Baldur's Gate 3 Warlock Guide - The Great Old One Subclass - Level 1-12 Guide

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hey everybody it's Leroy from lero gaming and today I'm bringing you another Baldur's Gate 3 guide today we're going to look at the great old one subclass for the Warlock within this video I'm going to cover a recommended stats of level one a full level 2 to 12 breakdown this will include all spills available as you level I will give some general equipment recommendations as well as my thoughts on multi-classing so this should be a perfect guide for beginners you can use the timestamps below to jump to areas that interest you the most now without further Ado let's check out the great old one subclass for the Warlock all right for beginners uh you're gonna have a primary ability of Charisma of the Warlock they're saving throw proficiencies are both in wisdom and charisma I never hit that that's 1d8 hit points you can have base proficiency of simple weapons and with light armor now at level one you're gonna get a class feature of you're gonna unlock your warlock spell slots it's gonna they're they work a little different than other casters they get their spell slots back every time you short rest but they're much more limited you start with one and then eventually you'll get two and if you go all the way to max level you're gonna have three spells you can cast Baseline per short rest but they do scale up in power instead of always your max level So eventually they can be fifth level spells that you utilize these spell slots for now you do get to pick your subclass at level one we're picking the gray old one so you get access to two specific spells that the other ones do not they're dissonant Whispers and Tasha's hideous laughter do note that one is a concentration spell and your subclass feature at level one is Mortal reminder when you land a critical hit against the creature that creature in any nearby enemies must succeed on a wisdom saving through or become frightened until the end of their next turn and frightening this game is very very powerful they cannot move give disadvantage on ability checks as well as attack rolls so that is wonderful you're going to get to pick two cantrips you they have a unique one called Eldritch blast which is your main catch up this does get more powerful as you level up eventually you're gonna get to shoot two or even three different uh three blasts per cast they can be on the same Target or multiple targets and there's various ways you're going to be able to power this up so you definitely want to pick that up here are the other ones I'm going to Mouse over them you can pause the video if you want to kind of see what they are friends is great if you you don't even have to actively cast this as long as you have it as one of your options when you have conversation checks this will be one of the options that you can select to get advantage on the conversation checks for like persuasion intimidation Etc May chat is also extremely useful now your spouse like I said you can't pick the two unique ones and here are the other ones that you could potentially pick up hex is also very popular as you can see here you add one to six damage necrotic damage to the Target and they get disadvantage on an ability uh choice so when you select the spell it's going to give you an option to select six between six different versions of it one for strength decks Etc I normally recommend for example a wisdom save or any kind of save that you may be wanting to cast with your spells when you Mouse over a spell you're gonna notice if it it has a save like this one right here how they should rebuke at the bottom it says deck save so if you were planning to cast that as an example you could make the hex give them disadvantage on Deck saves now what's nice about this spell is the hex spell is if the target dies before the spell ends and the spell actually doesn't end until your long rest or until somebody breaks your concentration so for that entire period you can rehex a new creature without casting the spell again and using a spell slot so this is very powerful way of getting nice extra damage to either the LG blast you cast onto enemies your melee attacks or any other attack so it's quite good and here are the other spells yeah now your base ability points are gonna how you build out is gonna depend on what kind of armor you're gonna be using so it is important to note if you only have access to light armor and you're gonna stick with this Base Class all the way through 12. then it makes sense of higher dexterity to give you a better AC as well as other benefits and in that case if you're staying with light armor I would say eight strength 16 dexterity 15 Constitution eight intelligence 10 wisdom and 16 Charisma works really well if you're gonna whether it's through a different race like they get Yankee or if you're gonna multi-class with like a fighter or a paladin and get access to Heavy Armor then you can drop your dexterity either down to 14 if you're gonna be going medium armor or you can drop it all the way to 10 If You're Gonna Go heavy armor and then you can pump up your Constitution you can pump up your charisma to 17 potentially you may even want to buff up your wisdom so that you have better wisdom safes that's up to you but this bass line is assuming you're playing as a beginner and not making any changes sticking with light armor at level two you're going to get access to your second warlock spell slot so even with two levels put into warlock you're already gonna have two-thirds of all the Spells you're ever gonna get you're gonna gain an additional spell and we're gonna unlock Elder convocation so for the Spells it's just another one of the options from what we saw at level one algebraic implications is huge you're gonna get to pick two of these the most popular one is agonizing blast it's gonna buffers blast and where you add your Crystal modifier to the damage it deals unless it's negative there's also armor of shadow which basically lets you cast Mage Armor for free but again unless you're not gonna gonna go with a build that's gonna have no armor at all not useful be speech that you speak of animals without using a spell slot but Galley influence is going to give you proficiency and deception and persuasion this might be worth it if you're gonna make this your main character and wanting him to make all the speed checks which he'll definitely be good at because of the high charisma Devil's side is amazing very important just lets you see normally not only in darkness that is normal non-magical but also magical meaning darkness spell we'll talk about that when we look at the Spells when we unlock Darkness it's a very deadly combo it is up to 24 meters there's also fiendish vigor which basically gives you the effect of false life for free mask of many faces lets you disguise yourself without using a spell slot one with shadows you basically can cast one with shadows only problem is this breaks as soon as you move or do anything repelling blast is another way of buffing eldric blast you can push the creatures that you hit up to four and a half meters away from you and then thief of five Fates once prolonged rest you can cast Bane using a warlock spell slot so this gives you access to Bane the only problems again it uses this warlock spell slot so it's limited in its power my top two recommendations are agonizing blasts and Devil's sight followed by repelling blast at level 3 your warlock's supposed to get more powerful again unlike other spellcasters your spells are just gonna scale up as you level up you're gonna get basically access to higher level spells and you can also upcast lower level spells to make it more powerful in many cases so you get access to level two spells and I'll go ahead and show you those so pause for any ones that you want to have details on darkness is the one I mentioned is the deadly combo of Devil's sight because normally it obscures uh Vision heavily obscures vision and causes blind on creatures within blind is very powerful anything that's blinded has disadvantage and attack rolls and range attacks and spells are reduced to three meters basically especially based off those details you cannot make range attacks into or out of Darkness unless you're double sight and you can so stuff can't reach you inside of it without running in and getting disadvantage but you can shoot out and also fight inside of it if you have double sight so this combo Is Awesome on my top recommendation here are the other spells hold person is also excellent mirror image is great for defense and I like Misty steps for movement but I wish you'd have more spells slots to use it there you go and then the other major thing you get is packed of the uh you get packed boons you have packed with a chain that's going to give you a familiar and very importantly you can have an amp or closet the closet I don't think that's great but the Imp is amazing it can turn invisible permanently except for when it attacks and it also has devil sight so you can have it fight from within Darkness so very very good but the most popular one is packed at a blade we can either summon a packed weapon or bind any of the weapons you have equipped and you're going to be able to use your Charisma modifier if you're too hit into damage instead of whatever you know it starts with either the extra strength so this is super powerful if you want to become a melee character without having to have high strength or decks and pack to the Tome gives you access initially to guidance which is very powerful vicious mockery and Thorn whip you can get it's probably the most useful counter up here but there's a good chance that the classes will have it at level five these will also get powered up and we'll talk about that when we get there and you can as with every level pretty much you can always replace a spell you have a lower level spell for example for a new higher level spell that you've unlocked if you wish at level four you're gonna pick another can trip you're gonna get to pick another spell again level one or level two you can replace a spell but most importantly you can pick a feet now ability improvements are always great for this class getting that Charisma to 20 you're going to get great bang for your buck but I will definitely say that especially since hex is a concentration spell darkness is a concentration spells spell making sure that you don't get interrupted and your spell is broken since you have limited slots for casting is very important so if you built out with 15 Constitution like I recommended then I highly recommend getting resilient and picking Constitution because now not only we get bumped up to 16 Constitution but you'll now gain proficiency with Constitution so you'll have the two best proficiencies for defense Constitution and wisdom that's amazing and then at higher level you can also pick War Caster we're going to get an advantage on saving throws to maintain concentration so not only are you going to have real nice uh proficiency bonus but you'll get that Advantage under roles which is really good and it's much less likely that you're gonna lose those casts which is a game changer and game saver if you end up sticking with a melee or you pick the the uh The Pact where you're going to be able to have melee weapons then you could always pick a nice big too juicy two-hander and choose great weapon Master as an option as well you cannot go wrong with that I'll Mouse over that if you want to see the details okay level five you're gonna get a class feature called Deep Impact so depending on which one of the packs you chose a level three you're gonna get something different so if you chose the pack to the blade you get an extra attack with your packed weapon now note this is currently bugged this will stack with any level five Marshall class bonus attack I don't think it's supposed to make it fixed but basically if you go five of those Warlock and let's say five levels fighter you're gonna basically get your base attack per turn you're going to get a free extra weapon attack for being let's say a level five fighter or Paladin and then you're gonna get an extra attack as long as if you're packed weapon from this so you can get three base attacks very powerful again it may get fixed in the future if you chose pack to the chain you're familiar is going to get an extra attack and then if you choose pack to the Tome you're going to get access to anime dead haste or call lightning those are three excellent spells and you can use them once per long rest you do not have to use a spell slot so all three are viable four spells you're gonna get access to level three spells and here are the details on them I will say for all of these slow is very powerful it's the opposite of haste and it does neutralize haste on enemies vampiric touch is also pretty nice because it damages and heals notice it has a concentration and similar to hex you can recast this numerous times before you have to reutilize it and it does last up to 10 turns you also get one more eldric invocation and on top of the ones that we mentioned there's two new ones you get access to Meyer the mind you can cast slow with warlock's spell slot and again that is an option that you can already choose so that's not so great with this sub setup and Son of el almond you can cast Vista curse of a warlock spell slot again I don't think either of these are great maybe pick repelling Blast for example at level seven you're gonna get another spell but now we have access to a level four spells so here they are again blight is quite potent dominate Beast is really good when it goes off and Edward's black tentacles is interesting you also get to pick yet another eldric invocation and we have three new options book of ancient secrets you basically get the ability to three cast three more spells Ray of sickness chromatic orb and silence and you can cast them once per long rest they don't expend any spell slots when cast which is quite potent and then we have Dreadful word and you can cast confusion overall or lock spell slots again the problem is that last part having to use a spell slot and finally we have sculptor of Flesh cast polymorph of a warlock spell slot same issues with the others at level eight you're gonna get to pick another spell again up to level four you can replace a spell and you get to add another feat at level nine you get to get another spell now you get to go up to fifth level spells these are quite potent all three of them are really good dominate person hold monster and telekinesis you also get one more eldric invocation and you have three new options so minion of chaos this one's quite potent because you get to conjure in Elemental otherworldly leap not quite as impressive but you get access to enhanced leap and Whispers of the Grave which is absolutely useless do not get this you can early on in act one when you meet the NPC that lets you respect and has a little tomb there's an amulet where you can cast this for free so it's almost impossible to miss do not get this at level 10 you're gonna get another cant trip you get a subclass feature called thought Shield psychic resistance and Elder being Shields your brains you get resistance to psychic damage that is really great and then you get that Shield psychic reflection your patreon doesn't appreciate attempts to attack your mind when you take psychic damage your attackers take the same damage and then you can also get another spell again up to fifth level so pick whatever you wish at level 11 biggest thing is you're gonna gain another warlock spell slot this is finally your third warlock spell slot you're gonna get to gain another spell anything up to fifth level and most importantly you get Mystic Arcanum so you get to select one level six spell but unlike your other spells is they are only this spell slot that is unique only can be refreshed when you long rest and again it does not expend any of your other spell slots they're all quite potent Circle of Death is one of my favorites create Undead is also quite good and then at level 12 you get one more spell again up to fifth level but if you've taken you could potentially have taken all three level fives ready so you may be stuck with a level four which is fine you get another eldrick invocation if you've gone this far and you're going with a melee build there is a great option here called life drinker and your melee tags deal additional necrotic damage equal your to your charisma modifier so that is great you can replace a spell and then most importantly well not most importantly because I'd say that Elder convocation is more but you'll get one more ability to get another feat now when it comes to discussing equipment it's going to completely depend on whether you're staying with a strict warlock that only has light armor and only access to the basic weapons or if you have a race that's gonna give you access to unique weapons and or if you multi-class so if you're just going with a baseline warlock that only has access to light armor then of course you're going to want to bet get the best light armor you can if you do have either a race or other feature that's gonna let you have better armor I would probably recommend it same with if you have the ability to get a shield one hand weapon and a shield is going to be really effective for Staying Alive and you can get Eldridge brast to really get a lot of DPS if you are going to go pack to the blade I could see you going of a nice big two-handed weapon and make an impact of that and that's going to be very very important as well otherwise I like anything that's going to up my Charisma like the birth rate get your charisma up to 22. and then when it comes to jewelry I like to get a lot of utility jewelry whether it helps you teleport around or something like special on amulet that's going to get you additional spell slots so just find things that will buff whatever your playstyle is going to match for your particular warlock be it a range Caster or if you're going to go more of a gif combination range caster and melee combatant now finally talking about multi-classing this race or rather class is amazing for multi-classing I can totally see going three levels into warlock four levels into warlock if you want that first feat there or even five levels so you get the improve packed weapon especially or at least until they potentially fix it so three four or five levels is amazing combining it with a paladin is probably the most popular combination you could also combat with sorcerer for example if you want even more spell slots so there's just a lot of different ways you could build this there's lots of guys out there but again generally it's gonna revolve around putting three four or five volts of this with one other class that's either gonna make you more marshally focused or giving you way more spells well I hope you guys found this guide really helpful if you did please drop a like I would love to hear your thoughts if you have any other feedback recommendations or Corrections drop them in the comments if you want to see more content from me make sure to subscribe really appreciate each and every one of you and your support and as always thank you for all the support and I will see you in the next video foreign [Music]
Channel: Leeroy Gaming
Views: 4,522
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 warlock, bg3 warlock, baldurs gate 3 Warlock guide, baldurs gate 3 class guide, baldurs gate 3 Warlock class, baldurs gate 3 classes, baldurs gate 3 Warlock build, bg3 Warlock guide, baldurs gate 3 The great old one guide, bg3 warlock the great old one guide, bg3 warlock build, bg3 warlock the great old one, baldurs gate 3 the great old one, baldurs gate 3 warlock guide, baldurs gate 3 warlock build, bg3 warlock subclasses, baldurs gate 3 builds
Id: Ql6sN9KvChk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 57sec (1377 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 22 2023
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