Chris Blackeby | Still-Faced God | 19th November 2019

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right okay thank you very honored very honoring very honored to be here yeah well how will good was Tammy's word and Roche its word oh my goodness yeah you are so blessed you've got so many people here that have walked a long journey with God and it's in them and what they have they they give away and what took them 20 years you know we get in two hours because it it carries the weight of what they've said yeah I was very good to be here again yeah I was not expecting this when I first rang Fiona I said I'm in India but I can't make it to Sri Lanka she's like oh can you see if you can make it so I thought I could squeeze a week in I'm here I said I'll stay a week if you guys like I said I'm just here like I don't know how long probably short I need to get back to Australia yeah she didn't believe me she didn't believe me all right okay I'm gonna use one music stand just one will do this will do the other I want to talk about the kingdom it's the it's the only game in town it's the only show in town the Christmas show is gonna be really good okay coming up but better than the Christmas show the Christmas show is a subset of the kingdom something amazing has happened Akeem perfect thank you so much the kingdom the are talking to Jesus and they're like what's going on what's fair what's not fair you know what about these Jews that Herod took and killed them and use them for a sacrifice Jesus says how about the people with the tower fell on them it doesn't matter just get in the kingdom stop trial work out the do's and don'ts how this happened how that happened all the formulas just get in the kingdom okay she just really preached about the cross very interesting fact we spoke a lot about the kingdom okay and you just explained the kingdom in parables could sir beyond their comprehension beyond what we can ask or imagine that I had to use stories the kingdom is like yep even people that saw the kingdom or that dimension like John would say it is like like gold like Jasper like pearl he didn't there's no words okay more than we can ask or imagine and we can't even imagine a new color like imagine the new color go okay alright let's say there's one more color that's more than we can imagine but it's better than that and she just told a parable about the sower sowing on soil okay and he said if you don't know this you won't understand any of the parables basically saying if you don't understand this parable in mark 4 that one right there understand this parable you won't understand any of the parables being you won't understand the kingdom we want to live in the kingdom now okay and forever okay and we don't have to wait okay waiting is religion not you not yet okay we need to get rid of that the whole not you not yet it's going so we've been born again born again from heaven the same way Jesus was born from heaven God sent His Word the Holy Spirit hovered over Mary God sent His Word his seed the same thing happened to you the Holy Spirit hobbled over you and God sent His Word he's seen and into you you were born again in the exact same way Jesus was born from heaven from an eternal incorruptible seed that spirit and word and now that's what you are first Adam was a living being that dies second Adam the last Adam is a life-giving spirit and that's what you are you are a life-giving spirit that's what you are that's your nature that's your substance your life-giving that's your and then your spirit that describes you okay you're a life-giving spirit how because God Yahweh fathered you not create our soil fathered fathered you okay so Yahweh is literally your father because you're no longer human you haven't changed from one belief system to another belief system you change from one species to another species you were a first Adam and now you are a life-giving spirit forever forever you'll be a life-giving spirit that's amazing that's what you are so Jesus didn't come to improve you okay religion is trying to improve you but Jesus did not come to improve you he came to replace you okay you've been replaced by the eternal word Jesus himself it's no longer I that live but as Christ who lives in me yeah and this is a fact Christ lives in you you live anymore you and Christ are one spirit when says Christ lives in you because you and Christ are one yeah you were one spirit with the Lord you in Christ are one being forever okay and surrendering to that truth that it manifests okay what you believe you see so you're a life-giving spirit and the goal this life-giving spirit is to give life and what we give life to all of creation okay we're not building a church without looking for a viable we are looking to give life to all of creation that's what we're doing okay because we're like the father in heaven and he loves everyone he loves all the bad people out there yeah I don't to say things like it's a little bit you know but you know those people that you thought of when I said that he would lay his life down in fact does lay his life down for them he wants them to know him no crime no sin is too great his blood has cleansed up all all good news to men good news to all humankind joy to the world not joy to Christians joy to the world okay and so you've become a son of God a life-giving spirit what type a beloved son of God and you want to go from being a beloved son of God to a beloved son of God listen to him okay Matthew 3 it starts off this is my beloved son and him are well pleased Jesus had done no ministry at that stage there's my beloved son and whom I'm well pleased at the end on Transfiguration in Matthew 17 he says this is my beloved son and whom I'm well pleased listen to him he now has authority okay and that's the same journey as you it's the same journey as any child in the natural we understand that journey and God will take you on that journey if he started it he's committed to finishing it he's the author and finisher of your race of your faith okay and he will cause you to will and to act according to his good purpose it all comes from him there's nothing you can bring to the table okay it all must come from another dimension it all must be spirit and that's what he decided that's what he wants to do that's what he has done it's receiving this incredible gift you can't pay for it any of your actions your behaviors your attitudes in order to earn it or position yourself whatever the word is okay you are now paying for a gift you're making a gift wages and now the gift depends on your ability to be good or to comply with your particular church's culture okay rather than receiving the gift and the gift depends on the giver and your gift to become a life-giving spirit is only dependent on the nature of the Father he said it okay done I surrender to the fact that you want to give me this okay you can't pay him for it and we talked about I think three years ago it what your car I'm a see these sour boy I buy your Mercedes and then you're like I come back in a year I say how's the Mercedes you know it's great it's in the garage I haven't touched it it's perfect no scratches I'm like but I wanted you to drive it he says yeah but I might crash it yeah that's all paid for insurance crap I know you're gonna crash it I know you and you will crash this Mercedes and I want you to have it you're like no no no Chris Chris Chris hang on hang on I can't accept this great gift can I give you some mud for it and give me some mud and some more mud I don't want the mud have it mud mixed with poo madam poo together together I'm saying no no just take it you can I can't you need to receive this mother poo what are you saying eventually you were saying something about me I wouldn't give that to you but have I want you to take that Mercedes and drive it if you crash it it's okay it's paid for that's part of the gift of you enjoying that Mercedes we've been given life-giving spirit son of God nature okay don't pay God for it just take it out and drive it so we only come a son of God beloved listen to him and maturity is being like the father okay and Jesus tells us exactly what the father's like we demonstrated it then he says if you do these things you'll be like the father who sends rain on the good and the evil the just and the unjust and that's what you are you know I attach to your resources you attach to Heaven's resources you can give to the just and the unjust okay that's what you are a life-giving spirit as we said last two weeks ago do you just didn't say why are you like this why you weren't seeing him why are you sick what's the mechanics behind this he just said be healed yeah some people were in a really good place and some people not the good place didn't worry him some people had just had no faith at all like the widow's son at the funeral he saw the funeral and just rose someone that sovereign decision no one asked him there's no faith exchange she didn't look for their face and that one that blows with it face stuffing out the water he just chose he's allowed to okay be like your father who sends rain on the good and the evil and there's examples of this all through scripture okay did you plead for mercy and you bring mercy on behalf of the guilty and that's what you do that's what you do okay that's your nature okay not trying to achieve this you were born again you look like your dad you scratching those same way Yahweh scratches his nose okay you look like him that's your nature the Sermon on the Mount describes you this is your true nature you plead for mercy on behalf of the guilty you lay your life down for another okay and we see that the mature people in Scripture like Abraham Abraham pleaded on behalf of Sodom and Gomorrah okay okay Moses God Moses has the Israelites they've been very naughty okay I mean arguing complaining a lot God is over them Abraham's children and God says to Abraham and wipe these guys out we're standing in with you yes now gonna be Moses the father of our faith that Moses says no I'd rather I was written out of the book of life that these Hebrews be saved he pleaded exchange his life on behalf of the guilty okay Jesus obviously okay he exchanged his life on behalf of the guilty and said forgive them Lord they know that what they do and then Paul also about the Hebrews said if it be possible I'll lose my salvation that they be saved if that be possible okay that's our heart okay from this place you can rule in govern that's love from love you can make great decisions if you love your kids you can punish them it's okay you can correct them if you love them okay but if you're not operating from love but from religion your correction contains death maybe operating from love it only has life so Jesus okay because he laid down his life for all creation he could really bring the hammer if he wanted to yep yeah he saw a tree the tree wasn't giving a son of God fruit it wasn't the time for fruit he's a son of God you were supposed to give me fruit I'm a son of God okay you're supposed to respond and give me food when I need it it wasn't so he just governed made a sovereign decision did he have to know he made the choice he's allowed to he's a son of God governing creation he brought the whip out okay cleek why could he's laid his life down for these people and if there wasn't tension he'd create tension everything's going well hey Jesus what do you think of this I think you're Satan's children and the Pharisee the Pharisee and the Pharisees and the Levite too they run there like Jesus don't you know we're offended when you say these things he started it you look at the augments he starts them he offended his mum his brother's his closest friends James John Peter the disciples the Romans the Hebrews the Syrian woman that he offended everyone okay he's allowed to he's laying his life down for them okay so once you lay your life down you can govern that is this is my son my beloved son and whom are well-pleased listen to him and from that place you can govern creation you can't be nice to government creation niceness is intervention niceness is cowardice niceness is religion pretending to be moral okay but nice this doesn't bring any security gnosis just allows death okay but you look good Jesus wasn't nice okay I'm gonna make a strong theological statement I am nicer than Jesus and that is a problem it's a big problem so no less I can't govern yeah if you are nice you're fundamentally dishonest because you're not saying your truth okay you're saying someone else's truth so you're not they're not even there you were just mirroring someone else Jesus wasn't nice okay so do you just tell the parable of 30 60 100 well their last two weeks ago assume so it's just Israelites in jail okay slaves they crossed the Red Sea baptism of water and now they're saved and then they come to Mount Sinai they received the law we received the Spirit baptism of spirit okay now that charismatic cosmetics okay well we are cosmetics and then there comes the Jordan and they choose to cross the Jordan that time someone saved them something they don't know did it all for them this time someone does they have to choose they have to reckon themselves dead and alive okay so here's the Jordan it goes down to the Dead Sea all the way back to a town called Adam and walk in it stops from the Dead Sea and backs up all the way to a town called Adam no death okay all the way to Adam where it all started and they go through and now they belong in this land for us it's a soul oh yeah so this is body 30-fold soul 60-fold spirit 100-fold and we are raised and seat in heavenly places this is where we belong okay and this does not look like that and they're very different it's very hard to understand if you're here and hear how these people behave you know very hard to understand because these guys are doing heaven for heaven these guys are living on earth earth supply these guys living on earth our heavens supply like miracles come down through the gifts these guys are living in heaven our heavens supply and they're just going on with heavens work that's why the Pharisees in the Sadducees the Levites couldn't handle Jesus trying to say who saw that you want Pharisees or Sadducees yep Levites priests whose side are you on that Jesus on the know one side I just do I see my father doing he says the world must see the world must learn some translations say well must learn I love the father the father loves me I need you I see the father doing guess what the world must learn you need to teach them you know on any one side you do what you see the father doing you belong to heaven okay so when when the the Jews crossed the Israelites crossed the Jordan and got on this side that the recovering themselves and then the first thing that happens is they got the army they're marching along they're going to establish Israel the plan of God for the Savior very important thing they come across this dude on the road and Joshua says you for us or against us the guy says neither I'm from heaven now this is the most important thing happening on the earth he says I'm the captain of the army of the Lord I'm not four against you I'm from heaven okay these guys have wars going on cultural Wars denomination Wars feel at the theology Wars etc etc okay it's not your job you're from heaven used to wear heavens to him you're a life-giving spirit you get on with it that's what you do a beloved son that gives life okay who's right who's wrong be he would be he'll bring life to them all and of course you lay your life down for them if you need to be strong if you need the correct you can you need to get the whip out you can if you lay a life down for them you can't fool God you can fool yourself but where you come from determines the fruit so this section here works on the knowledge of good and evil and this is why if you don't believe you have it you will do something together yeah what do you do you do something by your knowledge or good in the that's all religion and the good and evil tree makes good and evil fruit the one fruit you eat the good and evil fruit oh okay you're doing good for God you're doing evil for God has evil seed in it you can't get away with it evil produces bad fruit for quicker see being naughty naughty naughty you work out wow this is not working the tragedies you're being good you can be good for twenty thirty years before it burns you out yeah and this is the tragedy the weakest link will always break so if I'm being good for God I'm very strong I'm good for God and do other things are supposed to do according to my denominations particular knowledge of good and evil rules I'm doing them doing them doing them okay if I have a weak emotion so weak soul a weak body it will break maybe I'll burn out maybe I'll collapse my book it make myself sick okay working for God look the older brother getting angrier and angrier okay cuz death is coming but if I'm strong okay and I can do this my whole life my spouse breaks and when she breaks if I'm if it's me she breaks and she burns out and she leaves or she can't escape so she has to do something naughty to escape so she can get removed whatever and then we goes wow Chris you're so such a great Christian great guy and how could your wife do that to you she didn't do it to me I did it to her that makes sense I'm holy hot the weakest link will break but if we're both strong what breaks the kids kids break and that's the famous thing Pecos yeah preachers kids the worst shoutout to PK's but you can see it's absolutely cruel the cruelest of cruel because using the knowledge of good and evil the very thing that got you kicked out of the garden to get back in the garden the thing why Jesus has been now to the tree that tree you're using it to get back in you can't use it it's awful and requires effort and it choirs strength and no flesh one here at the kingdom okay a high priest couldn't sweat thirty sixteen hundred we want to redeem creation so these guys they fold their highest hope ears rapture okay we want a massive sovereign mood from heaven nothing to do with us one day will be raptured okay we win and the other guys lose yeah that's there and like in their rapture because it's got knowledge of good and evil there like there's some joy in that this a little bit you listen to there there's a little bit like come on California into the sea come on yeah there is there is that thing in that you know there's there's death in there yep yep no rapture and the bad guys they all they all learn okay and sixty fold their highest rapture sixty files highest hope is revival still outside the curtain something must come down something must come down okay still the outside these could have these guys have no it's just heavens so far away maybe one day God will act these guys revival there are books on how to make revival happen in your city okay none of them have worked they're all based in the Welsh revival and all these things okay and they're all require a lot of effort as you cooperate with these rules so that go will come down and then you can host the revival and this time the revival we won't our if I won't end their revival entered the hours we will do it right this time and that's all these books but it's never happened okay will it happen hope so fantastic that's heaven coming to earth okay that's not their hope that's not their goal okay rapture revival okay rain round like kings why the redemption of the body the hoped which were called and the redemption of creation we learn to rain baby Kings grew up to be a lot kings yep beloved Prince's to beloved Prince's listen to him now our son of God isn't the gender it's a type that's a race it's a type of being that makes sense so it's not male or female it is a classification of being it's the greatest being of all creation it becomes part of the Trinity you are the fourth part of the Trinity yeah you're one okay and everything is outside of that and cause trouble in heaven I believe when that was announced okay I don't know that's the story but we'll find out one day okay so Jesus talking about Lazarus he classifies they're saying you know we know Lazarus will rise in the last day and Jesus says on the way you know I'm the life in the resurrection okay I am the life and I am the resurrection these guys want resurrection there it says if you believe in me you'll be resurrected but if you live in me you will never die yeah there's two classifications there well you can ask or imagine okay two classifications here death is over okay you've reckoned yourself dead you've gone through the Jordan you don't recognize death do you just didn't recognize death okay you're a life you're a life giving spirit so the frame without the quickest work and frame with up is this do you want to heal the sick ministry miracles okay join me heal the sick or do you want to remove sickness from the earth yeah do you want to raise the dead or do you want to remove death from the earth it looks very different this is ministry this is being fathered to look exactly like your dad here's a life-giving spirit who says reign on the good and evil and you get that not about being a son of God but by being but by being a beloved son of God because beloved put you at rest so this theology is out there but people use it with a ministry mindset so the ministry ministry ministry like spiritual warfare to shoot it out you know and all those things and then they hear this this theology and I'll we're in heaven I stay in heaven here and I keep the ministry mindset like take that principalities and powers you know you're still that's the Son of God it's not a beloved son of God God loves so that God loveth son of gods raised and seated okay and how do you what does beloved mean it means you are the object of someone's affection you are the object of someone's desire they're focused they think about you they love you their eyes are on you their gazes on you okay and how do we know that's happening you can only watch and perceive if I'm beloved by my inherent worth how do I know I could only observe there's nothing else I can bring to the table yeah that's it so what I'd like to do is talk about I want to live here I've been very successful and very unsuccessful about living here and sometimes I found myself here then attacked an emotional hit and down they go I'm here I'm here okay I'm here like one year ago I could walk into a house full of cats no problem because I'm a life-giving spirit and I love cats like govern cats okay yeah but now I'm like Oh something happened I got down or accused of something I let a ques ation or some condemnation come to me and now I'm allergic to cats again okay I had it I lost it okay and that's okay come learning will supposed to be fathered into this okay but we're the generation we're gonna be the father's we needed we come to if we said we're gonna be the father's we needed yeah someone fought for us that we could have scriptures in their own language we have to fight that fight they did that for us someone fought for us were water baptism someone fought for us for tongues and Holy Spirit they fought that we even have to fight that fight we said we're gonna be here this generation to bring in the reality that we are sons of God yeah on the earth okay so I stood a self-guided 5dp I had they were self glided one because you guys are the worst you guys are feeders that's what you're enablers I've never I cannot avoid eating zazz I came to Wow this whole clear conscience with food thing it's a racket worst worse than that okay worse than that okay cuz I I like food I've you traduced ly use food to modulate my emotions and things like that we will understand that situation okay and so I came here thought finally I'm coming to wow I can get off food again could've done it before it is amazing and they put me with Phillip putting me with Filip is like wow Phillip has a gambling problem Chris has a gambling problem perhaps they can help each other he's not here right now say it's okay so I had to wait to the election so everything closed down so I could because all you guys did your thing right that's what opportunity 5dp so this is food this is body this is collapse particle food this is my energy I want to slowly move it this way that's what I'm doing okay slowly moving it this way so I can live off my spirit man okay for those who don't know what the five DP is it's a five-day program that Kirby does there's one on the internet you can sign on for it okay and he teaches you to live off the body of Christ because Jesus is word and everything's matter of word so if you eat word you've got everything that you wanted anyway what do you want protein well you got the raw material protein what did you want did you want do you want Nicene did you did you want emotions because your soul is Mayor word okay this is all created and God Jesus be all things seen and unseen so everything in these areas is made-up word you'd be taking word it fixes you up I'm gonna keep moving this way into here now my first successful 5dp was the one you did here last year in November you telecasted okay and that was my sixth attempt every other one failed and I didn't know why and then last year it worked and I know why I know why I couldn't stay in this place and sinners the whole morphic field of everybody working together was gone I was gone and so what I want to do is just address that issue that I found for myself that you maybe too can stay in this place if it affects you so we're a video we bring that pause it this video is an experiment by a guy called dr. Edward tronic and we just think that children babies had no ability to understand or regulate their emotions or the world so they got to an older age okay now I've discovered that babies do that right from the start and what babies want to know is am I loved do I belong here and can we build a world together and that's their language not mine that's their language not my language the babies know are we doing this together and can we build a world together okay and then you will see a baby live in complete acceptance which is here and then look at the mother just to go just go to one more face does that like angry just normal and that baby instantly recognizes it you'll see the baby just just just goes to a normal face it's called the still face experiment it's very famous experiment to still face experiment it blew all child development ideas out of the water and the baby bear starts doing the exact same things it would did in intimacy but now from outside intimacy but doing the exact same actions just trying to re-engage the parent and then it's little bit harder than you see the trauma set in okay so you'll see that and now if we've got that ready can we put it on the the YouTube clip to the emotions and the reactivity and the social interaction that they get from the world around them this is something that we started studying thirty four years ago when people didn't think that infants could engage in social interaction in this still phase experiment what the mother did was she sits down and she's playing with her baby who's about a year of age and she gives a greeting to the baby the baby gives a greeting back to her this baby starts pointing at different places in the world and the mothers trying to engage her in play with her they're working to coordinate their emotions and their intentions what they want to do in the world and that's really what the baby is used to and then we ask the mother to not respond to the baby the baby very quickly picks up on this and then she uses all of her abilities to try and get the mother back she smiles at the mother she points because she's used to the mother looking where she points the baby puts both hands up in front of her and says what's happening here oh she makes that screeching sound everybody like come on why aren't we doing this even in this two minutes when they don't get the normal reaction they react with negative emotions they turn away they feel the stress of it they actually may lose control of their posture impressive the stress that they're experienced I'm here what are you doing oh yeah it's a little like the good the bad and the ugly the good is that normal stuff that goes on that we all do with our kids the bad is when something bad happens but the infant can overcome it after all when you stop this doe face the mother and the baby who start to play again the ugly is when you don't give the child any chance to get back to the good there's no reparation and they're stuck in that really ugly situation okay the way a baby learns is the exact same way our soul learns that's a soul learning to be part of the world okay and we do the same thing as adults we're just more sophisticated so with Charles lying like you know although they lie there like this okay but we do this okay just the more sophisticated version and other things okay it's just it's just the same way because that baby that child is trying to learn as dr. Tronick said is building a world together cord adding emotions and intentions in the world under a place of complete acceptance that's how you were supposed to grow up in Eden under a place of complete acceptance okay if that doesn't happen you would do things so that child was in the place of acceptance still face comes and now it's doing the same things it was doing before to re-engage God or real encourage the parent so this is the point if you have a still face God not angry just even neutral he been disinterested somehow if you have a still face God you will put yourself out here and all the behavior of this church is that it's ah ah that's what we're doing and you will not be in the place of the constant acceptance and enjoyment of who you are regulating your emotions your intentions in building your world a beloved son is the only way to become a beloved son listen to him I still face God will keep you out here and what I didn't realize okay so I be the pastor twice only last year I worked out I had a still face God okay so a swing I was in here find some spiritual place and we're doing stuff together at the 5dp together but soon as the atmosphere went or the culture went I was not by myself for the first tap something goes wrong I interpret it as in God's just like that and I go through those things and that you see with a baby it starts to affect their body because all emotions are expressed in the body energetically speaking okay and then the baby starts doing this and what dr. Tronick said at the end is if that is your life then that's the ugly because it you hold on to that energetic system your whole life okay and you do this harder until you die which is harder until death comes that still face God is the issue coming up Psalm 51 up and this is how I walked my way out I still face God you will do something what the same things you do in intimacy worship prayer reading the Bible looking after the ball the same actions but why increases tension tension tension tension tension and one is the light yep how do you see the father so my issue was shame the difference between guilt and shame is guilties you've done something wrong shame is there's something wrong about you and this is how all children develop that's what's been communicated to that baby because children in the good sense are narcissistic and they see everything through their their world okay so mums are looking at you there's something wrong about me there's something inherently wrong here that I'm not getting love and affection I'm not worth it it happens all through childhood so if you're ten and your parents split up was it every child psychologist tell you about that ten-year-old they say if I was a better child if I'd more value but more worth my parents were stayed together the soul reads it through its own lens okay there's something inherently faulty about you now there is if there is something inherently faulty about you God's not gonna be pleased with you there's no smile you can't walk into heaven faulty okay you'll get a still face God in your own creation and you'll put yourself out here because you don't have it you will do something together which creates more death or you'll just run away or the Sun younger son okay David this is how I walked out of shame David fought with Joab and Uriah and these other guys and they're his mighty men and they achieved amazing feats then one day David's on his roof he sees Bathsheba and he takes her please don't see her as a seductress okay Iran to this day Bayes on their roof the only guy with a tall building is David okay and he's on the roof Davee and he sees forth Sheba he takes her okay she has no choice in it he sleeps with her and then she's pregnant so he's got his mighty man friend's wife pregnant so he planned spinner royal home game drunk he doesn't sleep with her he goes back he's an honorable man and so he makes a plan Joab my long-term friend kill organized it that Uriah dies in the battle and other people will die in that same operation - just similar sauce operation Joab does that report comes back to David these men died at the wall while you're fighting at the wall arise dead oh no Rose she's one of the guy dead fine everything's good now that's burnt yeah that's that's let's see the conscience okay he's happy until Nathan the Prophet comes and says hey guess what a rich man stole a poor man's sheep you know and dave was like furious because the judgment you used used against you well that stuff happens and he says kill that guy and Nathan's like you're that guy and he gets it and he really did get it he didn't see it and then he got it okay he has done some something fundamentally awful and he planned it that's who he is that's his nature okay not just guilt shame this is Who I am I have planned something didn't make a mistake I didn't say something to someone once I've done the awful thing okay and this Psalm is written at that time it says in the blurb you know at the time have mercy on me O God according to your loving-kindness David needs out he's in a terrible place he makes a call on God's character alone it's a gift has nothing to do with you at all you can't pay mud and poo for this forgiveness okay it has nothing to do with you it's only about God have mercy on me O God according to your loving-kindness according to multitude of you or tender mercies blot out my transgressions wash me thoroughly from my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin sins is what you do iniquity is what's in you okay sins so that's guilt and shame I did something naughty guilty but my nature my iniquity there's something fundamentally wrong about me there's shame iniquity Jesus was pierced so I bled on the outside for our sins and bruised blood on the inside for our iniquity for our shame he carried our shame we don't have to have shame anymore for I acknowledge my transgressions and my sin is always before me against you and you only have I sinned and done evil in your sight now that's a pretty controversial statement I'm sure Bathsheba might question that your eyes family might question that Joab who has his best friend slaughtered might question that or the men that got slaughtered in the same operation their family might question that and their their orphaned children okay but this is an incredibly important understanding all sin is against God alone whatever you have done sin or shame things happen to you that communicate very clearly to you that you're not special things have happened to you they communicate very clearly there's something fundamentally unlovable about you or unspecial about you you think good things happen to those Christians just not to this Christian okay there's something fundamentally wrong with me that fundamental wrongness or the actions that come from it the conclusions or your active sins against God alone so if he forgives you it's gone so forgive me that you may be found just when you speak and blameless when you judge David's making a call his character you said you're a loving father that forgives that's you that's what you've celibate yourself so that you may be found blameless forgive me behold I was brought forth in iniquity and in sin my mother conceived me behold you desired truth in the inward parts and so shame it's gonna get taken out and the hidden part you'll make note make me to know wisdom okay that stuff's gonna get cleaned up purge me with hyssop on that and I shall be clean wash me and I shall be whiter than snow purge me with hyssop is the Old Testament picture being washed by the blood the men what you've done or what's happened to you that's communicated to you there's something wrong about you there's something fundamentally faulty unlovable even 1% off or maybe 100 percent off okay if God says you're clean you're clean and that was the revelation for me because I felt shame because I grew up in the church I'll SiC most my childhood and people got healed and I never got healed you got the front you get pray for it got the front you get prayed for and in the end I conclude that God is a still face God and there's something fundamentally faulty about me okay that means I don't I can't imagine being the beloved son of God I have a still face God so I'm out here doing that too eventually that pain reaches your body because all emotions expressed in the body yeah you do that for 40 years it's going to have an effect on you okay and I can't live in these spiritual blessings like living off communion for example living off your spirit being because I always exclude myself by my own condemnation by my own understanding my own conclusions I put myself out here even though I am raised and seated in my consciousness and because I don't have it I then do something together and that's something I do is the cruelty of religion disqualifies you because the tree of knowledge of good and evil its death like I'm trying to pay for the Mercedes it's an awful thing so he says cleanse with hyssop and I shall be clean wash me and I'll be whiter than snow so against God only have you sinned if he says you're clean you're clean that's it there's nothing else that's done there's only one slate only one ledger it's against God he wiped it it doesn't matter Raya thinks your eyes wife thinks what Israel thinks what job thinks your clean against God only have you sinned make me hear joy and gladness that the bones that you have broken may rejoice hide your face from my sins and blot out all my iniquities they had gone sins and Nicolay's always seer always paired together actions and Skilton shame creating me a clean heart O God and renew a steadfast spirit within me verse 11 is an Old Testament verse do not cast me away from your presence impossible you can you can choose to believe that's not for you ok and do not take your Holy Spirit from me impossible for a Christian he resides in you ok restore unto me the joy of your salvation hold me by your by your generous spirit so does this is all God's actions then I will teach the transgressors your ways and sinners shall be converted to you so how clean is that let's say your pastor commits adultery gets found out he says I think it's got a loan he's forgiven gets up next week baldie proclaiming the gospel and says hey you to cut that behavior out that's simple you'd like what do you think that's clean he is boldly addressing transgressors straight away if you say I'm clean I'm clean there's no accuse ation there's no condemnation in fact I'm so clean though I'm gonna address sinners and teach them your ways that's clean ok there's no shame in that there's no cooling-off period okay it's done yep had that back there's a bit more there deliver me from the guilt let's Google bloodshed oh god of my salvation my tongue shall sing a love your righteousness oh it goes on to say I don't want sacrifices you know one sacrifice er yeah okay so and queens bring up second samuel second samuel 12:15 so let's see the evidence of this because he wrote that at the time so what happens is bathsheba is pregnant as a child and the child is sick and the child is dying okay so we want second samuel 12:15 in any translation on words and this is David's response to that matter he Nathan disappears the child's gonna die he gets down and he prays for the child he's only praying for the child he's not praying for his sins they're gone he's just praying for a child and Nathan said to David Oh 15 the Nathan the part of the house thanks Nathan and the Lord struck the child that you rise wife bore to David and it became ill see how Bathsheba's name is hidden there see what God's doing hiding her name your eyes wife doesn't even named her hides her okay David therefore pleaded with God for the child and David David faster that went in and lay all night on the ground the elds of his house arose and went to him to raise him up from the ground but he would not nor did he eat food with them then on the seventh day it came to pass that a child died and the servant of David were afraid to tell him that the child was dead for they said indeed while the child was alive we spoke to him and he would not heed our voice how can we tell him the child is dead he may do some harm when Dave said things gonna kill himself like he's so pleading for this child's life when David saw the servants were whispering David perceived that the child was dead there for days David said to the servants is the child dead and they said yes he's dead so Dave the Roseville ground Washington ordered himself change of clothes when the house and lord and worshiped then he went to his own house we request and they set food before him and he ate these seven said to him what is this you have done you fasted the whip for the child while he was alive when the child died your rosin ate food he said while the child was alive I fasted and wept for I said who can tell whether the Lord be gracious to me while the child that the child may live but now he is dead why should I fast can I bring him back I shall go to him but he should not return to me there's no idea Rees in there he's praying for a child to live the child doesn't live so it gets stressed puts on new clothes anoint himself and eats worships God then eats and that's what you ought to do whatever accusations against you by yourself from your friends accurate not accurate deeply shameful or misunderstood it doesn't matter if God says you'll clean your clean the natural things ran their course but you either stand up get dressed anoint yourself eight and get on with him and what's the next thing that happens soul man is born the wisest king they ever lived made so much money they're silver lost it's worth that's the fruit of him standing up and getting on with it yeah so me so in last November I think there was just this low-grade condemnation lived under just like that ground radioactive yeah I didn't think of anything I just felt faulty and here's the thing I felt stupid like for not being healed and all these other things and things just didn't work to me all these supernatural things that work for other people so I felt stupid and then you feel stupid for feeling stupid yeah and you're one step removed or how about this I had very good grace theology I felt condemned so I felt condemned they thing condemned yeah that's a bad place to be okay I said I'm doing that web if God says I'm clean I'm clean when I did that living off communion just came was he been fasting I'd even lose weight for a month just one piece of communion the day that's my food for the day that's word it just had this natural outworking no fasting symptoms no dizziness I went into the mountains I was actually more active than would be otherwise I just had to keep that if God says I'm clean I'm clean I felt myself losing it I just reminded myself God says I'm clean I'm clean okay so what's gonna pray to God when they go see him okay and we'll just do that same exercises walking through the veil so if you like to stand up it's just an exercise okay you are already raising seating how many places well we're gonna step through a veil in the summer at the Old Testament priests used to walk through the veil we're doing that and Hebrews says our veil is a torn body of Jesus Christ and all we're doing is bringing our soul and our body into alignment with the fact we're already in heaven but you belong there and you dwell there that's where you live raisin see that hidden in Christ forever and we're gonna do all this still face God issue yeah so before he was a veil and that vow is the tomboy of Jesus Christ we take our body our soul into a spirit man and we step through that veil and all our filthy comets attack novice the enemy is silenced and the loving father comes with you to build a well with you with emotion and intention he smile as on you and inside he has taken a little thing this is that shame that iniquity the record are still face God and I greet in their own mind who is handed to the father we say father if you say we're clean we're clean against you only have I sinned and you've said I'm clean when they are whiter than snow his faithful and just to forgive you it's gone sin and iniquity there's nothing shameful about you there's nothing inherently faulty he's put hope and wisdom and life in the inward parts truth in the inward parts you haven't been improved to be replaced and now you sit on your throne as the beloved son of God you are beloved and you're always in that gaze like that baby always in the engaged gaze and pleasure of your father it never stops that feedback loop never stops you create a world you create emotion to create intentions in that gaze of love it never stops it never stops it never stops either means pleasure you are back in Elam you are in pleasure and now all the spiritual things that your DNA creates your new nature start to create the living off your spirit man the provision of Eden governing provision godly ingress [Music] walking with God in the Cawley even evening governing creation speaking things out giving them the nature you desire from inside you this is who you are angels now come to tend you angels that want you to command them to do things they want to cooperate with you and the new jackets put on you the multicolored jacker of the favored child and the new crowns upon your head dignity dignity dignity you are the beloved son of God you are God's favorite you were the disciple that Jesus loved you were the son that yo I had doors he's gazes always upon you with the one glance of your eyes you've taken his heart his delight is there because you said yes to the gift to stay here in this presence the worship teams going to take over you just keep doing this business here sub cleanses you if God says you're clean you're clean a delighted face of God but the lighted face of God [Music] take this moment to just let him smile at you just become aware but the fact that you don't have a snow face guard [Music] that is exceedingly delighted in you just take this as an opportunity to let him just love you [Music] you are [Music] some of my life you always leave me you are the voice inside you are my no only for you [Music] points to you and I was mad you [Music]
Channel: WOWLifeChurch
Views: 20,298
Rating: 4.8804598 out of 5
Keywords: Kirby de Lanerolle, Wow Life, Wow Sri Lanka, Prophet K, Prophet Kirby, chris blackeby, as he is ministries, as he is, life giving spirit, living from heaven, wow church
Id: EWZtnl0TB8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 44sec (3704 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 20 2019
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