BROKEN Light Domain Cleric Build Full Guide + Gear | Shadowheart (Good) Baldur's Gate 3

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that's right it's your boy today we are creating the ultimate light domain cleric build in balers Gate 3 in this video I'm going to walk you through each level what we unlock and how to use it and by the end of it you'll have the knowledge to turn your cleric into a God if you like this video make sure to subscribe for more builds and content and let me know down in the comments what build You' like to see next I read every comment and I love to hear from you guys so with that being said welcome to purge evil thank you for stopping by let's get into it okay guys so starting off with the light domain you'll be proficient with simple weapons mainly using things like maces and morning stars with a shield we'll be getting our endgame weapon towards the end of act one so don't worry about too much what you use before then just make sure you always have a shield equipped this domain is not proficient with heavy armor and so we're forced to wear medium armor which isn't a problem at all because the best gear for this build is going to be medium armor anyways if you're creating your own character as a cleric the acolyte is hands down the best background for role playing and because you get your Boost with insight and religion both of which are home to a cleric highelf is probably the best cleric race but as usual I recommend you play what you want keep in mind that playing the light domain means you're going to be a damage dealer the majority of the time making use of fire and radiant damage this doesn't mean you won't have support spells as well but I'd recommend having another party member to help cover a larger portion of the support role as always for a cleric we're going to start off with flame guidance and thury but with light domain we also start the game with the light can trip so no more torches sacred flame is your classic cleric canant trip guidance you'll use all throughout the game and dialogue en thury as well but not as often our first four Auto prepared spells of the game are going to be inflict wounds which is a huge damage dealer of necrotic damage at melee guiding bolt which is our second big damage dealer with radiant damage and is a range spell that also gives gives advantage on the next attack against the enemy it hits bless which gives the targets a plus 1 D4 to their attack and saving throws and healing words so we can heal our allies from a distance in my opinion this is the most useful healing spell in the entire game and I'd recommend trying to get it on at least two characters because not only can you upcast for bigger heals you can also pick up down teammates from range since we're not going to be focusing on melee attacks with this build we're going to set our strength to 10 which allows us 16 decks for better initi and 15 con for some good defense which we will later raise to 16 with the feat eight intelligence 16 wisdom as this is our main stat and drop Charisma to eight as a cleric wisdom and Charisma are our primary stats and even with charisma at eight we'll still have a plus two to saving throws if you plan on using The Hags hair I'm going to assume you probably know what you're doing so I'm not going to mention that here as it isn't part of this build nor do I think a light cleric would even take that deal history and Medicine are fine for skills but if if you're the face of the party switch history with persuasion here we have our first set of domain spells that will always be prepared with burning hands and fairy fire burning hands is a nice melee range fire spell that damages enemies in a cone shape in front of you within a short distance use this instead of inflict wounds if there's multiple enemies close by Otherwise inflict wounds is going to be your go-to M attack as it can do huge damage especially in the early levels fairy fire is going to be useful in dark areas or groups of mobs and especially in act two and it gives your party advantage on any Enemy Inside of the light it produces be careful because this can also affect your party members lastly when starting with the light domain we get a beautiful reaction with warding Flare which shines light in an enemy's face whenever they attack you and actually gives them disadvantage on that attack possibly causing them to miss entirely and is just another reason why light domain is so good here at level two we're going to get our Channel divinity charge and two spells to use it with turn Undead and Radiance of the Dawn turn Undead literally turns Undead away from you and causes them to run away and do nothing else until the effect ends at level five we'll get a buff to this spell that adds a huge chunk of radiant damage making this one of the strongest abilities we have against a lot of enemies in act two Radiance of the Dawn calls light to the battlefield dealing a nice amount of radiant damage and also dispelling any darkness in the area you'll probably be using this one a lot more more than turn Undead I recommend preparing cure wounds for some stronger heals remember that unlike healing word this is a melee range healing spell but it also is stronger at level three the light domain gets a huge buff in power with level two spells and another set of domain spells remember that these domain spells are always prepared which is absolutely insane because that means we will have flaming sphere and scorching Ray which are both ridiculously powerful and will use them for the entire game scorching Ray is a great fire fire damage spell that hits hard and is able to hit multiple enemies at once I found that the best usage for this is similar to magic Missile in a sense that we want to use it as a finisher to take out multiple low Health enemies before their next turn alternatively hitting one target with each Ray is grounds for some huge damage flaming sphere is a summoned damage dealer that not only does fire damage but also has a toggleable fire Aura around it that sets items and enemies on fire when they're next to it it'll also leave a trail of fire behind it wherever it rolls this is especially great because it adds to our front line and takes some heat no pun intended off of our other party members you're going to want to go ahead and prepare spiritual weapon which is another summon so now we can immediately have two more damage dealers to the battlefield on our first turn with this being a bonus action and all of this makes the light domain one of the most powerful classes you can play as already at level three you can choose between several different weapons each with their own special attack respective to the weapon type my favorite is probably the spear moving on to level four go ahead and get resistance for your canant trip and add lesser restoration to your prepared spells so we'll always be able to cure paralysis blindness diseases and poisons the only feat that makes sense for the light domain at level four is to increase our wisdom to 18 so now we can deal even more damage with our already broken spell list at level five we get the buff to turn Undead that I mentioned earlier that adds a huge chunk of radiant damage to the SP and trust me guys you're going to want to use this in act two all over the place we also get our next set of domain spells with daylight which is also extremely useful during act two and with certain enemies because not only does it allow you to see better it also prevents enemies from turning invisible and there is a bunch of those throughout the game also when you're fighting a certain boss in a Stan's quest line daylight can remove a rather powerful buff the boss has at the very start next up is one of the strongest spells of any class in the entire game and that's Fireball if you know you know this is just a giant Fireball that explodes and leaves the area of impact on fire and trust me guys you're going to love this one we get two more spells to prepare here so we'll go ahead and add Spirit Guardians for ridiculous AOE damage around the cleric which allows us to easily disintegrate groups of enemies with little risk and minimal effort we get to choose between necrotic and radiant damage so make sure you use the right one for the enemies you're facing level six is fairly uneventful but our warding flare reaction gets a buff with which is always nice we get another Channel Divinity charge and also another prepared spell which will be Glyph of warding Glyph of warding is a great heavy damage dealer and utility spell because it allows the cleric to place a magical Rune down at enemy's feet or choco points while also choosing the damage type you can get super creative with this and synergize it with your other party memb strengths for maximum effect quickly moving along to level seven we unlock level four spells and our next set of domain spells which are guardian of faith and firewall both being absolutely busted abilities firewall is one of the most powerful spells in the game as it does insane amounts of damage if enemies touch it so go ahead and cast this one on a lineup of enemies or start Thunder waving groups into it and watch them all turn to Ash guardian of faith is another summon but this one is stationary and it works on reactions meaning it will only attack with opportunity or if an enemy hits it it will return the favor however every time it attacks it loses the same amount of Health points equal to the damage still this is an incredibly powerful spell to utilize as it will do a lot of work for you I recommend preparing freedom of movement at this level because it doesn't require concentration it lasts until long rest and it can be useful in almost any fight this buff makes it so you can't be magically immobilized and you have no penalty for walking through difficult terrain if you cast this on someone who is immobilized it'll immediately break them free at level eight our cleric can trips now add our wisdom modifier to the damage which makes sacred flame more powerful and viable along with us adding another two to wisdom with ability Improvement as our feet alternatively you can get Constitution resilience which will make it easier to maintain concentration on spells like firewall and spirit Guardians by giving us proficiency and concentration saving throws while also increasing our constitution from 15 to 16 giving us another plus one to our checks and saving throws you can prepare any spell you'd like here but I'm simply going to add remove curse for just in case level 9 brings us level five spells and our next set of domain spells with flame strike and destructive wave both of which are absolutely busted first up we have flame strike which does an insane amount of damage that is split between fire and radiant damage and even if the enemy saves they'll still take half damage you're going to love completely obliterating your foes with this one just like our next domain spell the destructive wave this spell is similar to Flame strike but switches fire damage for Thunder damage and has a chance to knock enemies prone Within than its radius both of these are level five spells and hit extremely hard so save them for big Health enemies and groups we're also going to prepare insect plague for a huge AOE that also has huge damage throw this down in a group of enemies and watch them get eaten alive almost immediately planner binding is also a good choice as it allows you to take control of a powerful enemy for 10 turns we won't be using this much as a light claric because we have better spells to do damage with moving up to level 10 the cleric unlocks divine intervention which allows their deity to come in and deal massive damage but only one time for the entire campaign so make sure to save this for the final fight of the game or if you really can't get past a certain boss we'll also get another can trip and you can take either of these as it doesn't really matter at this point and our next prepared spell will be Mass cure wounds just in case we need it on to level 11 we now have level six spells and one slot to use them with the only right choice to make here is to prepare planner Ally with this we can summon one of three creatures from another plane of existence including the daa the diva DEA Diva a Celestial with a Smite attack and a revive a cambian a devil with charming abilities and a fire spell and the Jin which can teleport around the battlefield and cast whirlwinds Thunder Wave and make enemies drunk each of these three summons are powerful in their own right and I recommend playing around with each to see which one works best for you and always remember to judge the situation you're in appropriately before deciding which one to summon at level 12 we can prepare another spell and I'm going to leave this one completely up to you by this time in the game you're already extremely powerful and with our last feet being Constitution resilience our build is now completely overpowered and nothing can stop us our damage spells hit way too hard with our wisdom at 20 and now with Constitution resilience we're not going to be losing concentration ever again I can't wait for you guys to try this build out and see just how strong it actually is and why cleric is probably my favorite class in the entire game I don't really recommend multiclassing light domain with anything but I may have a build in the future that does just that so keep an eye out keep in mind that you can get Constitution resilience at level 8 instead of waiting until Level 12 if you're having a hard time maintaining your concentration spells or just feel like your damage spells are already powerful enough with 18 wisdom gear we have now arrived at the gear section this section will be divided into three parts for each Act of the game these are my recommendations on what you should be equipping throughout your campaign as a light domain cleric Act One luminous armor is a set of 15 AC medium armor that is especially powerful when used with the light domain cleric because it gives our radiant attacks which is most of our attacks the ability to cause radiant shock wave on enemies within 3 m of the cleric what radiant shock wave does is it applies a radiant orb to whatever enemies were in the vicinity and this orb acts as a debuff for as long as it remains which inflicts a minus one to attack roll penalty y on the enemy and also shines light in a small area gloves of belligerent Skies is a pair of gloves that will inflict two turns of reverberation on the enemy whenever we deal lightning thunder or radiant damage which makes it perfect for the light cleric spell list reverberation is a debuff that gives the target a minus one penalty to strength dexterity and Constitution saving throws making this a very useful debuff that we can passively be applying if you're able to stack five turns of reverberation on the same Target it'll take one to four Thunder damage and also fall prone if it fails a constitution saving throw making this one of the most powerful debuffs to look for as the light cleric blood of Leander is by far the best weapon for the light domain cleric and the weapon we will be using for the rest of the game it is a plus three legendary mace that produces light which blinds fiends and Undead and a 6m radius and gives us two busted abilities the first ability it gives us is the ability to Auto revive if our hit points reach zero will instantly regain 2 to 12 health and allies within 9 M will also regain 1 to six Health as well this can happen once per long rest the second ability we get is a spell called Sunbeam this is essentially a kameha Mayo wave made of radiant damage that fires a huge blast that will destroy all creatures in its path and blind them if they might survive once again this can only be used once per long rest obtaining this Mace will take some time as you must travel to the GTH Yankee crash and complete the find the blood of Leander quest line act two luminous gloves is another piece to our luminous armor set and not only does it give us a plus one to our strength saving throws it applies a radiating orb to our Target whenever we deal radiant damage which is all the time this in conjunction with the Luminous armor is a very nice combo to have be careful of the Cobalts dark disti your half plate is a much much better version of the bark skin armor with 16 AC and offering the same perk of having advantage on Constitution saving throws while also giving a shield of Faith to use once per long rest we will also have advantage on stealth checks while obscured though we won't be taking advantage of this very much as a light cleric at this point in the game I would recommend equipping this over the Luminous armor but take note that we will also have other pieces of gear that apply radiating orbs the dark justi your helmet will give us plus one to our constitution saving throws and saving throws against spells we also have a higher chance the crit if we're obscured but don't pay too much attention to that kric Shield is a plus two Shield that gives you plus one on your spell save DC and your spell attack rols while also giving you advantage on dexterity saving throws this is an incredibly useful shield for any class that uses a shield and I'd highly recommend equipping it to your cleric until we get our next shield in act three this Shield is dropped by Krick thorm himself coration ring is a perfect ring for the light cleric and just like our luminous pieces this ring will also apply a radiating orb to any enemy we damage with radiant damage further boosting our orb debuffs callus glow ring is another very good ring choice for the light cleric as it makes our attacks deal an extra two radiant damage against enemies that are illuminated with the blood of Leander equipped and our other pieces of gear constantly proing radiant orbs nearly every enemy the light cleric faces at this point is going to be illuminated making this buff nearly always active act three Helm of baleron is a legendary helmet that you'd want to make sure to pick up on any playthrough this helmet heals you every round and grants a plus one bonus to your AC and saving throws you'll also be immune to stuns and critical hits making this one of the best helmets in the entire game viconia walking Fortress last but not least we will be upgrading our Shield as this Shield gives us advantage on saving throws spell attack roles have disadvantage on you and you get a reaction that allows you to deal two to8 Force damage and possibly knock the target prone The Shield also gives you two spells to use withle Collective shield and warding bond so if you had warding Bond prepared already you can now swap it out with something else and there you have it folks the ultimate light domain cleric build for balers Gate 3 if you liked this video and found it helpful make sure to subscribe for more builds and content and hit the Bell so you don't miss out on any future videos don't forget to leave a comment down below and let me know if you like the light domain and what build you want to see next I'm also very active on the community tab posting every day and I'd love to see you over there as well with that being said I will now bid you all further Ado thanks for stopping by and until next time Purge evil ground in my palm but I ain't put it on yet ground in my palm but I ain't put it on yet ground in my palm but I ain't put it on yet ground in my palm but I ain't put it on yet yeah
Views: 80,821
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gaming, Purge Evil TV, DragonslayerZX, Dragon, Slayer, ZX, baldurs gate 3, dungeons and dragons, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, baldur's gate 3, BALDUR, WALKTHROUGH, TUTORIAL, GUIDE, CLASS, GAMEPLAY, GAME, PLAY, RPG, ROLE, PLAYING, ROLEPLAYING GAME, DND, ULTIMATE GUIDE, WALKTHRU, PLAYTHRU, BALDERS, BALDER, BOULDERS GATE, BOULDER GATE, bg3, SHADOWHEART, SCENE, funny, meme, volo, eye, guts, berserk, build, multiclass, fighter, barbarian, guide, paladin, oath, of, vengeance, pure, leveling, 1-12, light, domain, cleric, max dps, good
Id: 8rznK_1_BKk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 54sec (1074 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 13 2023
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