Way Of The Open Hand Monk - ALL Attacks And Abilities - Baldur's Gate 3 Subclass Guide

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with its ability to regenerate key points mid combat and multiple damage types to his Flurry of Blows including psychic necrotic and radiant as well as adding different versions of flurry blows like push stagger and topple and even having the ability to detonate enemies that you've hit hey guys Omaha here and today I'm going to show you the way of the Open Hand Monk and everything you'll unlock for levels 1 through 12 including all his attacks and abilities Chanel your Cosmic Enlightenment by defly dodging and efficiently disassembling your foes through stunning strikes and a whirlwind of Martial Art Attack so as a monk you'll get weapon proficiencies and simple weapons and short swords which adds your proficiency bonus to attack roles with those weapon types basically makes it easier to hit you're also going to get the action Flurry of Blows where you punch twice in quick succession this is a bonus action and key points so here's the Flurry of Blows attack it's going to do 8 to 14 damage to start and that's going to be bludgeoning damage and it's two separate attack roles so if you have on hit effects they can apply it twice so flua blows actually does 1 to four plus your dexterity modifier budging damage once you hit Level three it'll go up to 1 to 6 plus your dexterity modifier and then at level 9 it'll go up to 1 to 8 plus your dexterity modifier then you'll get the class features key which are your key points so here you can see I start out with two key points uh they replenish on a short rest so if I use my Flurry of Blows that uses one key point and then I could just short rest fill back up to full unarmored defense so your reflexes are as effective as any armor while not wearing armor you add your wisdom modifier to your armor class you'll see I have a armor class of 15 10 from base plus three from dexterity and then the plus two down there from wisdom un armored defense and my wisdom modifier is plus two right now because my wisdom is currently 14 martial arts dextrous attacks so attacks with monk weapons and unarmed attacks scale with your dexterity instead of your strength if your dexterity is higher martial arts death strikes attacks with monk weapons and unarmed attacks deal one to four bludging damage unless their normal damage is higher so that just guarantees you're going to at least do one to four bludgeoning damage with uh monk weapons and unarmed attacks and monk weapons are weapons that you're proficient in and they don't have two-handed or heavy properties your Martial Arts death strikes will actually scale so at level three it will go up to 1d6 or 1 to six bludgeoning damage and then at level 9 it'll go up to 1 to8 bludgeoning damage and then there's martial arts bonus unarm strike so after you make an attack with a monk weapon or while you're unarmed you can make another unarmed attack as a bonus action so for martial arts bonus unarm strike if you make your normal main hand attack whether you hit or miss it'll pop up down here saying unarmed strike which does four to seven bludgeoning damage and it uses a bonus action you then apply your ability points and it says here your dexterity is your most important ability typically that's what it is unless you're going Tavern brawler monk which is very overpowered and highly recommended uh in that case you would want to primarily level up strength you're also going to apply your skill proficiencies here and you'll be able to choose two from Athletics acrobatics stealth history religion and insight so as we move on to level two you're going to get your first Health increase your third key point and the class feature unarmored movement so your movement speed will increase by 10 ft if you're not wearing armor or using a shield you also get three actions patient defense so attack rolls against you have disadvantage where it rolls two dice and uses the lower value and you'll also have advantage on dexterity saving throws so you're going to roll two dice and use the higher value and dexterity saving throws are typically on like AOE based spells so that'll be for only one turn use a bonus action and a key point so here's what patient defense looks like you're just going to use that and then for one turn you can focus on avoiding attacks then there's step of the wind Dash where you double your movement speed jump no longer requires a bonus action for one turn so this use a bonus action and a key point this is the same thing as Dash except you can now jump as much as you want pretty much as long as your movement speed allows it and here's step of the wind Dash so again it's like a normal Dash doubles your movement speed so now I can run like way over here but now I can just jump as much as I want and it only uses 10 ft of movement speed regardless of how far you can actually jump so if you have like enhanced jump I mean you'll be moving quite a bit you can pretty much get anywhere you want and your jump also scales with your strength so if you're going tabern brawler monk it's even better and then thirdly you'll get step of the wind disengage so this is the same as disengage uh except jump no longer requires a bonus action and it'll also use a bonus action and a key Point once you hit Level three this is where you're going to choose your subass and for the video I chose W of the open hand you specialize in unarmed combat using your hands and your control of key to heal or inflict Grievous hurt this will gr you three different Flurry of Blows actions um it's going to do the same damage as flurry of blow now that you're level three that's 1 to six plus your dexterity modifier so punch twice in quick sucession and possibly knock the target prone for one turn so when they're prone they can't move or take actions bonus actions or reactions and have disadvantage on dexterity and strength saving throws so attacks against a prone creature have Advantage if they're made within 10 ft of the creature and they have to spend half their movement speed to stand up and again that's one turn this is a bonus action uses one key Point here's Flur of blows topple so now he's prone for one turn which gives you that Advantage FL blow stagger same damage punch twice in quick succession and stagger the target making it able to take reactions again that's a bonus action and one key Point here's Flur of blows stagger so now open hand technique staggered is applied for one turn took a powerful blow can't take reactions so I can just run out with no opportunity attack then there's Flurry of Blows push same damage punch twice in quick succession and possibly push the target 17 ft away here's flurry blow's push so this is going to show where you're going to push them to when you highlight them and and there you go pretty good for pushing people down into like an abyss or something on top of that you're going to get your normal Health increase your fourth key point and the class feature deflect missiles use your reaction to reduce the damage from a ranged weapon attack by 1 to 10 plus your dexterity modifier plus your monk level so at monk level three that would be plus three plus my dexterity modifier plus 1 to 10 if the damage was reduced to zero you use a key point to deflect the missile so the skeleton here is about to hit me with an arrow it pops up asking me if I want to use my reaction to deflect missiles so this is going to reduce the damage by 1 to 10 there it reduced it to zero so now I have the option to use a key point to reflect the missile back at him so I'll do that and I missed but you get the point that's what it does once you hit level four your Health's going to go up again you'll get a fifth key point and the class feature slow fall so when you fall you can use your reaction to gain resistance to Falling damage which basically makes you take half damage so if you go down to passives down here uh you'll see slow fall right there and you can toggle that on or off and when it's on if you fall and take fall damage it'll half it so instead of one I took zero and just to show right here in the combat log it says 15 ft of falling equals zero budging damage mitigated one from slow fall and then you'll get your first feet on hitting level five your Health's going to go up yet again you'll get a sixth key point and the class feature extra attack so you can make an additional free attack after you make an unarmed or weapon attack it's basically two attacks per turn you also get two actions stunning strike melee which possibly stuns the target for one turn and when they're stuned that can't move or take actions bonus actions or reactions and stunning strike unarmed so the same thing but it's an unarmed strike here stunning strike unarmed so now he's going to be stunned for one turn we can't move or take actions bonus actions or reactions and also I have advantage on my attacks against him now here's stunning strike melee this actually takes your melee weapon damage so for me that's 1 to eight plus three and There I destroyed him but it would do the same thing and stunning him once he level six is actually quite a lot first you'll get the health increase your seventh key point and improved unarmored movement so your movement speed increases by 15 ft while you're not wearing armor or using a shield and the class feature key empowered strikes so your unarmed attacks count as magical for the purpose of overcoming enemies resistances and Immunity to non-magical damage so that's going to enable you to do full damage with your unarmed attacks against people that would normally have resistance to like bludgeoning damage and then you'll get three subass features each one improves your unarmed attacks damage and adds a different damage types so there's manifestation of body your hands sap the key from your enemy's bodies adding 3 to six necrotic damage to your unarmed attacks manifestation of mind your strikes interrupt the key flow of your enemy's Minds adding 3 to six psychic damage and manifestation of Soul infus Your strikes with key from outside your body adding 3 to6 Radiant damage so for your manifestation abilities if you click down here on passives you'll see all three right there psychic necrotic and radiant you can only have one active at a time and that damage is actually going to be 1 to four plus your wisdom modifier so for me right now I have wisdom of 14 which gives me a plus two that's how I'm getting 3 to six extra damage and here I've got radiant toggled on so I'll just hit him with one of these and there's the radiant damage on top of the normal bludgeoning and then finally you'll get wholeness of body this is a class action that does 18 healing and that healing is actually three times your Monk's level so at level six that's why it's 18 regain your half your key points immediately and enter a temporary state of wholeness where you regain key points and have an extra bonus action and wholeness is where you're going to get get the extra bonus action and you'll recover one key point every turn and then that'll last three turns so here's holdiness of body right now I have three key points and my Max is seven so I'm going to use that and it's rounded down so I get three more key points and now I have two bonus actions as you can see right here and so for the next three turns I'll have an extra bonus action and I'll get one extra key Point per turn at level seven your Health's going to go up again you'll get your eighth key point and the class feature evasion your agility lets you dodge out of the way of certain spells when a spell or effect would deal half damage on a success dexterity saving throw it deals no damage if you succeed and only half damage if you fail so typically dexterity saving throws are used on AOE based spells so if you succeed the saving throw you're just going to take zero damage instead of half like you normally would and then if you fail it's like you pass the saving throw without this ability and then you'll get Stillness of mind if you are Charmed or frightened you automatically cast Stillness of mind to remove the condition level eight you'll see your health go up again you'll get your ninth key point and you'll be able to choose your second feet once you at level 9 your health will go up again and you'll get your 10th key point along with the class feature Advanced un armored movement so difficult terrain no longer slows you down and you can jump an additional 20 ft while you're not wearing armor or using a shield difficult terrains typically like ice grease Thorns mud stuff like that and that would half your movement speed typically so this just removes that effect so you can just run through it like you would run on any other terrain so now you can see my jump here goes 38 ft and it still only costs 10 ft of movement speed to use so if I had higher strength I only have strength of 12 right now just for this video but that would be increased even further so yeah it lets you get around the battlefield pretty quickly also your unarmed attacks are going to go up to 1 to8 plus your dexterity modifier damage instead of 1 to six since you're at level 9 now that is the final increase to that and then you get three actions key resonation punch key resonation punch bonus action which is the same thing but a bonus action and then key resonation blast so key resonation punch does your unarmed attack damage so 1 to eight plus your dexterity modifier for me plus three hit a creature with your bare fists making the key and it's body resonate with yours you can then make the key explode with key resonation blast this lasts for 10 turns so that's how long you have to use key resonation blast it's 10 turns so resonating key the key within the affected entity is resonating with a monk so the monk can use key resonation blast to make it explode and then this one's the same except a bonus action and then there's key resonation blast which does 3 to 18 Force damage detonate the key of a creature resonating with you hitting the creature and anyone within 17 ft of it the resulting explosion causes any nearby creatures resonating with you to also detonate on a save the targets will still take half damage and this used as a key point so here I'll use the normal key resonation punch take you first it's an action since I have two actions I can use that again so now he's hit with it and then I can use my bonus action version so now three of them have it and um if you had an extra bonus action from holess of body you'd be able to do it to a fourth guy and I mean you can get a lot of bonus actions through different means so yeah you can hit as as many guys as you want in your turn then you use key resonation blast which is actually a free action except it uses a key point so it's not going to use an action or bonus action and then you just choose your Target and detonate and anybody within this AOE will detonate and this is the range that you have to use it once you H level 10 your health will go up again you get your 11th key point and improved unarmored movement your movement speed increases by 20 ft when you're not wearing armor or using a shield and then you'll also get purity of body you are immune to poison damage and you can't be poisoned or affected by disease thanks to the purifying key flowing through your meridian so that's pretty obvious no more poison damage for you and you can't get any diseases level 11 your health will go up you'll get that 12th key point and the subclass feature Tranquility so long rest will surround you with an aura of Peace granting you Sanctuary with Sanctuary you can't be targeted by enemy attacks or spells however you can still take damage from spells that have an AOE condition ends if the affected entity attacks or harms another creature and will receive Sanctuary blocked for one turn so you can't get Sanctuary again basically for one turn here let me show you guys that I'll do a long rest and now I'm awake with sanctuary and it's permanent until I attack and finally we have level 12 where you're going to get your last Health increase your 13th key point and you can choose your third and final feat and that'll do it for the way of the open hand subass for the monk if you guys enjoy this video hit the like button it helps me out a ton subscribe if you guys want to see more videos like this and thank you guys so much for watching we'll see you next time
Channel: Omaha
Views: 10,172
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Keywords: baldurs gate 3 monk guide, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 monk build, baldurs gate 3 guide, baldurs gate 3 monk, monk guide baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3 monk class, baldurs gate 3 classes, baldurs gate 3 class guide, baldurs gate 3 best monk build, baldur's gate 3 monk guide, best monk build baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3 best build, baldurs gate 3 monk build guide, baldur's gate 3 monk, way of the open hand monk, way of the open hand monk bg3
Id: klUqhYDxyN4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 35sec (815 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 10 2023
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