Battle of Africa Final - TyRanT vs Aftermath [Plus Winner Interview]

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well I'm not speechless because I have to cast but you get what I'm saying alright ladies and gentlemen welcome to Game one of battle of Africa this is a best-of-seven between aftermath and tyrants I will start off by introducing the aftermath team their flank is MBL MBL's playing as the vietnamese the pocket then is leary leary is playing as the Berbers and then the blue we have heart heart is playing as two Spanish part is up against tatto tattoo is playing as the Persians the pocket for tyrant his doubt doubt is playing as the Chinese and then we have Viper who's up against MBL so we have a Norway matchup here he's playing as Portuguese and it already seems like there was a pause so we've seen this map three times now this is a third time the first two times there were poor starts one time for aftermath one time for tyrant and with those poor starts they called restarts they only get two restarts per best-of-seven so I don't know if that will happen again here I hope not I hope there's a clean start for everybody we'll find out here in a moment Dave do you want to touch on what tatto did the end of that last game before the restart happens so on the second game before the restart tattoo went for really early I think he was like 12 pop various he went for three and he's doing it again he went for three militia and our theory was that he wants to deny access to all the zebra yeah at the middle of the map and maybe kill a few of them and harass the villagers that are taking food there and he's definitely not dissuaded by the fact that aftermath saw that when they called the restart last time yeah the weird thing about it was way it works if you call restart you just type REE in the chat and then you resign and when you resign you should be able to see everything that's on the map and I assume that aftermath did see that now checking the game room I would just die if they call it a read no there must be a pause or something they're all still in the game so I think this game will happen hey the aftermath knows about this day for now we're thinking how do you counter it because you bringing your elephants for food but then beyond that everyone always goes out here for the zebras and I don't know how you counter this strat this is the only time I've seen this and I think that's maybe something that tato has been saving for the tournament final yeah it seems like a really kind of tattoo move you know something that he holds up his sleeve and then he pulls it out on really important games and aftermath like we've seen it before in the other sets we casted of them really prioritizing going out to get that food source so they're gonna have to rethink their strategy well you know if they even built towers that was the surprising thing to even build towers on the Zebras so they definitely prioritize since there is a pause here we don't know the reasons why I'm keeping tabs on the game room I would like to talk about the player positions while they're giving us the moment to do so I think that this is ideal for aftermath you have a Spanish flank and heart Spanish we've seen so many times with the t90 dragon strats I'd go for tower rushes and aggressive play as Spanish are so good with towers and conquistadors so that'd be good then you have Leary who is one of the best players in the world second behind fly per at Berbers pocket which is fantastic he can go Scouts and then he can transition into the cheap knights and camels and then you have MBL who well he's known for his lanes he's known for his aggression and he's known for his flank plate he is the flank and he's a strong Archer civ which is normally what you do from the flank so I think that that works but he says he loves his screams - yeah it's with screams and Vil's all the time he likes to make it messy MBL and I think Leary in the pocket is probably the biggest deal here if he is if he goes unmolested like if he if he goes into scouts or something and then builds up into a strong military that's so dangerous yeah effort too short for sure well vipers Portuguese so while that could work as pocket he could go nights with that he's flanked and Portuguese also have the cheaper gold unit so he will likely go archers here I do find his TC position to be a bit awkward with his stones where they're at he has a gold safe but those stones are all in the same position a doubt is Chinese now doubt is an amazing pocket player and flank player and he has been even better pocket Civ than Leary does arguably as Chinese have a good team bonus and they get pretty much everything you would want in team game and then attaches persian so think Persians will be awkward you know Persians they don't want to start with archers but flanks normally do so so if he has to go Scouts it might make the fights a little bit interesting well we'll have to see the game is now back up and running sorry about that delay and tatoes making this militia day I'm excited to see how this works yeah I mean he's gonna be set back for a long time that is an early investment there yet - those militia like 12 population he made his first one but if he does damage it's certainly gonna be worth it if his two teammates can get in front of the three from aftermath yeah I'm paying attention to the the horse from heart you start with a horse so you don't get a scout just a horse has very little line-of-sight you can't attack with it and I'm curious if heart will look for this it seems like he's very close to spotting this isn't it look at that it's one tile off from seeing the barracks yes I'm pretty sure that they know this might be coming Dave and if so the militia could even kill bills hearts getting loom you must expect this he's getting room he's gonna see the villager now tat he knows they're there and he sees the second one now Tasso needs to attack a bit okay Loomis just come in this little this little lag we're experiencing is because of that pause in the spec delay so this will sort itself out soon now her is gonna have to micro with villes and he will not lose villager but this is gonna be a big pain for Hart who is a sieve who would want to advance fast as well with the tower rush and this might even delay him now you see tatto going for the zebras yeah i mean he is killing zebras that he is well could take i guess he wants to take the ones close to heart yes okay so somebody's being annoying on the the teamspeak server I guess that was why there was an issue okay we're all sorted now so this is this is gonna be crazy tattoos even here with his horse just to block bills I did not expect this I think everyone else is playing this fairly standard except MBL has gone up very early Dave the fuel age he's taking stone as well so he's gonna consider man-at-arms with towers most likely going into archers yeah I'm thinking archers and then that one on stone is just for the defensive towers that we saw last time from aftermath versus why now so far everyone is on the way to futile except for tattoo and heart which makes sense because heart cannot comfortably collect these zebras but I have to say tat oh so far he hasn't done enough damage for me to like how he's done this he's been really timid here yeah militia like at least attack a little bit with him kill other zebras or like attack the villas and just run back and forth he's definitely been timid and look like hearts taking the zebra at tattoes mil and now he's running away he just took the food this is great that zebra right here oh god you know what that might have been part of his thought process like hey you're gonna kill my zebras I'm just gonna steal the food from you he's running back to his base and he is very close to clicking up to futile heart I think we need to focus on the pockets a bit though and the flanks on the other side as the zebras get shot down I think Leary will go Scouts will probably build the stable right next to where the militia are coming in from tats are coming down from as well in a counter tower or maybe defensive preemptive tower from Viper yeah most likely pre-emptive as he doesn't see that tower from MBL MBL's tower is nice because it disrupts the zebras from Viper and it also will kind of protect his side of the map and his base is actually really solid the Viper will have to run around the right-hand side of this wood line to do anything is MBL and even still and with one's how it protects that so tattoos going up now he's still gonna have these three militia to become man-at-arms but Leary's gonna have archers out chasing was around tattoo is managed to save them and he's he's cost a lot of idle time but I don't know if it was really worth it in the end we'll see so my predictions were a bit off here Vipers gone for Scouts from the flank and out has gone for archers from pocket and then archers from BL I was correct on that and then archers for leery from pocket I still no sign of what we'll see from heart though he's heavy on stone at the moment no Ville is going forward Wow is this the big stage man I mean tatto already pulling out the tricks and that maybe that's something they need when aftermath has been so solid definitely not something that aftermath would be able to game plan for because they haven't seen it yet I find the archers choice really strange considering what we've seen on this map before like we've seen a lot of scouts on this map yeah to pick off the villagers a lot of tower pushes and archers early archers don't really do that well against it but maybe this is all dictated off them seeing tattoes militia in the real ass game it's it's possible it's possible I would have I would like to know maybe we'll interview them afterwards I'd like to know if they saw that with the read because that is very unique you never heard of anything like that before now look at this Viper here with two Scouts at Leary's base because Leary's going archers and MBL is going archers this will be awkward they don't have Scouts and I expected Lehrer to go archers and Leary is getting chewed up here he killed one Archer from doubt but he's losing all of his in the front he just created one more Archer as well which is free pickings he's gonna fight with villagers this is Sol here for aftermath now will he get man in arms I feel like he should not get it they even still know it'll be a huge pain leaders gonna lose Phil's here isn't he he tried to stop you like this so far but vipers got great micro too and he's gonna get right in front of these Vil's yeah and one Ville Goes Down and all three tyrant players in the same spot in the middle of the map I think that maybe the drush force Leary into archers maybe I I don't know exactly that why they made that decision but fact is MDL he hasn't done anything with his archers just yet just that one tower as we saw and Larry he's currently three be ones so what this has enabled tyrant to do is come forward you see doubt building another mil forward Viper taking zebras forward they're really taking control of all that free food in the middle now that they have map control yeah that's that's really gonna help them get to castle age faster the decision must be made now you know do they create more military units so especially Viper does he create more Scouts or does he simply live with the advantage they've gotten just there and go towards the the next stage god whoever spamming them on teamspeak stop please it's it is what it is so Viper and doubt now thinking about going towards MV l @ om BL he knows he's vulnerable on the right he's gonna build a tower there I think so he can build another wood line I'm not so sure Dave will get at least one bill pic if not more here if I per place this correct lane goes past the villagers so he can get extra shots in he's gonna get more Ville pics and he's gotten one he will get two and here comes down as well tyrunt on top of it so far in this game leery now pushing forward with his archers trying to do count damage to doubt and know what doubt doesn't have the numbers to defend himself here so doubt produces yell ya know fletching would mean the villagers can run the tower is protecting MBL on his wood line I do not think that Viper and doubt will stick around here much longer meanwhile Dave I did notice that Hart has really made many moves and it seems to me like as I see some some archers from MBL picking off villagers from doubt in the back of his base he's gonna buy his way up to go conquistadors most likely in the castle age Oh one tattoos going coinage so tattoo will sling interesting style of play here tatto starts with the draw she starts off the action goes with the grand theft zebra strategy then he's kind of fallen back and he's going to send resources I assume to doubt could be two Viper hearts on the way to Castle age on that side so Tata will have no defense by himself we'll need some assistance from his teammate he's got to be careful here too he could get trapped out it's coming around the backside with archers as long as it's got cheese and so archers everything dies here oh my god Leary has had a really rough start to this tyrant just all over him he lost the archers on the front he lost the villager on the front and now he's losing the archers that he sent out to do some form counter-attack damage massive fight there great loop around from doubt from both sides and Viper knew as well he didn't engage on the left side he went all the way over to the right and they trapped that between the houses but hearts about to be up and he's gonna get a castle down and he's gonna be running around with those really powerful units he will get a castle down Vipers on the way to castle I'm not yet sure if Tata has been swinging and I'm not sure he's slinging resources to Vipers so Viper might not be pocket but he's gonna receive a lot of resources to go Knights this could be trouble for MBL and this could be trouble for Leary because they're not on the way up yet Dave also leery more harassment tatto managing to pick off two villagers at the back it's no way that's unreal man they've really gone after the correct player here haven't they they've gone after Leary Leary is after Matt's Viper so you're gonna see aftermath throughout the rest of this series trying focused on Viper so he can't get into his current position which is is a big boom man Larry's taking some big losses yeah Viper I mean Vipers done extremely well with his Scouts you look at his Katie right now he's been helping out doubt he just helped out tattoo a little bit against archers he's been running around he's in castle age now getting the sling really dangerous for yeah they if they're versus sling they need to recognize that they might not recognize it because Tatsu is in futile age and he has been contributing with some form of military even though it's just that rush a Dave could you like step back in your mic an inch or two I'm not sure it just like peeking every once in a while should you're thinking I'm not sure what's causing it but it's it's not a big deal anyway if you can't sort it out the Viper hits castle he has 900 goals in the bank we're actually lacking the food at the moment I imagine that tattoo will send it to him so all eyes gonna be on Vipers movement now and yeah there's the food we're gonna need to see defense from Leary and from MBL there's really no opportunity for them to push out right now they just had to defend with towers and archers and Spears and holds it's been a very strong start for tyrant Viper with 12 kills 4 deaths a doubt he's been able to defend himself at home and more importantly I think Leary has lost army momentum and you never want that if your aftermath viper also going from monastery to i think to counter the kick isa doors I think yes they're coming you know say what you want about this sling but so far Viper 2 hasn't done any damage and MBL has set his base up correctly where he can defend from this with the towers and the walls that he's just camping here and he's inviting Viper into that choke point Viper doesn't want to do that and also hearts getting those conks as you said Dave Leary will soon have crossbows so there will be three aftermath players doubt of course we'll add army into the equation Sunni as tons of crossbows in the middle but it'll be a three v2 Viper needs to really carry here receiving those resources from tat zone I think they're gonna go to Leary now I mean MBL has defended himself well viper seems to be running towards and lee redoubts also running towards Leary maybe it's MBL I'm not so sure with Piper has 80 Knights it might want to kill MBL before it gets the crossbows it's tough like where do you go here yeah when you are versus sling it is simply about not taking huge losses because you will take losses you will be behind you have to hold and hold and hold until you as a team can push back and overwhelm them this is not the time for MBL he's just now getting crossbow doesn't even have vodka narrow yet MBL's point of view shows he sees the Knights he sees the crossbows he is signaled but I don't think Leary can assist that's the problem Leary can't afford to send any help whatsoever he's gonna try yeah he's gonna try but heart is gonna need to be here as well so heart he's coming with his conquistadors MBL just hiding in his tower for now there's three monks there from Viper and Viper he spots these crossbows from Larry he signals that and he says let's go let's make a move Oh God the monks going down for Viper leery though he is surrounded by knights out the conquistadors come in from heart I don't know what engagement is better it seems like the numbers of life were going to completely overwhelm aftermath fight coming for behind - oh he's gonna surround Leary and Leary taking more and more losses in this game the crossroads from MBL there's still gonna be outnumbered here and that is a huge cleanup for Tyra and Game one of this look at Leary's Katy right now oh it's just so bad yeah and it's not like it was poorly played from him I think the decision to go archers was a team decision it's just that the arrival of doubt and Viper has continued to haunt him MBL runs away and now heart needs to mask some more kinky sores I will say he has quite a lot and that's the one thing that could maybe change things verse tonight's but vipers receiving sling and he's on his way to the Imperial aged sling is so strong man it is so incredibly strong and you know once again after Matt they got to the finals by not slinging tyrant they've done it pretty regularly maybe aftermath will need to do that later on because if Vipers gonna hit him with all the resources coming in from tat oh what can they do against cavalier so conquistadors kind of the ticket for aftermath and they come back here you agree with that Dave have to hold Viper doubt doing an excellent job here though yeah hey doubt not receiving slang forty-three military units he has 26 kills 18 deaths a Dallin Viper best buddies man they're doing so well and I feel like Leary now he's he's kind of fallen back he doesn't he can't afford to create numbers out of these ranges because the ranges are just getting shot down the conquistadors they are out ranged by the crossbows they are also out mass and Dallas getting thumb ring is not looking good for aftermath and game one no and they're just gonna keep killing these production buildings they know AM can't really engage yep hey I'm trying to distract them a little bit but the same thing will happen and all the crossbows that were in the archery range go down and Viper he's about to hit Imperial age this is trouble this is trouble for aftermath they can't they can't fight this in castle much less in oh well out of position Downton Viper but still it's gonna be just fine once Piper arrives it's as good as an engagement aftermath is going to get it is only going to be more and more difficult from here I find the decision by Leary it should just a bed I mean it's probably the right decision in this case to get and in military and just go for TCS until you can get that castle up but it you have to rely on your teammates to hold and I don't know yeah I mean he can't go camel archers with Berbers and they're really strong when you get full upgrades on them but Vipers gonna have such a strong push these will be cavalier soon and he's not messing around either he's going straight for siege doubt solenoid imp as well likely receiving resources from tad so I'd like to remind everybody watching that is simply doubt and Vipers seem rolling this with the resources coming in from tatto after Matt still just means to hold yeah they need to hold against this first wave they don't have anything to deal with the cap trams that is a big issue I don't care how much extra HP these archers have not gonna help out too much yeah hearts on the way to Imperial MBL's on the way to Imperial can they hold this can may holds the viper what he does well in these situations is not fighting all in one spot but he splits up his army and he split up his army he's sending some over to leery that when he arrives he can kill Vil's but he will find a castle there securing Mary's base MBL all game has done a good job of just not dying because of the poor position he was put in from the get-go after Leary's appearances as well if lifer doesn't get powered in so he's stuck with cavalier he is yet to really do damage now as I say that he's going right into MBL's base MBL's running away with his Vil's he's also in all weary and he's killing villagers but hearts there to help is there an opportunity for aftermath to stay alive in this one hearts got to get over to MBL's base Ivo has to save as many villagers as he can yeah I I don't know Dave I don't know because soon doubt is gonna have our blessed if doubt was still in castle I'd say they might have a chance but doubt was gonna have our blessed and he's gonna get braced her and he has 68 military two canoes now being added in how strong is this from Downton viper ridiculous play I think the damage was done early on feudal age and in castle age and now MBL is just fleeing the scene he's just running away because he would knew that he would lose everything if he stayed a lot going meters right MGC you gotta wait long enough until all three of your players can get into the field yeah you'll be eventually 3v2 essentially but yeah I mean MBO losing his base even tattoo his towering heart now yeah tower on the wood line yeah it's smart oh god oh god I assumed that was a TC from Hardy just lost that foundation there to Vipers cavalier who patrolled into that and now MBL's next TC is going to go down so I'll have to think about running here not even worth it honestly you're not gonna be able to get away the sling too strong and BL losing so much it's it's back to Leary now Leary needs to get here with camel archers it's gonna be camel archers and conchs that maybe turn this game around and Leary and Hart do have really good economies yeah so they maybe if n BL can escape and they can hold then and wait for him be able to get back into the game I made the thing for after that they need all three of their players to beat this yeah exactly hey tattoo to those wondering tattoos just built a tower so he's not doing anything past that he recognizes the importance of wood viper also about to hit the wood line at hearts been chasing these cavalier rounds ever since they entered leary space vipers finally gonna find some bill kills a really good stuff from viper but heart of course spotting it also strong from him now I just got a bill back there as well that could come into building an outpost okay yeah I'll keep an eye on that he's still in futile age now you know what you could do is you could try and wall off the trade area that would be an idea if Viper getting cleaned up in hard space but look at the numbers he has with doubt in the middle of the map and they're getting very close to Larry the issue with Larry's units is that it's expensive camel archers are strong but it's expensive and he doesn't have the eco to have the numbers to catch up to what Viper and doubt have he also does not have elite and he's not even close to reporting that oh it's military right now we saw this in other games as well he's very good with archers and he give Viper the faster units like Cavalier and paladin but still they haven't done much else after entering MBL's base have they it seems like they will now start adding trade at a two hits Castle and he might sling from Castle age or he might go to imp I'm not sure tatoo going for the walls they have yet to really be comfortable pushing in and this is giving Leary time to get elite Camel archers so maybe there's a chance and it's also elite conquistador aftermath holding in Leary's base that's where their whole army is but they're playing the reactive way now they have to react to Tyra and viper doing the right thing and going right to mpls base because he saw the military at Leary's oh god this is so bad for em bialys at 25 villagers and who lose five more what a play from viper there now vipers not next to doubt but it just doubt need help doubt is ninety military that's more than the other two players it's against him there we'll see man we'll see fact is tyrant is adding trade so it will be easier and easier for them to replenish their forces now and also they're cutting off the corners which is so important in team games so aftermath they really can't start their trade [Music] I believe tattoos villager that was in the back of the base is others another one yeah he's still still he's still back there I thought it was a woman earlier I guess she's dead parts now switching into Cavalier so he'll go the Paladin route I just don't know if I'll have the resources for this man dough is getting seed rim he's built up near hard space so he's gonna start pushing their heart needs to get those tumblers out fast yeah he well he needs a lot of time to do that man he just got scale barding armor but this massive fight in the middle let's see how it goes you know the camel archers they're picking up the cavalier quite easily the conquistadors will do so as well it's just down to the the patrol from doubt behind all of this with the elite chick who know in the are bless he's chewing up so many counts and camel archers Viper barely even attacking here he's just mainly the meat shield for doubt you know what down to 75 military Vipers still at fifty military and now it's pushing it now on hard space oh and here it goes with the forward castles as well all this is maybe the finishing blow tattoos on the way to imp so he can add persian paladins and I don't think Leary and Hart have done enough they have not cleaned up this army it's still around to doing damage they've not done enough to justify coming over here to help they've also got the trade well and this was a3 b2 for a while but now MBL's virtually dead so it it's about to be a3 b2 but tyrant having three as tattles going into the game what a game I mean viper in doubt they've been right next to each other almost all game talk about that snowball effect man it all started with leery and futile age and here we aren't in and they're still having issues after that and Hart lost one castle he will lose two castles and he's gonna lose iko iko that he will need to transition into paladins which he simply cannot afford to even create um I think I mean I see Leary and I think okay he is 50 camel archers maybe but I feel like the damage is being done now tyrant gonna have that trade and I think they're on their way to winning the first game of the series oh god man I want to say there's a chance but I see MBL's population MBL simply just does not have the numbers to contribute he would have to trade and at eco for the next 15 20 minutes and it's got to be all Leary and Hart if they do this well doubts losing all those two canoes in hard space completely surrounded VIPRE running right in with those cavalier he's gonna do a lot of damage yeah maybe just even go for the markets go for the trade I think they put a lot of focus on that haven't they tattoo with the outposts and you know what the wood line is set up in an awful way for oh look at this hatch is gonna build stables with that bill would you're in the backs getting paladin yeah I think you see where the trades running look where Lee rebuilt his markets it's gonna run through the wood line and around right where Vipers cavalier are now at gaze on the trade you know the next wave of doubt is coming in and the trade carts looking very good for tyrants 23 for Viper 24 for tat so seven for del and that will only climb that's a huge advantage the only person with trade for aftermath is MBL and MBL has six and some of them are getting killed off by vipers cavalier yeah you can't let the team like tyrant get in the position like this because they just go on autopilot yeah they know exactly what to do well leary leary is gonna try and stop that this trade from flowing he's running in with camel archers the Vipers building a castle there to protect that open area but the castle has not gone up now Vipers spots immediately any he's reacting with some skirts but Leary could kill a lot of trade and now doubt building a bomb Bart our they're gonna try and place towers here to protect it but this is as doubt pushes inverse heart like to remind you guys Oh God once again he's gonna lose his chicken isn't Azhar bless you know what if tyrant wasn't stopping the trade I would say that aftermath could do this but they are still like being annoying in the traders look at the right-hand side where viper is with his like calf they're still annoying the trade so because of that yeah because of that I feel like tyrants still looking very good but I will say they haven't finished off the aftermath as fast as I thought they would they've had the sling for more than half this game now and after mouths still kicking yeah bet MBL's that even less villagers than he was - yeah yeah for sure he's at 30 population he has just been trading now and I feel like he would just send whatever gold he got to his allies feels like it's just a matter of time but I think tats is gonna need to join the party here on the front you know he he has these stables out of the line of sight of aftermath aftermath does not know about the stables there that village were pretty clutch this would be one hell of a comeback and they could do it this is only game one ladies and gentlemen this is a best-of-seven winning team gets $3,000 or around $3,000 not the exact amount and there we go aftermath gonna call the gg tatto starting with the drush I think you did something there maybe it it made Larry think twice about going for Scouts because he wouldn't have the food from the zebras I'm not too sure but I think it all comes back to the decision from Larry to go archers and then Viper and doubt to be wanting him you can't take losses like that for your aftermath the KD was awful and futile and castle and it's Leary the MVP of aftermath what a game man what a game you know the one thing the drush might have done actually are you still on the map I can go back yep okay look in the bottom corner I don't know if you mentioned that I don't know if you noticed that but that's absolutely hilarious MDL such an MBO thing there's only two people in the world who will be near death and who would try to go for the trade that's so funny that's good yeah anyway like I was saying I think the drush the one thing it did do was prevent heart for going military and futile age he went straight up to get these doors and he couldn't support his allies like if he had gone Scouts maybe it would have been a completely different different story yeah well there's the KD doubt I have to give him credit cuz he did not receive the majority of the sling lots of kills for him and very dominant army numbers VIPRE his movement is really what started it all Tatsu started with the drush he didn't pass the torch to Viper with those resources and vipers movement just kept aftermath on their toes now the sling I gonna show you the other achievements here the sling is something we have seen a lot from tyrant and most teams in this tournament we have not seen aftermath do it now well they think about it because it worked really well for tyrunt sometimes the way to counter it is to then say maybe MBL send resources to leery you have to recognize they're doing it and do the same thing I don't know what their strategy choices will be going into the next game but what I do know is that game two is donut which is one of my favorite maps from this tournament all right z2 the Ebro thank you for 18 months chat can we get the the t90 Woo's again for all this holy cow it's gonna be a lot of reading a bullet says I have no clue what that is poet never mind thank you so much for the five What did he say What did he say like hina-chan will probably win 3o against tale bot Pawar's oh nice okay that's a message to Dave I assume llama raid will thank you for gifting this up to Ragnar Ragnar enjoy the emotes men watch her outside with the $1 says hey man love to YouTube content unfortunately time zones are a keep it up thank you for the $1 man élow Adventure Lord ghosts thank you for the subs Chhavi from hell welcome back cool ooh thank you in greedy heaven says I am the most important viewer in this channel yeah you are just don't tell the others that debatable appreciate that appreciate that guys so this is a viewer record we have 3600 people here we have blown the viewer record out of the water I got a host last week from wagamama and we were just over 4k and prior to that host we were at 2.9 K so all of you here you're part of T 9 official history potentially Age of Empires 2 history depending on what the result is here his aftermath could could break tyrant hearts today that's an amazing tournament and you guys are all amazing we really appreciate you 3,500 not bad man now I got 35 once you did that was that was my shining moment you just put me to shame you just uh you just thrown me in the dumpster oh yeah that's the only reason I started streaming was to throw you in the dumpster all right guys so we just saw the civilization splayed let me take off the SIVs they just used as they cannot reuse them I thought Vietnamese was a questionable pick there but Berber is certainly one of the strongest picks arguably Spanish as well so aftermath can no longer use those SIVs they lost with we had Chinese Portuguese and Persians for the tyrants so if you're wondering what sibs they have available for the next games these are them and as we go through the games I'll take off all this is next game should be starting within a couple minutes and it's gonna be a long one the donut is a crazy crazy map did my volume peak after I moved my mic away from my face when you get excited oh man I guess I just won't get excited yeah you try to stay really mellow man yeah just a tad though it's not it's not too bad but it's at least noticeable okay so after the next game I'm going to give away the first gift card from PGI and this is a $150 gift card I'll be giving away five of them today I'll give you more details on that but if you're thinking about stepping away don't do that these games are going to be good I will give away five $150 gift cards to the PGI store when PGI put up $2,500 for this tournament and they're going to spread some more love throughout this community at Kobe with $25 says the problem with twitches now I have nothing to watch on YouTube all week I could recommend a couple videos man after the stream that can recommend some of the classic videos that only have a couple hundred views and nobody about to see I know a video you should go watch and it's on my channel no Dave casted a game I played don't go to his channel do not type exclamation mark Dave and subscribe to him do not do it just go to the last 10 minutes son see well thank you for being here dude good to see here again everybody if you're looking to support what I do the best way to do so is just subscribing to the stream I see so many new subs here today Thank You Jay Jay crackers pancake batter mixer mr. flower thank you guys oh god there's a lot of exclamation mark Dave's the reverse psychology worked so game 2 is gonna start it will be donut man I'm getting hungry now we got pancake batter mix and donut when you type that the link will show up once cuz the command has a cool-down so you got to look for that link somewhere but anyway guys game 2 is here damned if I do caps it doesn't work ladies and gentlemen welcome to Game two of the Battle of Africa grand finals this map is donut and it is my favorite map in this tournament tyrunt won the first game I would say convincingly they've subbed out doubt and they brought in Jordan 23 it's still Leary MBL and heart for aftermath I will start with aftermath as they're gonna need a result here first off we have Leary who was under a lot of pressure last time he's playing as Aztecs in the green his pocket is MBL MBL is playing as Celts in the gray then we have heart heart as the other flank and he is playing as Teutons for aftermath and up against heart we will have tatto tattoo is playing as the Vikings his pocket is Jordan 23 who's playing as two Saracens and then we have the Viper up against Illyria on this side playing as the Millay these are civilisations that I've seen pretty consistently on this map they're very strong late-game civilisations and I find it interesting that Jordan is not playing because the last time we saw this map it was Finland for his tyrant and the doubt was under a lot of criticism with his gameplay maybe they wanted Jordan instead you mean a hundred and twenty trade carts they had something ridiculous I forget I mean I think that people who are criticizing a Viper sorry criticizing doubts after that doughnut game were just not giving enough credit to max because he played insane but we did see a sling last time we saw Blaine's last time as well and Larry's already forward trying to steal these goats from Viper Viper not too happy about that and Viper might be trying to bait Leary into going for his rhino I think Vipers waiting to see if one of his Rhino starts running off and Leary is is wise to it he doesn't want to steal the Rhino because he knows Viper will block him interesting matchup here as sexist Malay I mean Aztecs kind of there's a temptation to go for monks but Malay are very good against monks tapped educated as well tap to jebaited as well he was waiting for heart to steal was rhino let's see if this lame will be successful part is very close to his TC with this on the other side we have scouts from both the other aftermath and Tyra players fighting it seems like this Rhino will be brought in very strong lame from heart attacks are trying to block there must have been a pause because there was a bit of a stutter for us here but tattoes gonna lose out on his rhino what a start here for aftermath and the other side is very interesting as well man the fact that Jordan and Leary now running around with their Scouts MBL lost a lot of HP it seems as did Viper so weak Scouts on that side probably no lames Dave I'm gonna be honest I was getting so hyped about the lame I completely forgot your point already that you brought up I think you mentioned Aztecs so could you bring that back up again I mentioned the temptation for us texts ago monks and Malay are quite good against yeah monks and also am opting for Teutons which gives them a bonus against that monks are very good in these choke pointy situations as we saw with max in that Finland game yeah you're right about that man and O'Leary being a bit over aggressive on this side Jordan and viper working well together they might have weak Scouts but they killed the Eagle of leary leary even one for a ville pic and was unsuccessful now we get to see one of my favorite things I believe you invented the term Dave we get to see the dock blocks so normally normally what we see as this map has some water in the choke points is a dock and walls can you dock block the area between heart and tat so though that's a lot of water I guess you would have to wall yeah you'd have to wall in this direction and build the dock in that one tile gap yeah so normally that that means that they'll rush the wall behind the dress and then they can protect the water with a few demos and fire galleys and then it'll go late-game and because it almost always goes late-game finland's they slung the max when they play tyrant and - max was Malay during that matchup well look Vipers Malay see if tyrant goes for a similar strategy always heart gonna lose a Vil here all I didn't have loom part is going to need to be careful with his Scout as well he got the extra food with the rhino but lost out with that map control because you can't push out with this Scout and tatoes being very active on the front with this wants to see what heart is going for it as well as engaging yep and Piper's in trouble here Oh MBL has been so smart using his Scout I think that was on 7 HP last I looked so Viper he lost his Scout he was not expecting this lost his militia and now this villagers exposed it's not often you see Viper caught off guard it's also not often you see leery caught off guard and we saw that last game the quality of these teams on display here now here comes tatto with his drush and this is something that Hart is going to have to defend with and he's making his own militia now I think he expects it well Aztec should have the advantage when it comes to the Josh because they start with the extra gold so this is where Viper just needs to take as good a trade as possible watch MBL try and trick him with the scalp he's gonna try and tempt viper to come back to attack him and the second Viper comes back to attack him he'll run away hide an interesting play from Viper he sent three villagers out and he was taking the gold which enabled him to make two more militia he already lost two so yeah that's free to defend he's going for the doc already he wants to get that walled off and then he can go deal with the militia from Laoghaire yeah well the the idea of aid rush is to get map control it is to delay eco and so far the has been successful on the side Vipers on straggler trees and vipers had to create a lot of extra militia as well as adding walls and Jordan is he gonna all Jordan loses its Cowan mbas was only on two HP that's a bit of a throw from Jordan 23 that should not have happened that could be a big deal now it is hard doing on the other side is he get a batter down this doc feels it these feels like a tower it feels like a tower yes he is gonna tower you know I was skeptical when I saw him going up to fuel a to making militia I was thinking what is his plan gonna be in futile normally be man-at-arms I haven't seen that often on this map and yes he is gonna go man in arms and he's gonna go with the towers and there's nothing Tatsu can do he can't build a defensive tower he can't build anything out of his docks because he's in Dark Age good stuff from Hart and they're gonna he's gonna go right through the dock isn't he he's got to get this down before a demo comes out yeah I think you can I think you can MBL's also adding Scouts it seems which is very unorthodox you know I thought he'd go fast castle so there'll be a lot of pressure on Tatsu and Viper he's still taking poor engagements Viper has zero kills three deaths just from a single drush he's also still in Dark Age Dave this is really like how many docks his viper building what on earth are we seeing from him this is crazy I made three dogs there and like Jordan you look at MBL already with the scouts Jordan just now getting the stable tap and it's also worth noting that heart is Teutons he's tower rushing with Teutons and he will be able to deny all the Gold's of tat so because the Gold's are forward he does know about the one to the south of it but that gold is gonna be easy to deny what a play from aftermath here I mean it was a tough start for them last time but they're all over tyrant in Game two okay so Jordans going Castle age so he's just gonna go into Knights I thought he might create a few Scouts to help fight broke but it looks like Vipers got it handled yeah and Leary's on the way to Castle now as well so I mean he is Aztecs you will have the Hmong to convert any Knights that might come his way he back to hearts point of view he is missing this gold which is unfortunate I think that he would want to tower that but he has too late a toe in a big big way Viper being a great team player that he is he's sending his three week militia over to help out tatto what a player the girl help you buddy Leary is also on the way to the castle a jury yeah yeah and I I don't know exactly what he'll go for here he might just go straight into a boom because he's walled up you'd have a big advantage over Viper if he does that now here comes the scouts from MBL I think that any attack here will be short-lived as Jordan has had time to prepare for this after tatse told him the scouts were there now tatto has done an exceptional job defending versus tower rush he he took out that tower he's again building a defensive tower I mean tatto is known for his own tower so I guess he'd be the guy to know how to defend against this at both towers will go up once again so tatto will not have that safe Gold's but he can go here and that's something that Hart didn't see it was just inches in it Hart didn't see that doe might not be too bad for Todd so if he can stabilize with the help of Jordan if Hart can't get up to castle fast it might not be the end of the world for tyrant here you know just had to go for a sling in this situation ah probably I mean well what who do you sling Viper he's just hit futile maybe you sling him to castle Kay's honest way to say yeah it's sling him for the elephants but then you're up against Aztecs you know I feel like if it's an imperial aide sling it makes sense but a castellated sling probably not I guess you could make an argument for it and maybe the tyrants are talking about that themselves I want to look at Hart's economy see he did go forward but his economy is not too bad and he has gone for his own doc block now so he'll be in Castle age soon and probably on par with - in all honesty what does Tatsu doing with these bills does he want to kill this tower oh god this is interesting the spears coming forward from heart to kill Jordans camel at a toe was maybe considering going with a counter-attack their cart gonna plug the gap very aggressive start to this game normally it's not so aggressive normally it's very passive okay Leary is gonna go siege monk these docs from viper could counter that quite well if this is true the production correctly how many T C's is Leary on so he at least has gone for two Town Centre so have a little a little bit more eco going for him if it falls back and there's the first Gallio can it kill the monk in time come in he'll need to delete that Viper viper built these docks very early he's just hit castle age but he is adding a town centre he doesn't have the resources to make these galleys he's going for a demo after though oh boy we're II can see this I have never seen a demo rafts go after him a canal I assume it kills it also Todd who tried to build a dock was so sick from viperone away to holds oh man that was exactly what chat wanted yeah and there's a sneaky dock from tat so you're right he can send his own demos right through the silicide of what heart will be going for but heart adding his own demo raft made that that really hurts leery because he's put a lot of resources into the Macan else in the monk bush so he's getting monk upgrades now he's just getting text that so far he has been unable to use viper is ahead and villagers now he's been able to hold against this good stuff from him heart is on the way to castle he's ahead of Tatooine that and he has a lot of stone unsure on if he will build a castle or what's I somehow feel like it'll come out just don't know when if he sends any military tattoo could send his own demos as you pointed out oh he's converting the docs he's converting the dog's liberation a demo is coming out of each of these docs as well it takes a while to convert buildings put Viper he's just gonna delete that doc and pray that this one doesn't get converted because then Larry could use this all he's gotten it okay Viper should get the demo raft out of this dock here let's see all the countdown is on for this demo rapid reproduction come on come on old man don't bring the other bug close 96% he got it oh man he had faith guys just have faith believe and it'll happen a Viper now he has no way of defending this area leery with the smart move of getting redemption has converted all the docs and al Vipers scrambling and he's gonna build a defensive castle which should go up but wow what an interesting game we have here tat so building his own dock right next to hard stocks and Leary converting a villager you know just just being annoying here that's essentially a kill for him which is good but maybe he can do a little bit more around this castle like loop around to the TCS I'm not not so sure so the best counter against mocks other than Scouts which Jordan has actually made and is sending forward which could be really really bad for leery is those Karambit civil boards yeah and it seems like the monks will die well actually Leary got the camel a nice conversion from Leary to get the camel so monks will stay alive hey you're right the kramitz are fantastic so I think this is where Leary starts to wall up at home and add more eco and that's exactly what he is doing also I don't even know what's going on on the other side there's a long ship in that jog from Tibet oh there's a demo coming out right now oh he's gonna get the spear he will get the Spears not that that really matters too much but it looks cool longships maybe go can we get the t90 goes in the chest longboats demos what a map and what a game so far a game that aftermath so badly needs they need to tie it up here you know Leary should expect the Koran bits so he'll need to pay attention and MBL is about to hit imp by the way Dave with that strong Cal boom I don't know exactly what he'll send just yet I hear a siege workshop so maybe it'll go with the almighty Celts siege I think yeah so word Raiders siege from MDL that is expected Jordan he's he hasn't played a huge partner somethink rabbits have a lot of HP yeah a lot of HP and the mag Annelle also killing two Karambit there that bike that was so good how do you micro all those kramitz you have to click them all and still he comes out on top with four monks alive that was unreal from Leary I was kind of thinking he might be having a rough start to the final after last game but man he's really turned on the style here the maggin ELLs from heart versity longboats there were a few monks here the monks got chewed up by tattoos longboats and I think Hart is going to have to just fall back now and tats are adding lots of extra docks now we know what vikings are good at it is maybe there's gonna need to be a plan to stop that if you're after matt on rio leery on the way to the imperial that is before viper that Viper has had to invest into more kramitz that would slow down his em time so Dave can we briefly talk about what compositions we might expect here I think that Mameluke siege on etre I mean Saracens get everything don't they so well I mean they're gonna have to worry about MBL cuz he's cutting through with an auditor right now he's gonna void that water Oh what a plate at Oh expecting to hold with the longboats in the walls MBL goes for the faster Imperial he's going into auditor and how castle the castle more the play if this ends up working out and I think it will this will be an incredible play at a to does not see this yet he has no clue this is happening MBL's just passing chat he's just passing on he sees the edge of the cap sees it but what can he do he can't do anything he doesn't have military on lands he's getting coinage to swim as well and he's getting castled he won't have the comfort to swing he cannot hide behind walls here immediately I saw the castle as well and I think he got more conversions as well here's 31 kills 23 deaths viper has 22 kills and 50 deaths a lot of those deaths probably to his own Karambit those monks they're healing each other faster than the Karambit scan damn it yeah unreal and now of course since larry is faster to the next stage he can make trebuchet is to push castles I mean you can't do anything with that though that's the thing he can't do anything and you know his gold which earlier aftermath did not see is now lost MBL can build a second castle and he can add loads and I don't even think that Hart needs to worry about the water from Todd so now he has a castle there the goal they need to worry about as MBL now doc blocking the back his tattoo might run around all the needs to worry about is maybe Viper on this side are Jordan once he joins the equation but Jordan has yet to be seen another castle from MBL going down oh this is so bad for tatto oh my goodness what a play here comes Jordan yeah it's all about Jordan cuz Jordans getting Mameluke and I feel like Mameluke can beat the currents composition MBL has and depending on my girl oh and Tatsu with a very clutch castles and I he's gotten guard tower to deny this MBL's gonna have to take down the towers before he finishes that let's not forget that viper he has been preparing his castle he's had more castles as well so he's caught up in a trap count and all we've really seen from leery are monks and at some point the monks are just not going to be enough can he kill that tread from viper know those kramitz just thrown away the viper with the repairs more and more monks now pikemen from leery as well Jordan on the other side he's micro and Galindez Auditors but I don't know if that's really worth it still tat oh he's slinging but he's still slowly dying I guess it sounds when Hart gets into the game Dave then he's about to okay so crazy thought do you go to tonic Knights if your heart does the other team have a counter to it not currently no they don't have a counter to it it would be archers and there's no archers whatsoever from tatto the one issue I foresee is that Viper his elite Karambit sand to castles and he's strapping down Larry's castle so I think Larry needs to fall back and I feel like then maybe Hart should send villagers to build stables and you know what tattos cutting that possibility off do you see that so if Hart wants to send villes to build stables to send paladin to help out Lear he can't do that because of tattoos longboats and Jordan killing an Albert Reb that castles still not down for him BL and Jordan has a castle here with a trap attacking that castle Foundation so my case is looking good for tyrant MBL's only got one villager forward he can't follow up with any other bills because those longboats were blocking the way so his push is gonna be a bit slowed down here and now on the other side viper is pushing with early Karambit she has so many of them and I don't care if there's long swords here it doesn't matter the Karambit are so much better in these engagements tyrant over the last ten minutes they've held and they're pushing back in a huge wither even into Leary's base all God and Hart can't get here to help Laoghaire has five military Dave his barracks are being taken down Viper taking down the production buildings there's no docks so no demo ships really Leary has one dock but that won't save him now oh my words target won't leak all the other dude and touches on the way to M so tat so he can send in the árboles and I think think Larry's gonna die like heart can't help him MBL he's not really prepared to help now heart is on the way but has Larry taken too many losses it seems like he has he's at 80 bills are unbelievable from tyrants wow man this is so unexpected MDL building a castle to help look how desperate aftermath look now the Viper sees it he knows it's gonna go up he knows the MBL might be able to make world Raiders to assist first to cram bits but he's taking so much map control and alt at oh he's gonna have his base back he's gonna have his gold back and this is even before Jordan 23 shows up at a hard space with the mammal oops game too huge score lead for tyrant Dave is there any way back for aftermath what a beast mode performance here for Viper just turning that on its head yeah going with those kramitz and miri is tossed away units currently yet you can't stop this that girl's gotta come in clutch here the crazy thing about the frantic warriors is that they're so even though they die it o-on do one verse situated swordsman our champion they're so cheap and they take up half of pop space that the always wind engagement you would need to have 40 to 50 champions and still be spamming them on your own to win fights first this and Larry a key when you really didn't prepare for Viper to have so many Koran bits among certainly not going to help him here I think aftermath has a chance to clear this up but they gotta do it before Jordan gets over here at those mavericks and this is of course gonna be difficult for them as tatto has controlled the water on his side and Jordan can run right through and he just has to trip down the castle from heart and heart is currently getting powered and he's preoccupied helping out burst viper viper has fallen back now but they're gonna need to hold for a while to get Leary's population back up he's only at 57 bills he it's just a wasteland man he doesn't have a lot here anymore and now a toe tap toes come to the other side to add docs he's gonna getting a late longboat only long boats Wow you know I have a love how tyrant has played game one into tatto he always had the out-of-the-box strategies he went with the drush in the first game into the sling now he's going with the longboats and man I'm surprised he's still alive after that cut from MBL cuz it looked really bad for him and now hyper is gonna be adding an elephant an elephant man Luke can you just that's tough man the monks problem and the other side too here comes Jordan they're gonna take down the castle and then the man whoops will kill everything that a heart currently has the only thing that he could use is the new Teutonic Knights first the mammal Luke's but he doesn't have the numbers can MPO get a big shot to save him here Jordan he sees the auditors once again he's played so well man killing the auditors in the siege he's going into hearts Eco oh my god and still on the same at the same time Viper and tatto mounting a push in the south they have to get Leary into the game you know what maybe they just need to give Leary gold for monks and they need to hope for the best with conversions but tyrants all over them man tyre is all over them yet again great stuff from them and I have to credit Jordan who didn't really show himself in the early stages of the game because he was booming up his activity with the Mamluks is very strong and he's building castles and production buildings on the other side to even add in monks alongside his Mameluke and oh the trade has begun as well Jordan's just running right around to get into the trade so Hart trying to add trade carts so they can get some gold as he's just lost gold villagers he doesn't have access to his gold and the trade is not going to run efficiently with the mammal oops in there and I mean even if they clear that stuff up from Jordan tatto can always loop around with the longboats yep and get into the trade again I this is crazy I did not expect to see long boats on both sides but I guess they chose Vikings for a reason here and aftermath calling the GG in game 2 tyrunt the team that got three owed by aftermath in the group stages they are now up to nil in the grand finals what a performance from tyrunt they're like that was that was a hell of a turnaround there I think this game is all about your late-game compositions and potentially that push from MBL and that push from Hart was ill-advised because Jordan he was untouched he was just booming and it made it so easy for him to push back I think the only true weak point there was maybe when MVL dropped the castle but then Jordan already had trebs and then Viper of course but Viper I credit him for defending alone he had more than one castle amazing stuff and a lot of people were questioning subbing Jordan 23 out little tyrant showing you why they did that Jordan 23 fantastic and late game we're gonna see Game three now and aftermath they need a victory here man is Arabia last time I saw them play tire on Arabia they destroyed them and they need a victory they can't go down three on a best-of-seven I mean I love the reverse sweep to happen but it's unlikely isn't it unreal that it I thought Viper was done there I thought Viper was done and I thought tattoo was done I thought they were both done because that was such a good castle from MBL and it was such a clutch move as well with the cut anyway the next game will be Arabia have to be rather quick with this giveaway so let me let me do this chat I'm gonna explain this so PGI is a big sponsor of this tournament with three thousand dollars they've given me a hundred sorry five one hundred and fifty dollar gift cards for their store so if you're looking into a new PC you can get it off their store and get a hundred fifty dollars free here if you'd like to enter this giveaway what you need to do is you need to type the word we'll just do tyrants and say one that game so type the word tyrant I know if we do Africa it might trigger some commands if you want in on this type the word tyrant and then you'll be entered into the giveaway I will have hold on a second guys holy Sh oh yeah and of course they liked it just didn't it didn't register one second keyword let me test it can someone type the word enter now I apologize I tested this last night enter boys yeah try enter now I'm sorry holy yeah well I tested this last night and it worked and now for some reason it's not working let me make sure the next game is not going to start we'll get the giveaway sorted it's a lot of people typing I'm sorry the system is being weird at the moment you know what I can do I can just do it from active people in the chat so it doesn't matter what you say just say anything in the chat and you'll be entered into this if I roll you I'm gonna have a moderator contact you and just get some contact information for you I just type anything in the chat and it should work or maybe not I think we're gonna have to postpone this till the next game I apologize the the giveaway system doesn't seem to be working out and I'm not sure why you know I had an issue with it on the old system I'll check the old system see if that's active but the new system worked last night all right jet it doesn't seem like it's gonna work so we'll have to do it afterwards okay sorry about the the t's there that's a bummer since game 3 is gonna be starting soon we'll just have to get right into that get the t90 freaks in the chat my bad MX thank you for the prime saver thank you for 13 months urban welcome back for seven thank you ice ice Fisher thank you for the prime MERS thank you for the prime as well right - doesn't walk away for ten seconds and it's looking GG the other way now what did I miss I know man that turned around so fast thank you for the bits a phase and bloody fnatic thank you guys for the prime subs um if I could have one of my mods look into go a giveaway extension because the nightbot one didn't work for me for whatever reason might have to find a different way to do this Game three is going to be Arabia and aftermath needs a victory or sure I guess worst case scenario we might have to do it after all the games today and I can sort it out then yeah he's just keeping them to himself yeah sorry guys are just gonna take them all all for myself I need a new PC that's a bit weird anyway I'll deal with that later cuz the next games gonna begin soon I should point out by the way subscribers to the stream get four times the extra entries into the giveaway once I sort it out some reason it wouldn't register that you guys were in chat maybe we have so many people that the system wouldn't work who knows don't get cocky kid godlike admin says I want to support you with everything I have but Amazon Prime is the only thing I have that's fine man that's fine don't worry about it don't give me everything you have that's a bit excessive thank you for three months all right here we are game 3 and a Battle of that foreget ornaments this is a game that aftermath needs there now down two games tyrant have played very very well in fact I would say surprisingly well considering how they played versus aftermath and prior matches I'm gonna introduce aftermath will talk about these Civ this is the good old classic Arabia map Leary is the flank for his team he's playing as the incus he pocket on his MBL MBL's playing as the burmese and then we have Hart in the blue and Hart is playing as the Malians up against heart is tatto tattoo is playing as the Italians Viper is the pocket for tie right now he's mayans interesting they probably don't want Mayans his pocket but they want fight for his pocket so a pretty weird mix there and then the flank is doubt so he's playing as the hunts or tyrants we're gonna have to keep an eye on lames as people will likely try and steal elephants and goats from each other get that extra food and then we could talk a little bit more about the Sitz once we once we realized gain our bearings here I don't see any lanes so far go ahead Dave nolley rias Leary's elephants are at the back they're not gonna be lame he's just finding him now yeah doubts got one forward but Larry's been preoccupied trying to find his okay I think everyone's kind of on guard there the one thing I do notice about this map is that the tyrant players are all close together and the a.m. players are on like as far away as possible from each other yeah you're right cuz Leary's up against the edge of the map on the left and then on the right a heart is very close to the edge of the map doubt has a little bit more distance there which could be good or could be bad I guess when it comes to the fights you're closer to your ally but at the same time there might be some more holes and the early game you know it really interests me that Viper is Mayans because later you might be leaving here oh yeah he should he should steal this shouldn't even hesitate really and when you have a mess of civilization a civic or PSA's propoxyphene feel age if you go archers it even though they're close together it takes a long time to to get to the sides they might need to be and yeah I think that's why they called the rhe I think that's a big reason why they called the Reid I think that they don't want Mayans as pocket and that's the last restart retire in this tournament I think Hart lost a villager to so good good from yes tyrant called it first alright well we will go back then and we will start again it'll be the same sips for each player but the map generation will be different and I can bet you that tyrant is hoping that Viper will be flanked but why why not give vipre Huns and all the AOC tournaments in the past doubt was always Mayans and Viper was often a paladin civ that's weird to me guess we'll see I mean I can't judge tyrant they're two games up on aftermath right now but still sugary no creeper you know says can I get the gift card if I make you breakfast in the morning kappapride now you can't man thank you for the buck quoted with $20 says love you T 90 look forward to this next game thanks again for doing all you do for the H community and can I get some tea matcha salutes in the chat see you next Thursday m and c for community games I'm sure chat will help you out there genius I actually have that twitch giveaways extension thank you for the 5 and thank you for the suggestion that extension for some reason is not working now the one I used was the the nightbot giveaway system and that was the system that I tested last night and it worked fine so again I'm not really sure why that's not working but again chat typing something now will not will not enter you unfortunately will find a way will find a way so game 3 beginning now once again aftermath have one restart left tyrant they do not have any restarts so if they lose villagers if they have a bunch of trolls but if if they lose villagers or don't like their positions they have to deal with it if your aftermath you're praying to the Age of Empires gods that light forgets pocket again as Mayans because that'll make it awkward for them so Dave thoughts on aftermaths performance is it tyrant playing out of their minds or has aftermath just not been as good as they were in previous on previous day's I think the first game tyrant picked a really good strategy and they executed it very well yeah aftermath couldn't cope and then the second game there was a lot of little factors that built up to the push yep like just even the longboats being in the back preventing NBL from sending any more villagers forward so he couldn't like keep pushing tatto and then yeah I don't know I feel like tyrants just played very very well yeah I think it's definitely we need to give tyrant credit but I also think that after math they've had a few instances I like in Game one for example where I was questioning their decisions which was not what happened before in the past when I would see aftermath play they would make me question the other teams decisions a lot of it is making putting your opponent in a position to make mistakes and I think that aftermath has certainly been struggling to keep up with tyrants strategies alright guys welcome to Game three of the Battle of Africa torment this is the grand finals and so far in the grand finals tyrant they're up two games they played very strong so far I'll introduce the aftermath team to start we have heart as the flank playing as the Malians the pocket then is leary leary he's playing as the Inca so now there was a mezzo Civ pocket for aftermath then the flank is MBL MBL's playing as the burmese up against MPL is tatto and he's already trying to defend against MBL as MBL's here with his Scout trying to lane and tatoes playing as the italians the pocket for vipre is mayans are sorry the pocket is Viperine he's playing his mayans and then the flank is doubt i was just discussing how both of these teams probably do not want to have mezzo sips his pocket and now they both do so very curious to see how this will be played from leary and Viper the two best players on each team and the lambing already begins as well should point that out there a viper sending his eagle over towards heart space and MBL i think he was considering the lame you see his the signals here MBL and larry discussing things in AA Leary's coming to lame this the tatha is going to be down a boar or an elephant rather and they cannot call restart they're all out of them so good start for aftermath as far as the layman goes dude I'm scratching my head over this massive thing you know it makes it so awkward when you have a non horse Civ far back in the pocket position and I normally let's say that once it had a mezzo pocket your option is to either go fast castle and boom and hope your allies don't die on the flanks or to go forward with archery ranges now they don't know that vipre is pocket as minds they don't know a tyrant they don't know that leary is pocket as Incas they almost need to scout that and then I'm very curious to see what their decisions will be all intact is down to goats as well Dave he's down to goats he does have them he just hasn't scouted them yet and he's going the wrong way with his Scout this is gonna be really bad for tato down an elephant wait hold on a second oh he just found this other elephant I was going to say yeah so he ran out his goats yeah there was a pause and tattoos to get loom early luckily he found the elephant but he hasn't found the goat this is bad to have an idol TC this is really bad now on the other side of the map Hart lost a villager yet again I doubt though nobody's not gonna lose to scout I will say that I've seen more filters go down in Dark Age in this final that I have in the semi-finals Hart luckily no Hart also can't find his elfin this is this is a hectic start for all the teams hmm I think MBL will have a very strong push burst a toe Burmese man-at-arms so strongly get that extra attack and then we all know about Burmese options going throughout the game I mean MBL's gonna have to push look at where his goal position is and that yeah he's joking him out hopefully he doesn't lose a bill like his Ally did now it should be fine very well done MBL calls himself the boar whisperer but he can also whisper to elephants on the right day and yes I guess Hart has found his elephant oh god don't tell me he went out there assuming it was there look at this how unlucky is that he doesn't know what's there is out of range it's gonna walk back in eventually but he has to like at this point you assume it's stolen exactly he ran out there with a Vil he assumed that that's where it was and so he ran out there with a Vil in the he scouted the area and just said ok it's not here oh my goodness so tatto down aboard tatto did find some extra coats he hasn't found the two in the north yet but he's still adapted by luring in zebras and heart I mean he's going to need to be a real force on the flank and it's gonna be difficult for him to do that without an elephants that's right there as well he just assumes that doubt is taking it well that's a bit unfortunate but sometimes you need some luck in aftermath not getting luck on that side I mean it's gonna be it's gonna be hard for heart to push there regardless look at doubts base he's walling up the bottom side there if he walls the middle yeah um you know what I will say is that with these walls range units could do a lot of damage to him his wood lines and his golds could all be ranged but you know he's on his way to futile first and that's before Hart has even clicked up so we're starting the team wall - maybe he's considering like this is a big team wall here's one of them considering slinging I think I think it'd just be a wise move to get the walls up earlier rather than later when the military's out and Viper he knows he can't wall towards tatto so tattled be on his own but yes as you can see doubt is soon going to finish the walls towards Vipers base a heart had to be sent goats from leary leary sent him goats laries also walling up pretty crazy stuff here at the start tattos gone for a rush so he's just made a few militia and we will see what I assume is archers then from MBL how can Hart not see that elephant I'm sorry the Tusk is in range obviously this is rigged that's just how it works man the whole elephant has to be over the tile there you should be able to see his tusks indeed oh that's so unfortunate man that is so unfortunate and that changes the whole course of the game because now Larry feels like he needs to be more aggressive because Hart could die maybe we will see our church from MBL he is not going to be bothered by this Josh from town and tattoo has simply billed it as a distraction as he lost resources but you see how early the walls are coming up retiring tape they do not want to take losses to the fast aftermath players later on walls coming up from aftermath as well big team walls coming up yeah now Dow and Viper the two best players for tyrunt they're so close together now VIPRE has gone for a fast castle and he's gonna go into plumed archers he's on stone so this is a classic build we used to see years ago before the expansions and looks to me like Leary will go into I guess Eagle warriors in the next stage so both Hawk at their past castling he might he made it around here and picked off a villager that is gonna frustrate MBL that really should not have happened and now MPL losing his Scout as well well played from tat oh man and the early part of Game one and Game three now he's done so well with the drush I think he killed two bills with the drush in the Scout in Game one and Game three now he's killed another that's very rare at this level to see that dope may be able to deny the wall from heart hurts trying to get it done really quick I see this you know what maybe on the way back he'll find the elephant you know oh yeah he notice the olefin is there oh god no he lost a villa at the elephant so he tried to go for it but he's too preoccupied with the walls all harness it's such a hard time heartbreaking stuff here and doubt is always gonna get in that palisade ball he's gonna get in Oh No Hart is having such a hard time he asked the wall in the villager where it's dead oh good lord doesn't find the elephant loses a villager underneath his TC lose the villager at the elephant now loses the villager on the wall and that means Dow can come through to do damage to them and this is just so so poor I said earlier that if you have a bad day you can lose a series and this is the final and heart not having a very good time right now this is all playing out right into tyrants favor the only the only thing is that tatto might struggle a bit but he's defended verse MBL's archers have to say unexpected their unexpected just down to inches this could have been so different if you saw the Alpha in the very beginning but then he had to adapt he had to deal with all this struggle and now doubt and Viper here taking a good engage in versus spear and and doubt maybe going to annoy another area of this base or go right over to leery who's about to hit Castle age by the way what's the play in castle I see a barracks I see another barracks I mean it's it's gonna be Eagles but ya see member can just run around with those plumed archers and the other teams already walled yeah and doubt could kill another Ville here as well Hart was trying to sneak back out and I think if doubt places correctly this Bill's dead and another fill goes down for Hart wow I have no words I mean the play has to be eagles state but the problem is Dowd has done so much damage with just a few Scouts that he'll be able to hit Castle H and add Knights now Hart has done the same thing Hart is actually on his way to castle despite the losses but the Knights will destroy the Eagles pund archers are gonna be so much stronger that viper has actually gone for eco before the castle which I find interesting but you will go for plumes well MBL is well Dave his map is not very good compared to tattoes tatto has plenty of resources behind his walls and while the team walls aren't up for tyrant tatha was stonewalling himself in maybe a sling situation again if your stone long this early maybe it's a slang not too sure but the tatto picking off some of MBL's archers well played and this has just been all tyrant in game three heart still can't clear up those Scouts still can't clear them up yeah I think you can fight this off with Vil's now the doubt just going to be annoying but what Hart needs to do wanna play from doubt but still Hartley there's no reason you should send a weak villager out there's just two Scouts he even has another weak bill there but finally he would clear up doubt doubt it's got to be feeling so good about himself at the moment the heart has to add eco and then he has to to try and hold I'm pretty sure tattoos about the sling yeah I am I'm almost certain if he's building a market here and he's not really doing much with military I feel like he will get coinage and consider his sling MBL didn't see the market either which would have been big hey doesn't see the market he knows that tattoos created archers you know the other factor here is if Tata fools stone walls that just sends all of the pressure from MBL nari to viper but the team walls are up for tyrant and viper has a castle on the hill so how can they bother him they they can't you know doubt is the only person that could really do damage to it so this has been really solid from tyrunt doubt deserves a lot of credit for his movement with the scouts though because though Hart had a tough time doubt still had to do the damage once he got in there and he had to hit the right spots and he did just that and he's doing that again here he already has bloodlines and the defense upgrade the product of his stronger eco that's not good for aftermath because what they need is an answer to the Knights from doubt otherwise the inky eagles won't do much and here come the plumed archers from Viper oh my goodness dude tyrant looking so solid on both sides and they have to run aftermath they 110 percent have to run they cannot fight wound archers and Knights with these upgrades plumes and Knights are better than Eagles and Knights unfortunately for Larry he had no option other than eagles so I think the way they played this tyrant they don't even need to over invest into attack and tatto might not be slinging he might have just been using that market for himself but Viper is on three TCS he's at 57 bills that's more than Larry and he's applying damage so I don't see why they need to really over invest they just need to continue to push their advantage yeah eels coming over to help he's got to be careful here if he gets caught out in the middle yeah he's gonna be all alone that's three villagers now that has lost he is not gonna like the sight of elephants after this game all started with that one elephant man he can't collect his gold safely he really can't afford to make Knights then and to the eagles that will arrive from leery they will die to the Knights of doubt and now MBL's getting coinage I guess they're going to sling I think this is the correct response they have to sling probably probably leery or Hart and try and get him into the game by sending resources it's the first time leery yeah it's the first time that we'll see a sling from aftermath all tournament and it's because they're down two games and they know they need something else here and maybe a me old thought tattoo was slinging and that might come to bite him in the ass if he thinks he's gonna be safe over on that side yeah good point there and the crossbows are coming in from tat so now the plumed archers engaging versus the Eagles from leery now the start to this engagement was quite good now this video now this is an engagement that's tyrants gonna run away from and they're gonna go back to the top of the hill both teams want to hold to their Hill in the fights he doubts getting +2 so I feel like if they hold this he'll they'll be just fine MBL getting a tea seat when you said MBL i thought you were talking about the army for MBA I did not realize so yeah he's lost a few villagers there and I think you're right Dave I think he was expecting to send some resources and he was not expecting the army to come in from tatto and tatoes killing yet another village or two more villagers oh my goodness tyrant are just all over this game is their way back for aftermath yeah weird he is receiving Miriam open a hole for tat oh there's a hole in the house house is there Oh God luckily he has the TCS but this is just the perfect situation now for tyrant no doubt and Viper they have momentum verse heart heart as Malians had very little control over this game MBL has just abandons making military it's gonna be all leery but because MBL only has 41 villas I don't know if he'll have a lot of resources to send to Leary to get him to infest which is really what they need look at Vipers plumes in the Middle East he's going towards Leary's base and that's gonna potentially mean Leary will lose villagers on the gold if he doesn't run away or get more numbers here fast you know vipers micro is good with ranged units and these plumed archers can one-shot the Eagles and yes Leary has to run and here comes doubt as well a doubt skilling the monk from weary and where he's losing villagers there he's on the way to imp he's just cleared up the army from yato and MBL's base and MBL's i mean this is their only shot they gotta get the Italy Eagles out there they do and the problem is plumed archers they have a bonus for seagulls they do really well and the mobility really working well for vibra 13 kills two deaths now putting himself in any weird positions not over engaging either you don't want to run into Leary's base here because you don't know exactly what he has this is Viper and gentle to trap there's a potential to trap MBL's coming from one side Hart is on that side Leary's coming for Eagles he's got equals on the other side as well I see that but it seems like tyrant they've recognized the possibility and they got out before they would be trapped again heart does not have the upgrades that doubt has or the numbers on the nights and this again oh this is bad from heart this is bad he's lost a night there and he's lost some HP for free a Viper's on the way to amp I assume with no sling because he started with a lot of eco and second Castle has got to be on the way soon and I imagine he'll continue with the plumed archers earlier he's gonna have a very small window to do damage with daily Eagle warriors unreal this has completely thrown me off I was not expecting to see tyrant to kneel up and they could potentially be three no up if they continue to finish off aftermath the viper needs to be careful with his plumes here because these are about to be elite eagle warriors for leery now I think you got to go directly to tire eco however it's difficult to do that because look at em BL OMB was cutting his cat via gold castle bite at Oh but how can they get in these walls that's the issue o dal has opened up his walls to build stone walls here come the Eagles from Leary can he do enough damage to the economy before viper and doubt finish off MBL do light I still I don't think there's a way back Leary's got to do it all on its own here really and viper he's about to hit in but this would be the time to be taking an engagement and aftermath are just taking losses down somebody about as well the amount of signals from MBL and Leary they're freaking out right now yeah they're freaking out the viper on the hill with doubt he doesn't have any upgrades on his plumes just yet and they're gonna choose to run away from this they don't want to lose their army numbers and this is a little bit of momentum now for Leary and Hart this will give Hart some room to breathe get to a strong valiant options and this will give Leary an opportunity to hit the eco of doubt these eagles are so strong underneath town centers the Viper has two castles on this hill probably soon to be three but he needs to get numbers here after upgrades to help out doubt doubt taking a lot of loss as hard as here as well this sling is really paying off here for after Matt MBL holding on his side by building a castle he's still slinging the Viper now getting pointed so he can assist with some sling now here come the numbers a doubt joining in on the fight once Piper gets hit got his upgrades but even em BLS here with those crossbows doubts down to 70 villagers he's four or 100 population heart is now above him and pop and hearts on the way to him this is the moment this is the moment for a.m. they've got to do damage right now is there a chance here a viper now has a leap loomed Archer which will make this so much more difficult for leery but now they can switch the point of attack a bit and now they're going to tattoo his face and Leary is anyway hitting tattoes TCS and also Eagles around Viper so Viper is going to be distracted there as well Larry's at all three players and they're fighting on this hill this is good such a good position for them doubt losing Knights yeah doubt is losing the Knights he'll want to upgrade in the Imperial Age he's just about to hit that now this is a good fight I'd say for Viper and for doubt as that choke point holds farewell friend blooms Viper getting banking as well maybe recognizing he will need to send resources to his allies at a toe shoring up his walls just making sure this eagles won't sneak in and they will not sneak in I feel like tyrunt had been able to stabilize doubt we'll get cavalier the doubt will get his eco back he's still at 80 villagers which is decent and if he receives resources from Viper I imagine it would be food because Viper is only spending wooden golds this could be good for them and here comes trapped you're leery space can he kill all those Eagles before he gets that arm position yeah that Castle should push the plumes away I think leery recognizing that just distracting with whatever Eagles he can and sending the rest over to heart space because heart's about to he's about to be hit by a doubt now look at the walls from tatto huge t90 walls chat stonewalling up and they're making sure that their trade will be safe at a toll also just like in game one building outposts in the corners very early and he's trying to pay attention to the corners and where the trade might be in fact he has that militia it's gonna kill MBL's villager in the corner I assume MBL was gonna build a market there or something and that militia from Tatsu actually killed the market ville you gotta be kidding me man when VIPRE still has his plumes and he's going to deny Leary's castle O'Leary building castles Oliver MBL's base now Hart he does not yet have cavalier as I say that he's about to get the upgrade they definitely been pushed back here aftermath and tatto is now an imp fighting MDL he cannot offer much because he's been slinging I just don't know oh yeah I just don't know I mean resources being sent to doubt from viper so doubt can get paladin and one spouting is completed they really just need to pay attention to the corners they have the corner in the north and the corner in the south so they're denying aftermath from trading and that's huge at this stage as tyrants going to start their trade for more gold and you know you tried to put a doubt castle down there in the South the army and I think that he can get this up and he can also take that gold as well Viper has 81 military he has military MBL's base he was at Leary's base now he's at heart space and tato he's pushing mvl all by himself just fine a doubt hitting heart oh my goodness I think Tyra are on the verge of getting a victory in Game three it played so well and of course it wasn't unfortunate start for heart but still such strong play from tyrants now here's a three to be one push first a tote at so he's gonna take some losses here but look at heart space now paladin's arriving viper in on the wood line that elephants still chilling out witnessing the battle and also all dude also Silk Road that's a huge upgrade something I don't even think about Silk Road for those who don't know trade units cost fifty percent less so that's a unique tech available to the Italians and tatto is gonna be able to add that trade so much easier I'm looking at the pops now I'm heels at seventy-five pop part is that one sixty Leary's population is looking good and I think that's why Viper is considering going towards him has to be careful because these are for Rimba cavalier he needs to find a wood line to sit next to like he did in the past doubt coming over to assist with his paladin's and doubts paladin's going to make quick work for these Eagle warriors is it one of these cases where if this is Game one aftermath calls the gg but since its Game three and they're down two games they don't want to call it yeah probably because they don't have trade and it just started trade Tyron already had in that tire has full map control MBL's basically dead he's contributing with sling but he's swinging a guy who's already being countered at the elite kami ox I like the move but it's not as mobile as the options from tyrant and doubt has 35 paladins viper has 80 plumed archers they're denying this castle at Leary's face and they could push right into his base this is got to be the game at another victory for tyrant they just haven't made mistakes Dave in every game tyrant never once said they made a mistake they might have been caught out or surprised but they've always been on top of it they've always been in the right position doubt and Viper every single game well I guess game 1 and game 3 they've been right next to each other and they're so good in these situations when it gets too late game and it paladin's can actually run right through the palisade wall and yet they're gonna call the gg unbelievable 3-0 currently tire in the grand finals of battle of Africa showing everybody what they can do finally wow that was that was not the game that a.m. needed from heart no it was not at all as much as it was unfortunate he might have been a bit tilted because of the early losses right because he sent that weak fill out and out picked it off he lost that though underneath his TC so he did take unnecessary losses as well as being unfortunate with the scouting and again I haven't said anything like that about tyrunt tyrunt they have not been making mistakes their walls have been early and OnPoint their decision-making has been good their army grouping has been perfect and now if aftermath wants to win the finals they need to win four games in a row okay there's the KD for you Viper with those plumed archers now I will say that Viper SIV as much better as pocket because you can't go for a castle and add cameos if you're lira you have to go Eagles so because of that I think that heart needed to be in that game and he wasn't same with MBL there's the eco difference you can see the trade had just begun for tyrant but we could hear the trade carts being added and we knew how cheap they would be so in the group stages aftermath they three owed tyrants and now in the grand finals it is 3-0 for tyrants now for some teams going down 300 it makes them more focused 4:00 a.m. I think if anything it's probably a distraction yeah yeah I think that if tyrant go down a couple games they have the experience they're kind of the veterans here they have the experience and the mindset to likely push through that I think aftermath has a younger team they might not have that and they might all be frustrated that takes a very big mindset to reverse sweep tyrant and they're gonna have to go for that now if they want the victory uhh so I did not receive any input on the giveaway system I would really appreciate it if I could have somebody look into a system I could use maybe stream Labs does one I don't think we can do the giveaway during the games guys we'll do it after this final concludes and I'll have to look into fixing the giveaway system so we can give away 5 $150 gift cards to the PGI store we have hit a new record we're at 4.2 K viewers with no hosts today I shouldn't say that they're a bunch of people who hosted with one viewer so salute see you guys thank you for hosting me but yeah this is an amazing day thank you all for being here and I hope you guys are enjoying the show Catholicism thank you for the prime sub Martian thank you for the five he's spamming tyrants someone's a tyrant fanboy dragon Gambhir oh thank you guys for the primes thank you donated five and said thank you for the good streams you're welcome Helsinki thank you guys everyone who's up to the stream if I missed your names all the support coming in I really appreciate you all thank you all right well next game is going to be beach fight let's look at the cities yeah so I got a knockoff Burmese Malians I mean Incas Burmese and Malian says were three of the strongest picks that you could have had there if you're after math and they lost they had Celts they had Teutons and they had Aztecs in the other game so these are the sibs they have remaining I know what tyrants gonna pick well let me off don't tell me it's don't tell me yet man I do think we'll see that as well so Mayans Huns and Italians was used last game in the game before it was Saracens Vikings and Malay are you thinking God's Britain's incomer or maybe God's Britain's Indians okay I think that or gossip writtens c'mere ya probably come here yeah yeah maybe you know Byzantines is a civilization that I would want to save for no socotra so maybe Ethiopians Slavs and Japanese you gotta save Mongols and some of the other sips for later I don't know I think you're right it seems like as we look at the sips now that tyrant had saved civilizations for this map they of course had more they're in more of a position to do that because they're comfortable with the lead maybe aftermath felt like they needed to pick stronger sibs man I'm still pumped for this 30-second so the game starts this will be beach fight and if tyrant wins this game they win $3,000 they win the tournaments I really hope after math get a win or two though because they played so well this tournament they have the skill to do so I wanted to see seven games today and so far it's not looking like we'll see that all right folks this is game for the Battle of Africa grand finals between Tyra and aftermath and oh boy here's Scouts fighting already so far it has been all tyrant we have MDL in the gray playing as Japanese his pocket is leary leary is playing as the Byzantines and then it is Slavs for heart as the flank art is up against Viper who is shows in Britain's the pocket is then doubt doubt is Qamar and then tatto is Turks for this game this map is very different from what we've seen so far today so brief explanation there are goats around the center circle that players will go to collect you start with pre-built farms that will trigger your OCD because they just look awful and you get one gold pile next to your TC there's gold in the east there's gold in the west and the north there are elephants and in the south there are elephants and that is the gist of it everyone's close together and this is going to be pretty action-packed stuff so the last time I sell Turks was actually Game five and the semi finals between Finland and tyrant and tatto had Turks then and tatto he full walled up he helped with a few monks versus enemy Knights but then he went into a sling and I feel like we might see that again as Turks collect that gold faster tattoos very close to MDL Dave any thoughts on the sips because I think Japanese is the is the interesting one for me I think it could be strong as an archer save as a flank but it doesn't really jumped out at me like some of these tips for tyrant do very good monks thank you yeah you're right mm-hmm so if they want to go for like bucks each that's a possibility I mean the one that jumps out at me is Britain's with Viper that's like his favorite says yeah and I've seen that scary Britain's can be on this map once they get the range the map is so small and with all these hills like Britain's can be devastating yeah and hearts Gold is relatively far forward as well and you can't afford to go out to these elephants are starting out the elephants the Gold's early on because the Lions are there so if you lose access to your main gold you're pretty much stuck I think the left side will be the focus because if vipers ahead you know aftermath are in trouble as he'll have that range to hold his advantage and ease the Viper but if Hart ends up getting a lead in some way shape or form and suddenly Vipers advantage isn't there and we might need to see something different from doubt but if I were to make a guess when this game gets to castle aged out we'll be adding in some elephants it will be crossbows from Viper a still unsure on tattoo of course it depends on how the early game pans out but I'm thinking a lot of walls and maybe a sling - doubts - doubt can afford the elephants or maybe the sling - vipers - Viper can hit him right now yeah he has so many goats doesn't need to go to those farms I guess all of them will have goats though right Piper yeah he's bringing in some goats luckily since the map is a bit awkward it's relatively fair when it comes to that but saying that doubt only has one goat left so hmm oh and we have oh this is interesting MBL with the dress first tat so can he kill that villager he will kill the villager also he is close to losing his Scout and losing a militia that's sorry that was leery scout but they delayed tatto they've gotten a lot of early map control here I think just keeping it open there is important yeah yeah because you will see walls I doubt we'll have to wall in between this wood line Viper will have to wall up towards the hill and will see walls from MBL it's just that MBL and taps are so close together they can't wall off easy which makes it awkward um parts I'm elated futile VIPRE somebody filled doubts on the way to feudal so what is Leary up - well Leary just go fast castle tatto has yet to click up but he's been pressured but the other two tyrants are going for some form of feudal age attack I imagine it'll be Scouts for doubt and archers for Viper leery he might be banking on getting to castle age and as Byzantines well you can go Knights and camels so you might consider going to trash as well we will see but that's the big difference so far is that we have to tyrants on the way to feudal and just one aftermath player on the way up hmm well I should point out that there's no stone on this map you start with two hundred stone so if you need to build the defensive tower or a stone wall you can't collect any more stone to make up for it MBL is going with a lot of walls he is not playing any games not messing around a BL just took like eight goats from any scrap - villager the mil doubt losing his goats now he's gonna get him right back I think he's gonna send him to Viper Viper plate were probably signaled a doubt is signaling where he's sending the goats the Viper can grab them interesting so doubt can create Scouts now part has gone for Scouts and bike will go for archers and you see how they're gonna share a border here I would not want to be sharing a border with Viper that's for sure especially when you're down three games there's a lot of pressure on got those ranges up on the hill too so you can hide behind those with the archers and do more damn it's gonna be really really tough for her to push across that side Oh tat oh he's just about to hit futile age this is before MBL it looks to me like he wants to build something here and that would be a stable so he will add in Scouts he doesn't see the walls from MBL but he could always go through doubt side Viper building a gate so you can bring in the goats this is funny yeah bring him on in Thank You doubt that's tournament play right there usually he'd just delete a wall but he waited until the guys up to delete it yeah nonsense he's not not gonna chance giving aftermath a chance to get a victory so because the walls are up between Viper and heart and then MBO has the walls on the right a lot of the traffic will come through the middle and as you can see doubt now running through the middle to go to tattoes base now if he runs around he will find that there's full walls from leery and from MBL's so these scouts won't do much out there and meanwhile hard coming through and Delta is open it's not too exposed and he should see this but I definitely like the position a bit better from the heart Scouts so what's MBL's plan here blacksmith market looks like you want to go up but up to what he's not gold maybe look amongst monks and thieves like you said the Turks can only justify going with gold units of course they can go Scouts but maybe it will be monks in siege but we are gonna see leery I thought he was going for FC because he was up so late but he's going for feudal age archers so we will see that soon and you no doubt realizing he's not going to do anything with his Scouts he's coming back to his base viper coming over to help maybe they will wait for viper to try and push through MBL's walls yeah a viper now seeing that the scouts are there and picking off the scalp well played mm-hmm I just see this left-hand side being really bad for aftermath VIPRE is Britain's Andy as a hill if he understands his archers and castle they will have they will be able to arrange that gold I think that's why I heart is building that tower yeah the only area that might be bad for Tyurin is that middle corridor yeah because like if they leave Leary alone and they let him come ready down there that would space is wide open at the end of that and you can go into tattoo space as well and it's surprising to me they haven't walled that off you know because tatto will be pretty vulnerable that gold is right next to the opening a doubt he can wall off a little bit and protect himself he might lose a lumberjack or two but that's it you kind of hang in tattoo out to dry can he take off a villager from tatto here can Hart get this yeah yeah he will kill her and that's good number of hits and he's also now I don't know about his time his time is slower than doubts but doubt has created a lot of scouts he hasn't been able to use Leary has been using random Spears to scout I don't know if you noticed that but he's in doubt space at the moment with that they're trying to figure out the areas to pressure so far theory hasn't engaged with his archers Dave no monastery for him you know yet is he just going to siege like what there's the stone walls from tatto I did expect this does he have a market up he does did he research coinage did you happen to see I don't think he did I don't think he did okay so he may or may not sing but stone walls will keep him safe there I think that archers from Leary and then hikes and seeds from MBL that could be a strong combo again it's still open for aftermath in the middle as well but I think now what they need to do is they need to force viper to come to this side to help with an attack if viper feels like he needs to assist then heart will be a little bit more safe a heart nm heart and Viper have clicked up to castled the exact same time by the way the heart will opt to go for Knights and Viper of course going for Britain archers like CAV coming in from doubt as well he expects the post yeah I would expect that as well but MPL is gone for pikemen and trying to surprise tyrunt tyrunt cannot see that there's something in the barracks so they will be surprised here I imagine the tact is on the way to Castle Viper is over here with his archers now what will tat oh you know what his tats are gonna go out to that corner early seems like he is you see how doubts out there with the like caveat to sending the scouts I think that because he's Turks tatto could justify going out there early I just bought stone as well so he can build the TC out there interesting move to go for that gold on the east side and now are gonna try micro against three Magnum yeah of course here's one more range over the Magon oh so of course he's gonna try hasn't taken any hits yet Hart getting coin inch so seems like he might consider slinging I think the outer edge is going to be important to pay attention to for both teams because the villagers are so exposed out there just that aftermath doesn't expect him to be out here so early and tapped oh should play CTC there and be just fine I wonder why Park coinage I wasn't seeing things right now he's getting bank notes so coinage and banking are to researches that diminish the tax when you send resources to an ally so he is going for a very strong sling the issue is that it will be very late Bell so Hardy's going out to the right corner so he's probably gonna spot this TC okay he can't really do anything about it but he's got Knights roaming around as well okay so he can see it's there at the very least the hill noticed he can tell his teammates and they can pressure that and there's the signal now VIPRE is not pressuring on the left-hand side so this is extremely good for heart because he is gonna start sending resources to someone and that someone has got to be leery because Leary's byzantines right yep Leary has prepped his buildings so he can click up to imp and Leary with busy teens going for that fast Imperial click oh this could be a steamroll this could they got it like get something to deal with this before he gets all of these upgraded liras being very careful not to lose any engagements yeah gets there now Dow has so many well he doesn't have so many knights I'm just wondering what doubt has been up to it's been adding economies on to town centers I guess you would think on a map like this that doubt what about it'll of knights and they would have pushed this a while ago with Vipers extra range but they've been very passive tyrant he's been going for map control you see his sending villagers to the right column the left corner he's got his light calf Hey yeah you know I I do like the logic there add more economy yourself and then try and deny the opponents from getting to the extra golds I even Vipers out there as well you can tell that they're playing better than they did in previous sets they are always in the right spots the Vipers on the way to impel now and that's because tatto sent him resources to tap toad did go right into a sling after a little a little bit of a feudal age engagement they must sense that leery is doing this otherwise they might not have gone for that sling it is 36 military for leery it is 44 viper the last two 1v1 tourneys it was Viper and leery in the final and now they're in the final of a team game tournament on different teams and it could be down to them here comes doubt to try and kill these Maggie knows he doesn't know that the crossbows are right behind that Oh [Music] life was trying to micro over top the hill and he's lost crossbows that is so unlike Viper even gods make mistakes guys well he is he has his numbers split up doesn't he he would have to send these archers the whole way around to join his other group a very nice engagement for MBL and that was really the first time we've seen an engagement you know I saw Hart sling resources to Leary to get him to him but then it seems like since then he stopped and okay I lied he's still sending resources to Larry but he's also making nice that's not a full on sling well tatto is he's gonna be in trouble imperial age now for Leary five maghen else for MBL Knights that will soon have plus two defense poor heart they were gonna bust through this wall quickly and now doubt is trying to add some more nights and siege workshop to try and hold and tatto buying stones build towers what I push from aftermath they need to do damage here because they don't have control of either of the corner Gold's yeah they need to do it fast and the other element is viper just hits him viper will get bracer on are blessed and viper will have more range now the downside is as Leary takes a big shot from the bag that was so unnecessary he didn't expect tatto to have the guts to go from mag analysis normally he can micro them down but anyway by Pearl hath more range it's hats hope can get thumb ring well I think I'd prefer Viper range if you're just trying to hold and starve your opponent of those other goals and that's exactly what we're seeing viper going to the left corner with villagers now so they're gonna put a TC down there yeah they're gonna play the late game yep just hold this and deny the Gold's Ally pers getting completely mauled by lions I think he'll have a villager two alive maybe you know if Hart had used his Scout there I think yeah okay one bill will be left alive two bills will be left alive look at Viper with Britain's now aftermath they pulled back to the hill they needed to be pushing forward doubt has elephants and these elephants can be quite strong even against Imperial age units MBL's Megan ELLs don't contribute much but I like the idea because we've seen what can happen in one single shot in both Leary and Viper receiving hits they actually both have 13 deaths but Viper would just do what Viper does and he'll use his range and will be so easy for him to kill from distance oh and here comes heart remember one heart had his scout out there he must have noticed and now he's sending Knights this way and he's also signalling the other corner so they are talking about this old that was in 2m PLO space how did he slide in here this is gonna hurt MBL he should be able to get receive some help from Hart meanwhile Leary and Viper microing quite a bit in fact where Viper probably having a field day with this but he is up against chief byzantines curves they needs to be careful I think it's important that aftermath can get to that goal Dave Hart sending a ton of villagers build the TC and vipers also sending villagers out there at the same time can Leary find him with the Patrol is he patrolling here he's not patrolling so those villagers just pass all right he saw it all that's big that is so big they need a victory here aftermath or they are done Leary can get so much momentum he's adding it sorry MBL's adding monks and Leary micro and with the scurbs probably ill-advised to even attempt that their tattoo wise repairs on the Megan L Leary adding bombard cannons which we've seen on close maps can be a very very good and that would out range the arbol s and the arbol s clump up as well so I think the art see this TC for Viper on that corner gold that's hilarious Viper Walden the villager as well that's the Vil who is being attacked by lions early on he's probably not gonna move his Knights around he's already checked that area he assumes there's nothing there man Hart has definitely been unfortunate in some of these games last game just one single tile missing the elephant this game one single tile missing out on Vipers TC but still now the bottom air cannons arrive hearts on the way to the Imperial age and it'll have that gold a doubt is not on the way to in Piett tattoes not annoyed em so just be viper in the Imperial Age my per has not done any damage to Hart on his side it's a heart should be able to get cavalier and just look at the military numbers it is 64 leery it is 34 Hart a doubt seems to have a lot of his military running into the corner and I guess Hart has realized Vipers built the TC unfortunate timing there tacho now going into Cavor Jers this is legitimate this is not a troll let's see shower seats go that's MBL siege tower right so he's gonna siege tower in to get close to the árboles who have that range but bona fide siege tower in and then hop right back into the siege tower man but still it's funny to see it you know you know and y'all made that and says guys I made a siege tower and Lyria Hart like what the hell like no my god out is it on the corner hold now he's in on the corner gold but Hart has noticed this but I it's just down to if they'll have the resources to continue to push a heart is actually leaving leery side with all of his numbers these scams are holding up so well versed Vipers orbs and the bombard cannons there's four of them now and also MBL he's he's being very helpful with the repairs just like Tata was earlier with the mega Nell's and tatoes losing a lot of his eco most of it is in that right-hand corner Hart is selling food for gold Dave so he doesn't get this gold soon it could be trouble and doubts any elephants here and Viper he's building a castle how did he get a castle he must have purchased a castle tatah must have sent him stone I'm not sure that could be the four Oh Terry's got it Larry's gotta win fights here tatto sent him 1000 gold and Viper purchased the castle how expensive was that they're trying to deny the corner areas they're just been trying to hold and play the light game all the units arrived for heart now but he's losing his TC and they cannot stop this castle unbelievable still leery has plenty of numbers on this side the Viper now going into the right hand corner as well they prioritize that gold early tyrant and they've been holding now Viper you'll see when he gets an opportunity he'll try and pick off the his bombard cannons it's 12 range verse 10 range but it will be able to scoot his way in there hasn't really picked on the off just yet I mean his KD is exceptional considering he's up against scurbs but it's all done the Briton range really MBL is about to hit him Dave and now look at the catcher's on his wood lines now man feels like the rolls are really solid for tyrant tatto he always plays a different role than the other two and then doubt and viper they're either going with arranged or the the melee unit attaches to clear this up well he's gonna have access to gold doubt he can't arrive with the goats there he'll need to send something to stop that Viper certainly can't stop that maybe you will kill the castle but doubts getting a lead battle elephant now and that's not a cheap upgrade that's a huge deal that's qamar MBL's gonna have Halberdier most likely a $2 yeah he already hi think if they can secure that gold and get villagers out there ASA okay with auditor they are cutting on the hill so they could go right through the middle they could hit it a different point I think this is a dual-purpose to like if you cut that wood that's what the tyrant can't job that's true you'll need to start buying wood tatto still sending gold to Viper Vipers like so much gold Leary's in to fight for Zeke oh he's killing his wood villagers I don't know how he got there with a bombard cannon are you kidding me and the skirts yeah and Hart has also arrived maybe they've held on just enough they've gotten just enough gold to do this now aftermath is still waiting for that one big blow for its Vipers longbows he just not taking losses here but I go the back of his face tattoo is in there Oh got the calves archers it doesn't matter though because MBL was playing the least important role I feel like that's not a huge deal you know the tattoos just a sage and B is happening - Viper space as well I mean there's late cap there's Cavalier there now oh I didn't even see these squirming I was looking at that bombard cannon Vipers take a lot of losses and maybe this is where Hart and here come the else maybe heart chooses to push into Vipers face and yeah the elephants showing up Japanese halberdiers Japanese monks here I don't think the elephants have done too much at the start of this engagement but you have to keep in mind that Vipers orbs are cleaning up the how bad ears is they going for the elephants was it enough there for doubt I don't think so the numbers just not strong enough here he'll kill bomb our cannon or two but he's taken a lot of loss now I say that Dave and I look how far Vipers been able to push forward the elephants are such a strong meat shields and he's got long bows at the gold as well aftermath heed that gold they can't decide where to push they go into Vipers base and then they get pushed back on the gold they push on the right and then they could push back in vipers base or it was well on the gold or in their own base he taxes being a pain I don't know what these bills are doing but he's gonna continue to try and hit em BL and viper has 92 military he only has 34 bills but he's receiving a lot of his resources from his allies 92 military and he's purchased another castle and he's gonna build it on the hill and the spot that MBL cut for him Wow I don't know his bills have to get here somehow he's lost so many bills I mean Hart is spamming so much into Zico he said 30 bills doubt luckily is helping him if that castle goes up it'll make it very complicated the castle is still up for Viper in the left and I think now that lack of gold is really hurting aftermath that was sick micro with one shot MBL could have killed 30 arms the Viper noticed it what a player is MP I'll have another auditor on the way he does I think he needs to go for it Viper should be waiting for this we're losing plenty of skirmishers he's losing his bomb mark as there's the auditor shock remember yellow that's a huge shot it's still not an OP though I don't think it's enough the castle goes up the skirmishers can't close in at all because they don't have the range and tatto arriving with his own calves archers now I'm still unsure because Viper he has almost no eco oh my goodness but he does have the gold and I think that's going to be the difference-maker here as tyrants slowly push and Viper can now make trebs and I just don't see how they can get the gold back and defend themselves aftermath the heart has chosen wisely to go after VIPRE because VIPRE was on the right-hand side but with doubts elephants may doubt I know the Viper has gotten a lot of kills and he's been using the range which is impressive but doubt he's been crucial with his elephants both in Vipers base in his base also his Knights in the corners and light calves but in the main fight and now it's just scurbs for Leary MBL is trying to make cobs out of the barracks that are going down MBL is actually running out of wood so he might not be able to make help soon I'm much less more barracks what are we seeing what a match I think they did the right thing though I think they slung Byzantines which was correct the only thing that aftermath will be kicking themselves for at the moment is not getting to that goal exactly they could have done that earlier now MBL going out to get to the tamil' the elephants he's that desperate for resources the Viper just has far too many arms and as long as he's receiving the wooden gold he needs doesn't matter if he doesn't have Bill's doubt has the bills and they have so much will this look at this corner guys it's a party out here goodness they're gonna run out of gold what's the cost of some of these things it's 265 gold to buy a hundred stones so these castles were not cheap maybe after mass plan was kind of like stark versus fire if we kill their eco they're gonna have to start buying food that we can sell that yeah the problem comes in they're losing a lot of farm space so they're not going to have a ton of food the more space they lose as you say that to sell food it's actually a pretty good trade at the moment and maybe it has been being purchased by Viper and you know the answer here would be to go for your own trebs but you can't purchase a castle if you're after math you could then also go for sea trim but the seed Rams can't really close in as doubt we'll have elephants it's had to apply more and more stone it seems like he was trying to build towers in fact he did build towers on the right hand side trying to slowly suffocate the aftermath players and on the left now Dave look at doubt this could be the finishing boy this is not expected at all Hart losing so much of his eco and that is a lot of elephants 50 elephants that if you're still gives you maybe they can try and hold here brings this back they are in legends there's no chance because the ARBs from viper so they have a push on the left to can't be stopped they have a push on the right that is very convincing tyrant and doubt I mean now adding Rams heart can only assist with huh SARS I mean while his economy getting torn to bits aftermath the team who beat tyrant 3-0 in is the group stage of these tournament are about to get swept and full credit to tattos Welford the annoying part he is played here this swinging the arrival of cavil archers on the wood lines definitely playing better team games tyrant and I think we're closing in on the GG hearts into dou t KO again and Leary's camping the wood line they're not giving up VIPRE has walled up this corner by the way you definitely not getting in their aftermath they're gonna try man they're gonna try but without gold what do you do against elephants you have to make helps to hell the side to the ARBs you just have no chance and I think we're slowly it's going to be a slow death for aftermath but it will be death nonetheless and Leary says gg Congrats everyone calling the GG heart says well played doubt says thanks and tyrunt the tournament champions a 4-0 victory Wow that was not expected I predicted for to after Matt Dave predicted for three aftermath the last thing I expected was a 4-0 victory and that's exactly what we got what a final from tyrant well I guess they're not dead guys there look at sound good but tyrant I mean even though I came into the equation in game 2 they almost made it look easy man their decisions were better again they didn't make big mistakes I think in some of the games we could point to aftermath mistakes don't get me wrong guys aftermath getting to this final is huge for Age of Empires 2 these are players who started a couple years ago and they were known for playing Black Forest and now they just made it to the finals after beating so many teams and then losing to tyrants so first of all I want to say congrats the aftermath for getting this far you guys really got a lot of fans this tournament you played really well you guys deserve to keep your heads up high I also hope this motivates you guys to push forward against higher in the future but then tyrant you you guys just played so well and congrats to tyrant man I I didn't see any mistakes from them they were so solid in these games I have nothing to say yeah I mean I did not expect it to be that dominant here's the gold collected tatse with Turks 34k gold the highest for aftermath was a K from MDL so Tatsu had more goals than all of the aftermath players combined combine that with the fact that doubt had 19 K and Viper had 11 K yeah that's a big difference here's the KD for you a viper uses range doubt used his tanky elephants I want to give a big shout-out to doubt for the way he utilized his light calves and nights to secure those corners early on because that was big what a final they all stepped it up they really really upped it up and congrats to tatto for stepping into this team as well yeah he do I read basically for the DM tournament and this tournament right before those two and like he really stepped up his game and brought it today then really brought it today in every tournament tatto has played every team game tournament tatto has played with tyrant he has won so he went from a promising player to a guy who put in a lot of work into preparing and I feel like tattoo played that role did he not it seemed like he might have brought up hey first game I'm gonna go for a Josh I'm gonna do this then I'm gonna be the guy who focuses with the towers and the CAV archers and slings in the the beach fight game he always played a really interesting role and he fits tyrant well he was always gonna have to impress people okay chat so what I need to do now is I need to prep the giveaway we're gonna give away five $150 gift cards I gave you more details that in a little bit I just need to get the system up and running also I'm gonna do an interview with the tyrants so that'll probably be about 5-10 minutes till they come on here I'll talk to them about the games and then of course we'll do the giveaway so thank you all for being here thank you everyone who subbed to the stream today to support what I do good to see so many people hyped I will return in a couple minutes and we'll get that giveaway and the interview underway see in a few you know what time it is boys you know what time it is it's AMA time ask me anything he's away he's still watching but he's away enter yeah I'm not singing no no no ask me a question I'm not singing and the question better talk P can you sing Dave can you type enter real quick in the chat oh it's here it's working okay fantastic it's been fixed guys I'm giving away five one hundred and fifty dollar gift cards to the PGI gaming store that's so weird oh it's working it's working it's the system's catching up sweet so type enter if you would like to enter subscribers to the stream get four times the extra entries but everyone can participate I might need to my system says we only have a hundred people who have typed it and that's not that's not right it's it's lagging behind because of all of you we'll look at that big thanks to PGI for putting up the $3,000 for this price pool big thanks for giving me the gift cards of course so once I start drawing from the names again please type enter in the chat if you would like a chance once I start drawing from the names are gonna put the chat in slow mode so my mods can see the winner and and calm things down a little bit so while everyone's typing that I'm gonna give you give you some time to do so I'm magic thank you for the prime troll though fuss thank you for the prime sub smarten tile says what an amazing with the hundred bits thank you Nevada thank you for the force nothing spam it's good some t90 trees for that thank you very much martian for the five just striker this andres thank you guys for something to the streams sun say PGI guy thank you man deejays raptor thank you for five ping thank you thank you guys for supporting this so i have it says five hundred six people have entered if you yeah if you already typed it typing it again won't enter you again it'll actually remove you now hitting it just don't take more than once because then everyone say oh crap you don't need to type it more than once like it I have it as lowercase here it is not case-sensitive so it doesn't really matter I'll wait till we get to about 700 people and then I'll roll from you and best of luck ahead of times my friends okay God thank you for the sub man commencing says grand theft zebra Dave grand theft zebra that was good that was good I was definitely good okay so I'm gonna do five people I'm gonna pick five people five people will win $150 to go towards a new PC on the PGI website you guys ready throw me a salute if you're ready chat I want to make sure that you've heard that I'm gonna close this now naturally there's gonna be about 3000 people who who don't get one so my apologies ahead of time but I'm really happy I could do this giveaway alright you guys are ready sweet we have uber EV uber EV congratulations my friends I'm gonna have to save these names one second just in case my mods can't even see who's been rolled I will save the names I will contact you or my mod will contact you via whisper and we'll get your information for it congratulations my friends next person is Undead Phil it's been falling since February Congrats man again I'll contact you via whisper gets all your information yeah I know chat it's rigged it's rigged next person is night mod night mod congratulations my friends enjoy we got two more people we have bro he Oh bro he Oh congrats man and then we will have one more after this the final winner of a $150 gift card will be battle 80 80 and battle literally followed two days ago congrats man that's awesome glad you could be rewarded for your support so I'm sorry everybody I'm sorry if you didn't win my apologies to the winners you'll be contacted we're just gonna need to get your info and I'll talk to you more about what you can do with 150 but I am going to contact the tyrants to get them in here for an interview we hit what was the record today chat was it 4.6 K something ridiculous think it was 4.6 K I saw 4500 so probably just three viewers under 4.7 K Wow unbelievable without a host as well I have to say guys I would have been happy with 1500 today I love you all thank you so much for being a part of history here that was crazy just waiting for a response from viper vote I will allow chat to ask him questions and I would just wait till they arrive to ask questions they're doing their rounds yeah and vipers gonna answer every single question you asked yeah yeah make sure make sure that everyone asks you [Laughter] yeah so they're any first timers on the stream today I feel like there's so many people who don't frequent the stream a lot or maybe lurk or we're new to the stream I know that I had a big announcement on YouTube and I've been announcing it plenty of times throughout the week I'm new I'm new I'm new see it's a lot easier to tell them people are new now well a welcome guys is a wonderful day anonymous with 50 bucks that keep it up good sir amazing 4.6 K long time lurker paying his dues Thank You anonymous I don't know what our sub count is at on the stream right now but we're closing in on another emotes lot guys if you're new to the stream leave a follow so you can get alerts from when I go live this schedule is always posted below the stream also if you're looking for more content that's not on YouTube you can watch the past broadcast it's always there all the action is normally on Twitch created a twitch account for this I'm happy to have you here man you usually watch your YouTube videos just finished the tyrant vs Finland Cetus live ah perfect timing then so Dave I would probably fire up teamspeak we'll probably need to go into their teamspeak then I'll just get prepared for that thank you Tim oh definitely will man let's play fat slob nothing well we're not gonna do fats off nothing but if you guys are are always excited for community games we do that on Thursdays so I'm gonna take the night off and relax a little bit it's been five days in a row of streams and casting and then I will announce the schedule tomorrow morning and I'll be back actually no I lied tomorrow morning at 12:00 GMT which would be 6:00 a.m. for me Oh God I'll be casting vivvy verse doubt in the best-of-five but then I'll take Tuesday off and you'll have the rest of the week schedule posted below Kreiger Maximus you did miss the giveaway man I'm sorry again those that won the giveaway I'll probably contact you afterwards as my mods haven't already so what were your overall thoughts on the performance today chat I felt like tyrunt they just stepped it up a notch you know geez am didn't really bring their a-game they also did not bring their a-game yet there were more mistakes than I've seen from them in a long time I agree ah Thank You duck sweet stuff man tyrunt was just not good enough they didn't win the games fast enough I don't think aftermath was overconfident I don't think it was less practice cuz they were online practicing yesterday I think a lot of it comes down to how you perform under pressure and if it's your your day you know a player like Viper for example he's played tons of 1v1 tournaments and when he gets to the final stages he excels under pressure and he and doubt they have been in that position hundreds of times while aftermath that might still be fresh then but still at the end of this tournament we can look back and we can say that there are a ton of amazing teams you have finland sy aftermath tyrant there wasn't a clear Victor going into the final we're in an amazing place for Age of Empires 2 right now guys and it's only going to get better it's because heart and MBL played fortnight is it okay yeah I think we will see nurse I think there'll be balance changes after this day that'll be good ah there from those Koreans be wonderful you know they didn't want to make balance adjustments because it was in the middle of the tournament I would agree that heart didn't have his best day but also you have to give tyrant credit for for pressuring for example when we saw aftermath vers sy in the semies people said sy didn't have their best day and they certainly didn't but aftermath they put them in uncomfortable situations and they made sy make bad decisions so Dave Kumar wants you to say I am the fat dragon and it's not I am the fat that's it we're done you never again span the t90 dragon for the last time guys any news on a we for a we for still a couple years off men and so there's been no news but I know the timeline roughly it's gonna they're gonna get it right you know what you know what I want to do while we're waiting I'm gonna gift a few subs to the stream we have a lot of people who are new here so I'm gonna pull up the same program and I'm gonna give to a few people who aren't subscribed to the stream some subscriptions assuming you give me 12 months don't get greedy man okay chat if you are not a sub if you're not subscribed to the stream simply type exclamation mark sub that's all I need to do su B so I could have done enter again but I'm keeping you guys on your toes I do not look like a coconut alright mango you look like a chicken nugget hive welcome man thank you for the prime alright yeah go ahead I don't think you need to do the exclamation mark either and types up if you're not sub to the stream guys all people who are stuffed your already you've already been excluded I of course appreciate your support though alright I'm gonna start picking we have five hundred people who enter we're gonna probably be more than that I'll do three for you we got kickers alright kickers lemon gift you bro now if a twenty eight is out there do not snipe this gifts please I hate Father's me so much what I'm trying to be kind and give people subs and then somebody else Snipes it like 24 hours yeah 22 hours and I kept trying to gift subs to people and they kept stealing it and I should be grateful I am grateful but all right there you go kickers enjoy this up we have two more people we got hiding eagle hiding eagle congrats man is that like Crouching Tiger hiding eagle I guess so the hiding eagle I almost gifted just hiding eagle you're typing sub if you want a sub gift I'm gonna gift one more person after this I'm just gifting a few subscriptions because this fort was awesome today ah okay genius I could do that it all depends on one VIPRE ends up we're kind of killing time as well depends on when VIPRE shows up for the interview genius said that he will gift - if I roll them so I will roll three more all right fans have a good one man thank you for stopping by all right hiding eagle we got him who's the next person general krig general quick congrats man now chat it's not rigged okay and then genius are you saying you want to gift the the next two people I roll I can I can roll them for you just give me an OK on that JCC saying the same ok I'll roll three more people we are still waiting for viper to come for the interview he's otherwise preoccupied oh goodness so you know what I'll roll I'll roll six more and then if you guys have interesting gifting somebody else just click their names in the chat and you can get them and probably make it a lot easier okay so we got three more we have ESCO 93 ESCO 93 enjoy the emotes we have CU SI e wi CZ 96 and then we have daddy's daddy fats AC I said daddy fats all right enjoy the emotes men so um you guys are awesome you guys are awesome yet please um you know this is this is just people being kind supporting myself but spreading the love to the rest of the people in the community so if you didn't ends up getting the sub please don't judge those individuals all right so we gotta get in the teamspeak I'm already there all right I have the password I will discord it you are much better interviewer than I am so you're gonna have to help me out if I have experience so let's go David I'm gonna leave disconnected using channel switched alright just some random songs playing there and leave this chord so the that doesn't overlap [Laughter] hello did you guys break out the champagne already no we're about to yes now it's already like two bottles deep man well congrats guys you guys played outstanding it's really all I can say thank you thank you you're welcome so I made I made Dave promised he'd help me with the interview process because I really suck at it so twitch chat as well if you have any questions for them I want to say congratulations they might be paying attention first off I want to ask tatto about that strategy in the first game as persons with the troche that was different was that something you guys have planned to do in the finals ahead of time yeah I think well I mentioned them to the tyrant like to my teammates like they did possibility to breath to do this with person yeah and I tried to be lord they're like even before the semi-finals okay to make it but we decide to save it to the finals and then this week I have a practice a bit more and improving every day bill order to make it a bit better but yeah like in the practice game mmm it work really good like at least we we take control a day at the early game yeah and that was happen a lot and as well we would have liked it a bit because what not lucky but like when they called we start okay now they know that I'm going to dress but we wanted to know us well like what we're going to be the reaction to that yeah like how do you how do you defend defend about that so yeah it was really nice and I'm happy that they work out because it was a bit risky I want to give you a lot of credit for that tester because even before you joined tyrant I was always boasting about how much you would prepare and learn with the SIVs and I feel like you've done that more than any other player over the past year or two with these different strats and branching out so congrats man because that that worked really well for your team yeah thank you so much a but at the end the Dean is like it's work working hard for this yeah I suppose yeah and the practice do we have in practice and meet up three times this week if I'm not mistaken so we spoke about all the maps and civilization and yeah it was perfect - it was perfect I think we're I mean a bit lucky with the lack like the factor today I was insane we are super happy with the bathroom yeah you guys definitely had a little bit of luck but I'd say overall you guys definitely deserved the victory you didn't see heart in Arabia game he was one away from was just yeah anyway go ahead Dave were you guys surprised on that first game that they went archer's like both of them went archers and so maybe leery going for scouts again you think that was in response to you going for the rush I'm not sure because well like if I'm hitting the the food I I wasn't mainly focused on hard because hard it was so easily with the Spanish he could not go out right yeah yeah I didn't want him to have his Scouts outside so I was mainly focused on him and tried to make him out of the middle and then he's responsible twirling and going in conquista that was a bit bad as well because congees areas are always annoyed in that yeah the old range is not like a threat at the end like you do come hurry soon it's not like ad units that the can kill but it was really good for question from one of the viewers here tatto and then move on to asking some of the other questions I have does tatto what is your strategy when picking a sieve and when choosing the sling this is very general but if you could like try and explain the process to the viewers a little bit that'd be really helpful well mainly this time I try to get the CV system that there's the list in the long term yeah well apart from probably the step that person is really good at at the possum period but like Turks is not not that important in beat fight yeah and then try to abuse the bonus less like if I could go to the edge of the map and start mining goal as fast as I could yeah I can do it and I will do that then obvious idea basically I need to control I need to try to find the weakest spot of the enemies as well yes yeah my my teammates are focusing other things so I have a bit more spare time to take a look in that in that regard and then yeah try to secure the trade and yeah basically that okay well thank you you're welcome Dave did you have a question for VIPRE or doubts or Jordan um game to you guys I think it was donut was game - yeah did you like that Civ matchup Malay versus Aztec on that side you feel like it was a good matchup for you because you ended up like pushing back hardcore against Leary well we always picked our students there with late-game in mind as well and Malay is really good late game too so I think it wouldn't be an issue against a sticks that's excels early I would say early advantage but I guess like him as well if he gets down to Jagger or siege on here and stuff like that it's gonna be a rough but but yeah I would the way he played I think it was a really good matchup for me and were you tilted when he converted your docks right before the demo ship came in I was sitting there watching that I mean it didn't really matter much yeah that was entertaining for us yeah I guess that's if matchups interesting in early Castle Aztecs have an advantage but then from mid castle to post-imperial Malay might have a strong window because it takes so long for Aztecs to get the Jags into s oh right yeah Game three Game three Game three that was the Arabia game oh goodness well this one was this one was more about a struggle for heart I think than anything but doubt are you here or you just just chilling out are you just waiting me two seconds to say the difference between group stage and not that he you weren't there for the interview last week he was saying he was debating throwing the finals so you wouldn't be like this anyway doubt I've just could use you can't throw it cut enough could you just talk us through your play as the flank on Arabia and like how you coordinated with Viper there because you guys were very good together and you were always in control of the game can you like talk us through that briefly well it was kind of weird that he didn't - and his guests failed a little each time was so freaking late yeah get this little bit worried what should we do so I decided only to make couple of scouts and many saw his palace hit Valen like 15 HP oh man that was really great opening yeah possessed everything blazing bumper-kart hey you kill there was no saliva Watchers or something right yeah I think less I think like fear but couple of spearmen denying good lying because he could to make houses I do a lot of things by slapping hugely there well I don't know if you guys realize this now but part was one tie away from seeing his elephant he just assumed that you had lamed it and then when he was quick walling that area doubt right when he busted through he was bringing in the elephant he had seen it late but because you busted through and he was trying to save his Villa only lost the veal that you killed but he lost the deal at the elephants and then you kill the bill later on as well so he was he was pretty far behind and I feel like they they only could go for a sling there Dave interesting actually beginning check this oh yeah I guess you didn't know yeah they they uh MBL the reason he didn't have a force against tatto in that game was because he was swinging leery where we at that point beyond ooh only until only one team we need to do different early eagle push yes so when he was in my corner I was adding extra TCS all over the place so I didn't lose that many Villa grooves and wait for YP to sneak me back to the game and transition was quite smooth I never dropped below chemical pollution anything so was the reasoning behind Jordan playing a game that's straightforward you played really well in that yeah yeah thank you Mead out might not say that but you did play really well I was so motivated for this game because we had lost that one yeah and we would win around I don't know for one or something and so much faster would God for doubt from me it's about making doubt look bad right Jordan how much how much did you guys trash talk him on the first restart your very first game when God two seconds and loses a villager that can't find his elephant I was laughing especially the placement of the boar and the second game was not better actually think about this they will find out our strategies so we were deleting struggle tree and everything to hide it as not possible yeah even before before the second game started and that was saying good luck and I was like watch watch me doubt because it's it's good to hear that you guys can banter and still when tourneys would want to lose that well well we play we're more serious obviously yeah yeah except out until I makes a mistake and then I remember some training games where you did some well I think the the last game there weren't seven games are only four so a beach fight that was a pretty crazy game I'm gonna ask doubt to talk us through what he did the big thing that Dave and I noticed was you denying the coroner's very early can you can you talk about why you did that and how it worked out for you because that's exactly what I wanted you to get at so you replace me in casting as well Tristan you associated me with that dumbass question too now they think I'm a [Laughter] it's funny well I don't know if has any more questions but yeah you guys kind of came into this final as like probably not from your perspective but from a lot of people's perspective as the underdog which has never really happened before yeah how did that how did you like feel [Laughter] you know the balance the balance well interview you were mad because he didn't get to try to go yeah I was like and the end of into you to say I don't talk Jordan because I don't like talking because I can well chat would probably find me and kill me if he didn't ask about tattoos longboats in the donut game oh yes to tell us a woman thank you right I was supposed to to be a bit safer lank lady I was dressing to FC and then making love booze and control the water from there yeah and be annoying but yeah like a heart lay my right now I could not go past field as I wanted to say because and his map you can world with a dog but I still if you're not AB fast you are because they can break in super easy the yeah basically I it was with a delayed a bit the la mode post but ID any worked and I was making them mean it was a bit late something has something to say for this idea that's been taking credit for energy for a couple days now was the plan well I I really like how you guys had a couple different like tricks up your sleeve for the finals I thought that was smart you know after Matt they were there playing standard as he normally should but they didn't have anything to surprise you and I like how you guys had a couple things well-thought-out I think that shows your classes about knowing the game as much as playing the game so congrats thank you thank you thank you I guess everyone was surprised by the doughnut pick prolly that's well well I mean I did not when I saw Vikings I did not think that you would go a long boat so I can tell you that much well I there was two long boats going long boats and then slinging extra resources cause number two just for control yeah but I mean regardless on a preparation like we predicted pretty much every map the whole map border perfectly we predicted almost every see if they're gonna pick for like the first seven eight six yeah and we got everything just fell into places we were quite shocked sitting there ourselves seeing how like wow every single save every single map everything went as we expected and also the games played out exactly as we wanted to as well mostly I I did notice that your Civ draft seems seemed fairly comfortable for you it almost feel felt like when you looked at the Civ matchups you almost had an edge in every game you know so that was surprising because the SIF drafts is huge yeah I mean some of the maps are fairly standard would say Arabia yeah dust for example but I say at least three or four of the maps are all about strategy and that's also the game's weakness they play standard they trust their skill and don't prepare proper strategies and that showed yeah definitely did man well I'll let you guys go Congrats it was awesome you
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 79,152
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, towers, wow, omg, villager rush, forest nothing, haha, weird, funny, LUL, troll, tatoh, theviper, viper, aoe2, forest, nothing, t90, official, spirit of the law, age of empires, zeroempires, resonance22, exciting, lul, t90Woo, final, tryant, aftermath
Id: Dgi0szh-SFM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 182min 10sec (10930 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 29 2018
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