BOA2 Semifinal aM vs Suomi w /TheViper

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hello everyone ladies and gentlement with mr. Piper now Suomi versus am game number one we are just starting has been a while waiting but we are there already and there we go we are starting in game number one seven eight nine ten let's go mr. Viper a pleasure to be casting with the Viper here for the first time ever even if you didn't remember and mr. Piper like we were talking before now we check the civilizations I always love to analyze the pocket Frank's and even the ants and having someone like you here would you prefer here as a support to Frank's or Indians thinking this scenario very much depends as well on the flank civilizations because in theory Frank's might seem like a stronger choice with Carol air paladin Knights and Castilla two Scouts are gonna be stronger in early game you're also a great eco but Indians also have a great eco and the worst part of Franks is that Indians kind of counter them with the camels in castle age so the damage kind of has to be done or at least you need to keep both flanks significant significantly ahead otherwise the Indian player will use over on the Franks player as the game goes on ok I'm checking out the left early how leb lands is is taking the elephant probably trying to avoid dilemma because NBL seems they have vietnam vietnam versus the vikings they are probably a word that potential limit with MBL and bit nab combination hanker can happen if you see I'm going with miss together you just go and grab the resources that you can see leery on the bottom side as well he tried to take a board from from Jupiter but he actually failed so well done by supa keeping control both these elephants and malaria has half HP now on the seagull so good start for super down there ok if you pians or mice by the way I need when I tell you you need to make a pause in the game I will tell you why because with this one two three let's pause well for some reason I have to to get the hotkey for the soup because with this patch sometimes happen it just disappear and I have the 4k resolution activated and I did I have to hit the hotkey for the zoom and it's very difficult to see all and the B word 1 2 3 and we we go again 1 2 3 let's go ok I was about to ask you the Mayans the Mayas versus European so you know that they eat well it depends a lot of factors but personally what do you think about this much other yeah like you said there's a lot of factors involved I'm looking at the map of zippy and I'm immediately like kind of I don't like too much pretty much at all there's a nasty hill in front of his base where his main gold main stone is as well so that looks really rough and comparing his lira he was playing at the mines typical every civilization on the Arabia flank who has pretty much a perfect map so with that in mind I would say okay Ramon's right but in general I think mines is considered a stronger save overall the economy is just simply better okay well this is a piper map man by man Jorah mode man it's your remote not by map crack did you know in my channel - so ok some tick-tock man ok ok ok now going to the left the map also for well pretty much the map for for show me Flags not really good at all yeah and the map for the a.m. flanks is amazing look at MBL's map as well such an easy way to secure both wood lines and gold and stone and back so even in this situation both the flanks all a.m. could even go for their unique unit obviously I don't think either of them will but that's how good the maps are ok I'm trying to check if this potential if some team world from a.m. I don't think so because if we take between MBL and Kira it's extremely open map actually I'm very long so MBA with all products is all walls like she's using the usually doing with his own resources and well and then going really aggressive should be the way to go with the max because now you get advantage with the scout in early game and Indians potentially you will find a little bit behind if he's going a lot of a lot of camels in early near the castle age yeah I think the main issue I see with this is the fact that like if you look at the Super's map right there the pressure is gonna come there on that wall there's no question about it unless it decides to go over the back wall which is an option but the problem with that is that well you can actually do it to a super kugel real aggressive himself and try to pile on the pressure on leiria but then he would obviously be vulnerable to counter-attacks but the issue like I mentioned was that max will probably have to because primarily on helping defending his flanks instead of being aggressive so the Scout bonus HP necess doesn't necessarily come into effect too much the problem here is that in this situation which you are for example Intimus big disk or whatever you are using to communicate now they might be deciding way help first this is what I love in three versus three and now the max I mean both seems to be exposed but I believe that this will go probably to help supey yeah it will depend on how that like after the earth first miss a few days you will know kind of where the pressure and how it's gonna play out right now I'm bill has ADD rush coming in to the lessees base and obviously unless will inform the max that he's being rushed and Max might be inclined to go and help him first then weld on the other side after 11 minutes they might pressure on zoop again so max did move out of his base now and it seems like is going towards hair actually well Harris scouting a super space so to me it seems like Hera wants to play with Leary and they want to be aggressive on zippy but the Trashmen BL is about to do work yeah but they are doing already Piper you miss it one Wilier their loss or really for stupid to a scout were there and now they are going real aggressive on the left and like you said look at super gold he's taking the one at the back because his map is terrible and Billy's are really going forward going to be on the wood the Seabees gonna make some damage he's rolling there's no mistake at all : oh they're at the back both flanks forced to go to the secondary goal and don't secure that I got it still super far from the tip front his base at all so it's a biscuit is a product here there's definite problem the last off the development arms opening so it's gonna be able to deal with the drug but the issue is look at MBL space by the time the less has arches out at this point to apply some pressure I'm bill is probably gonna be on the way to cast later even with that map even as deer in the back he's gonna find these two remaining sheep so that looks really good friend bill right now oh look at them be held instead of going to the edge of the map is straight to the edge now kids going Diago now and bam Pat lack for MBL okay on the right side we can see healthier to try it well what is Celt from Keira Keira seems to be going to do soupy in there that what yes sorry I just notice that the less Texas inning let's just do something really clever I have to point out he's not upgrading in mine arms because he knows he has extra HP with Vikings he know he will be able to deal with that so that my arms will be a wasted inland investment what is doing is sending four villages forward he's gonna turn this into quite an aggressive game right away Wow and he's nice because he can see let me check full of work he can see the goal and see he's dark it this is a really good move by the last well when you have a bad map like you sit in the start of the game it's probably the best move to do just try to keep the pressure out of your base and then your map doesn't matter anymore exactly and he knows that Hera wasn't super sad as well so he knows that if Hera will come to his side it will be maybe in a minute or two when he has other Scouts right so Velez knows he has the time with good communication he will know that he has the time and he's able to do this right now right and now it's up to MBL all of a sudden to react to this aggression does have resources to go up to castle so he's gonna go full feudal he might do a contact our key is doing exactly exactly that but I think he's gonna be open in time too yeah yeah oh I seen the range even oh that towers should be a little bit more behind now he's not doing this is good for for our villas now she's gonna get the inside the project that he's gonna still be be well completely but it still did this is good for for the ledge right now I'm saying how I open it's definitely turning out more favorable for be less and MBL has the right set up for though if the walls are up the tower the tower is not going up here too whoa yes the replays again this is something he loves it no no keep it no he did it he did okay well I'm not sure anymore because he's my name is Tom Piper plays those towers there to begin with but like I said he will have this set up now there is or she's come from Leicester that's great but MBL is already in stone well it's quite messy right now I think still he will be able to by the time it just needs a scam or two maybe archers which seems like it's going for he actually can't afford fetching right now if it makes that Archer so I'm wondering if that's the decision it's gonna stick with its man looking at the map from MBL well typically male viper look at this building ski you see what it is on the right side we were trying to see and mister here ice or really with leery but doing the buildings to be safe at home icky world completely he's fine right now look at the goal at the back by pricking wall completely so super he can just call with that army between those arteries and plasmid so did the dangerous took position here for am you send be outside now yeah I like the way the persecutors map there obviously Lehrer want to pile on pressure on the gold he did deflection with the past it Sarah sweet they did put some pressure but I suppose you're sitting back playing passively defensively being safe and it worked out we love him well max was trying to do some counter-attack on Harris base but Hera was her eyes fully walled himself and he also has a nice back hold so he's going to be able to transition nicely out of this even though if you look at this map his main goal is also quite rough and compared to max for example but yeah there everyone is kind of making the best out of the bases here yeah well the good thing is like you say it is already with five alisoncole at the back and checking the resources hero has well India's economy just just amazing you can get a few Scouts and code 1819 minute castle it's more or less easily oh I like what about what world ten BL is doing look what he's doing now know what he's doing now and he didn't notice realize they're not is now keeping lead the fight ain't gonna take the tower he should probably protect this this tower a little bit better I don't know he's recovering the goal I don't think you can protect it like I'm be alert always just lead the barracks etcetera and take it down I think that I was pretty much just to force the game into a little bit of a different way but right now hero did sneak Scouts instead of the lesser space with right now hit introduced it's gonna take one looks like extra wants to trying it out of there but that's good quick well this but they still colossal disk outs with a with it well so many police on this busy all these cows almost bye-bye and now if you are trying to push here a completely and the max mr. Fifer nineteen minute 43 seconds I have to tell you that I got a cheating tool and I put in quotes because mr. pic is that game amazing overlay and below 20 minutes castellated look at all the resources here is suspended to protect this aggression that very huge for Swami is indeed the hair is doing a big mistake very actually queued up two wheels and castle edge behind the two villagers so he has been now waiting for catalyst in this queue with two villages being produced and that's gonna stolen his gas station he could have been up at the same time as Max but that's a mistake it happens obviously but the pressure was on so it's it makes sense but this is the issue with the way MBL had had to play this he had to play the pencil we had to tower up and this allowed the list to just go with Max and put all the pressure on Hera okay he's there with the scows he's trying to kill all the arts is now always going on lien is going on linkage will delete the farmers maybe suddenly the farmers no it's not deleting and now he's on the route Oh mr. vibrant those village forum here is going to be down near Damascus Max's armor as well actually being trapped in those so there's a big chance he's kind of sacrificing old girls now just to kill the scouts this is actually a huge loss for for hair iron yeah I mean that palisade gate and masterpiece whatever but he did the job already killing a lot of oh my God all the Billy's one Felisa bites but only resent his army home to help Hera because of there's everything up I look at him near his base now just behind with archers what's happened I mean the mob was table for a m4 Suomi sorry but look playing aggressive teamwork they change completely the map right and now it looks like the worst map was for him indeed it's just been really good synergy between the Finnish players here like because of the molasses reaction to the dress he was able to support maximum pressure on Hera and Larry had to help him and as Lyra goes to help them him zippy attacks Lyra so the synergy of the team attacks a zombie has been incredibly good okay even if the game is still definitely not over and not close to be over but in this kind of a scenario that most of the times am claim that they love Arabia and more and many people's feed that in Arabia they are favorite against many pliers if Swami is able to get Arabia 3v3 here how can this affect to a team like well like secret like hey man it can affect for the upcoming games or you can okay let's focus on forget but man is epic huge it starting with one zero behind in your favorite map yeah well I think I think at this point Arabia isn't really favorite for any teams I think it's all there's a lot to do with the dress to the civilizations and how they're really good plays out so even if you lose this map I don't think necessarily if a.m. were to lose this map I don't think they would be like oh guys what do we do now right I'm sure it would just be like okay we lost this game happen so I miss a great team obviously they have huge respect for them and it's not like huge upset if they will lose Arabia okay okay well let's see yeah nice actually it's a bit of service CDs it's not a mess of three or five like you are almost bye-bye artists on a nice from the max here in top of that hill but Leary he's already in Castle with the crowd goes now they need time any time to get the average from soupy otherwise now the butter will be terrible camels are really and crossbows so they can change the game already but look at the score I made the score is switching all the time I mean it was looking that it was a huge loss and he is still there Anita and Leary even though like he lost a couple of villages in the tower he still has more villagers in Sookie I'm not sure about will borrow this problem of you could check but you know legally don't have barrel should be has okay that makes sense then yeah and but the biggest difference if you can see is the population difference between the pockets as Max is almost twenty seven eight eight villages ahead of Hera right now and that's something that can really snowball into a big military lead or economy and but ambience doing good job recovering on the south side the main issue it MBL's player has been that his passive approach sure has allowed for the less to support on other flanks and as you can see now the less is down at the bottom helping once again MBL he's trying to go with what he's doing bill now because he can't join that party he's now really far from the action but now let's focus in this engagement because it can be can be huge ballistic for who who got ballistic here only Lehrer mr. Viper only got ballistic in this way it's about to finish tough for both to be MLS so they're gonna have it as well in any second now and actually I'm really surprised how aggressive a.m. our plane you're playing it really confidently but also it could be a hint of desperation knowing that they have to do damage but then again Lehrer does have that nice feel that you can so no matter what I feel like is they should always get a favorable fair but you see see how fast our range goes down well Indians Indians and Indians camel with the Bono's craziest oh nice nice from the max let's see the max because those camels are fully abraded two plus two mu not flutes two for for the max that can be huge in this situation it's a kind of an approach it shows they're like heroin immediately for us to receive ask a stash for max has done a more equal coach and that's more of a long-term gain right but as long as the plus two doesn't lead into a significant military lead for am then I prefer their posh of the max here okay let's see now key open formation they are dancing those cameras are dancing from Kira kid need to go back arches from three PI M be honest now commies these can be a huge butter 4 a.m. in my opinion viper because they'll does a sandwich the damn have to heal here but it's just better army for for am assuming i feel sorry and this also shows now if max health close to there they would have taken away better trade but again there was not thirsty and here you see now the military leaders heavily their I am well I can tell you the numbers because in these overlay 76 military in total $78 8055 army Swamy now 65 army combined I'm talking you know I of course they saw arches camels but still it's almost triple its craziest stuff gear oh my god you know a Russian let's go Piper yeah the biggest issue right now is that if you look at Max's village account he's almost twenty bills I had a Hara yes but yes but like they have similar army and Hera has the counter armies even a Paris behind 1520 a villagers he can still produce as many camels and he will be able to support his thanks right now which have way bigger army than their their opposite so that's what I mentioned earlier it depends on often with flanks when there's Indians involved because if the planks have an advantage and the Indians doesn't really matter if you're behind the perfect we see we see this as an arse is that I call them I don't have you have at them you will know now see tourists each round because they are like this but those camels I'm gonna call them up what these days it is incredible look at this table going down super fast and now how do you defend this army I mean it's so difficult in this situation even with the +2 now the max is even doing the +2 attack but he's investing a lot in this situation look at the score now AEM is sticking a huge lead here mr. Viper yeah the idle time I was the worst part smack says that the whole white side is Island that's where most of us farming for us and he has to run a lot of villages we spin was twenty idols there the stables are going down which means the production's going down and the worst part out for assume is that they have to find a way to group up to be able to take a good fight and the issues they have to run from each side right no matter what am dictates this fight now and they control where they want to fight while soup is coming from behind and at the lesser come from the top am could now just run straight down and trap soup is arming cleans the bizarreness isolated by itself okay I just noticed I just noticed that Leary is someone to seal the game VIPRE our minds rearranges or the ballistics probably has tumbling as well I don't know sure I'm sure I can tell you yeah he got everything all the bridge in the end he don't even have course Cola and we'll borrow you know yeah he's just all in with with the arches his TC is our last well like I said I think this stems from the earlier early game here would I felt like okay they took some damage let's just go out all melter and try to win the game like this and they're definitely like you see now the jumping soup is owned by himself I don't like to fight so far though but still not in his base and they're gonna do a lot of damage here but if they killed those arches now with those camels I mean he's gonna they're gonna kill everything they're going to the right side now with the others taking all the valleys and here Matt did they're just cleaning soup you look at super population is going dramatically down how they recover from this I don't know because one player villains with crazy civilization is on the way to Imperial how much impact at this point can have that transition to him that early oh my god leave an amble are on their way to impair as well forget the question but MBL is not a big you're gonna make a big dip in sir it feels like Larry's playing beach fight here would you play like want easy just like so much army and just go to input one PC but this actually works they also know about expose maps of soupy for example so this early Imperial from Larry for example makes a lot of sense if they could somehow takes the negative side narrows it would be even cooler but I don't think that's gonna happen not what they're taking a lot a great fight yeah they are taking a beautiful fight and neither want to say that because firstly really really close but this is looking so damn good for 4:00 a.m. and look at Cal well this a lot of nights is still on no cameras from Kira now indeed this fight turn away better presume anticipating is due to come from behind with massive army here liras 50% done with him and his arm is in Milan or is a big chance it gets cleaned up completely here and that's terrible because he - Lucy like he might lose all that archers if they do see all the arts as what Leary has 15 really said nothing what yeah every day exactly and that's the thing where max is only in max didn't lose that whole farm area it would've been so much perform right now even now he's struggling to keep up with the production and Hera this has enough cameras to pretty much by the time for their to fall back here and Harris even he still 20 bills behind the max right but the military that's the thing Harris providing so much more milder than max and that's buying so much more time Chris flanks to pretty much dictate how to fight yeah but now MBL is loosing so many artists on the right is it's loosening also so many artists are gonna lose a lot because he seen him pedal faster with with the bike is I don't know I was I was thinking that the game could be could be one side the only but he's switching all the time the camels but he'll man Viper how with the pressure he was getting manage the max to is to have a hundred twenty village already I'm he was getting really big time it's true that he has not a lot of farming maybe that's it maybe there's a key yes part of that in the fact that he product in gold even so the thing he could produce was probably delicious right he couldn't produce as many nights because of lack of gold income and he had to do something right and then the food goes into villagers what about its beneficial or not considering circumstances probably not but actually Hera lost the three camels here now both to the lessees army now running at the soup is army so never not over yet but Larry has a great position there onto his base yeah and how to stop that I don't know how is the economy for the max to go up to if the max code to 140 population for Texas farmers three billion solely on row but he still helped 1000 called in the bank he's gonna go up to Imperial but Kyra is already up to imp with Indians really Roth yeah really really told situation here for soupy I don't know how he can hold now a guy his toast to based here and leave it together and he's a teen Castelli time for how long forever so many are blister all blamed so much wasteful trade for him but obviously he's being pressured on top and his goals MBL's dropping a castle in his face on top of all his production he's losing control of both his goals in the front as well and the less is Pyramus does have zero gold income right now I like it I like it fell by Purdue you see how he saved all warm and you can't even a scream even more if you want this channel is is cream activated all the time in his face exactly and look at that taking all the RT radius and all the ground it's a fantastic mr. hall as well now he's getting completely into the channel there you go now look at those tablets and those camels he's gonna is gonna be poopoo purpose later now he's a guest being a little bit more shy don't worry by Purdue we will get there and then the bada-boom don't forget because it need to beat somebody boom here but now by prayer really I mean 64 vilius Leary with one TC soupy three tone Center 65 bellies and he's still not even going up to Imperial did these strategies in this game is so hard to predict which one is they is the right one because you check the numbers and you might say oh this is not the right way well it is the right way and they are taking everything now you just think back a few lists where's ol me word yeah we're doing the damage ever since tutelage every single action is taken part in soma space ever since tutelage and now live is doing a castle in front of the Supersport so again now this comes back to the map as well both MBL's control of his front and Zuki Illyria's control his front which is where soupy and boluses resources are and now i'm sure of setting arrows on the way yes indeed we're gonna start seeing oh with that okay of ceylon arroz de mai in those seat owners walk in there with those Ovilus still know our beliefs from for purple but okay at the back they are killing a lot also we saw that heera mandi indians viper with less economy he asked constantly during all the game twenty thirty camels non-stop yes indeed but that was the key they know there as well they just need to keep the planks ahead over to shake no test for the sinners and ramos is awesome look at that caster going down me what ten seconds twelve okay sorry sorry it's twelve second sorry not really close to that but look at those cameras are normal is this is crazy it's still 130 billion but you check the numbers well the numbers in terms of military until it seems not much ahead now leo got crazy about the farming here and they are they're all into the max that's the thing as well absolutely doesn't need that richtek bartlett arches of the mines are cheaper as well so he can just keep the fight range production going even though he's doesn't have you comrade it's super cheap indeed you do this simply nothing to do it like in feudal age the way do you see blessed called Sigurd now by the way is it just me no I didn't see anything yeah that's weird okay my screen his name is now sacred but that's okay that doesn't matter um yeah the humours play from soma was great the synchronized attacks the synergy between their armies was awesome right but once you hit Catholic there was never any action at all in any of am spaces and I am played this really well from Catholic or happy because they were doing all night they tried to push the pressure to Hira they tried to make all the aggression but then he reached a little bit faster here at the castell age and then with one TC and going all-in I feel he was here a little bit the key he did three Archie rains right away from castles and went all-in technically yeah Kassadin max right okay but but livery obviously it won't easy play just took army lead and it was also quite quite dicey there there the hills there definitely made Leary give live in here the option to play around on that hill in front of Zippy's base and they were up against three armies right but then MBL came from the bit from the back and suddenly they took an amazing fight and they just snowball their army control the army out of control from there I think I won't think a point out as well here is that obviously be less did the four tower on MBL it did go to Hara afterwards yes but all this time after that MBL was pretty much untouched right and that just allowed allowed the MBL to pretty much control the game from his side again to like decide where he wants to fight and he just had full control of ablest from their own yeah is the problem there I mean you try to make them applied the other is a touch and look at them bill at the end 120 votes as a flank while he's flying finish with 72 ever less was with more less thick they statistic completely and relays was at the maximum now I see the name names you say it in this test it what is they were 97 probably he changed after after the games or whatever I don't know we have these burgers well yeah it's a back but still let's put the score it's already a.m. with very strong gameplay therefore for am almost meant is their new nickname I don't know if you knew that my purple time juice is a premier for you you know but your honor well no no is good for secret because if they are almost they are GG you know so 147 billions the max and well but at the end the amount of army look Ally a Lear elite 68 valley is a Viper 74 obsidian are rose archers long as you kill 60 votes from your enemy you need to have 120 wheels right well we need 75 so total domination there well this has been guys gay number one a amber Sousou army we're good to go for the again number two very soon but first we have to play I forgot man because I got excited that you come here to coke a sniper and I have couple of videos for a MN Swami and I didn't even play them so let's go and introduce them then to the viewers gay number two we are starting and it's gonna be grande para grande para is a map that now we will see with the Viper it's a little bit closer in comparison with the other maps in the tournament but it depends how you gonna play because and we are starting right now mr. Viper seven eight nine ten Lesko depend how do you play mr. Viper thank you for being here it can be not that that that close because well we have seen some early aggression you suffer in the Ruby States against leagues for example but probably the best approach here is Castle H depends a lot though right if there's Saracens involved which I'm not sure if there is it's not it's not okay yeah if just arson is involved you kind of feel various exposed on the flanks and also when there was humans involved which swim used a lot usually you had those extra HP on the pass that was again right and then you suddenly feel super safe to just go to college and play like that right the thing is obviously you're cut off from the middle to begin with but if you and you only have one side who wall in theory so it's kind of easy to control and thought of and sure that the game goes to Castle age but at the same time a similar stole two sheep there which is really good for this map because there's a very lack of resources in general but yeah usually it's very simple to force this game into Castle age this map but we always seem have seen it being played out very differently multiple times so right now I don't know why I mean maybe maybe it's trick you know but I don't think it's really difficult to to sneak heavily here we have seen couple of off attempt but the gap is is much bigger than that you know the maps and it could be a sneak I don't know why people is not doing but they are going more for the world anyway you say that we have cancels a pocket and the nickel now we have Nick up with two tones remember that this is the previous patch so here the Nystrom tito's are not not as great as they are now but the pharmacist is still cheaper I don't know what do you think has or tutors here probably worth the favor hunts in general tunes obviously you have mantra systems on top of everything but then again I'm not sure I think monks are gonna play out to be too much of a factor here maybe you want to do 13 range castles in the middle to be good right but yeah I don't know death knight would favor hands yeah for sure we have on the on the right side we have here a Byzantines facing Spanish be less or in my opinion I prefer abyss and he 7 if the conchs can be super strong because I believe that he will go fast Castile and Kong but I don't know I mean you have a really smooth transition with Byzantines also to Imperial H and our bodies we have seen how strong they can be and have you seen that place carom system as well that's truth no I agree definitely the fasting can be real dangerous right usually especially combined with the Saracens for example but at the same time there's a time window there where conquistadors can do a lot and also if you look at the middle once you're down there there's such a big area that the mobility of monkeys source can be can play a huge part so yeah it's good to see well this is a poacher knowing that he is up against Byzantines and knowing that is likely that Byzantines will go for fast castle crossbows maybe even past him and I'm really curious about the fact that AMS is using Chinese in this map as left flank with Leary he's also one of the service that Lyra plays a lot on the flank it's a bit of a strange choice to me to me I would think that Chinese is better on all the maps but always gonna be great on any map it's just that they were probably better on certain Maps than others so yeah interesting choice okay he's facing malai well malai is dangerous malai is always there with the balls they have it depends and what is strategy what combination that they will use here but malai is it's a solid choice also be not forget of course been with the 60 to 66 percent faster up it's is very strong here too as well indeed less I'm not a byzantine so you kind of know what's coming and you know there's the risk of that fast imp there's the risk of that early punishment that's hard to deal with obviously but Chinese again one of the maybe even the best 7 game right now so I'm sure Lehrer feel super-confident no matter what is up against as long as he has Chinese I have to point out a symbol s actually lost has one dead unit I'm not sure Scout the lives it has to be I still know where consonant now that's next it's a skeleton to the right to the town center okay he lost that to the boar he also almost lost the wall in village right now to a wolf but portion of for him his Scout was in the area to help him out but did this is what I don't like with the Spanish I mean we saw the previous series that you did the Spanish by the way I was I was in that donut and I said don't be so surprised I say to Hira he said now he won't do it don't be so surprised the vibra will go fast castle and forward bellies to make a castle and you did it my with the cast of forward we will talk about those but what I mean is for me it's better when you are as a pocket because you get a smoother economy new we're doing the castle and you still got a strong economy here he's walling kisses spending a lot now he has lots of belly he will need to make a lot of damage with the cons because he might fall a lot in filed behind in economy with everyone else in the game indeed that's also the case yes in theory it's better to have the conquerors pocket in this case right but you also in this map most likely want to pocket just be free blooming and going great until right considering how it's playing up right now and you can do that with Spanish of course but they want to go cookies source most likely you can see it's already on stone and they're there for then you will put another player on the plank that can't really free boom as he wants to right because there's the risk of being forward there may be monk seized as all those types of risks all of a sudden again so I think you're kind of forced to putting a Spanish and flanker okay so you think then that the max shouldn't go to the commit a lot in Knights like more prudent than army I think both max and Nico will probably up with barracks table and they will have one stable while focusing on booming maybe max even might just do two teas I'd see it's not bad at the barracks yet but yeah most like they will play like similar to Arabia with a little bit more emphasis on boom at least that would be my my guest at the moment although Nico it has three wheels on the tree towards the middle so he really wants a rake out there as fast as possible okay you see what you want this is what he's doing when he's just took at the moment not anymore it's only 50 with left the max is also yeah it's almost the same they will go outside now he's doing the barack the max so yeah they will go stand alike like arabia let me I mean chicken on the right side and how is they believe account pretty similar for everyone and soupy soupy with my life doesn't matter because you can but soup is not even whoa okay yeah well here Scott right he has a scar he killed Lehrer Scouts he has full vision he knows what's happening he knows Illyria's for the world and he knows that there is dark edge so there is no threat for him right now he can take his sweet time to all I want to point out oh look at Nichols base he does he not trust his flanks or what this is what I would do if I was without but yeah it feels like he doesn't know they think there might be a sneaky the ways using scout as well looks like he's looking for potential sneaks into I love I love mr. Piper how to throw the loves you have from Delta every time that you can that don't worry I mean don't worry man patrol because I noticed that you are pretty serious cast it we can't roll a little bit you know I mean here I was even trolling me you know if you want to throw out is better than throw me you know so you can keep going one doubt I love you doubt if you're here but come on man that is the way to go is the target anyway the indeed but it really did okay now he's doing the policy is repairing doing I'm talking about leery everyone going Castille is it expected yeah I know the Harrah's well building his range towards the outside I imagine he's not gonna make any artisan go there is probably gonna send everything to the middle but the interesting to point out as well the Zippy he has five deer on left studies just ignoring which is okay because he has Malayan he can play so many farms but still I would seem I'll probably do a mail in that area and take those down because knowing that the whole map you know that you're not gonna get pressured and it feels weird to leave so many deer untouched on this map where there's already a lack of resources but like I said he sees Millay he's probably feels fine with this and he's building both these ranges now towards the center it's basically I mean the hunt like this is free food indeed she's free food you don't have to expend any resources to make farmland you go and take it really easily now we can see how the max is exploring the Delambre X from here ax here has one or two range only let me check okay you might want to do it feels to me like Hera wants to if he wants to go fast in it could be an option it only has five of gold right so that seems like one range play if problem wants to drop bouncing is even and not play fast in what looks at it and I can't say for sure but yeah I'm curious about the lesser if it's gonna go for castle tour in the middle that's kind of the risk up to decide you want to drop the castle in the middle or make it on your hill that's something that's gonna be interesting as we see Nico already going straight for the middle of the town center okay he's gonna make the castle like he's going to be more forward oh where he's going man okay well he's going they're taking control of that goal I believed that think he will make a TC there as soon as he as he gets the stone because he is still with six villas on stone the castle is there and now I'm gonna check the Max is doing two extra pieces right away well Nick off is doing two TCS as well pretty much the same and nights the Maxwell both are doing nice from one is stable they so now any update for any other players no no bloodlines at all they're playing exactly the same yeah they're playing like eco focused Arabia at the moment they're after point down toe point out that the less is cast there it's so risky now obviously they have scouted and they are aware of everything but if if Hera chopped through a little bit faster you could have had six arches there and denied at castle so it's it's a huge risk to take but considering what they've scouted they're probably feeling comfortable with because max as we point out earlier he did scout the wood lines of Hera he knew that it wasn't open there which is probably why soup if blessed felt comfortable going forward like this yeah but those are the situations that even if now look is nice it's pretty Titanic into the action you know exactly the arches are coming and it can cost you the game completely these kind of situations well let's see it can cost you the game yes but it's also where do you rather want to have the cast right you want to have it in the middle where you can protect gold and keep mapped over okay this all night now that the max is not even paying attention gonna Lucy no kitty the loose well but it's almost lost for HP now the cons are going a couple of Kong's well here I got a lot of fighters who won't have any damage this is right in there with the Knights and yeah you see they're here at with much for the extra TC only has two teases I'll do University now which is weird this has one range and then going through University it's not you rather want to build up your numbers most of time first and the conquistadors from the list are us out so and Harris still opens those conquistadors have a lot of potential here yeah and is what you say I mean even if you do ballistic that now he's not gonna have it because he has no resources think you need the second TC see if you don't have the numbers where you want ballistic he's not gonna make any impact exactly now you can see the heavy walls on the cover actually gonna be nice now because there's Knights instead but you see in time and now Nico few problems you're gonna lose one Billy is loose in second gonna lose few villas this is really good for it tsunami because they got and touch economy well now here I and Nick of are falling behind exactly this actually seems all from max putting pressure on Harris base and running inside here I had to chase those units so his crossbows aren't on the map to help deal with the conquistadors nautical key stores are running freely around the map and using that mobility we're talking about earlier and that's the thing as well at that caster was in his base it might not seem like a lot but just those extra seconds of running over there actually matters quite a lot yeah oh he converted Jews they Kong in the last second but he command this is a really good micro their Bible s according to the situation and kidnap he got only three constants or monkey okay yeah the value of this concept insane it's only a freaking skill bunch of villagers is killed Knights monks and force so much idle time and now look at the Knights from max going all the way around from Harris Base they might run straight into labor school and there and there with a with the skeleton the two nights the goal is there and he find o leary not these I think I don't know how about look at this probably they knew about it so something has told said that hey watch out it might be coming right and then he maybe did some passers carrying us something but yeah hard to say you can see soupy now dealing in the middle in front of the in front of you niko face and try to micro probably the Knights are coming is a similar fight for both I want to add you something this pain is the conchs here meatwad bark and stable to make husbandry because a team even with tutors with a situation that don't have husbandry it's worthy or is too much investment for for those thing not as early but probably now he has three species up running he can start thinking about it right but you don't want you won't want to get to eco up and running properly first but if you look at the birds account now max already has a slightly the Nico of a obviously is comes from the kooky sewers it's gonna be very interesting because max is adding a fourth TC in the middle he is adding another stable and just as Nico was doing the same so seems I post them are transitioning towards more heavy cast let's play and as you see now Leary as well being very activities crossbows out on the map if max builds up night numbers those crossbows and get melted sango's was a bit off however who is moving to the left side right now I love to see that they want to see aggression but look at this he's going to Leary a lot of artists a lot of parties and those artists are with with volley stick as well and now you need to kill Billy okay wallet man he lost only one village kick you lose a lot look at that micro okay look the kid is doing all my god is that is in the disco the kid he's in the disco my friend you can see those really is dancing all over yeah and now the Knights are coming in as well to support from an eco and they're probably McQueen is army up the very cost-effective actually soup is doing a good job now it's getting some kills so all in all this trade is not gonna be terrible he also idle keep them on your idle villagers for almost a minute here as well which is a lot of resources so all-in-all I don't think this trade is terrible for zippy and but at the same time look at Willis's conks now in the middle they can even jump on the autism era there's so strong in these situations and they don't have any average you can see not lose one of those two not even bloodlines but you can see the damage they are doing and this is giving they did the the game that the max is dreaming free bill exactly with the hands and now for stables up and running and that is nice quick correction is gonna be out of control soon keep minor hounds also the bonus with the stables working faster oh my god those were beautiful till now but one thing mr. Piper mmm-hmm Leary has already with China and will know how its strong China can be seventy five values soupy 65 but that's some solid advantage as a Frank but is still the max boomed right now I handed the bill is nine unit kills one unit last give you and take a big battle really big battles now a lot of nights or tried to go Imperial it as fast as possible max also have third level coming in the fourth bellick on top of that the end i feel like the way this game is played out this game I feel like will be decided by the strength of the pocket a flank being one minute or two minutes faster to him I feel like is less important than the pocket being strong as levers moving on the left side yeah like I said I feel like just having if you have a twenty Cavalier while the other guy has 15 nights that's what wins the games at this point although we got a point out here oh it's fun with him yeah and it's the Byzantines that yeah that he has a castle no I mean no trebuchet but Arab allies we have seen how SS are I insist mr. Viper they are the new city owners in the game now because they'd use with a proper micro I mean I release at this point with the army they have both teams this will dominate I don't know what you need now yes of course I'm just looking at like like I said I just think this is more of a game that is decided by the strength of the pocket and Max is now preparing for him thick they both they all know now but not all but max notices that okay Knights cannot win this game right now in castle age so he's gonna focus on him at the same time if you look what niqab is doing nicob added stables he did upgrades and he's now producing masked Knights and he's in perilous times it's gonna be way later than max yeah so he's doing exactly what you do was talking about like this is not the game to go for the knives he's going for the aim and the max is on the way to immediately still have this amount of nice this battle is about that you wanna think if the guns are coming if the cops are jumping into that battle they might take a lot and now all the army their rifle fight and Kira going to go up to even lucien a lot of army to who is taking a better putter he's a well way better consuming the ways that we might lose out to say he just eat like the night Sonique of jumped on Zippy's army is to pay ignore the nitrogens bran straight for and sniped down every single auction theory they know as well now that this game will be won or lost probably by a max in this case so they just want to take out all the crossbows and make sure max has ass big enough advantage as possible over the pocket and harris on do it in bright but how much I just have yes 15 crossbow sitting at home and so many other base right that's not no you cannot win the game with that custom look at Leary I mean leave he's going up to it yeah but fight farming I mean example army at all no I'm you know Nani come not to sit in that battle VIPRE no hospital a because he was getting all the damage all the time by cons and the night they are going back and the military numbers now the max billion should be combined 73 military nick up here early 46 yeah live like this yeah hair aloft or oxygen left says well now I mean if you look at though both teams have still presence in the middle piece like Swamy has more math in the middle though but still this game is far from over and they share is even though Leary has been on the way to imperil ation up for a while super just picked up he's gonna be in him at almost the same time my life sometimes I know that it has been my life for a while there but it seems I'm classic with a with a with the game sometimes I feel this man is GD man I mean it's cheap it because you click there and then bad did you feel like instantly doing in any way look how expose it's Wiley cop is doing all the farmers here it's invited to go with the France at the back do Kiko exposes Olga's economy well if you look at the back max has two knights and a scout there so that's obviously dangerous so no yeah I agree there should be more farms on the top but then again they're kind of like throwing all their eggs in one basket if they lose the middle they will lose the fight anyway so what does the matter of this farm state disasters should be now lost everything we got more army now on the max the max NT comes course to go back well that wasn't about that you want to take in that situation it's very strange to me why they were out on a map all the way over there right they were all about to hit in and Max is about to get his upgrades why was to be out there to begin with right that's the big a big question mark here he they'll it all comes down to what I've been talking about earlier I think still this is decided by the pocket and you can see max has paladin on the way before Nikko is on the way in even in college that's huge Polly's versus Knights who is when I win by because crazy yeah that's the thing as well Hera and Leary they did lose their significant army camp as well so sure they have twenty thirty or bolused but it's gonna be 40 paladins and there's gonna be Knights yeah it just doesn't seem like a fair fight right well of course it feels super close and can go either way they just need to take certain good fights if you look at population it's looking very healthy still four am only the max is ahead of them and the lesson super quite far behind but positionally I would sort of favor so I reckon ok let's see now this battle is gonna be is gonna be for it for Swami man this is almost punished just wait a little bit because bunnies are super strong people is telling in the chat because sometimes I keep an eye Pauline students will take over don't forget these tournaments being played in the previous patch so here the pollen from people mr. Viper are not better than the hands indeed I find weird where max decided to start using his trap and I see two goons leave it and maybe they saw the cast is there and that's why you see just up there from taking up houses the computers are coming in behind as well marvelous where's here well here I is coming but he's not there yet oh my god that's gonna be a huge puzzle the castle he's not gonna be he's not gonna be about we need out here fishes don't cancel amigo and look at those pilings gonna think old ever did this pot and Leo is trying to get from those out of this is great but this doom analysts from Sufi pine from the max only Cavaliers the trebuchets from the max let you say he should go forward to give all the buildings but this battle huge battle in favor to Swami mr. niver exactly this is where you can see the mobility of the conquistadors as well being a heavy impactor well here I have to send our best over to the other side is the last was there immediately with this conch swipe so also the cops pack such a heavy punch there if you want if you think about composition here there's two are blessed armies versus one others our main points kisser army and then there's power and Cavalier between you want the power of the three floors to be hitting those paladin's and Keller those so those comes out fully abraded bless de la vita are really good move came here also if they weren't a problem in the middle we didn't even mention for a local game is Spanish trade potentially my dad you love this very straight man Antonio 253 such a cheater this Viper look at those eyes i sticking taking dolls well we don't talk about that because you come more more pollinate more more traveling time village from LAist that's not acceptable mr. Piper dude you have to aim for tear man anyway focus gear and man he's here picking the game look at the score is exploded with the with disadvantage with army composition and that attack and now knee Cup because of the farm is there is in everything indeed and look at upgrades as well have both leery and hair are missing armor upgrades and Robles as well which is something that is quite strange at this point in the game but yeah there's just too many paladin's there is no paladin for me but it's on the way obviously has been here to spend all the cavalier in order to try and defend and he lost all the color in the process and Hera is having out there himself that's where the upgrades have been focused it makes sense but still if you look at all compositions here which on composition do you want and this is game over this is absolutely game over and in this one the same lot in the French game they played really really smooth by by a.m. we can see now the same from from from suomi and mr. Piper you were right man they conks actually in my opinion did the game advantage here for for Swami because the max data free game boom completely exactly it was a chain reaction actually from the first two nights of max getting into Harrah's base meaning Hera chased those nights obviously to be in with which then again allowed the less to send this Kong straight to pocket which is what you want cuz you want to avoid the range units and the last was just able to roam freely with the cons do enough damage to put max significantly ahead and obviously Max is a player that will take advantage of such a such a thing happening right and he clearly as well while zippy always did his job against they really just held make sure they were on even terms even it was one misstep in there where he lost his whole army just as he got him but still the team play from so me and dictating the fights towards the later stages of the game was spot-on to say but in similar circumstances and we check in to me well they achievements do you thin a.m. because people say I am has probably better play individually but in late-game this Swamy team can't compete with anyone I believe in really later stage with trade running and everything right you can compete in dark ancient legend casters yeah it's the level of gameplay from all these players is so high that again I have to specify it's more about team coordination team decisions in terms of strategies and less about maybe per se individual skill level right like okay yeah look at Union for example in the group stage I would say in just skill they're probably the worst team in our group but there's team strategies were great their teamwork together was awesome and they definitely show that that's more important than the pure skill and yeah well yeah there's always been the talk of am have such great great individual players which they do but teamwork and the whole synergy everything I'm bringing up here is way more important in a team game okay now checking the achievements the max largas army 60 look at the kills you did the economy the max with the most food the most gold well he got a free boom game even like that nickel was what's close there in terms of fruit of course super behind in in gold because he lost a lot at the end and then the match was is still adding freely all the time sometimes they anaesthetics these are a little bit burst of what the game was and Lia we got 45 I mean soupy 76 malai really strong difficult difficult to to come back for him that conquistador ash from the less that villas also did 54 minute transition to can to Imperial age that to going with conch he was Imperial Viper even faster than Nico for example that was Annie putting quotes Ruby because he did a lot of army to but that time when you're doing cogs he's pretty solid indeed yeah just I think the strategy from a from zoom he really worked out again if there was no way for those nights to get into heroes base to begin with we might have seen a complete different game because then hey I could have focused his whole crossbow army towards the middle which would have helped him and Nico work together to deal with the conchs and the Knights of the opponent team but obviously like I said such a small thing as too nice and one scout getting into into a base and set off such a chain reaction that just rolls like one event to the next one and it just kind of snowballs it's such a small thing right there it's just two nights getting into a base and that that's off this whole we of motions and sometimes you don't for dosa small things you don't recover from there exactly it's such a small thing that just shows again how high level is like high level the rest of these players in this game where such small things can have such an impact okay well we've seen that guys by per se and we we believe what you say Piper so be careful what you say amigo okay you see be careful what you say game number three incoming okay guys there we go game number three here we are now it's very important because we sticking out the two one in those kind of services can be decisive but definitely not definitive seven eight nine ten let's go and mr. Piper call it's a map we see many team walls but here actually warrantied and then let's see the civilizations I want to really know your opinion about this because I really thin in this map mahir's pocket shine a lot indeed the extra dime like the extra damage output in the early face a futile edge can be really crucial here but first thing to point out is that a.m. did go from mumbles here and you can see the scouts that I am both the Scouts are in the enemy base already leery actually it was we're very strange by super here he's sent to his to his starting coats to scout forward which is extremely strange considering the civilizations here that doesn't make any sense he did get one of the goats stole and the other one he managed to get back so all in all but look at Hera Hera went all the way to zoom in and it's now stealing the poor so even the pocket is getting a little Amy action without even finding his own resources Wow and and you can see that they got here for two keys so they wanted to have a like I don't know Portuguese because of early cartography in this kind of map for sure is the whole like there's so much action going on this map where there's so much depends on the early face of the game right and then having Carlo from the start really helps everyone but Mongols you can see this correlation the lane potential is huge here there's already one ball as for supay one gold less and that's such a big deal especially considering that there's a Mongol involved here absolutely and but the max look at the mass where oh look at soupy seems this is so much he's luring with the failure [Music] but why he's right to do without the loom even he's taking it if you're gonna take it man he's taking the Renault think they want that won't scale to block the rhinos with the bishop wouldn't take damage but it should be fine either way bloom is already afraid so he was kind of relying on that supey was there sorry Viper because he was trying to get the other Rhino and for one tile he couldn't keep a big deal and that's why Leah took over the Rhino look and the Rhino is going back now okay he's literally look go go go yeah it's a it turns out that Lemmy has been all in all quite equal and actually you would have to say that even Delaney has gone in favor of somi somi still have full HP and the scouts and they are on the equal terms in terms of laning right the only thing difference is that I think Lyra got one more cheap compared to zippy but besides that I think everyone are on equal terms do you think check check the last base take TC and look at the ships okay I was I mean I was assured that you weren't going to tell that I was okay he didn't see the pain goats under the TC man what the hell he lay meat everything to to NBL did delay my boy get well and we all got three under the TC yeah it's actually quite confusing to me because I would imagine he has even less I wonder if era might even have sent two sheep here potentially because a few I can build the amount of ships the less have I feel oh no never mind because we last did eat oh and I was gonna get mm what the hell he will strike he killed one or two and now he loves discount well MBL III is what is I mean what can this means in this map loosening minute six when nothing happened at all and no Scout anymore for mal yeah this early game has played out huge in favor of sue me right now Amy I lost the Scout obviously did kill two of the goats but those were his own goats and now he doesn't have a scout well that still has got ambience going for Josh again here this is a really earthy Josh as well it's not gonna be a man of the arms though he's peuta nice China's gonna be quite late here and that's a bit surprising to me considering how open this map is and how vulnerable you would be to archers and Scouts etc because I hear fast cat I mean dries fast castle is not a choice yeah I'm sure I assume he wants to hit the wood lines early on right but it's already 7 minutes the woodland of the less is full world of course it could go to the pocket but he has to walk 24 miles to get there right so to me it's a bit of a strange decision here that is going for the rush and you know what they are already scouted it as well so no one is gonna be surprised by this okay well it's laughs the Maxwell slaps you so we solid got the de Bono's they will shine according the they gave me to keep going you know I prefer like we said Maki ours cheaper Scout also with for Jean both are going up and now I'm gonna focus piperine on the left because I'm really cruised to see what a bi can do here because look at his resources not close to go up yeah I mean he's gonna yes seven seven villages on food so it's gonna be able to click up at a reasonable time still doing a mail now on the storm to take the stone to the mill but now it's just going to find absolutely nothing here it's not he's always gonna safety gear but yeah I I feel weird about this but at the same time if he manages to buy enough time with those things not the end of the world okay we will see now he's moving into into the pocket and with those militias he's probably going to denied potential is stable for the mask you will need to be careful the max is there with the scout now he find but all the militias he's running into the TC he's gonna eat it on center and move almost but he moved fast and they they have caught hog appeared for free already everyone right so everyone sees those militia it's not like Max is getting surprised by this either have to point out is not a lot of wall and going on earth both teams are trying to wall at least the a.m. players are trying to wall to the corner to their to the wood lines to force the action through the middle but not too much of that or yet lyrically go for range and blacksmith units we wants to get fetching real fast touching is already on the way so we see an experiment as well there's gonna be like a two Archer one spearmint push and if it doesn't even have an orange Wow well that can be really aggressive and really really dangerous because like you said he's in there to range now he's gonna now going to lose this calc II didn't he's gonna try to make a house that it won't happen and now those berries and he's most of his food incoming its yeah I still has a couple girls on the council Ernest was not the underworld and all he needs is like one or two scores out but that's the thing you think you'll be finally won't to squirms but Larry already a special it's such a tiny army that he has right here it's causing so much damage because what Mongols is so scary on this map is wrong well it's very similar what in this map that would be two paladin he went super fast in the previous series do you remember that game and he did exactly what now a.m. is doing to Swami excited this I am as obviously been watching our games but important point out here as well is that MDL actually got good value out of the mission they fought against the scouts and the scouts of Max now have lost a lot of HP alright so this is turning out to be something really really good for you yeah and if legend it's huge don't have and in that the only game that there's not a lot of pharmacy before look how much that is doing with three archers yeah and it's also that one single Spearman makes sure that max cannot just jump on this army as well Hara is there as well well be less has just got his ranged up and running right and MBL it's in time to be fine himself so this has turned out really really rough 4 a.m. for me yeah and if Leary wants to he can just go straight to the wood line now and force a tower comes up II there to then just return to the goal again Zuki has nowhere to take off right now yeah and and and doing excuses also doesn't help a lot when you have a scout around right and no fletching at all how should you delayed your economy if you want to go up to cast of course this is really too far from going to happen because he's 14 minutes only but man this is dangerous and now if you les is trying to make some damage o to MBL and bas army no he'll not a lot we study today down but what to do now they should try to go aggressive into Hira because at this point soup is super behind maybe this will try to make that much other spot yeah they are trying to counter-attack now at the same time as liras communal max you can see what this is force as well as force max to have to take stone and start tearing up this base that there's obviously there's action going on everywhere now that's what you expected this map and domain needs to do damage yet because Hera there's no question about that they're going with the Scout the max and be less together but like you say now the good thing that lily has is that he don't need to focus too much anymore into should be at least for a while because he went to the pocket now I'm gonna check and they are all here ax here is still not on goal is money now he's with some arches around the last is going there Contini to make some damage to Kira it still didn't kill anything and he was paying attention he got the Scout dosa Scout got obviously for Jean 1 + attack nothing yet to the max to the max now commit a lot in futile eights according to the situation by well it depends on how you want to approach this right now do you wanna just leave it behind and try to get stronger yourself but you want to try and bring him into the game right now max and the less are trying to come towards me as well but the issue for them is that Leary already has decent amount of numbers I have a tower because if you don't a goal and now look at this sorry that I interrupt you but look at this disaster his route amigo oh my god he's out of the game and it's completely out of the game even this army is sensitive with this is the worst army than what Leary has so he will just get cleaned up there and like I said as well they're trying to go now unclear but Leary has not numbers and bailers coming here has more Scouts and better upgrades than max they're gonna clean up that and take no damage at all and it's just go snow balling out of control here for zippy yeah is kind of three versus two right now right P versus one almost missed the minus point specific at this point look at the last look at realize now loosing all the arches he's trying to go away lot of a lot of farming at this point well fifty Dharma in total 52 but they are also combined out together they are going like like a team here well now they can't be together not because they don't want just because they are getting killed yeah and you can see max just they realized there's no way that we know take good fight there's max just even left molested either and I scared put his Scouts which is a good see the decision I think there's now eight Scouts at my school here at the lead at the wall to his base he can now break it he's gonna try of course and he's in he's in and now he can what was that yeah yeah he's gonna lose some Pili's well that's the only way that maybe can come back but Viper Leary is on the way to castle aged man now can't just go to the pocket and I'm bye-bye yeah the thing here as well as even though max did in theories and damage to Hera now Harold it ended up with not the biggest investment himself he may be lost two or three bills in the woodland but I guarantee you he has no issues with that whatsoever he's now gonna have seven eight Scouts on the way to cast list which I'm sure he but he's not only cash late sorry but she's gonna have seven eight Scouts not what he transitions towards Castle age and that for me is enough to buy time for whatever they want to do next and as you already pointed out there is on the way the castle age yes enough army to pack a punch and the local soup is economy what economy exactly I love to say that thank you very well a hero here I mean mr. Viper has the resources only missing the buildings doing the blasted now I know this table can go to Castle H yeah here are towers at home but the max well max will go up soon because it's laughs economy is so strong but behind I also behind with the pocket this is looking really close to to the two one four am yeah the rest is on the way to cast himself but MBL is there as well shortly after so there's no big difference there at the end Zoop it is now time to make a market you would imagine in all times this will be wrestling but it's actually gonna buy its way to cast it as Howard jumps on the army of the Western under a tower and arch is a little bit strange but yeah I'm not sure consider that they're on the way to cast such as well this is a weird decision for me but I think they feel super confident with everything that's gone down so far and you can see now let's chase in the Army has to idle all this fall in mighty local villagers here and everything is just going exactly according to plan for am as Leary comes in on Max's gold as well at the same time these situations why they don't make a couple of towers more I mean the max did it but now Lear is there and the Maskin is still going because he got the tower and still cannot take the gold properly and has one tower in there would he got towers all over the map but without the towers it's impossible and you need towers but Velez need towers too that way he could be in a decent situation right now you see Cass polish 57 just look at the numbers in Billy's 57 58 55 all I am quite a head in in in Billy's numbers military also had not that much anymore but so complicated in this situation yeah and the argument for towers is in theory right but the same time you have to think then that do invest in the towers need to put bells in stone you need to invest into building this house and even though you have towers look at this gold you're not safe just because you are terrorists right so you invested economy into getting the towers up which also puts you in theory behind and you can see it there they hope this whole game snowballs familiar like where is running under the Townsend subpoena as well I'm not sure it doesn't purpose probably not but you saw two villages garrison that he actually got some girls under there okay yeah there's just like it's hard to see a way back from poor city here yeah I was focusing also in the other arts is that he's going to the wood line and then did you tell me that it was a TTC teaches right and it's going a guy he's a starving man look at this okay there is forcing attention from seprieono Thompson at the same time he ran in the woodland snipe two villagers stole their knows exactly where do and it's a chef Enosh doing events okay well population different speeds really really solid the max 57 Billy's is really behind that then thank Hira well everyone is behind not only what if there was one from sue or me that you say okay he has the possibility to kill one of them but they are all three behind right now so in that situation is yeah and this is this is the map where you would expect a em to shine right and labor just keeps doing this thing is sniping units under the town centre and at the same time he picks up waves in stone or wood and he's just been doing this for the last two minutes now as you can see on max knowledge jumping under the tower the feeling so confident MBL has more numbers than the list knows well even though this might have more archers they're separated so and BL can decide which way to go and where to fight and look again blesses two idlies whole gold they have to chase the army to left side again well look at aims base or even have to look there's nothing there all the action is happening in Salman's base spare foot man I'm surprised at this cord if it's not like a thousand right now but well they are doing an amazing job they're doing they're going really really coordinated in this game and and the be in the Colosseum that that's really really complicated and they are doing great again their own as Max's goal they forced max to micro against the army and left and then Harrison Knights in on the gold on Max's quote max is cool and yeah even even though we're gonna lose this army now in the back they're still taking an amazing trade and they're forcing attention which denigan needs to look at the right side there is now in Max's face again and it's just a constant like it's like a never-ending wheel here they kill this army well there's a new arm and the right side again they kill that one well that's not our army it's just never-ending here all the time and evil is definitely increased military numbers seem they are trading became more or less similar for for everyone you know came up for ever I don't know if you say to you the leader is in casted but this happen is that the game is over yeah okay well clear clear domination here with Leary going that quick with one Archie rhythm plasmid usually usually the standard right Viper's double Archie raised and you go but he just sent three are just super quick thanks to the Mongols and from there that was the game from me and basically because they pushed completely yeah they really capitalized on the early initiative they had there look again the Cleary is now microing against supers arches in the middle at the same time he has sixteen crossbows on superstone it was just like constant multitasking here constant forcing reactions while hitting at multiple spots supey actually had enough stone for dropping a castle but obviously where do you drop it maybe there was like there type of desperation move now I was like okay we're dead let's try to drop a cast in their face or something that and try to come back like that but yeah am gave them no time to breathe her and say I would say like I was not a big fan of the dress from MBL but it actually didn't do too bad cuz they took HP from the scouts and IBL transition fast enough that he had everything in here to do with whatever blast threw at him and he contributed a lot to the battles going forward after that to be honest if we check the transition to Castle age to feel like sorry and we all did 11 min of teen ein the last 10 zero six zero six but do you remember a moment that will s attack Campbell at home I don't know because they were forced to deal damage elsewhere right because the damage to be took Willis had felt okay we have to go to Hera we have to go to Leary and obviously they didn't get any damage done there either if anything they even lost their arm is there for nothing so but then again that's the thing you feel you're forced to do damage they enable to come back into the game and you have to take risks sometimes it pays off sometimes not and in this case it definitely did not pay off for so me yeah well two one what I saw I'm surprised that in this map VIPRE daily is when we didn't do walls like for example we can see now on on a.m. because they got the also this aggression because didn't do any wall look at the look at soupy he never will anything yeah that is true however the wall would be super far and the pressure did come in really fast right normally you would like to maybe get your army like Archie arranges up first and then get some army out and then finish the walls and all some teams like to get the walls of earlier we have done it as well particularly started welding and our couch already but there is like there is definitely the case to be made for walling earlier especially if you're against Mongols like this but that's the thing as well you invest those two three girls to walling up earlier you're gonna be even further behind Mongols economically military-wise so if you're delaying yourself even further so you're kind of hoping that I think super here just wanted to be okay I'm just gonna go full range is full get enough army to deal with this and hope that will be enough but I'll stay Lyra did punish really well with Mongols here an amazing job by by mr. Leary with thirty nine lawyers are Miki kilomoles Valeska the most but that doesn't matter I mean the numbers is just we check sometimes but this is more about yeah the timing and the execution because yeah the man's got the most food he was just laughs but that doesn't really matter because at the end he will kill a teen unit and lost 34 well here are thirteen fifty three kills nineteen unit loss only you can see all the times up there that even if MBL was the the lowest or the slowest to go figure it it didn't matter at all and take out the game guys game number three has been done now we are moving to the gate number four one more thing to point out there is yes the last had a lot of kills right but where did he kill things he killed all his kills came in the back side of his face and looks great on paper it doesn't really bring you much yeah exactly well key number four amigos he's gonna be in the in couple of minutes and now with the Bible here that motivate me even more key number four swimmers who say I'm Andrew bestow keys in the house why ruin so he's in the house because this map is just crazy you can see all visible now we are in number six seven eight nine ten let's go mr. Viper and well where to look here I don't know what code to start here civilizations and let's take fast persons Lithuanians and golf foursome yeah we're Persian pocket it's probably the best tip for this map the three needs is also on the system enormous yes pocket here but they're actually being used as flanker and if you look already look at villas he's building a barracks at minute to zero what the hell administerial you sure you were right I mean you can is out of the of the vision oh but they have a spot it already Leary did it already yes it spotted a I'm only a point of view the camel was there well do you spot it here most of the times and now the good scene when you're in latest estates right maybe in the in the early early stage did you get surprised but now the meta is like more clear in every month it is new you see Ruben stock as well now he's sending a villager out he's problem do a barracks himself I would assume if there's a barracks for Ruben stuff as well also serving a little bit of walls that's very nice position the thing here is the reason why this is so scary is because the militia is now on the way for Velez and the camels are so fast and so easy to micro and block walls with which makes this super scary of course the users comments which already reacted this but they those militia this is minute two and a half there's too much on the map three militia this is something that even though it's in theory just militia they can't do too much look at liras villager the one we're sorry Walden cannot work he only has two hundred which means his now centrality to make a dog but his fishing ship production is gonna suffer because of this and he can continue now on to Hera for example because he cannot do anything to there anymore and then Harry Harrison is gonna have to struggle with the militia there well he would like to make docks and fishing ships and all that stuff Lulu Stark is gonna do the same on the other side but for some reason o MBL went quite far word is actually MBL's map is really awkward here this closes woodland is so far away I'm checking and BL and Wow look at the wood where it is and that's super fun and I also wanted to ask you about the bactrian camel these camels seems they don't have colors and they are like the same of course you need you need to put instantly in a hotkey but you don't get confused sometimes I like where's my where's my camel because if you forget the hotkey or are you and click by my mistake it's complicated man like you all the same colors is it makes even more messy in my opinion and it's going super fast they come and now blumenstock is starting to to lame completely wall in the goal yeah there's only one gold close to your town singer you can see liras gold is actually super exposed as well and I kind of expected us to all that because that is the only goal he in theory has access to this early on what is going on now MBL sending two villagers to Harris town centre very confused by this move right now for saving us that's weird oh I guess it should talk but why two villagers he Scouse it forever olymbia lyric viper very Hara I don't know I mean yeah it's like acid you know because I don't know where to look what they has also a really important role here but and mostly even for the polkas if they tried to go castles and here what feudal age or castle is better pockets because castle was always always better right but there are moments and situations where scouts from pocket will definitely be able to get enough damage to justify it but of course you always want your pocket encapsulation if possible but this well dunno sock is doing here is so annoying for him right now look at the less as well is walling in the gold of Leary so in theory now Gary and Hera has to share gold in the back if they want to have like the closest accessible gold and even well in the beerus is so annoying because MVL wants to do a meal at some point where's he supposed to the me there's nowhere yeah yeah well they're trying to make again be life easier for for the max like let's try to make a mess game here couple of lift call all in and then the max Persians with already to God Piper in the South to dogs already and percent bonus a huge man huge for persons lucky now is that oh look Harold a the Bachmann on the left side as well which I don't mind but they built the dog so close the papers gonna be sharing the same fish it's a bit strange to me and girls villagers actually found some gold on the top left of the map so that's where they went he also did a second lumber camp on the right sub he only got two villages in there cuz the militia of the Rubin sucker didn't look rooms Argos wall him in which means this is something that auctions can kill easily as the game goes on or maybe dropping a tower there right NB a-- has no way to get those out if rumancek finishes the wall and he's the only wood he has no I mean this drivers and those fabric well but they build is going up quick really quick with the kills and what is he going to do now I'm chicken if used to be no chance as many times I don't know that's a barracks there's you'd imagine it would be malicious and see went so order to get that extra bowl on the top side no matter arms is what makes sense here but stop walling in the room is also sending a bill to the top side cuz he wants to dock that and take control that lake but they don't know that there is no one there so and look at the lesson LexA he's docking the pond of leery and Hera and they should be able to see that actually nothing man what the hell anyway these can approve by price is just lack or is on purpose because they don't see anything not even the poly site yeah it's mostly a look I would say but wouldn't surprise me to finish people at the finish guys have been like studying okay the house has this amount of tile of site so let's do that in that right but I'm looking at Harris situation right now Harris went to six pop he has three fish and look at max max has so much more population even if max is going fast cast now he could still even just switched a few legend it would be in searchable positioning but of course it's also stems from the annoying look the less world in the gold of hair as well this annoy and rumors of his towering both woodlands of MBL and Hera in the same go here this early rush and blaming approach is paying off so much for a.m. for Sophie right now I mean Piper I'm a casting and I feel annoyed no you feel like I I cannot control look at the economy from here I mr. Viper so I mean like 20,000 please what walking in the track exactly that's what they want to see the casting like a prom and look at those I mean yeah Manny's he got nothing there and I'm going to switch to to the max look at the max all really gonna go up to Castille 18 12 minutes 16 seconds and the less is being annoying in the left left side and look at Harris mill he has 12 villagers in the town centre the militia that Reuben stock made at the start of the game have been so useful in foolish because he tournament him in our arms and Harold did try to make a male on the berries but the Minotaur's were there and now the towers gonna go up and hair is just gonna be like shaking his head in frustration here because he's the pocket he wants to have a smooth game to go Scouts what goes through bears Bruce tower there this is this is this is this room is dog man he faked everywhere man and look well Leo is trying to make so dam is not on ballasts going with the arches I don't know if you last beuliss Lee is doing the market either if he's to balance the economy or just to see what's going on because he doesn't know where to look anymore well he's doing a good damage here that get splitting he got the fletching force him to make a tower villains village is doing the tower he's doing celebrity got this camera says here the key is that gonna be right side yeah I'm checking there too okay and BL and now with the scouts doing some damage here with a hero but but nobody attack the max that's the problem max is gonna be castle age and they're gonna have three arches and three scurbs and two Scouts the next needs one night and he cleans all that up very Idol is gold right now but look at his palm his so many patience if still that's twelve issues ship working that's more than the whole am team combined and he's in castle age this is a situation where they just think okay let's put max in their position to carry and this is like typical soma strategy as well it's like weird annoying that you don't really expect and it puts max in a prime position to just dominate with a real powerful civilization and those Knights are already with planets and escape remember he don't even have BB tax court scholar who need a breeze right when you are that ahead and now need to mine the gold because obviously we told this table husbandry has memory even in buying this kind of situation and all economy in this map when you see that all the economy need this map is pure farmers in a spot that they can't even see it something is not going well from a.m. yeah look at Harrah's resources as well right now well max is in Castle age with a million fish and ships Hera yes yes 200 food now but the TC is idle right but look at the amount of spearmen they have to add now just to try and keep the woodland safe from raiding and the worst part is if they want to expand and take more gold they have to spread so far out on a map there's gonna be so exposed to trading I look at the right side as well now this number camp MBL desperate the villagers desperately running around to avoid the fire trying to stay active only one is speaking with the bill is trying to kill no man this disaster is completely zoster for for here illusion absolutely everything gonna only need to kill that the spear and that's well Morris pills are coming but man he's gonna lose everything they're loosing a lot indeed I hate to be that guy but I feel like we're ready for the next game sacrifice themselves to do damage and put themselves in this position right but usually in most games that comes at a cost where there is some sort of counter damage of some sort of negative compensation for doing these things in this game evil evil s has barely taken damage at his face room stock despair taking damage this base there's no compensation for a.m. it's just everything is going wrong yeah I mean I'm trying to check a resources gathering some economy to go up no here up but yeah they have food but they don't have gold here at fight goal yeah look where's lira taking balls well then he's taking all the way up stocks and that's the reason why we're isn't somewhat a monk a spot is because he's had the fishing ships alive right and but look at him and Hera are still sharing the fish to close fish that fish is so far away right now already and yeah it's like Lyra cannot produce constant archers Piper denies now an MP L is the pro I mean they're taking this uh yeah it does a wait to go and look at those diets is kill oh well they they are pollution a lot of farm it they are not giving up did they keep going and now Leary on the way to Castle age yeah they shouldn't give up earlier isn't okay Sportster but the issue for them is that Leary he has five orchards he wants to transition to crossbow and there's counter units on the map already Velez has scams Max has nights which will get plus two damaged as well because their person lights and Max already has extra Townsend is on a map as well the main thing here that is against a.m. well would have been against all me rather is that they didn't have fish but look at the top of the pond now Reuben stock has to dock fish booming on top side even though even that is the thing one more favor of a strong me right here is that the magic would keep growing and growing this economy 55 Billy's he doesn't have a lot of farming but he will well he would have to do some army because now well it's true the way we're talking like really resources he has 1300 food here now he's up so he but yeah he got the gold from the food Sita or gola he's now he's now found gold oc7 sending seven bills to take home topside this is what I mean they've expanded now so far to take gold and look max is on the look he's looking with Knights and there's MBL's exposed here was exposed of course they have a ton of spearmen now so it's like that they'll be fine but while they're making experiment to defend Max is just blooming away like a madman yeah the max has right now 20 bill is more than the best in the in am 43 63 and double the villas than NPL for example so if now he's too sudden even more stables and span nights that's it basically or even a CG world so well here adidas is what's up what is what is he pretending to do with the city was up when well demise will clean it easily that's the thing as well the manga no that's all his gold he doesn't have army like he's making pikemen to support it but the issue now is the villas is awesome the way to to castle if so he will be able to make some sort of units to support of course Harrah's on the way to cast it as well and the other Sun over the castes room stuff as well as everyone surprisingly will hip cast late but a quite the pointer is still the lack of gold this makes it so awkward right and of course they are transitioning to cold now but even though you get on to gold now your transition is still very open look at the left side lyrics good name who's asking oh man there is no no there's nothing anymore he lost all the villas there and because he likes your sake he found that gold really far from the action and that's why he was in a better position otherwise and sometimes they did well desperation in this map is obviously crucial but the lack is also there and let's see where they're going and trying to see the max all these tena he's blooming the Viper there's no units on the map that is a threat to him why wouldn't he right yeah yeah one thing to point out as well as that the sstc killed camels he's gonna kill the spearmen up there on the tops he's not gonna get in and go a long time but the wall in the show-me guys did a start as well in theory could have kick-started them even further ahead because there's a big chance Lyra wouldn't have access to gold for example so therefore when the less talks the left lake there's a big chance they won't be able to make fires to deal with the lessons fires now obviously we did get on gold so it did have far shipped out to defend it but as I'm saying the theory here is that if everything goes to plan there's no goal to even make pirates to defend with yeah it's a total disaster right now did they keep going and this court difference I mean surprisingly is very very close and now be careful now VIPRE because the army that is starting to make it's a little bit scary to Mangano's a lot of a lot of pikes so maybe now what am need to do well full aggression because they see the score from the max which is just scary but the oldest they are pretty much like them they need to go all-in seems to mob is that close maybe they can do some damage what do you think obviously this they have to do something right they know they have to do something the problem is fee for them is that the less is now contributing to middle with sperms yes faster moving scores even with Lithuanians is gonna have mark support and Max is just adding a lot of town center behind he's adding stables behind he has a seed bookshop as well so even though they are putting on the pressure knock through the center just that they're not dealing any significant blow right this is just max and them are buying so much time even access double HP and accountant because this person right oh yeah two nights from here on out diving in it's gonna get perverted probably two of them yeah now we can jump into the town center and he lost see remarks of course they lost the manga but still target - Barry okay yeah well remember those Mark Scott also redemption Sookie can convert even the mangle is now Osby cover the seat well let's see now we see Cal MBL is pushing on through mr. PC as well trying to make old on the damage so now in this situation don't go to him just start to spam nice and this is what the max is doing right now totally stable he got 100 really is five tone centers mr. Piper 5 this is only well 5 this is more tone centers that all am combined this is what happens the whole of a rest again actually yeah Ruben stock is three horse causes laughs this just what I am is about to throw at them they're gonna have a counter for absolutely everything my speech early war golly i bread okay three Mangano's crossbows one D is still doing a lot of farming but here we go with with the max how many nice q sending it does not an old there's a lot of ice you oh I didn't notice man huge gaps in coming I'm sorry man because I muted you for a second I was i I confused man completely you told me about the huge guy what I'm thinking about man your boys you sir I don't know did you told me I have to check the box is the war galleys you mentioned it's because MBL's taking control the talk talk bones that's the thing is that doesn't really matter that much anymore right they are doing a huge personal as a town center and the pikemen are scary and actually they're getting a significant damage in there but I'm still listening about bills recounting next has more bills than all of am almost along and that's just something that is gonna be so hard to overcome at any point in this game well you know the castle and gosh this is yeah man look at those but seriously and now the haskers will you skills will have a lot here because yeah I mean if they have the advantage they are cleaning a lot of in this area look at the Leicester score is the lowest now in the game only one PC up they are going all-in and I don't know why Pirlo what what can happen here less with lowest score in the game yes 20 more villages an MBO okay well we love you in the elephant yeah but this is the whole point that they have to transition out words right and look at the rating now coming on top there's nowhere to hide if they find Haros gold there as well it's just full disaster huh skulls are running around the Knights are there and that the thing is really has a scary army yes it's Japanese kleitman but they're they're so slow in the center having to stick to the Rams and they're taking one Thompson out of the time with Bray lacunae bills look at here is gold now it's disaster it's just thank you for helping me to catch because this is incredible look at the wood oh look at the wood for NBL okay try to one with the stone walls but even like that he lost all the bill is there now MPL fifty three billion years they are taking one pc but the max god now that he loves that pc for tone centers is still same thesis that I am and the futures are their castle here and he's only way to video I believe that when he rich Imperial age but the score is still really close that white they will not don't reside in my opinion I think they will yeah if not before I hope he goes elephants but probably not but they arrest Lyra is pushing rams helps but every circus has cause there there's no other supporting so the house calls will clean up everything they're not sure why it's not even fight day he's just fighting now same time yeah it's weird actually maybe this was one second of this waiting for the teller yeah and there's the push of lyric completely crushed and again I hate to be a guy but I'm ready for Game five Wow but there's a moment I mean we're casted by Brenda we have to give opinions we are not going to overhype anyone and this is pretty obvious that with this is cordetta Max is getting a handed 50 population that probably be less cool stop playing now and the mass and reverse Doc's who kill the game completely even if Ella even yeah yeah let him win max house again he probably has yes just slightly less bills than all of a.m. combined and that's not a good situation yeah as you can see GG man you were right the mainmast Radames was by pedimos you know and at this time well but the city's mr. Viper getting that to to be so free from now on yeah and then this one then match point to two and honestly they're playing their whole maps are really really really excellent because they got astrati really here and even if they M have really really skills 1v1 but it's so difficult in this one I mean what they kill do here better I mean what was the mistake from am like how to counter this is situation a vibrant well only the mistake here is thinking about not thinking about this strategy that's only thought of and that's the one and only mistake they made of course you can almost make the argument well it could have done this better that better etc but they obviously were not prepared for this strategy by so me and DOMA just completed and execute their strategy really well and it played out exactly as they probably wanted it to yeah because if you think in the civilizations versus a solid choice as a pocket to counter think else and Japanese always absolute mean well I mean here pocket on flank is pretty much pretty useless because they are all together right but Japanese ankles are very solid to not lead to onions be less did did the barrack dude say correct in minutes it oh yeah how to counter that so difficult and then we check here they achievements and everything 27 I guess I mean look at the unit killed 128 you after this game by prayer need 15 minutes break seriously because I didn't know where to look honestly 13 largest army pretty crazy and the cities are let me put the score because I didn't change to two but their team as we can see here all the villas looked ridiculous and the 35 village well MBL did 37 and then it's crazy it's just crazy anyway game number five that is going to be oh we didn't see in the previous series desert slope mi isn't this the hope and the Swami versus a MK number five this is crucial game because then they will get much point and this is lope is a beautiful map six seven eight nine ten let's go mr. Piper and in this one we're gonna check and analyze really quick their civilizations well Bulgarians truest ok suppose released okay guy in this one and I'm pocket that surprised me a little bit or or not mr. Piper I think it's more to do with how they want to approach it in terms of the flanks and they have aspects and Italian sister flanks and think they want to be less to play Italians on the flank here and they want a sticks for the max right and obviously they could have put max on Bulgarians for example but I think considering how they want to approach this I think it makes sense from probably to put room stop on pocket at least that would be my guess I obviously don't know he just like rising myself here yeah but I'm not talking only about that I was talking like usually Slocum well a bit of pocket and soupy for example it depends I think for this map this is more it's not really black boys like but it's at the same time it's likely that the flanks that it will become a fight where its choke pointing on the sides and obviously there will be potential action in the middle as well and that kind of reminds a little bit on Black Forest at least on the sides and the room is Taco X that maps oh yeah well have you know results are really good I don't see that it is really related but it did much higher in late-game maybe we this cannot Chuck point can be a little bit faster I don't know good yeah maybe as well they have I mean they probably have a plan prepared for this net and they're like okay this map room in stock place that map super place right and I don't think they change that unless this one of them having a significant a for example okay well I forgot to I forgot to play the video and the video from this is Loeb it's amazing you will you will know but we can explai the map basically there's not a lot of fruit in the mainland that you seen in top of that hill so they have to to take some hand and is dangerous if we are taking it without the loom from the middle there's a lot tons of elephants on everything but you can see that the distance is really really far then the word do you have to cut to go through and go outside where it's you can find this stone because in the middle Viper there's no stone at all so you really need to go outside for the later game and in the main base is not super difficult to wall and make kind of like hideout map right exactly one thing to point out though is you pointed out Ruben start as poker and saw me but look at am they're using MBL as pocket which is not something you see very often here oh that's truth boobies yeah something interesting as well I'm looking the right side Hara the way it places lumber camp with one gap between I can't imagine that not being on purpose I imagine that is so we can maybe chop out faster and I'm not gonna be sure though but it's interesting anyway I'll be less could potentially lame heroes villager here as well as Harrah's during a bore there but the lay me is real difficult these days so probably not okay well I like I like that you bring that that point here I mean it has been the lame out that that important to the tournament is that easy to lamb anymore I see now the limits yeah I mean I see this it's okay now I don't know what you think it's still easy to lame but okay you can somewhat do a little bit better but obviously this was a lame we try to block the villager that doesn't work too often anymore I feel like but I'm still stealing a boar it's not as difficult as still as easy as it used to be and if there's no Scout there to interfere it's still super easy okay and something to point out as was the focus the less has on his woodchoppers right now already past one tree and it's heavily focusing on the second tree so you can see the same with with the max on the left side there's definitely some really some real focus on trying to get out ASAP and then I can prove to be quite important and try to deny it then and try to go behind the am boys there I'm surprising this kind of map I don't know I mean like not play Nick off in this one usually as a pocket here he's also I mean I am be I can do it excellent like you say don't remember NBL going being pocket in a game with well that important five game from the big semi-finals so let's see how it's gonna be for them that's probably the same were they they have a plan Chris map and again the level of players here is so high that even anyone can play any position really so it always depends on what you're comfortable with as a player and what your team kind of wants to accomplish right if there's a very micro intensive flank position in the map most likely we don't used out there I mean no offense but if there's a macro intensive game as a flank we would be completely comfortable you seemed out there again right just as an example well here are as Turks we didn't mention luck against the Italians Italians will probably go crossbows Turks here can go clubs as well but maybe well Judah cannot for a castle so it has to be that because you don't have a stone first could play calves or shirts here potentially maybe even crossbow maybe monk siege as well there's a lot of options right but yeah it's really hard to this map I think is the least figured out map still in terms of how to play it correctly and we've seen a few times where Saracens are involved that they put a lot of pressure through the middle but from what I'm seeing right now I it feels like everyone is more focused towards the outside and that means everyone I don't see anyone bring any emphasis towards the center yet everyone is also walling except Leary and Hara typical very confident play from them and yeah I'm curious to see how they decide to actually approach this game yeah we have seen like many many games in this map and sometimes the people are going here Leon the middle and even going to Scout taking mongos here and taking all these crazy hand and with few scouts you also reach castle control the middle and from there going but now it seemed that everyone is staying at home they don't have Mongols here so maybe going for for the hand and a meal is not worth it would be there's also Frank's as an option there's so many berries in the middle France could really good that it's the risk though versus reward right if you go to the middle make a meal take all the deer and you're your allies are going fast castle and then the opponents are going scouts and archers suddenly were losing five six wheels in the middle and the pressure is on right it always depends on how approach to the team in general max is down to the last three on the left side I was there I was just there right now yeah so I'm looking at Lyra here on the left side he still has two trees to go like wouldn't have to be rather but there's a big chance that max might get out and he might be able to make sure they can't leave the base okay let's see how important that give me how important it that because if the other teammates go outside maybe you can move but of course you are going to be really delayed yeah it depends right in the game with me us against Dean Young in the group stage I don't know if you remember that game it was a great game I did it wasn't that important for us to be outside because we kind of died from the inside right I see Hara went fast foolish barracks blacksmith that's an interesting strategy I don't really have anything else is castle I think so market blacksmith Reuben stock is pocket market blacksmith room access to flank and range from all flanks it seems like O'Hara's actually quite stable maybe you want some light cap like make Scouts and they will turn it to light cap I think a snitch oh my I'm feeling I'm feeling here I'm feeling here what 10 BL can do now maybe with roomies cheaper monks maybe go forward with here and going all-in good we all love to go aggressive and usually keeps really strong with the Mangano's but you'd imagine that his he would already have some presence heading towards middle already nine right I have to point out though max is out to villages accompanied by the Eagle is running down and lera still has 90 watt to go on history I don't think we will be able to escape and time no no he won't he won't with one village know if you got there two three maybe but with one full year I don't see Sookie it's gonna be in time and a little poly site from the max at home okay look at the right side as well maybe less is now out immediately one villager running the Scout accompanying it and Hera just walk through to his last tree and he's not even taking that tree Wow and look at her eyes adding Scouts that will be life Chavez suggested my theory is that those like that were supposed to go on the outside actually it for sure but he won't yeah there's even arch is coming from Ruby less she's even gonna deny the whole wood line it's actually really it's gonna it looks really sick for so me already he's definitely looks and look at the micro middle ear is not microdose Lumberjacks look at this he's now putting one the only one is he controlling no you see the to Belize he could chop those trees but he's not gonna be oh my goodness there you go the max is gonna wall it I'm going to the max point of view guys you can see fog of war a stone wall and it's tall wall beauty you see them Leary is trying to pile on pressure towards the max space in the center but max doing a town suitable shop yeah double past the walls there is no way they're gonna break in in time to do anything turn and look at the this is actually a race against the clock nowadays it's 60 wood left Hara is not gonna get out and he has four Lightcap here's the resin for light three extra light care and he's not gonna be able to get out you know the crews out there yeah this is a full disaster for him right now this their plan was to get out there with was right cap and that's completely cursed he has to use the scouts in the middle now and look in the middle there's nothing man come on Viper be accurate please save us man there's Severus but mr. Viper is true that if they could go out the light that will do a massive damage because they are strong and they could take all but now they have lost everything and he's going I think to go seeped into into the pocket because look at the max sending to villas kini to micro because the liars are searching for the blood okay he did it and I'm Billy's booming the thing is like just the investment from from Hara here Lexi look it he cannot take wood anywhere he has to go wait what can you take what now he has to go between him and mal probably and with us also stonewalling with a gate on the bottom a house forced to a tower this is gonna slow down his eco so he's here yes - he has does have a choice this is right yeah it's terrible but it's a wise move right move by Hera so good like to give credit where credit's due good recollection by under that he understand that he needs to go tower there the thing Eris was MBL is not out either he went for the pre TC boom but he has no way he's doing two monasteries in his face for what well to defend against the siege push that might come maybe later it's just a strategy really good strategy by saw me and am the thing as well as the strategy Hera went for this huge potential net worth but he needs to focus on the woodland and he has to take my we misses something we missed something at don't you do and bl going for and now kids going forward on the left with CG world soft and no the monastery so now he's three monasteries remember that Burmese get 50% cheaper all the tanks so they can actually do some damage there and what the mask has to defense what my gonna but the thing is if they're pushing into an Aztec player the Aztec player is the ultimate safety defense amethyst and broom stock is stonewalling to the center as well he's Bulgarians he's out already with 40 cc's taken stone very likely will see a crepe post defense if they move to him after not being able to do anything on Max and Max is now taking the woodland of lira lira smooth wood now again I have to point out this is not the end of the world there is bold in the middle there's a lot of resource in the middle but the main issue is always converting the Cedarbrook shop exactly and that's changed everything then now change everything because he got nothing there to defend he's going to convert his shoe deleted no he's winning the league he deleted in the last second one mm is avoiding the raiding and look at migration migration map now mr. Piper Billy's a later lecture smoogle because there's a big chance max might lose everything here as the game goes on she's just escaping already to ensure that he has consistently income no matter what see my parents don't work on there and this can be consistent so worst case Nora now is he loses 30 bills which is terrible obviously but the compensation is still there and that is that they have complete control this side right now well and honestly here our economy right now thanks to what they did here is 41 Billy's the lowest in the game yeah I mean it's talking about TC right he's adding a second piece in now so you bought under wood stone to make another counter but again when you're getting stuck on the inside kind of need to see some damage in return and the damage is what they're doing to max now there is damage Darius but at the same time it's still enough he's now sending another couple versa worst case nor from max know is that he of course is conducive for encounters but he's gonna lose what five six bills maybe at most in there for now can you lose anything you move everything I they didn't killed yet a single Billy yeah I hope that the max is gonna world that gap because if not yours are going to run in okay yeah he will for sure it's awesome only two stone now two gold on the outside this is Dan this is still looking a really good like again the finger is there three players now they're Leary has crossbows and bail has monk siege and hair always had those like cap those like everyone's supposed to be able to are there right but we've in stock v TC booming in the middle untouched the whole game look at his count seven theses Willie is from Bulgaria noise what Connick I I would assume so and we had lost three four villagers on his wood line now so now there's manga nerves and crossbows there so and they will have to react to that as well and it's just like even though it doesn't do too much damage it's just a nuisance to deal with right because you have to make Mars that with your redemption you have to do all these things to extra deal with that actually even the less is doing Redemption and try to still put pressure on Hera yes nasarah is has broken free oh he still has to chop the tree but it wanna be able because now now even less is there with monkey got the CG world stopped he has no goal by the way he has no gold but they still he beat a gate behind that to see if he's gonna cut and now here we have archers monks he needs something else because if he is going a mangle and light gas he could clean probably easily that army from Prague the last I don't know what you think yeah well let's just have crossbow right so I think this is gonna feel comfortable still they like I don't have great upgrades they have armor and bloodlines I love the viper because look at Romans dog defend you thought 2,000 houses world crap was already there yeah there's nothing there well he's good houses yeah but we kept now he builds a crap hole there or his own walls actually I don't see why he's not just buying another Capo's he has so much gold I could just buy a crate post and build another one there and BL keeps building monasteries all over they're investing so much into this and the extra misfolded surprised me that's because max had to do the huge migration right but if you look at the village council max is still on par with Hera yeah and max it has still three tall centers similar to feel like you said he will start to keep his Purnima still keeping fortified walls he is still taking a lot of mud control if you ask me he got an outpost here the max I don't know what if he's going to do something because look at all the wood there a tower and tower there for and no you deflating and ruin stock on their way to Imperial soul proven stock not only in fact date opponents he's Austrian fixes his own team because now now be less and the max Viper I'm doing the rooster crow and the rooster proven exactly and if you see it the right center here at Hera yes he's out but that's not peaceful to Philly is down what these days oh well or well this core it's still ahead 4 a.m. it but in my opinion this is tricky even if Leary it's all the way to Imperial with Korea 88 valise ruin stock a hundred twenty Billie's and they are flaring today they're started to prepare the trade right it's right of course yeah what the hell the Connick is not gonna be the choice rooms okay it's gonna go cavalier with stirrups and stirrups isn't actually an insanely good upgrade it makes the color is so powerful and do you forget something Oh patch paladin Oh even better your pets even better sorry that I point out but it's the problem to be with the old Pat's I was thinking for a second when you see Conan Cavaliers oops Patty's parodies man also ransoms yeah right those who come any light gotta ask to make it a plan the abyss and even that doesn't feel is opposed to knows there's a big chance it cleans his up but he decides to go back for some reason wait that's super weird to me oh my god Piper's I mean if he was pushing a lot there with the to mangle with the crossbows he's really losing a lot and now Leary is underway to beat a viper what he can do here with Korea árboles well that's what it looks like right because he doesn't have access to outside which means he doesn't access to stone he asked sort of breaking out now on the bottom right of his base but I'm sure max will be aware of that and probably notice it at some point yeah I just feel like they had to damage and it didn't do damage and now room stock is in a position to hold the dominate okay I want to ask you something because some people point out and I forgot because I'm also confused with with the patch and so on it's better palette without the up rate or Cavaliers with the with the upgrade because people say that it doesn't affect to the paladins well the problem should still be better with armor and HP etcetera right but it still it's an extra investment so in theory Kevlar can be better in certain parts of the game but obviously as the game goes on patterns will be better all right Piper's say that we believe we believe in you mr. Bress told the world kewal I got a man he would like hey this is so I know you man well well you are in a game like this what do you think like it's like might be communicate a guy in this happening so I know you a lot of briefing right yeah look at the bottom right as well at bottom left leery he's about to break out but max already doing at our gonna be more annoying there and leery those are orders now they're gonna break the stone wall but the thing is the damage is already done right even if to break out now they're still gonna be super happy with the situation cuz Ruben's talk to her paladin Mark Kelly running through the middle he's already killed off some calves larons gonna take complete control in the middle and he can also support on the right side he's sending builders on the right side is probably the stables forward bless doing a castle at the same time as well they still afflicted stone we'll still buying so much time for them yes yeah the positional advantage for show me right now is absolutely insane it's crazy man I mean it's look like a plan you know but we all know Viper that usually that the plans can come fail but he seems at this point that is working is working bad do we check the score and we take that hero 90 bill is only way to Imperial with the Turks also in the middle and going there but raiding over Leo is now been insane is he going to be down I don't know but he's losing a lot of billions tons of pollen in a Brit man the palace now two plus four missing the plastron ends are they even training the trainer yeah that's the thing like even though a.m. might climb their way back and crawl the way back and take some position again outside look at Maxie wall again and Lyra said there's a castle I don't know leary leary actually bought the castle he had to buy a castle and that says everything here but the thing is even to call back they have no way to start trade at the moment and their trade is gonna be so much slower and it's like here in towers Annandale mouth as well these guys are so annoying these towers and viper I mean rubies top five tonne st. is a hand is forced evil is 40 Emily tried with and Ronald the rate you kill that insane five tone centered the max and he's look at the max in the minibar he's all over the map exiting his main base yeah exactly well and 46 be less as well Wow craziest to Mandy crazy i incredible combination the game is still going but I don't know if now here can't do something those panties in my opinion well you got some how about these they have from Burmese very strong forgot lu7 can can be flew seven affections for but there's many Polly's árboles I can should go back with those Palin's maybe yeah yeah but we have to think about transition now for this Alice as well right max should click up to imp any time soon and you can go for our bless you can go for like if he goes the Eagles he counts the herbalist and the halberdiers in one go and on the right side Hera can only go full house are at the moment because lack of gold right but molasses Italians he can do the police a frigate extras are blessed and you can go for Genovese cross woman so the counters are there for so me already they want this Oh doses hard focus ours are gonna clean the Appalachia East look like these two can eat that castle app if you have wall a little he's doing a good job of cruise their bellies are getting a good trade but but but birth because has it's only food by bridge the only good thing here but like you say the castle is up and now what we can do is still complete corner in that area and they cannot trade so if the game ever leave their country and doing some good job where they trade now exactly that's the whole problem there for them that like I said even if they take some position which they kind of art right now they don't have corners to trade now the stables are gonna work on the right stuff so Rueben stuff is supported with pallet in there we're gonna suck all stats paladin on the left side so it's just looking like I mean they have to max actually the talent stood on the bottom so he's like still has villages here and he's making a lot of them like even he's gone monsters day I'm not sure why he's not going to appear later instead of continuing this investment but okay this what it is but it's gonna take so long for him to even clean up maximum bottom corner that just again hard to see how they call it way back here okay don't you think that drew a stock should now go directly to be less and destroyed Kyra I think it's just like that mobility is that not he said right Koreans there are bluster familiar and there's obvious man Bo they cannot chase the power in the power I can just run around and rage whatever he wants to right and they already have this nothing all they have the trade up and running extra doesn't suck there's not that much trade but if they get fed up and running he can produce Carolyn's forever right say honestly even sacrificing those paladin just to a rate economy might be the best way for their use right now okay well they have already a viper 25 trinket in the team combined well no trade at all for a em so 25 trade got now in in few minutes is gonna be like 50 or more population 200 Reuben stock landed 60 the last one at 40 but then with all this I am still there it's still there at least in terms of population but this is not about population we say it several times is about map control and he is still unable to trade and kazars obviously what stop now genus crossbow man well he's not doing yet but that is still hmm main issue I see for em right now is that yes they are crawling their way back with the current circumstances but if you look at the bottom corner max is that in barracks he started evil production it has monks with insane HP coming out and what does a.m. have right now to counter Eagles only thing I could see is that MBL would switch into champions which makes a lot of sense with Burmese but it's another slow unit that takes forever to maneuver on the map and then suddenly Rubin stuff makes paladin again and it's just like like I said I think the counters are there 4 a.m. for suomi no matter what angles for you Leona in upbraid I don't know if they are gonna try to cut and rate somewhere but they don't have units to rate like do you think you get some mob and get outside of the of his face but I don't know where they can't go he's still yeah close to 200 population there they're training all over they are trying to get all the corners but like you said what is this elite the GRS cross woman how many castles got three so far okay yeah three castles I agree there the castles as well I was Jean Lehrer point of view for that they could I check I was like what what and they got three castles the only are trading in all in three corners they're trading from the right and the left yeah that's just showing you everything here oh it's going for aspects condos that's really cute seriously come with me Bob it's very cute ho-hold you have to try that one we survived okay it's gonna be condottieri Gallic Wars welcoming don't see a Catholic for only their circus is doing on the world as to speak actually not to see very often these days converse well I don't remember half I have seen to be honest yeah look at the look at the trade cut viper according to in build base because they don't know where to go the trades yeah so the issue here as well a composition wise Harris still stuck on only hosta right he does the bomb cannons as well right but now there's there's 15 paladin left on the right side for Haren how this arrow count is her has nothing that can deal with this you might switch into heavy camels actually it would be a logical transition for him but then they should remain still the less has a market in the bottom corner as well and his trade is running there because that's the longest distance oh that's such a mistake that's a that's a table without recently trade the treaties going down yes the Train actually yeah well it is 20/20 event loosen them yeah that's something that they have to identity will know this quite fast when he sees the trail runner to know but yeah actually it's ending the house are down for Hera here was a good decision he's gonna Kingdom artists there's number two feel very well with the Eagles but and wait lyrics put your left side with towers and horriblest maybe it'll add some tank units it's slowly starting to look ok 4:00 a.m. but the main issue comes back to the lack of trade in this yeah you are that behind you tried to push back one side and then in the other side look at now ruin stuck on here as base K team together with crazy amount of army from the last yes the planet is now Juna script woman trebuchet how now here I can can push this from his face and that's why his population is going now dramatically down yeah at the bottom at the same time like sipping a capsule lyrics turned the person left say but max has Eagles there's no way the herbalist can push there and at the same time like you said Harris population is dropping dramatically is down 220 pop builders is under 100 now Reuben stock is also waiting the wood line of imbalance also in MBL's faced with pollen so the rating program in stock now is doing so much damage look at the rate you kill dead by Reuben stuck in this game it's just destroying everything here steel more units that all a and combine I mean it's a statistic sees yeah what connects with rockers who max pocket hood yeah then they know what they are doing man but do you you would think that that realistic can't do this job and no in percent there max it incredibly and look at now in the North now well in the North who quiz the where's the north here on on the max and leaders side right look at the towers the towers are absolutely saving keeps me in transition to champions with Korea yeah that's kind of like an awkward thing as well you would like to have a Burmese player maybe the champions fair because you don't get the last attack okay with Korean so the thing here knows max can just make his own Jaguar so make his own champions and he has way better champions janicoo be invested tick MBL economy and tell me if you think vibrant that he can what must you seem to anything exactly cedar wood well he's a balanced economy at least by percy we've seen a food and see you every could you watch my channel for the day it's all vibrant that's i feel so proud of me go i I say man I say only the memes okay I will mean all the time then but yes yes but in epping man am is only in the middle but in the middle there is food that you don't need anymore you need trade there's gold as well but the main issue it's gonna be potentially wood as well as the game goes on but look at the middle Rubin start now like Ruby stock just keeps switching where to fight right now he has always Palin in middle and he's traveling the caster there there are a lot of towers from there is that super annoying with the Koreans Aerosmith's towers but now there's nothing in the middle to stuff this and whenever they like feel like okay we're gaining ground there right suddenly there's a huge army in another spot in the map and they just cannot deal with it I'm Piper blumenstock 32 trade card to be last 38 the max 37 and a Emily and bill he racino they say don't trade cut man I mean see great in this game is impossible they're trying they're fighting like best but now the population from Akira like just say couple of minutes ago and now in this game I listen to it listen YouTube may be population below 100 and how they can't come back from this come off have to be where's man a slight it wasn't a good time for deep crazy imbibe and sorry I need to ask you before man you see I pre how I'm terrible promotion or sellout for tsunami man what did was a spectacular game by they might have finished a honestly they still didn't manage to clean max up from the bottom corner as well though yeah I mean if you would look just like this game without looking at their names you would think yellow was Max and red bus Ruben stock right they can all execute the same rules it's all about how they prefer to play with saves and strategies etc this was just a strategic I almost want to say masterclass by a psalm here obviously it's a little bit unfortunate heroine for the Lightcap play on the outside white but he never got that outside so that alone is a huge setback because his whole strategy and approach was based on that the difference there was we noticed and you notice you point out from the start the max and the last both way with two Feliz in this in the in the wood in the trying to go to the specific Lambrecht lumberjack with with the trees you know with their lobbyists to the three story and again didn't do that there was a migrant dog they want to vote but they were with Wendell here and that was double the time yeah exactly that's kind of what led into this whole snowball and aim did the right thing they tried to put on the pressure to the center because of this but obviously they did clean up max but max was able to escape it always fails and when they went to rubin stock it was already too late as humans dog had the defense set up it was textbook plate from sumir well actually this is the first time we're gonna see the Supplemental Draft right yeah exactly so now we need to go for the Supplemental Draft and I want to tell you something now is they they they did the dangerous question we are in a 3-2 what team do you prefer for the grand final mister Bible with him I prefer yeah you you you personally do not even your team you I'm usually a guy that don't really mind like I I would like the team that is the best and that's gonna be the team that wins right what I don't think it's true it's like yeah III don't want am to lose and then we and we then we meet them in the final right I won't be the winner to me too I want to meet the winner in the final that's just simple and that's how it should be right yeah and you have to focus also in your gameplay so that is there we will we will try your best strategies and focus to win them and according to the do the opposite we will go for it okay okay mr. Piper going for the game number six these series are now that if Swami win the game the next game they are the grand final versus secret and if I am winning who decided will be let's see I'll take a quick minute we're taking the achievements and military 450 unit kills 450 and it kills 77 Larry's army here are 49 he couldn't do more he got completely locked down there the max look at the economy men trait here crazy crazy trade here ally MBL seed or trade well what we were talking eyes and now game number six there you go guys game number six this is well super important well as you can imagine and with Piper con Twitty here mr. Piper is six seven eight nine ten let's go and now all the questions are going to be an answer and Chinese Vietnam Franks very safe Europeans and Teutons in theory that the six-four am but now the strategy and execution can compensate that I like a.m. since waiver here honestly I'm also confused about the Berbers pic here it's a good save here by all means the Knights are cheap and everything but it's confusing for me regarding the next potential map they forget their right obvious if they win this map it doesn't matter but yeah I I yeah it's strange to me but of course purpose is still powerful pocket here but yeah I definitely do prefer am civilizations here okay like you can see remember that this map got only the farmers and the parasites have we become you can take those goats in the outside in the word out where the goats are located this nothing that you can build then we have two corners with the goal or visible you can see and this crazy chorus with a lot of lot of food that usually people will use in castle it not now maybe they can take some elephant with a scout that usually does it happen and the aggression here Castle age I saw you in the previous city that you were some archers or or what I mean trying to wall everything and Castille it aggression I mean there's a lot of options here you can play cutely she can play Castle age you can do monks each finish every strategy is viable in this map it's all about again the team choice what you guys want to go for trying to work together already I noticed there's one big hill in the centre of the map like between them sort of and that could be a really good hill to push from 4 a.m. for example but at the same time there's a hill between MBL and the hare as well where if soma gets control that that could also be really tough to take back again and be always playing the pockets it live in here as the flanks which sort of makes sense considering their play styles because you would like to have hair under on the arches ifs I would say on this map yeah number 6 Nico has played one game only right yep okay well on the right side we have a Chinese leery and facing the villas if you're pians well ditch and he said if your peers are really strong we we know how a strong Chinese is and also with the farm bonus for vanity yeah in terms of economy oh look at the walls I mean they are super close look at the walls boluses - it is basically on Lily's base yeah I think actually I'm looking at the map spawner if you look between Rubens talking be less the best is sort of isolated from his team because the forest and that's something that can actually be really rough for them like if they go all three pushing on the rest gonna be really hard for him stalking max to support him right this is the forest and also looking at his secondary goal therefore the less it's like outside of the forest they'd quite often for him and of course some other players have exposed goals as well but not like outside the forest so it's not awkward or monikers to see how they deal with that potential problem and remember is that here in this map Sedo stone if you want to make something like a castle or whatever or a Stratasys or after one tower you will need to buy market not gonna be here there's a lot of flaring here they are going to wall probably maybe they gonna make team wall between yellow and red like you say it oh but bill has seized take him up look at the wall she is doing I like this especially considering the map there also that hill where Max's villager is right now with the Harrow scout luckily he has loom already so for that that hill the fact that they're walling in front of it it's really important I also would have liked to see him well even more forward but of course he doesn't have vision further than this just to like secure that hill for sure for for so me is that hill honestly might be the game deciding hill here dude well seems there's no stone and we can see Frank's and perverse mmm Reuben stock here is a pocket maybe want to see completely want to see push on full night's paris cheaper cheaper nights can be can be also really really solid even if Frank's is great yeah it's an option for sure right but like Frank's house it's always great playing Frank says pocket is always a great feeling no matter what though I don't think I would like if you give any player the choice everyone will pick Frank's here but of course it doesn't mean verbs are got much worse we have a super nice there fast mumbles which helped for farming here and he's also sent villagers to the top corner to hunt deer which burger should be one of the more efficient ones with that because of the faster moving speed yeah I don't this game is not necessarily gonna be decided by the pockets if I feel like no matter what and camels is a choice because cows are cheaper too but usually people is not doing camels against arches they're weaker so most of times you don't want camels in these circumstances because there will be so many ranged units on the map right once there is 20 30 20 30 for the camels dies so much faster compared to Knights Wow look at the walls they're doing no shame on those they know that they need to secure the map control and you can see the max all really double poly side maybe if I mean when you see this then maybe you are expecting on purple side a little bit more wall because right now is pretty easy to get through very very easy yeah I'm very confused about the walls like Harun MBL here Pera sort of world is on front and then MBL world himself in an arena but then hair is completely open on the right side again with MBO but can be altered easily walled a bit further forward and secure both of them in a team wall though this wall and now Hera is walling between him and MBL this is very strange to me but but ok I mean I guess they all feel safer being all themselves ok well I'm now probably they're just noticing I'm going to go to do am point of view here ah they can feel that the oldest are walling completely so they are just waiting for for the castle age and they feel it but it's I mean in this bubble it's like you say now they are completely safe they invoice and if they have a bad move here look a leave base like he's willing I need basically his TC this is he be like like the only team at the option or telling them they come to me yeah but same time I feel like this is how the am guys are comfortable right now on this map because they know this is they have to win this game right - you have a chance to continue and I feel like they all just on this map which is a lot it's very micro intensive this is a map that I think maybe suits them very well with that in mind and the fact that they cannot they can just rely on themselves sort of at the opening just get to ranges up get to blacks meet up get your units out and then then you can start fighting together and they probably feel more comfortable doing this considering the circumstances right now compared to like trying to set up a team wall and trying to work together with the walls and everything also they they are not spending any resources so they they transition to Castle is probably should be a smoother than done then show me guys yeah ok there is a chance here if you look at the map that Rubens talk max and the rest can play together more simply because they are connected with the team alright so they can probably move together and like decide ok let's attack from here now or there well am will be less organized when it comes to like team team attacks well they don't even have gates did you check if here I want to move now to his teammates he has to delete the walls yeah oh wow the last resort all have their scouts on right side Leary was I think you've completed the wall now so he should be fine and he didn't take any damage turn okay one don't watch you arrange for everyone basically what what for me is kinda impressive is they spend all those resources they still manage to go castle at the same time and Billy's also even maybe one of the little SB last 27 Billy's you know but pretty much the same so at the end it's definitely worthy it seems it's tall walls even for villas they want to be safe and like I I really think the stone was Max is doing is really a really good idea simply because there that he'll like I said if M gets in there and takes control that he'll that's gonna be so hard for so me but they're playing it safe definitely and fingers though like they're warming the middle with stone but their outsides are still actually mess is not doing stone on the outside as well that's why I believe a scout probably just want to assume that's one extra scout okay I'm just do this one oh yeah - okay probably just because they're expecting a monk rush I would say from max maybe and they want to have the scouts out on a map and just be able to like deal with that it would be my assumption anyway okay I don't know why he made so many scouts myself well anyway Fran's got a good economy he probably can't afford it he is they have some good echo and he says by me only one TC totally stable obviously now they are friend because probably they want to attack pupils from behind the less discouraged switching all the time but right now it does not really important there's some Polly said get for Leary now he's doing the University and leaves used to be going to go really aggressive with crossbows and ballistic as soon as possible yeah he's also going on the outside actually because they've probably have scouted that there it's not an easy to break to the center so outside is where they can do some damage here and obviously that's can easily plug that little gap there so don't think it's gonna take damage but yeah Rubin Stoke is adding a town center himself to towns there's actually one on the top and one extra in the base so it's not that one PC play here like while you're looking at MBL it's fall want easy and the question has to be where are they gonna do the damage here who each amongst I love I mean I think he's really underestimated this Alberto watch the max DV tile just look now he can see everything coming he can send the answers are from the lab everything coming if he's really pay attention of course because not not happening on the right side then leo is attacking already buffer to the mood to want to police down and well he made some damage there indeed and now they know the Army's on the outside which might trigger them to start an attack to recenter right but there's a good thing why and when MBL has so many units there alone he can probably clean up the whole thing there's only one monk as well in one manga now though if he gets +2 even which he does not have any way he's been forging rather he can probably clean this all by himself and with aggression so me is putting on right now the fact that I'm bill is playing one TC might be the better choice okay the problem is they don't know like we say they if they are going to three TCS or want to see as well and NBL is being careful there right now crossbows only one not but now now Rick is sending more nights I still don't have a lot and they are going into MBL base and NPL is still not taking their army together and with anyone else like you say they seems to be again is split you see they are not together again for now seems that levy now Anna BL will get all together and then maybe they can clean that target they need more monks but he might in two or three commercials this it can change everything yeah and they don't have Teutons so well so me obviously does so if counter monks is not good an option here this is gonna come down a lot to know the micromanagement of a Lear in particularly with the crossbows and Hera is coming here is going from behind actually I really like what max is doing here so I'm trying to wall off to like make sure there's no not gonna be like counter-attacks from behind them obviously and be I'm just doing a great movie running with the Scouts Canada Manganiello well Harris Mike Rinder at the same time there is taking a really nice trade so far in the Middle East micro now avoiding the shop and it's taking the hill this is suddenly so miss army seems kind of sandwiched yeah now they have problems here look at look at here now they they close the moms are to be my bike he's converting the Crossville with the monster I don't think that's a good idea the nice is a better one here in my opinion but well my goal is down look at those dice killing everything and now alien boys are just killing absolutely everything because to be honest suomi didn't have a lot of farm either indeed and yeah that's a strange decision to convert the crossbows there we also just now sent among straights is death it's the second one going as well max is being really wasteful with his monster and that's you cannot afford those losses in this map it's so important every single monk every single man you know every single night is so important here that those types of losses they just took that can also became anything yeah happening here they are not doing any damage and now I just notice if they don't do damage ruin stock 62 Billy's three tone centers he's not investing a lot in military and he still have five army MBL seven what that means if they don't do damage right now Lucifer can now expand Knights forever and he's doing sickness table freeze tables now for ruin stock and the plumbing and they don't have most to convert so to be honest if ruies dogies to spamming now military it's gonna be really told for them to stop that I don't know what you think I agree the good thing is well they have the less with the Ethiopian Cross was well right so he has still really good numbers look at military camp the less Hera and Myriah have all about the same and their dollar players here and Reuben stocks should in theory now start out dressing and be a long night section one thing to point out here though is that MBL does have a Townsend on the right gold while the left gold there's no town sense of no land no signs of suomi getting on the on the gold at any any time soon VIPRE I call him the kit and the kit Leary is on the way to Imperial that's can be won't you see Chinese play here the farms not mistaken all their farms start with more food as well yeah got a team bonus exactly and that's also snowballing here into them having do not reinvest on the would like the farms so they like is that on do it him and there is no one else on the way to him max is getting close though to click bless is quite far and Harrisburg far as well so it looks very very interesting right now obviously the pocket situation Reuben stock has a significant lead on MBL but the original hit him and it has the most army on the map and those are going to be herbalist 51 military families are gonna be out of a list but he might've now they they gonna they attack they need to make the damage but they don't know they don't know what we will we do and they don't know that the keys on the way to imperial h also kira oh my god he's not wall he rides on the left by prayer with arches with Mangano's and now nights coming from MPL they can make a lot of a lot of damage on the max economy because he got nothing but lots of farming from rooster coming here to defense but I'm afraid more than that push from they are volleys Cal they will stop the Ovilus right now imperial age already I really like the transition labor is doing her as well at the same time as a hit MP also is putting downtown Center on the only gold because the thing he needs right now is goal to make herbalist also and be operating on the top side now the less is the villagers that's also very helpful and like is that Max is on the way to improvise now and the electorate house Tanner is not in danger but this is the I mean look at Gustav's army now go that's a lot of nights with production with those nice keys who kill everything there is not a single monk if he's yourself information he should kill it is a lot of night let's see if he's gonna go he's gonna kill him angle now he's coming still with some night but he got monks behind his corpus they're going to clean absolutely everything mr. Viper and they are cleaning everything then on the right side they are attacking with arches potential audible as they have the +3 know arbol as yet because leave it Dawson have the economy but they are going to break through I don't know the problem is military numbers now he'll 6661 they still leading in numbers because lira got a lot of farming and the finger is there pushing the archer player of so me right now like max will be envious but he's the bunk player but the archer player is more important and it's just a brute effect and leery has a significant lead on the last herbalist is on the way to MP relation himself but he's already lost some production buildings and he has no way to get two extra goal at the moment he's gonna have to go all the way to the left where as you can see Hera is now sending eight villagers while Reuben stock is making town senator Hara is sending bills to do something so so really there is already there they still not killing anything I mean Reuben stock has a huge lead in economies taking the hill he's gonna kill all the nice for NPR MBL's you don't want to take this fight and he's trying to avoid going back okay but it still is cab ramps curb ramps already hit two world I only think that what what he need is not much anymore he need others the max agreed Harris actually douching Rubin stock on the left side which is quite quite corny but he's not gonna get away with it there's Lions there's Knights and that's not a problem but that's not what the Pope is right now look at the bottom as well room stock is trying to rate and geldings base room sucks resources are out of this world yes he's read to click in what they're in Cavaliers my dominate here I don't know what you think but oh but be less you see input to so now if your pian sides maybe it's a bomb OCP is what I mean no I know at this time I listen to you it's only him now come on I mean I'm not gonna be in two times in the same extreme that listening because then then it's time you come back is in six years and that gonna happen hopefully a guy so does mr. Viper look at them look at them other forces this trawler boy please people trawler boys so many arts is going input in my opinion the max is the one who is with Sedo economy he can't get any more damage he need to they need to go to other spot because the max for me is at this point not really important for their team the thing about the max the situation is he was first in Finnish team but he has lost all his production there is like he can make some awesome angles yeah maybe answer is what it showed on for you so I honestly as well think that I think that room stocks should have committed more I'm Catholic yet so many resources and he only had three stables he could've added six seven stables and made twenty more nights instead of picking in at five minutes all right and that would have made such a big difference yeah and now look at the problem louisville has I handed village which is great yeah yeah yeah look at the military number from am Leary 61 arches that means doable they arches then be less MBL in Castle yes 46 night Piper 46 nights and they here are 54 military so basically they have now three people the army Dan Swamy yeah crazy list every single player on am has more milder than every single player on swimming and that's tap in itself is a huge problem especially now that they're really struggling to get access to gold as well he was pushing on Lester with manga knows he had crossbows he has or below crossbows there as well hair results on the way to in now and he's trying to convert he's getting some conversions to max should be okay mr. pace so mr. pace look at that battle III is so many times he's Cameron so many árboles Lily has 17 military in this map that you are that close there's so many arches and MPL 60 nights basically that's insane well he doesn't even care less right the others know what what is him what does he have to show for he has the same up racism girl even less and he's losing his whole face the quieres Elyria sand has so many árboles right that embel only thing is do to provide Mitchell and he's doing a perfect job of that perfect game the GG we go to the decider in this one I don't know if it was basically C I don't think it was disability it was the scotty mainly I mean this civilization helps to make this rowdy AMD it but like you say the from sake instead of going for imp go the amount of farm EMBL did it will pick up probably completely different I think they did a really good job as well applying pressure from different angles like Lyra and Hera both applied pressure from the outside as well while so me were trying to push through through the center but I am dealt with that and they also apply pressure on the sides which sort of is annoying right and it made them a bit like Tommy had less mobility because they also had a monk and siege player and that guy didn't get to do much this game and that so am kind of played around the immobility of and the monks each player here and they worked out perfectly for them Wow they did an amazing job on guys well Piper what can I tell you I mean I'm happy because now we are casting together but when I saw the previous series for one I was okay I'm gonna say bye-bye go away man because one fourth frame bad but well it's okay it's okay we have three three here now a ambitious person so me for three for three series but uh well let's take the achievements and decided game on canyon lake I have the feeling that we're going to see Nick of in that map I don't know what you think I think so as well I think he's going to be Hans pocket I think yeah yeah okay we will see guys we will see we are checking out their cheapest military seventy-four largest army leader here the max converted six units vibrating this map six units kinda well kinda ridiculous because it is not that close it was well disaster and ruin stock did a hundred three Billy's that is a lot in in that short time but he needed army restocked with disease army MBL here give credit to to MBL 58 military or food castle vipir indeed I just am really maneuvered that map really nicely and yeah yeah like I think it was quite obvious what sue only wanted to go through here and am just contract adept with a nice thing well they did the job guys and the decider super-hype decided game let's go for the last one oh there you go okay number seven its Swami pursues am all going to be decide now and we're getting there yes and here we are with the decided gain seven eight nine ten let's go mr. Viper with me forecasting this crazy undecided game and we have the max as my yard pocket and like you say it Nick Illyria and here I decided game Nick of us a pocket hands mr. Piper on point well I had the game open Sonya okay panic yeah this is where I'm surprised I expected burgers pocket for Samir and mangers to be played on the beach fight so this is where I'm a little bit surprised but obviously Magus is a powerful sailor just feel like purpose probably would be better here yeah now so seems the other map is super close you can make more damage with this couch if you were scouts earlier or even with the nice because you get all the operates automatically and you are closer and easier to make them it's that in this map yeah I think that's a bit of an odd choice but yeah still they have they have good ships but am have really good cells as well okay we chicky on a flag now be less the Vikings is facing hero malai honestly I like both civilizations for different reasons yeah though like they can't really fight the water right but they're on this not I assume they will be used as a land civilization while providing the dock bonus to the team and well Malay hard to say but I imagine they're also gonna be heavily focused on land especially at playing against Vikings and I'm curious about who goes for water here hill area is already making a dog here with his Japanese though he's gonna definitely kick off to a good start there Max is sending a villager himself now but I don't see anyone else going to water yet so as a poker usually the puppies are coin the hands has a product here to go forward to the pocket because you get less wood in the start so it will need a while more to to get the width to go in the middle so I don't know okay Japanese Leary pursues should be Mongols moguls in this one depend how do you play right and he's good to go for the water I think no no he's been a house maybe he's going for the water now soupy I think so because he's sending one billet to lure that elephant all they do in the house so it seemed that soupy and doing the loom now should be seems to be going forward for the water yeah it looks like it right but the question is do you want to spare to be playing water here maybe because you can go up faster right but at the same time you're most likely gonna be facing Japanese whose fish and chips don't really die the question is is it really worth with in the end here when you rather like you would like Mongols to hit and paralyze and get manga died right and that's unlikely you're gonna be far behind most likely the other players well we don't see Mongols anymore various pockets if in this kind of of games well the transition obviously is it's better or easier to go with paladins because the Momo's require more time so I believe that's the reason and why we always see mumbles as a plan yeah and also it's a national transition right if you have a plank your most activation range units that we already have our place for the range units all three Scouts buy em we're trying to be annoying to soupy as he's trying to make a dog here and it's kind of working out again I don't like the way I mean nikuman Leary has dogs right next to each other again and it's like the fish is gonna run out so fast nearby I would like to see the dogs more spread but then again on this map the fish is quite far anyway so we'll see how it plays out I mean it's a lot a lot on water for so long because like you say this random and the efficacy is really not great in this market yeah what I mean yeah it's hard to say right but it looks like both the less and Hera and aren't going I was gonna make a doc so what's nice as well here is that you have Malaya team bonus which gives the docs more vision it's not huge obviously but it helps a little bit but yeah I think the top star would simply be Archer war here and maybe one of them makes men arms but I don't think so I find the second number camp of the last a little bit strange with left side I could have made it a little bit further she's together almost yeah that's really been a little further away three tiles maybe different yeah no more it's not the end of the world though but yeah better he says anyone village it was two gold now and is about to pick up so maybe he wants to open my arms here but then a barracks should have already been on the way as well so they propose like just archers and I I assume it's the same for Hera question now is the pockets if they want to go for Scouts which looks like both pockets are doing though we can expect Scouts opening from them soup is going for the second talk IV I feel he's weird in there with the villagers so he's gonna go completely water and then they're also sending one more and the pocket will go Scout likes you say it's gonna be able to faction because Noah it'll cast LH and it feels like a mirror match at the moment I think all players are doing like everyone is doing the same at this point though then it's all about like what's your civilization and the execution here well these call advantage for Lee area here because of the fishes Japan the Japanese the hardly to die and they go what mister batter yeah the only pocket difference is that Niko has three efficient ship well max went for four so a small advantage there but I think it's not unlikely that Niko will continue to efficient ships when the fight for water is over well I think max will probably loses so we'll see though yeah just all she arranged on top sides routes from the pockets that very very standard okay Archie arrange for for here am L asthma light this table a for for Nica and the other side three dogs already think dot for Leary okay it's going heavily on what vegan is 110 she's what well we will see we don't stop and go in three dogs in a Viper yeah I agree I think he must've scared that let me check quickly here because I feel like if they know that okay but I only see one dog from zippy though the question is that if they knew about that and the three dogs might be overkill and he would have been super exposed on land in that case but yeah it seems like there is already taking a good trade in water it's gonna kill one fire ship from the pinna already did a lot of damage the other one from Scouts Nana is happening at the same time and it just feels like am has the better sip setup and I feel like they have a better approach to this map so far as well okay let's see because now there is three galleys he's gonna try to defend that one I don't know if there is oh but he is not repairing he got four galleys already I mean it really looks like he's gonna lose the water heavily and very fast and that's a real problem then when this happened do you need to do have to be a stabber or you need to make a transition to land as soon as possible because in this situation I don't know is trying to repair but he's losing the fish and Leo is taking a huge advantage okay the demo also change almost a change everything almost yeah I feel like already it's clear to me and probably them as well that Luke is gonna lose water so yeah he has to make a decision now and how much it wants invest and doesn't want to try and keep fighting in the unit so doesn't just want to transmit fish for example but it's very very clear right now that water is gonna be one by M so soupy or it needs to think about his transition here and I don't see too much of transition on land I would have liked to see maybe go from mill on the hunt etc and just takes more small way to grab it cause way back on the top side both of this mcnaught shows real s is not moving out he might be sneaking straight to pocket even here but I don't know where the scouts are from Nick of right now yeah they are on the max base they are going through your Scout there is I'm not taking anything there I'm checking out on the right side there's some Scouts from the max only a space but Leo is completely well even doing a tower here remember that the bone is from a Japanese fishing ships I believed he will do more fishes as soon as he noticed that he's kept in the water for now he is still doing more and more Galit which is a lot and like you said now purple with fletching seem to know but Nikhil he's gonna spot it Nick of a spot they are choose one is countdown no he didn't lose it but now he knows that the artists are coming yeah and Hera has the numbers Atlantis now as well he can just go down and they will let's chose to go back here which I guess is the right decision because he might have lost the units but the same time he could've just kept running and maybe tried to grab some damage and cause some trouble somewhere right the thing right now so as super loses two bills on the gold to the scouts a new fella the main issue here right now is that am is sitting on a advantage for free but it's not for free obviously but they have the water which is not actually soup is making water units again still going man that is gonna him even more he hi Bucky because he's still with nothing at home now he's doing quite a lot of farms he's the defendant okay on word of Chrissy's population is pretty low thirty minutes but that's normal I mean the only say more because they got the fish as well and here are is together now with Nick off and OHSAS couch he's trying to escape the max that's okay but which they are chief from frumble s well he went back is in its base now and what was it am doesn't know that so they're still running around looking actually Nico's make no mistake here all these pictures you have been idle now forever since the fish went out also that advantage isn't really effective at the moment but the main issue I see right now is again the bottom side Leary has been playing slow to open he didn't invest into the tower until like 14 15 minutes and he played three dogs completely open well yeah obviously at Walden woodland but like he would've been exposed to arches for example but he got to play untouched be doc water pretty much yeah and max the max is with bloodlines trying to go and make some damage by per but where to make damage right now because yeah well completely on Tower Nick of and the goal is super close to this see sakis gonna make anything not to matter agreed and a good thing for a.m. is that's leery as well it's already making a precision tool and well Zoop it looks like it's doing a market he's moving to stone so he looks like he wants to go manga die but this honestly just feels like touched a risky move right now it could also be to tower up but it just feels weird to me hard to describe yeah feels like a I'm just have full control of the game right now they do they definitely do and even if you see that VLS is on the way to cast Lee and say oh he's ahead to here and know why because hero will reach then the resources to go up and then mile high he's gonna catch up man it says malai I would call is same ball civilization man you can't take them it ever because they are going to you are going to click and then you will be there super super fast Nick off on the way to Castle H now cast elites as well for Leary and that's the biggest product here because he's gathering the resources soupy but super has 57 Billy's nearly 45 sido army should be as well yeah everyone is on the way the cast is now except super he just bought a hundred foods he's gonna be able to click up but it's just if you look at his position in the game right now oh he actually is missing the blacksmith bill didn't click but like the positioners all I like what is is he gonna call manga die how does how does super contribute to the game right now is the question and I have a really hard time seeing that one thing the natural transition is to add ranges in dude named crossbow arms etc but this looks like just a boom to me like there's no there's not gonna be land units here and Larry has to arrange its kind of crossbow it's gonna be able to contribute it's gonna be able to hit the max even if like if soup is just towering up or making constants etc and super won't have anything to contribute to the game with a Miss playing super safe as well there is Harris just camping the top servers archers and some them like action happening in Niko space but I don't see any damage being done so what you can do in this situation VIPRE because he's my need a lot of a stone yeah and if he's doing the cassock you don't even have a stable archie arranged so the mothers would be also weak he might be a well a little bit defended at home with the castle that's good but then it can be too many two versus one you know the spot in the map yeah like I feel like he just he should have transitioned earlier which means he should have realized that he's gonna lose water faster and transition to land food echo faster which means taking the deer maybe making more farms earlier all that stuff and then transition to land right now he just I think he committed too long on water which in the end just slowed him down even more and looks like it might come back to hurt their team now a lot faster crossbows in here comes in but he does spot them ok he's there with the crows now Leary and Leo has ballistic let me check no he has bought keen not even horse-collar well he has few farm is not done needed to match now going to the pocket there the max invested into into light because he's trying to make damage but here on eco both with a lot of farming they don't have any weak point at this at the moment and no room for four for the damage being there and the village is trying to get a battle but the he writes really all the time they don't have right now any weakest part viper yeah hera also made outpost through the whole center there so you know whenever anything comes come there or wants to pass they will know so nothing is gonna catch them by surprise at all here and with a little eerie hazards to be on the bottom right now look at where soup is doing the castle this castle is a nothing castle of course we have a castle that doesn't contribute anything to your position in the game i didn't play the effect can i play the titanic okay thank you think thank you because I need to just watch the Python the power yeah I'm there man I mean if we were talking that they weren't going to not just to contribute and now what I mean well he's defending they would but I don't know I was suspecting the caster world am I gonna lead ISA right now but anyway look at the bottle in the on table you say so struggles got what average here are sampling and ballistic glass I mean I'm ballistic and we stick in a better bottle it seems to be the less actually [Music] they should be suddenly I think no matter what here I don't think it's a terrible trade for her obviously lost your number wise but the night stare they're gonna trade actually fairly equally considering circumstances there's also defenders advantage from the Leicester so all no Hara falls back with more military than be less overall and if you look at the bill to count now Leary with the fish boom is going ham he's also added fish traps so as equal is really good right now it doesn't have extra counselors those it makes me think hair earlier is gonna do the won't easy approach again and do you think it's gonna work then we can see help the maxim the lesser actually booming really well they are considering that they have their de middle and that he recalled my light that usually get advantage in interim bilious these two behind now there's another big battle crowd bizarre nice all together here who is taking this battle better blues two plus two nights look at the nights now from the max be huge advantage in those are bread only push one armor for Nico the max might kill everything with all tides yeah I'm not sure why Nico sticking around here okay it's pulling back now but yeah there was nothing a really good fight for so me and that's maybe something that can snowball their position a little bit into their favor again now I think there's not enough crossbow numbers for the last extra counter-attack here the Knights of assailed max are doing really good now he has a significant lead on I'm Nico I'm not sure what has snowballed into this leads tested 1415 builder lead even for max Wow while Nick I've had fish and I haven't seen any damage being done maybe he got raided somewhere earlier I didn't notice I'm not sure if you saw anything but it's definitely a Mexican ability job here he was trying to raid with light guess he didn't he provoked some either time you know when the light says were around but other than that not to match but again those are fruits too close to nice it's still really really solid as you say on the way to impede a Leary but I'm not sure about this I mean if he's going to the pocket or to the other side maybe it's gonna work but right now soupy has already a broom going with how many TC Street own centers leaving it right now need to make the damage quite fast otherwise I don't know I mean what they say is still our Ville is it they are very dangerous but the others seems to be a little bit ahead look at the village number they are growing and growing the max the mascot sixteen Phillies more than make up as a pocket right now an imperialist virulent looking way better for sooner than I anticipated first but at the same time you asked me if it's gonna work this game would clear one TC well this game he also has what 16 15 efficient ship Stella the efficient ships so that's even better than actually and the big thing now is that Nico is actually the best isn't lithium as well very impressive the lira is gonna have 40 herbalist here that are gonna go straight to pocket but look to it and that's enough to take advantage where you can idle and cause so much damage especially on these map orders you cannot really wall and there's hills everywhere I imagine Max is gonna have a really hard time now with so much obvious economy I don't it's just never even runs all the way up to the lesser look alley really usually don't allow this time decided game a look at the wood at the goal stone walls viper he also wallet with the houses well in everything because he's getting in that spot they might in the lira economy how much is going to suffer but he still with the arches I'm trying to see where the arches are from Liam home in the middle of the map okay I see them and he's going like you said directly to the max but that's that's the player interfering right now they were looking at this core and thinking okay he's doing really well and they're comparing to Nikolas we pocket as well right oh and all right one whoa there's called difference man forth I mean 1,500 points already max is the rating the comparison is the base it was right on the wood line it wasn't rated on the farms now and that's where the lead is coming from but the problem now - max is how does he deal with all these artless coming still in castrate is not on the way to impact and with this coming in he needs to make a decision now he wants to make more nice to try and deal with this or it is going to go to imperil ish and told you can go in now I mean how could be Fantini the army and look at the air he's gonna take the tower with the RLS might as well right yeah thing is if Mexico soon he's not gonna be making any army and there's just no way from two defenders this move by Leary here is looking like it might be game deciding well it might be but then we have now the Mongols going to be in even PDL to these do not know the tower Kimi to make that tower is gonna be war tower gonna be a little bit better he's breathing a lot a lot now should be we have a second cast of that power is about our oh my god it's about complete our 99-97 percent craziest of care by the Leary Nikko has the same builders now as the max as well and the big thing now is can be let's do anything in his hair he's coming with kappa ramm now ton of árboles there's awesome nights from the max but Hera just hit him he's going to get or bless it's going to get up crazy needs and I imagine the only issue dumped him is the Rams right but there are nice Hunico there it might be enough there's one team to take in consideration soup peas with a table is but he's doing the Oneg elaborate do you team that well if he's doing in mind he's bringing with for my girl is gonna be on a guy shot into into Lily no now earlier is going to attack probably the last in mind these oh my god the kids Leary is moving on over the Bob and now is going to be less I mean one PC 72 bilious 68 army going all over the map and killing you were right mr. Piper absolutely everywhere yeah the the honors zippy is doing drill as well as the owners will be able to chase up the last is doing see Graham this is gonna be a really scary attack on Steve Johnson and supa could even send those four oranges all the way up to contribute to the attack against Hera and then that's not easy and zippy has 90 villagers he's fully in the game now max obviously took a lot of damage here but he's not that an out he still on equal terms with Nico but if sookie now gets into a full post Imperial Mongols play doesn't mean game is very interesting yeah now look at now the less viper kidding about this and this is todd you need to call the undertaker the undertaker to take those bodies we can look at these skeezy that notices we've seen a lot of believes this was so more oh my goodness now be less then Lois Phillies in the game because Leo is killing everything there everything India tried to push seats Ramsey in the other side is true that he was focusing in there in there in the future and he's gonna do it where's the honors I'm trying to find the oldest man and the owners are now taking those animals on the lab he's here now that's crazy and both pockets finally joined apartment but the moves every move inherit any cookies on the way though they might have been a case made for saving those but then again you're cleaning up the whole army and be less he's the top scorer on the team and he just got crushed down to 50 population that's not it's incredible I mean the multitasking is complicated but it just happened just at the same time he was trying to push completely was trying to push and then he got destroyed at home and kill all the military the owners he's gonna help I don't know what supey is still with handed village 15 army the last 44 villas viper he could destroy it man exactly and this is just this map is really tough once their stuff going on that's what I'm saying with the hills in fact you cannot properly wall there it's so hard to make make your whole economy safe and the less is base is the prime examples are frightening he just is you see incredible the damage they beat to to go he cool about this well one castle a call me my key didn't have any defense at home he didn't Safety's coming but do you need something when did you see that happening I don't know a couple of towers even though it will help but he went all aiming to in to hero and maybe wasn't needed because should be like to say these fullback well not for back in the game but elite magma dies all the operates on Ares with the drill and now the less is keep loosing more and more in this decided game that this looks more and more for a secret pursues a yet run final indeed it could make the case here that if that's just sent his whole army back all the foreyard list he would have been completely fine and Lyra's orbits would have done more right they already did a lot of damage to max yes but Leary only has or blast there's no siege there's no traps there's no ramps or anything to take them castles to buildings the worst case nor is that they idle economy or kill villagers and with those artists at home yes Hara would have been fully in the game and been able to push back but at least he would have had his own economy alive and that's probably in hindsight what could have potentially kept them in the game but right now it's looking really tough and and soupy was going there I mean he's just with the auditors just put together all the other lists at home and with the owners think they would make some huge buy the booze and kills now knee cup that was super bhai nice even I had to weld them access to 140 Billy's 5 consented but they have one player out of the game and Nico able to make Cavalli's a bit faster than that the max that that was almost impossible to think about that five minutes ago yeah now there's three armies in Max's base as well as Cavalier is our blast from both Larry and Hera and it's not like Sophie is suddenly like pushing Leary he's just spending as various and that's kind of like they don't have anything the last town centers are completely idle his main PC is down and superior I don't know if you look at the bottom corner it's the way I look right now but it's doing another nothing castle which I don't really understand but okay that's not where the focus is right now well he's trying to get some more resources that now look at the Arabian look at their rating to score lady seem credibly high now because they are just killing absolutely everything soupy is still only 920 population we have hassle to say Viper that in this kind of situation that you have to help at the moment is definitely not the best immunization to help with the teammate because the transition is very very slow super strong yes but they they are hard to to get there and now II want this is still here is do with one town center and let's just say not even Rams seat or anything but well they did didn't didn't the work together this time and mister be less lost everything and he can loosen theses Viper yeah that's the thing that when once there is like 34 the herbalist in your in between your counselors like on this map like I said there's so many hills in some areas that will be exposed at once there's thirty orbitals there and you're in Castle age it's not too much you can do right your fourth look at the way next is Bill Thompson is here because he knows the equals and complete disaster you just build a line and kept making new town centers in order to secure economy but at this point it looks like there is no no coming back from this they were down to three and they had to win the two mini games and looks like they're just about to put up yeah and they did not like oh what the water like clear I mean these game was looking but from the start they took the water easily I would say now these paladins of course the combination now with palace and magnetizes is very solid the max 36 army take at the army from nick of right now 17 military men 17 military from the argentinian with total the paladins is just gonna be in for them to come back a discourse say that these are big dear friends and Piper to borrow most likely you will have to face a and boys a guy oh boy oh boy in here and it might be better because now you're just kind of thank for the mega day this might be the final fight of the game actually looks like Solman might come on that's actually considering Max's situation I think it did really well to get so many paladin's out and actually even get to probably an upgrade very impressive but they're they're coming again they are just to the center and they are simply delaying that inevitable less it's 34 population and this is a 48 minute game the less I see units secret versus a.m. this series could go either either one or the other and at the end Niq of living here in this van and Lyra Kira and MBL in the other in the the six-digit job and they come back and am for three pursue suit on me well man two three four three no pressure it seems to am do you think they feel that that pressure because at the end Swami is always there is very close but hmm they keep in the semi-finals right so do you think that can can matter because I don't know I think they they were doing a really good job they did a good job in there in this game to be honest I thought that they were coming come coming back even if they lost water so what do you think mr. Piper I think stormy lost this with the draft but I think yeah I feel like I am just simply out rather than produce less to maps and obviously it execution area most with a good on top of that but I feel like for both games I would have easily picked am if I had to choose two civilizations so I am they're a good supplementary draft here and they performed really well on top of that so that's that's a really good compliment for a Emma coming from you Viper as well because well many people people said in the past that they am was getting probably with the trap and they probably clearly dominated in the in that one also that much yards Berber decisions can mattis - yeah I yeah i think purpose would have made more sense here but this game is also a game that is more likely to go to paladin right so i understand the thought process of wanting the paladin save here and but if i look at the draft here I see that Lithuanians for example is not chosen they would have also been a better better pockets of here for so means that my girls in my opinion I don't have I think probably the something like Burmese could be better or beach fight and then they could have used students as the pocket save their for example there's just some draft stuff that I might disagree with but then again drafting and civilization choices are very individual as to what you prefer right so it's hard to say but only by pre if like you said if super sorry if the last stages at home waiting a little he don't lose his face indeed yes but that also gives hair out the chance to take full Mac control on the topside and push into blast from that side again while the less is trying to defend from the bottom though I think it's inevitable what happens either way here once Liris into the base of max I think that's where the damage gets done and anything from there is just a chain reaction from the fact that max is getting slowed down a lot casting mentally waste if I pressed allowed what do you want what do you want just allowed what they want just allowed the tournament or me what would you what do you want for you man you are not to sell out you are professional caster right mister my prayer professional caster of course how do you cancel out if you want diaper you know I mean it's almost the end of the string dude you can do whatever you want well not guys the channel I have a new tick-tock Channel okay Leon tick-tock I hear sellout this is what happens okay did you sell out for yourself oh boy oh boy mr. vibrant this is how he's working the face man well you didn't listen to my house call so this is revenge no but no but I really enjoyed casting is actually surprisingly I'm not a big fan of casting which is probably why we haven't casted together before very rarely say yes to casting but I actually enjoyed it the series was great and thanks to you for hosting tournament of course thanks for everyone watching and people I know there's a few of you guys with prime subs out there you can improve the prize pool guys give more money to us mmm and make the prize pool better use your twitch prime now now or never right now or never in any way let's take their their their statistics you did finally study C's of this game because well it's gonna be I mean I'm gonna take all the VIPRE at the timeline the timeline just look at the timeline from be less at one point look how it juice well destroyed literally a little bit after the Imperial and his population just get demolition by by a.m. and from there they couldn't come back completely destroyed military you can see hello Debbie and the de max 43 largest army 76 Leary almost 200 unit kills at the end guys the woman's always rage no matter what yes true they always rated you you agreed right by they always range man no problem I agree nothing and they always want to know everything right everything man you be the couch tonight man well welcome to my world man mr. Viper and thank you so much for for mystery man no the pleasure thanks for having me well a pleasure man it was for me the the first time not pretty in any more in that regard and hopefully it's not gonna be the time okay tomorrow plan for that I hope my prayer please last year do you want repeat of last boa I want the repeat of the final of last boa no no yeah yeah because if you do you don't win because it's +11 okay do you want a 5-0 please sit please sit by prayer it slowed down a little 5 4 please 94 ok I mean 5 free at least ok I don't know don't think I can control that but yeah we're not far best a.m. is gonna be I think they're looking really strong now Hara obviously has been improving a lot since last boa I don't know if you know with them Lesley yes oh he's like a really good addition to their team right so a.m. are gonna be tough and I'm looking forward to tomorrow should be a lot of fun Nate you met me to dress well Debbie don't be too taut with Viper kini to to to dominate tomorrow be toast tomorrow Debbie so mr. Viper thank you so much man see you tomorrow Thank You Man we get great games thank you for coming see you tomorrow bye bye whoa guys this has been man for three series am came back and maybe now we can't always here I don't know to an interview you know let's see if he rides around and we can go for for the interview with Hira and hopefully did you enjoy a lot it was amazing really really amazing to remember tomorrow live games ok live games ain't gonna show you now this is what its gonna happen tomorrow beautiful beautiful teen secret a.m. the Viper tattoo down slam daily am here a leery MBL nick of what the team guys what two teams and let's see if if he's here tomorrow it's 14 GMT okay it's a 14 GMT doesn't matter motility if they are at 13:00 GMT waiting one hour in the channel I will be happy is but for them not for me you know motility thank you mod okay man here we are here we are with who we are here mr. Harry I guess oh my god oh you got jealous because I called mr. Piper not mistake here too we with the casting okay well here I am congratulations has been a really long time that we didn't talk and I want to tell you something um it's really nice because you did an amazing a perfect casting knowing that you were going to be in the grand final you didn't spoil anything do you even say that you were going to be there no matter what and there was at some point that you make even some some sentence during the casting that I thought that you lost these cities because usually no matter what maybe you are down but then when you you say but when you lose and that feeling leaving is not the same and I thought that you were losing the series because of that good job yeah I mean like I said I have good poker face like I feel like it regardless what I say you can't unless I flat out you know say what happened you can't really figure out what happened or what was the score so I just I just went about it as if I wasn't sure what happened and I only talked about the semi final me verse or us am versus you or me that's pretty much it I didn't talk about anything with the finals and now we can talk now we can talk about the series because I'm gonna put the maps there so we can see all the maps and we can analyze I love this overlay by the way because all the maps are there now Arabia brutal and smooth gameplay from am even when they were trying to attack you a lot in the middle let's see if I remember all the maps yeah I mean I'm not sure how much I can comment on the maps of the games here though just fair warning because we have the final tomorrow so yeah well so then they'd use congratulations because you don't want to comment but just a feeling let's talk just about the Phillies when you were to three behind and what what do you what you are thinking the team like oh man they are going to beat us and we can the grandfather in those moments what is the behind scene between between a.m. or Leary Jews Rache everyone now what this day is man what what happened well the thing is in that position you have to just have the mindset to play the game for the game and not play it for the prize or what's at stake like just play it in the moment and don't think about what's coming after and the results so we just put it in perspective we have two games to play with two maps to play and we're gonna draft like that it doesn't matter if it's for $1000 for $10,000 for the grand finalist doesn't matter you just play the maps to play the game okay I'm gonna ask you something and this is really important you are listening to me really careful right when was the last time we played seven games in a row saving is in a row he's not gonna I mean he's he gonna play the grand final two more because maybe he's exhausted already actually finished funny story he played so the day before we played the semi-final he we played a seventh set seven game Seth versus China practice Larry played 14 games in two days that's more than he's played in the whole 2020 in the whole year so yeah like Larry was actually just like depressed after that just just because he played so much every basically I mean you all played amazing and now you're gonna call me fat boy but he has played very strong all the games like yeah and that guy without practicing is impressive how he can play at that level seriously yeah I think he was the MVP of the series especially this one I mean he was bench for the other ones anyways but but this series I think he played really well especially the last game I don't know he just plays really solid on flank and it's always a guy you can rely on you know yeah well I'm not gonna take them more time to you here I only can say that the secret tomorrow play like he dated today I guys India and am played like you did today because we don't have to forget that you want 43 but show me played amazing so I mean he's you playing that level they put a huge fight but then tomorrow it can be incredibly epic series and this is what we all want yeah yeah although I do you think that a.m. has to step it up a little bit we made too many mistakes in the series I think I lost my team the game on desert slope for example so I think there's some mistakes we have to clean up but overall overall I'm happy with how we play it for sure and it's gonna be interesting it's not difficult I mean in this is slope honestly I don't know if you were watching the games or something the difference which you had is that you guys were not my current to go outside the village Sunday Underwood well swami was my current from minute seed oh yeah exactly the mistake so we watch the rest obviously we know what to do now I'm not gonna talk too much about ok so there we go no problem congratulation and tomorrow more and better yeah thank you so much man take care and you know congrats on the event as well yeah Thank You Man I'll see you I'll see you tomorrow good luck tomorrow thank you for coming again alright well guys this is Battle of Africa to grand finals beautiful one from crostini he brought it here and hopefully you really have enjoyed this is for people on YouTube ah beautiful guys beautiful
Channel: MembTV - Age of Empires
Views: 18,548
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Battle of Africa 2, BOA2, Sick semifinal, TheViper, aM, Aftermath, Suomi, Finland, Liereyy, Hera, MbL, Nicov, Rubenstock, Zuppi, TheMax, Villese, Best of 7
Id: KStSI1De0v8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 200min 42sec (12042 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 07 2020
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