Reaching Level 8 in Act 1: A Guide. No Raphael, No Exploits!

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hello again everyone meel here with a special side video to my usual balers Gate 3 challenge R since I started playing this game I've been wondering is it possible to reach level eight in Act One usually people online said no the best you can do is get to level seven or some people would say eight but then either it would be shown they didn't actually know what they were talking about or they were using the exploit where we can find a way to kill Raphael without a fight in act one and that can get you to level eight but like that's just cheating so who cares but at long last I found there is a way without any exploits you can get to level eight and here's a guide about how to do that so here we are casting our shadows into these shadow cursed lands about to go on to act two and we have reached level eight the upshot of which is that if you get to level eight faster it also means you got to level seven faster and level six faster and level five faster and we'll get to level 9 faster and so on and so forth so basically if you're following this guide throughout the Run tend to be a little bit higher level and therefore you get your fun build choices a little bit earlier and you get to put your strategies in place and have all your toys to play with a more of the game which at least for me is a lot of fun now you won't need to follow every single one of these tis we're pointing out here it's kind of more of a menu of options which you need to do most of but not all of now you might be thinking that maybe the way get to level eight is basically just to you Massacre everyone in act one you refugees and goblins like locking St out of all the other questions and things like that in the game and if so that would really kind of suck it would not at all be worth it to get level eight in act one but miss out on number one like every role playing opportunity but you know number two just all the treasures and quests you can get later on the game if those NPCs are alive so luckily you do not have to do that for example all my teing refugees got out alive all the DRS are still down there chanting I only killed kaga and her group just as part of that Quest you do need to fight a lot of stuff though if you deal with pretty much every conventional Quest and every single Monster ever in act one you'll get to about level 7 and A2 once you've cleared out not only the entire surface world but also all the underd dark and Grim Forge and Ros Monastery and the Gan Crest all of that will get you to about level 7 and a half you will not get to eight with conventional play like that though now getting from Level 7 to level 8 takes 9,000 XP and as I said with conventional play if you do everything in act one you'll tend to get about 60% is of the way I would say from level seven to level eight maybe a bit more than that so you need to find yourself about 4,000 is worth of extra XP with creative play along the way so try to find from my list here things add up to about that amount that you want to do it will require doing almost but not quite all of them in any given run a couple of points to make one is just explore explore explore going into new places often gives you hundreds of XP just for walking through a wall or things like that you get thousands over the course of your run that way it's well worth making sure to go to every place even you know what is actually there just to get that free XP just as important as what to do is what not to do you need to avoid anything that would deprive you of XP one of those things and this is a good scene for it is killing enemies with gravity damage if I was for example fighting L down there and I threw an object at him and killed him with the fall damage the object does which could be considerable at this point I would miss out on his XP at least potentially it doesn't happen all the time but it is not worth the risk never kill a big enemy with a thrown weapon fall damage don't even run the risk of that happening if it happens youve just lost XP forever our quest for XP begins here on the nautiloid or rather on the nautiloid before we actually crash landed here I've made two videos now about how you can take out not only commander zulk and the mine flare but also Z's two cambian buddies doing that is worth a pretty solid chunk of XP you know about 300 it's very difficult but it's quite rewarding and there's really no downside to doing it if you have the skills for it and if you don't I mean my guides will help you a lot another basic thing of course is just to make sure you do all the quests in the game which there are quite a few of but one that's worth talking about is this one destroy the ancient Tone If you don't already know that relates to the book necromancy of th which you get in one of the game's best overall side quests I would say once you have the Amethyst in the book you can then open up the book and read through three of its cursed pages to get the quite useful perk forbidden knowledge for the rest of the game I highly recommend doing that in any case even having done that you can still destroy the book if you want to so watch out this then spawn some Shadows but I mean that's not that big a deal so all told we got 340 XP for that now there is a downside to destroy in that book which is now of course we can't complete the rest of the quest in act three anymore mechanically I would say that is well worth it because the reward for doing that Quest is the spell called Dance maab that most of the time is less than worthless it's a trap but if you want to complete the quest for story reasons as I would want to do of course you don't want to destroy it now now as I think I showed in episode 14 of my nine Hells challenge run when we get to the underd dark this is one pre-injured Minotaur over here whose job basically just to run over toward the saluna temple and then get killed by the laser beams guarding the door but if you go into turnus mode or otherwise control him a little bit and then kill him yourself you get 75 XP for the job now early on in your quest you'll surely meet kaga and I highly recommend and for various reasons that you undertake the quest to expose her as a shadowed Druid the ideal order of operations to do that I think is first you can come in here and save Arabella from kaga after done that that can Li you to befriend Maul Down The tling Hideout and she can give you a quest to steal the druid's sacred Relic do not do that until exposing kaga as a shadow Druid if you do that prematurely then you the Druid will end up being aggra against teeth Lings and probably kill a lot of them which you don't want but in any case make sure that you kill kaga once you've exposed her as a shadow Dr don't choose the option where you side with her because you don't get the XP for her at that point she's worth a good chunk unlike most of these Druids here even if you're most exciting against droids I I mean if you want to fight these guys you can do so you can see that I did not do so because I couldn't justify it from a role play perspective they're not much of a fight they're only worth 20 XP a piece so you know killing everything in here at all their bears and whatnot barely matters as it were I think I pretty much already implied this strongly but you need to I think side against the goblins and thereby you know with the refugees because the Goblins give a lot more XP than the refugees and Druids ever would so kill all the Goblins out here and all across all these Goblin infested towns and all through the temple except in here the order will actually matter a bit you can kill all of you know guts followers and those off in these Western quarters too although I would make sure that Roa gets out alive so he can have her ersion and act to in any case what's important though is to not engage either DW Raglin or Menara what you want to do is go into manara's room tell Menara nicely about how there's this Grove Sheltering the refugees then you can do the goblin Siege battle and mathar will spawn a new Army out of nowhere for that battle and you get about 400 extra XP that way more or less I actually made a video about the goblin Siege and how to tackle it with no damage taken on either yourself or your teing allies then you come back and you deal with ro rlin I might also add doing this does not preclude you from getting menar as a companion later on in the game just knock her out at The Siege and as far as I can tell the then Works she will show up at moonrise Tower successfully now another thing you'll probably do pretty early on in your quest is go here to the Risen Road where you'll find some hyenas about to transform into NES now a pretty interesting trick is if you let the hyenas transform into noes you actually get extra XP you get the XP for the hyena dying and then for killing the null whereas if you just kill the heus right out you miss the XP of the N itself so slightly advantageous thing get about another 60 XP out of that it's not worth a lot but it's just completely free XP for doing this encounter at all so good to know about now in episode 24 of my series over here at wen's rest I did a pretty unusual battle which is to choose to fight these flaming fist rather than have them work with us try to rescue people inside the building we rescu them ourselves later on it's a challenging and fun fight and I highly recommend it just as a enjoyable strategy experience and it's also worth 380 XP in total if to kill these flaming fists out here plus their valuable Loot and whatnot and there is no downside of them aware to it you can still rescue the survivors inside the building and you know get all rewards and all quests and whatnot from them so just an upside basically the only question is how to justify it in character for your run I came up with an okay enough reason for mine but if you can't come up with one that's satisfactory you can probably skip these guys and do the other things on my list instead so here in the mountain pass there's actually a few things to talk about one of which is just don't go here too early if you enter the mountain pass too soon walking's rest burns down and all so you can't Advance the refugee Goblin plot on any further so resolve this if we're going into the mountain pass for the first time one of the great things about Balter Gate 3 of course just how many ways there are to go through many of the quests and explore the world interact with people that you meet along the way many times befriending enemies gives the same amount of XP as killing them would have but not all the time I can't give you an exhausted list of every single Quest and every single encounter which ways to resolve them are worth xping which ones are not all I can tell you really is that in general the safest course is the one of Maximum violence and the straight forward resolution of Quests for example with Esther asking for the Ganky egg you can give her an Al bear egg and set convince her to take it which is pretty cool but you get no XP for that you only get XP for giving her the genuine gith yane egg 45 if you don't want her to have it of course you can choose the path of absolute maximum violence and then kill her afterward and take it back all told with a 75 from there plus a 45 from the egg it's 120 XP but you force might want to do things in that way for your run cuz it might or might not make sense now over here nearby the Cobalts in this area are worth an absolutely comical 75 XP a piece despite being complete pushovers something I only recently learned myself is that there are extra ones hiding in these barrels around the room that will not get released in the middle of the fight even if Mo things are in the room we blowing up around them so more XP if you break out all those Cobalts now up here on the roof of the monastery something else I actually did not do perfectly right on my run because I didn't know about it when the the mother Eagle Begins the fight along with you know her son over there she will try to summon several other eagles you should actually allow this to happen that's wor another 160 XP if you kill those Eagles too now that's actually pretty unusual for this game if you for example allow hook hores to summon other hook hores you don't get any extra XP cuz they're just pulling in Hook hores from one fight to another zone so it's the same number of total hook hores overall so you get the same amount of XP likewise as far as I can tell there's no XP you really gain by letting geek Cole reanimate all of these dgar people like that on the beach to fight you with zombies they not really worth significant as far as I can recollect so that's not really worth doing either now in episode 43 of my series to talk about something else that's very important with quite a lot of XP and It's tricky to get right as you first approach The Inquisitor arguing with the kith rck in this office room to get a good chunk of XP from five G than that are standing over there to begin with you must attack in the middle of the conversation and there'll be no button to do so in the actual options at the bottom left you need to Tab out to someone else basically and have them shoot someone in the conversation to begin the battle that way and fight those five G Yankee who are worth about 75 XP a piece so that's a good chunk of XP right there but to avoid any bugs you need to do it in just the right way otherwise you end up with The Inquisitor kind of just stuck side the doorway just staring and it can ruin things so episode 43 talks about the step- byep plan to get all those guys into one big battle without missing out on things with The Inquisitor another potential chunk of XP which you can maybe claim depending what your character choices are going to be for this run is when you're leaving the ganki crush and try to travel to any other region Voss of course shows up and camp with a Raider who he didn't bother to give a name to if you choose to attack him here yes 75 XP for his buddy for a and he's worth 400 let his heresy die with him but this does of course you know lock you out of some content in act three so this would be something I would not want to do normally notably by the way he will not drop the silver sword of the asttr plane he might wondering about he will only drop this otherwise very hard to obtain sword but I mean it's not that great just kind of interesting one chunk of XP that I forgot about while I was making this video originally is The Spectator and the iron flask so if you throw this iron FL as most people know the Spectre comes out that is hostile to everyone including you this is often used for people who want to make a hard fight easier to throw in the Spectre that then be you neutral and attack everyone equally I prefer to have things be the hardest possible fight they can be so I don't really want any surprise allies but you know The Spectator is a decently fun fight in its own right and if you kill it it's worth 150 XP Now The Spectator is part of a quest sort of see it comes from the iron flas that comes from the Caravan strong box that comes from rugan and oi in the zenam quest in risen rot now it's kind of set up as if there's going to be some kind of cool continuation of that quest in act three if you deliver the Caravan strong box but the really is not as of this current patch you can hand it then to a certain random person in act three and there's just like no response no reward no anything so there is no downside really to just getting the iron flask out and battling that spectator yourself for both fun and XP let's talk about the zent quest though and how to do it optimally there are many ways to go through this quest line but to get the maximum XP and treasure I'd recommend doing something like this you come hereabouts and kill off Flyn and rescue the two zentman there who unfortunately my run kill themselves once you've rescued the zentrum do not open their Caravan strong box either befriend the two of them and send them off to their Hideout or take the strong box yourself to their Hideout The Hideout of course is under wen's rest when you arrive at The Hideout zarus is over there and she'll challenge you if you have befriended rugan and oi and have not convinced them to betray the ENT in any way then you can easily PR friend Zars or if you bring her the Caravan strong book that'll work too once you've befriended zarus she'll tell their merchant brand to sell new stock to you including the much coveted although in my opinion somewhat overhyped Titan string bow and you can also then talk to him to free their captive artist Oscar FIS so he can do a truly God awful quest in act three wouldn't want to miss out on that now would we once you have that you have everything you need for them so kill them at will and don't forget there's another group of enter in the back of this Hideout kill those guys too now the XP to be had in the miked colon is pretty easy to overlook I think a lot of people side quickly with their Sovereign spa or Sovereign glut and just dispose the other one which gives you almost no XP you know if you side with glut against spa and then just kill Spa immediately knock him off the edge of the cliff or whatever you get just XP for killing him and then everything else in the colony becomes passive and you don't get the battle though but there are a lot of mikids all told you can get over 400 XP from battling all of them that's a good chunk so if you want to do that I recommend you know side with blood or whatever attack Spa get Spa out of here but don't knock him over the cliff that'll instant kill him keep him alive until they killed every single micad did in the entire colony in one giant very fun battle then finish off spa and then glut will revive everyone anyway also although I of course wouldn't do it cuz it be bad role playing and I'm not you know just killing everyone in the world here you could get a good chunk of XP by killing these four gnomes you can rescue from Grim Forge after dealing with near and so forth they're worth 75 XP a piece I wouldn't do that it's hard to justify in character but I want to just point to that as an option if you were desperate I guess I saw also in this general area you'll find these mushrooms you can jump over to get down to the staircase that leads down to where a bunch of kuoa Worship the Great God bu all if you don't already know about that which I don't blame you CU a lot of people seemingly don't it's a very fun encounter and it's worth a lot of XP whether you side with them or kill them all the Quil TOS are worth a comical amount for how easy they are now one substantial chunk of XP that I didn't think of until after making the first version of this video is from killing the oath breaker Knight if you didn't know about it the oath breaker Knight is this NPC who shows up in Camp if you're playing as a paladin and you break your oath now you could respect any part of member to a paladin or Withers can give you a higher Ling Paladin K here is a paladin already without even needing to respect him he's oath of devotion which is probably the easiest oath of all the break just do anything bad and that'll break that now I feel that would be pretty cheesy honestly to get a hling paladin have him break his oath and just kick him out of the party forever just get the guy in your Camp so you can kill him for XP but I did want to bring it up as an option at least now a few words of caution about this guy killing him won't like change the story but it does have some pretty major consequences so for one thing you only he can restore your oath as a palad so if you want to stop being an oath breaker you need him for that also as far as I'm where you can't resp as an oathbreaker Paladin unless you first restore your oath so you want to make sure that you don't kill him if you ever plan to respect a paladin who's an oath breaker he's not easy to kill you know having almost 300 hit points and pretty good armor class and all the abilities of a 12 level Paladin but if you do bring him down he's worth 640 XP coming back to where this video began right before going to the shadow Cur lands you can have your encounter with elminster now if you choose to battle elminster you lose Gail forever so I wouldn't really recommend that for an ordinary run necessarily but if you don't care about Gail anyway you can get 1,000 XP for battle with El menster which is a pretty tricky fight and I made a video about that too all told this is more than enough XP and all these things I pointed out here to get you over the threshold to level eight so you can choose from all these options which ones are right for you and your run and other than that if you just play thoroughly explore everywhere battle everything and have a good time you should be able to get to level eight and perhaps more importantly along the way you'll have gotten to level seven faster level six faster and so forth and they had all your fun toys and build options earlier in the game for more of these encounters all right hope that helps some of you out there my next goal is to see if I can get my way to level 11 in Act 2 I'm honestly not sure I got very close in my first run of Act 2 but it did seem like I had done everything thoroughly that time so we'll see whether this new knowledge that I have now I can actually get to that level or not let me know if you've already done it or if you have another way or another source of XP to get to level eight faster too thank you for watching everyone and a special thank you to my patreon supporters Master Knight DH Jackie and Leno George grin Travis Carlo Andrea 97 cthulu's mom Andrew kuron Troy skill rap Gregory William Wakefield Danny Hall Jeffrey Morse Josh Becca Jack masas 01 Jacob Marshall nubiana till fiser Discord Colossus Nicholas schmuck kosovich Luke Gman Black Rock dodo King 4 Maron bik MTH techn wavle nebular I Loop Michael Francis Emperor Kong 420 Robin mcky Mick and balls Daniel Sado Stan flanny Michael Marie Christopher aren Stephan vanil Eddie Wendy Ali kasimoglu Lucas riverola Skylar SAU Nick Myers Bethany James M ninjas and prean have a great day everyone
Channel: Melth
Views: 82,270
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Let's Play, Gaming, Baldur's Gate 3, Baldur's Gate
Id: nH2ebTdA2U4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 40sec (1180 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2024
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