Baldur's Gate 3 Monk Guide - Way of the Open Hand Subclass - Level 1-12 Guide

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hey everybody it's Leroy with Leroy gaming and in today's Builders Gate 3 guide we're going to look at the way of the open hand subclass for the Monk we're going to cover features at level one of character creation including ability recommendations give you a full level 2 to 12 breakdown I will also provide you with General equipment recommendations and my thoughts on multi-classing as the way of the Open Hand Monk you can use timestamps below to jump to areas that most interest you and remember to drop a like and leave a comment below of your thoughts feedback and questions and now without further Ado let's check out the way of the Open Hand Monk [Music] all right guys here we are at level one and important things to note about the Monk Is that its primary ability is dexterity but wisdom will be also highly highly necessary you're going to have saving through proficiencies which are strength and dexterity you have a hit die of 1d8 per month level and you can have proficiency with simple weapons and short swords now although we do not pick our subclass at level 1 you will unlock quite a few basic features for the Monk you're going to lock the key feature which is a resource you're going to use to power your monk abilities you're going to get unarmored defense so your wisdom modifier is added to your armor class as long as you're not wearing armor and this is in addition to the bonus from dexterity you're going to get dexterous attack so your unarmed attacks can scale of dexterity instead of strength if your dexterity is higher you also get death strikes so attacking with monk weapons and unarmed attacks deal one two four bludgeon damage unless your normal damage is higher and this will increase as you level up and you have bonus unarmed strike this is important because after making an attack of a monk weapon or while unarmed you can make another unarmed attack as a bonus action so even at level one you're gonna be able to get a bonus attack in now alternatively or in combination you can also use your Flurry of Blows ability this is a bonus action that uses key points and when you utilize it you're going to punch twice in quick succession so at level one you can do your main attack and if you use a key point with your bonus action you can get two more attacks so you can get a total of three strikes and one round even at level one over Monk now the monk is definitely multi attribute dependent mad as it's called you definitely want to have high dexterity and wisdom and also new constitution so the setup I recommend to go with is eight strength 17 dexterity and you're definitely going to want to utilize the hag interaction to save her to get the extra bonus point and dexterity so you can get this to 18. highly recommend it do check out a search for a video for that and then 14 Constitution since you're going to be front line fighting eight intelligence 16 wisdom and 10 Charisma is recommended although you could swap the 10 Charisma for either 10 intelligence or dext or strength depending on your setup now level two you're gonna get an additional key point and you're going to get unarmored movement so your movement actions are going to allow you to move three extra meters as long as you're not wearing armor or using a shield you're also going to get three more key abilities patient defense when you activate this as a bonus action attack rolls against you have disadvantage and you have advantage on dexterity saving throws it lasts one round step of the wind Dash it's going to double your movement and jumps no longer require a bonus action and then step the wind disengage it allows you to disengage jump no longer requires a bonus action either and remember disengage means that you can Retreat safely without triggering attacks of opportunity at level 3 you're gonna get to pick your specialization and we're picking way of the Open Hand you're going to get another key point you're also going to get deflect missile and the way this works is when something shoots you you're gonna be able to use a reaction to reduce the damage that you take from that attack the calculation is one d10 plus your dexterity modifier plus your monk level and if it happens that that number gets reduced to zero you can choose to use a key point to deflect the missile back at the enemy up to 18 meters you're also going to get three different specialized floral blows topple stagger and push and these are basically like the basic Flurry of Blows but in addition to the attacks they will also either knock an enemy prone stagger them or push them back and it costs the same one key point so it basically is a full replacement for the basic for your blows at level four you're gonna get another key point and get slow fall so when you fall you can use your reaction to gain resistance to fall damage this is not necessarily the best way to use your reaction unless you get knocked off or pushed down and are gonna take a ton of damage so very situational but it could be helpful now when it comes to the monk ability Improvement is extremely important here using ability Improvement to get you to exterior 20 and then potentially two more times to get your wisdom to 20 is extremely extremely viable however I will point out that if you wanted to do an alternative setup where you actually go for a strength Monk and there are builds out there for that then Tavern brawler becomes very viable because when you make an unarmed attack it lets you use your strength modifier and add it twice for both damage and attack rolls so this can make your melee hits extremely hard with unarmed attacks but again it does require a completely different setup for the average player I would probably recommend utilizing the ability increase three times to max out dexterity and wisdom you could alternately also put some point in the Constitution but that's probably the best for this class at level five you're gonna get another key Point you're gonna get an extra melee attack every turn and then you're gonna get two new abilities stunning strike melee and stunning strike unarmed and in both cases it utilizes the normal attack but it gives you the chance to stun an enemy and if they get stunned they can't move or take actions bonus actions or reactions and it does use a key point so this would be an alternative to your Florida blows I'm not a huge fan of this I normally just use flurrier blows for maximum damage but it is an option level six is probably the biggest level for the monk you're gonna get a key Point you're gonna get improved on our movement so now it's 4.5 meters boost instead of three you now have key and powered strikes which is very important because you're unarmed attacks count as magical for the purpose of overcoming enemy resistances and immunities to non-magical damage and then you're gonna get manifestation of body mind and soul and they all work the same these are passive abilities that you can activate on your passive bar and it's going to make so each of your unarmed attacks are going to do an extra four to seven either necrotic psychic or radiant damage and you can change this at any time so it's a significant boost to your damage and you're going to get the amazing wholeness of Body Action when you utilize this you're gonna heal you're going to regain half your key points and very importantly you're going to enter a temporary state of wholeness we regain key points which is basically one per turn and have an extra bonus action and it lasts three turns this does stack with the haste spell so this allows you to get an ungodly amount of attacks It's Not Unusual to see monks especially ones that multi-class of Rogues to get 10 or 11 and or in some rare cases up to 12 attacks per round at level seven the monk is going to get another key point you're going to get evasion so this is important because when a spell or effect would deal half damage to you on a successful dexterity throw instead of going to do no damage to you and even if you fail you still take only half damage and then you're gonna get Stillness of Mind basically if you do at any point get Charmed or frightened you automatically cast Stillness of mind to remove the condition so for all intents and purposes you're immune to being Charmed and frightened at level 8 you're going to get another key point and you're going to pick another feat and again highly recommend upping your stats at level nine you're gonna get an additional key point you're going to get Advanced on our movement and at this point difficult three no longer slows you down you can also jump an additional six meters while you are not wearing armor or using Shield and then you're gonna get key resonation punch so what happens here is you're gonna hit a creature and it's gonna have the resonate effect so the Q with an affected entity is resonating within it with a monks the monk can use a key resonate blast to make it explode so basically this marks an enemy you could basically mark multiple enemies and then you can use key resonate X blast which basically it does three to six Force damage it detonates the key of the creature resonating with you hidden a creature and anywhere within five meters of it and the resulting explosion causes any nearby creature resonating with you to also detonate so it can create a chain reaction now do note you can do the key resonation with both your main abilities and also with bonus attacks so if you have numerous bonus actions you could spread the resonation on two three maybe even four potentially creatures then use the key resignation blast to just blow everybody up level 10 you're gonna get an additional key point improved on our movement so now your movement speed increases by six meters while you are not wearing armor or using Shield you get purity of body you're immune to poison damage and can't be poisoned or affected by disease at level 11 you're going to get another key point and you're going to get tranquility long rest Suraj you have an RF piece and it grants you sanctuary So What sanctuary does is affected entity can't be targeted by enemy attacks or spells however it can still take damage from spells that influence a large area condition ends if they affect the entity attacks or is harm or harms another creature and finally at level 12 you're going to get an additional key point and you're going to get your final feed all right now let's go ahead and talk about equipment for the way of the Open Hand Monk when it comes to your main armor you're not going to wear traditional armor but you can get clothing that is meant for monks that can impact you in numerous positive ways and also increase your armor class such as the vest of Soul Rejuvenation here you can get a variety of gloves that will just increase your unarmed damage in this case we have the gauntlets of the Tyrant that add one to four Force damage and may also give you other benefits there's a ton of different ones of this that you're going to find throughout the game and early on you can get ones that just add one to four damage to your attacks and you can start wearing that as soon as possible I love boots of the uninhibited kushigo this is gonna make it so that you do additional damage equal to your wisdom modifier with unarmed strikes this is another reason why you will want to get wisdom to 18 or even possibly 20. and if you do things right you can actually have 20 wisdom and 20 dexterity and get a massive plus 10 to your unarmed attacks cloak I recommend cloak of protection and then when it comes to your rings and amulets Etc definitely find items that are gonna support your playstyle you can get rings that will increase your armor class you can get amulets that help you you know teleport like add Misty steps is one of my go-to favorites anything that's going to help you survive stay as mobile as possible and boost your unarmed attacks is going to be viable you can get a bow just to increase your stats and resistances and while you can use a Quarter Staff if you find one that is specific to unarmed combat and monk combat and there are a couple in the game but if you don't find them don't worry about just having full unarmed setups where you don't put anything in your hands that's perfectly fine all right and then finally let's talk about multi-classing monks are great to multi-class as I mentioned in the level up part of the video at level six you get your biggest boost of power so I always recommend to at least six levels in a monk if you are gonna go with this subclass and then your multi-class really well with the thief Rogue because they get an extra bonus attack that can be used for anything you get that at level three and you can flip that into an extra flurry or blows every single turn so very very powerful you could easily go eight levels a monk four levels of row and that's probably my top recommendation if you're going to multi-class all right guys I hope you guys found this way of the open hand subclass for the monk video helpful if you did make sure to drop a like if you want to see more videos from me and be informed make sure to subscribe and as always guys thank you for all your support and I'll see you guys in the next video all right
Channel: Leeroy Gaming
Views: 25,443
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Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 class guide, baldurs gate 3 classes, baldurs gate 3 monk, bg3 monk, baldurs gate 3 monk guide, baldurs gate 3 monk class, baldurs gate 3 monk build, bg3 monk guide, baldurs gate 3 monk way of the open hand guide, bg3 way of the open hand, bg3 monk way of the open hand guide, best monk subclass bg3, bg3 monk subclasses, baldurs gate 3 monk subclasses, bg3 way of the open hand monk, baldurs gate 3 monk way of the open hand
Id: _C--vAXjhio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 56sec (956 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 06 2023
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