This Monk Build Evaporates Enemies - Full Build Guide - Baldur's Gate 3 Builds

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this monk build can dish out well over 200 damage to single targets at level 12 and is borderline unhitable when using patient defense so let's build it and look at some great equipment options for each act so to build the tank monk character we can go ahead and pick any race that we want it's not race specific but I'm going to select dgar because they get the ability uh well they get dark vision which is nice they get additional advantage on saving throws against being Charmed and paralyzed which is nice but most importantly they get to enlarge themselves for free and turn invisible for free which means that when in doubt you can just be even better with your class or race specific abilities however as a tank monk Bill we're going to need to find proficiencies somewhere we're not going to start with armor and fighting proficiencies as a monk so we have to start somewhere else and that's going to be fighter Fighter's going to give us the fighting style which we are going to be an armored character so I'm going to pick defense we are not going to be using any weapons so archery dueling great weapon fighting useless we will be using his shield so theoretically you could could use protection but I'd rather protect myself um and then as far as background goes this is not going to be a face character it's only eight Charisma um so go ahead and pick something that's useful for you you can of course drop wisdom and con a little bit or drop strength and wisdom a little bit and and make it a face character if you wanted to but that's not the way that I'm going to use it so something like Guild Artisan which is going to give you insight and persuasion is not going to be useful I'm going to pick Soldier because it gives you Athletics you can also pick um Entertainer which gives you acrobatics These are nice things um that will about make sure you're not getting shoved around too much and then as far as ability points go we're going to try and max out that strength as well as having good con and wisdom for that good DC as a monk um our strength's going to be 17 cuz we're going to take a half feet in Tavern brawler to get it up to 18 I have dexterity at 10 just so that we don't lose space lose initiative uh roll spots CU that would that'll be pretty tough to overcome you don't want to go last we don't have to go first we don't want to go last uh good solid K cuz it's going to be more of a Frontline character and then like I said wisdom because we're going to be trying to knock people over we want to make sure that DC is pretty high intelligence is going to be our dump stat and Charisma um intelligence can be a little bit of a problem getting CCD at times but this is something that could be worked around with items and Charisma as long as you're not a face character it basically doesn't matter I think it's only used to save against banishment I think there's probably one more um and then as far as skills go I would definitely go ahead and give this to acrobatic since we're going to be in the front lines like I said we don't want to get it be getting pushed around too much and since we're not a face character I would probably just toss it in survival or perception um just so that we're passing those um those passive checks so let's move on to our actual character and we'll start leveling up in monk at level two we're going to hop over to monk because we got everything that we want from the fighter class which is our armor proficiency and fighting style by hopping over to monk we're going to pick up Flurry of Blows and we would pick up unarmored defense but we're not going to need that because we are going to be wearing armor more importantly we pick up death strikes which means our punches won't do no damage they'll do 1 D4 which is great because we get to punch twice as a bonus action with Flurry of Blows moving on in monk we're going to stay in monk for five more levels so at level two for monk level three overall we're going to pick up our monk specific um actions here we would get unarmored movement but like I said this is going to be a heavy armor build so we don't need to worry about that we get an extra key point we get patient defense which is fantastic as a monk action I find that this is a little lackluster as a straight up monk because you don't have the high enough AC to really make it hugely matter but this will be a fairly High AC character or at times a very high AC character so patient defense can be very useful we'll also be able to dash for a key point and a bonus action or disengage for the same cost since I picked dwar you can also get uh you also get enlarge as a racial feature which is fantastic moving on in Monk to level three we're going to have to pick our subass now all the sub classes are pretty good larion did a fairly good job of making every class viable but way of the Open Hand um is just overthe top good compared to to most other sub classes especially within the Monk class itself you're going to get Flurry of Blows topple FL Flurry of Blows stagger and push I use topple all the time because knocking people prone uh and getting Advantage for your entire party is fantastic you can push people off cliffs with push and I don't use stagger very often cuz you can just knock them prone Instead at monk level four we're going to pick up our first feat and this is an interesting level here because we are now level five total which means we would normally have extra attack so technically we are a little bit behind other melee combatants because we do not have an extra attack but because we have these key points and flurry of blow we should be able to keep up or even still exceed damage from other classes because we're able to take care of of enemies with our bonus action so efficiently as a dard we're going to get the ability to become invisible which is fantastic and then as far as our feos we're going to pick the ultimate monk feet in this game which is Tavern brawler when you make an unarmed attack use an improvised weapon or throw something your strength modifier is added twice to the damage and attack rolls which is great because it means you're never going to miss or very infrequently going to miss because it's added to your attack roles as well it's not just Dam Dage it also brings us up from a 17 to an 18 in strength so we get a plus one bonus to everything strength based now that we're level five and picked up Tavern brawler we can look at sort of the end of Act One builds now this is sort of the build that I would go with and then we have a lot of alternative options here on the right and I'll go through all of them so first of all we have the Hast town which is one of my favorite items it's in the blighted village you can get it extremely early and it just gives you momentum at the start of every battle uh tons of extra movement and since we don't have the unarmed movement from being a monk it's going to be useful I just have a 177 AC heavy armor here there's not a lot of great heavy armors in the early game so this is nice I have the gloves of Cinder and Sizzle these add 1 D4 to all of your unarmed attacks this is available on the way to the Rosemary Monastery uh they also give you scorching Ray which is nice if you can't close the gap you can always scorching Ray somebody and then in the underd dark you can get the boots of speed from I believe the Mike inid Colony but don't quote me on that one this is going to give you a free a bonus action Dash um so we don't have to use our key points using using uh a key point to Dash is kind of wasteful when we can use the key point to punch so this sort of gives us that free Dash ability um up until Level um seven this build is going to make sense to have weapons after that it's going to make sense to be unarmed with uh with this weapon we would do 6 to 11 standard damage and an additional 1 D4 fire without it we would do 5 D 10 of punching damage although I don't know if that's calculating correctly it's going to be pretty close at this level you can kind of choose whichever you want but I'll take the extra ability of uh the gold wormling staff which is giving us another little range attack and a little bit of extra fire damage and then as far as Shields go in Grim Forge you can go ahead and pick up the adamantium Shield the adamantine Shield um which is great and if you steal the idol you can get the ring of protection which is another plus one to Armor class and then um since we are only 10 decks I would definitely go ahead with the bow of awareness this gives us a plus one to initiative rooll and I believe is found right here in Emerald Grove now as far as Alternatives go you can go ahead and just pick up any Shield of course if you want to give the adamantine Shield to somebody else you can go ahead and pick up any Shield you want um as far as bows go you can go ahead with the jolt shooter now we're not going to be using our bow a lot but if you do need to use the bow before you close the gap this will give you lightning charges which can then be uh added additional damage to all of your punches when you do reach the character that you're fighting which is great you can also go with the hunting short bow since we are using a weapon you get free Hunters Mark which is great as well as advantage on monstrosity type characters or since we are such a high strength character you can give them the Titan string bow which is from the zarian God I hope I said that correctly this is from the bandits Camp uh way up North and it adds your strength modifier to damage so it actually makes a you a viable bow user although you won't hit particularly often but since we're not going to be a range user those don't really matter as far as alternatives for head gear go if you want somebody else maybe like a rogue to have the haste Helm you can give this character the Warped headband of intellect that's probably what I would do because that means that you would be 16 wisdom 17 intelligence 18 strength 14 console basically everything except deck saves and Chrismas saves would be pretty legit good at which is nice you don't want to get crowd controlled so having 17 intelligence and 16 wisdom means you probably won't get crowd controlled too much and then you're not going to get entangled or restrained because of that high strength if you do have extra adamantine or mithil or you can go ahead and give this character the adamantine armor just going to give you an extra one AC compared to sort of the standard High tier armor but it's also going to have some additional effects like not getting crit and sending characters reeling and then there's a ton and absolutely ton of gloves so really early on uh if you follow kaga's quest line you can go ahead and get Spar the sparkle hands this is um like I said on kaga's quest line if you go and find the little hidden note in the tree these are going to give you lightning charges when you do on armed attacks it goes well with the jolt shooter and then being able to do like that additional whatever that burst damage is when you max out your lightning charges is pretty nice a nice little buff even earlier than that is the gloves of power this is going to essentially Bane enemies that you hit with a weapon attack this is nice and we will be a front liner this is when you meet will it's very early on you could also go with a gloves of dexterity you could even go unarmored if you did go with the gloves of dexterity let me just go ahead and take that off you're still going to have reasonable uh AC if you you went with no shield and no armor there if you do have the gloves of dexterity I'm not a huge gloves of dexterity fan so I probably wouldn't use them but it's definitely an option especially uh fairly early on although I think those are in the in in the cret the GTHL Yankee cret um in the emerald Grove you get the gloves of missile snaring we're not going to have missile snaring as a monk for the first I want to say I think that's level three for monk so you're not going to have this right away so this is a great way to kind of um knock down that dis that that long range damage against you and then the gloves of the growling Underdog when there's two enemies near you you just get automatic advantage on melee attack rolles this is a fantastic uh gloves and I use them for a very long time in this game as far as movement goes Sparks uh the Spring Step boots give you momentum whenever you dash which pairs well with step of the wind Dash um boots of genial striding are just going to give us resistance to difficult terrain uh the boots of stormmy clamor uh when we inflict a condition on somebody they get reverberation so if we topple them they also get reverberation which is awesome and reverberation is going to give them a penalty to their saving throws which is fantastic and then if you do get sort of the Premier boots from act one you can get the disintegrating night Walkers which just give you resistance to getting captured by anything which is fantastic as far as necklaces go a free Missy step never hurts I personally would probably do the sentient amulet this is in Grim Forge and gives you key restoration although you do have to pass a wiz saving throw if you want to use shatter but we have pretty high wisdom so that should be fine and you can also get the spectator's eye in the underd dark where um Ray of fear from a distance or wounding Ray from a distance we're not going to have a lot of good distance uh attacks from range because our dexterity is so low so it's kind of nice to have sort of that scorching Ray from the gloves and also maybe you can add in a ray if you're a wounding ray from this one not a bad option there I also have the ring of color spray this is one of the first Rings you get I like it since you can blind somebody with your your action and then you have advantage on all of your um Flur blows which is fantastic just to show off some of those abilities in action as a dgar we get the ability to enlarge ourselves which is absolutely stupendous so I'm just going to go ahead and do that right before we start this battle and then we can go ahead and attack this poor bear here um as I have a a range weapon equipped which I did not mean to do but it it it shouldn't matter anyway we should be totally fine now this is a situation where you might actually end up fighting these people um because if you if you do end up picking sort of the more evil story line and storming the Druid Grove as you saw there we get a free deflect missile and get to spend a key point to just send that right back at that guy and since there's sort of so many people in this battle I'm just going to show off our defensive capabilities first I'm going to use patient defense and we'll just watch everybody presumably miss us for the foreseeable future and then we'll start a punching now he misses and he's sent reeling because we have that Animan armor they can't hit me with these arrows I'm literally dishing arrows back to them although that one hit whatever that is you do have to be careful of that the um unfortunately the way that the game works is the arrow thrown back is extremely straight we'll go ahead and take out that bear and since we have the ability to topple I'll go ahead and do this as well that knocks out that character that's two characters done I can just go ahead and occupy this guy and with my high although I guess he disengaged but we can just keep chucking things back at this guy and he's down so we didn't even get hit I guess technically we took a little bit of fire damage um but we didn't really get hit at level five for monk level six overall we're going to pick up our own extra attack which is great we're also going to pick up stunning strike for both melee and unarmed attacks this is a fantastic ability here you can just completely crowd control one character with 16 wisdom you should have a pretty difficult DC to save against this and you can just completely crowd control enemies and still do damage with your bonus actions or at the very least an unarmed attack for free as a bonus action which is excellent one of the best crowd control abilities in the game and then at level six our last level for monk we are going to pick up all of the seminal abilities for way of the Open Hand we get key owered strikes which means your un unarmed attacks count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and Immunity which is phenomenal um it just means that people aren't going to be able to resist your damage as as well as they as well as they normally could improved unarmored movements not going to affect us and the key point is nice but the key here is the subass features we have the ability to add 1 D4 plus our wisdom modifier in necrotic damage or psychic damage or radiant damage so that's four to seven damage on every single punch we do and fla blows is two punches per use so that's 8 to 14 additional damage to your uh flura blows which is phenomenal we also get the great overpowered ability wholeness of body you're going to heal yourself you're going to get half your key points pack and you're going to get an extra bonus action which means if each flurry of blow does 8 to 14 damage now we're doing 16 to 28 damage if we have two bonus actions from our wholeness of body and are able to pull off two floral blows which is amazing but what would be more amazing than wholeness of body giving us a bonus action extra bonus action sometimes would be having a bonus an extra bonus action all the time so we're going to hop over to Rogue where we'll have the ability to pick up some more Prof IES because Rogues are great skill monkeys pick whatever you want here since this is not a face I usually just pick things like perception to make all those passive checks at level two for rogue we're going to pick up um the Rogue specific cunning actions which is actually very useful for this build you're only going to have seven key um and using key on dashing or disengaging is stinks it's not a very useful uh purpose for key so being able to do it for just a bonus action at this point helps you really save those keys for your punches and for your patient def defenses and you can also hide granted we're going to have disadvantage from wearing armor from hiding but since there's just sight lines in battle you can still hide and sneak up on people really well and get free Advantage as long as you're not in their Sidelines our last level of Rogue we're going to pick up the subass thief and that will give us the additional bonus action we would also get resistance to Falling damage but we already have that as a monk most importantly we get that extra bonus action so now we have the ability to always Flurry of Blows twice if we want to or what I would normally do is attack twice and then flura blows and then unarmored uh or unarmed attack with that second bonus action and then you get one punch from the attack one punch from your extra attack two punches from your Flur blows and an additional punch from your unarmored attack that's sort of the standard issue monk you're getting five punches in for the cost of one key which is just phenomenal so now that we're at level 10 this is sort of your end of act to beginning of act three level at least if you play the game like I do if you if you if you sort of soak in as much experience as possible so level 10 would be sort of your fighting cthc build and that's what we're going to show off here so as far as items go I actually still have the haste Helm I don't think that there in act three there's a thousand great helmets but in act one and two there's not so the additional amazing movement I I think is something I'd like to stick with here from Quarter Master Tally from the slide in you can get an additional plus one to your saving throws and armor class as a cape which is great you'll notice that our AC is actually lower and that's cuz I switched to the radiant uh the Luminous armor for radiant shock wave we'll see how that gets to gets into effect for a second because we do get radiant damage from our punches I left on the gloves of Cinder and Sizzle as well as the disintegrating night Walkers cuz these boots Rock um I have the Sentinel Shield which this is from um R I think it's from R Moon Mo or the other person in the tower in act two this is just an additional plus three bonus to um initiative role which is fantastic as a 10ex character this will be very nice for us the Ring of protection is basically always going to be good I also you can also get killer sweetheart and act two which is just an autoc critical hit once per long rest which is very nice if you want to walk into a boss battle or an important battle and just absolutely Hammer people I'm also going to go ahead and put on the sentient amulet here that key restoration is awesome aome whenever you can you can basically dump all your key every single battle um if you have ways to get it back with wholeness of body can get half of it back with key restoration you can get half of it back and then with short rest you're getting all of it back so you're getting a lot of key even though it's only seven you're getting that refreshed a lot and then also in this area you can get the dark fire short or you can haste yourself or others you also get resistance to Fire and cold we're not going to be using bow um we're not going to be using our bow very often we're going to be closing the Gap and punching people but getting those resistances and haste is fantastic alternatively if you didn't want to use a radiant build or a radiant shock wave build you can just go ahead and toss on the heaviest armor you can find that's going to go ahead and get you up to 24 25ish AC depending on what armor you find which is awesome if you want to deal different types of damage for example you can go ahead and toss on these gloves and get radiant damage and then you can go to your passives and change your your actual damage style to something else whether that's necrotic or psychic so we'll go ahead and do that for the example um you can also go ahead and do Force damage these are all over the place I'm not even a th% certain that these are act two these radiant ones might be the beginning of act three but you can still get radiant damage from your own manifestations so uh they still apply as far as Shields go after you defeat Krick you can get his shield for an extra bonus to um spell save DC and spell attack rolls I believe that that will impact your punches but it is yet to be tested your Feria blow topples and stuns but it yes to be tested you can also use Edam Mantine Shield if if you want these shields to be on other people or if you just want to avoid those Critical Hits and then as far as alternatives for rings goale I just have the ring of fire if you want to leave um the gloves with cinder and Sizzle on this basically just gives them a plus one to all your punches which is nice not a ton of new equipment in act two for this build there's a ton of Monk equipment but since we are not a DEX Bas monk we can actually use a lot of the clothing and stuff so let's see how much damage we can do first of all we'll just take a quick little Peak at what our one punch does as one punch man we do 14 to 25 damage as a single punch and 28 to 50 damage as a single Flur and blow and as a dwar we can do things like enlarge ourselves or make ourselves invisible so I'm going to go ahead and do that and then we can go ahead and just absolutely topple this guy they're not going to be pleased about it but we can do it so we went ahead and we did what what's that like 30 damage to this guy just under 30 damage to this guy with one with one bonus action and then they're going to go ahead and try and attack us we still have deflect missile as a monk and we can still chug it back at people which is great we're actually going to hit this guy close to us which is f which is nice he's probably a bigger threat anyway and then since we have that resistance to fire from the dark fire short bow we're getting a lot of great resistances as well as our high AC and then this guy even though he hit us he does have or did have radiating or before it went away not 100% sure why it went away on the first turn doesn't seem super Fair since we still have an extra bonus action so we can go ahead and just finish this guy off if we want to which I will and then we can just go ahead and if we wanted to we could do something like stunning strike this Harper or the all these guys have radiating orb these two have 10 radiating orbs on this guy six on this person and two on this person so they're all going to miss pretty consistently um I'll just go ahead and this person stun so their turn's going to skip and then everybody's going to miss and since we have extra attack we can just go ahead and take that person out now at level 11 when we reach a bit of a Crossroads you can hop back into any of the classes that we are already a part of if you stay in Rogue you're going to get a feet right away where you're going to have the option to just bump up strength all the way if you need it or you can go ahead and pick up something like alert which is going to make sure that we're not going last we do only have 10 decks or any other feed that you're interested in you can also hop back into monk where you're going to pick up evasion as well as Stillness of mind which will keep you from being Charmed or frightened and if you stay in monk all the way out you will still get a feat at level eight just like you would if you stayed in Rogue it'll just be a little bit later you can also hop back in Fighter for the ever useful action surge if you want it however since this is sort of a maximum op damage build I'm going to hop into Druid and which is going to give us some options here for cantrips and spells now cantrips aren't going to be super useful on this build so go ahead and pick whatever you want you don't have a guidance User it's pretty late in the game to not have it but go ahead and TOs guidance on there and then I'll do resistance in case we get into any unexpected conversations where resistance can be helpful and then you're going to get an option for some spells here now these are just level one spells not the most useful but something like healing word is always useful and since we're not going to be using our spells for anything else I think putting healing onto this character makes a lot of sense you can also do something like fog Cloud to make them more sneaky and maybe ice knife if you want to do a little crowd controlling where you can put an ice patch somewhere I think those are probably the most useful we're not going to be doing spells a lot but having healing word on a character is always amazing and taking it all the way out to level 12 at Druid we're going to pick up a subass feature which is nice we're going to pick up the circle of spores now we have the ability to Wild shape but it's not going to be super useful and probably not going to be something you're going to want to use a lot because it's only the first initial wild shaped creatures at level 12 so they're not going to be super useful but what we do pick up which is great symbiotic entity by using symbiotic entity we gain four hit points per level in Druid so that's going to be eight temporary hit points and deal an additional one to six damage in necron damage while you have that temporary hit points now this impacts every single time that we do damage to a character so I mentioned before that if you extra attack if you attack an extra attack you get two punches if you flurry blows you get two more punches and if you unarmed attack you get another punch so that's sort of five punches stock so that's five D6 of necrotic damage that can be added to this and then of course if you're willing to flurry or blow a th000 times or if you do that wholeness of body you can get that fluro blow uh you can do three flal blows which is ridiculous you're also going to be able to get an additional spell slot but that's not really going to matter I would just pick all utility things like this and then we're done so let's go into battle and we will see um all of the damage that we can do which is at this point is absolutely crazy now that we are level 12 we have access to all of the uh act three items which is great it gives us even more power than we already had as well as um some more AC which is great if you want to still run that radiating orbs build that you saw in act two you can that's going to be a viable build all the way through but I just have whatever heavy armor we can grab here there's a ton of great armors in the late game grab whichever one you like they're all good but as far as things that actually synergize with this build I think that it makes a lot of sense to go ahead and just buff those defenses with everything that's not gloves and then with the gloves we can buff our offenses so for for the helmet I have the hell dust helmet that's just going to give us plus two to our saving throws and we can't take crits which is fantastic we already have dark vision so no problem there there's not a lot of better cloaks than the cloak of protection alternatively you can get the cloak of displacement which is just going to give enemies disadvantage on Attack rules against you it's up to you one AC or disadvantage this disadvantage is situational does go away after you get hit so it's not always as useful as armor class but it's up to you like I said pick whatever armor you want any heavy armor is great they're all great there is only one option for punches though and that's the gloves of Soul catching they give you one d10 force damage to your punches as well as hit points um when you punch somebody which is unbelievable and it also Buffs your Constitution which is just they're just they're overpowered I can't believe I'm surprised that larion put gloves in this game that are so good there's other gloves that give you 1d6 damage but these ones um you can get them at the magical shop I can't remember the name of it um where the guy the magical place where the Mage Tower guy I sound ridiculous you know what I'm talking about you can get them there you can buy them 1 D 10 Force damage for every single punch we're going to be punching minimum uh four times minimum four times um or minimum five times per turn so it's ridiculous I leave the sting creting night walkers on because I like to be able to have my crowd control character and web somebody or intangle somebody and then I run right in and punch the crap out of them as far as necklaces go uh there's not a ton of amazing amulets for this character you can of course stick with the key restoration which is great you could of course get the um necklace that gives you maximum Constitution from the hell a verus if you want but uh as far as more realistic ones cuz there only there's only one of those to go around we can't be giving those to everybody so more realistically you can get the surgeon subjugate ambulet every time you crit or once per per long rest when you crit you can paralyze a character just leans into this we can already stun characters now we can paralyze them which is excellent you can also give the Perry up of wound closure which just gives you maximum HP restoration when you're healed and when you're downed you just automatically stabilize um and you could also get the Fay semblance amulet you're going to get advantage on intelligence wisdom and Charisma saving throws that just means that these two saves are going to become I mean wisdom is going to become borderline automatic save and intelligence is going to become pretty darn good now I still have the dark fire short bow here uh this is a great a great item all the way through to the end of the game you can get the legendary bow and it does essentially the same thing it allows you to haste yourself um which is also equally well but it seems like a bit of a waste on this character who won't use it alternatively you could use the Deadshot this is going to increase your critical hit rate um even though it is um only a bow it will still increase your critical hit rate overall which is great and then alternatively for head for headgear like I said if you don't have a lot of good headgear if you're giving all this good headgear to other people you can go ahead and just go with the headband of intellect that's going to make sure that these especially if it's paired with this now you have advantage on intelligence and wisdom saving throws and you have high intelligence and wisdom it makes you basically an uncd controllable character which is very nice um but then there's a lot of other good options as well the hood of the weave um is going to increase that DC the mask of Soul perception is going to give you plus two to your attack roles and initiative which is great cuz like we're only a 10 deck character so we're going to need a little a little bit of an initiative buff buff um and since Tavern brawler adds our strength bonus to our attack RS we get a plus4 to our attack rolls and then we get another plus4 from Tavern brawler and then we would get another plus two from this mask so we basically will never miss with punches um you can also do the Hat of uninhibited kigo after dealing damage with an unarmed attack you get a plus one bonus to your DC which is great and then of course sort of the legendary op option is the Helm of balerin which is going to give you a plus one AC as well as some free healing which is also nice I'm going to stick with the mask of Soul perception cuz that just means we're basically going to have 95% hit chance no matter what and um I don't think I went over the shield but this is vonia walking Fortress this is from um the dark just justicier quest line with Shadow heart you can go ahead and kill the sort of leader character there and you get this plus three shield and you also get advantage against spells on saves against spells which is nice alternatively Krick Shield is still pretty good all the way through to here and there's a lot of other good Shields but this is probably the best one this is like a premier Shield um as the legendary item it's pretty fantastic at everything so as a plus as a 25 AC character that is able to Flurry of Blows topple for 30 to 75 74 damage we can do a lot all right and to show off this fully powered character we're going see if we can take out a kabi very quickly let's find out I am going to haste myself cuz since we don't have wholeness of body I was effing around with that earlier and then I guess we'll try and topple him although he floats I don't actually know if he will be able to be toppled nice first first hit there as we did like 60 damage um and then we're going to have two attacks I'll crit him that's a nice crit and then I'll see if I can stun him I did stun him and since we're hastened we get another attack and we get another attack and then we get another Flurry of Blows which might actually kill him almost so we stunned him and we left him with how much damage did we do we did 230 damage on aabi that turn you can see how with this build if you if you really want to just if you really want to just absolutely overload somebody with damage you certainly can and then in the meantime when you're not dumping all your key into one character you can just go ahead you're just a great frontliner but when you really need to dump damage into a character you can just do ridiculous stuff like this and just absolutely blast people although I probably shouldn't have done push there CU now I'm not going to reach this character but that's you can see that there 230 damage in one move so if you like this build if you like the idea of a instead of being a dextrous monk we're just going to be a super heavy Mega tank monk um then go ahead and toss a like on here and if if you like this video um if you like all of my other videos please do feel free to subscribe it is much appreciated whenever somebody does I definitely take note and if you want to comment any other build that you'd like to see or any additions or alternatives to this build that you'd like to see please do and I usually pretty quick to answer otherwise I am going to go move this build to my main character and my honor mode run and see if it can get through the game
Channel: Gym Leader Rob
Views: 41,094
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BG3 Builds, BG3 builds guide, bg3 monk builds, bg3 op builds, baldurs gate 3 op builds, bg3 overpowered builds, baldurs gate 3 monk multiclass build, baldurs gate 3 multiclass monk, bg3 multiclass build, bg3 monk build guide, bg3 best monk build, bg3 way of the open hand, bg3 tavern brawler, bg3 tavern brawler build, Way of the open hand, bg3 monk subclass
Id: TwSXewviqC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 17sec (1937 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 06 2024
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.