Battle of Africa 2 Semifinals | Secret vs YinYang

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it's all going to YouTube so I need to get this out of the way this is Battle of Africa - and this is the semi-final which is the best of seven well then have a best of final of excuse me a best of seven semi-final between aftermath and Finland or Suomi later on today I'm gonna get every single game from here on out to YouTube including the grand finals which is a best of 9 I'll have a special Coe caster joining me for those games now some games from the group stage I did upload to YouTube the quarterfinals were pretty to be honest they were not that exciting going into the quarterfinals you just kind of knew who was going to go through it was for one for one so I decided instead of spamming YouTube with games that I didn't feel what we're amazing amazing I decided to hold back on uploading the two quarterfinal sets and just go straight to the Sammy's all right so that's the plan team secret winner of battle fast growth one and they're up against you and yang this is gonna be incredible stuff here on the flank we have slam for team secret he's playing as the ethiopians slam is one of the best players in the game when it comes to playing Archer flank you won't see a lot more from him but he's really really good that viper has gone pocket vipers Franks and he's in the green and in the teal we have tattoo toad Alito and I just like to say that tat just playing the Saracens which I'll talk about more in just a moment now up against Tata is licks one of my favorite players in the game right now one of my favorite players in this tournament when I spoke to Daniel Daniel said honestly lifts could be MVP of the toward him so far yes mr. Yeo is really good mr. Yeo is beast and I'll talk more about him but a lot of the reason that yo has been able to do what he does best is because of licks licks and that Beach fight game on YouTube that incredible incredible victory was the only one saying let's continue to play and they somehow did that in the group stage yo is just mr. dependable and he has gone Persians here which is a bit surprising I feel like persons on Arabia when you have all these hybrid maps might not be the best move and then we have paladin who is playing as the Chinese on this flank okay so this is what I expect expect to see straight archers on the flanks now there might be men at arms of Ethiopians into archers you can see it from any flank player I guess but think straight archers is probably what will be what will happen it actually be more common for someone like tatto to normally go for men-at-arms but he's seriously so yeah I expect straight archers but the big thing I want to talk about and we know that the pocket players Viper and yo are going to be going Scout since Knights I want to talk about the importance of Saracens here so do you guys remember what happened when yin yang played Secret on Arabia do you remember what happened when yin yang played suomi on Arabia this is what happened secret and suomi they went 14 walls and they got the team walls up and then the Chinese had Saracens and they three we want one player by breaking down the walls quickly with the Saracen bonus so my point is already in the draft you see secret they picked Saracens as the third civilization they picked Saracen way earlier than you would expect I think they know how good Union was with that strategy and since you're picking civilizations they went for Saracens themselves so I I kind of feel like China's not gonna go for a full team while I highly doubt we're gonna see licks extend a wall over towards yo here because it's a lot of open space and as walls are just gonna break right down when you're up against terraces so I'm just curious to see how the walls go antalya Nyang counters that the ability I guess that Saracens have to go for that crazy crazy push yeah no doubt no doubt here again I set it at the start of the scream I feel like Dallas had an interesting battle of Africa to because he has not played as frequently I think that's mainly because slam has been in top form like if you think of last year slam wasn't really active he was playing other games slam is back active playing Age of Empires 2 and everyone's happy about that yeah I think my Vipers probably the better pocket and slam you could argue is at least as good as a plank when playing straight archers I think it's gonna be more suited for non arabia slam is a beast on arabia all right well here this is actually a mistake for paladin because slam just completed loom and slam did build a barracks knees going for men and arms into archers and with Ethiopians you get plus 100 food plus 100 gold so I feel like it's a great safe to do this with and slam is all about his builds a very clean build for him so far you'd expect that here you have the wall off for Paladin again straight arch for him archery ranges will probably be here you check the other flank tatto he's in the way to futile will be straight archers for him and no barracks yet for licks and licks is going to be going straight archers tube so a whole lot of the expected before this gets crazy now keep an eye on not just the future Pocket Scouts but the current Pocket Scouts like where's y'all gonna send that scout looks like yo was gonna send his Scout over here to tatto and then licks is just signaled he said hey this is where tattos berries are vipers Scout is heading over to tat so now like he might sense that he needs to be there but this could be a little bit rough for tat over the next minute just because the scouts are gonna join it and fight together think more than anything tats is going to know this tattoos probably just said like hey these Scouts here's a tattoo should be aware of the danger but you could easily see tatto either have his range is delayed or lose a villager just because Vipers not here like did this is the teamwork from eun-jung we've seen with all the small things they have their scouts together already a viper late to the party and so far it doesn't really matter but you not be thinking t-90s just a scout it's not a big deal it is a big deal every little bit adds up like every second adds up here but yeah they would likely have to back away licks lost a lot of HP and viper has more HP on his scalp than yo does even without yo taking damage another scout already here for mr. yo notice notice yo doesn't he's not team walling like he we're doing individual walls instead of team walls now I like it a team wall can be broken by Saracens team wall can be broken by Scouts it's very difficult to get those walls up but it also leaves you more exposed now eventually this is going to get to a point actually I want to see what slams up here did he make man-at-arms I don't think he did I kind of expected it based on his barracks timing just double-checking here now he did but anyways eventually you're gonna see Scouts with archers go towards one player a viper is completely walled off they'll probably take this Gold's all right chat I'll press f11 geez is it really that important what are you looking at build orders it's it's really not that important but now you know okay but I don't even think there was a hole there I think he was just making sure and he builds a palisade wall and yeah well no he can't get through and Viper this is interesting to me is there a need to send all of your Scouts back here to find you oh you have more HP and you have more Scouts and you're sending back to kill for I I don't know if I like this decision now I said no team walls and actually there is a wall going up and licks is just going patrol here to play safe I mentioned the danger of that yo will probably say hey where are you licks lick says he's over here and here comes tatto tattoo wants to see what's up and tatto will lose the Scout but I think he solved that was being walled up so holy snow ID guys do not be surprised if if slam just sits in his face I think it's likely he's gonna move out with Viper here in a moment but there's no real reason for him with his builders and his eco to not just stay in his base and wait for Castle age you could say the same normally for Chinese because their echo is amazing but here comes paladin already again there's got to be some movement from slam I feel slams just waiting and he's like hey my Army's gonna be here okay yeah here they come so Viper and slam and then pout it in yo we're gonna work together on this side not seeing a lot from tattoo and licks on the other side and Viper Whannell now only see the archers but he dodged the archers to remember he is more HP on his Scouts 54 HP however II cannot get bloodlines so I CEOs just transferred a few villagers to gold he could get bloodline soon I just saw a signal from Lix I think licks is like hey this is where tattoes gold is if you guys are going anywhere go to tatto licks just might stay at home Alec's building a market really early and okay all three yin yang players are going to move together whereas tattoes still waiting at home this could be good for secret this could be awful for secret okay I think it's dangerous though cuz your cures are quite slow slam is chasing remember Viper does have the edge with HP until bloodlines comes in yo is going for bloodlines and he's going for armor this is like every yin-yang Arabia game I've seen where they all three moved together incredible teamwork incredible coordination and good micro so far for paladin but it's actually good for slam - I think slam killed more there and slam picked off - archers armor and bloodlines is going to be in Froyo so his Scouts are now way stronger than Viper Vipers on the way to Castle age so this what this comes down to is yos invested a whole lot more into futile AIDS both in Scout creation and also upgrades if secret are able to hold and here you have a 1v1 between licks and tatto and viper gets Nights which is always a great sign for them that it's fine if they take a lot of damage it's not so fine so far I think secret will be happy with this tatto he's taking a 1v1 fight and he's now gonna run away from cuz I think he's worried he'll lose his numbers tatto is about to be in Castle age and used the market to sell stone with Saracens yeah I mean yin yang have not been able to do any critical damage and tatto he's actually he's running away oh my god you know what Tatsu could destroy licks here in a second licks could be in big trouble if Tatsu is able to afford these upgrades it's really tough yeah crossbow and vodka he can't afford it and getting I need to just take this fight yeah they have to take this fight it's the best fight they're gonna get but tattoes gonna get those upgrades and he does even more damage worse buildings at this stage he's gonna go right in and licks his main goal that's behind there Tatsu breaks through licks has to run and licks does not have his army where it needs to be but they just cleared out slam which is really good for their team a Viper's gonna send in the scouts too so Viper will be here all man this is great for team secret you know all the investment the bull vines upgrade the scale boarding upgrade it wasn't worth it I thought they were gonna hit tattoes gold they weren't able to make it there disaster situation for Lakes fortunately for him he is gonna be able to get his upgrade soon but to be off gold for this long and to lose villagers like he's gonna lose villagers it's really gonna set him back not to mention mr. Jose Castle time is so much worse than Vipers Vipers gonna be on TC number one TC number 2 TC number 3 I think this the scouts man like the scouts just didn't do anything another villager goes down Saracens I wish we could go back and see how frequently teams got wins when they had Saracens in this tournament I feel like Saracens have an insane win rate oh man lakes lakes this is what happens in these 3 V 3 tournaments you'll have two players gang up on one and then normally it's the pocket that's gonna have to stabilize but guys this might be a very quick game one Vipers already knocking on the door taps is over here Lix can't take his wood lines licks is not a player to resign early but this is really bad for him could even lose this range here in a second slam he's gonna be doing his thing he's on his way up he's making more archers and then you have palette in paladin's gone for three ranges and a ton of archers okay so I think this is their way back vipers likely going to be way ahead of yo economically because of the town centers but if you have this many archers I don't know hitting hitting slam hitting Viper there's potential right maybe that'll do it but with Saracen crossbows that range is gonna go way way down Davis 62% win rate I don't know if I agree with that but maybe it's in maybe it's in the Google Doc yeah that's like oddly specific so I feel like maybe that is true I don't know someone's trolling me or not 62% okay I'd like to compare to other civilizations maybe I mean the thing about Saracens too is it's not just in Arabia where as you're seeing Frank's just on Arabia yeah this game is it's not over yet right because we're looking at sy we're looking at yin yang and they have the tremendous ability to come back but this is his huge advantage for team secret the universities even got to go down here Vipers booming on three TCS yo somehow has one more villager than him don't ask me how that's possible actually Viper has Nidal TC yeah I mean there might have been yeah this T C's Idol too so maybe he's struggling to produce Knights and also produce villagers at the same time whereas yo Ave probably has wheel to and Yoshi's getting its pretty close between those two but anyways slam is off of his gold right now that Vipers just gonna swing over here with some nights I imagine this is good this is good now let's the situation is awful and all this pressure as Vipers staying with tatto with these Knights I could go right over to mr. yo all right just a few volleys and these palisade walls go down I also like how tat so decided to take out more than just one tile that way they could escape all right how's your micro paladin it's gonna have to be good against slam slam is Ethiopian so he's the faster-firing archers you can really see the difference there it's insane I don't like that engagement for Viper I feel like engaged a little bit too early but maybe they want to keep him here like maybe it's worth it for Viper to toss away a few nights just to keep Howard in here so they can trade against the army I mean powtoons now over here as well oh and now a big fight coming I keep in mind it's all mr. yo there's no licks to help mr. yo playing so good 58 villagers 15 nights Lux is here to help but he can't produce much more guys because he lost all those ranges it's a great job from secret into production like that now they're Persian Knights Persian Knights got a +2 attack verse archers could be helpful here if they can engage against the archers alixus job here is to take out tattoos crossbows licks has 13 Knights the Viper he is seven this might be a nice clean up for yin-yang I mentioned it in the group stages though tattos so good at getting value he knows the longer he stays here the more he micros with this army the more success they're gonna have as a team with the next attack so you look to the mini-map and see tattoos already reinforcing the tattoos gonna lose these crossbows now but I think that's still well worth it after the damage they did against licks you see Viper now coming over this way with slam to hit paladin knowing that yo is still going to be preoccupied and then you see tatto running back over towards lick so a lot of movement for Secret Viper does have more eco than yo and slams gonna have more eco than paladin because of these pick offs that's what you would expect 51 villagers against 53 adds pretty close so I oh I felt like yin yang with a better Arabia team throughout all their sets in this tournament and in a best-of-seven when secret drafts so good that their civil actions their maps lunch and everything so perfect it really felt like yin yang had to come off to a strong start here it's not obviously secret or capable on Arabia all the teams that are gonna be playing in the semifinals are capable on Arabia but it's just a theory of mine that whoever gets off to the strong start in Arabia is gonna go distance in the semi got s'more stables for yelling I think he's gonna need even more than that he's gonna need some crazy production I guess he doesn't have the Eco to produce out of five right now but the way to come back here is to flood nights towards viper or tattoo or slam this lakes is pretty far behind and Viper he's actually doing the same right now might actually make palisade wall and trap them yeah nice nice play for you Viper the knight upgrades are the exact same and vipers been waiting so there's no worries there this could get hairy for slam though slam has 37 crossbows against 49 and there will be a maganet or two so if light percent there it could be difficult and here comes licks now I see that paladin is actually on the way to the Imperial Age slam again could be in real trouble on that side and the forward gossip from Lakes I love like so much forty eight bills he's like 30 bills behind tapped oh but he's like the only way we come back is we've if you go really aggressive so he's gonna go balls deep with the castle right on tap toes gold I don't think tat this is gonna be a good fight for tatto either his tactic would lose a lot of his crossbows now the Viper he's in a great position Vipers been in a great position at a2 backs away and ends up being fine but guys if the flanks start falling apart a little bit for secret it's possible the Viper will have to do everything on his own here at at so we'll quickly place a TC on this Gold's it's gonna make matters rough for him keep in mind Lexus has awful economy behind all this I thought maybe paladin would push forward right now he is no need to then if he's on his way to the Imperial age and you should wait for his upgrades I think they should hit Viper I think they need to go directly to Viper like maybe you bypass slam make slam run back from his base and then hit Viper but I think he and yang you're gonna have to send all those arms to VIPRE because Viper is imping or as sorry he's about to him could be wrong on this but nah he's about to him and he's heading towards yo right now this is not gonna be easy for the Viper but if he breaks into yo space and yo can't defend from that right the yo is imping but yo has a lot less numbers all right so they'll probably expect it whoo oh my oh man he wanted to come out here to the gold I think and he deleted the house and then notice that Viper was about to run through that was so close if Vipers best move might just be to takes tables out just to hurt the production of yo upgrades on the way and slams like a Viper Viper I'm gonna need you here again I think paladin was heading towards Viper he's gonna take what kills you can get who might see villagers come forward for a forward castle slams gonna lose a lot of his military but but how are things going for yo yeah exactly a Vipers way ahead so they need to hit Viper even even if they hurt slam big time Viper is gonna have the eco to get paladin and Cavalier or Cavalier and paladin excuse me got the order wrong but there's a forward castle I like it over here licks is knowing tatto at a toes imping at a toe will likely just buy a castle and then Trev this back so I don't think that castles gonna do much for lips long-term all right slam is now in the Imperial age as well he's gonna have our likes lamken holds a viper is running away with these Knights yo is actually gonna get Cavalier a little bit earlier however Viper is 65 farmers yo has 45 so Yoda's he doesn't have the economic position to go from nights into Cavalier into paladin like Piper's gonna do also yo is delayed off of his gold - so again Viper this all comes back to the 3t C's is all stems from futile age good fight and good microphone Viper here and he'll let probably just run away now that he sees the herbalist Castle for licks at home to protect that hill which otherwise would probably be attacked guys paladin has a hundred and seventy-five military and so does Viper but soul many orbs slams on the backfoot guys he does not have a castle of his own to make trebs for that castle so he's losing grounds big fight about to go down on this side tattoo sending his fourteen arms into the eco vibe who wants to do the same and is this a play that secret actually wants to go for it looks like they're committing towards now what would happen if Labour stays back here with tatse for a while and then they send a full wave of paladins back over to slam hey guys I think they're gonna take this opportunity to go through because they know it's gonna buy them a ton of time and they're probably gonna start adding trade secret of the kings of this they get armies into your base they're gonna buy time and the next wave of attacks gonna be better I will say that a lot over the next two days they up look they're already adding trade Leiper already has palin on the way and now there's so much for me and yang that chasing still waiting for these extra armed numbers to do something for paladin it's getting to the point where it might actually be dangerous to go to viper alone thus lament a to decide to take this fight viper should help probably that's actually a good fight for team secret to take probably the best fight they could take against that group a mystery o does not have paladin on the way so he needs to take an engagement before viper gets paladin vipers gonna get pounded in the middle of this fight but not at the beginning of it there now he's retaking it paladin should cook in now to be honest the timing could have been better the timing could be way better but we're looking at frank paladins i think this will be cleaned up i think this will be cleaned up reach out from yin yang look at now it's now it's paladin against cavalier and camel a viper will have a whole lot more and i think this is gonna swing right over to slam side now so slams just been holding his own here playing in a little 1v1 losses of bombard cannon he's got to repair that oh he loses another one I think Vipers gonna swing some support right over here now guys keep an eye on the the mini-map all right keep an eye on the mini-map so we know about the trade numbers there's also Gold's in the middle to secure with castles Gold's and stones normally so you see it yeah there's there's castles coming up in the middle I expect Viper to build a castle here soon and here comes Viper he's actually just gonna bypass the forward cast as from Paladin run into his base Viper I don't want to say he's outplayed yo but certainly out boom yo and right now like Viper gets this much of a lead team secret gets the trade the team secret are fully expected to take the win be very surprised if they were to throw from a position like this and all the house wall all the panic great awareness from paladin to realize that situation because paladin did not want paladins to come into his base however he needs another house here oh he's got it but he doesn't have it here Viper gets through 192 HP on these units it's insane tato is gonna go for a full team wall to play extra safe while also having arms and trebs on this side and of course Vipers there too I'm surprised he and yang is still in this one guys I'm really surprised these castles on the front for paladin he can't protect anymore that's gonna go down he's lost a lot of his eco we're not seeing a lot from mr. yo mr. yo has to deal with this as he and yang tries to get their trade up and running see I think I think again just remember Persians are great civilization to half on hybrid Maps so to use the Mont Arabia and lose is a pretty huge deal I really like the civilizations going form for team secret this performance from them shows that they've come to play in the semi-final and I think the licks is gonna fall apart like this is just swinging sides now licks is gonna take losses Viper will just switch back over and hit paladin again and secret are gonna have the trade they're gonna have that golden come behind this to me this stems back from yos decision to make more Scouts and get bloodlines and get armor it's not a bad decision if you're able to hit a spot they were not able to hit a spot a Viper just invested less than a few lage got to Castle age faster team secret win Game one in this battle of Africa to semi-final yeah just just look at this right here this is the difference tatto 18:47 castle time viper 1939 licks 2043 so a full two minutes behind tatto and then yo is 2201 two minutes behind Viper paladin and slam things were pretty close there in fact slam was a little bit behind paladin most of this game but in at three be three if you have two players faster to castle age and they're able to hit like tattoo and viper were able to they're normally going to find spots and they're normally going to do the damage and that just leads to the eco that you see here so light burr then had 30,000 food he had 15,000 gold and the team had already started trade so great position for team secret and that's game number one guys so now things get a little bit more interesting right because you cross three civilizations off the draft and you now have to talk about these maps which are not just land map so you have a lot of mixed Maps mr. Yost team they picked two maps so they picked done' and beach fight however coliseum and kenya like were picked for team secret and the way this tournament structured which is very different is that if yin/yang wanted to they could actually go for Coliseum or Canyon like themselves so it's not really a home map like you pick a map but your opponent could play your map if they wanted to after loss so when I look at the SIVs I guess maybe Persians aren't top-tier on any of these maps it's not like no Canyon Lake Persians are top two you're on yeah Canyon Lake Persians are top - you're on but here's the sieve so we'll cross this off we're gonna follow this the whole way through throughout the games so no Franks no Ethiopians no Saracens and then no Chinese no Persians no Vikings so I love Mongols on Coliseum I love the potential like tootin play Turks is gonna be fun to see but I think true to ins Koreans Spanish is what we saw team secret doing donut before hmm all right I don't know if the next map is gonna be yet I guess Lithuanians are top tier and canny like from the pocket position actually Byzantines Japanese are amazing there yeah there's too much speculation there's too much speculation I'm excited to see humans though I'm excited to see where humans might be pigs well guys the score is 1:0 to the person who says just tuning in welcome to the day hope you have hope you're ready hope everything's crossed off your schedule we'll probably have about eight straight hours of casting here vapour cream I think we're not seeing malian pocket on Arabia because flanks getting fast ballistics is really important so with Malians you can play flank with them and it's it's first off its a good hybrid civilization because all their buildings do not cost a lot of wood there they had that would discount so you can play it on a hybrid map you can do a mix of everything but I think getting flank archers out with 80% faster ballistics is really important in these games ah it's a team bonus oh damn that's not an argument damn it roach damn it roach I don't know like generally Malians are it's not necessarily pocket it's more so than that right it's not the position it's the map so they tend to play on maps where you can dock and you can also add T C's so actually it's Malians have been seen on Pocket on Canyon Lake because there's a lake in the middle you're making more use of that bonus if you have water map masasa is it thirty four months now thank you Miss ASSA that can't wait to reach three years getting there I'm trying to like maintain my hype and excitement not trying to be too loud here to have to save my voice over all of today and then the Grand Final which is best nine tomorrow guys no I wouldn't agree that Vietnamese are hybrid Civ Vietnamese are normally going to be flank Archer civilization they've good eco but there's nothing about them that's really a hybrid Civ they don't have any bonus that's really suited for going water and land I mean you can do it and you can do it better than other saves because they're eco bonus but it's not great I think what we'll see is we're gonna see Vietnamese from yin-yang on Coliseum because Coliseum is a lame heavy map so you'll know exactly where the town centres are and then you're gonna see Scouts run forward whereas team secret when Coliseum rolls around whenever that is they have Mongols they have the Scout bonus so I think we'll see it Mongols Incas flank and then probably doubt will be Magyars pocket I think Viper will play Mongols tats will play Incas or maybe the other way around and then I think we're gonna see Dao as Magyars pocket when Coliseum comes and that's based on what I've seen based on the strategies that teams tend to go for but if I if I knew what the next map was gonna be I could speculate there I don't know hey this might be donut donut or beach fight yin-yang are incredible on beach fight donut I think team secret has a pretty interesting plan yeah exactly Tarsus Malians was flanked yeah I think if you look at pockets is you're probably like what I've noticed through the drafts is that you're seeing a lot more flanks be prioritized in terms of pick order so I guess it makes sense when 66% of your civilizations are going to be flanks but Mayans Chinese Vikings picked really early and then just Persians as a pocket Sioux I'm not sure if there's any heavy reasoning for that but what Miguel told me he said that there's one thing we could change with our draft and this was in the group stage for heresy he said that we're picking were drafting pocket civilizations too early Franks are an easy one because Franks are kind of a one-trick pony like you don't want to have Franks on any map that has water Franks are probably they're not necessarily the best Arabia pocket but they're one of the best and it's not a sieve that you would want elsewhere whereas Persians which is something that yin-yang just lost with you might want Persians on another map but there's not going to be a lot of water donut doesn't have water beach fight doesn't have water coliseum doesn't have water and Canyon Lake does but they have Lithuanians there so I'll break it down to explain as much I can as I can once you get into the games but if you've been following battle of after two you probably have an idea of some of the strategies they might go for oh the sieve next to Huns is crops really that the sieve next to hunts is Vietnamese let me fix this for next time there you go my bad sorry it's really wide Sims draft the really wide sieve Jeff beach fight used to have water and then they removed the water game too should be starting shortly by the way now Spanish or cropped well okay hi guys it's fine it's you could see it you can see it we'll figure it out our 1890 blinds it's fine as Faison jet ham kbv thank you guys for twitch primes Thank You tally oh she says thank you for the entertainment you're welcome Thank You Libby Thank You Khan vara thank you on day hello on day he says hey everyone any smilers in the chat is that why everyone was smiling I just looked at chat randomly during Game one and I just saw a bunch of smiling faces not that it should be surprising that people were happy that's what I want there's one guy taking this cropping thing way too seriously like tried try lowering the zoom to this no I I can fix it I can fix it next time we go there but since he's are recorded games I'm just waiting to receive game number two they haven't sent anything to me yet so I don't want to do anything else I've got it though chat I've got it semi-finals are played within the last I think 48 hours so they are still recorded games the finals tomorrow instead of receiving recs it's going to be live so you're just gonna hear a lot of done gone don't go as I refresh but tomorrow will be live yes expect delays because of that expect there to be breaks in between games anyways but we'll roll with it and tomorrow's best 9 anyways did you have game number 2 now can you imagine best of 9 and teen games it's so ridiculous legit not saying it's not going to be epic the best of 9 and team games is just absurd that's what the grand finals will be ok guys here we are whoa I just put Viper on view luck I'm dizzy stop it Viper the high APM and Dark Age sorry Viper he pays me $20 a month to compliment him at least once in every game so I got that out of the way alright here we have it team secret started off with a fantastic game number one Viper played amazing from pocket I just made 20 more dollars and then here we have doubt he's actually coming into the series he's playing us to cheat ours in the flank I just want to go back through this Vipers Burmese pocket what Burmese I've never seen this yet in this tournament that's weird to me now Persians and Lithuanians for the 2 pocket civilizations we saw a lot of and yin yang drafted both of them there might be something special planned here and then tatto is again flanked and he's playing as the Incas ok so I was I'm surprised we're gonna see Incas on this map do you think tattoo will consider going forward well so he's going for an interesting strategy and he's gonna take the ostrich before he builds a lumber camp up against tat so we have licks licks is playing as the Japanese the pocket is yo-yo is playing at the Lithuanians and then the flank over here is paladin who's playing as the mines ok so I need to talk about how this map is played from the Lithuanian perspective since Lithuanians start with 150 more food instead of sending six villagers underneath route EC for food what you can do is you can send villagers to win extra early and then send a villager out to dock extra early so yo is already docking that doubt might actually catch that villager out o how huge would that be doubt sees the dock he sees the Ville he's gonna go oh oh my god mister yo both Scouts both Scouts from secret were looking for that and mister yo click wall of his villager that was incredible beautiful quick walls from yo that I mean that would be huge to get the dock tonight at 90% what set him back so much he'd be down a villager and also he wouldn't be ahead because there'd be no fish lead alright so there's that and then also there's lik stocking here this is what I expect and this is the strategy I've seen seen win more often than not you have your flank player like Byzantines Japanese Italians dock and Dark Age with the pocket player the pocket player fish booms but does not fight for water control that just make the fish and go feudal age and then lakes is gonna be the guy who tries to combat on water so you see viper doctor now vipers docking at a normal time japanese conduct earlier because they're lumber camps of cheaper and of course Lithuanians conduct earlier because of that build I mentioned so thing licks his role here is gonna be to win water and just allow yo to do his thing allow you to either make Scouts or go for a greedy fest Castle this is the exact same strategy I saw secret go for in this tournament I saw VIPRE plan yo position plays Lithuanians and boom as doubt one water whereas nearly tried to win water and so like the the strategy is the best strategy I've seen so far on this map so I'm really curious to see what the plan is here for team secret hmm also vest and viper did not win $50,000 in hidden country the the type total prize pool was fifty-five thousand viper the winner doesn't get all of it oh man that would be great he beat he'd be would he'd be living the dream right now wouldn't he I mean he's still got a great a ton of money but please do not spread information like that I forget to total prize pool split I think first place was slightly over 10k so it's it's nothing to scoff at of course but yeah I mean doubts probably okay wait a second okay this is something pre-planned and completely different from secret because the meta is then to have the archers on the right side and that's it just feudal age archers that will play a 1 b 1 against paladin that's what paladin's trying to do here he's already on his way up the touts going for drush by the way if my power goes out today do not panic all right it has been storming like crazy where I live all right it's been crazy I don't expect my power to go out but I just hope if it does go out that you guys will still be here after the fact I was going with the drush this might surprise paladin and paladin will go with 3 on gold and yeah this is just a straight-up Archer builds Viper is he gonna build a dock in the middle no notice tatto hasn't built a dock in the middle so they're just giving up water entirely again not a strategy I've seen work too well on this map it's me this looks like his Viper trying to fast castle here I don't know what he's doing Lix is doing exactly what I said fast futile into the dock I think tats is gonna go forward then tanto is gonna do it okay so like this is completely different this is not what we've seen in this torrent yep before you can either surprise yin/yang and it could work really well or it could be a disaster oh my god guys Lix is already on stone he knows the tattoo might come forward and he could just build defensive towers that is sick sick game sense to realize that if he tries to win water he'll be exposed and now he's just gonna build the defensive Tower that's amazing that is amazing because at this point all he needs is to fire galleys and his team wins water and yo can do his free fish boom yo is gonna be adding Scouts says the team they're in a great position alright a tow bails on that Tower lick should have the res to build another one it's kind of awkward to place it though I feel like he might need because he can't place it with all of his villagers here so he might need to build the Tower on this side but he can't build it too far forward with his tatto has man-at-arms all right Viper sending his Scout into support Viper get the goat doing I love it I love it I mean there's no reason not to there's no people just underneath the TC so Viper doesn't take any damage on his Scout and he takes the goat and now licks needs to move over here that's funny to goat killing a goat how often do you see that all right well Viper will lose his fish that was expected and tatto might just move along to mister yo now mister yo has been sending the scouts forward I just saw a demo I think Viper sent a desperation demo out to try and take out yos fish and he killed one and the other two are very weak there this is where having water starts to really help you lose a villager or two but you have fish it's not that big a deal as she licks sending one single villager which is very licks like towards Vipers base right now Viper is also making Scouts but what licks what are you doing this is such a licks thing licks sneaking a villager surprise surprise now I didn't look at the dress from doubt I assumed it was wold out and it is and now doubt has to build the tower as archers from paladin arrive a doubts about to click up to castle age and we'll have a ton of eco that's actually an amazing fight for him to clear out those archers there's a lot to follow here yo has a lot of Scouts he's not doing anything with it forward at you in fact he might be running back home but he's already pre towered knowing the tattoo is gonna be on the way what is Lix doing here it would not be a licks game without a forward villager the t90 babes running forward she's looking good I guess maybe at our Ville that's so weird to tower the pocket player lick system next lever strategies where he just he just surprises everybody um I one thing I need to point out remember licks at this point he doesn't need to fight on water so what he can do is he can just add archers so normally the water player does not have the ability to add archers because they're fighting for water that's not the case anymore the tatto will wisely try and wall in that tower not so sure if tatts was aware of the scouts for yah we're back here okay now he sees them but Viper will be here to help are there two Spears yeah there's two Spears net group that's still an awkward fight for yo to take guys this is giving Viper a lot of free time see SEO has the fish but yo is untouched and oh my oh I love leaks I love links oh my goodness Lix is building sneaky ranges not on the neutral islands but behind vipers wood line that's so weird 14 game for villagers never work in a team game okay here comes paladin to help out a little bit they really just want to engage against these bills diktats has armies not gonna last long if archers are there it's gonna be tough the tattoo does have armor Dallas now in castle age we haven't seen a lot from doubt and he'll be making CAV archers I assume and this is actually a really really really good fight for yo and paladin and this sucks for tattoo because he can't really free his villagers up he can't get into the tower and then if he fights with the army the army ends up dying to the archers anyway so Tatsu is gonna run but I don't know if he can hide from this Tatsu could lose all of those villagers [Music] all right things to look out that doubt here has a pillager would doubt tried to go to the water and paladin denies it so was that the strategy right there or did out just want to try it no III don't know if that was the full-on strategy he's still making CAV archers all of tattoes villagers just got slaughtered okay so tatto does not have fish tatto just lost those villagers tatto does not have military and Lix is going for three archer ranges all man tatto doesn't expect this viper doesn't expect us I think the only rough thing for Viper is that he's not planning on going for Knights at all in the next night he wants to go for errand by and I I mean that means at this point if he wants to even stay alive he needs to invest stone in two towers we see two towers going up for him and then Tatsu could be hit by this and Viper is not going to be able to offer any support yin/yang are looking really good the only player for secret that that has a decent chance right now to do damage would be doubt even then a paladin might receive some help from yo paladin has 11 archers down has six calves archers let's see what free thumb ring does fort Attar's let's see what doubts micros like very good micro for pallet in there good mic referred out as well and and I think the Lynx is gonna love this Lix is gonna love this Vipers a lot of farms he's had to build two towers three towers actually and then looks could send all this pressure over to tatto and there's no support on Viper doubt is doing a good job but now there's nineteen archers so a lot of those archers were pulled back I think with a few defensive towers paladin will be fine he's about to click up to the castle age you even see yo showing up here with Scouts guys geo is about to arrive in castle viper makes one elephant ya think the only way that secret win this now is if Viper goes for extreme greed because if he tries to stabilize tat so Tata is gonna struggle anyways so the better move is for tat so to just play defense on his own and have Viper add TCS and hope for the best that's pretty much I mean ant and then doubt of course is doing decently well on this side it's pretty much how you have to play it but because of the fishing ships for leaks and the fact that Lix has that snake villager I have a feeling that this is gonna be really complicated you also have fishing eco for yo and you always just kind of pump all that food through town centers to get more villagers to hand out save the team Oh a market quikwall from paladin yeah I mean doubts done a good job it's it's just not enough right now because the other two players in the team are behind one elephant could do a lot of damage here think with the hill though the elephant will still go down once the upgrades come in and viper is gonna have licks also making monks dude I love licks I love this this is beautiful it's so it's such a licks thing with any other player I'm like why are you going forward except for maybe stray dog you know if you're aware of stray dog stray dogs great with forwards it's just so it just normally doesn't work in a team game but licks makes it work one forward villager certainly surprised Viper and ruined his game plan and he's also still on tat oh and tattoos just playing tower defense now now what did I say about licks and paladin their role is to just do like do enough on the flanks I don't want you to underestimate their ability to play this game and boom and macro and micro but and then let yo boom mystery oh he's probably gonna be adding tea season a bit he's sending to stable nights over doubts pressures getting pushed away and then mr. yo will probably send some pressure over to this side however tatto wants to go for seed from oh my god this is going to be hilarious he wants to go seed monk push on a guy who doesn't have any defensive military buildings Oh God and then meanwhile Lix is going siege monk push with crossbows against Viper I mean at least Viper has a castle now mr. Yale will eventually get relics hi Piper eh that's part of the strategy so I think I'll get to minimum I don't think he has any relics right now but I'll I'll let you know wants to see the attack on the 90 I know attack on the Knights can you doubt to enough and me down as a lot of CA he can even engage against these Knights here with the Tatar bonus on the hill maybe just maybe if you have a surprising push from top to coming in on this side licks could be in trouble I think licks just needs guard tower and he's already researching guard tower and he's now on Viper now watch this he is the monks here to convert anything that might come in he has the repaired villager to repair the magma now at the perfect time but see if Luke's is paying attention here come the air and by okay licks notice this he was a little bit late to go in for the conversion but he does not lose a monk the Vipers eventually gonna lose that Tower here comes tatto tattoo doesn't see the guard towers yet remember tattoo does not have a lot of eco this is this is not great if maybe six or seven working farms doubt still live in the dream over here with the CAV archers and just economically speaking it's still better for yo licks and paladin as a team it's not amazing for yo though I was expecting to have three T C's for him oh never mind three TCS and he's probably gonna be snagging some relics now cuz I see that monk is out Wow okay Viper is able to keep his mag Annelle alive with the repairs and he Snipes all the monks good job from Viper however Arin by okay the forward villagers now dead to rip for her but you know I was it wasn't expecting Viper to do as well against is still not great but it's not awful either it's a toe is pushing the TC from licks and suddenly licks you're seeing why forward buildings don't work too well on the team game because you're investing hundreds of wood into it I know if it fails it's just gonna look really bad for you the guard tower goes up the guard tower can't range to Megan Ellison team secret or actually they're doing a good job of coming back look it down here the night tab plus 200 Dao Dao Dao okay now he might take the plate that could be kind of rough for doubt and it is really rough for doubt actually there's also crossbows here still I think it swings back to how good the pocket players can play not necessarily the flanks but if flicks completely dies to this a tattoes King of tower defense against Mac and I love bushes he does this all the time so you know I think he's gonna know still keeping an eye on things heads bear with me this is pretty crazy just want to check the economy so k3t see soon for Paladin I think doubts been on 1tc yet doubt and it's not his choice it's just he went Yolo with the CAV archers knowing his team was behind and now all no he's 33 Vil's did he lost some back here he lost some back here so not only did he have one town center producing villes but he lost a bunch at a toes push it's actually moving towards yo-yo has gold farms wood everything here yo might expect this so lik should tell him by the way licks still being annoying over here already got Redemption so he was going to convert vipers Mackinac and Pfeiffer had to delete that this is such a licks thing to just still be a pest all right here comes Viper with the Arab eye that's a lot of air and by I think secret have kind of counted this one as a loss in their minds already because of the civilizations and the roles they didn't draft well for this map normally you'd have Persians or Lithuanian for Pocket instead they have burmese a really weird pic it's just what when you're drafting for a lot of game there's gonna be a few maps where you don't have good sips the Viper is getting damaged though Vipers at sixty seven filters in the OS at 83 and Vipers losing a lot so he sends the errand by forward and then he doesn't have the air and bytes of Defense tanio defense now the Vipers air and I go in towards you there is a lot of damage to Piper could do if he just goes past the wood line there's a hole there I think yep here they go however there is also a tower not easy to engage against this because Tatsu can convert Knights he could also in theory convert siege and now you see mr. Heos even imping right now if you're wondering about relics he has two relics so he didn't get as any attack upgrades the food eCos not good for mr. yo he doesn't have forty fifty farms like you would want here so he doesn't have the food to make a lot of nights or go like calves we might end up buying food too which is not great update on the viper situation like even viper has more farms in him an update on the doubt situation well I think doubts gonna fall way behind paladin and then paladin should probably send some support over to yo but siege monk in theory counters everything taxes going all-in for his team and that Town Center will go down the OSHA's gonna give this up secret have a real shot here guys they have an actual shot Vipers air and I can take out these nights or ganyo doesn't have a lot of eco to produce more of them this is really weak eco for mister yell this is this is bad man here we go Viper loses a lot of the air and by good teamwork I saw it doubted looped in with the CA here killed a few units but paladin's aware remembered out seek oh he's at 41 villagers vs. 75 of paladin so they've got to be killing somebody most important player I think to take out of the game right now it's probably mr. yo licks hey he's still over here man he's going into tattoes base and now he's building for regard towers so he's gonna counter he's gonna counter monk seed pushed a toe and he's gonna he's gonna make guard towers and take tattoo off of his res attached and I think Cavill so it's hard to kill these things but the crossbows are still there and now tato has six Macan ELLs some pikemen and some monks all at Yoos new stables Ayoo is researching cavalier he's also researched researching play boarding so he's gonna have the upgrades and I think he is gonna have what's his military number at sixteen he's gonna have enough units where he consider engaging against all this I think if they clear this the game ends because tatto is so screwed right now haha Viper I don't think Viper can get that up you saw doubts face there for a moment that would have been a doubt castle Viper wanted to build a castle to protect tatty okay he asked stat so to delete a building so he can build it back here and this is just gonna stop this from getting worse I suppose alright now we have a castle from Yelp a very very important thing to point out he lost his relics so instead of having ten plus four attack he's gonna have ten plus one attack because those relics are no longer in a monastery okay they're gonna fight it anyway scan tatto get good back and out shots against the crossbows he can't all the Macan elves will go down conversions will come in for tatto but if there's crossbows remaining for paladin who's also imping I think tattos push gets pushed back I don't just all die this reminds me of the villagers earlier tattoo went for Yolo with Incas it died tattoo went for Yolo with Incas in castle eight it's gonna die yo will of course need to snatch up those relics licks who knows what he's gonna do here but I wouldn't be surprised if he continued for more towers this is definitely one of the more unique games I've seen on this map the Vipers defending with the Magon el Viper gets some good shots but I think doubts still in a very very bad position viper not in the Imperial a Geo is paladin will be an end Lix is still here he's still producing he's gonna convert the ramp he's gonna convert the RAM from Viper oh my god and he saves the monastery at 32 HP that is ridiculous that is ridiculous he didn't kill the RAM or didn't try to attack the RAM because he wanted to have a lot of HP and here he comes here he comes with more to to the monk behind the RAM what a clutch play man attack so just playing guard defense a guard tower defense at this point but if you like tatto is gonna offer so little to the team now oh wait a second he's imping props at at oh how I thought I wasn't expecting him to have 98 villagers really was not expecting that he's gonna go Eagles and you know it's gonna have Cavalier where are they now where's the big wave I don't see them yet I mean okay think about it Viper will have air and by castle age Arab I can kill cavalier Tatsu is gonna have egos Eagles can can raid and you would expect Tatsu to have some some some avenues to hit some areas to hit they're also really good against archers now of licks builds a castle is he gonna build another Yolo Castle I'm just thinking of licks makes a castle at home he's pretty much safe from the raids plus you can make samurais Japanese but this is this is licks so knowing him okay licks you got it hello licks licks flicks licks awkward tattoo house walls those villagers will die oh my it's a trap it's a trap what a trap from tatto anglex was very distracted there for a moment doubts here a doubts here I guess to help Viper out with licks is pressure which is continuing to come in Arve lest bracer so still range units for now but tatse will have a legal elite eagles should take care of that this should tell licks that needs to switch his ego up actually tattoes fighting before the armor upgrade that's really bad tattoo needed to wait 10 seconds that's an awful fight for Tatsu to take you have to wait for the final armor whoo guys I still haven't seen mr. yo I think mr. Yosh is getting Paladin he doesn't care like whatever Lix is doing enough paladin's doing enough I just wait for the powtoon upgrade before I fight Lix distracted Viper and doubt and tatoes so much paladin he's he's on elite Eagle and he actually has 100 HP Eagles with Mayans so he's already on Eldorado Eagles with forward castles this game is over this game is over I think Piper he's gonna do his best to try actually I should not be the caster who calls the gg but if yo has paladin and paladin already has Eagles I know that's confusing to say I don't see how delts gonna be able to make much to to stay alive over the next couple minutes maybe if tatse is able to raid Lix still producing out of these ranges typical maybe the end will come though for that and doubt is that eighty-eight villagers I expect him to have a whole lot less my only worry for Lix at the moment is that he does not have great Rico at home and he's pretty exposed so I like this castle if you get to elite samurai then you know you have the ideal compositions on all sides you have the 100 HP Mayan eagles you have the lift waning palin's with the extra attack what are they at now 14 plus 7 and then you're gonna have the samurai but I guess that's my worry is that it might take him some time to get there Piper is getting elite Aaron vibe but everybody have to be clumped up in one spot whereas the Eagles can be spread out and pow Dan's gonna hit this wood line viper is gonna lose villagers he's gonna hit these farms vipers going to lose villagers this is all before mr. yo arrives to tat oh I think mr. yo is gonna give his team plenty of time let's just put it that way I think the licks is gonna have plenty of time to reboot certainly doubt right now he tried to go all in doubt basically went Yolo because of the bad position from tattooin Viper earlier and now his Yolo gave Viper and tatto position to ketchup and now he is the ketchup yeah look at mr. Yost queue his eco is looking perfect now and he has what what are the best paladins in the game if he's able to get one more relic right because he needs to get yep 14 plus 8 we're actually better than frank paladins with the extra relic attack now doubts doing the right thing we'll probably see a castle for him in the front of his base Oh God oh it's all oh my goodness no he's at 69 villagers this is bad hey we need a castle from doubt to protect some of his eco and then he's adding trade and and hoping that a viper and tats are able to hold he'll be in a good spot as a team hold a lot of golds and then he'll text which I don't know into cash shakes or more CA we knew this would be a hell of a series we knew that the the strategy just made more sense for yin yang with their civilizations they picked Persians they also pick Lithuanians Persians is probably a civilization VIPRE would have liked to have in this they tried Burmese they're still trying Burmese props at a two-man for for having 150 population I wasn't expecting him to ever get there has gone help some Eagles and it's working right now again I think licks needs to instead of going archers think about samurai he only has 16 farms though it could eventually get dangerous for yo where he can't fight the Japanese house especially a secret can sneak something back here imagine if they can get back into the trade somehow like Viper Viper with air and by in the trade would be pretty insane but everywhere I look I just see villagers dying for Viper alpha tatto afford owl Vipers spending a lot of time trying to stabilize things for doubt as he's losing town centers like it just continues to get worse and worse and worse and now paladin's going to switch in the plumes yeah I like that play actually to get elite plumes out because plumes are really good against there and by just mix it up yin yang just continued their pressure now this fight at yeah they're gonna win it still yin yang will still win it you saw help so you might have thought wow that paladin's died to help but there weren't enough helps there's also hand cannons oh yeah you could go hand cannon ARB okay suddenly this makes a little bit more sense I think that the samurai fan image is one see samurai if you don't have the foodie go for it if you don't have the castles for it probably not the play I CEO is sending some he actually just set in food delicious Sollux might have food to get upgrades or make more units guys I I appreciate the fact secret or trying this is a big tournament they should continue to try I don't see how they can come back you always been on both sides yo has been in the middle licks is pushing in with towers that will soon be keeps he might even have you Saba you look at the other side a viper is doing his best to deny a castle but that's his whole army it's pretty much everything he has to deny a castle even if he denies that he's lost a lot of era by in the process he does not have a lot of gold income he will not have a lot of villagers he cannot keep tatto stabilized the gee-gees called the score is one to one and what incredible play from Lix so Lix had to defend but for me Lix is the MVP here think of his role Lix had to win water now that was the easiest fight of his life because the strategy for secret was not to do much so I'll give him that much he made to fire galleys and that was all he needed but he expected tatto he scouted the fact that tattoo wasn't on water he expected tanto to come in an armed tower he had two villagers on stone then he had to play tower defence here so he had to play offensively while playing defensively with no army mister yo he was in a rough position I'll talk about paladin paladin was tremendous in this game too I mean everyone was for yin-yang but but anyways at the start Lix had a lot to do and he did it well then there was a period in time where you thought okay licks is just gonna go Castle age normally this role of a players not gonna have military here because of the water player and he snuck villagers now what did those villagers do those villagers killed flattened distracted tat so it also hurt Viper I think that was the biggest thing cuz the viper he was planning on building a castle at the start of Castle age I don't have an actual time for when he built the castle based on castle age time but I remember he had 450 stone with five on stone and he was about 60% of the way to Castle age when licks arrived and then he immediately had to build one two three towers the Arab I didn't come out as early as it should have and Viper Zico didn't expand as much as it should have that allowed Yoda boom and then paladin kinda the only thing I'd say is that paladin and doubt had a 1v1 on this side and paladin just did a tremendous job holding he also even sent help over to mr. yell and boom so maybe it's very unfair to say that anyone is an MVP and this win for yin-yang but there's yos economy if you're curious more kills for him with the Paladin damage at the end I think we we move on to game 3 and now it gets close either for us to talk about civilizations and how they match up on the upcoming Maps that's where I give secret the edge over every team as they're drafting but here they didn't draft a pocket suit for this map or a great pocket sit for this map they had Burmese I've never seen that before I don't think that that was some next-level plan geez I actually tried to say next level there and because the next lever joke I said next level by accident but I don't think that was a next level plan I think they were just forced to do it Gigi so the good thing about drafting is you don't see the same civilizations all the time but a potential negative thing about drafting is when you look at these games many times you're saying it's almost like I can compare it to tennis where you have that serve and the person on the serve is expected to do well and it's like breaking the serve there if secret were to able were able to get a win against better civilizations it would be helpful for that win and it would also be helpful for the remainder of the series all right so Game three will be coming up we have donut as a potential map and we have Coliseum and we have beach fight my expectation is that we'll see Colosseum I'd be very surprised if secret don't go immediately for that it is a map that you guys are probably familiar with and this is what I expect so what we see Incas Burmese you see how low these sibs were on the draft it's not a throwaway game but that does happen where you're using your weaker civilizations on a game it Mayans they had Lithuanian and they had Japanese okay so I expect Mongols either for Viper hurt a toe on the flank I think doubt will play this one I don't think we'll see slam I don't think we'll see nearly I think that will be pocket as magyars and in the past we've seen Malians too so if it is Colosseum I expect those civilizations Mongols are tremendous because the scouting bonus and players are really close together in this map so they'll try and lane so the try and seal steal excuse me boars and goats right away which leads me to yin yang I think they'll have Vietnamese I think the only pockets if that makes sense is probably Huns yeah probably Huns 4yo and then it's a bit awkward for the flank civilizations do you want to use italians here do you want to use Portuguese I think one of those two will probably actually Celts Celts would make sense I feel like licks is gonna get Celts I think yo will be Huns licks will be Celts and then I think paladin will be Vietnamese that would be my guess we'll see hopefully the explanations make a bit of sense I understand it's complicated it is not easy especially if you haven't seen these maps as much as I have but wait a second yeah I think Celts could be used here but then you might want to save Celts for donut actually cuz donut the games can go really late so I actually don't know about that kelp kelp prediction maybe it'd be Portuguese or Italians sorry if I kill you thank you for 15 you don't need to apologize that is a game war after all fall fall with 25 months has it been watching a lot of the vods lately to keep up with boa and finally caught up to a live stream and no you hear it a lot but thank you for what you do T ninety to ninety love hey thanks fall flat hey I hear it a lot but it still means a lot every time so thanks no worries I noticed the vod's get a lot more views nowadays so I think there's a lot of people who are in the same boat who watch the vod's instead of only watching on youtube morning Mia I do not have loud alerts on today guys so I'll just I'll just have to shout you out in between games nice to see everyone I'll say hello while I can hey bean tanker I'm a little bit congested today so I'm taking it easy drinking some water we have best-of-seven semi-final between secret and yin-yang and then we have the big best-of-seven a semi-final between aftermath and suomi after nope had not Corona we're good yeah I think slam I'm looking at the maps it wouldn't surprise me if we don't see slam again today the team secret based on the maps I think we'll probably see maybe we'll see slam on donut but I believe it's gonna be the big three for secret of the remainder of the series slams really good as flank on Arabia I think the other ones he's not going to be as quite as good as as like doubt or tapped it would be all right let's see if my predictions were correct here it is Coliseum predicted that much ok Vipers gone Malians which he's done in the past he's flanked doubt his pocket probably magyars and then tats his probably Mongols yep okay so immediately we see the scouts running forward and I believe tato got the first hit there ok 33 hp on the scouts really close will see this on both sides so I just got to quickly say Portuguese for paladin oh I should have predicted that Berbers for yo oh really and then licks is Vietnamese right yeah ok licks is Vietnamese so they know exactly where the TCS are and licks is already a Viper's base trying to steal the goats as he steals the goats he will see the Viper has an elephant there so this is gonna happen on both sides lame lame lame lame lame lame lame I know Pig I know elephant paladin is really thinking about taking that elephant tatto again gets what I believe was the first hit and that Scout engagement so tattos defended but yo-yo sending scouting tattoos gonna assume he's gonna win this oh no he runs back that's great awareness from tat so sometimes you just assume you'll be fine alright so goat situation for Viper not so good however here he comes looping around oh it doubts here - boo oh man what if they both steal elephants from licks licks is gonna lose oh my god oh my god licks is going to lose for go and two elephants that's 1200 food just gone from his base assuming that these Scouts bring it back Lix is gonna have nothing and licks hasn't scouted because he was laying so he's like oh vipers doing one of my elephants I'll have the other one but no the other ones aren't there my friend I mean it's really important that Viper fails then it's really important that he stop Swiper team secret they picked Mongols for the scouting bonus okay the elephant's going back that's huge that's huge at least this is manageable now not to mention the fact that licks is aware that Viper has his elephant and Viper can't do anything to attack that Scout cuz his Scouts week so licks might just be okay let's see if he hesitates Viper is very much aware this possibility now Vipers villager doesn't have Lou but they're playing with two patches ago so the elephants elephants do a lot of damage but villagers can't be blocked by Scouts normally so I think it's going to be fine wait a second now yo what the what the you're stealing the goats back yo is stealing the goats back and then this is okay what's weird is I don't even think that this is I don't know where this elephant belongs because it's not like it's doubt I guess doubt probably has Lex's okay it is doubts elephant all right well again expected on this map what I like about having Portuguese for yin-yang is that they have dark age cartography so having that's gonna be really nice yo actually did not scout his elephant on the left side and vipers now here to block dark age matters so much man you can block the elephant and vipers doing it and that elephant might just go back you know what I think yo should maybe pool a lil it's a bit risky but I think you have berber villagers Pula vill full of ill run back with your scalp and try and stag know the elephants it's going back home geez okay now yo did find that elephant does have a scout to maybe get these goats ridiculous so expect heavy pressure and feudal the flanks might switch it up a bit on this map you might not see just straight archers I think we could also see man-at-arms and archers because of this aggression classy stuff from you know to weaken the elephant with the TC these elephants are getting attacked by Scouts you're getting attacked by villagers they're getting attacked by arrows from the town centre what an awful life for them the first person that will be in futile age is the Mongol player no surprise there tatto has that hunt bonus with Mongols I know this looks fast I still think tats is gonna try and swing an archer build off this just because he actually he lost his Scout didn't he I think he lost his Scout now you see how much he has on wood this is how straggler trees are used the high level if you realize you don't need a lot of food you transfer to stragglers just to get a bit more wood he'll probably send three two golds get a wall off and go for archers now some players could be crippled by this to the point where they can't go for their initial strategy so paladin he's on the way to futile he will go for his initial strat archers yo is going for Scouts he's fine as his doubt as he brings in his elephant and then Viper on his way to futile at 23 pop and then 23 pop beautiful licks it's actually like now there's a big difference between what they have underneath the TCS but tremendous job from both teams to still be in this because games can just end you know see team walls coming up I've seen this from both teams they're not gonna go super crazy with team walls early because normally Scouts are out and about however if you think about it most the Scouts are weak so there's a lot more reason to start walling early normally you build the military buildings and then you wall instead of wall and before that yeah I think the only scout which is relatively high HP is doubts and that's a Magyar Scout too so it gets extra attack unconquered paladin was is actually a caster so gives me hope kappa now paladin has been around the community for many many years he played on the sy team with yo with licks with with Tim with I mean I I could go through the history of paladin the paladin's been around the community for a long time the thing is is that he doesn't he endlich's do not play a lot of 1/b ones and paladin was kind of on the fritz I don't think he was a part of the team as of like six months ago based on activity or maybe some other factors but right now he's getting doubled dala is using this starting scalp and then tanto came in with an archer and a spear something i've seen a lot from tatto on this map it's actually happened every single time I've seen team secret you seed out a company tatto as Tatsu goes for two early archers in a Spearman happens every time and the reason you do it is because it delays the flank player and the pocket player can't send in scouts to help of the Spearman's there so now Tatsu is going to be faster to the ranges than paladin and they don't didn't necessarily need to kill anything they're great work a pallet into big trouble they've just got to be careful though because yo is really close to all this it wouldn't surprise me a Viper's sent some help over this way too but I think the safe play for Vipers is to get the walls up towards doubt team secret are using this time to get those walls up and great micro from tattooin doubt work together Kimagure scouts are cheaper they also get that extra attack where Berbers become quite strong as probably in castle age because Berbers get the cheaper knights and they get camels but yeah it's still with just one archer range for paladin this is really really bad for yin-yang tattoo has been producing on the two ranges and he's continuing to send pressure this way I think yo-yos gonna feel the need to take a flight here lick sends his Scout over to help I think he just forgot about it though move oh man this is amazing from Downton tatto and meanwhile secret pool walls full walls so there's not a lot of reason for Viper not to come over to help right now I think you're expecting licks to do so because this pressure might shift over to yo so I think Piper's got an O now and it looks like he's scouting it then licks is on the way yeah he's definitely scouting at the moment paladin will actually go for three ranges now okay so big thing you need to know the difference between Tatsu and paladin paladin has to go for a third Archer range which is another 175 would invested into what's being attacked right now oh that's Cal yeah it's another 175 would invested in the military just so we can catch up and that means his eq will be behind so tatto will likely have a much better farming eco likely have a better castle time so it's important for sy to do a lot of damage I've never seen this before where someone has had to go three ranges this early just because of that early aggression however doubts is completely left at oh that's weird to me oh let's he hits the wood line it's totally worth it if he hits the wood line with magyar scouts oh my god paladin is losing so much he had 11 on wood he is 6 on wood right now as some of them are on straggler trees ouch ok that's worth it then and now bite burrs here now vipers here so so since Lix is further back because he was defending viper arrives not the best micro you've ever seen from viper but it gets better there he gets pick offs and they're there at least trading evenly with the enemy team in that engagement doubt it does not have the Scout numbers but he hasn't invested as much into the scouts that are there the doubt needs to make a decision tats needs to make a decision how much do they invest now into feudal do they do they try and apply the finishing blow did they go for the kill does doubt add a second man third stable or two do they think well we're waltz doubt you go Castle age this is such a bad game for paladin and it was an amazing game too in game or sorry I meant to save his amazing game in game number two confused myself I won't explain yo is almost forced to stop producing at this point I guess he has enough Scouts so it's fine maybe yo can carry with chief Knights okay that's that stone gate foundations gonna go down and if it does go down yos gold could be hit which he cannot afford walling wall and wall and wall and walling doubt saving ready to go castle to if you're wondering Viper has a lot of archers lakes is here on the other side this might make Viper hesitate okay if yin-yang have a chance they need to trade verse Vipers army they need to get a nice little counter-attack because remember Taft is gonna go cast late to the decent time Vipers gonna go castle aged doubts gonna go castle age I highly doubt paladin it's gonna be able to so they need to use the extra military they have right now to do something there's potential for it only six on food for paladin and tatto has 13 and he's on his way to Castle age so huge difference between those two all stemming from the early attacks just just take out the palisade wall right like I think if they see the palisade wall they need to go for it the game was closer I think you stay back but since the game is sin stats is gonna be so far ahead I think you have to try oh and they can I don't think they can actually tattoo has enough archers behind down is also gone he's going for another layer Palisades and he's also gone for a lot of houses too so that will keep him protected secret knew that the pushback would come and secretive defended well Vipers going for three ranges can afford to do that with the malian bonus is it possible the doubt will lose the stable I think Viper ins hat so need to come help here so doubt doesn't lose that it's a very least I need to distract this right diapers gonna come behind and tatoes gonna act as if he's gonna fight here just so they have to pull their Scouts and archers off the stable because that will want the production he'll also want to keep that stable up as a wall yep good move I'm really curious if yo can carry now guys I was gonna go all in Berber Knights are super cheap three stables the Knights are already on the way paladin needs towers he needs defense he needs stone walls yeah he's stonewalling great job if they have any chance they can't allow paladin to die to tatto the fight has to come to mr. yo and then we have lakes with four archery ranges I love licks but it's the right play before this tournament though I'd never seen a player go for four archery ranges in early castle more than once oh man but he's doing it again and here the other side is dead you need to do it this is gonna be sickening though Viper already has ballistics doubt has nights with e3 attack oh man it's just a matter of who's gonna get hit here is it gonna be yo or is it gonna be lips right now it looks like it's licks now secret don't really need to kill that they obviously need to control the map right they need to have a lot of military to do that but they don't need to kill anyone oh no there was a hole there was all for leaks mr. Yao has plus two though what if light kaluza's everything is there a chance here Oh at a toll on the other side see there's three players in castle aged four team secret if Viper sees the Knights coming in he was never gonna be surprised by this I think he and doubt are just gonna take as good as it good as oven ah they're gonna take a good engagement sorry no caffeine yet today chat yeah and then just run away because they have the Eco spent man tripping over my words today feels bad tatse will run in tattoo will hear from Viper in doubt you might not want to do that you might want to back up help the team a little bit don't leave your spell your self exposed tanto at a toe will add a second TC so it's gotta be mystery oh it's got to be licks it's got to be a lot of military I'm still struggling to see how they could do this maybe one maybe one paladin gets his upgrades because he is almost in castle H 80% of the way obviously it's not going to be the play to add TCS if you're in his position because tattoo is already gonna be ahead economically 55 villes for doubts it is 50 excuse me 49 4 yo this keeps moving up and down so I keep missing it this does not keep the team order together thanks to e so it's really tough I think it makes sense for secret to focus fully on yo take out the stables take out the blacksmith just just make it so yos attacks can be weaker stables definitely the Y's are played because then you will have less production right here comes licks here comes yo yin-yang are really far behind secret started off with a bang with game number one in this series yin yang responded the secret responded right back here it is doubt doesn't have near as many nights he does have the extra attack two staples just went down though yo is on yo was on for now he's on to stables and leaf building stables it's a lot of range units Knights won't even engage there's so many range units ice micro from yo out dodging ballistics time and time again see if secret hold there Eco kicks in don't make for military the win the game that's the situation we're in so secret just have to play defense from here and where's mister yo where's mister yo I think he got distracted by something else I'll look in a moment well now I think they might just commit to the fight who will win this four batches of crossbows two big groups of Knights I think the crossbow numbers are higher for team secret they're much higher for team secret if yo was sending in reinforcements now he's not sending reinforcements in time and again 44 villagers for paladin it's 64 tatto 74 viper while Lakes only has 47 quite simply yin yang or all in that's the point where the all in failed and I think now this is probably gg the viper is gonna feel confident enough to maybe add some rams to take down these ranges this is all assuming that doubts gonna have good support doubts gonna still need to be producing Knights he's doing that like I just don't think there's enough out here to trade against the crossbows what is it for Viper 46 for tat so it's 35 and they have the best eCos in the game dal also has 20 more villagers than yo so they had to go all-in they try that was the point in time where it needed to work now a token start mixing in Manga die he has a forward castle to further secure his base and get that Gold's any other team would call GG here I think but then again you're looking at a huge huge storm in $20,000 prize pool so we're not talking rated games I've seen them win before when I thought the game was over my most recent youtube upload is a great example of that again I'm just not seeing it though 17 nights for mr. yo 10 for doubt but there's three times as many crossbows from the place Rattata also going for the siege workshop idea I like that I like the confidence to know that you could do that labor actually added the mag aneleanele forward castle I like the decision from viper and also the micro here to use two crossbows and pull back the mag Annelle that was slick and the GG's called there you have it yeah it was it was coming it was just a matter of time how good was the opening from tatto and doubt well first off both teams were laning I think it's really important that doubt had more HP on his scout remember yo only had like two three HP on that scout he did end up keeping it alive so he could push in deer in Dark Age but doubt had a 40 HP Scout with magyar extra attack he used it and then tatto went for one spearmen and two archers and it was the one spearmen and two archers without scout that one then the game there pretty much because everything that happened after that stems from that initial little engagement the delaying of the archer ranges beautiful beautiful play from secret they play so good on this map I'll pull up the achievements I feel like this is one where we knew that the economy would be greater for doubt he knew would be better for Viper we knew it'd be better for tat oh the down had 95 villagers viper had 93 and Tonto had 75 which was higher than even mr. yo so that much is not a surprise for us but now the score is two to one we move on and things get a little bit more predictable donut and beach fight the maps that yin-yang picked the maps that we have not seen yet so we'll see one of those two next and I'll speculate over the SIVs here and tatto is tatto is so incredibly good with that type of a build there's actually this classic player named Maya who used to do that and won't be once I imagine most of you guys don't know him he recently returned to the game and he's in the top 100 but he doesn't play that frequently I think he's from Morocco and in 1b once he would actually go with one Archer a bunch of Spears Indus curves and really really awkward but it would catch people off-guard and it would work quite well the idea is is that the archer will be an annoyance to the economy and if you're going for a Scout build this Spears are there too right so it almost forces you directly into squirms and then they go into their own screams and then boom they're already ahead who is from Morocco uh Maya is from Morocco but I think so anyways I think so maybe I'll find some recorded games from him from the past and show you guys later later as in maybe on YouTube at some point not later today today will be a long day okay so team secret have used they've used Mongols they've used Magyars and they have used Malians if it is donut I fully expect to see Spanish Teutons I'm not sure where I actually think we'll see Spanish Teutons in Koreans I think that's what they did before tattoo when Teutons viper went spanish and doubt went koreans meaning that if it is what's the other one beach fight they'll have Turks Malay and Aztecs kind of makes sense excuse me but um I think beach fight we've seen toons before - all right I need to cross off the sibs here no Berbers no Vietnamese and no Portuguese if it is donut I think we will see Italians humans and we'll know actually maybe we'll see see I think Byzantines is gonna be for beach fight because we're really close together and I remember licks going for a fast dip before with that so maybe Byzantines Celts vulgarians there we're getting down to the nitty-gritty I don't know like certainly Celts would make sense because of the siege but Kelso it also makes sense for both these maps we'll find out soon what happens when all the saves are used well this is a draft for five games feels and then they have to do an additional save trap for the remaining two games can you explain global bands I can't tell you why they glow believe and those sibs hey I could speculate a little bit if you look at the globally band civilizations its Indians Slavs Britons incomer Britain's probably the best range civilization nowadays kamuran Indians probably - best pocket civilizations nowadays as for Slavs it's a strong Civ maybe they saw Leo had some success with it in the past but you do the global bands first so oftentimes you want a global band strong civilizations so your opponent doesn't get to pick them but yeah Indians are pretty freakin broken at the pocket so I think neither team wanted to deal with that and qamar are pretty broken if they get to boom which teams are gonna be able to do so I understand Indians qamar and Britons and then the other one what was it Slavs and too strong says steel tilts me that Spanish are cut off from the picture check can we just type a smiley face for UFOs s because every time I show that he gets really upset and I don't want him to be upset I wanted to be happy I want him to be happy just take a deep breath once Spanish sure picked it won't matter nice see look look at that the happiness the joy that's all right I think well we'll see now this is yin-yang choice so I think we're gonna see beach fight and if we see beach fight yin-yang or incredible on beach fight one of the more ridiculous games I've ever seen it's my most recent YouTube upload so you could save that to watch later was on beach fight with this team now what I'm torn on is the Teutons thing because I know in the past you see a lot of monks on this map I don't think we're gonna see a lot of mounts per se from yin yang but it might kind of make sense for secret to pick Teutons in some situations just in case a monk push comes in but the only civilization which has decent monks would be Byzantines for Yeo's team and I think Byzantines are not gonna be going monks anyways I think they'll probably go for something else all of this I'll explain once we're in the game of course kind of break down the strats but chat um we just got Smiley's if my subs could please salute I'm glad you guys have all been here today thank you for stopping by I'm seeing people who were here for community games all day yesterday to Putin's no I I'd be surprised if Viper plays tunes I think it would be Tatsu based on what I saw before I think Mike would play Spanish but Teutons yeah thanks Chet I always feel a little bit bad because I can't interact with everybody when there's so many people here but also it's a tournament but thank you for choosing the step I'd stay also if you watch community games I'm really really really really really critical myself I felt like the last game and maybe the game before where I played wasn't as entertaining as it would have been if I casted so if you felt like it wasn't that great I'm sorry I never want anyone to feel that when they show up to this stream it wasn't because of my gameplay it's just I think the settings were a bit too Mimi and maybe I'm just not able to be myself when I'm playing and talking at the same time it's much easier Clem casting but you guys might not have been thinking that at all thank you doing thank you as your sentry for gifting subs thank you storm - runner yeah I'm personally hoping that yin-yang tie this up so we can see all seven games today at both sets aftermath first Finland or suomi will be up after this I'm the greatest mediocre streamer on YouTube well thank you I guess [Laughter] please strode please all right game for between team secret and yin-yang I'm apparently the greatest mediocre streamer on YouTube great that's that's just the energy I needed before getting into this thank you wow that's great hey could be worse all right let's do it Game four okay for a second I thought this was calling see him again just because about the T C's were alright it's donut I wasn't expecting this I thought the yin-yang would not pick donut I thought they would maybe save donut for a potential game five actually at this point we're gonna see a game five regardless certainly it's the best of seven and guys this is the exact strategy I saw hold on no it's not the exact strategy I saw before for team secret tattoes actually Turks Turks on the flank not tootin so they're saving Teutons for beach fight the pocket is Viper who's gone for the Spanish and then we have dalla in the blue and doubt is playing at the Koreans alright interesting Lakes is the flank Lakes is playing as the Celts here in the yellow we have mr. Yeo mr. Yeo is playing as the cumin now cumin is on this map surely they've still got to go for a to TC boom right and we'll talk about that and then paladin is playing at the Italians normally what you see from flanks is you see archers this map there's only one choke put on either side to fight through you cannot wall this terrain here you cannot wall that little rocky road terrain that makes me hungry for ice cream but tub bay you could seal wall you can still go into archers and you can still normally send some support with Scouts or Knights from pocket now Viper's picked Spanish last time I saw secret play this Viper went for greedy fast castle play and two conquistadors and that might be pretty easy for him to pull off now if mr. yo is gonna go fast futile into a greedy second town center - boom so we might see a very very boring passive start in the flanks with all flanks going archers and playing defensively with no pocket support it's very rare to see that normally you're seeing pocket support but I think here we might just see booming okay just to address a few things so somebody said teen ID Beach fight was one of the Maps picked by team secret that's true but the way this torrent is played first off is you can actually play or pick to play on a map that your opponent has picked as a home map so it works differently it's not really a home map anymore and also we've already the two maps at yin-yang pics so this map was actually picked by secret and so we'll up coming up regardless of who wins here we're going to see the next map on beach fight so keep that in mind now if this goes to game number six and game number seven there's what they're calling a supplemental draft so we have to do an additional sieve draft and also that the maps everything we'll talk about it then but we don't know all the potential settings of the remainder of this best-of-seven now Turks is a sieve that I think players should play standard you don't need to go into Janissaries especially here you have that gold bonus you could play in the crossbows just fine and then maybe the only worrisome thing is going to be that italians can go crossbow into our blessed and turks can't do that turks they don't get arbol a so they'd have to go crossbow hope to get a lot of help while they make a switch in the CAV archers later on which is pretty pricey I would love to see Turk AB archers in this game I'd love to see it work actually just to see all the the high HP CAV archers running around with the spot he made I'm sure tats who can get there but depends on the support from Viper does it make sense to go skirm now if there's no pocket support interesting thought from Lord Lord Dale and Chet interesting idea I mean possibly what we'll probably see those Kermes are still not a good offensive tool so I think what you'll see is straight archers and then maybe when they encounter the enemy archers they'll mix in some scrubs right so it won't be full scurbs because you're still going to be exposed and you're not going to be able to do much offensively but I think we will see a mix of sturms certainly not for Turk's yeah maybe maybe that's something we'll see from paladin that would be pretty sick actually to see paladin go for morse Kermes just because he's expecting tatsuko archers i assume so maybe tatsuko scouts though i think this actually looks more like a scout builds it's just common to see flanks go archers maybe though if they know yos gonna boom if they know that vipers not gonna offer any help maybe it's better for tatse to get some mobility you see the scouts are fighting on this side vipers actually here to help out and yo needs to send his Scout over you see it here on the way for now licks is just trying to get some walls up I think the Vipers still in Dark Age so I think this is gonna end up being okay four licks but good delaying from Viper and down oh wait a second doubts going Oh doubts going oh this is amazing build I hope he doesn't get housed because he's gonna get popped capped if he did if he's not building a house somewhere but this is amazing because it's it's like fast man-at-arms or fast militia into archers and we're actually seeing militia from lakes as well though so Luke's is gonna defend just Knight just fine and then the Scout will have extra attack in a moment and extra speed for yo okay so you know what that was solid defense doubt did get house by the way but he lost a militia so now we should have time to build a house and there he goes that's what that that's next level strategies right there lose a unit so you're not pop capped anymore okay now he's pop capped again kill another one well I thought this is gonna be great for Dowell now I'm not so sure because he's the one that's on the back foot an update on tat oh yeah tatto is going archers okay alright did not see him go two golds obviously you can go to gold a little bit later when you collect gold faster misterx okay that's a sneak Vil oh no this is a forward oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy this is gonna be nuts this is gonna be nuts the only real difference is that yo is here with the Scout that has more HP and more attack that can make the difference just like we saw in the previous game how having those two archers and spearmen to change the rest of the game we could see it here Lix loses a villager Dow will lose his man-at-arms who's gonna lose this flight he's definitely gonna lose this fight and the tower will go up four licks I don't know if that's gonna be liking this position what he could do is doubt we'll come very close to lose mobility Garrison's he could just send built three bills here yeah just dive under it and licks his tower will just be a waste at great play from doubt great play honestly I say it too frequently but it is a reason you don't see forwards and team games I guess you have a little bit more reason to go forward if Vipers not gonna be sending help though his Vipers just going fast castle in the few pieces so eventually the pocket players are gonna come into play yo who's gonna be making Knights vipers actually he was pushing a zebra cord out which is funny and vipers gonna be making conquistadors Lakes does not have an archery range he's not making a skirmish ease not making archers this reminds me of Tatooine the previous game it did not work doubt has pulled four full HP bills this would be a pretty close fight doubt sending another one obviously he can make an archer skirm soon all the micro from life are all that was so amazing great teamwork that is a six HP Scout and he just went whoop did the loop-d-loop around down and out punch that man at arm down [Music] vipir also doesn't want this pressure to go to him so he has to keep track of this hey doubts pulled more villagers is it worth it at this point I think is the idle time that you've you've caused worth it feel like it might be doubts hold a lot of bills but but then again doubts gonna have those bills alive to work oh no it's a disaster it's a disaster oh no what is this what is this leaks leaks what does that even accomplish that doesn't do anything you just walled in the weak woman with the strong woman and now the man ran into the army all four villagers went down and out the fence again another game where one of the flanks is falling apart for yin yang and now I think yo is gonna have to carry big time 41 bills for him it's 28 for Viper but Viper will have conquistadors and I think Viper since he's not trouble it could come forward and build a castle right in front of doubt on the other side cat has been making archers I was curious to see if we what the what the do you see this what is this strategy this looks like something I would see in LOI the legends but it might be 300 IQ you can't wall on that but he built a tower there he's sending archers inside the tower does Tatsu know about that he does that is that is unique wow that's funny I think Viper wanted to build a castle right where doubt is taking that ostrich so now Viper has to build his castle and slightly further back but guys you just I know he was Celts but I think going for a forward in team game is a big big mistake they hurt your ego so much you'll have no military momentum Viper's castle will go up and the cogs will be coming similar strategy here for four licks to build the tower so they must have practiced this but you can still run right by it and if you don't have any units whatsoever might be kind of hard to defend from this then again yo is gonna be in castle age soon death doesn't have that much tatto still just patrolling at home he's on the way to castle age paladin still hasn't clicked out yeah I'm gonna be honest I don't I don't understand the strategy at all from from yin-yang I always get excited when likes goes forward but normally he has like really good macro behind it or at least he goes forward at the proper time this this does not look good at all and and four pounded on this side to be later to castle age than tatto whose turks that's also really peculiar to me and it's peculiar because it's cheaper for italians to go up yah wasn't being attacked there's a skirmish sure and there's the Scout here he's completely fine he's gonna have to staple Knights soon but you look at doubt now he's on the gold for licks licks will lose the villager the tower will be denied and then Vipers also sending conquistadors in or viper he's gonna eventually catch up a Nico and and the other thing is yo has all that economy he can only push in two spots so if dalla and tatto and viper are holding those choke points it's not like that extra eco who's gonna push very far on this map so when you went both pockets are playing as they're playing this if it comes down it excuse me it comes down to having a proper one be one on each side and secret have just played better and now stats was gonna drop a castle here to shoot the tower down he'll probably still get crossbow but I think he's gonna switch into Janissaries with siege it's a high aggression hyper he's adding his third Town Center now economically he's still 15 villagers behind but he'll catch up I think Viper and Dowell will be very happy with the amount of damage they were able to do against Lakes and now we have set planters for mr. yah this is really cool it's actually great against conquistadors because you have a bit of range and you can poke and light for losses those comps I know Viper has used steppe lancers in this situation before nice to see them used yo will probably be on 3 T sees now booming so he'll maintain that Billy forty sees but how can he push the castles on either side now I can understand why licks is behind because he went forward and it failed what I can't understand is what happened with paladin how is his castle aged so late he built the tower which was 50 wood and 125 stone not to mention the villager time still doesn't really account for how far behind he is oh that's a good point wait is okay so cumin x' get capped ram but it's not a team bonus right it's true maybe maybe yo could push back with cap grams and gas slaves but he can't even be thinking about seats because he has to be thinking about fighting this army now I don't think there's any reason to go fast imprint at this position because you're already ahead so so if you're behind then you go fast in if you're ahead continue to push and odd economy and that's exactly what tatse is doing the viper is here to defend doubt doubt keys and castle age already and licks is not even on his way this is this is really bad for union there's no other way to say it I don't know what happened to the flanks in this game Lix maybe was too tempted by the forward Gold's ended up losing the bills but paladin's still confusing the crap out of me I don't get it at our freak out now behind the wood line he is Koreans Greene's towers uh I think his tower will go up actually believe it or not I think that tower goes up what's that spearmen doing in there that will be just enough to annoy and now Lix is coming in with the archers but again what's that gonna accomplish very very little pretty soon yahwah's gonna need to send some support to this side here it is he has the Knights this is a great reason to add in two new streets because Janissaries are very very good against Knights 71 bills for Viper 87 for mr. EO but then look at tattooin down I guess in this case it's good that our table does not order it my team because you can see that the lead with populations for the secret players as a team they're much stronger whereas yin yang they just have mr. Yao in a very strong position it's a mac and L push up against crossbows viper now has conks over here he's actually brought in a ram just to take out that market and y'all wanted to make a siege workshop I believe for capped Rams the eventual cap ramp but I don't know if they have the military to push with siege doubts just booming we know he's good with that he's a Boomer this is actually dangerous for Viper I think this is a mistake for Viper I think he's gone in too far he's got a micro his way out of here he's lost three Kong's four conks oh oh that was bad still not the end of the world cuz his team's ahead but that was sloppy there's no reason to leave tatah right now this just gives yo and pound and more of an opportunity to push this back Tatsu did not have vodka narrow for the crossbows that does not benefit ich mysteries so he felt like a delay it he just researched it now I just love the team structure for secret and now lakes is falling apart lakes just arrived to Castle age he's research guard tower still can't take that wood line comfortably guys secret have no interest than pushing here I'm gonna give you I'm gonna tell you a little secret they have no interest in pushing they just want in at this point they just want to hold and go to him the more they push the more they leave themselves exposed mister yo is on his way to the Imperial age he's the first one on the way they're gonna need to hold against that now just VIPRE switch out of conquistadors and into paladins I think he will do that but then again yeah I don't know yet he's not producing more conks this there's potential for yin-yang with yos boom there's real potential yo has been untouched he will get Cavalier and he will get to paladin that much I'm certain of see I think if Viper had those call numbers he has the stone for another castle so maybe you could go to three two or three castle conquistadors into paladin later either way there's gonna be a big momentum swing because Vipers trying to make a switch it's gonna take some time so I think oh wow tat Oh almost landed a shot on this crossbows I don't think this is a fight that mr. yo wants to take but I think he he feels as though you know he has to I say he doesn't want to take it because he doesn't want to lose those numbers before they're upgraded but he needs to get the castle up but yeah anyways you look at yours resources it's insane already has capped ram research vipers building this castle I think because they expect tattos castle go down now just after switching something he hasn't even clicked up to in Piett does he stick with Janissary if he's gonna lose his castle he's gonna build another one back here doubt update on the right side he's imping and licks is going fast him so licks is at 53 Vil's doubts at 104 all that mr. Yeo has told licks and paladin is hey let's go in let's take out their buildings and then let me kill all paladin that's that's pretty much what he's saying right now so the fast in play is actually to correct play from lakes because adding eco and then going imp would mean you'd be in Castle H forever and doubt would just rub you down but now it's a one T CMP just out of the second PC he just handed the third I guess fast is probably the wrong word but my point is is it's an intentional one TCM after falling behind and now we have not won TC but lower eco m4 paladin and the difference between sy or Sargon Yang and secret on the left is military momentum paladin still has archers he can upgrade those two arms he can get bracer mr. yo he probably has powd and on the way already whereas viper is on knights now I do see some trade and Spanish team bonus I mean there's a lot of gold coming in for Vipers so Jin Yang's got to make sure this push counts they've got to break this hold on both sides actually just one side and it's got to be the left side where tattoo and Viper are that's where they're looking to push this is crazy see tat so didn't even repair the castle he didn't think you would ever stay up mr. Yeol is a lot to do right now he's tempted to take this fight I think you should at the very least just to take out the trap then you're gonna need more trebs to follow this up Genoese crossbowmen to something I didn't bring up Italians have Genoese crossbowmen which are fantastic against calves the Vipers getting the final armor upgrade for his calves he is paladin halfway in vipers looking at 20 it's 32 for mr. yo and Mysterio has more queued as well I believe on this side we have the trevore now quel treads really strong here however Talon has two castles to produce traps from and he's repairing alixus late to that so I think licks is actually going to be out revved on that side the Paladin is in for mr. y'all can yin yang push here you could argue that maybe instead of going all in on this side maybe yo starts to shift a little bit more to the right due to the fact that paladin's gonna have Genoese crossbow so maybe yo will be happy with the fact they have three trebs treble and more numbers than viper have faith in the Genoese and switch back over here to help lik Sal Lakes lost his castle it's very possible that Dow could lose his licks needs to repair his trebuchet okay doubt loses his castle so doubt still has treads but he doesn't have any military and here comes the yellow now so yeah this is the shift we'll also start to see the trade and also we could see a big fight over here where tattoes still just going for Janissaries Janissaries our great unit if you get a lot of them they're just really tough to mess up tattoo does have 20 though mr. Yost popped capped at 200 population his more upgrades than Viper the Genoese aren't fully upgraded yet the crossbows aren't even ours yet the upgrades are coming in I think this is secret forcing to fight more than its yin-yang forcing the fight yin yang or taking the fight because they feel they have to hold this back on this side the paladin's come in it out could be in real trouble with these straps he went only siege I think he needed to switch he needed to switch into war wagons or something else the traps are starting to go down likes of course still in a bad position back to this fight fight for 23 paladins it's 28 for mr. yo and there's arbol as behind with Genoese now if the units would actually engage i could judge this a bit better thanks to you but it looks to me like vipers running out of numbers here and if that's the case then what you've probably all man it's so close it's so close now now secret are gonna hold this barely because there will be another castle up behind and remember Viper has trade so he has a lot queued and he's sending more in that was so unbelievably close the tattoo will now have a second counsel to produce mysteries from doubt pushing in still pushing in he's going for towers he's going for bombard cannons he doesn't need more than that because Vipers here to help with stables and licks is a ninety population he's gonna dip below 90 population we have Korean keeps almost full upgrades all secret need to do is hold on the left and they're pushing back to wow I was waiting for the swing that's waiting for the swing back for yin-yang I thought it was gonna happen they played their roles and I think the lead that they took economically the flank players is what we're seeing now very rarely are you gonna see someone with going to initiate against our blast have more numbers that's the case on the left very rarely are you gonna see a player as koreans have the luxury to go full towers and bombard cannons that's what we're seeing here all because of the early advantages and then of course they have the Spanish trade bonus viper he's not needed immediately on both sides so he's able to spread his units out the winners of battle of Africa one team secret I think they're about to go up 3-1 here guys I mean I'm just not seeing how like what do you have that benefits you here if you're in Yin Yang's position you've no way of pushing back these towers right now your trade is right behind this and outs also gonna add a help of yours which is great because the only one he's really worried about is mr. yo and he's making the CAV Scouts mining all that stone and I think this was the team strategy just get the position get the trade bonus and then win the game yin yang have licks they have licks is 68 pop now he was at 90 when I mentioned it last it's only gonna get worse you can't run anywhere you just you can't flee and this should just get stronger and stronger and stronger for Team secret what they could consider doing is getting tattle on the bombard tower Terk bomber towers are insane and it doesn't matter the GG is called if this game would have continued I think we'd see bomber towers from all three secret players on both sides both Korean Spanish and Turk bummer towers are insane well played guys I don't know what happened between paladin and tatto I don't think that much happened that's what confuses me look at this look at tattoes castle time look at paladins Castle time why the feudal times are similar it is cheaper for Italians to go castle age that is so baffling to me hmm I mean I didn't look at that side too frequently but remember Viper did not pressure their tattoo didn't pressure their either tattoo just sat back I don't think he had any units lost there I mean it's easy if I watch the YouTube video later maybe tattoo snuck an arch or two in but I don't think anything happened I think what happened was he went for that weird tower and he went to stone - so he sent three villagers to stone so he invested a hundred wood into a mining camp three villagers were on stone that would have otherwise been on food or gold for tatto and he put the resources into the tower and I think tatto might have you also use the market - Navy sent a few extra villagers to gold and bought food but hey Dad that was awful the Turks should be at a disadvantage on that flank and said they were way ahead and then he had licks his castle age time was way worse than doubt now with licks he just went for a Yolo move that didn't pay off there I understand at least but doubt and Tonto played well and Viper he just boomed GG scores 3-1 now guys so I said it going into this semi-final yin/yang in their group they beat secret three - they beat Finland three - they beat heresy three one was it so these are actually two teams that were in the same group in the group stage and team secret lost and a best of five but you know my head told me that secret has to be favored against everyone with the because it's secret and right now they're three one up now the next map is gonna be an amazing map it's called beach fight and it's do or die at this point for yin-yang beach fight will know the civilizations going into it because there's only three civilizations left for each team so no Turks no Spanish and no Koreans for team secret no cumin snow Celts and snow Italians there okay so we'll have Bulgarians Byzantines and the Huns keep in mind there's no stone on the map so getting a CREP post is going to be complicated against two ins Malay and Aztecs so if it goes to three - they do another sieve draft and map draft for the remaining two maps just just FYI just so you guys are aware you know I look at the sims for team secret and I think we're gonna see a lot of months because they have the tootin resistance bonus if the enemy tries to go from Mouse Teutons have great eco so maybe Teutons will go Knights Aztecs will go Eagles and monks and maybe a male will go archers I think mr. yo will likely play Huns in this next game I think yo will go Huns and pockets and then I think licks will probably take Byzantines and POW it and will take Paul Geary ins but bulgarians is a weird one for me what are you going to do with Bulgarians you're gonna go long swords hopefully see long swords at the epic speaking of epic the view count on this stream right now is epic thank you guys very much waffle jaw thank you for 28 to see secret tulip Dave Dave three three three six six seven that is thank you Bell grab Penix corrupt politics unravel e nays thank you for gifting that sub and ryx welcome in with the new sub thank you her we have 6.9 K right now I didn't when I looked at it it was around 7 that's awesome thank you everyone make sure if you have the time to think mem the organizers of the event who's probably casting this beast mode on his own stream right now but yeah the plan today is to finish this best-of-seven and then we have the next festive 7 between Finland's and aftermath after this so a lot of games love casting and trying to conserve energy I will be casting the entirety of today alone and then I have a very special co caster who'll be joining me tomorrow and talking to him about it very excited it is not Dave I don't want to tease you guys it's not Dave Dave said he wasn't interested in casting any of battle Africa so have a break from Dave actually Dave's been here the entire time he's muted Viper yeah Vipers gonna Co cast of the live finals because yin yang you're gonna come back oh oh what if I said that hole man spoilers white cold says so after one bad joke there will be minus 100 viewers well the joke is minus 7k viewers cuz that happened during hidden cup three I may have made fun of a maid Joe and the maid but we don't have 7,000 viewers so we can't lose seven thousand viewers if we don't have 7,000 viewers really close though don't take me down to the negatives please um good assessment from chat someone said how licks are paladin plays in early games really determines the how yin-yang performs I agree but it's more so because they've had instances where they get a big lead because of licks our paladin or they fall behind because of mixer pound it's not necessarily like how it has to be tanked at oh he rarely makes mistakes so you're never gonna see a game where secret players fall behind big-time unless it's just bad strategy and we saw that in game number two a since then it's been quite good all right here we go guys let's do it let's do it game number five I want yin yang to keep playing I want more games today despite the fact that I think I've been casting too much recently no there's no such thing Viper is playing as the flank he has gone for the Malay and the green we have doubt doubt is playing as the twos and then the teal we have tatu todelete' oh he's playing as the Aztecs up against a toe in the red we have Byzantines four licks the pocket is yo who's playing as the Huns and then we have paladin who's playing as the vulgarians kind of expected based on the saves that were remaining now beach fight first thing you need to notice you start with pre-built farms and then for the rest of your food income there's going to be hunt in the north in the south which players rarely taking Dark Age or even take it all but also goats around the outer ring so you see the Scout here's four paladin he's trying to take the goats away from Viper you'll see it on this side you see licks trying to snag some goats to take to his base and tatoes not too far away from finding some coat so he's been unlucky so far in his journey so you have that aspect of the map also the fact there's eight tiles per GC and then the rest of the gold is always visible protected by lions in the corners now I have seen games on this that have gone so late or one game in particular where there's been trade and it was Yin Yang who had tremendous showing on this map and somehow came back I'm not sure how it was possible but they did it I think this is what we'll see from the players I think Viper will actually go fast castle I think he's going to wall team are gonna coordinate and these choke points will will serve well for Viper I think he'll go fast castle into archers eye you know normally I think that but I have no clue what paladin's gonna do like having Bulgarians and not having the option to go crossbow later means that as the plank you've got to go for something else you can't realistically go for a tower rush because there's no stone to mine on this map you can make one tower and that's it I have no clue what to expect from him daltin yo are either gonna go fast castle in tonight's or they're gonna go with scouts at the start I'm assuming it's fast castle based on what I've seen and then I think it's gonna be tattoes job to combat licks because licks will most likely go for two ranges I think licks we'll try and get ARP as soon as possible in this game I don't expect a second and the third town center for him at all or at least for a while I think since the Imperial aged costs is so cheap for Byzantines licks is gonna have to have one beastly game so crap host is 350 stone if you wanted to make a crap post you would need to buy 200 stone III feel like bulgarians was as if they picked like where did they pick it on the draft it was the final pick right they did not plan for this whereas look at the picks for team secret like those were picked early and all those tips make sense here so I think vulgarians was a last-minute pick it might have even been random because if you only have 30 seconds to decide and if you don't decide fast enough it randomizes it that's true paladin does have a paladin Civ I just don't know what he'll do already you see the walls a light but we'll have to wall around this way and around this way it's a lot of walling I'm expecting fast castle monks and siege from tatto I'm expecting fast castle in tonight's for doubt I'm expecting pass castle artistry Piper I talked about 2 out of the 3 sy players I know what they're gonna do I have no clue what Bulgarians will bring to the table now doubts got some goats he's fine he's got some goats normally players will share VIPRE has a ton of code so maybe he'll send some over to doubt oh oh this could actually be oh no doubt his loom okay nevermind doubt his loom wait wait a moment wait a moment yo is close by but see if doubt can click while this he did actually get some hits there yeah this is what happens when teams are walling they either get loom or they get loom and they bring the scouts over and the villagers won't die no one's on the way to feudal age yet okay use your creative thinking wait Yolo man-at-arms maybe like maybe paladin will make one tower I don't know where but maybe he'll tower here and he'll go Yolo man-at-arms with vulgarians that's the only thing that makes sense it's still really bad strategy for this map though it's really bad planning oh yeah Bulgarians don't get paladin anymore I forgot about that dammit chat tricked me way to go chat make me look bad yeah militia are on the way and Bulgarians get the infantry upgrades of the militia line upgrades for free in each age and three villagers going school that's actually wait a second if he's sending five to gold is that so he will have the gold to buy stone see if he transfers more villes to wood what's the deal here no gate either so it's not like he's gonna send bills this way okay he's gonna send them this direction he definitely doesn't have the eco set up to just plop down a market okay Vipers Malay Viper is not going for fast castle he's going for Archer defense maybe this is Viper reacting to the fact that he's up against Bulgaria and he figures the only thing that's gonna calm us a lot of fuel age pressure Malay need to delay as I like to say Wow a very rainy day tonight okay we just lost our viewers but VIPRE will repair and VIPRE just needs one counter tower I believe or you could just abandon the berries but yeah okay sorry the rhymes happen did I just I couldn't help myself but yeah one counter tower good walls and then he'll run away with Millay I say feel like dr. Seuss okay tat oh he's gonna be going for eagles and he's gonna be going for monks and a whole large mix of aggression I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry forgive me it's 3 1 and now paladin has to go Yolo he can't make another tower okay there's the market so he's going to buy stone at this point and Vipers gonna be telling his team this remember mr. yo he'll be going fast castle we're gonna see the same from lick so I think licks might go for a pimp like a weird fast imp build not gonna be easy though like Tatsu is gonna be the one going with some insane pressure against him so he has the potential to click up to imp earlier but it's gonna take some time still all right and now how it is walk the whole way around doubt was expecting this doubt ideally we'll just get a few more walls up the Vipers even set an archer just to delay the tower is definitely going up so far so good for team secret sea vipers gonna have good military momentum he's gonna have good economy paladin will have no military momentum and he will have a really bad economy and it just gets more and more difficult to buy the stone as well I think this is where mr. yo and licks need to do damage because doubt has been delayed Vipers been delayed they're still fine but this is their time to shine you see yo is faster to the castle age than doubt you would economy with it and once tables up already here are the ranges on the hill for licks I noticed that a toe has built stone walls here so I think he's gonna break through that gate and try and pressure that hill it's actually a good decision for Lix to build his buildings on top of the hill that wait at so can't take that later we're gonna see a weird position where Lakes is gonna have to micro the monks down from taco and yo is gonna have to micro the siege down that's its most likely what will happen hey a paladin can buy enough time it could be good but I hate it I hate it this is why like as much as I can appreciate drafting going into this game I'm just thinking how you know and this is what makes secret so good in any tournament where there's drafting and not a free pic of civilization because they they not only have to prepare strategy which is do a really good job with but there's they're the best drafting team I would say the only team that could possibly out draft them would be Finland's smart planning and foresight that tower goes up now and it was even good from secret to take their inner Gold's not the outer Gold's there's the first monastery there will be seas now tatse will not be able to push forward with the siege he'll have to deal with this tower first so that's actually quite good tower should excuse me tatto should probably hit those units first and paladin reacted okay here comes licks and here comes yo the Viper has not clicked up to the castle a jetty as amazing eco he's amazing Archer numbers but doubt needs to wall this out very easy to do so on this map and this will buy them plenty of time doubts making two stable Knights as eco is gorgeous but the wood lines gonna hurt but as as paladin pushes the secret players towards the middle yo and licks arrived in the middle so it's interesting strategy it might as well just continue to push through here I remember tat oh he's eventually gonna clean up that tower and he's gonna start pushing licks so it will be three players making military for team secret and just two 4sy yeah exactly budweis well I mean we can talk more about that but I'm glad you picked up on it because I mentioned it in Game one like I mentioned this saves in Game one and if you lose with those civilizations you're not gonna have as many good sips remaining for later on exactly I don't know how many people watch tennis I am NOT a tennis expert by any means but it's very much like winning on your serve it's very important to win on your serve and when you have better sips or good like solid sip picks you need to win and then you need to I guess it's more complicated than that right because you need to make sure that you you have the severe evenly depending on the maps okay so Vipers gonna have plenty of crossbows he's about to being in or not in castle age that would be very fast this is where that push comes for team secret now it's worth pointing out that tattoo actually has a TC in the south and he's been taking food down here so that's interesting and we could see the gold matter on the sides here comes paladin with a villager I don't know what that Vil will do but you can't build here so you can't really go there because of the lions we have nights for doubt we have what will soon be crossbows for Viper and then we have monks and siege fort at OU and paladin is on his way to castle age he can't make crossbow with Bulgarians I don't know what you do you know maybe he tries his best like maybe somehow okay here come villages maybe he tries to keep them out of the gold corner I don't know how he'll do it he could actually lose all of his villagers there to the Lions but maybe that's the strap and then if they keep secret out of the gold corner eventually they'll run out of steam I mean Bulgarians could go monks I guess but then you have tunes on the enemy team like you see what I mean secret are holding all the cards toons have that team bonus where they resist conversion so going monks doesn't make a lot of sense can't go crossbow you can go Knights but then you go in cross but you're making Knights when dad already has good yeah okay okay that's the team strategy for yin-yang they're trying to take the corner so yo was gonna send Knights around and I believe he's gonna go Melissa's coming with him wait a second does he know about the hunt in the south oh we don't snow tattoes down there okay well secret will immediately react to this tatto will have to garrison his town center but tatto will tell the team that they can push forward them yeah yes a tattoo notices this and now all that military is probably gonna push forward if they feel the need to go back to defend from that though that's a win for uh press why it'll be feeling very good about it oh my god it's a crap post dropping the cook what he bought a crap post yo I mean paladin he's actually crept posting that's hilarious I didn't think we'd see it sorry I just screamed that's that's what you that's what you get for purchasing a good set of headphones you should know better you should have crappy headphones on this stream oh my goodness wait a second so I mean this is still gonna be quite bad any engagement pets huh that s why or yin yang taek but you know at something and maybe he'll buy another one we're getting good micro so far four lakes it's gonna be tough for yo to send nights after the Magon l's because tattoo has the monks there and the mag Annelle does fire doesn't do much dal loses a lot of his Knights it's actually good value that was a really good value engagement four legs look how much he's killed look how many nights have gone down there he's still Mike growing as well all right well in this corner we have mystery oh and we have paladin building TCS so they're taking their golds here comes Viper flavor arrives to just find that paladin is completely stonewalled there's still some other gaps to hit but paladin's sending bills over to Stonewall right now hey guys Lix is an imp so if another crit if it's like siege crap post rush over here and then licks is an imp with our blessed a Vipers and imp with our blessed 200k there is some potential 72 villagers from mr. Yao and doubts only at 50 what on earth happened there CEOs been booming like a madman and now it's on licks and yo to keep pallid and alive paladin is basically playing the licks role in this game just be as annoying as possible I think this is a bit of a mistake though they're trying to run around hate Vipers ARBs and vipers gonna be through the house here up never Minds marking wall siege workshop wall are blessed and knights against a stray dog provide for now vipers gonna need gold his name here comes out with some Knights guys yin yang strategies working yin yang strategies working we're seeing vulgarians actually do something here but I just want to say yo boom tremendous compared to doubts I doubt might have been harassed too much by those towers or maybe just didn't know what to commit to and maybe that's it normally the strategy would be to commit to the boom but he felt like he needed to make more military because it was a Yolo play from the enemy team yo has 78 villagers in doubts at 56 and licks is here and he's gonna have the same numbers as Viper so it's not like Viper can even push paladin and paladin's only job now is to be annoying in that corner what she will do okay that was actually an awful engagement for Luke to take yo is about to click up to the Imperial age wow wow this is awesome I love it hype stuff here now and no doubt also his tunes so he doesn't get a husband treat he does not have the mobility he does not have the speed that yo and licks are gonna have I think maybe now s why they back up and they say alright let's wait until we can get yo with upgrades and this is dangerous because now at dos coming in and tatoes in the Imperial age you still can't commit to taking some goals but tatto has the monks to convert arms she has the monks to convert Knight this is now secrets time on adjure for tat so we could see huge shots oh and licks we'll need to leave the hill I think all he's forced to leave the hill he actually deleted the range just so he can run away what a game here 3 1 secret are up right now 3 1 if they win this they move on to the finals to face either aftermath or finland's can they do it before the gold matters I just take licks as gold at this point Lakes is on one Town Center this is the town centre right here he could lose everything and yo can't help because if he does she loses the army before the upgrades yo was 60% of the way to the Imperial aged licks needs to make a run for it I think oh my word now an update over here beautiful house walls and quick walls from paladin he's been going with monks oh man but Vipers here with a bombard cannon and a bombard cannon can slowly take everything out of this corner wow lakes is making a run for it I still think this comes back to lack of military momentum there are three players making military for team secret there's basically two players that have large military mass for sy yos got a carry big time now guys my most recent youtube upload was a 3v3 was on this map I felt like Kim yang were dead they somehow came back they had less than a 1% chance apparently yo was begging in that game are not necessarily begging that would be exaggerating but he was saying this is game over let's call it they lose this game the route of this Horniman so I don't think they're gonna call it I think mr. Yeo and licks they're gonna try really hard here was actually licks in that game who is saying they should continue it just cutting through the trees with on udders I never thought we'd see auditor on this map I thought we'd see Mac and L monk and maybe a switch into Eagles but on ensures epic play from tatto can yo fight all of this on his own or with help of 20 crossbows that is so much this is crazy okay Cavaliers gonna complete our work has already completed I think they have to they have to free up licks they have to fight tatto has seven monks dealt who's booming behind this he's trying to catch up actually he's having an a really hard time booming because there's another crap post here and paladin is just preparing the CREP post oh my god paladin's doing his part viper has 9 on gold right now it's not that much but he still has so much military and yos losing so much of this economy look at this look at all the fields running out to the golds pretty soon all they're gonna have as gold you've got to fight it you've got to fight it before it gets worse for you and here's the engagement y'all running up the hill it's gonna be so tough to engage against this the auditors won't matter anymore it's all about the monks for tat oh and the herbalist for the Viper the tattoo has seed RAM to follow this up so what is do-or-die for sy is still 50 arms Viper the Cavalier just melted running up that hill Joe doesn't have the food and come to produce many more after this there's only 27 arms 4 Lakes more sieges on the way for tat oh this could be it Wow and vipers reinforcements were huge there he's obviously very distracted we're not giving viper a lot of credit for what he's doing I mean I'm gonna give him credit right now for what he's doing and out because the crept post goes down but yeah the mounted Viper had to do there to produce ARBs and also use the bomber cannons in the back was not easy also has to be said y can fight for do this so freely because paladin does not have good economy because paladin does not have good military someone said why not make conics because conics you need em you need a peer you age you need all the armor upgrades you need multiple CREP posts you need castles to produce them it you're never ever gonna have a chance to make Onix in this game now making the krepo s-- which are like these cheap mini castles to deny space and deny gold that that can be a good strategy but that's the only strategy that Bulgarians can go for now mister yo he's gonna desperately need food to produce the calf if he even has stables remaining in a bit you know you see Viper with these arms he's on the way the big difference though is that team secret is gonna be able to make more licks he lost his bait look at this this is desperation time for yin yang I guess for him he only needs wood and gold but still I'd like to see tattoo switching to Eagles now it equals and pikemen would be a great idea this is about to change so it's gonna be yin yang you can't take gold call the military come over to this corner and they can see it too it's always visible good microphone Viper and more units coming forward for tat so now now vulgarians do get Redemption so they can convert enemy siege and I think that's what is happening right here okay there you have it so bomber cannon convert it a paladin can use that to fire on this bomber kin and then maybe use the conex to kill it he can continue to hold this little corner okay he takes two bomber kids out of the picture that's good viper gets mopped up but I don't like yeah I mean maybe for the highlight we could have shown that it doesn't matter though it's the reinforcements it's the corner that matters I don't know if poundin can holds he is making some comics now look at the losses like they clean up viper but then viper has so much more coming now you have doubt underneath paladins base underneath paladins t see these are Knights with plus to think doubt really needs to get to the imperial age but doubt still producing knights Yoos doing is best at this point it's probably buying some food but oh you know what he actually has food villagers in the north right now on the hunt so he just doesn't have farms still gonna be so tough for yin/yang their 2000 score behinds that tells you a lot about their current position licks is down to 61 population licks has a town center here it's so bad it is for him and now the rams are coming oh no the rams are coming the only good thing for yin/yang is that they have control of gold that might not last for very long on under are blessed monks and rams I don't think yin/yang have the numbers to fight this not to mention paladin is getting completely destroyed by doubt that's been doubts job and maybe we'll see a big shot to finish this off guys that town center is going down villagers are dying and lakes will micro but it can only do this for so long actually it's it's been good my core so far he dodges he ducks underneath it here comes yo can't a toga conversions tattoes auditor goes down tatto has eight Cavalier ten Cavalier of his own and the monks will survive that's got to be it that's got to be the game and that has to mean the secrets going to the finals of battle of Africa to amazing monk Micra from tatto he's researching sea geology right now and yeah the resignations come in the gee-gees are called secret make it to the finals guys telling you this secret team it was the same thing in battle of Africa won which was two two and a half years ago they were not the best team in the group stage then they made it to the finals they weren't even the favourite team going into the Battle of Africa one finals where they're up against aftermath it was aftermath who was favored and then in the finals it was for old 14 secret against aftermath now a lot has changed then after maths better in yang I'd say I played better than they did in battle of Africa one a lot of teams have shifted a bit and are more competitive but team secrets still are gonna head to the finals of battle of Africa to tomorrow and a best of nine they will face the winner of the next best of seven which will be aftermath surprise surprise and Finland which will be epic but I have to say guys I wasn't expecting a full one today but maybe for two but yin yang many many people my twitch doubt we're saying in yang would win today team secret do it think how many people with the show of ones are kind of tired of team secret and their players making it to finals all the time I'm just just curious well we have the time but the show of one's how many people just want to change I know that there are people who want to change its a mix of people who want to change its a mix of people who are like well I want the best team to win obviously I want I want the most competitive team to go through the reasonable people and then there's people who say you know I've actually been a fan of Viper and out for like six years I would cry if they were to ever lose so uh yeah okay varying opinions short well it comes back to a lot of things for me I think the execution was is good for yin-yang today's you would have expected but also the drafting I mentioned it all the way back in Game one having Persians on Arabia it was weird to me and once I saw that and now seeing Bulgarians on this map I just I was not convinced with the preparation and the SIV draft whereas with team secret the only game I ever asked any questions was the game they lost where they had what was it burmese as pocket now aftermath for Swami's gonna be coming up next this is my official little outro to the YouTube video I suppose so everyone on YouTube say hello to your past selves and say hello to your future friends here on Twitch I guess but team secret go through this we'll all go to YouTube in one video and then after math verse Finland will be the next best of seven now on Twitch I'm gonna be casting this in about 20 minutes I think and then it'll be on YouTube soon after the upload was for this best-of-seven
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 99,231
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, age of empires, aoe2, age of empires 2, age of empires II Definitive Edition, aoe2 DE, aoe2 HD, HD, Game play, casting, expert, rts, commentary, overview, Battle of Africa 2, BoA2, Battle of Africa, BoA, Team Secret, Secret, SY, Ying Yang, TheViper, DauT, TaToH, slam, Mr_Yo
Id: 7E3Fi-fbuSk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 163min 51sec (9831 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 06 2020
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