eden yeah yeah the same frequency of the flame all those things are the baptism of fire and you can choose it willingly now or it might happen quicker later which i i prefer to choose it willingly right right but you're choosing to become love yeah and that is the most important thing for the church in america right now because um a certain frequency set of of another father which is the devil is now really leveraging for control of america and if the church is attached to that which it is unfortunately they'll go with it and a very quick summary of that is um if you don't understand that jesus died before the foundation from the world that is life for the financial world for nancy pelosi and he loves her completely and he just wants her salvation and antifa just lost kids yeah he lays life down for them and black lives matters and other things if your heart's not lay its life down your heart we have a judgment which is what the blood of abel cries out for yeah yeah and and you'll get caught in the same frequency set and you'll go with them maybe you become you have to die to that desire for justice which is inaccurate on one plane but it's not heaven's point of view that they want everyone to be saved and all those people it doesn't matter what they've done right it doesn't matter what they've done and all the people you think they're gonna be exposed and you know um it's all gonna come out what they've been involved in okay well the blood of christ paid for it all right and we mean if if epstein was here he needs the love of the father yes that's what he needs well and so when you say this uh and i don't know where you you would stand with us but you know we've been having ecclesia meetings online with people all around the world and we've been engaging you know with the elections we've been engaging you know but we go to the father to see what he's doing we don't just assume to that we know best we know he knows best yes so um and i just have been totally amazed and and i love what people saw in one of our uh ascensions just recently where um people were seeing ruth you know the the supreme court justice that just passed away and seeing her in her light and in her glory realizing the wrong that she had done and also realizing who she was supposed to have been and that she was ready to pass her mantle on to the next person to accomplish what she was meant to do which you know if she had been serving father you know so it just is interesting to see you know it's that redemption process and now you know i'm i don't get hung up on the timetables and everything else i mean you know we we could be seeing this in heaven and it's maybe a thousand years from now that she's realizing this or whatever who knows but i believe that that's real because i do believe in the redemption of all people and that that father wants that person to be brought back and that i just don't believe there's anyone that can resist his love and that once on the other side of the veil without the deception without the deceiving uh lies that uh you know having all that removed that that person gets to see father without the without the veil and that that love would just immediately been begin to permeate every fiber of their being and it would change them that that's my personal opinion obviously i can't prove that i i can't it would integrity i can't speak to that i don't i'm that side the veil yeah and so i'm gonna have to let that sit with you yeah on that one yeah and i know what my role is in the body and that's to be like my father in heaven who sends rain on the good and evil yes the just and unjust if you do these things you'll be a true son of his father yeah that's good it's good well hey let's take a break and uh we'll come back right after this hey there thank you for joining kingdom talks we are taking a short break to share with you the life-changing online course called ultimate impact gil and adina do an amazing job taking the complicated and making it simple and applicable for your life ecclesia groups are using this course to shift their thinking into the next stage paradigm yeshua spoke of power authority love and oneness that we have yet to walk in so if you're ready to deconstruct limiting beliefs in order to step into what father is doing now this course is for you sign up today at under the courses tab now back to the show all right we're back with chris and chris i am i'm enjoying the conversation and you know what i what i also love about what's going on is um you know you and i don't know each other that well but we're getting to know each other a little bit now um and that uh one of the things brought up is that we're here to learn to love and you were pointing out how critical that is for the united states for me you know i feel like it's critical not just for the united states but for the entire world because i believe we have shifted into a a next stage a new age whatever and and i've done some teachings on that just the the actual shifting that has taken place in the physical that that we're feeling in our spirit and we're like what's going on and yet here's this shift that's going on and part of that shift is us i believe father is opening up the door for us to begin to understand how to love ourselves well as he loves us because that's learning our true identity and understanding how he loves us and that we step into that and say i love myself the way he created me and what i'm created for and you begin to step into that and you have none of the self-condemnation of self-judgment and that to me is what will set people free all around the earth those rioters you know like you said they don't know who they are if they knew who they are if they knew who they were they wouldn't be out there destroying other people's things and destroying other people they wouldn't they wouldn't do that i mean and that comes from loving ourselves and and the church again has taught us that we're supposed to love ourselves but then again there's this underlying thing that i'm a worm you know i'm not worthy yeah and so i i just you know i want to talk a little bit more about understanding your identity and how to love yourself because i i do believe that's a key for everyone that when we step into that it changes everything for us certainly yeah so everything reproduces after its own kind yeah yeah and you have a voice of rushing waters that is your frequency set that you are your cellular memory which is your heart okay so if i say to you gil i've all got mumps okay i say gil i'm giving you measles okay you don't get measles you get mups okay you get what they are yeah and so we want to be true sons of the father and this you can't become that doesn't matter how good a christian you are how much you fast how much you study you can only realize that god loves you for you separate from all your fruit yeah separate from your behavior absolutely and even this is hard to understand separate from your morality and your ability to hear and obey him okay absolutely when you realize god is good to you and loves you separate from the ability to hear or obey or maintain that obedience but you're loved then that's what you give away yeah yeah but if i think anything that i do uh attains to his love for me even as a subtle and it is subtle because we we do it to ourselves i can give examples in my own life that that's what i give to you well so i'm preaching to a thousand people you know i'm reproducing myself because your word is your seed okay yeah and so you're fathering male or female speaking you're fathering you're sorrying yourself messiah you're siring yourself your word goes out your sea goes out yeah lodges in people the quality of that seed is is what you are now the amazing thing is god uses very hurt broken people to bring his perfection okay which is an offense in and of itself for some people yeah well look here we are having this have this conversation here's two two people right now but uh to being loved to receive love yeah uh is the most important thing because you only give away what you've got and that's so you know what i give what i have i give to you said peter that's exactly it and to receive love is to call god good and to not receive love this is hard to understand but it's right on it's a judgment on the father's nature mm-hmm so to use that same metaphor again oh there's a pattern that all goes through goes through scripture did god really say right yeah right and if god didn't really say if he's not going to do it for you you must reach with your own hand to take it yourself yeah yeah and um and of course going across into the promised land because god said they could and they said it's too big for us we're grasshoppers and they're in their size we're small and god didn't say oh you think you're small god took it personally i said you could yeah and so what you're actually saying now it doesn't matter how you frame it is a declaration of who i am yeah so to be believed is god's love language yeah and his word that's interesting and so if he says his love so the whole idea okay has become like the father and who is the father the beloved son this is my son this is my beloved son in whom i'm well pleased but he hasn't done anything yet yeah and the next thing the devil tempts him it says are you the son of god he drops a word doesn't say you're the beloved son if you are the son a position yeah maintain it do something reach your own hand and do it and jesus replied with a word which what adam should have done yeah as reply with the word he stays at rest he's loved if you love there's nothing you can do so how do you what's beloved beloved means you're the object of someone's affections yep so you are beloved and whose are affections are you the object of the yahweh the lord most high who is your father yeah so how do you know your beloved how can you possibly know your beloved in that way well you have to sit and do nothing that's the only way because anything else you do is a trade into a system so you must just sit and let god be good to you on his character alone and then you can reproduce that later so you like your father in heaven so i've done several shows this last week and and each one of them i shared some of my short fallings my short you know uh comings this last week because i got so tied up you know with all the studio stuff i got so tied up in all the doing that i really lost the rest and that and i know i know that rest is absolutely key in staying connected in intimacy with the father yes and so it really um you know it blindsided me you know and i think that's that's the only way that the the devil or the darkness can really get to those of us who have been walking with the father for a long time the only way he can really get to us is with a subtle blind side because you know if he comes on a front number one we we know who we are and we can just no no no say no and that's all there is to it but when he subtly creeps in and he gets us to agree with these little subtle things of um you know if i don't do this you know this isn't going to get done and if i don't do this then you know it becomes that measuring up thing and um and that's what i had done you know for about a week i was slowly letting that creep in yeah and um wednesday i finally realized i'm like oh man father what are you doing and he says nothing that's exactly what i got he said nothing yeah and then but i still erred because i turned around and i convinced him to let me at least go shopping for some of the stuff i knew i needed idle in the heart and father will give you the idol in your heart yeah yes so if you answer you according to the other of your heart exactly and that's exactly what he did so i'm i'm shopping looking for stuff and i cannot find half the stuff i need and i have asked people i'm up and down the aisles and but i at least finally realized okay i don't need to do this i can just step into a place of rest and and i shoved the card aside and i said i'm just gonna let it go put the card aside was walking out and father goes well there's that stuff you need and there's the other stuff you need i'm like holy cow i was looking and looking to look and couldn't find it and now once i went into that place of rest he just says there it is there it is go ahead perfect so i i love the way the father works but that key is the rest it really is important so i love that and i love that father you know i don't know you that well and you know i've listened to some of your stuff but you know that you would speak of rest so many other people i know of speak of rest that that is the key if you do one thing learn to rest well certainly and you can only rest if you know you're loved yeah if you're not loved then god wouldn't do that for you yeah if god's not doing it for you you'll need to do it yourself yep so receiving the fact that you're loved yeah and you have to um sacrifice and submit every conclusion and evidence you have in your life to show you're not loved and there are some real legitimate things that happen in people's lives they can bring a folder this thick and present it for the courts of heaven and so here's the evidence i'm clearly not perfect or beautiful in your sight and this evidence which is a real thing it's a rule and some it's very painful you hand it in say i forego my right my demand over these things i'm going to choose that the word is true against all my interpretations my soul which is to engage in effort and makes a judgment according to knowledge of good and evil and put that aside and just say okay i'll let you love me yeah and no flesh you know the high priest wasn't allowed to sweat because no human effort that's it you know i didn't even think of that yeah yeah that's good so there's no effort in heaven that and that that is so absolutely gonna bring having the earth it can't be effort from the promise work 18 hours it doesn't matter adam and eve worked what did they do they governed the natural produce of eden they had a job yeah but eden produced right right governing natural growth yeah yeah and that's us because they had to go back to um working adam for the sweat of his brow against thorns and thistles he produced yeah so second atom last album thorns and thistles is the brow blood that's over and if you so choose that's your comment and who you think god is you never have to work for provision again this is a big concept yeah and i it's going to take some extrapolation on that i'll probably start now conversation or a commentary but from the provision in that god will look after you you can work 20 hours you can work 100 hours you can work whatever you know in governing the kingdom coming yeah but in that fruit of the kingdom coming you are in your life you then become the provision like your father so your father's jehovah jorah okay you know grant me like your dad you're killed jara and you are now going to become the provision so the church is hunkering down right now bracing themselves this onslaught of demonic activity in america and uh locking through the way and getting guns and which is a is wise at one level okay but is the risen christ doing that on the earth exactly it must be the provision for these people their food supplies are failing glory right but if you're fail of heaven and you can be full of heaven yeah then you become the supply for all these lost hurt people yeah no i i love that and and you know my wife and i have always uh been ones to just say you know if father leads us to do that then okay we'll do that but if he's not leading us to go stock up and whatever then we're not gonna we're not gonna do that yeah um stocking up is wise may i say yeah um it's not fearful you still won't be shopping when fearful people are shopping right exactly you're right now it's going to take you an hour but come november it might take you five hours exactly yeah and so i've even told my wife and again anybody listening that you know moses prepped yeah because it was called winter joseph was told the whole nation to prep okay prepping is fine it's just who's your source and where's your rest exactly and are you prepping exactly to hunker down and protect yourself or you know are you still going to be god's my supply yes and you're going to be provisioned for other people in that time yeah yeah and then that's that's so key you know just that we whatever you do do what the father is doing and i i feel very comfortable right now stocking up on a few things because i i feel that is you know what he is leading us to do it's like writing on the wall is like it doesn't matter which way this election goes there's a fair amount of quite a potential for some craziness to break loose and you're praying against it yeah yeah i know i know it and it's good to pray against it and to minimize these things yeah um but there's some things that must come to pass exactly and uh the wheat and the tares must grow up together and come to full fruition before they're taken out and this is hard for people to understand uh but if the risen christ was on earth he wouldn't be that concerned and guess what that's who uh you're the risen christ yeah well and just with that whole thing of the to me i believe that the harvest is ripe i believe it is very it's ripening because what we're seeing are the two sides the tares and the wheat are coming out very strong you'll be given an opportunity to make a clear decision yeah and it will be attached to who is your source that's your father and your source in the world you have to give up more and more of who you are and your sovereign right as a human being to follow the food yeah and the source the protection or you have to choose god is your protection and the father will protect you and it will come to a place like this like meshach shadrach and the bed that go he our lord is god most high and he'll save us if he doesn't he's still almost high exactly and but that's that's a rest yes that's a complete rest and i'm going to listen to the word the word will provide the words invisible relies on his character because we can't see it and taste and touch it we'll reach for something but that's something we reach for as an either will take us down to death and so they're going to i don't i've met this i watch every i've got a finance background i can see exactly what they're doing what the fed's actually doing today and what this thing up for and that's a whole nother conference but the point is there's one one fight one punch there's one answer okay believe god in his word and that he will provide for you yeah and until you manage from heaven i'm telling you close the cupboard open the cupboards i'm telling you that you are people won't need to eat uphill trucks will arrive and deliver food what truck you know it doesn't matter he will answer according to your faith and some people with their faith is like we're starving we need food god will bring them food other people like i can live communion for 10 years according to your faith he'll be good yep according to your confession he's gonna look after his children but we'll need to choose him as our source yeah otherwise you'll go to an idol and the idol will take you the way of its father which is satan which is death yeah yeah so we're going to go ahead and uh in this section but i love what we've been talking about so uh in part two definitely would like to go down that road a little bit more on the provision side because i think people need to hear some practical steps definitely okay good yeah so we'll we'll do that and um if you're watching and you'd like to see this whole thing in its entirety you can go to and uh click on the partnership button and go to the partnership there and it's the behind the scenes one so look for that and we will catch you next time blessings thank you thank you for taking time out to listen to kingdom talks you can find out more about kingdom talks media and our mission to unite in faith and grow as mature sons at kingdom talks media please continue to like subscribe and share with your friends you can find us on facebook youtube spreaker spotify itunes fringe radio network and many more places go to our website to find links to all of our media outlets as well as fantastic online courses and conferences including the 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Channel: Kingdom Talks Media
Views: 8,745
Rating: 4.9272728 out of 5
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Length: 33min 37sec (2017 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 15 2020
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