ESO Complete Beginner Guide for 2023

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welcome back gang it's healthy from whether you're new   returning the Elder Scrolls I'm going to go  through the ultimate beginner guide step a all   the way to Z to give you the basic information  how to play this game how to know what's going   on and how to be effective early and have a  lot of fun are you ready let's get started okay so we're at the screen here and I'm gonna  create a new character this is actually an   alternate account that I have 284 Champion  points which I'll explain in a little bit   character creator all the way to tutorial is as  simplest and easiest way to explain what to do   in the game first off you're gonna hit create a  character this screen is going to pop up and it   gives you a lot of important choices and a lot of  information the number one most important choice   in what people kind of fuss with is the racial  choices so you have alliances and then you have   races if unless you buy something specific in  the game it allows you to use all lions all   Races you're actually locked into picking races  underneath this Banner the Daggerfall Covenant   all the Mary Dominion Eben heart pack the game  sends one Tamriel kind of opened up the map so   this will not lock you into those specific zones  after you get going and start playing the game   what it does is primarily lock you in for PVP  those specific campaigns that have PVP you'll   have to fight under one of three banners so unlike  other games with the PVP this not doesn't have two   faction has three but really think of it kind of  as a PVP Choice mainly and where kind of you start   typically but it will lock you into the races so  I typically play a Daggerfall Covenant but you can   pick whatever you want when I very first started  I was older married amended I even switched to   have an art pack so I played them all like them  all now what people usually want to know is about   the racial choices so Elder Scrolls Online has  racial perks in the game but actually influence   performance I'll say this once do not stress about  it even if you pick the wrong one Whatever wrong   is you can change it there's high level players  that play with sub-optimal racial choices pick one   that looks cool and is fun don't worry about the  performance so much I'm gonna go through them with   where the game currently is and kind of give you  a rundown of what these racial choices look like   we're gonna start with the Daggerfall Covenant and  bretons are up first this is a really strong magic   race runs have this humanoid appearance so they  like if you like the humanoid look this is a good   one for you also they're incredibly strong with  resource's name one of the top tier healer ones   that people typically take and in PvP if you  struggle with resources then you're starting   out and that's just casting spells frequently this  could be a strong race orc this is a really brutal   martial melee in your face fast has a really cool  unique passive for Sprint speed think of these as   kind of like the brutal um PVP class if you will  specifically stamina and weapons is what I usually   play in my Orcs Red Guard um has fallen off meta  but they're really really good for resources name   stamina specifically so you're going to use a bow  or a two-hander or a dual wheel primarily you're   starting out you don't have any Champion points  you're new to the game this is an okay race to   pick but it's really fallen out of favor because  it's just better options for you moving over to   all the merry dominion and then we have High Elves  this is a blend of really good magic resources   stain and damage it's typically your go-to caster  for a couple classes like some people use it for   magic sorks and Templars Templar specifically  it has unique passive when you're channeling to   reduce damage so very very strong If You're Gonna  Play a magic bass Templar don't stress if you're   gonna play Stamina you like the high elf you like  being tall and have an elf it still works just   fine what else the very opposite of a High Elves  very small it has a unique speed Passage doesn't   have much for damage but it has a lot of resources  stain and a lot of speed which is unique a little   bit different than the orc but it's kind of a fun  race If You're Gonna Play a bow and try to run   around a lot of people use this in night blades  and PVP outside of that though it's not tapped to   your damage and I personally don't like the look  of them because they're just very little small but   it's a decent race if you're gonna play Stamina  specifically with the bow and then khajiits this   is really really high damage it has a very unique  passive currently for critical damage now there's   a happen critical damage not going to go into  the weeds with it but think of the Khajiit is   very well-rounded magic Health stamina bonuses  good recovery and absolutely crazy hype burst   typically this is what I play um on and off stream  both um as a damage dealer and a PVP character   just because of its insane burst potential moving  on to the ebonheart pack we have argonians this   used to be one of the strongest races in the game  um for resource sustain now it really fell out of   favor so it kind of got overhauled and it's okay  it's very very strong as a PVP healer probably   the strongest it's incredibly tanky durable very  survivable it happens to be one of the lowest if   not the lowest damage dealer races out there but  it looks absolutely cool just like the Khajiit   with the tail turgoni it just it's a really  cool look so if you're not like super serious   about performance and you want something to be  very durable and survival take an Argonian next   up is dark Hill in the game the way it currently  works not going to go in the weeds and the details   in the math but Dark Elves um are considered  the best in slot race at max level end game   it gives you magic pool and it gives you stamina  it gives you weapon damage and it gives you Max   Magicka so the nice thing about this is you can  Flex in and change your build very very easily   and that's something you want to take a take away  from this video is if you make a wrong choice you   can basically fix almost anything in this game so  don't stress if you don't take the right thing but   if you're looking to be super high damage at game  and you want the sub most optimal one currently   this would be one and then we have the Nord all  the Skyrim Fanboys and fan girls out there will   love these Nords um they're like The Meta tank  race they're incredibly durable they can generate   ultimate they have very high resistance Frost  resistance but think of them as like really really   good for tanking they pair very well with Dragon  Knights which we'll get to the classes in a minute   um especially for PVP or PVE tank it's a go-to  race now you'll notice one more here Imperial   so Imperial I think you have to buy uh something  extra to be able to get this but Imperial is an   extraordinarily well-rounded race so what it  does is reduces cost of all of your abilities   this includes block Dodge um all the core  mechanics in the game and when you're starting   out typically what you struggle with is resource  sustain because in this game there's no cooldowns   you can essentially cast an ability over and over  and over that could be a heel which everyone has   the ability to heal themselves everyone has the  ability to do damage and so on so when you're   you're starting out really the capacity to do  really well is kind of tied to your resource   sustain and being able to keep casting spells  because this is not Skyrim where you're just   doing light and heavy attacks so don't feel like  you have to take this race but if you don't know   what to pick and you like the humanoid look and  you want to play Stamina you might want to play   Magic you don't know this is one to pick okay so  you pick your race and you pick where you want   to go so I'm gonna go do a Nord on the ebonheart  pack just because I'm a Skyrim Fanboy I'm gonna   spam a couple buttons here for um my name that  looks lovely now you get to the class now when   you pick a class you cannot change this you have  to start all over so this is a very important   decision keep in mind Elder Scrolls Online every  class can tank heal and do damage so as a damage   dealer you can heal yourself just What attracted  me to the game originally in 2014. so don't stress   if you pick something it's not the optimal way to  play at end game for 99 of the content regardless   of what class you pick you can do just fine it's  one year going for the absolute hardest things to   do in the game both PVE and PVP the math of the  classes the races matter so I'm going to work   left or right just talk about them individually  dragonize my currently my favorite class to play   it's extraordinarily tanky it has a lot of flame  damage huge massive Flames everywhere huge AOE   lots of control and it's currently one of the  best damage dealers and the best tanks in the   game what's the downside it's terrible as a  Healer you can individually heal yourself but   not very good in a group so if you like the tanky  Meathead aggressive play style dragonite's great   moving on to the sorcerer these are exceptional  casters right now currently the magic sork is what   I recommend for beginners you get very powerful  abilities and spells right away in the game you   can have great healing great damage play at range  and extraordinarily survivable regardless of what   gear you use stamina sork is a kind of a very  very fast aggressive play style and has a very   unique ability streak that makes it so much  fun to play both in PVE and PVP it's a very   good class and what I recommend for beginners is  Imagine based sorcerer moving on to the Nightblade   this is sneaky sneaky stealth so if you like being  a rogue you like being assassin you like playing   solo this is a this is probably the best class  for you it's a high skill cap though it's not   very forgiving when you very first start so I'd  recommend this class if you like the Rogue or you   like the assassin but just realize you're gonna  have to really play the game at a high level to   get the most out of this class next up is a temp  bar this used to be my favorite no longer anymore   it kind of just a watered-down class in comparison  to what it used to be I still recommend this for   beginners though you get an ability early on  called puncturing sweeps it's your main spamble   ability meaning you cast it over and over and  over it does damage and it heals you so even   when you're starting out the game you don't really  know what to do you can just throw on that ability   and basically use it during your entire leveling  process and do just fine it does well as a Healer   it does well as a range damage dealer now and it  used to be a really strong PVP Melee character   it's very very durable and has a lot of healing  but doesn't have a lot of utility or anything to   really to bring it um exceptional like it used  to next up we have the warden so the warden and   The Necromancer are two that require a separate  purchase so keep that in mind think of the warden   as a gassed up Templar it's just much better has  better a group utility very very good healing   crazy high burst damage it's very mobile it plays  well it range it plays well in melee it's one of   the strongest all-around classes everyone's gonna  want you in a group and you're incredibly durable   the only downside of the warden I see right now  is its resource sustain is pretty terrible but   you can pick one of those races and pair it with  it and not have a problem with it all and be very   survival a lot of damage can be very quick and  then last up is the Necromancer so this is kind   of like a warden and Dragonite mix together  it's very tanky has a lot of group utility   but it's extraordinarily hard to play so pulling  off a necro not very easy because it has a lot   of abilities that you have to cast and maintain  it seems like all all you're doing is constantly   casting abilities and then doing damage a little  bit so keep that in mind but at a high level it's   incredible as a damage dealer credibles and tank  has a lot of group utility another downside is   resource sustain is kind of bad and it's very  slow so in comparison to the warden I feel like   I'm crawling sometimes on my necro but I play my  necro a lot and I love it okay so let's go pick a   um Nord Dragon Knight I'm not worried about the  facial appearances and all that stuff let's fire   this up and hit crate so we're gonna actually play  this tutorial so I can show you some of the basic   combat and get you used to the combat and give you  some little tips on that the game sitario is a bit   lackluster if I'm being honest because this game  is incredibly complex there is so much nuance and   so much things to know and learn as you get used  to this okay so let's break down some of the core   mechanics that you're going to have to use in a  bit all right so to start the tutorial and now   we're gonna get some weapon choices okay so when  you make some weapon choices since I'm gonna play   a tank primarily I'm gonna grab sword and shield  let's grab it yay we got sword and shield now with   sword and shield as soon as you equip it um you  can use it so the core mechanics of the game are   light attacking and blocking so I'm playing on a  mouse and keyboard but you have light attack and   you have block light attack and heavy attack  they're two different things there's actually   medium leap so light attack is really quick it's  on a one second cooldown what that means is when   you light attack until you can do a leather live  attack you basically have one second and if you do   a fully charged heavy attack takes about two two  and a half seconds roughly the advantage of the   fully charged heavy attack is it gives you back  resources for whatever you use so as a new player   you want to try to get in this weave of using a  line attack and only a fully charged heavy attack   typically when you need to stun something when  it's off balance more on that later or you need   resources packed so you can get resources back  your stamina pool to cast more spells and movement   or you can do a fully charge heavy attack and  combine it with potions that's kind of how now you   can be very very uh efficient with your resource  pool so let's go and see what she has to offer   okay now we're going to learn  about the basics of combat   so it's showing us light attack here just doing  the light attack in a one second animation very   very simple and it doesn't cost anything the only  thing I cost you is time so there's no resource   cost with the LIE attack now when you block you  notice in the bottom right of my screen that green   bar that's your stamina from traditional Elder  Scrolls games it costs that when you get hit also   you don't regenerate stamina when you're holding  block so be cognizant if you're just sitting there   holding a block you can be vulnerable it's done I  hit this guy hit me when I was blocking I said I'm   off balance that's why he's kind of wobbling  around so you can follow that up with a stun   the game really doesn't tell you that so now  they got a stun block the attack use some stamina   followed up with a fully charged heavy attack it's  a way to control NPCs and actually players as well   and then when you get to the real game you'll  see little trolleys above their head and it'll   say off balance specifically that's how you  know Break Free I rebounded to C by default   everything is two buttons so I like to break  free if you're gonna do PVP this is a core   mechanic you can see it cost a lot of stamina  and you'll get immunity for a while all right   so what what that of a cc immunity it's about  seven seconds that's more relevant in PvP than   it is PVE because you're not gonna get stunned  a whole lot so keep that in mind once you break   free you can't get stunned again for about  seven seconds um so what I did there is I   bashed to interrupt and then we're gonna charge  that fully charged at the attack system you're   not gonna be doing that a whole lot in the open  world but you can see the sprinkles light up that   gives you the sign you need to bash the enemy  and that's kind of how the core Mechanics Work only charge heavy attack get some stamina  back bash also costs stamina as well   destroy it yay oh boy I have no abilities  this is taking forever yeah I got level two   okay before we go on any further we're gonna go to  what happens when you get to level you're going to   get an attribute Point you're gonna get a skill  plan we're gonna go to claim you can see that I   got some experience points with one hand of sword  and shield so I can level that up as well and   then we get to attribute points if you've played  other Elder Scrolls games this is like a usually   a huge decision it's actually not that big of  a deal an Elder Scrolls Online so don't freak   out if you make the wrong choice you can always  make another one you have magic else obviously   and stamina so it tells you what you can use  these for stamina Break Free sneak roll Dodge   Etc magic basically for casting spells and if you  want to get it back you have to fully heavy attack   with a Magic based weapon like a frost staff and  a lightning staff or a flame staff um then Health   obviously is the attribute for well health well  most people do it end game if they're playing PVE   typically is just stack or basically optimize your  build for one specific stat If You're Gonna Play A   Caster typically you do imagine if you're going  to play a melee damage dealer or use a bow you   typically do stamina the reason why is the more  of this attribute you have the harder you hit and   actually the better you heal so if you mix them  up you're not going to really heal or do uh that   much damage like optimally so I would recommend  as a beginner is to take a couple into your main   step again Caster magic stamina melee or indoor  tank and then if you're dying a frequently or   you don't have much food feel free to stack into  Health you can always respect this at the end of   the game at not even at the end of the game the  beginning of the game you can respect this pretty   much anytime for a little bit of gold you'll see  you have a bunch of other stats here I'm not going   to go into the weeds with this but the game can  be quite complicated on what to optimize but in   general you have spell damage spell cred spell  pen weapon damage crit penetration the game is   um hybridized now so what that means is let's  say you're a Magic based character if you have   64 attributes which is the max and the magic  but you're using stamina spells and skills   those skills and spells will still do really well  because it focuses on what's the highest you might   have spell damage that really high and you're  playing a stamina build meaning if you make a   mistake or playing and using different skills  and you're not aware of what the best loadouts   are it's okay because the game will figure it out  for you what I'm trying to tell you is just stack   one don't stress about mid-maxing and everything  else when you're leveling out you'll figure this   out as you go we said we're gonna play a tank I'll  probably play Stamina bass so I'm just gonna put   one attribute here and commit these points here  and then I have um one skill point so um basically   unlocked skill points are very very important  when you're very first starting on you have two   bars each um has five slots and a ultimate what I  typically do is have one my front bar is kind of   my uh offensive damage dealing bar and my back bar  when you can bar swap is usually like a defensive   or resources or Buffs or survivability so this  bar up front is very very simple I just use it   for damage and I go back to my back bar reapply  some stuff and you know go rinse and repeat on   the front you can have ultimate I usually do  a damage ultimate what I want you to take away   from the skill points is this your character gets  extremely powerful with passives because you can   only slot so many abilities so when you're very  first starting off you can take all the passes   from your class you can take all the passes from  the weapon skill line nothing's stopping you and   in fact each of them do a lot for you as you  rank up so what I recommend you doing is not   looking over the passes and not reading them not  understanding them for instance let's go to the   Dragonite one of the most powerful um things in  the game battle Roar when you cast an ultimate   ability you restore magic health and stamina for  each ultimate Point spent so basically if you have   500 ultimate which is the max and you use it you  heal the full and you have full resources this   is what makes Dragonites very very unique and if  you didn't take this passive your character would   lack the number one thing that your character has  and you don't have to slot a skill for it so your   goal and your progression when you're very first  starting out or coming back to the game is working   on collecting a lot of skill points unlocking  these um passives getting the right um weapons   and getting the right weapon passes and the armor  passes which we'll get to a little bit later this   is how your character gets really powerful quickly  it's not like fancy gear and stuff people can have   fancy gear but they don't have passes they're  going to hit like a nude or heal terribly   um so we need got one ability as a dragon knight  your your abilities are kind of terrible to start   actually if I'm being honest but when when you get  going they're very very powerful so I'm just gonna   take whip here it's a staple ability I'm gonna  put in my four slot which is what I always use   um for um my main spamble so let's go  grab here and just finish this up [Music]   all right let's continue sneak mechanic let's  assume you've played other Elder Scrolls online   games you have to basically kind of be out  of line of sight and then you sneak it also   uses stamina as well there are some gear sets  and different things you can basically almost   run while you're sneaking and go super super  fast as well so if you like playing sneaky   sneaky there's there's tons and tons of ways to  optimize this there's actually Thieves Guild as   well and then you can Sprint but you can see all  these action based stuff are kind of consuming   stamina something you have to be cognizant of  because stamina is what you use to break free   so if you don't have enough stamina to break  free typically you're dead when you get into an   encounter it wants me to zoom out my camera so  I have Max field of view set so I can zoom out   really really far now we're going to make our move  through the area so this will be an interesting   encounter we got our first guy here fully charged  heavy attack and I'm gonna use my main spam flip   9000 damn it look at that boom and light attack  whip line attack whip now I gotta increase my uh   one-handed sword and shield the thing about  one-handed sword and shield are increasing   weapon lines or um is basically you just have to  have it equipped and it'll start increasing like   typical Test games same thing with your your skill  lines on your bar it'll level up so you want to   make sure that you have the right weapon you're  using on your front bar you can actually cheese   this by putting a skill on your bar and not even  using it and that weapon skill line will level   up a little bit more advanced and regarding skill  points there's a lot of different ways to get them   you can get them from Sky shards you can get them  from Quest completion specifically the main story   Quest you get them for completing Dungeons and  there's a tons of dungeons as well and you can get   them from completing public dungeons so there is a  bunch of skill points I think there's over 400 now   so there's a lot to get a hold of but don't feel  like you have to get a hold of them all right away   there is a lot and you'll have access to them  you'll get them pretty quickly oh here's this   guy sure but looks like we got a little mini boss  okay so we really have no way to heal ourselves so   really we're just going to kind of use our ability  and do some light attacks and the NPC's gonna   help us now you see how it looks purple there's  actually an in-game setting in game gameplay that   makes that a lot easier to see visually because  I'm not using any add-ons here's the block with   the sprinkles it'll proc off balance you can see  that little thing there a little circle over the   head and you have this here so it's just a lot  easier to see now let's finish the guy and loots   yay ride scraps here's a sky Shard and you collect  it collect three of them and you get a skill point   um there's a gazillion of a malane around that  Overworld and the delves and stuff like that so   you're going to have the ability to collect  a lot of these and plus there's add-ons here   playing on PC that help you find them or there's  different websites and so forth that will have   maps of where these are so prior to your priority  when you're leveling is to basically just kind of   take your time and go and pick up the sky shards  because that's what's going to make your character   powerful giving you a bunch of skill points all  right so we're done with the tutorial and the   tutorial might look different depending on what  chapter and what version of the game you have so   with me I think I have the high IELTS chapter so  I can pretty much go to all the other content and   you get kind of a choice so my character is the  ebonheart ax you can go to the starter areas and   that's usually the best place to start Bleak Rock  Isles is where I'm gonna check and just go there   travel to Blake Rock Isles okay now you started it  got demos tutorial what do you do and why so Elder   Scrolls Online goes up to level 50 and then beyond  level 50 is Champion points I'll show you that in   a bit but what you need to do is basically level  up to 50. your number one priority and then you're   not done leveling up then cp160 is kind of where  gear is capped and then you can start collecting   relevant gear seems complicated but just another  form of progression but level 50 primarily is your   goal once you reach level 50 you're still going  to have to level up skill lines you're still going   to have to get skills and abilities and morph  them and level them up so there's still a lot   to do but with a small amount of investment of  time anywhere from 50 to 60 hours even as a new   player unless you're really questing you can get  pretty optimized in this game and start doing end   game content at least I did so we're gonna go grab  this Quest and kind of just see where it takes us foreign pack if you wheel your mouse back a bit you can  see just how big Tamriel is the Elder Scrolls   Online it's massive these little symbols here are  Dungeons and they have DLCs so it's just telling   you if they're blacked out that you can do them  but you haven't done them yet once you do them you   can get a skill point which is why it's useful to  kind of do them all and then you can see that you   have to own the DLCs or use ESO plus so ESL plus  gives you a couple different options but don't   feel like you need to subscribe it makes crafting  and obtaining crafting bags and bag space very   very useful also you get access to all the DLC  Dungeons and the DLC dungeons themselves have gear   inside them that you have to obtain from there so  it just gives you more option to collect more and   better gear when you're starting out none of that  really matters you're just gonna play the game   for fun and kind of go around questing and not  freaking out about having the best in slot gear so   if you don't want to um do this part of the story  and you want to get some of the main starter towns   you can just take this boat swing right here in  the dark best boatswain will take you to the main   starter Town Stone Falls for Eben heart pack all  the merry Dominion while I'm showing that just in   case you pick them as a auradon and karthi's Ruth  is a starter area for A.D Daggerfall Covenant has   goneumbra and then has gross Makai and actually  two islands betnik as well so those are kind of   the main starter hubs and you can travel in the  boatswain and get there and then the game starts   opening up relax I'm gonna come down here  and talk to the ebonheart pack boat swing   I want to go to davin's watch  or balfourian I'm gonna pick uh I'm gonna go to davin's watch Stone Falls one of  my favorite zones in the game and this is where   the game starts opening up and you can kind of  decide what to do and why you get here a hooded   figure my benefactor wants to talk to you this  will kind of set in motion the main story Quest   okay now let's look at our character for a bit  so our character has two free skill points okay   so what you want to do with your character very  very important when you very first start out   you get three skills so you want to do one from  each skill line that way throughout the entirety   of your playthrough as long as they're on your  bar you're gonna level these skill lines kind of   uniformly because remember the passives are what  make you powerful so we got lava whip we're gonna   take spiked armor which is just an armor buff and  then we're gonna take Stone fist which is kind of   just a range damage ability dragonite's terrible  when you first start out you have very little   healing so it's kind of a struggle starting right  away but other classes like the sork not so much   or the Templar now there's actually a trick you  can get a free ability called soul trap soul trap   is incredibly strong it's a damage over time and  costs you magic so even on Stan bill you can use   it if you have excessive magic but when you morph  it it morphs into consuming trap very early on in   the game when you cast this on an enemy and it  dies with this on top of it what happens you get   a flood of resources back in health so it's very  very very strong and you have the ability to put   on your bar straight away and so unlock another  skill and we'll unlock Ultimate skill line which   was really ultimate at rank 12. so our skill  line is set up so now what I typically do is   I go to the main town and this is going to be  important for later on there's various guilds   from traditional Elder Scrolls Online so you can  unlock and some of the progress and progression in   these are not retroactive I'm talking Fighters  Guild Pages Guild and undaunted so undaunted's   typically in the tavern here let's go down here  and unlock that what that does it's going to   give you a skill line that's going to Grant some  passive benefits it's extraordinarily good at end   game when you very first start off it's not like  super concerning but if you unlock it when you're   progressing through dungeons public delves doing  that sort of thing you can advance the skill line   um so you might as well unlock it straight away so  you come down to whatever chavern is in your main   um land here and grab the undaunted we are are  the undaunted so just kind of do a little sing   dance thing and then go give you this quest to  do the main story excuse me to do the very first   dungeon fungal Grotto one and see you unlock the  skill line so undaunted is unlocked and then you   can kind of progress it if you ever are confused  on how to progress a skill line you simply put   your mouse or cursor over it or whatever is on  consoles and it will tell you exactly how to do   it so complete group uh dungeons Arenas and trials  Quest as well as undaunted pledges and Dons and   pledges are kind of a daily thing that unlocks  at level 45 and Beyond they're very important   to do consider that like a daily priority once you  get to level 45 and Beyond so now we got a couple   skill lines unlocked let's just keep working on  them so we're going to crank back up here and   go talk to the Fighters Guild the Fighters Guild  have some of the best skills end game also some of   these skill lines the Fighters Guild and the Mages  Guild are worth leveling because the ultimates are   very very useful and can be used on pretty much  any type of class or role Flawless Dawnbreaker   and Mages Guild shooting star they're the Staples  and damage dealing so we're gonna grab here the   hall Stewart I'm just gonna skip this sorry  and Fighters Guild unlocked so again Fighters   Guild unlocked under the guilds and it tells  you destroy dark anchors and kill Daedra so   Fighters Guild pretty much levels very passively  um just by playing the game and doing dolmans and   delves and so forth Pages Guild not so much Mages  Guild you're gonna have to go get lore books now   there's add-ons that do this on PC they're blue  little shiny thing I think there's actually one   in the Mages Guild I'll show you so why another  reason I do unlock these in the specific fashion   before I set out on my adventure is so that  I don't have to rinse and repeat and waste a   bunch of time going back and getting the sky  shards one time and then go getting the lore   books another time you want to do it all at one  go if you can and you have this available to you   we're gonna go here I think this is the one yeah  I'm ready to joined the guild you guys are not   you guys will just let anyone join huh and then  we'll go back around here and I think there's a   Mages guild book scroll here in the Elder Scroll  oh okay also you're getting skill points for just   unlocking these as well so here we go origins  of the Mage Guild so you get this guy boom   little pop-up and it tells you basically you  got that uh that Mages guild book boom more book   discover and you can see it kind of progresses  so that you have to do a lot of Mages Guild   um books in order to get those and you can just  see if I turn the add-on map pins on just how   many they are but abnorthorne very very uh uh he  is the main character at the end game but I'm not   gonna get to him yet don't want to spoil it no  spoilers so now we've done done some good stuff   here we got our Fighters Guild unlock we got maid  is Guild unlock we got undaunted and we have one   um weapon so remember I said there's two weapons  that you can choose from right in the game so   let's go to our inventory we're gonna take food  so Crown store you kind of get these Crown store   um different things from Bailey logins so let me  show you here go to daily rewards if you just log   in every day and just like go collect this you'll  get experienced girls you get tons of food you'll   get tons of potions and poisons and stuff to  use so it's true extremely vital early on to   get access to this and just log in every day even  as a free to play player it doesn't matter but if   you can log in this will be used at any level  and really increase your max stats or Max stats   mean you're harder to kill and you're better at  doing damage and healing potions this will give   you a flood of resources back this is what I  usually use when I met oh crap I'm about to die   poisons are something you apply to your weapons  that do a little bit more damage they can get   very complicated later on at the end of the game  but something great if you don't have enchanting   early on so make sure to log in and get those  uh daily especially when you're first starting   out now let's talk about horses so horses um  usually you can unlock them by default I think   after you've leveled up to like level 10 or 15 you  get one by default so uh whether you bought the   Imperial Edition like I did for this guy or you  got this little horse here you can get that out   and ride around now at the very beginning of the  game it's incredibly slow it might be slow or just   the same as your uh your your actual walking or  sprinting but it doesn't consume your stamina so   you can see in the bottom right there there's two  stamina bars one smaller one and that's consuming   my horse's stamina so you can increase all the  stuff and you can do it once a day I think every   20 hours roughly by coming to the stable here  you're going to want to focus on this right away   because it makes the game go a lot faster so you  go a few stable and then you can buy it costs 250   gold each to increase your stamina or excuse me  speed stamina and carry capacity typically what   I do is speed first max it out to 60 and then I go  carrying capacity because that's a huge burden in   the game and then stamina stamina is really just  good if you're going to zoom through the Overland   you don't want to get attacked or you're doing  PVP so that's kind of why I rank it that way so we   got our horse we're doing good now if you have to  level up to 10 15 that's how you have to do it now   I'm gonna cheat a little bit and I'm gonna grab  some gold and show you something to do okay from   here on simply what I do is I grab just a bunch of  quests in the main area you can see on the top of   my bar or right here typical Elder Scrolls Quest  just grab a bunch of them you have a maximum of 25   that you can do at a time and you're gonna have  three or four for different guilds and so forth   but just grab a bunch that are in this little area  and then you go complete them the reason you want   to complete them is you want to get some gold I  think it's about 250 gold or something depending   on what you do per question in plus you get a  bunch of experience it's very very useful for   what we're gonna do next so I'm gonna assume that  you can get that done and then once you get that   done you're going to come back here okay and then  you're gonna have these vendors they're in every   single big area Gavin's watch Market District  they'll have a Market District with all these   same vendors and what I do here is I grab specific  weapons that I want to use and unlock companions   are a system that were added in Blackwood  and you can get them at any level not going   to go into that in detail we have them on the  website check the link in the description below   um but at endgame I'm probably going to use an ice  staff with this guy so I'm just going to buy an   iced app you see it's 16 gold it's almost nothing  so let's grab the ice staff and then I'm gonna   clip the ice staff apparently I bought two of them  okay so I got an eye staff to clip um I'm gonna go   um basically get that ice staff I'm just gonna  go kill one Critter with him and the reason   why is he'll unlock the skill line for me so  let's just go out here and kill one critter and destruction staffed is unlocked so now  hypothetically I could put that ability if I had a   skill point on my bar and then regardless of what  weapon I was using I could level the skill lines   simultaneously that's what I always recommend to  new players is you have three abilities from your   class skill line and you swap them out and kind  of morph them and kind of get your build sorted   and then you have uh this free ability here or you  have a sword and shield ability and a frost half   ability that will give you five abilities on your  bar which I'll show you once I get another skill   point or two so you can level simultaneously to um  weapon abilities and three skill lines from your   class now the one that you don't have equipped  let's say I have a frost to have equipped and   I have sword and shield I just put the ability on  that bar you're not actually not gonna be able to   use that ability but the game doesn't care you're  still gonna level it so it'll be a dead slot   um but you'll level both of them at the same  time because once you get bar swap at level   15 then you're gonna have a lot more skills at  your disposal and then you can actually have a   really nice build within just a couple hours of  starting the game so I highly recommend that it's   too confusing or you don't want to fuss with it  just take it off your bar and just go very simple   okay so we got that unlocked um so we got our  two um weapon skill lines unlocked now what   we're gonna do is get the armor unlocked this  is again very very important for later on the   game so we're gonna go the armor what I'm  gonna do is just buy three pieces of armor   you can see this is a lot more expensive here  the armor is I'm just gonna grab one two three   and now I'm gonna clip three of them also you  have the strong box that has various weapons   and so forth so you can save a little bit of gold  in time doing this so I'm gonna go one two three   boom unlocks a skill line for me so I've talked  about skill points you can see how important   these become heavy armor has a bunch of them  um so you can max out a character you have   weapon skill lines you have armor skill lines you  have Guild skill lines you have class skill lines   all of them have unique passes think of heavy  armor as simply tanky you're gonna have more   um or it may HP more resistance um and  that's kind of what it is you get a little   bit resources back with Constitution but  more resistance is more HP very very simple   we're gonna get a leather worker weather  working here um we're gonna grab let's just   grab let's see legs head I grabbed the right  one and then arms did I grab the right one   please I did not grab the right one go back to  Helms my first time doing this uh there we go and then as soon as you equip three you unlock  the skill line but you don't actually have to   use those three okay so now we're gonna go  and grab a couple lights so there should be   a Clothier nearby here there's a Taylor not  a Clothier Taylor I know a game I was playing   um but we got this guy so we're gonna  grab a shoulder here um we're gonna   grab let's grab let's grab the gloves and I  forget we're missing one part of our boots it should give us three it's a light we're  gonna go shoulder gloves and boots and bang   now you have all three weapons or excuse me all  three um armors unlocked why is that important   because you level up armor by having to clip  an earning experience all of this is doing is   basically setting up your gameplay experience  to be much much easier at end game because as   you progress you didn't do this you wouldn't be  able to buy the passives so what do the passives   do the main two are light armor and medium armor  so for damage dealing typically People level up   in this game as a damage dealer because it's just  abysmal leveling up as a Healer and you can swap   very frequently and very easily pumps you have  light armor what it does is is this passive here   gives you more magic covering just reduces uh the  cost of magic abilities makes it easier for you   to pass you have some damage ones once you get  a little bit longer in the skill line which will   make sense a little bit later but that's why you  wear a light armor if you're a Caster you need to   give you some damage but also makes the casting of  the Spells easier medium armor same sort of thing   so it has increased damage recovery huge stamina  cost if you're using weapons as your primary   damage source and scamming as your primary damage  Source these are like your number one passives to   unlock straight away because it makes casting the  abilities much much easier and then heavy armor   you can throw that in the mix if you're gonna  tank or you're gonna do PVP at end game or even   PVP healing um this is something you're going to  unlock so let's say I have this character here and   I plan on using this character as an end game  tank and an end game PVP character then I have   my armor 1 medium two medium three um a couple  lights and then a couple heavy so this would be   a good setup so that way if I kept this type of  Loadout I would level up all three skill lines   simultaneously weapon skill lines and then when I  got to end game I could really specifically focus   on one type of build and you can always change  your build speaking of changing your ability   let's show you where to do that so to change  your build you need to go to various shrines   um the main starter hubs have these shrines of  Mara which is basically you can marry a character   if you have a something in the game or you they  got the version of the game so if you back out   here if you got different areas that have like  their main capital city so DeSean is for the   Eben heart pack and burnhold and you come here and  you go to this uh rededication train so Mars I get   married kinds and Stones that's to respect your  skills your morphs or your entire skills or your   attributes so if you screw something up don't  select it's cost a little bit of gold that's   for Eben heart pack the old American Dominion  is grotwood with the big old tree ski and then   Daggerfall Covenant is Storm even so you go down  here in the shrine right here stormhaven so you'll   have to go a little bit a little bit of travel  but you can travel to a player if you're in a   guild or you can just walk on your uh block or  ride your very very slow Mountain to get there   so that's how respects work so don't sweat it if  you make a mistake or you don't have the right   optimal thing okay so we got our character kind of  set up and I do a little bit of stuff behind the   scene things that will help you out quite a bit I  go to settings and I kind of go through all these   different settings now it's going to be different  if you're a console player I get that but some   of them will be the same so let me go through and  kind of show you what I do under gameplay remember   the purple little circle if you didn't skip ahead  this right here is how you do that so you can   actually have a wheel and set it however you want  and then you can test it this way and same with   the green I would turn the color as Max so it's  very very easy to see double tap the dot will get   you into trouble I almost always turn this off  almost always recommend someone to turn this off   because if you're on PC you're gonna fat finger it  and run out of stamina if you run out of stamina   you can't Sprint you can't block and you can't  break free meaning you're very likely to be dead   especially in PvP so I turn that off I'm protect  attacking the end since I always cast stuff so   when I turn this off as well and then Auto wait  you can turn that on for the Simplicity that's   kind of nice and then tutorials I do turn off it's  your first time I would keep that on um under a   camera I turn the screen shake off that's kind of  annoying I don't know why it does that and put a   field of view at Max so I want my reticle kind of  right over my character you see how it's not and   I'm like almost like a shooter really so I kind  of fuss with my camera until it's like right there   but let's see -20 and I zoom all the way out and  it's kind of right over the top of my character   that's where I usually like my camera just right  above it and the reason why is the further out you   can zoom the more information you have if you want  to play in first person that's fine but if you're   worried about performance and you're struggling  with the game Zoom that puppy out so you can   get more information another really important tip  here is um enter name plates name plates are very   very important so you don't need to say you put  your name on but I would turn the name plates on   and this one here um show when you're injured so  I'm just gonna show you the health bar will pop   up the reason that's very important is you want  information of when you should heal yourself so   if you're down to 60 70 50 Health you need to stop  what you're doing and heal yourself you will get   access to Healing abilities on every single class  and I have Builds on my website   that has every single one every single class  every single play style a beginner build that   will help you so let's get an engagement here  with these guys see how they have a red bar   and I have a green little bar that popped up  as soon as I stop taking damage it goes away   but it's useful because I don't have to  change my eyes to the bottom of my health bar   thank you friend for helping me kill  that so that's what that does and it's   extraordinarily helpful I got some light  armor leveled up let's go look at that   um under social there's some like Auto dueling  stuff combat is pretty important I personally   always do um always show my ability bars on  there's some add-ons that give you bar timers   this is really important when you get to end game  but I like always show because I'm not playing   this like a role-playing game so I turn all this  on and then that way I have all this information I   can see the numbers and percentage of my health I  can see my abilities at all times I'm not guessing   what to click um I would recommend If You're Gonna  Play multiple characters just set like a typical   whatever your heel button is and the exact same  button on your bar that way you don't miss click   frequently so my characters I usually have my  burst heal something to heal me at my 5K reason   why if I get in trouble I know five key is gonna  be my heel and you can kind of see it down here   now a clue what you're like if you're stun is your  bar is gonna light it's not gonna light up anymore   or if you're out of resources you're not going to  be able to cast it anymore so let me get down here like a good resource to stay on this guy   do you see the bar will start turning  it'll start going gray here in a second   boom I'm out of magic you can see that Magic Flash  I'm I'm just out of resources so remember what I   told you earlier is if you're out of resources  just fully charged heavy Tech boom you see that   magic come back boom's coming back and it's doing  damage and it's absolutely free and that's why   typically an end game PVP anyways I have um a  way to get stamina back with either sword dual   wield sword and shield on my front bar and then I  have a way to get magic back on my back part flame   shaft typically a frost staff because it's pretty  good pretty tanky and then I don't have problems   with resources stain and then once you get this  leveled up soul trap be morph into consuming trap   and you're really really good on resources because  nothing's stopping you from casting over and over   and over and that's what keeps you alive let me  go hop on my main character my main account and   kind of show you what to do and what an end game  character looks like okay so on my main character   here Michael cheat um Dragon Knights and let me  kind of hop around here at my house and show you   a little bit about the systems and kind of what  to do now that you have a decent sense of your   character and progressing your character because  LDS goes online has a gazillion things to do first   up I'm going to open my menu up and you can see  this top bar there is just a ton of stuff going   on so the crown store typically that's where  it's like buy stuff you know buy Cosmetics they   actually have something called seals of Endeavors  so Endeavors are actually a way to earn some of   these items you have to do it a very very long  time but under the group and activity you have   daily and weekly Endeavors so if you don't want to  spend any money in a cash shop for cool Cosmetics   you can do that because otherwise it's loot crates  and you know how those go so this is the crown   store a lot of the starter quests are in the crown  store um like a chapter starter Quest or special   um Zone class or whatever is going on usually  put in a crown Source you have to come in here   and get your appetite wet and buy all the stuff  I would not necessarily buy all the stuff okay   so there's only a couple things that I think  are really really good to buy things that save   you a ton of time like these assistants they're  extraordinarily expensive you got 5 000 for uh   the Armory assistant that allows you to basically  change your Builds on the Fly you can summon it in   a bunch of different places you got Merchants  allow you to sell stuff in random different   places you've got rag picker that will allow you  to deconstruct stuff in a lot of different places   in the banker so the banker is my favorite because  I can basically put this up in my bank and then   go deal with it later and then the rag picker is  the second but five thousand crowns each you got   to be careful because this is kind of a slippery  slope another thing about the uh Crown store is   they're gonna have all these utility items like  potions and experienced girls and stuff like that   the experienced girls are very very easy to get  a hold of just daily logins you'll get them so   don't feel like you have to buy them straight away  especially with like these potions and stuff same   sort of thing you're going to be getting these on  The Daily login if you're playing consistently so   don't feel like you got to be pressured to bind  any of this stuff if you want to buy something   that's really good you can buy mounts straight up  but you can also buy like riding speed so that'll   save you some time early on but I'd highly highly  recommend not really buying much unless you're   going to commit to the game and get the assistant  so that's kind of the crown store and it kind of   talks about ESO plus and then daily rewards and so  forth um I'm not going to show you the Loot Crate   stuff here's your inventory screen so you can see  this is kind of like a maxed out level character   um for PVP and I have all this gold here so gold  gear is like the max quality and you can upgrade   your gear by crafting now crafting is essential  in this game you because some gear that's Bound   to You Only You Can level it up only you can  make it maximum Effectiveness so you have to   level that and at least take some of the perks  to do it so if they go to this guy here this   guy is not my crafter but you can see I have  50 points in the blacksmithing how do you get   blacksmith the 50. you basically find items laying  around in public dungeons questing godels PVP it   doesn't matter and then you just deconstruct  them you start learning the traits there's a   bunch of traits and then you start leveling it  up and then you get to to here and you can take   some of these things which increases the chance  of improving items with tempers and you can get   research some items and extract materials and  you can take the passives again you can see   how important passes are just make sure that you  start working on Crafting and you realize even if   you're not into that you're gonna have to do some  of it very simply if you don't want to get really   involved in a crafting you basically just need  to level it up by deconstructing excessive items   that you're not going to sell you use our vendor  so that way you can upgrade materials yourself   okay so we got this guy here um so I got tons  and tons of gear sets on and this is called   the Mythic so it looks kind of complicated and  it kind of is until you very first start off   but this is your inventory screen so working left  to right you have weapons you have armor jewelry   potions like consumables these consumables  include food they include XP Scrolls they   include motifs you consume and then you can have  like better fashion people love those by the way   um the biggest thing about the inventory and  kind of how to manage it is you can see here   I have 199 space you can actually pump that  up significantly but your inventory fills   up very very quickly especially  if you're a free-to-play player   um and you're doing um crafting you're gonna fill  up your inventory straight away so it's something   that you want to use your gold on you'll have  a bag Merchant in those main stores those main   places I showed you earlier so let's go back in  here and Stone Falls and you can see every place   will have a pack Merchant very bottom there that  person will allow you to upgrade your bank space   and your individual excuse me it will allow you  to upgrade your individual character space and the   bank space when you go to it add your main Guild  place like sure is it at right here this Banker   it'll allow you to upgrade your bank space so your  bank space and your personal space is where a lot   of your gold starts out until you get maxed out it  gets more and more expensive the longer you do it   so that's kind of what I would focus on to make  managing this not a nightmare there's different   ways to search and add-ons like I have a bunch of  add-ons why it looks different than the normal UI   that helps you basically sort through all these  gear sets so you can see just how much stuff that   this character has and I use pretty much most  of it so that's inventory um character screen   here so what you need to know about this against  a PVP character you have titles um outfits here if   you want to like change your Fashion on the Fly  you have your attributes which we talked about   earlier and you have all of your stats okay and  then you have your writing skills so it'll tell   you oh you can feed your horse right now it's not  on cooldown here's where they are you have Munda   Stones which like traditional Elder Scrolls games  you can go grab to get a special power and then   you have food and different Buffs that are up so  the bus will tell you here you hit this Advanced   stats and it tells you every little mathematical  nerdy thing about your character and your class   so that's what that looks like the inventory or  excuse me the uh character screen you don't get   a whole lot of information unless you're trying to  Mid match your character or you just want to check   if you have food up or if you want to check if you  have a Munda stone and you have um you know feed   your horse so Munda stones are not familiar from  traditional Elder Scrolls games look like this   the Mage there's a bunch of different ones  if you're new and starting out one that I   highly recommend PVE PVP unless you're tanking is  basically the thief the thief gives you increased   weapon and Spell critical and it's a lot why  that's relevant is it increases your healing   and your Damage Done you're gonna need both you're  gonna need to do damage and you're gonna need to   heal yourself now weapon and spell damage are also  good they're a bit more consistent but the crits   the base part of the crit is 50 so you can add  on more and more crit damage not gonna get too   complicated but it's a very very good Monday Stone  now when you're traveling out and you don't have   all the way shrines you don't everything explored  as soon as you see a Munda Stone area just take   one one even if it's health or something else is  better than nothing you'll find these different   locations I'm not going to go over them all of  where to get those Munda Stones okay now we're   gonna go to skills and so this is kind of a the  skill set up for like an end game character what   it looks like so you can see I have all these  leveled up I'm taking some of these I don't have   actually the skin skills they're not using them  I have them taken but you can see just how many   weapon skill lines there are they don't even have  them all like they don't even have restoration   staff on here and then armor I have all maxed out  right world there's some other things here called   subject order this is really really incredible  for PVP it's a nightmare to level up I haven't   shown you that yet but just realize if you have  specific content to can access this you're going   to want to do this right away with Mages Guild  because they're all over the zones so you can   kill basically about three birds with one stone a  lion's [ __ ] this is PVP okay so PVP has a couple   of different facets in this game number one I hit  the L key is what it's bound to me and it brings   up the screen and there's instance based cues that  you can go flight 24 7 365. all you do is hit that   and hit enter campaign the campaigns are a bit  complicated but really what it comes down to is   capturing the Elder Scroll and scoring points you  score points by holding resources Towers outposts   Elder Scrolls and you can see it's a massive  area 365 24 7 brawl doesn't perform that well   right now server performance has always played  this game and it's not perfect either but this   is kind of like the bread and butter aspect of PVP  once you hit Level 10 you'll have another aspect   of PVP called Battlegrounds and in your group  menu you can queue for it if you do this once   a day and get first or second you're gonna get  a massive boost of experience points and you're   gonna get really good weapons and materials  you can use straight away so as a new player   as soon as you hit Level 10 you're going to want  to start doing these every day even if you suck   or you get destroyed it doesn't matter you're  just trying to play objectives and get first or   second it's if you there's three teams obviously  so you gotta actually play the game but you want   to get that done also at level 10 you're gonna  get dungeon finder and it has similar rewards   the gear sets from here are really really good  Plus massive uh influx of experience points   so if you do anything you just log into your  dungeon finder and your Battleground finder and   just kind of Go quest around you're gonna level up  very very quickly so don't stress about leveling   this game it goes very very very fast and that's  what those two things do now another helpful thing   um to get you kind of familiar with the game  and when I very first started I loved the game   I couldn't I couldn't put it down all I did  was basically white out the map I would just   go from Zone to Zone to Zone to Zone this isn't  my main PVE character so I basically have nothing   done but the Zone guide in here will allow you to  kind of have some idea of where to go and what to   do so like Malfoy in the starter area it tells you  that the different story quests that are available   the different way shrines um points of interest  on your map they have these Pathfinder ones and   a lot of different achievements along with Sky  shards here so if you don't know what to do but   you're in a Zone you're looking for activities and  are confused you just come into the group menu and   this Zone guide is very very helpful me I've done  most of them I don't really do the story Quest   anymore but that's what it is um the Endeavors  talked about that already group if you invite   someone to a group you have normal and you have  veteran so there's basically kind of three modes   in the game normal usually pretty easy veteran  not that hard but for new people will be hard and   then you have veteran hard mode so you have hard  mode and PVE which I'll get to in a little bit   um lastly touching on the PVP there is another  thing that you can do and that's called Imperial   City the thing about Imperial City is it's inside  of cyrodiil this little area here and you have to   cue into an instance separately it also has Flags  but has a unique currency called televor so it's   PVE and PVP mix think of this as the end game play  Loop for pvps that want to make gold it's very   very good to make gold Sierra Del is kind of fun  dominating the huge Maps Battlegrounds are like   really quick instant space Snappy combat oriented  this is basically stealing people's if you kill   another player you get 50 of their teleborn you  can cash those televor in and basically get really   good maps for the game so kind of three aspects  to PVP that most people do now PVE it's a bit   more complicated so there is a lot of content to  do in PB like a lot so if we come to this menu we   go dungeon finder and we go specific dungeons look  how many dungeons these are so there's this many   normal versions and they're this many veterans now  dungeons again they are normal or veteran you can   queue them up meaning matchmaking or you can go in  with a group it's four players you can also do on   YouTube veteran you can make a hard mode there's  tons and tons and tons of achievements in this   game so if you love achievements you come here  and you can see just how many achievements there   are for veteran dungeons there's deaths layer  speed Survivor and they give you some cool little   um titles and sometimes they give you like little  Badges and a little all sorts of stuff little   outfits a lot of Cosmetics mainly the Cosmetics  are tied up into trials though if I'm being honest   speaking of Trials let me show you that trials  are 12 player group content now trials there   is quite a bit if we go into our collection  system so what I did was this collection which   I'll show you in a little bit in Trials you  have AAA Asylum Cloud arrest red cell or Hell   Rock Hines bama rock Rose sanctum sunspire the  halls of fabrication you can see just how much   gear there is to collect in these and they're  12 players so you can't downscale size them   you can't upscale so it has to be 12 players  now you can just go in there with less but   it'll be pretty hard for the average player  normal version of Trials are very easy to do   um there's only really a difference in veteran  mode with the gear sets so you can see uh Aegis   here and then if you get the perfected version  by doing and collecting the gear which randomly   drops from the bosses and Treasure Chest then you  get this the perfected version but really it only   adds one little align item to your gear set so  it's not like you have to have this so don't be   afraid to do trials yeah there is no group finder  for trials no matchmaking unfortunately so what a   lot of people do is they just come to craglorn  here and bellcar the main city in cragorn it   is base game and they just come to this little way  Shrine here the Bell card away Shrine said hey one   DPS looking to do XYZ trial I wouldn't start doing  trials until you're at least CP uh 160 maybe 300   or so I wouldn't wait till your 2000 CP Champion  points that is and you're like very experienced   you you can get and do them pretty early on but  if you don't have a guild this is where to go   um going back to um the interface and Guild  specifically um guilds are right here this   is my guild on pcna and you can actually look for  guilds there's a guild finder so Guild finder you   can browse Guild's Trading Group social so forth I  would highly recommend just trying to join a guild   you can see how many active memories there are I  would join one because once you're in a guild you   can actually travel to the players so if you don't  have way shrines you don't have locations not only   to socialize and get groups and figure out how the  game works but you can travel to players so like   let's say I go to my guild here and I just go here  I can just go travel the player you can also visit   their primary residence and so guilds have a lot  of utility in this game you can have five guilds   which is kind of odd there is no main Guild per se  so you can a lot of people have like a PVP Guild a   PVE trial Guild a casual Guild and they have like  a couple different um guilds to sell wearers and   that's how you basically play the marketplace is  through your guilds and you can sell stuff there   there's a lot to explain in this game you know  what I mean but that's the too long didn't read   on Guild find it ask to join one socialize and and  there there's an advantage for joining the guild   um so we went over the skills now I'm gonna  show you the collections UI real quick it looks   extraordinarily complex until you use it there's  Collectibles here so it kind of tells you what   you've collected if you buy anything appearance  you can just have tons and tons and tons of   Cosmetics I'm not going to go through them all but  you can see personalities polymorphs Furnishings   housing's a thing I'm in-house my house right now  more on that later and you got companions here   these are little battle buddies that can Aid you  in combat and you have your assistance mementos   tools mounts there's a gazillion amounts emotes  and then special so there's a lot in this and   then the story this will tell you and help you  out on uh various different story and Dungeons   and DLCs so if you let's say have a DLC or you're  interested in playing one and starting the story   you can actually come here and hit accept Quest  and then bang it pops it up get a crash giver   and then I'll tell you where to go what to do so  they've made it pretty easy to actually follow   along the story you don't feel like you have to do  the story in a specific order I'd highly recommend   everyone do the main story Quest from the main  story Quest it kind of goes in order here you   can see Imperial Studio thieves Dark Brotherhood  you can just follow along that would do the main   straight Quest and then I would do Imperial City  they're fantastic and if you don't want to do any   quests from there on that's fine but the game  revolves around solo PVE questing typically   then you have housing everyone's favorite so  houses are collected you can buy them um with   crowns really there are a couple little ones you  can buy with gold too like this one the Flaming   mix Hound or flaming Deluxe is what I buy houses  are useful because you can store stuff in here so   this is like one of mine that I use so I have  Monday stones in here I have crafting stations   I have Bank storage I have my little vendors um  they're not necessarily when you very first start   out but if you are starting out in the game each  main town has a little house that you can get it's   white it out since I actually own it and I think  it's like very very cheap gold so like 10 30 000   gold once you get it and you want to get a house I  like the DeSean one because this is where the main   um hubs of all the big Guild vendors are right  in this main town area so DeSean is a really   really good one and you can see right here in the  tavern you come out boom here's the main town you   got all the things you could need Merchant wise  and Guild stores so that's what I like in there   uh and there's like I mean look there's a  gazillion of them housing can get very expensive   not only in Gold but actually in Crowns if you  want to spend tons and tons of money on the game   um I don't do a whole lot of housing because  the game is housing is more like Legos like   you can really go crazy with all the stuff that  you can do and set in here and like to show you   here you can put all your trophies whatever  you want and this editor is very complex I'm   not gonna go over it in detail but just let  you know if you like Legos you're going to   love housing Elder Scrolls online if you're  like me in like Fallout 4 where your housing   basically had impact and combat and you had  to defend things you're not gonna like the   housing here but I'm in the very rare minority  that doesn't like the housing most people do   okay speaking of collections look how many  item sets you can collect fashion wise there   is literally a gazillion bazillion fashion items  in here comes head all the way all of your body   parts into um weapon Styles which are tons and  tons and tons and tons of different styles you can   see how many I don't have to collect it how you  collect them is it kind of tells you right here in   the outfit style you can get a lot of these from  vendors in Gil's door so a lot of people spend a   lot of gold just basically getting the style that  they want um this game has a transmog system so if   I go outfit or no outfit that's how my character  looks undyed and if I go to outfit that's how it   looks so your gear that you actually equip is not  actually how your character looks which is nice   um so transmog or whatever you want to call it  you have to go to an outfit station they're in   every single major town it's like all the crafting  stations are as well so that's how that works set   items you can see all the items that you collected  where to go to get them yeah I kind of use this as   reference so once I'm familiar with some items I  can't go in here and see which I have collected I   have a lot of the stuff in the game because I play  a lot but the reason this is useful is another   complicated systems but when you collect gear  it comes in random traits okay so let's say this   overwhelming surge comes from Tempest Island so  I go to tempus Island and boss encounters I have   a chance of randomly getting this um these item  sets with the collection system the more you get   um it starts prioritize what you don't have  so the boss is in here the very first few just   give you body pieces and the very last give you  weapons and jewelry so what ends I'm hopping is   you can basically collect every single thing in  a dungeon in about eight hours if you farming on   normal doing it over and over and over and over  again you'll collect the body pieces very quickly   jewelry a little bit slower and then weapons very  last and that's what you're gonna go for the last   boss or the chest have some random chance to do  this you can see this transmute cost transmuting   very complicated but what it allows you to do is  basically reconstruct items that you've deleted or   got rid of as long as you're in collection system  and make those items the right trait that you want   so another reason to level up crafting is you  have to unlock those traits and this at end   game along with crafting is how you get very  very powerful here now it's a lot to go over   now check the website for endgame builds but a  lot of people use the system and so how you get   transmutes a variety of ways but most people  get it through doing these dungeon Finders uh   normal dungeons they'll give you 10 at the end of  them Battlegrounds will give you like between one   and five and then cyrodell will actually give  you some too if you're in the top if you're in   tier one is what it's called about 25 000 Alliance  points at the end of a 30-day campaign you get 50.   so a lot of people will just do random dungeons  on a bunch of different characters so that way you   can get a bunch of transmutes use that to convert  that currency into reconstructing and remaking   better gear at endgame though it's a little  Advanced but that's what it is if you're going to   look through the collection system and wonder um  Tails attribute as a card game that was released   at the high aisles chapter and you have to own the  house chapter I don't participate in this I never   found it fun I love Pokemon imagine the Gathering  but this is kind of a low energy card game so I   have guides on my website about it but it's not  something I really participate in um the journal   has again all the achievements um leaderboards  the different scores and all sorts of stuff if   you were into that so there are some leaderboard  based activities to do at end game all right so   now you got a good sense of what to do kind of the  interface how it works just the basic mechanics of   the game where do you go and what you what do you  do and that's basically about impossible to answer   PVE I haven't really gone over but you have  dungeons you have trials which we talked about we   have delves we have World bosses and in particular  zones all over throughout the zone the basic   premise of Elder Scrolls Online is just explore  the zones explore the zones white it out use the   Zone guide and kind of explore and do things I  would use a combination of exploring doing the   zones collecting Sky shards Aura books having fun  questing and also doing a dungeon finder here and   there a Battleground uh here and there and then I  would use the Zone guide try to meet players that   are like-minded and then see if we want to group  up or form a guild or join a guild and then start   asking people what they're doing they want to join  up you want to form fight World bosses and so on   most of the end game players are always going  to migrate to the last Zone in the game and the   reason why is there's new things to collect and do  in those zones so the very beginning zones people   will actually be in them but it's not going to be  very dense population because most of the people   are working on the end game material a lot of  the popular zones are Deshawn because it's a   main Hub and craglorn is very popular this is also  base game um but the further out you go the less   populated becomes and so again you have that zone  guy to kind of walk you through which specific   quest to do and why if you're trying to follow  in a specific order and then you can use your   map marker to kind of see what these activities  are and if matchmaking is available let's go   over some Advanced combat tips I'm using a PPP uh  character here um and I'm gonna basically take on   something that's pretty challenging 10 million HP  now I'm not going to do the whole thing I've done   it before on different classes but just to make  you aware I'm going to walk you through kind of   my thought process on the combat might be complex  for a beginner to look at and understand but I   want to make sure I go over how to actually play  the game as a beginner what you could look like   as a high level player it says 10 million HP  it's not meant to be done solo okay so let's   hope I don't whip it so first thing I'm going to  do I'm going to buff up so I'm going to increase   my armor resistance I'm gonna get my Buffs up my  weapon damage and everyone has access to those   so once I get on this guy you can see I have  an add-on that tells me to block and then part   of the damage phase is just loading up on damage  now where my eyes look on a very tough fight like   this I look particularly at my resources so I can  see I'm pretty low magic and I have good stamina   so I know I can dodge a lot I know I can basically  block a lot I can bash like this mechanic here and   I can block here and I'm looking good I'm also  maintaining a lot of heels so I actually have   three heels in this character because I want to  be survivable when you're very first starting out   survivability is the number one thing it's not  damaged don't worry about that you'll do a lot   more later on I'm about dead I got stamina I use  the potion there and I went back to full resources   you see so I'm not doing a whole lot of damage  but I have the ability to heal myself so that   front bar is damaged and once I start doing damage  as soon as I start taking some I go right back   so let's see here if someone shows up I'm gonna  heal myself I block that big huge Telegraph there   see if you can hit me holding block using a  frost app so I get blocked mitigation I'm just   about dead boom pop my ultimate batterer I'm gonna  bash this guy this is kind of the weep whole block so I'm just going back and forth on my front  bar when I'm not in pressure and you can see   that health bar pop up in the middle of the  screen as soon as I start taking damage now   I'm in trouble gonna heal myself keep my buff  son go my back bar and resolving bigger fully   charged get some stamina back holding block here  and this is kind of the weave I'm gonna Bash   and holding block now as a new player I highly  recommend playing at range because you're not   going to have to have this quick reaction time  like this and build these mechanics and I miss   one there I'm out of resources remember what I  told you fully charged heavy attack and block   now the add-on basically carries you and  tells you where uh things are coming from   but you pay attention to your boss see that  little sprinkle that's just a bash I got cc'd   here see that sprinkle that's the uppercut so you  just block that to mitigate the damage completely   out of resources I'm playing a Dragonite so I  can just paint boom hit adults I'm full back up   but if I play this game this way as long as I  have resource sustained I can basically fight   this thing indefinitely if I make a mistake or two  you know I might die but if this takes me a half   an hour as long as my character is built really  properly for a resources stain I understand the   mechanics got a heel here got a heel there doing  a little bit of damage just about dead boom 26   000 crit heal so I can heal the full pretty easy  against the PVP Gator so it's very very tanky very   very survivable and I'd always lean towards  survivability as a beginner so what's going   to keep you survivable is having two different  weapon types so you can get back magic and stamina   two different types of healing so you're not  dependent on a Healer that's very very important   in in-game PVE as well so now we're getting  some friends to show up I'm gonna bash here   I'm low on resources boom hit ultimate  CC break because I was crowd controlled   and so you have to kind of put everything together  with this now we have to get out of here there's   crap on the ground holding block tanking a 10  million HP thing and we're just getting after it   the whole block you can also Dodge as well so  dodging um will take a lot of your stamina versus   not so much so next time it attacks me I'll do a  Dodge and you'll have a very small window where   you can actually Dodge and miss the attack you  can see how much stamina went back the dodging   mechanic is interesting because the more you Dodge  in a short window the more it costs that prevents   you from dodging and having infinite evades like  this right as you can see it started getting more   and more costly full block and this is actually  not a tank but you can be very very tanky in the   game and this is the benefit of Elder Scrolls  Online why I love the game I love the combat is   every character can basically carry themselves  and if you get really good at combat you can   basically carry a group in this game so this is  kind of what it looks like to have a sweat lore   build at the very end game if you really want to  be a tryhard and do everything in the game this   took me a gazillion hours to get to this level I  am not the best player and ever or anything like   that I just play a lot and understand a bit of the  game's combat so when you're you're starting now   don't sweat it if this comes this is very very  unnatural you come from Skyrim and other Elder   Scrolls games the combat is vastly different I  have something called light attack wavings you can   see my character will use a ability in a light  attack it's a bit complicated to have another   video on that but what that means is all I'm doing  is uh syncing up my one second Global cooldown of   my abilities with the LIE attack they're on two  separate cooldowns and cooldown means just a one   second animation that um prevents me from just  casting the ability infinitely simultaneously   so your brain kind of has to wire yourself for  what's the most advantageous action you can take   for a one second Global cooldown so for me I'm  about to run out of resources a little bit on   the magic so I'm gonna go back to my back bar I'm  looking at my ultimate so my ultimate's up I got   a defensive one I don't know what's gonna happen  there's a lot of crap on the ground boom so I'm   going from using a tri potion the crown store ones  you get in a crown store to using the ultimate to   kind of basically have really good survivability  and then when I'm not taking pressure I'm not   getting heavy attack like this then I just put  some thoughts up and do start doing some damage   and then it's rinse and repeat getting slammed  about to die boom heal myself my magic's a bit   low usually I like to keep my magic above uh one  quarter so that way I get one or two casts boom   see 27k crit heel right there and that's why I  use the Khajiit it's just very very very bursty   so getting them down and again it's gonna take you  a long time to kind of understand how to use these   classes every class can essentially do what I'm  doing here so it's not very class specific anymore   um some classes are a little bit  better than this than others some   classes are more gear dependent than others  Dragon Knight is not very gear dependent   um the sork is not very gear dependent and crazy  good for beginners in fact it has something called   crit surge where every time you get a Critical  Strike it heals you so if you just build for crit   with the sword you're doing really good now I'm  just gonna like run out of stamina on purpose here   and then I'll fully charge on my front bar and  you can see that stamina come back I break free   consume stamina so you do not want to drop behind  uh below five a thousand stamina if you do you   get cc'd once you're dead that guy heavy attacks  me I don't block it or Dodge it I'm dead block   going back also you can use a one bar build and  uh not stress about bar swap meet all the time   the reason two bars are more effective and you  want to Bar swap more frequently is you just have   a lot more utility you'll have access to more  abilities and more healing there's actually a   Mythic called open Soul it's a bit hard to explain  but that it basically does it all for you and one   so if you have a one bar Bill don't sweat it you  can basically still pull it off if you can't bar   swap timely you don't know when to do it but  you're gonna need a heel you're gonna need some   damage over time and you're gonna need a way to  Resource the stain those are the three pillars to   um have in your build I lean towards more  resources stain and survivability you've   been constantly just running out of gas because  I just don't like dying in the game speaking of   dying in the game I'm not gonna do it here because  it's a video I gotta show you but there's really   almost zero repercussion for dying in the game  like all you have to do is repair your gear and   it's very cheap so if you die PVE PVP outside of  Imperial City there's almost no repercussion so   don't be afraid to screw up don't be afraid to try  challenging things because you'll get a lot better   at the game if you actually try challenging things  you're not supposed to do normally like solo a   dungeon Jam that dungeon or any of that stuff  like this stuff is kind of it's just kind of   for fun you're not supposed to do it by yourself  but and that's why it takes forever holding block or just got him to ten percent now so he's an  execute range which means uh some abilities   and execute um get stronger the closer they  are I'm low on resources so I'm gonna play   pretty defensive I don't have to do this all over  again fully charge heavy attack bash there with   the sprinkles up I'm gonna use a potion so now  I'm very survivable for a little bit we're at   a few seconds example is uh whirling blades here  from dual wield it starts hitting harder the lower   the HP it goes some classes have uh specifically  their own but Dragonite has to use an outside one boom and then we got it done and you can see all  the loot that we get yay got my loots ready to   go all right once you hit Level 50 you're gonna  have another form of progression called Champion   points I have an add-on here Dynamic CP that kind  of shows the champion point system in a very nice   and easy to understand way so kind of Skyrim  players will recognize these as constellations   and so forth it looks obnoxious when you look  at this you don't know what's going on how to   do it whatever well basically Champion points  um are earned just like levels and experience   the more you get up to 3 600. that number sounds  really awesome but you actually don't get more   powerful Beyond about 1500 Champion points and  you're starting to be relatively the same power   around 800 to a thousand the reason why is  there's only four slottables that you can use   per constellation for a total of 12. now you can  see there's actually a lot of slottable choices   so the way these glow indicate and you put your  bar over it it'll say add new Champion Port bar   to activate so if you have 50 points in this guy  it doesn't do anything for you unless you slot it   so it's actually not that complicated once you  start playing around with it most people take   the exact same Champion points on every single  constellation your PVE PVP it's pretty similar so   it looks really complicated the the yellow glowing  ones these are passives that do not require you   to slot them and there's actually not very many  of them so what this means is green is typically   like the fun out of combat type stuff a lot of  people like Steve's blessing because it helps   movement speed you have some stuff here down here  to save you a little bit of gold on consumables   and some more Mount speed and some sneaking stuff  this green one is kind of like the fun non-combat   one the blue one is the kind of the complicated  one for um BPS those players come up here and   take these DPS ones along with a combination of  these right here um this out here is kind of the   tank one on the bottom and then the left one  is kind of the Healer one now you're gonna see   some purple and that is a sub constellation  meaning you have to go down inside of it   and then you have more things you can take the  number one thing I'd recommend for a new player is   this don't worry about damage slottables and being  super confused what you want to do is take either   tireless discipline for Max stamina or eldric  insight for Max magic depending on what you're   playing and you want to come down here to stay in  death right away you want to take 10 points which   will unlock the the thing to get to preparation  take 20 in a year for 10 damage reduction that   will make your life so much easier survivability  wise when you're diverse starting out as a passive   you don't have to slot it um from there you  can start working towards really good ones   like fighting finesse increasing your critical  damage or out here these don't require any points   to stardom and you can basically get a benefit  with literally 1 10 50 points you can increase   your max magic which increases your healing and  damage done so when you're very first starting   out take these outside ones that don't require a  bunch of points to move along the constellation   and the red tree here same sort of thing you  have three that are not um jointed on the   consolation and this is kind of resource sustained  survivability and there's some speed ones you also   have a bunch of sub-constellations here I have a  whole separate guide on this so don't stress use   my builds for like um different CP loadouts it's  actually not that complicated and you're not going   to be that far behind because I mean I've gotten  like 1200 Champion points on my EU account very   very quickly it's not even really plain um so it  seems complicated like oh my God 3600 but when   you start playing with it no it's very simple you  take mainly the same ones you kind of start slowly   getting them you take these ones up top here  and tell you a little more powerful then you   make your way down the line and get the passive  one in the juicy ones for PVE or PVP well again   that's the video hope you got something out of  this I am Delta from so come   um there check out all the Elder Scrolls Online  stuff we have I also stream the others goes online   currently slash Delta is gaming where  my mom claims I'm the best streamer alive and I   hope you got something out of this make sure  to smash that Thumbs Up And subscribe if you   want more content on this channel and as  always I appreciate you watching foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: Deltia's Gaming
Views: 127,596
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Keywords: ESO, Elder Scrolls Online, TESO, MMORPG, ESO Builds, TESO Build, TES Builds, The Elder Scrolls Online, the elder scrolls online, eso builds, eso builds 2023, eso 2023, eso news 2023, elder scrolls online, eso, teso, deltiasgaming, deltia, deltia's gaming, nightblade, templar, necromancer, dragonknight, sorcerer, warden, eso pve, elder scrolls, teso pve, eso guide, eso gameplay 2023, eso worth playing, deltia's gaming eso, elder scrolls online gameplay, elder scrolls online review
Id: lcbfj92Mdb8
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Length: 82min 29sec (4949 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 27 2023
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