Uninterrupted Union w/ Justin Paul Abraham

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[Music] i am liz wright welcome to live your best life the only thing that matters now is living by the power of this wonderful new creation life we're going to become an undefeatable force of radiating glory and we are rising up strong now in this hour welcome to live your best life i am liz wright and i am so excited about today's show i have one of my favorite people in the world a dear brother a close friend a father an amazing father amazing husband a prophet to the nations but most importantly of all this is what i always say about my precious guest is that he's a true friend of jesus he knows god he is unapologetically hungry to know the heart of jesus and to become everything that we've been created to become as a new creation so justin let me welcome you to the show today everybody we have with us justin abraham thank you it's such an honor to be on this show i love what you bring i love the sound of your voice the frequency of love that you carry in your ministry so such a such a privilege to be talking to you today i'm looking forward to this oh thank you so much justin well i mean i think that's the time that we're in isn't it i think by god's grace he's bringing us forth as foreigners like we're all signs and wonders in the earth aren't we and i think we're going to see this more and more and more as we begin to shine we're in the time of the shining ones emerging in the earth i believe right now our invitation is to become love that's what he's doing to to radiate in power what's power right it's the nature of god radiating out of us so justin i want to give maximum time to you because i know the strength of what you carry and the body of christ right now needs what you have so please i'm just going to give you space to just release i think what's what's in me is to hear what the lord's been saying to you right now right now at this time so just go for it great yeah well i definitely honor the many voices rising together i think we're in the era of many voices and i love the culture of honor that you're bringing and others where you're having lots of different voices together i think we can only make it together i heard in the spirit it's time to surge and surge means to flow together like the sounding of trumpets where we move forwards together so i feel like this is a very significant moment in history in my encounters in the heavens i've been shown this is called at the time of great change or the time of the great intervention where heaven is going to intervene on behalf of the saints and like you said bring illumination so one of the big things i think which is a truth for this generation is we've always looked at isaiah where it says arise and shine but what does that really mean i think the implications of it are massive so the implications are huge we are children of light in a kingdom of light we have an armor of light we have a father of lights and we're called to arise and shine so what does it say that again the holy spirit just went woof when you spoke then just say that again i feel like what the lord's doing right now in those words to everyone family just open your spirits right now is he's busting off fear when you said that there was power that came out so please say that again and then i will be quiet you don't have to be quiet i love listening to you i get a lot of listening to you so basically i think there's there's a revelation of light coming that we are children of light these are all verses we are children of light we're in a kingdom of light we have an armor of light and we have the father of lights and it says to arise and shine so i believe we're in the era where light is gonna be manifest and it says nations will come i don't believe this is regular evangelism i believe you know to quote bill johnson that transfiguration is the pattern of the fully renewed mind that as our minds are fully renewed the fruit is transfiguration now i believe that that means many things i believe light means illumination as in wisdom so the light came on so i mean god's gonna make wise ones it says in daniel it says those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the heavens and like the firmament forever and ever now notice in that verse it says they all shine forever and ever so they're not dying so connected to the light is the light of life so it's the light of wisdom which says those always shall shine the light came on i suddenly had a download knowledge came for technology solutions government incredible stuff the light of wisdom is coming upon us and then we're going to have the light of life it says with you as the fountain of life in your light we see light so they will live forever and ever there's a realm of life and light now the other thing with light i believe is the power to communicate so if you think about light what is light light on a scientific level if we can talk science for a second yeah we love science well it's really the wisdom of the scriptures right now isn't it yes the light is a carrier particle of information so people who are watching this video right now are seeing us through light carrying information so i believe we're literally going to transfigure the knowledge of god in other words as we power up as we get filled with light as we walk in the light as he is in the light it says the blood of jesus cleanses us so the blood changes our dna it changes the way we look and i believe we are literally gonna shine we're gonna shine with knowledge we're gonna shine with life like how are you so alive people say i've had people say that to me you know what is it with you and you have too right and then the light of wisdom where they come to you because the spirit council is in the light in the light it's like being in the seven lamps of god you're in council you're in knowledge you're in fear you're in understanding wisdom and the and the presence of god are all intermingled in a dance in you and around you and through you so i believe solutions have come in to all the needs of the earth i really believe this we've been praying for heaven to come on earth and we i literally believe that's going to happen technology the lord said to me will begin to look like magic he actually said to me that when technology produces such odd wonder that they actually they tremble it is goodness that's when we're hitting the threshold of technology where i believe god is downloading to the earth right now the cures for cancers the cures for these viruses i believe alzheimer's and dementia are going to be are going to be removed from the earth because we've been praying for for god's kingdom on earth so light means knowledge but it doesn't just mean knowledge it means the power of life and the power to communicate you know when we transfigure we're going to release the frequency and the fragrance of christ now i think this is gently happening but it's going to accelerate says when we behold his face we are gradually changed into the like image the light of his face it says the light of his face shines upon you right reflection it brought forth in the perfect exact likeness of christ as we look at him we see who we are we are in the most incredible time in history aren't we i mean and i say that with huge compassion i understand people are suffering you know and struggling but what you're releasing is such hope you know and i and i hope family out there you know what what god has graced justin and myself and others to walk in is hopefully a living we're becoming a living epistle of hope contagious hope for you guys that there's more this is an invitation right now to step in to the fullness in this hour of who we are you know justin you were when you were speaking holy spirit was just quickening to me this the amount of transfiguration you know and in the passion translation i love what dr brian simmons has done with the languages he's gone into the the aramaic and the hebrew and you know and i think is it luke 9 anyway in the gospel you'll have to read the whole gospel to find it but it's the it's the it's the transfiguration moment where jesus the scriptures say as jesus prayed his face shone his face shone so wow so will you just speak into that what is prayer justin what is prayer for you you know how to how do we shine in this hour because that's our accident right everything we see in the life of jesus is our invitation now because he's the first born among us so would you speak into that i love that word there luca use the word exastro exastrapto for that which is an unusual word when god jesus transfigured it means to shine or be dazzling shimmering it's like there was no there was just an outflow of the true nature remember god is light so as we become sons as we are manifest in our sonship it says creation wants to be freed from death and decay if you look at the translations it says all creations groaning for the revealing of the sons of god so what are we going to reveal we're going to reveal the light of life arise and shine and it says it will free some translations just say change and decay but if you look into it it's the whole thing of death is that nature does not want to die and it wants us to become life-giving spirits so for me this is the ultimate end-time revealing of christ the revealing of jesus christ in you the desire of the nations the hope of the nations now i've had many experiences with the light for me it's very simple it's union with god prayer is is joining in the symphony within the trinity so you're joining in this say that again oh my goodness and nuggets to come out of your mouth say that again because this is redefining prayer for people it's not a thing on the to-do list right i mean i don't know most of us wouldn't see it like that but it shouldn't be a pressure it's our greatest joy to commune with who is love so please would you just say that again justin that was so powerful so so pray is joining the symphony of the trinity that they always in dance and enjoy with one another now prayer can look like so many things you know paul said pray in the spirit at all times so how do you pray at all times it's by whatever you're doing whether it's art or looking after the grandchildren or work you are in simple sweet communion with god and you know i teach a lot on this liz it's so easy to enter into that union it's not about pressing it violently it's about gently yielding to love because you're in him and he's in you he says i will never leave you and i will never forsake you and your body is the temple of the holy spirit so the classic saints like let's take for example jean goyon the famous famous french prophet she said entering into people entering very gently into this amazing idea that god is already in you you enter in sweetly within and then his presence envelops you and presses you on every side and that's been my practice for the last 14 years i have walked in the continual presence of god now some days it's very strong sometimes it's light but it never goes away because remember if you think god's gone away you're you're believing separation but there is no separation scripture says this they those that are joined to the lord are one spirit with him so think about that your spirit and his spirit are now one now some of the saints described it like this they said you are like a cup of water that's been poured into the ocean of his love now where are you and where is he the truth is we are blended into oneness with him and that's what might beyond human book's all about really is is oneness is that we're in oneness with him so what we're seeing right now with the supernatural is the consequence of being co-included in christ he has done something to us that is so big and i think we're just catching up now it's been 2 000 years since paul but i really believe paul's heart right now in the heavens and you know we can talk about encountering heaven but i know paul's heart is that we believe the gospel and that we get the gospel that it's a gift that we're included in the dance of the trinity we're already in him we've found ourselves we've had a happy discovery that we are located in christ in god colossians 3 the secret of your life now is that you are wrapped up in christ in god you're in god you're in we you know we joke about this but we say you're an idi you're in him you're an idiot and that changes everything it does oh my goodness i love your language i can hear the family and i'm sure you guys many are in agreement when you said that you have been in uninterrupted union essentially for the last over a decade how many years did you say 14 years that you constantly walked in experiential connection to christ there's a lot of the family right now going i want that and as you were speaking it because it was exuding out of you there was an impartation coming you know it's it's family it's your invitation right now this moment to grab this because everything we show is the testimony of jesus right it's the spirit of prophecy it's an invitation for each one to enter into to the same experiences that another member of the body because we're one in christ now have stepped into and you know since well we've shared about this just in where for the last few years jesus has been bringing the apostle paul to me i've been having these experiences visions and encounters with him what's happened is it can't get out of his letters and he's like i've never seen them before and everything you're sharing you know and it's like i didn't see this before or it's giving language to me to what i've been experiencing you know that we're coming into this time of being completely transformed transfigured into the likeness of jesus but i would love you justin just to decree that however you want to release it just to go back into that place for the family right now for those that are not there in so they're still experiencing in and out and in and out of his presence but actually i know too i agree i'm experiencing it there's a grace right now that's being released from the spirit of god for us to begin to realize that we're in and to you know like he said to us both of us in different ways we're not going to go in and out anymore we're a generation that's not going to remain we're going to live like moses did face to face face to face eye to eye breath of breath we're going to shine so please would you just minister to the family from what you from your life from that grace that you live in yes it's a happy discovery that we live in the burning layers of love that we live inside love and you know even as i've as i've studied the hebrew you know everything about us is birth from his love for example adam it means aleph which is god god's blood dam is blood so even our name is a species means we are god's blood we are god's blood in creation so we are a species that's already been birthed from his breath and from his heart and he loves us with an everlasting love he said he saved us not counting our sins against us so he died and it says you know one died for all therefore all died in him so paul's gospel is that we're included this is not our story it's his story history that he's included us and i believe what we're going to see in this generation is an outrageous revelation that is not about our performance it's about what he has done already for us that he didn't just die for us he died as us he fulfilled all righteousness and now we have it as a gift so my mindset and this is the key for people listening is you have to move away from a punishment mindset he is not punishing you he's not angry with you he loves you he chose you before the foundation of the world even before you done anything you were already included in him so when you get that revelation it stops being about you and it's about him he loves you so one of the things i've done over the years is i've said to the lord you are love give it your best shot just love on me just hit me jesus hit me jesus one more time right okay i'm gonna have that song stuck in my head so i and you know jesus has just washed over me because his grace and the other key i found is god wants you to enjoy your life he wants you to be happy so if you enjoy cooking cook with him if you enjoy art and walking in nature you know sometimes i've been praying and jesus said let's go to the mall i want to buy you a shirt because he knows i like going shopping now it's a silly example but it's not because you know god wants us fully alive and you know was ignatius has said that the glory of mankind is is humanity fully alive so god wants us fully alive that is the glory of god jesus came that you may have joy he said i came that you might have life and i came that you might have joy so find the thing you enjoy and you'll already find god's meeting you there you know i used to think when i was doing things with the kids i should rush through it and get onto the other things i need to be doing i don't do that anymore i enjoy the moment i enjoy the now you know there's that you know philosophy on the power of now but it's actually a true philosophy that now is perfect now it's beautiful you know paul said rejoice when you're in sufferings of many kinds because you've got jesus in you and even when paul and silas were in prison they weren't sad they were worshiping god full of joy and it shook the prison and it doesn't matter how restrictive your situation is you know i think of g gene goian she wrote one of the best books on prayer called experience in the depths of jesus christ she wrote those books in prison you know prison can't contain the unlimited new creation that you're in you are connected to god you are in the heavens and you are unlimited even time and space can't hold you so my simple words to people are just enter into that sweet place with him now for some of you it will be worshiping i personally meditate a lot i breathe in god's name yahweh so you can go ya breathe in way and you release it around you yeah way and it's like the tides yeah you are being filled and flooded with life another thing i do i speak shalom like i talked in the other session with you and i speak the name of god the hebrew name yacht of hey but you can also speak yeshua this is powerful just this is a powerful one you just go yes you are yes you are and i'll sing yeshua yeshua yeshua yeshua and i'll sing that alone with god and you know i'll enter into such energy and i'll actually god will renew me he'll renew my strength and in it i'll be almost playing and what people don't realize is that play and joy are the most serious business of heaven you know that's a quote from cs lewis c.s lewis actually said that things like dance and play and song are considered to be things we shouldn't do here they're like they're not work right we said that's because they're from another realm they're not from earth so dance play and song they're all from the heavenly realms and he said that that play and joy were the most serious business of heaven so my encouragement to people is learn to play because when we play we enter back into being creative again recreation is the word people use for playtime and if you think about that word it means re-creation so you enter back into wisdom it says wisdom played at the beginning when she created the earth with god with holy spirit with jesus they all created the earth together and it says they played the word rejoice there means play so earth was made out of an act of play so i think for the guys out there what we have to get back is this revelation is that god wants you to play and enjoy life come back into the dance come back into symphony come back into music and then you'll find creativity explodes joy explodes life explodes and you start to dance and sing again now there may be people listening liz that the feel gap guardian dance i want to encourage them dance again yes again get caught up let yourself go you know it talks about being the seed of god being choked by the cares and worries of this world so we've got to take those cares and worry and just let go of them don't judge yourself or hold it against yourself just let them go so lots of people who teach meditation say this imagine your worries as a river is just going away from you it's not really you you're the person that's standing under the apple tree enjoying life and don't punish yourself that's a big key because punishment involves fear but perfect love casts out fear yeah it's the truth just in in finishing our time together will you go in to the divine dance and bring us in there with you yes can we do that can we just have a very public time of your secret place with god we just go in and just yeah i i i can feel his presence all over you while you're speaking this is this is where he's drawing us all into right now back into like you said into that extraordinary place of being intertwined experiencing again the reality that we're intertwined into the godhead that we do not need to fear because we have the supreme creator inside of us surrounding us upholding us wrapping up human history in the way that he predestined he dreamed up we are his dream right we are his dream we are his joy we are his creativity expressed and he's going to perfect everything so we literally have a few seconds but can we just ask you to go into that beautiful place of relationship that you have and just family just follow as justin does this take you end and so yeah go for it the truth is we're already included so we start from that now as we engage it says i will never leave you i will never forsake you all separation is an illusion so we let go of the illusion right now and we breathe in god this is a beautiful exercise where you see god's breath alif it means breath and hay we breathe in god's breath so even right now as you're breathing every breath this is the air i breathe your holy presence we breathe him in [Music] and we release life out you can even do this with your arms you can draw him in i breathe you in and i release life out all around me is life and you can do shalom shalom [Music] oh this is another prayer i do which i really enjoy i say this i'm in you i'm in you i'm with you i'm in you and you're in me you're with me we are one we are one those kind of prayers are very very powerful they will activate you they will activate the angels they will activate the energy in you they'll activate the presence in you and they are very powerful if you spend 10 minutes a day doing that you will be transformed in fact you'll want to spend more time doing it and you can also invent your own phrases as well i don't know liz do you have any phrases that you use jesus you're sure i do the same as you i just sit with him communing like just focusing the eyes of my heart back onto the indwelling christ like paul says give thanks for the indwelling christ it will be flooded with all wisdom family if you know people that need this content in this hour to be strengthened in their walk please remember to rate review subscribe share get the message out of this show if you need resources jump on to justin abraham on google he's a company burning hearts is his ministry you will be so empowered and i'm sure you have been today he's the real deal as you can see a true lover of jesus but justin thank you i can't wait to see you guys when i when i get back into wales next time see you soon thank you [Music] you
Channel: Liz Wright
Views: 15,897
Rating: 4.9365077 out of 5
Id: tpn4-5WApaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 20sec (1580 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 24 2020
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