OPTIMIZED Necromancy Spore Druid Build in Baldur's Gate 3

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poor neutral monster in the battle [Music] additionally all your zombies resistant to piercing by joining and slashing damage and poison resistant hey and matches Adventures welcome to the world of battle G3 it's me as a spot King and today we dive in deep into creating awesome character class would you please make an optimal multi-class character sport drew it first and necro II a class control character that strictly relies on minions to do damage so his roles are strictly about buffing his minions but he can also throw some alterations and debuff spells plus some dot so thank you for donation and let's create this character we got Druid and Wizard and we're starting with Druid and that's like totally correct thing to do because if you're starting as a wizard necro wizard you get Proficiency in basically nothing and when you're building this character who relies on damage from his minions and if you want to Bob them you need to be in the battle so you need to go to armor and other stuff that's why starting as Druid is nice idea because we get light armor medium armor and shield proficiency that's everything we need in addition you need to decide do you want to attack from the distance so we're definitely starting as Druid but our starting race should be throw because when we're concentrating on one of the Spells most of other spells that are doing control and Dot style stuff they require you concentration so you will be left without cool bonus actions most of the times that's why pick and draw as race of choice is nice idea to help double hand crossbow so you can basically inflict some damage from the distance after you finish to your combinations of dot spells and control spells and Minion enhancement spells so another good traces for this type of character could be like a goat dwarf to get more hit points in my opinion it's nice idea to have on Wizard through it multi-class but basically this builds a table show today we'll work on almost anyone but for today we're picking draw and there's our sport Druid Necromancer cell to start out we're going with draw lotsworn draw we enjoyed class with two can chips biased starting can chips for Druid will be Chile and Thorn whip but we can definitely go and play into our class with for example poison spray instead of Chile and to rely on our cantip to do damage but the background it doesn't matter you can pick whatever you like but especially for this build sage and Guild Artisan will work nice so for skill distribution again it doesn't matter too much for our build but ability distribution is important so I would say for this build especially you need to have two ability Point allocations first one is early game when you're starting as Druid especially as the circle of the sports Druid you want to have high wisdom to make your spells so pick a reliable and making nice damage and then nice dexterity and Constitution so I would start with something like 16 dexterity like 14 Constitution 17 in wisdom and just blast 2 into intelligence Charisma or strange it doesn't matter too much so that will be like nice start of the game Druid thus will do a lot of damage and have nice start for prepared spells we go with entangle fairy fire killing word and long Strider so let's go into the game in early game you got this poison spray to make like close distance damage in kinship really nice one if you need a higher distance you need to pull up your targets to yourself use turn whip that's your another can chip and with this type of do it we will rely on Kian chips to do damage if you need to heal your teammates use healing Ward as bonus action or yourself most of the time you will use it to heal the teammates that are downed so they can get up instantly without using action very nice to have skill long Strider you can cast it at the start of the day on the wall team to have more movement speed in battle and fairy fire when you see a lot of enemies you just verifier on them and yo and your teammates will have advantage on attack rolls so next up if you've got enemies that got pretty low strange you can press examine on enemy check out say strange ability number and if it's high enough like 14 16 or higher then better use fairy fire because it uses dexterity saving throw but most of the time if enemies got high dexterities they will have low range so you just examine them if they get low strange and you want to disable them using Technical and single or just multiple enemies in the area just like that you cast it and everyone will be entangled when enemies in 10 gold they can't move and attack rolls against them have Advantage so very nice stuff to have because poison spray using attack roll 2. so that's basically early games threat next up we level them up so basically we're starting on second level with circle of the spores Druid and instead of going into wild shapes of animals we can use our wild chip charges to gain symbiotic entity to deal additional necrotic damage while we get this stuff get a nice damaging range kinship bone chill radical cantrip and Halo spores we can use our reaction to do additional little damage but it will be doubled if we got this symbiotic entity active so how many levels we want to have in Spore Druid actually to make this multi-class I will say sixth six so this is actually very hard to make because first fold Druid and wizard got different attributes to cast their spells drew it goes with wisdom wizard goes with intelligent as like most hardest part here and next up our main and coolest Parts comes pretty lately so sport drew it I guess most cool spark is like circle of spores comes at level 10 but getting two levels in Wizard got no sense basically because you won't have anything cool from Wizard that's why we're getting at the best breaking point in each class so for portrait it will be level 6. until Level 6 we want to have this spells from Level 2 we want to have Spike growth we want to have an old person and Moonbeam later and basically Druids know all his spells so you can change spells if you want to but I show you spells that I will use in this build so can chip at level 4 could be guidance and just nice game chip to have in your game and level 4 we're getting our fits so my feet of choice was this style would be ability Improvement and getting more wisdom while we're getting this wisdom up to 19 and why are we starting with 17 because it's optimized to build videos so I recommend to going in if you want to make this build fully optimized and getting this plus one into wisdom from auntie and tell but just for now we want to have round 20 wisdom at this level at level 5 and we could possibly do it so when you're exploring drink act one you can finish act 1 at around level 5 with like full clear or level 6. so level five we're getting a lot of cool spells from Level 3 but most importantly finally we get in our animate dead and today we want to make build focused on this zombie army basically summons and other guys so from race we get in darkness and before we got from race faded fire so you can remove fatty fire from this prepared spell list already we can remove daylight we can remove ice knife it's under wave and here we want to have plant grows most importantly moon beam nice pair can be hit middle it's a constitution saving throw and if enemy got middle weapon or armor they will glow red hot and force the wheeler to let go this weapon or armor radical spell to have it's nice debuffing spell and I would say like any spell you like can work if you want strong spell go focal lighting of course it's just very cool and strong spelling in my opinion it's just strongest spell from Level 3. sometimes you need it but if you play in controlling stuff yeah it's not like controlling stuff it's damaging stuff but we kind of got everything we need right now at level 5 and refinishing with level six level six that's where we get in this fungal infestation so from Level 6 Sport Druid is really zombie Lord becoming zombie Lord and can make this fungal infestation with a reaction so he can Samone this humanoid corpses from Beast or juvenile so basically you're raising this like fungal zombies your mini mushroom friends for spells pick whatever some protections can work really nicely and yeah like less restoration to cure poison disease works really nice especially on tactician you will be poisoned to desist a lot of time next up we basically finishing our druiding we switch into our Necromancer what we giving up when we start when we stop and withdraw it if you go and withdraw it on level 7 you get this conjure Miner Elemental and kanjiro Woodland being so basically you're getting a lot more Elemental spells but if you want to make like really strongest on that Army you need to go and switch into nichromancer if you want to make like Optimal playthrough build I would suggest going like to level 10 maybe with sport Druids with just completely support Druid and then you respect at around level 10 level 11 something like this or even at level 12. you can get level 12 at the start of the act 3 almost at the start and basically you will play all act 3 with this complete build of level 12 but we can go and switch into wizard right now but generally before I'm showing you full like build item build let me explain how you can play it and what we have over here right now at like middle stages of the game so we got our can chip roll we got turn Veep to pull targets to ourselves we get poison spray to attack them from nearby position and it's starting to do really nice damage 2 to 12 damage and that's cool and at this level she already can have 20 wisdom so you're like spell difficulty class will be really high around 16 or even 17 18 it's it's hard to negotiate this damage don't chill again to d8 with disadvantage should not across against and that's very nice cam chip next up we got this entangle so it's like entangling Zone if enemies got high strange as I told you low strange sorry draw magic if you're playing draw you can go withdraw 35 and if you're fighting against humanoids you can go with hold person to hold them and inflict a lot of damage to them next up we got a row of concentration zoning spells so if you don't need to like disable targets or get advantage and attack rolls and you want to just disable some areas by gross require you concentration so basically you cast it like that and it create it's difficult terrain you can use your Thorn whip to pull targets and this will pull targets for some distance and targets will receive a lot of damage when the trail in this distance additionally we can use plant grows to make it harder to leave this area so you can cast it on almost on top on the obvious and it will create hard to walk area with low movement speed for enemies or just make a lot more zones coolest part that plant grows doesn't require you concentration and it's creating this zone for 10 turns so basically you can even use your action to cast it every turn and create the area full of flowers such as hard to navigate on and it requires no concentration so it's like zoning spell and last but not least again it's damaging spell it's a low area of effect as you can see circle is really narrow not really high Circle but damage is nice you can have cast it to level 3 so it's doing 3 to 30 damage and when you custom you need to consider concentrate on this stuff but you can just go and change position of the stuff every turn it will require you action but it's like small zoning tool too so why not to have this stuff and you of course can combine the stuff with your zombies so how this works basically you summon your zombies and we got this animate that spell from our sport Druid and what we can do we can go animate our zombie you can animate zombie or skeleton I would suggest going with zombies hits like Millie Union's battle a lot more fun and just animate your zombie now when Target standing in the circle of the moon or houses called yeah Moonbeam and he stands nearby a zombie for example you cast it like this now he he need to decide he wants to go away from the zombie or he want to attack zombie for example if he go away from the zombie he will be inflicted with the opportunity attack from zombie and possibly will be dead if he stay in the circle he will be dead because Circle will attack him it works like this and again from Joy to God's blindness level to spell from Circle the sport Druids you can intellect blind us on enemies and again attack rolls against these targets will have advantage and he will have disadvantage Target so this works really nice if you cast it on enemies and your zombies will have advantage on attacks because zombies is not like incredibly good at his striking targets but they got 16th range it's not really bad so that's our combinations of course of course we do in symbiotic entity from the start of the day we have a nice pretty nice like hell's pool 24 hit points is pretty reasonable and you can manage to keep them and while you're keeping them you can do a lot of stuff and of course don't forget you can use the farm gun infestation to reanimate these creatures to make this fungals zombies so let's see him in the battle and tab we'll show you full build of items so what you're doing in a fight basically you want to start from controlling and Zoning you decide what enemy you're facing and for example we face in fins so we can't use whole person on this guys as a flying so Spike grows and for example plant growth is not an option too but if they're not flying you cast it something like that so you cast it so your enemies can't go behind if he go in like this direction if you try to go you need to grow and travel on Spike controls and it will be hard for him and next turn you can go and jump with your zombies on this area and basically destroy him later so in this situations you need to decide does your enemies have some metal armor you can cast this metal armor so they will drop their weapons or will have disadvantage on that across and ability checks that's nice stuff too and when they get in this disadvantage on ability checks it means it's a lot easier for you to shove them so again you can use Spike growth next turn you can just hit meter then you can just go and Shop them with bonus action and you will have a lot more chance to shove right now we got 55 percent chance with Advantage it will be around 70 percent of course you can use Mont beam as I told you and don't forget you can use your reaction to inflict hair love spores it will use your reaction to make damage and it will do 2d6 damage so from 2 to 12 damage pretty nice too if you want to inflict this damage or you can use fungal infestation if you see some targets that can be reanimated for example this target can be reanimated let's go to him and you can do even more zombies in a fight so you got a lot Mini like fungi friends and this mushroom France can influx attacks on enemies and create a lot more zombies and as you can see this newborn zombie is even stronger than your fungal zombie since it's like craziest part they will act on their own so they will do whatever they want and cool spells to have of course is very far from draw or keep it from Druid and when you keep it your zombies will get advantage on that across right now we got 95 chance against this imps against targets with higher Armor class aims got only seven so it's really low but against targets with high Armor class you need to have Advantage so cast it but not cast on your zombies so cast it carefully don't cast on your lies and basically when you cause it if it's successful as you can see it's successful very far active your zombies will have advantage or not across it now get one most per 100 chance to hit so we got one newborn zombie and we will have one more newborn zombie and let's not slow down and let me show you what you can do after newborn zombies will take damage every turn every 6 seconds they will take one necrotic damage that's going to limit them to one fight or just a lot of fights but you need to make them in quick succession so just go into the next fight as soon as possible so optimization and item build that's our items exact positions where you can find these items will be in pinned comment so to actually focus on your zombies and your debts I would suggest going with circle of Bones your light and dead within 6 meters are resistant to blood joining slashing and piercing damage and there's a lot of these types of damage basically every non-mage person will inflict this damage to you and when zombies and when zombies is resistant to this type of damage this makes them a lot harder to kill and zombies don't have a lot of hit points for example our fungal zombies got only 9 health so that's not cool but when they resistant they can take around 18 damage and not be dead so that's like cool part over here so 17 damage won't kill the Zombies if you got this stuff and 17 damage is really high number actually it's a really high number so this circle of Bones will work additionally it will give you animated death spell and you can do it one time per alone Quest so basically you can use animate that without expanding spell slots so cool stuff and you can get it in the end of Act 2 around the end of Act 2 or in the middle actually you can get it in the middle easily next up armor of Spore keeper it's our late game armor before late game just where any armor that have a light or medium proficiency and basically get as high Armor class as possible so this armor what it's doing basically when we got this symbiotic entity on ourself we will get additional spores with bonus actions and actions this force will do damage and make enemies be fun though or poison them so there's like poison films can create poison films over here for example that's like cool action but most important part of this armor in my opinion is this fast spores so you can cast it and for one turn basically it stands for two turns every kiricha that enter In This Cloud getting Hast effort and Hast effect without debuff so for first few turns you can basically cast the stuff and go through this area with you and your zombies doing this crazy dance and when you're going through this area everyone got hust and this means we got two actions for one turn and on the next turn we can go through the sports again and this means basically for first few turns you can do around four actions with every creature you have this means first few turns will be deadly for your enemies and you can basically cast it with bonus action and start your fight with plant grows plus Spike rolls with any basic combination you wish to do with your spells and your zombies will do two attacks instead of one so it's easy to start fight with snowballing your army of your mini zombies zombie kids and other stuff so that's like greatest armor in my opinion for this type of play next up mantle I will go with mantle of defense that you can get in Act 2 from Trader or mantle of holy Warrior is like late game stuff this will give you ability to cast this Crusader mental and basically all nearby allies will start to do additional one to four radiant damage okay we can go with high Armor class for example kitrix Shield will work because on most of our items we want to have this spell safe difficulty class spell save DC gives us a basically High chance to cast our spells and when you go in for a lot of spells that require targets to make and succeed on difficulty class you need to do this as high as possible and we can go with higher Armor class with the kitrix shield for example you will find it from kiatric's turn when you kill him it will work until it will make your like more tankier version of yourself or there's another version that you can go with you can go with a Double Quarter stuff so that you will find in act 3 so before Act string before finishing act 3 before finding the spot to stuff so you can go with for example a shield and just any weapon you see some weapons will have this difficulty class function so you can definitely get this stuff and next up you can finish with dual wielding of this awesome stuffs like despair of at-hatler and marker cashier it's hard to pronounce sorry but somehow I can't equip them right now and don't know why they should be equippable into hands but whatever whatever most importantly you want to have this marker his gear and for example a shield this will work just as nice and from Marcus gear you will custom yourself cataclyism protection from Poison and this will give you ability to cast hunger of Heder very nice concentration spell that's doing this area of Darkness with damaging of cold and tasted damage very nice stuff melf's acid arrow is nice up too but again I'm not sure it's working correctly because I just spawn to this stuff so that it's probably a little bit broken if you look on description you should probably could be able to cut Cloud kill and Cloud kill is like really cool spell to have ability to cast without expanding Splash slots so anyway this stuff will work for our build so next up again as I told you you can probably go and focus on Range damage any like hand crossbows will work make sure it's hand crossbow not light crossbow not like heavy crossbow or whatever hand crossbow can be in cubed in two hands at the same time and just like that you got your two crossbows basically and they will just do a lot of damage from the range and you can go into attack with them and while you're attacking with crossbows you got your Shield to increase your armor class just like that so for our gloves you can find it easily again in the ACT 1.5 I call it it will increase your dexterity up to 18 and Boots of striding you basically can pick whatever boots you like best boots you probably want to have but these boots give you momentum for one turn when you're casting spells as require concentration and most of our spells will require concentration that's how this works so next up Amulet of vote it could be used it given us additional plus 2 to spell save difficulty class and this increases our spells difficulty class just by a lot of a lot but that's pretty late game amulets you can hear it but in early game you can go with necklace of Elemental augmentation that will give you ability to add spellcasting damage modifier to your key and chips it's doing basically every type of damage so acid cold fire lighting Thunder damage for our Rings again pick whatever ink you like before late game in the late game you can find this stuff you can find rink of free action and ring varnished ring basically what you get here this will ignore efforts of difficult terrain so basically you can cast this Spike growth difficult terrains and you won't be affected by them you can freely move around them and burn a string will give you paralyzing gray awesome spells that I will show you in a minute so let's finish our build first and then I will show finished version so because we got this gloves that gives us 18 dexterous if you don't need dexterity we can basically dump it and you'll have two options First Option will be sticking with base glitches rolls and you get instead 16 intelligence just like that and then you can add last two to your strange Charisma whatever you like I suggest strange to be an able just to jump and do some cool stuff but instead you can make like fully super balanced character but you will lose your like zombie proficiency so I will show you just in a second how to do it let's finish up with something like that and basically you can add plus one to whatever skill you want so your finished stats will look something like this 17 wisdom like 16 Constitution 12 into stretch 12th Charisma so you know Druid levels let's go into wizard level is doing damage like fire shock Rave Frost damage nice scan trips beers and spells I recommend sticking with some like exploration stuff for Wizard at the first level so just pick everything you possibly can like this guy's self feather fall and hand sleep and some stuff to finish off zombie work so magic Missile or like burning hands can work and some disabled stuff like Tasha's heaters laughter very nice stuff prepared spells we can't prepare too much right now but I will explain you in a second why and how we can go around this stuff again if you go with exactly this item build you need to have like low strange logarisma and high intelligence around 14 intelligence so you can at least prepare some wizard spells on second level you go with necromances subclass and again that's why we want a lot more levels in increments and just two levels for example new commands is a class giving us only one cool ability at the second level It's ability to regain hit points equal to twice spell slot level used so basically if we killing like enemies with spells we recover some hit points that's it that's basically all you will get from necromancy subclass and that's not too much you're not getting additional zombies are or whatever that's why we continue our journey with basically Wizard and we need 6 levels in Wizard next up we are spells on level 9 with wizard level 3. we're getting enlarge reduce it's like most importantly and again it is like most important spell to hear if you can have Misty step just to be able to reposition yourself if you want like dot spells phantasmal force will work so level 10 wizard level 4 we get in ourselves additional care trip pick whatever you like we don't care too much so miss this step that's what we don't have right now and some exploration stuff see invisibility like Arcane lock or knock staff for exploration and disabling stuff like web works really cool so for final fit final fit we will get at level 10 and we want to go to war Caster we already got all attributes to the place we want them to be so broadcaster will give us ability to have advantage on saving drones to maintain concentration that's it that's all we need so next up level 11 gives us ability to get spells from Level 3 we want to have haste and hypnotic pattern and from here we want to have two spells so we can have hypnotic pattern but I don't like it too much so it lasts only for two turns this require concentration and its with them saving throw so sometimes it's easy to negotiate the spell while being really large radius it's not worth it too much always that's why I like to take slow instead it's wisdom savings Row 2 but it's slowing down enemies by on and when they slowed down they can't get to you while your lights can get to them really easily and another stuff is Glyph of warding very nice like zoning spell and you will need it too and refinishing with wizard at level 6. and that's our main level when our build finally finished so we're getting this Undead trials now we can create additional undeads from this create Undead future from animated Jet and most importantly they will have additional hit points equal to our wizard level and our proficiency bonus so our summons is finally worth it final spells could be haste could be hypnotic pattern if you like to do some damage One Pilot touch can work but it will require concentration too so a lot of good spells require concentration so let's get our build working I just remove all cam chips of course we can use scan chips because we got this awesome ring or like whatever this is necklace for example that will at our spell casting magic fire to our can chips into our spell custom modifier is wisdom so we got plus 5 from wisdom to damage of our game chips flat plus 5 is very cool but we switch to late game build so later stages of the game basically what they give to us first of all of course we can create more depth so now animate that can be up costed up to level 5 at later stages of the game and we can create ghouls ghouls as strong summons but just for fun I will create zombies again you can upcast it up to level 4 and on third level you will create zombie on first level you will create three zombies and that's crazy stuff so it's zombie Battalion as you can see it's like different spells so we're creating zombie Battalion because we are Necromancer we can create four zombies and we can create them from one corpse don't forget it it's just discovered that you can use it four times on one corpse and there we go our zombie Battalion then find some beasts or humanoids use your fungal infestation just like that and basically our strategy going in the same you can cast slow on your targets to make them slower you can go disable them with the web action for example so they will be in web so you know all the Spells Of course you got this fantasma force and it will do one to six every turn if you keep in your concentration sometimes you just need it but most of the time you just use another like zoning tools so cool sport first of all zombies will happen right now 34 hit points nice number and when we are affected by symbiotic entity we will get this cast of sports as I told you really cool stuff and this is only bonus action additionally all your zombies resistant to piercing blood Johnny and slashing damage and poison resistance so just crazy stuff and as I told you this Crusaders mantle let's check this out right now they affected by this stuff so if everything works correctly he should just make additional damage with radiant damage somehow it's not working on my zombies I don't know it's back or not or it's like intended so zombies can't have this holy damage or whatever sparked again you can change it you can basically change this mental to basic mental that gives you plus one to armor and that's it and you will have around 20 armor at last levels so most importantly don't forget you can use this hot Sports as bonus section and just like that as you can see we cast it over here and this zombie just attacked so he should not be able to attack right now but yeah he is able right now because he got two actions instead of one so he can go and make attack and there's like crazy Necromancer actually very good and strong increments or support do it Necromancer with Zombie Friends so with high spell difficulty class as you can see it's easy to lend this whole person on enemies and your zombies will just start critical striking your enemies and creating a lot more mini zombies or just after that critical strikes is insane so most like horrible and like most hardest part is to make your zombies finally attack enemies when they hold it it's easy just like that you're doing this stuff oh my eyes is so different so that's in my opinion like coolest combination we can do as this sport do it you just count this hust of spores on some area in the front where you can actually go so we can go some in this like area just go aim it over here cast it over here now everyone is casted in this area and it was on the bonus section so right now we can go enter the spores and we get additional movement speed so we can go and come close to our enemy easily if we need two if we don't need to go and come close to our enemy if you got the syringe you can go and paralyze your target so basically any Target can be paralyzed but it requires wisdom saving throw so Target need to have a pretty low wisdom he got 12 so let's try to attack he saved happens totally fine but again we got a lot of actions bonus actions we can go and try entangle them for example and they saved again but we can use our fungal zombies to make more zombies with reaction it says what we do as a sport Druid basically but even if enemies is not disabled don't forget you can go enter this head to sports for two turns basically so this turn will enter this has spores and we go in trying to attack our enemies two times with each zombie if enemy disabled it will be like super easy but again go into Spurs get affected by haste go to your enemy try to attack two times this has only photo spells for two turns sorry and that's crazy because zombies become a lot more faster a lot more stronger doing two attacks in one turn that's insane that's just cool future to have actually and you basically can surround your targets with zombies and they won't be able to go and break through while yourself you stand in this uh Sports you can do a lot more actions again you can go and make this like hit middle stuff on your target so let him drop his weapon his weapon is dropped now he can attack only with hands and that's concentration spell so we need some not concentration spells like piano chips so we got our key and chips we can use them we can make like this magic Missile to inflict more damage with action we can attack with bonus action with our crossbow or we can use hail of spores whatever is like more chance to hit so next turn you just go back to this hot spores and come back and again doing two attacks in one turn that's our strategy that's how you play this type of zombies and when you're coming back to has spores you basically host it and you can go and come back again so as you can see we we got not really big travel distance we can go like this like that and we're coming back with two attacks so that's how you use this Hast spores and yeah hot Sports is not only for you and your allies it's also for your enemies so make sure to cast it so your enemies can't get and make use of it and just like that we created a zombie from Commander dog now we can try and tangling this dude and he will be just overwhelmed by zombies so another good spell to concentrate on if you just want to increase power of your zombies is in large and reduce this will make Creature larger we want to use it as a large of course and it will add additional wonderful damage to its attacks and that's cool we're basically making more harder to kill like big zombie large zombie boss it's looking fun and yeah one of the coolest wizard spells we will get in web of course as you can see every Target right now isn't wept almost every Target and all attacks against them will disadvantage they can't move really strong stuff and the enthusi saving throw is a really alike not too common so a lot of targets will struggle to get out of this web so don't forget of course about slow levels we spell very cool you can cut it on a lot of targets just like that you can pick all Targets in a large area and they all will be slowed most of the time and this will be hard for them to go and reach you yourself and run away from the zombies while zombies will have really nice time attacking these dudes so just like that you can start your zombie Innovations really easy and fun but what is our main problem right now with this build how to fully optimize it with the circle of Bones you need to be nearby your allies so nearby a light zombies when you're not nearby of them they don't give this they don't have this bonus to get this resistance basically so how we can get around this stuff and what we can do with this because most of the time you don't want to just stand nearby as zombies it's not like most smart idea to just stand nearby zombies you want to keep your concentration stay away sometime and split your zombies so they can't be dead with just single like Fireball or whatever so in act 1 when you find blighted Village and here you will find this location in blighted Village it's basically x 20 y 380 something like this there will be three trolls and you need to just go and try destroy these trolls I just make when girls costed my Glyph of boarding and using my halo of sports's reaction to inflict mode damage they taking damage from Spike girls don't know what to do and now my arm of zombies coming into Hast spores and making two action to just destroy all of these trolls just like that and the guy who named lump the enlightened will have this awesome warped headband of intellect and you can use this stuff so how you can use this stuff you can use it instead of your circle of Bones from ax2 you can use it from the start of act one and when you get a new Wizard multi-class you already got the 17 intellect so instead of 8 dumped intellect you will have 17 just like that you can create a lot more spells as Wizards so you can get this magic Missile and every spell you need from wizard has the normal hust you will focus on it for 10 turns that can make any zombie deadly too very nice stuff and last but not least how to finish this build basically you need to go and find this spell Scrolls so conjure Elemental can be obtained in Act 2 in the traders in Moonlight Tower watch closely for this stuff it costs a lot but that's great spell so with the spell of course you can cast and create Elementals with strong Elementals and because we are like level 6 wizard level 6 Druid we got no chance to get it from our leveling apps because you need to level 10 to get the Spells but we only see level 6 wizard but from spell Scrolls we can learn it really easily on any level we need so all spells we need to conjure Elemental to create a lot more stronger Elementals can your minor Elemental from Level 4 just a little bit less stronger but still Elemental still very nice to have it in our army of summons to help our Zombies Fight Edwards black tentacles that's high level level 4 control spell very strong stuff ultra's irresistible dance single spell of level 6 that we will use that's like disabling spell that will make your creature Sans and every attacks will have advantage on this creature and crucial won't be able to do anything very strong high level spell coolest part about it that it requires concentration it requires wisdom saving throws to Target but it's 100 cast rate on first level so you can't miss this stuff and other cool stuff with telekinesis you will have concentrations and stuff and you can throw objects basically you can throw your zombies if you need and Cloud kill very strong stuff too so you need some money and some luck to find these spells and when you get all the spells your build will be finished and that's it for our optimized sport Druid knicker monster build make sure to watch other cool videos on the skin right now like weather where I beat act 1 with only potatoes or other cool Builds on my channel see you in the next videos guys
Channel: Spud The King
Views: 34,670
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: FkwJMyGo7NM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 48sec (2568 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 12 2023
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