Baldur's Gate 3 Fighter Guide - All Subclasses (Battle Master, Champion, Eldritch Knight)

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in this Baldur's Gate 3 fighter class guide I'm going to be covering the fighter class including all three subclasses and providing you some useful information I'll be doing more build guides for Baldur's Gate 3 in the fighter but for now let's just look at how a fighter functions and its basics Fighters are the backbone of your front line and are some of the most capable Warriors in bg3 not only are they proficient with all forms of armor but also all forms of weapons and Shields and they can heal themselves once per short rest with their second win class feature excelling in all forms of Martial combat Fighters have the potential to attack more than any other class in the game on a single turn this is due to their extra attacks gained at both levels 5 and 11 as well as action surge action surge allows them to take a second action on a given turn once per short rest or once per combat essentially this action can then be used to trigger their extra attacks all over again granting them the potential of a total of six attacks in one turn at level 11. if they've used this class feature in this section we'll take a look at how to set up your fighter during character creation for best results we'll begin with abilities first since this is arguably the most important part aside from choosing your subclass your primary ability as a fighter is strength or dexterity depending on how you want to play your fighter strength if you want to use heavy armor or a two-handed weapon or maybe even a one-handed Shield you might go dexterity if you prefer two weapon fighting though you could still do this as a strength fighter as well or if you prefer a medium or light armor and like ranged combat with a bow or crossbow additionally Eldritch Knights may want to take some intelligence to increase their likelihood of them Landing hostile spells and can trips so that is something to consider as well strength increases your melee hit chance melee damage increases carry weight and chance to shove someone successfully as well as increases jump distance and improves athletic checks and strength saving throws dexterity increases your hit chance with finesse melee weapons and ranged weapons damaging roles with these weapon types boost armor class if not wearing heavy armor increases initiative and improves sleight of hand acrobatics and stealth checks as well as improved dexterity saving throws intelligence is useful to Eldritch Knights who want their hostile spells and cantrips to connect more regularly it also boosts intelligent skill checks and intelligence saving throws but does not increase the number of prepared spells Eldritch Knights have since they don't need to prepare their spells like Wizards do Constitution is there to help keep you alive via HP since Fighters typically soak up a lot of damage when on the front lines your stat spread for your fighter will vary depending on which route you want to go but you'll likely want 16 strength or 16 dexterity and at least 14 Constitution you can see the following setups on the screen for a fighter to help you better set up for the type you want to play note I've changed this from the recommendations as it's more optimized for your character during the early goings of the game also note that you can play a dexterity focused Elder tonight if you wish instead of strength and then if you plan to only use Buffs or just like magic Missile on your Eldritch Knight then you really don't need intelligence when it comes to what race to select Fighters have all proficiencies and weapons and armor and shields so choosing a race will come down to what else they can bring to the table since those are not needed for instance drow have Superior dark vision Fey ancestry and perception proficiency which are all decent pickups for the fighter goldwarf is also not a bad choice for dark vision Dwarven resilience and Dwarven toughness though they have lower movement speed which isn't ideal for Fighters half orc is also a good choice especially for melee focused Fighters since they have dark vision Relentless endurance Savage attacks and menacing for skills what you select will not have a huge impact in the game Fighters typically don't handle the dialogue of their group though they can use intimidation quite well compared to some classes Athletics is good to pick up for shoving and helping to resist being shoved but beyond that the choice of what skills you want is really up to you next let's take a look at General Fighter character progression at level 1 Fighters gain Second Wind allowing them to heal themselves for one d10 plus their fighter level of HP as a bonus action once per short rest this is a great way to help keep their HP up during fights and still attack on the same turn also at this level all fighters can choose one of six fighting styles present in bg3 Fighters are the only class that can choose from all six while other classes can choose from A reduced pool of fighting styles at level 2 all fighters gain action surge allowing them to take a second action on their turn once every short rest and as I mentioned before this allows them to attack again which will re-trigger extra attack once they've acquired it allowing them to potentially attack four times at level 5 and 6 times at level 11 on a single turn this is an extremely powerful class feature at level 3 fighters choose a subclass and gain subclass features based on the subclass chosen we'll go into what these are more in the subclasses section of this guide at level 4 Fighters will gain their first feat ability Improvement is good here for more strength or dexterity but there are a ton of other Feats Fighters can benefit from dual wielder is great if you want to use two rapiers and gain plus one Armor class lucky is great for picking up some uses of advantage and controlling outcomes and Sharpshooter is great for boosting range damage if you like playing your fighter primarily from ranged great weapon fighter is good in general and even better if you're using a two-handed weapon Sentinel is not a bad pickup if you want to stop enemies from moving if you hit them with an attack of opportunity and pull arm Master is great if you intend to use one of these weapon types at level 5 all fighters gain extra attack allowing them to attack again on their turn but only if they've used their action to make an attack if you use action surge this will allow you to attack once again as an action re-triggering this effect at level 6 Fighters gain an extra feat that no other class gets besides Rogues though Rogues get this at level 10 instead of level 6. and once again there are many good choices here as I mentioned before and because Fighters can reach 20 and their main ability with ability Improvement and still have two Feats left over they have a lot of freedom to choose at level 7 all fighters gain a subclass feature based on the subclass they chose at level 3. we'll cover these more in the subclasses section at level 8 all fighters gain another feed and they can choose from any I mentioned before though investing summon strength or dexterity would be wise if you have not done so already depending on what your main stat is at level 9 Fighters gain indomitable allowing them to roll again once if they fail to saving throw this drastically improves their chances of passing saving throws and can help protect them against spells and other negative effects at level 10 all fighters gain their final subclass feature which again I will be covering in our subclasses section at level 11 Fighters gain improved extra attack which allows him to make two additional attacks if they use their action to make an attack they are the only class in vg3 that can do this as most other Marshall classes only gain a single extra attack and as I mentioned before if they use action surge then they can make two additional attacks a second time for a total of six attacks in one turn at level 12 all fighters gain their final feat and they can choose from any I mentioned before though they should ideally max out their main stat if they haven't already fighter equipment will vary greatly from fighter to fighter since they can go many different directions however strength Fighters will typically wear heavy armor to allow them to invest heavily into strength and Constitution without sacrificing Armor class they can still use medium if they wish and may do so if they have 14 or so dexterity dexterity-based fighters on the other hand will likely use medium or light armor to take advantage of their higher dexterity though they have the option to use heavy armor if they need it weapon wise strength Fighters will either use a two-handed weapon go one-handed inner Shield or may even dual wield 2 weapons if they want remember that finesse weapons use strength or dexterity whichever is higher they will also likely throw weapons to deal damage at range instead of using a lower crossbow particularly if they have lower dexterity while dexterity Fighters will use a one-handed finesse weapon and Shield or typically dual wield finesse weapons in melee combat while using a bow or crossbow at range next let's take a look at subclasses fighters in bg3 can play completely differently based on their equipment and fighting style alone but their subclasses also dictate how they behave in combat for instance Battle Masters have many different actions they can use that can add effects to their attacks and they have a lot of freedom to choose the ones they like Champions on the other hand have a higher critical hit chance allowing them to land criticals more often they also gain a second fighting style allowing them to further specialize in combat and Eldritch Knights can cast spells both defensive and offensively allowing them to augment their attacks with magic that Fighters would not otherwise gain all of these things together make Fighters a very flexible class and it's unlikely that any two fighters will be exactly the same all fighters gain their first subclass feature at level 3 when they select their subclass and then once again at level 7 and finally one more time at level 10. these features are not the only thing that separates these subclasses however since Eldritch Knights also gained spell casting while Battle Masters and champions do not let's take a look at Battle Master first at level 3 Battle Masters gain four superiority dice that can be spent on maneuvers they've selected they will spend one superiority die per maneuver used and these dice replenish every short rest at level 3 Battle Masters will also get to select three Maneuvers from a list each with their own benefits they will use their security dice to use these and this dice also adds 1d8 to damage in many cases making these attacks even stronger than default attacks from a damage perspective at level 7 they'll gain one more superiority die they can use between short rests giving them a total of five dice which is the highest number of dice they will obtain and also level 7 Battle Masters will gain two more Maneuvers from the list that they can spend their superiority dice on and finally at level 10 Battle Masters will gain two more Maneuvers from the list and their security dice will increase from d8 to d10 adding more damage to Maneuvers that use them next let's take a look at champion at level 3 Champions will gain improved critical hit which allows them to critically hit when rolling a 19 or 20 instead of just 20 on their attack roll this effectively doubles their crit chance which is roughly a five percent increase up to 10 percent note that this effect can stack with other effects that reduce the number needed on the die when making an attack rule to critically hit which can add up when set up properly at level 7 Champions can jump 3 meters further than other Fighters and can add half their proficiency bonus to any strength dexterity or Constitution checks they make that they aren't proficient with and at level 10 Champions gain a second fighting style making them the only fighter that has access to two different ones without multi-classing and lastly we come to Eldritch Knight at level 3 Eldritch Knights gain the capability to cast spells in and outside of combat this sets them apart from the other subclasses since neither of them can do this they use intelligence for their spell casting ability modifier just like Wizards and arcane tricksters and also a level 3 Elder tonight's also gain weapon bond preventing their weapon from being knocked out of their hand by disarming attacks and this feature also allows them to throw their weapon and have it return to them automatically which is great if you like to throw your weapon at level 7 Eldritch Knights gained War magic which allows them to cast a can trip with their action and then attack with their weapon as a bonus action in the same turn this can be useful but remember that Eldritch Knights also have extra attack and they cannot attack twice if they cast a cantrip with their action and finally at level 10 Eldritch Knights inflict disadvantage on saving throws made to their next spell cast before the end of their next turn against enemies they hit with a weapon attack this allows them to attack one turn and then cast spells more effectively on the next in this section of revolvers Gate 3 fighter class guide we'll take a look at multi-classing a fighter and what other classes you might multi-class with keep in mind this is not a complete list but rather helpful suggestions that make good pairings Fighters are heavily front loaded meaning they gain a fighting style at level 1 action surge at level 2 and they gain a lot from their subclass features at level 3. this means the first most likely place you would multi-class the fighter would be after this point at level 3. from this point onward it's a lot less cut and drive out when you should multi-class since it really depends on what you need out of your fighter and what subclass you chose Fighters gain extra attack at level 5 so if you made it to level 3 there is definitely a case for making it to level five and if you made it to level five level six gives you another feat so there's also a case to be made there as well from this point onward however the further you go in Fighter the less likely you are to multi-class when multi-classing Battle Master I like nine levels of Battle Master and three of thief if you plan to do a wield this allows you to attack with your main and offhands two times each per turn gives you the option to Dash or disengage as a bonus action and also provides you some sneak attack damage when multiclassing a champion I like three levels of champion and nine levels of Barbarian this is because you gain access to rage further boosting your melee damage and providing damage resistance while only having to sacrifice heavy armor to use rage you also gain Reckless attack allowing you to attack with Advantage every turn which pairs nicely with the Champion's chance to critically hit additionally a level 9 barbarians gained brutal critical allowing them to roll an additional damage tie when they crit making this even more deadly when multi-classing Eldritch Knight I like 10 levels of Eldritch Knight and two of wizard in order to gain access to level 3 spell slots and to be able to learn spells from Scrolls as well as pick up a wizard subclass feature like Arcane War this also allows the Eldritch Knight to pick up all subclass features making it especially potent well that wraps up our fighter class guide and I hope you were able to learn something about fighters in this video they are an extremely Dynamic class but I feel like will be played much differently from person to person even if they chose the same subclass and as always if you have further tips about the fighter that I forgot to mention please leave them in the comments and if you have questions ask them there as well and I will try and answer them as soon as I can [Music] thank you
Channel: Fextralife
Views: 286,229
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Keywords: baldurs gate 3 classes, baldurs gate 3 fighter guide, baldurs gate 3 class guide, baldurs gate 3 fighter build guide, fighter guide, bg3 fighter build, bg3 fighter multiclass, bg3 fighter subclasses, baldurs gate 3 fighter build, baldur's gate 3 fighter, best subclass for fighter bg3, bg3, baldur's gate 3, bg3 fighter multiclass build, best fighter subclass, bg3 champion build, bg3 battle master build, bg3 eldritch knight, bg3 eldritch knight build, bg3 best fighter subclass
Id: Eh25B0PdwGQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 4sec (844 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 29 2023
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