A City with NO CARS, everyone walks! Cities: Skylines CHALLENGE

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hey guys trouble here today and welcome back to cities skylines today we're gonna be doing a challenge that you guys suggested in the comments of one of the previous videos and that was to build a city that doesn't have any civilian vehicles basically a city without cars but we'll still have trucks and all that because we're gonna be at and have to like collect garbage and all that kind of stuff and if we don't have that it's just not gonna work at all now of course there's been other people that have done this before but we're gonna give it a go anyway and see how we go so I decided to choose this map this is just one once it comes in the game I think this came with industries it's so it's in the industries DLC just a bunch of islands you know I'm really feeling the islands lately it's good fun to build on so there we go we just got a little turnaround and then for everyone else coming in I think we get a bridge and then we just sort of maybe have one almost one Munroe I guess we can continue for me just one main road that sort of goes through and just feeds all the islands so I'll try and make it look neat cuz you know that's that's one of my things that I like to do so I guess yeah you know what we really don't need a road this big although like I said we'll still have industrial traffic and delivery and all that kind of stuff especially we're gonna be going for pedestrian friendly so let's try it downsides right I think maybe coming into the region maybe that's okay and then we'll downsize the road to this and we should probably get on actually building stuff because we're gonna need to we're gonna need to actually make money so we need a lot of residential I guess so this is where we're already gonna not have you know what this is what I got to do if this is gonna be the only way in we're just gonna ban cars here on this road so basically everything else can still get through just no cars so people will drive in they'll probably stop here and then they have they'll walk to where they go so we come over this way then I would love to you know go destroy unlocked I'd love to use this road on the islands now I don't even think we're gonna need to do at least lot of residential islands I don't think we're gonna do any sort of traffic management because the only vehicles that will be coming under these roads especially for residential will be like garbage collection and maybe like fire trucks or something but it should be pretty low and boom residential island beautiful and then let's get some water so there's not really any water flow because we're just in the ocean but we're gonna figure out where we're gonna be collecting everything you really gotta be careful with the sewage outflow because if this dumbs out and goes around and yeah well try going over here you know their fair distance apart oh by the way if you want if you want to use any my mods they'll be linked down below in asset collection so you can check them out there ideally I wouldn't want paralyzers when I don't cross like that but let's see so we've got all that connected up there there's people already moving in look at this so just this double check there are no cars allowed anywhere on this bridge at all so currently the only way to get here for these people they they drive in which we should see some people coming soon now what would have been smart would be to not do residential where all other traffic is gonna have to drive through like if we had so basically if we instead of having this big road here maybe if we have a big we're going this way and do commercial and industrial over here just so that then if we make all of this residential there'll be no like heavy traffic going through it cuz I could do another route for that yeah that would have been smart dammit now for this I feel like there might still be a bit of traffic so I'm going to use this larger Road that'll be the main connection through here and then because there will be traffic on these islands maybe we should use proper roads now the other thing I want to make sure we do is have pedestrian pathways but we need more people so I definitely build a pedestrian bridge here somewhere to get over but obviously we can't do that yet so we're not going to but let's get some commercial actually you know what before we do that where'd your Atkins gonna have the most traffic cuz this island is gonna be busy it's gonna be packed maybe there's a log in the road get out of there I was like what's with all these fallen trees you know I kinda like that one that's kind of in a good spot that one I don't know why are they staying on the road that's weird and they'll be destroyed I don't yeah you know what we'll leave it we might need to put in roundabouts at some point I'm gonna leave this section open so all all of this will be commercial and then we'll get a little bit of industrial I don't really want a giant industrial island like we've been doing in the few of the previous videos let's just get a little section of it back here oh look we've got cars are they gonna wait does it say how are you okay they stop part way in this pur here we go they're all arriving now they sort of come to this point and then start walking in here they all are they finally arrived yeah look at him go people they are welcome to your new utopia the land before cars no no no no no no man no no no no ok so I've just done this island here we have literally no money left so I'm hoping with the stuff that we have we can earn enough money now this isn't probably not gonna be powered or have any water connection because I did not build that but if they need to live there they can so I'm hoping that we get some more demand for everything else so I can start placing it over there and I can designing it in because at the moment you know we've sort of maxed out everything we can do oh yeah we don't need traffic lights I'm get rid of those go away down here oh look there's people walking over here are they walking I'll go there to walk all the way from the other side yeah that's all any pedestrian paths but I need more people for that hey little hamlet there we go got a bit of money to help us out great that's good news okay good there's someone living over here now okay that's me people are moving over this way which is really good news because that's gonna start getting more demand it's gonna start filling up these jobs we definitely have delivery vehicles driving around I guess in a way we've kind of built a situation where the the same thing is true as some velocities where we have residential separate but I'm thinking maybe we might use a commercial island so some commercial vehicles will come down this way because then it's so close to them but it's not like on their car free island so we're sending in some complaints about garbage and all that kind of stuff so we're gonna have to start dealing with that we've still got a bit of residential demand so hopefully they just fill in this little island but this one's a little more expensive but I'm definitely more inclined to start off with recycling rather than a garbage dump because they always suck a worthy village beautiful so that's gonna give us a nice little cash injection okay so I've gone through all these roads and banned cars on all of them I'm also just gonna say can I get rid of parking there too so they don't yeah pop the cars there I guess one other thing that might happen is if people are going around oh whoa tiny town would we only just got the other one sweet no I must say the other thing that might happen is around here's other cars yeah there might just come here pop in their car drive over there and back again and I don't really know a quick way of preventing that I mean we can go around and ban everything oh I also don't have anything unlocked there there are some things oh we could do the old town policy which means only businesses and that businesses of residents of a district can drive through it and if these guys live over here and this is a different district surely they cannot use their car in it right so that might help us out we got to unlock it obviously but that might work oh we're running out of power okay so we've got lots of industrial demand I said I didn't want to do an industrial island but I think it's gonna kind of trend that way because I just need more industrial oh look at that boomtown hell yeah okay this is just now we're blowing up things up blowing up here let's just get some more you know we'll still try and keep it in the middle how about that how about that for a compromise okay so that's looking pretty good we're getting some crime now well that's a good question where do we put yeah we're getting a lot of crime where do we put police and all that okay well actually this is gonna be a commercial island which I think I want it to be let's work on this so I'm gonna build a bridge that just goes straight across like this which is probably not a particularly attractive thing for this environment Oh whoops not that I'm also gonna turn part of this into just like a race bit so then maybe there's just like a bridge bit in the middle because then I don't think it looks as offensive but it still has an interesting little bit of detail so we're gonna build a police station really bad that should be okay it's a little far but it should work out okay so this will be commercial which hopefully should service these guys better than those ones all the way over there oh can we build pathways now oh yeah we can't okay hang on we should probably do that okay so we got obviously they can walk down this way then we'll just build a bridge like right here I think about they're gonna move this road out of like there's nothing on it anyway okay then I'm also gonna yeah I take the pathway no you know what we don't need to that should be fine because that will allow them to get through here really easily instead of having to go all the way around like they currently do and that's probably all we really need a build right now we could do some more that go through from intersections cuz that's probably a good idea okay so we've definitely got people using this oh do we have the policies for cycling in that yet I know that must be City planning we need more people for that okay that's fine all right so we got a lot of people using the bridge which is good because they're obviously no longer using that we still have people I don't know why they always pull up here it's kind of annoying because cars are banned there all right so we need them oh well we need more power I think is number one oh we can buy this now two hundred a week yeah let's get the water ones they're always better anyway I'm just gonna get rid of these two oh how nice suit Oh as I said how's our sewage going it's flowing around this way that's why we're getting our water from we are gonna need to move that I'm gonna move the water uptake or intake over to here I guess we can do a big residential district over this side okay this is literally all residential I mean we could put some commercial but I just really don't want cars going through the residential areas now before we let them build let's get pathways and that's all I can afford so we'll let that run did okay okay we got some water hopefully they don't build over here yes ah remember that time when I said hopefully they don't build over there come on guys I can't afford to get over here and then I need a power line over here somewhere two one go here hey guys look it's so pretty all right so then they all start filling that in which is now thankfully actually working and I will also get rid of traffic lights we don't need those there so there's actually so few vehicles I mean over here might be quite busy we'll see yeah there's a few is that it's a car driving I don't I don't like I'm gonna happen let's go through and let's go through understand them all off okay so I think I've banned them all through this whole area but of course they're now still parking everywhere just because I don't think the cars have updated because I mean there really should if there's no way to drive a car they shouldn't be using them at all but you can see obviously even turning off parking some of them a defunding now there's some over there but as we sort of go through and do more and more of this more of them we'll just hopefully despawn I shouldn't spawn any new ones because literally every road is gonna be blocked from parking and driving oh my god I think there's anywhere to park on the roads now so any place they can park are in buildings and there are you can see there are some cars there but they should never drive again they'll never drive again now do we have public transport you do okay so maybe we save up for buses and we can actually you know get people you I don't never want to that I kind of like I'm just walking a busy town so we've got City planning policies now too which is good we got some other stuff all that kind of stuff good good good no cars at all in this area there's a cop cars but I mean we need those so like I said they're still gonna be you know the stuff that we actually need I forgot to water the rest of this I think this is becoming an industrial island guys I said I wanted to keep you know okay you know I say this every time let's actually keep it to the middle and I'll commit to it by putting commercial here right now there you go commercials on the side so it's at least around around the industrial oh yeah we need to do some more pedestrian oh look at this beautiful more pedestrian pathways let's get one coming this way that sort of follows through to this pathway right here look at this oh yeah so citywide policies let's do a charge biking should we do an old town policy over this site are we running out of water or we're just not covering it oh it's not covering I guess that's fine let's do this meadow Park policy see planning old town so this does only residents residents and businesses can use this area for Motor Vehicles ban other motor traffic so that might actually allow us to does that mean cop cars can't get in here you know what if there's police issues then we can take it out it's gonna fire department that's probably a good call hey you know what it's put it there cuz I think this area is more likely to burn than any of this oh no drinking the fire truck will get here in time oh here it is it suck oh my god the cop car was like sitting in the cop car the entire time okay put it out oh there you go look it's fine you'll singe it's so good alright so more islands let's go let's go this way purchase that because that just gives us all this space let's get a bus step oh that's probably a good call I think we should provide some sort of transit route for everyone okay so I'm gonna have one stop here one stop here because I can walk to the sub there's one stop there one stop you know what that's probably fine for this route cuz I don't know if we need to go there because I was gonna come down this way now go all the way around once up here everyone stop down there censors near that bridge as well if they want it and then they will just come back around they go we'll just do one big loop let's try three buses I don't know how many people are gonna use this there's like a few people at the stops I don't know if they're gonna blow up or if they're gonna be pretty average I mean there's definitely people at them so they're getting use you know this is actually kind of amazing you don't need to worry about only having one Road connection for this entire area because there's no traffic using it it's acting kind of cool a big town taxation policies IT cluster oh yes high-density can we turn this into a high density Island that's what it should be it should have been all along identity commercial Island right there we have no education though so that might be a problem we should probably address that let's get a school let's get it up here on this bit and a high school on this bit they go so there's access to them isn't there a bust up like right there - oh no I didn't do one here okay we should probably do a bus stop here let's get some more industrial on our favorite Island over here my favorite Island that I keep saying it's not gonna be all industrial and yet it's going to be anyway okay that should help us out for a little bit anyway I know we got some more residential demand we got plenty of room for it now we don't have any like ledger or anything going on in this city so I might have a look at that which will make him happier in general - what a skate park over in this one now I did notice we're getting some garbage issues over here although it's gone now I don't know if do we need more garbage oh yeah we might actually need to steal another garbage place now I will say though everyone is walking or cycling I don't know I still don't know why so many people are walking when yeah they could just cycle everywhere like literally it would be a lot smarter now I sure I could change these various - the cycle roads because I think we have those now I'm sure we do yeah I think I'll stop parking here you can't even drive here it would reset all my banned vehicles I think so no how does the bus line going actually 61 people on it do we need more buses oh that one's got 156 yeah hey we might need another bus or two just on the line not not too many I guess we should start doing high-density right like why not I was gonna replace these islands as high-density I will I guess kick a bunch of people out but also I want high density on these islands also yeah the lack of education of he is really not helping us oh no that's why not because we're using this to power the whole city oops okay so I'm we can build here to join that sector and then I'll go in - are they okay I'll go there okay cool we're back oh no they'd abandon themselves or I've destroyed it with a power line oh no this one's disconnected wait what's going on no catch em hang on okay I'm way around this is the most unattractive like setup we're powered we're back on you got some big buildings coming in now hopefully they will you know come in stay here zero out of nine households in that building oh there we go okay there's these people moving and there's people moving in elementary school is good high schools good so we got the capacity you just get away from people to sort of process through them oh god people are dying you know what I forgot people could die we need a we can't get it unlocked crematorium get a get a cemetery why don't you put it off the main road that'll be fine did that man what if they died of sickness multiple problems cuz surely the people I guess I kicked all those guys out now God okay I need any money to feel again you know what loan time oh actually you know what taxes that's what we need to do may be taxing the high-density more that's probably why it's not helping us yeah the garbage is really becoming an issue and that's because I don't have the money to build one nearly do if I didn't build all that doesn't even have water and say if I didn't build this first then I would have been out of get the garbage issue sorted you know what I'm gonna do I would have ban delivery vehicles from this road because I don't want them coming through this way I want them to sort of come around so they don't have to drive through other because there's too many bears too many vehicles coming this way I'll still let service vehicles but all these sort of commercial and delivery vehicles not so that's good so then yeah now they should all be false come this way instead which is that what I wanted I didn't want them all coming through this way I mean coming through all the residential stuff alright let's get another recycle sent out finally to sort out the garbage issues so I'll start sending out probably a whole bunch of trucks to get that sorted a small city 2600 this section high density commercial I might get a pathway here that's what I was originally gonna do and then I decided not to for some reason so I'm gonna put one back in hey guys gonna go that way as well help them get this way oh there's no water I mean definitely a pathway through here to connect those two sides no don't abandon yeah we don't have enough no enough educated people look we're getting there do we need to get a university how much do they cost the thing is we've got like no one in this city 19:20 a week we could afford it discuss 75 grand Oh actually can almost afford that there you go it's going on the this road behind that cemetery beautiful that's where it's gonna be or does that have water there oh yeah cool it's got that great so that will make everyone happier then we'll be able to educate everyone as well now there's no real public transport for any of these guys so I'm thinking maybe we should probably do like a bus line through here just to sort of fix that up I also kind of want to get a road here for all the delivery vehicles because I really don't like them going through that tiny section so now I'm gonna do is I'm gonna ban delivery vehicles yeah what is this no parking no park how do you have cars literally look look how many people are walking in this place everyone is walking what is this did you get a car to drive here okay hang on hold up we need to update it no ok this cars banned everywhere I don't even know how they did that drive that should be all banned stop driving man maybe I can oh here go vehicle restrictions aggression I think this is what I want strict so if we restrict them from driving they will definitely not do it cuz you can see they get to kind of do it so I think if you turn that on it uses more like processing power I think is my assumption of that so but the city small so it should be fine what is this yeah they feel okay can it might take it a little bit that they are literally walking here or coming from this thing getting in a car going there but we have banned all cars here so there's literally nothing more that I can do to stop that oh we got sick people oh you know that's what we don't have any sort of medical treatment at all just it here doing this bit I do it near all this cuz it's like why not well it's only a small clinic it's not very big this big Road where is this road going I guess across here I'll build this bit first no I don't have any money just so we just sort of know where the main or it's gonna go and then we can start building the rest of the residential hey big city 4000 oh we can do clean oh we can get crematoriums now sweet okay so I'm gonna start I guess just zoning this sort of area because this is where it'll actually be connected to the power grid first so hopefully they actually build here don't want to go away and then there's all just gonna be high-density but it's gonna really cram people in and then this is all it's gonna be I guess industrial no I said it wasn't going to be oh this is disgusting hang on is this polluting yeah it's gonna stop polluting the okay we got to change this we got to change that let's use the cleaner yeah literally was polluting the entire environment so we're gonna use this the slightly cleaner sewage treatment and we're gonna need more power anyway so I'm gonna build another one of these and then we got to clean this place up this is really bad we need these puppies they're expensive but it will clean up the water for us why do we hang on why are the trucks coming down this way I don't like that I think that's just cause it was just randomly new yeah I don't know that was weird we had like trucks coming down that way so I need I think any 50,000 to to buy the garbage cleaner thing but what is slightly cleaner ah let's get some officers we haven't done that yet I didn't have a lot of space left i'ma have to build more roads obviously but we'll start let's out with a few simple officers here and there we got some more residential demand I'm wondering if I mean we could build offices along here cuz we do offices I wonder if they need oh hello grand city solar power yeah do they need resources because if they don't I'm happy to ban vehicles so zone this section next low land value seems to be an issue over here now let's get a crematorium that'll that'll make him happy there you go guys get that land value up for ya how the bus is doing whoa we need more buses you know we might even benefit from doing a bus loop going the other way now - okay so they set up a bus loop just just goes the other direction so they can go you know the more direct route that they want to I still haven't really done anything through there cuz I mean they can they can walk and cycle over to it it's fine I'm not why are we having trucks coming up this way I don't understand like where hey where are you going you're from the recycling center and you're going to what the wait you're from here but you've driven so they've come out here I guess and then they can't turn left oh they're trying to u-turn this is probably too close to the corner so then they're driving as far like they're basically going to where they can you turn okay so what we can do turn on you turn here let them just see you turn that and I'll do it that way because I need to the other way too they should not be coming all the way down here going through look they're going up there to u-turn that's ridiculous and I'm pretty sure I banned the vehicles oh no I didn't bench i banned them here okay uh look I'll leave them on this row because I don't know if I need to go this way for whatever reason for this stuff but I'll ban them here as well because that's not gonna be needed I just don't know I really don't know why they were going over there looks still going all the way down there now that it's going down here to u-turn alright let's add a road connection here this is just I don't I don't know it like I don't need to do this but it's just annoying me like why are you why are they doing that there goes a little road that use the Oh No are they dying of sickness here now because of the pollution I'll crap put one here to stop it going further this way and then we need one back here to stop it leaking out okay so we got three of them were quite expensive there are eleven twenty a week but it should also I just put one there to sort of clean this area hopefully it's not too loud they are pretty loud but I try to keep residents out of earshot of them you can see Oh actually you know what this is interesting look how look like look how quite okay look how cool this is there's no noise at all in this whole area it's a little bit here because there's some vehicles coming through and then the loudest island and then yeah it's so pretty quiet I mean there's a little bit of traffic noise obviously mostly pretty good so I'm hoping that these babies start cleaning I think the other issue is there's not really any water flow maybe we need to dump water to sort of flush it through like if I put this here to literally just dump excess water out just trying it a current to go that way this is working because you can see the water is flowing that way so I'm thinking that's like what is that oh wait what what do there's a there's a ghost garbage collector do you see that wait if I get wait look at it like fly then whoop what what is that why is that there every time I get the camera angle there it's like whoop there it is yep there it is no matter which angle and it always flies in from the bottom I don't know why but there it is okay no anyway what else so this will sort of just because the water is clearly flowing this way so that means the cleanliness will eventually get over here in the meantime it's not gonna be pretty for these guys at least the ones around the rim we might need to get a clinic closer for them we need an emergency clinic so I'm gonna put it on this island just because I need it pretty bad there we need more industrial you know what what is the traffic on this place 86% you know what it does does this traffic flow does that count this because honestly this is the only thing I can see where there's bad traffic like everything here is just like there's nothing look look it is let's try putting officers back through here because office is still quiet so I don't mind that and if we can get them to function with our delivery vehicles then I'll be happy I'm sorry guys I'm trying to save you there's a clinic and that's not a clinic there's a clinic somewhere on the island wait I put it sorry they probably thought oh well the city just put a crematorium here basically because they know we're gonna die that's not what I meant I'm sorry I meant to put a clinic okay that should help that should be better you know the city we're working on a long term solution okay you need another commercial island and I'm thinking this one over here so I want to get another Road so sorry I decided to build this one around because I didn't want the again of that traffic going through the residential area so this is now gonna go over to this island which is gonna have more commercial on it because we need a lot more of it so let's get one guy there just so the power is connected please and then here and then here and then here and then here and then that should hopefully just sort of work I'm gonna get a little plaza over here so I'll actually just sort of have some sort of leisure maybe we should get we got one find apartment over there maybe should get another fire department I'm gonna get a fire department over here so then that can so it's also kind of closer to these guys and I'll make all these people over here pretty happy to have they're gonna zone that half oh we're running out of learning out of water oh this is no joke creeping around this island and it's gonna go to where we're collecting water we need to stop that because it's actually just gonna start slowly coming around and you know it is it's also kind of going this way we really okay we're all clean it should clean out most of it but we gotta sort out the rest of it in the meantime get another water pump oh hang on hold up we've we've we've got a breach we got a breach in the network I forgot that this is kind of gone and updated itself and this has cars allowed on it as does this so all banned again they should disappear sorry guys walking only oh you know what we should definitely have is you know a way to walk from here to here mmm I just kind of like this bridged up but it actually needs to be on the ground so I can get pathways to it and let's um try and make it look nice maybe now I tried this can come around this way that's probably fine for now okay so then that will allow him to walk through here which is probably gonna be a huge shortcut through especially everyone here and let me just make sure again that that hasn't reset my cars it has no cars please now this could definitely benefit from public transport I'm gonna say bus line there Oh capital city okay so I did a bus line that now goes get out of my way from oh I see you turn over there well whatever from here down this road and then across and up over there so it basically just goes here to here and then it sort of interchanges with the other bus line right here now normally I would not recommend having a bunch of bus lines on this tiny section of road right near this other main road but because this is a city without cars it should actually be fine which Mustangs which because I want to change that should not have traffic lies it doesn't we really don't need traffic lights in the city that's this bus line good I want to change the color of it okay like a green bus just so we know which bus lines which so the blue is the loop and then the green is the new one a lot oh there's a lot of like commercial vehicles I'd have to go down here how loud is that made this area now kind of worried that this road is quite loud huh you know what it's far enough away from those guys that's not too bad look at this though no surprises there that that was gonna happen and the rest of the island commercial as well because we got a lot of demand again and then we need some more officers I kind of wanted more residential over here but it seems like we're in the building offices now Oh actually it's a schooling like do we have enough whoa no we don't have enough elementary or high schools which I'm not surprised by let's get some more out here then we'll get some pathways and stuff to them how many do we need but she let's build one more of age and then we'll get a pathway through here as well and then let's turn up the education budget okay we're gonna need nother elementary school so let's get another one maybe down over this way I'm gonna remove your house sorry so now they can just get through here as well which is great Wow look at that beautiful or if garbage actually speaking of garbage we need more of these looks like we're still getting a bit of leakage which when you get excrement to leakage not not ideal well we've got a bunch of money so that's actually quite good so I'm gonna buy another one to block that off and then we're gonna get one I guess around here because it sort of starts leaking around we want it to stop coming over this way and maybe no I think that bill will actually clean out so that will brother be okay then we need some more garbage that's a bit a little right down there we'll get another one of these and then we're gonna need another one too we're gonna check on that road whatever I get out of my way industry yeah that's a problem we were recycling like we're trying to be you know we're trying to be good about it but you really need a lot of it to like is it a small city we still need a lot of these just to maintain it how about traffic 87 percent 86 percent again I'm convinced it's like this that's doing it like it's the highway traffic look at that like it's like orange and it's just regular traffic and then you get to this area where it's like no cars so guys no cars but I you know I would call this a rousing success it totally works obviously we still have all the service vehicles everywhere and if we just banned everything it just wouldn't work so there's no point doing that but everyone is most definitely walking this takes it all little people walking even though we do have buses and it looks like we probably need more buses on that line is all working beautifully I was kind of hoping that we'd see more people cycle but I guess they just really don't want to him I'm gonna just design the rest of this like I wasn't gonna zone the main road but then we're not really using it so I might as well just put houses all on it am I not zoned this era there is a cemetery right there maybe this bit can be officers it's like sort of on the road as well and this can also be offices in here and this bit you know what you know what the city doesn't have traffic issues and that's the beauty of it so this is an entire city without cars I mean still vehicles but you know entire city without cars totally functioning completely fine and traffic like it's actually surprising that even though we've got this huge cluster of industrial area that's still not causing traffic issues and I'm surprised that it probably is because there's no car like you look over here that you don't actually see much like there's a few little vehicles probably cop cars or whatever that is oh that's the boss I was like what is that green thing it's a truck no it's just a bus it's just all the service vehicles sort of going around and it works really really well it's kind of tedious though because you have to go through every road and select banned cars banking them you know what you guys aren't gonna tell me any comments down below you like you could've just clicked this button and it would have worked instantly but either way it still works it's just we're just in the process of cleaning the water up so that'll be nice one but once that's gone but you know leave your comments suggestions and feedback down below if you have any other suggestions for new challenges or different things let me know thanks so much for watching I will see you next time and have an awesome day
Channel: Flabaliki
Views: 1,154,720
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flabaliki, cities, cities skylines, skylines, cities: skylines, challenge, build, building, city, city build, island, islands, car, cars, no car, no cars, cities challenge
Id: ubWOFUiv2KM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 56sec (1856 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2019
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