Baldur's Gate 3 Modding Tutorial: Everything You Need to Know

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I'm going to teach everyone here how to mod Baldur's Gate 3. so this won't be a specific tutorial on how to install any certain mod I'm going to give you a general overview so you understand exactly what's happening and then you'll know how it works after that you can add any mod and you won't need to run to the comments and be like I don't know what's happening I mean by all means please do you know like we're here to help and hopefully the community will be able to help you solve your problem but if you have a better understanding then I think you'll be able to understand what's going on like I said understanding twice and fix it on your own [Music] some things have changed and that's because the latest patch fixed a few things and there's a few mods that we no longer need so I was having an issue where every time I tried to do a dice roll the dice just wouldn't show up on the screen and that's because in patch number two you no longer need the mod fixer so in order to get rid of the full release mod fixer or the mod fixer it shows up down here under your overrides no longer needed larion Studios baked that into the game so click on the shortcut up here for open your mods and then you'll see the full release mod fixer you can just delete that you can if you wanted to you could like copy paste it somewhere else but you're not going to need that so you can just press delete and it's gone come back over here and there'll be a refresh button there you go now you have your stuff and don't forget to save and Export all right if you're just joining us you don't know what all this is but that's okay that's just a little fix for everybody from the last video first thing you need to understand is there's a couple different types of Baldur's Gate 3 mods and you have install them in two different ways now first there are pack files Pak now how do you know if it's a pack file well if you go onto the Nexus and you scroll down a lot of times the installation instructions will tell you it's all with Vortex or with Boulders K3 mod manager always use Baldur's Gate 3 mod manager when you can so if you see that as part of the instructions it's usually a Pac file the other way to figure it out is when you go to files you come down and you actually download it manual download always just open up the zip file I'm using 7-Zip but you can use Windows or you can use your favorite zip program have you paid for WinRAR yet anyway right there's a pack file so that's going to be installed with the mod manager all right next up we have native mods and those are just mods that you can grab and throw directly into your Baldur's Gate folder these are not destructive because they're adding functionality so they add like a dll file and the only one that could possibly be destructive is this one but it comes with a backup file of the file it overwrites so these you do not use the mod manager for you just grab them and they go directly into the folder and it'll tell you down here which folder they go into and there are a few of those a lot of times they're called native mod loader native camera not all of them have the word native in them but a lot of them will say at the bottom if you scroll down they'll say it requires the native mod loader and then finally we have mods that you just simply drag and drop into your Baldur's Gate 3 folder most of these are non-destructive because the vaulters gate 3 folder structure is such that you actually create new folders called public and whatever there's new folders you create inside your Baldur's Gate folder and then when Baldur's Gate is playing it will look there for certain assets and use those assets to overwrite the actual game assets so it's a very clever method to make sure that you don't accidentally override anything in your game if you see a mod that just tells you you know you look down here requires manual installation place the public folder and it just tells you to put it into your data folder that's it just drop it into your data folder now we're going to go through these and show you how each one of them works first off let's get a copy of mod manager so the link takes you over to GitHub and if you're not familiar with GitHub may seem a little intimidating just know that each new release has a little bit of a you know information file and then there's assets if you don't see any assets and it just says this click on the little tick right there the little arrow ticker and then you can get the latest version so there's the latest version it's in a zip file I'm going to click on it and then click it again and it'll open up now you can put this anywhere you like so just create a folder for it maybe don't title it GB maybe title it bg3 I'm going to leave it because it's hilarious and then you just drag and drop it in there I already have a copy but you can literally make a folder anywhere you like and once that's finished just open it up I would recommend right clicking and creating a shortcut and then you know like taking that and putting it on you're dragging it to your desktop but I'm not going to insult your intelligence you know how to drag and drop cuts and that's totally optional but I would recommend like putting a shortcut somewhere otherwise you can right click and pin it to the bar down here when you first install this if it does not find your Baldur's Gate 3 folder you'll need to go to settings open preferences and put in the path to Baldur's Gate 3 right here this is your data path so it's Boulder Gate 3 data and this is your bin folder what are your Baldur's Gate 3 executable is just basically copy and paste this into these two spots hit save and then it'll know where your Baldur's Gate 3 is we need to put some mods in here so click on file and click on import mod so just navigate to wherever you downloaded your zip files and then we can just start installing and you can install multiple at a time so I'm going to go ahead and control click all the ones that I know and need to be installed with the mod manager hit open it's going to import the mods the small mods almost instantaneously are imported but then the big mod like that clothing mod will take a while once we have it all ready to go it'll show up over here now I'm going to teach you how this works so you know what's going on right here you have all these inactive mods now this shortcut here shows you where they are on your hard drive so click on this this is where the PAC files are on your hard drive they go into your app data folder and this is the same place where all your save files are located so just click on this you'll see there's your player profiles there's your save games this is basically the Baldur's Gate 3 profile and just all the information that's in your app data folder this is not your actual borders Gate 3 installation folder but that's where your mods go now if you go and just like play the game right now even though there's stuff in this folder it's not going to work like none of these files are actually going to show up in your game well why is that well that's because Baldur's Gate 3 uses a list so it needs to know what order to load these in and that's why we really need the mod manager because it makes that so much easier so let's take all the inactive mods and just drag them over here to the other side now we need to put these in the correct order it for most mods doesn't matter but these three mods go together so it does matter the big mod goes on top basket equipment and then Camp closing goes second and then the underwear thing goes third it'll tell you which order to put them in so if you download like two mods that overwrite one another it'll say put them in this order so that's how I've got my mods right now otherwise it doesn't really matter which order they go in It's Just note that some mods will overwrite some other mods if they have files that are the same name but most do not so it's not that big of a deal now once you're finished you click on export that's the key this tells Baldur's Gate 3 to load these mods and to load them in this order so after you click export it says yes we now have exported mod settings.lsx now you don't need to worry about all this this is why we have the mod manager because it does all this stuff for US exports the list now this is really cool let's say you have a multiplayer game and you're playing with someone and you have different mods in different orders or you're not using any mods at all and you want to make sure that you can play without compatibility issues well check this out we have our list this is for our single player game Let's click on file and now we can save order as I'm going to save that as just my SP game so single player game I've already saved it once but you know we'll do it again now let's say we have a multiplayer game where we're not using any mods grab all of these drag them over to the other side that way they're in the inactive list this doesn't delete them you know they're still here in the folder but they're not going to be active when you when you export this they'll be not active so hit file and then we're going to save order as and I name that my mp game just for multiplayer game save yes I'll override it remember it doesn't tell the game anything the game doesn't know anything until you click the export button so once you put them in the inactive list click export and now it says here's your list of nothing and then when you know you stop playing with your friend and you want to play your single player game or if you just have a different profile and you have different mods on you can go and import order from file SP game puts everything back over here in the right order click export and then just click here to play that's it so that's how the pack files work and that's why mod manager is really really useful for those types of files foreign files they do things that actually affect your character like put clothing on your character change some stats if you do some of those types of mods add spells whatever they can do a lot of different things to your character those go into your save file so be very careful when uninstalling those or when messing with those because they can affect your save files always make a save before you mess with any of the mods so that way if something breaks well you can just put those mods back and then reload your save and keep going now most the time it's not that big of a deal I had a few things in my inventory with mods like some black dye or whatever I removed that mod turned it off and it just disappeared from my inventory and I was okay but be careful some of the more advanced mods or the crazier mods May mess with lots of different things so you know exercise caution come on [Music] the next type of mod we don't need to exercise any caution because it doesn't do anything to your save game and those are the native mods so let's check those out now what are native mods well that's just what they call these different mods that you throw into the folder and it adds functionality to the game the first thing you're going to need is the native mod loader so if you decide you want to use the native camera tweaks and the waddest character movement which I think is awesome the first thing you need is this native mod loader so just click on file and download that manually and make sure you got the ability to read very important I'm also going to download native camera tweaks and the woz movement and we'll go through all this you know how to go and just make sure you're doing manual downloads download and it'll tell you what it needs right there which is really handy and then you just download so get all those and now we're going to mess with those so these go straight into your Boulders Gate 3 folder now the easiest way to get to your Baldur's Gate 3 folder is usually just to open up steam or Gog and click on this click on the little Cog go to manage and browse local files the other way to get there is if you still have the the mod manager open you can actually right click on the icon that launches the game and click on open game folder that takes you to your bin but you can just click on Baldur's Gate 3. now I'm going to start copying these native mods over to my folder so first off we have to get the native mod loader this one is the only one that's even close to being destructive because inside this bin folder there's a [ __ ] 2w64 dll there's already one inside here that comes with your game but it's not a big deal because they've also given us the original so when you're uninstalling this you just delete this one rename that one back to that so just drag and drop the bin into your Baldur's Gate 3 it knows where to go and hit replace all yes overwrite everything so there we go if you're not using 7-Zip and it looks funny if you don't use the same program it may just be opening in Windows that's fine too but you know however you can just open up these different files now I'm going to do the native camera tweaks same thing just drag and drop the bin into your Boulder gate 3. the folder structure is already set up for you and last I've got the WASP mod there we go spin drag and drop it in there we're done yes indeed now if you look inside your bin folder you'll see that there's now a native mods folder and if you want to get rid of these you'll need to just delete the native mods folder and this pink two w64 dll you just delete those and then change the name of this one back just get rid of the underscore original and it'll be fine you'll be playing without the mods why would you want to get rid of your your stuff so inside this folder inside the native mods folder you can see we have the camera tweaks and the laws and whatever other native mods you put in there and there's a way to change the functionality of those if you see there's a toml file for each one of those that's sort of like an ini or a config file you just right click on that or just double click if you already have it associated with your text editor but you know if not right click and then click open and it'll ask you if you want to open you know with what program I generally like to use notepad plus plus but if you don't have that you can just use notepad I like notepad plus plus because it's got dark mode and everything else but just for the sake of the video and most of you out there I'll use notepad as you can see here this is the camera tweaks we have lots of different options most of you will not need to mess with this but you can if you want to you can go through and just look at every single line of this and see what it does the only thing that I really like to change is the rotational multiplier and that just because it's a little bit too fast for me with the mouse I bring it down to 0.75 that just makes it you know turn a little bit slower because my mouse DPI is pretty high you know we make sure if you're going under one put a zero there but if you just put that it's going to bug out and be like I don't know what that is there's just a DOT there and then I have to do my keyboard rotational down to about 1.5 there we go that says pretty much it you can go through this on your own and you can also watch my other video on this mod so not a lot to go over there and that's it those are pretty easy mods the last type of mod are just like some texture over like overrides uh or sometimes UI overrides stuff that you can just drag and drop right into your folder so I'll show you a couple of those and then you'll be off it's pretty easy actually just sounds like a lot the first time so I have the immersive UI here and I downloaded that because it makes different pieces of the UI disappear depending on where your mouse is on the screen that's really handy especially with the Lost mod and you got a folder in there just called public well where's that go that goes inside your data folder and most mods that say public or generated or whatever sometimes mods they'll just go inside your data folder so drag and drop it in there I'll give you a quick note on this one it gives you the whole directory structure all the way out until the you know you get to the stuff this one it makes all of your different elements of your UI disappear but I don't want all of it to disappear so I'm going to go inside all the way here there we go I like my player portraits to always be on the side because I drag and drop stuff to my player portraits and I don't want to deal with messing around with that so I just delete that one you know if you wanted your map to stay up in the corner all the time you could delete that one you can if you want your dialogue to always have all the options instead of just contextual you can delete that whatever if you want your combat log to be huge you could delete that one but I like to leave the rest of those in there but that's my personal preference these also do not mess with your save file so you're good to go and any mod that has a folder that's like public or generated you just drag and drop it in there and if you ever want to delete it you're going to have to come in here and see which one it is if you have thrown like a whole bunch of mods in here you'll need to figure out exactly which one it is like did I do a texture overhaul for the humans or the elves then you just come in and delete whichever ones that have you know you've downloaded it might take a little bit of messing around but it's not that big a deal the main thing is that mod manager the rest of it's kind of just drag and drop and go so enjoy modding let me know how this works for you let me know how it's working since the latest patch and also now that we're at the end of the video I'll tell you a little bit about this channel hi everybody this is easy mode my other channel is Tech Syndicate I'm way more into gaming tabletop PC gaming Retro Gaming whatever I'm way more into gaming than I am into Hardware so Hardware was always kind of a mistake because I feel like Hardware is really just a vehicle to allow me to play my games and and make make games so I'm also working on a little game project and I'll post updates about that here maybe if you want to hear about it it's a click adventure so let me know if you want to hear about that I'm going to say no to most advertisers on this channel so just that's what's going to happen if you're advertising something and it's not exactly what I want to talk about I'm going to say no if you show up and you're like hey this is Larry in studios Colin we'll give you 500 to do an ad for Baldur's Gate 3. I'll be like okay we'll do that because that's totally something I think good for the audience and for that 500 I could use it to work on the game maybe hire some of you all to do voice acting I should make a video if we make any money on this channel I make a video and then you all can send me voice Snippets and I'll hire some of you to do some voices in the game and I'll pay you how about that speaking of the last thing if you want to support the channel while also getting some cool stuff we do have some Hardware that we made ourselves there we go and also make some music so that's another thing if you like the music you can get that or you can get this Hardware 30 off right now these yes I love I love the way these analog sticks feel but the main thing is it is a very similar layout to the dual shock but it's um you know way less expensive but I like it I like the I actually like the analogs better on this than the Xbox or the PlayStation but that's me I played all the way through Hollow Knight with this thing so yes it does work for super precise crazy stuff 30 off over at with the coupon code back to school so that the keyboard and we got some mice and everything else just go over there and check it out that's pretty much it thanks everybody for watching these videos I hope this one gets more hits than the last video because this one's the kind of the relevant one now that there's been an update but we'll see how it goes if you're going to share any modding videos this is probably the one to share next up I am going to do another modding video specifically talking about the mods that I like we'll start off with the Cosmetic mods that I like because I I do like to customize my characters as you know so we'll talk about that one and maybe get some ideas from all of you like what are your favorite cosmetic mods but I'll see you in that next video in a few days [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: easymode
Views: 111,420
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pc gaming, baldursgate3, bg3, karlach, mods, modding, nexus
Id: In7rgwhV2U4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 39sec (1299 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 06 2023
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