TheViper vs Tatoh | 1v1 Black Forest

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Oh Black Forest okay you know what I'm kind of hyped for this so what's up ladies and gentlemen chat can we get some t90 salutes going please welcome to the stream everybody welcome to the YouTube channel this is a rated gaming live right again at least for those on Twitch oh geez let's turn that off between vibrant at o2 attire into Legends just playing force nothing with them two days ago and now they're playing Black Forest so obviously we have made an impact Berbers for Viper I believe they did random SIVs and it is Burmese for tat oh so the burs you know Black Forest is not a map that you often see between pros because pros have lots of speed and and they're very aggressive in Black Forest normally you just wall up fat slob would anyway and that's that but we'll see how they play this out also because they're using a map pack it is not played on explored and normally when you're choosing Black Forest by default is played on export so they have to figure this out and adjust on the fly I won't talk about the gold positions too much but what I will say is that whoever walls here can get a really nice forward position if Vipers able to wall forward he could act actually wall tattoos bore out and they can get all of this extra space maybe even get this area down and then tattoo if he walls forward he has a nice little area to push from later on why not Vikings mirror of labias 3 thank you for the four months okay so yeah attach I'm just not realizing its bf drunken gamer for life stopped by the stream sent a sub my way and asked me we didn't ask I think he said he'd like to get into the community games at some point so because I know that we have people coming in from YouTube all the time I will just talk a little bit about how you guys can get involved with that it's very simple you just have to be here you just have to be here on Thursdays and if you're here on Thursdays and you have the boo blue platform which is what we use for the most part then you can play I draw from the people who are here the the time of the stream is always a little bit different if you guys look below my stream right now I have this schedule posted and there's normally a countdown widget what you don't have active right now that counts down to that stream too so it's it's pretty simple just got to be here and be happy to to get you involved it's funny that tatto was the guy who wanted to do force noting Friday night and now he's complaining it's Black Forest I find that interesting tat oh do we have to have all the expansions well I'll clarify at the time so I'm the honor normally I prefer you have all the expansions because that's what we use but sometimes we use different mods and then you wouldn't need to have all of them so it depends game to game because as you know we do a bunch of different stuff muscle confusion thank you for 5 months man so chat how do you think these saves stack up in late game both sips get auditor both sips have a very strong unique unit in this case I think Viper has the better unique unit oh all Viper save yourself ok this is fine the one thing Burmese have is they have the potential to push in Castle age with let's see each and monks because their texts are cheaper also they have strong infantry I just feel like if this goes late-game viper has the better civilization I think camel archers and cheap Cavalier Plus are all that is going to be very good I would prefer Berbers Burmese are a little bit better on open maps I'm interested to hear Oh Chad has to say on it though mostly you gotta be named to matrix Oh Oh for the community games yet camel archers completely destroy Aaron by I don't even think it's close so in any other sift matchup maybe Aaron by would be the key to victory but I'm not so sure oh this is important remember I talked about in the middle there's a big choke point to wall up I think tattoo wins this tattoo has a little bit more HP but Viper or what he has a knack for timing this stuff all tat so gets it tat doe gets it and now he's sending forward villagers this could change the game Viper has no Scouts and tatto could do something funky and he's gonna do something Funky's building a barracks now if lifer wants to wall this he would have to get loom I'd like to see tattoo try and sneak some villagers in here that's always fun to see was one of my favorite strategies when I first started playing this game I think a lot of people start on Black Forest and I used to love to sneak villagers through and just watch my opponents rage opponents rage the Vipers for sure going for a standard fast castle and he is he's going to try and and wall this off he kills the Scout there and a house and a house and that will ensure it's walled off whoa Oh God well tatto arrives no loom for Viper yet the Viper doesn't have another villager close by tatak who get through Vipers trying to protect this villager attached I was actually going to wall her that's funny so she will get chased down at at Oh going to get one Ville through so if the Vipers trap what's this oh my god it's like oh my god this is so interesting I guess it'll be men in arms from tatto ken viper wall this up enough this is wild I think tattoes should have just and he has the villain here anyway but I think he should have kept this area walled off Viper sending more VLEs tatto this is his point of view he sees the other villagers coming in Viper's gold is right here so he'll need to protect it and a tower from tatto so you know take a while to go up well on earth is this if tatto can get to more Palisades these bills I think we'll be trapped well one more one more one more one more you could have trapped the bills in Viper you'll kill this villager but he's he's forced into his own defensive tower here to protect this area these man-at-arms will get through if he doesn't build a tower and yeah there there he goes so you got a respect tattoo for being so aggressive guys but I think Viper will be just fine here his fast castle time has been heavily delayed because he has been unable to collect gold he's and I think that players are going to use some weird strategies on purpose now like tatto normally wouldn't be this aggressive on Black Forest I don't think and Viper normally wouldn't build a doc but he might try and demo tatah which would be absolutely hilarious if Tatsu tries to run around this way Burmese men in arms have the extra attack tat so we'll add his own economy of course and he will still be later to castle age I believe but he has lots of farms so it'll actually be a healthier eco for him was Viper I don't know you know he doesn't have a blacksmith yet I don't think his castle time will be as good as he would want the only good thing for him is that tattos kind of pushed him to go to stone and if he's on stone he can build a castle later on the same could be said for tato and it was a fishing ship for Viper which is kind of funny if you ask me a viper trying to get as many walls up as possible and very good timing on that that's so hard to do just figure out how many villagers or sorry how many hits you can get in with the veil without losing it how soon until tatto tries to go for this that's my question the viper knows there's a weak ville here too he was going for him see tatto tempted viper yak going to build a house in front now so these men and arms are getting hit by the tower this is a sloppy game can we just get the word slop in the chat this is a sloppy game tatto gets through forces another tower out of Viper oh my goodness let's get the the t90 slops in the chat god man I love it though this is beautiful this is what the people want to see unless your fat slob then you're crying because well there should be stone walls here already fat slop let's get the t90 dad's in the jet both for the dad joke there and also you know it's Father's Day rip to that villager from Viper but one man unarmed down for tat Oh and let's see tattoos economy looking good and keep in mind he is full map control well I'm not full map control but he has choke point control I guess I think they're their castle times will be very similar I mean on one hand if tato is later he has all this space to to make up for the fact he's later and on the other hand Viper even though it's been rough for him and awkward for him he will hate castle age first and he has his walls so interesting early engagements but I think that'll be about it until the unique units come out how much stone do they have viper has five villagers on stone 350 stone tatto has 120 stone and four villagers so tatse will not have his castle as early he is stonewalling up though viper having to build more gates but yeah hey they could have just walled up in fuel h and we would have had nothing to talk about so i i'd prefer to see it this way this is so annoying a viper could lose his dock if the man in arms can can get in here yeah if viper cracks of looses dock to this these guys have six plus one so or a fishing ship I wonder if lifer will do something yeah make a galley he's forced into making a galley that's funny that's lame though viper come on go for a demo ship go for the highlight reel stuff me into a trihard bro okay viper hits castle he will probably add t sees first yeah go for the higher eco approach adding town centers first and build the castle later on tatto will likely do the same now TCE here and TC here's my guess unless he builds a siege workshop or something forward okay TC there and CC alright I'm okay with being wrong TC there as well the Burmese eco is slightly stronger now because he gets the free lumber camp upgrades tatto so he can afford to go for the extra three town centers to put him at a total of four both players at 36 Bill's right now [Music] and the reason you don't build the castle early in Viper's position is because that slows down your town centers and thus your eco even if you get the camel archers you were going to run into stone walls and you see that so that it's better to go with the Eco approach same with tat so he knows that Viper could always force down a castle by purchasing the stone and any aggression he would send in would be useless I think it's worth talking about what tatto gains with his map control he has his main gold he has a secondary gold and he has his third gold so this is actually one of his gold it's not an extra a viper has a much better map he just has to scout it he has a neutral gold third Gold's first gold second gold whatever number you want to give it and then this other neutral so Viper has the gold advantages he also has three relics if he gets this one one two and three [Music] and I think Viper has the better late-game sieve so t90 hacks from Viper once again we've seen it all the time we see it all the time with his map hacks but that's that's just another reason why Black Forest has not played at the pro level because that the extra Gold's can often be unfair but tatto has a slight edge a slight edge in the bill cap do I think that will matter too much between these two players no but it's something and really all that we can talk about right now I guess Viper does have the fishing ships though so that evens things out a little bit both players have access to a pond so does anyone know if these tubes get Canon galleon I guess we have time to check elite cannon galleon for tat oh okay I mean I doubt we'd see that but and okay they both get it you know I don't think that the fat slob style of camping will really work because both of these players get auditor and with ometer you can cut through the trees with this balance the reason fat slob plays the old balance and Vikings is because Amon Jers cannot cut through trees speaking of fat saw by the way would you guys like me to upload another video of me playing him the last game was kind of short I feel like if I were to play him more I could run into some trouble which I'd be scared of doing but I do it for you guys do it now I well you know he's is he online let's see yeah he's not online what a bummer what a bummer I'm so disappointed fat slobs not online I'm so disappointed I won't get humiliated in front of all of you I'm pretty sure that's not the real fat slob Britannicus I think that's someone who created a fat slob twitch account if it is the real fat slob you can get online on Buble and I have you on my watch list so I'll see you I hope it's not though I hope it's not the real one because I don't want to be suckered into doing that so Viper building castle on the hill very smart oh can he you see how tattoes tower is attacking the palace age that's the closest thing can viper get by here I don't think tattoos realized this cuz he has no reason to vote oh oh he has realized because he's sending his own monk [Music] no the monk is gonna make it tatto trying to snag that and a little bit too late and tattoo says fu good thinking from viper tattoo heavy on stone now has yet to build his castle I don't know what the compositions will be here how do you counter camel archers as Burmese can you count sir camel archers as Burmese Aaron bye they only have 5 range camel archers have more plus camel archers can regenerate and they fire faster and they're more accurate on adjure doesn't work too well when kim archers can micro them down I guess elephants is one thing yeah but you're talking about choke points on Black Forest so you can you can try to add elephants but Viper would just convert them then and that is assuming Viper will go for full camel Archer I feel like that's a wise assumption also Berbers get bombard cannon I think Berbers I mean they're definitely they're definitely a sieve that needs to be balanced a bit more or nerfed a bit I think they should not get bombard cannon you can kind of compare them to Mongols they're like a stronger Mongols right they have that strong range unique unit in the castle they have camels and Knights I don't think they should get bombard cannon personally anyway tattoos on the way to imp slightly stronger economy yeah they lack seed RAM but with all their other options though that's what I'm saying like it's so tough to push the civilization it's already tough to push a big ball of camel archers and trebs but then you give them bombard cannon it's just it's weird it's not weird I just feel like there might be a good way to make there Imperial a bit strong a bit weaker I think the first thing you have to look at is the stable discount though I think the stable discount can be slightly adjusted I'm not necessary necessarily saying that that'd be the correct weighted to balance the SAV I'm just saying it's an idea because I don't see how Tatsu can push this except for going with elephants and hoping for the best well that dudes gonna die what is tatto going with Aaron by here another castle so maybe more Aaron buy lots of outposts so he can see if viper might cut through viper making pretty much everything going with stables already has the castles of course trebuchet on the way tatto forced the wall up a little bit to buy himself some more time and getting fortified wall so chat let's get some t90 walls filled filling up the chat yeah he built this archery range just so he can get thumb ring I don't think we'll see genitals I think he will stick with the camel archers I just I just don't see how tattoos sieve can do something here I'm curious to see how elephants will pan out but Viper should have the time to react to that and elephants are so expensive a martyr thank you for seven months welcome back man I guess we'll see you guys vipir prepping the staples just in case he needs them he does not know what tattoo will be going with just yet a tattoo not getting elite Aaron by but building his third castle now and he's getting upgrades for his calves units so I imagine it will be a leap out of elephant but that's expensive and he needs time viper found the three relics the only thing he's not seeing in his base is this gold but I imagine he'll find it and he'll be happy about that so tattooed down the relic and down two extra gold piles that's a pretty big deal oh it is Louie Aaron buy for tat okay but again compare the stats on these so elite Aaron by their stats are going to boost here in a second but at the moment it's only five range and look at the armor versus seven range they're affected by thumb ring and they have more armor bombard cannons and trebuchet is pushing forward tatto hoping that he can maybe see a cat I'm sorry Viper hoping he can maybe see a castle from Tatsu to take down yeah and that's before the massive bonus exactly tatto upgrading his monks hoping he can get conversions on the bomb Lord cannons with block printing he will have 12 range on his monks his tattoo trying our Viper trying to cut the tree oh that's nice yeah he's going to run right in I keep mixing up these names for whatever reason it's probably the coffee so Viper yup here's a couple would lose he sees the castle he confirms suspicions maybe that tato would be going with Aaron by both players going for guilds because they know gold will be limited later on and they want to sell their excess wood and food tatto researching that a bit earlier so that's the first advantage tattoo has had in a while but I think both players will have a stockpile of resources let's see ok tatto we'll see who sells first I would consider selling a lot of my food here as well because you're gonna get food and you're gonna get wood but what you're not gonna get his gold neither player has sold yet despite getting guilds yeah super fresh that's exactly what tat is doing tattoo built these castles here and he went into monks so he can just hold and he's he's trying to compensate for the fact that he doesn't have the extra golds and relics and he wants to sell so he can get gold but he will need to delete some villagers he hasn't sold yet ok so we did a few it seems Viper getting the technology that makes his camels regenerate HP slowly getting a leak camel Archer now and he will kill this each workshop and there we go tattoes selling but Viper sold first I think let's see Vipers resources first hatches resources tatto has more in the bank [Music] now the Burmese helps are really strong they have an extra attack upgrade per age on top of having access to blast furnace so soon these will be six plus seven and maybe you you put the house in front force viper to run and then you have the elite air and by behinds maybe that's the play here well it is the play here I think the elephants would just be too easy to counter Viper moving forward with his bombard cannons will he lose one to a conversion not yet but the air by closing and no they aren by moving back oh god this choke point is just it's gonna make things so rough and now Viper has the camel arches in front and how do you kill this let's see the Aaron body have that high base attack Viper taking the better engagement for Shore 19 21 kills an eight deaths for Viper loses a bomb Lord cannon though I think Viper will be happy to put his huh stars in front as meat as long as his camel archers are untouched behind but he lost another bombard cannon he lost quite a few huh SARS Viper and tatto lots of resources Viper with more resources and he has the extra relic fill stir what's up man welcome to the stream we have Vipers Berbers and it is Burmese for tat oh so the burrs and I've been saying for a while now I think that Viper has the same advantage Viper says WTF why can't I'm a jerk uh tree what you should be able to oh who is the map bugs oh this just got very interesting vipers tried to cut the trees and it won't work I wonder if the mat pack has something to do with that so I said earlier that auditors in this balance can cut trees but apparently it's not working so this is different oh man these guys are just going to have to throw units to their death if anything I think that kind of favors tattoo because he might be able to get some big conversions with the monks I don't know Viper will have to use shrubs to cut trees then I guess well let's go to t90 wall in the chat if you're happy with that we will see you you well probably not many walls but the reason I say type t90 wall is because the chokepoints oh God yeah Viper has this goal then this gold still here is so many resources and he's just selling when he can afford to do so tattos adding a leap battle elephant that's the one thing with the how to upgrade their armor is so ridiculous it's a jack-of-all-trades civilization who knows janitors elite camel Archer HUS our auditor for Viper you hear the boo boo boos conversions on the way this might be something Vipers happy with because those monks won't have the faith to convert the auditors he's sending in and tatto finding out the hard way that the auditors are there I think he needs a conversion or two he's going for one will he get auditor and he does did divide the research heresy seems like Viper research heresy in which case tatu anak had access to the unit it would just die I would consider docking this pirate tattoo it's a little bit late now Viper coming forward with four trebuchet 'z and all my goodness that was a juicy engagement for Viper oh so juicy here come the elephants but Tata will lose this castle I'm sure of it the elephant's they don't they're too expensive and I still don't think they stand a chance here Viper has so many elite camel archers again he's regaining HP after every engagement and these elephants have full upgrades and see if tattoo can keep him going he's not housed luckily but he's lost that castle he will lose this TC and maybe Viper pulls back to all heavy camel let's see yeah I think he will I think tattoo just needed the numbers there I think it comes down to investment though Viper he just needs a few months to get conversions on these and he hasn't invested near as much into upgrades but tatto getting really good hits in with the elephants he has the helps getting closer if a guy like Viper is staying in an engagement though he's probably happy about it pulling back slightly adding more monasteries cantata uses momentum maybe to push a little bit further he needs the siege behind it he's sending it that auditor shot killed the tree Viper is strolling oh really I didn't I didn't notice that which oh this tree right here you're right it did so vipers just rolling okay that makes more sense then and tattoo believed and that's the thing tattoo believed him that's that's hilarious actually because tattoo would have probably gone furniture and tried to cut through that's funny well played through fight for there I mean these are just fun games debated a stay or ninety-eight thank you for the new subnet I hope you fill it they are v I don't know how to say her name man hot Hawk hockey fill a thank you for the - welcome back these camels are dirt cheap for Berbers it's hard for me to root against Viper here it really is Cady's better for him with these elephants that's the one way Tatsu can do this if tatto can hold a fight here somehow which would be so expensive and take out all these castles then I think he wins the game so he's getting closer in terms of position you are not wrong that Persian elephants are better however Persian elephants are very different because you need to build a castle to create them while burmese elephants and all the other elephants eaves you can make them out of stables so it's a lot easier to boom up to them also these elephants have more armor with unique tech but they lack like they have half the HP of Persian elephants I think Vipers happy with this he's happy that tatto has to overextend he's happy at tattos losing so many units he will need to play it safe and he needs to make sure he gets hoardings for Castle HP but he's just inviting tattoo in here saying sure man come on in I welcome you to my home what is surprising is that Viper hasn't added a few more months because he built the monasteries even just five or six monks would change so much here but he's still doing fine without it okay so Viper is gonna cut through and he'll send in some hussars I guess to raid and then tattoo will realize that there's yeah you can see this now tatse will realize he's been trolled that's the best part about it vipers not gonna forced a toe to call it GG like this he's actually gonna cut through and tat oh he's probably I don't know if tattoos streaming this but I imagine tattoo will be laughing like crazy some five and a half D chests from Viper running out of stone needs to repair this this is a good tread position for tattoo and see vipers trying to address that with his bombard canons Tata also might not be expecting this I mean the hustlers won't do too much Viper's trying to to raid economy that viper with the bomb lurk in again if they didn't have bombard cannon this could be such a different fight but tatto he'll probably lose this trip and he doesn't have much gold in the bank now keeping keeping the TREB up because he's converting these bombard cannons you gotta give tatto credit I mean there's a lot going on on here from both players that's impressive at tatto trying to get a conversion there and failing cap Rams nice meat shield for tat oh but the camels of the meat for Viper and he has the gold to make them this frickin trap man this is hilarious tattos being so stubborn with this trebuchet and this is forcing Viper to buy stone to repair this yeah I think this is a big cleanup now many elephants left Viper will probably purchase a little bit more stone to repair this but then this tread will die because bite tat oh he doesn't have the numbers here and tatse will realize now let's see his reaction Viper's probably giggling to himself right now tattoo hasn't noticed yet I'm sure he will soon here come villagers from VIPRE and they might build some stables to raid more with hussars tattoos probably thinking how did he get in how did he get past me yeah there's a signal he says liar eleven yes perfect perfect yeah and now Viper it's obviously lying he says there's upgrade in siege workshop which is not true but maybe there is I don't know yeah I feels like a total troll though I don't know what upgrade would have been added if tattoos like me he'll be go enough to at least look at the siege works out to double-check and now yeah I think it's just a matter of time now a Viper has huh stars in so he'll bother and her ass tattoos economy which already is is not the best does not have the gold this freakin trap though is still alive are you kidding me this trap is still alive how many repairs as Viper put into this castle it's hilarious tat sir just killed to ballmart cannons I don't believe you guys I don't believe you guys there there is no special version of Black Forest that it doesn't allow cutting and if it didn't allow cutting that's one thing but there would be no it doesn't make sense for there to be a unique upgrade in this each workshop it doesn't make sense [Music] tatto has the helps of course but this is just a distraction from the front not what he needs in his life right now you know what these halberdiers they're so strong with their attack when they do connect they do so much Viper's population it's actually quite low at the moment and he's put a lot of his gold into buying stone so if tatto can take out these stables and clean up these huts ours then maybe he can do it I don't know let's look at the gold collected real quick economy stats Viper with five well yeah for a thousand more gold and that will only climb right back to the game the viper repairing he's probably purchased a thousand stone at this stage like maybe even more than that because you can see how quickly that stone disappears ah that's smart from Viper finally he cuts space in the trees so his camel archers can chew that that's a really smart play from Viper and also he didn't cut the whole way through so tattoos units can't hit him fat slob approves and I think that Viper will will lose his stables I know tattos running through with helps Viper needs to wall this and he does it's crazy just how much these guys can focus on isn't it [Music] now you can really see now that without the elephant's tatto can't do much the camel archers for Viper it's a gold unit that regenerates and one of the best unique units in the game the tattoo has you can't utilize Aaron by itjust he had one wave of air and by they got killed off and he just stopped making them because it just it didn't work there is a no cut version of Black Forest I played it once when I started playing a we - I'm not joking I can't remember who I played but it was a sub oh really ok well the reason I don't think it is for this is because it's in a map pack so it's full random with wool low kingdoms maps or HD maps so look at this sheep from Viper the sheep joining the battle ok it seems like it's had sympathy for tatto and his joined tattoo side [Music] Islander shot doesn't even kill a camel Archer and I think it's just a matter of time now feel a bit bad for tat oh because when he saw Berbers he was probably jumping for joy and then he saw that or when he saw burmese sorry he's probably jumping for joy and then he saw that Viper was Berbers and well we know how that went I don't think tattoo ever really had a chance in this game unless he cut through and Viper knew that and he mind gamed him and tat oh he can't afford to cut through and right now because he's just defending it'll take a while Tatsu will be stubborn with it but I think it's just a matter of time now fries Glavine thank you for the three men thank you for coming back yeah this this has been walled out from vipers well maybe if tatse would be able to cut through here and start raiding it could change things but the composition is just so good for Viper you could send camel archers which is the fast unit where the janitors clean it up Oh Piper slightly out of position with his camel archers needs to save his siege I think we'll lose one bombard cannon maybe two no I think it's just one and he's going to take out tatoos castle now tatto has to buy stone to repair I don't think you can fight this chat but I do hope they continue to play games not black for some I'm not saying I want to see Black Forest but I really hope they continue with this because it's always nice to see these guys playing one view once and I was just complaining earlier that the pro players were off playing fortnight and not playing one B once and the last couple days it's been an improvement so good to see oh my god the path thing the path thing that there's a signal VIPRE cannot lose these camel archers he doesn't really have the gold to add many more of them alongside the siege hats who wants to trap these units okay they trapped in here well this is funny [Music] katako kill them now they can't run this is fine click good monitor cut through the trees save them if vipers gonna wedge his units into this corner but tattoes helps have so much attack I think all of these units die now for Viper so he's forced to add all those cameras again Wow what a throw from Viper there I mean it seemed like it was a passing issue but still it's a huge throw of military units can't a toe do this we saw it before he needs to try and take out the castles it'll be so tough still but I have a little bit more belief in him Viper he needs to repair again he doesn't really have the gold okay he's just sold to get the gold so he could buy stone to repair this is crazy this is crazy and tatoes castle also stayed up by the way bombard cannons from viper trying to focus down the trap he will get that one and then the camel archers massed again will probably finish off this trap Oh back and forth same over and over again Black Forest in a nutshell guys Black Forest in a nutshell and tattooist Reb is blocking the path here but he's going to try and raid with helps it's honestly not a bad rating unit because of the attack and the fact that Viper he's already having trouble with the mask tabs I said it was excited but now I'm just near now I see why we now I see why players don't like it I was excited but now it's like it's it's lost his appeal quick whoa click whoa these two elephants we got this I don't know how the game will end I think it has to be with raids and here's one and the Vipers just now noticing it whose be I swear has nothing to do with the game the game has actually been quite exciting but uh I'm a bit tired I I was up late last night and vipera lose about 10 villagers it's not about the bills it's about the fact that Viper has the pool army back so if he comes back then Tatsu can go forward so if he can keep that distraction going tatto which he's going to try and do then maybe he can push forward and kill those castles now Viper he's going to start writing on this side it'll take some time but he'll have so many hustlers when he gets there and that would do the same thing basically keep population from tatto back in his base so he's unable to push forward viper invested in heavy scorpion a while back no meat for them here which is an issue and I don't think he'll like that engagement because he's losing gold units there's just trash units tatto using the extra attack against scorpions even tank tatse just lost his trap there though it's a Viper's how stars so it might be an even trade haba deers can't pushing against these skirmishers viper probably running back forward with his camel archers and he is and putting a lot of folks in the county here and he needs to chop one more time and then his 111 bills could get picked off by the Tatars [Music] is there a way back for tat so here chat he doesn't have the mobility he doesn't have the unique unit he really just has these helps I'd say 10 percent chance for him but hey I mean 10 minutes ago what it said 1% chance so Viper just needs to make sure that he is constantly pressuring tatse from the flanks that way tatto cannot get that help mass in the middle also I think that heavy scorpion is just fine he just needed to meet with him oh why presenting tamil archers here as well yeah this could be tough because then the counter to the Huss Arts will be chewed up by the camel archers went a toe he has to decide now can I justify pushing forward if not then he's coming back and that's not a good thing he can't click while this he's also getting attacked here by Viper and Viper is killing VLEs here as well and Viper just needs to defend forward that's it that's why these guys are on the hill very fortunate he had the hill here I must say that really helps hold a good micro there from Viper and yeah yeah I think we're getting closer now I think we're getting closer but the thing is tat it's not like tat oh is it 120 pop or anything he has a population and he also has the food it's deceiving because he has the halberdiers queued up already so he does have food so it's quite literally down to the relics at this point tattoo had 110 villagers when Viper came in he's about to lose a bunch more but he could kill this whole army if he can trap them here oh man that's tough that's tough you he almost funneled them into his halberdiers I don't know tat so if the siege workshop and get the house hit while he just missed the house hit that's so unfortunate Viper just wants to leave now all right no shelter was not played on explored but they almost have 99% exploration both of them pretty impressive a Viper has that momentum though so he's now bet right back in the choke point lost a lot of Units though let's see cap Rams maybe just to soak up some of the damage that the halberdiers are dishing out I don't know guys tatto is stubborn he is stubborn I'm just disappointed nobody has docked yet the Viper could have docked here earlier he didn't really need to I guess and then Tatsu could have docked here maybe dock here have a lot of navy and walls and then pressure the sides I mean tattoo is here again Vipers down to 150 pop he's banking up so many resources to sell he's so good at doing that yeah I guess technically Viper did dock but what I meant was make navy some kind [Music] hmmm this is so fast I can't keep up chat again I maintain if tatto can get one big push and kill castles I think he wins the game he's tried time and time again you know eventually this will be fully chopped as well so it'll be a wider area for Viper to use his maneuverability we might see a black forest game where all the trees have chops chat just have to wait a couple more hours tatto trying to deny this choke point from Piper now which is a wise thing to do a few hustlers running in I'm sure he'll deal with it and then these hustlers will get chewed up by the helps I'm at the point now where as a caster I'm repeating these same things over and a friction I need to pull out a thesaurus and just figure out a bunch of synonyms instead of a viper is pushing here vipers being aggressive in this I mean I say that - you just got to get more synonyms I'll vote for getting four and five bull what about the bird no bird here today man tell us your best joke and I don't really have any jokes right now besides the Korean civilization and age of empires - I don't have any jokes when are we gonna see next 1v1 force nothing 256 Tec mod well we didn't do a 1v1 but we did some some team games with that come on Viper make some trebuchet here we go can we get the let's goes in the chat for this finally some freakin trips from Viper let's start pushing man come on like I'm I'm not the biggest Viper fanboy anymore I'm not a fanboy if anyone if they're in the top ten really except for Bibby yeah so that was a lie I'm a huge vivvy fanboy but I am so viper fanboy finish this game off let's go let's go now Viper fanboys let's not confuse the two I like Viper Viper one of my favorite guys in the community but what I'm saying is I don't like always root for Viper to win games anymore I just root for good games as a caster yeah here we go choke point oh god the choke point will be beautiful with the scorpions that will be beautiful I've said it before I have said it before I think tatse will lose this castle he came close and Viper came close I think yeah there's no way this castle stays up would I rather fight 100 Viper sized Vipers or one Viper size Viper I'm pretty sure I'd go with the one there I'm pretty sure I'd go with the one corrupt politics thank you for three months Lucky Strike thank you for five guys again I know I say this a lot but thank you for the sport we're just gonna repeat everything that today in this game the Vipers getting rated by elephants on the right hand side and helps on the left he will force tatto to delete three of his elephants though and possibly many more the tattoo has population in Vipers base will it be enough Vipers population looking very good on the front and he will slowly take out these production buildings Joey all viper needs to do now just take out the barracks and the siege workshops and the TCS just take out buildings yeah it's not going to be enough just a waste of gold on the end there for tat oh how buddy airs I do like this but there's still plenty of wood for Viper to run to and Viper sending so many units forward till micro this down yep and it'll take out the monastery of tatto as well Viper is going to try and snipe these relics or steal these relics old the auditor well they're camel archers not enough [Music] wild game guys wild game I'm a bit disappointed with the SIVs I felt I feel like these civilizations they it was always going to bring us too late him I mean that's black forest in general but there's a little bit more potential with other sit matchups I think for some wacky strats the feudal age and castle age stuff was interesting glad they did that helps from tap so helping him holds and now he has the population lead and he killed a lot of vipers villagers that's really what changed things here but always when Vipers in post-imperial age he stocks up these resources you see how many resources he has so if anything he just has more population for military now he's adding monks which are expensive tat so now mixing in the hussars maybe he can pick off those monks but he's lost most of his hussars the halberdiers could do it and he's going for it and he'll get a killer to lose Scoob will not end this Scoob will not end holy cow effect thank you for the three viewers sorry I guess it's 14 viewers chat let's throw some salutes to him thank you for your hosting the stream man to his viewers welcome we're casting a black forest 1v1 in Age of Empires 2 between two of the best players in the world [Music] tattoes just spamming these things non-stop in the viper zico viper just needs to wall this off but tato can cut through at any time oh boy tato has time to relocate his relics will this game ever ahead they've tried everything now back and forth left to right they've tried everything and can we get some salutes for tat Oh fer for being stubborn here look at the KD for Viper he is such a sieve advantage and tatto would just not die crazy play from from both players obviously but tato especially to stay alive here [Music] seems like Pfeiffer will focus on this area a bit more now he is expecting mainly helps to come in through this side so if a few hustlers show up they'll kill the squirms it's crazy to think that tatto has been killing villes with just halberdiers also has the auditor here look at this has the auditor hearing was killing vipers VLEs on the wood so interesting the Viper snuffed out these production buildings but this one's still spamming and there's a few elephants there as well a tattoo once again needs to focus on the front [Music] and yep he tried to get that relic he lost the monk Viper could get four relics soon after having the relic advantage all game let's take a quick look at the gold collected I need to see the difference oops sorry yeah so 33 K verse 26 K back to the game viper adding in the pikemen so he can chew up the hussars and to up the elephants and I think we are getting closer when you're getting close right don't know if tatse can rate himself to victory he's going to try of course but I just don't think so 101 military for Viper again he doesn't really need the villes now so this population room is just going towards his military numbers the tatto killing bills actually hurts him in the middle because viper has more pop for military Viper he macros late-game much better than other players and honestly in this situation he just had to play safe so banked up these resources so we could sell them so if he lost 20-30 villagers he would be completely fine and he's going to get that relic needs to needs to get some more siege up here though it's funny tattoos doing such a good job at focusing on where Vipers collecting wood look at this all of these trees Vipers had to leave it's pretty crazy and even here tatto arrives and he cut through with this on injuries killing a ton of bills from vipers so I mean I guess if tatto can hold this and take good trades versus army then eventually Viper sexual resources will be gone but it tatto is pretty much out the limit now but we've seen it before if he can trap these camel archers in the choke points it could be beautiful for him I have no words for this game at this point I have no words for this game it's it's gone on for an hour and forty game time minutes tato is he has more population than Viper he's pushing back up the gut what he even say about this except this is incredible and probably incredibly annoying for the players as well but incredible still fits also tatto might be able to get this relic he picked off the monk that viper had there so twitch chat if you had a choice between one game like this and three games on a more open map what would you choose because in the time that this game has been played we would have seen at least two games on an open map this this Wow okay I thought more people would would side with the three games on an open map [Music] t90 boys show me your boys t90 boys yeah seriously the t90 boys from tattoo of have done an excellent job and maybe it's been twitch at Kells ik that's been keeping tattoo in the game with a the t90 boys spam thank you for three months man monkey tribe thank you for the bits as well at 8:28 thank you it kind of sucks for both players because Vipers done an excellent job pushing but it's just these dang helps are so tough to push and tatoes production is mind-blowing now Vipers at seven evils and he doesn't have quite as much resources floating but he did lose access to this left side for now but he's rated the right-hand side I feel like if this was a 300 pop game the Viper could have finished it off earlier but because he only has 200 population which is standard and makes it difficult who tells it good to see you two men hope you guys had a Happy Father's Day are there any fathers in the chat actually I'm not a father but it was it was good to go go-karting with my dad nothing says I love you to your father by passing him on the inside and looking back at him and laughing Viper's resources they're good but if this continues for another 20 minutes he's going to he's gonna lose these resources he'll he'll be around tattoos level of resources but he is pushing in doofer dad's down yeah I guess if you're a dog dad or a cat dad that counts yeah I guess they celebrate with you the same way on Father's Day than they do on any every any other day but you just got to pick out a card dip there Paul and some ink and it can sign it that way it's good man I am a 30 year old dad okay I mean it's foreign to me being a father it is absolutely foreign to me because I'm a single guy but I'm sure it'll happen someday is this it Viper has 10k scores over tat so tattooing to mix in squirms and Burmese skirm have so little armor they don't fail too much with it Viper his Vil's his Vil count seems to be enough tat so stretch for resources and the Viper now has four relics i I think Viper is finally done in LTC dead TC dead soon the monastery could die again and tatto [Music] his production buildings are going down [Music] could lose this castle he's probably heartbroken over all this because this game has been so long but you know credit to both for an amazing game viper with the better Civ and he knew how to play it and he's played he's played better as well I guess if your tattoo and you fought for this long you're not gonna quit now right you're gonna wait until you're sure you're dead but I think we're getting close to that [Music] castle goes down VIPRE curtain huh czars just a few huh czars into the farms in the wood until about twenty thirty bills the main focus for VIPRE is simply keeping the camel arches alive let's keep the bulk of camel archers alive keep the spam of the complementary units going forward and yet maybe use this opportunity to hit from other angles as well because tatto has to focus in the middle so if i pers going to go in on the right hand side as well tatto has tried and tried and tried he's 20 population behind has no map control and oh why / is going to go into champions now and that yeah if tattoo doesn't call it now champions would do it because champions they count their trash so they will kill the helps and the squirms really good late-game unit champion my guess though is that tattoo will call it before that because all these villagers going down so let's see five four three two one GG gz five four three two one GG no ah I figured tattoo would see this and then see this and he realized he was about to lose 40 population but okay there we go yeah now he's at 110 pop and calls the gg whoa I don't know who that was more tiring for the players of the caster cheese though it was cool to see I mean they weren't happy about it and in the end that day that could have ended a lot earlier I think but now well played from tat so to hold on there for a while Pfeiffer obviously with the camel archers and all the things that this civilization has at its disposal they did a fantastic job he played it right and he played it safe as well I think the only way tattoo wins there is if he does raid Vipers economy and that's why Viper banked up so many resources just in case that happened and since he was prepared he was able to get to win in the end there's the KD 1,700 kills for Viper 600 more kills in tat oh nice little even number eleven hundred kills for tat Oh more gold for Viper I mean Viper had extra Gold's he had extra relics maybe if Tatsu had the relics it's just always going to be Vipers game I think because the map advantage and then the sieve advantage so like on one hand you have one hand you have a better sip for Viper but on the other hand was also better perhaps oh I do feel bad for Tata I hope they keep playing though I hope they keep playing it'd be a shame if they were to stop with a black forest
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 580,401
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, towers, wow, omg, villager rush, forest nothing, haha, weird, funny, LUL, troll, tatoh, theviper, viper, aoe2, forest, nothing, t90, official, spirit of the law, age of empires, zeroempires, resonance22, exciting, lul, t90Woo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 40sec (3940 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 19 2018
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