Way Of The Four Elements Monk - All Attacks And Abilities - Baldur's Gate 3 Subclass Guide

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hey guys Omaha here today I'm going over the way of the four elements subclass for the Monk and I'm going to show you all the Spells and abilities if you want to move around a lot during your turn in combat and close in to do martial attacks against your foes or control the elements of fire water or air or if you just want to be the last airbender then this is the subclass for you if you've already seen my other monk video you can go ahead and skip over this part to the next chapter unless you want to hear it again as a monk you Channel your Cosmic Enlightenment by deftly dodging and efficiently disassembling your foes through stunning strikes and a whirlwind of martial art attacks as a monk you'll get proficiencies in simple weapons and short swords so add your proficiency bonus to attack rules with these weapon types and make it easier to hit with those weapons you'll also get the action Flurry of Blows punch twice in quick succession as a range of melee uses a bonus action and uses a key point and then the class features key points key is the magic that flows through all living beings you can use it to exceed your body's physical capabilities you'll start out with two key points and they replenish on a short rest on Armored defense your reflexes are as effective as any armor while not wearing armor you add your wisdom modifier to your armor class so on Armored defense is going to take your wisdom modifier which is plus three currently for me with the wisdom of 16. it's gonna add it to your armor class so you can see down here at the bottom it says plus three from wisdom on Armored defense so it would have been 13 now it's 16. martial arts dexterous attacks attacks with monk weapons and unarmed attacks scale with your dexterity instead of your strength if your dexterity is higher you can opt to just dump strength basically and just go all in on dexterity if you want to do that martial arts death strikes attacks with monk weapons and unarmed attacks deal one to four bludgeoning damage unless their normal damage is higher so that just guarantees you do at least one to four bludgeoning damage and then martial arts bonus unarmed strike after making an attack with a monk weapon or while unarmed you can make another unarmed attack as a bonus action all right here's what the bonus and arm strike is going to look like so I'll attack with my main weapon I miss whether you hit or not you'll still get the unarmed strike action which uses a bonus action it does four to seven bludgeoning damage swiftly strike an enemy as a bonus action you'll then apply your ability points keeping in mind dexterity is your most important ability and wisdom is going to be used for your unarmored defense if you choose to go that route you're then going to apply your skill proficiencies these are going to make you more likely to succeed in these skill checks so you can choose between Athletics acrobatics stealth I already have that because I'm half wood elf history religion and insight alright at level two your Health's gonna go up you'll get an additional key point which brings you to three you'll get unarmored movement your movement speed increases by 10 feet while you are not wearing armor or using a shield and then you'll get three actions patient defense attack rules against you have disadvantage so it'll roll two dice and use the lower value and you have Advantage so roll two dice needs the higher value on dexterity saving throws and then when you use that it'll last one turn and it uses a bonus action and a key Point here's patient defense it's basically going to make me harder to hit see if it actually works oh there we go I miss critical Miss even better then you'll get step of the wind Dash double your movement speed jump no longer requires a bonus action so that'll last one turn this itself will use a bonus action and one key Point all right so that's my movement speed currently 45 feet are you step at the wind Dash it's now doubled so I can go about 90 and then jumping will use 10 feet of movement speed instead of using a bonus action so you can jump multiple times in one turn you need to get somewhere high and then their step of the wind disengage Retreat to safety by disengaging jump no longer requires a bonus action so that'll last one turn use the bonus action and a key Point step of the wind disengage is gonna make it so you can run past a bunch of enemies without triggering opportunity attacks so it's like normal disengage then you can jump using 10 feet of movement speed just like step of the wind Dash alright level three this is where you're gonna get your subclass and for the video I chose wave the four elements you focus your key to bend the elements to your will using them as an extension of your own body that's going to Grant you three spells from blade of rhyme chill of the mountain fangs of the fire snake Vista four Thunders fist of unbroken air rush of the Gale Spirits shaping of the ice sphere of Elemental balance sweeping Cinder strike touch of the storm and water Whip and a lot of these are just different names of a spell that's already in the game but I'm gonna go ahead and just cover all of them for this video one thing to know is all of your key abilities or your spells basically will also Grant you unarmed strike and also these spell since they're not technically spells they can be cast while you're silenced blade of rhyme throw a Shard of ice that deals one to ten piercing damage it explodes and Deals 2 to 12 Cold damage to anyone nearby it leaves an ice surface bespoke can be cast while you were silenced ice service the last two turns on a Miss The Shard of Ice Still explodes so that'll have an area effect of seven feet range of 60 feet dexterity saving throw uses an action and two key points he was saved from the ice which means he doesn't fall but that's basically what the spell does chill of the mountain does one to ten cold damage call forth the Cold Mountain winds and reduce the target's movement speed by 10 feet for one turn has a range of 60 feet uses an action and a key point so it's basically Ray of frost fangs of the fire snake this does 5 to 19 damage four to nine of bludgeoning and one to ten of fire hit your foe from afar your next melee attacks deal an additional one to four fire damage that'll be for one turn has a range of 20 feet use an action and a key point so now my melee strikes including Flurry of Blows will have fire damage best of four Thunders this 2 to 16 Thunder damage release a wave of thunderous force that pushes away all creatures and objects unsave targets still take half damage area effective 17 feet Constitution saving throw using action and two key points this is basically Thunder Wave fist of unbroken air is just 3 to 30 bludgeoning damage push the target back 20 feet and knock it prone so prone they won't be able to move or take actions bonus actions or reactions and they have disadvantage on strength and dexterity saving throws attacks against a prone creature have Advantage if they're made within 10 feet of the creature a creature must spend half its movement speed to stand up so that'll be for one turn on Save he'll still take half damage range of 30 feet and it's a strength saving throw uses an action and two key points and he took 46 damage so there's no prone for him rush of the Gale Spirits summon a strong wind that clears all clouds and pushes creatures back 17 feet forcing them off balance off balance the affected entity has disadvantage on strength and dexterity checks and attack rolls against to have Advantage so have an easier time hitting them removed by taking damage or when they're held that'll be for one turn has an area effect of 40 feet strength saving throw uses an action and two key points so if there's a poison cloud or something here too it'll clear out that white highlighted area and so you'll be able to walk in an area that size foreign turn all right sphere of Elemental balance will actually have six actions it's basically chromatic orb I think that's what it's called so the first five leave a surface Thunder being the only one that doesn't leave a surface but it does more damage so thundered us three to 24 Thunder damage hurlosphere of Thunder's energy all these spells actually have a range of 60 feet and all the area of effects have a range of seven feet all these will use an action and all of them will use two key points all right poison will do 2 to 16 poison damage and it'll leave a poison surface for two turns Pearl poisonous energy that damages the Target and creates a bubbling surface to poison creatures so when they're poisoned they'll suffer disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks these guys are immune to it lightning is going to do 2 to 16 lightning damage or lightning energy that damages the Target and creates an electrified service on impact for two turns thank you takes one to four lightning damage at the start of their turn and that'll finish them off buyer is going to do 2 to 16 fire damage real fiery energy that damages the Target and creates a burning surface on impact so burning will take one to four fire damage per turn they'll be for two turns thank you so I missed on the initial damage but he's still burning he'll take one to four fire damage per turn cold will do 2 to 16 cold damage roll freezing energy that damages the Target and creates a frosty surface to knock creatures prone I already went over that that'll be for two turns [Music] just again love it so difficult terrain his movement speed will be half and he has a chance of slipping on the ice and then we have acid which will do 2 to 16 acid damage or acoustic energy that damages the Target and creates an acid surface on impact that'll reduce their Armor class by two which will make them easier to hit and that'll be for two turns so I missed on the damage again I got elects to miss a lot but he's still in the acid surface and while he's on the surface it'll reduce his armor class by two ignore the seven turns remaining that's false information it actually lasts two turns shaping of the ice create a climbable ice cube for 10 turns get a range of 60 feet use an action and a key point and luckily I can't miss when I use this spell there you go little ice cube it's basically like a crate so you can climb up on it sweeping Cinder strike it's basically burning hands it'll do 3 to 18 fire damage expel fire from your outstretched hands and ignite anything flammable unsafe targets still take half damage area of effect of 17 feet dexterity saving throw used in action and two key points foreign but he still took five damage so he normally would have taken 10 damage touch of the storm does one to ten lightning damage the target cannot use reactions the spell has advantage on creatures with metal armor so they won't be able to use reactions for one turn has a range of melee uses an action and one key point basically shock and grasp and finally we've got water whip this will do three to Thirty bludgeoning damage possibly pulls the target towards you or knocks it prone range of 30 feet dexterity saving throw uses an action and two key points and I'll actually give you two actions one where you knock at prone the other one where you pull so I'll just pull on this guy and he'll die I guess and the prone says they'll be prone until a long rest which sounds kind of crazy right out oh he died again and then you will get the action Harmony of fire and water while not in combat regain half of your key points rounded down that uses an action so here's Harmony of Fire and Water you can use this once per long rest currently I can have four Max key points and now I have two key points you're also going to get a health increase your fourth key point and the class feature deflect missiles use your reaction to reduce the damage from a ranged weapon attack by one to ten plus your dexterity modifier plus your monk level So currently I'm level three if the damage was reduced to zero you use a key point to deflect the missile deflect missile use your reflexes to catch a projectile from a ranged weapon attack and shoot it back at your attacker it's a range of 60 feet all right here's the Fleck missile it's basically two different parts there's the reaction which reduces the damage by one to ten plus your dexterity modifier plus your monk level so I'm monk level three and then my dexterity modifier is plus three so that'll be one to ten plus three plus three and if the damage reduces zero use a key point to deflect the missile select missile this is a reaction so you can use it once per turn yeah it's reduced to zero here's the second part of it deflect missile catch a projectile from a ranged weapon attack and shoot it back at your attacker that'll use a key point all right when you hit level four your Health's gonna go up again you're gonna get your fifth key point and the class feature slow fall when you fall you can use your reaction to gain resistance to Falling damage so you'll take half damage from falling damage then you'll have the option to replace a spell since you're limited on how many you can have then you'll choose your first feet at level five you're going to get a health increase your sixth key point class feature extra attack can make an additional free attack after making an unarmed or weapon attack if you gain the extra attack feature from more than one class they don't add together so now you'll be able to use two attack actions plus your bonus action in one turn then you'll get stunning strike melee possibly stuns the target for one turn can't move or take actions bonus actions or reactions the range of melee Constitution saving throw and he uses an action and a key point and then stunning strike unarmed which does four to nine bludgeoning damage possibly stuns the target for one turn range of melee Constitution saving throw and action and key point then you'll have the option again to replace a spell here's stunning strike melee now I stun for one turn and here's where the extra attack feature comes in now I can do a second action so I'll show you a stunning strike unarmed as well foreign get to level six your Health's gonna go up again you'll get your seventh key Point you'll get improved unarmored movement your movement speed increases by 15 feet when you are not wearing armor using a shield then you'll get key empowered strikes your unarmed attacks count as magical for the purpose of overcoming enemies resistances and Immunity to non-magical damage so if you come across an enemy that has resistance or immunity to bludgeoning damage which is what most of your melee attacks do this will just bypass it you'll do the full damage then you'll be able to choose another spell and you'll have access to three more spells now clinch of the north wind which is basically hold person hold a humanoid enemy still they can't move act or react tax from within three meters are always Critical Hits that'll last 10 turns as a range of 60 feet wisdom saving throw the concentration spell use an action and it uses three key points doesn't work on the skeletons because they're not considered humanoid now I'll be stuck there for 10 turns anyone be able to do anything at all there's also a concentration spell so I didn't actually go over that in this video but basically you can only have one concentration spell active at a time and then if you take damage there's a chance of the concentration spell will break Embrace of The Inferno which is basically scorching Ray that'll do 2 to 12 fire damage expel the fire burning through your veins as three flaming Rays each raid deals two to twelve fire damage range of 60 feet uses an action and three key points here's Embrace of The Inferno you can select three different targets because you have three projectiles foreign of the summit which says 3 to 24 Thunder damage it's basically shatter I think that's what it's called shatter damages all nearby creatures and objects creatures made of inorganic material such as Stone have disadvantage on their saving throw so it'll be easier to hit on Save targets still take half damage range of 60 feet Constitution saving throw is an action and three key points here's gong of the summit and then you'll be able to replace a spell level seven your Health's gonna go up again you'll get your eighth key point and you'll get the class feature evasion your agility lets you dodge out of the way of certain spells when a spell or effect would deal half damage on a successful dexterity saving throw it deals no damage if you succeed and only half damage if you fail pretty much all the AOE spells in this game will use dexterity saving throws so normally when you pass a saving throw on that you'll take half damage well now if you pass the saving throw you won't take any damage at all and if you fail you're only going to take half damage so no matter what you're only taking half damage at Max then you'll get Stillness of mind if you're Charmed or frightened you automatically cast Stillness of mind to remove the condition so when you're Charmed you can't attack the spell caster and the spellcaster's advantage on Charisma checks and dialogue and when you're frightened you cannot move fright and these also have disadvantage on ability checks and attack rolls so Stillness of mine is going to remove either of those then you'll have the option to replace a spell once you hit level eight your health will go up again you'll get your ninth key point you can choose to replace a spell if you wish and you'll get your second feat all right once you hit Level Nine your Health's gonna go up again you'll get your tenth key point and you'll get the class feature Advanced unarmored movement difficult terrain doesn't slow you down and you can jump an additional 20 feet while you're not wearing armor or using a shield that's gonna let you jump quite a bit higher and now things like ice surfaces or mud they're not going to slow you down so you can move through them normally then you'll get the subclass feature improved Elemental casting your Affinity with elemental key deepens several of your offensive four elements features deal an additional dice of damage your clinch of the north wind can hold an additional creature so now it can hold two creatures and your Embrace of The Inferno fires an additional Ray so now that'll fire four Rays instead of three to be able to choose another spell and then you have the option to replace a spell so gong of the summit will go up to 4 to 32 damage blade of rhyme will stay the same chill of the mountain will go to 2 to 20 damage fist of four Thunders will go to 3 to 24 damage Rush of the Gale Spirit stays the same shaping of the ice obviously stays the same sweeping Cinder strike goes to 4 to 24 damage touch of the storm goes to 2 to 20 damage your unique spell like Fang of the fire snake goes up to five to twenty one damage fist of unbroken errors 4 to 40 damage water whip goes up to 4 to 40 damage and Spear of Elemental balance stays the same once you hit Level 10 your Health's gonna get increased you'll get your 11th key Point improved unarmored movement your movement speed increases by 20 feet when you are not wearing armor using a shield and you'll get the class feature purity of body you are immune to poison damage and you can't be poisoned or affected by disease thanks to the purifying key flowing through your meridians so here I'll throw a poison bottle at myself just to show you immune to poison then you'll have the option to replace a spell at level 11 you'll get a health increase an additional key Point bringing you up to 12 you'll get another spell and you'll have three new ones to choose flames of the Phoenix which does 8 to 48 fire damage shoot a bright flame from your fingers that explodes on contact torching everything in the vicinity unsave targets still take half damage has a range of 60 feet it's a dexterity saving throw uses an action and four key points this is basically Fireball then there's a Miss stance transform into a tiny Mist Cloud it can't fall and fits through small openings it is very hard to damage the cloud has advantage on Constitution dexterity and strength saving throws that'll last until a long rest while transformed you won't be able to attack cast spells or talk it's a concentration spell if you get hit there's a chance it might be broken uses an action and four key points here's what Miss Stancil look like you're basically a small Miss cloud and you'll be able to fit through small openings you're way harder to hit and you can also fly and reach hard to reach areas then you can dismiss gash's form at any time and then there's ride the wind gain the ability to fly that'll last until a long rest and it's a concentration spell use an action and four key points so fly has a range of 60 feet here's ride the wind so Grant you the ability to fly until a long rest so here's fly down here there's a range of 60 feet and it just uses movement speed and so since it is a concentration spell there's a chance it'll break if you get hit but it's not going to use an action or a bonus action in combat it's just going to use the movement speed so you'll be able to fly do your two actions and then your bonus action as well and then you'll have the option to replace a spell and finally when you hit Level 12 you'll get that final Health increase your 13th key point to be able to replace another spell and then you can choose your third feet all right guys that's gonna wrap it up for the way of the four elements monk if you guys like this video hit that like button down below don't forget to subscribe if you want to see more videos like this thank you guys so much for watching we'll see you next time
Channel: Omaha
Views: 41,733
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Keywords: bg3 way of four elements build, baldur's gate 3, baldur's gate 3 monk, baldurs gate 3 monk build, baldurs gate 3 monk guide, baldurs gate 3 class guide, baldurs gate 3 best monk subclass, best monk subclass, bg3 monk build, bg3 monk subclasses, baldurs gate 3 ps5 gameplay, baldurs gate 3 pc gameplay, bg3 subclass guide, baldurs gate 3 subclass guide, bg3 best subclass, baldurs gate 3
Id: N_QT4ampoYk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 25sec (1165 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 05 2023
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