Baldur's Gate 3 Monk Guide - Way of the Four Elements Subclass - Level 1-12 Guide

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hey everybody it's Lyra from lero gaming and in today's Mother's Gate 3 guide we're going to be looking at the way of the four elements subclass for the Monk we're going to cover features a level one of character creation including ability recommendations you're going to get a full level 2 to 12 breakdown of this Elemental focused monk subclass we're also going to be looking at the specific spells you get access to which do include unique spells that only the monks get also I'm going to give you General equipment recommendations and my thoughts on multi-classing the way of the for elements monk you can use timestamps below to jump to areas that most interest you and remember to drop a like and leave a comment below of your thoughts feedback and questions and now without further Ado let's check out the way of the four elements Monk [Music] all right at level one it is important to note that you're not gonna get to choose your subclass right away the monk however has a primary ability score of dexterity they're going to have saving throw proficiencies and strength and dexterity their hit die is 1d8 hit points per month level and you're gonna have very basic proficiencies and simple weapons and short swords now you are going to unlock numerous class features the first one is going to be key which is an energy pool that you're going to use for powering some of your monk abilities you're going to get unarmed defense which means you can add your wisdom modifier to your armor class as long as you're not wearing any armor you get dexterous attacks which allows you to use the dexterity instead of strength for your a monk weapon and unarmed attacks as long as your dexterity is higher than your strength you also get depth strikes and then you also get death strikes this makes it so that attacks of your monk weapons and unarmed attacks deal one to four budgeting damage unless your normal damage is higher this does scale up as you get higher in levels do note that monk weapons or any weapons that you are proficient with in this version of the game and finally you get a bonus unarmed strike this basically means that when you attack of a monk weapon or unarmed you can use a bonus action to do another attack so right off the bat without using any key you can technically get two attacks per round now you can use your key at level one to use Flurry of Blows which is a bonus action that uses a key point which does two rapid fire attacks so you could basically do three attacks maximum at level one with a monk now as far as ability scores go the most important abilities are going to be dexterity at 17 Constitution at 14 wisdom at 16. you'll notice right now I'm showing strength intelligence and Charisma all at eight you have two points left you can put them in any one of these that you want I will for example put it in strength right now just so you can jump a little further and also so you have a higher weight capacity now do note I have the exteriorate 17. you can do a search on the Internet or YouTube for the hack Quest or dealing with the hag if you help around you can get a prominent plus one to one of your stats and I would recommend putting that in dexterity here so that you can quickly max out the dexterity and potentially wisdom as well as you level up not level two you're gonna get an additional key point and you're gonna get unarmed movement this makes is that you can move three meters further whenever you move as long as you're not wearing armor or using a shield you also get three different key actions the first one is patient defense for a bonus action and a key point for one turn attacks rolled against you have disadvantage and you have advantage on Dick's 30 saving throws step of the wind Dash lets you double your movement speed and jump no longer requires a bonus action this lasts the turn and it uses a key and a bonus action and then you get step of the wind disengage this lets you disengage which basically lets you move away from enemies and not trigger a tax of opportunity also jump no longer requires a bonus action for the rest of the turn this does take a bonus action and a key point at level three you're gonna get to choose your subclass and here we're choosing way of the four elements you're going to get an extra key point you're going to get deflect missiles this is a feature that you can use a reaction when somebody shoots at you as long as you can see the attack coming and it's going to roll 1d10 and it's going to add your dexterity modifier plus your monk level and it's going to reduce the damage by that much if that damage happens to get to zero you'll have the option to use a key point to instead deflect the missile back at the enemy you will also get an action called Harmony of fire and water and this is while not in combat you're going to regain half your key points rounded down you will also get to choose three spells now you will notice that unlike other casters you're actually going to be using key for spells instead of magic slots I'm going to go ahead and mouse over all these spells you can pause at any point if you want to take a look at them many of them are going to be renames and slight variants of spells that already exist for other casters now I want to point out something kind of unique with casting spells quote unquote and spell abilities as a monk but when you do actually use one of these strikes slash spells it will proc an extra unarmed attack so take a look at this and so now as you see that pop up you have the ability to do an unarmed attack right off the bat let me show that one more time and it's a modified attack that will do extra liminal damage depending on what the element was of the attack that you did so let's again show the Fang of the fire snake you'll see the proc effect and there it is it does one the eight plus eight here plus 1D for fire damage and you get that extra bonus attack that you get to utilize every time that you cast one of these spells thank you at level four you're gonna get another key Point you're going to get slow fall you can use a reaction to gain resistance to fall damage you will get an opportunity to replace a spout if you wish and then you're gonna get to pick Feats now like the other monks ability Improvement is going to be super strong for this class you can get your dexterity to 20 your wisdom to 20 as well however unlike the other monks I can also highly recommend element Elemental addict this allows you to pick one of the elements here and your spells will ignore resistance to damage types of this Choice when you cast a spell the type you cannot roll A1 so it's a way to guarantee that you're going to be doing more damage again you do get access to a variety of cold fire lightning and thunder spells if you want to focus in on one of them then I would pick up one of these as a feat to maximize their damage and minimize the chances that enemies will be able to resist the damage do note this does not work against enemies that have immunity to a certain element at level five you're gonna get another key point you'll get an extra attack and you will get access to stunning strike melee and sending strike unarmed this uses a key point and in addition to your melee attack you're going to be also having a chance to stun an enemy now I will point out that the other monks get this as well but since you're really focused on spell casting using key for spell casting for this subclass I would probably not spend it on this effect and instead utilize it for the variety of spells and then you can of course replace a spell as well if you wish at level 6 you're gonna get an additional key point you're going to get improved unarmed movement so your movement speed is now increasing by 4.5 meters when you're not wearing armor using a shield you're also going to get key empowered strikes your unarmed attacks now count as magical for the purpose of overcoming enemies resistance and Immunity to non-magical damage you will get to replace a spell but you're also going to get to gain a spell now you're going to get access to the Spells you didn't choose before plus the following three at level seven you're gonna get an additional key point you're going to get evasion and this is an effect that when a speller effect would deal half damage on a successful dexterity saving throw instead of going to do no damage if you succeed and half damage if you fail you'll also get Stillness of mind so if you are Charmed or frightened you're going to automatically cast Stillness of mind which is going to remove those conditions and then you will have an opportunity to replace the spell if you'd like at level eight you're going to be getting an additional key point you're going to get to replace a spell and you're going to add another feat again I recommend ability Improvement or an elemental addict at level nine you're going to get another cue point can I get Advance on our movement so now difficult terrain doesn't slow you down and you can jump an additional six meters as long as you're not wearing armor or using a shield you will also get improved Elemental casting and so with this your Affinity of the elemental key deepens several of your offensive four elements features deal an additional dice of damage your clinch of the north wind can hold an additional creature and your Embrace of The Inferno fires an addictional array so here's the what these normally are the abrasive Embrace of The Inferno is bugged here but basically this normally shoots out three Rays so this should fire out four and you get to pick another spell as a reminder these spells are going to be more powerful versions meaning they're going to do more damage than a lot of the Baseline versions that you find and some of them are unique like fist of The Unbroken air this is the 4D 10 bludgeoning damage blade of rhyme you'll notice is 1d10 plus 2d6 and so forth at level 10 you're going to get to replace a spell you're going to get an additional key point you're going to get an improved unarmored movement again so now your movement speed is increased by six meters while not wearing armor or using Shield you can get purity of body so you're not immune to poison damage and you can't be poisoned or affected by disease at level 11 you're going to get another key Point you're going to be able to replace the spell and you're gonna get to pick one more spell here you get access to three brand new ones flame of the Phoenix is very powerful do note this one costs four key points for example and here are the other two and then at level 12 you're gonna get one more additional cue point you're gonna get to replace the spell if you'd like and you're gonna pick one more feet all right now let's talk about equipment for this Monk subclass like normal monks you're gonna benefit from clothing that's built specific for monks that will give you extra AC you can get cloaks like local protection to increase your AC and saving throw you're still going to be doing quite a bit of unarmed attacks especially of those free bonus attacks you're going to be getting after casting spouse so something like boots of uninhibited kushido is going to be really good for adding your wisdom modifier to your unarmed strikes I can highly recommend specific jewelry that's gonna give you extra Armor class like this ring of the Twilight or the Ring of protection also any items that will increase your spellcaster DC since you are technically a Caster there are certain quote unquote magical attacks slash spells that can definitely be resisted for partial damage for example so I'm making it harder to for them to make their saves is very helpful you're probably not going to be using any weapons there are some quarter staffs and staffs that are built for monks you can get those if you'd like and for Bose I recommend finding a bow that's going to give you some resistances or special effects like this darkfire short bow it gives you resistance to firing cold and also lets you cast haste which is very powerful on a monk otherwise in addition to those you can also look for items that will give you access to spells kind of like Misty step or other spells now let's talk about multi-classing and I will say that the subclass of the monk is really not that great for multi-classing and the reality is that because it is a martial spell class that actually uses key points instead of spell slots for casting it makes it very very difficult to multi-class because it's not like you can use spell slots from other classes to use instead of key points so every single level you don't take in monk is going to be one less key point that you get to utilize and also don't forget you have your Harmony of fire and water which is gonna help you regain half your key points rounded down so the lower your monk level the less key the less potent that is also don't forget about your melee damage scaling as well Baseline at level one your monk attacks are 1d4 damage but by max level it maxes out currently at 1d8 so there's a lot to lose when you multi-class if you want to multi-class I would say either of the other subclasses are going to be good this one just pick it if you want to play kind of a unique hybrid melee that also has some interesting spells with some spells that nobody else can get alright guys that brings me to the end of my guide for The Way of the four elements subclass for the monk let me know your thoughts Below in the comments do you agree with my assessment do you have some recommendations for specific items that you can get for this class as you level up would love to hear from you of course if you do find this video helpful please drop a like it helps out a lot and if you want to see more content from me do not forget to subscribe as always I love all your support thank you so much and I'll see you guys in the next video thank you
Channel: Leeroy Gaming
Views: 10,875
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Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 class guide, baldurs gate 3 classes, baldurs gate 3 monk, bg3 monk, baldurs gate 3 monk guide, baldurs gate 3 monk class, baldurs gate 3 monk build, bg3 monk guide, baldurs gate 3 monk way of the Four Elements guide, bg3 way of the Four Elements, bg3 monk way of the Four Elements guide, best monk subclass bg3, bg3 monk subclasses, baldurs gate 3 monk subclasses, bg3 way of the Four Elements monk, baldurs gate 3 monk way of the Four Elements
Id: E2Ds3UuGdpQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 47sec (1007 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 08 2023
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