Baldur's Gate 3 Monk Build Guide - Early Game Monk Builds

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in this Baldur's Gate 3 video we're going to be taking a look at three early game monk builds this is up to level six of the game we'll be doing proper build guides later on but I wanted to give some like early monk builds that you could put together and use each one of these builds is going to show a different subclass of the Monk and these aren't multi-classed and that's because you basically if you're going three levels in monk to get a subclass you're basically at the beginning of the game better off going to five levels and getting extra attack there's not a lot of reason to go like three and three early on in the game something like that miss out on extra attack because it's so strong so you'd want at least five levels of Monk you could take one level of something else if you want but I don't really see much of a point in taking one level of other stuff at this point in the game you could if you wanted to but that's why I basically don't have the multi-class here you probably multi-class monk like three and something else or you know like five and Monk and seven and something else but considering that we're only going up to level six here and that's why I don't have the multi-class so the first build we're gonna take a look at is a six levels of way of the four elements Monk and the reason it's good to take six levels of this subclass specifically is at level six you will gain access to three more monk spells that you wouldn't have access to if you took five levels and what I really like about this build is that you get everything else you'd get with a monk at this level you get an extra attack stunning strike you can deflect missile you can use patient defense to give enemies disadvantage on their attacks so there's a lot of you know melee stuff you can still do as the monk but then you can throw out an AOE spell every now and then if you need one like if you get surrounded or maybe there's just a great opportunity of a bunch of enemies grouped together and that gives you some extra AOE a lot of Martial classes don't have good AOE like that's the downside of playing a martial class mdg3 is they typically don't have a lot of AOE options maybe hybrids do but generally martial classes don't so this gives you an answer to that problem and since you can still spend your key on Flurry of Blows or patient defense or step of the wind you still have options you don't have to throw out a spell every time you could throw out a spell you have the option to spell cast or you have the option to do you know what other monks would normally do in melee combat so it really gives you a lot of different things you can do in combat and that's really really fantastic so next let's take a look at six levels of way of Shadow Monk and a good reason to go six levels of way of Shadow instead of five and something else here is because you gain Shadow Step at level six of way of Shadow monkey and this is going to allow you to teleport as a bonus action from a lightly obscured place to a lightly obscured place and then your next melee attack for one turn is gonna have advantage and this is arguably one of the best class features in the game because it's basically a free teleport every turn as long as you're you know in like not the most well-lit place ever and you can stay away from enemies they'll never really be able to catch you because you have your movement speed and teleport and it's a bonus action so you could theoretically attack then teleport away they catch up to you attack teleport Away really really strong and remember that after you teleport you're going to gain advantage on your melee attacks so you know if you teleport to a Target in the back line or something like that hit it with stunning strike maybe stun it maybe stun another Target it can be extremely strong so you definitely don't want to go five levels of wave Shadow and then miss out on Shadow step which is arguably one of the best class features that way of the Shadow monk has if not the best another thing I really love about way of the Shadow Monks is that they can hide as a bonus action like Rogues can or like gloomstock or Rangers can so if you make an attack or something and you kill an enemy and then you want to like move away and hide so you can't be attacked when it's not your turn uh that's a really valid strategy with this setup and I think it's a great way to prevent damage you don't want your monk being attacked if possible on another really good subclass feature that you gain at level five is Cloak of Shadows this allows you to become invisible for 10 turns as long as you're lightly obscured and there's no rest requirement for this which means that you can go invisible anywhere that you're at least lightly obscured and you're going to be invisible for 10 turns that's really really strong I think that's even stronger than just about every other class in the game other than the fact that you know you have to be lightly obscured when you use it some other invisibilities you know you can use anywhere but still a lot of areas in the game are lightly obscured and you can always move into a lightly obscured area and then cast this if you need to so I feel like you can get a lot of use out of this when you're like sneaking around in areas of the game particularly like in the shadowed lands it's really strong there so this is a really really powerful ability as well and obviously the way the shadow pairs very well with Rogue in order to get sneak attack damage because you can use Shadow step to position yourself next to an enemy haven't image on your attack that's going to trigger sneak attack automatically which is really really strong but at this point in the game you don't want to sacrifice your extra attack in order for to get sneak attack damage and obviously you don't gain Shadow step to level six so you really can't multi-class well with way of shadow in my opinion until after about level six from this point forward you could start taking levels of Rogue or something like that in order to gain that sneak attack but like you don't want to Shack or flip sacrifice your extra attack and Shadow step and to gain some sneak attack that you might have a harder time pulling off until you have those class features and lastly we come to wave the open hand and again I have six levels of this again you're going to want extra attack at level 5 and sunny strike at level five so you definitely want to go at least level five but we have the Open Hand also gain manifestation of mind and manifestation of body manifestation of Soul at this level allowing them to add different damage types to their unarmed attacks and they gain wholeness of body which can heal them give them an extra bonus action for three turn and give them one key per turn and also replenishes half their key so that's really really strong when you go into that in combat because that's going to allow you to use like Flurry of Blows or unarmed attack you know twice every turn on top of you know your regular attack so you get a ton out of this and we have the Open Hand monks have more of a focus on unarmed attacks and way of the open hand you know obviously has much more of a focus on armed attacks because of these manifestations that add extra damage to your unarmed attacks luria blows takes really good advantage of this you want to use Flurry of Blows often and you have that modified Flurry of Blows right like you have a Flurry of Blows that can stagger an enemy this is a guaranteed stagger when you use this modification by the way because there's no saving throw and a staggered enemy can't take reactions so you theoretically could run up use fluria blow stagger and then hit them a couple times and then run away and they're not going to be able to opportunity attack you because they can't take a reaction that's really really strong because of no saving throw and the Plush Version does have a saving throw and so does the topple version push targets the strength of the character and topple targets dexterity saving throw these is equal to 10 plus your strength or dexterity modifier this I believe has changed a little bit from the way it's handled in tabletop where it would use your proficiency wisdom modifier and plus eight not the case with these here in my testing that's what I found to be so the higher you crank your dexterity or strength there depending on what type of Monk you are is going to make it even more likely to pull off these attacks which is just great because then you don't have to worry about wisdom if you're playing a way of the Open Hand lump I'm moving forward with this I could really see multi-classing with thief in order to gain an extra bonus action that means when you're using wholeness of body you have three bonus actions for three turns and if you attack then you gain your extra attack so you theoretically could get five attacks there and keep in mind that you can use stunning strike too as you know your first attack and your free attack that you gain from extra attack so you can stun a lot of things you can kill a lot of things you can push a lot of things like that's a really strong pairing that doesn't even factor in potential sneak attack damage so that's really really good in my opinion but again because you gain all these things from the monk you know up to level five and then you gain these really good things at level six probably wouldn't start multi-classing after until at this point so that wraps up our three early game monk builds I hope you can see why I didn't really multi-class them there's a lot of good things up to level five in the Monk and then obviously each subclass gets something kind of really good at level six so I think for most monk builds you're either just gonna take three levels and go nine of something else or you're gonna go kind of six and six because those subclass benefits you gain at level are really strong stay tuned for more vg3 content we do have our Ranger class guide coming so if you guys have been looking forward to arranger stay tuned for that and again if you have more tips please leave them in the comments below or questions and I will try and answer them [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Fextralife
Views: 110,860
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Keywords: baldurs gate 3 Monk build fextralife, baldurs gate 3 Monk build guide, baldurs gate 3 Monk build reddit, baldurs gate 3 best Monk build, baldurs gate 3 rogue Monk build, bg3 Monk build, bg3 Monk best subclass, bg3 Monk build multiclass, bg3 best monk build, baldurs gate 3 way of shadow build, baldurs gate 3 way of the open hand build, bg3 open hand build, bg3 way of shadow build, op monk build bg3, bg3 best build, baldurs gate 3 monk, bg3 monk multiclass, bg3 monk subclasses
Id: hIfb6V7CHpo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 36sec (516 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 02 2023
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