Secret vs aM - BoA2 Finals - No Breaks - Biased Casting (Hosted by MembTV)

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what up hippo lovers pedal of Africa to Grand Finals remember secret at that time tyrant against am in bed of Africa won Grand Finals after the way heavy heavy underdogs at that time because the group's edge didn't go well they won 4-0 with great preparation great maps great deliverance and everything tyrant stand for at that point and now we are back years later secret against a.m. in the grand finals again and people are streaming over late they don't want me to talk this series up they want to see villagers collecting some wood and some food apparently to see this potentially epic best of 9 finals we did trough four five civilizations and we did draw for five maps if this does not go to five zero then we will jump into another draft and we will go for more civilizations also remember I will be heavily emotion invested in this series and won't be very biased so if you're looking for oh no I will be very biased so if you're looking for very neutral cast maybe another channel might be better for you today this one will be a lot of screaming a lot of hoping a lot of wishing a lot of blaming and well we can introduce the players and see what's happening so we have the person pocket player arguably the best player in the world it will be the Viper potentially carrying the team then we have mr. Tito for me one of the strongest player of this whole tournament performing very very well game after game he will play as the ad sec rank and we have mr. slam boy playing as its European flank what were the greatest performance against mr. paladin there in the semifinals but surely with strong delivery here I prefer the bias cast okay [Music] I will quickly write doubt but I don't think you would join feel free to join whenever happy smiley but relaxing is fine as well he already noticed that it's just like slightly knocking at a store again and then for me the strongest player of the tournament so far mr. Leary solid performance entity Invitational DTM tournament before better of Africa incredible performance in the semi-final yesterday incredible strong games in the semifinals against Ole Miss their mass crossbows all the time who wanted them be our Leeloo I don't know and yeah we expecting a lot from him and that would be a big big task for Slam to handle then we have Hera the breakthrough player of 2020 the breakthrough player of de a lot of people have him as the second best player in the world at the moment he plays arguably the strongest pocket civilisation here with the fresh so big task ahead of team secret and MBL with the Vietnamese flank opens with its rush here why is everyone looming well to get your villagers stronger right normally they have 25 HP not a lot of armor and suddenly they have 4 HP and armor with better against rush and you're trying to get that upgrade quickly before you click up to fuel it seems like taro with five sheep here could have stolen something we see him walling some and Viper and taro are trying to create a base for them together after the games could you say something about why teams often use a lot of their first picks on Arabia compared to other maps yeah as I said I think after the finals we can go into long QA and I will try to answer as many questions as possible obviously I won't always have the perfect answer but trying trying to deliver remember we're playing with your pet so persons still pretty pretty scary slam with an interesting wall here not in front of his gold spots normally the spot you may want to build the arch arranges here that's a non-typical base worm honestly and that might even be lame you have yeah there is it lame he still has one elephant left here that should be pretty solid opening for him low HP on the scout there just drops double archery range now in fuel age faster Scout more damage opulent more line-of-sight I love to talk about hidden stuff you only see cause you can spectate the game I like to talk about hidden stuff you only see cause you can spected the game I obviously won't have any and any communication with them during these games yeah so not the rush of taro comes around here chases away and the L seems like him and I'm opening for taro Eagle around as well he would add steaks now probably wants to take the engagement and indeed he does MBR will he play Joseph see it looks a bit like it Eagles chasing down the scout scout wins this one though and taro I think he will live but only one minute down left not the craziest thing ever and Terra's around to help out as well telling out trading of HP against the militia instead of the scout interesting choice there nice team play MBL keeps his Scout alive and yeah that's just a normal drug into flash by him team wall rolling yes well for mrs. LAN dropped the double archery range no surprise here we see Leary and Terra together as well can doubt also look at the games I think he can yeah yes the patch every player can look at the games and every Casa yeah he obviously can also watch the strip those games alive indeed they are like Swiss now over here and yeah that's the discussion we have several times I think it will be very standard for the future to see spec delays of two to five minutes I would say for close to every single big tournament yeah Hera is still open at the left hand side yeah but that there's not too much coming over at least the Viper trying to rest a bit here but spearmen are scaring this one away telling she moves in with the spearmen and Archer that could be annoying meanwhile slam is trying to defend here I really don't like those walls near East latching is quite late slams getting it now so that's nice advantage but Liberty has the next month for quite some time so I'm a bit surprised meanwhile the aggression continues here towards mr. Hera who is sitting at 2 2 KD trying to break that one but yeah it should not really happen other than any maps made specially for the extra games in the final no no no the map will had 9 maps and this one is the best of 9 so we simply will play all maps if we go to distance there is still without flashing this is so weird so weird to me as I built on gold so that should be fine now gets another gets the elephant here it's a lot of deer left as well so Eco should be fine did you forget about flashing so weird now warning this one in time 20 HP that one is just going to go down and well goes to the other side Archer obviously can't kill there and what Chad was doing with one single spearmen one single archers and now maybe they turned back to take the fight Piper already has bloodlines Hara contacting two that has 54 HP on his thoughts now ready pitchers are on tier one very low HP nice quick bottle by Hera absolutely on point meanwhile they're taking through the center here then being mr. MDL houses I think that's a mistake by Leary think he honestly doesn't know I think he honestly doesn't know that she doesn't have fletching era being yellow confuses me well it will be the whole series 1 3 5 colors for team secret 2 4 6 colors 4 a.m. Tarot now goes over here gets to clear up against all the artists doesn't the single one okay now trade off 1 for 4 I believe okay 2 for 4 and to scout reasonable clear up there wall not even broken meanwhile viper stays active is outnumbered but has more HP now takes the fight I think that's not enough damage output for him and he thinks better of it is going back lost three Scouts against two here all they are still in fuel age and arty range here does he really want to get to Castle age that quickly does he think okay skipping fletching to Castle it is an option here the uptime will be very reasonable for guy the double videos is from our Rangers here as the Briton of his productions to much faster as well pretty damn crazy now even nine on gold of some more farms goes back maybe that would be like the indicator that it was intentional if on the way to Castle age she reached her researches fletching if he does it after reaching cartilage we know that he did forget it and his caddy at the moment Oh - so this just sitting back walls up some more and plays a very solid macro game behind this while slam just camping the hill still his gold is reasonably open here drops the market slam will be later six hundred two hundred gold for him and I'll do even at Spearmint its I'm gonna absolutely don't understand ah because of the scouts of the viper that was still active somewhere sure where they are well Viper Scouts I'm really confused really confused okay out of vision apparently Harry was that mean well okay That Bird was a bit stuck at the corner that was stable now for the Viper someone looking for quite some time Don gold with the highest number there so it won't be the crazies production was more on the Bhoomi side meanwhile shadow and MBL just playing a pretty even game I would say Leary still without fletching and he will reach castle age and then he will be like okay that wasn't really the plan it slammed into built the defensive tower there was sooo okay I couldn't really hold this one still 60% away from castle age as well Leary only 10% and they might find a different angle who decides on the players for a team do they have a coach no not a single a jumper steam has a real coach most of the time the players decide themselves some teams have captain's most teams decide that I think together I pass only three military those are the Knights and kids so the scouts did die at the top here and that's why I couldn't find them either continuous with tears yeah it was for three to see some night +2 defense instantly interesting choice yeah shadows now diving in against MBL goes for the nice dance night Sookie this one up it's crossbow against no crossbow and the other bit later with the uptime but a lot of pressure against the Viper let's take a look how this one will be broken slam completely out of position and yeah he was just playing this one very campy buy-bust trying to rush out the TC I think he will do it in time villager job one doubt okay now jumped into the TC lots of pressure over here MBL the greatest world's either tampering on the way for slam he will have a very scary army but the range deficit as you guys mentioned the chat area Muffit difficult for trade later when it's only controlled the one corner the way the player spawns well then map control is just so much more important right so if you spawn like this I think more aggression benefits you more compared to if you have got 200 to save corners then just team wall and trade is fine great observation by you Oh slam with some more losses Leary very active gets three kills there quite easily and now did get four botkin I think now the SMS magnet should work know what why not seems not work that's really weird slam goes for some splits not a lot of aggression from his side three to five okay now text engagement for Knights come in there in the bag slam should focus on the crossbow man in the back there there he was some dance he's trying to fight off against slam I think this will be the clear up Hara out of position and Leary will lose everything my percents more cross over when Leary sent some more crossbow as well but those are running into death I believe that's a risky choice slam he dives in and that will be completely up he needs to run nice clear up here nice team play by team secret with some water and Pat Knight numbers were simply so much better for the Viper at that angle era needed to go to the other side go for the clear up here against arrows aggression who still very active against mr. MBL who time to breathe a bit secret with a nice quality obviously Arabia how could I call it setting stone on how this continuous Viper with the widget choice look at that no villagers at the back for the gold was exclusively for the front gold don't ask me how that happened what's the choice behind this maybe if you feel it's okay if I get pressured at the front I still have my battles but is that really the Rabia choice if your team world anyways something we don't see too often in one exia civilizations may and some golden pit yeah yeah yeah I was there are so far behind he is at 59 villages the viper at 75 some aggression at the start well maybe it is also the Persian bonus right better thesis fiber three of vortices great question I can say that he's on three two seas what you see that early not very often at a solid performance and twelve so many people asking how good of a pocket Viper is he certainly is here to show what he is able to perform at least he's trying to Persian bonus remember guys this is the old pets as well March pet still pasta seeds in darkest as well when do you add to season flank most of the time after reaching Castle age the thing is if you go for a lot of aggression try to go for ballistic first if there's not a lot of aggression happening then you couldn't even make an argument to instantly add to t sees everyone together here indeed as I said so many times now the team player really showing off three secret players three am players all fit into one screen taking the small hill advantage there's some house attacking Viper he needs to run taro tries to open this area but that's not really going to work they're still camping the still idling some farms add things secrets should probably get cleared up here Knights not with the greatest position there and yeah they're just deciding to take this one and be our Michaels back a bit he obviously the one with higher HP there is the one with more range and slam with faster firing Crossman on the other side taro the only one not really having a bonus there still a lot of dances with the Knights some aggression still some more idling but not the most important thing gets another two villages though yeah mrs. lamb that's a nice increase now we have the Viper sitting at ninety eight villagers while Harrah's sitting at 74 now the big engage with you my numbers are looking too much better for a hair rod though the Vipers adding stables behind us as we just heard and this will be a pretty solid clear up and the elds numbers dropping appears but well we also have some aggression over here from mrs. lamb as the side story but a.m. they are getting the full clear up now stable to edit as we said those four six tables is that the full production could be an option already collecting some of the relics we can see four more relics to my at the left hand side one in the center of the map one behind Harris base secret with its light elite here who boys maybe a small moment way we can breathe I will ask you for a prediction left-hand side secret right-hand side a.m. what do you think how will this serious go i before everything started predicted a 5-3 I can see a 5-2 now in the set five three five one two five three five five three three five five three five zero five zero five three five three five four five zero okay lovely that so many people are participating here and giving me your thoughts lots of people here lovely stuff I hope you all will sit back and enjoy this show while we are crossing our fingers for great engagements the Viper 95% him he probably told his teammates better stay at home I won't have the greatest numbers teto sitting at for archery ranges soon 5 remember still 15% faster production here and we have three two seas for Tarot also remember no thumping no last events upgrade so the a blast clearly the ones on the field with the least damage output maybe switching to Eagles might be something on the menu later on O'Hara still not up here not going for any more night production he looks like up pretty soon but the Viper he is running through there and maybe he can find some damage awry he can't even afford monks because gold is the limiting factor here Piper maybe get some rates in before this one would be pretty nice forward team secret production continues Harris numbers are looking solid oh my visually well doesn't want to go in there takes two hits goes away now feels like it's time for the engagement not really so if that's the best one before the updates kick in now he has the plasma defense heavily upgrade is sitting at ninety percent and then he probably will engage again with the cross two men behind us indeed now it's engagement time Hara needs to run back he is up to it as well only 20% though more aggression through the center would be nice slam now going there as well some expansion from taro at the side and the big question is going to be how do we expand where do we get some corner control don't tell me what what is this other way sanding a villager out here with the mining camp and tries to get some control of that good I think the better choice actually would be to wall in that gold because that will obviously will never survive some more walls being put behind this one can Hara wall this one in time doesn't really look like it is he focusing this one down yes he does Blatt walls are still very low HP 600 it appears what I can see here and 200 there villagers are getting focused down nice move fara he's slowly buying himself some time one at HP but a lot of villager losses here the aggression continues production not too nice behind this meanwhile slam against Leary on par at the moment more Cavaliers getting the rates in Terre with more aggression furniture lead now for the Viper up to 30 and more villagers are falling Hera cannot really reward this one a blessed are so good MBL too late to Imperial h2 come over here in secret they are performing in game number one now it's solid one cased call even game number one and the books would be enormous against a.m. some people saying that I am NOT the most stable team when it comes to the mindset oh god that would be a deep dive in though paladin tech already on the way for the Viper 23% all stables producing as you can constantly see now they're diving in this one it's listed maybe the MTC 97% it won't go down but the idea was great there they felt okay this could be the good timing and MBL was coming behind to still forcing a lot of either villagers Hera now going for some cancellation there still can't afford to cavity up so weird look at the resources now he goes for cavities and at the same time though crossed women / I will respond to too much because the damage output of those nights / Cavaliers from the viper arts are so so good I was chasing this one down meanwhile it seems like slam is retreating everyone now in imperial a tiara happy to see that Leary is getting all the hills here still some more dancing by MDL he's focusing this one down Viper he is on a rampage at the moment wants to go for more paladins the eco still 30 the lead shadow getting some markets up here but MBL also knows about that now going for some more control extra goats but in control for the Viper as well that's just so good Hara how much gold is he getting at the moment 25 those are 17 here that's it and does he have extra gold spots yeah he does have an extra gospel in the back scouted now by the outpost lovely move by Hera realized okay I need to get some more control and it's still not looking great for him and they're resigning this one Hera says okay it's looking too bad meanwhile the big engagement here through the center Ted was going for the RAM push and Leary couldn't finish off mr. slam who was active here getting some control over the areas as well and secret takes game number one secret takes Arabia or something I did not expect to happen and especially not in this fashion that was just really really sharp and they have to be happy how this one went holy guacamole yes maybe she's just getting it now but yeah even now great O'Leary without any armor upgrade something I didn't spot so Viper and slammed pretty happy about that maybe that was the reason why Leary couldn't take the fights that properly look at that compared to that - mr. slab here wait for Defense upgrades or three different up curtain was kind of over but don't you think I am caught a bit early for the tournament match well is also best of 9 right it is a very long day I think MB I was dead I think Hara was heavily behind and Larry wasn't far ahead of slow if at all and yeah slap just comes in there gets the one zero for his team and I think could be bad the rest of the day he might join us for some Comcast later but we will see about that I'm thinking Leary should have gone in on Viper when he broke the wall cause disruption at the back of the base yeah he saw that you see though so we knew that won't be a lot of damage he knew nights were out he knew slam was behind there who not going to be easy taro itchy with most kills not a lot of buildings went down I lost 8 after all 4 to the Viper four to taro so although tell about like six he traps knocking at the front page of MBL he only he didn't lose a single building against MBL they're quite interesting or maybe one Viper with the best eco they're surely in persons still nicely delivering 140 villagers here what will number after rush typically indicates rush into flash was rush FC I would say 27 Bilitis is rush FC 23 villagers is rush flush yeah oh yeah Coco so command could be edited by some of my okay let's jump into Coliseum incredible civilizations 4 a.m. here and yeah we will see what's happening and how secret is trying to approach this one the Ramon will terror Megas in Garcia ok we have the Viper playing the malian flank and I will zoom out pretty quickly not a lot of introduction because laning is very likely as we can already see at the left hand side you'll Erie against teru teru playing Portuguese Larry plays to your right hand side that's going to be a lot of aggression I can guarantee that the question is now Larry is even going for the back rhino it's not completely out of the question indeed he does Terrell is around though now traits of HP here is made vipir coming over or doubt is the pocket player he instantly sent to scout and now taro maybe goes for the block here what's happening do we have 40 HP in that one so it was with loom Harris coming over as well Terrell is not going for it and now he goes for that one not getting the sort of and oh god that's a horrible start if Oh taro his village was getting forced back lost the Rhino as well and maybe I don't think so doubt gets the kill I believe no he won't oh but loses more HP taro a bit late of a lube here he plays Portuguese staff pocket for missed it out on the other side we have MBL playing the inca flank he goes for the lame as well this is just a very brutal game that conocía sometimes delivered so plus two rhinos for now but my purse still has a full HP scouts who could maybe go for the relay so two sheep over there as well and well I think taro can send out if you wanted to indeed he does now goes for loom as well doubt could send to scout out there again poor sheep on the side here and while Lyra is going for the Rhinos that's not going to happen another Rhino here but unlikely that shadow did Scout that one his vision indeed ended here so that will be taro minus one Rhino for no doubt could obviously push those deer in and then it's kind of okay but well Larry he will go a lot of aggression oh yeah problems coming here Shirley for team secret on this map Maggie a pocket for mr. Harrow as well arguably the strongest pocket Mongols Alice arguably the strongest flag Incas mixed in here for MPLS well then Oh restarts in this tournament which i think is absolutely right five villages on would already that's a weird choice potato bear is very open as well not drop some food people are currently happy to see doubt in that shed on the playing field as well okay time to read the bits Harry open good spots here for the VIPRE that's not too pretty one defensive cold spot and oh that looks like a rush potato it's rushed before the mill interesting choice against the most likely very early arts just buy my celery fellow going for farms I don't think so I think you would still those two sheep are still missing how did out miss dose oh that's so close i stout scouts to kid out just finding his own seed now here could be pushed out of an asset - boots for tell to compensate the Rhino lost by dropping farms that way oh yeah he's not even going for the mill did he collect ten gold you don't need to collect ten gold if you're portuguese don't want to rush you only need to collect one gold because the militia costs 17 yards three malicious and times seventy made 51 you start with 50 so only need to collect one but obviously you're going the full trip so don't really mind standing there a bit longer and hera now lemon those two sheep as well not a pretty opening and taro this is something where i will learn a lot i believe or i could learn a lot we will see about that one and well that's interesting there is going for a lot of walls here plays pop 19 and already worrying a lot expecting taro to go for the brush or what seems a bit like it well i'm opening here by the Viper as well a memories are loud indeed that's not what I thought you were talking about we announced the new 50k tournament on your channel today and you knew that answer before you asked so I'm a bit surprised or was there single indicator that I would do that and talk about the trade-off between doubt pushing the deer for chat ovals Tarot building the bill by the deer well the the trade office doubt can't scout if he pushes that and well the good thing is terrible saves 100 words right Tara will have a really rough time take a look and maybe do something here won't kill him to the bull and only six on wood though three on gold and artifacts will be very very fast Tara needs to wall a lot as you can see is not warning with four villagers or something team wall will be in time potentially that's I think a really good reaction by tato to not lose too much too quickly but this up timing will be so late - were a great casting team yesterday what do you think makes tester good at play-by-play I think obviously his wording has entered the other you know shoot the other I'm not Rashad to pronounce the word his passion experience in those situations as well yeah it's also like a lot of talent right and he put a lot of work into that as well and just constantly listening to professional casters as well really helps out as well seventeen and a half K for all three big channels combines that's we'd think 25k should be on the menu here first art is coming out Terrell with the hole here or what is that a bit surprised chicas always went 14 words on this map but isn't more to war when players born the way you have to war diagonally on the way and have to actually in each empires diagonally isn't more expensive than in real life right you think that diagonally is longer than a straight line but it's not because diagonally it's still only one palisade right so those two walls I diagonally but they cost the same and you made the X and the y direction telling awesome with some palace it gets behind this one should buy himself enough time only now on the way to feudal age surprised by Ohm's law off wards they have the aggression so they don't need to wall yet look at that aggression over here as well VIPRE just lost just rush against MBL who's going for some reasonable production double archery range here by the Viper as well and secret will be Ward pretty nicely through houses being dropped by our Lord and Savior so just evil it or no that's just some more archers are coming over that's a lot of investments Tarot that won't be addressed FC I believe right no that just will be normal arts or play pretty damn late though 500 in the bank refused to lose the villager there I like that choice and I think maybe some of the litter is trying to get some more HP on the house makes a lot of sense micro stand back a bit more towers short go up that's a nice win already four am focusing a lot of idle time now the tower doubt he needs to get something rolling here and that's not in time oh no the Army's coming through that is an under reaction bite out he knew about that for so long now loses first scout for free tower is out but oh god that army didn't get a lot of damage from the tower seven on the wood upgrade here those villagers are pretty exposed and it looks really really bad for team secret and to scouts extra going down doubt with the horrible defense at the moment here more villagers falling as well another Scout country do too much and this is looking really really poor for our team secret at the moment MBL even going for the trash at the frontier wants to go and use his inc bonus is on stone with five villagers in the back here and the viper is forced into the defensive tower can't really doubled their doubt he gets some more walls up but honestly those words won't do anything against my boxers everything a villager can be reached if you just put an arch over here that's not really going to work and they were just goes in there and out my chest losses for wood like this could be a very very short game number one here doubt in the world of pain what is he trying to do now said how many artists can he send he is sending two at the moment archery range now coming and not even so if it's worth to really repair behind this because the villagers will fall anyway snow the house has some HP KD at the moment six to 1300 one at the moment 27 villagers at the moment more villagers will fall and Hera he can just trade off against the archers and let Leary do the dance here not to artists won't we do too much three militia are still very active part country define to kill Yuri actually not with the greatest balls here didn't too great with the palace a it's there and archers are around shadows trying to micro this one away the out sends more when it's just through the top wood line there but what can they really do tell him not having numbers that cannot really protect meanwhile the vibrant MBL kind of playing their 1v1 another aggressive tower and those to open goats was not pretty for the viper he wasn't on stone early enough to build the defensive tower on his goats board nice awareness there by a meow going for the aggression meanwhile the clear up is some what's happening but at what cost because there is already up to the castle eight Stella was sitting at 300 food no gold basically in the bank and doubt how eyes resource looking 60 food meanwhile comparing that to mr. Hara who can click up after the blacksmith finished well yeah they were clear this up yeah they were wall but honestly the Viper he can't wall behind this smart move to fall swipe and the only one well clearly it doesn't allow any shenanigans when it comes to sneaking artists around right and BL he knew at all times okay Viper has Travis out to sea otherwise I jump and can easily kill him or at least do massive amount of damage and then you don't need to team wall that heavily Viper now loses some abilities to the farms here kind of sloppy by him as well meanwhile the three militia dress is finally getting cleared up as well very very active there his caddy is nineteen to ten taro actually positive Kady tries to find some damage here but shouldn't really work literally just going back at the upgrades and then telecom too much tries to jump and find some damage to know he thinks better of it and boy I want to say it already but five zero is not an option anymore and secret just gives this one up taro it's indicating lanes had to play the tough game doubt under reacting with his walls here everything broke through he saw the full army but simply either the tower too late not enough houses you saw how taro reacted with the double palisade get there and then doubt just instantly dying not really getting any army for the defense nice aggression here by MBL forcing viper to react heavily into this one and viper limited resources as well so MBL might have been earlier on that regardless well DG i am solid solid play by them not much to say for team secret nearly about to jump into the fight yeah really I think the map is the best to go aggressive like aim it F yes that's something that secret knows as well but well not an option f40 indeed physically therefore they read out lots of losses couldn't really do much this was needed to be bigger against the archers nearly the only one which in castle eights teros fuel edge time in 14 or six they're horrible horrible situation for him doubt sitting at 33 villagers there as them okay guys game grant Berra on the way here we will jump into the action civilizations obviously pretty tricky on this one we will have the viper playing as mer pocket if I remember correctly let me take a look at that was that yet indeed that was picked number one here for team secret so some some eye on that and then we have mr. Ted Tito playing the flank here with the Burmese and already some shenanigans at the other side doubt is playing Byzantines he is facing purpose of Hara quite an interesting choice has the flank here also time you see purpose in the pocket position then we have two turns for MBL pocket so that's an interesting choice as well and Leary would talk flank you think it would be interesting if the game good go 55 not really I think it becomes even more campy distances are coming even longer I think it's it's just getting super confusing for people to watch I think most people can't even properly follow for before on a lot of maps I think 55 when a raver could somewhat work but yeah I don't really like maps need to be redesigned completely colors need to be redesigned it's it's with this spectating that we have at the moment I think 55 is not spectator on which pets of the plane the March pets is then evolved for tournament to they are top four for tournament yeah hmm there wasn't a big 24 tournament in de back to your gyro rumble was a four before tournament with the thousand dollar prize pool yep we are in the semifinals there Germany against Benelux happening next Wednesday how do you feel about the best or 21 between you and John right now who would win me easily now it's not even close how do you feel the best of about the best of twenty nearly against doubt ten DM games ten RM games happening next Sunday isn't that's a thing of beauty guys then colors are fine just at a black and maybe round since gray similar to whites okay can someone remind me where children's are so good now I don't think they are but you have to pick civilizations yeah how do you feel about the best 21 me versus you web DM starting you have RM start uh Trinity versus doubt would be best for anyone would be hide yeah best of twenty happening next Sunday it'll start ten GMT could be a very long day for us well it can color gray some sometimes mess up yeah I think colors would be really tough hmm red cent n there's no tiebreaker maybe we think of a tiebreaker at the moment it's just splitting the price for fifty-fifty does doubt play to full term yes it's one of them like fifteen players that are doing it full-time okay what are the civilizations going to do here so come here we are kind of expecting to go for a boom probably the same for Teutons especially from the pocket position you're kind of early Farms Scout would be really surprising to me distance is long elephant is late that looks like a fast car so Hara himself on the woodland in the inset so he's not trying to contest the center at all that was just warning this one off could be archers could be crossbow could be fast in could be scars could be in that direction not really easy to say and when then we have mister teto thank Bumi's now goes on to gold not on stone yet and he is already up place prop 22 so that's going to be some aggression you never know the visitors there for Hara so he's going up as well I believe no he is not I just wanted to shoot at the scout okay that makes sense as well then the barrack being dropped and well said oh he will pressure quite a bit how will we be able to defend this one he is playing Turks to Janissaries probably his private choice the best of 20 will be in voice-chat I think that makes a lot of sense yes yeah yeah does your play full-time AoE yes it does but the matches against our P murrah in DM yes in RM we will do hidden pics if no repeat while they're mostly no you need units in team games mm-hmm because it's not easy to get to them right in this game we could see unique units like Janissaries is very likely but you need a lot of castles also in this map pool I think we have like three maps without any stone like desert slope doesn't have stone in your normal starting area and you should shop out on north quarter we don't have stone on beach fight we don't have stone and then what we'd saw a lot of conquistadors we saw Genovese cross women a lot so there were unique units but it's very often a big investment we also had a lot of conductors tarrano goes for the dance a lot of damage see against Leary who needs to wall this one off is it 75% so he is not going fast castle he would get defensive archers out himself and you put those two villages away from farm something we don't see too often interesting choice there Patera he will break through crazy how come most games see artists on both ships well archers are simply very good you know oh and this guy's is why we have speculates that this is not being communicated and someone is going over there and just simply saying Tarot is going to something to happen that is so non Leary asked that he goes for the sneaky villager there that is so uncool ooh parasailing trees not allowed it is but those aren't strike the trees those are one of real forests oh goody and that would be really problematic for taro he won't have any answer to that question continues here and be always warning himself up close for the blacksmith and the markets no reaction there has one village on stone even will sell 100 stone to get to 200 in one gold as you can see here and then will boom after that meanwhile doubt drops the archery range Scout still active here for hurrah he is yes indeed so will be camel out sirs by Hera tell us aggression and continues here but this is like teller would have no idea that this is happening no idea can even palisade pop-ups yeah surely like those around you to see you can like this one you put but those are three baobab and this one is tree baobab maybe maybe could have popped them hmm what will happen if you Palace eight the range what do you mean if taro just tries to scout for that he didn't even scout that area here's zero chance of scouting it how many archers suddenly remake to reveal himself great question the question I always ask my co caster and I've never heard a satisfying answer I think five makes sense because five what's fletching to volley villager and that's the amount I'm always waiting for six okay why six I'm confused six reduces nearly okay so we can miss a shot okay hmm but but my my art says shoot to kill so two means tenth one shot yep I think so unless you are MBL and don't have loom oh just commit instead of this weird dance here oh no goes over here it's even trying to fight those visitors could be the worst option archers exit going oh no that's so good for secret that's so good for secret those artists and Viper vipera have spotted those you saw the X you saw the X y plus all those instant reaction instant communication Ted knows what's up instant Tower this is so good for secret gasps this is so good for secret he's trying to catch villagers of cars here there he thinks he's not spotted holy was that good 5-2 okay well then maybe seven becomes better master me Oh No Age of Empires why are you doing this to me Oh de Y in the final Y in a final I still think it's a good range as well yeah for leery but Oh God never selectable I selected two volts man this is this is so bad so okay we're back into the game but obviously no need to catch up to be on the life game we were around the I would say like nineteen minute mark in this one maybe 18 minute mark so yeah what to be miss no loom from MBL when it's Harris when Italy we sneak that villager that something I really want to find out you can investigate now 98% outcast from Hara okay maybe we can watch that as well that's the bias casting I wanted let the game crash so we don't have to see each other losing villages yeah maybe so just one house and then sent the villager over okay okay okay why is everyone spoiling because people aren't clever yeah I think if he wants to go for Viper he could have gone even further maybe was scared of running into Lions their each other not the aggression this could be really really good and now my screen like all my mouse is not even fixed to the screen this is so de so if I go to the left hand side actually go to my second monitor okay the aggression continues here we can we can rewatch Piper's reaction to the artists as well okay two minutes I would say we are in the life game again we can go into the point of view of Leiria what he did Scout he didn't scout that much saw the stone could know that or she should know that Heather's on that stone that's guaranteed damn Italy there aren't too many stone spots right it's guaranteed to be Tarot's he knows that arrow has multiple villagers in stone yeah see there's guaranteed damage kind of interesting source that Lyra did go for something else well axes theory is pretty fine you know and that's such a risky castle that's such a risky castle by Hera oh boy and he's continuing to build this one against three arches what is he thinking Scout is going down cross women upgrade is coming 50% here what is Hera thinking this is something you don't do in a tournament game don't even miss my crowing a bit here more villagers being sent own O'Hara's throwing this game Harris throwing this game here 75% and out he's just properly microing this one down Hera sending everything and he is stuck through said 98% hallelujah and doubt Hera is sitting at 23 villagers and he can't get this one up he's saying all the villagers now and Hera doubts just need to focus this one down slap every villager doubt position yourself a bit more to the top okay no the caster goes up because it goes up but still two more villagers going down there Hera said sitting a 22 year while doubt at only 34 actually that won't be that super pretty okay aggression within this year and shadow was defending viper sitting at 52 villagers he's going for the 3tc studio for some elephants can easily clear this one up and now it should be in a beautiful position to defend this one visit three to sees himself and well scorpion is now coming over but dad was such a weird move seven I'd probably have never seen before from era and what was the expecting doubt is going for mostly mannequins meanwhile shadow is annoying for what's MBL the aggression continues and soon we are real-life they find here asleep base well they're already elephants around so you can tell you yes they obviously know about itself ok Mangan all around now doubt actually goes for another archer and should think of manga no as a defense could have been a good choice don't please don't screw this up now you are 17 villages ahead here not really sure what that but it shows up to that one's dying Paris actually finding some reasonable kills an elephant coming over for the clear up okay that makes a lot of sense as well in what Tarot still being annoying drops a stable how far is it 300 food hornigold surprised elephants now going through the center I believe indeed teddy delete this one and well just the random fell by mr dout we now see is getting killed elephant's dying one for one that's good enough for mr dout economies though should be pretty sweet Tara needs to run he's actually doing for scouts that's so we had M plan lives so he will find one manga no kill quite easily and stay is annoying over here and that just means if Mei can't properly boom my players just dominate this game right a hundred villagers second rises MBL at eighty at the moment mean welcome artists are still doing reasonable job we have a crossbow soft out they went out now going back again and going out again so very indecisive here how do elephants do against a fortress well once we get all the different upgrades they're really tanky what about relics well they're felt relics in the center of the map obviously not the most important thing on a map where we have massive amount of gold and the possibility to go for trade so most of the time we only look at relics when the turanians out there and we're finally life again thanks to you Oh next Casa here what can doubt - I'm still I think a manga no could have really made a lot of sense era and sitting at 40 villagers doubt at 17 now but might lose a lot of area no it's okay George Astaire shot for now it's a slow now yep yep yep another venture goes down touches that one nice ground attack here to lose some for sure not a lot of elephants coming over that will be so many why is doubt sending us cross well we're just think about with all those cross meant it could have easily denied this car so let's take a look at this castle again 85 percent nice ground check that out goes for some torch 92 percent 93 percent there so somebody's around not the greatest blitz there by doubt and he didn't snipe down those three villagers not the greatest moved by the Lord and loses a lot of cross women Wow Harris allowing himself back into this game does a lot of damage against tip against out here but I think the story behind this will simply be the Vipers boom should be pretty much uncontested yeah and you can see every I'll realizes okay what he will fight against it will just be mass elephants so he knows okay I'm just going full harbor yes but then again leery should be very open don't really see him holding against that he can't boom to the outside will be very open and oh look at that the Viper he just got starved legs against this ditty Scout he barrack he did scout the mass bearing and fiber Tesco's mass copy and what is this game what is this game mass scorpions from the pocket yakamora incredible for this if this is a normal rated game everyone is like groove I first moving so much this is crazy crazy what a unit choice meanwhile this one should get cleared up as well and scorpion masterpiece indeed could be coming up here and well that's something NBL won't be prepared for he takes full Javed ears oh this is so crazy oh oh oh and I'm on the chat sir rude all the so far ahead and villagers well not for long trust me on that I'll probably still ahead but I will deliver some doesn't have bloodlines but it killed two tc's here how would really get reaction here okay we'll be up to him pretty soon though does not want to lose does not want to take this fight surely wants to run further with this villagers some elephants trying to find some damage against Leary who goes for more Archer injured so I see don't fly hand cannoneers what's happening here oh he goes for CA okay that makes a lot of sense the killed numbers are pretty good collecting some of the relics Center cumshaw relics tray control should be good for secret shadow still active here still annoying that's something against the harbor Diaz forces them to not be controlling the center and yeah or sawasdee obviously won't have a saying against those scorpions and Viper he just has to enjoy his life he has to enjoy his life that on the biggest stages and one of the biggest finals he is allowed to play mer bleue into mask scorpion he has to love his life at the moment would be surprised if we soon see the double arrow here not happening for now next caster by Hera who still plays want to see all in behind the show once he faces a lot of a blast he won't too much doubt I think check into chemistry makes a lot of sense just go some former tenants and clear this one up he has the better fighting army for now Ivan lose some of his villagers just build some pharmacy right oh god this guy and indeed double-crossed when I come in that doubles the damage output of those scorpions they will shoot two bolts instead of one very only now going for wheelbarrow still Khmers still have boomer cannon as well but I actually mean doubt should go chemistry and Palmer cannons on its attack now by MBL not really the unit with a lot of mobility here but I don't mind the choice against all the scorpions well TC will go down don't tell me this thing to see no MTC is the one at the very top here and well that's what I say that those could be annoying yeah see a maybe coming over camera archers finding the damage here Bob where's our me no okay not so balmy actually now comes over continues with the scorpion aggression this is such a crazy game such a crazy game and the moment of arrows now Oh God scorpions coming in here this is just such a mean game I can't believe that this is happening we have touched thoughts behind this as well gives you more damage output for your elephants something you can go for later then and look at that once coping alone actually can defend us quite easily look at this damage output oh god Leary he's losing so much there meanwhile see a they are annoying they are truly annoying as I said maybe sent two scorpions back and you should be fine and those scorpions they're just dying under the CC seven are more there they don't really care too much and doubt us around with us tablets this one is looking good 14 secret to lead to one here and numbers could be hired CIA still annoying and Piper he just randomly built farms who didn't get that River Lake home I think an elephant could be fine he goes for some light calf would love to see its rate being set up at one point look at that bummer can defending a little scorpion rate that suffered like what is happening in this game hair are sitting at fifty four villages at the moment out at ninety here and yeah we're just staying very very active scorpion getting snapped down there as well and that should be a lot of dead villagers here taro I think he axed this one doubt stays very active a big killing MBL is the more important things but cowards he wants to secure his advantage against terror before that apparently might care finally getting the gear up against all those CA Telugus for some more boom here in the centers well he has been so annoying in this game now goes for someone IDEs want to lure out the bomb but canons potentially how many numbers looking pretty solid with the bomber cannons together I think that's a good I mean here to address the qamar player what can we have against that though I don't think Mia's can put too much on the field hablas could maybe be around obama cannons by the viper as well and that's just really good that's just exactly the addition that they needed and tara is resigning this one what a game complete disaster Castle at Harris I'd doubt killing all the villagers there and holy guacamole Hara then with some nice aggression behind this is that really shows you how strong it could have been but out refusing to die and Viper just sits in the pocket position and goes for mask obvious ask mer double the damage output and one extra range their hair seeds engineer says well Terrell just made it a really wild game Ryoko to play for MBL and leery and secret it's taking the 2-1 lead it's looking good for that still winning Arabia now everyone it's not double okay 33% extra okay sorry it's a second bolt it looks like double the damage output and then what do I want to say yeah now everyone winning their home map so that's nothing to to crazy huh the Scala pendant secret see Mia Viper is Morse code and out and tell combined he has to be loved in life he has to be loved in life statistics Katie at the moment yet also a lot of buildings raised and he did have a lot of seats that could kill buildings so that was honestly a lot of work with the scorpions there I don't know he cleared up the forward pace of Leary okay that's where this is coming from they did get some conversions but Viper had some light have to clear this one up even giving some reasons to doubt their in the end and Piper obviously dominating when it comes to resources there had very easy boom 13:11 as fast caster time as well that's that's pretty solid guys three relics for the snake as well and well mood has to be good here now their home map being picked by a.m. let's jump into the action the Viper is again the pocket player here in the green trunks I'll fast forward a bit and then we will be live pretty soon as well we have Cuban pocket for the Viper long distance towards everyone so adding the TC could be pretty easy here to go sort pretty close to him and then we have the Labour boy Hara on the other side already being very active towards taro who is playing goth and that is a nice peter ferrara tries to sneak through there maybe taro can intercept this one though let's take a look here Scout doesn't really go for it could maybe go for the trade-off but it's just afar off and so what taro wants to go for and she even sneak through now the fight here is taro sending a villager doesn't look like it and taro is running away from mr. hara said Oh Ezra said God on the other side I was playing the flank with ku reans then we have has introduced previously Hara with guitars and MPL playing Indian pocket and to finish this one off Malay playing for mr. Gary Koreans good in this map because it's defensive safe after the tournament reset allowed no there's always a good map for secret good chance to score 3-1 indeed a question that I will answer before a lot of people of you go crazy why aren't there walling the small entrance you cannot wall on this stony area so walling won't be that easy we see some wild balls were very little walls at all to tower on the flat map play sometimes also just kill the enemy sheep instead of sitting them it's not that easy right the moment you own the goat you can't kill the goat so you can only kill the goat while it's in the possession of your opponent OMB outdoes MB all things taro now with the gate here let's take a look what he can do step HP there gets another gate oh but it's still like it's an unavoidable for taro here not really sure what he's trying to achieve there meanwhile taro is looking for the block now oops MBL even tries to take the fight taro is chasing this one down could maybe now block the Rhino indeed no what what what I was so sure he did it I was so sure he did it that was crazy and BL skill again oh that's not looking too great for mr. Tito here the Scout of Hera is around as well now taking the fight here distracting the boar but I ate opening here for am again and be out the Lima boy will be successful so that's minus 3 goats for taro - 1 rhino and you can see him being forced onto ostrich already questioner that's Piper maybe even sent one to sheep over I would love that how are the view numbers for the terminally is there a good chance that a mess will be happy how much of men put in the price pool in the end I think men will put every subscriber $1 into into the prize pool that's one and a half thousand and you have to ask meant about viewer numbers I didn't follow them at all apparently viewer numbers are pretty okay up pretty high like 20k will easily be broken if not already broken yeah you get a reckon thanks for your prime moment why don't people lamed year you can't kill deer with a scout you know it runs away but for the militia you can go for it and that's something that could maybe go for he is an opening with militia at that side meanwhile tout that looks like a minute I'm opening as well yeah for example there are some maps where you can lame some deal with the villagers you can do that but obviously that distance would be very very long and they all the goat of naming no no but the the most active one and newer times for Sharia he's really sending lots of villagers out to all resources of the opponent [Music] no okay now the first engagement here it is hell I'm not being up how this whistles looking vibrant food for villagers in the queue here I'm a bit surprised he could technically technically go up and militia out here now about the dance as well and it's around Piper has scoured here and be out scout is missing they are not really going for them either doesn't want to lose any HP here to sort it before reaching fuel H apparently Hara is pushing this one back together with his villager scout together snipe when died you start playing a gauge seriously when do you start playing it seriously you me probably probably ninety nine needy when do you use hold your when do you usually hold your partner cup there's no usually goes for more militia militia for Orion field number five in the queue meanwhile Hara is about to up this one VIPRE now in fuel 8c dropping oh look at that stable very aggressively here over that side meanwhile we can give you an update here for militia make it five militia bite out as well against Erie was playing for militia so that will be mass amount of melodrama on that side Hara needs a wall off nice move here it's easy to have a hole there but era to goods who allowed that that's a lot of militia on the field here at least show how this one will be played out meanwhile we see a fast car sir from MBL he drops blacksmith market so this is full boob impl full boom BAM BL Nellie still my favorite age stream great pair cast yesterday with - thanks my man yeah I really enjoyed the cast as well it's a five-minute arms here at the L will click and pretty soon so the advantage should clearly be on the side of team secret and we all should be walled here in that looks like no-holds to me if I see that correctly and well maybe getting something done at the periscope adoption Tara still in target stays active here ought to receive from her okay he drops the archery range he will have a reasonable costly time behind this oh that looks like her Scouts potato interesting that will be Haskell's three on gold over here and well the Madam's of doubt still very active you think Nicola play in the finals likely not unlikely think cannon like him over MBL feels reasonable there is Malay by the way not Marlins [Music] but that and we are furthering Consulate's then taro towards feudal age at the moment went for the full wall gold not greatly controlled thing Swiper will then be open as well against the art sirs if our decides to move out but he probably will wait for some CA before this now the engagement here and that is doubt combining force of the Viper and Viper went to right-hand side away so that's going to be interesting leery on the way to cast no not leery on the way to Carthage we actually blue here and red I'm completely confused one archery range he is holding this area and out are moving out there's some nice aggression this will be full boom by MBL this is so weird so weird dropsy see number one to see number two probably at the wood line somewhere here indeed keeps the wood line a life for himself some problems but this one is what in time they're just not really working at the moment Oh needs to get some repair in but it's just very idle this could be ugly for him but fine for now tentative front continues maybe scouts can go over there maybe you walling himself into a bigger area who your interesting aggression right but that's still really exposed deado still active with this rush here how is resource looking you will click up pretty soon as well but I'll be solid to half minutes after mr. leery nobody said there seems to be ok to me and there's such a crazy amount of villagers on stone here in what the aggression continuous villager could maybe here can he break this police say it looks like eventually you can and I think it might be enough now are just being sent over as well nari in some problems now goes for the defense upgrade no wood control at the moment he doesn't really get wood there's one three around there but that's it and then he's running out of what's really important that the store went up ting as though house cards could be like really really good taro now drops the defensive tower edges cold spot another outpost there VIPRE surely needs to get on some yes well he's sitting a to TC so okay so his boom isn't too far behind there now clicked up to castle eight as well interesting move there in a very painful situation and MDL it's very likely that he will end the game with the highest score the question is will it be enough and out-o he starts thrashing now he started and he will adjust forward as for villagers in stone and that's not easy to be defended by mr. Leary with so little army him tell him more defensive towers he knows that he needs to survive but also very exposed visitors drop some more farms over here that also way to offensive if you know that crossbow are coming there pretty soon taro summer walls here would be nice how I still don't count looking at 81 seven on stone right now so house cards will be late don't you see this farm please give me some rewards at the side don't read this fam either and that's why your daughter is it so that you don't research those weird farms and those scenarios meanwhile Trust is still very active here doubt continues with his trash probably wants to go towards the gold to stone eventually towards the wood line there next tower very aggressively now it just gets the kill there without any losses gets one Archer has a lot of skirmishes there against Leary who well it's now possible the defensive tower himself country do too much against the scouts that are around though meanwhile the cross men came in terrible looks on it with his defense though drops even now that you see so terror goes for the heavy heavy boom I'm a bit surprised by that now man I'm up great white shadow even around this area Hara goes over with the militia I can't really clear this one up and well another tower goes up Leary towers resource looking 305 from the cold world out is up on the way too costly I like this situation for a secret at the top obviously village account should be brutally in favor of MBL 60 now the Viper sitting at 47 only drop CC number 3 now goes for some more nights MBL just sits back now the first camel out on the field place this very very defensively where's the stable even okay directly in the center of the medical at what can you do shadow gets a castle up I don't think camels can do something against the mass Korean Tower see should be able to do something but doubt he needs to get more towers up we should never lose the villager here never ever lose the villager and Tau's knows about it and even go for the third body on the villager he knows how good liver is in those situations God continued aggression gets a lot of world's up himself obviously can't wall to the edge I don't think he wants to take this fight before the plus two twins but it's too sorry I'm away 50% only know I've been hiding his nights it feels a bit like it oh that could be some dead villagers not the greatest awareness buy him one down make it the farm to dice as well that's one villager down to villagers down and a farm lost manga known now for the defense Knights finally being produced and doubt I think he gets the tower I think his castle its timing was on time and gets the villager number one which are number two on the farm there as well there is sense more over for the repair but I think tout with more damage output more range should be looking pretty good here and he's trying to make something happen so 100 stone tout gives it up how you kidding me please go for the repair out nice move nice move it looking good manga no now as well that won't be an easy answer meanwhile Tarot it's kind of safe here as well not really sure what happened to the crossbow man did they eat a manga no shot Oh what happened I'm but surprised those Knights have low HP so maybe there was a fight there and it was very low HP manga no still with the dance no repair on that and the intensity here that our going down would be so good for it doubt and it looks like 200 HP only so I don't don't really see Neary repairing this one anymore but now a lot of cameras are coming over oh that's going to be tricky now a lot of exits at the other side doubt well probably we'll get one conversion and then that's it manga notes will go down oh no second manga no pop see as well so that's the easy double kill for mr. MBL he has to be happy about that he's sitting at a tea for villagers the Viper at 70 pretty soon Knights trying to find something out oh that just Nick it's our but the defensive TC by Leary world clear this one up eventually but still just being very very annoying here love the approach by doubt question is though does he get murder holes as he get ballistics all the super expensive operates there should be a good option nice quick wall by Hera not losing that villager the questioners can't heroin our dictate this game his ego is good enough his ego is good enough and I don't you see how are getting onto good army against that camels not really the greatest thing to get our skulls guitars you kind of need to go into step Lance's and this is open as well monk is going forward manga notes finding some area not expecting too many kills against the crossbow there though another job without even ballsy enough to try to go for that relic not going to happen right even drops in the wrong direction here tower I really want to see murder Holtz not happening for now how it stays annoying at that end and Terra was just going for a castle it's all in I wouldn't mind that I wouldn't mind that Hera opens himself a bit wider area once solid ground attack takes some HP away maybe end out posting at 51 villagers that's a progression though so from out here sometime non-aggressive classified the viper what I don't understand that oh my point that needs to be some quick walls here do we see some context not really happening some house cuts are coming over Viper he does not have stone walls cross men are behind us as well Viper Oh club that could be lost Castle for him cross men not really connecting and that 73% I think every single villager will go down I didn't understand the castle and the walls are not in time as well beautiful play here by MDL and Hera to force this castle to be not going up and who you're your dad felt so we had now the defense of kasi by Hera to stop this one as well great great moves for team am and well those camels actually dying here and doubt if you get some more repair I think those camels are dying there are more isn't the greatest thing ever and no need to run doubt since more villagers continues with some more aggression nice move nice repair here and we need a tactical pause at the moment who what a Hera castle really I was building this one offensively not a lot of units in the queue at the moment by him three cc's for now let's take a look at the numbers and we all 20 village is that said 17 villagers behind so Hera with a nice boom behind there's three cc's and I'm expecting the outside to still be pretty even indeed that's what's happening that could always sneak some magnel's here to get some villager kills lots of it it was very low there the moment you get to three villagers that should be fine hyper only saying three villages as well probably waiting for imp now goes for bodkin what is fiber what I was going for Kip checks Piper's going for Kip checks guys on the way to him this Carson might not go up either oh God and we are pushing at the left hand side now to get a castle up there that's another tower and bi will clear up the left hand side not sure what I think about the kipchak choice I just constantly leave me lay beaming in in finals games as well I think that's not really the plan I honestly think he thinks that's the best choice but Castle won't go up this is so bad for secrets craftsman finally all killed that's good so that that castle goes up at least but Piper you now reaches imp because for the casual would upgrade casual farm upgrade from Carthage the economy can't be great there I was getting pushed back as well and remember guys this is the whole map of secret so we want to win tip check out now I think the trap might be the better choice that car so that hurts so much Piper sitting at 1k stone now he can't really get to the production wait a few villagers out this whole game what is happening here now the second class are here craziest upgrade on those Kip checks either obviously still catch up on that out stays very annoying that should get trapped eventually and the L drops the double Castle theory with the defensive castle as well I think we'll get the tower up but then we'll get cleared up enough camels out there's going to be an interesting play not sure about the Kip check toys I'll keep check that great against em camels well what's the other chance as human player yeah you have camels but you don't have heavy camels can go for paladins I mean that doesn't excite you too much Oh nightbot back at it all cotton tout with the whole camels are coming in in time might only lose one villager one villager indeed going down trade off for some camels on the bursting autopilot I'm forced though that very limited 88 villager are me for now traps continue some more vaults here two tasks could obviously go for the endless range well I said I already included I'm not really sure Tarot just technical Cheska for harbor yes ah that's why we see hand can you said it no as well oh nice choice Barrera nice choice by Hera Viper he simply didn't go for any real army look at that this is slinging or something where are his resources he has one of sixteen villagers who don't get where doubt is not fully bought you can't wall on the stony area keep checking out shown I pick you up some more trade cards doubts now building a proper market there beside as well and we have the big engagement abadeer's did go in against all the cameras at the front Antonia numbers are not that crazy I can see four five and ten years to left our scouts did go in but now it did get the clear up and well by person alone I think my purse going for the full sling here guys have I seen this correctly I think slinging shadow fully could make sense now it takes each rim so I'm just a confused pleb honestly why is he not slinging at it slinging teto fully here could make a lot of sense it sounds so weird it sounds so weird we will try to take a look at what Vipers do and we're still going for comes some Kip checks now on the other side that is not looking too great against all the traps that are advancing scroll up still pretty even I still feel like taro can do a lot here house no blocking this area of maybe mess how skull and mess how but you could do something let's take a look trying to squeeze through here that should really work taro is just randomly patrolling in always know Sookie I will lose a lot of units but that's it and some more keepsakes some more ramps as well have to right inside most likely here now three seats workshops there maybe those are the buffering unit that they were waiting for or but shadow loses quite a bit he wanted to build Barriss at the left-hand-side heard of him great against that army as well but that's not really going to happen because the camels are intercepting that nice map presence here by MBL house cuts not really finding the killer and humans can't get anything on the map now some camels being build some Kip checks being billed as well to finally clear this one up but they are in the trade as well and doubt he isn't looking too great tries to buy some more time for him he's only at pop ad though taro needs to make something happen he really needs to push rams with that one but only four Rams might not be enough its Imperial camel just such a big hard counter to human here completely impossible by panel text s oh no checks on udders against the Sami each other to get one villager through I will see some Knights from the Viper some Kip checks mixed in we have the Cavalier check my permit win wasn't really knowing what to do in watch arrow get silly task and after that I absolutely love aspirin 30 could maybe make the go happen here I think if they stabilize it outside there is still an option but that's a big if and Tara needs a lot of production for that and that trap is getting sniped by buying some more time for doubt we're sitting at 72 villagers three military from him at the moment has some towers that presence is not really that important does he have a single to see that's his last hissy left here as well a scout senior doubting to go for the trade he can't really build the disease should really focus a bit on the boom but big big attack now over here lots of Rams out in lead house cars at the front still lacking the last attack upgrade that something shadow really needs is getting it now might get in there in the game taro needs to carry this game heavily here Pascal harbored a mix could be nice we will follow this big push stop in stop behind us but Oscar Tory's dealing with that quite nicely Rams attacking the front this could be good here for taro this is the attack we've been waiting for all game long taro is sitting at pop 244 farmers I wouldn't mind to see the 60 numbers there as well caramels now going through again trying to find some more raids right now what is he checking into it's the full sling upgrades now and that cows is going to fall shadow not really having any numbers behind this one though the castle most likely is holding yeah that's way too many Rams I believe no Viper actually miss micro a bit there can we get to kill that's oh he patrolled three or four times again there instead of just staying on this one our skulls they should still perfect quite a bit but we see alright he's actually intentionally microing on those harbour is to push continues though no more control over that left hand side area and the house is actually blocking there from the outhouse clouds continuing here not a lot of buffered so they could do seven on interconnection not really happening at the moment taro just needs to carry this one I think Viper needs to go for the first thing I like the approach that secret is going for split with the head cannon is here as well shadow he needs to carry he needs to produce he needs to out mass everyone here can he do it the Viper maybe going for the folds right now he's setting up more and more markets the trait isn't looking too sexy though as you can see that can't really provide either but oh another trap going down ok taro can he get the numbers on the field he's sitting at Papa 980 at the moment 53 military not too shabby as I said several times the wooden minds to see it 10 15 more villages there at the moment no production from Chad oh look at that now excuse up one huh skull what is this there's no production for him goes for single house cards at different spots he doesn't have any golden come anymore or what that's so weird I think he under boomed as a cosplayer where's the sling where's the support of Viper he's just waiting for some monitor connections maybe that strap is going down straight set up reasonable I would say I am here as well at least started for now and what are we mixing in here okay no it just looked a bit be a party Tim camels and light cap seems to be the composition doubt now drop some more towers tries to free himself bit more a Scouts around where the owners just not really happening and Tara Oh God that's just so annoying just goes for some rate but just in two three Oscars be on time and you should be fine I didn't see the big bada-boom sorry guys needed blinds well what we have where'd it happen I was it over here or was it at the left hand side I don't know one is just there went in at least and I wasn't even on the screen yeah you see how much stuff is happening left hand side okay well that's good for secret maybe they allow themselves into the come back here past cults and tablets and out pushing this one backed out gets enough towers and well we could maybe see some go over here and that's a good shot by Hera gets the double kill that one was so important otherwise we could have seen another big but a boom there as well and well down stabilizing with some of his towers still only at pop seventy this is underwhelming how is he not having no more markets how is he not having what he sees here Oh God God God II can't really provide too much at the moment it's now getting back onto gold but straight card numbers simply not high enough another cars are going down taro I think at this point he's getting full slang at least that's what I would believe and would like to see they are moving in by the bit too early no owners are support behind this Carson affords at the left hand side Rams are moving forwards on it sir can we get the connection gets one solid shot off to Hansen is going down by pasta with some micro get some scorpions but it's getting sniped here MBR with a nice awareness there sensing a flight cap over meanwhile to push at the left-hand side shadow just patrolling in doesn't look too great to me though think there will be stopped but still I think God can do a lot here monitors get in the cage connection no more haba Diaz could be nice here again who there's so tough to spot Ted I was just playing out of his mind fighting everywhere what is this exactly what want to see it out still with those horrible horrible houses I hate him so much for that that he's not in eating those and that cos of the Viper Falls he is sitting at pop 180 he's going full sling mode as you can see 180 workers now that includes straight cards as you can see he has an okay a straight so much going through very tight areas though providing some monitors as well maybe seats workshops behind this area to get some over there from the left-hand side could help out as well Ted oh oh I can't really protect the on edges em camels will get the Snipes there will we see all three on it just dive wouldn't surprise me too much actually nice blockage he of said OMB I was trying to reposition on it just just go into the front do we see them shoot at least once in their own Haskell's oh no that was - micro there by the Viper huh scars are now going through Sarah was still in this one Tarot is still making this game happen guys doubt sits at pop 90 mr. Marco may so happy to see you stream so happy that the community is joining this one we are in the finals of a $21,000 tournament it is team secret against team am arguably the top two teams in the world I know that you're coming from a German stream I would still appreciate it if you talk English over here the best in man indeed thank you so much for your support hope you had a wonderful stream my man and we are looking into this one we are playing till one team wins five games this is a full best of nine and at the moment it looks like am is looking at a bit better position big fight here over at the right hand side as well hand Chaeronea scorpions you name it the perfect counters - what a god player could throw at you not a lot of buffer at the frontier maybe some champions could be mixed in as well and now the hashcode they are doing a good job all of a sudden light kept me being mixed in by the Viper as well paladin obviously the unit that we want to see in the long run but that's not really happening more hearts cards here on the left hand side on ensures not finding they killed so yeah look at that split again channel simply not able to protect those owners just over and over again another four oranges dying without any return killed shadowed oh can he find some kill - Larissa where all the house cards when sneaky towers they're being stopped elite Karambit swarm now Valerie plus one plus two attacks on those the Viper still only one on each end production that is all he goes for the full sling 190 villagers at the moment I love how he arguably the best player in the world can just sit back and do the team strategy eight the team and realize okay humans I can't really put anything on the map I was telling you to give us the best chance to win the game he will take the step back and well at the moment and put the numbers on the field it's 38 military only in a spot where we want to see like 1890 military swarming everywhere it's obviously not easy everyone is kind of fighting against some doubt doubt can only put towers on the map as well vomit cannon dies there even takes the trap down that's kind of a case - not cost-efficient it's a blessed with a good position behind this one the push here is pretty massive though Tarot might even lose his production more Haas cards moving into the front and there's so much rate in the bag how do you put out all those fires it's not going to be easy light kept rated by Hera now mixed in as well no hazards AG there yet let's quickly compare trade lines okay yes I would say doesn't excite me too much oh yeah I'm a bit on the better side there when it comes to the numbers and oh are you mm-hmm okay now we quickly will jump on another stream I think it doesn't make sense to try to catch this one up yeah this is just very very bad so two one score line still we're just jumping onto 1890 stream and we can continue this one this is computer restart yeah it's not my computer I'm a man like wife also would enter stream so we can see that well the pushed sir continues over there and right inside well we see a Scott's doing something and the ramps pushing back at that area as well really really great game there for sure and I think I can turn off the just for now so that you can see the mini-map please remind me to put that one on obviously at the bottom that is oh nice cut there as well but the Viper making the trade line a bit more efficient but still look at how those trade cards are bugging out at the left hand side Tarot maybe some more barracks at the left hand side smack around could be nice some ugly rates here by mr. Harris still being pretty active as well and yeah now I know why people complain about t90 zooming out too much that is that is pretty far that is pretty far we see a lot can you higher the quality I'm watching you stream in 1080p obviously it's a restream of a stream so it will never be super crisp this is a black forest team game well a bit of a laser style right left-hand side now the push continues and now I can also see why people complain about teen ID always selecting some stuff I really want to know the villager numbers get out is sitting at pop 101 at 66 for the Viper he's now going for 18 18 military himself so so many traps active lighting ever moving in there for MBL but that push just seems really really strong see trams could be at it as well huh can you catch up with the game in the background not really like yeah I could but I think the game is ending pretty soon and it's a one-hour catch-up taro can't really continue pushing there it's just a very great team played by Hera and be all constantly there I think the left-hand side is where the real story is happening at the moment that just can't really hold I didn't see a unit from him for ages now as well huh scouts are trying to hold but so many ramps now advancing so many traps out as well mascots in the queue as we can see from mr. lurry day as well was there read no wait for doubt to come back I am surprised how few TCC builds how little trait he started as well and well maybe not the greatest comeback there for sure hmm Indians too strong well Andy I'll really deliver with dosia and now I can see Terry it's just randomly sending some small armies in there he is now sitting at Papua and 50 as well as I can't really deliver now the Viper the slinger with the highest population the game that doesn't sound too great to me and yeah those are less and those in camels can't not be touched meanwhile the right-hand side isn't looking red either and I wouldn't be surprised at the tea duty is flying in pretty soon and aftermath might be dying out the series here who you yo-yo never rebou min a war zone you don't really have the greatest choice and Larry just now pushes in we are so close to the trait just look at the swarm of red and yellow units coming into the street stream in onto the screen and well taro he's no lose it's barracks meaning that he can't build any monuments at the left hand side and then they don't have anything yeah I was going for some herbalist there but that won't be enough especially against him camels and yeah Tara he can't hold that area either Viper simply couldn't get onto the map didn't really know what a mighty army he wanted to go for what he cured if delivered feels like a blast are no parents weren't really open hip shake obviously wasn't the option either because he simply lost that cast there was way too aggressive on that side I don't really know why we went for that and G to the G I'll put my tread on there as well hi yeah yeah we will traumatize but not daughter to level guys okay let's jump into the action guys to to the school Canyon Lake the map here think that's a whole map of secrets still left right aftermath pick that one not too too important though and we see the Viper going for the lumber camp here he is the Lithuanian pocket starting with 150 extra food allows him to go for the wood a bit earlier and yeah we are hoping to see a lot from him taking a look at the relics I can see three behind taro one in the center of the map one between Hera and Nico fear so I think you can get let's say at least three maybe four relics which would be really really nice giving him +1 attack on his nodes and we have taro already mentioned he will play Japanese question is how will he approached the game will he be the guy responsible for water will he go archers what is the gameplay here and we also have mister talk without of its for the Celts yeah same question will he go measurements will he play for what not really his style will he go for water how will he approach things Celts not choice number one on canyon lake but the leftover civilization he will face mr. Harrow himself playing italians and not really finding a good spot for his lumber camp yet goes for the straggler first and could be easily contesting the water as well with the italians and we take a look at Nick off as the hunt pocket yet that means and we are benched for no and the remaining player mr. Leary will play Vikings here allowing his teammates to build the docks a bit cheaper great economy as well and yeah really love this one that's my rank number five has played 76 games with a plus one streak and one drops now you're just holding my DM stats so guys want more maps as well then my slam isn't played that's questions for after the tournaments further Campbell has been performing better than Harris so far rapier game not so much doing that game we can't really judge that solely a good game by MBL but like every single one of those seven players would have been look look right there what were the other games I don't even know the maps anymore guys grande para MBL children pocket never really got into the game everyone would have looked look bad there so yeah it's tough to judge I think pretty tough to judge at the moment soon this will be maybe you were a bit more active there Piper already having two fishing ships out we now see Hera dropping that's a bit weird that is now dropping talked as well that looks like this Scout fight I see one bite out my purse there with the scout as well so that's going to be an easy kill anyways okay and meanwhile the Hera is around some more damage stood out to show how we're approaching this one six HP 9 HP doubt can just run maybe that in this fight Aaron Oh needs to run as well oh yeah what a wild one what a wild one and so a second doctorate Tokyo even team secret goes for full triple-dog this is interesting okay this is interesting and as you can see Leary is not going for the talk he builds the racks and Nick off it's completely ignoring water what so that will be Scout opening by the hands pocket Hera will be responsible for the water play but that's against three docks I'm not sure if we've ever seen that before a three dog play who you yo-yo obviously could be problematic for doubt and shadow on land lots of words coming though so taro shoot a lot of time still HP on the scout as well should I am just abandoned water now knowing in secrets three players committed now do they know about that then know about two players did anyone really Scout the third talk of taro yes okay so they know about the three dogs mm well completely giving it up it can't be the right choice right everyone up to in the way too few late there's no fast cars Finnegan's there Nico actually the earliest and well however will go for at least two dogs the thing is not all three players can go for a grass right and you're simply dying on land who out of curiosity are you surprised what's not part of the strategy before so everyone knew all the three dogs I knew but you didn't and I'm an excitement caster so yeah three dogs was the plan teams forced to bench wrote a player's know there were some teams that had exactly three players that I played exactly every single game for them he's got now going down for the outer stone well if I don't say that that's so special then you won't know that it's not seen strategy before right okay all everyone went for one dog now that's that's weird I thought at least one would go on water hmm thank you for telling us how to feel well that's somewhat of the job of the caster right if you raise your voice the listener knows okay something important is happening if you scream ba ba bada boom you give the view of the Intel okay if something major just happens so that's actually doing my job and no one is really going for water that is so weird so fire galley here the fire galley there a fire galley there so all three of them everyone just adds one fire galley it's our at a weird spot here by tarot somewhat blocking this area interesting who why is what is important in this map well just think about it Tim secret now has eleven villagers here at the moment just for free all right Ian's tattle could come over for the center now the 3v1 here do you see anyone going for more fire Kelly's at the moment one more bite out and that is kind of it being in the fire galley area here's some micro ooh pretty intense stuff in well said oh it seems like he can hold this one one Archer on the hill and he saves that one in the tower yeah I don't really see they were doing too much here only one also should not be enough spearmen or too scary and didn't go up but two hours should be enough to get this one up two spearmen and one Scout shouldn't be enough let's take a look Oh even gets the hit there until before Leary meanwhile Hera is running the water he just went full aggression there and doubt should be around to punish this one went for four-minute arms I think you should have followed this up with the tower this is not punishing enough in my opinion okay now he builds the archery range so Hera did win water [Music] the 3v1 is the guy going fully onto it now some demos edit just dropping off the food nice play by him surely you know what taro and Lee read now should be somewhat even right to build one fire jelly I think the big advantage simply should be that doubt should be just massively ahead of Hara but that's not the big punishment here think more aggression could have been nice what are we happy what are we seeing here okay my first going for some reasonable amount of scouts not really sure ways finding some action okay find some just in the outside the strongest am composition MV I would say no seems like a reasonable transition out of this one Tama now I don't actually still fishing a bit you how big of a loss is losing water to sing opponent like can secret just transition into farms what is it big hit I think they already fished a lot just look at this there's not too too much fish left right I think already like half the pond is already fished now oh that could be problematic for hirato that could be problematic knows okay now boots the tower there but that means the second woodland should be exposed indeed and Hara instantly sensitive litters away 3 archers won't find the kill here and that's the big difference right if we come to the Coliseum game doubt didn't you have the stone to build the defensive tower one artisan I'd watch TV but not 5 for a channel they heavily watch all but eggs everyone can pay as much as they want that's the beauty of twitch right that you can switch the channel so you can go for everything alright I'm not touching anyone who doesn't want to support thank you for your support Oh where's Tommy he's sending the army through center gets some damage done on those I think most guns could be nice Q subscribes exclusively now Scout goes down Archer goes down as well solid range by that tower though and I think taro will be fine meanwhile can you find the damage that would be so nice Nick of actually opened there in well completely missed what happened on that side oh ok doubt is now going forward the attack against Nico as well that's still open let's see what they can find as openings skirm here there he goes for the dance hello goes for this side and maybe waiting for two more screams could have been a good option most arts was now dying though I think taro will at least estimate the numbers relatively well oh this could be every singing village a dying Pony cough it could be really really bad taro what does he see this is the wood line scouts around tries to go in there they won't believe that it's still open what does Nick off you should know that that's this is so weird is so weird taro now dives in yet can't believe it either shadow oh this hurts so much anika vistas free volume behind this was for so many scouts now lots of farms idled 3 spearmen mmm kind of have to take the engagement now oh no fibers through no he's not defensive tower Nova Nico for god this could have been the kill not really happening though some scouts went down now it's still active even sending some archers over here very active play now that skirmish is getting pushed back can they break this one Nick off might lose the villager not even that nice play by him ok lose this one that is now getting cleared up after looting the spearmen archers can they find to kill anyone to college I can see Leary's up I can see Harrah's up as well and oh the Viper already is in class late so he would go for some night production out of the center here not big question is how many relics can you get drops TT see here to begin with would love to see some play how many relics are they seeing taro he did Scout no relics behind himself he didn't score any relics behind himself this is so bad the Bible sending the Scout out trying to find relics such an unfortunate thing look at that not scouting that relic at the top not scoring that really get the side not scouting the head relic here oh no no no no that's not pretty who Nick off now up to cast latest well Hara just heavily fishing here has the full control there are just around Scouts of the Viper as well do they want to jump I think it's not the worst idea I think that's a good idea just driving under there plus to attack on them you ledge no real extra attack on those one villager down to second one just has to fall right yeah indeed they just have to turn on how to scout which loves got the map water first that's the truth how does God always goes to the right hand side corner and then it's got away from there oh nice can he get in there looks good looks good to me one of the two tries to quick was night Oh No Harris was so active so active in those spots great movement oh no he molds in the night Harris just the craziest guy meanwhile next hour they are beautiful defense by Hera that is so good that it starts to go defense oh God hi Yayoi such a good difference [Music] triple stable now bonnie cough you really wants to produce we borrow behind this as well that will be some night production viper 3tc sitting at 49 latest nick up at forty four can't really drop any disease though with that resource absolutely at the bottom and goes for the plus through defense and can't even produce out of the third stable then okay somewhat can cross one out coming over don't mind secrets position too too much only there if only they found the relics that one kind of unreachable for viper as well that is not fold it to any empower then they can't find the relics let's get an update here did they do something more one Spearman moved a bit closer how unfortunate is that shortly we go fast in a blessed now well he is viking so not the worst idea I've ever heard surely has some cross women out goes for two Archie Rangers has enough resources and that's already answer my man he will indeed play exactly that strategy University honestly being dropped shouldn't to build too many craftsmen and then passed him against arrow who just reached castle eight not going to be easy team secret to come up with the defense against that next tech here though Tara still doing a good job of buying time for self checkouts what can he do yes add to tc's thinking aggressive cease workshop wouldn't be bad here I really doubt style but I think a good idea stays active there with the crossbow man I like this nearly getting nervous yeah indeed well there's so much prestige on the light on the line right so if I'm undefeated in secret tournaments played 1 1 1 tis Invitational this one first let's say call it major team game tournament of te first major tournament for me after joining Secrets obviously I want to contribute some to it and I would love to see my boys winning like news economy just pretty crazy - TC is cross meant far in the back Tara's trying to find some angles Viper TT add some more stables how many only 2 not 2 stables she's not the craziest production actually what is happening here Viper just got in here still not a single relic for him go to the plaster defense now and find some kills hello Nico will survive with one villager to be tricky does he want to take this fight probably not straight of two for one nice move there are they driving in deep I would kind of advise against that nice quick ball there by Nico he is killing everything I think can you still get out no you cannot and Viper has to run or just lose every single night you see thinking about imping this one I don't think so right I think you just saw him get some upgrades we just saw him at some stables as well it goes for the left hand side now Lily isn't him that's something that secret probably did either not expect or did heavily fear there he goes for the contest here shouldn't really take the fights would be great for channel 2 jump on there and force the fight but way too active we'll just wait for the power spike for Ovilus waits for prey sir as you can see Viper he just needs taro alone and we see some quick words not really happening prepares the trap there prepares the trap in one more Knights are coming as well Viper just tries to avoid this one look at that okay now the monk finds the first relic here in the game I believe finally finally something going right for the Viper there he's singing at 101 villagers though pretty impressive lead over the 64 of Nick off so the parent production should be crazy Italian production something for the future did not even click up your taro first random towers here taro is doing the tower defense for viper what is happening look at this is just pulling random towers everywhere that is just crazy knowing that leary is kind of the guy that is breaking them I just need one more tower here this is crazy because this is the aggression and ablis they aren't great against oh I see good fight for taro it's a good fried potato every a ballistic shields now there's a reasonable trade for with this cosplay Tommy scum down there as well and yeah I love this place so so much still three crossbow around like that could be dominating this game score are still incredibly close resources for Nico fear at the limit at the bottom viper meanwhile he's going for more control now seven stables for him finally the first relic on the way home somewhere ok already at home do we see more relics now okay that one is too much spot it and that one is so far away they know about the other two my birth taking this one and Leary is breaking through and yeah that's the spot where I was missing the tower maybe relative head of tower here could be an opportune maybe just in no-man's land something like here wouldn't hurt too much either but still overall I like the approach here into all the stables I don't think Piper wants to take this engagement now does he oh they're truly going back here Piper he wants to wait hablas surround taro rushes off that tower that's going to be five six dead villagers quite easily but I think Piper will take this engagement now he has the advantage lots of army from the left-hand side could come as well the towers going to finish Leary needs to micro back from this one where's the I mean the lessons right no I thought he was coming in there I thought he was coming in with the left-hand-side army ok well that changes stuff then oh no I thought that was a double prompt attack but that didn't happen apparently so lots of towers here Ted was doing a good job of buying time for himself that's not like ballistic snow to me what's happening here okay now it does but wants to wait some more wants to buy some time doubts aggression here's some manga notes not really killing Hera at the moment somewhat even game Hera is an improv age hair sits obelisk numbers out can take the fight against out here the out needs to focus this one down micros towards it I like this one but out just missing those shots I think trading off this one evenly again is a nice choice now we have the big engagement here and tells to include job with all these skirmishes Nablus they are clearing this one up and now it's time for the Viper to return the favor the big problem though look at that so nightly production funny cough he still didn't click up that's going to be a massive massive time window for team secret when they can deliver the pain that's so good for secrets viper he obviously loves to play those games right nice amount of gold control corner control as well they should be able to set up the trade tarot still continues to do damage i like the position here of my secret voice let's go for the 3-2 lead give me some Neeley energy give me some lilies secret in the shed give some support for the viper well how much of a solid will he have in the end of the game it's not unlikely that he will be the leader when it comes to the score he's just in the beautiful position now since all his army to the left hand side goes for some clear up of all those fire galleys obviously allows him then to snag that one then relic what what what how did that radical oh I'm fearing that maybe Piper lost the cavalier upgrades mb l am lu l nearly hi para hi and viola thank you for the nicely bias classic thanks you're very welcome okay now reaching him is doubt latest on the field is nico here 73% continues with his knights in tech palette and zach instantly clicked for the vipre once where's the second relic give me an update on a relic out oh it is coming there no one has a relic stood two relics at the side here so much knowledge in the knowledge of team secret one at the bottom there they know that as well the viper he will have class to attack with lithuanians clear step one up and that's a big big army that's a big army and that one will hit Nick off so hard TC will research him goes for some spearmen for the defense but that's not going to happen those Cavaliers will just shoot through everything Niko somehow tries to go for some defense now spread all the Cavaliers everywhere could be an easy task just eat 33 a live look at how he's chewing through that one starting to see if will be easily lost here one conversion against that one and that's a solid 15 villagers going down with that one as well that's going to be very problematic here for missiny cough and holy moly villagers are dying there but fire his apparently micro him somewhere else as well where is something happening and we were surprised that he's not spreading more okay now goes for the next TC he's eating them indeed to see one down to see number two now being focused on as well meanwhile taro he's not dying to the herbalist how is tara holding this one he still in Castle it's no idea how this is happening to see number two down now more nights are coming over but well Nico's only hope is okay now I can fight Cavaliers against Knights o Cavaliers against cavalry is pretty soon but honestly no upgrades plus one plus two at the moment against it solid plus six plus four paladin upgrade is now coming as well Hera needs to come to eight with the defense but so many villagers are dying nick of now sitting at 423 lots of a hammer here binary though he can break through to the center 20% up two periods now mr. Ted Tito paladin upgrades finally there 20 damage output SS country take this engagement beautiful positioning dough by Hera gonna be lovely their paladins and that rate is kind of designed to buy himself some time to buy himself some map control to maybe sneak one or two more relics there I wouldn't be surprised if a monk is already on the way but also the rates continue and the viper he has taken the skull it's so magnificently and now the aggressive Castle Hara he doesn't have a lot for the defense gets a bomb but cannon actually a pretty good unit what is her up to well he just did send for the herbalist for the defense but how can he chased down all those paladin's he cannot mobility simply on the side of the Viper here Palin's will get my foot down by neri he was playing Vikings with massive amount of herbalist again he's sitting at 103 villagers here Terrell exclusively going for scrubs at the moment it's wait for brazier to take a real engagement though that paladin going down and oh god the Vipers are spreading like a virus everywhere here more rates coming in now in the back of theory here as well that's going to be so many dead but it's just look at that Viper he's just playing the beautiful the dream game the one that feels like rain barrel for him again more rates in the back here as well just staying so active no chance to set up trade I just want to see the relic being snuck here as well conjure now by two out even they are trying to play against Neary who is going for so many obelisk is microing this one down taro is yeah I think that's not really the fight they want to take now before Tarot really has all upgrades Pat Leary Oh God so many losses for him so many losses for him he lost over 50 miniatures he just lost over 50 villages in the last one and a half minutes I would say how the slap was looking at one and five this one is looking great for team secret the castle is being repaired on interest and moving over there hungry for some killed see team secret they are really being put to the test but they are delivering give me the onager kilts from hell but no it doesn't even matter Palance just putting on the damage output here and Tara was clearing up leary leary has to tap out Nick off jumps in replaces MBL loses his only game he played g2 g3 to lead for team secret what did you want all you want to see you down there well thank you nervous area and he did amazing outpost bodies if he knows what is in time BoBoiBoy like a 15-minute break 35 mm and that was risky I knew does unfortunate the time he moved out he came in he was discarding my thingy because I just wanted to give you some some feelings guys it was intentional all good but thank you so much for being the responsible guys yeah I just wanted to like grab the emotions and yeah I think it was a was a rough game and yeah so the Viper with a pretty great KD not very emotional must a well it's still like in the series right you're still in the tunnel you're trying to focus the my prayers expected got all the kills there simply the better economy there Nick off just hit there by Tarot doubt and Viper at the same time in futile age lost a lot of villagers viper earlier up instant to t sees edit and that was just very lovely got so much extra gold there's well look at that i solid 9k more food between those two pocket players 90 88% of exploration and well two relics not the four most fortunate position there we can all agree on that at least on their pictures and let's take a look what we have here we have the viper hosting game he is playing as the flank and he has Byzantines on beach fight in that way we don't start with any bores 12 farms though we can send our Scout to the outside to get some more sheep there are no deer except at the very north end at the very bottom here we could go up for some extra stuff and extra gold is in the respective west and east corners Byzantines kind of expecting something in the faster in direction mass amount of crossbow maybe scurbs mixed in there as well and then we have the Lord Himself playing the pocket here with Hans he will support with a lot of nights maybe some scouts could be an option we will see about that as already see a lot of red dots here against mr. taro who was playing Malian Scout war at the top here that's really untypical I think I'm pretty sure Vipers winning this one I'm pretty sure what why is he were treating okay now here's obviously one less it I was so sure he was winning but didn't want to take the risk here and we have shadow playing with Malian super buildings called upgrade pretty lovely there and against that is mr. Leary playing Vikings we have and in the pocket position Berbers for mr. MBL lots of knights expected from him nico's benched again and tara place as the Ethiopian flank here viper this is even more HP so that's not great for him some sheep found a lot of excess going on terror will have huge wood that in front of him oh boys that are going to be a big one so he needs to control this area and will be very very safe same goes for leery right just love this one and you aren't fearing a lot of aggression from that side lots of excess come in and I quickly need to be the extra boy and check civilizations what did I predict okay nightbot thanks for all the civilizations they're not really sure how that was working all of a sudden maybe because it's life games pots Kevin around there very very lovely for us a lot of sheep found look at that Hera even scouting further around this map to find even more sheep that's a lovely move vodka magic indeed some real magic ok I hope you're getting a bit more on the rhythm a bit more into the feeling of the serious now break was obviously long don't blame me I'm just a player and a caster pods cobot greater nightbot oh I can't disagree yeah and keep a straight face okay be honest going for big walls here but that does not include Leary so that's interesting maybe could have gone for more like those walls seems like the same range but then Leary could have been around I wouldn't mind if like doubters taking this cell here seems really sexy for him secret at the moment Aslam still there he is in teamspeak feel the rhythm would nearly and I see ok do you will play in Game seven no I won't play a single game also remember that there could be up to nine games the Italian should be pretty good on this map because of the Punic Wars but when I cook a spiced lamb I don't know I did ask him he simply didn't want to apparently probably Aryans would you rather build one castle or two creepos secure map versus having trap and research stirrups well on this map it's not really an option in general I would say not that is it depends on the map how much do you need to protect most of the time go for a different crap boss if you go for paladins obviously the castles better if you want to go for carnac's that think opening with creepers and then the castle later might be the better option why don't you play a team decision yeah yeah like all five of us would agree that I shouldn't play okay Larry walling himself pretty small here and taro will be wall behind this this looks like a better secret team wall I really like the walls in the back as well full control at the front doubted what quite a bit they have full control over all this area maybe walling in front of here oh there he even gets an out yeah because was it kept because Celt eto TC no no no no like that was actually surprising that I even played the quarterfinals what walling out leery be a viable thing for our team secret yes but I would be very surprised with their Scout at that look at that secret secret hi Carol there's no idea doubt should have no idea either so yeah that's that's not really something that we will see too soon are those walls from leery doesn't have a great idea either on where to wall now goes for those walls not great not great not great in my opinion what they are providing you think and be out like having the walls here then you still control the hill that's pretty nice for leery to camp on as well obviously it's feels like a bigger investment but the length should be pretty similar my opinion but easily broken as well as well as well okay players now on the way to fuel age we can see taro and stout not following up this well era pop 26 the earliest here that's going to be you get extra resources make sense think slam is going to play another game do you think for your thoughtfulness and kindness and inside I'm enjoying your casting thank you actually this is the least insightful cast I can do because I'm not talking about any strategy is not analyzing the drafts so if you're looking for insights probably my old cast might be more enjoyable for you but thanks for the kind words aren't you right now being dropped blacksmith as well not really so wet do you have this barrack oh yeah over here and that's not world yet by MBL drops the stable there drops the blacksmith in the bag I'm expecting a house there it's time for beats fight well someone told me once never try to break up a beats fight so I won't later site has a lot of resources hello hello is he floating a lot you can queue up to villagers and would upgrade oh yeah do not go into detail but with the prize money be distributed evenly on depending on place I'm not to go to detail but will price money be destroyed even do depending on play time that was actually going for for outpost here no okay for in stone walls okay okay okay so taro is playing the monk rush here I don't really see the blacksmith at the moment okay being dropped in the back there the out goes for the blacksmith as well stable dropped here someone meant a different kind of pitch fight ah okay okay so my in Montrose well looks like it to me facing Vikings purse expecting a lot of knights and Ethiopians so double archers plus Knights there surely they have a lot of ground at the front the house now goes for the storm water as well you want to know if for example you get and understood the question obliques Molly monger so they have bukit monks i think they got all the updates I get Redemption I think they got block printing thank you to you obviously siege is pretty solid as well about trains here from the Viper as well first art source out here trying to put some pressure on this area chat all three players oh no all three players don't actually went for an extra scout and just really understand that has only one stable country produced nights now after eating class late or Kenny that's a really early timing by Hara Viper need to fall back that could be a lot of pressure and Viper well he could blow the defense of tower how many Archer engineer has to only seven on golden spot where normally want to have eight on gold no botkin can be afforded that's not looking too great for Viper let's take a look at the dance just moves around a bit might kill the Scout quite an easy catch there Knights could be around as well and Viper in some problems here is still dancing lost one Archer still no botkin loses the second one here most likely the damage output is pretty solid now the first night out bite out but doesn't have the defense upgrade so far double nights here by MBL oh god this could be a really short game it could be a really short game my first someone eat salt this one I don't really see too much of a production brought kanau coming over and that's the big difference normally used an eight on gold pie but it sent seven on gold therefore bodkin was delayed why first still camping on that hill but some losses he needs support out now needed to add the second stable something he didn't want to do get some damage done here but needs to run and be a let's go for full aggression no blood lands on his side though and Terra what can he produce he is what there was a whole touted well this one this is full disaster this is his short game guys this this game is over holy moly this game like I can't even hide casters taro both monasteries completely denied the stone world's not on time they're not really here it's true what happened with the villager seeds workshop tonight this it works I look at the resource of taro floating can't put anything on the field viper now tries to go into the back hold here 11 on go tries to somehow hold holy moley is that looking horrible for team secret at the moment cross women now coming around as well that won't really have the production to defend this one needs to run with some villagers one down make a two down make it no reaction without no reaction made out 3d villagers down already make it for villagers down this is to G this game is over holy moly we just waited 40 minutes to witness this game 33 it's all even and you have to question the Viper why is this not world more we had to stone walls yeah that's a fail of doubt as well Tara was sitting behind stone walls this one was way too late and then he didn't have the archer production it is Byzantines against Ethiopia shouldn't die at the 16 minute mark here who you drafted for 2 hours to die like this ok Beach fight in the books I won't join them in teamspeak maybe they're talking about the next map already maybe the mood isn't great I will just give them some privacy hi yeah yeah yeah that is just like one lay of Palisades and just going through killing who yo yo Viper even stonewalled that area I had fewer crossbows what Kim was very late and not the greatest micro theory of solids both 0kd again taro just lost the villagers in the center day I'm not really sure why this wall of doubt didn't finish in the center they really must have been out there with his archers very very quickly it starts Waldo the palisade one yeah but it's still like so close to Viper it's kind of his responsibility right if you think about like doubt can't Stonewall this and this like he can but it's so much better for Viper as well hmm hmm next map is African waters yeah okay let's jump into the action Canyon Lake is up next boys who have Viper as the Persians this Iranian and Japanese flank here for the secret boys Mongol Indian and Incas on the way we will fast forward and then take a look look that this map is all visible here in the center we're starting with five rhinos next to UTC and as you're no color one three and five are together so taro as the Japanese flanked by Perez the Persian pocket as the Lithuanian flank then we have MBL as inca flank era as the indian pocket and leary with the mongols as the flank as well everyone who doesn't know this map we also have four big points in those corners and OMB out he will already steal the first run away from doubt he's a bit late to the party and what already dropped the barracks though let's take a look doubt that seems like a risky seal to me that's too close to let you see now don't go for it no don't don't move away that can't work or does he try to go around or this should Soviet Hera with the pause Terrell dropped a barrack at the site instantly volunteer for Leary also barrack at the site for mr. doubt he might go for - but mal already preparing for the same Hera pause residentsleeper yeah maybe looking up the tech tree for Indians or tau don't tell me and MBL he's he will just get this one up no doubt he just runs away [Music] yeah doubt is just running towards taro yeah what why don't you block it no he started but it didn't follow that's unfortunate for doubt he actually saw it but it didn't follow Oh Gauri and now I'm BL he should never lose that villager no okay so we'll be plus one Rhino for MBL not the big surprise their militia fight at the edge not really happening in my Hara walling himself in the back by priority with the first dock here same goes for Hera on the outside Terra not really active already warning in those wood lines here with the villager two militia out there as well everything at zero here for MBL nicely putting all the resource on the map third militias coming out on both or yeah on both sides feed up an earlier start therefore tapped out doesn't really matter camels behind this to cut off the reinforcements but yeah that just seems so open and doubt is winning this one notice some damage against the camo MP Allah see just happy with this so what's happening here and then runs away just was probably taking some more damage you see on wood now MBL no he is not since two villages over but doubt continues with his militia that won't be too pretty this over here can they find some fin actually this was open no it's not HP he looks all solid as well shouldn't really happen and mal he can't get on to more gold at the moment doubt with a nice opening there eight either villagers Authority how are you okay now we'll come to the right clicks on that one and just lets the villagers do the rest she goes for the low HP one in the back what okay so wife their militias out there a nice block though by mr. t - does he get a visitor seems like seven HP's could be enough tries to go for the part that's TC nice move here secret would be nice opening and well doubt not walling the gold here did spot the villagers running away here and three militia could be pretty good at being annoying here thought can he chase those down he's trying to find the mill the villagers can't really see them anymore it's a split office militia now Terra now goes for more laning here as well okay well Devon in but Leary was on time so he will have three villages on gold justice Scout at the left hand side just a lot of lot of naming happening here and well MBL found a woodland for himself on this one the Viper already with the second doc here villager still around meanwhile only one doc here by mr. Harrow obviously a bit more uncontested start for the Viper compared to what I am had to suffer here okay won't find that one in time the militia they were searching for some leftover villagers didn't really happen Terra now with some more walls nearly already up to feudal age here and now it's the archer range before the nine-minute mark obviously starting with five rhinos on the to see I developed a little bit there but well the what income won't be crazy good but you have like one cave wood around you to see as well stragglers having 200 what really helps hyper carry again well we'll see about that no doubt still on the hunt does he not see the wood line there oh that's so close that you didn't see that one still runs around there should be no Wolves right all right think so and vipera trying to scout at that angle as well nice to play there surely doubt not dropping a lot of farms goes for the wood line pretty much unprotected but doesn't really matter too much and MBL not on gold at the moment shadow once it reaches rule edge dad it should be a shower over here and then we see Hera in force into defensive tower most likely no one really going for any contestant here of the outside points it's just one pocket eats at the moment but viper some more production he has the seven worker lead at the moment first of all the goal before towering as well only one villager obvious show how much he can do taro is trying to chase down that arts are only six HP but it's Larry micro and he won't rest till he gets the kill there Oh God Oh No but now regrouping could take one more shank and then might die here sure taro I see you around but anything blacksmith now being dropped stable as well that's going to be full Indian camel version what can he deliver now sharing the goat over that angle back smooth somewhere indeed at the very top it's to wait a bit more and Noble to the mill - then afford the market later on as well but so many more fishing ships upon vibrant so it's crazy 15s what I can see for now against era he quote-unquote is only at seven now the market from taro as well and oh boy oh boy MBL he is pulling the villagers right oh yeah and that's one defense upgrade and we don't have any army doubters just taking this fight oh god my tears for militia yeah probably should be relatively good in this one I'll put those away Oh God MBL seems just to be happy to get himself and doubt out of the game 5 mil assured Oh once we get married I'm upgraded thing can be all needs to think about taking engagements here for now just going back my drama played now being clicked the training can then maybe deliver something we taking this engagement not really now I believe oh nice micro thereby doubt surely and NBL yeah he just needs to run can't really contest that I mean what aggression over here leery annoying - what's the Viper needs to be pushed away from the wood line 1 spearmen 3 archers and Oh God to see annoying Scout going down or is he Oh gets pushed away there the Scout is trying to run oh good look at that great shanking here against the mont spear men love that and the arts are still annoying but viper absolutely on point microscopes back and well crash on the outside taro now with the sneaky archery range could maybe do something and sarah but he should have a lot of carrots house now Hera and Viper both reaching castle aids and that's still 9 more workers here now men-at-arms can do something MBL I'm not really so if that's really the game plan that he had going into this one now it started the tower not continuing with that one now didn't leading and what is this Tarot and doubt a boat at this point that doubt and Tarot both going for the right-hand side point that someone absolutely don't understand well Lily wants to go for the bottom as well camels now around Viper needs to get some difference ruling for himself now rushes out the second stable is a bit late there drop some more houses that's a lot of camels out he himself goes for nights no upgrades on those though fishing at the top still looks solid I'm a bit surprised that his ego isn't looking that great then we have the outsole actor with that miniature Viper with some problems need to send the villagers away I think Tarawa now needs to start with some warning he maybe go for some archers himself and while he is active here with the archers forces Hara to send son kelmot's back but shouldn't be the trickiest thing ever Todd now goes for some random wards in the centre night numbers not looking too great viper microcells one back would be surprised to see monastry pretty soon nice quick words here I forget some HP on those the tower still around here more quick waltz okay okay okay five arches those are the ones getting focused on a nice combination of quick walls here by the Viper and shadow together Knights still only one difference upgrades not really too sexy for me now bloodlines finish and now they can take the engagement but camel numbers I think are solid enough still for comments around I think they're doing a good fighter of Tarot helping out a bit here on diversity you drop by the viper behind us so that the Knights can just finish the job camels cannot retreat but still pretty efficient fight by mr. haire here surely who more cameras at the front Viper losing or knocked out using a village to their Tarot is he did he get cleared up he could go for some more archers behind that area just leaving two camels there could be enough chatter now goes for the sneaky fire Gary and that's something Hera cannot afford to allow MBL or too sneaky villagers there can we get some army that's a galley but a galley won't be in time Lex a lot of wood here mr. Viper because he was so late to lead the university TC won't finish too soon it's not looking too great now since two nights over there the galley won't deny that first dock for sure now four camels by the Viper Anna did you see doubt more defensive towers or those camels could do some work though can we sit them down quick words not even needed for now and yeah that's going to be the double talk drop Viper can produce quite fast here but that's something that you really didn't want to allow Natalie he spotted it quite fast and taro is now very active here Hera he can't defend this one no more production goes for a lot of camels here doesn't really have more gold some letters thanks for your Prime leader Beamer following this one up as well I hope you enjoyed the show guys some spearmen here for the defense now Leary moves forward he is incarcerated gets all the updates taro not with the greatest amount of army and well that water is now lost looks good at the moment secret arguably three pawns leery at left hand side is a bit annoying as well and now the Viper I think he needs to carry is 20 workers ahead at the moment has the second TC rolling for himself let's recount not too crazy doubt just run so wait bits here you see very exposed at the moment some letters yeah if I start to read out this name I'm going crazy and we know what's also going crazy MBL who didn't wall his wood line he didn't want his wood line yes P when I coming over but nights are still so good against this I think camels might even just debate as he want to take this right he's just committing against the villagers night is nicely debating away here while the villagers still need to fight and those I have you heavy losses mal drops out 225 villagers here oh god this is looking good for team secret some letters thanks my man give me some nearly energy in the chest the Viper that was a lot of villagers killed no doubt needs to defend how many spearmen does he have I can only see five that's a lot of camels though I think doubt needs to run no more camels are now coming over for the defense as well if era wants to commit to that I think he can clear this one up it's not going to be too easy for team secret to defend but now they're scaring it away scared off more camels coming more spearmen come in and settle he is controlling that point that's so nice top ones took full control for the Vipers well did nearly energy nearly energy nearly energy taken to fire shipped out around here as well and they are the only one who didn't dock even once this one looks good for team secret cess Paul thanks guys I hope that you are enjoying this one so much if you enjoying this half as much as I do you're having a great time what can the Cross men know finest damage SAP trade in carbon zero camera number still pretty crazy though Herod 19 military the Vipers only at 12 he has 77 workers though three two seas for him throw some wood here who maybe forgot about those cameras no he did not somebody doesn't know what to do with them now the manga known as the defense Tarot who loses to see if someone decided to go for siege not really happening so far though Magna needs to run that's not really a great fight only one difference upgrade I think the cameras can't do too much under the tower manual doing some okayish damage as well I believe maybe a ground attack give me ground attack not happening cameras now coming from behind that's a horrible move for the Viper oh god he lose most of his camels caves of steel gifts another SAP now up to 11 gifted subs the Viper tops to see number four now still controlling the top MBL by the way he did go for a pawn so I will take that back but the only one who never really fished in this game I will say that Spearman now for the defense tout helping out quite nicely here at Crossman of liras should be enough score incredibly even Mac go stop my Costa [Music] just please miss me man interesting now we just castrate I wouldn't be surprised if he just stops us each workshop and put some pressure on here but I would not also wouldn't mind if he just boobs a bit at some TCS small losses here for Larry some HP gone pikemen check for the Lord triple stable for the Viper lots of aggression here Ted oh I'm not really sure why he is still in futile eight yeah he was very very active had to build a lot of defensive towers did contest two points now contesting point number three here and a lot of his eco is very far away he was super annoying walling in so many resources but also it's 27 minute into the game 2400 foods here with 13 on food he did contest so much so it so holds Larry he might be scary in the long run three villagers Hara did a great job of proving behind this now my first so many losses apparently her are sitting at three cc's not the worst resources here the greatest queue up with all history sees not using em qs there as you can see five or one villager hero 7 which was there one village are there and that's going to be him it's going to be Empire monastry being dropped I don't really see the University yet there it is and I think that could be spotted by secret yes indeed I see both buildings today know that Hera was thinking about going up in was the Viper he is very low and his resources who case of steel containers with the support thank you so much guys will be Hera against Piper both with high numbers already 76 the Vipers sitting at 92 but that's a lot on water at the very top on the way to cars race is now Ted Seto need to save some bill adjustments our pikemen getting some Hilton there but Crossman obviously clearing this one up quite easily VIPRE house resources looking okay he was staying Carthage for way way longer or taro probably some debt but it does not reach so what those archers want to achieve here that's another dead villager oh oh I thought it was looking good for secret but AM BL is not only going up to castle aids as well some camels falling to that one lots of very low HP camels here holy guacamole what's happening here like that's a third of the HP at average I would say let's take a look to manga notes they need to get to the TC though the Western open ground camels could really deal well with them terror moves out a bit more Stowe's yet Vipers resources not looking too too great oh hey I'm looking better and better in this one viper only using some nights no where can you find the damage against mass camels I don't really see it at the moment Harris camels maybe just a strong indeed post cross meant finding another angle [Music] the engagement at the moment and theory runs away inside coming out hey your friends of University here wants to get to ballistic can be all sets at pop 38 maybe doubt it's the story behind this that he can maybe boom this one up maybe he can go for all the pikemen he fend off against all the camels maybe that's the option out country the world as his goal though that's not going to be too great 80% 90% him now the Viper we can still see his resources far away from imping himself has a solid eco 20 village elite but military numbers simply not on the field still scared and worried about this area maybe how his resources looking not too shabby if he thinks about imping himself doubt lots of losses in that area it's so tough to see what's going on as you can see like wild wild pizza of colors everyone like everything that out outputs rushes hours post rush the complete outside here look at that outpost outpost outpost outputs they get a lot of vision they get a lot of vision the question is is it going to be enough okay some losses there when it comes to the crossbows for Illyria Piper now gets real barrel all got that super late super late thirty farmers working those nights need to run what is the answer here oh what a nice move by BL what a nice move knows he can't contest water but well what star will do something and that's not the first one that's not the first one third watchtower active here already and the first one in blocking that gold as well that's just full cockroach mode lovely moved o26 villagers he's still able to do something it was for some yields now some more rates at the top and someone else jet just called the game I have no idea this is so incredibly close I can't call it I can't call it more cameras but those cameras aren't strong as cameras will be very underwhelming hello can't lead those cameras up sounds so weird obviously not with Leary's there as well take a look manga notes can maybe get the kill there oh that could be that could be just Megan out shooting at the camels could be good you're not going to happen rights all around but I think under the TC fire most of those camels could die as well here but still it's a lot of them didn't come off far away as well that was such a good move such a good move by MDL to tower the outside there lots of camels went down but Lyra still has this big arm it's head on out down to pop 70 here it's not looking great thoughts now with the pikemen rate at the outside that's all the vision that he had during all those times really really annoying against Sarah here Piper needs to run his villagers what is he going for Swiper just going for mass pikemen oh no oh no that's obviously not the greatest units toys in the game oh god oh god it's a bad thing hey em think they're they're winning this one it's very likely to be in the 4-3 how do you clear up all the Scotsman if two players are going full Pike mass amount of stables in the center just goes for the starting to see of the Viper here pikemen coming over for the defense yeah they're doing okay against camel still but it's not like the game-winning move and be all going for some wild walls here so many crossbows still out yeah still for porn control kind of for team secret but honestly did one in the top not really on their side anyway score stone try to be close but that's mainly to sue the water control for team secret during all that time towel and shadow not looking hot with the villager numbers Viper needs to carry alone but he is in castle eight resources absolutely at the bottom can't build more pikemen can't really contest all those crossbow men as well had such a great great game by illyrian tera how they're always hugging each other maybe big manga knows what could turn the spec leery on the way to Imperial eights eighty-five percent behind as well how can you do this how can you defend this one I don't really see it more pikemen they can take the engagement you need to see a big mega no shot before that one Viper's now building another mega no but that's so far away so far away Nerium that could maybe trigger team secret to look at the score they're still seeing okay it's super close we should continue on this one and look at that leery behind this text into manga dies second class slab heavy heavy losses over here as we saw earlier with all the camels postman still around pikemen trying to get the defense done this one looks very problematic for team secret Eagle raids it's cos Lady Eagles here still doing some work in pill camel tech now by mr. Hara and he is just eating this to see alive someone's going to fall unless Oh actually just get away from the pikemen I don't really mind that too much can just come back later there as well skirmish does not really greatest choice either channel needs to run and now they're going for the very in mobile army the counter army is in some form but now it's just randomly booming away here three two seas for him loss - starting to see already Terra could maybe repair his one it's looking great diabla is completely impossible to be addressed and that manga no I don't think we'll get the greatest shot off gets one short it wasn't okay just one give me a second short and okay I can live with this one but still was it enough I don't think so and indeed Hera he's just back here and he's dominating the game 3 to the G aftermath is taking the 4-3 lead into this one they now have two match points f me secret they could lose the final against MBL Leary and Terra I am it's one more win to be the champion of better of Africa to statistics era great KD just felt like Indians was such a good counter to the Persians couldn't really deliver too much their time filling race and that was really important ones like two T C's or something else included there as well the piper he simply had the numbers but I couldn't see them felt so weird and be I would the massive move there the cockroach Inge at the top as well 32 minute cartilage hallelujah was that late Hara very smooth fast cars the same goes for the Viper lovely stuff but it just felt like Indians with the camels could provide so so so much the Viper playing the pockets and he's playing humans what's for the outside wood line kind of the only option here on this one but one who doesn't know whether that's low we need to talk to the outset to get to extra gold extra stone we have reasonable gold next to our base need to go for elephants and we can get to a lot of extra food in the center this flank special everybody's Portuguese mister doubts expecting him to go for some cross will play maybe some are so aggression we will see tattoo toe on the other side to place Celts as you all know Cal TTC killed chop wood Kalpa can be annoying he's very pacing Leary was playing Burmese and oh just doing a really good job of being efficient getting out of there as well and BL he's taking his time to get out of there and he is playing the bulgarian pocket they lost again saw me with bulgarian pockets maybe now they're trying to return the favor here as your note you can build for extra seize without taking any extra stone as bulgarians lovely for the boom tharra goes for Turk's it's kind of disaster yesterday against suomi maybe you can do a bit better now maybe chops out a bit earlier I love all the spam in the chat guys thanks for your support you know that the intensity is on in those situations very even offering a lot of HP losses here I'm quite surprised she didn't go for this one didn't go for the villagers their candle a loom for quite some time that's an interesting structure on that elephant interesting okay drops another farm double farm even honestly replaying that feels really weird that feels really weird it's very efficient on chopping out 250 would good to go cattle is looking at 260 as well that won't be a block on the outside meanwhile not the greatest efficiency here bite out he is really taking this time and won't be fast never sorry its era quite nice and early as well 220 woods to go that could be the problems here human pocket what was secret play is it scouts is it nights that step Lancer is it one to see extra volt is it just a normal night opening and then did you see with a slightly better boom at it out stop playing the wood a bit like this yeah very fast opens this area up again wants to go for another elephant this one is 170 foot will be a bit late now drop some more farms via placements but I will allow it behind this the Viper already up to feel late and without any walls that kind of indicates a fast is he dropped to me she's nearly sound so nervous I'm feeling nervous hearing you okay verification on the elephants because they had no in ink that okay lovely let the stream of energy not being let go out now goes here for some blocks over blocked a bit and it's a block from the other side again what what what shoot what oh this is so unfortunate without oh that was not his fault that was honestly not his fault that was actually reasonably well done also another block here not taking any damage that is Rihanna ste that is good good Age of Empires play not taking any damage now let the scout go don't do it again don't do it again okay now shoots again all good for on gold that feels a lot no matter what strategy is going for crazy amount of farms bye for now walling interesting to see next to that gold build a lot of farms around this one as well and below the quick world goes for the reallocate there at the side and Tehran 90 woods I'm shopping outs oh look at Leary he's completely block what is happening here what is happening here Larry is 102 wood away shadow meanwhile 100 wood away so that's going to be very even doubt I think he's really under focusing this one though really under focusing he's 380 wood away from getting out I think he needs to play through the center outside will be very late for him I was never getting out I will see what that could be it could be very long my part goes for the boom likely that we will see paladin's from him later in this game Tarot that's a lot of farms for him as well didn't have a lot of elephants apparently see one day under census not something you can really go for we have the Lord are mysterious yeah let me see it again here also I might feel this is not enough food needs two more farms has five from berries five farmers that won't be enough he has to cued up it doesn't excite me too much want too much on gold as well meanwhile Hera that looks like a reasonable opening will chop out the end time that's what really struggled with against saw me not going to happen now if you're going for a fast job is it optimal to have your lumber come towards your opponent actually yes yes believe in you boys nearly and keep calm I'm trying to keep calm but the pressures even on the observer apparently I didn't know before either maybe that's what Tara did shadows now running out but Leary will be through in time nice job this time for wood and he will get out of there in time lift worked against MBL but not have worked against Tara who's sending a villager out and that won't get out there either it's trying to micro a bit but that's not so long distance though look at that blocking villagers and everything I won't get out for quite some time and then it's our two ranges through the center villagers now around could go for the fight but ran into the wolf there we did see loom for both players and oh well Tara can take this right with the Scout because well there is pretty much far away and takes the three we - for now Scout will join the party pretty soon though and it goes don't have more damage against the Scout how is the Scout of Louisville ah because he lured the boars earlier okay Spearman now oh won't be allowed by mr. Leary though and that one could get walled it depends on how he wants to run not going to happen and well now we have the Scout at the side they know Neely was casting this such wonderful change from the hollering onto 90s cast and it casts every single main event game of this tournament and every single qualification that's the largest doesn't want to allow this but this each workshop could obviously be an option here for Larry who can to play with the scouts it's going for the early light keV will be knowing in doubt that's not a way to drop out that's not he can't get out if he close that tree that's still blocked that's so bad shadow now let's each workshop on the outside is that one not sure about terror scout though goes around with spearmen gets a lot of vision double walls here also benefiting from the cumin bonus and that's going to be some aggression not really sure how Larry will defend that one goes for the monastery maybe the Knights are good here three HP and the wolf deny it and get lion gets the kill hallelujah that was important otherwise that one could have been really annoying if he gets this each workshop behind this year but that was a neuro lion that helped out so so much high and now doubt still 140 wood away that's so much Michael that he's putting on there but it's not looking great for him tries to get out of there how many resources has to be has he been floating certainly quite a bit meanwhile the Viper he should get the info that light keV is around he simply didn't drop out yet now gets the X but that's actually the X of Hara maybe it's ready for the workshop maybe he goes in there that could be horrible don't tell me that doubt didn't give the info please don't tell me that out and give the info no no don't get me the over job this must be so bad in three like if that's a investment that should never pay off and you see how instantly oh the vapor or he was waiting for it as well Oh toying toying with hair out there he knew about it manga notes what can they do I think we will see redemption indeed redemption sanctity that one will be an easy hold manga no short not going to happen for now meanwhile MBL just plays the chilled 3tc boom here while the viper is sitting at two goes for three pretty soon as well I think this could be somewhat even now double stable what can they go for doubt stone has so much army that he can't really use what a what a horrible game for him now dropped it to second to see here at the top tarot just randomly sitting there really getting too much done m-kopa thanks my man a lot of kills maybe wall in those mango nodes could be a good option maybe go in here build a house around them and yeah look at that shadow don't attack let's get those away for now I think three spear men should be enough for the defense finally doubters out drop CC number three era how does he play this one only now be number three really weird placement really be a placement light curves tool around want to be annoying taro he is pretty much aware of this though and he'll just really good at touching other sorts oh oh that could be a lot of damage though yep on the tech here Oh as well some damage taken but not the most important thing teller could go from one night as defense oh no he actually needs to go for scouts against those moms about the defensive tower and should be fine Simba have five TCS he is going for 40 seas now I felt dropsy see number three egos for some Scouts on the outside some nights with this one now the conversion of the siege workshop and the decent day of taro for whatever second the game black that thought it could be the drop but didn't happen I am nervous guys the Viper 66 and it's just at the moment slight lead over MBL just going for the 240 see boom the top of 50 see it's not out of the question some conversion started here can't really commit Oh shadow not even bothered to jump into the tower knows that leery will pull back anyways it's just a game for you it's just a game for me it's my life the leg is in the game I think so as well and be approved he is far better than Nick off right well Nick I've played one game they lost that one but that's not enough of a sample size for me that calves added there seems like taro wants to continue his push not one a percent sure how efficient that's going to be just continuing with paladins now scouts edit II as well that house is going to go down questions just set allow the conversion or against that amount of moans I think I didn't eat the house it's their prize for winning over $8,000 now it's now finally with the aggression nice quick quality by Hera but that should not be enough HP on those Hera what is his answer doubts now with the aggression on the outside maybe he did enough Scout is going down maybe they even go to the outside and it's egg [Music] mvl they want to go for it but for now they're just going full guilt against the villager one is trying to go for some conversion no ballistic hurts is getting it now is getting bodkin now as well so lacking a lot of upgrades could go for way more and be all nice worlds there also have some more like have now around pikemen at the fraud good job here perfect perfect perfect team play and another monk oh so now the viper just need to run and MBL nope taro can actually do the clear up here gets the last manga no as well that was just beautiful beautiful team play and all of a sudden leery is not sitting with a lot of army MBL still with zero and now the aggressive castle bottle that makes so much sense maybe oh god oh god is that an aggressive castle that is one now and he thinks better of it is going a bit further back doesn't want to throw it we already saw two games thrown by too aggressive castles one by the viper on donut and one by Hera with grande para now it is know what's happening here why was that good thing and well monks are going down at least that's something good light calf could die as well let's take a look how the micro is with the manga no there and that's a nice split surely what can't outdo against this behind and runs away by themselves self some more time on some aggression at the front take a look how good the macro is there the Knights are coming over okay that's something that MBL elder Terra is not prepared against now a random shot needs to run a bit further back that's some of them it's not going to do too much that is some nice aggression and the most beautiful thing would be if doubt is attacking here is attacking at the left hand side and in the back at the same time even Hera can't deal with that I would say no more stables being added here by the Viper who's up to Imperial age same goes for and the although remember we are playing with the old patch someone I'm saying over and over again Bulgarians do still have paladin's it's not getting enough away from them defensive tower yield for lira did nothing taro is looking pretty good another small Lackey I'm really scared every single time I really don't want to see this game drop again more stable to pmbl it could be the full Paladin fest of cuman's against Bulgarians then the question is though how good can the flanks deal with this some pikemen conversion I don't think the parents can do too much on Tarot sides I think he is doing a good job we'll get that TC walls behind there no idea how we got into that situation meanwhile all the front is broken and Hera how can you walk this one would line being taken away as well what does doubt see has an idea about the gold quite surprising that he didn't put anything over there now the question continues mangu null in some danger or this is not going to be easy for her to hold this one is looking good for my boys secret they're trying to push manga no defense monk defense here and the very defensive cards are not protecting too much yes bye mr. harem the walls behind us they know there could be a lot of aggression coming for an enemy aisle they didn't see anything from MBL this full game so they know he is completely bummed out he will have the better economy than the Viper and actually numbers are very very close here so how I can live with that a meal so far KD 0 3 he didn't kill the single unit in this game more stable to being dropped more arty ranges by doubt as well everyone on the waiting periods except purple and teal Sottero and Terra still waiting Hera so many T sees on the outside doesn't have the greatest gold control though right this one here kind of exposed now the night's getting some vision and doubt just warding this one off love that's markets are already being dropped off Spanish not in this draft included oh nice just randomly taking the fight here we see the Viper waiting for the upgrades Oh even gets bloodlines only now so that was not the most upgrades on the Knights Cavaliers here now doubt can you wall this one in time sending three villagers but I think that won't be in time yeah no chance there but those those villagers can get some easy wards behind this one though that won't be too bad needs to run a bit away for now might see what the defense clearly is now in what is he going for some pikemen I think wombat cannon some traps could make a lot of sense in World out is holding this one in check a paladin check instantly it's something that we are lacking from MBL doubt he needs to get a mod this is so bad how is he not seeing this one he should know there is two three X's that's actually from Tarot how is there no reaction doubt maybe quick wall over here those are all dead villagers run to the other side run to the other side out you need to debate them away you need to wall behind this what is happening do you really think you can save any of those villagers I don't think so my man oh boy might get away with three okay Piper surrounds I was still lacking grace and actually he made it home with three better than what I've expected trade will be set up cattle now 50 percent what can Burmese do though against will Celts if he gets mass how about the amassed seeds maybe some light kept mixing by the viper maybe some paladin mixing it needs to go for a lot of conversion that's not like there is specialty right at the full montage I don't remember when I saw that from him the last time amongst our nice movie about the Viper debates away with those like oh but nice transition here by hair eyes well still gets conversion lots of army here biamby on the center he is now taking to paladin as well the Viper will be a bit faster yep control in the center it's like a bit better for team secret not the most important thing those two a lot of Cavaliers out and out completely unprotected here that's going to be pretty expensive for him oh no doubt you need to run more X's coming this time okay gets one house there you need another house there indeed that's what he is providing paladins plus four plus war on the other side will have the same updates for MBL pretty soon meanwhile yes taking the greatest fight here we finally have chemistry that one should not be broken doubt you need to revolve ear this one don't tell me you're trying to what is happening why are there no wards coming behind us there's no repair again on those houses but viper I think he's sending enough paladins monopolist around but we will have some villager losses for sure big question is though how is the left-hand side going to be mess our bodies against mess our bodies that sounds a bit better for the Burmese player though votes could be mixed in there that's a nice amount of fabulous now a nice amount of our list how many kills can be fined or and that's very close to the trade as well that could be really really important Piper now can you out mess and we are when Kamsa paladin's so what is so incredibly close I think this is the better fight for and be I'm not really sure my Vipers taking this one now thinks better of it he's running away remember humans they run a bit faster so they can decide to about the fights a bit better and that looks like food Cuban Turks CA to me but look at that only 60 HP out of the potential 100 Castle upgrades still missing okay now goes for it see if I 20 extra HP for CI bloodlines still missing in the stable though as well by a reasonable numbers trade already started as well lovely moves meanwhile ramble round tears well tell Oh what does he have to offer in e2 Rambo check now as well Rams where are the auditors it's only harvest at the moment it's a lot of obvious taro sends one Ram out since two Rams out wants to kill the traps and so I think he will take those fights reps are going down this is a reasonable fight for him here surely the Mong even if they get some conversions I'm not too scared about that remember I need to micro back there is doing so many pointy boys against each other it's tough to cars this one monster going down and tell you he can just continue producing like this more over here maybe the out could even sent like 510 obelisk could be really good now the text which into the champion line here for livery he's still messing so many attack upgrades though Tarot s plus 1 plus 4 and more paladin's are now coming over but Palance against the obvious doesn't excite me too much where are the next ik text points I start going down is just sitting chilling in the center of the map what is happening we need a hobby we need kilts doubt attack oh and all the Sienna are now in here doubt again not walled here didn't reward that area and now DCA are diving in deep but in a fabulous from behind every single CIA sotai of hera here so really find a good way every single one dies every single one dies no way of ever saving those but even so by harris trying to maneuver at all okay now doubt has an incredible army doubt has 74 military Hera is sitting at 21 just give me one major push somewhere I don't know with another Castle would love to see four okay article from him finally the own Intertek finished as well and that's our body aired on Ezra that's going to be really tough to be addressed big fight over here it looks like Viper has the better numbers and this is really lovely viper even having somewhat of the ill advantage here fights apple on that side though the castles helping out a ramp I could help out but Vipers numbers just so much better here he's looking at 45-minute Ruiz same goes for MBL roughly I would say next aggression here bomb that can and someone forward would love to see some dance they're a blast moving forward as well now and that's what we said the army is just massive and I'm not fearing a lot of honors or shots from the Turk player because they don't even have an interest here and still lacking bloodlines we now see furrow kaltaka on the way for mister Tito he's going for asked old tech as well guys that will be seats on adjouris he can't be stopped Kells an imp in one-dimension the push what can you do against that I don't need to see it guys I'm feeling I'm feeling game number nine coming that's a lot of harmless though that's a lot of paladin's though but also obvious numbers aren't looking too bad some could go over there did snag some of Harris villagers doubt will just straight off our list will be cleared up not enough paladins from the viper round here thought has to take this fight like a man everyone above 160 so no one really dad but shadow now did get to his desired army composition and then how can he be stopped would love to see him build some seats workshopped at the other side as well so many parents out simply MBL can't get a foothold on the center the wiper was just so active there with the stables not a lot of control in general but those are is the spot where the extra goats what are we aren't far away from killing those markets as well doubt if you could just focus on that area a bit more now goes for some Bamba towers but isn't instantly getting shut down by the bombard Cannon as well mass amount of paladins what are the numbers again Viper and M we are both in the 60s and eye-for-an-eye here habilis they can be happy that Harris still not having plaid lines here that means I think well husbandry is unlikely as well then push over here oh that's so many years old taro I think that's an unstoppable army maybe what cannons maybe someone can do something but how it's a really good fight in the center here forward the Viper sandy the first time that I see him having a reasonable military advantage Palin's now requested over the other side I would be surprised if Tara now shoots this wood line to allow a viper to get in there with all his paladins that would be a sick move a ram by now running away potato chops through the wood line first here the Vipers paladin's don't really see them on the map anymore some over there most of them over at this angle and the fight continuous I'm not really sure how much Volterra is still haven't you got pushed away from that one did lose a lot over there while bad cannons now from doubt being dropped he is still active there killed some houses I would love to see some markets being taken out as well there he goes through the center shouldn't really be able to do too much against outs I mean though I remember as we all know liking a lot of peers are more here has three at the moment paladin's are taking this fight this looks horrible for Larry this looks horrible for Larry but now see is the fight and it's going for it a bit better than sake look how the positioning is looking a blazar around and I think this is a crazy fight you see red fighting taro is meanwhile posting I see more teal going into red space I really like that the Ramba need to run more control over that rate at the top doubt is again getting cleared up completely drops below for 960 paladin numbers not looking too hot for the Viper but he finds more kills meanwhile Ted are now taking into lead world Raiders and that's going to be pretty damn sexy owners just need to or only to run from the auditors note fighting down against all that fight did go in favor of am but bomber towers are still around I can give you a short overview over all the resources we can take a look at gold everyone at the limit doubt is actually floating most resources here can he get stuff on the map SS production is looking solid so we can't fault him for that ninety villagers for now continues with some aggression here but oh oh that's a big scary army by Hera now he gets a Tillery even allows himself to get to fourteen range on this bombard cannons would love to see some as Oh from shadow being added but he just tries to finish the game against Leary over here that's why you play Celts because they can continue and performed so so well trade numbers I have no idea you need to judge it by the mini-map looks okay looks slightly worse paladin's now around as well what can we do we did send so many of em by over to the other side is dropping down to proper and forty will lose so many buildings said was deep deep in Lyra space champion check was the option their paladin's and now he over here I think they would clear this up but that means more breathing time for the Viper in the center and more are less time for doubt as well leery now drops to pop around twenty everyone else 180 and up MBL struggling it's light tiny bit not really worth mentioning from our cannon dance now I'm not really sure of tau tears octopus goes for have you lost there nice move there surely would love to see a ram go just taro pulling ten Rams killing every single market would be lovely what was so lovely he's getting pushed back at the left-hand side though so something that he can't really focus on meanwhile the Viper where all his paladin's didn't you just take a massive right here in the center against MBL and really happened taro stole some stuff being annoying behind there and then BL tries to find another angle some paladin's still being active siege engineers now for doubt goes for thirteen range was former cannons much our four faults stable to being added by the Viper odd wears to go it's not really happening some I saw through the center I know what this was for this was to cut through here didn't really happen though too much army from MB all around there's a sneaky move potato love love that thinking did really happen though and we all still way too active doubt horrible face here at the moment they put some pikemen trying to somehow defense in wild starts to continue push quite said so amount of as always a bit underwhelming at the moment I see here I can live with that honestly and you know I said it earlier on the stream game number nine means I will switch over poured out and it will be a Viper shadow and me playing that that would be the dream being crowned that of Africa champions obviously not going to happen okay now diving in here Palmer cannon connections are reasonable doubt will lose every single bomber cannon here though I believe finally 102 P for a hair up or my cannons be high in there nice thought oh god Piper oh no doubt even lose everything Oh laughs what is happening here this is not looking great oh you're a paladin numbers aren't great to talk well I'm not really sure what's that for maybe some demos or something we didn't see a single talk being built in any other game before I believe now some bomber towers by Herod to defend this one paladin's active but finding a better position but arrow he is that guy pushing against leery then this is kind of the first game where Leary didn't get an archer civilization right and this is the first game where he is really enjoying early on trade looks so good for secret if I look at the mini-map best Oh getting some friendly fire there as well can we see some connections again still Rambo still too active here's mr. Leary who looks scary some already a paladin's now volunteered out it's getting clear tab that so many bomber cannons normally pair behind this either Ovilus just taking this fight where do we have another tech that would be lovely Lobby go so much going down and that status ramps lovely addition here in the center of the map next go last time we all go in once okay this one up apparently okay I start moving in here with the Viper seems a bit like it's like they want to make the trade go also next goes over here we ran by no very club huh Oh who's this five or something but next short road how are you starting those he still micro doing them to perfection but you can't micro them till forever oh maybe Leary can but he's just seeing how much ground he is losing those seat ramps are just running over there Helens would have really been helpful their secret might be forcing game number seven as those are around seats playing with fire game number nine game number nine I'm not used to car series that I'll set that long I mean the last game of everything and oh there is new ground attack that we wanted to see and that was so many a ran by going down here and another attack Palin's everywhere I am I don't really see how they can hold this one Leary is down to pop ninety now Hara is sitting at 110 and be held the only one kind of stable I pop 180 the push continuous over here though parents are coming over Hera he's actually expanding quite quite nicely would love to see some ways all sorts against all those though another REM go at the trade would be lovely but we have another insect we've sent as well lovely moved by doubt he was getting all the bomb but it's ours out this could be going to distance guys battle of Africa soon more Palencia Leary he is not ready to give this one up though MBL pushing his team forward he didn't pick Bulgarians to then not own the game with paladin's all around but he might be forced into the last deciding game and the last deciding game will be no socotra holy guacamole that's going to be an incredible map to finish this one off as well very slow and dark it's very slow in fuel age but potentially the bangor of the map on Castle age there maybe there were surprises some people a digression though I don't know yet but I know that this one is looking pretty damn sexy for team secret more archery ranges being dropped Harrah's trying to Michael like a madman now some scorpions him being mixed in I don't mind that Edition at all again some of the champions here and I did cast this game as if it was over and all of a sudden I'm is pushing back the left-hand side holding at the right hand side Center oh that's a nice goal though a nice team play over and over again how actively secret is playing this one ram go here instantly goes in there and MBL he will lose a lot of it it's just 137 for now let's quickly see he goes for 10 more production so well just think about 150 there and you can see the update pretty soon how much he lost meanwhile bomber cannons are holding this one update at the left hand side champion numbers are looking pretty damn good you need to see more votes that cars is going to go down instantly though maybe on the correct terrain how fast it's dying that's a bit surprising to me and be a lots of idols need to send some army back here as well more paladin's in the back and what is that how did they get in there I have no idea how all those paladin's get in but that's the complete straight gone there's no way of retrieving that one and we see the X of Leary that won't be a good sign more coming over here that won't be a hold left hand side the earlier is pushing but the trait is a goner secret well take game number 8 we will go to game number 9 and then everything is reshuffled we will be down to a single last game so much money on the line so much prestige on the line and we'll always be secrets winning pair of Africa 1 and 2 or will it be am coming back into this one we will find it out but Harris still refuses to give this one up he still says I have all the heavy say I have all the bomber cannons but probably still mates talking him into it's let's just resign MBL resigns last game number 9 is going to happen hallelujah sound resumed so Cortez deciding game it sound okay yeah I'm scared that I will reveal any strategies there oh but yeah not socotra will be the deciding game ah okay no 9 or not socotra some people might say the worst map in the metal something might say the best map of the metal KD of the Viper impressive compare that to MBL he didn't get the eco rate said he didn't get this eco rates in Tarot and this amount of buildings raced went through there is eco Hara lost a lot there as well and we all even some in the end in the end straight the Viper so so early cherrylle not really needed 22 for and to a lot of our buddies saw the trade by well everyone I don't mind those numbers they could have gone a bit higher but went for a lot of Hobbit ears himself I supposed to count their people really close together and timeline we see MBL very late no army in college at all and then exploded to him did go further of paladins we saw the piper did add some more some problems you without losses are me several times heavy losses but stayed stable stayed very aggressive to watch the game because now it is on the pressure is on we will see the full action here we will have the viper playing as the fact he is Vietnamese he is sending the Scout forward the map is so small you can see everything you're instantly aiming by MBL he is at sexy senses he go Moria to the front the Viper is sending his Scout to the front as well same we see the layman over here sheep are moving around rhinos pretty close to the TC so that's going to be pretty tricky the Viper of what can we see it is already MBL and he is starting to lame with the first rhino the Viper can you see this one he should see it on the park of warrior can you block this one off the treeline could help him out potentially the viper actually went for the attack tries to block the right or not really going to happen that well MBL is obviously the god in blocking and this one TC is really close viper knows how close now we see Herod running the party as well the Viper needs to run good first win here for MBL he will most likely play with three rhinos where was the support of mr. doubt he is just in the center of the map tries to go for some more control but the Viper he did Lane two rhinos the Viper now takes the advantage he wants to take the fight to lost 3 HP civilisations the Viper plays Vietnamese as the tank we have doubt with Frank's as the pocket and we have shadow as Korean flag remember guys on this map we don't have any stone so tower rush not really an option Larry plays Teutons he goes for the weird woodland very very close doesn't go for the outside wood line then we have as a pocket player Italian Hara don't ask me how we got into this one cute and flank Italian pocket and tomasa lemur MBL lots of tea obviously close by I still hear some more scouts attacking here what is happening here for the piper what a horrible start for him get some oh yeah he saves this one but loses the manager know another TC he did save that but if it is even saving that one I'm not sure viper in full titanic mode here could lose this one 7 HP just needs to whites is going away one loss here for the viper - one rhino - one villager this is looking horrible for secret and this is why people are asking me a nilly why do you not like claiming because games on such an important scale copy decided so early on I apparently won the return wood at the moment it might need to send to start back in this scenario gets two more sheep might have four extra in the long run not maybe not even that is happening privileges around here maybe the ego can find something - more sheep around here for Hera in one on the other side now the barrack obviously focus heavily on the game so guys I can't give anyone any shoutouts at the moment eagle they could find another killed out what can you do has one villager on the open here needs to fight this one backed out no reaction at all maybe fights this one back low HP here and that's the second kill such a great game by a.m. will they find another village to kill no waltz in here and that's another villager net and that one is in danger as well this is beautiful play by EM they are leaving this one to perfection now the block at the front don't go back down no three villagers don't secret is behind by four villagers here doubt is incomplete is a 14 population secret can't win this game early this is looking so horrible for them this might be - gee this might be hidden Cup finals all over again the game ending before it really started who you a disaster for doubt here he could have bought this one he could have walked away he took the fight then the village of went back that is just horrible for him to sleep over there he is going for some aggression that the other side will find the kill against the Scout but that is it for now is still some more aggression here the militia are trying to buy buy some time here for mr. Tito he has only one HP can't really block that villager is trying to get some more kills but I think that won't happen meanwhile Neary funnily enough with his weird wood line he's in the better spot finds those sheep because he just wanted to wall this area fortunate for him as well meanwhile big walls over here doubt has to play this one open what a horrible start pop17 up now against potentially completely walled am players it could not be worse for team secret it could not be worse I can't imagine a scenario the Viper loses a rhino loses a villager doubt loses three villagers at the edge of the map now goes up into a position where everyone is ward where he can't contribute anything this is the moment where just slinging all the resources and hope that no one of the 25k viewers are watching and noticing three militia round doubt pop sixty at the moment some aggression here hoping for the scouts to do some damage but there is warning everywhere don't know what the stable in the center of the map also house barrack way too late look at that 45% the moment he reaches few late everyone completely walled Scouts will do nothing on this map that's what they see that's what they should know not even so if building a stable makes a little sense here surely building a single Scout won't make any sense what up great now how to sense the village away knows that rushing the stable out won't be necessary Melissa still hammering away Here I am such dominant spot Vietnamese Koreans what can they do yeah I doubt realizes I don't need that state I don't need scouts I just need some farms I need to grow up as well I need to support my team and cartilage one for the singer Scouts they know what's up at least that good a surgeon making behind us at least MBL at six monks could be so good on this map the Viper mass amount of farms had to go for those minus one Rhino getting too many extra CP there has to be an archer play in some way Ted oh I've still no idea what he is going for probably archers as well now builds it and leg Smith after building a barrack okay then this is going to be manga notes something like that not over nil it's Europe okay archery range being dropped now we see this table from the area students he will be good against all kind of monasteries shenanigans by projects okay there's no holds holds over there as well Piper only now drops the bear a blacksmith here arch arranged to be dropped as well stone walls secret knows okay we need to buy massive amount of time shadow goes for full stone walls as well that means no boom from them how long can the directors one out I see a lot of nearly energy in that set starting to believe again so they won't I'm feel ledge that's a given thing and we all know it's barracks seem maybe going for Eagles hoping option meanwhile art so tech here by Hera no surprise there stable from our Tooting player I'm surprised they either don't go for a lot of relics on the outside could be lovely with that sex as well why probably be completely stone walls 55 stones to left that is all world will be in time I like that situation that one is kind of week remember this one is actually open this is not great kill the palisade wall switch between that house and the market and you can go through here oh no this could be so bad this is that we need some walls here secret we need some walls here that is screw up I doubt unless you bought something between there that I'm not seeing let's pray hello stone walls everywhere market around the dead area 30 stone at the moment not a lot of gold for him and now built the defensive car defensive tower but the blacksmith really wants to reinforce that area he's up on the way to Castle H as well nice recovery by the Lord first one up to oscillate is MBL to defensive monasteries so they really want to match those up maybe just goes for all the relics first they were really strong he could be hard this still I'm scared about this one telogen bought the house for rights that's actually true but it's an easy read wall and it's not like the scariest area to get attacked it Jim Carter was Tim feudal actually true I'd switch Oh bye for now here those militia will get cleared up Hara not doing any upgrades and BL drops monastery number three Ted oh how many towers can he built remember no stone on the map that means you need to buy every single tower for himself now drop the TC so he's constantly buying stone best amount of stone walls one tower behind this thing could have even built that one a bit further forwards double arch arranged here by the byberg it was mass amount of cross bone man 55 stones or no T C is being added here mb l will go for each workshop will go for eagles and well that's an angle of attack and as i said earlier oh god that feels so bad that feels so bad who another tower being dropped by Ted oh they want to make sure that this one is not being broken guys I feel it I feel it yeah Hera keeps fighting up hope only now getting bored can arrow so it took some time to get through those walls maybe buying enough time for the Viper but Megan Elizabeth as well Seto now the second tower is still no fletching here Knights not Valerie as well and luckily luckily a.m. doesn't know or do they how do they they don't they don't hey em doesn't know and that's the double tower difference that's the double tower defense secret is holding secretly stabilizing guys the game could have ended here cross women through manga notes through monks through all the Knights going through as well and sitting on that hill Piper being put off taro only with some towers that would have been zero zero chance doubt no booming behind this secret is holding that was so important now the next attack over here taro he needs to build another tower where our crossbows not high numbers for the viper is hitting some pcs no he is not what's happening here taro he needs to buy himself some more time house is being deleted or 1200 HP here the tower oh that's looking close I'm not sure if he will get that one in time doubt how many nights does he have four nights for now I want you to show all of them respond at the right side yes they will that's a good start arrow three villagers here viper needs to wall some more going to happen tell you I think the tower will be in time is I am jumping I don't think they can the tower could be too good to wipe up wall somewhere at the left-hand side right inside some awards behind this one as well just camp the hill might be good option guard tower is ready taro is holding this one Koreans on a map without stone calling him crazy I call him a genius he's buying so much time in this horrible horrible situation that's trying to find an opening not going to happen Viper will lose one villager and thus that I will accept another defensive tower behind the stout should just boom like a madman 3 2 C is rolling how many cities do we have here there is sitting at 2 soon 3 we have Hara playing 1 TC soon to go to him no ok on University and MB all to t sees as well defensive siege workshop with its account doubt is now at 49 everyone pretty close the Viper the only one really training behind was from massive amount of crossbows without even bought can arrow but Hera indeed is on the way to Imperial age how can they break this how can the defenders another defensive tower Piper does he want to dance he is thinking about imping behind us as well completely hiding is to see no drums in here can you get some kills no ballistic not getting the kills that just makes Chinese Italians so great on this map now the defensive walls here that will be not smashed through no aggression yet very little kilts I think most action happens at the 4-minute mark in this game said I'm not going for the University as vodka narrow no has fetching only nobody know yet how many lasers MBL only got one relic doubt one tara one that was it go for so many more doubt now sitting at 60 villagers leery at 64 as well that's Ryung and trying to get themselves into the defense I think the tower could have been a bit more aggressive here by taro to defend this one the bye for now on the way to do it as well gets Archer inch number three he caught me behind this horrible absolutely horrible 36 villagers nothing going right one for our two Rangers producing they know what they need to do it's our will it be enough I don't really see it's here taro not producing anything at the moment is he thinking about imping he is thinking about in big maybe that's the way suddenly he gets keeps sandy has endless amount of rage how do you break this then maybe big Ram goes somewhere I look at that lots of towers she could have any vision here they see the army moving away they know they're stabilized hablas tech now for Hera but where can he break in I don't really see a good spot I was taking the house thought Walt enough behind this year now for my liking Ted on the way to him only one player missing only one player not on the way trip and that's an am player that's an am player guys this game I've never I've never seen in on socotra game there was in any former shape like this now in BL puts the castle at sex having the weakest castles in the game you don't have masonry you're in tough don't have hoardings Ted oh I think he needs to take into bomber cannons then not too unlikely right has the university chemistry could be one of his earliest upgrades was for some more towers for defense they know about the castle as well my first know up to him was for chemistry first maybe he goes for the bomber cannons he has this each workshop as well makes a lot of sense could be a great catch fun lots of nights lots of nights binary doubt behind this probably still full boom mode on the way to him now to stables those for some nights had circuit garland Wars though yeah with three Eagles it's too excited for that look at see critique of their in ninety willikers so here's ten ahead Hera against Viper ten ahead MBL versus teru teru five heads of fifteen mobilities at the moment 4 a.m. Ted Oh does he have some vision there seems like they see most able to they know that Leary has to be up to mph as well what can those obvious to bomber can it's not moving forward that's an interesting dance taro doesn't have too many towers at the moment i percy building bomber cannons knows no chemistry there's a protects so long and now going through there what can they do blessed are in here and Leary O'Hara he is ready to get some kills chemistry II still Hill advantage here nice move gets to Viper lots of losses really important that he ought micros now what is he producing maybe just waiting for herbalist - chef Fraser probably wants to research the one in the back but needs to drop off the food before the TC dies indeed it's this Avila this Archer inch knows that everything else is looking really rough for him doubt is finding no convergence there and it's getting caught off guard with some of his knights not a great start here doubt no that's what units lost and those are units you really cannot afford to lose teller opens the skate but finds another angle maybe coming over here could be the next step why start moving out don't ask me maybe trying to find some counter text there but Leary was around there with his army so many monks here's well on its attack by MBL even trap out now as well they are getting rid of all the keeps deep into the Eco of team secret 13 range format cannons aren't doing anything anymore against those towers there is endless amount of population now reaches impasse well check for him out I don't see any any check at the moment towers Rito's looking he wants to wait for paladins we actually will see paladins on this map someone I've never seen before I think there was one single game that really went into him that really went into trade on this map secret behind basically from the one-minute mark putting themselves in a good spot to still fight in this one but I am just for the production just with the consistency doubt what can he find just runs around with to hear more nights coming over but really the production behind this I think that has to be there's one major go but then monks controlled by MBL he knows how to pull along I think this is a fight they can't win I think there's the fight that can't win keep us to do some damage against the bomber canon doubt it's showing himself are they're really jumping now before paladin upgrade are you kidding me no that would be so horrible now the Knights are coming over and then I think they could have maybe jumped on the to the army here potato obviously putting nothing on the field now he could maybe sling he's gonna fall towers but looking at his resources he's not slinging what is this he's popped 70 out of 70 I don't see anything from him some towers trying to repair trying to buy some time hoping for doubt to get paladin but look at that Louise taking two paladin's as well score difference is massive now I think I am might be our better of African champions here trying to find another angle here's the Viper bomb but cannon micro now but the monks 12 range snipe seeing one not even that not a singer monk tight here and now doubt is diving in doubt shortly before piling up yet not happening no don't tell me that Viper is losing all those oh god that's a glammed up area that so important out the split was so important here now we have the pattern update and we see now I am is going for the kill they want to finish this game they want to become better of Africa two champions and it's looking good for them their army is pretty good it's our is actually surviving you have no idea how that is happening more paladin's are coming forward out he has all the updates but conversion should be really solid vipers should be focusing down all the monks nice split over at the left-hand side this is what we have been waiting for for the last 35 minutes to happen and it feels like there is just too much am left on the field a blast all on the hill vipers running out of army and we see that is not having anything left am is taking this tournament in a heavy heavy fought for serious and this one is GG am will take it 5-4 what a crazy crazy series this game sadly did end after one and a half minutes and they just needed to take this one out I think secret did so much snow right to give themself its chance to come back into this one but I don't think that this one was paired uneven ground and that's why we have so many discussions about suit leaving be allowed or not and of the master lame obviously benefiting from this one he had the Eagle as well and did just so much the Bible losing the villager three villagers down here in the back as well for a doubt and then it was kind of over did play the fast pure ledge here against the full wall it didn't work out Hera leery on MBL played this one to perfection complete army control always stay together the bombard cannons all the traps did get the numbers out did get the conversions beautiful game and G to the G well deserved for a em four or five the victory the woollen beat fight funny music economy in top score their lives you have driftin we had what we lost again anything yes because they have umbria comments sound muted first Acedo blaming it on the draft TG well played - am
Channel: Nili_AoE - Age of Empires 2
Views: 12,395
Rating: 4.8571429 out of 5
Keywords: age of empires 2, age of empires 2 hd, aoe2, aoe, age of empires 2 gameplay, age of empires 2 strategy, age of empires definitive edition, aoe2 de, aoe2 definitive edition, age of empires ii de, age of empires ii definitive edition, slam, daut, viper, tatoh, aftermath, secret, nicov, liereyy, hera, mbl
Id: -EXpIb0TIkw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 235min 46sec (14146 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 08 2020
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