AoE2 2v2 World Cup | China vs Finland | Grand Finals

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alright ladies and gentlemen let me just change the colors here welcome to the grand final of the AOE - to be - world cup before we begin here I just want to say thank you all for watching whether it's twitch and YouTube this tournament has been a huge success people have really enjoyed it and I'd really like to say thank you again to River play ssin god I forgot to put the image for the tournament on light my banner are on my screen again but I'll do that in between games thank you river pollution or mundo AoE for organizing this he's a Spanish caster make sure to check him out thank you again to LAN Chi and Paco who've done an excellent job with admitting the event I've had nothing but but good feedback from them on how they think the event has been going so exciting stuff we have the max in the teal here for Finland this is Game one on Arabia he's playing as the Malians and then in the gray we have Reuben stuck the TC dropper himself he's playing as the Spanish and up against Reuben stock we then have you know what hold on a second for some reason age is being treated as if it stabbed out like I have the I don't know I could deal with it anyway we've mister yo and the blue he's playing as the the Ethiopians and then we have francs for licks and the red some more traditional civics for China Ethiopians go archers Frank's tend to go Scouts and tonight's that's more traditional than the Spanish Malian pick we see now from Finland no in-game volume hmm I think the I think the in-game volume is just a bit low I think it's what it is as the game goes on it'll it'll increase because they're more will be going on yeah it is pretty quiet I don't know this is kind of annoying me though I have the taskbar at the at the bottom here and so I can't click some of the things in game I've never experienced this before one second let me mess around with this alt-enter now it hasn't done anything for me well I have to cast the game so have to cast the game I'll have to deal with it I'll have to adapt and Max is stealing the pig from licks now nine seconds until licks could call arre this is a best-of-seven if he wants to call her he could and licks chooses not to and Max is halfway back to his base with licks his bore Wow okay so he has a weak scowl only 16 HP and licks could easily use these trees to block but max look at this he's staying within the board's line-of-sight what a great job from the max this is not easy to do there's a lot of lag between these teams between these countries oh that was so close but max should be able to bring this one back and licks will be down a pig yeah he should have no issues now bringing this back he's so close to his TC like that is so difficult to do and the amount of lack they're playing in right now it's not an extreme amount of lag but there's definitely like present and just like that max with a perfect ball or look at that I'll even kill the boar actually that was I was gonna say underneath his DC but regardless well played you know what's interesting is max went out so early for the lame that he doesn't see that his pigs are here he is two of them now he probably knows their rounds because he just saw vixx's scout chasing him but that is an interesting thing to note he went MBL style ran forward without even scouting his own base and it has paid off on the other side I don't think that there was any laning from yo I don't think there's any laning from Rubin stock I wouldn't be surprised to see Rubin Socko tower rush based on how he's played in this tournament really helps you got some hits on your scout there that's that's a bit of a mistake from yo he didn't need to lose that HP so what happens here that Malians in Spanish Spanish could go Scouts and tonight's of course that's normally what Malians would do so I think they might treat this like two separate 1b ones I think that's what Finland will do I think Rubin stock will probably go with something incorporating towers and I think max will go for address here ajosh into maybe a fast castle of some kind that's why they'll probably go with something more traditional like scouts and archers man it has to be said if Finland win this final what a performance it would have been to get gotten here after the TC dropping for Spain they won three to two they bent they then beat Norway four to two and if they were to win this it would be an exceptional result for them especially because they're very unorthodox you know like normally in one game you can go for an unorthodox strategy and it can work but to win over the course of many series many best of sevens that's something else and here comes Ruben stock I mean this is what he's done all tournament for Finland and oh he kills your scalp yo was probably looking for these villagers he was probably expecting this but you know what look max as he is about to run into wolves he's going to send his militia to mr. yo so a2v wanted to start on mr. yo this is really unique and yo seems prepared to fight this off with villagers and what will be man-at-arms for him now hold on oh boy max says hey yo sending villagers to Ruben sucked be careful what do you doin yo this could this should be a better situation for yo after the men at arms upgrade but he doesn't have the maid at arms upgrade and now his villagers are here Ruben socks bills are here Ruben stocks making some spearmint max is on the way this is the brilliant thing about it Max is coming to help normally in a team game Max would be hitting his guy on his side and yos villagers and well specifically I guess his his militia are quite weak actually and he loses one even before the man-at-arms upgrade comes in he loses two before that upgrade comes in and now he sees Max's here and I think urban stock will be able to push forward and get these towers up this is so different so unique and normally since max ascent his military to Reuben stock side he would be punished but he had the extra pig and he's fully walled at the moment so he won't be punished by licks licks will have to come to yo side to help for China and now mr. yaoi doesn't have any military to start he's already forced into a tower of some kind this is a really different game but this is what Finland wants to win this tournament that Reuben stock has good scouting on his opponents base he knows his stone is here he knows his goal this year he knows his stone is here and he wants to place his first tower we'll get a few towers up here it's just a matter of if he can get into the farm space to bury space to wood line and there's a pause now in game so guys I want to remove this prime notification didn't mean to enable that thank you guys for the subs and rhe subs welcome everybody to the stream I'm going to do shoutouts for everything in between games as I have been doing all tournament yeah max is going for a draw chef C's going for a dress fast castle even making more militia now actually for more militia in Dark Age I'm really I guess we'll have to wait till Games two starts it's hard to explain what I'm seeing on my screen you guys can't see it but the game looks a little bit weird it's probably just a little bug so I guess no a moment max we'll have four more militia yep here we go the game is resumed groovin stock will place the tower on the wood line which is a great wood line to tower UO realized there's a hole there plugs the gap Reuben stole oh that was not good but okay Reuben stock realises does not lose a villager just lost Spearman will place a tower here and here mister yo is perhaps not expecting this tower so he'll have to leave to a different wood line in a second it would have to be here or here you probably will not lose a villager but it's certainly annoying for him and here's Lix with his Scouts Alex has killed one of Max's additional militia but most likely he'll go right to Reuben stock or he'll go forward or he'll go forward realizing what max is doing so he realizes that max is still a dark age that max is probably Josh fast castle and then max since he's in Dark Age can't build defensive towers so again if this is a 1v1 this would be the correct approach go forward and start towering the guy and Lix is now coming forward with five villagers to do that so I like that for China I really do no yel he didn't attack well in the start of feudal but his eco still been fine he still has his gold for now and he still has wooden stone access so it's not the end of the world for him max is halfway to feudal age and I don't know if there's a lot he can do against this except maybe wall up he has to wall more and wait for futile aids to build one defensive tower that will be the only one who can build now hold on a second I didn't realize that max had so many of these things holy cow look at that he is 9 militia when I wonder he's still in dark age so imagine if he gets into licks his base with these and upgrades them to man-at-arms meanwhile Rubin stalks building a really nice tower right behind the wood line and the goals of yo and Yas going forward what on earth does this match oh no max oh no he ran into the TC fire you know it's not the end of the world this is why I make nine of them okay you make three of them it's bad but you make nine of them it's fine so it's fine guys it's fine and meanwhile max is walling up he finally hits futile he's making a blacksmith and stable that's a weird farm bug there and licks is walled for the most part here but he will lose that one villager to this actually it could be many more this these will be man-at-arms here in a second I wasn't so sure that max would go from the men-at-arms upgrade because it might slow down his castle time but with this many men in arms why not right and I don't even know as Lix runs into Max's base and kills one one villager I'm not even sure that you can wall behind this I'm not even sure you can repair this when there's so many men in arms and lakes he can't Sollux has to run from his wood line this strategy from Finland here really unique you can tell that they are having some lag issues now but max is able to quick wall he's even getting scale mail Armour which I don't know he necessarily needs Rubin stock is towering looks tell he might work his way around to build more towers this is giving yo some time to breathe what did yo do with his villagers here he he might be looking to tower the stone that Reuben stock has interestingly enough but yeah what a unique game what a very what a incredibly unique game a Reuben stock oh can he finish this tower Oh God he really wants to it's a 99 okay he gets it up but he could lose her oh wow he lost to Vil's there so you know the max he's not doing more damage at the moment what's good is he has harassed his opponent enough where he won't be in castle H anytime soon that's good but now max is forced to shift into towers defensively definitely feels like China are stronger as a team right now max though he's doing very well economically oh you know what it might be that was weird i right-click did you guys hear that I right clicked and for some reason options came up which is not normally the case in age I wonder if I have another program that's up interfering with all this I'll figure it out what's yo have in the bank yo has 500 food also this was an excellent town from yo you get Reuben suck off his stone Reuben stock would just go to this stone now max is still keeping himself safe behind his walls has not lost villagers here oh it's going for a sneaky quick wall in this tower but he's gonna lose the villager in the process he wanted to trap licks in there he will fail with that max still has this man-at-arms here does have the armor upgrade so will kill the scouts or at least he should and he does yes and I believe Reuben stuck and yell will probably be the first people to click up to Castle age for each team I'm really wondering how quickly yo will get up because if yo can get two masked archers with Ethiopians before Reuben stock can build that castle and go through these doors it's good for China but if Reuben stock gets to conquistadors this is a very dangerous game for China to be playing in come on Ruben stock what is that tower man what is that tower that is ohm that is such a Ruben stock tower why would you build that anyway he gets in he know any profits from it he kills one villager as far as I know he didn't lose anything there okay it's fine Ayoo still building towers from ruben stock space I think these are outpost right no that's a tower these counter towers from yellow have been clutch man he denied one stone he could at least disrupt this one and he's about to cook up to Castle age max is already on the way though Lix is about to be on the way to if yo walls this up this could change the entire game if Ruben stock cannot kill this tower or even if he's a laid-off stone for a while he will be later two conquistadors which is what he needs and he's on the way to Castle age now as well so these two towers so big for mister yo just to sneak on by not something that Finland expected I imagine and you can see how inconvenient it is to have villagers tacking right between the palisade walls you can only have probably three here and Ruben stock understands the situation he'll send more villagers to build his own Tower and then I guess he just wants to shoot this down but there's weak villagers here Ruben stock be careful and yo is delaying this as much as humanly possible with the repairs yo could send in archers while he's doing this what a play from mister yo and the archers have got to be on the way yep here they are here they are they're on the way so I believe max will go camel a night it will be just nights for licks Ruben stock probably wants to get to conquistadors pretty certain of that mr. yo will lose his to villagers on the front but he will kill one of Rubin stocks on the front and I think Ruben Suk could be in trouble here his base is very exposed he's committed to an aggressive push with conquistadors the tower placement is decent still but it's not fantastic okay yo has gold here is actually a good point he's missing two of his goals right now yes he Ruben socks forced to tower defensively which is even less stone that halo will have for conquistadors and you know trying to sneak up another tower will be tonight there but again forcing the Spanish player to make towers instead of make that castles huge meanwhile Lix is being stubborn on this side with the tower Knights going forward for the max right towards likes his base look could be caught out here if he's not careful he is struggling with his eco big time he doesn't have a lot of food Oh max getting to the wood line man get into the wood line Lix he has to run from this can he quick Wallis stone he does quikwall is TC he probably should have the time but good pressure from max there while yo is messing the crossbows on the front at Ruben stock space oh wow okay licks loses one Phil he could lose more actually he'll lose two villes - this could be three should be three Wow well that gives max the lead for sure meanwhile licks has more villagers on the front he'll lose one here I can just feel the lack that these guys are playing it at the moment I just feel it I don't know about you guys but it definitely seems like it's not as smooth as Norway and Finland tad Rubin stock gets his castle up and that's the key here just getting that castle up is the key so Reuben stock finally gets there max with a a Dave horse-collar time after building 20 farms just now getting hoarse coward that's not a good sign but you know he's on to TCS and we know how good the max can be once he gets his eco rolling he is the most Vil's in the game he's winning his side at the moment what is euro up to with his military is 13 military okay he's looping around with this crossbows here and as you can see the eCos not booming for Reuben stock it's not great but you know what is great if he gets to mass conquistadors so I think that what Reuben stock will do is probably stay 1tc for a lot of this game and just go aggressive because he's behind max will will try and use the time that Reuben stock gives him to get to the Imperial eights with a strong economy Lix should probably try and delay max from doing that and then on the other side yo should kill Reuben suck as much as possible and and here we are mr. yo he's been great the whole toward min 16 kills 10 deaths despite being tower rushed he kills this tower gets his gold back has his own castle at home all very good things for him max is still running ransom Lakes his base but looks is stabilizing so yet again as we've seen plenty of times before this is coming down to Ken Reuben stock be aggressive enough to give max the time to 1v2 later in the game all mixes cancelling on the front Wow okay so licks is castling on the front I don't think that max can stop this he doesn't have the Knights to approach this well the tower was a good idea I didn't even think the tower would be in range but licks apparently thought it would be and lick shows to repair his tower he can always place the castle a little bit further back if need be both players have some mumps and don't go for conversions and Lakes loses one month with no conversions but now yellow arrives and yo can kill these monks for max and he does kill one two golds here for max he needs to have this area and the main goal right there and Lex is gonna place his castle there again max cannot stop this as far as I know more villagers but does not have the the military to stop that and yo is on the way to imp yo is on the way to the imperial age my goodness the Reuben stock is harassing him here but all yo needs is to wait for that Imperial age upgrade get bracer and are blessed and he'll kill everything that's out in the map right now really strong play for mr. yel he's so good defensively that I don't think Reuben Suk is gonna have much success against China with these Yolo strategies he's done much better this game than I thought he would but still it's not very easy to do what he tried to do against mr. yo and mr. yo fell behind at the beginning it was a wacky strategy from Finland to have max create as much as he did but now max is needed in a big big way so you will lose villagers here at this rate it seems like well hard to judge but it seems to me like he's going to lose his tower yeah he should lose his tower but Reuben stocks at 56 villagers just two Town Center's producing I think what he needs is a forward castle normally I'd say he needs an aggressive castle at yo space but that might not be what you want if your opponent is going to hit the imperial age something he's probably unaware of here come villagers I think I saw a signal in the mini-map and I believe he wants to castle here because he knows the goal - there he's sending his villagers that direction so maybe that's what he'll do but yos an imp Nell I don't think that Finland expected you ought to be up boom axe and licks his base this is a strong play licks is at 65 villagers it's 84 max a huge lead for max but mister yo mister yos and him you know what max has got a lot of ills here yo needs to do something with his imperial age upgrade where is he going okay he's hitting the max now but the moment he's just hitting T sees you know if max can get fortunate with the Macan l shot before yo gets a lot of those upgrades could make things interesting and here comes Reuben stock are you kidding me this is such a Reuben stock castle to even try it at this point it is such a Reuben stock castle he's going to place a castle here guys look at that so we started with the towers will now go with the castle and yo of course we'll spot this and yo will try and deny it with our blows I don't think yo can stop that because his military is at max his base I genuinely don't believe he can stop that now he can make a trebuchet and start rubbing that down no problem but I do not believe that he can stop it from going up and no he won't yo meanwhile Reuben stock is safe at home Max is going into the guard tower upgrade so he can defend and maybe get to the imperial age with a strong eco he has a mag Annelle I'm fairly certain that Lix wants a job oh never play from the max wanna play from the max Lix wanted to drop a castle he placed it as soon as the castle was placed max realized it went for an attack round and killed the foundation so say goodbye to all that stone mister licks say goodbye to all that stone a Finland win game wins Game one we will look back at that as the play which might have started the shift and now Ruben stocks going for another castle on top of lakes are you kidding me and he tries to quick wallet he will fail with a quick wall but he should still get the castle up he has this conquistadors here my goodness you know there are instances where you can tell your opponents about to drop that castle and you can gamble and go with the attack round instead of trying to kill their bills it works out rarely at the high level because your opponent will realize the risk leaks got rekt there and licks will have a castle on his face so sure mr. yo has now killed this castle but he's not going forward with his Imperial aged attack really he he has to or yo has to shift back to deal with the pressure at his allies base population-wise the game's actually quite close at the moment just wonder if max will ever get to the Imperial age after all he's had to do I also wonder if Reuben stalks castle will stay up because it seems like Joe is very secure and he should be able to trap that and when you're making Magon ELLs against are blessed it is a gamble it is when you know you're behind and mr. yo micros nicely against to Macan ELLs as he normally does oh boy and you know max wanted to build his own castle I bet what on earth is this TC yeah the GG is called I think max wanted to go for his own Yolo castle and licks there's no other reason to send these villes here that's an interesting TC to see from him but maybe he would have Castle here or here I think the reality is is because of mr. Yost play Finland didn't have a chance mr. Yale had so much eco coming in at this stage he was any Imperial age he had amazing micro with his orbs and Reuben stock and Max were not close to the imperial age at all but that was a sick moment there for Max's unfortunately was not enough again the crazy thing about the crazy thing about Finland is that they got to the finals playing with unconventional strategies and I think that while unconventional strategies can work for game I don't know if they can work for multiple games over seven games set so Reuben stock and Mac's they went with something unconventional it it was a decent game it was a four to three minute game but I think you have to play straight up against a team like China then again I would have said the same for Finland against Norway and Finland one there so something to keep in mind oh I got a message from Frederick he's helping me out with this whole task taskbar thing go to task manager scroll all the way down to the bottom and then close windows Pathfinder does that sound like good advice guys close system32 I am always scared to take any advice from twitch chat because everyone's like oh just just Olaf for Olaf for um what's this thing called windows Pathfinder huh well I'm hoping that this won't happen for game 2 right I'm hoping that won't happen for game 2 Game two will be one of Finland's home maps I think it will be Nomad let me look at the list here yep I think it'll be water Nomad actually no offense guys but I just had ten different recommendations in my twitch chat so I'm not gonna take any suggestions from twitch yet if I don't know you as like a mod or someone who's been around the stream for a long time so thank you I I'm really nude when it comes to technology so I have trouble trusting people however I'm looking at this right now and I I'm having issues navigating the task manager to find what what Frederick recommended I've known Frederick for a while I don't see when there's anything called Windows Pathfinder so it's probably not there Roche said he had some advice for me I'm not sure what that would be hopefully it doesn't have him for Game two ah thank you tacky I'll add the win the banner for the tournament now I'm thinking of it again professional stream professional stream we're not doing this on the fly but yeah thanks for the reminder because I'm supposed to have this up I just forget every time there we go cool and it puts thank you for the six-month resub man insane [ __ ] with more bits said freaking wait what do you say fat oh that the the cheer words were in between this so confused me said fantastic freakin game yeah I was a great game I love him thank you gifted seven gifted seven subs imagine that lordy thank you thank you XP Thank You BT good morning everybody I'm still awake yet this is what you'll get tomorrow on the 24 hour stream I'm still not awake yet you guys will get to see what I look like when I roll out of bed why isn't Velez playing he didn't sign up and sign up I don't know on the team were you Bay Reuben stock and the max if I restart this Windows Explorer things I just found it is that gonna do anything to my streaming program that's not going to do any things that maybe refresh the you won't see your taskbar well now everyone's saying don't do it when people were saying I should do it tonight no like seriously all right I'm just gonna do it okay I'm just gonna click restart see that was fine we're fine whoo we're fine guys it just it just refreshed the bar at the bottom of my screen we're fine all right so to give you an idea of how much of a struggle technology is for me I have this small little widget or program that runs through my streaming platform and it's called Reaper and it's just a plugin and yesterday I accidentally deleted it when I was trying to fix something and I was stressed extremely stressed for about an hour trying to fix it and it's a normally a pretty simple thing it took me a whole hour so it might be good at this whole casting thing might be good at this whole streaming thing but when it comes to anything technology related I'm kind of a kind of a noob all right guys welcome to game number two this is game number two in the finals of Finland versus China a a we - two V two World Cup Finland this is their home map a map that they got victory on first Norway in amazing fashion and we have the Maxton teal he's playing as surprise surprise then we have Reuben stock in the gray in this corner he's playing as the Celts interesting he's chosen Celts because I believe he chose or was a Japanese before it was Japanese or Italians I forget but perhaps he wanted to save those civilizations for later on because team Islands is a map that we will see for China we have licks in the center of this map he's playing as the Persians and then we have Malay for yo now this is fascinating we have completely different civilizations so again I wonder if China wants to save Vikings for Islands later on you can't reuse civilizations throughout the whole best-of-seven so you have to time the use of your sips I think we know what max is going to do with the Vikings if he gets to longboats Finland's be in a very good situation to take a victory here easier said than done though especially when licks is so close and looks good pressure especially when mr. yo is just mr. yo he's amazing ok guys so here's a question for those who have seen all the games who would you say is that been the best player in this World Cup for me it's got to be mr. Yale yes it fixed it roach it fix it Thank You Fredrik thank you everyone who gave me the the the tips on fixing yeah for me it's been mr. Yale mr. Yale has been fantastic his his defense is always great there have been instances where he and his team has come back because of a play that he is chosen so mr. yo has been the MVP of his torment for me second place arguably the max I would have definitely had MBL in the conversation for Norway obviously normally we'll be playing in the third-place match but yeah mr. yo is definitely number one for me Persians is a weird pick for water nomads they don't have the best water options it's a strong nomad civilization but water nomads different it's not as if you'll go Scouts and Knights here so Persians is fascinating to me but looks is on the way to fuel age first before anybody Catman drew I agree I think MBL played really well however I think MBL is overrated by a lot of viewers nowadays I think people forget that he's a top floor player if anything MBL did what he normally did in this tournament and viper played really poor and so it made it obvious just how strong MBL was because viper was was not himself so just my my thought on it so licks on the way to fuel age already what about Rubin stock Rubin stock he's about to click up but that's a pretty big time difference now if you remember what Finland's did to first Norway and the semi-finals is they went for his sling and icy villagers going to oh and I thought that was a mining camp I was really confused for a second okay it's a mill but what on earth is Rubin stuck doing I believe he wants to sling again cuz why else would he go up so late I don't frickin know I don't frickin know he's long himself into this corner right so I guess he doesn't really have a lot of space beyond this but what is looks really going for what is he tower rushing when water Nomad what am I seeing here he wants to tower rush on water Nomad this is so dangerous I've never seen this before I'm fairly certain that if he continues to try and do this he's gonna meet a demo which will explode all of his villagers so this is a risky play but you know what the tower of course of course it's perfect it'll hit the gold that Reuben stock has he does have this one but it's a perfect hour let's let's look at max see max his fully walled he's definitely going for the the long votes in castle age and mr. yo what's he up to he's making fire galleys at the moment for China but this is really really rare to see licks is going for towers and scouts this is what you would do a normal nomad this is not something that you would normally do on water Nomad Rubin stock make a demo man make a demo no not a fire Gally make a demo fire galleys the safer play but imagine a demo ship oh that would be great well defensive tower from Reuben stock Reuben stock might not be offensive but he is giving his ally some time here I imagine yo will send his fires right through the wall that looks has just made that might be the plan guys I say that yo was going to max but Max is full waltz I don't know what he expects to do with that and sling okay so it is the sling from Reuben stock Reuben stock has just sent all of his resources over to the max max will click up to castle H and then once he's in Castle age he'll make longboats so we've seen it all before I think it's probably one of the best strategies for this map and for this setting and here comes licks licks is trying to bat it down the tower he fails there is thinking of sending Scouts and I don't think the Scout will do anything fishing ships could be killed I guess by Scouts that's unique you don't see that every day but Reuben stock just needs to hold and the max will carry for his team that's the plan so can win Linds get a win on the board here game number 2 China and Finland final of the AoE - 2 V 2 World Cup well that's pretty good for licks there he killed the fire ship ruin suck can't make any more fires he doesn't have gold coming in so this is actually quite bad for him at the moment but he's good with his towers so he's repairing just repairing garrisoning and slinging that's his job mr. Gill was trying to get through but he's failed in getting through mr. Yeo has 600 food 200 gold so again what will the MVP of the tournament for me do now that he knows his opponent is probably being slung now that his opponent will be in Castle aged faster than him what will his response be can mister you'll hold from this I mean he obviously can he's a fantastic player but it's not easy we saw Viper get rekt by it and BL get rekt by it Lix is ooh got to be careful there licks he's been caught out there nice fire gallant Micra from Reuben stock at fire galleries on 6 HP he's just able to keep that alive and now it goes down and stubborn play man stubborn play from licks and Reuben stock in this corner so bodkin air is on the way for the max multiple docks producing and here come the long boats as we expected now yo is getting fletching which tells me he won't go for fires he will try and go for war gali interesting yeah he's up he's making galleys now so he'll upgrade them oh and the buyers from yo are going right into Reuben stock space oh geez so max if you're anywhere nearby you need to come help Reuben stock before he gets defeated this is normally the risk with sling however you can wall it out because Lix went with the tower he created that gap and Reuben stock is in trouble he's losing villagers he has half his eco in his TC now Lix will come in and build additional towers to even further tonight at gold meanwhile the max is going to attack mr. yell but mr. yo has held and now a big problem for Finland is that they're not receiving near as many resources because Reuben stock has an eco like this Lexus towers here here here and probably here and III don't think Reuben stock will be able to get resources soon you know besides that stone besides the fish where is he going to go he will have all of his wood denied here in a second meanwhile mr. yo has 14 military so he's doing almost just as good as the maxes he's in castle age right behind him mr. yo is doing just fine here again mr. yo seems to always be in the right place at the right time doing the right things and licks is his wingman and he's setting him up for success the towers now still harassing Reuben stock to the point where he's not swinging a lot to the max and licks his eco is obviously stronger behind this as well if he would like he could sling I don't think he necessarily needs to do that but he could sling mr. yo if they're really scared with the max and that's actually a poor play for max there he didn't use the range that his long boats give him he ran in a bit too far and lost some long boats in the process so you have a team in Finland who goes for unorthodox strategies verse one of the most solid teams in the game and again s why they seem to know how to handle these wacky strategies now we know that the long boats can really get out of control once the numbers mass so we have to keep that in mind this is still winnable for Finland's but ideally they would be way more head than they are right now so max made war Kalle maybe he missed clicked these units it's weird I believe he researched war galley so is his demo rafts would be demo ships for instances like this can be helpful I don't think it was needed there though okay licks licks Kalu some villagers now Reuben stock is back in action if he completes the walls licks will lose all of his villagers inside this hour hey you probably well Reuben sucks able to hold this wood line maybe he'll get his gold back soon ballistics on the way for the Max 20 military yos at 20 military but I don't think he has ballistics incoming yo is running towards Max's base but max cannot be touched there okay this is this is looking a bit better for Finland's now I have a feeling that licks could be hit you know alixus swingin yo now but I wonder if max could go right to licks and hit him he's pretty exposed I guess if licks is Navy is looking medicine here max will feel like he needs to come back and the two slingers are just towering each other they're towering and slinging and licks comes forward again this this would be a good tower I don't think it'll stay up though I do not think it'll stay up rubin stock should stop going to this gold and go to this school I don't know why he hasn't gone back there he could have done so already hmm I think that since they're both swinging and Max has the ideal army composition Finland's could still do this max has more villagers he has more military he has the better unit and he got ballistics before yo and yo could be caught out here yo will loose a lot of his numbers this is winnable for Finland this is definitely winnable also I love the doc positions from the max he has some Doc's in the center creating yeah look see this villagers rebuilding Doc's so he's producing the longboats closer to the action and the score is closer than it has been in a long long time guys all right well now credit to Finland's especially Rueben stock for being able to stabilize a bit just go to your gold man maybe max yeah max seems to have gold so maybe max wants some other resources I don't know now remember when this strategy was performed against Norway max went 1t cmp can't do that here it doesn't work in all instances only works when you're receiving a lot of resources but now Lakes is getting hit so it kind of feels to me like China is no longer dictating the fights max is starting to dictate the fights he's setting the pace and Max has the Vil lead he's at 63 villagers and if he owes receiving Sling he should ideally in China's eyes be close maybe taking advantage with the aim time or something but very very strong play from Finland's and I don't think that's a fight that yo can take that is definitely not a fight that yo can take but if he doesn't take it likes loses his t see I mean of course he's Persian so his TC has 5000 HP that's helpful but not ideal to have long boats next to your farming eco next year TC what on earth is this tower explain this to me licks what I think he wants to save his bills actually the only reason this is being built is because he wants to save his villagers and it might work for a little while or not or he'll just lose them all as he's losing bills here Finland takes the score lead max has 120 pop or sorry 110 population mister yo is closer to the imperial age upgrade that's probably the only way back for China now is to get yo up to M faster and get bracer faster Wow well if China ends up losing this just remember they will have Vikings available for some some of the later maps but they obviously felt like they could go without Vikings here and get the win because they went Malayan Persians yep Reuben stock has more villagers than Lakes Reuben stock has access to gold which lucious does not but mister yo is on his way to the Imperial age now he only has the military verse 250 of Max but he will get bracer and galleon before max will be able to get any upgrades on his long boats and this is a good fight for you that's a very good fight for you you got lots of free hits in could kill a few units but I have to feel like Max will be up behind him Max is so close hope he'll probably click - impure in a second Owen his Rams as well ok so a difference between galleys and longboats is that longboats destroy Rams galleys do not even galleon do not so max is making Rams he isn't his way to the Imperial age there will be a three-minute time window for yo to do damage before max arrives to imp as well but rams and castle hn and this villager is she's the real MVP she's built so many docks she built the siege workshops for the rams oh you know what if I'm yo and I see that oh sorry I'm max I see that yo is in the Imperial age I kill the blacksmith kill the blacksmith so he can't get upgrades it has to rebuild another one in fact I bet you that yo as he's running low on resources to even get that upgrade I bet you that yeah yeah look he could have killed that he could have killed that bracers on the way that that blacksmith could have been killed but max chooses to go back he goes for the safer option of running and waiting okay well galleon and bracer this is what china need to win this game they need mister yo to steamroll now but it seems to me like they won't push very far before max gets his upgrades Reuben stock has some Gold's he has some wood that's all he needs to send he's a little bit of food maybe licks how's he doing well he's been better right Reuben stock has been better as well it's just kind of how it goes I think what max will need to prioritize is his ranged upgrade so get brace learn chemistry elite longboat and then prioritize capped RAM and C DRAM if he can't afford it because I liked the idea to go with the Rams interesting to me that max knows yo is there but he's not he's not waiting at his face he's looping around it almost seems like he's going directly to lakes okay here we go racer Oh getting elite longboat first elite longboat bracer and then chemistry will be the other upgrade he needs yeowwww is looking for him yo cannot find him I think licks could die here and yell would be forced to come back to save him if I'm not wrong licks will say hey mr. yo need some help here buddy got some Viking longboats next to my TC there's the signal I'm sure that's exactly how I said in Chinese as well I'm sure you use the word buddy and you know back to my point if yo does have to deal with this they're not winning this game yo didn't do all that much with his faster Imperial aged deck he killed a few buildings and a few rams but now yo is running away from the max and Max will have his upgrades max still has 60 military it is 54 yo Nell but how do you kill this man how do you kill this AI I don't think you really can unless you have more numbers I don't think you can kill this that's the thing you could maybe try and sneak by and kill Reuben suck in some way but it's it's difficult to say Alex is all the way to Castle 8 so that's a way to go about it get licks in Castle age I don't know what licks will do in castle age Reuben stock might do the same but now I think I'll swing I mean nope Celts offer nothing in gas later even Persians offer nothing in castle age just the only thing would be a slightly stronger economy and gastly to swing with but unless you're offering paladin there's no reason to be going to the Imperial age even with Persians ok so see the capped Rams and how much how many shots they tank that is huge and if seed Ram is on the way for max that could be the deciding factor in this game the longboats are raining down shots and on the galleons from behind the galleons haven't killed one single longboat because of those Rams and this is all before max gets seed RAM and I believe he'll go for that upgrade soon because he has every other upgrade prioritized at every single upgrade for Walter he has he is careening he has the attack and it's 60 military verse the 27 from mr. yo so that quickly it changes because yo is at 50 not too long ago and if you're the max you just need to keep doing more the same keep doing more of the same except maybe back up here yeah just back up a little bit let the RAM in front there we go can yo do this or is this the game yo is at 78 population max is at 140 there's no way now there's no way now they will just die to this and Finland's will get to win in game 2 on water Nomad a map that they chose so many times down have had so much success on this is going to be a tie series guys and there's the gg [Music] so max max and Reuben stock have done this more than once I forget if they did this against who did they play before Spain who did they play before Spain guys Chad help me out someone's got to know did I even cast that one well it doesn't matter right it doesn't matter my point is is that they've done this more than once now and it works every time they did this against Norway so I don't think that China should really be shocked China went with Malay and Persians honestly Malay were one civilization that could have a chance for his Vikings with the strategy but nope was not enough there I like the luksus performance I like Gio's performance but I like the Max's performance even better 132 kills Vikings on water Nomad is strong with sling so I won't waste too much time because game 3 will be coming up the score is now 1 to 1 and that makes me excited man that makes me excited because again mr. Yost when playing so good in this tournament and he lost there he couldn't handle the max they played France ah yes ok now in that set did they do water Nomad with slang that's what I wanted to get to I did cast it I just didn't put that one on YouTube as far as I know now what's the funny series where France literally surrendered everyone in the twitch chat i did thousand people joking about how france always surrenders and they're like all friends probably won't even play today because they're they're gonna surrender and then they got tower rushed on the one arena game and then they resigned they actually surrendered so anywho the next game will be one of the home maps for china and that means we have team islands and i was just touching on how vikings is something that china could have picked vikings is something that they expected finland to pick and i wonder if we'll see vikings here now historically china goes for malian italian and then they have licks go for landing and they have yowon water that's what they've done on every single team islands i've seen but i am curious then why not pick vikings there as well you know because I'm looking at the other maps and I'm not seeing a Vikings pick the only Vikings pick I could justifies maybe team islands who knows who knows we'll find out soon geez so many sub summary subs insane [ __ ] has been going insane with the bits thank you insane [ __ ] I don't know how much you're at today maybe fifty dollars in bits today thank you man thank you who's everybody rooting for in the twitch chat by the way seems like we have a lot of Finland's fans I'm bit torn on it personally but I always like an upset friend so thank you for the two months he said time to renew the gifted sub thanks for the awesome content as always t92 you're welcome man you're welcome friends oh thank you bro rusty meet thank you for the prime Thank You Daniel Potter for the prime Thank You Ari okay for the four months thank you very much whisper 24 for nine months and merry Christmas to you as well calm enigma what's up man I have no clue what your message said he says err hair layer there thank you for 19 months all right guys game 3 let's do this this is warm-up for the 24 hour stream which is tomorrow and yes we have Italians Malians as expected for the Chinese players there in the north we have licks as Malians and that we have yahwah's italians he is super close to water this is a weird Island set up a Ruben stock for Finland he's playing as the Portuguese and we have Italians for the max ok so no Vikings again I'm just scratching my head here why would you not pick Vikings then if you're China maybe they have Vikings planned for something else just something we'll have to look back on but Italians Malians we're gonna see a landing guys we're gonna see a landing so let's get some hype in the chat for that Lix is 100% going to go for landing he will try and land right between the two Finland's players he'll he'll probably start off with Scouts and then as the game goes on go everything archers monks camels Knights siege if things go as planned we've seen it when it was China avers China be we've seen it in the escape toward event we've seen a lot from yo and licks and they're very good at it now if I shouldn't say this because the jokes are already strong enough but if licks does not land my 24 hour stream tomorrow will be a 48 hour stream how's that sounds sounds good I only have 24 hours planned but I'm willing to make time if I get this one wrong do you guys believe it when I say nowadays or is it just is it no longer false hope ducks is like lakes quarry licks quarry so we can get this on technicalities now I'm fairly certain he'll go for it and maybe because Finland is expecting the landing they won't do it but I feel like there's genuinely no way to stop the landing because the transport can be made in Dark Age and the best way to combat the landing is to actually land yourself that's what I think anyway we haven't seen enough of it yet to really have a meta and defense on it so guys I uploaded a YouTube video eight hours ago I guess and it was a cast between Vivian yo and alum v1 which is really good check it out if you haven't and during that video I was talking about the 24 hour stream and just letting people know what was going to happen tomorrow and every YouTube comment at the start was about how I must have misspoke and it was supposed to be a 48 hour stream not a 24 hour stream Maxwell Stovall here he lost a villager that is incredibly sloppy from the max so from a lightening performance last game to old okay I got scared there again form to losing a villager there ouch the deer also don't seem to be cooperating with him yeah the joke started because I said back in September of last year that if we hit I think the exact words were if we hit 3,000 twitch subs I'll do a 48-hour stream to be honest I wouldn't care now at the time I didn't ever think that was a possibility and then we did hit three thousand subs now in my defense technically it's probably not three thousand unique subscribers there's been a lot of gifts and subs in this community but anyway when I said that I obviously didn't think that it would ever be possible I would never do a 48-hour stream I'm sorry unless Lix doesn't Dark Age transport so here we go this could be it guys this could be it he's fishing on the front which could indicate that he'd go for a faster feudal and fight on water Ayoo was doing the same reuben sock has back docked and max is also back docked so different positions with the docks means potentially different strats i think finland expects that their opponent will land because look at the walling there's no other reason that you would build walls okay looks is getting loom come on Lakes I really don't want to do a 48-hour stream send your Scout here make a transport yes woo we're good saved baby saved 24 hours tomorrow not 48 Thank You licks licks did I ever tell you you're my favorite player you're my favorite player licks thank you yet this is true he didn't make it over yet this is true I have to be more specific I should have just said make you transport but because I didn't say that he has to make it over so I don't see how he's gonna fail I guess he could delete his transport there's probably 50 of you messaging licks in the middle of a tournament game saying licks if you delete your transport you will make a lot of people happy it's probably what's going on don't say that to him guys he's fine I believe he should set up shop right here right in between the players then he could actually hit both Reuben stock is building a barracks to lumber camps max is transporting so again the best way to beat the landing is sometimes land yourself is Reuben Stockton four Scouts here or what is happening what's his plan this looks like okay so we still him to gold on one dock this looks like an archer built for him actually the build that he's going for seems like it a normal Arabia build but you just had the fishing ship Eko I wonder if he'll go aggressive on land to takeo licks or if I'm missing something here oh no he's docking again I was going to say it's just that these docks are very late oh speaking of something that's late Max's walls are late licks is here and licks is already making Scouts now licks has no clue maxes out here and Max will be making scouts on him licks build his barracks forward so he can't make Spears defensively I I prefer to have the barracks defensively build the barracks at home in a stable forward at both players have built their barracks forward yo is just going water you know he he's Italians this is his role he will try and win water and there's the archery range now four licks does look see this yes he spotted it I don't like the tower from max at all I don't like it at all oh okay but the two Scouts arrive I don't know why you'd place a tower he canceled it now licks builds a defensive tower he could kill villagers there he's pressuring all in Finland space but Finland is walled at least Max's and licks will just wall in the archery range so again I I feel like okay one why did max build this archery range so forward why not just build it here - why place the tower with two villagers and let Lix know you're there that seems pretty simple now but from poor from Finland's and Max has done no damage with his Scouts so his range won't work and he's done no damage with Scouts meanwhile Reuben stock okay he did make his stable and so he has to deal with licks but mr. yo is untouched so licks has disrupted max he's disrupted Reuben stock and mr. yo is untouched on water and he's killing Reuben stocks fish so that's why the strategy works licks takes two people out of the game now what I think would have been the better play from Finland is to have Reuben stock goal and especially because that suits his style have Reuben stock lands and have max go water and do the exact same thing I genuinely believe that that's the best way to counter it if you can't beat them join them it's one of those things now maybe there's some other ideas that you guys have but I haven't thought one yet the 2v2 landing strategy is just strong and yeah say goodbye to the archery range max I wonder if you get glitched through into a transport and can save those units maybe let's see glitch through send your transport around a little bit more can you get through there no archers are stranded and now mr. yell was going to hit Max's fish this game could honestly be over this game could honestly be over is as long as Lakes holds her a little bit longer yellow being Castle H was such an advantage max and Reuben Saku are nowhere near I think that's gg it's such a simple idea it's such a simple strategy but it works for reason yo has ten fishing ships working for him he'll be in Castle H faster than any other player he will probably transport overnight she's making a stable okay or he'll consider sending the Knights here to kill max the micro-firm licks is exceptional the spears are now dead for Reuben stock the Scouts are now dead for Reuben stock to lose some of his archers heart says if you just land yourself it's a game of who does more damage no reason to take that risk well okay so a heart is as most of you know an aftermath player yeah that's essentially what it comes down to that's what I'm thinking but what would be the best way to stop it because you can't stop them from getting to your land I figure you can wall yourself but they're still gonna have military control it seems to me I mean I'm not saying Finland to play this correct because I don't like it what how max has played this I'm not even a fan of how Reuben sock has played this but it seems to me like either way if you're not joining them if you're not trying to do the same strategy then you are going to be behind when mr. yo is going full water just a thought he's saying you should wait and lands later wait and lands later hmm okay interesting input I feel like it might be more difficult to lands later on because yo would have more water control at that point but okay well mr. yell 2 stable nights and he is actually funny it looked like his gather point for his stable was there for a second like he forgot it was a water map he'll probably transport now right you either transport or send his Knights over here to Max's corner now max isn't doing any damage with those Scouts Max is on the way to Castle age okay you do your own army on your islands have better eco so you should technically be able to defend the lancing easily well my worry is now obviously this is very complicated but my worry is if you don't land yourself Lix will will definitely delay one person's eco so in this case let's just say max doesn't land max gets delayed so if max went water he'd have less of water threat because he'd be attacked by licks then yell would kill max on water Rubin stock he would probably then get hit like my point is is that two people get affected by one player and I think the other one has a free boom however you know the max is making some marchers here and he's denying this each workshop from the Oh so maybe this isn't over for Finland's with max on the way up yeah it's a very interesting strategy right because there's so much to talk about like maybe maybe I'm not seeing as you guys are seeing it but I've seen sy be secret with it I've seen them beat every team except maybe a.m. with this so maybe aftermath needs to show the world what what you do against this yeah with the Knights the archers died and that's right before max needed to get his upgrades to as our angels will probably die and Lex this is still being annoying still being annoying here meanwhile mr. yo he has 13 fishing ships he has 40 villagers three TCS he's just untouchable right now and Reuben stock is sending out a few fires but as far as I know there is Navy around 4 yo actually can't find it because it's blue on blue water but yeah he's fine he's fine Reuben stock now has archers on his own Island and he still hasn't killed killed looks as small forward what's important for licks is that he keeps his villes life he needs to keep his villagers alive if he keeps them alive then he can make siege workshops and stables i I've seen him now transitioning to Knights and camels in siege a lot and so he's attempting to build those stables he needs to be very careful very cautious I mean I just have a feeling the Knights will come in from yo driven stock will die to that if he doesn't die to that aslak saves his villager nice job yo we'll be in the Imperial age you know eventually with this eco it's a strong strat and Max has zero control over China's landing I just don't like it you know why have max go on lands Reuben sucks the guy who likes the aggressive strategies have max boom have max play yos role have max go full water Reuben Stockland and see what can happen I'm surprised that the players switched up the roles so much it's one of those situations where they might not call the GT right now because they have a lot of military but I can kind of see where the game is going now Grubin stock will have a ton of archers to upgrade to crossbow so he has that going for him but siege workshop now four legs meanwhile Knights from max must have transported those arounds they did some damage it likes his base actually looks lost some bills but I don't think there's anything stopping yo from sending help there and here he comes have to say good job from lakes to wall in his gold villagers though because this probably came as a surprise to him it's a great job to to just and now he has Knights at Max's base max can't defend from this this is this is probably gg I think time is gonna take Game three in the finals the only thing I'd say is is maybe Reuben suck could sneak a landing over to yo and and kill some pills with the crossbows but even that even that would probably be snuffed out all right and say [ __ ] see you I love this strategy man this is one of the first strategies I've seen well okay I shouldn't say one of the first strategies I've seen that don't seem to have a counter because sling is this is the first thing that comes to mind in some instances but but you know we never saw a lot of 2v2 islands and ever since we started seeing them on the new water meta this has been the play this has been the strat to go with Reuben stock you have free cartography please be careful here please be careful [Music] [Laughter] yeah the GG is called yeah that's where you called the gg before you lose your units guys that was the save face there now that was over that was over yo is half way to the Imperial H what a play man what a play I don't want to talk about it too much but I still feel like the only way to beat that is to to make it a case of who does the most damage you you can't stop them from getting over to your side because the transport can be made in dark gauge so it's gonna happen it's gonna happen you can't avoid it and the score is now two-to-one for sy or China 36 kills 4 licks he just needed to distract everyone else for yo and yo winning in every category except stone way more food one more wood and way more gold he had the strongest DQ in the game by far all right so Game four will be coming up team Islands was China's home map pic and now we have another home map pick for Finland's and it'll be better wins better wins wait no chaos pit I'm sorry chaos pit better ones is a Chinese pick so chaos pit let's talk civilizations Celts cannot be picked for Finland they chose Celts for water no Matt you have Byzantines Byzantines are good in 1v1 at least mezzo sibs can be good but again I'm talking more so one V ones I think that the player roles can actually be similar to a regular game with this if you go with the Scout Civ and then be like an archer slash siege / trash sieve which could literally be any Civ that that's a great way to never be wrong when you just include all classes of civilizations so yeah we'll find out I think that we saw Frank's picked here which I don't know I might prefer to save that for other maps I'll just shut up and thank quack goos for gifting subs and for donating bits and we'll find out when the game starts clack goose thank you for doing that man he also with a thousand bits he said much-loved t90 you have keep getting better and better what you do all the debt jokes and twitch at wind-ups or what make you especially awesome next mouth force nothing thank you quack use really did someone just compliment my dad jokes I like that that's that's the best Christmas present ever you know I appreciate that man yeah I do mainly do it to just wind up people in the twitch chat geez such a huge list of support here ace Shawn has been gifting subs it's all he gifted hard a sub that's awesome Thank You ace John a duck's gifted skip the sub skip the Clipper Johnny Thank You Trey thank you welcome back man happy 10 months Thank You Alf thank you guys dude is a general RTS fan finding how this channel is growing is awesome and I'm so glad I found it welcome mr. different yeah I'm pretty mind-blowing by it myself at the moment 24 hour stream is tomorrow guys we are like 20 hours away 20 hours away from the 24 hour stream I'm pumped I have everything set up except one thing I need to handle one small thing and then everything is prepared for the 24 hour stream then I'll probably meal prep get my snacks ready and we'll bunker down tomorrow and have some fun hope you guys will be there big large UK in 1v1 I still think Frank's are top-tier sieve but so big large is asking if Frank's are a little bit too one-sided of a civilization I would say no because they're so strong at what they do that being slightly one-sided is not a concern but also you have to remember in team games they are very it's okay to be one-sided because you rarely switch from Scouts into archers or you rarely switch Unicom positions in team game so team games are even better I'd say than 1p once all right guys thank you very much for being here today whether you're watching on twitch or YouTube this is the grand finals of the AoE to 2v2 World Cup China is now up to 2-1 over Finland and we have Mongols and Teutons oh boy oh boy I hope you're ready this is Finland's map this is chaos fit max is playing as the Mongols wasting no time bringing in his Rudolph eating through them and then we have Teutons for Reuben stock in the gray and the blue we have yo team captain of sy or China he's playing as the Celts he's been an MVP of this toward meant for me and then we have Byzantines for licks so I guess I should explain the map a bit for those that haven't seen it there's no gold in the center of this pit there's just some stone if you want to get gold you have to chop your way out to the outer ring so it's very chaotic because we could see lots of towers I think that Celts and Byzantines are two very strong picks that I've seen in one view once before Celts chop wood faster so of course that helps on a map where you need to chop to the outer edge but it's just a fantastic eco bonus to have regardless of what you're doing and then you have Byzantines they have cheap trash which we'll probably see a lot of now already Reuben stockist is finding Yoos villagers and disrupting them with his scalp and I think we're going to see a lot more of this Reuben stock will probably go all in tower rush here guys and Max could even do the same max could even do the same as he will bring in his food so quickly he'll be able to advance a futile age faster than most so again I think that we'll see more aggression from Finland and in this matchup yo and lakes will probably play more defensive and if they're able to play defensive well enough then they should gain some advantages and push right back with their eco lead but this will be pretty wild I'm guessing this is a sign that Rubin stock does not care about coming to the outer ring he has not built his lumber camp on the Outer Ring at all he's placed it to the closest lumber possible you actually see the same from Lakes now it's not a huge deal I think that if they don't wanna be one if someone does this that's a bit of a risk but here both teams have one person on the outer ring yo scales he'll chop through here and if maybe looks can always run out this way that's the same with with max on this side right so just something to remember you know what I still haven't done I still haven't casted the the 4v4 there was a classic four before on this map but stokin casted that for YouTube I'll have to get around to that probably in 2019 because I will probably sleep for two days after the 24 hour stream tomorrow you feel Mongols is pointless here well why why would you why would you think Mongols are pointless when there's so much deer gaining a fast fuel advantage on a map like this where you can't escape is actually a huge deal now you could make an argument that Mongols could be stronger later on on different Maps but the different maps aren't really fantastic match for Mongols we have I won't get into all that but you need to consider what yo or licks he's TC dropping max so in the finals of the - V - World Cup after seeing Finland's beat Spain with the TC trop earlier in the event licks is doing this same exact thing to the max Wow I can't believe what I'm seeing here so we have a TC drop in the finals of the - V - World Cup wait a second what what what No are you kidding me it's a double it's a double TC drop what are you doing with Woodstock I think you're too close no he's not too close what are you kidding me here you always just now responded that's an awful TC location man he's losing villagers to this but what on earth are we seeing this is the final of a tort event oh my god well you should never lose to a TC drop you should never lose to a TC drop that's what most pros would say when asked the question and already you can see that licks who is the offensive player here has less HP on his TC because he had to invest so much wood initially into rebuilding one a Max is fighting with villagers here and his scalp so they're fighting with Vil's and TCS at the moment the one difference is that yo will be in futile age soon so I think max should have done that actually max had 500 food I believe the play would have been to click to fuel H and then just keep your TC alive in the process and relocate it later on like that's exactly what yo will do I match and I think yell after he hits FITA will just delete this and rebuild one elsewhere and he'll be fine so Ville fighting TC fighting my goodness and what is this from Lakes is he gonna build another now he's just fighting with bills he doesn't have any wood he doesn't have it wait does he not have a lumber camp he he lost his lumber what he lost his lumber camp what he can't chop wood he can't chop wood he doesn't have any wood what happened there did max kill it I didn't even pay attention to that because it's such a ridiculous thing that I would never look for it so I think that as so I have a bit of a lead because he owes in feudal but what's y'all gonna do in feudal he deletes his TC group and stalks gonna do it again Reuben stock is gonna do this [ __ ] again look 350 wood he's gonna do it again now I don't know where yo can even place it because you can't place it on the elevation so you'd have to chop out first Lix deleted the lumber camp to run maybe I don't know but licks can't do anything now except fight with villagers men who can't do anything what he would need to do is chop wood and garrison and yaws TC however yo doesn't have a TC and Reuben stock is fighting with bills or Finland's gonna do this look at the bill difference look at the bill difference Finland are on their way to getting another win with TC drop I guess they didn't start it this time my god yo will lose his scalp the vill micro the vill fighting continues oh boy what are we seeing here and it looks like let me out let me out this is too chaotic man see all these villagers have wood okay so they would need to garrison inside Yas TC and then the wicks will get the resources in the meantime he's just fighting and you know he's what on earth are we seeing here you know it's honestly worth it for Lakes to fight I think because it's delaying max who otherwise would have a pretty significant lead I'm not so sure on how this is gonna go because max doesn't have the foodie code to ever get to feudal age right so while yo does have a TC right now he will be in fuel age but licks will probably lose all of his bills here and he's down to 17 Rubin stock is no ribbits up chasing him oh my god oh my god Rubin stock is through with him go through now go through and TC drop a man go through he's blocked the gap so that means yo can't leave Lix can't leave with his villagers but Rubin stock could follow that's what I want to see now normally someone would say well listen T 90 to do that is too much of a gamble okay it's too much of a risk to run through there just in hopes that there will be an enemy TC but we are talking about Reuben stock so I feel like that would just be it another walk in the park for him goodness well there's a pause you know what I've just been told by the admins of the tournament that Lix has just thrown his PC out the window and will have to wait a week until we could finish the game no I'm kidding but he's probably frustrated okay so he has 500 would but sorry not 500 he wishes he had 500 he is 50 would he will garrison inside his allies TC garrison imagine if he were to miss click and click the gold and lose the res garrison okay there we go he's got 50 and it needs to collect 15 more and then he can make a lumber camp you know meanwhile he's just running all around here man these you know just passing just chasing I guess with these other villagers you can't get out right yes Lix can't get out with his bills yo can't get out with his bills so this gives max a free boom it's a weird boom but it's a free boom even though starke age I'm really conflicted Finland should have won this game already right right uh I I guess we'll see I guess we'll see let's let's check up on licks here licks he he's 97 would he needs to garrison again yo needs to understand for him there we go 100 wood baby lumber camp time lumber camp time yo is still running around with the pillagers Ruben stock is chasing and I guess max should just go to castle age now right might as well my word so now what do I do with my whole most annoying strategy series because I don't upload games to that series often because it's so rare to find games that qualify and I uploaded one two weeks ago from Ruben stock and Max in this tournament and we had both teams going 40 see drops here what's crazy about it is they both did it and it wasn't so much that the Ruben stock did it in response to licks I believe that they were both planning on doing it from the beginning just because the timing of it crazy well because of the eco difference it should be over 30 Vil's for roof in stock 37 for the max 11 for Lix you know what you can do in this situation guys you can't sling in dark age but you can farm sling so build farms for your ally that's what you should do honestly max just needs gas liege he should have stone remaining so he could he could collect stone for magnetite or he could go Knights or siege or anything really I wouldn't recommend going for a TC drop max I know you can build more than one but it's it's probably not the play look at Rubin stocks wall here to keep licks from running away licks probably wants this game to ends man and Rubin stuck continues to wall in these bills yeah well now nine villagers eight popular yet eight villagers now four licks he deletes his mill and he has to run away with his foragers yo has 200 food 500 wood he he has found something to do with these villagers I'll give him credit for that however unless he disrupts max in some way which I don't see him doing max will have a free boom in Castle H and we know what happens when he gets there don't you think lik should have saved the wood for lumber camp and went for TC immediately by dropping wouldn't Yas TC I don't think it would have mattered I don't think it would have mattered sure if he builds a TC he might get up a little bit earlier but he'd still be at 8 villagers you know so one could make an argument yeah but it's not going to be why that's why I struggle in this game oh and Max realizes you wanted to Stonewall this up he blocks the wall and is attacking the villain out that was funny max that smart play from the max actually he knows that yo has another villa there so he he builds Gate in a house and it'll take Martha some time to get back through here but she should be able to keep herself alive max created his scalp he went out create nights from the center area and obviously lick still has a few bills running around so I guess max could clean them up so Reuben stock can go to work with his villagers Reuben sucks not far away from clicking up to the next stage either Believe It or Not guess that that is normal when you have 30 villagers max wants Reuben stock to delete this to delete the walls he has here however this has been walled up by China already so max will have to run around see yo is trying to delay Finland with these walls he'll need to wall the outer edge on the other side but at the moment ya see at the moment the Knights can't get through now licks with the next level IQ a next level strategies he's built his TC here he can't range and fortunately that would be funny yo needs a stone wall so ridiculous this entire match is so ridiculous here comes max now he's looping around the outer edges he should but again to town times for him 46 villagers he'll have a 20 build lead by the time the yo ever gets to castle age and we're not talking about some pleb we're talking about the max who's fantastic and late-game so it's a scout here and then some villagers for a new TC honestly doesn't need to do any damage to sy doesn't have to I think that what Reuben stock will likely do is Reuben stock will drop a castle here that's just my guest does he have the stone for it yeah he's really heavy on stone I think Reuben stock will drop a castle there Reuben stock will continue to be annoying actually max could get through here after Reuben sucks tower goes up but yeah even if this goes to the Imperial age max will be the first one there sorry just need to stretch Max's Mongols right so I don't see what Celts and Byzantines could do when they're so far behind and Lakes tries to quikwall there he actually successfully walls that but it's only a palisade wall so it'll probably go down maybe if you go for something funky like a fast Imperial you could do with Byzantines this fast Imperial halberd here and just hope for the best but Celts can't go fast Imperial and it would be one of the slowest fast Imperials you've ever seen so it licks he's booming up guys he's booming he's um eleven villagers doing a great job here and there's this each workshop from Reuben stock meanwhile max is looping around still maxes on 60 bills yo hits Castle age and has 34 man what a game so how many other people when they saw the max getting TC dropped thought that his reaction to it was bad because he didn't go to feudal immediately and I was worried for him I thought that being in Dark Age for so long would be a concern now remember it's very convenient for you guys to say although I I had faith in the Maxie why wouldn't I faith in the max she is 69 population knows she's doing good I mean obviously now we can see it worked but my point was I thought that y'all would be able to do a bit more with the faster feudal time yeah I definitely felt like SLI was in the better position when it all happens but Reuben stock and Max they they know all about the TC drops man so we have a gate from urban stock here he will kill kill Yas lumber camp just so they can send units through I would die if flix loses this TC Dow licks the loses TC again and meanwhile max looking to get through with Knights just quick well now honestly he could consider canceling the chain barding upgrade he doesn't even need to get through I think he just needs to yeah I think he just needs to protect himself a bit gets the imperial aide with magnet I getting his stone mining upgrade now so he is going to be on stone just a little bit or is he sending villes up here okay so he definitely needs other stone okay he needs a castle it was trying to push him with pikes and mackan ELLs meanwhile Rueben stock micro and with back in Ellis versio here one for one for him max will probably send in these Knights this is over man this is over and what a way to win a game in a tort of it final sy calls the gg wow you know if this was on the 24 hour stream you could see me and my reaction to all this I I'm speechless I can't believe what I just saw cannot believe it man the first time that finland's did this on nomads it should have never worked and they went for it and China went for it the meta is evolving in front of her eyes guys a year from today will be casting the the 3v3 a we two World Cup and it will be all TCG ups Persians will need a huge nerf Byzantines will be the second-best sieve in the game and oh my goodness alright well there's the KD 17 kills for max now we need t see nothing apparently we need Rueben stock to play there's the eco difference for max of course he was going to win the game there and we'll move on to game number five okay so this is kind of how things have developed in this set game one China one game two was the home map for Finland's day one game three was the home map for China they won and then that was another home map for Finland and they got a victory so it's gone back and forth if it continues that way we will get to Game seven and China will win for three but it's two to two right now the next map is going to be nomads which interestingly enough is a map that Finland likes as well so that was a pic for China so we no no I'm sorry I'm sorry it's it's better ones better ones but Nomad is one of the pics for China which we'll see later on today so better ones next which means that we will have Chinese and Indians for both because if you don't choose Chinese and Indians on this map you are probably gonna lose Indians are by far the best civilization for I'd say and then Chinese are probably second best by a longshot t9y official can you explain why TC drop his bad idea sure because you need villagers to win these games right you need economy so you're deleting the building which gives you additional villagers for more economy then you're investing 275 wood and 100 stone into dropping a TC and not only are you just building a new TC you're sitting inside the TC with your villagers and they're not collecting any res that's why it is a strategy that makes people freak out at lower levels its strategy that can be successful there because people don't know what to do but I'm shocked that we just saw it at higher levels I'm very very shocked I'm not too disappointed though I'm not too disappointed that was awesome project Belgium what's up hey check could we throw Belgium some salutes I woke up this morning and I was watching his stream i donated to his stream cuz he does a great job with this gameplay and he's improving and I said like in the middle of a game I said if you lose to John slow I want a refund and then he lost so project Belgium looking forward to that refund I I still haven't seen in my bank account man so waiting for it I'm just kidding just kidding this is spice thank you for the 11 months he said this resubmit is in memory of t-90s yeah I removed t-90s so we could add t90 bro okay my big bro is gonna join the stream can we get that beautiful t90 bro emo look look how gorgeous that guy is oh my god it's a I showed him that and he could not stop laughing it's even worse than the last emote we had on the last 24 hours stream with him but yeah t-90s will probably come back there will be other emotes as well if the 24 hour stream is successful with sub count then we might have more emote slots Thank You Casman for the prime he said saw you on YouTube finally caught you streaming Merry Christmas Thank You Man party olives his first time I've ever subscribed to a channel I played this game for thousands of hours and I've learned so much like t90 farms feeding t90 babes to de t 9t whoo getting rigged into community games force nothing best mount thank you party olive there's we don't rig community games here though so don't stop spreading your lies man zero thank you for the three months Thank You megadoomer thank you bad Wes bad Wes says what is the over/under that T 90 falls asleep during the 24 hour stream I'll tell you this much I have struggled with sleep recently and so I think I'll be more tired on this 24 hour stream than I ever have so I'm guessing probably around midnight so when I'm I guess 17 hours in I'll start getting giggly because I'll be pretty sleepy but I won't fall asleep I'll be fine all right well the next game will start soon I'm gonna sit my tea stove and finish this remember that eating and drinking are cheating for 24 hours streams yeah if you're right and well I don't have any food I don't have any water also I will never take breaks so I have some adult diapers that I'll be wearing might smell but it's part of the challenge now of course we're gonna take breaks of course we're gonna have food of course of course I'm gonna I'm gonna do it safely you know t90 for once you're well prepared I see yeah exactly time to get swifty I think that the winner of this tournament gets a little over $1,000 I think so I don't lend the exact prize pool split but it's pretty good it's pretty good I message vivvy because vivy will be playing leary tomorrow on the 24-hour stream and also vivvy at least it's the plan is gonna warm up by playing me on the stream and I said vivvy are you are you ready for tomorrow he said me ready I think he's casting he's probably casting this in his Chinese Channel we have cloud who's probably casting this to his viewers he's a Taiwanese player tim is here pretty much everybody in the Chinese community is watching this if they can alright let's go welcome guys game number five between Finland and China I almost said Rubin suck and licks because of the TC drops and we have Chinese and Indians which is not a surprise I don't have Dave here to explain Edwin's however I'll explain it so it's a TC or TC let's start it's nomads start so you have to choose a TC location Chinese are good for this map because you start with six villagers so you can build your TC faster that's pretty self-explanatory Indians they're villagers collect shore fish faster and carry more food from shore fish than any other civilization and that's the fastest food source in the game believe it or not Indian villagers collecting shore fish so combine that with the fact that creating villagers is dirt cheap for them and also on top of the fact that they have an incredible unique unit in the camel it it means success those things equals success normally what is your doing with these villes does you own I have a TC spot yet okay this is gonna be a restart this is gonna be a restart so you have until the four-minute mark to call restart in tournament games it would not be wise for yo to say restart right now because finland's could be thinking about doing it now I don't think finland's will do it but Finland's might be discussing it because they have the time and sometimes your opponent will say before you and on a map you were not going to play already they will waste they restart but we will have a restart here and yo is scouting because it boosts the score so maybe if Finland is thinking about restarting it they'll have to say oh no yo score is really high yeah it's a smart move this is a smart play I don't think Finland will call it because their start looks pretty good but it would be interesting if Finland's were to call it ten seconds five seconds Andrey okay so I forget the event I forget the event however there was one instance where something like this happened and both teams were obviously going to call a restart like one team was building a bunch of stuff with palisades one team was running around with bills and I think that the one team called it five seconds before the four minute mark and the other team waited it's kind of a silly thing but it's part of the game yeah I think he owes TC was really late oh I actually got a message from Tim asking for the password like 20 minutes ago whoops sorry Tim I didn't realize you messaged me looks like he's already here so they will have the same civilizations it'll be better ones again we just have to wait a few minutes to get into the match I believe there's one restart per best-of-seven I'm gonna ask the admins right now though what's up crash overdrive t90 official you are allowed to eat and drink but you're only allowed to eat salmon and drink I will have salmon for the 24 hour stream but I'll cook it the night before so won't be near as good maybe you know what maybe I'll cook salmon during the stream and you guys can just remind me but probably not shouldn't that be a loss for China since they called reott 401 no no no no they they didn't call reott 401 they called ria 355 and the game ended at 4:01 yeah they get one restart yeah a lot of people seem to say that it's not when the game ends it's when the person types it in the game room yeah if I do play vivvy tomorrow before he plays leary I'm definitely gonna lame him I told Vivi's translator that my community likes it when he says I know Pig so we'll see if vivvy says it tomorrow I don't know how much laning will be involved between Leary and vivvy and the seven games that we have tomorrow but maybe we'll get to use the I know piggy mode all right guys welcome to game number five this is game number five in the a we to 2v2 World Cup final between Finland and China it's currently tied up to two - it's been a closed set an exciting set Rubin stock is here in the gray playing as the Chinese max is in the North he's playing as the Indians then in the red we have licks licks is playing as the Chinese and we have in the blue yo who is placing his TC here okay and he's playing us the Indians so again I already said it Indians are fantastic for this because of their villager discount and because they collect these short fish faster than any SIV in the game Dave the fastest source of food income with that this map often cut oftentimes comes down to pawns control and early game and then whoever can get that eco lead pushes home their advantage with military now I like Yeo's TC because yeah Yoast EC is good right next to a pond but he and Max could have issues expanding to other areas max on one hand it's safe which is nice but if he's unable to to branch out here and secure these resources it could be tough players will build mills they'll build many different mills here but yeah now I wonder if Reuben stock if he notices he's so close to licks and he probably will here in a second because of losses sheep I wonder if he'll go aggressive because it would be just like Reuben stock to go for an ultra fast feudal age gopher towers go for Scouts and be annoying to both yeow and licks and then maxes in the north and he's the safest player in this game so in two V two's that's what it comes down to sometimes part of the strategy is having one player be the distraction be an annoyance and the other player is the one who carries home the victory and so often this has worked for Reuben sock and max it's crazy and what I saw Reuben stock was playing in this event and not vélez I was a bit worried for Finland's because Falaise is more solid all-around I would say the Reuben stock have at least seen him play more open maps with Max and I figured they would have really good synergy and they're both beast but Reuben stock you know he was typically a deathmatch player that's the funny thing he'd played deathmatch and then in for V fours he would happen for Finland as kind of their bench player their fourth player but his role in this 2v2 tournament has been specific and it has been good so I think that Finland's will like their positions and there's the signalling now so Reuben stock says okay well I lost a sheep here there's Yoast mil and there's also a house from looks there so they're discussing this and they might be saying exactly what I'm saying Rubin stocks should annoy them and max he'll probably go fast castle into some camels and a free boom the scouting with sheep is very important you'll see this from yo-yo lost some sheep out here earlier actually that's probably where his villager started and walked this way but um you know if you lose sheep you know that there's enemy units around let's look at licks now yeah Alex probably lost some sheep here so he realized his Reuben stock is there so either licks and yo end up killing Reuben stock because Reuben stocks so close or licks in yo are disrupted by Reuben stock max has a free boom and then max carries home the victory for Finland's that's that's probably the two things the two options we have here what could develop I think it would be a mistake for both the Chinese players to go fast futile to kill Reuben stock because Reuben stock would just delay his death until max arrived so it makes it tough to decide on what to do here because you are you're going to be a dicey situation where you'll be under pressure and yet you won't want to invest a lot into defending from that so I would say have licks do it because the two best players on each team have the Indians Max and yo so let yo boom and hope for the best and then licks has to be aggressive now licks is on the way to fuel age Reuben stocks not yet and Reuben stock will now go up okay so he's about 40 seconds behind so composition wise Indians will want to stick with camels all game Chinese they're a bit more flexible but I think in this matchup they they will ideally be on to canoe and how pedir in the Imperial age with Rams maybe however its that's not very easy to get to an early stage is a futile age obviously because you don't have a castle so I'll probably start off with scout but Chinese are wonderful civilization because they can go for camels Knights archers infantry obviously you want to avoid camels and Knights most likely because your ally will have their own camels and Max is walling up so amazing TC position he will be completely safe he secures a lot of these pawns for himself mr. yo he is on the way to feudal age well before Max and I believe this is a fast castle built for him and there's this table for lik Sal wouldn't surprise me to see towers and scouts yep ere we go looks is going to stone so we saw this actually and the water Nomad game Lix was successful and it's a strong strategy for Bedouin 's and we have archery ranges for Reuben sock to archery ranges right off the bat interesting well the weakness with going archery ranges is you'll give up map control until you have a few archers made so already licks with the faster fuel time will tower that pond and more towers could be on the way I'm honestly not a fan of archers simply because Scouts and towers with do more early damage and then archers can't approach the towers whereas if you had five or six Scouts they could easily do that so Finland's in trouble here Reuben stocks in trouble I thought Reuben stock would be the aggressor but again he doesn't have the archery numbers to deal with this tower he's lost out on his food there he does have his gold safe and secure luckily but this might not be easy for him now mr. Yeo is about to click to castle age and that's well ahead of max so fast a feudal time for licks faster castle time for yo max said all the time in the world I think he waited too long to click up as the towers completed four licks actually want to check and see ya max he could have clicked up to feudal earlier he misjudged just how quickly his villagers would bring in his resources and meanwhile Ruben stock will be dealing with more towers as archers haven't done anything for me yet so another big reason that going Scouts is strong in this map is because of the food income you have sometimes going Scouts can be complicated because you run out of food but food income is it's not hard to come by but on the plus side you know Ruben stock has archers which only cost wood and gold so he is banking up food to maybe have a stronger Castle time now that he is fletching he was able to stop that Tower and he will go right to licks his bass licks will be he'll need offensive towers all he will need skirmishers here but this is all before yo hits castle age so y'all can send a camel and kill all the archers that Ruben Suk has so yeah fire man I know we typically do community games on Friday sorry man 24 hour stream is tomorrow though we'll have plenty of that I was not planning on streaming today the day before the 24 hour stream but when this was scheduled I couldn't miss it so that's good for Ruben stock he's denied the archery range so that's something but mr. yo this is where he gets beastly oh wait a second he doesn't even have a barracks or a stable so he's not going to help at all what that seems weird to me why is mr. Jana prepared himself to fight back I guess he wants to boom nine hundred food in the bank he eat fast castles he is nine hundred food in the bank well okay so Ruben stock can be annoying then and I don't know if licks will be able to deal with this and is max sending any camels he is CI max sending the camels I prefer his position sure y'all might make us eat workshop in a few Macan ELLs but well the Macan olds do much if max gets in with camels - no they will not so okay bit dangerous yo will be on three TCS in a heartbeat though aunty will have the Mac in L will to buy them time for now towers have pretty much stopped here as far as I can see let's compare the resources between the two weaker players a Reuben stocked his 50 food his 350 food for leaks oh by Reuben stock shows up with archers and licks loses one Ville he will lose three three three villagers well done Reuben stock and Reuben stocks looping around he could kill yo villager what am I seeing what am I seeing yo doesn't have any camels such a risky play if you would have had camels looks would have never lost the Phils or if he lost one that would have been it but a camel or two would have been there to help and here comes max with his camel now I sent it right into TC fire which is not good but just a sign of what is to come right so yo has a slight vill lead but I don't like why he has the Ville League he went to fill lead because he's he's letting Lex take the fall he's letting Wiggs take damage that he should not be taking and credit to Reuben stock six kills six deaths he lost some map control with the archers but this is where archers can be strong even forcing yo off his gold for a couple seconds there's victory now he will lose his archers back here though [Music] so I guess we'll have to see what exactly the castle times will be for Reuben stock in Lakes yo is it's almost unlike him to play as greedy as he's played here but he's maybe going to get away with it let's see what this Mac and I'll shot will work this style is risky it's risky it's it's greedy but it can work if it's calculated well enough cocaine a huge V elite hit imp faster and then you know be able to overrun the max but I feel like licks is so exposed here you know one two three four TCS four yo he is forty six bills that's the same as the max max is on forty C's as well making camels [Music] what about Reuben stock Reuben stock he'll click up soon and then then licks licks is pretty far behind actually so this is what I'm talking about licks has has been under fire and so his castle time will be later than Reuben stock his Reuben stock on stone he's on stone not a lot on stone but maybe you could go for those chook renew before licks can get to them so 53 villagers for max 53 for yo so they're even there yo has to military max has six military max has camel with an upgrade and then it's just a few mag adele's and monks now can this work yes if yo connects with the archers it can work out he misses there he also could get conversions he gets two conversions and he'll lose the monks and the mag Annelle I still think this is fine for Finland's the mag Canelo shot would have landed though that could have been sweet and that licks as skirmishers are exposed so they have to run back and this is all before Reuben stock gets crossbow so while Reuben stock didn't have the strongest start and while I think euros decision could have been better this has panned out exactly how Finland would have liked Max has not been touched max has had a free boom Reuben stock is still alive in fact Reuben sucks till he's even ahead on his guy guys I'm getting hyped for this China are definitely favored to win this sin nor Lake was favored to beat Finland in the semi-final and Finland's beat them for two and here we are and it seems like there's at least a slight lead for Finland in game number five Lix is on the way to Castle age now yeah I mean I've been hyped all day Britannicus I've been hyped all day but I'm getting more heights now I should have said it that way okay mister yo no those aren't his own camels actually those are the camels he converted well he will click to in pursuit as well the max so while licks is just arriving to Castle Huo we'll be on the way to imp but I can't help but feel that licks is gonna take more damage before yo gets there and can help [Music] here come the crossbows they will kill the camels they will kill the the monk the only threatening thing is the Magon l max is on the way to imp before yo okay what does Lix have does he have stone yes he does okay so he can build a castle before a Reuben stock does interesting so honestly while Reuben stock and licks have given us some things to talk about this will the only thing that will matter is how many camels Max and yo have for the next minute or two Pisa these crossbows can do damage and they can delay yell and it's very important that they do but it is purely down to the Eagle flood all right not the Eagle flooded the the camel flood sorry no Eagles here yo loses a villager max has more camels he has more upgrades he's a slightly faster imp time what does what does yo have he's getting bloodlines just now he's building his stables just now and truthfully while yo has probably still been the MVP of this whole event because he's been amazing for his team he's been outplayed by max here max has more kills max is slightly faster with everything max is more military at the moment ooh I smell a forward castle from lakes I I don't know if you should be here man I don't love you should be here licks he wanted to build a castle there for sure he'll just lose his units and now they see that Max is in the Imperial age before yo ya say goodbye to the pikemen say goodbye to the monks meanwhile Ruben stock is is gaining an eco lead over lakes so max doesn't necessarily even need to to win the fight for show even if it's 50/50 I think that Ruben Suk will have the edge over licks right it should be the case that's a lot of archers that will not be enough archers to to help Ruben suck or to help max that all that much in these fights it's still just camel numbers if you get enough Imperial camels taking completely overwhelm crossbows they will be heavy camel in a moment yo okay yo has more resources banked up so what he's done with creating less militaries he's saving resources so perhaps he goes from Imperial camel before massing units that's something that's where he can gain an advantage here I believe that's what yo will try and do it's risky when max has so much it's again could be seen as greedy right but it could be the play that brings this back for them Lix builds his Castle defensively so his eco is safe it is 72 bills for Ruben stock and 54 for licks though and now let's look at Max's situation Max is right behind yo with the resources I think Imperial camels on the way and it's just not showing up I will check here in a second yeah Imperial camels on the way it's not showing up so just keep that in mind it is in this stable and then max does he have it he has it as well for some reason it's not showing up for either but max is right behind okay [Music] Reuben stock is on the way to imp if he gets to Halberdier and qu Cunha with this Finland's are in a golden position no castle yet does not have a lot of eco so he'll probably stick with this crossbows sorry for the lag there guys oh yeah it is showing up for max now okay well it bugs out sometimes it's not the first time I've seen Imperial camel bug out so yo we'll get em camel slightly faster if he hits Reuben stock I think max will just show up in support neither team seems too concerned with pushing right now I think they're waiting for their power spikes now if you're yo you're hoping that the faster Imperial camel means that you can kill tc's and kill villagers however max should have it here in a moment and max could do the same thing two licks that yo is doing to Reuben sake just show right up to his base and kill him now I seen yellow in these instances and he does an incredible job at carrying his team let's see what he can do here full upgrades for max yo is not there yet he doesn't have the blast furnace upgrade yet but I think that max should probably lose this fight because yo so close to his stables pretty close fifty-fifty max arrives to help Reuben stock Reuben suck did lose the TC interesting to see max research and coinage at the moment thinking of sending resources to his ally maybe yo is winning the fights he has 40 military now and in his only 23 for max this fight was bad for max and this fight was bad for max and now this game gets very very close again I don't think that Reuben sucks army helps all that much okay now that it's it they will be are blessed with ballistics and bracer that's helpful but the end today it's Imperial camel it's all about Max and yo until Reuben stock gets to mass you canoe and help a deer then it becomes a problem for Indians and for the first time yo was on his way to Max's base to do damage and Max's is losing a bit of control over this Reuben stock has de garrison is TC and yo can do more damage to Reuben stock C coat this could work for China 190 population for yo 36 minutes into a game insanity and now he's on max his TC here yo could do this for his team it's just a matter of if Reuben stock can do enough to contribute to help max stabilize in terms of map control it's pretty close so both players goes from for additional Gold's on the outer ring Alex is losing t sees now and now that's a lot of our blessed thumb ring completing which is a huge upgrade chemistry is a huge upgrade and that's not far blessed to kill those camels but the beauty of the Imperial camels that they can run away from the ARBs so what Finland's now needs to do is they need to get into a position where they have enough military where yo is forced to fight them that's what it has to be what it can't be is chasing because if yo is is running all rounds Reuben stock doesn't contribute much [Music] that monk gets a conversion let's go getting some value there and Mac should hold here he's close to his stables max is also in on Lex Lex's populations pretty weak guys it's pretty weak he doesn't have a lot of resources he isn't his way to the imperial age though it's shifting back into Finland's favor in my opinion you know the populations looking good for them max has more population than yo-yos being cleaned up anywhere he goes now and finally this is the stage where the Chinese can excel again Ruben stock needs a castle I guess he just didn't have stone on this map but even still okay there's one yeah build the barracks go for two canoe and halvah dear they are in a position now where for the most part you'll be forced to fight them and then I just don't know what China can do because Lix isn't in the game to help it's 50-plus military for max it's 15 military for Reuben stock 44 yo and 16 for Lix and he's lacking Imperial edge upgrades again yo is doing everything he can with the rating he's hitting multiple fronts there we go licks you know what licks does have two castles so there is that he is two castles to create you canoe so who knows but Finland's need to push now you need trebuchet z' i think max needs trebuchet is to kill this castle there we go max should continue with his camels I think that Reuben stock needs to prioritize getting stone somewhere he needs to collect this stone he needs more castles to produce yellow is making his own trips to kill Ruben stalks Castle understanding the importance of that thumb ring on the way for Lakes he will be in the Imperial age with bracer now chemistry could be on the way to wow that's a lot of Imperial camels for yo I guess he wants to take this gold away from Finland's both players max angio or realizing there's gold out here but is that the position that yo wants all of his military to be in because he could lose his base now maybe it's a gamble that's worth taking maybe if he kills enough villagers and does enough damage there that it's worth taking losses in its own base but it doesn't seem like it there's a lot as about to come to his castle here and his may Nico's behind this now max will lose his TC Riven stock could lose this DC but Lix is yeah he's lost a castle and licks has no support here he needs mr. yo here so as perhaps a gamble from yo but max will see it and Max will address it I think it's just a matter of time till max cleans that up and now yo and flicks are losing grounds can Finland take this game now 190 population for the max it is 164 Rubin stock licks is on the back foot for sure it's not a huge concern for max that he's losing his castle it's more about killing the Chinese castles these tsukumo are not fully upgraded they're not elite yet and there's helps for Reuben stock what Reuben stock needs is to get them in here [Music] yeah okay yo gets cleaned up here yeah obviously the damage was done there but I think it's a better situation for Finland who have been killing castles oh and this is a fight that Finland should win as well Lix is positioning when his chicken was awful there at least I think so max ran back I guess he wanted the house to go in front I was a bit confusing max doesn't have any stables closeby whereas yo does so yo could probably reinforce faster there but my goodness what a game they just need licks to stabilize they need licks to stabilize China but the populations are not looking good max still at fifty military Rubin stocks still at fifty military and the gee-gees called euro does enough Campbell's left he's down to ten camels wow what a game I mean there's a lot of rating going on the sides there is important to look at the main fight but when yo lost his camels here he didn't have the resources didn't have the time to add new ones that was a great game for Finland man honestly Rubin stock he played his role I just don't like how mr. yo treated the situation I think that mr. yo should have had one staple because what happened he didn't have the stable so licks took losses to the archers Rubin stock was able to snowball a bunch of archers n because he had no one rivaling him and then it became a situation where Rubin stock had lots of barbs with Max's free boom camels I'm not saying that Finland would not have won that if yo would have contributed with a camel or two but seriously just just three or four camels an early castle age where yo had the faster castle time it would have probably killed Reuben stalks archers and it would have been in Rubin socks eco and for the first time as someone says in the chat for the first time someone has now lost on their home map because in Game one it was just a set map Arabia Chinese Chinese players won and Finland's one their home map China won their home math Finland won their home app and now Finland have one on China's home map betta wins and now Finland have two chances to win the entire tournament they just need one more victory Finland is up three to two on China so for the next game we will have nomads it could end on nomads that is the remaining home map pic for China and we know that Finland likes that all right guys what civilizations are remaining we have Chinese Alba vit Persians was used earlier on water Nomad by China so they can't choose Persians they also can't choose Malians because they used it on team islands so they could go for Mayans maybe they would go hmm what other civilization is remaining what I'm getting at here is a lot of the saves that the Chinese players picked earlier aren't aren't good for nomads and they can't use that now in fact all the big ones Malians Persians and Chinese at the top three I think and they were all used previously whereas okay max used Malians right he did not use Persians so I guess they could go Persians and Mayans maybe Vikings now I don't think so Berbers are not a great Nomad pic I mean they could be decent but they're not fantastic we might even see Spanish for China I'm not sure but yeah guys they can't reuse civilizations so any civilization that they've used in the previous games that can't go for now I was just thinking through what sibs might be good here winland still have Malians and persians now they don't have Maui and say that person's though okay cool a lot of people are asking what the prize pool is for this tournament if you guys have curious on the prize pool split I'd recommend going to the AoE zone post which has all the info you can type exclamation mark cup it'll give you all the info answer all your questions there I think it's around 1200 1300 dollars to the winner but it could be wrong in quoting that this is the final ops this is the grand final so there won't be no next round actually there will be a third-place match between Norway and Vietnam I will not be casting that though so in the event that China wins this and we go to Game seven the final map will be sandbank okay Finland and China they just have similar preferences with maps I think that Bedouin was picked previously by Finland's nomads was picked previously by Finland so while normally China would have an edge with picking these Nomad maps and different hybrid maps they don't versus Finland team could a team pick force nothing as their home map no no there's there's no force nothing in the map pool so yeah I think Rubin stock will go for Persians I think Rubin stock will go Persians and Mac's will go Mayans for Finland's I think yo will go Mayans and I'm not sure what the other civilization will be for the Chinese team I thought Spanish but beyond the top five or six civilizations for nomad I'm really at a loss Vikings could actually work but Vikings is probably better for a four view for Nomad because you have the Vikings player then go full water to V to water is important but you want something with fire galleys get Ruth oh there is lag but it's not that bad thankfully with food Lee and user patch there's a reason people play on boobie because the lag is not near is bad and these guys are familiar with each other they played with each other many many times now they do not see the SIVs that their opponents picking so it's it's called hidden civilization so I know many of you might be familiar with the HD Edition on the Buble platform you can select hidden civilizations so in the game they just see that their opponent sieve is hidden and they won't know until they're in the match but they probably have some pretty big guesses on it though Slavs has not been used but I think they might want to save slabs for sandbank if that were to happen I don't see Slavs as a great Nomad Civ XI non-official can you please set up a few programs in which opponents pick the SIVs dude tasman it's a it's a good idea in theory but if you were to set up a pro game where they picked their opponents Civ it would just be the lamest games ever it be Vietnamese first Koreans and it would just there you know what I mean like the games would actually be less dynamic because the saves they would pick would be weaker it would be really really weak and really really boring that would be fun though I don't think so I don't think so I don't I don't think the pros would think so either but hey maybe I'm wrong truck gang says t90 how does one get involved in community games while we do community games every single Friday normally however today we're not doing community games because tomorrow I have a 24 hour stream so Reuben stock is one afk so he'll be gone for a couple minutes so we have the time to tell people about this now if you're listening to this on YouTube I have no clue how I'm uploading this I think I'll just upload it in one video but this the 24 hour stream might be live while this YouTube video is live because I think this could be uploaded on Saturday but here's a look at the schedule for the 24 hour so I'll start off the stream by playing some games whether it's one view ones or team games I don't know I'll just be drinking my morning coffee vivy and I will then play a few games before the fat dragon plays leary and a seven game set you guys will have an opportunity as viewers to vote on maps for that there will be a lot of big things going on there will be a lot of money on the line between those two then we will have a community game style segment where my moderators try and kill each other so we'll have Roche and Hank and snippy and super Lascaux all those guys in one single game my co caster will be spirit of the wall I will have some giveaways and announcements will do force nothing my brother will be stopping by and we'll be doing a challenge which will be hilarious then I'll have a co-op challenge with Dave and MBL more giveaways more show matches more community games it'll be 24 hours of AoE - okay so if you guys are able to stop by I will be live tomorrow starting at 7:00 a.m. EST and that will be noon GMT I know that everyone has different time zones so this look at my my schedule widget below that will tell you the exact time for you so if you're not a sub to the stream I will be giving away subscriptions of new merchandise which I'll be announcing and showing people that'll be cool be doing giveaways for that I also have a giveaway for an item which I won't talk about yet the whole stream is just gonna be bananas so I hope to see you guys there just as act thank you for the prime sub man Thank You ear fungi for the four months you said while t90 your subscribers are amazing I'm still riding on a gifted sub really so I guess you I think you're you've recept after receiving gifted stuff that's awesome of you to do man Thank You Hin Bron thank you for the 9 months he said finally catch the stream I've been watching on YouTube Thank You Man for the resub don't worry about L tree dude don't stress it don't stress it man I appreciate the thought at least we all know the item is the new PC you build that you never talked about oh I didn't build it yet no I'm not giving that away I'm not giving that away that would be pretty crazy alright guys welcome Oh T West thank you by the way T Wes said can't wait for the 48 hour stream lies man lies not three thousand subs anymore so no 48-hour stream feels bad man Mayans and Persians and mines in Spanish so looks like I got it right guys this is potentially the last game in the AoE to 2v2 World Cup final between Mayan or between Finland and China we have max in the teal he's playing as the Mayans we have Reuben stuck in the gray he's playing as the Persians and Wu Lix has his TC right next to the max Alex also has Spanish they build faster so his TC will get up pretty quickly here a yo is Mayans for China down here man there's a lot of sheep on this map look how much sheep they have this is insane I think this is why Dave called a potato map cuz he's he's a nomad player and he's not a fan of any different Nomad Maps but I would love this man look at all the food so many sheep there's Shore fish as well for max that's actually quite nice 200 food right there with the boar but he doesn't see the boar I wonder if Finland's considers calling a restart here if they were to seal IX's next to max they probably would not like that they have a restart left they're up three to two maybe you consider doing that let's see I think max is going to realize that licks is next to him yeah he will confirm that now with another sheep he has until the four minute mark to call restart I would call a restart yep I would call a restart because you want max to be in a safe position as Mayans because what would happen I think is if they if they play this one licks will annoy max you all will have a free boom in the plumed archers and then yo will probably carry his team to victory maybe Finland's are not going to call it they're gonna play it okay well see if my prediction is correct here max who would ideally be on plumes is right next to licks and licks had a nice little head start there now Reuben stock is in a safe position what he could do is and wait for it he could drop a TC on mr. yo and then if max wins his 1v1 then it's game over it could happen it could happen now do I think they should do it no but I've said that multiple times about this strategy and they continue to do it so you know let's sign me up for more sign me up for more I think it's a dumb decision I think you should be using your excess wood to fish like Reuben stock is doing I don't think I'll TC drop but you know maybe you have to keep in mind that Persians are a very strong nomads if they're Knights have bonus verse archers which you'll probably go for so it's not as if Reuben stock can't carry his team to victory just because it's not the max doesn't mean that Reuben stock doesn't have the quality max will see this board that's really really fortunate for location for him and there's a signal they're just talking about the locations of docks Reuben stock saying hey yo is just building his dock here I believe max wanted to dock that's why he sent the Ville out yeah it must be what he's doing just like yo is okay so I don't think Finland is knows exactly where mr. yo is oh no they do so max knows where yo is and obviously max knows where licks is licks obviously knows max is here I am guessing they don't know where Reuben stock is located they don't know where Reuben stock is located yet China but they'll probably find out here in a second cuz yo was scouting the Sheep really intelligent play from both teams they will most likely all know where they're located so max docked here he always walling here okay oh and he's bringing in the boar which Oh licks wallet licks went the wall that licks wanted to lame the Vil he failed with it though I think they will both be going for massive wall off so it's important on nomads when you're so close to someone to wall them out of resources Max is doing that licks is doing that I once saw a clip from slam on nomads where someone was bringing in a boar like that and he built let's say the bill was walking like this he sent his bill over and built a bunch of gates and then the boar ended up killing the bill because bill couldn't run anywhere that's essentially what Lix was going for there Max's walling up the stone so licks can't tower Russian Spanish or one of the best tower rush tips in the game villagers are fighting in the center this is a fight that for the moment I think mmm well max was winning that but then he gave his opponent the hill now he's losing the fight but now he's winning the fight because Rubin stock arrives so oh my goodness so messy well guys you need to decide on a lane strategy and then a water strategy as well so it seems to me like yo well well just fish boom and not go for a faster feet'll I think he will try and fast castle plun-darr Jers but maybe Rubin stock will go for faster feudal land and win water because her docks are so close to one another max could try and do that but then he he will have to deal with licks as land pressure licks will click up to feudal age now and licks wanted to go to stone he wanted to go to stand however there's another one here so he's actually Walt in the fill with max yeah he's wall from Max's villager that's funny he's just trapped in there that's alright it's fine man now max should have noticed that licks had some stone miners walking past this so will max realize there's more stone down here okay so very good game sense for max to realize there's probably something down here he sees the wall he sees the Ville he should fight if he wants to stop this he should fight and then send in the other villagers yeah yep so stop looks from walling this off this is gonna be difficult sometimes you can place your own palisade Oh would you see that he tried to place his own palisade and licks ended up getting his up first so yeah Alex will have his stone secured so max must know their stone there he does have his own stone yo is full long his base he is building more docks he's on gold okay so he will go for water what about Reuben stock Reuben stock thing I think Reuben stock will fast castle actually I think he'll lose this fish which will give China a big lead but Reuben stock will likely get to Castle H faster here's one tower from Lakes Max is walling up nicely still I'm a fan of keeping Lix trapped in here Wix does not have any access to gold unless he breaks through here and licks can break through here if he sends out scouts and he is let me double-check on the water situation yep yo is definitely going all-in on water he will kill most of Reuben stock spaceship Reuben suck doesn't run with them or sail away with them and Reuben stock I guess he just has benefited more from the fish he has more food it kind of seemed to me like he wouldn't be going for a lot of water control but he's on to docks right now and my eyes though he's already behind there and in my eyes as wise ahead in this game the scouts are killing Max's villes looking at gold if he needs to he can continue with the towers look at the micro from licks there that was so good he keeps the weak Scout alive watch I just jinxed it he's gonna lose it now he's gonna lose the Scout I could just feel it but um he's doing damage to the max so max has been delayed Max's on 25 ills is 27 now four licks the licks his military max does not have that and meanwhile on water it's so hard to tell but I think yo was winning this he has more fire galleys and he has a demo on the way that was a waste of a demo but it doesn't matter yeah he's winning water so in game number 6 where it's 3-2 currently for Finland's China they have the lead at the moment will we see a game seven on sandbank or can Finland turn this round and win the entire tournament here I want to see a demo go off on these fishing ships when they're around the deep fish like this that would be awesome I'm pretty sure all four would die probably better to use your demos versus your opponent's military or Navy but still if you think you're going to lose water it's worth the risk to do that I feel but yo is as convincingly won water now so he has kept his fish working he will push through Ruben snuck off of water and Ruben stock he's on his way to Castle age first so here's the concern for Ruben stock he's won water but he doesn't have near as much economy as mr. yo now he he's relying on a few sheep for food and some deer so he doesn't have farm eco also the max is delayed so max won't be up anytime soon to help out I think Ruben stock should probably boom in all honesty if you send Knights out maybe you can get two licks in space so that's an option but at the same time it's a gamble to not invest into eco Nell because your opponents already so far ahead in eco now the scouts were transported around really intelligent moved from lakes max though he's aware of this he walls off his gold he might lose a Ville but uh nice job from him and nice job from Lakes men repairing the tower being so annoying I saw carlini's in the chat Carlene he's probably enjoying this for those that don't know my moderator Carlini back when he was playing actively would just go Yolo trush every single game he's one of those guys every single game oh look at this play from max oh my god he could trap the villagers so look at this he gates he palisade walls he will lose his tower at think unless he repairs it in regear sins let's see ya and licks his way okay time to get inside the transport see you max it was fun but I'm going to the other side now okay nice job Max's eco is just awful man he has one fishing ship I don't I don't know where that is yeah it's about to die he has no food income as far as I can see now except for this deer his eco is just a disaster whereas Lix has farms Lix has fish because Yolanda it's very rare that China loses from these situations especially when mr. yo is as safe as he is right now but Reubens sock will push Reuben stock has the knight incoming he has the siege workshop he could help by killing licks licks comes over to help and he'll try and focus down the bill which you'll fail with but I can Rubin sucks eco is very fragile he does not have food you know he's not creating bills he's creating one mag canal but he's stretched for resources oh I like this move though max must have told him the gold was here and Reuben sock shows up if max can get the plumed archers if you can get to Castle age and plumed archers it will be very very strong but I think that's what yo is shooting for yo just needs to survive just needs to survive twitch chat says winland should dock the other side no I disagree docking now like you're already so far behind redocking is so much more of an investment into something you've already lost it would just put you further behind what you need to do is you need to shift more into land focus like Reuben stock is doing and hope for the best later on you could redock but it's actually better to continue with farm eco rather than invest into hundreds more wood for fishing ships because yo probably would check for that even if he doesn't it's just a big investment it's a nice idea right it's just right now at this stage of the game it's very costly so it's not a bad thought just very costly now can Reuben stock get through here yo a it's costly to his stone walls instantly gain HP and yo will build the siege workshop see yo was scared that Reuben stock will get through so it goes for a siege workshop first no castle yet oh he goes 40 C is interesting so he wants to add more Vil's knowing that Reuben stock might be ahead and he'll delay that castle okay well what slicks up to Lix has some spearmen defending against the Knights it seems like you lost a pillar to there but he will click up and you know he's going conquistador Max is about to buy a ton of food to go up to castle age himself and he better do so quickly because otherwise he'll lose his TC oh yeah yeah this this could be trouble for max he needs to click up around the same time he does have the option of selling some of that stone or she's just done but you don't want to sell too much for market prices because you obviously need the stone build a castle then in the next stage there we go Max is right behind him well done from him he's definitely behind in this game now if your licks where did he build your castle that's the question there's yos castle but where will Lakes build his well the issue is Reuben stock will have Knights so you don't want to build it to Ball Z because Reuben suck could come in I still think here is not unheard of it's not like Max's villagers you can garrison in the TC anyway to shoot you Reuben stock is walled out down here Lix has plenty of Spears to defend on this side yo gets his castle up Reuben stock has 60 villagers though 60 villagers has a solid farming eco max is now strolling up a bit to keep yo from getting to him with the plumes smart move maybe if Reuben stock can get to Balaton quickly you could do this still kind of depends on what happens between licks and max here and we'll check that in a second oh my god Lix you didn't even wall that four spearmen with no upgrades first five nights with no upgrades the Knights are gonna win every time and I thought he had the moment to wall that all okay so now his castle placement will be slightly different he chooses to place his castle here which he can wall in otherwise I think here would have been a good decision but okay fortunately for him with this castle he can break through the walls and get the gold now max he can see that he is having Talent centers before he's outing his castle Rubin sock tries to go in but fails he'll actually lose his Knights if he stays there max probably needs a castle here he needs a castle either here to protect his economy or needs a castle here to protect Reuben socks economy and to his own economy I buy some stone here max he just bought some oh my god did you see that that villager died with stone in his hands that could have been the villager that needed to supply the six stone that now max does not have to get 650 and build the castle so he does not have any stone income now that villager had it in his hands oh geez well now conquistadors will be on the way that that that's huge man that is HUGE where's max even going now he's going to this TC okay he had to buy more stone but the castles not up yet and now he used to build it way more defensive than he would have liked and there it is there were two villagers that died there and I think they both had stone just as small things in age you know meanwhile yo is pushing back guys I the maghen ELLs are no threat to him with his micro and the Magna nails are definitely no threat now that they're conquistadors look at yo man so good easy does it amazing micro and great teamwork with licks and at the moment it's looking good for China only thing is if Reuben stuck with his extra eco can flood nights whether that's in the Imperial Castle age then then maybe but max doesn't have a lot right now he is 46 population no military it's all Ruben stock for Finland's meanwhile Lix will probably continue to pressure and Max just just sent resources to Rubin stock okay well Hank earlier said that Max and Ruben stock have switched accounts that Ruben stock is showing that he can do exactly what max tends to do in these games but it's not that easy right not that easy Lix goes for conversion gets the conversion kills a night there's the kill there will be more kills if he stays here yeah and meanwhile yo is building another castle guys I don't think Ruben stock can stop this I don't think Ruben stock can stop this he can't Ruben stop it and if he can't Ruben stop the castle well he can if yo doesn't wall okay so he did he Rubin stops it but in reality he's probably just laying it and well hold on a second he might deny it he's getting chained barding armor he might deny it that sloppy from yo however regardless yo was on the way to the Imperial age so yeah we'll get him purely jump rates and Ruben stock has to flood all in Castle age to have a chance max is slinging him so he can make these camels and make these Knights it's crucial that Ruben stock stops the castle and kills every bit of military that China has at the moment can you Ruben not do that yeah I don't think anyone can Rubin top that joke I think we just started a new meme so yo perhaps realizing there's some swing involved now one castle production should be two if you would have gotten that up could be three with the stony has they'll just go pikemen and Archer most likely and Reuben stock probably understands that yo is on the way to him so he feels like he needs to force the fight obviously with Persians he has that extra attack force archers so that helps him and the fight was decent but unless Reuben stock is going to be on the way to imp in a moment I really fear for the guy and I fear for max haven't looked at max in a while but max is just slinging so he is no interested in getting into the game now he realized he's too far behind his only chance to send resources to his ally but for the love of God yo just have a little bit more patience Mac and L from Reuben stock you're doing some damage I mean build your second castle in your base or build it over here or something you know he sent villagers there multiple times and yellow mix are kind of giving Finland a chance here Gil only has 14 blooms the five we're looking at here incredibly weak so even if he gets upgrades it won't do much Reuben stocks building a castle and they're not going to Reuben stop this one Reuben stock will get a castle up right next to lik TSA's economy licks is trying to ram push it down and that will not happen ken Finland's do this Reuben stocks about to end so yo kind of wasted his Imperial aged advantage by losing his military and getting his castle denied Reuben stock will build a castle here which will damage licks in a big way and now we have to look back to mr. Yeo can mr. Yeo do damage to Ruben stock before Ruben stock gets too cavalier you have 73 villagers for the packs which is actually more than lakes has and he's slinging all of those resources as Mayans to Persians to Reuben stock is this working now guys it seems like Finland to have a pretty good shot at it now yo lost fluid archers which is unlike him he was too aggressive with that castle and now he can't fight it plume verse night he can not Persian nights now with that bonus and he'll lose more plumes what do you what are you attacking the RAM for mr. yo and the attack ground from urban stock connects that's good wow guys look at the map for a second there's a lot more control currently for Finland's I'd say they have about 60% of the map they of course don't have water right but Max's has kept licks from expanding yo could always expand to the left of course but he has not I don't know if he can after Reuben SOT gets his upgrades now I believe that Reuben stock could run right into the licks his base nothing is stopping him from doing that and then licks would just die so licks is attempting to take this castle down he knows it's it's needed so maybe now he'll expect that the Cavalier will be on the way from Reuben stock were the Knights to stop this from going down and then hotel mr. yo to shift forward and mr. yo he doesn't have a lot to shift forward with and so the castle will stay up played barding armor capped Ram Cavalier on the way for Reuben stock with the amount of slang that Max is sending him he could actually go balloting quickly now where do you go dude I think you go right to licks his base at least send 20 Cavalier intellect space look at max up here playing the Reuben stock roll of being in a line with anything he could find it just just kill licks is eco kill licks his economy and then sent the rest of your military to deal with you I think that's what Rueben stock should do and that's what he is doing Lex has villagers garrisoned here and Garrison here they could soon die and now mr. Yeo is saying I'm a threat again I'm a threat again full foam dart reproduction from two through two three four castle soon he is now trepang down max and he's going for pikemen 150 population for yellow it is 160 for Reuben stock licks is down to 80 pop and it will probably be much worse soon as his cast is being trapped down but I don't think that the plumed archers can kill these Cavaliers in fact I'm certain they can't kill these Cavalier and I don't know if you noticed a score there but for a second it went into Finland's favor this is a very close game and here come the cap trims the cap trims are going after the castle of this choke point helps yo but that's still a lot of Cavaliers so I think yo could lose a castle he could lose his blues and I think licks is dead I think Finland could win the tournament here they lost the first game they bounced back this game they're behind they have bounced back with the sling and Reuben sucks all the way to the Paladin upgrade guys sure he didn't kill the castle but look at the population numbers now if max has a huge new eco in the north he's using all those resources to sling and Lexus is abandoning ship or he's abandoning town on the ship he's out of here he's hopping into transports and he's running for it he has to he has no other choice so he would have to go to yos base Lix has been wiped up by Reuben stock my word and now the magic ingredient trebuchet z-- get the trebs on Yost castles if you're Rubin stock and then yo is forced to fight it yo is forced to fight the paladin's incredible performance from finland's and I know you guys want to see the transport to you they are there goes licks to finds new land but licks is out of the game guys he's out of the game he's in castle aged with 40 villes max has 90 villagers and now yo has to fight this if he loses his castles that's definitely game over so whatever he has is to bring it here and address this but now it's paladin Rubin stock is getting blast-furnace so he will have fully upgraded paladins and mr. yo who has been outstanding this game or not necessarily this game but this series in this tour de ban he could be overrun fortunately he has the hills but the treble just push forward wow man mr. yo is gonna be kicking himself though he I don't want to call it too early but I'm fairly certain that if yo wouldn't have been so ballsy with the castle or if he would have at least Walton his villagers there if he would not have lost so many plume numbers before getting upgrades the situation would not be so bad for his team he's building so many castles though but how how do you kill this many paladin how on earth do you kill the seed Rams as well if you're Mayans McHale Battier and bloom only works for so long and it does it's not a great it's not a great combo to come back into games with and I imagine max has resources so he could make castles and he could go plumes himself then and join in the party in the Imperial Age max does have stone at the moment he does not have castles and he's been slinging it is for castles for yo he's finding stone everywhere on this map but Reuben stock needs to continue doing more the same send in the RAM send in the trebuchet 'z these choke points really help mr. yo in fact that was really hard to watch Rubin sucks and his Taliban's into the nominee halberdiers oh yeah let's let's look at Max's situation for a moment he's about to click to imp he all wait hold on a second you always looped around the nose building a castle here max does not see that or he's not reacted to it okay I still feel like Max is going to have his own plumed archers he'll still hit the imperial age and so you have to favor Finland because of that but maybe Rubin stock run out of resources full paladin is very strong but it's costly whereas plumed archers in halberdiers is very cheap and there we go max signals and he realizes that yo will try and rate from that side and in this choke point this is as good as it gets for mr. yo he has his range units firing from behind is the halberdiers in front as the meat shield and of course his meat does not cost gold Reuben stock he reacts to this by building rams Max has actually sent Ruben suck resources which is interesting and just need to glance around here see what's going on max has his first castle on the right and guess we have to forget about licks for now what's licks up - he's booming up he's trying to get back in the game Ruben stock has his three trebuchet he's attacking one of the five castles that yo has yo is repairing this I love how the lake sends the monk over yo is probably like hey hey looks send being that monk send me that monk get a conversion for me please he did and the healing helps and I'm a bit fearful for Ruben stock I don't know if he has the goal to continue to make this many paladins I think he'll lose his paladin's I don't know though it's a lot and see trim is coming in and he's running out of stone to repair his castle yo 150 stone remaining can Finland do it will will s why continue to fight after yo loses his castle and after max hits the imperial age well Finland's win the Age of Empires 2 world the world V Cup the worldly Cup will they win it here max hits the imperial age goes down to 160 population only 30 military now he could lose this castle next [Music] Reuben stock has this gold there's got to be gold elsewhere right or max can send it to him this seems gg this seems gg looks is only 60 pop yos losing his castles yo doesn't have military momentum at all Elite plumed Archer and elite skirmisher on the way for max max hasn't even been in the flights the last 20 minutes that's gotta be it guys Rueben stock and max are going to be World Cup champions Wow and what a comeback it was man I thought they were dead I thought they were dead what a play Reuben stocks free boom did it and then max despite his troubles was able to sling yeah now it's just two castles four yo that's not going to be enough and here comes max with his own plumes and now they have an answer to the halberdiers now if there's one thing I know about China they do not give up they do not give up but everything stacked against them right now absolutely everything stacked against them the military counts the the composition to military the populations the eco the positioning the amount of map they have everything a good point from someone in the twitch chat saying that I mentioned I would have called a restart as well Finland's played on it was a tough situation for them because max fell behind which is why I felt like it could go for a restart because the possibility Lix tries for conversions and he gets them he's getting conversions but he's converting five maybe six out of a group of forty paladins so it's only gonna end one way and now mr. yo making Hobbes against plumes and paladins licks gets a castle up that will be trapped down next and to me it feels like it's just a matter of time right it's just another one of those classic situations where the Chinese players are dead and they want to keep on fighting they definitely should keep on fighting if they lose this they are silver medalists in this event I guess it's not the Age of Empires two Olympics but you know what I mean and here we go they're done fighting now yo calls to gg wow what a torment and what a performance for Finland's men in credible Ruben stock and Max beat China for two in the finals of the Age of Empires 2 - vitor World Cup this this team had everything in this event man they had this sling they had the wacky strats with with tower rushing and walls and quick walls they had the lames they had the TC drops and they had resilience they had resilience especially Rubin stock I mean he was a player that I was unsure on before the tournament because again he played mainly deathmatch and for that reason I didn't know how he would perform over someone say like fillets or zubi he was also Finnish but obviously Rubin stock proved how good he is here especially this game the final game of the tournament he played incredibly well his his main man max was was struggling max was later to Castle age max was later to the castle's max never seemed to be in control Rubin stock after losing water fully boomed and pushed back yo who was in the Imperial on the way there what a game well I don't want to take away from anything that Finland's did here but at the same time I do feel like yos decisions while he was on his way to import bit weak here but the idea is to to take control with castles and then with Imperioli to momentum stop urban stock from ever massing those Cavalier and paladins however mister yo didn't wall up that one castle now I'm going to to make a counter to my own argument right so yes he built the castle forward but if you remember the reason he ran forward with that castle was because licks told him that Reuben stock had all the Cavalier inside of his base so yo naturally thinks okay I can build the castle forward because Reuben stock has everything on the right this is a good time to to jockey for position there so again maybe you have to credit Reuben stock because Reuben stock realized it was happening and shifted some more numbers over here's the achievements 399 units killed for Reuben stock 272 deaths look at the economy difference here guys this is interesting to me 31k food for Reuben stock he had more wood and more gold to just had an insane boom and then max with his eco which ended up being well over what licks ever had was was swinging Reuben stock resources he slung him 8,000 resources so I feel like while licks did damage there he he was unable to push past a certain point because Reuben stock showed up so either licks needs to be less aggressive because he did he was ahead of max either licks needs to be less aggressive and focus more on eco because I recall max ended up having 20 more bills at one stage or he needs to be more aggressive and kill max which probably would have been more difficult option because max had a castle now I'm not saying anything and finish I'm sorry last time someone asked me to say something and finish it was a swear word so anyway that is it guys what a performance from max and Ruben stock how many people wanting to hear an interview from them t90 doesn't trust us yeah I don't I don't trust you indeed unable to send the message as the recipient isn't do not disturb so speaking to the admins now Paco says I know many wants to do interview how about interview altogether like a press conference so we'll have multiple casters and the players interviewing is that the plan here well we'll find out exactly I'll definitely do an interview in some way shape or form so think of any questions you might have for them guys press conferences awesome idea just need someone to moderate I'm not a big fan of it because if we're using discord or teamspeak the audio quality is gonna be awful but that's cool whatever he wants but then again the players that they have five different interviews to do with five different streams it could be pretty repetitive for them right so I think they'll make a teamspeak room for us anyway so I need to get to a few of the subsidy subs here clack goose thank you for the thousand bits man Trey's record thank you guys tres with eight months they're eldery Algeria I thought you said that your sub gifting was broken I thought PayPal is banning you from doing that thank you for gifting the sub - doohickey good Bourne donated $1 e said the senpai of strategic games lovely to see people appreciating Age of Empires Thank You Man for the dono yeah I'm with you there BBQ Python with the two month three subs that are we already in the 48 hour stream you still have the best place to hang out on the Internet Cheers no the the 24-hour stream will be tomorrow I got you LG okay so exciting performance for Finland I guess if you're watching this on YouTube the video might be a bit longer as we wait for the interview but as far as my plans for today guys so I will interview the players and then I will go offline and I will prepare for my 24 hour stream which is tomorrow 48 hours is obviously a joke or 72 or 256 whatever but tomorrow is the 24 hour stream so this is my last time to plug what's going on tomorrow there will be tons of giveaways there will be tons of amazing games it will be tons of laughs I've done two of these before and they're my favorite streams there's so much fun so here's the schedule tomorrow this is below the stream okay so yeah no community games today because I have a 24 hour stream tomorrow the full schedule you just have to scroll down to read it and then this widget here shows the start time in your time zone because I know we have people from all over the world watching it'll be a lot of fun it will be a lot of fun okay so they're setting up a teamspeak room and they'll let me know - not an official entire life stream hype well my entire life is Age of Empires so it fits t90 facial how can you feel five hours with giveaways I'm not filling five hours with giveaways if the schedule says I'm doing five hours of giveaways I think you're reading the schedule wrong there will be tons of giveaways though yeah at our ped said thanks for the stream today have a great 24 hour stream tomorrow Thank You Man thank you we just have to wait and then I kind of play music cuz I don't want them the YouTube video to be muted please ask the max if he would give me a son I'm sure that he would love that question that wouldn't be awkward at all make sure to ask that t90 why do you start at 7 a.m. now see spice this is my strategy okay this is my strategy for the 24 hour stream so I've done two of these this is how this is what works for me so I'll wake up at what will be 640 my time I will put some oatmeal in the microwave and immediately start the stream then as I'm kind of waking up during the countdown I will make sure my meals are prepped I have snacks water and everything next to me I'll do the whole 24 hours I'll end at what will be 7 a.m. for me the following day I will sleep from then until about noon I know it sounds crazy but I'll only sleep 5 hours I'll force myself to wake up but I'll still be tired I'll just watch Netflix or whatever till 7 or 8 p.m. and then I'll fall asleep and then by the time I wake up the next day I'll wake up at normal time and I'll be fine that's the strat so those are Lobo Geist ik's that will kill you no it won't it works it's the best way do the only other way would be to immediately finish the stream and then sleep for 15 hours and then my sleep schedules ruined for a week so t90 fish book just came here from Neely stream team Finland is giving an interview yeah I've been told that I haven't been given the info are they doing it now or are you saying that it's going to be happening because if it's going to be happening oh it's happening now oh well they didn't tell me anything okay well oh [ __ ] Wow min bran thank you for gifting those subs man goodness Wow okay guys give me a second I have to get to teamspeak Channel I didn't know they'd already started the interview you [Laughter] but about bowel where is the room I'll say ah nobody which I will do the max Cady hey what's up see hello I'm doing doing good man sorry I didn't know that the room was already created oh yeah it was open I thought someone had wrote that down in the in the message room that's all right man well are you so how are we doing this here to another channel okay user left your channel user left your channel whoa well yeah yeah they're done I think the event do you think that understand yeah that's that's fine Oh Tina I did this was so such good games right and I was just amazed by those yeah so just to speak to my audience for a second River is the guy you're listening to now rivers the organizer of the event and so River I'm sure as you were casting it for a Spanish community man it was awesome I'm really hyped the community my channels really hyped and really happy to see Finland's results yeah absolutely I was just amazed I mean they play so good during the tournament it was so happy with the tournament man it went so well I mean I thought that start maybe it might went it might go wrong somewhere because I have zero experience with tournaments and stuff but it went it went doing just so good yeah I'm so happy with with the games you know yeah man same here I think that the tournament had everything you had high level sign ups you had incredible games you had different strategies so I don't think you could have anything to complain about plus thousands of viewers every single time the event was streamed so yes yeah it was amazing I was completely surprised by it I honestly counting with with such a huge players like Piper de max tato I mean having the best players in the world playing my tournament my tournament just you know our turn of course and and having all scores also the the big streamers in the community also like like your support I mean a nearly cast at the games to the so many high-level streamers right yeah I mean Divi wanted to stream the games it just had everything and whoa you don't you can't imagine how how happy I can sense it I can hear a happier that's awesome man that's awesome um it was yeah did I have nothing but respect for you man you do a great job did did they interview did we miss the interview or yeah asked you to go for another maybe the oh yeah okay so I'm gonna all right sounds great sounds great I'm gonna hop in Finland's channel then thank you guys catch up with you later thank you okay sounds great CMN Channel Switzerland hey what's up guys sorry to make you wait the the funny thing is is that River the organizer of the tournament sounds so much more excited than you guys do as the winner of the Tour de babies yeah how many times did you have to get in the sauna between the games Reuben stock like bid win every game didn't go so after he went to sauna with me I think he's autistic I'm yeah yeah can we so for the sake of my stream could I just get your your names could you say who you are that way the stream knows your voices well okay so we got Max and Reuben stock there first of all congratulations guys it was great performance from you I like we've seen the max perform in team games Reuben stock I've mainly only familiar with your deathmatch performance well I've seen you like playing some for viewers for Finland so you did exceptionally well man it was great stuff yeah it was nice I I actually hadn't played - Ritu tournament with max before so this was probably our first time teaming each other and yeah it was work really well okay so I'm gonna work my way through just every game here because I feel like your strategies oftentimes differed from sy in some ways so can you talk me through Game one most other teams probably wouldn't choose Spanish and go tower rush most other teams probably wouldn't have max make 910 militia can you talk me through your strats there I don't know I was basically double was really badly okay with Ruben going to over us and I'm making some militia so we would make some huge damage on him early and then move on to the next player but obviously it didn't really tell where we wanted yeah yeah it was going well until I lost spearmen at in front of Luke's base did you see the moment you also knew of them right yeah no I think I lost or it was just one HP the last one mmm so my forward villagers died after he sent his Scouts and meanwhile I lost two wheels in Jos base he came to fight those tovarisch wheels with his own will so lost like five wheels in total in like 20 seconds and after that it was kind of dying down for the whole game yeah they did a good job at at holding I guess because you definitely took some map control but yo did a great job kind of avoiding your towers he built some counter towers and your stones which also delayed you yeah that was and also licks did a fantastic job versus max that was pretty fun to watch yeah those towers bio delayed my castle a lot my strategy was to go like all in kong's yeah but because of those three towers then I had to make defensive ones and it delayed me a lot then yeah what's the reasoning what's the reasoning see a lot of teams there would probably go Franks and Ethiopians or Persians or fret and Ethiopians just basically a scowl and combo what's the reasoning that you guys didn't want to do that first China max out we had something less conventional yeah yeah like something that will catch them of course okay yeah yeah of course we could have done mirror but we thought like maybe they are expecting us to do the meter like mm-hmm people usually think or I have heard some people saying that inland usual place like the meetha meetha game so we thought that it's yeah break that thing well I think that if you would have gone with the meta first sy you wouldn't have had as much success in some instances for sure so you did a great job obviously Game one you lost game two was water Nomad swinging the Viking seems to be the play huh yeah yeah we lost this painting 15 minutes in there I think quarter final haha so after that we thought we could make this our home up by practicing a bit more and then pick it I guess normal yeah works yeah do you think there is a way to beat that I'm not really sure how you should play against that that's not really strong try to see yeah yeah I think licks tried to do something it was you know knew that I was gonna sling so it's crazy crazy on this link strategy but yeah well in work it was it was good that he guessed correctly that you were swinging because if you would have opened up with fire galleries or demos he would have been wrecked you know so he he guessed correctly there yeah okay so game three was Islands this is one that I want to hear your input on because as I was casting I was discussing like what do you do about this sy strategy of having licks Combe aliens and landed in the center and what you guys did was a bit different some from some other teams so can you can you talk about I guess what happened what failed and then what you think of the strategy well I can say as soon as we solve this was Malians we knew that it was gonna land mm-hm even before the games we know that looks always placed theme islands that he goes landing and tries to hit many players but my build wasn't the best for it so I I couldn't really stop his landing and max2 maybe too much damage from it then and I also lost my fish at the same time so it was kind of my fail from my end I couldn't stop the landing even though we knew okay so was your initial plan to just kill the landing with I forget what yeah archers yeah yeah yeah that Reuben is going to stop the landing and I go land on settlement okay my daughter case was really terrible I lost a really good important I was really late to up so my landing didn't really do much damage would you have AI unit would you have ideally land at max would you have ideally landed versio obviously dinya yeah okay that makes more sense obviously you didn't know where you're going to end up on the enemy island okay yeah ideally I would have landed like reach that target quite easily but now I just landed like between the water I'm too big so yeah it was probably the worst spot cuz he could easily walk yeah okay I think the strategy that you guys went for makes more sense if if max ends up in a better position and ideal it can hit yo because with the way it played out yo had freedom to do anything he wanted so he had a huge fish in full water I got both are for free like basically no one none of us did yeah any border team it's an interesting Stratfor a caster because the only way I can see beating the strategy is is joining the strategy and doing the same thing and and landing as well and it's not there's not many other things like that where you expect your opponent to do something and the only way to stop it is to just mirror them and do the same thing no you can't can't counter it really okay awesome so I'm gonna skip some of the other games I'm just gonna go to the final game I know you guys played a lot I thought you were gonna call a read did you guys consider calling a restart because Max's position next to licks no we didn't really consider like I had to borrow some sheep so my stuff is going to be fine okay I was just a bit late so yeah max max all Jews TC was super late so yeah some confidence okay all right that's interesting yeah cuz my thought was that yo would have all the time in the world to get the plumes and so I thought that that would maybe scare you guys that yo would be safe but then again I guess Reuben stock was safe right yeah I was untouched and although I lost the fish I was able to make food eco by my own yeah didn't it was it wasn't looking so good so I asked max to slay me because I was in good position to get slim and yeah I think we were in pretty bad shape before that where we like yeah yeah yeah the the sling so at the time that max started to sling like licks licks was aggressive but his eco was pretty bad he had a few fish but I think he only had 50 55 bills whereas max was swinging with a little over 70 so that was very good I really think where the game was lost for sy was where yolk didn't take advantage of him and he you denied that castle I was expecting a lot faster in bio since he had fish and it was untouched there in his own home base yeah I think that looking back see he went three TCS immediately in Castle H perhaps if you would have gone with a to TC style and then he would have been aged em faster had if more plumes he could have snowballs you before you got to your economy yeah absolutely and he wasn't able to even get his castle yeah it's really it was like really good for us I think he could have walled that in but how much lag are you guys experiencing playing with with those guys from China are they able to click wall normally or is it a bit more than usual tether some lag so it's not thought of as okay yeah I think if it was two European teams that would have been more critical if yo to not quikwall but still he just kind of sat there as you said I think it was only four nights right Reuben stock to deny that yeah at first and then I had six tables and all of mercury tops so I was able to get some reinforcements yeah well again congratulations guys if you don't mind are gonna take a few questions from the people watching and then I'll let you guys go yeah I think Neely is is theirs well listening into this so of course he might have some questions somebody did somebody did want me to ask max if max would would have their babies so I'm gonna assume the answer is No what's yeah that was my response as well what's so anyway if anyone has any questions watching I'll pass it along to them questions about the games please if not then I'll probably let them go celebrate ask about Norway Game one what was Norma Game one that was Arabia forget the glove Donny oh oh yeah well I mean that one's pretty self-explanatory right why why does Finland's not do well alone is a question here and I think that might mean why do you not see Reuben sock and Max play many one v ones well being kinda enjoy playing against mom yeah more fun with friends in teamspeak and so yeah max you signed up for ket D - right yeah I did cool I think Sophie and Alyssa have also sign up nice okay so someone asked why vélez and zu p didn't play was there a reason behind that obviously they're both strong players as well Reuben just asked me first to play an assignment yeah I was I was supposed to play to Poli yeah I thought maybe we did something you pays also here in teamspeak just getting bashed okay yeah I think the question that needs to be asked is about the Nomad game verse Spain with the TC drop talk us through that because that was one of the most ridiculous games I've seen yeah what do you wanna know well well was it planned what made you think of it why did you do it you know those types of things I didn't have that much back space like I was cornered by the border there okay so I thought that sacrificing myself to China player it will be really good also I lost villager before that's all kind of oh yeah but I for good lumber camp twice it must be the first ever long te tiras game that that's ever be in there yeah oh my god it was hilarious man so did you get a you know some micro caster at the time Dave so after you were running around without wood Dave goes I guarantee Reuben stalks too embarrassed to even ask like he's probably not saying a word to max he's probably like oh I'm fine I'm fine [Laughter] yeah well I was saying you know I felt so embarrassed yeah yeah of course afraid um well they they TC dropped you chyna TC dropped you in the finals what was that all about goodness um so was that a pre-planned strategy from Finland to Byzantine TC drop on chaos pit to them yes oh yes my bad yeah it was WOW and then they thought the same thing it's weird the meta is changing so rapidly yeah well it worked I guess in that game exceptional job from from you to stop them from leaving Rubin stock that was really strong play bowling they hold their yeah yeah I mean yeah everyone's everyone's asking questions I I think we'll do one more guys and then I'll let them go that was a very popular game ask them to join community games well it's it's an offer if you guys ever want to play community games when I'm doing it on Fridays feel free to stop by and we'll won't put you under networks do you see a rush nothing after then I can join you can join ok I can take you up nothing ok alright I'll take you up on that TC rush nothing oh man I don't see any other questions so thank you guys congratulations for winning it was a great job I'm really happy for you guys you guys have been playing the game for years you guys have loved dedication and a lot of skills so I'm happy to see that result I hope that goes forward into ecl as well for you thanks yeah thanks yep thanks guys all right have a good one bye bye see it disconnected I love those guys I love those guys that was so funny I can't believe I didn't ask about the TC drops you know it's kind of tough because I I guess most commentators and most interviewers are asking questions they already know the answers to though I interview a sports player after the game so how do you feel after that victory is like well duh I won the game so I'm feeling pretty happy about it you know I I didn't want to be that guy don't like to be that guy but the the general idea which was mentioned at the beginning of our conversation is that they didn't feel like they would have success against China if they played standard and they did not play standard in almost every set and they won the World Cup so it's exciting for Age of Empires 2 to see the winners change it's exciting for Age of Empires 2 to see innovation of strategy no matter how weird work so exciting
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 962,124
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, tatoh, theviper, viper, aoe2, forest, nothing, t90, official, spirit of the law, age of empires, zeroempires, resonance22, exciting, wow, omg, lul, t90Woo, strats, funny, impressive, sick
Id: mcV2uNQ8vZM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 213min 1sec (12781 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 23 2018
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