Baldur's Gate 3 - Only 0.01% of Players Will Get Items - 8 Secret BROKEN Weapons & Armor Gear Guide!

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ladies gentlemen in adventurers of all ages I know this may surprise you but it is somehow time once again Baldur's Gate 3 is incredibly deep in so many ways and for such a large and open world it seems like there is something to do find or loot every three or four meters of walking around it is crazy dense and while you may have been someone who spent 200 hours in your first playthrough just getting through act one and two really just trying to experience everything the game has to offer I bet there are at least a few items that you have never seen within this game and today I'm going to show you some of them as well as some that while people are aware of are just incredibly hard to actually get for yourself and so today is of course another collection of some of the rarest items that exist within the game of course if you know any of the rare items that are not mentioned here ones that are obscure and actually really hard to get feel free to leave them down in the comments so we might even share them with everyone else in a future episode of the series Last Thing Before We Begin then just a slight disclaimer that this does exclude legendary items of course because while yes logically speaking legendary items are the rarest ones technically speaking they are also pretty common knowledge within the community which makes them far less rare than their actual in-game Rarity would imply so we are ignoring those without further Ado then let's get going all the way back in act one where we actually have a few items that I think people are likely to have missed out on right now the first one is the vision of the absolute a unique spear to actually get this thing for yourself you have to undergo a bit of a crafting mission after finding two separate pieces the first one of these pieces is found on this hill located here on your map in act 1 where you will meet a dwarf who is severely injured after some conversation he will die and you'll be able to loot him to finally broken spear shaft item on him then if you head immediately West you will find the owl bear cave most players will know about this cave but after finding out what is inside most of us just sort of Live and Let Live we leave and let them keep going on if however you decide to go full bloodthirsty maniac and kill the owl bear you can loot it to finally broken spearhead item on it if you then combine the broken shaft with the broken spear head you create a whole new weapon the vision of the absolute this weapon is a spear 1v8 with the special effect of absolute night this rolls to potentially blind people that you attack with the weapon making them roll a deck saving throw to prevent it and this weapon also deals 2-12 bonus damage to quote unquote certain creatures that sport multiple sets of Vibes so you know it's pretty special generally speaking this one is less about the power of the item than the obscurity of it while this is probably the least rare item on today's list I still bet the majority of people have never seen this before second up is the sickle it is just called sickle but I'm going to start specifically referring to it as the Red Cap sickle because there are other signals in the game that function differently but the red capsicle is Simply the Best sickle that exists because it has unique stats compared to the others but you simply cannot get it through normal means this weapon is wielded by the redcap enemies so to the blighted Village of waygate in act 1 on the way to Auntie Ethel the melee redcaps all use this weapon but they do not drop it when they die it's not something that you can loot off of their corpses instead if you want to get this item you have to use heat metal as a spell to make them drop their weapon or command drop to make them drop it or anything along those lines that forces Farm of any kind then within the same turn you have to pick up their weapon off off of the floor before they can pick it back up themselves once you have it it is yours and this is a light weapon with 2d4 damage which is actually surprisingly good for a weapon of this size that you can easily do a wield consider that daggers are normally 1d4 normal sickles are 1d4 as well but for whatever reason this sickle that you can only get through funky gameplay choices is 2d4 literally twice as strong yes there are no secondary effects on this but this only matters so much when the damage is this good anyways especially because you can get this super early on in the game third today is the club of Hill giant strength this one is pretty cool not only because the item itself is special but the way that you get it is just absolutely ridiculous in act 1 within the underdark area there is a place called The Arcane tower on the south of the initial area before you get to grimforge after you've hardcore your way down to the bottom of the tower on the rear side you can get the souser flowers that are in the back bring one of them inside to power the elevator and then you can use the elevator from there to go up to the top of the tower at the top of this Tower there is a fight against a number of contracts led by Bernard that can be quite the battle once you defeat him he does have items on him as Loot and also he has things that lead to more secrets that can quickly get you to leave the room very fast however in this room there is actually quite the secret of its own on the Northern side of the area under a little awning you will find a stool this doesn't pop up even if you press alt it only pops up if you happen to walk over and hover over with your mouse manually what does pop up then is stool of Hill giant strength then you just have some pretty normal options for a stool like you can sit on it if instead you attack the stool it will break apart and drop an item on the ground one of the legs of the stool which is called the club of Hill giant strength this is quite simply a club that sets your strength to 19. very interesting to have and it definitely has some obscure usage but it's weird to have a weapon like this being the thing that sets your stat while also not being well done great weapon it's nice but it is far from a good weapon and a regular strength character can easily hit 19 pretty early so it's not crazy but the fact that to actually get this you have to stumble upon this random stool with a special name decide to break the stew tool then pick up its leg off of the floor that's just it's crazy to me fourth of Ben is the snow burst ring this one is found in Act 2 in a somewhat obscure Place specifically it is in last Light in actually but in a far corner of the building and only findable if you pass a perception check specifically this is on the northeastern side of the building on the first floor where you can find this quaint little bedroom area by the bed there's a loose floorboard that you can spot with passive perception checks then of course if you do you can interact with it to loot it and if you do you'll find this ring along with a letter inside as far as what the ring itself is then this gives you the snow burst effect which makes it so when the wearer does cold damage they also create a four and a half meter circle of ice around the target of the attack this is surprisingly good when used correctly and can really cause some problems for your enemies if they then try to move out of the circle of ice after the fact potentially falling over losing movement losing actions is pretty solid and in a somewhat obscure place to find two fifth up today then is the Diva mace which is both exceptionally strong and very very strange now you acquire it before we even dive into the how I do feel compelled to show you the item him itself first yes it is a great weapon but look at the actual stats 1d6 normal but then plus 48 radiant damage the extra 1d4 is not from the weapon itself but the rest of it is all just based on the weapon which means that face this weapon hits for 5 to 38 damage per swing not counting in anything on the character wielding it in the slightest so yeah it is absolutely nutty strong how do you get it then well early in act 3 when he reaches the lower City area you will find these storms or Tabernacle building right here inside of this building there is a locked Cellar in the corner that you can only get into with the NPC inside isn't looking at you while you do it once you are in the cellar it is filled with traps that you'll have to navigate until you can reach the vault at the back of the area inside of the Vault there are a number of chests each one of them with strong items inside of them and if you take any of these items from the chest you will get a curse if you take multiple items you will get multiple curses it Stacks up if you then use remove curse or any other way of removing this debuff it will spawn in a diva enemy or multiple of them specifically matching the number of items that you stole this can also trigger naturally over time remove curse just makes it more of a purposeful timing rather than one that can be a bit of a nasty overlap kill the divas that spawn and the curse will be gone try to loot them and you'll you find nothing there is nothing to actually pick up off of them but if you then do a long rest then after the long rest go back to wherever the place is that you killed the Divas in your game you will find pouches on the floor where their bodies used to be inside of the pouches you will find this item the diva mace once for each enemy that you killed the obscureness of this comes from the fact that you have to get the curse in the first place but then afterwards you have to kill the enemy that spawns from the curse and then it doesn't even come from looting them because you have to do a long rest and then go back to the exact same place after to find the sign tiny little pouch on the ground that contains it six then we've got something equally obscure but for a very different reason the Hat of the sharp Caster this item is great as far as what it does totally worth having in the way that you get it is quite strange being an interaction with a tresem named Tara but only one that can be had if you did something quite specific beforehand at the start of act 3 in Rivington you can hear about how the letter is being sent off to other places are not always getting to their destination and the reason for this turns out to be Tara herself who is killing and eating some of the pigeons you can find her for the first time on top of the Open Hand temple in Rivington by jumping or flying up there however you choose and you can talk to her with speak with animals to get her to stop killing the pigeons and this ends with her saying that she has a lead on some interesting items and she'll be hanging out in the lower City instead you may think that that is a successful end of this and this will move it forwards but it's actually not if you do this tarot will never reappear again in order to have Tara come back you specifically have to talk to her the first time with Gail present in your party and actually nearby as she is actually essentially just Gail's cat he won't understand what she says but basically the same result will happen on the roof you get an item you get the Rings Tara promises to stop eating pigeons but this time because you did it with Gail she will move to a new location for you to find specifically this is Atop The Devil's fee building in the lower City area act 3 up in the northern side you can climb this building any any way that you see fit to get to the roof but you do have to get to the roof an easy way is from the second floor balcony there is a little pillar that you can get to and then jump from there up to the roof and then on the roof you will find Tara once more only this time you will be able to trade with her and in her inventory you will find an item called the Hat of the sharp caster for a measly 70 gold nothing at all as far as cost goes but the item itself is actually really good giving the sharp Caster effect which makes it so when you roll a 1 or a 2 on a spell damage die that die will be re-rolled essentially this means that you can just up your spell damage quite a fair bit on average by cutting out the worst possible luck scenarios when casting then our final item for today is going to be a very meh item in itself as far as the power goes but the Rarity is definitely extreme on this one and that's what this collection is about yeah sure a good few of the items are exceptionally strong compared to other things at similar points in the game but this one is definitely more about the Rarity of the item more than anything else and that is Hope's Quarter Staff in act three you can enter the House of Hope which is the big devilish area and did some really fun time to be there it's totally worth interacting with if you have haven't as you progress the main quests within this area though you will eventually find and release an NPC called hope who has been taken prisoner while here once you have done so they fight alongside you until you get out by which I mean that you actually have control of them the fun part is while there is no way to get their equivalent normally you can while you have control of this character make them throw their own weapon on the floor then you can pick the weapon up off of the floor with one of your other characters to put it in your inventory basically just stealing it but with consent as far as the weapon itself it's just a Quarter Staff plus two sadly nothing particularly special but how many of you thought to even try doing this because well it works a few other spots in the game too to get items that you simply would not be able to get otherwise and that does it for today everyone another nice meaty collection of items that are super rare in Baldur's Gate 3 coming from particularly obscure places or just generally unchosen decisions and a good majority of them are actually quite strong items too which makes it even more interesting how hard they are to get I hope you all enjoyed this then and I hope that you learned about at least a couple of items that you'd never seen yourself before as I always find the more hidden stuff in these types of games to be really fun to actually go out and collect of course again if you know of any more particularly rare or obscure items within the game feel free to stick them in the comments and we might even show everyone else these items in the future like if you liked the video subscribe to the notification Bell for more and most importantly ladies and gentlemen until next time stays sweet Josh cotton and Hollow with the videos dropping the humor like a hammer on your tippy toes bringing entertainment on a daily arrangement to take our insanity and turn it into entertainment yes I said entertainment twice to reiterate that it is nice to look into your faces on a mostly daily basis when you let us in your homes to make the Whole World a Stage yes uh goodbye
Channel: RageGamingVideos
Views: 82,434
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3 deva mace, deva mace, hat of the sharp caster, baldurs gate 3 cat, redcap sickle, club of hill giant strength, baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 best weapon, baldurs gate 3 best armor, best weapon, best armor, weapon, magic item, rare magic item, baldurs gate 3 combat guide, best class, best build, build guide, baldurs gate 3 gear, baldur's gate 3, gameplay, guide, best, paladin, sorcerer, subclasses, baldurs gate 3 act 3, act 3 guide, act 3, secrets, ragegamingvideos
Id: Ut2MsuG3f68
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 45sec (705 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 20 2023
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