Becoming The Supply of Heaven (Part 2) | Kingdom Talks - Chris Blackeby & Gil Hodges

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and we are in part two so if you didn't see part one go back and check that out uh we're going to actually dive into a practical provision for this season ahead and we'll get started right after this welcome to kingdom talks where we engage leaders teachers creative artists and everyday people in conversations that awaken listeners to new revelations of the kingdom age all of our courses community conversations partnership links and much more can be found on our website now enjoy the show all right welcome everybody we're here with chris blackaby and um chris we're gonna go ahead and dive into what it looks like to get practical practical provision for this season ahead and so what would you suggest to the people okay well the first thing i'm going to say is not going to sound practical but i promise you is the foundation you must love god for who he is and god is invisible reveals himself as invisible old testament and new testament even though people see him still very clearly even john last of the revelation scripture calls him visible and he's invisible because he's spirit he wants you to love him as spirit and reveals himself through his word okay so love his word not let's see logos of course that but to love him on his word is to love him for who he is and word is immaterial okay you can't touch taste or see it you have to wait for it to materialize through patience and rest knowing that he is love and make it cool in his character alone not on your character at all but this is who he is who he is that's what he does he gives to everyone good and evil so everyone on that spectrum from evil to good you qualify and he will do these things okay but you must enjoy that is his word yeah because if you don't enjoy it that's coming through word is not coming to you you made the judgment on either him or yourself okay by knowledge of good and evil yeah and then it's not coming you'll reach for it with your own hands and that's have another source another father one idol and that never goes well so that's the foundation they really must stress that then all practical or spiritual prep comes off that foundation of who was your source you've got your sauce have have a a truck full of you know everything mac and cheese yeah whatever whatever you want whatever you want as long as he's your source and i like what you said earlier that uh you know it's according to your faith so if you have faith for mac and cheese then okay great yeah yeah for steak and and if you if you believe the human body runs off food yeah earthly food so something died you may live okay and that's where your faith is at that's where your soul is trained to be yeah the god will answer you according to that you know but if you believe that jesus died he may live and he's his communion is food indeed and that's what you believe then you receive through that and you need this much and this much a day and you're fine in fact you're better than eating mac and cheese right whatever god provides right well and and one of the things that we share my wife and i share a lot about is um expectancy versus expectation and sometimes our faith um only allows us to go forward with an expectation and a lot of people get very disappointed because we take a revelation and we put our interpretation on that revelation which that's likely to be off a little bit and then we go to the application and it gets way out of bounds sometimes and so part of what i always say is hold everything loosely because you don't know you know we don't know what we don't know and we could be off on a lot of things so holding something loosely when we get a revelation you know i received the revelation but then i'm not going to try to interpret it i'm going to look for where father's bringing something and that's expectancy yeah i'm not looking for a specific application that he's bringing it through but i'm just looking for you know i'm waiting with expectancy that he's a good father he gave me the word yes now and then in that sense you've got all of heaven and all of you know the father's resources that he wants to give you you know good things out of that versus the one little expectation that i had which narrowed everything down to that one little one when he's got a zillion that he could give me and probably most of them are better than my little expectation yes what i think is good yes so when we as we move into the season that we need to move into it with expectancy holding everything loosely doing what the father is doing the best we can see but not get into an expectation i got to build a bunker i got to get my arms you know my my weapons and all that yeah but uh rather that we would look to see what the father's doing yes his nature is your um is your security so the expectancy to use your words is to enjoy the spirit word form that he is the promise you enjoy the promise yeah and then it manifests so to delineate for the church the faith movement was to believe believe believe for something okay so i'm believing for a mercedes okay just to be funny red mercedes red mercedes red mercedes i believe in believing fasting and fasting fasting for it remember then it materializes and ah done okay but now you need to pay for the food for the petrol i need to pay for the insurance insurance and then repairs and all these things like that oh you believe that again okay because you're believing in the manifestation that what the taste touch see particle form materialized okay the actual delight is in the answer but if your delight was in the father it gives you good things you delight the light light yeah mercedes materializes or doesn't the delight stays the same exactly and that's a very important thing to love god for who he is to stay in word form which is immaterial um the israelites they looked into the mountain where moses was and they saw no form because they saw in their form they created an idol and that's us uh we need to eat we see no form open the fridge no form okay and then you'll go to an idol and america may get that it may get to that point certainly in the cbd that's right in the cities it will it will come to these things yeah yeah and uh there will be there won't be a food shortage in america there'll be a food distribution issue in america it'll be very unevenly distributed and as we saw when the clover first hit milk could be poured out on the ground now people are starving because they can't get from here right here the first walmart truck that gets raided and the and the driver injured or worse or amazon or your any then the trucks stop the truck stop america stops and to be in the city at that time will be very difficult place okay this is just a practical situation but uh the word is the word yeah and from that word you need to pursue it according to what god's saying to you right if god's saying you get guns and ammunition then do it fine or make a free will choice yeah make sure god is your source yeah and uh god will answer you according to your faith yeah but the parameters you set be unto your according to your faith yep so um you have to come to my house just say the word right wow well according to all parameters of faith i'm answering you gonna if i reach through and touch him i'll be healed wow according to promises your faith so your confession and your words set the parameter you can't fake it okay you can't fake walking on water because peter didn't walk on water he walked on the word come yeah because who said it if that's you lord right you can do this and jesus says come he walks in the promise yeah and then he looks at the winds and the waves which is a very clear metaphor right no doesn't require much interpretation you start to sink yep and that's we need to walk on that word that god says i'll provide or have i have provided you stay on that word look at the wind and the waves which are very clearly happening and will i may say very clearly happen between now and the end of the year maybe to january i think what decisions we make the west especially america it has the furthest to fall because of its height i mean yeah so it's not a judgment just mechanically speaking amount of debt it's created trillions uh um you may go into a four year five year cycle of uh before it restores itself and what that looks like will depend on the sons of god the ecclesia not the church living right right but uh the ecclesia and uh yeah so it's gonna be very interesting we have we have a choice to make yeah okay so i i would like to then switch to that category of that subject of church versus ecclesia okay and what is the difference and we'll we'll do that right after this break right hey there thank you for joining kingdom talks we are taking a short break to share with you the life-changing online course called ultimate impact gil and adina do an amazing job taking the complicated and making it simple and applicable for your life ecclesia groups are using this course to shift their thinking into the next age paradigm yeshua spoke of power authority love and oneness that we have yet to walk in so if you're ready to deconstruct limiting beliefs in order to step into what father is doing now this course is for you sign up today at under the courses tab now back to the show all right chris so we're going to just dive right into the difference between ecclesia and the church what what to you makes that difference and why is it so important okay it's the the understanding that you literally are raised and said in heavenly places as a literal reality you know and the answer is from the church yes that's our positional theology and our answer is yes that's correct that's our position no no that's your that's our positional theology correct correct yes we are raised to see how many places so uh very clearly the church has two hopes uh in church thinking one is their death which gets them into heaven right which when you say that you can see the the nonsense of that statement yeah and then rapture and everyone was hoping for a september 20 or 20 rapture this year it didn't happen i'm so excited for it to get us out of this evil world but you're the answer to this evil world right okay so waiting for a rapture or a revival okay and all this says i'm outside heaven i'm outside the curtain and heaven you must send me something send me send me jesus right right or send me a throne zone god come in come not in heaven yeah we we're actually in heaven so the difference is um church i'm thinking god why is there sickness and disease on the earth but it clears your thinking god says do you guilt why is there sickness and disease on the earth yeah it's your house so the difference is do you want to heal the sick would you remove sickness from the earth yeah generalize the dead come on would you remove death from the earth see that's the difference and and that is so powerful for us to understand who we are again it's back to who we are um yeah you know we've also been taught through the church that this idea of separation that we can even be separated from god it's like no you can't and there's nowhere in the scriptures that you can i mean if you were separated from god then that makes you god because if you're outside of god all creation is in god but if you're outside of him and you're separated then you must be god because you're you're your own creation it just it doesn't happen but when we understand that we are in christ we are in the father and that all of these things that are happening he has already given us all power and authority over yes gives us yes i mean luke 10 19 he's given us all power and authority over the over the years better that he left yeah is that true is it better left is that true absolutely then where to do the work where to finish it off that's his great delight that we do it yeah yeah i love that and to and you know and you were talking about you know the rapture and all these things it's like um there's there's six some tills that that i share about but the bottom line the intel's basically are saying well he's not gonna come back until and both and all of them are wrapped around basically fulfilling the kingdom yes he's not coming back until he's king his body does it exactly so jesus will not be unevenly yoked yeah so what is he he's throwing his eyes saw in his mouth risen glorified christ that's what we are yeah and with the door in this body which means transfigure come on this body and you can't transfigure unless you lay your life down for your enemies come on and that that is such a beautiful thing because that comes all the way back around to love again what is love to lay your life down for another yeah if you so jesus he decided he really decided very clearly what he was going to do he accepted it and lay my life down for my enemies and so he transfigures okay and then on the night he was betrayed he gave up his body if you think about that you can you can pray for enemies how about you you're betrayed betrayed you know you give up your body the night you're betrayed that's what the father does and guess what your dna is yeah you're like that's what you do your true nature is forgiveness that's actually your true core at rest nature and then why they're killing him he said forgive them father they know that what they do yeah who's the next person transfigure stephen i look at him he's faced into a face of an angel not a cherub from the paintings well they're a messenger of heaven yep he's decided to lay his life down for his enemies who paul he decided to lay his life down for paul he's holding the code yeah yeah yeah and so he reads out their charges and invokes the death penalty by saying i see god which is true and then as they're killing him he says forgive them father they know what they do he's like the father so he's transfigured because he really chose yeah and that's gotta be our heart and so you know what how much of that's in you and how much is not by watching the riots on tv and this is me i'm thinking someone should go get those guys let's go let's go beat them up let's cause them maximum pain for earthy justice for what they're doing and the stuff that's coming out in darkness that's been hidden we always know it's been there since babylon times unbroken line i'm thinking let's cause them some pain that's my natural self right right but god is like habit another way how about i lay my life down for these people jesus did the people that put him on the cross they were they were some of them were involved in this very darkness stuff he actually spoke out very clearly he said you know better a millstone tie around your neck he was he was he was addressing the same thing that's happening in america now and he lays life down for them to give him a free choice whether to choose him or not and see that that is so incredible because so many people um you know in this age where we're you know maturing sons trying to move into that place of being a mature son like jesus so we can walk in all the power and authority and yet you know we still carry within us like you were saying you know that that um judgment the judgment the knowledge of an evil a correct judgment you know and that's that's a whole nother thing you know the knowledge of good and evil the tree of knowledge of good and evil that's the reach with your own hands the knowledge good and evil yeah that's what it is in and of itself it's not bad but doing it yourself if it's your source yeah if it's your source so god says prep and you know to buy this gas not that gas but the knowledge of good and evil fine but god is your source right right it's relationship yeah so you know don't put sugar in your gas tank that's knowledge of good and evil okay but um but god's that's not your source knowing that god is your source and from there because they were the corrupt to be like god yeah and through relationship though yeah and so you know to me the tree of life has all the knowledge of the knowledge of tree and the of good and evil it's just it's in relationship yeah you're just your source yes it's knowing right and wrong to qualify you for the blessing yeah is actually to have satan as your father so all religion yeah all religion is to have satan as your father okay you're not saying you're not saying yeah he fathered you i'm saying you are expressing his nature okay so jesus said if abraham was your father you would do it he does so you're the sons of satan because you're doing what he does and satan does not accept that god's a loving father right yeah that's his accusation yeah and that because that you have to do it yourself and that's how we express it we don't believe god's loving father he's not going to do it for us out of his nature alone so we have to do with ourselves and how do we do it but our knowledge is good and evil that becomes our source and all religion is knowing what to do what not to do to receive the blessing right so using the very thing you guys kicked out obviously yeah get back into eden yeah so this year to come the most important thing you can do is to surrender to the fact that god is a loving father and he operates by word by enjoying his word but him enjoying him for who he is yeah you want him to join his methodology you dug up the mountain you get the law yeah well that's one of the reasons you know we're so at this point we're you know i would i could even use the word i could say i'm i'm opposed to doctrine because doctrine is the knowledge of good and evil i see why doctrine is there to stop oh yeah yeah but when it's when it itself becomes the thing yes so we worship father son and holy scriptures right yeah and when you say holy scriptures our interpretation of holy spirit exactly yeah yeah and so the great westminster catechism which most of our christianity english speaking comes from look through that and see how many times you find that god is written in it i did the word search on it yeah yeah um you should just and then look at the western english speaking church you know and see i know they've got some really nice things in there okay but we worship that and this excellent incredible doctrine set out by amazing people with great intention yeah but it's the person of god was supposed to see yeah well and that that's the thing is is you know we have you know the church itself has lived under the tree of knowledge of good and evil and they've not even realized it they placed that above love and relationship because you get good deep kick back yeah and if you don't line up with what we teach then you got to go yeah and it's more about what we know than the relationship which is the galatians deception that is the galatians deception which is to be uh under witchcraft so it's it is an upside down world that we live in and the thing is the church has created most of the upside downness you know and and again i love the church i'm not not opposed to the church but i'm here but but at the same time man they've taught us some really backwards things even judgment itself judgment is a good thing judgment is is the father judging the stuff in us that needs to go out so that we can have a closer relationship with him you look at judgment old testament new testament it's to prevent death yeah yeah it always is to prevent death yeah yeah even israel had to wipe out nations because what they were trading into was causing so much damage to young children and the generation of generations that god said that has to stop yeah and they were the amica like amica lights yeah i'm stick with that their sin wasn't full when moses first went out well abraham abraham went out but there's that god said don't worry a few generations later he said in four generations or so their sin will be full and then joshua takes him out and so yeah he's very fair he's very fair and they're doing bad stuff so you know this whole thing of uh again coming back to love and just understanding who we are our identity i think one of the things that is really important and uh needs to be understood is that when i see somebody who gets triggered by when i challenge them on their on their doctrinal position that for me is just i can say very quickly and very clearly that person doesn't know who they are because what's happened is now their their identity is wrapped up in what they think they know or their their doctrine versus being in christ in that relationship with christ because you know it's it's when we get triggered that we're our identities being challenged it's like the rugs being yanked out from underneath of us versus if we have our identity in christ and we fully love ourselves as he loves us you know you could challenge my my my uh doctrine all day long you can challenge my belief system all day long and if i really know who i am and i'm not threatened by that then i'm going to be asking more questions like really i want to understand that more let me understand your point of view of god and yeah versus being triggered so much that wait a minute you're ripping away my identity which is tied to a knowledge of good and evil it is even the correct one yeah yeah yeah you know that's good stuff good stuff well um i you got any last words that you'd like to share before we wrap it up here any final things so much but i need to introduce new concept but um the things that are going to be shaken and some need to be shaken yeah if you're praying that a miracle become a christian nation and there is death woven into the fabric of your government or your police or your law well then that has to come down yeah maybe to be rebuilt and so and then they're going to be challenging we're just shaking when everything's shaken the shaken that can be shaken and shaken you also find that in you there's some things that need to be shaken and that's okay it's not got judgment on you yeah yeah okay it's a mercy because removing that yeah and so that you can walk in the freedom of knowing he's a loving father and your source and that and that is so key again right now for people to understand that in this time and season as the shaking is taking place all around us that you will be shaken as well yes certainly and just to to recognize hold it loosely don't get upset with it just keep your source yeah you're only shaking where the world structures are your source yeah yep so government handout or even the police yeah we didn't have police you know the english invented them like we didn't have them before then so what do christians do in those days rely on god yeah and so no there's nothing uncommon to man what's happening to us right and you think of a christian even 400 years ago that there's no protections you just god's your only protection and he's bringing us back to that so that it's that's a pure source then we can reproduce after our own kind as that one-way source doesn't have a good or bad and i can now be that to you yeah like your father in heaven so good so good all right well we'll go ahead and wrap up this section um appreciate you being on here uh yes it's been good to actually get to know you and we're gonna have dinner next and get to know you even more but we're also gonna do a behind-the-scenes section and um i don't know where we're gonna go but i know chris was asking in the beginning uh how deep can we go and um so we'll just go deep we'll just let it go and and see what happens in the behind the scenes and if you want to see that uh go to become a partner and um it's in the behind the scenes or backstage pass and we'll look forward to seeing you there blessings take care bye you for taking time out to listen to kingdom talks you can find out more about kingdom talks media and our mission to unite in faith and grow as mature sons at please continue to like subscribe and share with your friends you can find us on facebook youtube spreaker spotify itunes fringe radio 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Channel: Kingdom Talks Media
Views: 5,717
Rating: 4.9663863 out of 5
Id: nnysa_BKvXs
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Length: 25min 13sec (1513 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 16 2020
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