Baldur's Gate 3 Camera Mod & WASD Movement Mod Tutorial: It's Glorious

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learning Studios did an unbelievable job creating the world of faerun the character designs and 3D models are amazing the environments are awesome the level designers the environment artists and the lighting people did such an amazing job and yet we're stuck to a very limited camera that can't really Zoom around and take a look at everything so what would this game be like if we could actually look around and appreciate some of this stuff what would this game be like if we could take the camera and pan up to see the ceiling did you even know that some of these places had ceilings what if we didn't have to click to move what if we could actually use wasp to move our characters like this I wonder what the game would be like if we could just do these few simple things what you're looking at right now is balder Gate 3 with the camera mod it's a much more immersive experience this is a camera system that's more like Dragon Age or even like an MMO or something it allows us to zoom around the world and really appreciate all the detail on the artwork plus it gives us a much closer connection to our character and also the world so what we're going to do in this video is learn how to install this camera mod a mod to allow you to move around with was and easily toggle between was and your regular click to move interface and these are called native mods with Native mods you do not need to worry about your save files you can install them and remove them anytime you like and you don't need the Baldur's Gate 3 mod manager so that's what we're going to cover in this video and then in the next video we'll cover the balder gate 3 mod manager which you'll need for a lot of the textures changes clothing and things that actually affect your save file because you're putting clothing onto your character and then saving the game so in the second video we'll talk about the mod manager and those types of mods plus also just the regular mods that you can click and drag and drop right into your Baldur's Gate folder and just have them change a texture or something random in the game foreign what you'll need first is something called the native mod loader and this allows you to load up all those dll files so just come over here and grab the native mod loader and do manual download we're always going to do manual download make sure you have the ability to read very important all right that one's going to be downloading I'm going to hit slow download I'm going to go ahead and download the other dll files and we'll do it all at the same time native camera tweaks click on files and then do a manual download there we go with the slow download and then I'm going to get the Lost character movement click on files and manual download now I have these three zip files where do I put them where do I unzip them well I'm going to grab my Baldur's Gate and if you're using steam you need to you know just navigate to the folder but the easiest way to do that is to go to your steam client go to Baldur's Gate click on the Cog click on manage and then browse local files if you're using the dog version or whatever you'll just need to navigate to the folder where your game is here's my downloads and this is my Baldur's Gate 3 installation folder so the first thing I want to do is install the native mod loader it comes with a bin file and inside here you'll notice that there is a 2w64 dll now there's already a 2w64 dll in your bin folder so it's going to overwrite that but they've included the original in case you ever want to go back to the original this version allows you to inject other dlls so we can have that camera mod and such so you just take the bin folder and drop it right in there there we go hit yes and replace the file in the destination remember it did give us that original that's where that went let's grab the native camera tweaks see there we go it gave us exactly what we need again the folder structure so go back to your root there's the bin file just the bin folders drop it in there I'm going to grab my wasp movement as well again it gave us the bin folder just drop that in there and let it overwrite things now once we go in here you'll notice there's a new folder because inside here there's a native mods folder and that is what we need for these mods just a folder called native mods now one of the beautiful things about Native mods is we have the dll files but we also have this toml file those can be edited to change the different settings for instance this camera mod here let's open it up now it works very well just as is so you don't need to mess with this if this is too nerdy for you if you looked at this and we're like that's a lot of words I want I want to watch actors read these words to me well then go play the game the voice acting is great but if you're someone who wants to get very nerdy you can come in here and mess with this right now it's set for what the I guess the author of The Mod thinks are pretty good values and I agree mostly one of the things I did change was my camera rotation multiplier is a bit high for my taste so I brought mine down to 7 and you have to make sure if you're changing these values to be less than one you need to make sure that you put zero point whatever because if you just put this it'll cause an error but come through and check this out one other thing that you can turn on and off depending on your preference I turn this off we have clipping so this is floor clipping and what that means is when you zoom down and you hit the floor the camera will stop but I like the camera to go under the floor because I like to look around and see well all kinds of things I'd like to be able to look straight up at the sky if I want to so I change this to false this is my preference and I don't recommend this for everybody but I like to look in all directions because I'm ridiculous I also do bring my keyboard rotation that's the Q and E keys or whatever I bring that down as well to about 1.7 it's a bit too fast for me and a little too jerky so that's how you change that and you can change these values as well with the washed controls you can come in and change which ones or which keys are going to control lost last thing we need to do is remove that giant bar from the bottom because that gets in the way when you're playing in third person so we're going to install a mod from Aether it makes a lot of awesome mods so thanks very much for this one in order to install this all we have to do is drop the file into our folder this doesn't really require anything now there's a few different options if you want to remove everything and have everything contextual they'll come up when you need them or when you hover over them you can just install the immersive UI I like this one but for new players it might be a bit much to remove everything and sometimes you want your portraits on the side and your main and your minimap to have all the features and everything so there's a few different granular versions down here if you want just a contextual action bar you can get that so that's what we're going to go for for the sake of this video just removing this bottom action bar it'll show up whenever you hover your mouse over it or whenever you're in combat so we just need to click on files click on manual download here I'm going to do slow download and this is a folder called public public actually goes in your data folder not your bin folder so just drag and drop public into your data folder I've already got it in there so I'm gonna hit no but it'll install right in there and you don't have to do anything else now when you play the game The Bottom bar will be contextual so it's not going to be in the way foreign [Music] you just simply move around hold on the middle Mouse button to rotate your camera up and down left and right or you can also use the Q and E keys to rotate the camera now I remember I disabled the floor clipping because I like to be able to look straight up their nostrils it's very important to me to to be able to see you know if they've got good nostril hygiene but no I like it for a lot of different other reasons like sometimes if I want to look at the wall I can come over here I've detached my camera and look straight up at some of these wall textures maybe it's because I like to make games and I like to see what they're doing with things but yeah it's a beautiful thing this camera mod is beautiful beautiful scroll in and out it's awesome now I want to note that pressing the caps lock key I always say when I say caps cap locks you know that's not how you say it allows you to switch and I can switch over to Lazelle there we go she can move around it's kind of immersive to like run around like this and hold on control and I can attack look at that it's almost like I can swing in first person or third person and attack things a beautiful thing to play the game this way totally different I want to show you something about combat because that's something that's a little bit different with this camera mod but not that different if I can find something to fight quickly if you want to just walk press the insert key you can change these options as well by going in and editing that toml file I was showing you earlier alright so there we go let's press insert again and then we can run if you want to just automatically run forward press shift W and you can just automatically run forward all right let's go up here and see if there's anything to fight I want to show you something that's important about combat now these these guys note that it has a weird Zoom thing that happens when you're using a projectile weapon I'll show you and then we'll talk about it click zooms out fires zooms back in I found that that was a really annoying at first it zooms out to make sure you can see what you're shooting and what's going on and it's kind of jarring especially if you're like all the way zoomed in and you click pulls out shoots and then pulls back in So what I recommend doing is just getting used to that and knowing that whenever you click you shouldn't be fighting it don't fight just let it zoom out let it Zoom back in because a lot of times it would zoom out and I would immediately start to try to zoom back in like ah what is it doing and it would screw my camera up so just get your projectile set up and shoot wait for it to zoom out Zoom back in and then you'll be good to go let's get her away from this so she doesn't fly off the top and slap him you like some of that yeah yeah whose turn is it now oh it's the Eagles are going to blow Lazelle right off the roof oh reinforcements already these two can handle it good good all right Iselle Let's uh let's just go straight for it oh geez she's brutal it's already over it's Fighters are op and fifth Ed it's so silly like look at this this is one turn oh God and she could heal oh God this is ridiculous so as you can see we made short work of these I don't even need anybody else these two beasts right here zoom in there we go all right let's let's walk a bit there we go isn't this cool freaking cool so yeah that's it and the other thing is really cool about this is you can also set a hotkey in the actual game to hide your UI and I would recommend doing that as well coming over here where's the hide UI interact with us there we go all right so I use my my thumb button on my mouse right here to hide the UI Works beautifully so that's kind of how I like to play I keep the the bottom hot bar you know make it disappear whatever I want to disappear oh the blue jay's back this is what I'm using to play I love this mouse it feels a lot like the Microsoft inteller mouse we also have 30 off right now by the way back to school is the coupon code for this because it's that time of year and then this Mouse I mean this mouse this controller the idea with this was to make something that felt a lot like the modern controllers it works with X input so when you plug it in you can toggle between X input and direct input by holding this down for five seconds and it feels a lot like a lot of the modern controllers mostly looks kind of like a PlayStation controller but I like the analog sticks better than the Xbox or the PlayStation and it's about half the price just doesn't have a gyro on the inside that's where we save the little money there so if you need a gyro then you know PS4 or whatever but I play most of my games with this whenever I'm you know it's not a mouse keyboard game obviously I play this with the mouse and keyboard and here's our keyboard there you go it's a water resistant very quiet listen because it's membrane but it's a nice poppy membrane I was very particular about this membrane keyboard so check all that out in the description back to school is coupon code now let's mod the hell out of this game at the end of this video I'm just going to show you a bunch of the screenshots I've been taking and I'm not sure if you know this or not but I also make music so here's a little music I scored to accompany the screenshots thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] thank you
Channel: easymode
Views: 55,621
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pc gaming
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 11sec (911 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 23 2023
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