The Legend of Fatslob! Episode #4

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what's going on YouTube it is t9g official and i am back with another fat slob episode believe it or not the guy who's been playing Black Forest Vikings 1b once for 15 years is still doing it he hasn't changed it up no Arabia no force nothing just Black Forest and he is here in the blue and I'm casting this with capture age which makes this the first official casting of any legend using capture age really excited to see what fat slobs the Black Forest Magic is like with this awesome tool if you happen to miss it and one of my more recent videos I talked a little bit about what the future of capture age is like where it came from and I spoke with the capture age developers about before we we're gonna have plenty of time to talk about that so before we get started here a fat slob is in the blue playing as the Vikings and immediately at the start went out for his palisade walls good wall off position for him and he is up against the Challenger Mike galino who I did not tell well I've casted this but he's actually a person who's been subscribed to my twitch stream for over a year so i would consider this guy a longtime follower and regular of my content and i'm sure he's seen the videos before i'm sure he's heard the jokes and i guess he wanted a taste of the legend so he's gonna challenge him today the map is Black Forest I guess if you haven't seen the previous episodes of fat slob fat slob only plays Black Forest only with Vikings and he plays with the old data set on udders cannot cut trees so back to the whole caps rage thing I will explain the whole UI here for those who haven't seen it yet but this is the official 1v1 version of capture age that I will be able to use for all my content now they're of course might be some updates to it or changes to it over the course of time and I also have a version for to be twos the caps rage team does not have a version 4 3 B 3s and 4 V fours or even community games yet but that is something that they'll be working on so I'm excited because I had this for hidden cup to hidden cup to was probably some of the best content that I've pushed out ever and it brought a lot of new people to the Age of Empires 2 community and then it kind of got yanked away and I wasn't able to use it but its back so you're gonna see this on a couple other videos I'll have over the next week but capture age does show us just how many resources are on the map so there's just under a million wood on the map in terms of natural food source we have a little over six thousand food a little over seven thousand stone is on this map and then twenty eight thousand eight hundred gold I think it's probably a wise decision to point out the gold positions it's not going to be as important as your normal game because there's not going to be a lot of pressure here believe it or not with all these walls but I will at least show the distribution of the extra resources which i think is always important Maine gold second gold and then third gold for fat slob he always plays unexplored so he will know that there's this gold here kind of sucks for him that he can't take that immediately but he could always play slumber camp there and chop his way through there is a three tile gold for fats up here and a three tile stone those are extra resources the other four tiles and seven tile golds those are resources that you start with there's always two extra three tile golds on each map and you'll see the other one is over here for Michael you know so that's that's the fairest distribution of a fat slob game I've probably seen even this gold is almost walled in for him or Treat in so to speak but he could go through there I guess if you wanted to for now the other differences would be the relics and you see one relic is here Fred the other relic is here and so there's a third here too so I guess he has three and then fat slob has two you would assume yep he has two over on this right hand side so in every fat slob episode that I have had we have seen a different version of fat slob the very first one he was very passive and fats off himself commented on that video and said hey boy I'm sorry he didn't comment on the video but he messaged me and I put it on a comment as on the video and he said I wish you would have shown a game were actually flight I guess he didn't want to give people the idea that all he did was sit behind his walls and baton his opponent in some other episodes we got too him doing just that again or even being more aggressive he likes to go for his buzzer --xx and scorpions and on udders and honestly his unit control and his unit composition was very strong this episode is going to show you a lot of the same but it's also going to show you something different and it's going to show it's going to show you tube how fat slob reacts when someone attempts what people have said they should do in YouTube comments a lot of people have said that he should try and cut through the trees to attack fat slob well at some point in this game it's going to happen and you'll get to see how he reacts to that and and if he's able to hold I believe I've uploaded a loss of his before to youtube so it's not as if I painted it as if he's invincible but don't quote me on that I'm not sure I might have only uploaded his wins at either way no spoilers on this and we'll cast this game so this is one of many videos that I'll be recording before a about five days away from my stream I know a lot of you viewers don't even watch my stream it also won't affect you much but for the people who frequent my livestream where I'm casting games from experts to community games I don't like to be away from that very long twitch is my main source of my revenue as a as a full-time streamer so it makes sense that since it's kind of like my own business I wouldn't want to be away from that business for too long but honestly I just hate being away from it from mentum standpoint because there's a lot of people who do enjoy stopping by and I really hate to know that people are stopping by to watch age and I'm not there so I will be back soon all of you guys but I did promise that have a lot of cool YouTube stuff and honestly I will have more cool YouTube videos in the future it's hard for me to juggle streams and also juggle you know youtube uploads but I'm at the point now where I can have some people work on some things and I can really pursue some cool projects and ideas that I've been wanting to do for a while on top of still maintaining my streams so exciting stuff I don't think that really on course for my goal and my goal was to hit 200,000 YouTube subs by the end of the year we're pretty far away from that I don't get me wrong I'm I'm happy either way but we'll see I'm still gonna work hard and regardless of if we gain one sub over the next six months or a hundred thousand subs I'm gonna make sure the content is spiced up for you guys and of course in the comments leave any ideas you might have I can't promise to to read all the ideas or even test all the ideas out but I will definitely get to seeing some of them and possibly use those for ideas for content so I want to explain the Captur age UI first off the caps rage guys are going to be really pissed that it says missing there but for some reason since we're doing the old data set capture age doesn't seem to pick up that this is the Viking civilization but you can see the berserk there that tells you they're Civ so those are the first things the second number you see this number right here that is the total pot oh sorry that's not the total population that is the total villagers all right so it's 25 villagers for both of them right now the second number would be the military both players should have asked out somewhere yep there's a scout and the fat salt is gonna have one around here as well there he is already making sure that nothing cuts through here I bet so that's what the second number is and then the number that shows up in parentheses every now and then that is the idol Ville number oh that's pretty important to see during fights and and during raids you sometimes can't realize just how big the idol time is and that number shows you there this number here is the population that's pretty self-explanatory but that's where you'll find the pop and then the resource distribution or not the distribution but the resource amount that players have in the bank is here and then there's the KD apart from that you will see at the bottom right of the mini-map again you can see how many villagers the players have there but that also includes other units so we'll be able to see just how many scorpions berserks Rams players will have as the game goes on and then you have the upgrades at the bottom right and you can see that Michael Ino is on his way to castle age he has his double bit ox tech so he's head of the eco upgrades and this is the norm with fat slob games players tend to have bailed or better build orders they tend to be more solid overall at least in the early stages a fat slob it takes him some time to get to castle eight but he's on his way up now and if he missed it he built a tower here and he's stone long already so this is typical fat slob man he'll Stonewall and tower just a point this out red has placed some palisade walls here fat sob can't see that when we go to fats ops point of view I can't see it but red did this it's a bit of a a trick it's it's not a bug it's a feature but if you place palisade walls somewhere just the foundation you can see over that now there can't be anything there when you place that because otherwise won't let you build but he just wanted to know I guess it fats up what's on stone so he put that there a while ago and fat slob always takes advantage of that in the Imperial age it's like free scouting right now if he wanted to fat slob he could he could place stone not stone palisade walls all over here and he could see what was there and looks really weird but it gives you vision so it's fine obviously you wouldn't want to use hundreds of wood to place Palisades now but maybe when he has tens and thousands of resources for tens and twenties and thirties and thousands of resources that that sentence didn't make any sense what's going on with me right now coffees going on with me this is fun geez so what do i what do I talk about no we talk about next I got a slowdown geez there's a second Town Center for red oh and there's also an extra page I can go to on the bottom left you can see the castle page here the value is the cost of each unit or each military force that is on the maps as you can see both having a scout that's 80 food each and then 0% gold value is what the value number means I could stress that more in the future it doesn't mean much now I here you can see the amount of TCS and the amount of relics so my Killeen yo is on to TCS are that would be removing the mini-map and I guess I just did idle military so and I just did idle Hill as well so I just going through my hotkeys here sorry about that I like to stick to this screen and since we can zoom out so much with capture age it's it's pretty pretty simple to see how many cc's are up so some of you guys might have seen a red player playing community games before actually some so some people might be going into this with a little bit of knowledge as to how he might play what's this farm tell me this is a bug tell me that's a bug man don't tell me I'm rubbing off on you zoom in to inspect that's that's a t90 farm for sure it has all the signs of one OKC building new farms or is that a bug see what makes me think this is a bug as I can't click it let's see if he places another farm if I can click it before the villager goes to build it I think that's a bug I don't want to ruin the guy's reputation I'm not sure why that bug would appear but I believe I mean maybe that farm is gonna be there all game I guess if it's bugged there if he ever tries to build over that area it should remove itself well we'll find out here we have a an outpost for red jealous wants to make sure that fats off might not be up to anything or just wants to be sure fat sobs not up to something funky here oh the other cool thing is I can adjust how big resources are in the mini-map so this isn't too important on a black forest game but now you can see the extra golds and the relics but if I toggle to this screen but three Town Center's for red he has more villagers and he's pumping him out he's doing a great job right now definitely learned from those t90 community games and then fat slob does this thing where he sends new villagers right here he doesn't send them to a resource look at this it is definitely better to make sure they are sent to a resource so they're working before you use them this actually makes him work harder but he's definitely learned from his farm problems we saw last time nothing I'm on the judge but I think in the most recent oh no that's lava why is there a gap there we'll never mind you know I believe he did this last time it's like he doesn't want the villagers to walk on the farms or something that's not how the game works but very kind of you to think about that don't want to tread on a man's livelihood don't want to walk through their farms fat sob oh my god is he gonna leave that gap there the whole game we'll have to keep an eye on that well he made us each workshop for Magon ELLs he tends to play very defensive so I don't see I don't think he's going to push much a red also has its own siege workshop with Maggie Nelson I maybe this is just a response to seeing fat slob has one good move to build the outposts next level logic from fat slob would be to to play the same way for 15 years so people think you're not going to attack and then just delete your walls and and send in the mag adele's and knights or something and okay I think we have confirmed that whatever this was was a bug because red built over it so his reputation has been saved can you imagine the poor guy I didn't tell him that I'll be uploading this he'll probably just wake up for breakfast all groggy ugh mmm Oh t90 new video fat's up oh cool I played him what that's me and then I start making fun of his farms oh god yeah so this one is an actual farm that he is placed because I can click it and it shows the HP and he's on his way perfect perfect so this is interesting to me both players have their Scouts here I would kind of like to see players send a monk this way and try and convert the enemy scout but I guess they both realized the situation they know that that's a rather thin clump of trees I guess and that could be chopped easily since it is played on export if someone was chopping the trees you should be able to see that like this for example you would know that trees are being chopped they're fats up is still creating villagers out of this TC and and sending them here Idol instead of just setting the gather point on the wood line and then grabbing villagers from wood to build farms it's really interesting I think he's doing the same here like that's so much extra he is to click so much more because he not only needs to click to create the build then he needs to get each Ville every time and click them over I'm not working automatically now you cease been playing the game for 15 years Who am I to judge he's on his way to the imperial age having 61 villagers or make that 62 and it is 77 for red already getting fortified wall realizes that red might be thinking of pushing him also sees the score and might be thinking that red is stronger than him which is definitely the case right now a red is getting masonry which is a weird weird Technic to get actually because masonry doesn't really affect much right now it'll give more HP to his buildings but for a guy that hasn't even stone walls it's a surprise now fat slob tends to go with the same unit come and most people that lose to him do not try that same Unicom they don't even try and match it the unit comp is elite berserks have you scorpions on udders trebs I don't think I've ever seen the man make a Scouts I don't think I've ever seen the man make a knight I think he only goes for those units his do-or-die with that and his tower is about to die here and there it goes so some pressure from red there's the castle for Michael II know he hasn't clicked up yet it could be McKellen yo by the way I always I just want to say this for YouTube sake I've always called him Michael Eno for four years McHale Ian yo hello look at it makes a little bit more sense but I I like to stick to my mispronunciations wiser men would not do that but that's what I do anyway he's going for our ballast at least in he'll go for our blast he has crossbow now a 100 population verse 71 fat slob is behind in the population when have we seen this before and he's still doing this with the villagers it's it's just so fascinating to me that he's done that this makes life so much more difficult that's up if you end up watching this video cuz he has said in the past that he's watched them and he enjoys them just just click them click your TC to a tree my friend makes life so much easier so what do you do when you play fat slob if you try and play his game and wait him out he's probably gonna bait you into attacking him another thing you could do is especially if you have extra relics and extra gold suspect is going to why not try and cut through the trees and go on a raid if that's all already struggles a little bit he's more like a common man you know he doesn't have that crazy high APM to fix idols all the time just another reason to not create idols by sending them out of your TC to do nothing but you know I I think the play is it's gotta be to switch it up a little bit the fat sob is definitely expecting red to arrive here and he's already researching Olinger just to sit behind his walls now maybe red is scared he might be frightened to see that fat slob is in the Imperial age before him so he's been getting to wall up himself now so a little bit of fat slob the fat slob action question for you guys now I don't know if this is a possibility but what would your thoughts be on getting some some pro players to try and play fat slob there's no twitch chat here so I can't get your response but what I'm thinking is I could ask let's say MBL I could say hey MBL would you play fat slob does he plays Black Forest all the time and I need to make a rule for MBO MBL can't create villagers for the first however many minutes or MBL can't do this or can't do that or MBL has to kill fat sob with without the tools that fat slob tends to use so maybe he'd have to kill that sob with Rams Cavalier and our Blessed I don't know you know we can experiment toy around with some ideas but let me know if you'd have interest in doing that I don't know if that SOB would allow people to play him that are higher rated the fact that I got in was just because he knew it was me I think I think he tends to put a rating range in his game so people who are above 1700 can't join but yeah if you have interest or any ideas with that that's another thing you can comment in the in the comments down below there is 22,000 gold left on the map guys I think it started at 28 K and now we can zoom out with capture a to just show you how frickin awesome Black Forest looks it really is cool man you can zoom all the way out here you can't hear the game anymore I really want to test the limits here oh that's actually as far as I can go you know what this this kind of looks like a roller coaster tycoon park the closer you get the more you realize it's not but that's what it reminds me of I don't know why it reminds me of that I haven't played that game in a long time well zoom back in that fast zoom makes me feel like I'm on a roller coaster actually but we'll just zoom back out again I think that this distance is really nice forecasting can still see what units are being made and can still see detail but it's not too close because believe it or not this is this is what I'd be casting with normally once you zoom out a little bit and go back to capture a July whole week holy crap or go back to normal game geez I feel like I see so little one casting if I don't zoom out a little bit so what is fat slob making he's making heavy scorpion heavy scorpion fantastic verse those berserks a fantastic verse a lot of things and he tends to go for heavy scorpion on adjure berserk himself a fat slob is at 107 population and red is doing much better red has 169 population nice a lot of that would be military 54 military lead and he has crossbows crossbows with which only had bought can arrow saw their Castle age units despite him being an inn but I think he has the resources to get those upgrades and maybe start pushing here now I didn't point this out when the research came in but fat slob knows his texts he researched siege engineers so he has +1 range to his trebuchet za measures that is not something that red has researched and unfortunately bred his castle is in fat slobs Trev range the fat slob has already killed the tribe I'm sure he'll try and kill the castle and more this isn't the first time that I've seen someone lose their starting castle the fat slob straps but everyone wants to build it on the front because they know it's an important area but I think they build it too far forward and each just close enough to get there at least I think he was he he damaged the castle he doesn't seem too concerned about it now unless that's him going for as we speak yeah there we go he's going for the castle now yeah so that's a castle that that was pretty much wasted Freddie's craved a few berserks they're not elite they don't have upgrades they can't fight they cannot fight because of the stone walls so no fat sub is actually the one who's pressuring right now is he deleting his walls and looking for a straight-up engagement no he's not but he's realized that he can take an advantage here and red really with all this population he's not able to do much with it and it's hurting me now get your auditors out of here man just save them for another day this is not a place where you need your trebuchet he really needs or not his trebuchet is his Islanders he really needs his own trebs he only has one cast and I'll to produce from and he didn't prioritize making the trebs so it's gonna be a problem ok what I guess that that trebuchet hit the amateur perfect Scout still sitting over here I wonder if if red could convert this I feel like you could convert that and if that SOB didn't run away he could convert the scout run into fat subs base and see what fat self might be up to not that he would need to know but it would you know I could at least enjoy fats on freak him out a little bit seven kills and one death with that SOB reminds me of a certain World Cup match 7 to 1 well now it's 8 to 1 and you're ruined did fat slob good start for fat sob and the unit said he killed her all expensive units trebuchet auditors and then one berserk his eco it's really not pretty could he have built new lumber camps sure Red's been refreshing lumber camps way more efficient for him he has more resources at least with wooden food and that slop doesn't care fat slob uses experience and determination to get wins and in this episode as I said earlier he's gonna try something completely different well okay not completely different but he will face something different and it'll be good thinking from red let's see if you can hold against it I think one of the most exciting things about fat slob and honestly a lot of the legends that I've I've chosen for YouTube videos these are people who don't do what they do for the fame blue coffee for example blue coffee I speak to that guy maybe once every two months and stop by my stream talk a little bit I'll rig him into a game and then that's it he doesn't play that frequently in my community it's just that when he shows up he does legendary stuff fat slob he doesn't even frequent YouTube and frequent which as far as I know I don't know if he's ever seen a stream but we talk about him all the time and you better bet he's online every day playing Black Forest more and more people are get are playing him now because they know about him and they know where he is and he's easy to find and always up for a game always playing but you know fat slob doesn't do it for for the views he does it because it's who he is and that's so legendary for me it's so cool and for the most part he's a really nice guy when I do speak to him he did say he liked the videos but also he it kind of strikes me as a guy who just wants to do his thing and and not have any conversations about what he did in a video I will speak to him every now and then and it's normally pretty short that's it thank you fast love it's so cool and I think that he's possibly the most controversial legend ever people either hate him or they love him some people are like yeah get a win any way you can if they sign up to play with your rules fat slob good good good for you you know other people say ah I don't care if he puts it in the game room I don't care if he puts it there 50 times those settings are dumb this guy's a noob I people have some really strong opinions about how others play video games actually I'm not one to judge cuz I literally talk about others playing video games for living so I have a lot of strong opinions as well anyway but but but back to the point you know this is what he loves to do and I think there's something special with that he's getting iron casting now if you look at his buzzer kit is elite still lacking some armor upgrades but getting his attack upgrades and he and red researched berserker gang and berserker gang regenerates HP on the Sirk's so in a game that could go on for hours it's a good tech to get fat slob is in no rush to get to 200 population apparently he's at 169 population nice it's take him a long time to get there 49 minutes into this game certainly wasting no time getting the text though oh it's interesting to me as he actually has more text and read does I read still doesn't have chemistry he still doesn't have armor on his are blast doesn't even have a leap berserk yet he's getting oh wait he has chemistry is getting brace for now I guess he's just catching up a little bit but red has his trebuchet Zhan at a crown he knows what fat slob does he has these two trebuchet on the walls and he has these trebuchet 'he's attack rounding this area hoping that fat salt might slip up and run into it which is really smart thinking actually firing over the walls don't ask me where they're getting the refills for these trebs where are the cannonballs coming from where the trebuchet ball is coming from how are they lighting on fire I have so many questions so little answers red built most of his houses over here oh and this is where you'll start to see the idea he might be going for guys he is this one trebuchet chopping the trees he's going for a flank maneuver now he's not gonna chop here he's gonna chop here near the edge of the map a fat salt might never expect this now fat slob actually don't know will he see that those trees are chopped no he won't well he can see that they're chopped if a villager chops it but if a trebuchet takes it down actually I lied I guess he does see a little bit of something it's weird how that works so if he's paying attention that at least know something's going on over here chainmail armor murder holes hoardings all of these texts are coming in for fat slob his elite berserks just need the armor the chainmail armor is the second armor upgrade from the castle age and then the Imperial age armor upgrade is all he's missing but again he has siege engineers so he's 16 plus 1 range and oh there is siege engineers Fred okay he's good he just has less trebuchet that's love is using his trebs verse trees that's that's a funny sight does he want to go this way red might even consider cutting through he has this bizarre seer you know how risky it can be to run in against this red nose something's up okay fat slob is now coming to each trees maybe he wants to make this wider for his own treads okay so there are stables for red so he might be considering a light calf I've seen a lot of players go for like to have won against fat slob the cool thing about how Reds playing this though is that he's basically mirroring the style of that song I guess the difference here is that he's going for are blessed and fat slob goes for scorpions and I like are blessed more because they have a little bit more mobility they're less clunky to control but if units are funneling into a choke point you had to choose one you definitely would want to choose scorpions in 17 attack and pass-through damage verse 10 attack and no pass-through damage and pasture damage is the big thing with those scorpions and fat slob is now getting vodka narrow Reds getting seed ram scale mail armor and forging and if you happen to miss this when I've explained this during a hidden cub if I click one of these upgrades it takes me to the building where it's upgrading so cavalier here light cap here seed ram there it's pretty cool it's it's not always useful in fact it's rarely useful that's useful if someone is researching a tech and a building is about to die like the Imperial HTC is always a big one oh boy fat slobs doing it guys he's going with the feature it's not a bug I said at the start he's placing palisade walls he can only place palisade foundations where something isn't now he loses out on that wood and obviously he's never gonna build that but the idea is that he can now see anytime red I was funny register we did stuff and he can now see anytime red has units walking over this should it exist in the game probably not but does it it does and fat slab will take any advantage that he can get to win a red did the same thing earlier right just not to this extreme so I I can show you what this looks like from fat subs point of view from afar as long as red moves his units there's not under yeah so he doesn't know how many auditors are there but he does know that there's got to be stuff here because he can't place the foundation if there's units there 6000 gold for fat slob I believe he sold a lot more food and a lot more wood than red did that's that's a huge deal now he's also played some place in Palisades here and okay both players are considering chopping through here with traps yep I think they're doing that now just gonna drink some water real quick this is my third video in a row and I already streamed seven hours today so bear with me as I drink some water if that's okay normal people would pace themselves but not me I had a rough two days and I I didn't get to split up the work I wanted to get done so I'm pulling a 15 hour day today with content oh right it's getting guard tower is he making it here that is a tower right I can't seem to click it oh it's an outpost okay I guess guard tower doesn't cost stone to research I think it's just wooden food so it doesn't hurt but he doesn't have a single tower up and I think it's about to go down guys I think fat sub is considering fighting this is what red can see he hasn't done the palisade trick yet we'll see if he does it he does not know what fat Saab has over here so fat sup knows what red is going for for most part there's a lot of mystery with this normally but not for fat slab he at least knows that red has on injures and desserts from what he's seen red doesn't know all that much and remember he cut this small little base up here and every single stable is cued up currently with light chaff and a fat slob spotted this with an outpost and now he's walling behind this which is creative and making a few siege workshops Oh fat slob tends to camp the walls with auditors and trebs maybe he'll do the same there maybe red isn't ready to fight yet he's gonna make some more stone walls so in a way red has fat slob - fat slob fat slob lost some of his walls and Reggie just building more and fat sob is taking down the trees - maybe fight and Red's like nope sorry buddy this is the way you choose to play this is how I'm gonna play it too but seriously red is missing blacksmith upgrades he still does not have full attack upgrades or defense upgrades in his deserts are blessed are fine on endures find the treads are fine but you upgrade your reserves my friend that's a big deal if you look at the bottom right you can see which upgrades he researched last so the last attack upgrade was just forging which is the feudal age upgrade and then the blacks got black furnace upgrade for fat self is the last one and that's the IMP upgrade same with the armor missing some crucial armor I hope to see that come infrared interesting to me that bloodlines is down there I think bloodlines is just kind of a standard for capturing to show Vikings do not get bloodlines so that's never going to be filled so yeah I get that these Palisades are really annoying I actually can't do anything about it as a spectator it makes the mini-map look weird the only thing I could do is go to someone else's point of view so I'm on Red's point of view and red has not done that so if I'm on Red's fog of war it doesn't show it so I think maybe we'll say on Red's fog of war for a little bit his Arva Lester moving this way I think he's just backing up I don't think he's going for any big redirection and he's just backing up may be expecting fat slob to come in he's backing up with his trebuchet 'z and that slot might be thinking about this he's attacking the walls from red I don't think red will be surprised by anything fat Saab has because he's watched my videos because we've talked about on streams I've streamed it I've made a ton of content so he should know that fat sod likes his scorpions observes like I said his compositions close tan or blessed work it definitely can just fat slob would disagree I think red is spending a great deal of time paying attention to this area that would be my guess cuz it's not easy I guess he's not doing anything now but it's not easy to try and cut through there like that okay so red sends his trebs and auditors in fat slob backs up a little bit and now oh oh boy are we about to get over ten fat slob kills red is getting heated shot which means his towers which he does not have will do more damage for ships which will not be made but hey it boosts his score by getting the text so it's totally worth it for the intimidation factor doink oh never mind I thought that was gonna hit a fat slob has nine kills in one death he continues like this all game I'll be impressed freakin Trev war it just fast love things man and fat sounds like oh you want to play my game huh well my treads are more accurate for whatever reason and red just backs up now that SOB just has more trebuchet that's what it is and now red considers going back in and he is getting his blacksmith upgrade now the armor was the big one he was missing still needs the attack but at least he's doing that and okay he is using this trip so he's won shutting the trees it'll take some time but maybe just maybe if he splits fat slobs attention and focus fat sob is considered a slower player fat slob might struggle will it work or will it happen there is ZERO gold and zero stone left to collect on this map at the start of the game three-quarters of a million of what was left I think it was 750,000 or something 110,000 what has been collected which is a lot faster than I thought but then again I've been talking for a while this is well past an hour an in-game time but we're just getting started folks we are just getting started the first hour of game time was just the advertisements for the main show that's just the movie you're never gonna watch alright and this gave you some time to get the popcorn extra butter of course because if you're not putting extra butter on your popcorn who even are you not fats ah that's for sure maybe your skinny slob that's something that's not talked about enough fat sob when creating his online username felt like the best username to describe him what's that slob oh my god that makes me like the guy even more he just everything about fat slob just reeks he owns who he is you know am i oughtta wait am i a slob do I play Black Forest all day sure I'm a fat slob I'm gonna tell the world that that's my name his name isn't like Andrew 379 because there were 378 Andrews that took his name before no it's fat slob he owns it let's go lots of blue on this map remember fat slob can see what units are there again it looks really weird when I do this so I'll probably avoid staying on fat subs point of view very long I'll stay on a Reds point of view and his fog of war it looks pretty freakin sweet holy crap to see these units out of the fog especially when you zoom out it is awesome but there's a battlefield now the walls are going down slowly but surely and the players are considering fighting however red still doesn't have his blacksmith tags if this is anything about my content is that I don't talk about getting your blacksmith texts enough so guys learn from Reds mistake please max out on your blacksmith techs even if you don't know a lot about the game just just check you know just before you go into a fight just check the blacksmith are there still text so to be researched okay cool research them he got heated shot which is hit TechNet that affects towers versus boats there are no towers and no boats here so I guess he's checking the university at least a fat slob has his buzzards I as 94 military to be exact it is 108 military for red and red is creeping forward really considering a push right now I wonder just how nervous red might be I'm sure he would be nervous if he knew I was watching but I wonder how nervous he is well she might have been nervous she just died video when you when you wait this long to fight a legend like fat slob how how much are you second-guessing your decisions going into the fight I should have sent my auditors first should I send my berserks boy sends the auditors and he goes in after the trebuchet he's bounced to kill a few trebs he's killed a few and the berserks are running to their deaths right into the árboles fire but in terms of gold lost I want to say that this was fairly even oh my god almost some friendly fire red and sacrificed the villagers it's actually nice it acts as a scout for him and now he should know that he's that they should never send in his deserts in a million years if he sees that many scorpions you should never send in your berserks look at the HP on the Army's here 4000 HP if you look to the bottom right for fat slobs army okay someone just sub to my twitch tail and you heard Forrest nothing but this is Black Forest alright this is fat soft I'm thank you do however that was just like that we have over a hundred kills in the game I want to say fat slob came out on top there but obviously both players still have resources and red wants to get through here I believe he's chopped through he's making light calves every time he loses a unit more units spawn and these stables are queued up he wants to make more and at this point he has to realize that fat slob is probably noticed this because of the outpost but if you wasn't sure this will tell him and there's some stone walls there it's actually quite stressful as a caster to have all this blue on the minimap because I just looked at the mini-map and thought whoa we got another one boys somebody else sub to the stream who is it the last human oh my god okay so onion duck was the first one for six months onion duck thank you for the six months onion duck is in the YouTube comments a lot and he's gifted so many subs my stream oh thank you and a last human thank you for the the prime sub did you guys know you can subscribe to my twitch for free with Amazon Prime subscription it's free for you still supports the stream thanks guys so I promise I did not plan that little sell out okay it was on them I had to thank them that's the only reason I did it ah man these auditors are scaring me it's stressing me out it honestly is they're all clumped up I'm just waiting for it I'm just waiting for fat slob to get a big auditor shot I'm waiting for fat slob to to use berserks to kill it anything at the same time the fat sob does have a lot of scorpions here but the way that he has his unit groups makes me think that it's almost impossible to ever flatten these scorpions [Music] 41 kills make that 42 for red and 79 deaths for him so not the strongest start but there's a lot of time left in this game still doesn't have his berserk upgrades and he tried to fight with him earlier it hurts it does hurt and I think it reflects poorly on me that's a youtuber because I've talked about it for years get your upgrades Oh upgrade he's gonna help that he's got nailed in the back oh man they can't even watch this is like an execution here this is like some Game of Thrones style nonsense instead of dracarys it's should shred bait whatever the trebs are on fire it's it's kind of like a dragon Red's going in Reds going in now fat slob this is his point of view he hasn't reacted at all he's so focused on the dracarys that the like have running into his economy hasn't even dawned on him now this was the strategy this is what I had said and youtubers had said that you should try vers fat slob split his focus he does he's not the fastest player what will he do then now fat sobs main force hasn't moved at all it's still just executing these berserks and the light calves unfortunately they're not very strong as Vikings I think it's the big reason why fats I've decided to use Vikings for these games 15 years ago because the strongest options are the options and fat salt tends to go with like Kavis someone tries to deviate from the plan he's not going to do much and all that really did was kill fat slobs eco a little bit and give him more pop station for military that's up has 5,000 gold he's 8,000 food and he has 39,000 wood and oh my god the fight comes in with the auditors so far seems close to 50/50 oh if you ask me remember Reds going into this fight with more auditors if you look to the bottom right right here you will see just how many others are therefore both players and then how many units are queued up and red has a lot of Units queued up mainly like have 48 like calves queued up 23 are blessed queued up even auditors of fat sup doesn't really have a lot they're just so just get by with what he has when you have units queued up you're gonna stay around 200 population which is the cap interesting to me how the the trebuchet that the ball is like kind of disappear when they fire did you guys notice that it's not the first time hmm I'm sure cap straight you'll see that it's not a big deal ah broken we're not gonna use capture age anymore but that is weird Oh hmm well anyways that's more more things for caps rage to work on I guess oh no red what are you doing man oh god well if you're gonna fight like that please do not make our Blessed holy crap that was a slaughter see if fat slobs just making the fights look easy I also read without he's taking the fights it's is making fatso look very good as well it's a mix of the two but that's all hasn't taken well I would consider a bad fight not yet I do like the light calves idea and I think it's something that fats off wasn't expecting but fat slobs berserks they're gonna clean those up and and also you have to remember he has 40 mm wood he has resources if you kill all those villagers you'd be fine at least for a little while so if you the problem is this if you want to have a real force to attack fat slob and I mean siege and berserks if you want to have a real army you're gonna take away from the population you have in the center and I think while you try and mass population on the right hand side fat slob he's just gonna roll you he's obviously aware of what red is up to he can see what red has he would just roll right through him now would update we are below 600,000 would I don't think we're gonna run out would in this game but wouldn't surprise me because it is a fat slob game red stepped up to the plate to face the legend he saw that 1v1 BF Lobby he saw the the banned users list in the game room he like types it in the game room I don't think he has a notepad at home but because he never changes his information in his game room every time he gets back home online on googley it has the users that he doesn't want to play again and this also implies that fat slob doesn't know that there's an ignore list on Buble adding someone to your ignore list means they can't join your lobbies ever instead he adds it to the game room it's like a wall of shame oh man okay there we go Reds getting iron casting one hour and 27 minutes into the game but yeah anyways that's another thing about fat slob his profile says he's like seven years old or something and he did say that he's not quite as old as the profile suggests it's it's more fun to speculate I almost don't want to know if I found out fats I was like 28 and worked a desk job if I started finding out all these details about him I would not be as interested I like the mystery and all the fights you've gotta be kidding me well that SOB has so much more year his units have so much more HP he is 5000 HP now you mix in Reds on udders that becomes a different story and Reds the positioning of his auditors might not be bad here there's not any berserks for fatso that slob can't send the berserks out front it looks like his units are wedged in so if that sob he's retreating now he switches the positioning of his units he's considering sending in the berserk send he's backing his scorpions up and that's that that's the key for him the reason he can never be pushed is because he goes for the scorpions well back to Red's point of view so we can remove those awful palisades I'm sorry about that guys together if I could do something I would the berserks go in that stops killing a few auditors but after all of this I think red could consider continuing a push here depends on the reinforcements right and he's creating a lot of like calves on the side to raid fat sob has Idol villes he has berserks just patrolling on the none even patrolling you're just standing here so they'll actually catch any like calves as they try and do this I'm not sure if this was worth it for red or not might be worth it for the distraction but certainly hasn't it hasn't increased his KD at all a beautiful micro there from him though to dodge with the auditors oh when the attack round there we go there we go red that guy subs to my stream I know him I know that guy I would love to see him patrol as our blessed in I believe he's going for the safer option which is to leave his are blessed on stand grounds but I would really like to see him patrol this and and maybe try and keep an eye on it it might be too much for him to handle cuz sometimes you'll patrol your arms in to siege but I think that the are blessed are not doing enough for him because half the time they're not even firing [Music] playing fat slob is like a micro training scenario honestly unfortunately you don't get to use units that you use frequently in other games but it is kind of like micro training all that berserk the real MVP putting his life on the line for his friends killed the homage er so fun fact I really don't know how many people watch all my videos the whole way through so you guys have probably missed a bunch of tidbits if you skipped but my twitch channel was created in June of 2015 and I'm currently recording this in June of 2019 I think my youtube channel was created and my first upload was near the end of June that's crazy to me that my content has only been in my life for four years I think the first year didn't really go anywhere again I never expected it to but I want to say that we were at 2000 at 3,000 YouTube subs near the end of 2016 yeah I think that sounds right and it was September of 2017 whenever that big force nothing video came out and that was where things really started to grow both on twitch and YouTube but only four years guys unfortunately I don't have any big things planned I don't have a thank you for four years of content video but I just wanted to bring that up so that's pretty pretty awesome and thank you to everyone whether you came in then which is a small group of you or came in over this long journey it's pretty awesome to see so many people watching Age of Empires 2 I always said that I wish that more people liked age I always said that I wish the community was bigger and that more people would appreciate this beautiful game and my friends and and my family even said that it was an old game and that good luck basically good luck even before I started making content well John look what I did at least I helped I I helped to get it here and I'm crowdin and red is pushing forward baby I don't know who I should fanboy over the most my my supporter my loyal subscriber or fat slob the legend a fat slob went to the right and is cleaning up the stables so he's sick of this and this is probably why red can't afford to go forward and that said though fat sob has 111 military and it's 53 military for red so he's really not doing a good job of producing his units in fact he's he's kind of low on gold not a great sign a fat slob definitely sold more wood and sold more food earlier and that gave him more gold then the prices weren't great after a while you're only getting 14 gold per 100 resource sold but it's still something and no man oh that hurts to see you know I'm actually gonna turn the HP bars on to normal HP bars until they go back into a fight because with red it can be a bit confusing and my apologies for not mentioning that earlier that that is something I probably should have talked about a fat slob is cleaning up the sneak base red felt like that was something he could do against that SOB and have success with and no he didn't work at all and now he's built a gate here so he can still run in that's cute he can still run in but now fat slob can't get through red is opting for a lot of Auditors is getting blast-furnace now maybe he was scratching his head like man what is going wrong here why am I not wood in these fights man and then he checked the tech trees I all Vikings get black fours aren't not black forest if they're fat slob they get black forest but blast furnace oh what a day it's been hmm I don't know if red is finished on this right hand side well why don't maybe go through here I don't know it's obvious to me he needs to send berserk see you can't send like keV like have our potato they are a big old rotten potato man I've seen so many players to try and go for light job and it makes sense in that it doesn't cost gold but when you boom up like this when you have all this time you should be able to afford to go home ego just look at that sob that's all he ever makes oh no red is doing the trick too well doesn't this mini-map just look beautiful all these Palisades well now he knows what fat South has and that's the idea so you can't build palisade foundations there I wonder if there's since there's so much downtime in between the fights if he checks the videos that's not a bad idea if you see fat sob hosting watch a few videos before just skim through it to see what fats I might be doing know that sub is doing the same thing the only reason his villagers are going forward those are builders and he was placing more Palisades they're both doing it oh god this looks so ugly way to ruin a YouTube thumbnail guys yes we're not uploading this to YouTube we'll have to have someone scrub this out of the video ah well I can't avoid it now if I'm on fat sobs point of view I see his Palace age if I'm on reds point of view I see his Palace age oh I might be able to fix this aha we have to use the line of sight of Gaia well we can only see what the birds can see but it's something it looks beautiful I will admit this looks beautiful we can even follow the birds if we want ah there he goes I wonder what the birds are thinking right now this is a lot more peaceful and a lot less cluttery and a lot less headache-inducing but unfortunately unless the birds are flying over the fight I can't really show it so I guess just appreciate how competitive these guys are being with the game of how serious they're taking it all right on red is using a trap to cut these trees on this side so he's not done he really thinks that this strategy is gonna work I always say the sign of a good player is a player who makes the other person look like they're making bad Asians but the sign of a good player is a player who makes the others look that fat slobs composition constantly makes his opponents look bad or silly for their choices he I don't want to I don't want to praise the guy too much because honestly all you had to do was send berserks over here it's not like he needed fantastic micro but he's rock solid he definitely is rock solid you don't see him getting attacked very often interesting to me that they the relics are still seen as Gaia units so the monasteries are visible that's interesting never thought about that but just just goes to show you guys you might have all the desirable wealth in the world but it's not yours it's still guys okay so they're shifting around a little bit get Nancy I heard fat stop deleting villagers so he's getting that population up with military 126 military and the better form of military for him I'll go to Red's point of view red sees the scorpions are creeping forward he sees the berserks he seized the trebs and he's rolling his own honniger out here for a big boom got him all fat slob sees it fat slobs not happy and he kills it [Music] it seems like read should be able to send the auditors forward but I think that's what fad solved once in fact is he luring them out I'm pretty sure he just lured them out he ran to berserks in attracted all of the the fire and since these units are probably on attack stands they chased I think he did it on purpose I think he did that to poor rent pull read out of formation he just did it again this is either extreme hesitancy or planned and I'm gonna go with planned ok so again he sends berserks in here it makes sense to converge on the auditors and he sees most of the auditors are on the left-hand side so the rest of the berserks are going to the right he has some scorpions in the group as well what a fight this is guys that's Ava's grouped up his search with some scorpion so they're moving that the pace of the scorpions and wow he just has so much more he just has so much more military but this came from it's insane look at what flat saw has tried to look at what fast slub has over his Palisades he sees this as well when he plays by the way so it kind of sucks for him too but we're on reds point of view now and Red's is getting slaughtered he's just getting slaughtered now the Ville count is different because fat sub doesn't have many bills but it's really the military count that matters and it's the castles that matter if you're going to rely on berserks you need those castles and if you think back red lost that castle early on in the game that one was just given away and now he doesn't have to defense here capture age tells us he's creating more but he's not creating more of the right things he's creating more villagers and he's creating more herbalist while fat slob is just creating the berserks that said fat sob from from hero to zero right from ten out of ten to zero out of ten I guess he's just forgotten his trebs he might have an idea that Reds about to run in here oh this makes sense so red pretty much proved my point I had said that if he tries to hit fat sobs may Nico with berserks it would make his holes in the center weaker I'm surprised I thought that sub was gonna push and kill those castles he didn't and this is fat sobs point if you fat sob nose or something over here ah he knows it something's over here because he'd built the Palisades there earlier so it doesn't make him look crazy does it I bet you that's why he came back does he send a group of his irks to the right hand side now he does interesting well fat sob he has 81 military which is slightly more than red but he is behind with the eco that said he still has so many resources in the bank hold my god but if he loses these villagers he's gonna dip below 40 holy crap this is all of his wood eco he actually doesn't have any wood except for maybe a dozen Lumberjacks there tend to be exact thanks capture age well maybe I'm giving fats up too much credit I don't think he's reacted to this at all he's losing so many villagers what a play from read this is a smart a very smart play and now we can consider shifting forward because fat slope has to run back yeah this is this is good stuff I'm sorry about the flicker there that happens occasionally still not sure if that happens just for you guys or if that happens for me I know it's weird and I should be able to see it if it happens on my screen but because I have a second monitor right next to me that's recording this I see a blink and for some reason I can't be mindful enough to know which screen is blinking it sounds dumb but trust me it's it's not that dumb or it is but it's just a story in my life Wow red has 30 more population than fat sup so if that SOB has really fallen behind now he's down to 45 villagers nine of which are idle and red it's about to push forward in the center more than he ever has this game fat sob doesn't have a lot of gold's he isn't really utilizing his scorpions here and his berserks are going down I think this is Reds game to lose now remember he also has three relics so he's had a little bit more of a Gold trickle throughout this game than fat slob man if he just made berserk so he keeps thinking or blessed and I get it I really do get it but I think the surface would be so huge and no buzzards died of scorpions but if he were to just get enough in there they'd have such high attack they would flatten the scorpions no doubt in my mind fats up guys he has a hundred military but he only has forty-three voters does that matter all that much it doesn't right now if they continue to fight it will matter because they'll have less food and less wood food being the big one for the berserks he's a lot of military on the right-hand side chasing down more units I guess wow that's a lot of berserks and you know what red he really hasn't been reinforcing I really I thought this was the time looking at the populations but has not been reinforcing at all it's a lot there's a lot going on here when you have to create units you know if that sub might even play on single cube because he's such an old-timer he might toggle through all of his castles like this to produce in fact if you look his castles are not producing evenly so something tells me that he's probably playing single Q's to that that makes it even harder to reinforce units basically what that is for those who are wondering I'm single cube which is default on Buble unless you change it and a lot of people do now I on single queue if you select all your castles right click a gather point and then spam click unit it will only produce units out of one of those castles it will not distribute it evenly throughout them all which is what multi queue is multi queue you get five castles and then you clicked the unit five times and then one produces out of each castle so it produces faster with multi queue it's definitely more noob friendly with multi queue and multi queue is is the standard I think the only thing now is for Buble users they have to make it so it's default unfortunately its default single queue unless you change it and while a lot of people do some people fat slob don't do that it looks messy it looks sloppy I know it's it's not pretty because of these palisades but we're one hour and 53 minutes in and guys I kinda feel like fat slob could steamroll red right now and he he should be able to know what red has he's rebelling this so he knows red can't be a threat for a little while he has his bazaar here he's producing them his populations going back up he doesn't care about the bills he's only at 44 red red has wood red has food he's at 200 pop but he has all the wrong units he actually has a big variety doesn't he he is 130 volts 44 are blessed 10 berserk when one light caf a Thomas three Rams and three trebs the fat slobs just 85 buzzer --xx 26 champions 15 scorpions and 4 traps just enough trebs to Oh how'd this happen since you're staying just enough straps to kill the castle's when he gets in close I guess and the other thing is Anchorage should have a general idea red is definitely having faith in the orbs by oh man he sees the berserks now he should know how many fat slob has he's too many bills honestly that killing fat subs villagers did him a favor you can't win you try and flank him and kill his economy but it helps the guy in a 200 population game fat slob doesn't need a hundred bills you just did him a favor that SOB needs to run in and kill Reds Vil's now that'll make this a very even game that's funny I can't wait to see the resources collected later still fat Slav has so many resources fat Saab has 103 elite berserks and it will end there because he's pop capped I would like to see him queue up every single castle with with units before he goes into a fight I'll find the bird here as it passes over that would not be the bird that bear with me please there we go there we go the birds are flying over this reminds me of those cameras that they have at sporting events now and get the bird's-eye view literally the bird's-eye view the hawk that's what it looks like bottom right for whatever reason the designated gaya image is a horse well they're missing all the good stuff right now pay all this money to the cable companies and you're still missing all the action it's unreal that's why YouTube is is winning out here we go oh I guess we'll take fat tops point of view fat sob he could see what's coming in and rad knows what that subs gonna do as well there's no surprises here now I want to compare the HP of all the units on this part of the screen real quick I'll get Reds ARBs it'll code a few bills 9,000 HP first 2700 HP before this fight a thanks capture H for making that possible you can tell the game was lacking a bit for them you see how slow it's beginning to run it's definitely not on my end that's just a recorded game that's up just wiping man red only has 69 military nice but fat Saab has 150 just wipe him justjust patrol on in there I can tell that mickalene yo or or Michael n yo he'd be very good Arabia player he likes to flank and stuff and hit the eco but that is not what Black Forest is about killing fat slobs economy helps him here and there goes fat slob he sends in some of his berserks immediately to the auditors he should wipe them up and he even cares about this man Wow a phat subs up on the slower side sometimes but this would be the time to send in the rest of his units might be dealing with these two berserks that read somehow squeaked into his face it would probably stranded somewhere and red ended up sending them in okay there are the trip so this is kind of what I was waiting for if that SOB sends the trebs forward he'll be able well unless you lose them he'll be able to take down Reds castles I think that's got to be the key here red is sacrificing all this beserk stew to kill the trebuchet as he kills a few but he'll begin to lose buildings now 150 population for fats off but it's so skewed the total population doesn't matter the military number matters so this number right here okay and there was the flicker and I think it happened on my main screen as well at least it's not too bad that is just Mick Elena's life flashing before his eyes actually 22 military verse 96 fat sobs at 29 bills that's such a pathetic number but he booms so much it doesn't matter there's a time for eco and there's a time for war and this is definitely the time for war and just one hassle remaining no sorry two cows is remaining for red oh he's got that other one on the right doesn't it yeah he's got that one he's not gonna have this one two hours and two minutes into the game red he wanted to play the legend he's seen the videos he's seen the streams he wanted to see what this is all about he had a strategy he tried to hit fat subs economy he definitely did that but I think the timing was too late and the composition and and the fighting just better from that slob Pat's hubs total bop is not great either it's still below what red has funny enough Reds probably looking on his population and thinking oh geez I'm dead I mean I think he is dead because you can't deal with 100 military but the population is super dis right now kind of funny I think it's just a matter of time for ready he can continue to make some are blessed but we've seen how that works for him the berserks and the scorpions and and whatever else might be coming in seem to be better [Music] making skirmishers isn't gonna help it's it's not gonna be enough to even try and match fat slob with berserks because fat self has the scorpions behind and he has so many more he has a total of 56 berserks right now guys that's well over what Red's military population is and he's trying we just built more archery ranges he's sending the berserks over so panic mode is definitely here he probably thinks oh geez I just lost this game but he's gonna try because he still has gold in the bank now how often do you get to play fast off right also if you invest two hours into a game you don't want to quit here you need to try try your best I respect it no one wants to see someone gg immediately when when fats up fights them anyway but the berserks will kill any arbol se does have I would expect that fat slob will eventually move the rest of his units in met look at these farms this is what an idle farmer does Oh wasn't expecting the farms to change - that's how long they've been idle oh man it's rained enough for the ground to no longer be dry and now it's time for another farm that's what it is right there you can't farm on on dry land that's why he was waiting come on fat slob you can do it man ninety-four verse 30 military slow and steady guys slow and steady honestly just getting the relics that would be a big deal if Fred want to continue this for a while red red he's trying to relocate his economy it's just some fat sob to finish off red now at the Pops 129 to 129 but as I've said a few times I think we know that that doesn't matter that SOB is also adding more villagers of leave because wasn't he at Lake I forget what he was at he's definitely on the lower side Nia's nineteen idols no but I've just forgotten and read very kindly says GG well played and taps out of his very long fat slob game he's still at it in fact at the time that I casted this I didn't want to spoil the guy has a five-game winning streak doing the same old thing observes scorpions trebuchet za meters this is how fast lob likes to play and one of my longtime supporters gave it a shot and maybe knew what did what to expect he just couldn't win I like the like to have idea I just don't think the timing on it worked out too well then hindsight I think red probably had too many villagers maybe if he was able to get enough where he could make berserks and army here he could distract fast slob and then push the center maybe that's got to be the play that said Stillwell plates both I think this is the first time that someone tried a redirect someone tried to distract fat slob and we saw it didn't matter whatsoever that's a must experience that a lot though because he expected it he wolde that up a bunch of times he's not fond of it he never goes back through the whole let's cut he just chooses the center every single time so guys I have to tap out quickly so I can show you the achievements you're gonna see my main twitch overlay screen one second just bring up the achievements now this should work for us all right 746 units killed for fats up in that game with the largest army being 153 economically speaking see this is what's mind-blowing to me look at this red had 76,000 more food he had one hundred and eighty four thousand would he had less stone collected cuz fat slob had the extra stone but then that gold difference is crazy to me I think the relic old probably paid off in a game like that yeah that give him three thousand more gold this tells me that red probably just sold a lot of his food and what to get the gold but I think he sunk that gold into our blessed nama Jers and maybe he should have considered making something that had a little bit more I don't know of a longevity to it like the berserks and the scorpions I think fat slob mom maybe lost five scorpions all game I just didn't expect it to be that much of a difference holy crap total castles we talked about that remember red ended up losing some throughout this game which was another small mistake and there's the timeline if you'd like to see that a fat slob will continue to play Black Forest Vikings till the end of time and I will continue to make Age of Empires 2 content for that same period of time so I'm sure that we will have more fat sell videos in the future if you guys like this video if you guys maybe want me to hunt down some different strategies that people have trying on fat sub for the next episode let me know I we do appreciate you guys watching and I hope you enjoyed it and I'll see you in the next video have a good one okay I just noticed if you look at the twitch at pellet oops ed add vicious Marauder which is Dave and you've heard him casted me before how is T 90s mom called what
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 223,554
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fatslob, most annoying strategy, legend, spirit of the law, blue coffee, forest nothing, huskarl nothing, theviper, hidden cup 2, crazy villager rush, kitboga
Id: _6Y7tZ27qKQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 27sec (5007 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2019
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