Sons Live By The Goodness of God

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my friend my brother Greece black Abby the black church love you Brooke welcome welcome come on guys you can do better than that Christopher thank you Christopher Robins thank you everyone this might be the first time you've seen me in this conference and that's because I'm trying to be a famous international speaker which means you only come to the services that you're speaking at yeah I'm not speaking I'm not coming that's how it works but I have to really indulge in this international speaker platform I currently have here at activate because as of tomorrow I will be part of the congregation of activex I've just moved yeah I've just moved to California so I'm not yet a Campbell dependent Benedicta for another 24 hours for as I'm concerned but tomorrow is a church service I'm gonna sign the I've become a Methodist tomorrow is that true oh my goodness [Applause] yet why don't you and activate don't you're doing the Methodists oh my goodness and this is this be a long plan God offered gave me opportunity to move to Los Angeles seven years ago and this is true I thought it was Satan maybe I saw Los Angeles seven years ago you probably understand now that system that my my error was I didn't understand how good god was to me so when the offer to move to America came while I was pastoring a church associate pastor in the church in Adelaide you'd be like why that's like a distraction yep and God offered three times me to go to America and the last time a lady called Patricia King I don't really know that well yeah Patricia King she held my hand she said Chris I really believe this is God I will sponsor you come to America I said Patti not inside I said I said I've just taken this she she said this to me the first day of my employment as a as a pastor which I flew back from Los Angeles to take in Adelaide and she told me I've just taken the job it's just been announced I'm here I just moved back to Australia I saw as like my doors and distractions and other things will test the heart but but I'll just be clear I didn't think that was Satan I don't that just don't don't start the rumors I have so much honor for that lady she spoke a very tough thing like that's what a word to give someone they've just taken the job as a pastor and she says I will take you to America and anyway I turned that down and in I'm not trying to crazy ology an observation in my life is if you say no to a door from God it takes seven years that door to come round again yeah and I'm not that's not a hard fast thing you know there's there's obviously things in scripture where it doesn't happen that way it's the observation for my life and I I worked it out in 2013 and when I worked out because in 2013 I was above being a pastor just for two years I completely burnt out it was just two years of an associate pastor and the church I went to is an excellent Church and they'd put very little weight on me at all and yet I burnt out after two years which was not comment on that church as a comment on my fit in that place and the grace for me to be there and so you've done a story I was very ill I should have died God removed death from me his best way to describe it in 2010 in this miraculous moment and by 2011 I was a pastor again because the pastor before and and then I bit myself out and after struggling for 10 years just to stay alive and God heals you I take this healing and just drive into the ground and I was mad a Shack no comment on on that but I was at a Shack that's owned by a man called Rob Rufus and I burnt out I just thanked this Shack and the Holy Spirit and come to me is the asian chick and the god thing come to me is african woman nothing happened maybe now it's covering but inositol so then I said god I got healed I made a decision I went back in the ministry I loved the church why do I care for the church that's why I went back in the ministry I don't need the ministry for God I really care for the church I thought was the best thing I could do and I'm burnt I'm hurt and I'm exhausted lost the old symptoms are back my body so rundown I can't handle I don't read the Bible I don't pray don't hear a sermon I don't know what to do and I'm really hurt I'm a I'm really angry with you I just feel really betrayed by you right now and then God show me the three times he tried to get me out ministry the night before in Los Angeles someone offered me a job in Los Angeles I'm not for flew back get behind me Satan a day I started Patricia King offered me a job I've never said that publicly scuzz honor honor her now and then and this is the one that God had for me in 2012 he opened the door for me to come to America again and which was started in 2013 so I'm 2019 he offered I open the door for me to be here in 2020 that's the seven years yeah and basically I said no to all three and you've heard the joke it's a Baptist joke and they have the best jokes they've got coming up great jokes and but the man that was drowning at the floods came a man who stay on top of the roof yeah and the boat comes along he says don't worry God's gonna save me another boat comes along says get out I pray to my god I don't need you my God will save me he's up to his neck he's holding on to this chimney you know and a helicopter comes can you guys go away my God will save me need rounds and then he goes to heaven he says god what happened guy said I sent you two boats and a helicopter and that's what happened to me God sent me three tardies and BT boats and a helicopter and I said no for God and it's tell you it's taken a seven-year cycle but here's the thing you need to know God knew I was gonna say no it's like legally he wanted needed to do that but also when I worked out in 2013 I worked my when I realized that God offered me his opportunities I said no it was Grievous to me Grievous because I'd fundamentally misunderstood the nature of my father and how he sees me and he's very desire for me it turned down and only that thing I chose which was ministry had driven me into the ground and now I'm sick it took us and it took a good two years to recover from burning out and I still get like PTSD walking to a church because I just was overwhelmed and someone talks to me my my resistance to talk to them even I felt overwhelmed like the burden of someone I just felt crushed by it and you ever had a cat you you take a cat to the vets it's first time and doesn't have a good experience there okay next time you take the cat the vets a year later you're like hang on I remember this place I remember that smell get me outta here and that was me walking to a church even church building I couldn't handle it at all it's like yeah like a cat at the vet so um the the base point is is that what God had for me I rejected which is my judgment of God Amaya Jetta loved me while the knowledge of good and evil the first job offered to me was to be a lawyer in Los Angeles in the music industry and a contract law and this will be interesting but there's more money in Christian music per song for hit then in the world because I can't hit come and go in in three months but a Christian hit oh my goodness 20 years we're still seeing that song yeah yeah over and over yeah and I lo insight into the Christian music industry and some of it's amazing some of its horrifying but I was invited in and I'm actually done a commerce degree and my strength was contract war I love live music and my job would be and the guy that in the contracts was doing rihanna and eminem and all these people would that was bigger that time and that's why be doing contracts for and I just turned it down to be associate pastor in a small Church in Adelaide yeah which was the cottage which was the which was the godly thing to do I said get behind me Satan I didn't do and now the church doesn't have a contract lawyer who does the contracts fit because 3d contracts the individual songs cuz songs worth so much each song has a same contract and and now there's no sound of God there because that guy I he moved out I know who he is new here oh I know he he moved out to the middle of America and there's no guy in there laid during the contract so Christian he was he was the guy was a Christian guy and having a Christian guy there was amazing imagine what what he prevented and what he changed and just for his very presence and he didn't know he was moving to the central of America at that time then I would have been here and I will being that guy I turned it down and so God was like well you won't think that being a music lawyer in Los Angeles and the key one actually straight in the center what people spend the whole life was offered to me you want to set that as God and then how about you go study with petitioner King Fisher King Tommy come stay with us where it is in the desert there wherever this and but there's a drama school study drama and acting is one of my favorite things I said no to that it was that right so being a lawyer in Los Angeles like LA law the other thing is is not spiritual enough for you how about staying with a Christian group and they're having a Christian drama thing within you like I said no to that you guys like wow that's not spiritual enough for you in 2012 was offered to Pastor my own church here a group one star the church they wanted me to be the pastor and fly me over like except you know is that spiritual enough for you Chris like having a church do you see I went down down down down down into more more spiritual things and then and then in the end I said nice of that and I took seven years to come here but God had to do that to me to teach me yeah so you can see oh I got a friend his name's Michael his he's 77 and he got he was on get this wrong but I think was like the to a manager for the Grateful Dead there's something like that something crazy he got saved and he walked with the desert and died went to heaven so it was Suns we're actually sons of God and everything's alive in heaven earrings living color blues living grasses living everything's alive Joy's a person you know wisdoms a person etc they serve the sons of God he came he came back and I'm talking miss must be knee in the 80s basic preaching that in the eighties so he came back I also got rejected by the church it's worth room in the loony bin he came out and everything was gone she'd taken off all the money on the riches he didn't care it's in heaven you know and so he the Son of God and Earth is just whatever you know and all the structures of this earth he's seen the heavenly structures and it's all just babbled on to him and so he'd to start a company in any industry you want what you do now star restaurant run a restaurant before no I'm a king I'm from heaven and all these beings met in heaven help me I'm not going to go there and I'm gonna dominate I'm gonna smash it next I might do insurance so we did took up as failing insurance company franchisor all over an experience of that Nana we know wisdom you know these guys and then he disturbed me I'm going to govern he says Chris why don't you to go to America and get a job a star company that does firearms guns and tobacco and just governor as a son and just smash Babylon every day they'll come and get you and then you smash them before a banking is that the law job or than accept that couldn't see it as as a good use of time yeah but now I see it as the most essential thing the church takes any person that they say has a a good enough character and good enough gifting with good enough charisma or all these things and we grab him you put him in the ministry straight away especially last charismatic and Pentecostal churches we grab implemented ministry yeah but they need to be running guns in tobacco they need to be running lawyers they need to be looking after education yep and we say no disc we have this religious paradigm the religious paradigm is based on shame the knowledge of good and evil this is good this is evil I don't measure up shame Cain we have this picture of Cain well you think Cain was this naughty guy bad guy doing all the stuff I promise you Cain was the best church attendee you've ever met he'll be a great Christian that's who came us and that's why it made him so murderously angry came wasn't this crazy murderer and violent guy and gone out when he brought his offer offering to God he'll then measure the app here the knowledge of good and evil which is based on shame we didn't believe that God loved him for who he was he didn't believe that God would give to him so he chose a trading system based on his capacity and you're allowed to do that believe the results of it by his declaration of who God was I buried my gift in the ground because you're a hard taskmaster oh I'm a hard taskmaster well then so be it by your confession that's how I relate to you yeah don't even come to my house if you just say the word my servant will be healed really that's who you say I am you've said you've set the parameters you can choose your relationship with God my saying to God well saying to those job offers which was God's very hard for me get behind me Satan stop distracting me from ministry is shame by the knowledge of good and evil I either didn't deserve it or being a lawyer in Los Angeles would not please God by the knowledge of good and evil yeah it's shame now shame and guilt are different things guilties have done something wrong shame is there's something fundamentally wrong about me and shame baguettes shame so because I believe there's something fundamentally wrong about me I had to choose the best system to please God and being a lawyer wasn't that studying acting wasn't that it was becoming a pastor I became a pastor out of shame and that's why I bent out 2 years and so you work harder and harder I promise you Cain would have been a great youth pastor we must understand that it's a very important thing Cain was very well-behaved and made murder in him death grunion now when I was doing that the death that grew on me stated me I didn't kill anyone maybe but it did it killed me certainly I burnt myself out yeah but but anger built and it comes at your mouth I look back now and go holy smokes I wasn't the victim I was the perpetrator that's hard you feel so burnt out and then the church and Christians and God and love of Lord us poor victim and when you were sick in bed exhausted burnt out no emotions and and you have to realize hang on I did this and you're really aim with God you have done this you realize hang on I did this that's a hard moment you got no other punch yeah shame says there's something fundamentally wrong about me I lack worth in some area which means God will not give to you because you don't deserve it by the knowledge of good and evil the tree that got you kicked out and so we used that same tree to get back in it's not gonna work if you don't believe if you believe there's something fundamentally wrong with you even though 1 percent 3 percent 10 percent 100 percent in that area if God's not going to give it to you you will reach with your own hand to take it with your own strength and that will bring death but knowledge of good and evil has one fruit it's the good and evil through the good and evil fruit there's not the good fruit and evil fruit take the good and evil fruit and you eat it it brings good and evil but always brings death doing good for God brings death I do good for God now doing bad doing evil brings death and the sock was much quicker yep yeah the death that counts right it's much quicker but doing good the cycle takes longer but it's coming around because the knowledge of good and evil is a earthly practice principle inside this creation it's a sowing and reaping and it's gonna come around the guy who says this is too hard I'm going out and I'm doing the drugs I'm sleeping around I'm gonna go crazy and then loses all his money's in the gutter and the guy that ties use 10% comes to church close to all the things the church needing to do same person both because they don't know who they are in God their declaration of God's character their judgment and God's character themselves I've reached for something the knowledge of good and evil ones doing evil he doesn't know what love is ones doing good because he doesn't know what love is God only cares about what you save him if really Hebrews 11 what God's saying look at all these faithful people good faithful in that fridge magnet says you know Moses was the murderer and Abraham gave his wife away and Dave was an adulterer blah blah blah that's true but they didn't look at themselves they looked on the nature of God you look at the nature of God that is the only thing that qualifies you because II look at you is a knowledge of good and evil you make a judgment about right and wrong and accurate judgment a correct judgment on the wrong system and you'll make an accurate correct decision using that wrong system and the trouble is if you're doing good it brings death to your life then you will become a murderer will come out your mouth kill this know kill that from shame there's something inherently wrong about me God will not give to me out of his nature I'm gonna say a statement and I say it way too strong men will walk her back Christian is a name given to us by Satanists who cool as Christians the pagans and the Antioch and we'll walk it back a little bit Christian is a name given to us by mankind I'm a Christian Christians a great term they observed that we filet Christ and that was fruit in our life but God never caused the Christian jesus never caused the Christian and Jesus wasn't the Christian Jesus wasn't a Christian Jesus this is good Methodist theology unless he's happy you can't see it any yeah now I love the term Christian I'm very happy be called Christian or what I understand it means okay so let's not attack that because we'll do the same thing to do about giving you a mentor mystic for attacking the word Christian now no no no no but Christian is a man's term to describe us and it has good and evil in it but Jesus is a son of God he is the son of God he is the uniquely begotten Son of God and we're in that image because Christians are name given by man and interpreted by man there's many different reputations what that means and you can attain to it it's good and it brings death every church you go to will tell you what Christian means will be a Christian you're Christian do me Christian this church well you'll get a list of good and evil this is good this is evil this is in this is out either spoken directly or by the giving and removal of approval in a circle outer circle and then you know and that's Christian and you can attain to Christianity you have to pick a church that's at your level if you can go if you're a intellectual guy and you go to an intellectual teaching Church you will be honored completely and big intellectual guy you go to a worship II church and the world knowledge church and stuff then you're like with a weed faulty Christian same guy if you really live by the impulses of God and the love the Rhema moment and and the emotion and of God and you go to a one day's teaching centers you're a flake emotional bit weird you got another church either worship leader you're up that's Christianity yeah and you can either achieve it or not achiever and by the knowledge good and evil that's the problem you either attain to it or you don't if you don't attain to it you're condemned if you do attain to it you go into pride and God resists the proud it's the lose-lose tree long as good and evil it's lose-lose it's death death okay and here's the problem that you understand the problem not attaining to it you've all fallen short of someone's standard even your own especially your own yeah the biggest shame is your condemnation of yourself that's when you better get over yeah but attaining to it anything you do in your own strength does bring murder because Cain was a very good Christian in his own strength in view attain to in your own strength it doesn't matter how it starts the best intention so if you want to get to fit and you you change your life and you change your diet and you start going the gym you get up at 5 a.m. and you need done with these things and you do it for yourself okay you're doing well you do a few months you get in great results and then you go down the shops you see something have a sugar drink and a doughnut and they're not fit you judge instantly you've engaged the knowledge of good and evil system that tree will always bring that death the most famous group of this is vegans a vegan start to have great intention as our there they believe it's a cruelty thing stuff like that and that's fine great Paul is very clear on that let them do it that's fantast that's their walk before God fantastic I choose to be a vegan before God for a certain spiritual paradigm ok and let's do that for a while but by month three four five I'll see people eating meat I judge them what was once a gift becomes a murder by a night of good I'm doing good and it comes murder yeah Church is a slaughterhouse because church culture you're talking about church culture yeah long as culture yeah yeah Church culture that's us you think you the victim you're the perpetrator because this is how serious it is it is a seed line of Satan who's your dad whose nature you're expressing that's what we're asking here I can say that safety here in this group like imagine and whose nature you're expressing that's your father who who are you expressing any knowledge of good and evil any performance criteria to qualify you for the goodness of God is the nature of Satan you're expressing Satan as your father and also use your father you've changed okay yeah I'm assuming we get this I don't have to explain all all that stuff okay Jesus think come to improve you it came to replace you when you became a Christian and you became a Christian it didn't move from one worldview thought pattern to another you become an atheist became a Christian or a Buddhist became a Christian you change species you come from a human to a son of God yeah now son of God can do what God can do if a giraffe has a baby it's all giraffe and they're giraffes it's very giraffy those rough things just drafts around yeah oh it does it's not its parents the giraffe isn't its parents but is its parents in substance it's all giraffe if you look a bite out of it you'll be eating 100% off if a giraffe has a kid it's giraffe in substance in nature well if God has a son it's 100 in substance in nature so God's got a new species when Jesus was the first fully God fully man that's what you are you are divine in nature and substance are we God in nature and substance absolutely there is a creature creation thing going on you are not Yahweh that created you you of him and then he gives that to you Jesus a lamb you are you Jesus a lamb slain before the foundation of the world not but he gives that to you his righteousness is your righteousness Jesus the word chose to be slain before the foundation of the world and that is given to you you didn't do it but you did you have it because it's given to you what we have is amazing no flesh will inherit the kingdom when the high priest went through the veil he wasn't allowed to sweat no human effort is leather being here no flesh because it's of the knowledge of good and evil it's of work it's not a gift you can be a good Christian and you can be a good Christian just law your your definition of Christianity so where you'll find the church or you can be a good Christian be not a buccal Christian you ought to be a son of God and that's what you are when you believed not when you changed when you believed before you are baptized before you receive the baptism the Holy Spirit moment you believed then became a son of God and that's what you are any knowledge of good and evil won't get you there because you will call the goodness of God evil you'll disqualify yourself for it and go and say well you think that's a topical I am then that is how we relate to each other because you choose if you choose your systems because God's got theirs everything for your through scripture so I am going to relate to God on tithing by Malachi 3 if I tie the storehouses of heaven will open for me if I don't tithe I hurt I the storehouse to heaven open for me and I'm protected from the devour got ok that's who you think I am you can relate to me on that level but you've chosen it and that's fine he wants a relationship with you and but you choose a system his hunter sent good to you and you choose a system so I'm tithing tithing tithing tithing and things are going well for me I'm protected life's going well and one sometime money gets tight ok the church they don't tithe Wow drive home safely because you've chosen that system and now by your own confession that the vara has access to you if you are tired than you come home the kid sick that's impossible your tithing and you don't tithe you come and be kids a sick you get well there it is you've got no legal standpoint for that that's the system you chose and God sends he's God sent his protection racket angels around they're like hey see you not tithing too dangerous world I'm not saying it's going to happen but just think that's the 10% of your money something do that happen see you next week you try that system there's another system as you were born of God and you are a precious son there's nothing you can do ahead of time okay there's nothing you can do the owner you can only be received the kingdom can only be received and you have already the thing you desire to be you already are and as you transformed by renewing of your mind that you believe something different how well the foolishness of preaching by just hearing word and believing it changes so if I go holy of Holy's Holly you know Court Holy of Holies looks like in the court out of court it's a bit wrong but you get it spirit soul body in your spirit man is perfect it's born again from above it's one spirit with Christ you are born of God you're one spirit with Christ your spirit is Christ spirit is your spirit there's no division as marriages the mystery of a man woman becoming one flesh you become one spirit your arm once with Christ then round me Oh got a soul and a body that holds a memory and a record of different things which are shame I'm something less than that as I hear the good news it changes and just comes out it's the story of the church in 1900 if you said if I pray for people will they get healed that's witchcraft yeah in the 1940s and 50s we had big tent revivals and a Christian and a special anointed man of God would get up and preach and people would be healed human beings not Jesus of the Bible but human beings in his name are healing people before it happened we didn't believe it someone saw it I see it now their soul changes that's possible and what's inside them just comes out there's always their tongues always there okay and then in the 80s and 90s so this will say not yea 80s and 90s in the 90s they started preaching that every day Christians can hear not the guy in the tent which was weird and demonic you can still look him up now on YouTube they're still saying this demonic now but as always in us we could always heal all those guys went to the big-name speaker in the tent they could always do it the truth came their soul changed like a lock locks bad word not lock but it's became the same sound the same frequency the same it agreed but during the mind what was in them just came out now Christianity has this high end point but don't really talk about you know but one day in the heaven will be like this and we're moving towards it okay that's some knowledge of good and evil because we at you better judge your movement you'll be attain to it or not attain to it but you're born again from the end point you have a divine nature a giraffe has a giraffe our God has God you have it all you're doing what Jesus is releasing that from inside you by changing your mind and that can never be attained to by the knowledge good naval discipline effort focus absolutely but you already have it you can't qualify yourself what you're already got here's something to remember I am as I ought ah Chris yeah should be like this no no I already am that thing I am azar ought to be a thing I need to be a thing i if i just could just be this way i am that i am as I ought sonship is a rest how you going to govern 10 cities 5 cities you have to go do it yourself you think the King goes does the plumbing then sweeps of this and yes except his rural position and command people go do it no cities five skis ten cities that's your declaration of God's goodness to you will God just heal with a word he's easy a hard taskmaster has he brought the desert to die you said I brought you the desert to die well fair enough I hate then I said no no no no no we didn't say we brought you to the desert to die we said we can't take that land this amazing land the grass the Giants are too big and we can't do it that's what we said God says no no well I said you could so when you say you can't because of me there's something wrong with me I can't act the Giants it's too good that judgment is a declaration of Who I am God is invisible that's how he reveals himself as invisible and people have seen him and the scripture says I've seen him an Old Testament New Testament he says the invisible God John the last book written 1 John claims his invisible knowing man has seen God and John you the scriptures and John wrote revelations so what's going on God reveals himself in love and wisdom and perfect so something invisible you can't see it you can't grab it it can't reach your own hands how does this thing reveal itself by word his word is who he is and God saying will you love me for who I am I said this believing it is to love even Who I am I am word where there's me I'm spirit word that's how God reveals himself to man that's his relationship that's wisdom will you love me for who I am you can take the land inside the grasshopper too big well it's not the grasshoppers where grasshoppers the giant a TV we think we're being humble don't be herself God saying no that is the fundamental cosmic crime of Adam and Eve repeated through Scripture did God really say say his word is questioning his very nature the very core of existence and creation this is all word this is all word did God really say believing God is his love language but all he wants oh he wants the Hebrews 11 crew nor the crew but they believe God in His Word God said no flesh can hear at that no knowledge of good and evil yeah no no he's a good and evil nothing can attain to that it can be only on the promise Peter we walked on the water he wasn't working on the water he is walking on the promise of the word come Jesus is character because Jesus said it that's why I walked on he's walking on that word come the promise Jesus said it and they looked at the natural understand that and forgot the word the knowledge good and evil is what you reach for your own hand if you don't believe you've got it you will do something to get it if you don't get it you'll go into condemnation and you'll murder yourself if you do get it you've gone to pride your murder other people it's only a gift what is this gift the divine nature a son of God forever to rule and reign his kingdom heaven earth together what will become we do not know it's beyond what we can ask or imagine receive it as a gift so that stopped being reformed Catholics it's taking way too long tongues as always their healing was always there what's this what's this endpoint we believe what we're moving to it's already here everything you need for life and godliness he who was and he who has received Christ as seized from his striving and his works so strive to enter that rest who is Antichrist rest sir he is enter Christ rest has ceased from his strivings in his words so strive to enter that rest or you will end in disobedience what disobedience doing something not believe in God and making a decision in doing something of your own strength that's the disobedience from being God do as much as you want gotten substance in nature why grace worked harder than you all says Paul there's a free gift not to obtain something from the what he's already attained if I give up smoking by being disciplined and going down and taking patches and all these other things like that and takes me a few years and you will give up smoking that's what I'll give you if you do it great if you don't do it why not hey just gotta be more disciplined I'll discipline Wow why don't you be this one if I give up smoking because someone laid hands on me and bang it went left and you say you'll give up smoking I'll give the same system I got guess what I'm not in judgment of you for not giving up smoking I can do either and someone saves me if I change in my life by the revelation that I died with him and they rose as him a new species and everything flows when that is a free gift when you come to me I'm in judgment of you I'm sleeping around I'm telling my wife I'm not in judgment of you because I would be too except for this whatever this is give us a free gift you give it away as a free gift attained by the flesh and sustainer you put in other people if you attain it you do judge them if they don't a knit as well which is by and by large church culture yeah another wanted to say I turned down what God had to me which is my judgment of him which is my judgment of me which is shame I need to receive the free gift I'm his precious son yeah which is fully and whole complete nothing lacking pressed down running over from that rest I believe in the word because that's what he said that's what he said but I did this I'll notice this is what he said but Chris does this I know but this is what he said I just believe him that is the rest that destroys shame the removes shame and I won't reach my own hand to take something which has already been given to me [Applause] [Music] hallelujah wow that's incredible amen sonship God ship divinity - gift no two ways about it thank you Chris good job
Channel: As He Is Ministries
Views: 15,961
Rating: 4.9107141 out of 5
Keywords: Blackeby, Kingdom, gospel, mystic
Id: mxYiVBIL4oM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 20sec (3200 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 28 2020
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