Chris Blackeby: The 100 Fold - Pt 1/3

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thank you thank everyone thank you young and team thank you very much it's very good as always thanks ISA London Yahweh is our Father he is literally our Father he literally fathered you yeah yeah ok so the same or I'm Chris hi it's good to be in South Africa there's more important things afoot the father is called that for a reason he literally fathered you in the same way Jesus was born into this earth the word eternal was born into this world you were born again in the exact same way yeah when God created the world his spirit hovered over the waters and he sent his seed his word and created yeah when Jesus came to earth a holy spirit hovers mmm Mary's waters sent his seed through the words exact same way and created before this moment the only presence of God was in the ark but now Mary was the Ark of the Covenant her womb was the Ark of the Covenant which is the same shape you see the Ark of the Covenant God literally Father Jesus sent His Word to create the word and Jesus is born on the earth when you receive Christ his word the word goes holy spirit hovers over you otherwise you wouldn't receive him it's by grace is all his power into you and you were born again from above the same way Jesus was born from above so when Jesus said father Abba daddy to God he wasn't bringing in some new theological construct or a new covenant of relationship per se he was talking to his father he says father that's the only person who is his father he was talking to his father and now is the same as you because you're no longer humans you're no longer humans you've gone beyond human trademark registered for something else you are exactly what he is because you are recreated the same way he was created and Jesus was fully God fully man so what are you when Christ enters your body did his divinity decrease in any way fully God did you leave being the human race no but you're a new kind first animals of the earth earthly born the earth second animal was born from above heaven you are now born from above the exact same way Christ is born from above and now you are exactly what he is it says you're born of the same seed what are two children born of the same seed called twins identical twins now you are Jesus's identical twin except that metaphor doesn't work because identical twins are separate beings your one being with Christ you're a Siamese twin that is completely congruent other than they have to say that not like this of the mind of Christ [Laughter] that wasn't right that wasn't right one being if any man be in Christ any person be in Christ he is one spirit with the Lord I'm one spirit with Yahweh who's my father through Christ his son I don't have Christmas spirit in a little air gas tank and Jesus a spirit a little air gas tank and they talk to each other I'm one spirit let's surrender to this fact I only have one spirit Christmas spirit is Christ spirit his cry spirits Christmas spirit there's one spirit and he draw from the one thing I have the mind of Christ his ways rub our ways he's thought about our thoughts but now we have the mind of Christ and surrendering to this fact which we call belief is what makes it manifest and that is the foolishness of preaching the gospel just believing this makes it so in your life it already is so you're lying up your reality with what is real and it manifests will speak about lots of these things tomorrow morning it's gonna be amazing tomorrow morning it's laying a foundation okay and the foundation that Justin I try and put down is the no child gets left behind policy [Applause] [Music] mysticism hundredfold Christianity fully manifest son of God on earth mature Christian immature sons is not this amazing crazy thing for some anointed people which we so disjointed from our reality Paul was frustrated with his congregation they weren't mature by now so Paul thought the in your lifetime you should walk in the fluence the statue of Christ but Paul had did lots of churches it was going from here to here to here come on believe this believe what you already are believe what you already are ok John brought a congregation to maturity so you can see that his letters are different yep but still from a rest the rest of love John says as he is so are you now in the earth this is how love perfected among us so he is as he is so you now in the earth now John saw Jesus yeah it's when John saw Jesus what did he look like it's the same guy that says as he years so you now he had fire in his eyes long white hair saw these mouth voice up rushing waters golden girdle wherever you say now Jesus fat and happy together spiritual Spanx brass fleets for stepping on scorpions yeah okay so do you just surrender to what is already true as he is so you now in the earth in the next chapter he says if you're born of God the devil touches you not the devil can't touch you why because you look like that that's why at any time by being born again by your new genetics you are the scariest thing in the room you are the scariest thing the room everything is scared of you God knows the devil knows there's only one person who has a question that's you sill of that spiritual warfare is over because the devil touches you not that's a rest because received as a birthright not reading the books applying the processes which all work they all work they're all spiritual laws that anyone can use but only sons can be born again rock up foreigner I saw in the mouth look at life of Paul do you see him doing a prayer walk around Ephesus days covering together did the prayer walk repented on behalf of the ancestors sorry about this sorry about that and these are all good things of the Spirit leads to do that but we think are necessary to get into the heavenlies but you're born again from heaven that's your home I am a Kris in heaven who's from heaven knows in heaven now I'm in heaven right now I am raised and seated in heavenly places Jesus stooped down to make me grow it came down put me in him raise me up and see to me in him in heavenly place says plural more chairs yeah this is where I am in him by my genetics I accepted at once and this is where I am I spend my whole life remembering Who I am where I came from my whole life believing the word the invisible word goes out you believe it it manifests in your life because powerful Christianity is for every person that any age at any time in history at any economic level at any intelligence level you can all receive a gift and a gift is you've been born again by your genetics you're now royal you and Christ the one being in fact you're so much one being that everything the Bible says of Jesus is says of you everything it says he was born from above you're born from above he's a son of God you're a son of God he's the firstborn son that's the only difference they hue have preeminence and everything are you both the sons all the glory he has he gave it to you paranor throaty he had he gave it to you the force that God had dwelt in him bodily that's the father and the son make the home with you there's a Holy Spirit in you the force that Godhead dwells new bodily everything it says of Jesus it says of you here's a priest you're a priest royal priesthood in the order of Melchizedek not Aaron we'll talk about that tomorrow you're a priest he is the high priest so he outranks you we both priests in the same order he's a king and your king is the king of kings you're the Kings he's kings of so big kings just receive the fact that you are royalty by birth there's nothing you can do you were placed here by him raised and seated why seated because there's nothing to do you can't do anything it's my birthright how hard was it for you to get born how much effort and thought did you put into that someone else did it guess what you got born again and someone else did it and as much you were born on the first atom ok button born on the first atom you get everything which is his separation in the mind sickness miscommunication poverty frustration working by us were the brow jealousy murder anger slander it's all yours then you die and get born again under second Adam Adam 2.0 and everything Adam has second Adam is yours absolute unity with God eternally pleasure favor honor all the spiritual blessings the whole kingdom it's just yours as hard as you had to work to receive from Adam one is how hard you have to work receive him Adam to accept Adam to is received by believing because believing is God's love language he just wants to be believed that's all he wants if you do whatever you want he doesn't care he's told you something about himself he's not he doesn't smash people because it disobedient he's hurt because I didn't believe him because he is invisible spirit word if you don't believe him you don't believe the very nature of his being he just wants to be believed believe him you've loved him that's all he wants and believing is a rest faith as in faith in is oh yeah are we healthy the sickness is gone healthy healthy sickness is gone I believe that by the straps I'm he'll burst drops them he'll bounce drop them he'll healthy it's gonna happen God 2,000 years ago to the okay it's a work but face of not faith in but faith of is this the evidence of faith is rest was listening the evidence of faith is rest no action this is true authority when you join the army the first guy you meet says with the soggy endless mass surely get over there okay cuz he done that the authority gaps too close but the general just says do this doesn't have a look up from his paper he knows who he is he's got the marks you know who you are do you believe it you receive it you are born again raises it in any places so we do his works and greater we can't do his works we aren't who he is it's not something you can attain to by your own efforts to become a fully manifest son of God on earth as he is not as he was not Jesus of the Gospels Jesus now become that guy how much fast thing you gonna do how many times you have to read the Bible you can't do it that's the point so you just have to receive it it's a gift a believing gift that you already have it but okay I'm gonna believe right now too late you believe for it you got it back then when you believe you received but now you have what you so you change your heart you change your words out of the heart the mouth speaks so just believe believe in your heart and your words change and here you controls these tongue is a perfect man all the secrets are there they say is up there they say is down there we'll go get him up they'll go get him leave in your heart confess with your mouth you will be so soda trademark registered Sozo means remove the effects of sin and death from your body your soul and your spirit body healed soul delivered spirit save spirit eternal soul everlasting body immortal so though the effect of sin and death because Jesus reversed Genesis the garden and what does Genesis say there's a snake come in say if you eat from the tree surely you were not sinned okay I won't sin though I'll eat from the tree and that they sin entered that day sickness entered that they missed communication entered no he said surely will not die and a from the tree and death entered so we all know that Jesus undid that original sin so was he undone by your own gospel what did Jesus undo Jesus is not about sin it's about death and death came but they reach for the tree of the knowledge of good and evil coffee they reach for the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil they did something by their own strength by their own strength they reach for something that God wanted to give them freely God wanted to make them exactly like him to take over his kingdom like question God's character or timing and reach with our own hand Oh sin is you reaching with your own hand to get something that God wants to give you freely anything anything from robbing a bank to exaggerating a story to get some honor or fact or gossiping anything is you reaching with your own hand some people do that in ministry by their own strength you can't use the tree of the knowledge of good and evil to get back into the garden it got you kicked out secondly Jesus hates the tree of knowledge of good and evil it is why he had his rib back ripped open strip naked and nailed to it he doesn't want it he wants you at rest in his character in the story of the prodigal son we say we this is how crazy we are we caught the story the prodigal son I just did it there's a story of two sons father had two sons taught by the third son three options always three options yeah both sons didn't believe God was good to them one ran away and one worked really hard the ones that run away I'm not talking to them they're not here [Laughter] the ones that were really hard is us if you've come through western jiu zhai criticism christianism this is fault all the sun it makes you angry cuz some guy just comes back the day gets back he sits here and everything has to second adam is true him feather crafts with all of them and you'll be working so hard that makes you angry how angry murderer accusations method jealousy is murder and murderers murder Cain did the same thing working by sweat of your brow makes you angry a tree of knowledge of good evil the trip knowledge and good evil with a reach for the fruit it's the good and evil fruit good and evil together one fruit wasn't the good fruit or the evil fruit the good and evil through if you do something good for God you've just learnt something evil evil fruit is coming you can see that lots of people here worked really hard for God then burnt out and got very angry else you know I'm talking about yeah ok so we understand somewhat hard haha for God and didn't get so much as a goat from the dead when the whole time everything was his he is ok we know that story in our own lives but also spiritual things your strength is your weakness poor boasted in these weaknesses your strengths are can be trouble ok so let's say I have a sick child but I can fast because I'm a very disciplined person I'm a very focused person at times and if I set my mind to something I can do it and I'm gonna use a spiritual law I fast for 30 days and banning my child is released from a terrible sickness that could enter them if okay I go tell my story what's been achieved through fasting some Leni comes to me she's got three children the oldest one has learning disabilities the youngest ones under two the middle child very ill single mum I say to her ah second child very ill I know what to do fast for 30 days can she fast for three days what was if a child dies who did that to her me by my knowledge of a good and evil not against fasting and against the fasting - not fasting from faith of mind of love of God mind of Christ fasting shuts down is a rest fasting is fasting to work this fasting is a rest I'm putting my body at rest thanks buddy and giving you five days off and releasing what's already given to me what's been given to me everything I need for life and godliness godliness being like God has been given to you past tense you have already every spiritual blessing has been given to you it's been spoken out there's nothing you need from God it has been given to you praying for stuff is the biggest bruise in Christianity if you stop praying for God has already given you and you start doing what he asked you to do your prayer life is over he has given you everything you need for life and godliness it says 1 Peter how by good and precious promises invisible word love him as he is I will do this for you ok and how you get that to manifest by this okay not do anything for it the sea rat rains in the ground the farmer goes to bed this is how the kingdom works no I have Christianity works religion works their kingdom it goes the bed gets up this groan doesn't know how C domains in the soil at rest at rest you are this being this stuff doesn't apply to anymore the knowledge of good and evil good and evil is the law you know good you know evil that's the law you know what to do but the law stirs up sin leave it behind it's death to you the death to Adam is death to you you had nothing to do with death you're divorced if it's over you got nothing to do with it it's not your bag baby you're outta there you're in heaven and yell divide this culture and this culture believes the father the older son the young son didn't believe God was good so went and did something together one tried to earn it one run away together I could just sit in the house and wait to do it wherever the house is doing that day father comes in - they were mending the fences here mend the fences come back either go that goat he wanted was always his but he disqualified himself for it by his own choice or not believing the nature of the Father believe only believe everyone can receive a gift your strengths can work against you so religion is very sneaky there's two things religion does first thing as it says not you not yet that's what it says I think you get through that okay that's me not yet there's something you must do to attain to that well it's only by believing that you already have it you already in Christ in him you live and move and have your being your in him is just received by the foolishness of believing a promise of he who cannot lie that's not foolishness foolishness to the world legend says not you not yet ah my friend got HeLa cancer but not you God loves everyone B doesn't like me that's the lie religion not you not yet okay they're both lies because you now already raised and see that everything is yours so when you became a Christian this is back Rose trying to go you didn't join a religion and you didn't get righteousness you received the person of Jesus Christ who came and lived inside you in fact you were born again okay so now 1 Corinthians says that he has become for us wisdom that is our righteousness our holiness and our Redemption I'm really trying to concentrate our holiness erogenous their Redemption which is our salvation you receive Christ Christ is your salvation you didn't get saved you got Christ you can't uncross Christ you are saved you receive the person of Christ here's your salvation and he is your righteousness he has become for us righteousness first Adam had righteousness this was very useful this is first Elam this is righteousness he gave it away when you come second Elam you don't get righteousness you might give it away again in fact you probably don't worse things and Adam did okay in the first week maybe but you can't give away your righteousness you got Christ and Christ is your righteousness one spirit in you of your DNA of this new being you can't give it away no more they can rip out your I've got brown hair dear Nahor I've got two lungs do you like you can't rip it out you can't reach and pull out the watch this little cry Christ is your righteousness so how righteous is Christ well if you filled the whole law for a start he did everything so the father doing before you get our bed this morning you've raised our dead healed the sick resisted sin unto death under blood defender women's rights stood up to murderous Pharisees looked after little children God's very happy to see you when you say God's yes you are as righteous as Christ you think that's why I can go into the throne room of grace in your time of need with boldness you are as righteous as Christ because he is your righteousness it doesn't know what you did it doesn't matter what you did your actions didn't qualify you your actions don't disqualify you and this is why the Gospels are offensive because people said what built might skirt and sin yeah that's right but guess what they're sitting already so it doesn't really matter but people might through the goodness of God walk into him cornice may lead them to repentance and you to access to God he is your righteousness not sinless the devil doesn't care about sinless not impressed by sinless why his Saints in this before didn't impress him then did impress him now but righteousness the rushes of Christ he never saw it coming we know it says in the word that if they knew what was coming the gift that we received Christ in us the hope of glory they would have never crucified the son of glory we received Christ and you will always righteous no matter what you can rob a bank shoot the teller get into your car the police surround you you think armed court and go father and the presence of God will come on you maybe Goldust maybe oil my sweet sweet son i'ma start levitating in the car and you can do that in jail [Laughter] you broke an earthy law there's earthing consequences but you didn't change your DNA your DNA is righteous forever did you tithe 9% it doesn't matter do you type 10% was off the net doesn't matter you're writing this council in Christ your righteousness is not 10% of the grocery of your income plus the cross that's what we're saying yeah it's not the cross plus r ability to not watch Game of Thrones you are righteous it's your nature so just be that and your righteous stuff make your way all your money you don't know what you're right yourself will do is do what the father is doing that's different than every child so you can't judge another son you're welcome it's the gospel it's free it's a gift received as a child and he is your holiness how holy is Jesus you can say it your dad too it's you how holy is God God is holy holy holy how are you holy holy holy by new genetics as how it was to be born they're so hard is we be holy holy holy it is who you are you walk around it doesn't matter what you've done you still mean that you believe it manifests you are it we receive it by believing surrender to this amazing truth now you can do all the stuff that church does but it's a different person doing it you can use spiritual warfare if you want to but who's doing it now when you read the Gospels we were taught through sermons because everything gets framed up you live beside the world that gets framed up for you you get told there's nothing off this island then that's what you believe that's what you get towards a child religions framed up a little thing for us if we sit here we wait till we die and then we'll see glory okay just ripping that off okay when you read the Bible how it was framed up to you is to read the Gospels and they say let's talk about faith there was a woman who pushed through the crowd and touched Jesus received a miracle well they say it was Peter and he was bold he stepped out in the water or there was the Centurion and he had faith great faith or the people that took a hole in the roof or the are you Mary but are you Martha all those people were unsaved human beings why are you comparing yourself to the dead you may do things that they doing at Hawk I've done that that's not you there's only one person in the Gospels born from above Jesus the only person you can compare yourself to where in scriptures is Jesus not as a gap compare not contrast compare that's who I am that's what a son of God does on the earth hands out the kingdom freely and then you see how crazy our theology is ah you sick I'm sorry this is clearly a timing issue have you forgiven your mum maybe there's maybe there's generational curses I've got a little folder in my bag we will go through your grandparents did Jesus ever do that who did that not your model Jesus is your model when jesus healed them maniacal child to use the King James Version the maniac child but when the parents came he goes didn't go Smurfs Pokemon go Harry Potter where's the door where's the door he didn't he said he is the kingdom no adjustment it is only a gone sin no more but the kingdom came first sin doesn't stop the kingdom was Jesus couldn't come cause you couldn't get saved yeah when the laird caught in adultery was caught he was like well where were you what are you wearing [Laughter] he's showing ankle he didn't Jesus look that's not the kingdom he is the kingdom Jesus never recognized lack he didn't recognize death wouldn't even say the word death wouldn't even say it always used a metaphor gave it no glory whatsoever the only time you mentioned the word death was when they said Lazarus was gracile addressing as he's sleeping oh he's sleeping we can wake him up look alright he's dead alright I didn't want to say it do you recognize death didn't recognize lack and here's nothing he didn't ask God to do anything for him just come Lord father father just come priest Jesus come father father Lord father just come and in my name just come and if you would be so miss which is coming here this person would you just come come now I just wish it's what you so much father it's come come and be just so good if it be your will just just please please hear this person make them better he had the authority he chose who he forgive is forgiving who did forgive is not forgiven the same as you that's what he says of you everything serve him instead of you he will think okay be healed long prayers for your soul they're wrong wrong prayers you trying to find your own faith or be Jesus the first time you do it you you went because people love long prayers - it's like a loving thing but Prout longer I pray the more I care than when they receive care create your soul to solve with like a little healing community that comes together we get our rocks out there's rocks same time next week yep measurements not healing I said very mercifully I have suffered physically in my life okay longer my stories but this is a very kind thing I'm saying okay from someone who suffered medically people would not I mean no okay Jesus he's your model in fact the only time he said father will you do something for us miracles concerned was with Lazarus he says okay I don't normally do this but for the sake of everyone father help me raise this person he made a point about money doing this I don't normally do this I'm doing this for the sake of the faith the people around me your Christ born again don't you know that you're baptized into Christ were baptized into his death into the grave and the same power that raised Christ and the dead lives in you all of us raise you from the grave the same spirit raised you up so you can have a risen resurrection life exactly like his exactly like his God want you to be like him because he's your dad he wants to grab me like him that's what Jesus said be like your father in heaven if you do these things you'll be like your father in heaven you will never be greater than your teacher you stuff you become like him visions for ministries are there to build you into the fullness of the stature of Christ they're temporary suppose we finished by now well spoken the fullness the stature of Christ exactly like him risen him as he is features four author says pulled the new man that's created to be like God Colossians 3:10 says we stand fully identified in the new creation renewed in the knowledge according to the pattern of the exact image of our Creator the exact image first Adam in it in the image second Adam the very image you've left in the image you become the very image you are Christ on earth Jesus come down he's in your chair you can partake in the divine nature there's so many verses Romans talks about being conformed to the very image of Christ on the earth living like him being him that's what he wants he wants you to be Zacky like him as giving his very nature so you can so when you're born again it's like a baby perfect ten fingers ten toes can see here breathe perfect baby not mature perfect and perfection but yours from the DNA that's already there it's a rest your DNA it's growing that's what life does it just grows Jesus gave you himself and that is your salvation the very nature of God his very DNA he is incorruptible immortal seed and you receive it by believing religion is our own invention so we put the kingdom over here God in all his glory and then we're over here and weak and we don't know God in the muezzin right in their own mind Jesus comes lives inside us like we're saved and now you start from zero zero day one zero zero but learn how be a Christian so I read John first and read Genesis Leviticus Deuteronomy oh go the church I joined I joined the prayer meeting I'll give up cigarettes I give up nor the TV shows I start tithing it's going well I go to Easter cam everyone's crying but the worship leader was so hot and I spent so much money on Easter cam I can't tie this week and they were frustrated my mum and I repented all the promises are there this is not you not yet okay promises are there and then of a revelation that God wants to give me the promises and by faith I can attain them I can get to here they've got to reach out to me here plus ten percent the gross that's me not swearing but getting closer ever gonna be so kind like receive a promise this is religion we made it up this this actually doesn't exist it's the complete fallacy is living in the visible land by our own invisible rules by our own knowledge of good and evil we make up our own Easter domination has their own it's something dominations if you have money your soulish and carnal so you're back here another denomination if you don't have money your back here will you'll make up our own rules and then you obey the rules you made up to do this be actually just doing this and we do it so long you didn't give me a goat murder first Adam Cain but Jesus came down stooped down picked us up raised and seeded and made us great at rest but always here you don't say father you say ABBA he already knows you're telling him for relationship yep then you bring that down when we sing revival is from God it was his idea it's awesome because the church is carnal it's his idea it's fantastic I love revival I love churches you pray for a viable I'm being very clear on this it is revival I'm going it's my dad's one of the guys who he's up to that's his kingdom on earth in a little geographic area and it's amazing okay but revival is your hope you're saying I have not been given everything I need for life and godliness you're saying I am outside the curtain you know the curtain between the the court the holy place the inner court and the Holy of Holies your soul the mill one is called the holy place so if so what's holy it's not an awful thing that need to be destroyed it's the holy place and from the holy place the curtain was torn and through we went if you want revival and that is your hope then you're saying I'm outside the curtain if you sing Lord do not shut the heavens you're saying I'm outside the curtain give God's trust the heavens guess where you are [Music] you're in heaven it doesn't matter he's not gonna do it anyway he's opening through Christ you say Lord renew your works in how day he st. Chris do you the works in my day I gave the earth to you heavens planted God and the earth given to man and all of creation that's been shoved it subject to frustration by God not the devil by God is yearning for us to become mature sons to be free from its frustration to receive the same salvation we have glorified Saints say body soul and spirit we can only give what you have well I have I give to you I can't give you 50 bucks for that have 50 bucks I can't give that free salvation if I don't have it I'm not living it what I realized so the trees out there they're not trees that's what a tree is subject to frustration it's immature seed form what's a tree what's difference been you and you glorified transfigured love light and spirit same it's waiting for you so you can become love light and spirit what's a glorified tree either no but the trees are the fields clap their hands what's a tree get save release your salvation by believing and then give it away organic avocado is not your salvation Oh organic avocados give me health give me life or gang ever colors looking at you summer God release me from this frustration I need you ferny dude dog needs you cat needs you and Ramallah needs you the Sun needs you the sparkles need you God would need you it needs you to become what you all ready if you're busy doing this it's never going to happen because how much this do you have to do and can you sustain it this is how it works religion so legend says not you not yet the other thing it does it sets a standard and the standard is what you can do on your best day so when you don't do it it's your own fault because you could have it doesn't tell you to be a glorified son of God on earth do you can't do that if you did that you might receive a gift for free so what tells you to do is to do what you can do on your best day and everyone serves God that best they can well-meaning young Christians middle-aged Christians all the Christians we all do the best we can okay but here's the problem the weakest link breaks the weakest link if you've got a very strong soul your body will go down you're very strong body your soul will go down you'll get burnt out if you're super strong and you're in a denomination that your natural skills match their natural skills let's say you good at good at tambourine whatever whatever denomination does and you go to all their meetings and their Bibles - there's your natural stuff you'll hear you get married but your marriage partner can only come to here but you are making them live here in this shape that's not them the weakest link will break and will break in financial spiritual or moral way boom your partner goes Wow and that was me a book a Kris he is such a good Christian I can't believe you terrible wife did to you I did the hair but we're biased wrong yeah we married well at Bible College we both love missionaries to the whatever we're in for it we're both fighting for this what we loves what we love what we love okay we hold this hold hold the best we can we have kids the weakest link breaks a kid golf do crazy stuff being such good Christians I know what happened we did it to them you're all mother father sister brother we appreciate each other with all yeah or their wretched or righteous you're a saint or you ain't the options there's none of this okay because this is a self-audit or that IUD IT that's why all the team or the team or the team or the team I need three thousand US dollars to go on this mission strip why we'll go get met three thousand dollars instantly yourself or that we're done with my money have I been giving have been tithing to take that job it's only one reason God will give you at three thousand dollars what's Jesus because he's your righteousness anybody either reach out with your own hand to get it and you can raise it on Facebook we're putting yeah it's not wrong okay it's fantastic but I'm talking about heart motive I'm talking about my they're not the Avenue okay just poor she [Laughter] so if you for the semi money through Facebook I release you we're talking about yeah he's reach with your own hand which is good and evil or at rest God will father you into it it may take longer but your father you into it and this yours forever why will God heal you of your sickness because of Jesus that's it nothing else and I'm still dicted to cigarettes it doesn't matter Jesus I'm still I don't give the church and I still am furious with my father for these reasons you still get healed because of Jesus why will God give you a new marriage even yes I just finish a second divorce why will God give you a third marriage what would he do that Jesus and you find it in him he'll father you into it because you can get married by your own hand okay Jesus the person who's with Daffy themselves never held hands honor God kept himself pure etc etc and the person who's finished their second divorce can both get married again by the exact same thing it's a person who hasn't done anything wrong thinks here in the box seat then they're doing this and it's going to work against them when the person gets their third marriage they're on zero marriages it's going to make them very angry having given the goat you either here were you there everyone born again no matter what is the righteousness of Christ and sits there and error gets paid the same you work for 30 minutes or nine hours you get paid the same break under the goodness of God it's been given to you you are what Christ is for everything he is you're nothing and he's not so as Christ addicted to pornography nearer you this Christ instead marriage before God either are you did Christ get the 30 grand credit card debt new have you doesn't treat you according to these things there is horrific consequences quinces for earthy actions but it doesn't change this and only from here can the promises rescue you from these crazy scenarios were brought about don't wash your car then take it to the car wash the blood of Christ is there for a reason I think okay soon as I stop smoking or pray for healing or I will receive healing I'll be qualified for healing he qualifies you you just here and smoking if it's against your conscience and the cancer and emphysema whatever all healed by the same thing the blood it covers everything as a free gift your raises see in heavenly places all the time your attitude doesn't qualify you your attitude doesn't disqualify you your feelings don't qualify you your feelings don't disqualify you your manifestations in the spirit what you feel diamonds gold dust peace don't qualify you they don't disqualify you it's genetics you're born again raisin see it in heavy places plural in Christ at rest everything's received at rest Abraham Moses Abraham got him asleep cut the Covenant Jacob asleep heaven to earth at rest all Mary said was beer unto me according to your will that's it incarnated the Christ that's trust Father be unto me according to your will at rest the seed incarnates the Christ that's good soil so what we're going to do we do an exercise that trains our body and our soul that we are in heaven because I wanted to do this so I did this ok I'm in heaven no I'm not in heaven like I didn't make any sense to me ok I'll do it again ok I'm in heaven and God's there Jesus is there and there'll be angels I believe here and Saints a sea of glass and I should do the shopping because alright or the eggs [Laughter] and as students like you do you think it's something normal you realize I'm not in heaven come think about eggs so I had to do something to make sure my body my soul believed was already true in my spirit I they create and you recording me that's all I'm doing so I've got a big matter at home up this big carpet this big pink carpet it's a yeah it's almost the size this gray one here but 2/3 the size but big big pink carpet I said to myself the pink carpet is heaven off the pink carpet on the wood is earth in front of me is the veil between the Holy of Holies and the veil is the torn body the living body of Jesus Christ right so if I go in there and I think about eggs I'm thinking about eggs in heaven because I'm on the carpet all I'm doing is lying myself up with what is already true so I'm in heaven now so I think about eggs now I'm thinking about eggs in heaven you remember Disneyland this needs Dumbo okay they gave him a feather so you can imagine he could fly so you thought he could fly didn't need it anyway okay I'll do it to myself okay we're gonna do this Dumbo's roll we're all gonna do this so there's the bow from me and I step through oh I had music I pin those planes very spiritual music it's Joshua mules very spiritual and I okay I stepped through the curtain to the bow and now onto the carpet now I'm in heaven and I just appeared in heaven pop and then everyone sees me and I'm dressed like a heaven person and I breathe in the air and I step back out and I release it I did again I hit about five times and after the finished about five times I felt nothing I felt nothing in about nothing out no pins and needles no gold no glory no visions nothing and I went well my god I did it that's I gave it a shot that was I tried and my computer's open because it's playing the music and on skype just bloop I just saw you in heaven a friend from England I won't tell you who it was or give her a different name Molly bonnet while they keep our identities secret and Molly bonnet said hello I just saw you in heaven I was like what at least you the high fire from heaven what she said and so it was happening it literally what's happening I couldn't believe because I felt nothing absolutely nothing not even though pins and needles not a little more peace nothing I was just stepping on the carpet and off the carpet I just going through a mental checklist see your glass Tree of Life other than whatever later that night I saw my friend Simon rule name I said to Simon we just had a big meeting okay and every cleared out there's a girl over in the corner called Haley and she was in a trance I was very jealous that's okay and we had to wait for the get you don't you know don't wake him up and so I was talking that Simon everyone left us it's I guess what see the carpet it was at my house I just believe there was a curtain in front of me the curtain I stepped in I was like I'm in heaven I step out and I'm not I step through again I'm in heaven I take it in I stepped out I kept doing this they showed him okay I'll do it about five or six times and then I did for anything but Molly saw me in heaven it's like that's amazing we talked about it and yeah just incredible then about 20 minutes later Haley comes up she's like what were you guys doing I said what we're just talking she's I was in heaven talking to someone and in the background I could see them and all I was doing was recounting the fact no faith an application nothing because it's that easy because the gospel to every person that any culture any time a person received a gift and that already was in heaven I was just lining myself up with that fact that's it so we're gonna do that Dumbo's stand up
Channel: As He Is Ministries
Views: 34,928
Rating: 4.8922558 out of 5
Id: lNva-PhOyso
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 49sec (3829 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 30 2019
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