$5,000 Challenge Showmatch! TheViper vs Hera

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okay i will explain the rules of this show match um it's a five thousand dollar show match very generously sponsored by deep bdot um it's a special one because it's it's a challenge show match in many ways so whoever it's not about necessarily about winning the game each win gives 50 but ignore that for every game there will be one guy who is the challenger so for game one hera is going to be the challenger meaning b dot is going to give hera one challenge and if he manages to do that challenge he will get pretty much score a point for that very game and so it's we're gonna start up it's gonna be a normal game for me it's a completely normal game i play i try to win but if i kind of realize what this challenge is i can obviously try to stop it we are not allowed to resign unless we're 1 000 score behind our opponent because in that case we'll be like oh he's like he's trying to to collect trade gold i'll just resign so he doesn't complete the challenge like that's not allowed you have to be one thousand score behind to resign uh b dot gives the challenges he has prepared a couple and so yes pretty much whoever completes three challenges first is going to be uh the champion you could lose six games but have won three or completed three challenges and you are victorious in the in the show match what happens if you tie then we'll play until we're untied or we'll do one regular game just to like figure out who wins so the situation is here hero will be given a challenge now and will we all know what challenges you get if you are watching on my point of view you will not oh god if you are watching my point of view you will not know the challenge that hera has until the game is over however slam is the main caster of this show match so if you want to like keep up with all the challenges and everything you should check out slam's twitch channel he will be giving out the challenges on his channel with bdodd and i think t9 is co-casting with him so do check that out um but yeah when i am the challenger when i will get the challenge you guys will obviously hear what what i am what challenge i have right and again i am not allowed to read chat i'm not allowed to have text to speech while everything is going on so yeah it's uh i will be talking and commenting as i play but i'm not allowed to like interact and read your chat and everything because it's very very likely that i would get spoiled about the challenge through the chat i can so he picks chinese for himself freaking bastard man give me the shittiest sieve of them all all right guys i need to now close chat and mute alerts because i am not allowed to see that and yeah we're gonna get ready to go here i'll pretty much be talking to myself and um it's gonna be a bit weird all right i can't see nothing all right see see you after the game i guess guys i i am so i have so much a habit of looking there though it's gonna be weird i think he came for gun dance what an ass okay so he will be told the challenge after the game how do they communicate with him though [Music] what do we even do as shitty gundams i think like a one pc full cavalier push of some sorts might be an interesting choice i also don't know if we're playing with lamy or not amy might be a part of the challenge at some point we'll see i keep looking over there but there's nothing for me to see all right both boards to the back nice and nice or goodness i haven't really played them much since they were changed i'm not really sure i should do a pr equal upgrades in dark age and so forth in the newest patch as well there will be a 50 discount on the equal upgrades as well so that's going to be quite significant boost certainly might be top tiers as obsidian also for everyone who's text-to-speech and alerts do not have sound anymore so we'll of course get around to alerts subs donations but not after games in that case i'm gonna try to do i'm thinking i think you can really improvise with the build here i think you can do like one on wood eight or nine on food and then only and then you add more wheels to wood as the game goes on but you also do double bedex with extra food you get there's certain ways to improvise here this feels so weird to stream there's no one there but i mean i know you're there but i don't see chat no one to laugh at me when i make mistakes i guess you're still laughing but i can't see it i'm doing double bit x next let's go i mean i could do loom and double bit x that's probably not worth it yeah don't be next let's go i'm still really not sure if it's worth it or not still missing two sheep as well might be looking in vain from my ship seems like he's dirty and deer based on his score so yeah it could easily be my ship or there there as well but ugly situation if my ship were there it's not unlikely he found them oh they were there now we know okay so i guess as the game goes on we also can also have to try and figure out what exactly his challenge is based on how he's playing ah garrison this challenge loses scout to the tc it was kind of bad for me it was a lot of idle time and the fortune okay well that was a good good start in many ways that he lost so much hp question also how fast we do like both song things seems like a scout player from him i'm going scouts myself this is the opening i need to confirm what he's doing let's see me there this is stable he saw me hunting together so he's gonna be targeting that for sure okay so my plan is to go really aggressive and like two legs will just be a standard scout so i'm gonna do equal upgrades doing bosa right now and i will try to go for a very old image castle with cavalier sort of probably something along those lines it's gonna be my approach here as well [Music] start [Music] okay he makes an ashes which i would be in trouble but kind of hope that does not happen okay let's see in this basic to see anything that could resemble anything of a challenge not so far let's now move to gold was that not changed don't like that i didn't see what that was better get some upgrades and yeah foreign i'm going for these big walls i mean i'm playing i'm going to play super all-in-follow-up i think it makes sense to just oh fully well that see what happens there's a range two ranges let's do armor he doesn't have any upgrades on the scout let's not do armor [Music] if i did armor i would have fought here hope the best i think i need to do it even getting one spearman killer dancing would have been quite a guess we're doing heavy clown just buying some time [Music] i should have fought before hopefully he doesn't find this it's quite a risky move i need cavalier as well 15. still haven't seen anything that could resemble anything of a challenge i think he found my monastery yes he did feels bad man okay no reaction interesting live i guess we should be able to see what he made both scouts and also cavaliers in let's go [Music] probably can't finish them [Music] i mean those two can't finish them [Music] party oh that was not good [Music] that might be an army i could jump on though 12 units there a monk i love low hp units though i'm just gonna counter attack first or pick up reinforcements [Music] [Music] ah don't waste like that i'm not oh my god i was a waste and we're just gonna i think my cavalier beefed his camels at the moment you're just gonna have to stick with the all in here there is really no turning back here or turning back now let's do that instead we are on the timer though we can we're gonna have to make something happen [Music] soon and by that i mean very soon probably heal them up and then i'm probably going to go and take a fight probably a lot of it all in chat is like relics relics they won't be an impact on this game this game will end one way or another with an all-in from me the issue would be if he gets a castle up he has an instant there well that should be a pretty good fight for you i reckon yeah let's see if we can figure out what his challenge is hey we have a crossbow he probably realizes that i'm going very old in though it would surprise me a lot if this oh gg oh he's not allowed to resign he has to be a thousand score behind in theory to resign um the rules are let me open chat then since the game is up he is supposed to be at least a thousands only for his challenge wait oh he can probably resign as the the one who is doing the challenge that makes sense yeah it makes sense what was his challenge did he did he manage his challenge i don't know what his challenge was so it's that's the can someone tell me what this challenge was 100 wills of the same gender 100 gender bills in a camp okay he says challenge one bible camp challenge place 100 bills of the same gender right place 100 bills of the same gender into a walled enclosure with only an outpost at the center when not required vipers wins challenge not completed oh viper wins challenge not complete oh he had to win as well all we had to do that and win oh that sounds really difficult like a challenge like that in such a high level game i think the only way he can do that is pretty much if he went bring he didn't have to win oh okay okay that was just like a summary for b dot at the end um i think the best approach for that would be pretty much what he's doing to a certain extent so do what he do what he does but try to bring it to late game 200 population and then he can like try to collect 100 wheels of the same gender once it's like a stable post in situation right okay i think our play style here kind of perfectly worked up against that we just go for the full all-in um so yeah that was pretty good good for us can we have it in our favor economy is not too big of a difference well with this quite big difference but yeah all right well worked out [Music] i will go britain's i'll give him spanish and i will tell you guys the challenge after i guess in this case i'm allowed to have chat open or i probably shouldn't just to make it the same all the time probably keep the chat i'll put a chat away again what challenge i'm going to tell you as soon as we start the game because i don't want anyone to run over to harrah's chat and spoil it okay i'm gonna put the everything away and then we go the challenge is let me just double check that i'm right the challenge is called adult castle and it's uh built a castle using only converted villagers win is required so yeah i need to build a castle with converted villagers so i'm i'm thinking about someone like playing crossbow monks and then somehow getting if i convert a spanish villager he keeps his building bonus right well either way it's a good signature for britons but i could convert one villager just bring him home to safety and build a castle safely in my base with one villager because that would mean i do complete that challenge that's kind of my plan to somehow convert a villager and send him back to my base to build a castle but i also have to win this game guys i also have to win that's another important aspect of this so yeah we're gonna have to see how it goes i think it's doable but it's gonna be it's gonna be really hard to get that villager converted and bring him safely home right but uh yeah yeah we'll try we'll try i believe ready spanish aren't necessarily a really bad civilized britons but britains do have obviously some eco bonuses that make them quite good but spanish can easily play scorm knight and in thea will be okay but britain's should still be better i think we'll we'll play a very standard opening very standard follow-up what not and just try to bring it into a normal game and yeah difficult thing is that we also have to win that's where this becomes really difficult do you have a condition to fulfill and then you also need to win but it definitely is a doable one i would say the one thing that makes it okayish is that you can pick visualizations for yourself and the opponent and keep in mind you cannot repeat civs either so um burgundis in chinese will not be seen again in this showmatch he will not be allowed to give me uh spanish for example in like the next match all woodland we have no woodlands in the back which is a bit annoying and a bit unfortunate [Music] certainly is still doable how did that fail i was sure i would get that one because the villager was a little too far away thereabout i feel like i may be up against here yay could very well be just scouts opening again on this end ready i'll do the very popular main arms opening here into a few archers expecting him to play mighty man arms himself but he will follow up maybe with skirms indeed ready he comes forward with my arms here that's gonna be very awkward for me that's a great start oh he did come forward with my arms i'm sleeping fortunately for us we didn't get that thing up didn't get our range up looks like he's happy with just taking off my ready there all right this is getting messy i'm gonna lose another villager here most likely indeed oh my god there's another one i think i lost in another one it doesn't have a blacksmith yet that's a room for potential that's potential for me here we gotta try to utilize that ready i definitely lost more wheels than i would have liked to here we should have that very soon that scout's got a lot of value and what's the situation actually we should be behind the wheels still have britons which should be which always but we should have also probably been in a better spot see it's fully walled up very passive safe approach oh my god very accurate [Music] there'll be a lot of activity right now so a lot of action safe to say that's stable [Music] guess now it's about going to the to the castleage probably drop a stable here so i can mix in some scouts if that's going to be necessary but he should be having advantage on the castle here compared to us yes that is nice [Music] anyway [Music] i think that was good for me the value we got from from that minute usually it casts later slightly before us any second now i would imagine i'm just going to go for a big wall and keep those alive surprised there isn't castles yet i was expecting him to be yeah overestimated how strong how good he got out of that opening not impossible [Music] okay so i need to convert a villager and build a castle with it it's such an awkward challenge yes [Music] [Music] required again he's not allowed to resign we should have a pretty good position here now he's not allowed to resign until there's a thousand score difference between us i wonder if he will realize what what i have to do when i come forward with a monk to try and get the villager from him okay get out of there get out of there nice that was important where can i even safely get a villager here [Music] how can i make it not obvious to him as well that i need a villager to convert this is so awkward in many ways i also have to win the game in the end and that's still going to be difficult i think score is close mostly because of [Music] scouting here that's not a monster [Music] where do i get a villager his base is so fortified i think for a time being i just need to get relic set it up for late for game very awkward i really don't know how to how to sneak a villager from him where could i possibly find the situation to sneak a villager from him [Music] hmm [Music] is everything except smooth at the moment as well [Music] so even though [Music] what i'm going to need some help here bring a villager forward please do something thing is as well in case it's starting to look really good for me he cannot be a a thousand score behind means he can resign oh this is bad i can grab a villager in the meantime yes [Music] my whole point here kill them whole point here was to grab a villager oh this is it this is it let's go oh that's it [Music] he lives he lives we got it let's go let's go okay him alone is going to build this castle and no one else him alone is building that castle we also have four relics it should be hard to lose from here i like my position a lot let's go wait that's not him wait oh my god are you kidding me did i fail it now did i accidentally put two wheels building that a little bit now it's only him i built a little bit of it with [Music] two wheels did i really fail it now oh my god i'm sad if that's the case i built accidentally with two wheels for a few seconds wait wait i can build another one i delete it i build a new one now it's only him okay fixed fixed we fixed it fixed that one was important just gotta make sure no one else touches that castle [Music] ready [Music] he's the only one building that's good i don't even have wood upgrades [Music] it feels that way given the score but then again he did lose a lot of villagers there's a chance that he's not oh there they are i'm just gonna idle here i think myself all right we pulled off our challenge so far now we just gotta win the game we did it there's the castle let's go all right even get the last relic here obviously things are looking quite nice style [Music] i am so happy we got that villager man that decides this whole challenge for me [Music] there's a thousand score difference now there's a chance he resigns maybe when i hit him he will resign i mean still doesn't resign just fine honestly but yeah i mean i'm a really good spot here should be unreasonable from here considering all the circumstances do you have enough hills yeah let's go i should have the scoreboard here let's go get it let me let me add the scoreboard quickly yeah scoreboard sorry someone asked for the apm thing sorry i forgot to pull it up um where is my scoreboard even okay so it's a 5 000 show match challenges show match wiper one zero hera all right what was the challenge the challenge was to build a castle with only converted villagers i managed to collect or or convert one villager while there was a lot of uh stuff going on there uh and i managed to build a castle with one villager with that converted villagers so yeah i mean that villager coming back out here like this is where i got the conversion right if you think about his base layout it was really difficult because everything was kind of safe with town centers it was it would be really hard to actually collect the villager and bring him back home but we had army down here we had army on the top side so there was a lot of stuff going on and the villager came back there that was a that was what we needed um the first game was hera doing a challenge and he did not complete it so no one got the point there you only get points after you complete a challenge and in this case i managed to complete the challenge here so uh yeah yeah that was kind of the thing like if you just get one villager you can just put them in the back of your base and build the castle safely and then you were fine but yeah i felt like early footage did not go well for me but we were able to to recover somehow my equipments were so late though pit axe everything hero doesn't know the challenge no and obviously i didn't know the challenge of hera either in the first game but uh yeah yeah i mean i was like when i built the castle with the two other bills i was like wait i messed up the challenge i'm screwed obviously i can just build a new castle with that villager yes uh bear rhyme uh i would appreciate if you i'm gonna time you out quickly for that like if anyone gets if we're ever playing against an opponent we're ever playing against an opponent and he might be a little bit frustrated on his stream and whatnot that's not something to encourage and be like ah it's so funny to watch him till to be annoyed what now what not and then go to other streamers and be like hey guys you should you should check out his stream he's so tilted and things like that that's just absolute nonsense you're just contributing to making a negative environment and that's that's not something i want here yeah my challenge was definitely i would say my challenge was definitely easier than his but then again his challenge as well if he with the big civ advantage that he had he also had a big chance to get to that late game to put 100 villagers into one pen but of course i would say my challenge was easier both players have a good attitude about it yeah i'm sure that's the case but you're saying he's not even tilting exactly but especially if he's not in tilting like you just but this is something that has been going on let's say the last year and a half if someone is having a bad day or a tilt or whatnot let's ignore today but to people run around in other streams and be like hahaha go there and check him out here he's tilting he's so mad it's just i don't get it pretty much yeah if there ever is an age of mythology de i will make that happen tutans against mongols oh boy boy what would happen if you resign before hair is completing the challenge i cannot resign until i'm a thousand score behind so in theory he has a window there okay let me put chat away theobromin thanks so much again for the five get subs let's go we have two things against mongols what is this challenge here i cannot tell from from this what this challenge is but um i have to wait and see to figure it out somehow did they do something about the maps bomb two games in a row boards are spawned in the back of the base i won't remember that being a thing on a regular right now closer and more safe his score is getting quite high i'm wondering if he's laying here well if he has a challenge about boars or something yeah two more sheep i'm missing just two sheets then hope we can bring them in there we go everything safe and sound try to figure out what his challenges thereafter you must be lured in there because i'm catching up in exploration points i'll probably just have a quick look around in his place to see if there's anything notable and after that i'll probably go back and listen there myself i guess we just go under there he was having quite a thing as well before he decided the sieves it might be a little bit of a complicated one it's hard with no chat to interact with this feels weird like i just sit there and play like who does that i think i wall that off like that let's also wall this and we'll focus all our attention on the right side barracks unstable don't want any unwanted customers don't you steal my ship man give it back give it back such a lamer man at this point hey which case i would have to react really fast what he's doing okay this scout's confirmed house jesus huh need to figure out if there's a follow-up of any sorts of archer switch anything like that not like this no that's really bad that hurts [Music] not on gold yet still fully open oh he's blowing now will you let me out oh yes it's going to be fully world now so i don't think i should make more scouts lucky we should even be ambitious it's very ambitious very ambitious maybe we'll even play mangudai which is something to struggle to deal with it becomes very passive games in some regard because of civilization differences you will have naturally all the initiative in the game from being mongols you kind of can just react what he's doing he wants to fight bad time for me to move out you do upgrades ouch i can't probably take that fight but still it took more damage than we would've liked wait that's even my second building i'm gonna need that to go up yeah still still haven't seen any indication of what his challenge could be it could be one that comes into play later we're actually gonna have to wait and see i reckon his cast stage time should also be quite solid here [Music] oh i don't see a second stone which leads me to think he has it in the back of his base here which leads me to think that he's playing mangudai and he probably has some challenge with uniqueness maybe i don't know hard to say adding more another scout why is he not up yet okay i'm very confused now to what's going on not gonna lie there's the castle i'm gonna confirmed which is why i need my scout numbers to go up uh my monk number is to climb quite fast see what we can do here once it gets up to like let's say 10 manga with upgrades that's going to be annoying to deal with is that open oh why is that opening [Music] uh i'm titans hello in your game did you forget that i'm tutans or what the game forgot that i'm tootins man all right how do we deal with this how do we do it wait did he build a tc there did i run past villagers that were building a town center i feel like that may have been the case [Music] oopsy oh not ready for that what's going on that's not a good time to pause yes okay i mean i'm gonna have to make a skirmisher switch of some sort here i cannot continue playing slow knights against mangray that doesn't work in the long run also still no real idea what this challenge could be [Music] i reckon economically i probably have a slight lead oh no i gave him the relic i showed him the relic rather here that's the big wigs the thing is students don't have husbandry right so i mean we can never catch those manga we can micro those forever yeah we got a kill happy days happy days i think my equals still might be slightly better than his obviously there's no guarantee about that oh my god [Music] are you kidding me where's that lowest p1 look how slow they are oh my god [Music] okay we got another kill would be worse i guess don't like our position though big chance that he's on the way to [Music] impair as well i don't see any last relic starting to get to decent numbers in skirmishers but still you just feel so hopeless it's fighting i think i have enough now to trade okay yeah i am worried about this imp time two relics for us oh he's a castle that's ugly [Music] how do we take that back that position most like the answer is we don't i think we just have to go for paladin skirms honestly and just try to make the best out of it don't really have too many on the other options that i can see what is this saturated stone mine how did that happen hey free kill [Music] take those [Music] from [Music] yeah this has not been a pretty one oh my god do it like that you should be imp there we go it's not gonna be easier now that ain't gonna make it easier okay he has to lead mangrove but he doesn't have bracer so there is potential for me here [Music] to get a castle up at least [Music] i think we also we just go straight for paladin and try to play a cost-effective game i guess i mean he has more relics than us as well so question on that cost efficiency is always going to be there but you don't really have any options could be a relic in the corner here do i doubt it there you go traps and try to make like one big push he still has a challenge keep in mind right i have no idea what that challenge is but i'd imagine it's looking good for him to accomplish that i mean i could resign i'm a thousand score behind i could do a quick resign here and hope that he hasn't completed his challenge that could be uh my game or a way to try but that feels cheap though gimmick relations i need we're trading okay there ventilation's castles oh my god he's taking so much stone there that stoneman is all gone already i am he has a castle there as well yeah i mean we just have to go for one big push it's very lucky that he has completed this challenge here very likely so i'm just gonna try one bit one big push and then we'll [Music] resign [Music] we're getting close to max out there goes nothing pretty much you guys are gonna get to watch the sweet death of all my paladin you might lose i probably should have gone full on your health but even then i think i was too far behind in early game to make a proper fight out of it let's call it let's find out what his challenge was i'll bring up chat here so what was this challenge i don't really see anything it didn't do anything special i don't understand the challenge i won era had no chance he failed challenge what was his challenge it didn't do the challenge he trolled so hard he does he needed to send a wheel inside a ram and build an outpost need to build an outpost in all four corners why didn't he do that like what he didn't even make an attempt to do that i don't get it there's a seat workshop i guess this was to build around oh wait there was a red look there oh my god i actually had relic advantage i completely forgot that i walled the relic in the in the wall i can't see it on the minimap true and the veil couldn't die ever oh it had to be the same villager it had to be the same villager in a ram ah okay relic and bottom left as well where i don't think there's any relics in the bottom left the villager had to be transported by a ram using the same village to build all four outposts the villager had to be transferred directly from a town center that is quite difficult to pull off i would say because he would have to get up there and that's covered by trees so i don't know i mean i guess it would have been accepted if it built it there but yeah that one is a win is not required oh i didn't have to win and why did he win so convincingly though i don't i think he made a mistake then in how much ahead he put himself right he could have just gotten for the mangra sit on sit on his position and start the outpost thing you could have cleaned this wall and then come back and then come in with the ram later i don't know it's a very difficult challenge though for sure what is the white thing we see in the mini map bottom left the wolf maybe or my scout probably a scout that's a tough challenge okay uh search for haris heller on spotify i'm using a playlist by harris heller called stream beats lo-fi that's the playlist i'm using in the background okay i've removed the chat now um what is my challenge let me have it up here so i can read it just double check it's called blood sacrifice every eco upgrade requires you to delete five villagers you must build a wonder and delete 50 villagers as the base at the base of the wonder when not required so if i want to do an eco if you have to delete five villagers and i need to build a wonder and i need to delete 50 villagers at the base of the wonder i have a theory of how i could pull it off and we'll explain it to you so vikings obviously i got wheelbarrow and handcart for free so i don't think i'm gonna do a single eco upgrade i think i will stay one tc for the most part i will try to fortify my position to a certain extent maybe take some hopefully take some early lead with economy and whatnot and then try to fortify my position a little bit i will try to do like a fast imp possibly on like i might have to add the second tc at least but yeah i'll try to do a fastest fast-ish imp with maybe 60 or so villagers and then i will just go all in for the for the wonder and the 50 villager deletions i don't think i'll do a single eco upgrade this game i don't think i'll do a single equal upgrade don't want to delete villagers so yeah i'm not going to do a single equal upgrade yeah that's my that's my current game plan uh however it will work or not it's a whole different story i don't like i that like my boars are possibly gonna start oh why is he there um that's not necessarily an issue for me [Music] mata we'll probably try some quick walls there it's a big investment for me i mean it's just one villager but still i think we dealt with that okay obviously i got forced into doing that's also not really a problem is it are we taking this i'm not gonna take the risk i'm not gonna take the risk yeah i have too much to lose i did find all my sheep though and i also have all i thought it would my between the gold mine and i would try to trap him i be fine let me think what i could find here it could be that that was his plan with that villager by the way that he didn't care he just wanted to scout and force idle time for me but still there's no investment here i think i like my map a lot for that that gold backstone woodlands are not the best but the map overall is fine overlay oh all these guys see now that's the issue with um with streaming without alerts and chat i'm sorry guys i just my dad sent me a whatsapp message and said overlay so yeah i'm very sorry that was a bit of a disaster foreign oh barracks will be late here i guess i'm kind of okay with that oh no equal upgrades that's for sure i'm gonna make sure i don't oh wait i did wheelbarrow damn it i have to delete five wheels right luckily that's hopefully not how it works back side is still open probably go there and wall that too i'll do a big ball there gotta pay the price however expensive it may be he was ready to dive there he was ready to die i need to get a blacksmith i need touching for these guys asap militia will come in here i'm fine when i'm coming in i kind of want to clean them up could have trapped him there [Music] just checking that we didn't accidentally do an equal upgrade and it forgot to delete bills [Music] i want to see what he's doing you wish i might respond with on my own what am i scared of foreign oh part is that this probably like no eco approach will give you a big army so in theory it could even be a legit way of playing the game at least with vikings anyway i'll receive is probably not so much but yeah like this let's put i think [Music] three goals no no no old habits die hard ain't want that [Music] [Music] oh that's very nice for me he's just probably gonna keep diving on my units because his units will die anyway here [Music] [Music] my please we have 41 villagers in theory i don't need that many more i'm gonna play skirmisher defense here those crossbows are coming at my gold any second [Music] sacrifices oh my god it's going in let's scare him a little bit delete some walls he's gonna be wondering what that's for i opened that that's true not ideal let's hope that he does not have ballistics [Music] that's not good for me believe it or not that's a really bad adaptation on my end so far get ballistics please i have fifth okay i just want to check that into equal updates i have i have over 50 bills and theory now i could play imperial age you could do a castle get imperial age and just go all out for the wonder i think that's what i'm doing castle defense all out for wonder that's it let's go that's the plan we hope that we can survive i just need 50 wheels to be able to delete them after i build the wonder that's pretty much the situation if he brings knights now i'm in big trouble though well i am ready to drop the castle in a second mangano as well would be scary i just need to get in i don't need more food than a thousand after i have a thousand food i can stop i am scared that there is some lights on the way [Music] go back there we go it's all about stone and gold to get that wonder imperiled on the way now just not don't lose villagers to the point where i am [Music] i just need to build a wander and delete 50 wills under the wonder that should be possible now a thousand wood thousand stone a thousand gold that's the price okay we haven't done any eco upgrades and we got hand cart for free wood we need a thousand wood i kind of like my situation here i feel like it should be possible all i need to do is get that wander up with 50 villagers underneath to delete it to delete [Music] well if hera is kind of picking up on our challenge here no no stop spending wood what are you guys doing okay oh that's over 50 wheels let's go boys let's go just need to get this up i should have done trouble ukraine four percent [Music] now we wait now we wait pretty much ten percent let me read that i understood okay so blood sacrifice every eco upgrade requires you to delete five villagers you must build a wander and delete 50 villages at the base of the wonder when not required 25 it's so slow build faster faster faster why is it so slow why are you so slow 33 hera please give me the time give me the time if i was here or not i'd be like this is very fishy i should go and attack oh [Music] yeah we can do some sort of prep in case we get attacked he's gonna see the wonder and be like oh okay 60 he's imp though but 60 right this should be possible right my whole economy is here 70 i think we got it i think we got it 75 percent yeah this looks good yeah we're gonna make it 80 87 88 89. maybe hero will also think that oh he just needs to build a wonder oh boy here we go here we go i have time 95 yeah he knows that he's on time here right he tries to uh he tries to stop it right we did it let's go let's go let's bring up chat because you guys are saying we did it let's go he's gonna see the sacrifice indeed and it's a sacrifice to the norse gods where i come from i gotta i gotta pay homage to my my air my heirloom my whatever you call it my heritage so uh that is good it brings us to a 2-0 lead so it's looking very good for us we need to complete one more challenge to be to have a chance of winning this i was a hero as well set up here to kick my ass so yeah i had a strategy in mind it worked out conquest shouldn't be allowed uh it's standard oh wait he didn't get an alert that i built a wonder right because it's conquest um yeah that could be an a bad thing regarding this challenge yeah i can see how that could be bad what did you give him goth uh because goth is a sieve that you don't really kill anyone until imperialist anyway right uh like goth is to say that you don't really have an early advantage in many ways or any early advantage because you don't have eco bonuses you're kind of catching up to every other civ so it will take time for him to kill me and with vikings the reason i picked vikings was because they are a good counter pick to goth and also um [Music] what else to say a good counterpick to goth and also since i have to delete five villagers every single um eco upgrade i get wheelbarrow and handcart for free as vikings so that's why i wanted to go for them and yeah i mean it was it was just enough it was just enough yeah all right all right well looking good looking good uh thank you very very much amazing the messiah thanks for the sub as well there harry smith thanks for two months stuck in the castle oh i should turn away chat i'm just get over the last couple of subs there dr castle kakarot cs thank you uh appreciate all love guys if i miss anyone i'm very sorry i'm removing chat right now okay there we go if i miss anyone very very sorry for that but thank you very much for all the love and support okay so here he wants he wanted mayans here okay he gave us shitty sicilians yeah we're gonna have to try and figure out what exactly this challenge is here but next game will be match point uh regardless because next game i have a chance of getting to [Music] three challenge victories we're always gonna try and do that oh you can ignore with alt you can ignore the actual tree okay nice i didn't know i worked on buildings as well wait that's bad it's two tile gap in there you don't want to put the my aluminum cameras to target i wonder if any one of us will get like any laming challenge at some point wait mayans so what's with mines longer lasting resources what if he has some sort of resource thing that he has to do i'm still missing four sheep and both fours i'm lowkey getting a bit worried that they are gone i'm going all in for it i'm sending a bill already i'm sending a bill already there better be a board there following yeah uh i feel like i may have been lame though i cannot find two sheep and i don't see one of my pores that is not pretty very likely that i am down on board here and two sheep as well for that matter and i'm up against mayans this will be a tough one maybe manages to kill me fast enough that where he doesn't get to do his challenge though i hope i hope for that hopes could still be something up there but i highly doubt it but i mean i have to check just in case yeah i'm not feeling too optimistic about this one i think i'm just gonna go big walls right from the start try and survive this is about to be a tough one yeah so we're down on board [Music] can't foreign what he's doing at least i guess he had something a challenge about laming as well that's why he went to mainz would be my theory anyway still not able to click up this is gonna be really ugly my arms i need to go up oh it's a disaster 4.99 okay we're up let's go that's worth a try [Music] it's likely gonna be just archer follow-up i still have darkish walls by the way they're so weak show me that archer i think you should just go if i was like in his shoes it makes sense to just go castle age behind this because i cannot put any aggression on him for a long time here i think for him he could just go to castleage and like we haven't lost villagers and everything so it's like we have a fighting chance but um yeah we are very slow on initiative and i was equal upgrades have been delayed we had to farm make quite a few farms without horse color um yeah we're just gonna have to try and stabilize and pretty much bring it to a game i completely forgot that i made myself water earlier [Music] could be able to build a dungeon but maybe don john looks like they're going to be cheaper with the next patch might have 175 cost dungeons um dungeons might be tweaked so they cost only 175 stone instead of what is now which is two hundred where's fetching though feels bad man i lost my scouts all right this is still open just realized it's actually open still yeah like i'm struggling to do villager production along with everything freshman berries was also the right choice in his end eight farmers should be getting good quite fast but why do they not shoot um i really wonder what his challenge is is he just trying to kill me fast no has he already completed his challenge or what he's playing so aggressive here as if he wants to kill me already and i'm confused which makes me wonder he has already completed this challenge maybe and therefore he's like because maybe laming was part of the challenge right but so he might have had some layman challenge but he also had to win the game that's my current theory that's what three i'm not allowed to resign either until thousands score behind though so that's gonna also be a problem here so if he hasn't completed his challenge he will have plenty of time to do it all he needs as well is to add a few eagles and uh my skirms are kind of rendered useless [Music] and this caster tongue should also be so much better this would be a long struggle for us but we are just trying to survive and we're gonna be like five six hundred points behind and not allowed to resign and i think it's bad sport to just stop doing anything so you get lower score in order to be able to resign so i'm not going to do that [Music] show me your eagle i know you're there here where's the house outside let's have a look around [Music] yeah he has very likely clicked up to the cascade as well looking at the score yeah i mean i am dead but i'm not allowed to resign that's the issue let's hope there's a challenge here that we cannot finish in time but i would say based on the how fast he's trying to kill me i would say that he has completed his challenge foreign well that thousand score difference is about to get very close oh you gotta follow the rules he must have completed the challenge because there's no way he would still try to kill me this fast if he didn't have the challenge completed so i think we can just finish design here there's the thousand score difference and gigi let's uh find out what his challenge was yeah what was this challenge challenge was just gold units well he managed i don't see any non-gold units that's that's not a difficult challenge though yeah that's well that's some compensation it's a really simple challenge he lost he made a spearmint start accidentally and didn't use it and deleted it i would give him the i would give him the point yeah i assume we just got lame then we're dead yeah that's a that's like quite an easy challenge when you uh it was a quite an easy challenge when you also picked the sieves right uh i'll tell you the challenge now let me remove chat quickly okay so the challenge is like a national national national park something i have to build an enclosure with all my deer and there has to be forest on one side and all the other sides have to be the thing is it has to be deer all my deer and one enemy deer and if my enemy deer are not accessible i can replace that with three wolves so i think that's a possible one so my plan is pretty much i want to need to find my own deer to see how i can wall them and then i need to go and lay him and lure one deer from his side oh there's this deer okay okay okay as we already know the deer is there this should be possible okay okay okay okay okay they're very conveniently placed but it's still going to be a challenge to get the enemy deer all the way there yeah that's still going to be a little bit difficult but uh okay screw my resources i'm gonna go find his deer and try to lure it i also uh win not required so i don't have to win the game as well just so that's clear i just want to get the challenge out of the way and then we can play a normal game so i i gotta make sure i pull it off that's something i can do right away and that's also why i went for aztecs because you get extra vision with the ego the problem would be if if if he finds my eagle luring a deer from his base that's going to be very awkward because he probably understands that that's part of my challenge then and he will obviously try to stop it so we gotta hope that he does not find us or see us in any way and i hope that his deer are to the side or forward is it there in the back of his base that's also something that can get very difficult use that is good yeah we're in his in the proximity of his base now i just need to see some beautiful deer hello how are you please come here sorry not interested i'm already almost done a full circle and all this base and i still don't see the deer okay okay guys it's on it's on it's on it's on please hera don't be in the area and please dear rng be with me if that this deer decides to go back randomly i'm gonna be so sad wait i should have started the enclosure already okay scout is there oh come on dear oh god this will be a long journey he's probably gonna think i tried to quit blowing hopefully i'm gonna retreat that and leave it so he might think i was quickballing him so far so good i've never been this excited during a deer before this deer is potentially worth 3 500 think about that think about that let don't you be a and go back now please the love of god i need you to behave this is a challenge i would like to see that i'll try okay come on all good so far all good getting close we are getting close boys okay okay we trapped the enemy deer that's that's all we needed to do uh everything else we can bring in now the enemy deer is inside now i just need to bring in the other deer obviously i'm still gonna try and win the game let's not forget about that don't be like this please okay we have one more one more deer to go inside come on sweetie sweetie please did it i can't see chat i'm not sure why i looked over there the challenge complete let's go baby let's go okay now let's try win the game uh what are we going for here barracks i'm not taking gold ah okay what am i even doing here i don't have any resource 25 pop up are you kidding me well that's a disaster and a half let's see what's coming our way i guess it's just going archers you must be wondering what the hell i'm doing honestly i don't even know what i'm doing myself to be completely honest yeah we kill the scout i'm probably going to tower this make sure i have gold income i want to try and win the game obviously but i'm kind of happy anyway or satisfied anyway do it like that he also has armor right away because he's koreans naturally i didn't really want to get them out on that side [Music] let's do armor as well let's get some farmers first we're aztec so even after this kind of bad opening lost a villager when we didn't have loom um and i was a little bit late for futile age i i think we can still win simply because we're aztecs no matter how much of a nerd he is right now for being housed it's not what i needed right now i'm gonna chase the archers naturally as well i will mix in some eagles i also did the armor upgrade so my eagle will actually not be trash [Music] [Music] as long as he continues full archers i could get away with making a full eagle switch in castle edge and possibly win the game with it okay i guess the hill there but still it's on the arches he will obviously try to micro nerd his way out of this one he has numbers to still do some damage i think my composition in theory is better but the numbers are not that pretty anymore right better i might need to get a second tower yeah we'll probably try to make a big evil eagle switch as we get up oh it's coming from this anymore wait why are you there we just go up we go full eagles and try to make a typical aztec comeback that's how they roll just go eagles that's all you do he's probably gonna be adventurous under my tower here a bit on the left side so he can still do things he still has an angle to get damage in there very likely his castle time is also going to be faster than ours as well foreign if there's one step that can make a comeback from a situation like this it is probably aztecs obviously it's not very pretty monday [Music] oh he's going for a kill and my upgrades are still far away oh boy where are my upgrades yeah he's going for the kill and he's very likely gonna get it yeah i think my gold income simply will be not there again if there's anything that can still make a comeback from a such a situation like this it is aztecs but yeah my tower is bad it was a rush tower with a from a bad situation i'll try to get like if i get like 20 eagles i can try to engage looks like he doesn't want looks like he wants to kill me i don't like when people want to kill me doesn't feel good spoiler alert yeah we'll take one fight here great positioning from him yeah i don't think wait i'm cleaning it man what freaking aztecs man alright game one 41 villagers that's enough to make magic happen with aztecs more enemy units than i would like to see i feel that i can still win this fight maybe not from here it is koreans knights as well is it no it's not we got to pray that he doesn't go down there as well i should have waited the longer i wait the stronger my mass becomes the stronger my eagles become looks like he might want to kill me again i already said here i don't like being killed stop it let's counter attack make something happen with low numbers oh [Music] oh that's a lot of knights let's do squires try i don't know if i go away with those even especially without squires i think i will lose oh looks like i get away actually score is looking worse every second but let's heal up i repeat if there is one sieve that can make a comeback from a situation like this we have that zip we also have a nice enclosure what i mean i still they are walking outside did that deer leave because i over chopped i mean the challenge still counts right the deer is going all the way back the deer went all the way back i mean i assume this is still complete a challenge it was nothing about having to keep it there the whole game said nothing about that yeah i have i have one big fight in me and if i don't succeed with one big fight i am dead the worst part is that there's this nasty hill right in front of my gold as well so whenever i fight him i'm going to be fighting up though can i say screw villagers they don't do me any good here anyway maybe he's going back building a castle maybe just okay i have to fight now before numbers get out of control i have to fight now anyway i'm not sure how many long times he has already well let's just look this is it looks bad very bad but i mean i did complete my challenge question is if they will suddenly put a demand as if the challenge had the conversion not conversion the deer has to stay there the whole game he laying two sheep that's the question the 3 500 deer have you ever pushed a deer worth that much let me just see if we got the confirmation that the challenge was complete most expensive there of all time yeah it was good pressure done from him my i i while i was busy learning the deer the biggest issue i did was that i queued up too many wheels before loom so i ended up with like a 25 pop fuel age and that obviously put us way too late let's just get the confirmation that we completed the challenge so we can he was playing full on tc which is probably the right thing to do against aztecs if he starts messing around adding talent centers adding economy very likely that i have a good chance of catching up so that was a right decision on his end well done to him yep let's see if we got the confirmation about the completing all right challenge six you must create an enclosure containing your deer your deer plus one enemy deer the enclosure must have forest on one side and walls on the other three if enemy deer is gone or inaccessible you may substitute three wolves challenge completed congratulations to viper on winning the series let's go i overshot my own national park indeed we did it boys we did it yeah haro i i don't think he'll ever scout at the back of my base once uh after his scout was there the first so he probably didn't know if i had completed a challenge or not
Channel: TheViper
Views: 75,331
Rating: 4.9133005 out of 5
Keywords: age of empires 2, age of empires 2 definitive edition, age of empires 2 strategy, age of empires 2 definitive edition strategy, theviper, theviper aoc, age of empires 2 build order, age of empires 2 definitive edition gameplay, age of empires 2 gameplay, age of empires 2 definitive, fast castle age of empires 2, age of empires 2 definitive edition review, age of empires 2 tips, age of empires 2 mods
Id: LySfvuhzOqM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 151min 29sec (9089 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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