Chris Blackeby - as He is Ministries

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hello guys welcome facebook family you guys are probably just as surprised as i am as you see here i have a visitor sitting with me someone that has an intense revelation of jesus jesus's life inside of him jesus himself living through christ walking in the earth like the christ yeah so i'm very familiar with chris blackaby as he is ministries chris would you introduce yourself yeah certainly hi my name is chris blackaby i'm from australia as you can tell and i have a ministry called as his ministries i'm currently in usa i got here january 17 last year and so i'll probably leave mid-march i've been here for just over a year and two months roughly and uh it's been an amazing time and so you live here now well i was i tried to base myself here but i think i'll need to leave for a year and dream it pull up again and try and come back maybe like this year or early next year awesome awesome thank you i'm so thankful you're here if i could keep you i would okay yeah so there's some things within his ministry i could um there's so many directions i want to go but there is a there's something that he preaches on called the 30 60 100 fold gospel and i'm probably going to butcher it but i just want to share there's there's different series you preach on 30 60 100 fold new creation reality five balls of genesis who's your daddy that that's you yeah yeah so i just want to talk about the 30 60 100 fold first can you explain what that is after you explain i just want to share why i love it okay yeah certainly so um jesus in mark 4 talks about sodium reaping and he says that if you don't understand this parable you won't understand any of the parables which are about the kingdom basically it's very important to understand this parable and there's three soils which produce no fruit and there's three soils that do produce fruit and that works with any promising scripture so we're talking about salvation here uh that's our seed which is the word the gospel goes into soil and it takes hold when you hear the truth and you hold it which everybody hi bo everybody on this um feed will i assume has uh believed in the gospel then you are going to produce 30 60 100 full fruit return and the seed's the same the gospel's the same you receive the person of jesus the christ the word in you so everybody receives the same fruit but the life they produce from there is very different as you can see in people's lives and the only difference is the condition of the soil that's the only difference the soil as jesus explains in mark 4 is the condition of your heart and basically good soil says that god is good and everybody's response to the gospel is just simply actually their declaration of how good is god that's that's what it is so some people receive the gospel and they say jesus take away my sins uh and i'll try and be as godly as i can on this earth and i'll see him in heaven and that's a thirty fold return the thirty folds a lot that's good like that's a great return and that's their declaration how good god is god will do that for me he would take away my sins he would uh replace me wherever you understand the mechanism of the cross but he gives me access to the father through his blood cleaning my chest and i'll see him when i die i need this physical body and maybe he'll send me some miracles look after me on this earth that's the third fall return and they're saved they're born again and god loves them dearly and then there's some other people i just want to highlight something here as you're describing just this bit you're not doing it from a judgmental angle at all you're saying it still has glory which is amazing that you can even see glory in it oh absolutely they received the work of christ there's uh um that would uh do that for them and that his word is true so yeah it's it's a miracle yeah that's the miracle of salvation yeah yeah they're born again they're as soon as you receive the gospel you are made righteous you receive christ and here's your righteousness and that's how every person who just received christ must be understood yeah but see that's not that's not common usually when you when you have a gospel you say i'm right and you're wrong we have it all together and you don't and you're missing it so i just want to highlight that point that you're making about the 30-fold gospel this message and then go into the 60 and then the 100. but this message will keep you from um saying i'm good you're bad we're right you're wrong this message will let you honor people and see god in them so yeah please continue yeah hello to the millers um so uh that's a response and that's a three-fold response and that's what the word of the gospel has gone into your heart and you didn't die didn't get taken by birds it stayed in let's produce the thief of return and you've done that you'd be very very happy it's a good decision and then there's a 60-pole response and that is to not only receive this new creation but to believe that god would send his spirit to live inside you and he will empower you to perform miracles signs and wonders and operate in supernatural gifts which we call pentecostal or charismatic and and these people love ministry and they minister and so not only are they born again and will go to heaven but on earth they want to do the work of christ on the earth and the holy spirit empowers them to do this and uh and we get lots of supernatural things and lots of missionaries from this group and that is uh a 64 response which is a much higher response to just receiving the salvation i'll see you later the receipt of salvation now god himself empowers them using anointings and giftings we still like jackets that come upon you you've got a gifting to do certain things and you can work with these things become mature in these things and really bless the earth and show aspects of the nature of god or aspects of the kingdom to people depending on what swiss jacket you have that's a 65 response and to the the church's mindset this 65 response is the highest most amazing thing on earth if you can be on earth and be an apostle or you can prophesy we can heal somebody or the gold standard if you raise someone from the dead that is by that power of a gifting or a jacket or an anointing then you are living in the ultimate expression of christianity on the earth but what we must understand is um let's go to 100 first and then this will cost you something uh yes because um we're gonna have a fold and yeah and then we'll go up and down yeah you can see it just how consistent it is across scripture and once you see it you can't unsee it so tune out now if you want to live in blissful ignorance but after this it can't be unseen so there's a hundred fold and a hundred fold is uh the best way to frame it up is this everything religion told you you could have when you die you can go to heaven you can meet the apostle paul you can uh live your spirit being you'll be sinless you'll have complete access to god and all his kingdom you'll have a new nature you'll be uh expressing a brand new nature um without entanglement of sin and all these things that this thing that said everything you thought would happen to you when you die you can have now and that's the hundred-fold in case you've got 30 that's excuse me 30 60 100 yeah so you've got body soul spirit your allocore inner core holy holies and what you'll notice the alcohol intercourse holy holy is a very excellent image that god has given us for the temple where the temple so the temple where the temple there's very one-to-one ratio there's no mysteries here um had a curtain between the inner courts the soul and the holy polis and when you're a christian that curtain is ripped and jesus becomes one the true living way the true living curtain okay so now we can access the spirit we live in spirit and we start living like a spirit being we live and you can do what a spirit being can do and the matter is you are born again you were a living being and now you're a life-giving spirit first album was a hopefully my scriptures my first adam was a a reasonable soul he's a theological term a passion of scripture the second adam is a life-giving spirit and you are a life-giving spirit that's what you are you're not a living being a human being you don't regard us as humans anymore it says on one insect corinthians 5 we must regard jesus as a human we don't regard him as human anymore my mind be speaking like this we are no longer humans where a new creation will exist now never existed before and what you are is a spirit being that is already raised and seated in heavenly places in christ you're already there your spirit being you live in those resources so now it's going to run up and down these 3 1600 over and over again and uh it's just it's just so clear once you see it okay so 30-fold they're body christians okay they believe very much the material world the body world the physical world the first realm we're going to call it that and um so their expression of their christianity is very body they love jesus and they're saved and so they do stuff with their body so they make soup kitchens they give physical food to physical people or blankets they love building buildings they have great buildings these guys they love their buildings and and uh they're everything to do with their body so they take their physical body into a physical church and stand up sit down deal stand up sit down kneel at the right time and they leave the physical ability and that's how i expressed that christianity by going to a building is very important to them and it's very symbolic we're together we're a family they worship together and um have some real good strong points and also physical is very important so how you dress physical clothes on you and your physical body parts are very important to them then that defines many things that they believe okay and then 60 fold which is the charismatic pentecostal movement is very soul orientated about what you believe is about faith it's about believing and it's about experience it's about having a relationship with god as their songs are emotive you know in a good sense i'm not it's not bad at all and they want to have a relationship with god so it's three folks think about god sixtyfold they sing to god yeah they sing songs to jesus it's intimate and you listen to their music and i don't want to name names because people might think i'm um dismissing them but i'm not these are i i don't dismiss my own soul i'm not a spirit man going to soul you're terrible so i can't i'm not i'm not saying to the soul church the body church you're terrible they are because jesus isn't so i look very foolish in front of jesus insulting his his bride's body and his bride's soul so to speak so you must be very careful what you say and have his attitude to them they've accepted the word they're righteous forever and so um that's uh and they love healings and they love changing their beliefs and seeing that come through so it's very soul orientated and then 100 fold is spirit orientated and i'd like to give you examples of this but there's very few examples so we have to learn we are the generation that we wish we had before us i wish someone came through and taught us this we've said we're here at this time we're going to live through the curtain and it's opposites the church thinking there's heavenly thinking there's no lack there's no death there's no sickness there's no failure there's um there's joy and peace and kindness and we live from uh the kingdom of heaven so what do you think will happen when i go to heaven i'll be like this and i'll do this okay that's that's you right now you must believe that as a child and this being brings that down from heaven to earth as we want so 30 fold is a very quick understanding they live on earth at an earth supply okay so they need a new building or they need a new stained glass window a new organ or a new car park or they want to raise money for blankets uh they have cake sales they sell physical packs for physical cash um it's one fine ratio people give money they give cash like solid dollars in you know or send money and they build buildings or fix up people's air conditioning or make people's lawns like really good stuff and that's living on earth out of earth supply that's about the wisdom you can use this very limited resource in the indian circles they've only got 2 it's a zero-sum game let's use that two thousand dollars well to honor god and give the two thousand dollars to this person i go out i go without because you know i gave that for jesus two thousand dollars to that person now they have two thousand dollars less expression of their love and how they understand it and by their faith they live according to those rules okay you know 60 fold and we'll understand this this is like a um uh like whether faith for example and so we don't we're not living on earth our earth supply we're the pentecostal charismatic with the faith church we live out of earth on earth out of heaven supply and heaven so so heaven sends stuff sends stuff down to us if we apply the 60 fold rules correctly the rules of faith those are certain reaping the rules of confession um the rules of revival if my people will call by name or will tempt their wicked ways and pray they'll kill their land that's the rules that's the mechanism to bring here's the chin and we're not living our heaven we're still living on earth we're saying heaven send things down okay so um oh do you hear myself that's so good but if but if they do it works so if you hold your faith if you hold your confession if you believe the anointing if you're seeing enough songs then it gets in the same heart and their souls are lying then they're aligned with god and and you know the stuff comes down and all their songs are like this like our praises come up you come down do not shut the heavens why because they're outside him so they're not the heavens to be shot okay so a hundredfold is living in heaven our heaven supply christ has qualified you and you've been fathered into these things if you're in the 60-fold church you only be fathered you can make a million dollars through simon reaping or a billion dollars to be signed and reaping in spiritual principles and confession but it doesn't change who you are doesn't change this thing okay so my hypothetic jacket and now i can prophesy i can prophesy for the love of god i can prophesy out of compassion i can prophesy our deeper money i can prophesy out of um control i can prophesy to get influence or favor i can prophesy for witchcraft it's just a jacket just like i get a hammer you say this is a hammer this is a gift god gave me a hammer down it comes from heaven thank you god and again god gave me a hammer and with this hammer i can build a house or i can rob a store it's just a gift depending on who i am is how it gets used how it gets used as we can see this now sometimes amazing teaching gifts we just realized one of our great teachers had a teaching gift he did very well but his personal life was just found out this this last couple of weeks was quite broken and that's a tragedy because people honored the gift i said producing bro when they found out that it had something broken behind him don't want to know just keep selling the goods bro and the trouble is uh for these people when you go to the hundredfold you have to die and rise again and you're dealing with your character okay you don't have to do a character in these areas your giftings and other things but here you're becoming like christ now because this nature in your spirit man is moving into your soul into a body it's probably of your mind you're already perfect in christ this perfection this love this kindness this joy this peace this power this authority this desire to bless your enemies this desire to look the extra mile pray for those who persecute you that's what heaven's doing heaven is just justified in the ungodly and that's what you started doing the earth okay so you watch this last election cycle and you'll see the 30 and 60 fold church and their facebook posts they are not doing whatever is doing uh they are from their point of view okay from their world view and they understand it uh and they wonder the king or the king cyrus actually used that term okay so what they're saying is uh what their frame frame up is we want king cyrus to come and rescue us now king cyrus is a time in the bible where the jews were so naughty they got taken from the land got put into another land and they needed an ungodly child um sacrificing pagan king to come and help them and that's that's the frame so that's what the church was saying we're so powerless we need a a new york democrat that calls himself a republican to come and come and save us and we did we didn't need that we needed the king we needed the king think about that we could be somewhere else we could be with the king of kings we could be kings ourselves governing but because we didn't send the love of god down just imagine this we live from the heavens point of view where we bless those who who cursed us and prayed for our enemies imagine if for eight years we prayed for the obama administration and for bible the vice president what situation we have now a different situation but we didn't okay because we're 30 and 60 we've got 100 so we started in 30 60 is the creator realms hundredfold is uncreated it's spiritual but 36 is a credit rule limited resources knowledgeable and evil they're evil we're good take this guy down and we we got the earth who forgive us forgive them who don't forgive us not forgiven that's the scripture and uh we did not forgive the democrats we held judgment against them we're forgiven from our sins for scot-free we lost free because jesus died on our behalf and their sins will hold them against them so we're going to forgive the big debt and we'll hold a small debt against them and that does not go down well in heaven and so from our worldview to the outside of heaven many limited resources and we need a political victory rather than governing the earth okay we wanted to win a short-term victory on earth with a pagan king rather than uh live from the kingdom of our nature being life-giving spirits we certainly were not life-giving spirits we don't clean myself up to the democrats during the um obama registration and we weren't like getting spirits to the democrats during the trump administration and now we're living in the fruit of what we govern and what we framed up as the most powerful beings on earth the sons of god and we decided to create what we've got now that's okay everything can be used for the goodness of god and may in this situation think hey mom and the failure of all the prophetic words um to come to pass as then as i expressed them at the time i'm against those prophets am i speaking against their prophecies i'm not annulling them i'm not critiquing them at all they have a gift before god they walk before god i'm saying the way they understood what they're hearing from heaven the way they expressed it on the earth uh didn't happen the way they understood escrow of disappointment lost soul searching and made through this may they find that they are life-giving spirits the sermon on the mount just uh what jesus said of us the similar amount you know okay so he's inviting you into something you don't have to come in if you don't want to but he's inviting you into a hundredfold you know these other things they they might give you some kind of rewards but you'll keep having to trade into these systems and and the systems he's describing you you are maintaining your own happiness it's not the joy of christ living in you i mean in some aspects it is his nature but all these things he's describing are systems you have to trade into for your own happiness and they could present some rewards that's why people do them they get into these clubs where they're right and they have a popular vote because there are justice people but it'll cost you hating another group so it's like what are you willing to trade you know into that system um there there's something way better it is available and he's presenting it chris is presenting it um this revelation has literally saved his life whatever yeah i didn't want to cut you off i just wanted to bring them into it you know yeah yeah so we're from all reality and so you can speak for a thousand hours on this you can speak on constant physics about this you can speak on how to run a school on this but how to be a parent on this like it's a frank or ball creation uh something very important uh chris flores i saw you in belgium and that uh you have chocolate so i'll be in europe later and so let's look me up let's get into contact i went to bruges with the burger just for the chocolate uh my family's confectioners has to make chocolate i think we can uh arrange the ministry chocolate arrangement oh wow wherever you want wow shout out to chris um so we've got therefore living out of earth on earth our earth supply we've got uh 64 living on earth our heaven supply i love the miracles okay and 100 fold with our heaven our cabin supply okay so heavens pay for everything so for example um you were called let's say bozon bozonia beau before the foundation of the world uh had a calling on his life to show the manifest wisdom of god for the principles and powers of this world and so before he became both a human being however you understand that to be it doesn't actually matter but both human being has a call in his life from heaven and in heaven are all the resources he needs the door with them on the boat but it's for him to be a life-giving spirit on the earth not a good baptist not a good evangelical not a good american republican not a faithful christian not a uh a pentecostal gifted christian the lessons are in heaven to be a life-giving spirit that life-giving spirit qualified by jesus alone has all the resources of heaven and what bone needs to be is that god he needs to be the life-giving spirit that just brings life so look at jesus here's a good example jesus is a son of god born from above that's what we are this is our only example so when jesus saw the woman uh called adultery he didn't go so where were you what's going on he just forgave is what life and from life he said and do it no more but life comes first or for the the parents that the money at kid you know they won't go away what do you do you watch harry potter did you did you do martial arts did you watch pokemon go like did you take him to the temples you know didn't say any of those things he just killed him bang didn't try and find the cause same as the the blind guy then trying to find the cause just healed from this overflow of resource of heaven and there's no exchange no no practices no spiritual principles do this do this without this form let's go through your childhood okay if you're outside the curtain you'll have to do those things you'll have to use spiritual principles and practices from inside the camp or from heaven having come to earth you just save you just bring life and from there you can say go and sin no more because that's what jesus did so for example a very easy example is uh if you are a chain smoking and i say okay emphysema go that's gone okay i can say and please don't smoke anymore because the emphasis will come back so there's other things involved if you if you go keep killing adultery by remove aids from your body and something else from your body and then you go back to adulthood and aids may come again it's not the curse it's just it's the rules you're engaging with okay but jesus heals okay um zacchaeus up up the tree jesus said i'm gonna come eat at your house and that is how she says i wanna give all this money i stole them back so acceptance comes for repentance and healing is unearned healing is a reward for good behavior healing is a gift of the kingdom for good people and evil people it's for everyone okay and that's who we are we whoever we send rain on the good in the evil fact jesus says if you do these things discipline a man you will be like your father in heaven who sends rain and the good and the evil the just and unjust that's what heaven is doing it's been good to everyone it's been good to nancy pelosi he's been good to donald trump it's been good too tom brady he's been good tomorrow as well yeah yeah it's been good to everyone yeah that's not what i find out hey i think that guy's wife is a witch we should take her out oh oh we could heal everyone like kill them all that god swore them out that's what we're doing we're just bringing the kingdom there's good news to all men evil men good men bad men um three-fold men 64 men uh if john mcarthur who doesn't believe in gibson or those things if he gets sick we should pray for his healing we'll command well command his healing must be as jesus would command his healing he may get healed they have no idea why that doesn't matter we're just good to everyone all the time yeah and that's what 100 is doing it's good to all uh jesus did recognize death and jesus did recognize lack and so we don't recognize death or lack either we're coming from the kingdom and so on these lower 3-fold 60-fold you can use the principles there that practices there to get ahead spiritually or physically or religiously and it doesn't change your character but from heaven god will father you into these things and you'll work on your character first it might take longer but he wants you to be like him so everything you do if it comes from heaven returns to heaven the thing swals from down here don't go back through into him so if i get a jacket here's my jacket here's my anointing jacket okay anointing comes this mantle says that chris 10 000 people will follow you okay that's written on the romantic jacket from adam nor the angels see this all the the everyone wants to see this and ten thousand people will follow me i'll do a big church he'll just grow the council will have to approve what i'm doing because they knock them out the way and then my church will have um like a business group i have a prison ministry with a young marriage group and all these things work and the work the work because this jacket says is going to work that's what this jacket says okay then i physically die i go see god i've had got this ten thousand seated church and did all this outreach and changed the community and changed the rules of the government the council had to change their rules because of us and we did a lot of establishments like that through this jacket i get there and then god says thank you because i'll take my jacket back now so my jacket goes and then my ten thousand city church went and go and say so chris do your children honor god because that's the measure for ministry if they don't want to if your children are unruly then that means you didn't father them and that was the basic standard for for ministering oh no my kids hate church nothing to do with it ah well did you bless your enemies no i smashed the democrats then cast your enemies yeah uh what else did you do uh did you talk to little children uh no did you defend uh women's rights did you justify them godly you know no do you look anything like me at all no but has a big church you look nothing like me okay and this is going to be a very serious situation whenever things go so if you source from your jacket okay or from the earth uh it stays on the earth okay and even the church is getting very much into metaphysics now but with intention and quantum mechanics and all these things they work so i can shift this my physical body okay i guess my soul can shift quantum realm stuff with that body the performing miracles by engaging in a lot of quantum understandings out there now just outside the curtain so it doesn't go back into heaven so you could achieve many things but won't pass through the fire what comes out of heaven can return to heaven let's do something from love yeah can i say something because this system you can do it if you want but the results one's pride one shame from working these systems is that right oh you understand that correctly yes so if you're outside the curtain okay you must engage in some mechanic it doesn't know whether it is a faith mechanic a belief mccabe a physical thief mechanic and if you achieve it you go into pride if you don't achieve it you've gone to condemnation just lose lose it's the knowledge is good evil you know what to do and you do it okay even principles of faith are themselves so if my child's sick and i fast for 35 days and they get healed okay because i fasted i engaged a spiritual law and i did it and i believe a heroin health banker has to check that's the rules okay engage with the rules okay your child gets sick uh you've got one child a special needs i'm not gonna make this up one child um under two uh another child going to school and um single income you have to work to pay for everything and i say hey you're one child's seriously sick just fast for 35 days that's what i did okay so then i give her a law and she'll either succeed or fail that law and she succeeds well great but now she's stuck in that system because every time she needs something she knows what to do just a fast for 35 days so i've reproduced after my own client and if she doesn't fast for 35 days and the child dies well she knew what to do and she didn't do it so guess what okay and we're using these lower laws which engage knowledge good needle if you achieve you've got the pride you don't achieve kind of condemnation and that's what you give away okay they're not wrong in themselves but if they are your source then they become where christ healed our nature and so chris how did your child get sick because jesus did it 2000 years ago that's a free gift that's what i tell it's a free gift that's what she believes he engages in that and that can only humble you receiving a free gift can only humble you by engaging in principles and practices like we we contended that we pray that we fast them okay spiritual warfare it leads to soul exhaustion and it has bad results you engage in those a good needle and then the fruit yeah this thing again here's the fruit the good nibble there's one fruit okay so if i engage the knowledge of good and evil by doing good i take the one fruits good and evil fruit it's not the good fruit and the evil fruit i take the good nimble fruit i drink from it good and eagle same time but this good the evil is coming okay and my good might be my imperial incredible spiritual standard of fasting and contending and warfaring but one day that will break when it breaks you have nothing left and all these things you're contending for are yours out the free gift of your new nature because you haven't said god is that good to give it to me for free you've gone down outside the curtain in heaven to send something down that's having to send something down by engaging as spiritual principles which any religion does so we need to leave that behind and be born again the only thing that counts is the new creation you're a new creation live like this new being that you are that god is good to out of your dna so what qualifies you for things in heaven when you're dna which is your dna that's it you're having your dna not your behavior your dna you're born here you belong here you have complete access to heaven all the time because of your new dna which is it's the word of christ you have christ's dna you can walk into heaven anytime you want you belong there now what am i doing here like this is your home and you get heaven's uh tools and resources and people because of your dna and you will be fathered into it you won't be given more than you can handle because he's a very good father on earth you can use mechanisms to get whatever you want but you don't need to talk to god so we're saying you got the mountain other people will stay down the mountain and you come back and give us stuff and that's why you have all these um powerful ministries uh that people follow uh because we love sending roses up the mountain rather us go up the mountain ourselves if you didn't go up the mountain you'll get the law you have two choices go up the mountain relationship or get the law so we don't go we have amazing gifted jacketed ministers when they get from the mountain through their jackets that's gifting their anointing we stay down and what do we get from them a rule a law this is how you be a good christian this is how you create finances this will have to position yourself for miracles this is how you position yourself for uh healings it's all true that's that's we stayed in the mountains so we get a law we get a spiritual law a correct biblical law the law is correct and biblical but in the end it will bring death because it's perfect and you can't engage it perfectly all the time with the right heart so instead of operating the lure just go up the mountain go up the mountain now for us it's just knowing that christ has stooped down man it's great he's the curtain he's taken us through we're in him we live from that place at all times in relationship and we bring this unlimited resource down to earth good news to all men we're good to the wicked we're good to the evil we're good to the good we're good to everyone we bring life life life to everyone and from this place there are little evil things happening on earth and from this place from heaven they can be judged but we're engaging in a lot of way and we say we're not gauging from complete righteousness in heaven we're engaging from laws in case we're using a lower court because heaven's court is lord forgive them as i was forgiven uh an earthly court or 64 court threefold court is lord those people are doing evil things and we want you to smash them okay this is the law core so i'll go there chris blackburn goes in and i say lord look at these evil people doing evil things i want justice by the law they're breaking the law but the knowledge of the evil they're breaking the law oh okay we'll do that and chris while you're here you've also broken some laws so since you're at the court let's go through these things and legally those things can happen against you okay but you're in heaven and you go ahead and you're only playing the righteousness of christ for yourself yeah be the russians of christ all the people our facebook posts were against us to take their righteousness last 12 years think about facebook for the last 12 years on churches like yeah we want their their complete forgiveness their walk and the fullness of the statue of christ their lifetime do unto others that's the it's the second law love god and love your neighbor as yourself well i want all my sins to be forgiven i'll we're truly well according to the righteousness of christ i want intimacy with him eternally so that's my desire for all these very evil people doing evil things and then needs to stop suffering from the earthly system but you do engage that system for yourself which brings around crime and punishment for yourself as well because that's the court we went to so if i if i bought a house and i burnt uh there's all this junk at the back of the books i've burnt them all i just burned like little bonfire burn all that junk and then i found out that um in there there was an ancient quran now i've heard the quran and let's say the islamic council of the usa taking to the west court and say he burnt the quran well it's not there's no law against that here it may be a terrible thing to do in their eyes a crime in their eyes maybe distressing their eyes there's no law in america about burning the quran okay but i say by my own decision hang on what does america know about the quran let's go to saudi arabia and i make a choice to go to south saudi arabia i fly there myself i landed myself with the court case there and they'll come under saudi law and sally said that's blasphemy that's a tremendous act that's 50 years in jail okay i chose to go to that court okay so if you want placement against a certain political movement or political people or movie stars or whatever is important to americans at the moment um you are choosing to go to the court of knowledge foreign you're choosing to go there punish these people can i say something to that yeah because people can choose that but what happens in your physical body when you choose it when you you're preaching me happy when when you choose a judgment against someone it actually does something to your physical body [Music] yeah your body becomes frustrated you are a life-giving spirit what he's saying so i just i want to take it more than just um yeah maybe they are doing some jacked up stuff you know but when you come and say these people are right and we're going to hate these people um you weren't made to hate it physically causes chaos in your body oh therefore yeah the human frame was created to carry anger or unforgiveness or judgment these frames are designed for that yeah it's very destructive for us as a system yeah so if you choose the judgment then you're putting yourself in that court and then using the levitical law basically you're not punishment under the biblical law and while you're there you make an adjustment against yourself too or you can go into heaven or be in christ hidden in christ if you're in heaven and you can be grieved at the injustice because jesus is grieved okay but in this dispensation where everything's wrapped up however you understand that there is a day so a billion years or two days away i don't know but uh but the blood of christ christ paid for the victim and the perpetrator his blood's enough he's blessed enough to heal the person in sex slavery and the person who committed the crime the blood's enough for both and in this place that's our heart jesus paid from both and so we go to that court of heaven for good news to all men and the crime has to stop no mistake the crime is the crime children must be protected and the way we go about it from a lower court or a higher call wisdom of heaven which is to uh everyone to get saved not go to jail guatemala bay in orange jumpsuits which is our great pope the church's greatest hope is that certain famous people get locked up that's our sorry king cyrus is our highest while there's another there's a higher hope than that and that is good use to all men and that no sin is too great and you can still walk in the form of the statue of christ's way of free will in this body you can still choose the kindness of god we have a great understanding of people who have ministered their whole life for christians and at the end that they fell in disgrace and we say oh yeah then we'll look at one of our best you know we have this understanding we have a comprehension of this like it's a it's a phenomenon that we understand this person served god his whole life and at the very end of his ministry he fell to sex or drugs or money or power or corruption or blasphemy or something okay at the end he crashed and we we accept this as a phenomenon that happens okay and we think what a tragedy that he felt at the very end of seven god his whole life okay but we never think have this person saved the devil's whole life we've gone at the end we want someone says the devil's whole life not like hey let's get him let's get that person let's get the devil's best get to get let's get that there was trophy let's take him at the end we think no he's so he read he's gonna go to hell or be punished separated from god whatever your thing is okay it's out it's gone but so we let our guys collapse at the end we want their guys to collapse at the end we're like no straight on that path of destruction for you my friend rather than wow how about we get those guys the most you know and uh that's heaven's heart and if you're involved in knowledge good and evil 36 you can't go there there's not enough love not forgiveness on the planet to do that from heaven from the blood poured out our jesus's veins that font that knows no end that washed away all sin i've been forgiven the big dead lord if you give them the small debt i plead on their behalf you can do that relationship until god says no more because there's a time that god says no more if you come with that heart to start with then you're operating from heaven we position ourselves by our words and our framing our songs position ourselves we're singing lord sin revival revival is our highest hope we're saying we're outside the curtain that god needs to send something down you still haven't done it all i'd say an anointing specific geographic area specific geographic time and we'll be the first generation doesn't mess it up we will miss a lot we will hold revival no one else is helping but we we will do it you know rather than just bringing heaven down that new creation and revival's great is fantastic but revival is your highest goal so you've got 3 60 100 30 folds highest highest hope is rapture okay evil people so evil we're out of here okay get our bodies displays of trouble let's get us out 60 folds highest hope is revival it's the highest safe earth revival yeah and um 100 folds highest hope is redemption to redeem all creation all creation all across tuning for the manifested sons of god lots of sons of god manifest sons of god we're manifesting the spirit being that we are and we're bringing good news to all men i'm not just saving people i'm going to say this all creation is yearning for us to manifest our souls it says receive the glory of the sons of god this stuff here and this stuff here it's not waiting for god's glory it's not maybe jesus's return it's a way for rapture not even for revival is blamed for the glory of the sons of god that's us this way for our salvation what's our salvation because we are god to this earth that's that's amazing i want to say something because this is he's he's um opening up so much and he has so many teachings on youtube you should just journey with him as he teaches but this perspective shift see one one will one will have you in your brain saying yeah okay jesus you did it i believe you but you'll still be waiting for him to get on the cross and die for you and give you a spirit and so one leaves you in a position you're just kind of just still waiting and then and then the other position as having christ in you that's for me it's honoring what jesus did on the cross and it's it's believing the gospel so that's that's how it comes across to me um and and from what you were saying so this type of understanding he's bringing you into um it will take you from just presenting jesus as a sin management program and it will take you into presenting jesus as the source of life the source of hope the source of pleasure the source of enjoyment um the source of health am i understanding correctly yeah yeah from heaven to all creation just life life life yes make no mistake god hates sin and god hates what's happening on the earth and he hates the damage of children for example okay that is definitely happening but our response to that is to bring the life of christ so the perpetrator and the victim are both safe yeah yeah and both born again become life-giving spirits themselves yeah yeah forever that's the victory you know what it was raining it was i'll just share something it was raining outside and i stepped outside and i said lord it's raining on my house but it's also raining on their house too and i don't know if they love you and i don't know if they believe in you god but you're still sending rain over there yeah random good evil yeah just yeah and so um some people might get freaked out that they would have to to operate like this but can you share the the freedom this revelation has given you i mean you're sharing it now but you know some people may say but they're just so evil they just need to pay pay you're saying you're bringing the same judgment on on yourself we've gone to the same court yeah yeah not saying that god doesn't hate it and and won't take care of it but he's just you're he's presenting something you can enter in that is much more freeing yeah so the problem with thirty fold sixty-four christianity is that it is attainable i can be a great faithful christian i know what days need to be in the building wearing the right clothes and they would know where to stand basically yeah and no no one to sit and kneel and live a moral life and i'm very good and then i do good physical things i do the soup kitchen very good faithful christian you'll be good 65 questions a little bit more difficult it's more intangible using gifts and fred words and miracles and and faith but you can apply those rules apply them consistently hold to your belief see them through and you will see a result it is attainable to be a good pentecostal christian a good charismatic christian it's attainable you can do it okay but to be the risen christ on the earth that's not attainable that's what you are sees but give up there's nothing you can bring to that party you can't bring a thing to that party they must all be given from outside of free gift and once you realize that you can never qualify yourself for it but if you try and qualify yourself you've turned a gift until wages then you disqualify yourself in and you will disclose yourself not because christ you haven't changed christ but you will disqualify yourself in your own mind because you will take it for a while then if you know that tithing protects you from the devil tired protected tired protected tire protector that's the system that you're using and it works it works it says levitical law it will never go away and we exist forever you can always engage it anytime you want tired protected tire detected in the day you don't tire well drive careful because by your own confession you've set up you know why you're not protecting anymore you know what you engage that law is working for you to work against you and the same with anything so faith or healing or revival you know why it doesn't send you a bible you engage in revival law and you haven't done it you know so you get you always get free of all those things is to know you're the fully risen christ on the earth remember six says don't you know you died with him and rose with him you say rose ask him because as he is yeah die with rose as to pertain in the same resurrection life he has so this is where the church is that okay i read you a uh here's a sunday seven blah blah blah peter did this and this is why we're like peter well thomas did this of thomas this won't push the crowd we can be like the woman push through the crowd or we can be like the centurion we could be like mary we could be like martha okay all those people are non-christian unregenerate humans none of them are born again there's none of the holy spirit inside them why are you comparing themselves to those people there's only one person in the gospels that's born that from above that's other god born from above then one that's christ so all those situations not peter you're not married woman pushed the crowd you're jesus in all those situations you're him that's the only person you can compare yourself to and then you're not even that god you're not jesus of nazareth okay i was a jewish guy okay he died rose again and uh and then this new jesus walking around still jesus okay we're calling jesus the glorified christ we'll claim that just lineage between jesus of nazareth and he is the glory of christ jesus is pretty good okay but not even that jesus who walked through walls who who after all the people who betrayed him and punished him killed him he came back complete power could have gone met herod destroyed him to have found those roman soldiers and ripping the pieces caught on seven thousand angels he could have done anything he found his disciples that abandoned him they couldn't breakfast on the beach yes we did prepared food for them gave him life just like all the punishment was gone he just brought life life life and i revealed these things to them and he says better than our left to send the holy spirit he stayed we it's better these stages with our mind because sometimes things are tough i want physical jesus still here she was here for 2000 years i'll tune to jerusalem line up get my miracle okay we want to touch taste seed because it says that he's left so we become him if he was still here we'd never become him because he'd do it for us so we need to become him that's what we need to do we are him already but we change our soul that changes our body just by changing your mind believing we already have by foolishness of preaching just in hearing these words your soul changes and more comes out if it remains it's up to you okay same here same i'm a human too this is the one you live under the same mechanism this is how it works the word comes and i get a 3600 response or no response a new promise of scripture can come i don't believe it and it just bounces off and goes like receiver get 30 60 100 response and so you are the risen christ on earth as he is so you're now on the earth as he is so john wrote that and john swarm as he is firing his eyes on his mouth along my hair before that rushing waters brass feet that's you okay you're the scariest thing in the room at all times nothing scarier than you if your fridge floats across the room you say hey put that back they're scared okay devil knows god knows the only question is do you know that's the only question okay so you have to do your spiritual warfare you have to apologize for the tale okay you'd have to you know whatever let's throw the killer but it's christ paul did not do a prayer walk around ephesus poison go to ephesus and say oh i'm sorry sorry for the blood that's been shared and i apologize for this i apologize how we treated these people and forgive us for this and i need to see for this no i tear down this the prince pouring angel this and um he's walked in son of god just walked in we don't believe you that do you fall down to a lower law if your spiritual warfare which works but it's exhausting okay just walk in as christ all you have to do is believe the gospel of what you what god has done for you 100 response is one risen christ now and then god will walk you or father you into being that person can you have all that zap on you now let's call it zach and you didn't like yourself then you'd use it to get your pastor's approval or to crush your pastor you would we all know that okay just just accept that fact that uh we'll use it to fill up my happiness i don't feel important but i heal people it's not really important god loves me god deals with these broken hearted issues in our soul or our dna and our life he fixes those things up first and then so when these nades express this nature of god we don't trade it for acceptance or for money or for power we don't trade the law we give us a free gift because our father's love for us is the only issue any game in town so anything we love who was living out of that situation and so that's what we're doing where the generation said we'll do it so we're doing it and that risen christ the point of making is you can't earn it how many days you have to fast how much we have to tie it how much would you have to read the bible how much how hollywood you have to live to be exactly like christ you couldn't do it okay so it must be a gift and that's it it's a gift and my gift humbles you thus you don't as soon as you receive a gift you'll do something together okay if if amber's not giving me something as a gift they'll need to do something together or just or dismiss myself amber's not going to buy me lunch well do i get it myself or am i buying lunch if i do an interview let's just come buy me lunch it's a trade yeah okay because if you're not giving to me as a free gift i need to do something or dismiss myself same as god god's not going to dot dot dot hear my child forget my debt um whatever give me access to the heavens okay if i'm going to give it to his free gift then i'll do something for it and the trouble is if you do something for it it does work if you do it right and you do it right you go into pride you go wrong you're on the condemnation it must be a gift have father's goodwill that before the foundation of the world this was his good will to make him holy and blessed in his sight forever and he's achieved that goal i love this message the gospel i haven't straight from the gospel everything else is just the new creation gospel we haven't done anything else yeah you said romans 6 7 8 colossians galatians first john corinthians it's all scripture he's just pouring out scripture you know and so um wow thank you for life you know thank you for bringing me into life thank you for having the courage to preach life thank you for believing the gospel enough and sharing it with folks and so i just i'm just grateful you know i'm just thankful and grateful for who you are and you're such a gift and your life is just freedom and yeah you look like jesus yeah you look like jesus this morning [Music] i just love this yeah so how can how can um tell people where to go to find you this um yeah tell tell them how to get a hold of you tell them where they can get your teachings and just uh share your yeah okay my ministry is called as he is because it's a free kick to be as he is and you can just go to youtube and type in as he is uh chris blackaby and all my messages will come up and i've got playlists in there and the playlists are where other people i've spoken other people's churches it's on their website but i've just put it on the playlist there and everything's there uh living from heaven is a good place to start just listen to one called living from heaven which i preached in sri lanka and that's a good one uh it's a good place to start and i have a website as he is and a facebook page has his and i have a facebook page there's me christopher blackbee and that's full and there's christopher blackerby the public persona i had to switch because my facebook got it but facebooks and messages are all on youtube and also your podcaster under as his ministries chris blackerby they're the audio a lot of those things are in i'm a visual teacher so you hear me going here here here so you'll have to picture it in your mind yeah someone put it up there for us yeah thank you matthew yeah so this has been such an honor and such a blessing and that all of it was prayer and importation just as he's speaking yeah it's in part so word comes yeah there is a gift as i'm speaking by the foolishness of preaching what we have to do you think we'll have to do so to hear it you know that's it there's no flesh involved the word is the seed just hear it hear it hear it and you go to bed you wake up and see it's grown you don't know how that's how it works yeah it's a rest yeah i love it thank you so very much this has been such a privilege i love you bo yeah just wanted to love you openly and publicly and maybe when you come back you'll be right here with us again so yeah yeah so okay love you guys bless you and thank you for tuning in
Channel: Amber Twigg
Views: 3,314
Rating: 4.9322033 out of 5
Id: Y_4giNm6wec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 34sec (3754 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 16 2021
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