Who's Your Daddy? #1/4: Receiving from The Father

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[Music] [Music] fantastic well my name is chris blackaby and i'm a pastor from australia i've moved to america united states i live here now and what a year to move to america it's not even over yet still got four months to go come on it's gonna be exciting what an important time for your country and i normally speak on new creation and the new creation realities that come with that uh and because of the timing what's happening in in this country i've begun to shift some of the things i'm talking about and they're more further down the track from being born again i normally just stay right there i've been born again what that means but [Music] thomas is quickening for this country and uh you see in uh probably here in seattle and olympia more than most uh some of the things which are happening uh in the disquiet that's happening in united states of america but god has a plan and uh why the nations conspire he sits on his throne and laughs yeah yeah so that's good so uh that's our father he's in control and we can also sit on the throne and laugh in that regards as long as we know that we're up there if we think we're down here we might get very concerned yeah so um where should we go from here then because lots of you haven't seen me before what i like to say is when you became a christian you didn't change belief systems you change species yep that's what happened you've got a new dna this dna is the seed line of the risen christ so your new dna is righteousness that's what it is it's nothing else your dna is righteousness as much before how hard you had to try to be a human being you're born a human being of the flesh fleshly born of the flesh born of the earth you have human dna you're a human and it's just given to you when you're born again you're born of spirit and that spirit's nature is the righteousness of christ so how hard you have to try to be the righteousness of christ you don't you are it he has become your righteousness okay here's your righteousness when first adam fell he had his own righteousness okay he gave it away god didn't come and give you your righteousness back here's adam's righteousness you have it back again he didn't do that you don't have righteousness you have christ and christ is your righteousness so your actions can't qualify you your actions can't disqualify you your attitudes can't disqualify you they just can't qualify you you receive the person and you have his nature forever you become one and then man be in christ he is one spirit with the lord and you are the righteousness of christ you're the holiness of christ here's your holiness and so how holy is christ is holy holy holy that's given to you before you got out of bed this morning you were holy holy holy and how you go out of bed what you said when you got out of bed didn't change to increase your holiness didn't decrease your holiness and god's saying will you receive this gift will you believe me on my word that that's what i've done for you that's what he's asking if you look at yourself would you believe his word that he's the type of god that would do that for you are you the type of god that would give me your holiness as a gift i believe you are you're right that is is exactly who i am i'm the god that gives him he gives his very self i gave you my i gave you look to my nature my very person i gave you and you and i are now one family one being yeah if a man be in christ he's one spirit with the lord and that's who you guys are forever because you received a free gift that free gift you received was a word it was a word and so we're going to talk about all weekend you just received a word the word is a seed a seed is a word there they equate all through scripture okay receive a word receive a seed it's gone in you you're born again you're born again how are you born again you're born again in the exact same way that jesus was born and the exact way that god created the world in fact creep it up genesis 1 1-2 stop me if you've heard this before okay right fantastic thank you in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth the earth was without form and void and darkness was over the face of the deep and the spirit of god was hovering over the face of the waters so the holy spirit we've got the spirit hovering over and what happens next god speaks what's a word it's a seed a seed is a word so the spirit hovering and then god speaking okay and then all matter comes from that so all matter all matter comes from a word all matter comes from a sea if a word hits spirit it can become material substance this is how your father creates and you are made in his image you were made in the image of god this is how you create first adam was a living being second adam you last adam is a life-giving spirit if you start keep living like first adam who has a salvation ticket it's not going to work very well if you start living like a life-giving spirit which is what you are things are going to go very well and uh especially maybe over the next four months here it might be good to remember your life-giving spirit can we read luke could get luke 1 35-38 please here's another example of the holy spirit hovering over the word which is a seed coming in okay so this is uh gabriel talking to mary and the angel answered her the holy spirit will come upon you and the power of the most high will overshadow you so the holy spirit is overshadowing mary yeah and therefore the chop whoops there i will show you therefore the child will be born will be called holy the son of god and behold your relative elizabeth in her old age has also conceived that son and this is the sixth month with her who was called barrem for nothing will be impossible with god and mary said behold i am the son of the lord let it be to me according to your word you see the word received a seed from heaven and materializes heaven comes to earth by a word in fact one peter says you can participate in the divine nature by good and precious promises promises are a word okay this is actually tomorrow's message i'm i've gone that was good tonight already moved on to tomorrow but tomorrow we'll talk about the word and living by the word because the word comes from heaven so there's no decay there's no waste there's no loss if it comes from heaven a seed comes from heaven all it wants is good soil it comes from heaven it contains no death only life and what needs all wants this promise this word the seed it just wants to find good soil threefold 60 fold 100 fold soil wants to find good soil and you can live by the word if all matter is made by the word that means your body is made by the word so what's your body missing calcium magnesium muscle tissue what's it missing you can take a word from heaven and you can become anything anything that you need it has only life no waste no inefficiency because the wealth adds no sorrow okay could bring up genesis 3 1-13 so what i want to tell you and then i'm going to tell you what i'm going to tell you and i'll tell you i'll tell you what i told you and in there we'll get to a good understanding the human body is the singular most important piece of technology on the earth this thing is this human body is technology from heaven is the most important technology because this dna this body that we are can house yahweh it can become one with yahweh yeah and that's why everybody wants it because it's made in the image of yahweh it's made this thing is a manifestation device it just materializes word and emotion which become your words yeah and that's why the world is after your emotions and after your words not just the world some other worldly people are also after your emotions and your words now after your dna the battle right now on the earth right now always has been is for human dna they want to get access to your dna they get access to your dna they can choose they can shut down or uh what you can do as a human being because the last thing they want is glorified sons of god using their glorified body to bring redemption to all of creation all of creation all the dimensions all the planets all the snails everything yeah to redeem everything this thing can do it this thing has access to anything god created to create realms and humans were to govern remember adam and eve yep govern this dominion we think ah go out and control no dominion is to have governance and then you can make it in your image remember adam and eve named the animals they made it in their image you see a giraffe we think oh well done god well yes and adam because adam giraffed he made a giraffe giraffi so well done adam good work he made it in his image according to his heart's desire okay and that's what we're to do it's been restored to us to redeem creation so we want access we want access to this thing they can control this they can control all of creation because the highest heaven is given to god but earth or creation is given to man what this place looks like is up to us yeah we say and the church has been put into a judgment mentality of knowledge of good and evil these people evil bless them are these people good bless them please people are evil crush them and who we forgive is forgiven and we don't forgive it's not forgiven are you saying we're like god yeah i am that's exactly what i'm saying we are god's representatives on earth and we we're not given choice we can choose whether those people were forgiven or not okay you must forgive with your heart and your heart is your body it's your cellular memory it's your dna it's the frequency set of all these things okay it's the sum total picture of what you have of reality it's the imagination the picture you have and how you want to respond out of that your heart you can't change your heart without changing your dna without changing your cellular memory what's stored in this amazing device this technical technological device which is the human body and so everybody wants this because they get into your dna against your emotions against your emotions to get into your words yeah and that's how it works so if it gets into my dna if i receive a word chris you're an idiot and it gets into me that's a wha it gets into this being i am and now i hold it in there it's in me that it's always vibrating that frequency i received a word i received a seed okay and now it's part of this set of frequencies that i am okay and some are really great like jesus loves me ah i'm good at sport also i'm an idiot man okay there's a lot of frequency sets here going a lot of sounds coming out okay and then someone comes and says chris you've got a sport okay yeah i know you know it's in me jesus loves you yeah i know and then something comes along and it says chris you're an idiot i know it's already there i'm already agreeing with it that frequency sets the same frequency it's already in me because i received a word someone said that to me or something communicated that to me it's a word anything's preaching to you your sore knee preaches to your bank account preaches to you your marriage preaches to you something speaking to you all the time everything's speaking to you it's an intentional economy they want to get their word into you because they get that word that sound into you they can control your emotions and control your words if you control human being you control the universe for example if i was from another universe i wanted to affect the stars in that universe i have to affect human beings that's how much we affect all creation i want to get my sound into these people and we have a father let's get his sound his word everyone else will trade for it they're trading trading trading i want this guy sounding to him i'll take something to offer him or offer him to take something there's always a trade going on the father's just saying will you believe me there's no force there's no manipulation there's no witchcraft he's saying will you just believe me for who i am i'm word and i'm spirit i'm a loving father and you receive that word then that's in you and then you become it because a tree produces fruit which is seed yep yeah so we know what seed the fruits trees from by its fruit okay so you have the fall now the serpent was more crafty than any other beast the field and the lord that that the lord had made he says the woman said words coming out okay he's trying to get his sound into these people into their frequency set into the cellular memory into their consciousness i don't know what term i'm using hopefully i get one that you accept one that insults you one that uh excites you or we'll get there okay once you get that word into you that seed into your field to bear fruit okay wants the wheat to grow up with the the tears and the wheat i want to get a tear into you did god actually say what's he questioning a word he's questioning a word this is how your whole life operates this right here you receive a word from god another word comes to you another word could be a bank account it could be your sore knee it could be someone speaking to you it could be your interpretation of events it could be your understanding of science it could be understanding of good and evil another words coming to you but god has spoken his word and he's giving you free will to choose there's no free will no love god wants to be chosen for who he is without force he's saying will you love me for who i am i'm invisible and i'm a word i'm a spirit word that's how i reveal myself will you love me for this okay we're like materialize god show me the result and god's like that's not who i am we love me a promise a word yeah and that's the option he gave adam and eve yeah he gave him everything that he wanted just to be believed no force free will did god say you should not eat any tree in the garden and the woman said to the serpent we may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden fruit seed okay we may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden but god said you shall not eat of the fruit of the tree that is in the midst of the garden nearly so you touch it lest you die the serpent said said words to the woman you will not surely die for god knows that when you eat eat of it your eyes will be opened and you'll be like god knowing good and evil so when the woman saw that that the tree was good for food and it was a delight to eat then that the tree was to be desired to make one wise she took of its fruit seed goes in the word goes in okay we've questioned god's character did he really say is he holding out on you is he keeping back this good father keeping things back from you the doubt of god's character comes in by a word by a seed and she also gave something to her husband who was with her okay adam was right there don't leave the story books okay they were together and he ate the eyes of both were opened and they knew that that they were naked and they sowed fig leaves together and made themselves loincloths and when they heard the sound of the lord walking the garden in the core of the day and the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the lord god among the trees of the garden but lord god called to that man and said to him where are you and he said i heard the sound okay words frequencies of you in the garden and i was afraid because i was naked i hid myself and he said who told you words you were naked a word got into him a sound okay it becomes part of them yeah so if you have a sound in you you receive from your childhood or from your generations it's in you it's producing a sound you see the word and what god wants to do is to overwrite this word with a better word but he's not going to make you do it he's going to say will you choose me against all evidence against 2 000 years of human history against 30 years of your last 30 years against your understanding of knowledge and good and evil of your cognitive ability to understand the world and what's in front of you now will you believe a word and that word is the i am a good father who performs his word and i will make you like me exactly like me through relationships you can't bring anything to that party you can only receive the word that you've got nothing to give them nothing to exchange except a yes that's all you've got the same way you got saved is the same way you become a fully manifest son of god on the earth walking in the fullness of your stature you have to receive a word and let it grow yup right words change your dna what hovers over you and what you trade with that changes your dna in exodus the tribes come out and the tribes are named and they set up camp and list of the tribes names are given 12 tribes down okay and then again i think in deuteronomy same 12 obviously and then at the end 1600 years later or so in revelation the names is given again but in the list in revelation 7 the tri the names of the tribes is different it's a different list two have changed dan is gone he's been replaced by joseph and ephraim has gone he's been replaced by manessa so the list of tribes is some clerical error i think john didn't quite understand how exodus worked so i'm going to read for you just from the uh from dr rose if you know him doctor oh from activate from i'm going to read from the appendix that's commitment all right this is from the appendix to dr ro's uh book hashem am which means the heavens 1a because there's a 1b okay in revelation 7 written about 1300 years after numbers we see levi has been restored to the tribe list levi's fulfilled his role as prophetic metaphor as the messiah has come and the levitical priesthood completed two tribes are now missing they have been present in the previous lists been present in the previous lists then in ephraim so tribe of dan the tri ephraim have been removed from the trial list okay they've had both been removed because of their trading and can now only be brought back into the door of christ like a gentile because they're trading ephraim if from hosea 4 17. ephraim is joined to idols let him alone okay he's joined to idols well see this in a minute dan this is judges 18 30. the sons of dan set for themselves the graven image and jonathan the son of gershom the son of manasseh he and his sons and priests the tribe of the down lights until the day of the captivity of the land so dan went to idols ephraim went to idols and one kings 12 12 12 28 to 30. so the king consulted and made two golden calves he said to them it is too much for you to go up to jerusalem and behold your god to israel that brought you up from the land of egypt he set one in bethel and the other he put in dan now this thing became a sin for the people who went to worship before the one as far as dance now worshiping golden calves you think of the learn yeah now the king mentioned here is jeroboam he's the tribe of ephraim so ephraim and dan both gave themselves to idols what you let over you changes you gives a hovering frequency and it gives you their words then ephraim gave themselves the idols so much so that those idols who are true gods they are elohim not the most high elohim okay there's benoit elohim god made lots of crew out there some are good some not so good okay now let these true beings represented by these idols that had true beings connected to them over them and let their word come into them because they're trading with these beings they're not going to let yahweh give it to hit them in his time through being a good father they want to go to another god or give it to him quicker and you trade what you trade access to your dna and so these beings will hover over them and gave them their words changed ephraim and dan's dna so much that they're no longer israelites they're now gentiles and we need to receive the messiah the same way we did as a gentile that's how powerful words are we they overshadow you and give you their words jesus said be careful how you hear because we want to be a representation of our father yep a good father we need to hear his word and experience it and let it grow up in us inside you now is the incorruptible seed of the lord jesus christ the risen christ not baby jesus not jesus of nazareth the risen glorified christ is what you've received romans 6 says don't you know when you're baptized into it baptizing the christ you're baptized into his death and the same palate rose christ and dead also rose you from the dead so you can have a newness of life and somehow participate in the same resurrection life he had so i said again paul is is treating something very mystical very logically he's saying here's a mystery okay it's a logical conclusion the mystery is this when christ was crucified the day you accepted him you're on the cross with him you're there okay when he was buried you were buried with him so when he took all the sting of death you were there but didn't sting you but his death is accredited to you his burial was accredited to you in fact he's saying you were there you're co-buried and the same pallet rose him from the dead at the same time because you're in him rose you from the dead and now jesus is resurrected has a resurrection life so if you're with him you bear with him and you're raised with him then logically yep you have that resurrection life he has resurrection life's what you live not jesus of nazareth when we read the gospels we think am i peter you know my thomas am i mary you're none of those people none of those people are saved okay you can't compare yourself to those people there's only one person born from above in the gospels that's jesus jesus is showing us how someone born from above who carries the word the father deals with earth that's you except that's not you because jesus was under the law and jesus had the undefeated foe he hadn't received his glorified self but guess what he gives the he fulfilled the law for you he'll feed the enemy for you and he gives you his glorified self which glory the glory he had before the foundation of the world that's just given you we receive that as a word we were would he do that for you everything we're doing every thought you have every emotion you have every action you have is your declaration of your understanding of god as a father yeah i look at my life and go wow yeah wow you know will you receive that all your thoughts all your emotions you're actually asking really are you the type of god that would do that for me and you're making a decision yes you are or no you're not yeah but we we we put on ourselves so the jews were going into the promised land israel sorry going to the promised land and they said the giants in there are too big we're so small and god took it personally now is god insecure so it was right to take it personally he says no no you're talking about me you're saying i'm not the type of god fulfills his word and i am word when you question my word you're questioning the very core of what i am if i said it if i yahweh the lord most high have revealed something to a word i'm revealing the very nature of the high school of god and when you say that wouldn't happen to me even though god said that you think i'm talking about me be not you're talking about him yeah will you receive a word it's about him it's only about him in this regard does that make sense um david planted death uriah slept with his wife got bastard planned his death killed other people uri got killed he's happy he's got away with it and nathan says you are that man you did it he's cut to the heart and he has a full revelation like the scales come off his eyes he can see what he's done in psalm 51 he writes at that moment and he says because of your unfailing love i make a call on your nature doesn't look at himself doesn't look at the terrible sin he's done in all of israel and the shame he's brought he only looks at god he says against you alone have i sinned in psalm 51 so i've only sinned against you god so if you say i'm clean you wash me clean i'm clean so god forgives and so he's clean you can only receive that as a promise in fact he's so clean he says god if you clean me i'm going to go and rebuke the transgressors that's a clear conscience here fancy in the area you collapse and you feel and god says if you say god i might call on your character if you say i'm clean this area that i am and i'm so clean on the walk out next day and say hey stop it you stop it because you're clean it's been removed from your conscience you have a clear conscience yeah so david he's so clean the child's dying both sheba's first child with him and he's praying for the child but that's it he's not apologizing for his sin it's gone he's just praying for the child and they say the child's dead so what's he doing gets up washes his face and goes dinner and i was like what are you doing shouldn't you be like heartbroken in the morning and your child's dying and sorry for your sin what sin it's gone to make a call on god's character alone it's gone from his conscience he gets on with it and this is how clear his conscience is he goes back to the place of his sin which is the fever and with a clear conscience has another child who becomes solomon in the area of his greatest collapse and he makes that son king he had many sons that's a clear conscience yeah that's called god's character you can't reason with that you can't work it out you can't bargain he's saying this is who you are god's saying you believe me will you believe me that i gave you the same seed the exact same seed as my uniquely begotten son because there's many benign women there's been like a woman sons of god ben sons of god ben i elohim okay in scripture and then jesus comes and he's the son of god now you're a son of god what's going on who's more special we are jesus is the uniquely begotten son mary received a word the word the eternal word who because you receive the word be unto me according to your word the opposite of eve she restored eve in that moment eve questioned the word she said i will not i'll receive this word he went into shame she accepted the shame to the glory of having the messiah yep you see the word and the word uh became flesh incarnated mary did that by receiving a word completely redeeming eve in that moment we'll see that tomorrow could bring up romans 8 18-25 just to set some context which is romans 6 also talks about dying and rising again okay we know that as he is so you now in the earth so you died with him you rose as him yeah he raised exactly like him this is who you are will you believe the good news this is the gospel it's not good instruction it's good news you haven't changed belief system you've changed species and the speeches is the uniquely begotten son of god not a son of god you are the uniquely begotten son of god not only begotten that was a mistranslation monogenesis uniquely the son of god different to all the other binolums they're created he was begotten it's different this is of god not is of god's self yeah he chose a human to do it because human dna can house yahweh as is his plan that's what everybody wants it okay for i could say that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us for the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of god that's the sons of god for the creation has subjected for the creation was subjected to futility not willingly creation not willingly which means creation has a will has an intent his conscience has a conscious not willingly but because of him who subjected it okay of him who subjected it not the devil god did that in hope the devil didn't do it in hope okay god did it in hope that the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to corruption and obtain the freedom of the glory of the children of god creation has been subject to frustration with some creation this tissue box will do okay here's creation okay it's been subject to frustration by him in hope they'll be set free by us now this isn't this would be subject to frustration because we had glory i'll be holding a glorified tissue box right now and we would run from it or worship it yeah the tree you see outside that's not a tree that's a tree subjected to frustration what's a real tree with a know we have to set it free by giving it the glory our glory our glory the trees are waiting for jesus to come back the g the tree is waiting for revival and they're both great things the trees waiting for suns to reveal themselves to let that tree be what it's supposed to be the trees of the field will clap their hands yeah if we saw a glorified caterpillar imagine imagine your dog was glorified that'd be a mess this has been subjected until we mature how we mature that the sea grew up in us that we are to exactly the risen christ on earth in this body transfigured glorified immortal are you the type of god that would do that for me you are that's exactly who you are and ephesians 1 says before the foundation of the world he planned that we be holy and blameless in his sight forever according to his wisdom and love this is exactly what he planned to do that all things and under heaven and earth be reconciled in christ he was having enough to become together he wants to die and go to heaven it doesn't rapture he doesn't revival he wants heaven earth to come together how by the sons of god glorifying this so heaven the earth can seamlessly become one again if heaven came here it'd be a mess it'd be terror but because there's so much death and accusation there's a good evil in us he wants us to come together how he's going to do that we're going to do that yep we're going to do that that is who we are we're his sons imagine imagine if jesus died on earth what he would have done for the last two thousand years okay now you know what to do yeah if jesus was here he could have done this and this and this all right it's better that he left that's what he said so we can grow up the manifested revealed sons of god mature sons of god mature son of god that looks like their father okay for the whole creation has been groaning together in the pain of childbirth until now and not only the creation but we ourselves have the first fruits of the spirit growing emily as we weigh eagerly for the adoption as sons the redemption of the body for in this hope we were saved hang on the redemption of the body he's saying to the romans the church of rome the redemption of the body is the hope to which you were saved no no no dying and going to heaven is the hopes which were saved isn't that what you were told isn't that the hope to which you were saved the body dying decaying ending run your course live a long life [Music] the body dying is the hope to which we're called and then you get to go to heaven your death gets you to heaven the death of your body gets you to heaven that's what we're told the death of jesus's body gets you against you to heaven and his resurrection means you have to do it means you have his life here now the redemption of the body this thing here is the hope to which you were called this is it and how do you change this body by receiving a word if the tribe of dan can become gentiles by receiving a word you can become the fully risen manifest son of god on earth by receiving a word what word that the father is going to make you the fully manifest prison son of god on earth you can't how much would you have to fast to be exactly like the risen christ yeah how much bible reading would you have to do you can't do it that's the point it can only be received religion is so cruel they will only ask you he won't ask you more than what you can do he'll never do that to you it will only ask you what you can do on your best day because you can do it so when you don't do it you know you could have religion doesn't say become exactly like christ it says be a better christian you can't be a better christian if god's not helping you be a better christian he's making you christ he's not making a better christian jesus wasn't a christian he wasn't a christian so god's not making you a christian he wasn't a christian jesus was the unique son of god that's what god's making you has made you and in believing it it manifests you can only receive this this is the rest he who has entered christ's rest has ceased from his strivings and his works why because he heard the word believe the word believing a word there's no flesh you foolish galatians who has bewitched you how did you first receive the holy spirit have miracles performed amongst you because you received a word because you believed because you behaved it's because you believed so now in starting and believing why return to behaving to maintain the signs of wonders and miracles in the holy spirit this is bewitchmen this is to be under satan another father another word and here we go who is your father who's your daddy this is the only question we have because your father is whose nature you are presenting and whose nature you're presenting is the word you've received and you have in your heart that's all it is this person is so such an evil cruel person so it's got evil cruel word in him evil cruel seed yeah whose nature are you presenting is that who's who is your father jesus came to show us the father how we thought the father is like wow we had jesus hebrews 1 3 says he was the exact representation of the father john let's go can you pull up i haven't asked you this one keep up john um 14 8 to 9. you're doing very well i want to bring an understanding because of the understanding the seed remains jesus told us that when he tells in map in uh mark four it tells the parable of how seed grows in soil it says if you don't understand this you won't understand any parables and parables tell us what the kingdom is like there's a thing that jesus if you don't understand this you won't understand anything well that's a very important thing to understand is how his word forms in your heart i mean there's three bad soils and there's three good soils and the good soils give a thirty sixty hundredfold respon crop results a response crop yeah yield and they're all good 30 is great 60 is great 100 is great and it's all up for our grabs how much it's the same c that goes in though it's not different seed this seed gets 30 the c get 60. one seed goes in and depending on your soil is what crop you get how good a return you get is how good you say god is because good soil is how good is god and the things that take him away the concerns of this world and deceitfulness of wealth like the one that reached for something else right just letting it grow that's what adam and eve did i was deceived i want to get something now rather let a word grow yeah okay philip said to him lord show us the father and it is enough for us jesus said to him have i been with you so long you still do not know me philip whoever has seen me has seen the father how can you say show us the father the father is exactly like the son literally and metaphorically because god literally yahweh literally fathered jesus when jesus went father it wasn't some new theological grid theological greedy trying to bring in okay that being the law of most high literally sent his word you see literally father he's literally talking to his father which is to attack uh to claim equality with him now jesus said call god father claim equality with him don't grasp it says in philippians but know who you are seeing that you're like god make yourself unto a servant have the same matter jesus christ you are the same race of being that yahweh is lord most high el elyon that's you you receive this precious gift as a word no flesh can inherit this if you see me you've seen the father that is your life mission statement put on your fridge if you've seen me you've seen the father amazing yeah three years father has been moving for three weeks he's seen some things which are like the father he's seen some things which are not yet like the father but allah had to say if you've seen me you've seen the father i can because that seeds in me to grow up and be exactly like the father incorruptable seed i've received that word that's precious promise what's the father like can you bring up matthew 5 43-48 we know what the father was like because jesus did it jesus stopped for children jesus forgave his enemies jesus blessed those who cursed him let's have a look at this and this is from the sermon on the mount and the sermon the amount if you come as a christian is this incredible list of things to attain to become as a son of god the similar amount describes you because describing the fathers describing his kingdom this is a description of you forgiveness is your nature it's your core nature this is what you do this is who you are you're like your father in heaven it says good news you have heard that it was said you shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy but i say to you love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you so you may be the sons of your father in heaven this is so important right now because the church is picking sides by knowledge of good and evil which may even be correct but knowledge of good and evil okay and i'm not having a go at that i'm saying but do you pray for those who persecute you for your enemies the american church was very excited by the last president and not very excited about the previous eight years okay and i went this was non-christian and now this is christian and that might be right but from a son of god point of view did you pray for eight years for the previous guy you've prayed for eight years of the previous guy you might have a different guy now i'm not saying anything's right or wrong i'm just saying i know this is very emotional it gets to your soul okay so now we see it gets to our soul changes our soul changes our emotions changes our words change what we create we'll be sons of god you'll be a son of god and you can vote on that day for whoever you believe will help establish righteousness in your land or who god led you to vote for you can even go and campaign for that person i'm not against those things what a privilege we have yeah but you're a son of god doing it you're not a democrat no republican jesus wasn't the democrat he's on the republican he wasn't even a christian he's a son of god and so god does what he sees the father doing what does his father do lays down his life for those who hate him on the night he was betrayed he gave up his body on the night he was betrayed i was always amazed when you know they're killing him he says forgive them father they don't know what they do that's amazing yes okay that's like there's people attacking you and the enemy's killing you forgive your enemies but betrayal when you're betrayed that's when you give up your body your body what's what it's trying to say to you he's saying to you what cain's saying the blood came we'll look at that in a minute revenge justice vindication correctly so and you forfeit that right that sound that your body's making you overwrite it epigenetics a new world comes in a higher word the blood of christ on the night you're betrayed you give up your body and you bless those who betrayed you yeah love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you so that you may be the sons she's showing the seed the sons the word of your father who is in heaven for he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good and says reign on the just and the unjust if you have if you love those who love you what reward do you have not even tax collectors do the same and if you agree only your brothers what more are you doing than others do not even the gentiles do the same oh hang on jesus let's be rough you therefore must be perfect as your father in heaven is perfect what be perfect if i have this perfect yes that's your nature that's your seed what's perfection getting to church on time reading your bible doing your fast no it's perfection forgiveness blessing your enemies this is what you do our god sends rain on the good and the evil the just the unjust now as you just look at the snapshot at christian culture across america right now is that what we're doing as a group are we blessing those who persecute us if we don't we make a judgment of the knowledge of good evil a correct accurate judgment okay and now we're operating the knowledge of good and evil is the seedline of satan it is the fathering of satan to know right and wrong and for that to be your source of life and righteousness so when we look at antifa and say look what those idiots are doing someone should go and smash them are we seeing rain in the good and evil we're correct at one level we're correct by showing a different fathering because there's only one father adam and eve said that until they've got another word in them our privilege is to overwrite that inherited word from adam and eve with a greater word a word that speaks a greater word than abel who is correct in his plea for vengeance correct accurate but a better word the lamb slain before the foundation of the world jesus laid in his life before cain before antifa before rioters god sees lost kids without a father who've been given a bad word more bad words more bad words he's saying will someone lay down their life these people and give them a word of a loving father they're just orphans and they're the father that's your nature and other things want your attention and your emotions to make you angry for or against wrong page wrong book wrong father god is in heaven the father in heaven he's looking down he sits down he laughs at everyone conspiring and he lays his life down for his enemies we know that because jesus was the exact representation hebrews 1 3. you've seen jesus you've seen the father he came down his life down for all those people the good people in church the bad people in church the good people on the street they're bad people on the street for all creation he's done it he wants us to bring it to earth that's our privilege we need to change this so we're still in romans uh we oh yeah so that's good okay we need to redeem the body as we change this the seed in this the sound in this what this thing is how am by believing a different word we change creation how does that work what's happening right now even as i'm speaking to you new possibilities come into your life faith comes life comes yeah as i'm saying it now you receive that word and it grows in you the word just makes things possible it's creating it's changing this okay jesus said it falls on hard ground that withers you understand the birds of the air come and take it he says sometimes if you go back to concerns of the world and the synthesis of wealth it will disappear and some people let the seed remain thirty sixteen hundredfold this is who you are you are like yahweh you are like the lord most high you're like el elyon you're born of his seed and your nature is to lay your life down behalf of the wicked this is what you are already can you bring up john 8 37-45 [Music] this is jesus talking to the pharisees what the pharisees do they know the law and they're right from wrong their righteousness comes from knowing right and wrong so their father is satan that's the nature of an orphan okay this is the nature of the church this is our nature if you don't know you go up the mountain you'll stay down and get the law and create idols both are bad news you are up the mountain you're raised to see the in christ now loved in the beloved ephesians 1 you'll be made holy and blameless in the beloved this is where you are i know that you're the offspring of abraham okay offspring and fathering are two different things we'll see in a minute very important i know that you are the offspring of abraham they are yet you seek to kill me because your my words find no place in you words see he's coming in saying something like this ah and then he's like it's not getting in yeah i speak of what i've seen with my father and you do what you've heard from your father they answered him abraham is our father and jesus said if you are abraham's children you'll be doing the works abraham did the father is your actions is your words is your fruit whose words are in you who slide themselves in you a spiritual father is supposed to reproduce himself in you by his words by his life by his actions by his sound and recreate that in you okay you can tell who's someone who's father is by what they do and say okay know whose offspring they are who's their father but now you seek to kill if you were abraham's children you'd be doing the works abraham did okay so if you're god's children right that's what we've been given but now you seek to kill me a man who has told you the truth that i heard from god this is not what abraham did you are not doing the works your father did you're doing the works your father did they said to him we are not born of secular morality we have a we have one father even god okay so they're talking about a natural thing but jesus they're talking in spiritual terms which is word and seed okay so i'll say it again but you seek to kill me a man who has told you the truth that i heard from god this is not what abraham did you were doing the works of your father did so their father kills people who tells the truth very interesting they said to him we are not born of sexual morality we are one father even god jesus said to them if god were your father you would love me for i came from god and i'm here i came not on my own accord but he sent me why you don't understand what i say is because what i understand this oh why is this not was not working okay if god were your father you would love me for i came from god and i'm here i came not my own accord but he sent me why do you understand what i say is because you can't bear to hear my word my seed my frequency you are the father the devil okay they're saying your father is the devil and your will is to do your father's desires wow he was a murderer from the beginning and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him when he lies he speaks of his own character for he is a liar and the father of lies but because i tell you the truth you do not believe me okay their father is the devil now he's saying that the devil physically sighed them no the the devil's words against them same as adam and eve the word got into them it changed their dna and now they're showing a different fruit okay well good news you have the word of yahweh why this can happen is because that's what this body does this was designed to do receive word and manifest it into material objects that's what designed to do okay and now you can see there's two things going on lying murder by the knowledge of the law right and wrong is the fathering of the devil which is religion religion all religion is the seed line the fathering the siring of satan because yahweh is only doing one thing laying his life down for the wicked sending rain on the wicked and the good forgiving those who are killing him other night is he betrayed giving up his body that's what you are everything else is man-made nonsense with the help of satan you are the uniquely begotten son of god you want to do what you see the father doing maybe like your father that's what he's doing keeping up 1 john 3 11 to 14. excellent for this is the message that you ever heard from the beginning that you should love one another okay because we should love one another that's what the father's doing that's our nature direct comparison we should not be like cain who was of the evil one came was of the evil one how did that happen okay he was of the evil one and murdered his brother and why did he murder him because his own deeds were evil and his brothers were righteous do not be surprised brothers that the world hates you we know that we have passed out of death into life because we love the brothers whoever does not love abides in death okay let's leave it up there some very important things going on here there's two options love or death when adam and eve took of the apple sin wasn't the issue the bible doesn't mention sin it mentions death will you die you shall not die they did it they died the seed the word of satan is death and will always bring death always his words if it's religion and you're failing then you're condemned death if you succeed at religion also death it's the lose-lose tree it only brings death love or satan is your father everything about you that's not love is this old junk it's not you this is good news it's not you it's not you at all it is your pleasure to take that land to get rid of those giants that bad dna another word and replace it with love we're going to talk about transfiguration leather but we'll do it now okay stephen so jesus decides in his heart what he's going to do okay he gets trans so he's transfigured he gets transfigured and then later he goes jerusalem he um offers his body and washes the feet of those who betray him and abandon him yeah and then instead of calling down angels which he could have done to wipe heaven out he lets them touch him and says die and says forgive the lord they know what they do stephen they look at him and his face turns to a face of an angel now angel doesn't mean a cherub angel means a messenger from heaven something and from another world has come in why is my decision in his heart i'm going to bless these people only so i'm going to bless these people the guy who organized it that grave over their soul holding the coats i'm going to give him my ministry i'll give him my mantle the guy that's killing everyone i'm going to lay my life down it tells him the history of israel he invokes the death penalty by claiming he sees god and as they're killing him he says forgive them lord they know not what they do so he transfigured they saw him they couldn't take their eyes off him it says why because in choosing to bless your enemy to be like god is the complete overriding of this everything in here what you're doing is redeeming the generations redeeming the years redeeming the times all your family what your grandmother had to go through what your great grandfather had to go through the horror of their lives and the condemnation they lived in without the gospel that you've got you're redeeming that removing that from the earth this fathering of satan that says that's not fair that is fair punish that person murder that love lays its life down for guilty no great man is this love and this to lay down his life for another that's what you're doing you're laying down this life the right to judge the right the vindication that the right to that belongs to god vengeance belongs to god you give back to him and you are playing on behalf of the guilty that's your nature and you see it all through scripture all through scripture mature people that god let's be fathers please be half the guilty abraham on behalf of solomon gomorrah moses okay god offers moses they've they've done they've redone after all god's done from a new eden a new birth he's taken out of israel israel out of egypt giving him a new land it's all going to happen give him his presence fire and then they turn to idols why because i saw no form they didn't they couldn't be patient wait for the word to do it i wouldn't believe god was going to do it for them he want to create their own gods and god says to moses they've made idols and gone to debauchery um i'm wiping out israel i'm writing abraham's line i'm starting again with you israel this promised messiah will now come through the light of moses and they'll be called the children of moses basically moses you are now the father that moses proves why he's a father he says i'd rather you wrote me out the book of life he saved them he laid down his whole inheritance in order to become the singular most important patriarch for the sake of the guilty ones so jesus did we know that and that's what paul says in in romans five i think he says if it be possible i rather i've read the book of life that the hebrews be saved and who's causing him a problem not the romans not the greeks who stoned him the hebrews now the israelites he says i would swap for them that's the nature of the father that's your nature that's your nature we watch the tv when you watch the debate when you watch what's happening in jazz okay that's your nature this is who you really are and so we should we shouldn't we should not be like kane was the evil one now i make a very important distinction here there is a theology out there called serpent seed and that they believe when adam and eve took eve took of the apple she actually had physical relations with satan and then cain was physically born that way but we see jesus saying you are descendants of abraham he's not your father descendants and father two different things okay cain is the son of adam and eve but his father is the devil now as cain this evil god it's the plan evil things and you know and planned murder no he's of his father the devil who's an orphan heart and because you're off in the heart you must go by the law if you're not loved you need to qualify yourself yep when we're everywhere we're not loved if we know we don't believe god give it to us everyone in the innate worthiness we qualify ourselves that's the nature of satan maybe good christianity that's not sunshine everywhere you try and qualify yourself is that seedling coming up saying he's not a good father that's what satan's come you abandon us it's you you put the woman with me you put the snake with me that murder that anger that accusation against god that's that seedline but we are too smart to do that so we actually start to behave well instead that's what cain did cain was very well behaved cain would be a great christian he worked very hard for god and what comes to him murder of his father he killed the one who just received from god he's the older brother working very hard and then he hates the son that just receives this son of yours he calls him murder of the evil one so we know that kaneki was our jealousy and then we know that abel's blood in genesis 4 cries out from the ground yeah what does it cry out well i don't want to start a controversy so i'll just say in the book of enoch it tells us that's all i'm saying that's all i'm saying okay so abel's blood cries out from the ground yep and then the new testament writers refer back to this scripture this writing in enoch which means they believe it's true i'm not saying a scripture we're just saying that it's true okay so he locked this enoch 1 book of the watchers chapter 22 verse 3 then raphael who's an angel one of the holy angels who were with me answered and said oh hang on i miss i'm here oh my god okay then raphael and the angels who were with me this is talking this is enoch speaking answered and said these are the delightful places where the spirits the souls of the dead will be collected from them were they for them were they formed and here will be the collected of all the souls of the sons of men so there's all these there where people have passed away raphael has taken enoch to see all these past spirits of men these places in which they dwell shall they occupy into the day of judgment or end until their appointed period their appointed period will be long even until the great judgment i saw the spirits of the sons of men who were dead and their voices reached to the heaven while they were accusing thou are inquired of raphael an angel who was with me and and said whose spirit is this this voice who reaches to heaven and accuses so there's a spirit there crying out to heaven with accusations he answered saying this is the spirit of abel who is slain by cain his brother and he will accuse the brother until his seed be destroyed from the face of the earth until his seed perish from the seed of human race abel is in this abraham's bosom sheol and he's crying out for justice remove cane and all his seed from the earth that's correct but what do we know i've lost all my verses but we know that uh hebrews 12. that jesus's blood cries out a better word than naples redeem cain bring salvation to cain lay down your life for cain yeah and to the assembly of the firstborn who are enrolled in heaven and to god the judge of all and to the spirits of the righteous made perfect and to jesus the mediator of a new covenant and to the sprinkled blood that speaks a better word than the blood of abel this is the ray of hebrews making a direct reference to the book of enoch which quote better word than justice a better word than vindication correctly so abel's not out of line crying out for this he's saying before the foundational world a lamb was slain this is you here is an amazing fact when you receive jesus you change species you see to the very person of christ and everything he did is accredited to you everything he did is accredited to you so what did jesus do when he raised the sick of the dead he would raise the dead heal the sick open blind eyes forgave people uh serve people you know he did all those things then he was a bit unto death even to bleeding blood and then he trusted god in his word which talked about tomorrow he said into your hands i commit my spirit he couldn't raise himself just believe the word raised up back he could come back and smashed everything they didn't he actually came back and cooked them breakfast on the beach and looked after them okay he did all these things that's given to you as if he did that what else did jesus do the lamb slain for the foundation of the world to choose to do this before the world was begun and all the terrible things we're finding out that happened we know that happens on the earth he took that and chose lai's life down before and god is very father that's my son whom i'm well pleased who chose to do that that nature and that righteousness has been given to you when you see god he sees a person he says chris is a person that would lay his life down before the foundation of the world that's your true nature and that is the seed that comes up that's love you are love you have become love and love is life immortal eternal life if you know the father you know love this is the gospel and why how does it work by receiving that word we know the birds of the air come to take it that's okay thank you the birds here come because of the seed that's okay you've heard it now it's going to good soil what do we have to do to do the works that god desires the work that god desires is this john 6 believe in the one whom he sent do you believe that god was love light and spirit has been given to you your spirit really light but love is a choice love is the choice we believe this this incredible gospel this surpassing word that your blood cries out a better word when you see the tv and all these things we see you when you think of your mother-in-law or whatever it is your blood cries out a better word your very nature is forgiveness you are the seed line of yahweh the loving father and everything about you that's something different is an inherited line which is no longer you cast off the old man and put on the new man that's created to be like god what's god like the loving father jesus came to show us the loving father now we know who he is and now we know who we are we are the loving father we're children growing up in we've never been the loving father before of all creation so he's growing us up into this how by receiving a word would he has he done that for you god are you the type of god that would give me your very nature your very self and a credit of all the work of your son even the lamb slain before the foundation of the world and the glory that he had before foundation the world would he give that to me are you that type of god i believe you are you're right that's what he's done you can only be received so you can walk in the fullness of the stature of christ in your lifetime in the body the redemption of the body the hope to which you're called becoming love in blessing your enemy and forgiving and choosing to in your heart before it even happens is transfiguration it changes his body it's another seed line that doesn't cry from vengeance doesn't cry for logical and evil doesn't cry out for murder it just receives forgiveness blessing your enemies laying your life down on the night you're betrayed give it up and healing all jesus didn't care what people did when people were sick it was like what did you do where were you just healed them that's what the father does that's not the kingdom this is kingdom all right let's uh pray father i declare that every person that's believed in your word is now a unique son of god and in them is the incredible seed that is love and life immortal life i'll declare now that every person here has been transferred from the kingdom from the law of sin and death we should have another father is the law of life in christ in the spirit life in christ and that seed is incorruptable it's exponential and it grows and it's ever increasing and we just receive it and lord we just want to lift off the burden of judgment off our shoulders where we have to hold people to account we lift off that burden to judge we give that to you that need to hold people to account we give it to you we say to our for our enemies lord we say lord we're willing when we're not willing we're willing to become willing to release them and say we make our first step in being like you and i say lord bless these people hide their sins may they know a loving father as we have lord we've forgiven the big debt release this small debt forgive them lord they don't know what they do we want to mature and become love like you father love light and spirit in this body and redeem creation give the creation the glory of the sons of god this is maturity and right now for this nation united states we speak love and forgiveness and remove our judgment of people remove it law that we hand it back to you and we remove our anger and our murder and our words lord remove those words from wiping the blood remove it and we say lord that's another seedline that's another father we want to be like you and we say lord forgive forgive the orphans forgive those who who don't know you those who wander in darkness we say lord we're laid in our lives for all these people even those who persecute us lord may your kindness lead them to repentance the same way did for us and we speak that all these plans for america to bring it to an end you say they will fall into their own trap the snare the spirit beings behind this and we speak a wave of love knowledge of the father and the glory of the father will cover this nation [Music] and america won't be a christian nation it'll be a land full of the sons of god [Music] and this soil we bless you american soil usa soil we bless you and the blood of christ work through you and remove the record of what's been done and jesus you are the ultimate justice jesus you pay for the perpetrator and for the victim which brings you all the situations where we were the perpetrator and we were that we were the bad guy we said lord if you say we're clean then we're clean and we know that your blood pays for us to clean this up and also offers the victim complete restoration you're going to pay for both of them not even us no we're with a victim we're at least a perpetrator to you not saying it's right we're saying the new personal way and jesus your blood pays for them and restores us you're an overpayment for everything [Music] and now we let that word just believe the word let it sit in you for a while here otherwise the cares and concerns as well we'll just take you so we're going to sit here and just believe it for a second believe it for a minute leave it for two minutes the incredible seed the incorruptible seed of the risen messiah he's growing in us [Music] farmer goes to bed he wakes up the crop has grown he doesn't know how the sea grows is the tallest tree in the forest that gives shade to birds and animals [Music] you are our father life life life life to our enemies life those who persecute us life to our family life to our friends life to your church life to this soil life to creation life life life thank you this is your plan for the foundation of the world it's your great delight by your wisdom and have the earth be reconciled and the one had jesus christ and that we would do that for him [Music] if any of these words i preach tonight i have uh struck a chord and uh have maybe brought condemnation lift it off that jacket that cloak let's throw it in the fire and we with unveiled faces boldly come and face you god full face to face unashamed you have made us holy forever i always say dad will grow up and be exactly like you [Music] you
Channel: As He Is Ministries
Views: 18,398
Rating: 4.8857141 out of 5
Id: bdpHx3mllNY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 55sec (5275 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 25 2020
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