Dragon's Dogma 2 Best Class - All Vocations Ranked

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in this Dragon Dogma 2 video I'm going to be ranking all 10 vocations in Dragon Dogma 2 from worst to best I'll get into the best things and worst things about each class I'm eventually arriving at my favorite and the one that I think is the best in the game I have done a video on each one of these classes I played each extensively so let's get into it so first St coming in at number 10 is Warfare this is our most recent guide video you'll probably have seen this just going live on the channel at the time of the publish of this video and we'll talk about why this is at the bottom of the list but first let's talk a little bit about what's great about Warfare it has good utility there are a lot of different skill combinations in the game that can work really well together so Warfare has something that no other class can provide allowing you to combine skills from different classes Additionally you can use any armor in the game so if you want to be like a spellcaster that uses armor or a thief that uses really heavy armor you can which is great um there's a lot of flexibility in the way you can design this class you can mix so many different skills and combinations there's probably endless ways to play a Warfare so there are really a lot of different ways to play this class and that's a you know a big plus point for a lot of people however there are a few reasons this comes in at number 10 on my list first of all you only have three skills that you can use between all the weapons you have equipped and this is because one of those skills is taken up by rearmament so you basically only have three other skill slots available that means you can use one skill for three different weapons or two skills for one weapon and one skill for another and obviously you could equip way more weapons and not use any skills with them but I don't know why you do that Additionally you cannot use any of the Meister skills are the ones that you learn from them when you're playing a Warfare and those are some of the best skills in the game so even though you do have extreme flexibility you don't have the strength that some of these classes are going to have when using those skills and the other thing is that there's not as much Synergy between classes in Dragon's Dogma 2 is there could be to make this class even better like there just are combos that work well together but there should be other combos that work well together that don't for instance the trickster is would be a great class to to do with this but the Similac that you summon actually dies very quickly when you switch to a different weapon which prevents you from throwing it out and then switching and using it as a decoy so that's really unfortunate so there isn't quite as much here as could be and the other thing is that you all the skills that you need for this class have to be unlocked on other classes first which means you basically have to max out every other class in the game to get the most out of warfare which can take very long time to do so then coming in at number nine on my list is fighter I really enjoy playing fighter in this game it's definitely a very staple class of the game but there's a couple reasons it came in at the bottom but first let's go through the things I like about fighter fighters do decent damage they have a good amount of damage that they can do they can draw aggro they can block a ton of different attack types they can block spells they can block attacks and they have ways of getting out of flinches so they can like interrupt flinches and get back into combat which is great and their combat is pretty straight forward it isn't exactly the hardest class to learn in the game although blocking can take you a little bit of time to get used used to the combat of it is prettyy straightforward the downside of fighter is that it has difficulty managing its stamina like pretty badly compared to some other classes in the game and if you're new to the game and you're just sitting there blocking you're going to run out of stamina you're going become vulnerable and you're going to get yourself killed a lot and if you have a lot of different enemies aggroed onto you and you're trying to block all their attacks quickly going to run out of stamina quickly and it's not just like Dark Souls where you can just roll out of the way and conserve stamina even though Fighters do have a skill that can roll and attack in the same animation they don't just have a Dodge role that they can use so it can be quite difficult to learn how to play a fighter effectively even though the general mechanics of fighter are pretty simple to grasp and understand and when you're talking about other classes that can tank like Warrior and trickster I find that they're just more effective at tanking generally because you don't have as hard a Time managing your stamina and you don't end up being a liability to your team so coming in at number eight on my list is trickster I know a lot of people will probably think this should be higher on the list some people will probably think this should be lower on the list but let's get into why the trickster is such a good class before I get into why I think it deserves to be in the eighth place spot trickster is easily in my opinion the best tank in the game it doesn't have trouble gaining aggro it throws it onto its Phantom you can drag that Phantom around and make enemies chase you which prevents damage to your entire party and yourself means you don't really have to worry about mitigating damage because you're never really taking damage when you're playing trickster if you're playing it well which means the class has very high survivability and it can also buff your team at the same time by improving its damage which is great and it has a lot of augments that improve you know how your pawns perform in combat so it's just the probably the best tank in the game overall if you're talking about like actually just tanking and then adding in those support skills are really nice however this class has zero damage basically to speak of and none of its skills deal any damage and a lot of its skills are extremely situational like it's Phantom wall and Phantom 4 skills they're just not used all that often meaning that the vast majority of your gameplay is just going to be summoning your Phantom dragging it around and preventing enemies from Hit you while you buff your team that's basically what you're going to do and it's very effective but it's definitely not a gameplay type for everyone a lot of people like to do something with their character while they're you know doing other things or at least contribute to the damage of the group and that's not something that you're really going to do when you're playing a trickster aside from the Buffs however I do think it will be very good at end game when enemies are very difficult and tanks have a harder time staying alive this might be a tank class that can get through some of those fights very very easily so next up on my list at number seven is Archer and Archer is a fantastic class and it's probably one of my favorites in the game but I think it deserves a spot at number seven but let's get into the good things about Archer first archers have extremely easy stamina management because they use steady shot a lot of the time which consumes no stamina and it does decent damage because you're able to aim manually at the weak spots of enemies over using something like quick shot so archers don't have a hard time managing stamina compared to some classes and the fact that they can hit weak spots easily means they can take advantage of down to enemies or are enemies that have like large weak spots that are very easy to hit where some classes might have a harder time they are also exceptionally good on pawns pawns tend to play them really well in my experience and they can get a lot of damage out of your Archer Pawn if they're set up correctly however they have a ineffective damage against some enemies that have like harder exteriors that are like Rocky and that can be problematic and some of their skills are very difficult to use well like especially if you're using them when you're in steady shot or something like that they're just the timing on them can be rather are challenging even when you know what you need to do and trying to keep your aim on a moving Target while you're firing off repeated arrows can be difficult the way the controls are set up so even though they're very effective they're not quite as easy to use as some of the other classes in the game and that's why they come in at seven for me coming in at number six on my list is Warrior and I really love the warrior class but there are some reasons that I decided to put it in the sixth place but let's get into the good things first and then I'll get into that so Warriors have pretty damn good damage in my opinion they deal a lot in like they heavy methodical swings they do a lot of knock down to enemies they tend to knock enemies backward into things dealing more damage to them when you knock down enemies they're really vulnerable kind of like in Monster Hunter putting them in a situation where you can do a lot of damage to them they're very tanky they can draw aggro I find that they have a much easier time tanking enemies than Fighters for instance in terms of like what you can do like it's very easy to get guard broken on a fighter but Warriors can just sit there and in a charge stance and just take a little bit of damage and just stand there and take it and it just very a lot easier to use I think than a fighter is they also seem to contribute a lot more damage than Fighters do and they have you know when you make a pawn a warrior in fact I in my playthrough I went and swapped out my Fighter for warrior just because I find that the occasional knockdown is very useful you can contribute to knockdown with your character if you're set up properly and they just deal more damage in fighters in general the downside of fighter in my opinion is that they are very very slow and they feel clunkier than probably any class in the game in terms of like movement and attacks and stuff like that and it's definitely not a class for everyone like there's just people out there that are not going to want to play that slowly and it does take some getting used to before you really get the hang of how to play it it has a very high skill ceiling and skill floor like some of the classes in the game and it can take you a while to really get the hang of this class which is why I put it in the sixth place next up on my list at number five is Sorcerer And sorcerer is a fantastic damage dealing class they typically have the right element needed for most situations they have very high damaging spells and they have like fantastic way to recover their stamina and Galvanize which Mages don't have which is really nice cuz you use this a lot because a lot of your spells cost a lot of stamina and frankly some of the Spells they have are just downright game breakingly strong like they'll just wipe the screen if they can get them off and that's really really useful and you can make your Pawn Sorcerers and they can absolutely just crank out damage which is really really really nice the downside of playing a sorcerer is that their cast times can be rather long for some of their spells some of them are very very long particularly like their Meister spells and they have kind of like this you know sequence where they're just casting a spell or two and then using galvaniz or casting a spell or to and using galvaniz and that's kind of what you do on a sorcerer and the gamep playay doesn't vary all that much and it can be kind of frustrating sometimes too if you get interrupted during a long cast like with you're 95% done of standing there for 10 seconds and managing your stamina can be a chore for this class too so for those reasons I decided to put it in my number five slot at number four I have Mystic spear hand I really really enjoy this class this is a really fun one and this is another class that has a very high skill floor and a very high skill ceiling meaning that it can take you a little bit to get the hang of this and even when you get the hang of it it takes you even longer to master it but once you do it's an absolutely devastating class so Mystic spear hands have great crowd control they can basically iMobile or freeze enemies in place or even slow down big enemies and then just mess them up and teleport to them mess them up and just keep repeating this which is great they have fantastic moob ability they can slide over to their target up or down they can jump up onto enemies very easily and they have really good survivability with their bubble which is also really good for their group because they can bubble their group as well and all these things make it a fantastic class to play honestly this class has very few downsides I think probably one of the biggest downsides is that it can be used on pawns and that it does take a while to get to hang of this class I mean you're not going to be good at it when you first started and you'll have to play it for a good amount of time before you really Master it so next up on my list at number three is Thief I absolutely love thief in this game this is a class that I was not expecting to enjoy as much as I did and if you haven't played a thief yet I highly recommend playing this one so thieves have a lot of things going for them they have great Mobility they're very fast in combat they can pin targets down and deal damage to them that way which is just awesome the animations are sick they and stealth if they want they have very very high damage for a melee class probably higher than any other melee class in the game they actually have pretty good survivability because they can Sid step a lot of attacks and they also have a skill that allows them to be unhitable while it's active which is really great so they have a lot of really good things going too and if you like climbing up on Monsters then this is another good one and pawns can be Thieves so that's also really great now the down sides of this class in my opinion are just that pawns don't play this class as well as you will it's a it's a very class and pawns just don't have the AI capacity to play it the way that you would play it so I don't recommend making a pawn a thief as much as you playing a thief but still you can have Pawn theves if you want and the other thing is it takes a little bit to get the hang of some of the skills in the game not all of them are that easy to understand and it has a lot more mechanics than maybe some other classes but generally it's just an awesome class to play coming in at number two on my list is Magic Archer I love magic Archer magic Archer might be my favorite class in the game and and I highly recommend if you haven't tried magic Archer out you try it so what makes the magic archers so good well they have really high damage they're not hard to understand how to play once you played one for a little bit you kind of get the hang of it they have easy stamina management because they use their basic attacks a lot just like archers do so that makes them not have to worry about their stamina as much as other classes they can also heal and revive enemies at range meaning that you can play like a hybrid healer DPS character with it and actually support your group while ranging down enemies at the same time which is nice and martyr's bolt is arguably you know one of the deadliest Meister skills in the game and it can absolutely wipe the health Barth enemies instantly the downside of this class is that you can't use it on pawns which is really really unfortunate and it can't remove hostile effects the way a mage can and hostile effects particularly as you get further and further into the game and reach end game become more of a thing in the game and that's a big downside which means that you it's I wouldn't advise removing a mage completely from your group if you're using your magic Archer to heal because of that unless you have enough consumables to you know support the removal of those effects and that brings us to number one which is of course then Mage Mages are just the pound-for-pound king in this game every party needs a mage I don't think there's hardly any parties out there that don't have one the fact that they can heal at will with anod fact that they have a spot heal that will just top you up to complete Health they can remove status effects they can buff your group they can prevent damage in the group they can improve speed they can also use spells like high 11 which can contribute to damage and give you some damaging options for easier fights to help them go faster all these things in my opinion make a mage really good and of course you can make a pawn a mage which is really important in my opinion because not Everyone likes to play the support in their group and being able to make your main Pawn or another Pawn the support really removes that from you and you can focus on dpsing enemies or tanking if that's what you want to do and it's just overall arguably the best class in the game if I had to recommend one class for any party it would be Mage so that wraps up our video on the 10 classes of Dragon Dogma and kind of ranking them what I think are the best to worst and I hope I've given good reasons I want to know what your favorite are what's your least favorite was I way off is it close to your list and leave that that in the comments below and additionally we will have more content coming this is not the end of our Dragon's Dogma 2 content I know people are really looking forward to that content on this channel going have an aug guide soon weapons armor guide Rings guide and then we'll probably get on to endgame guide and some endgame builds with specific equipment and specific [Music] [Music] skills
Channel: Fextralife
Views: 433,982
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dragons dogma 2 best vocation, dragons dogma 2 vocations, dragons dogma 2 best weapon, dragons dogma 2 sorcerer vocation, dragons dogma 2, dragons dogma 2 sorcerer guide, dragons dogma 2 vocation tier list, dd2 best vocation, most op vocation dragons dogma 2, op vocation, best class, dragon's dogma 2 best class, dragon's dogma 2 best vocation, dd2 best class, dragons dogma 2 best class, Dragon's Dogma 2 Vocations Ranked, DD2 All Vocations, dragon's dogma 2 all vocations
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2024
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