Baldur's Gate 3 The STRONGEST Monk Build Guide! STRENGTH MONK IS BUSTED | Baldur's Gate 3

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hello modern here in today's video I'll be sharing my take on the tavern brawler monk well a better name would be fisting tank because we are going to obliterate enemies with our grenade arms while wearing the thickest plate we can find incredibly High AC really good damage High hit chance and top tier Mobility are the main features of this build now you won't see 99 hits like with the Raging monk but you're still going to run around with insanely high amounts of hit due to hot Heaven brawler works now speaking of Tavern brawler this build does not work without it it's either due to a bug or due to an unintended mechanic but the among stuff does not scale with strength without defeat meaning you will need to respect the character at level 5 and you will have to start as another build be the dexterity build with the monk or you need to throw together a fighter or Barbarian it doesn't really matter I personally recommend a fighter due to its immense early game strength and it being easy to transition into this build we are going to multi the class into that class anyway at later levels now with the introduction of the build out of the way let's have a look at the starting ability score as well as the level progression so let's start with the ability Score first we're going to start with 17 strength 10 dexterity 16 Constitution 8 intelligence 14 wisdom and 18 Charisma wisdom is necessary to resist specific spell-saving throws which include for example whole person very annoying to deal with this one helps the skill proficiencies are to your choice I personally like Athletics and perception anything with Insight also works if you are going to do the talking but I do not recommend that get someone with Charisma in the first level we are going to go with defense the fans gives us one Armor class additionally to do ammo class we get through ammo might not seem like much but it adds up quickly now fight at level 1 gives us a few proficiencies namely heavy armor proficiency as well as Shield proficiency as far as the starting race goes you can go with a variety of different options I personally like the look of Dragonborn so I'm going with Dragonborn my builds do not require race has to do with RP and the feel because this one is not a game you need to sweat in but a game you want to have fun with and for me looks play a massive role keep in mind if you're not level 5 you want to go with the fighter and pick up the superiority Dice and so on and so forth but since I am assuming you are Level 5 already we go with the monk this gives us access to Flurry of Blows as well as some other neat features keep in mind an amort defense is not going to give us any benefits anything that's using the unarmored trait is not going to give us anybody we are here for the flurries blows level 2 in monk gives us a few things like armored movement but we are armored so we don't really pay attention to this the one thing we want to have ready is step of the wind giving us dash on a bonus action for one key point this combined with our jump ability because we're strength based we're going to jump much further those two abilities jump and step of two and dash are the most important Mobility space you have in your Arsenal at level 3 with the monk go with the way of the Open Hand this gives us topper stagger and push pushing enemies into chasms one shot stem staggering enemies prevents them from using reactions not that useful and then we have glorif blows topple you want to default to this specific flow of blows every single time after you gain it applying prone to an enemy gives you advantage on attack rolls against them and the enemy cannot take actions bonus actions reactions and has disadvantage on strength and dexterity saving throws a very strong ability you're going to use all the time at level 5 or level 4 monk you're going to get access to the first feed now the first feat is going to be obviously Tavern broader which is found at the bottom of the list Tevin brawler gives us one point in strength which is massive for us and gives us the ability to modify our unarmored attacks with strength additionally it doubles that bonus and that hit rate meaning at the current level we have 18 that's a plus 4 we have Plus 8 to hit and plus 8 to damage now your tooltips will lie to you your florif blows will show plus zero just a hit times just the regular 1d6 but this one Tavern brawler applies behind the scenes when you look at the locks in the chat you can see it's rolling the damage it's rolling the hit and you're going to hit for massive amounts of damage then again a level in monk fifth level here because we wanted extra attack stunning strike is not going to be something we use at all basically but extra attacks the best thing ever and notice something for each level you are getting key points you need key points to use your flurry blows and then we get to level 6 at level 6 you're getting manifestation of body mind and Soul this one is a tubular ability I'll show you in a moment that gives you an additional 1d4 plus 2 damage per an armored hit now this one can be toggled in the passive section down below you will see the passive window you need to press one of the buttons here and it's toggled on you cannot have multi-blown so just one now when you look at the damage you need to look at your unarmored strike it's 1 D6 plus 8 plus 1 D4 because of the glove I'm currently wearing plus 1 D4 plus two radiant damage that's the damage you're going to deal with one single hit now when we go to a Target dummy and hit the target dummy like so you're going to unlock unnumbered strikes 1d6 but if you hit an enemy with this strike you're going to still apply the same damage you apply with other mod strikes despite it not stating this fact the same is true for Flurry of Blows 1d6 but you're still going to deal insane damage as shown in the introductory clips now that's the core of the build how do you proceed further the next level level 8 is going to go into Monks at level 7 you get a really strong ability when your character does a dexterity saving from it's usually going to lower the damage of a spell by half but with evasion it lowers it to 0 so you get no damage from a basically a fireball and it halves the damage if you fail it's an incredibly strong defensive mechanic and you get still of mind when you get Charmed or frightened you automatically cast Stillness of mind to remove the condition so this level is exceptionally strong defensively afterwards you want a second level in fighter meaning level 9 is going to be a fighter level this ability is provided to you one time per long rest this gives you insane amounts of burst damage at the next level we have two choices the first one being Champion if you don't want to use a superiority Dice and want a more simplified play style go with the champion gives you a plus one to a crit roll so you don't need to roll a 20 on a it dies but in 19 or 20 to provide you with a crit basically a five percent increased chance to critically strike now if you want to flavor up your playstyle you want to pick the battle map Tibetan master provides you with four superiority dies that regenerate on a short or long rest and those dies are d8 those dies can then be spent on special moves the first one we are going to pick is repost as a reaction on an enemy missing us we are going to expand a dice and strike them back it's a reactor and it's exceptionally strong think of this one as an attack of opportunity on enemy misses keep in mind this damage is increased by 1d8 because we spend as the priority dies the next one is going to be trip attack we spend the superiority Dice and can make an enemy prone so we have flurries blows to make enemies prone or trip attack both are valid and the last one is going to be something defensively we're going to go with evasive footwork this one Buffs you so every enemy that's attacking you needs to roll two times to hit you and the worst dies is getting picked it's an incredibly strong defensive tool in Your Arsenal the next level is going to go again in fighter we'll now get access us to another feed and with this feed we can go two points in strength and combined with Heaven brawler down below we're getting 20 base strength with this class and this means with our underwater tags we get two damage and plus two to hit very very strong now if this one finished every single other level is going to go into the monk so we're going to end up with a level 8 Monk and deliver 4 fighter this means we have one feet we can choose whatever we want and with the last one we are going to go with lucky now lucky is something that's really underutilized in the real game in DND 5e but in battle Skate 3 you get a lucky hit dice back a lot more often so if this one you can impose an advantage on attack rolls ability checks or saving throws for you or make an enemy reroll their attack rolls making them Miss basically an advantage or disadvantage at the end if you do not like that you can just go with for example tough to get more Health Sentinel for a defensive option made Slayer to make life form Mages very very difficult or athlete to increase your jump distance now lastly a very small section about gear you can get a ton of AC as you can see with this character we have 22. you're going to wear a shield that's giving you a plus two to armor and you're still perfectly fine with your unarmored attacks so don't forget to slap on a shield if you're going this route and keep in mind there's a ton of things to increase your damage for example glass will give you on our numbered attacks additional damage and you can use your companions for example the Paladin to impose a plus for damage radiant damage on your allies and since we are attacking multiple times with this character each of those hits is going to hit for the addition for radiant damage fluid blows 8 damage anyway if you like this video make sure to leave a like leave a comment if you have any questions and don't forget to subscribe if you haven't already you can also join the channel membership or leave a donation if you have the spare coin so see you next time and bye
Channel: Mordarim
Views: 62,232
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 builds, baldurs gate build, baldurs gate melee build, baldurs gate monk build, baldurs gate best monk build, baldurs gate strength build, baldurs gate best strength build, baldurs gate 3 build guide, baldurs gate 3 monk guide, baldurs gate 3 fighter guide, baldurs gate 3 raging monk build, baldurs gate 3 best fighter build, baldurs gate 3 monk multiclass build, baldurs gate 3 fighter multiclass, bg3 monk, bg3 monk build, bg3 best monk build
Id: NdoViJ6phq8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 20sec (620 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2023
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