Being the Beloved Son 1

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[Music] hey everyone how's this volume this good is this good yeah i just like to start by honoring the ordways honoring the ministry administering angels over this property over this area of missouri and over the united stands and all those who minister and come with him i also know that we're going to have a greg and dwight minister this weekend and that will bring something that only they can bring so we honor them and their record and who they were before the foundation of the world and we open our hearts to them as they build us into the fullness of the statue of christ you can stay seated if you want to but before you is a curtain it's the veil a veil that was torn top to bottom and that veil is the living body of the lord jesus christ torn for us the only entrance to the father the only entrance into the glory and we as a corporate body as a group as one we step through that veil now onto the plane of heaven and the voice says enemy be silent and take those filthy rags off these people and give them a new jacket and a new crown lord we take your record of everything you say over us every spiritual blessing in heavenly places woven into this jacket the name you call us who we were to be before the foundation of the world and we engage the treading for the blood foundation of the lamb slain before the foundation of the world a blood that speaks a higher word than abel a higher word earthly justice the plan of the before the before we engage that which overrides all all agreements ours all contracts all plans of men and we engage it with the fullness of our being body soul spirit our dna our body our blood our mountain our marrow our memory our frequency our fragrance our formula our family line we engage it in the complete being that we are and say this the lambs flame before the foundation of the world and we honor the word the lamb the word jesus christ manifested on the earth slain in the body on the earth bleeding on the earth died and rose again in the earth and we say this record of everything we are before the foundation of the world we too like jesus our older brother bring it here from that place incorruptible untainted and rise and see be seated in you in heavenly places forever according to your goodwill and pleasure father may heaven come to earth through us your children your body amen amen very good i'm talking to the back screen i feel like joe biden if you saw that i'm not for against any political party it's just a comment on a moment that's all that's all so welcome everyone this is excellent to have you here how's this sound this okay okay all right very good well welcome it's very good to have you here who here has not heard me speak before or ever like on audio or anyone one two three four okay okay that's good that's good so there's some assumed knowledge here i assume you can understand australian that's assumed yep if i speak too fast or i speak another language than english you just just put your hand up and ask me to repeat it please do because i want you to have understanding yeah and by understanding the seed remains and this is very important because if the seed remains a farmer goes to bed he wakes up it's grown he doesn't know how yeah but with understanding the seed remains so just so you know me i speak for understanding okay that's that's my models not the models not the best model it's just how i speak yeah and i want people to understand sometimes jesus spoke so people didn't understand on purpose so i'm not saying it is the best way or the most christ-like way okay but since you're here and you are after these things jesus spoke plainly to those who are had good hearts and who are after the things yep and for those who weren't he hid things from yeah but you wouldn't be here if you were those people why would you be here very good jesus was not a christian we're made in his image christian is a name given to us by satanists the pagans named us christians an antioch and it's not a bad name i'm happy for people to see me and go wow christ that's good it's my name it's very good i'm not i don't have a problem with it as far as the world looking at me if that's their paradigm fantastic but it's not our paradigm jesus wasn't a christian there's no christians in heaven if you get to heaven in the most classical sense you rock up you say hey i was a great christian they'd be like who cares there's no record there there's no currency for that term jesus was a son of god you are a son of god christianity and everything comes with it is bs bad scripture a belief system what is a good christian changes from person to person culture culture church to church you can have black christians white christians you have black church white church asian church no such thing there's no such thing if you go to one church there's churches where if you go to easter and christmas and you baptize your kid and you christen them and then they go the first communion and confession once a year four marks four marks you have executed christianity perfectly and you can go to god with boldness because you've fulfilled all righteousness and you'll see god and you'll go to god because you went to communion and church in easter and christmas another church six meetings a week prayer meeting youth meeting bible study home group and church service and the prayer means warfare that's the powerhouse of the church and if you weren't at prayer meetings well where were you are you not going to a home group oh you're not in a home group and you are not attaining to the level established by that church and so when you go to god you don't have confidence because you only go in the four services a week some other guy went to four services in the year and thinks he's doing well it's made up some churches if you're poor you're doing well if you're rich in some churches you're prospering you're doing well if you're poor in some churches this is going to shock you but you get a flag and you dance around with a flag you're spiritual and that person who loves expressing their relationship with god that way went to a church which was an academic teaching center people would be like what is wrong with that person and that's your natural self sorry tambourine lady you're not welcome here you're a little bit weird and that person will just feel silly all the time but she's so happy she wants to move for god yep but the guy at the front teaching everyone loves him or that guy at the front teaching let's say that's his model that's his who he is let's say that two people down the christ wife gets saved first goes to the tambourine church so he comes along he gets saved and everyone's ribbons and tambourines and someone's painting on there he just doesn't get it poor larry he just doesn't get it and he feels stupid his whole life however we went to the other church he'd be their king christianity nonsense you've got to leave it throw it out the christian you are a son of god when you accepted christ you didn't change belief systems you went a non-christian that became a christian when a buddhist that became a christian you weren't a uh a traditional catholic that became born again christian you then changed belief systems you changed species you are a human and you are a son of god what the son of god does is very different what a human does and very different to what a christian does very different because son of god is like their father who sends rain on the good and the evil the just and the unjust and does not get involved with worldly affairs you now attained the same resurrection life that christ has first adam living being second atom or last adam a life-giving spirit you are a life-giving spirit that's what you are that's what you are that's your nature you're a life-giving spirit and this is what you do you didn't come to judge the world but to save it to reconcile to a loving father george the world good news to all men now compare this to your facebook feed it wants your emotions get your emotions get your energy the risen christ is not checking facebook to find out what q anon is up to it's not the risen christ is not a republican or a democrat or an american or a christian i didn't say don't vote i didn't say don't support someone who's going to bring righteousness to your nation i'm saying what's your identity because you live out their identity and they want your soul they get your soul they get your words your maiden image of god and your words frame up reality because we know by faith that god framed up the world by his words and you're made in his image what you do what he does you do if you learn something about god who's your father and you look exactly like him you've learned something about you everything you learn about yahweh you've learned about yourself guess what you are divinely patient you bless a thousand generations that's what you do that's who you are that's what you're made out of the same incorruptible seed the word which formed jesus christ jesus of nazareth who became jesus christ our savior the messiah is the same incorruptible word seed that formed you the same two babies made from the same seed are twins you're the same not as jesus of nazareth that jesus the risen christ that's what you are from the moment you believe the moment you said yes not when you repented don't you stop smoking if you have not you stopped gambling not when you forgave your mum not when you started tithing on the gross you went to prayer warfare and when you stopped swearing not when you started covering your shoulders in the worship team none of these things the moment you believed you're born again by believing that's when you're born again you became a new being a life-giving spirit the sermon on the mount is not a series of things to attain to the sermon on the mount describes you because the sermon on the mount describes the kingdom which looks exactly like the father forgiveness is your core nature to lay your life down for someone else is your core nature to plead on behalf of the guilty is your core nature now just think of your facebook feed again are you pleading on behalf of the guilty or you're after justice yeah look at church facebook feeds kingdom paul says in ephesians 5 it is shameful to even mention what the evil do in secret think of your facebook feed christians you're not christians that's a christian facebook feed you're sons of god all the stuff that's coming out now how evil people are and all the things they're doing guess what maybe they're all true maybe every single thing is true guess what it's probably worse so let's say all the stuff that's coming out all the normally stuff that's happening in washington and these people and those people and and people in europe and all this stuff like that and we're finding out you're reading about oh my goodness they're so naughty let's say that's one percent of how evil it goes what are you gonna do go for two percent read some more get three percent what are you gonna do it's shameful to even mention what the evil do in secret be the light jesus commands the seven churches for not even knowing the so-called dark secrets of satan don't even know about it be the light be the answer but it gets you i know it gets me too i really go oh those people and what they're doing is bad i want justice i want to hurt them that's me but i'm not me christ will lay his life down for them because he did before the foundation of the world fully knowing what they would do that's you when you accepted christ you were on the cross with him you went down with him and you rose with him that's the mystery that you actually on the cross with him in this life in this realm but were you in the lamb slain before the foundation of the world was was this god's good pleasure before the foundation of the world to make you holy and blameless in his sight forever everything christ did he attributes to you you did not being in christ on the cross he did you did not take on the sins of the world he did and the righteousness the right standing before god the pleasure before god that he achieved in that moment he gives you as a free gift that's how happy god is to see you the lamb slain before the foundation of the world before things start saying i am gonna lay a platform of my own personal sacrifice of love no matter how evil it gets how bad it gets i relay the foundation of love i'm doing this father so that you will have a family he did that that's righteous that's pleasing to the father and he gives it to you as if you did it he gives you his righteousness his glory the glory he had before the foundation of the world he gives to you when you believed this is who you are and we here to bring kingdom of heaven to earth it's good news it comes out of who you are he has become for us wisdom that is our righteousness our holiness and our sanctification christ is your righteousness his right standing is your right standing guess what today you fulfilled the whole law well done before you before you got out of bed you filled the whole law before god he is delighted to see you the whole law by the word and by the heart and you fought the pharisees and you resisted sin unto death unto bleeding and you healed the sick that's what you've done imagine if today on the way here you go up this morning you had a prophetic dream you rang up your mum he doesn't know jesus you tell a prophetic dream she knows god exists she bursts out crying gives a heart to god and then her then she tells all the siblings and they'll come to god through that moment and then you're driving to work and then you see someone side the road you have a word knowledge for them you pull over you say hi person in green jacket god exists i saw you this morning in the vision and god wants to know that he remembers the blue bicycle that was stolen as a childhood and he's real a person breaks into tears starts crying crowd gathers around someone comes in the wheelchair you say stand up they stand up more people come it's filmed people led to christ you get to work and by way of knowledge you land a giant contract you come here and worship starts you be like girl i'm here he's happy to see you yeah look at your day you'll be like yes yes you'd be so god be so happy to see you that's nonsense it's nonsense you got this morning god gave your dream you forgot it so you had a cigarette forgot to call your mum got to work late lost your job came here you'd be like i'll just stand the back if i do this maybe greg will pray for me we made that up that's religion of our own invention with the help of satan that's what it is that's the knowledge of good and evil some persons i've done good because i've done evil none that existed before the foundation of the world yet the righteousness of christ when we stepped into heaven before first thing the enemy is silenced it's all the stupid stuff you've done doesn't exist there and then this is from zechariah 3. so we did we stepped in like the high priest in zechariah 3. when he steps in the enemy is silenced so any naughty stuff he's done gone he's wearing his mail kizzak order ironic but melchizedek all the robes designed from heaven looking pretty good they help you go through the veil they're pretty special okay special breaches on pomegranates designed from heaven made by master craftsmen and god says take those filthy rags off him the best of the best if you're going to have a like i'll let my mom the christ that god's going to talk to me christ is much greater than any of those things let 10 people to christ even the demons run away who cares name is the book of life you are a son of god and you're always righteous he has made you holy and blameless in his sight forever in the beloved this was his goodwill and good pleasure that he worked out with wisdom and prince before the foundation of the world that you would be holy and blameless in his sight forever so that you could reconcile him to earth together under christ that's it that's what you're doing you can never qualify yourself for that so just stop it because if you think you have then go resist the proud and if you think you haven't then you disqualify yourself they're both judgments earthly judgments of christians but no son of god a son of god the son of god you are holy and blameless in his sight forever done the moment you believed done established forever maturity is not getting cool stuff maturity's not getting cars maturity's not getting a job maturity is a baby is born with 10 fingers 10 toes can hear c blah blah blah it's perfect as a baby it's growing up to learn how to use what it already has learning to be what you already are is maturity getting stuff not maturity getting prophetic gifts not maturity knowledge is not maturity giving your blessings on maturity becoming what you already are is maturity a baby growing up to take responsibility for itself and others is maturity and that's what we're doing we're sons of god growing up take responsibility for ourselves and others to lay our life down for the guilty as our father would do because jesus was the exact representation of the father abraham please on behalf of solomon gomorrah the sovereign governor get wiped out it's good for him but he please on behalf of the guilty moses god says to moses these sons of abraham are so terrible i'm wiping them out i'm starting again with you and you'll be the father of the faith everyone be known as the children of moses and moses says no i rather you remove me from the book of life and save them he pleads on behalf of guilty paul says the same thing in romans he says i'd rather i was written in the book of life if that be possible that the jews be saved not punished not how to campbell for their sins saved enoch goes to heaven and pleads on behalf of the fallen angels which god says no saylah jesus as they're killing him and mocking him for killing him it says forgive them father they know not what they do this is who you are you are like your father in heaven who sends rain on the good and the evil the just and the unjust that's who you are you are a life-giving spirit you're not a living being anymore you've changed species this is your nature to plead on behalf of the guilty even the ones that are killing you in the moment they are doing that because you're given a great gift you've been forgiven the big debt that's our heart for every person mentioned in your facebook feed for the last six months that is your heart for them would you lay your life down for chuck schumer nancy pelosi mr falchi would you lay your life down for mr epstein because jesus did and you are exactly like him and any thought that you're not is a lie that's nonsense it's a lie because you will that is your nature it's in you your perfect spirit man and all we're doing is being changed by the renewing of our mind right now god wants to give us god-like power but he cannot because we as the church are tied to being christians whatever that means and we're tied to the knowledge of good and evil so we can judge by it they're evil they're good they're evil they're good but knowledge of good and evil wrong tree it's not a good tree it brings death what the church is doing now brings death can you imagine with this judgment and wrath that the church is currently involved in if they had power if it happened literally literally about five democrats would die tonight they would wrath anger because they are like cain cain wasn't like a evil guy planning evil things cain would make a great christian you'd probably be a great pastor he knew what was right he knew what was wrong he was of the tree of knowledge of good and evil of it that's his seedline he was great at religion and abel by faith god received his offering and that made him murderously angry because he was very well behaved he is the oldest son who was very well behaved when his brother comes back he says this son of yours he is angry he's angry at the father he's angry at the younger son and he's been very well behaved and that's why he is angry he's furious how angry murderously angry like cain if you operate with knowledge of good and evil like the church is murder built because you're not getting rewards for your good work and the naughty people are having fun and you're not having fun that makes you angry so angry you want jesus to come back and throw california in the ocean it's almost like a chant going around the american church in the sea in the sea yeah yeah in the sea which way is it that way in the sea i cannot wait for california to get judged come on get those plastic surgery dudes in the sea so angry but jesus lays his life down for those people he says forgive them lord another day please hold and here we come to a very interesting point so i've skipped straight into this because i know you guys have been on this journey for a while so there's lots of foundation i haven't laid but this is tracking yeah this is good okay so let's talk about without judgment but let's just be grown-ups and talk about the state of the prophetic movement in the west let's go back and look at all the 20 20 vision prophecies haven't seen ocean's 12 variations 12. that was a test christians don't watch movies it sounds like god do another test i love ocean's 12. has a few faulty moments but it's a good setup nothing to do with catherine's other jones just a good setup and at the start the bad guys are going around collecting the 12 yep doing visits and one guy he uses a fortune teller to know what the stock markets are doing and he's lifetop so sitting there with a fortune teller and the gypsy is going i see this in the future you know this this and this and this and then to hit me and walk into that tent and grab him to take him away he goes to the fortune teller you couldn't see this like the end of my life okay it's been like that it's the current prophetic movement you couldn't see this you couldn't see this the whole world shut down by a virus all the churches shut down massive compliance ah that's over now you couldn't see race riots in america you could see the national guard being deployed you couldn't see this all the dates we set we the church me and click like i didn't set dates but this is this is us i'm not saying them us what's happening crown virus is going to be won't become a pandemic chronic raspy over over by this state won't say the date because you know who i'm talking about crown boss was over when the media decided to shift focused it's gone praise the lord's a miracle just disappeared who knew that to solve the chronovirus all you had to do was be consumed by hate and anger we could have done that earlier any person in this prophetic ministry like and they're up and they're setting dates like i want to say that's brave and i honor that i'm not sending dates when god came to me chris said chris on april 17th a ufo is coming i'd be like well good luck with that i'm not putting that on facebook yeah but they do okay our their walk with god right okay they're seeing all these dates so i respect that because everyone after 9 11 said ah yes i prophesied that but god told me but i didn't say it you know and then sorry too late bro so these people putting dates out so i respect the fact the integrity of them putting dates out yep okay but the best we've got not just miss one major or the whole world changed then the whole country changed we missed it completely we have to look at this if the prophetic is our highest model we are in trouble we are a sideline of a sideline of a circus i'm against these people at all i'm saying prophetic it's just a jacket we need sons of god very well respected prophets who came to the restoration prophetic movement prophesied some things okay and while they're alive their prophecies were tracking one to one not onto them and then they left okay and some of them said these things will happen before i die and they didn't and after they left their prophecies have flown to the wayside and i say this to honour them i mean that because i'll see them one day maybe tonight god pronounces this is going to happen one friend one son says god please one more day one more year one more week bob jones said these several things are going to happen now disastrous was he right i believe so i believe that the acts of men have an effect upon the planet and he saw it accurately and then he said and these things will happen before i die so was he a false prophet was he making things up or did god say bob if you come now these prophecies will fall to the side it will ruin your record but you have said them in obedience but the sons come to me and ask for five more years or ten more years for 20 more years and i've said yes 20 more years for california i was saying he was wrong i'm saying the prophetic movement do not understand sonship because they're caught in a cause and effect tree of the knowledge of good and evil system okay and please hear what i'm saying i'm saying this for those who have become sons of god once they reign in the good and evil they are caught in the trump is cyrus psychic mentality is it correct maybe at one level but not before the foundation of the world as us versus them because only us lay our lives down for them that's all there is we want justice absolutely but justice comes from the model of christ for laying his life down first when jesus wants to judge he can bring the hammer i mean he can do what he wants because before god he laid his life down yep if trump is your king cyrus okay that means by your own confession israel was removed from the land because they were terribly well behaved terribly behaved did awful things they were removed from their land so you're saying the church isn't in exile for being naughty and the pagan king is bringing us back and that's your model and that's fine but you'll live in the fruit of that model and that model is not sending rain on the good and the evil the just the unjust if trump is your king cyrus you will not govern in the era to come because the ear that come looks like the father who lays down his life for the good and the evil the just and the unjust he walks the extra mile he prays for those who persecutes him he forgives those he blesses those who curse him that's what he does okay i didn't say don't vote i don't say you can work for the political party you can go and campaign for a political party that's fine do whatever establishes righteousness in your life in your country but where's your heart where's your hope king cyrus or king of kings this king of kings the kings these kings of are you king cyrus when you become sons of god who save all of creation all of creation is yearning for the manifestation of the sons of god so let's read that i'm actually a very happy person i'm sorry this doesn't sound so happy at the moment but there's a battle on for your souls and the energy of your souls your emotions and your words and your time and your resources and right now like this preach i'm preaching now is probably six months too late yep we're battling out a sinking boat in some ways all right the horse is bolted we're trying to get back in the store store in the where you call it stable back in the stable stalls back in the stable romans 8 i consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us for the creation wait an eager expectation for the children of god to be revealed that's what's happening no elections not rights not facebook no exposing things what's happening creation is waiting an e expectation for the children of god to be revealed that's the only game in town for the creation was subjected to frustration not by its own choice why would you say that about creation not by its own choice because it has choice it's conscient it knows and it's waiting when you walk past it knows that some of us walking past it has a conscious we can show it we can get two ferns put them next to each other get 20 people to walk past get the seventh person to rip that one fern to pieces and then we can put um instruments that monitor the other fern and that fern's happy until that person rip the other fern apart walks past it and then he'll shift just recognize the murderer yes has a it has a conscience is conscious all of creation is waiting an eager expectation of the children of god to be revealed for the creation was subjected to frustration not by its own choice but by the will of the one who subjected it not the devil jesus or the father okay it was a very beautiful glorified thing but if you saw a glorified horse you would worship it so a glorified cat a glorified dragonfly okay glorified tree you would be on your knees okay it'd be amazing so it's been reduced until we stand up this is a tree that's not a tree that's a tree subjected to frustration there's trees out there they're not trees those horses they're not horses they're horses subjected to frustration yearning for us they're not the stars they're the stars subjected to frustration yearning for the manifestation of the sons of god free yourself from this church nonsense become a son of god that sets creation free this is the bible i'm reading for the christians subjected to frustration not by its own choice but by the will of the one who subjected it god in hope that creation itself will be liberated from its bondage decay it's bound to the k those horses are dying sorry horses and brought is the freedom and the glory of who of the sons of god those horses are that come as the freedom and glory of the sons of god of you know of jesus not of heaven no the father of you is waiting for the same glory you have that's what i was waiting for if you hook yourself in the knowledge of good and evil and all the nonsense is going on you can't help that horse you win the argument but you can't help that horse or that tree or those stars that's the only game in town for sons of god to restore creation and you are that being already you're already it you're just maturing into what you already are all the dna all the resources all the nature you need to change creation you are already that being and as you change your mind by the foolishness of preaching occurring right now you become that being if you lay your life down for it now if you judge it silly horse but if you lay your life down for creation you must free yourself from all that emotional garbage that's why i went into it okay brought in the frame of the glory of the sons of god if you think that jesus died for you and forgave your sins you'll see him one day in heaven that's the glory you give the horse hey horse sorry about your current state but don't worry one day jesus will fix it all up he's coming back he's gonna throw california into the sea and fix you up that's your hope your hopes hopes rapture that's your hope that's your hope if you are charismatic and you believe in revival and that's your hope no not i believe in revival i believe jesus forgave my sins but that's my high hope revival heaven will come down then that's the hope i give that horse hey horse guess what watch the documentary in 98. there's this place in south america and they all prayed and they got three crops a year and all the watermelons are really big and all their all their donkeys got better so if we hear this church here we have a i think a revival it's a geographic thing god's going to come down fix this geographic area and you're going to be really good if revival comes and horse here it is if my people will call by my name we'll humble themselves and pray that's the cope that's your hope that's i hope you give but if you are already the very thing you're trying to achieve what is your end goal what's the highest most glorious thing you can be like your father in heaven bang got it given you as a gift you've already achieved the highest standard possible you've reached peak existence it's there you are it all you're doing is manifesting on the earth by the renewing of your mind by believing only by believing and that's what you can give as every day you change i have a friend that loved their little cottage and loved the land and held it in their heart and thought fondly of it as god would as a father would love the land thought fondly of it then if you put a dead stick in the ground in this cottage it would bud this is a northern european country and the flowers lasted or like this this northern isn't it all the flowers bloom for eight months a year which is impossible and they grew facing the house they had vegetables if you pull them up they had gold flakes not gold sparkles gold flakes on them you could shake off the gold flakes animals would come up a dear male and female deal would come up and just stand at the gate and stare in redeeming the land redeeming the land this is one person that says one son they gave the same redemption the same glory that they had for we know the whole creation has been groaning as in pains of childbirth right up to the present time not only so but we ourselves who have the first fruits of the spirit great emily as we eagerly await for our adoption to sonship the redemption of our bodies for in this hope we were saved what's the hope of christianity go to heaven die and go to heaven is that your hope revival is that your hope have you ever heard this preach when you came to jesus they say come to jesus for redemption of your body come to jesus so you can fix up and glorify all of creation the wicked the good the evil the ugly everyone good badly ugly i'm trying to say everything you can fix it all up the redemption of your body is the hope to which you are called that means spirit which you've already got to soul happening now as we hear the word the foolishness of preaching the word goes out okay and it hits your body jerusalem judea samaria into the earth holly of holies you know alicor in other cases on and on and on all through scripture you've already got it you are that glorified being you've attained the same resurrection life christ has he's given the glory had before the foundation of the world everything he is you are you're nothing of these not it was a free gift the moment you believed now god's saying will you believe this and as you believe it it begins to manifest because it's already there you cannot achieve it how much fasting we have to do to be risen christ on earth yeah how much bible reading would you have to do how much behavior would have to change you can't you just have to accept it as a free gift so that it hits your body so you can change creation the redemption of the body all things reconciled under christ heaven and earth together to become one we're not going there it's coming here how by us we're the ones doing it by us we're bringing heaven and earth together will the son of god find faith in the earth when he returns what's going to be like well that's up to us who we forgive is forgiven we don't forgive not forgiven it's up to us it's up to us and you're already the being that you need to be you're already the life-giving spirit you're the one that will lay out forgiveness for the guilty you're already that being god's saying will you believe the good news what's been done i think so crazy if i told you you wouldn't even believe it that you and christ are one being you are the beloved son and who is well pleased you are the risen christ you are his body and you're in this dispensation you're bringing that forgiveness that good news that redemption to earth to your body and the world and just go accept forgiveness because who knows why you shouldn't get that you do okay that's a judgment get rid of it god just chose okay god i have some good reasons why you wouldn't do this for me but i submit that to you you've chosen by your goodwill and good pleasure before the foundation of the world calling the wisdom and prisons to your great delight you have made me holy and blameless in your sight forever in the beloved to reveal your manifold love to the earth that's just you've really got it you've hit peak existence there's nothing more that peak existence we want to manifest here and we cannot use knowledge of good and evil we can't use church as we understand it we can't use christianity we can't use judgment we can't use all these things that the church is very much involved in now leave it all step away shake it off and be a son of god don't be a christian it's too hard be christ you already are how do you be christ it's very easy you walk around and pretend you're god that's how you learn to be like your dad dad look i'm washing the car oh no but he knows you're gonna do it poorly so you can do it well that's okay but if your heart is to lay down your life the good and evil then you can be trusted and he wants you to have it he delights give you the kingdom right before he is a veil the veil is the torn body of jesus christ and we step through and the voice says enemy be silenced accused of besides and take those filthy rags off them everything bad you've done is gone everything good you've done is gone there's no currency here jesus we want to be exactly like you i'm are mature son of god a beloved son of god a beloved son of god and whom we were well pleased listen to him we want that authority let's understand the greatness of what you've given us as a free gift and in our gratefulness i mean forgiven that big debt let us go and give freely as we've received but we want justice on the earth we want children to be protected we want good governance and we want justice for the poor we want the end of oppression we want to do it by changing all of creation and removing death and sin and hell from the earth teach us to be sons of god everything we're asking you to do god teach us so we can do it and establish righteousness upon the earth justice and mercy we shake off everything without nonsense all that years all that facebook emotional trading just a training floor we get rid of it just gone it's gone already just gone but remove it from our emotions it's like an addiction though it gets in love just remove it from us we become sons of god who sends rain on the good news like our father like you father and as mentioned earlier lord assign us the cloud of witnesses and the seven spirits to teach us to be this thing that we already are bring us maturity this thing that we already are brings into maturity that kindness and grace and mercy and joy and peace and kindness and patience and understanding and long-suffering can all be expressed as fruit on the earth a light that all things may be reconciled unto christ heaven and earth together as one as your great desire when we say yes to this although everything here has been heavy we shake love too that means be heavy it's a joy it's a light and we're so happy lord give us dreams give us visions give us encounters speak to us in a small still voice let us have a knowing reawaken old scriptures or release everything behind every church every pastor everything which release it to you and we say lord as you've given us revelation may they also walk in revelation a free gift and this is your good and pleasing will since before the foundation that you would have children adopted freely into your family who become like you and to that we say yes and amen amen amen all right [Applause] so that was a pretty little bit intense and not normally that intense but um i did want to just clear the decks so we could just get on with being sons yep and what it allows is for arun and myself and greg and dwight just to step in we can just go on yeah you have to qualify yourself arun's gonna talk about some things and uh encounters and and and maybe takers and some exercises and guess what you're qualified you're the righteous of christ it's your house it's your home you can just go you've never done before you can go if you haven't forgiven your mom you can just go yeah you're the righteousness of christ forever forever ever ever yeah we can just go in and tonight you can just go see a god or however that works for you imagine it believe it receive it experience it whatever you do it's yours it's qualified that's what he wants this is his great will and pleasure that you be sons of god righteous and holy and blameless in his sight forever that's ephesians 1. holy and blameless in his sight forever this is his goodwill and pleasure and it's been done so we're going to step into that yep okay very good [Music] you
Channel: As He Is Ministries
Views: 16,997
Rating: 4.8801842 out of 5
Id: _K-6lsOJSi0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 0sec (3780 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 15 2020
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