Removing the Poison of Religion w/ Chris Blackeby

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[Music] i am liz wright welcome to live your best life the only thing that matters now is living by the power of this wonderful new creation life we're going to become an undefeatable force of radiating glory and we are rising up strong now in this hour [Music] hi welcome to live your best life with me liz wright thank you so much for giving me the time today you are not going to be disappointed i am so excited about this conversation with my special guest today um jesus put my guest my brother very strongly in my spirit to have on i he's somebody that i honor and i know is carrying a revelation that jesus has breathed into him through his own journey that is will be life transforming as you listen to it it's where we're going and it's who we are but it's it's very much a a revelation that we all need to awaken into in this hour it's very important and so yeah i just bless you if you can right now just sit somewhere can't get comfortable sit down relax open your spirit and just let the conversation just bring you into a deeper experience of jesus and so it is my absolute honor and my joy to welcome into the conversation with me today chris mcabee welcome to the show chris hi liz good to meet you it's great to be with you chris um when i was looking at your ministry i was undone because the name of your ministry as he is ministries is literally the scripture that i've been consumed with for about probably at least six months where in you know in the gospel of john with that scripture just jumped out at me and i realized when i read it all the encounters all the experiences i've had with jesus my whole life are they they are this you know we really are the expression of christ aren't we we're we're in we are in the mystical union we we jesus and us are one being so i wanted to start there chris because that's been consuming me i know talking to other people in the body of crisis is people are untangling from religion and they're beginning to awaken to the reality of the divine union so can you can you go there would you tell us some of what jesus has been showing you certainly certainly thank you liz well straight into it i grew up within church and um i served god the best i understood my whole life and then um i got very sick by time i was 30 after being a youth pastor a very large church and living the best life that i knew god would want me to do and when i say sick i nearly died and did a lot of damage to me and uh i found out that either christianity is not true or the bible's not true but god's not true or i fundamentally misunderstood something and uh which was very offensive and very scandalous to me it was actually yeah i actually felt quite betrayed by god because i knew he existed i believe the bible was true and i'd honored that the best of my whole life and by the time i was uh early 30s i was in a very bad way and i lived in uh constant pain and exhaustion and i was told i was going to die for the doctors so something is fundamentally wrong here and it's it's scandalous and it's very offensive and it's very hard thing to process after dedicating your whole life to god and within the church and serving the church and pastoring and looking after the poor and praying and home groups and prayer meetings and all these things and basically i uh i just couldn't read the bible anymore i couldn't pray anymore but i came to a point where i said well the bible's true god's true clearly i'm wrong and uh so i'm just gonna die and when i get to heaven uh in that in that way of thinking uh you just have to tell me what i did wrong because i don't get it i've tried and that's where i came to i was uh i just left the doctors gave me six months to live and if i went to a hospital and lived in a bubble basically bubble boy and um sorry and then um so i said i'm not gonna die in six months you know hospital i'll die in three months traveling because i don't want to die just slowly so i went traveling and i didn't die uh and people would think wow you went you had had a no immune system you weren't traveling that's very brave i'm full of faith but it wasn't it was just absolute realism i just didn't care i just didn't care anymore i didn't care if i lived or died you know and i'd go to sleep in you know in a hotel room in madrid and not never wake up you know and i sleep maybe 16 hours you wake up you check the watch oh it's four o'clock the next day you go do one thing that's exhausting take a picture you go back to bed and sleep another 16 hours and not making a wake up in the hospital or at all or in heaven and that was so i got to a pretty burnt place after saving blood my whole life and from this burnt place god showed me that the gospel is not what what we were told it's very the understanding we have of christianity is very much the knowledge of good and evil to do good get good do bad get bad situation and uh or just avoid bad be good and avoid that like uh it's all it's all uh still somehow based on your performance of cooperation and any any fraction of that is 100 poison it's just it doesn't matter how much it is a little bit of yeast works its way through the dough it's just a tiny bit of poison and that will kill you and if you're strong you can do it for 50 years or 60 years yeah but the weakest link will always break the weakest link always breaks there's no way out so i had a genetically weak body i just couldn't handle religion for 30 years it just killed me like literally it was poisoning me but i had a stronger body you know i would have gone on till my soul collapsed when i was 50 or 60. you know but then if you marry someone and one of them strong and loves the whole do good get good system um one of us one of those marriage partners will break first yeah and then they'll look terrible like because your husband your wife they love the lord they're going to all the prayer meetings they're going to prophetic meetings they're doing the warfare and your stupid husband look he's gone that religious set that was my wife i would have done that to her i'm just so strong powering on and someone's soul is going to break and we're both powerful and who breaks the kids break we'll go oh look this couple they love god all the prayer meetings go to conferences they're at church they're serving and their kids have just rejected god how can that be how can it be well the perpetrator is actually the parents um because we're investing in a a a poisonous system that has satan as its father that's that's probably as brutal as i can say it it's a knowledge of good news and it's all wrong it's the wrong page of the wrong book and it's pure poison so yeah it's brutal we can see it all around us and we do it again and again and again like it will work for me this time it's never worked for anyone and it doesn't produce sons neighbor church that's producing mature suns on the earth maybe church love loves god lots they love god name what's producing mature sun from the earth it's hard to fight because they're using the wrong system so can you chris gosh it's profound what you're saying because it's um it's so easy isn't it we we grew up in a in a spiritual culture that like you say many times it results in striving we're striving to be good people we're striving to be righteous you're rewarded for your striving you're elevated you're striving and putting on stage and you're striving as modeled as good behavior yeah it's such a subtle deception that creeps in isn't it like it's like you say people are doing the best they can with where they're at but they're not with great integrity there's a huge difference and so obviously your journey is somebody who's been a pastor in the in church and you've come through to a completely different understanding of the gospel [Music] so what shifted for you chris what happened you almost died and yeah yeah and a slow a slow awful death too yeah so it was it ground me down and it's very unpleasant situation so what happened fundamentally if i can put it this way religion is so cruel they will never ask you to do what you can't do it will only ask you to do what you can do on your best day and so when you don't do it you know you could have and now you're under condemnation because you could have you know and our measure of what christ has done is so close to us on our best day and so you can you can get there if you're disciplined if your kids don't get sick if nothing else happens you get a good night's sleep you can do all the things that you think you should do and each denomination and each church has its own set of rules that you comply to or fail so so what has jesus done he has made him made us he's given us the resurrected christ as our new nature yeah and so uh we can be we can walk in the fullness of the statue of christ in our lifetime in this physical body that's what he's done for us we're a new creation a new being that sees good in us that see that seed just grows up that's its nature the risen christ is our nature that's what it is that's why it's better that he left so we can literally be that and you can be exactly like the risen christ not jesus of nazareth but jesus down raised right that guy yep like the rebels the resurrect yeah reminisce attained the same resurrection life that he had so um that's your standard now but that's impossible i can never be that guy exactly it can only be received there is nothing you can do even the term positioning don't even the term like no flesh no sweat will inherit this kingdom when the hair at this glory none it can only be received and so you only can make a call on god's character would you do that for me are you the type of god that would give me your very nature in this body and that's what he's saying do you believe the gift do you believe this gift and the gift is a promise that i would do that for you and that is where you anchor everything on that god has decided this before the foundation of the world with all wisdom no understanding to his great delight wants to make us holy and blame us in his sight forever that we could bring heaven and earth together all things under christ that's his wisdom that's what he wanted to do and he has done it it's happening right now and you can be a good christian which is something we made up because jesus wasn't a christian right but jesus wasn't a christian we're like him he was the son of god he was the son of god he's the unique son of god and he's made us the unique son of god the monogenes we are him you are the beloved son of the beloved son we are the beloved son of god we are him and we have you standing immediately he is our righteousness so how righteous is jesus you're not righteous you don't have righteousness right right you've got christ here's your righteousness yeah do your actions don't qualify you for righteousness and they don't disqualify you it's a gift it's just absolutely it's so um i'm sure you can feel this family well chris is speaking there's such a pure weighty presence of holy spirit just like i can feel him and just unfolding his i can feel his joy actually and what you're sharing like um the moment the lord's just stripping everything away isn't he this that's uh that's encumbered our walk with him he's bringing things back to what the early church knew and experienced what paul preached it's the pure undiluted gospel of grace like you're saying there's nothing we can do it's the gift and the love of jesus is that he's put his spirit his holy spirit within us and made us a completely new species a completely new creation he's awakening us and honestly chris i mean i get wrecked i sit in these scriptures like i've never seen them before i mean i i had a whole series of encounters where jesus brought the apostle paul to me from the cloud of witnesses and since then and paul would put his forehead on my forehead and there was an it was like an infusion or an expansion of divine awareness of what they knew and then i started reading the letters and the scriptures like i'd never seen them before like you're saying the lens the mist was gone and and i could i saw the simplicity in them when you were speaking as well then it reminded me of the desert fathers you know how they went away to have an experience a life of solitude and they had such an experience of the divine oneness with god you know they it was so pure and i i feel like you're carrying some of that it's this purity of the um the yeah the the simplicity and the profoundness of the gospel where suddenly we're like you said as then there's nothing we can do about it all all we can do is is sit down on the inside just surrender and allow his life to flow through us so so can you tell us a little bit more of what the lord has shown you in terms of how do you how do you operate in your interior life how do you live with jesus now on the other side of this experience an awakening okay great i have lots of materials out there all for free they're all on youtube so you can just type my name into youtube and um there's one called living from heaven uh that's uh which is useful one for people to look at reframes things up very nicely how to move from an old religious frame into a sunship frame and then from there there's lots of teachings but for me so i don't know much about you liz i've only just met you like 30 seconds before we came on right i didn't know quite where you stood on things you went straight to the cloud witnesses paul putting his head on you so you really opened up everything yeah because i like to preach into a context i'm i'm just i want to do what's helpful i've really freed up some videos here very hungry chris okay okay okay all right well um uh so for me right um my understanding is your is your understanding um and but my whole by design and this is gonna uh maybe i don't know everyone's gonna agree with this but i uh don't see do you see an angel no have you met paul probably i was probably asleep like my my soul's kept no record of it you know do you work with the seven spirits of god absolutely what they like i don't know but it's happening and i literally people say what's your prayer life once you i i literally wake up i walk out the front door and i walk around and i pretend i'm god right that's it because you're one with him i'm i if if a giraffe has a baby giraffe it's all giraffe if god has a son it's all god like i am of him i'm not i'm not yahweh that made me i'm of his substance and i have his nature so the sermon on the mount is not a list of things to attain to it describes me forgiveness is my nature what jesus did is my nature on the night he was betrayed he gave up his body well that's me father forgive them they don't know what they do well that's me if you do these things you'll be a son of your father in heaven who sends reign on the good and evil the just the unjust that's me that's my nature so the gospels you were taught in church clearly i wasn't i wasn't there with you but i know what you were taught the gospels are read to you and i say are you like peter are you like thomas you're the woman that pushed through the crowd are you the scythian one you are you the centurion are you at the pharisees who are you like john you know who are you like are you marrying your martha are you mary mother you're none of those people they're all unsaved unregenerate human beings there's only one person born from above in the scriptures in the in in the gospels that's jesus so even when you read the gospels that's you and it's just that knowledge that that's what god has given me that that person jesus christ the word if you became incarnate that person has been given to me if any man be in christ is one spirit with the lord but that that same incorruptible seed is in me and it's growing up into maturity and i'm just agreeing with it so i literally just walk out the front door and i don't really have a mystic prayer time i don't go into my prayer closet and you know all my crew uh the most mystic of mystic crews you know and i travel with them and they wake up in the morning i say well how are you they are great yeah i um i went to the realms last night enoch met me he took me to the foundation of the earth i saw wisdom crying with the father and he showed me how to bring that this realm how are you last night one ah i had a dream had a car in it i think the car was red that's all i don't know and and this is where god has me i found it very hard to deal with at times because i preach with these guys and you know they'll create universes and and i was like wishing i didn't have a coffee after three that was my night you know and they were like doing all this stuff i really uh had to deal with that in me because god is breaking me down to a place oh that's an old-fashioned term you know what i'm saying i do um god's saying is my promise enough that i have done this for you will you rely on an invisible promise rather than a manifestation that this is my character will my character be your joy the fact that i said it is that enough it is becoming enough and in in it puts all emphasis on the fact that he said it and nothing else and there's no flesh in that there's not there's you can't even you can't there's nothing it's a it's it's a uh um sorry um that's a long way of telling you what i do i actually don't do anything and that's not a religious standard or that's like wow that's very spiritual that's not very spiritual this is my way some people had a like paul came up with their head on their forehead like that was your welcome the cloud exists all right i see that now yeah yeah right right yeah yeah yeah and everything and then know it in the word yeah yeah and this is my particular journey um um god has because my my role in the body is to come under and change the substrate beliefs of the church the underpinnings of christianity that um that they can build strong and and that's my role um if i came in and said well you know enoch appeared to me and uh took me to um you know a room called faith and whatever through the dark cloud or something uh i've eventually lost 95 percent of my audience or because of who i'm speaking to the culture they come from they will disqualify themselves either they might believe me or they'll do a nicolaitan thing like that's a special guy i'm laity and so my life the manifestation in my life is exactly the same as all my most crazy mystic friends what happens at the end result in their life is the same i have no experience of the underpinnings what actually happened while i'm sleeping my spirit's doing amazing things i wake up in the morning i have no recollection whatsoever yep and but and so i've just seen it in the word and i believe that it's true that i am a son of god i'm raised in heavenly places i am doing everything my father is doing with him right now i'm part of the cloud and from the rest in that's happening without any comparison because comparison is a thief of joy and it did it stole my joy a lot i felt more and more stupid every day liz wright said i met paul and he put his head on my forehead and in me i go ah oh that's good what what's wrong with me and god's going after that that what's wrong with me he wants it out of my system so that because everything reproduces after it's so inclined and so when i speak that that what's wrong with me is removed and so it comes out and if this guy could be a fully made person i've got a nerf because i i love emotional issues i love physical issues and very spiritually untalented so this guy who we'll talk about in the next one i know you can ask me the next question in the next session if this guy can be a son of god who resented god he felt abandoned had deep accusations against his character uh deeply depressed would rather be dead and doesn't feel the holy spirit that i don't people fall i don't even feel god's presence and god's like right you're going to be a fully mad son of god on earth and teach people about it it's like a crazy decision and he says and you're gonna bring nothing to the party just the fact that i've chosen you to do it and that's the foolishness of it there's a long way of saying chris what's your intimacy with god like i believe that he's done it and i just walk out the front door and whatever happens that day i have to i don't feel god's presence i don't see all this lay in the blue dress that i saw in the dream last night not even that nothing but the fruit of believing that word that he would do it for me and he has done it that alone reduces everything and from there i get a knowing so how do i learn the things i teach are no incomes so i'm obviously walking with someone someone's teaching me i've no record of it i can see the fruit of it without experiencing it yeah oh chris honestly you are you are such a message of hope because you are i thank you for being so vulnerable and so open as well about your life because i know it's going to strengthen a lot of people right now who feel spiritually unqualified who have low self-esteem low self-worth religious definitions of of their capabilities and who they are and the fact that you have this as i'm listening to you it is very clear to me that you have a supernatural ability you have christ's ability to believe you know do you mean you have christ's faith dispensing through you it's a gift it's like he said it like you said he said it so therefore it is and so you live a life of simple abiding and trusting and just it's like the core of you is just absolute in that resolve you know to me it's a divine grace you are we are sons for the kingdom right and so that and also what comes across when you're speaking is the fact that you know it's not chris being shiny and fabulous it's crap and producing that you know the kingdom on earth it's christ in you as you're simply believing that expressing himself from your life and that's you're uh you're a living testimony of who we are and that's why i think you're such an important voice right now because you're so well always but you're there's so many people transitioning right now we're in such a messy transition religion is dismantling the old ways of life are no longer satisfying you know and and we are we are really simplifying so just in in finishing chris for today's show would you um i know there'll be a lot of people out there that just feel hopeless right now and obviously it's a scary time a lot of people there's a lot of pressure um i just feel like you if you wouldn't mind would you just bless people like proclaim a reset into people absolutely bless their life in christ because a lot of people go i don't even know where to start how do i get from where i am into even that level of rest you're talking about chris and that level of being able to believe so just if you would do that just to help people who but any of you who are struggling out there that can't even believe right now you're so exhausted you're so numb you know that um right now you can be reset because christ is in you like chris is sharing right now that's who we are the high priest when he went into the into the holy polis wasn't allowed to sweat so no human effort is allowed at all none no human efforts allowed it can only be received and so god chose you you'd not choose him and he's the author and finisher of your faith and your faith is not to be a good christian because you can do that you can be a good christian but you can't be a fully manifest son of god on earth how much would you have to fast how much you have to read you can't do it so just stop just stop there's nothing you can do except receive a promise all you can do is receive a promise that your god your father is the type of father that would do that so every day we're asking every emotion every action we have is our declaration of our understanding god's goodness so and i know my emotions my actions of my life so i did not think god was a good father i thought he's a cruel father a very distant father and he took this person that resented him and a lot of accusations against him i mean files of experiences that happened now i could prove to god that he's not a good father and i was furiously angry with him and i didn't want to see him want to go to heaven in that understanding but you want to talk to him that's one of those guys sit in some outer court apartment there is such a thing so if god can take someone with deep accusation no desire to love him who resents worship songs and and is frustrated about every other person's amazing testimony it just feels stupider that's even the word and more stupid every time they go to church when every time they read the bible and everything about the kingdom just crushes them and god can take that person and says i chose you and i will cause you to will and act according to my good purpose and his good purpose is that you will walk in the fullness of the statue of christ in your lifetime and there's nothing you can bring to that party it's only based on his character alone and nothing else nothing else and your attitude didn't qualify you for this so your attitude doesn't disqualify you you can be a grumpy horrible angry resentful bitter burnt person and god says do you believe i'm the type of god that could change that into a fully manifest son of god and all you have to do is say yes i do i believe you can then you will that's all he's asking god's love language is to be believed that's it to be believed that's his love language all he wants you to do is to believe a word because he's invisible we'll talk about this next he's invisible so he's not taste touch see he's asking you will you love me for who i am i'm word and i'm spirit and so my word is me there's no difference would you believe that i am my word that's all i'm asking and that's his love language you go okay this person that all the things you know about yourself have failed in christianity i'm on my third marriage i've got addictions i'm 90 grand in credit card debt i've lost my job i'm scared of covered i resent going to church i hate the bible uh and and most annoyingly i know that you exist and so where can i go and i resent the fact i know you exist because i want to just go and have a naughty life but i know you exist i'm scared of you can you take this person and make him a fully manifest son of god on earth are you the type of god that would do that for me yes yes he is that's the breaking it doesn't matter what you bring to the party if you're the if you're the seventh generation pentecostal pastors kid or you're the seventh generation ritual satanic abuse broken all the horrible things trauma anger and things which are just so violating of of the human nature in you and and anger and murder in you same same that seventh generation pastor's kid and you are no closer to each other than being the fully member synagogue of christ there's no there's like here's you and he's the pastor's kid and then christ is way over there and he comes down he picks you up and he will do the work because you can't and that's the beauty of it you can only believe a word you can only receive a gift it's all based on his character alone he's just asking will you believe me that's it yeah oh man chris thank you so much for giving us your time today that was profound and then i just agree with what chris has just spoken to you all from the heart of jesus and whatever you're going through however far away you might feel however disqualified however much trauma and pain is going on in your life saying jesus same jesus and like chris has said all he requires always is a yes the desire yes i believe you jesus or even help me in my unbelief jesus help me to believe right now that you can bring me forth as the perfect reflection of god in the earth which is who we are now so i bless you all i just bless you in as you go on with your week for deeper and deeper experiences of the love of jesus and thank you so much for being with us today and look forward to being with you again next monday god bless
Channel: Liz Wright
Views: 14,762
Rating: 4.909986 out of 5
Id: KcJ5PbbM2iw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 54sec (1974 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 12 2020
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