Chris Blackeby and Kirby de Lanerolle | Face to Face | 15th December 2019

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] welcome welcome to Wow well I got one week left in Sri Lanka I have an amazing it's something gonna fall down it takes a village to raise this child you know one week left in Sri Lanka I've got an amazing announcement we're now now seeing we're launching Wow well the Gama come on let's go I'll just spend the week up while the weekend that will the Gama some gamma that the gamma mmm anyway on to think wow for just opening yourself and your family and your revelation and your life and everything to me I've been here probably six weeks or more by the time I get home so yeah I'll be here next Sunday and straight off the service I'm flying straight to Australia to see my family so it's going to be good but what a credible opportunity to be here at Wow just very privileged and you really have something special you really do and like these stories that happened to other people you know that's that grace that's God's nature being expressed to you so because you said yes like Abraham he said yes and God was good to him based on a promise not his performance not his behavior so that's you guys too so we're all here to find out more about Jesus it doesn't matter where you've come from or what you're doing or what you currently understand we all want to find out what Jesus has done for us yeah and Jesus done something amazing when you receive Jesus whatever those words mean to you you don't leave one religion to another religion you don't leave one thought process to another thought price you leave a species to another species you were human and now you are a son of God and the son of God is a class of being it's not male or female it's God the Creator has his own children which have his DNA and that's you you were a human you died with him you rose as him in Christ I'm Christ you can say that too yeah my life mission statement my life goals they is if you've seen me you've seen the father that's my desire that's my father's desire and everything I need for that to come true has been given to me everything I need for life and godliness has been given to me yeah so we're born again and you're born a flesh your flesh may be born of spirit your spirit so guess what you are it was spirits so girls start thinking like spirits think and behaving like spirits behave not how humans think and behave and your spirit man is born again in Christ hidden in Christ in heavenly places and your spirit man is very secure it's not double guessing himself/herself whatever it's not double guessing God it doesn't question what God's saying the word is the word will last forever in you there's no shadow of changing you are the same yesterday time forever your spirit man is fully whole fully complete and we're just learning this our souls are learning what we already are it's a gift it's a rest it's a saying yes not based on your performance but based on a promise God said I will do this for you yeah you're born of the will of God born of God if you're born of spirit you're if you're born of God you're oh okay now see the why people find this church so controversial now am I saying that your God that created the universe no you created by him of him of his substance am i saying your little gods know that we do understate what you are you know gods there are illa whims plural in scripture we try and avoid that but there is there's God's in Scripture and God is God of all those gods it's very clear he can judge them he can term you're gonna die he can do whatever he wants with these guys okay says God and there's other beings okay of God we're his family we're above them we will judge them yeah Ephesians regions Corinthians 3 and the message says all are in Christ and Christ is in God yeah you are now the third part of the Trinity fourth part of the Trinity yeah or the third part you are in Christ you're part of the Trinity that is the Trinity is your family you're part of that family forever born of the will of God group Ephesians 1 up in any translation and we'll start at verse 3 this was God's desire for you he wants you to be a son of God before you existed he wanted you to be a son of God yeah oh that's quick blessed be the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ was blessed us with every spiritual blessing in heavenly places in Christ okay so everything you're asking God to give you he's already given it to you so it's a rest in heavenly places in Christ that's where you are your raise is seated in Christ and your blessing today in your spirit man as your soul agrees with your spirit man it just comes out okay and back oh nice cuffs just as he okay this is the important bit just as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world just keep that up there he chose us in him before the foundation of the world Christ was slain for the foundation of the world this was the plan he led the foundation for you to be found in him before the foundation of the world what does that mean just as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world that we should be holy and without blame before him in love this is God's plan that you'll be holy and blameless before him in love and he chose you and crowded you in him thought of you in him before the foundation of the world you've said yes and now now not not you not yet now you are holy and blameless before him forever and now your soul is just agreeing with what is already yours yeah having predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to himself according to his good pleasure and will so your sons that's what you are sons of God spirit beings what type of spirit beings the same type of spirit being that Yahweh is Jehovah you're Dave of her you're his sons you look like him and he is a life-giving spirit first Adam living being second Adam is a life-giving spirit so this has been given to you excuse me it has been given to you already this is what you are right now you were born again you were given a word a seed ass even in you and that seed is the beloved son you are now beloved son and that seed just grows that's all that's doing the seed is growing and the more you behave and think like a beloved son the more it manifests you it's yours forever but we want to bring that to earth yeah at the end of this chapter we skip down to the last line of this chapter hang on yep 1:14 I think okay all right had something awesome I hit it says we're gonna reconcile all things in Christ on heaven and earth okay that's what we're doing we want to bring heaven to earth we want to die and go to heaven okay and then see all the good stuff there will it bring that here yeah we were redeeming the earth and redeeming our bodies God created these bodies he loves these bodies they're genius there's a DNA that can house Yahweh yeah that's we've got no one else has got that only we have that angels don't have that other beings that have that creation doesn't have that we have that DNA that can house Yahweh in this created realm yeah we're not waiting for the rapture I'm not waiting for Jesus to come back and wrap it up and those things may or may not happen our decision today is to accept the free gift and be transformed by renewing of our mind just believe something different can you receive the free gift okay now in all humans all humans know this all humans want to have a drive to live you know they're 90 years old and they're having heart palpitations we're going well you're 90 we take them to the hospital and we try and fix them up yeah but for summary we want to live okay we know life should be ours you know prosperity should be ours people want the win the the the mega draw a lot o because I know having provision would just take the pressure off life you know and I can I can just pursue my dreams if I wonder cross lotto leave it with sweeps do you call it here I don't know over if you win a million dollars or ten million dollars the pressures off I can be who I'm supposed to be they desire to live in the kingdom yeah now God has shown the house how to do this in the New Testament there's lots of descriptions and lots of like just rally up theology and in the Old Testament there's pictures and the great picture of how to live by the spirit by our promise that's how spirits live by word it's boosted by word by a promise yeah we see Abraham get promised a son yep Abram gets promised a son become Abraham the father of many nations it's a promise just a word based only on God's nature nothing in the physical realm and as time goes on the physical realm would say very clearly there's going to be no Sun here yeah so they make a decision to attain the promise that's based on God's character and God's behavior he sleeps with his maid okay he's seven they have a son Ishmael and now he has a son he loves his son Ishmael and now the promise has been achieved through natural means and the promise grows up up up up up the one day God comes along says today's the day the promise is going to happen but if you want this promise in your life this natural working must be removed from the camp and he loved his son and he's made but for the promised to reach maturity the work of the flesh even to obtain the promise had to be removed okay and later God says take Isaac the son of the promise your son your only son and sacrificing your only son that's what God sees only what comes from heaven goes back to heaven yeah so we have had Christianity framed up for us no sorts of ways you know crawl on your knees use these beads use these you know use these principles whatever but none based on you are a beloved Son of God and God will do it to you because that's his nature and nothing else okay but all these other things were to attain the promise okay so you think about what we wanted is move from physical things we can see particle 30-fold 264 the sole promises principles practices to it's just God's nature and I'm loved ya know flesh can the hair at this glory okay and it's all good but you want to move this way you have to this becomes the Ishmael and you kick out the camp I knew a lot about natural life for natural ways and and food and supplements and all these things and I was I was very sick so I was using these things to attain the promise of healing and they're good but ones the move to he would by faith okay so all these things on you either kick out the camp I start again and learn that God is a healer and God can heal and and the cross did it and all these things okay and then all these faith principles okay that was a Ishmael to receive a higher promise now guess what I have to lose all these things to move to the promise that I earn Christ or one me my father I want to happen to Christ thing can happen to me can it can it not happen to Christ that cannot happen to me that's the rest that solves any of those issues yeah see see you move this way Martin this is like this is cash a bank I want to go to Japan to be missionary okay I've got 100,000 cash a bank okay and then that's physical but wanna move to a promise okay now I know I want to move to like a principles this is cash then I move to sowing and reaping my soul and i reap what I sow and I reap okay much better because he get percentage return he get multiplication return it comes later you'll keep your confession you hold it you don't break your confession but it comes back much better or I work with my dad he pays for everything well you do you just go to Japan on the promise if God said go Japan you go Japan I'm not singling you out actually uh hi you just go on the promise because in the promise is a seed and in that seed is everything it needs for it to grow whatever God says you can walk off the word P there didn't walk on the water he walked on the word come yeah he walked on the promise on god's nature but he looked at physical stuff and took him down okay and Windham waves in Bible typography ears emotions yeah okay so what I'd like to do is y cubed and then I roll up and I'll ask him some questions on the ways that he has gone from particle to wave to word Palika form wave form word form okay alright please come up so yeah okay Chris yeah you shoot okay and again we're going to try and answer together is because you've done it in your life yeah yeah the keys you were you're a boxer I mean there can't be more yeah the mat and also substances and now right to the side yeah and then you've bought a community through that as well so you reproduced it in others it's not just the anointing it's a it's a truth based on the promise sure and you can say hey it's the same promise yeah so you can choose what's wise and that wise to say about your life yeah okay sure you can always Eddie not going live now it is that good okay well so there's I've seen you do it food and with money and with healing so how about I ask you cuz I think I know the answer already how did you go from needing substances to give yourself a great life to just the will of God being your joy yeah that's brilliant question so this happened to a process Chris and still be I think we all are going through the same process yeah you know being able to actually extract it's an expression process right you're expecting from the invisible word yeah and causing it to for the wavefunction to collapse yes and for it to then convert to matter yes right so I I truly believe that the word comes from a realm that is beyond the space-time realm yes and so because of that it's somewhere beyond the natural understanding of man yes and we call it the glory realm and in this realm it's very similar like the scientific quantum realm that note space there's no time if it plays very significantly why quantum science is really interesting is because it looks very similar okay the more you'll get towards the third heavens I call it the third heavens you can have a different view on that but it makes it easier the more you get to the third heaven realm what happens is it looks more like the second heaven realm so as you get closer and closer the mechanics look the same so the the quantum understanding of things help people today to really understand maybe what God can have a feel like but he's so much greater than quantum mechanics so I like to explain things in in that sense so in the quantum an understanding of thing today they've understood that there's something called observer effect if you look at something the wavefunction collapses and it materializes now they they do when they do scientific tests they do double-blind triple blinds because they know that the in case observer will cause the potential to crystallize okay now that's really interesting made understand spiritual things because as you have a conscious observer ok concentrating on something it can be from money turning up into your bank it can be from me saying money me to turn up in your bank now if you wave your phone at me it's just a conscious observer and the more I can get the collective conscious observers focusing because there is a tipping point when there is a collective of people agreeing on one thing and that's why the Bible says when two or three agree together something should happen so what we had what we are trying to do is try trying to get this invisible God okay who is and who who says he's absolutely invisible and they're supposed to deal with that and so fit their to two aspects of this faith one is to deal with his invisibility and say Lord you know I you know am blessed even if I don't touch if I don't see with my five senses I know you exist that's the first step towards manifestation yeah I'm very comfortable between visibility yes okay I'm not suffering just because I can't I can't materialize the invisible realm yes human beings called material bending when material turns to immaterial they call it they call it suffering yes anytime you lose your phone you lose your car you lose your money you lose your body parts we call it suffering okay the first is to acknowledge that he exists by faith yes that's why faith is important I was born in the what we call I'm sure you would have been part of it not I'm not sure actually if we did be the puppet but I've been a part of fear and I were part of a faith movement and in the faith movement there are so many aspects of the faith movement that need to be upgraded okay and that's what that's one part of my teachings we upgrade the faith movement with inert Aegina stuff that but a kid the faith moment had one tremendous aspect and that is if you don't even feel if you don't see you don't feel you just believe that the word is and it shall be okay that is I can't tell you how valuable that has in my life when I can't feel God when I don't think God exists or it doesn't matter when I come to a meeting I'm depressed things are looking really bad the word says it you believe it yeah okay so that's the first thing that's the first attitude towards causing the wavefunction to collapse causing the invisible to become visible first aspect I'm okay with you just being invisible I'm completely okay with that good yeah I respect that I honor that that's a part of your DNA you are invisible okay so that's the first aspect of it and you don't you don't have to manifest all the time to me just to prove to me that you exist yeah I accept you I acknowledge you okay it's honor okay now once that has been done you come into an authority with your invisible friend god yeah all-powerful okay that you can he gives you the ability to for your needs to materialize from his promises and that's why the 36 300 when you can look at his promises and say Lord you know at this moment of time I'm going to speak it and when I speak it this thing is going to convert the wave function will collapse the invisible realm will collapse and it'll be visible so that comes from first understanding invisibility dealing with it acknowledging it completely be okay with it you have no money you're okay you have no car you're okay you have no job you're still okay okay you have no people you're still okay right this causes that realm to be really attracted to you because now it's the two that make one okay so you have to understand that the word became flesh now the word has has has an attraction towards you because you're you're playing the role of Jesus when he walked on the earth the word that became flesh you know because you're the body he's the word in a completely okay with that and and and and when that relationship we get really good you will speak the word and it becomes flesh well you see the you speak the word and the word becomes flesh yes a word - word bomb batteries are charged yeah oh come on gets here okay so you understand it so it's a it's a it's a it's a relationship with invisibility that does it so let me just add one one thing there so I take the Bible literally it might be wrong theologians will have find fault with me but certain places I really take it literally and so the Bible say is mentioned only one bread alone but every word that proceeds from the mouth of God now that's invisible promise an invisible word yeah so what I would do with that is I would I would even say believe it but I would process it very philosophically in me is this possible wow this is really cool yes okay it's a process I'm not even believing it okay and then I will allow the biology to experience that and that's something I can do that's something that God can't do something that my mind and my flesh flesh means soul and body I start explain to experience trying trying it might not happen I might try and after many many years I will try and try and try and because the word sees that the flesh is now trying even one yeah okay at one moment you see as long as you are humble and you're ready to process that and say well that's a big thought and man really live on proceeding with a load and so I'll try to run five kilometers they don't try to run 10 kilometers without eating and then you know I won't I won't recommend it to anyone but the revelation that I got and then I suddenly could just have energy without actually eating normal food like normal people eat and I could run an exercise and stuff flat and I realized wow this promise now has become flesh yes okay so like that that be many things it can be your finances you know you first you need to be able to say the first time I would go in like money coming into accounts and stuff like that you know I would put myself on the line on something like that so I would be in a crowd like this and I would say you know what there's money coming into someone's a car account right now now how do I know that because the word says you know that Jesus that and that's what he can do you can materialize so I say right now in that back row over there someone's wallet has been filled and most of the time initially nothing would happen but I was completely willing to look like a fool because I know the more I speak the more I speak it builds it builds my relationship with the invisible world becomes experiencial okay and suddenly those things started happening so the same with healing the first time we do healing is nothing going to happen the first time you go to hear someone it might not happen but it's the relationship with the invisible world that's what's important because it's not about success it's not about whether you win or lose I mean someone gets healed or doesn't get healed it doesn't matter whether you finally get the money or don't get the money it's God wants to relate with you and you learn to engage that word live in that word be able to take that word seriously find out why it didn't happen last time what about the process of your heart how much of believing and unbelieving you were in okay your reality with that word how big is that thought evaluating that thought causes the promises materials now immortality is a big thought you know and I don't see anyone trying to live 120 years at least okay unless you really process the thought if it's it's the thought that you process every day like really can the word make me young really can God give me life you know these are big thoughts the huge thoughts their philosophy codes and unless you have an open mind to process it okay and as you start munching on it you know when processing it suddenly certain things start happening to your body impose hey you know you got younger and you look different and your body's not aging but so my submission to the church is you don't even have to believe it just be open to the word world colliding on the material world just be open and as you do it you'll see that parts of this partially will come to pass and hopefully one day the whole thing will but I don't know if I can get partial partial manifestations of different things it proves to people God exists and that I'm trying to do you know I'm not even trying to live forever or make me rich or or be completely healed or anything like that I am yeah but but yeah but but but but but we might all get there if you just start processing the components of yes yeah yeah they're very big points we have to respect the fact that is a big thoughts like when you say money comes into someone's account it's a big thought that's what I'm trying say don't realize these things yeah it's a big thought that that can happen that someone can do that hmm okay it's a big talk and once you start processing the big talk and honoring it in that way it can become a reality for you yeah I hope so we know by faith that God created the world with his words yeah and we're in His image we create the world by our words yeah so you believe in your heart and confess with the mouth you bring salvation so zone yeah yeah to everything yeah yeah but our the heart the mouth speaks yeah so you have to believe in your heart yeah yeah yeah so as you're speaking now yeah it becomes possible people believe in their heart the upside believe it yeah for the word and house believing come yeah in the word yeah yeah so he's hearing the word yeah she just that's I mean how much rest is there yeah yeah just me hearing the word yeah believe comes yeah from believing the heart thanks mouth then you can create yeah absolutely and it's so much easier when you have a group of crazies to believe with you yeah yeah so that's that I think that human potential is limited because of like you say there are potential people can't believe it you know and so when you have a group of people who really who are courageous enough to not you know to be outside the box and say yeah that can happen man we have that kind of potential in us you know and that's why church is important that's what community is important to have a bit a group of crazies who would believe in the crazy stuff with you yeah because I'm telling you that kind of stuff can happen then the other stuff like people say oh I want to make a billion dollars or whatever it is you know I mean that's great but the fact of the matter is that the bigger stuff than that yeah and but if you can believe in this stuff the billion dollars become easy yeah yeah so so God's invisible and because you can't see him in that way he reveals himself by his words yeah that is saying this is who I am yeah so when you believe God's words he's saying we believe me we love me for who I am I'm spirit yeah I'm not flesh I'm not even soul I'm spirit and will you love me for who I am we just love my words we love the fact that I said it and the fact that I said it that's who I am right yep so you believe his words you're loving him yeah who he is it's the highest compliment yeah but belief is God's love language yes to believe you yeah that's his love language yeah and so the two people in the New Testament that Jesus said Wow such great faith I've never seen in all of Israel no both Gentiles yeah that's right yeah so I didn't have the law yeah so I didn't know why God wouldn't do that yeah they didn't have accusation against them any accusation yeah and I promise you that the Centurion yeah and the Syrian woman we all know what yeah yeah cuz since you're the only people yeah yeah but I didn't think anything about that yeah they spent a call and God's character and he's possibilities capacities nature I said both them said if you say it yeah it will happen oh you annoy me right I wouldn't do that right and I can I'm word right so I've called him for who he is I've loved him for who are you yeah very good so you with food yeah so foods like a natural energy source calories come in yeah they burned sugar and then or you eat fat if you like Bosh on a countable diet and you only eat me then you need that and you get stronger and you burn those calories you move from there yeah you move up into like your body living off dead cells but of Virginia yes a higher form yeah okay so you go off glucose you fast glucose you get to what we call ketones yeah and today key ketosis is a big thing yeah we were doing ketosis eight nine years ago and people used to look at us doctors you see look at and say you're on it ptosis and for them it was is at that time is a bad word because it was ketoacidosis which is which means you're starving and you're eating you're just left with the fact in your body and you opt-in system and I know so you're ketoacidosis was it's a bad thing but they never had language for ketosis is the good thing there was eight nine years ago so now everyone is on ketosis and so but if you fast ketosis or just go beyond the intermittent fasting others into maybe over 24 hours then you get to autoflow G which is the eating of the waste in the cells that create so I recommend that kind of thing at least once a week to be on on auto for maybe more more towards invisible yeah so that's like life right there yeah yeah now otogi that is that's life swallowing up this yeah it's beautiful that's really good yeah nice you can use that yeah that's very good I love it yeah so I tried used you said to we're trying many times yes okay so I tried but six times yeah to get to change from one to the other yes and you live for the first time in Cape Town yes and so it's moving more more than visible was on day four or five yeah and I wasn't doing so well yeah and you and you know fasting yes and then you said and you well know and you're famous for not eating sure and you said to me we'll break our fast yeah to eat with you yes yeah yes and then all my fasting symptoms which are M pain and all sort of things are going on in my body they left when you said we will break our fast sure which was of known for to eat with me right and it was that love and concern their head that they just left yeah you could see me change okay yeah so I've gone from physical to like my soft love in my soul yeah and that gave me energy and health right yeah everyone tell ya cuz I took me at the back way everyone's watching a video yeah yeah yeah moving that's just yeah so yeah we can call it we can call in emotions but the scientific world today have a word for it and that's a guy called Steven Kotler who actually teaches a lot on what I call in doctrine energy that is zero turn in all the dopamine the new European offering there are hormones and chemicals in our brain and in our gut that puts out somebody when you fast sometimes when you do action sports when you only love [Music] oxytocin which is suppose to be a stress hormone that comes out I realized that every time the that the last couple of months I've been really living on oxytocin because of its a stress hormone and stress is good for you by the way despite what doctors will tell you stress actually can make you an oxytocin comes out to actually heal the heart it actually oxytocin is a stress hormone it comes out to heal the heart and even notice when you're stressed you reach out more to the person you love you're always holding hands always hugging stuff like that that's oxytocin so yeah so when you're stressed there are good stuff that happens to you that really really energize you and give your body life now all this God knew how we are created yeah okay and I've just been just assess four or five different forms of energy okay there are not glucose and carbs yeah just understand that you know you go to word yeah so I won't know here's the thing okay yeah I won't take away Chris I for me every all of this including glucose and carbs is a part of the world yes okay and that's what's important to understand it's just that it's extracted sixty eighty six thirty sixty hundred yeah okay so it's like you get an eye always say you can get an apple and it's in solid material form but if you juice the Apple the molecular movement is faster okay so you can say Apple juice Monica moon faster vaporize can be another form yeah okay but it's all Apple yeah but it so it's all word yeah okay but the word manifests in different form it's like someone will I'll pray for someone for a miracle and that person there was a doctor who sent someone to me and he's an atheist and actually my dentist sweet very sweet guy who who always tells me when I come in God cannot do teeth miracles and I said that's absolutely right and that's why you're there but but but yeah so so he sent me someone instead krabi I'm sending some button you know I'm an atheist and he sent me someone he said just pray this guy's got a problem in the stomach and I said no problem and I prayed for him and he called me an extent said the miracle happened I was like Bob this is a miracle happen earth but here's the miracle okay he said you don't understand the guy got back home and he found a doctor that could do the operation for him and this he couldn't do for like two years he couldn't find a doctor doing operation and I said that is a miracle but he said he's a computer under sense a miracle because he found the right doctor you see so that miracle got extracted yeah okay at a 30 yeah yeah because his faith was at a 30 you see so that same miracle thing it expected at 100 where he goes home and he didn't need operation because God into operation so which one is God which one is not God they're all God yeah and that's it's all in the word when I'm eating apple or but I'm I'm living on in doctrine energy this is all encompassing and God yeah the would say everything's many of the word Christ himself yeah so extracting with it different yes yeah the low you go takes more effort yeah and has maybe more like toxin or waste product oi yes yes the cost that's right yeah as opposed to let's say finances yeah and you're using just good stewardship yes okay get percentage returns and takes a lot of time love ever be you get there right there's simple use faith for the weather faith misery yes and bang yeah breakthroughs it's much easier to believe work right but I still have to believe that's right and then still word yeah that's a promise that's right then it's the actual not your unity your one being with God yes you can live out the Word of God yes no even holding you promise yes you just know that you're the love son yes and your god yes different different sense so you can work you can you can work at the teller machine at Tescos and you're working all day working all day and but the job you do you have a job before but now you're Tesco's teller machine person and that when he came in the job came to you it came to you that is god it's 34 okay but then suddenly you come to church you find the promises you're you you you sort of meditated on the promises you understood the promises of God and suddenly exponentially your boss gets fired or gets promoted better okay and suddenly from the telling machine you know okay you found favor you're the boss yeah okay that's because the promise now is you expected it at a different level okay now interestingly you could become the same way you could become the owner of the company we've had that happen as well you know where you were brought in you did something the guy was getting investigated on in taxes and he said I can't keep this I can't keep it shares I need to give the shares to you you have a chance okay I'm just going to say okay so Sonny you become the owner from being the teller how did that happen the taxing investigation you didn't do it okay the share transferred okay is it only I can trust is you know okay and your shares got transferred to you now all that is different levels of abstraction you know the interesting thing with bit what you are saying is the more you toil and labor for it okay the more you toil the more you labored more you put your own effort your own emotions to get it yeah okay they're more toxic waste yeah yeah okay yeah because there is no sweat there's no there's more blood sweat tears the more people hurt the more people letdown the more people them and then more people who start to stab in the back yeah less chlorine yeah the less glory yeah okay yeah now the beautiful balance between this and what I've learned is I'll rather have okay when the in I'd rather have the whole damn thing crash and burn you know okay and but this is this is something that is what faith looks like right then middling with it and try to control it and manipulate it and finally get a 30 or 60 lot like a nice smile yeah okay I rather wait and wait for the but it's very it's very hard I can't and I'm telling it's very hard to miss it many times like that I wait wait last moment but I begin at the end and then I get something I do get something and it's good I get something Smiley's awesome I learn lavash man okay Abraham rubbish man yes and I run with a smile for a while and all that you know but later on it comes back to bite you that's the thing but but the fact that matter is there's nothing wrong in that it's just a process it's not do this or do that it's not the New Testament is not saying oh now you just have to just throw a smile out okay yes each man will have to go at the end okay now is my way of thinking toil labor will have to go at the end if you want to get the fullness of God's glory however we have many Ishmael's you have many smiles in our life that we created and we are fostering about keeping around and we're keeping at her home and feeding them and supplies and that's completely okay it's a part of the process yes Baba but waiting to be able to be really mature and waiting even if everything is crashing down meddling with it man when you finally get it there right and it comes through there like 100 then you're like oh man this was really a miracle yes yeah it was really a miracle but it was all god yes but this was and later there's a awesome maturity that comes when you let things go so I've learned in my life now like people say oh but this is happening I'll let it all happen man don't worry no big deal man I at the end when it comes true it'll be glorious and patience patience has that perfect work ready not perfect work yeah that's based on God's character alone yeah and nothing you do solo you down there's more that you can engage with the case of working working yeah and even sowing reaping is you see it leave your hand like yeah it's what be Lizzie okay yeah guys to live of God's promise yeah cuz I said that um the giving message yes just Godzilla I travel by faith yeah it was exhausting right that's how god I can't do any more miracles right I just said give me a wage right and God said exactly because that's not love once on my body crashed him physically because my body went there my emotions went down right I just couldn't say can I just say what you just said was a beautiful because it's in Deuteronomy 8 you just said lord I can't live by miracles anymore it's like it's so time to live by miracles really you know and and that comes from Deuteronomy 8 where he says I humbled you okay I fed you with manna that you did not know and the word manna there means what what is it means it means the miracles I feel you in miracle that you did not know nor did your father's know why because I wanna humble you receive it you know the man shall not live on bread alone but every word so lot of people say Lord I can't depend on another miracle give me a wage give me give me something stable yeah and you know what you can cut your losses and you will have your wage truly and and that's completely okay you know and you'll be a good guy you'll grow you'll grow up to be a good guy you might have a lot of money and all that but you won't have a character of a son which is that in the substance of God who is a who's who the Creator you're you already yo-yo you cut your losses had been a victim and okay I'm with him I cry you give I cry you give yeah ok so but God wants you to take all of us your place to create to create and the next generation of the world and we might just be and at the beginning of this kind of thinking is a people who will be able to create abundance out of their own power that and their own resource that comes from them but to get there we might there might be days months years of of you know what I'm ready for it to all crash just to be able to have the authentic glory that God has been for us yeah so humans are right now crying abundance and healing their latent God nature yeah because it doesn't come from heaven the rewards on the earth stays yeah it wasn't the wisdom of God so I went from you know kashyap banked or faith Holly the word the word the word world which is exhausting yeah and then God said travel by love not by faith so I started traveling by love which was harder than my personal makeup and faith yeah and then I had a great disappointment I couldn't travel by lovely more yeah and a lot of financial pressure yeah I moved back to Australia I live in a little room or a friend's house nothing this big life yeah it's from right down right and God just said to me if you give me the firstfruits I'll look after you not Malachi but a proverb like oh yeah I'm sowing and reaping verse and God says because I couldn't yeah he said just moved down yeah just find your soul that's right yeah get a job that's right yeah yeah just fine and I started sowing and reaping the most classic sense I put a spreadsheet out yeah I gave one hundred dollars two songs yeah this time yeah I knew it's gonna come back yeah why didn't they come back okay nice hard-working not as easy as bleeding your love yes yeah and then that worked legs up to a more and more money does come back yes is it season in greater amounts like reading yeah and then a friend did something for me that that there's no way I think read for that I was like that's love right I found that love again I'm going back to love yeah everyone saying reading said you can keep it yeah yeah and it's not sin it's not wrong office it's fun to process the oil go up and down yeah and yeah and sometimes your soul takes a big hit yeah yeah yeah so one more thing about taking lower to higher that humbles you yes a gift yes give to other people what do you think giveaway yeah this when you do it cuz there's effort in it judgment comes with it yep that's right yeah so that's what you know vegans are famous for yes yeah I start with a great thing yeah I love it there's eating vegan being kind to run content run cons everyone right I did I see you eating meat oh right yes yeah well what started as a nice as a genuine intent to care for the world you might becomes a judgment jar lose weight why the right thing yeah I see you see yeah yeah because they do the other end stress that's right this the law you extract the more judgment that's right it's a free gift I can give you a free gift hundred percent because it's they're eating from the law of good and bad good and bad good and bad and so so continuously in that tree you have to make this is wrong for this to be right yes so everything is polarized yeah and yeah so unless you live I love like you said so that's absolutely right and because all use my AMA flesh yeah I got a father I am to run younger 5 m to run that's right yeah it's not a gift yeah and actually create a burden for someone else yes I can't get her father include three kids on the throw yeah you know yeah it's absolutely amazing because you know we were like many many people pearance bring bring their children up saying you know you have to work hard for the money you know and that is instilled in them and many of these parents some of these parents can easily give their kids their inheritance and raise them up in absolute abundance yeah okay but they will say no but you got to well just because I did it like that you got to do it now there's nothing wrong in the template because discipline is very very important yes okay but I can tell you that discipline can be instilled in abundance and in fact in fact the emotions that come with poverty and lack okay a cause tremendous judgment and commend us insecurity where you can bring up your child in absolute abundance but also teach value of discipline that won't bring the same lack mentality the same insecurities but but they won't change the model because they did it like this so you got to go through it like that you know and therefore it perpetuates through generations orphan spirit you have a father but I feel like I don't have a father my father's a billionaire but I feel like I have no father because he gets me to work exactly the way he worked now he got there because he he had to do that because he really didn't have yes but now he has yes you see but that's what God the Father he changes that system around yes yeah he teaches us value in abundance in grace yeah OS which states those values stay yes yeah I was disconnected in ratio to your ability yeah yeah it's my strength plus 2.5 or yeah but when you start moving up to promise it's not based on your the ratio your capacity right it was based on the gift that's right what do you say let's say I was broke in church I've had all those verses and I believe not believed and it didn't happen my my marriage broke my child got sick business went bust and I believe that my first was you know if you ask for a pretty one give you a starring you ask for a yeah yeah and then I believe the word and all collapsed yeah and then tell me to go back to the word again yeah what is what he's saying to that that's happened to me so many times you know I remember we are the first first time that really hit me hard was when someone I loved very much passed away and we were fighting for their life yes and really prayed really believed and this person was flowing in the word flowing in the promises knew the Bible in and out you know and when we when we lost this person it was very hard for me to look back at the verses about life and have the same feeling that this can really happen yes you know and it's it was a process of mean me able me able to be true with God about my unbelief yes and I I think more than anything else we we put such pressure on people to believe you know and God doesn't put any pressure on us to believe remember Sarah laughed but she got her child yeah okay right so what what God is looking for is the ability through our own beliefs to walk with Him so now that that heart of truth you know is what that's called walk in the spirit so that was a tremendous experience for me going to him and saying Lord you know what these verses meant so much to me but right now it I don't feel the same energy on it I don't feel the same resonance on it and thought you need to give me faith because faith is finally given by him it's a gift from God you cannot muster fate up on your own there's nothing that you can do to cost you to have faith please understand it and it's being taught all wrong that faith is something that you can do you can must stay in your heart or your mind or something like faith is a gift from God it's a revelation let me put it like it's better it's a revelation of of a certain situation just get that faith is a revelation of a certain situation okay I just want you to get that okay faith is not I believe in God that's not fair even even the devil believes in God okay now please understand the faith that you got to have for every situation is a revelation about the situation once you get a revelation about a situation that situation starts changing according to revelation you God and that's why we teach on rebel a that's why we teach we have a late we remember late constantly regulating so the question is this like on a simple words like the Ducote all the time I sigh 54 he was bruised for my iniquities he was wounded for my transgressions the chastisement of my peace was upon him and by His stripes I'm healed now how many of you use that for healing if you raise your hand if you use their healing yeah that's a promise you used for eating right everyone uses that now that that was right there for me had become very deep like I I couldn't even use it in a moment I even when I'm say it was like there was a dullness about that worse I can't explain because I'd use it it didn't work using it didn't work you know okay so what I needed to get was new revelation okay and I of course try to get the same a revelation about exactly that words you know because I wanted that books to be renewed in me so sitting there and saying reading that works again and say lord give me a new revelation about this worse okay till you get a new revelation of the words that was becomes it just becomes words okay and so revelation is what's most important Jesus Christ is a revelation and so every promise if someone is struggling with disappointment with verses with situations in their life it's because we don't will not hurt God a fresh man shall not live on bread alone but the proceeding the proceeding means the new word the God is giving you it's fresh bread okay so unless you have a new revelation about your sickness your company your marriage okay you won't be able to move forward that's that's how it that's how it happened so once I got the revelation it was about specifically it was to do with cancer and I might for me can say if anyone said cancer as I said cancer I would get a fear because of what happened it was like when it's like I'm praying for someone to call me here could become improvement so someone okay what's the problem it's cancer and then I would literally feel as if a cancer I would feel like I don't know whether you feel like if you say a company's finances come on it's a financial situation for you hey come on man you know we're gonna do a good new business and you feel like that it's a drop you know and I felt that energy all the time when ministered cancer so I had to get a revelation from the promise on cancer gained III get people who need cancer and I would literally read the worse out loud and I would think about a situation where someone is sick with cancer whatever it is and I will check for my energy very image I can feel my energy in my heart I will feel what I'm feeling my emotions are so important you cannot move a mountain we don't move without having the emotions voice okay Jesus was angry when he cursed the fig day so my emotions were sorrowful my emotions were down I hopelessness feels like something you need to find out you need to be very sensitive to your emotions you have to say use certain words use a company that that you have been doing that you closed down mention the company to yourself when you're alone in meditation and just mention the company name and yes just mentioned a company name you'll feel that it that's your energy okay mention a person's name it is superior energy and so I because I'm sensitive to energy I realize man this worse and and when I mentioned cancer this was there's nothing so Pete comes by hearing so what I would do is I will just literally sit maybe that was in other words and I would really truthfully sincerely peek to my spirit let my soul speak to my spirit and say do you really believe this and and tell God if I didn't believe it I would tell god I do not believe it I still can't Lord I need no faith on this one and so I would I would say you know by His stripes I'm healed you know he was chastised for my peace he was wounded for my transgressions he was bruised for my iniquity and then I went down a bit and then I saw this worse and he said surely they said that's that's when everything changed for me and down it was surely he was wounded and like whoa I didn't see surely before I saw everything else before but I didn't see there was the word surely and as I saw surely I'm being shifted in my heart again and because I spent time trying to meditate on that word and bring back in faith and I felt oh it surely means it sure and then suddenly it started coming in again and I could go and pray over cancers and kind since be getting healed so meditating on the verses when you've been disappointed it's so important don't just let it go because once it happened it's the strategy of the devil to rob the power of that words yes okay because he knows that that's what you've been using and he knows that verses and and a situation is what he he comes in one way but if he comes in one way it's because he's planned another hundred to get you down if you don't tackle this one okay the rest are coming so you have to be able to tackle this one get back into that faith and that's how I do it I'd sense the energy the peace on it I mentioned a company name how do I feel about it okay and then there's so many meditations that you can do that's why you need to pray prayer time is not just stopping words it's prayer time looks like this you know going through different situations in your life people call you it problems okay someone can call you and say I've got a problem as you here you know what happens in your heart don't ever allow that to happen because when they say hey can you come and pray for the situation is my marriage you know about their marriage okay and then immediately the accusation images like that is not going to work you see that's hopelessness yeah that hopelessness if you want to maintain it there okay you're maintaining it you're maintaining hopelessness you maintain it there you'll maintain it in every area of your life okay you cannot afford to maintain it there okay so you'd stop take a pause spend five minutes thinking about the situation getting back get the Bible worse get back into faith over that marriage that you're praying for whatever it is once that happens it goes into every nook and cranny of your life hmm so the faith came by hearing yeah yeah you heard strongly yes and then things changed yes it's the word does the work the word that's the work it does the work that always that the words of the work will you believe that yes this you need to do yes if you don't believe please do these things yeah please eat yes Christian yes it's good yes govern over everything you can't do anything really revolutionary that can come and hear but they don't hear for themselves and then you're wondering why didn't work you got here for yourself I am just facilitating for you to hear okay and I'm just staying talking about I experiences pistils experience my experience it's different but what have you heard about your finances well what have you heard and and can you get a revelation nothing shifts you need to spend time get a revelation and a revelation is that in that the place where you like wow I'm you you have a new idea about your finances it's not it doesn't have to be specifically for your finances but a new idea about God and how he is looking your finances Wow and once you get it you can be here healing it can be finances it can be marriage team start changing well okay I've got some yeah harmless thing with God but I can tell ya can I can I tell you can you tell you Chris because do you know that your mind is self talking to you all the time yes you must know that once you understand that you'll honest your mind is self talking all the time you mention anything you mentioned a hundred million in one year you just mention that word or you mentioned I'm going to run a marathon next year just say immediately but you like it or not your mind responds yes okay and it's self talks okay that self talk is mostly negative so whether you like it or not it you are talking yourself out of everything all the time yeah it happens because you can't hear the self talk it happens at t just theta state of mind brain wave state so theta state is like like below like seven cycles per second or it's it happens at Delta you are anyway killing yourself something when you like it or not on every and every subject of your life and someone else's life you have an opinion you have an opinion and you will do exactly what your opinion says you will do uh-huh and once you can figure out that you have an opinion you will always underwrite that opinion with Christ and that's why the Bible 6 to 2 Corinthians thing take every thought captive and bring it to the obedience of Christ this every time it doesn't say take few thoughts every thought captive so you rather as the big thoughts the big things in your life you rather have the right God talk or the talk rather than your own self talk because I can guarantee you it's negative and that is why the word does that work once you get it in very good yeah excellent so if you don't know you have it you do something that's what Adam and Eve did they didn't know that goes to make them like him you know down to that yeah to the word I promise is nature so reached okay so you believe the word they put you at rest yeah ramifications of reaching with your own strength and for me to enter into rest it was like I preached two Tuesday's ago still face God I thought you would I think you're away but yeah just know that God wasn't still for me but yeah like me me great access to be at rest to be not just the son of God I've got that let's be a beloved son of God yes like his face is pleasantly towards me I am the apple of his eye yes it does plan things for me yes I began RJ up to explain this one yeah yes that puts me at rest and then at rest I'm not reaching for something I don't need to see it I can just believe the word let the word do the work and sometimes it's a bit like Braveheart yeah where the horses are charging yes hold yeah just hold yeah oh yes the word like breakthrough concrete yes do you have an example where you received victory at rest or you chose to be still yeah and that the word breakthrough concrete wall yeah manifested itself down yeah yes I I do have a couple but I'll tell you a story that happened a couple of years maybe eight maybe five six years ago there was a time when we had a lot of attack from a lot of religious folk in India and in Sri Lanka as well but a lot in India and I was traveling up and down to India and we were just about to I was just about to get Bishop all team are and to really cover us and he was about to cover us and we were just talking to him he was he was really liking me and stuff like that and a whole lot of papers in India like put out five articles at that time as well it's like patterns in in in in in one month and when they heard that I was going into India literally people went on strike and there were people at the madrasah Airport thousands of people with placards not wanting me to come into India and they were trying to pressure the government not to allow me and they they I was ministering with a very know lady and even on God TV they were just about to put out the banner on Indian god TV saying this guy's having a meeting please don't go the whole thing and so that happened five six years ago and I remember at that point of time I was I was new to the this type of persecution that comes with papers and article and stuff like that and I was really afraid to open up my facebook or even the papers in the morning you know like I don't know what else they're going to say you know like I'd rather not like look you know it was like that and I realized that fear had come in to me like what are they saying you know and I'm gonna cancel my meetings in India and you know they were calling me a cult leader and all that is six seven years ago and so when they started happening at that point of time I tried to mitigate it and I would call people up and say why don't you say this and do this and do that and you know constantly in control of the situation and I remember the Lord I said Lord you know I I need to have a new level of faith that no matter what they say okay that that you will be by my side and India will open up for me and I'll be able to go in for these meetings and at that point of time I remember I also heard my guy on the ground there said that Bishop all team R and himself had a problem with my doctrines and he had wanted to correct me publicly and I get to India yeah so now these guys are already accusing me of wrong doctrines and stuff like that and a guy who is supposed to cover me wants to talk to me publicly about the doctrines and I remember at that point of time I said God you know I am in your hands and I was advised by the people there they don't get the public correction they told me don't get the public correction who limps when you go into India pull him into a room and get corrected privately because then you can perpetuate your your message because if I get publicly corrected okay it spreads all over and whatever the doctrines that that he thinks he he correct him will go throughout the country okay so I remember very well IIIi I had a I had a decision because I could say I want I were hearing with him I wanted a public hearing and at that point of time the Lord spoke to me and said don't you never had an apostle love you and want to copy you like the way bishop all the modern wants to do Wow when he corrects you make sure you get it publicly corrected and not privately and so I I remember that that time I said God give me a piece and it just came it's just if it says when the enemy comes in I love this verse he says the Lord raises the standard okay and like it says like a flood the Lord raises a standard but any me was coming in I said Lord you know what I'm going to just give myself into your hands and if this man wants to correct me publicly and if it's like really bad and he says my doctrines are wrong and all this it doesn't matter I'm going to take the correction if it is right okay and that took a lot of courage at the time I was just starting ministry it was a huge attack and I told my guy in India I said we're taking a public correction if you want to do it so as I said that two days later I get a call from Hyderabad and saying you don't have to go into Madras because we're inviting you to preach in Hyderabad and it's a hundred thousand people in Hyderabad waiting for you and you don't have to go in Madras so I didn't have to go and face all of them before five thousand people bit on strike okay you're going to Hyderabad and from there you flying to Madras and I went to Hyderabad either awesome time there's 100,000 people lobbying one in here what I said I flew I saw the grace of God the power of God as I died okay because we are crucified with Christ how do you do it all you need to do is die yeah yeah you died you're if you're a believer you died when you said yes to Christ if you're dead press yourself touch yourself and then nothing can hurt you someone stabs you you can't feel it okay and so we are called to carry our cross in a sense daily in a sense we're being supposed to die daily okay so I said I'm dead I'm resurrected with Christ and I went there we preached to a hundred thousand people in India went to Madras and Bishop our team arm is going to come and it's now all these guys who were accusing me three thousand people in the audience who probably hated me but there are Christians in India of quite serious you know they're crazy they can they can even kill you you know they get the so fanatical about their religion okay so I'm facing all these guys and Bishop Paula Martin obviously knew that I'm facing three thousand four thousand people I was with this lady waiting for him to come and he might correctly prob publicly he came in with his whole faculty which is with his what is that the University Chancellor and the whole faculty and they came and said we want to do something publicly I said I'm ready sir whatever you want to do and he said I want to give you a doctorate all the doctrines that you're carrying you know and so but it was a tremendous honor I think it was the time that really was honored I think what and he said yeah he said I've gone through your doctrines I loved it and that's what I wanted to be public I wanted all people to see that I'm gonna stand with you and there are people who will leave me over this but I'm giving you your doctorate on exactly your doctrines so I my doctorate my honorary doctorate that I got is on my doctrines Wow yeah so that was a real real raising up at that time and from that time he's stuck by us so and I praise God and it came from literally laying down and saying I'm gonna take whatever comes yeah you know what I'm already dead there is nothing else you can do and that that that's the place of rest dead is rest okay did some people say I'll rest when I'm dead the cell rest when I'm dead right yeah yeah you rest when you're dead when you finally faced everything and you said okay if this it okay finally what can happen to me and you face it and you you reconcile your heart with that situation whatever that situation is and you'll see let God be God and you just be on that cross well yeah so because you lay down your because all fear is fear of death yeah your financier their reputation yeah yeah so you lay down that fear of death yeah and so when you took out your flesh the spirit that all the work yes yes yeah and there's a multiplication came from that yes exponential yes not did you could continue teaching here but no open to absolutely he still is my car I mean he's my apostolate covering like recently when there were the problems they said oh guy this guy's at self-appointed and stuff like that and you know he I didn't even know I don't even call him like regularly or something like that you know I was in America and I said a bishop you know I think I spoke to him after six months eight months some like the bishop you know these guys is saying am i self-appointed the same old thing we regurgitated them coming out now again Bishop can you do me something and he said I'm sending you a letter and you know Kobe nine role is appointed by me I agree with everything he says so this guy was twenty thousand churches so sure so it's just it's because I didn't try any shmeil yes yeah because I didn't try to control it yeah he I could have got I could have had a relationship with him that was something else yes you can't have a relationship it would be a control relationship you know something else yes but because I just left it just the real spiritual relationship yeah and it so remains in the realm of the glory you and up to date yeah yeah perpetrates all right yeah good question yeah so willing the word do the work yeah okay then okay go watch the Gras one of the Israel to take the land yeah which has been given to them yes it's a rest yes now go take it yes yeah and there's times we've got once us rather though the words done the work the promise that has been given he says now but you execute it so basically there are times now that God wants Christians to bring judgment to a situation yeah yeah how do we when's the right time and how do we bring judgment to a situation okay very good this is a good question to close with one thing to understand is that you all have been given a seat and the seat is a throne and inefficiency says that you're sitting in heavenly places a lot of the Christians don't go into this place and that is why they lack power what do you do with your anger just a question I'm asking what do you do with your anger Christian's what do you do with your anger and people have no answer to that like your sins can get angry yes we can get angry and and what do you do with your anger and because we don't know what to do with the angle we are sick you know and that anger is very very important it's what Jesus used on the fig tree to to really disempower the fig tree okay so there are cycles and patterns and things that your anger has to be turned to there and so you're seated but according to 1 Corinthians 6 you're seated and he says is there no one wise among you who can judge the smallest matter okay so we are given that seed the seed of Moses okay for judgment and once you understand that you can judge but when you're judging the thing is the in the you know I'll just backtrack a bit to Genesis it says don't eat of this tree what is the tree the tree of the knowledge of good and evil but do we eat of it you will die so why we would die when you eat of the tree of judgment of good and evil was because they're not still experience the Redemption they're not still experienced justice okay so once you and I have experienced justice now if you're a believer you're sitting here your experience your justice that's we're sitting here justice means someone paid for your faults and you mistakes that that's pure justice so now we are supposed to judge after experiencing this amazing justice and so when we judge our judgments become absolutely righteous you see so it has been righteous judgment okay we can't be cursing people and and and and you know like in the Old Testament the Old Testament is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil because they're cursing people without experiencing Redemption for themselves as a Ross or the rod okay however God loves justice mm you see wickedness and let me see something wrong mainly see something unfair done to someone it is so important if you're seated in that responsible seat that you evaluate the redemption that you have received okay you first look before you judge at yourself and you look put yourself in a position and say my god that person could have been me it doesn't matter who is can be a murderer to a pedophile if you're a rapist to whatever you said that person could be me okay so you're coming from that place a person will receive Redemption and then but you say however despite the fact that I have received redemption despite the fact that that person can be saved at this moment what is happening is unfair and it needs to be stopped you have the right to stop something in its track whatever injustice that you see around in the world you have a right to stop that in its track you are seated on a seat and your words have power to stop it because as much as we loved the redemption if someone is not ready to go down that road to receive grace or his life you have the right to bring that into North and oh my god have you done that and do we do that of course we do you know look how many times Paul did it in the Bible where he will he let people out and say look I've been dealing with the situation but I send this person out of my covering and let him let him be dealt with the devil himself Paul himself said it's New Testament stuff huh okay that means he has a right to give someone over to the destruction of the enemy okay and have you done that of course we've done that and that's the authority that is given to every believer but it has to be exercised through the power of redemption and grace that has come into your life it's not something that you do fifthly quickly it is not something that you resort to continuously you know that I mean I I think we've only done it twice in our life okay but we have done that okay any best put immediately very very fast when we see injustice and it needs to be stopped we have a right and authority to stop it through our words the same person who can can charge phones and discharge cells you see what I'm trying to say yeah the same power same person who can put till someone can do exactly the opposite and God is giving the sovereign right to do that according to Redemption and across Redemption and prod and that's something that needs to be discussed further in details I won't I won't ask you to do that kind of stuff without going through all my teachings I teach on it I've taught on it many times binding and loosing this yeah let me have a right for that yes yeah the world is where it is yeah because the church hasn't stood in its place under under person there are so many things that we could put a stop to maybe seed but we don't know that we had the power fight yeah yeah and things of themselves so the church has stopped say things of themselves are evil like movies evil internet table but any reason that even was there because we're not there yes well standing at the gates and governing these things with tolls yes very good yes yes Kirby yeah thank you very much thank you guys can we give a big hand to Chris Blackaby he's just awesome one of the finest teachers of the word I know let's say thank you face all of us [Music] [Music]
Channel: WOWLifeChurch
Views: 16,533
Rating: 4.8590784 out of 5
Keywords: wow sri lanka, wow life, prophet kirby, prophet k, wowlife, church, wow church, sermon, prayer, priesthood, kirby de lanerolle, chris blackeby, as He he is, ministries
Id: EhoJ2P2mcDk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 54sec (4914 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 17 2019
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