Baldur's Gate 3: Spore Druid Build YOU NEED

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kale and malicious Adventures it's me the spot King welcome to the world of Baldo's Gate 3 and I welcome you at my Spore Druid guide So today we're making tweet took all the sports build for our race I chose today dwarf my idea is you kinda can pick whatever race you like this build will work in Battlefield 3 you don't have any additional abilities so feel free to change this race but I picked dwarves just because I won't blur on these islands to have protection against poison a little bit dark vision and proficiency with different weapons but most importantly additional hit points and this will increase every time we level up so we got some hit points when we level up our clasp of course will be true it so our can trips for first level will be shilela and turn with background will be Outlander to have Athletics and survival skill proficiency and I'll prepare spells so for spells you can pick some supportive ones most of time you will use your cantrips at first levels so healing word to heal yourself and your party in the fight goodberry is like nice healing spell chanter wave just in case you will be in trouble and verifier is very nice and strong spell to have advantage on attack rolls against Target so far ability distribution will go in all in into decks corn and wisdom so wisdom our primary ability for our spell casting and the addend plus 2 to it Constitution for HP and keeping our concentration going on and we add in plus one to it and decks for our Armor class and we will basically use Dex based weapons skill proficiency will go to Nature and perception and just like that Our Truth is ready to go so Drew is no all spells but he need to prepare spells and basically you need to prepare them in advance you can start your day with goodberry just use goodberry and you will get some good berries you can eat them to restore your HP or give it to your allies they can restore hp2 and basically in a fight you want to start with shilula as Bono section for 10 turns or even before the fight it's your cantrip for 10 turns your weapon becomes magical to an additional damage and you add the useful casting ability to attack rolls basically you attack most of the time pretty successfully and if someone trying to run away from you because you're playing dwarf if you picked race like me you will be slower than other races you can use torn whip to pull targets 3 meters closer to you just like that in case you want to run away from you the targets use the Chandler wave but it will use your spell slot and spell slots through your store only on Long Crest and in case your party members in danger you can use healing Ward but don't try to use it too much you're not like healer and another good option you can have is fairy fire you just cast it on a lot of targets and while you're keeping concentration you will have easier times to hit these targets because you will get advantage on attack rolls against them and all your party will get an advantage on them too so that's basically how you start a Stuart but let's level up and become sport Druids so we hit Level 2 and we are joined to pick our subclass circle of the spores of course so this subclass will feature wild shape like other Druids forms but this will be used mostly for exploration stuff for some fun stuff role-playing stuff you don't want to get this wild shape in the battle too much maybe sometime you can use it just to become Badger for more HP for example so most important future you will get hail of spores and symbiotic ant and as reaction you can you can do one to four necrotic damage with spores and symbionic entity will use wild ship charge so that's why you won't be able to cast wild shapes a lot and this will give you a temporary hit points and while the active you didn't additional damage 1d6 necrotic damage while you have this hit point if you cast in this hell of spots with double damage so that's our main articles but it's like Melee damaging class and to get bone chill can trip pretty nice and useful cantrip too but we won't really count on it too much so we get one more spell on level 2 and right now you can pick and tangle so you can entangle targets and they won't really run away from you because your scary Druid you're going to level 3. so you learn a lot of level 2 spells and now you can change some stuff if you're doing everything correctly you kinda not this supportive guy in your party so you don't need healing word right now you don't need any damaging spells like ice knife and you don't need to actually push enemies away you want right now to keep enemies nearby you so that's why we are having fairy fire it's still my spell and we're using gust of wine to push enemies 5 meters keeping them off balance so we get Advantage attacks against them and basically you want all spells that will help you get in Miller Range against Target so Health person will work nicely Spike grows to control Battlefield and use this as zoning tool and you don't have a lot of spell slots so just take some level 1 spells to entangle will still work and the goodberry again like a supportive spell still nice so at least some supportive spells so let me show you this level 3 do it in action so again you kinda want to start your day with casting symbiotic energy to get this additional Health points and become this sport Druid and you can still get some good is from before so you don't need to cut them a lot you can basically use one day to cast a lot of good bears with level one spell slot level 2 spell slots so you get a lot more goodberries and that's kinda free helium portions so just like that you're ready to go into the fight and a circle of the sport drew it you basically doing shillela from the start of the fight gotten the scan trip on yourself and now your weapon doing from 5 to 17 damage with all these Buffs and you want to just run to try to attack your enemies if you can't attack your enemies you can use gust wind to push them in some bad spots but most of the time you won't use the spell actually because it's like pushing away so another good one is Spike grows to affect Battlefield you basically can place this on enemies and they will be inflicted with large amount of damage or another one is very far so when you cast it and keep concentration on this you will get advantage on every attack roll but right now we don't need to got 95 to hit so let's just hit this imp and I'm sure uses damage so Circle the sport through it with basic weapons making this amount of damage he basically rolling 1d8 from our quarter stuff then we add in our wisdom modifier to this because so we are getting this chill alarm and then we are adding additional 26 nicarotic damage to it and it's only on Level 3 and we can use this reaction hell of spores with double damage if a Target is still not dead and that's the coolest part so we can use this as a reaction and basically our circle of the sport drew it on the first level making insane amount of damage because we're hitting enemies with crazy amounts of damage and we can use this hello spores for one more damage but they can use con safe and actually be saved from our attack Additionally you can use whole person to concentrate on it if it's human noise and this monitors will get Critical Hits every time you attack them so some crazy spells we got some nice damage we got and I guess it's time to level up and show you final level of our Circle that's born to it so at level 4 we get additional cam chip you can use whatever you like it doesn't matter so we get Guidance just for role-playing stuff we can have one more prepared spell and right now it doesn't matter so it could be any spell you wish so you can use killer wounds maybe you think you need this like healing in the fights or just use mod Beam for another zoning tool but most importantly we get additional feeds right now and for feed on this level we want to round up our attribute so basically we add in plus one into wisdom and plus one into decks then we're going to level five we got additional class future for wild shape we don't need it so we don't care actually and we can prepare some spells so we get access to new spells from Level 3 and we can use protection from energy if we need protection from one of the elemental sources and blend grows because we don't need to concentrate on this and it to create hard terrain so we can use it together with other spells so let's go to our next level and it will be Druid level 6 so we get additional actions we can become banter we can become all bear again a circle of the sports we're not using it but we got fungal infestation and we can race mold and crusted zombie from a corpse that sounds cool so we got additional spell again pick whatever you like we don't care about spells right now owl level 7 comes with some level 4 spells and on this level you want to gain some nice controlling zoning tools from Level 4. so good picks will be grasping wind or wall of fire so let's continue our leveling and we are now level eight on level 8 we got additional feet medium armor Master we will be melee class and we want to wear this medium armor to have additional AC as a really Milly front laner who inflicts large Spore damage next up we're going to level nine on level 9 we got some additional spells but basically nothing that will change our tactic so we can use wall of stone for again zoning tool buzzes nice zoning Tools in previous spells so you can use muscular wounds as level 5 spell Slot 2 basically heal yourself and to your allies level 10 we're going to have new class futures for wild forms we don't need them again we're getting one more can tip and we don't care so we can pick whatever you like but most importantly we're getting one more subclass future spreading Sports so while symbiotic entity is active you can create cloud of spreading spores what does this mean we basically can create the splitting spores and this will create area of spores with 2 to 16 necrotic damage and his basically bonus action so that's like crazy stuff and very cool and fun stuff so we get one more spell and that basically you can pick whatever you like whatever you want so you can pick like some situational spells like dominate Beast for example if you will fight against some strong beasts and it's time to go to level 11 of course so level 11 again nothing changed we still will use the same tactics hit and run just come and dominate persons so you can use wall of horns for a strong zoning tool or Heroes Feast if you want additional HP and other stuff but actually it depends on what you actually want and even you can pick two Spells at a time but you will get only one level 6 spell slot keep this in mind so instead of Moonbeam we can pick like wall of thorns and we finish our build at level 12. so for level 12 we can pick one of two fits we can pick tough to increase our maximum HP by 2 for every level and we finish at 135 HP so we will be really fat spawn to it or we can use ability Improvement and finish our wisdom at 20 to max out and that's actually what I recommend to do so let's go and show you this late game monitor the action so basically you can start your day with Heroes Feast to increase your maximum health points even more don't forget to cast symbiotic entity on you and you will get 48 temporary hit points on this level and basically all you want to do in the fight come to your enemies cast Halo of spores as reaction cost spreading Sports as bonus action use fungal infestation on corpses to pick up this corpses basically and he has this little like fungally zombies they not scale too much so they still will have only 9 HP but the zombies can create more zombies so it's like really funny subclass so in a fight you're basically create and blend grows to make this roses stuff over like over the place and you can make grasping wine to just try and you know it will pull enemies towards it or you can concentrate on spy growth instead and make this like big area that will be like hard terrain and everyone who's standing on it having hard times and you can combine it with your gust of wine so you basically cast it behind your enemies you use gust of wine wind and basically push your enemies on these spores on this Vines and just like that they will be dead in no time and as do it you will have a really poor AC so you definitely want to have medium armor to increase your armor class and shield so basically wanna have medium armor shield and some weapons that will scale with your dexterity so with the final form you will look something like this with 20 AC nice armored tweet of the spores with a shield and some type of skimmeter or other weapon you are proficient with and dexterity weapons like skimmer can free up our bonus section and we don't need to use this chililla no more so we're actually losing a little bit of damage from using just normal weapon instead of shields but you won't attack anyway most of the time we will use our spells and just spread the spores everywhere so let's go into the fight and while we can attack on early levels on the later levels you basically want to go and cast your spells it can be anything from combination from Spike grows and gust of wind but its old spells from Level 2 they not damaging too much to basically using gasping wine and this one will try to lure enemies into it basically so you can freely use this hail of spores and just melt everyone into ashes and Halo spores uses reaction it's doing double damage while you got this additional bonus hit points and you can use your sprinting spores on your enemies just like that and this creates areas of necrotic spores as damaging elements and this again your bonus section so basically every turn you want to use this one section to move this spores and you can place the spores or over this wine and this wine can use its action every turn to pull some enemies into this Spore location so while being pretty easy class at first this sport Druid actually needs to sink like in chess you know few turns in advance he not replace the sporos you know kill enemies a little bit attack with his like little zombies and even little attacks from zombies can force enemies to become other zombies and while they not been like too big and too hot for later levels of the game they still walking the guys who doing some damage and they treat and targets that's like most important thing so you can Dash with them and go to Range attack targets targets who can attack you from the range and your Minions on this world act on their own basically so then you on your next turn can just move and move the spreading Spore stuff over other guys and you're only using bonus action to do so and you can use your action to make some hard terrain for example so enemy will have hard time to go away from this spores and if they try to run on you you can use gust of the vines to push them back for 5 meters etc etc so your possibilities is basically and your idea to of playing to be like this Zone control Mage party going in melee form with highly armored dude and you got a lot of HP so you can be like tanky guy who doing this stuff so you create zombies create more zombies use the spores they attack enemies just like that but if every enemy fly don't forget you can end your concentration and just press on this x to the left and there's no more spores so you move your spores again next turn to attack all enemies over here and now let's use our wall of turns our late game spell and just attack these guys crazy stuff don't forget you can use Halo spores as a reaction again it's a very funny very cool and interesting class to play I hope you enjoyed this circle of sports Druid build from me and go watch other cool videos of Bubble Gatesville right now on the screen and make sure to check pinned comment for other builds for other classes when they are ready see you in the next videos friends
Channel: Spud The King
Views: 143,155
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Id: aDtAvpBWin0
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Length: 17min 16sec (1036 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 08 2023
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