Honour Mode Run Stream 1 - Baldur's Gate 3 Livestream

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[Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so here we are here on a mode I've I've not tried it yet I I feel like this go really badly to be honest but what can I do but try so I haven't even made my character yet to be honest and I have been wondering whether well what race to take my class is probably going to be Paladin is my thought but as for the race I've been floating three ideas in my head one is halfling to get rid of those critical or not get rid of all of them but most of them second one would be half or so that when I inevitably go down to zero hit points at least once per short rest long rest can't remember right now I go to one instead so I can take an extra hit or a gnome of some sort so I have advantage on my uh saving throws mental stats especially for wisdom more than any of any of the others in particular hello dark and Sandra Zan Fifer I don't know how to pronounce your name properly um need to play it yeah he didn't on a solo run died on a solo run from the alow yeah I mean from my understanding quite a few of the boss kind of Boss Battles have been buffed up I've read up on two of them so far one being the AL bear I actually know what to expect there uh yeah I'm I'm not sure how uh how well this is going to go am I going to cheese it if I should do that um reset tutorials no I'll be fine I'll be fine he says I'll be fine right so my class said yeah I'll start with Paladin I can re as far as I'm aware I can respect this so I'm not too fussed about the class if I want to change I will change um am I going to cheese on a mode uh I'm going to be trying to make things in my favor as much as possible I'm not quite sure what will constitute cheese for me compared to other people I probably won't be using barelan I've I've just never been bothered doing that plus I'm actually slightly wored to blow myself up anyway so I want to stay clear of that oath of I was thinking ancients for this extra healing Oho Jeffrey I think trying to solo trying to solo it not at first because I actually want to get a feel for the change in the rules because we do hopefully if you've read the patch notes I I haven't played it but reading the patch notes there are some quite significant changes to things like haste and multi-attack stacking just got party wiped by the gift on the bridge Bri Bridge did I say bridge I don't know bridge I thinking know the Ancients yeah right race so halflings could be good because we get lucky lucky lucky lucky not bra I don't care well Brave is still actually useful still shoot through the wall damn it haste you only get one extra attack from haste instead of a whole extra action hello he Gypsy as it is in fifth edition actually see half will go quite well with the Paladin I feel it's Relentless endurance doesn't say how often I can use it dark vision will be useful Savage attacks kind of useful I suppose I I don't know if spell casters can still cast it doesn't say see I haven't experienced it so I don't know if spell casters can actually still cast two spells or not oh gnome gnomes gnomes are cool [Music] man prob be deep gnome deep gome what halfing would I take uh uh maybe Str strong heart halfling no worries dark and Sandra S Sandra or half or but I've got to think what would be useful if I change my class right sir Al thank you for being here still deciding still deciding I mean ganki could be good as well ganki always oh wait no that's probably because I'm a paladin be overprepared yeah I've been trying to tell myself that I should slow down pretty much right I'm going to deal with critical misses it's going to suck to no more half walk cuz that g cunning could be so so powerful this saves me from dying from attacks ah might go half walk one I got slightly faster movement speeds oh but advantage on wisdom saving throws and greater dark vision uh all right deep name going to go a deep name uh abilities let's think I might regret that this seems pretty good but if I've got a paladin I can't get the hags hair without breaking my o Maybe that'll be okay voice is very POG I'll take that as a as a compliment thank you racing class choice for hours yeah right um I don't want a bad Charisma though or bad wisdom that would suck right backgrounds let's think about backgrounds what would I need Athletics because it be really good to be able to shove people so Soldier has that doesn't it Athletics intimidation intimidation would be nice as well having some sort of Charisma check uh any others have Athletics and survival I don't really care about survival that much yeah it's going to be Soldier and then persuasion yes o uh don't really care between these two that much um Insight what should I look like edit appearance some of you might hate me if you're doing this I don't know uh one more actually I have they all get saved down here any a random 16 that'll do right voice what was that let's hope the health something just woke up down here it's opened I haven't used many of these voices actually there's magic what was that I use eight I don't think I've used eight before all right just wanted one last double check before I just screw everything up a deep name mostly for the advantage on saving throws for intelligence wisdom charisma but the seual dark vision won't be bad advantage on stealth checks which I'll need because I'll probably be in heavy armor a paladin the ancients for the extra healing hello Lucifer a pretty good it's bit worried about what I'm about to get myself into question is do I want to change this because what at level four I could put strength and Charisma up 1816 pretty boring but it I mean I want my chisma 16 to be honest and then the next feet could be something for damage I suppose I I'll need alert oh man what one bad thing about paladins is the Mad multiple attribute dependent all right let's go for it name oh damn haven't thought about this um I am doing honor not custom am I planning to multi class I was thinking either fighter or life cleric not yet I mean not sure but you know I figured that out when I get there on going to be boring on a a Tav no honor Tav have honor your honor honor Tav I've got to have t in the name it doesn't really work who cares you need a guardian oops I supposed to hit randomize whatever War cleric could be War cleric let's I was thinking life just to see if um I think I've read somewhere that the life cleric ability now Stacks with Warden of Vitality which would be lovely haven't tried that haven't tried it out though I don't think this has changed greetings suble greetings indeed good luck yeah I think I will very oh that's a new background isn't it oh yeah I think they said the the the loading screens are going to update as we um progress through the game yeah I'll need all the luck I can Geto class because I had had about 20 minutes free between the release of patch 5 and the start of the stream to play bers Gate 3 which was pretty much just just getting a thumbnail ready all right let's go my head let's get this open peculiar clothing chest receive condition medium toughness where is this peculiar clothing chest all right don't do anything stupid that's the aim of the game right now okay I'm hoping we have all the usual things here these boots have seen everything I've been vaguely thinking about this temp channel 123 I I pretty much want a wizard or sorcerer I'll take that I'm not sure whether having Gail would actually be a liability in terms of if he goes if when he goes down having to get him back up or if he dies could be annoying and then either I I was thinking maybe a druid just watch me die on this first jump um because I'm thinking that in uh honor mode I feel having summons and maybe even being a moon Druid having any extra summons extra like pools of hit points are going to be massively use useful all right jumping around okay okay okay uh just normal for now for now this one's going to be normal but I know might only last 20 minutes maybe next time I started with the durge oh right okay the Restoration Station is not working one use only is it damn right don't go jumping around always check creature stats yeah go slow down just slow down it says this is for experience people recommended this this the difficulty mode watch me die to us damn it that would be embarrassing all right let's go up healing is so good in honor mode yeah I've honestly been thinking for life life cleric just because I know I'm going to be taking way more damage going to be going down oh man thank you oh leth sorry sure I've completely uh mangled that t tits there's long rest and require even more food now I don't know yet someone else might be able to answer that I know in custom difficulty there's the option to put it up to three times instead of two times that it is in tactician but whether on our mode hurts that or not I'm not sure you've come to save us the exposed all right let's go before they you realize you're talking to an intellect devour tell me what to do I'm skiing skipping past all of these in nervousness break the skull I'm not thewar go I do realize that could have been a good choice as well though bo bo now what I don't mind in honor mode is the one save only in terms of these sort of interactions destroy the bra cuz i' pretty much always played like that anyway stilling through play through number two and balance not quite ready for onom yet like cleric on I like cleric basically the best cleric in my well I say best everyone's got the favorite my favorite all right sorry MTH well I say sorry I didn't do anything sorry us there's no music got lots of background noises lots of bubbling no chests no chests oh sad one thing I've got to not do is destroy things that could explode in my face saving all right anything over this way out tablet you could be cursed I know not really but just trying to get myself from in the mood of playing on a mode and I could be screwed over at any moment all right hopefully we're going to get our first companion ah there's the music yeah I love watching this one see I was thinking also I need a second front liner got a paladin abomination this is your end I do think a Battle Master would be a very good choice as well but also wondering about range of Beast Master tingles just having access to some spells and an extra body on the field could be so very useful flash of your face yeah channel 23 know going back my head will I rent the classes I'll think about it it obviously an it is an obvious choice to make isn't it FL blesses me this day but my problem is for this now is when I'm making my videos is I kind of do you want to be playing onor mode who am I so I need to get some experience now in onor modes before I start ranking things un tactician I could probably do it first we exterminate the Imp then we find the disturbing cut control of the ship we will address the matter of a cure for this yeah this bit here right imp don't kill me ATT all right let's go ah initiative minus 20 you're so slow checking everything right that look pretty simple still - 21 all right legendary actions are a game changer yeah that's why kind of I think the boss has already should have had that anyway all right one for one all right there's Z doing her thing EP I haven't even had a look at the epilog yet with haste with haste indeed just going to double check let's use the concussive smash okay it wasn't necessary but it's fine charge oh look at that should have been using this such an idiot right uh I can't dip in anything now let's just do it now ah don't kill me all right no get your revenge all that matters with your advantage another Swift and lethal I will not know failure yes made it through the first combat you prove surprisingly adequate in battle surprisingly adequate I suppose that is a compliment coming from Las o cotic b Swift as my feet can carry me actually is I need to give her some things to throw actually cuz the dexterity is very low ranged weap are not going to be a good idea for the Paladin I also want someone with like long Strider and a so maybe oh the Paladin could do that might start off with the cleric the low levels and then respect someone for a druid once my Paladin can cost Aid I'll be happy for her to do that the question is restoration restoration yeah it's gone the ship won't be able to take another dragon attack we need to get out before it's too late all right all right we're going I haven't thought about using T Brer yet whether I will or not but part of me also wants to use a monk still love open hand monks I'm wor it's a bit risky to be using it not that the bad just my own personal skill with them probably G Machinery I can make no sense of it right assume nothing yeah she's normally like don't touch anything I don't know if that was a bad idea okay okay okay okay do the mechanics still working onom mode apparently not so I've read I haven't tried it though all right need to get rid of them dark [Music] ring still on my feet ooh is that going to be close enough to attack them I wonder see the short the lower movement speed is already getting me on mode is the true gaming yeah half or yeah I mean that was one of my choices I've already got two javelins all right then run away I will Ascend what are you going to do surprised I saved that gotcha all right power the stakes here cuz I need be using allies now right right I saw that in the in the um not crave blood I think I also saw that if someone's held do correct me if I'm wrong oh Zach's every no um proed you only get a critical hit if you hit it's not automatic Critical Hits I don't know if that's just in honor mode though right let's let's uh hand these over shall I H oath in their tenants cool that we start don't know if we started with that before just going to thank you actually I just want to don't want to use it just just just take that you can have this back medium armor is pointless to me screw it I'm taking it all right give that to you give that to you I haven't found a shield died in the Crips I thought maybe a but La in flavor yeah they haven't had very many um had a few but very not very many dialogue options right still alive on step right in my a key medium toughness it's 22 o uh there's a chance I wonder what I can do to make this bit better come on who needs a key there one yeah I don't think there's any point in doing that I'll just go get the key right yeah one save is a recipe for disaster kind of stop safe coming oh there's the key I don't particularly care about saves coming to be honest either way INF take that take that hello chest thank you for the potions I will almost certainly be needing them now since I'm a paladin I probably shouldn't attack this Mutual intellect Devourer oh to the Ancients the morning Jew clings right okay blah blah blah yeah can't select Ono changes and custom made is a bit strange isn't it right I'm 100% appears dment 100% going to be using the taple powers even if it does make my eyes go black the console hums to life yeah no Coral you're right actually uh it could be one one bug screwed screwed over in tactician yeah there a few of these in your I would probably say bugs turn into is that turned off for another sensation wases over you connection authority authority please don't fail you feel the biomechanical brain of the conso all right let's go Shadow heart what you just got out damn it from you right I thought that d you're dangerous company let me come with you all right all right what's that we'll find out I ready let us think don't need that that could be useful uh could be useful could be useful uh uh bless bless bless honor mode makes it closer to fifth edition must keep going um that's for sure and they've got legendary actions included it doesn't just buff HP as far as I'm aware hello Manana welcome I've got a long road ahead all right let's use this an efficient path I don't know if it's annoyingly hard yet I shall find out one nice thing though that I've read is that even if you do die you can still continue just not in on a mode any well it doesn't count as on a mode anyway we are nearing the helm once inside do as I say wait who put you in charge shed why didn't you say anything who put you in charge CH yank right there we are you had back that scene now I say quick save there's basically no point is there um dexterity uh I think I'm already proficient in athletics so strength will be pointless why not dexterity all right what was I going to do I was going to summon you ahead of time cuz you're always useful let's get on with it you are going to get a crossbow pH sometimes I do forget that and it's really annoying when I [Music] do okay I think I'm ready is enough is that always your weapon gun action not reaction M you don't have a ranged weapon anymore I'm ready all right okay the environment didn't do anything reaction all right cuz that used up her action to do that let's go into the sphincter thw th connect the nerves of the transer all right let's go ooh not great on the initiative crap it's a bad start impact is imminent right I must connect the helm okay impact is imminent I can probably only get rid of one of these so I should probably go for the Lesser imp I'll go towards the Lesser imp oh man I going have to jump there I was hoping to dip my weapon uh I mean I still should if I use Rush attack just go for it yeah come [Music] on good get in the way of the bo good good good good good good good good good right [Music] it would be good to try and disarm Commander Z as early oh no I've got to do it when someone's next to him so yeah you haven't had a turn yet ah someone said something about her stats what nonsense I could have sworn someone online was like oh Shadow Hearts now got strength 15 dexterity 10 still the same as before right good wisdom though heading there oh nice standun perfect so you go here you shall dip first hello n I'm hoping to make it at least off the noroid before having to restart all right good stuff good luck H yes thank you thr oh never mind let's get as much distance as possible no time to waste not stand anymore can't afford to let up Swift and lethal I wonder if Comm Zog will actually attack one of the characters instead of the the Mind flare put my Lord at the harpies and run over that reminds me I need someone with calm emotions which might mean I need to make someone a Bard at some [Music] point say that Focus I will try and dis command like disarm next time so this time go on get him again cleric has C motion too okay okay one or the other P motions completely stops you from being Charmed so I mean against harpies it's like the uh what's it the hard counter [Music] hey told it to shoot all right didn't expect that to do anything I was wondering if you could oh you can't throw interesting [Music] PA is interrupted just wonder if I can throw the Imp into Commander Z One damage why is that a 0% chance whatever right charge forwards nice nice nice nice nice not so nice ignore the devil this is it Shadow Hearts imp do you know what I should have done first will send bloody pommel strike right that's my own idiocy let's finish this let's indeed nice ooh I wonder how long does that last for two turns they'll get back up very surely concussive smash ooh weakening strike let's try it can't slow down Divine sense weakening strike weak group yeah get in there give him a good old slap why isn't what why didn't that work it's a second time I've told someone to do something as nothing has happened oh there it is it's a bit slow right yeah give him a slap uhoh uhoh right no time I must reach the hel I must right he's d as well dazed as well so he's got no reactions let's get the F out of here hurry nearest one no the one with the rang attack first need to stay focused check their bodies got to move nice W he's got so many hit points though all right um at least I've got healing Radiance ready if I need it that's going to be quite useful I think let's get some High Ground shall we well it's best we can do I probably should pick up some of these consumables throw down a javelin at you now this is good one down slap yeah fly you fools see what would be lovely is if I could kill the M flare he's going to do 12 damage next turn so I can actually leave the M flare for one more turn I'm ready um all right so 85% chance yeah we'll go with that again try and get some High Ground if we can we can that's a slight slight shame yeah take one out if we can should always be the aim Fury oh I could hear the ball there nice oh Divine sens is gone love throwing axes the hardest go on going to get lasel I suppose that's fine take this all right now I have to attack and kill the mine flare come a little Clos I'm assuming I still get the experience for killing the mine flare I don't know I've no idea what's changed what's the plan what's the plan St and 55% that's not very good is it oh that's even worse 50% now the light crossbow is better time to strike get rid of this one first before you engageing combat off ship gather full party yeah starus that might be true I may have just forgotten miss moving I'm getting ready to yeah run away Victory awaits um think I'll be okay what can't reach this on the table Iselle what are you doing stun a ex thinging honestly I've played like what 35 minutes of it so pretty hard to say right now I think from what I've read just uh the fact they've made things a bit closer to fifth edition how much damage is this going to do four to n let's go all right crap he's not wrong probably shouldn't have been quite so happy eh attack me uhoh bye-bye LEL it's fine it's fine I don't know how it's fine to be honest but it's [Music] fine all right can't give up I don't know if this will affect anything so I really do need to make sure she's up and awake glad that still works now right oh no uh 18 ft how much have I got left yeah it's fine it's fine is this the gameer that tweeted those pictures that ended up being problematic what I don't even use Twitter all right another step forward let's go the Helm's alien trans made it you made it in [Music] time let's go yeah channel one i' got no idea what even those pictures were right first bit done for the rest of the game now CH those from all the way to Boulders Gat so what we're going to do we're going to get Shadow heart oh I made a slight mistake I say mistake but I was thinking I wanted someone with a jump so I could go up to Gail straight away and Skip any potential combat all right this looks pretty similar goblins out on a [Music] raid do like the music this is like classic bers get music now so skip it but when the insect devours get me they run back a bit don't they to their buddy all right let's get this definitely going to get Shadow heart that's for sure no take backs H mode we save we go forwards marching ever onwards as you wake the Tad squirm s all right uh where did I land of the crash site confuses the landscape you'll need to find us and you'll need to do it quick the Tad pole okay let's go let's go so death sentence level up yes heck yeah don't put some smiting smiting talk oh fighting style defense thank you very much I get some spells which I probably won't use I'm much more likely to be smiting all right but I will prepare some spells uh this could be useful that could be useful that could be useful I don't know maybe actually at this low level five temporary hit points each turn that level one is going to bloody useful ask ask ask thank you very much all right ahead fish I can without this jum spell huh I've always relied on it shows how much I know hello Shadow heart give me a polyhedric artifact thing oh wait I'm in Paladin oops I mean o are the Ancients right it's nothing to do with nature and stuff what are you doing what are you doing let's uh yeah be truthful don't all right speaking of how are we alive how are we I remember the ship I remember falling nothing honor mode scares you because you are you roll two ones back to back yeah that would be bad that's one reason I really think halfling would be a good choice actually we might have escaped but we still have monsters in our head it's the paladins right we we need each other and we both know what's at stake can't think of better company all right cool Sweet let's go one thing it would lead the all right lead the way you should level up for now we just keep her being a cleric get an extra spell slot will be useful I might start using voke duplicity I suppose and let's check her spells to G cuz I really want healing word yes yes yes yes yes and that [Music] one let's see anyway halfling Moon yeah I mean I think a moon might actually be pretty good got to keep moving right we're facing the brains area entrance place to jump I'm glad we still only need 80 only need 80 camp supplies let get going she's going to wear nickn Noble hats for now yeah I think having a cleric I mean I might just respect her into a light cleric I um a what you call it the radiance thing Radiance of the dawn it's just going to be amazing hey where are my fish are they in here here oh no they're in here start stacking up these supplies fresh water there must be a settlement I will probably be using assuming I can the uh hings the things like Aid maybe and heroes Feast eventually if I ever make it that high yeah surprisingly quiet no music this used to happen before on the noroid down this way way point discovered I've made it this far and I hope I can make it at least through one stream without dying I would say though on tactician I would rarely have my whole party die so I do have a a bit of Hope Oh there's music so can we go up from this direction oh yeah Bam Bam Bam okay okay I love the way short races come down they sit down oops that there we are doesn't make them look like a child at all all right more of those Hello Goodbye was this possible in Early Access to do this I always had to use jump there used to be a tree here SP the you be tree I us said jump into it sometimes right free experience there not very much but it's something ooh elixier fire resistance no long rest yes if we get that buff that's the other thing I don't want my characters running into traps and gas like poison clouds and stuff it's going to be a pain all right we'll save gaale well try to at least what's going on with that hello maybe I won't maybe I completely fail be no G magic Glitters and swirls from yeah look my cool as if malfunctioning yeah it looks slightly dangerous touch it please don't kill me I'm assuming it wasn't going to really hand anyone where's dark urge when you need it right give it a slap strength a man where's Shadow heart can she jump up I bet she can't or maybe she can she can get guidance yeah let's go let's try this way I don't know why she did follow up considering she made those jumps very easily let's go let's go let's go I wonder if guidance will pop up now yeah good all right let's go wizard rescue wizard resources are horrible early game yeah lots of fasters are aren't they that's it go on keep pulling there we are I might just have to make him make him an abjuration Wizards just to make him survive hello hello I'm by the way he says de apologies right better at this are you okay A bit shocked but friend Lea and a I know you don't I I can only assume you you don't happen to be a cleric by any chance 10 basic wounds and such enough can Max ritual spells we most certainly going to need a Healer oh there an act all right for now I'll keep him as a wizard haven't decided between Wizard and sorcerer yet right it's always hard I mean transportation is good to stick someone in Camp conjuration I'm not so fussed about that divination is so good though oh man that could change things I did divination on my first playthrough I haven't gone back to it since because I'm trying so many different things I did like it oh I'm going to go a divination right spells indeed ritual spells I mean long Strider is a must jump I'll do without for now would like it though we do have to take it at level up cuz I don't think there's any Scroll of enhanced sleep I said jump but enhanced sleep Shield might need that to stay alive don't have very many attacking spells but that's fine that's fine excellent right 100% Going to cast Mage Armor yeah disguise self that would be a good choice wouldn't it thankfully whatever comes ready Shadow has that anyway because she is a trickery domain cleric which way to the nearest L RIS game maybe right I don't want to use that I do want to use that that will do for now I don't know where to actually have for cloud and just hide inside it but yeah everyone gets a long Strider assuming this still works she goes we're going to go and free lasel home will ever believe this hopefully time to press ahead I'll save it in case my game crashes that's pretty much what I'm saving for now yeah these are some good spells the maze okay get in his face zoru was right zoru yellow was a to twice as ugly she's got a yellow and green tabed on as well leave it for the Goblin and if get rid of them get rid of them right Alladin deception or persuasion I mean usually these tagged options are easier all right maybe not what where's my guidance oh man didn't need it all right she's right let's go avoiding combat if I can basically don't want to die shook our camp good so we came for a look where is this Camp nice hat thank you Char Brown found it in a barrel don't if that's a good thing or bad thing yeah I'm going to change this I wasn't sure if that was a critical success or failure to change my Northwest my die skin and be enough gawking me let them go 10 experience I'll take it we got 75 from the noro oh from the um you see them as you say I'm going to make sure they are out of sight cuz it used to be if we did bring Las La lasel down too early they would come and fight you and I don't really want that this I'll give up now the Tad hasn't yet scrambled all your senses There Goes My Messa just wait this wait ah gone all right okay my people possess the cure for this infection ction I must find a CR you will join me you have made an ally from cres cier few know such for come a CR level up action search action search probably the best thing I've got on my whole party right now right um things I can do without getting into a fight pick up and I'm not really close enough to level three to uh get experience from all the non- combats or non-combat experiences but maybe I should trigger the cut scene here and just run away wait let me get the shovel first but be careful that's a massive shovel compared to the size of the Nome where did you put that shovel Right Stuff let's head back this way shall we are you going to have to do six encounters per day just to save resources hopefully not I'm going to try and pick up as many as I can thing is once I get to the Grove I don't particular want to come back to this other area around the ship oh we have still got the insect of arrows and such there a m flare it's hurt good hopefully I don't break my Oath by doing this to be dangerous even if injured to do it let be careful don't know if it makes a difference G death is too kind of Fate all right good stuff uh let's send aaran to camp we want as many people at Camp as possible call out I know that' be funny wouldn't it end your end the run right here hurry I've got one of those brain things there brain things in the grass easily there can you see it what is this hair going through my cheek just a dumb boore you're relieved until you see the flash of a dagger put it away don't we yeah I saw you on the ship free jealousy fre with them aren't you your mind twists you're looking out of un I didn't that what was that what's going on the wor the worm yes and to think I was ready to decorate my name's introduce yourself pleasure H that's nice so M flares turn us into I want to hear this good laugh although all right it hasn't happened yet come with me tempting but your party good luck Perfect Right more experience time to go down right I need to have The High Ground if I can or at least not have the low ground let's get creeping along dead mine FL yeah I see the enemies through there their Vision cones like a Vision Quest no they're Vision cones oh there used to be like a potion of haste on that one maybe there still could be not sure if it's RNG random or just uh fixed all right turn based move why am I doing this why am I doing this he says right we want to get rid of the one from above maybe 99% chance is deathy one damage intellect of our thinking man's worst nightmare and you can leg it Gale please mistra there is work to do okay it does have to come round at least it can't maybe I'll jump down I'm not too sure 98% chance that seems good to me bam and you also run away but not as far as go better make my next move 96% will do I could just th yeah just through 99% except path through isn't good focus on one at a time smack come here my patience and lasel no you're not as good with the bow but it'll do oh I feel like my damage rolls really low there one two two yeah not the best of luck all right formation set up go oh yeah they're going to be oh no they've got their range attack oh about that I did ha you shot into nothing ha sort thing I would [Music] do all right time to push my luck again one damage can we do one damage yeah you got 95% chance to hit got to keep waiting actually wonder if Las our shadow heart always do that on I [Music] go all right good time to strike I feel like being up here is probably best having The High Ground 100% chance apparently I like that grunt from lasel there right scale shall be done go for the kill with this 1 d10 should give him a crossbow really nice time to strike do we close the distance I want The High Ground for now really me no choice but to keep going awesome you've still got a turn to go um it's called to remember to pick these up shots all right they've come forwards seven damage all right we should just be able to charge in and taste my Fury kill it f well right no damage taken Prospect right there's out come and get long stried it's a word right it's not blood so far so good so far so good oo yummy brains let's pick up these Throne weapons maybe I should take tavn brawler get that strength and that extra damage on Throne weapon attacks although I do read that they've kind of fixed it in terms of it not applying too much bonus damage kiwi where okay I could have done that all in one go see my my instinct is to save but at the ready what's the point maybe I get a power cut that has happened before on stream ooh potion of [Music] speed all right down this way let's have a look try to do everything we can see don't have any any one particularly good at pickpocketing and slight of hand I mean Shadow heart's okay because she's proficient in it but her dexterity is bad at the moment mer grass open up play two recklessly collapse Cherry oh I'm hoping I don't do that as well I mean he can't hit chests but there are some points where maybe I don't want to maybe it will get me into trouble if I do there are some doors like in combat like in the uh Iron Throne that's very far ahead I can't speak to animals oh well I probably won't be doing much stealing this run there's no time to waste yeah I like the idea like the idea the fact that we can continue here even if you do die and I have to say I never actually tried on mode and Divinity original original sin 2 felt like I wasn't good enough at the game actually deep grooves around that rock thank you let's read these pretend like we haven't seen these before of course that's the Syble brilliant uh let's go more right I can now teleport back up to where we found Gail Coral I can't remember actually at the moment I'm sure somebody here could tell you roadside Cliffs question mark yeah I've covered all of this right I'm going to try and talk my way through this next combat everything oh yeah yeah I get advantage on a performance check because I'm a gnome assuming everything else goes according to plan oh wow look at that floating floating wood thing is in Divinity original sin 2 I did go through it in tactician but I mean it's happed to reload and I was dying that's for sure all right let's see what happens sneaking around B got looks like he's had in his head what's this thing creep around trying to creep around us and loot the phantom paint painton fan I'll show you in a second or is it the ship you're after either way it's ours Paladin intimidation selfish C oh guidance let's hope I don't die what are you huz attacker right the Lance board is set Gail Gil Gale gimbal boock shorten destroyed funny they call it that I am Fury I am death who goes next gimb actually goes next okay can't quite put him to sleep yet I just failed my first I got my first critical Miss on a speech check [Music] right I will not know f ah of course that's so this whole movement speed as well 25 ft to get there brilliant all right stand back swords meet sorcery Gale right two very tempting things here one put waren to sleep why so I can get a critical hit with onav and then he's dead the other tempting thing is to use Thunder Wave but Thunder Wave might fail so [Music] you going to jump you're going to throw ah you got a dash cuz you got short legs uh it's fine we can say that oh hello uh the five critical hit splat right can we take on ton can shove him down I reckon oh we got guidance going still brilliant move back let's end this oh hello Shadow heart I kind of forgot you were there let's stick up and vot duplicity no gance but that's okay come on dash dash dash dash dash dash dash damn oh that do I suppose oh crap help or shove shove really good move it's a bit dangerous though I will Ascend uh let's think let's think let's [Music] think so I could put tamon to sleep or I can hit go just [Music] die ah I was hoping you'd fail that right days sadly for the ages ooh yeah oh okay it's not going to work is it but we're going to try oh nice right get out of there you going to jump in difficult terrain and you've got rare Frost stand there if you want I don't [Music] mind oh the returning Pike isn't returning how ah you didn't do anything all right we're going to swipe first no and then attempt to shove [Music] two stunted to move these boots have seen everything actually I probably shouldn't leave LEL out never mind what should I do let's see just try and shoot this dude nice Dash yeah take a ages to get back okay ice knife that is worrying I'm Fury I am death uh didn't give it the ever blade oh I'm so stupid right only 60% surely not it's the same that's the same oh no it's not the same huh all right let's go taking position well I think pal pal pal should Smite if you're going to kill someone with the Smite or on a critical hit I'd say those are probably the two best choices or is that the best choice I don't know fools these mortal six hit points oh it's not a great chance we're going to try this try this again one by one you going to dash oh second win you you fighter you ow ow actually that really did hurt right this is once per Channel Earth is once per short rest yeah let's go safe later why not right four healing eight healing [Music] four ready all right Shadow I reckon you might have to see someone nice H three damage sadly go to dash going to fall over no trying to get out of range of her slowly but surely I am Fury I am death all right gimb is coming now I throw you no you're way too heavy allow me to demonstrate I am Fury I am death kind of want to get laser L to here to block the way through uh yeah it should be fine um oh I wasn't going to kill him anyway mistra indeed one damage a oh I was going to say no dash oh I'm a bit stupid my faith will protect me right time to focus on tamon moving so 55% or 60% go the 60 blood comes easy these days 65 % oh he goes next uh could I kill him with an attack 4 to 11 Dam not really let's go with the weakening strike I think I'll survive even if I miss so we'll just just take the hit you going to jump through ah now you can see yeah good shot actually avoided my Ally take this oo yes I am Fury I am death come on Bonk stuff no time to waste go on go on go go on as if that was going to help critical hit no thank you where do I go from here that this is what happened to gimble boook earlier can't move 45% I'm ready have to keep going all right let's go nice nothing will stand in my [Music] way come on [Music] go another ice knife what you've already used like four spell slots that seems a a tad [Music] unfair stuff what now all right let's get out of here light on my feet one can't always be a gentleman I just want to see what K will do if I'm St out of completely out of range need to stay [Music] focused sucker I might be too far away though um the whispered we why not certainly I will Ascend I need to leave someone to actually for her to go after I'll leave the Paladin because actually's she's got more hit points a hidden threat come over here let's finish this shut heart the bra strategy come this way in case she finishes just beneath here I will actually shoot that thing down time to strike sometimes the only way out is through I am Fury I am death oh who's got more patience probably the AI still breathing despite everything at the ready rough Tempest what are you going to do now your days are numbered all right we're going to creep up on her then and then we're going to get advantage on all of our attacks have to wait until everyone's in place Victory is assured just want a little look talk to me uh yeah come back onward still creeping along all right I think this will be okay hopefully she doesn't know where we are nope right 94% yes want to see if I can get that out of the way oh well just do that instead of course I wonder if this is worth the cost blel our fighter shoot down bam what do we have here all right I think it's time for a short rest maybe feeling a bit better now after the fight right L bloody hell right L yeah put on a put on a weapon would you cross for you have I picked up any other worthwhile items dexterity actually the Paladin really does need that that can go to lasel armor class is too low gaale you have a shield thank you very much all right let's pick up all of those weapons all right I'm going to you where I get advantage on a on a skill check for being a n let's be on my way breathe deep and move please walk around the vines all right let's go take I need as much money as possible to buy as many potions and stuff as possible so everything it's going to be added to where you go to Camp all right is that you Kimbo box G everything all right out there aha no performance yes oh could have SW as Advantage sorry I was wrong we got a very easy difficulty class h we go you sound a bit Shak and Moss and not yet I haven't found any bosses so no legendary actions don't know why I'm saving there's no point in Saving now is there right I'm going to go and collect some chests some uh open up hidden chests yeah Larry in there with the nomism how many playthroughs I think full playthroughs on tactician was four that might be work though I think four maybe three can't remember not a lot actually I've done a lot of recording as well though so it's kind of like uh yeah I don't get always get as much time to just play o hello oh bone chill you have mine you I think it's going to be quite useful nice to have another can trip as well all right shouldn't have wished to live in more interesting times have to keep going yeah I still got a little while to go before I level up I like that one of the options in custom difficulty is to turn off like failed survival checks and they can turn off hit like hit points stop the uh difficulty class is being shown quite a lot of extra stuff to we can change right I don't trust these Vines can't afford to stay idle oh more like I don't trust my [Music] characters there we are go maybe I should wait until it's finish burning Gail that's really too close for comfort first try was bugged oh that's a shame now what should I do oh I know what I should do I'm going to go in here first kill the guy behind the door and then lure everyone else outside that room right let's go surprise the H you're dead I'm dead says the surprised and on the losing most of his hit points immediately [Music] that seemed a bit harsh right another armor and to where wish didn't try the get fight level four yeah I mean I'm actually going to be um on my feet probably avoiding some of the Act One bosses until I'm level five seems like a good idea all right shoot that don't remember if there's anything in this crate up here dragon egg mushroom nope all right so we're going to go down and cause the people down here some problems well well hopefully not dying should I short rest I think I should I've got like two left right yeah I can keep going a little longer now not for the hit points but more just for the resources that we've used up that's an action search and uh Hur thing invoke duplicity of course never hurt these boots have seen everything right for now it's okay I can just walk around here without any prayers problems only dust and silence who are those prayers for Jeffrey is obvious finished the AL bear and paladins on honor mode but on uh pick up and add to we lutter's trunk pick up all the supplies we can might be useful it's nice that there's a whole Supply pack in here there half a long rest sorted out go pick up as many as we can nothing in there huh wonder if I can cheese with candles still Fain hello F it' be great if they made comments about the the characters from Divinity original s to like the portraits CFE of water wine oh look at that I'm starting to get overweight already right send you to Camp thought you don't do anything I know you're basically like a bottle of water that's fine what else am I going to add to where you you you you you you anything that isn't a throwable weapon pretty much Paladin's hunting car that's going to be difficult aha there they are about this well it's [Music] a hopefully they're surprised crap they're not G's like going to die right with every breath a purpose he so far so lucky close the door close the door what you going to do now it's it my turn another fight yes right let's go oh hello I kind of did see you there I guess got to focus yeah I think this is a good time one two three on the move you get out of there nothing important is ever easy 75% not bad why I use pommel strike I need to kill someone oh man these three at the back I need to throw anything to throw CTIC bulb I mean that we'll kill Mary I suppose can't even catch my breath it would be great to kill this dude no gone with the weave a you would have used your action come on can't stay idle so question is do I attack aade or do I throw bulb over here I think I should throw a bulb if I can kill someone I should it's what comes down to L your crappy armor that I gave you trying and hit Bon would you she's burning so she will die Barton is burning but has too many hit points to die so come on no no it's fine do I action surge yeah we're not [Music] onoo one down all right thankfully got rid of most of his hit points already oh critical hit no thank you that's the poent dice gone whoa one hit point he's [Music] burning so let's just check him right Barton's going to die so I don't need to worry about that never a dull moment you go here ah I've only got like two spell slots somewhat frustrating how many hit points do you have left six let's go for the kill right Victory awaits that's what I would call sorted Act Fast another fight let's go now they're ranged so I mean it doesn't matter if anyone can run past right yeah just go as far as you can what the the p stand can't get to seph ice is a potentially a problem cuz if I fall over then that's my turn gone Bon's going to die there's no point in hitting him I've just got to go for it whatever if it works it works if it doesn't doesn't o 15 hit points might been a bit silly because they're going to check out ice knife at us oh no wrong one oh 60% a l chance to hit 2 to N I screw it let's just do this I don't fancy their chances yeah you stay out the way no what there's the ice knife oh yep you burned all right I will Ascend o unlucky H let's shove her a bit closer let's end this 60% 45 ah just get out of there come on can't stay idle just jump out of that ice can't throw them sadly right back breaker the wiing hour wasn't much point in that I'm just hoping to use up some of the movement speed potentially so they can't move how many hit points 10 well there's like if this hits there's a one and 10 chance if it hits Victory awaits yeah now I want to spread out ice knife is an AOE even if I come here I'm sure they'd put it in the right place just get a bit closer but right fair enough survival is all that matters not a bad choice take that right we're a bit hurt let's use healing Radiance we'll save a short rest just wait wait wait wait wait egg Miss there we are all right never wanted the easy path stuff that can just go to uh where now a final breath every time I see that I'm like oh my gosh have I seen that before uh oh take that rest of these where hry oo stuff there was javelet and I picked up the javelin already Buton you go to where's rest of you comes with me thieves tools is this ash looks like a barrel to me oh no got imagine if that ended my game that' be annoying oh rustic chest ah there's not going to be anything in here there never is in here there's what pretty much nothing oh slashing flets will be done yeah I need to get some better armor do I have any better armor yet I'm a class 14 I don't think so yeah General updated I can hear some skeletons in the background o only two Scrolls I think normally there's more a cry what riches might it contain man I'm a bit worried about going into that room VES have you been upgraded no all right let's come in here see if we can find all the traps just as I expected oh really laso Soul coin god what merchant would accept such a coin something good here there used to be a soul coin on the floor down here a long long time ago let's add those to we not over I feel like I'm going a bit too quickly as in I could just be making this place is trapped some bad choices uh oh Shield yeah the hack's going to be a bit difficult really a joke right all right my usual way of getting through this let's see if this still works who cares about traps when we have strong gnomes [Music] turning traps off in fact I think I only really needs to put turn that trap off like trigger it there we are and just for good measure you go on there all right no who cares just open it up right um now you go there's a trap there we are easy seems like a good moment to talk I say that maybe there's going to be like a fireball coming out I don't know all right looks good looks good unlocked one fire that damage in the background maybe it's from behind armed scribes no sign of a struggle the is Right Scroll of burning hats uh Y and yeah I do have enough gold just about in for a surprise yeah still only level two could be a problem I'll leave them with a dagger in case it helps let's have a peek inside 11 Gold now before in patch four they used to cast fog Cloud which always seem like a bit of a strange Choice L out you should actually equip a water stuff and actually while you've got that screw it just have a shield on let's go and get simar within look at that Jurg the St of the Dead this Chapel must man imagine if these guys woke up before I thought they were going to that would be worrying check out this room think I'll be okay I think I'll be okay locked as if that were enough to keep this they used to always cast magic Missile and uh sleep a massive lock which is always annoying smash please hold smash sure the impact reverberates through your body if you just SL a hammer into solid adamantine I like the blue the lock doesn't budge jro the tone does not take kindly yeah yeah yeah right okay minster's not around light as well this book is far lighter than it should be Wiz intelligence there we are come on four to S four to s bonus sucker right's going to try and smash it open does not take kindly to your tampering a feeling like piling on skill checks your skin pricking and proding pain and found exactly what just happened oh Punk as the lock what was once script is now an obliterated scroll need halfling need a halfling you have a sense these are names are 25 God entire nice some experience some inspiration finally Scroll of Raven fbl m all right so who are we going to put where never a dull moment py P cuz that's obviously what they call themselves why not she's got a good jump distance maybe stick go here enough waiting's got a good jump and movement speed quickly then ah wait put you up there cuz these guys are annoying but this dude's going to come after these people he's got the most hit points so I might just leave him till last in fact what I can do oh yeah the in describe you come here let's move no time to waste you come here actually you know maybe maybe no quiet keep you hidden see come and bonk this one on the head with your mace you're okay there you're okay there all right what now pick up uhoh right just woke up go on need to keep focused I think this will work got to make sure I stay out that Vision I don't know if this will work sometimes I've jumped quickly enough across Vision cones I don't actually roll the stealth check like that right didn't even come up right Swift and lethal nice stuff G's in a tiny bit of trouble potentially be true sometimes the only way out you're good there could you shove 80% is pretty good should have turned you on right what should I do you're done you're done they burn Gil maybe we can actually kill the Scribe boom porn to cleric four okay two down on the first round let's put things in my favorite there's that fog Cloud I don't particularly care about go on go on go on yes time to strike all right laser will strike this one down I will not know faure ah she W no failure but I mean one hit point short at you time to push my luck again right yes just two left just two left easy stuff I should never say that while playing on on on a mode easy stuff find myself being killed right you picked the wrong fight friend he's got quite High Armor class to be fair nice Creator Destroyer really hope Gail can kill that skeleton Rock to Queen six I did get the zig sword yeah oh man there we are crap go on [ __ ] Cloud again oh go on go on go on go on time to second time they've done that or second skeleton too on the Move nothing important is ever I should have shoved it towards laser probably bone Shield doesn't need line of sight apparently oh nice but no no no need my faith will protect me probably better way to put it oh no probably not going to die so give you disadvantage so they probably already had it anyway and then we're just going to whack away you bow or you break there we are all right since people have been talking a bit about it make sure I put it back on all well that ends not as bad as it could have thankfully no hit points lost way just a button please don't kill me with us actually I would say that these skeletons can be very difficult level two and even more so at level one I suppose okay she got in here straight away so far so good yeah my music seems to be cutting out really quickly don't know what it is just had the beginnings of some music and then it sounded like the music from the uh nautiloid maybe I skip through it too quickly so he has spoken what a music again very strange right now I have a question Paladin would man haveed I am not The Wil thou answer I ask again depends on the virtue I am curious by what standards very well we have we will see each other again 30 experience nice don't forget o hello Squad of cloud of daggers good to know put you to where I forgotten to loot the sarcophagus probably in two of my three or four runs yep thank you Brendan now I'm slightly ahead I actually remembered this myself this time very lucky what was I going to do uh add to words can't learn cloud of daggers quite yet not high enough level what to do to the Grove I guess don't think there's anything else left to find or like get from down here think get level three into the grow fight yeah I'm pretty sure that's the way it works now it used to be we could get to level three before the grow fight in early especially if we cleared out the noroid oh yeah I'm missing missing a potion over this way I think once I go out the uh ladder out the ladder of the ladder out the hatch I did get the eled on the noroid yet but I didn't get any I didn't get Z I didn't kill zul or any of the cambian all right yeah ooh that would have been a bit sad if I hadn't looted these goblins fairly sure there's a supply pack here yeah where yeah I should probably add everything to Wares never went to night three or ice wi D 3 I mean I could put loads of different games that people want I suppose vinity original sy3 some sort of Dark Sun one I don't know not been a dark sun has it been a dark Sun video game I don't know just out of view on my way all right sadly there's only one laran I think they only make one game at a time last luck Sun games are made in the 90s all right yeah I never played any of them I don't think I get any experience for getting the way Point sadly imagine jumping down down into there with feather fall probably can't not enough space right don't mind if I do beeping around am I happy with my spells you mostly I think about this I don't actually I want magic Missile or chromatic orb to be honest what comes now you yeah pretty good spells to be honest should have worn better boots what path lies before me so should I approach from down here please in I feel like the Paladin and Laser every breath come down this way Shad heart and G up this way now there are two goblins up here which could cause problems I'm hoping we'll be able to sort that out still in Shadow these guys are going to charge in maybe I should stay crouched forever all right get the extra distance for shorty open the bloody Gat the bloody nobody gets in Z's orders all right Canon last moments [ __ ] damn and suffer it St oops Yeah skip past will oh you're still hiding I shouldn't [Music] think yeah problems Thunder Wave might save us here go goes first I say first but first in my party oh my initiative was really bad look at that no Gloom all doom go go go a one damage damn it step to it freesome boys wow go on please have magic Missile again oh no you're going to no run us first aren you yeah shame you could have gone first s nice he's nearly dead Scout get to The High Ground Raiders sh the bastards for the abute oh we have to get rid of this dude yeah goblins are quite dextrous screw it let try it nice mercy so I get a high ground on this 60% 1 d10 or 1d8 + 1 I guess one D1 actually gives me a 20% chance if I hit 20% chance to kill him yeah let's go for a fireball instead of course at this so crap and sword hey did something useful I will Ascend I used their action already the using the uh the shot with the bo it's a bit sad I wonder if this is worth the [Music] cost right who's actually ah B right got to get the B death won't take me yet I'm Fury I am death all right let's jump in there on the Move o not bad but is it going to save you oh man crap crap crap crap swiftly [Music] now one two three Bonk who said people are saying that sleep's a bad spell just take them out of the turn order go Ze please kill one of them thank you every last one of you I me yeah that can happen but reckon I just saved myself all right here goes next oh most of them boom gone I'll be fine [Music] nice oh bug Bear's got a lot of hit points anyone else I can kill first oh yeah i' would like to kill the goblin brawler if I could still going to get an opportunity attack damn this is your end get rid of this one instead ah man this one's a dodgy t-shir nice another one gone yeah we got to get in there if I shove would I still be able to reach someone a she's no probably no point in shoving just wondering if there's anything to do a bonus action yeah why not for some bloody work I'm probably going to Long rest at Le short rest save the spell slot ow ah right no spell slots left for Gale this bastard H one hit point left you go good damage there 11 happy with that oh yeah all right she used to have minor illusion in Early Access that was really quite fitting I thought and a staran in fact all right the tracker or the bug the bug bear let's keep trying oh why am I good pH oh no more ban go get him oh wait you only had one crossbow I'm crossbow level up get in there thanks I guess I'd rather you kill them but whatever can I do eight hit points of damage yes oh yeah take these that's where work boom nice as long as he's not killing me I don't particularly care I just want to survive oh outside normal range 50% no here we go oh 50 50% also eight damage nice yeah we got this now that was over the open the gate where is that bastard a Brazen attack for such lonely creatures seeking something all right I just want to make sure they haven't changed the gloves of power back to what they did didn't Early Access he equip level up level up toine Health isn't it prevents disease from affecting you I guess that's okay turn the faithless F and fiends don't particularly care about that yeah oh speak with animals now good all right nice to have at sh laser definitely going to be a Battle Master right oh what do I take though repost when all those extra attacks if possible I really do like disarming strike and pushing attack never know when pushing attack is useful and disarming attack is always useful pretty much H did you all see that the uh summon Woodland being now can jump dryad can jump precision and menacing eh Precision could be useful you're right menacing uh mening all right none of them are bad really disarming and pushing both strength saves H good point wish it with oh this tells us down here right no it doesn't actually tell us what they are down here which is annoying tripping I do like tripping as [Music] well invasive footwork nah that sh's not that bad is it re not enough Precision is really useful menacing is useful face of footwork is also useful distracting yeah trip attack useful rally potentially useful actually is the best sub class in Boulders Gate 3 it's a bold claim to make know you w't elaborate all right fair enough s let's go trip is also strength h I like these too much not to have them oh maybe I can get rid of screw it if it goes wrong I can Respec it's fine it's fine it's fine don't do anything there Gale right we have detect thoughts have cloud of daggers something else I don't know what I'm going to take Misty step because um in the event that things go south I do need people to be able to get out and like run away and plus it's actually useful for getting it's not bad spell actually either what saying I do want magic Missile and chromatic orb maybe I can buy some Scrolls though uh um invisibility perhaps ROM Madness if it works hold oh hold person yeah stupid obviously right what was I going to do I don't know if I've got enough gold to learn anything ready and willing oh I got 220 gold right two get rid of that I mean these are good spells man all right uh have you and I don't know [Music] you let's have that short rest lovely little pig me up I going to hope I can take on the harpies with ease really not so sure about that a cloud of dagger is not about well obviously you do want people walking in it what am I trying to say it's putting it in a place forcing people to walk through it if it's possible it's maybe not possible in every single battle oh yeah pushing and pulling into it is pretty good as well yeah yeah yeah all right before I my bloody forget uh what what got added here got rid of that I should take another level two spell get rid of that add that and that maybe a whole person but Aid yes please it's going to be an absolute staple going to have to use Aid I think still breathing despite everything what path lies before me full B party good thing is you can have a couple of Martial bars couple of law bars we was running you led them straight to us you let them take the Druid and who the hell are you again show some respect This Woman Saved your pathetic life well I didn't ask for any godamn please you were begging me to open the gate or pers let's try and be a bit persuasive this time guidence yeah heard of Druids you're right there's too much at stake worried about your precious sides the both all right whatever right let's sell our crap maybe buy something useful uh yeah open the gates didn't ask for your help speak with animals goon well me is there anything you need just some bits and Bobs I you're W what the crap could I sell sell that now keep one of those I'm not not going to need these ah 22 gold left right right right right right right right my faith will guide me we can buy oh feather fall yes definitely needed that got red Frost and gaale already um visibility okay BL okay maybe I should wait until I find them I don't know it's going to cost money to learn them as well [Music] soic ulence breeds Madness right I don't have much else to sell right how much gold have I got left not not as much as I wanted H got a bit too happy seeing spell Scrolls there yeah I'd want this but I can't afford it all right uh any good medium or heavy armor for laser not really oh that's a bit expensive no svan I applaud your taste what do we want definitely yeah feather fall visibility for now 161 gold I thought I'd pick this up more than that I've obviously not been picking up enough farther can I go what we going to do what we're going to do let's go speak to will out forever this is no calm down no Warriors I can c that again children go on give me a Best Shot no you just have to buy enough time to run good advice well the man's you car parasites advocus di she she's out there now forces still when the time my all right easy stuff I'm not going to be stealing anything no would be a bit over the top I will take anything now I'm allowed and isn't counted as stealing Sorry by moreai eyes another one another one my friend's blood not enough she doesn't look too scary with this outfit I feel is this monster with you you heard the woman wow lower she serious you saw another G all right thank you the locals prove compliant compliant a useful trait right what comes next teing clearing love eyes I am unfamiliar you will educate me on matters of this fun it's fun all right let's go all right I'm hoping to pick up more stuff to sell everything seems empty I hope five potatoes I'm not selling any camp supplies though feel like that wouldn't be a good choice I don't want to get into any accidental clicking either B good to be back Behind the Walls have to sayin uhoh if it ain't the feel is you sure you want to be seen with me I ain't exactly popular with this lot let me show more honor please a good sword will get your farther than honor any day what do you want anyway I ain't low didn't work out though Goblin's gotten gold ain't any use if you're too cold to spend it where the all I've got is the contract thanks how stupid are you stamped hand Bill the Night song adventurers wanted all right blah blah blah yes should probably put that on for now got one the good com is here B only going to ask you one more time I don't have you hand it over I'll slap the teeth out your R don't you dare lay a finger on that child you threatening me intimidation or persuasion yeah what where's my guidance why no guidance wait little see you see your arounds that got me a tiny bit of experience I think yep it's all needed and wanted a carrot backpack backpack yeah just got to level three there's no point looking for level four yet is there o a free potion try and get a free potion not by stealing there is ATI will sear ah you take a soup of that and you'll feel right as rain sweee is it I don't want to drink it right now not you just I'm sorry to go on about I'm fine I'm not that they'd listen to show me your words we got a potion of Greater healing right kin Grace uh no PO elexir of Hill giant strength yeah what can I sell I'm not going to use the watch this guide I can sell that sell that uh I've got enough throwing things that's only worth six gold anyway no point in selling it yeah I'll keep the rest can I craft anything yet no we go hello colorby let's go take on some harpies shall we see if I can survive it's going to be difficult she is level 5 fa H yeah oh legendary action pressing T doesn't work right once per round can spend Legend summon more illus duplicates and Shuffle herself amongst them high level Spell result of more duplicates being summoned uh metallic gloves yes please get these to Shadow har since our strength is the lowest oh the elixir of blood lust will also nerfed the same haste as far as I'm aware still useful to have an extra attack not quite what it once was should mind my step let my yes yes I see and that hello J you get back what you have I got any gold 270 oh I don't know if I can buy the whispering promise which I would love to I think so pain him a few questions if you please there's no overstating my interest perfect just enough gold what's next uh no we'll keep that seek and you shall find me it's not much but oh anim it dead leave go what I wanted what is this F and fiends uh thingies um harpies and monstrosities as far as I'm aware what up here St more like butchering don't know why I bother hands of this bloody can I help it can't hurt one together performance plus two it's okay not great oh no someone did say I think only need to pass a second one though I roll again no it's fine that was interesting why don't we try again let's try again there we [Music] are I can't repay rest and know that I will [Music] let's do it sorry G approves quite as much as you need that's she was there was so much blood well you got keep the Weeping awesome that might be useful at some point later who knows medium toughness You're vulnerable to bludgeoning [Music] damage a this will take forever all right I think Shadow heart's probably my best bet a l how tempting total bonus plus one is she not proficient anymore no history religion insight and Medicine what's that background oh can't see it oh uh borian h no one stopped me yet I haven't got anyone who's going to be good at this I've got no one with a slight of hand oh I got and Blades always Shar ah because I used her asual knowledge a simple task h on a second yes SL H this one I got a few th tools there we are just for cap of curing which I'll probably never use right that's a where right let's go let's go let's go try not to die in this particularly difficult battle but at least I've got Battle Master maneuvers uh into the Shadows is someone [Music] singing didn't know about that chest got added in the B patch I think right unheard unseen got make your mom some lunch fair enough yeah there are quite a few in the grou aren't there he says going to the next one what's that luck CVG thanks for the luck hopefully it's good this will do something W I'm I'm worried now I'm accidentally click into like jumping into a Chasm or something uh they break when you fail with them I think without delay the lockpicks I mean or thev stores I can have silence I've also got Cal emotion secre Comm motions I can't remember if I have to stay within a certain [Music] area let's get a bit closer [Music] see this is where I'd normally be like oh let's just quick save in case I make a mistake pretty [Music] [Music] song please oo dangerous dangerous I can quick save it's fine but you know I can't such a pretty song could I [Music] reload [Music] please get a bit closer this is a a tough early fight such a pretty s I've read some people say they've basically died here in honor mode is anything else I can prepare you know what that's pointless because they're not humanoids Miss step in case things go badly I can be subtle sometimes you can be subtle sometimes can you I think thunderus might instead of these are all potentially quite useful Shi a [Music] faith let's see what you're hiding clo and Dagger my favorite let's move everyone a little little little little bit [Music] closer actually I don't think I want to start hiding unseen knees are starting to wake best thing ahead or I'm lost wonder if the gods are watching me I the tiger indeed right hope this doesn't break the quest I was potentially warned but let's move go no rest for the wicked I see that should be enough to do you know what I don't really care about [ __ ] I just want to just don't want to die myself what to do all right 10 turns action lock reaction send LEL in sh listen uh it's dangerous you hear it no [Music] yes oh what look at that initiative I need some dextrous characters repost whack I should ask it to ask have it on ask though good start actually wasn't even my turn 16 damage all right they're closing in which is probably the most useful thing that can uh yes please uh no hiding in the water huh do I still have cloud of daggers is my question I wonder if that one's going to fly back over there immune to Lord right can't afford to let up get some high grounds [Music] ready get over repost speaking over repost oh I didn't get my reaction back yet never mind oh no I just want to do damage now oops I don't really want to push you back yet uh let's do this probably going the long rest after this uh no I don't want to thises extra damage o I know what I can try and do oh never mind right uh I love to knock it back over to there that'll do dead gone you suck right all right you're done a word away C of daggers comes out to play Death has better a word away awesome on my way concentrate ah you haven't had your turn yet 65% 50% 75 75 go for 75 h talk about over W give in yeah your you're dead o should have cost jump on the Paladin yeah that' be bad I can't throw something I suppose about the only ranged option I've really got good idea I think [Music] run away run away still singing even though we can't actually like yeah be L [Music] squish you're still singing and you definitely suck right you come here I'm going to push it hopefully I can't get it into the cloud of daggers but wait a second no you're not going to okay fine whack let me recite their demise oh at movement speed oh no there we are you're dead yeah I can't imtion this the cl play easy time to press yeah whatever just going to wait for lel's turn while I'm at it I speak they burn just get rid of clown of daggers Swift and Le and we're going to just whack not bad not bad confirm all mod is easy I don't think so it's just because I knew that they Cal emotions someone reminded me calm emotions no is just the way to win this is like the hard counter to this fight that's what the voice said I need to get wait find a right you still jump haven't you ah for like two turns all right I see Sean oh dear one true way found and taken found and taken lovely Pro gaming let's not jump into the water shall we l out all right so far so good not taking too much damage actually as things go let's see what those haries want still got that all importantly still got a supply pack oh that didn't add to where never mind now we go fan so true he's so strong it's a deep gnome and I picked a gnome because I want advantage on my wisdom saving throws knowing that paladins uh just want to double check actually progress oh yeah I do have proficiency but I don't want like any sort of like spells that will hold me shouldn't have wished to live in more interesting times completely deadly proceeding um we just having advantage on those throws plus then when I eventually I get my protection Aura like with a plus hopefully plus three with Advantage should really really help let's have a look uh I did think about a half or not so much for the brutal critical but more so for the fact that you get Relentless endurance go down to one hit point instead of Zer me of myself when I was a well all right all right thanks girl uh also thought about halfling for avoiding those most of those critical misses I have had a critical Miss on a skill check I think rather than too much in combat thankfully yeah yeah was a little rascal as a kid I wonder what happened to this dagger Once Upon a Time this used to be a silver dagger used to be worth a bit more changed it into a polished dagger oops no wrong button that's where it's holding down oh take the B all right all right I'll I'm really mostly worried about the boss fights no I'm going to get choose to yeah screwed over will not even see it yes I see ultim [Music] crocus H let's go down let's go down find ourselves a necklace assuming position of items hasn't changed as well have to keep going and then can't slow down it's a small chest down here I think yeah over here let's have a look some good stuff Arrow of roaring Thunder Arrow of transposition silver goblet to where's 12 26 gold very much needed at this point when I've only got 267 but having a wizard is an expensive expensive hobby Jeffree Sherman absolutely nailed it didn't take any damage I don't think maybe lasel took one I don't know I cast calm emotions and gone cloud of daggers later couple of repost pushing attack basically all done keep their confidence if you insist all right and I still haven't actually had a long rest M please oh yeah let's move the bear out the way while I rip up the herb garden for the boss Jeffy shman uh very much I'll pay you money to leave at the boss fights very well it's Miss tough it oh I didn't go save water phase the other one let's move a bit all right moving out the way I wonder if she's dead by now I don't know whether it's dependent on rest or time I VN gaming TV I guess I think so from what I've what I've read it's just if you um have everyone die which is mostly a problem with bosses where you can't necessarily run away that might be worth a look uhoh uhoh uhoh no I was too slow crap Nadira that's your name oh well too slow aha don't knock me back I will Ascend taking position boxit I was too close right a no everyone out of superiority dice right no we'll uh nothing will stand in my way you know what we'll do we'll miss that's what we'll do ah should have started with that huh I will Ascend talk to me approach get those opportunity attacks in blood comes easy these days at least that's the hope and a cloud of daggers here set up a gauntlet for him there we are oh crap stop press G quickly enough I think lovely d take this for now there we are I think so be on gaming TV then you go to play with three people you're more likely to die you're going to be potentially doing it more often but maybe theth you're Pro doesn't really matter yes yes come to get my soul coin back can I rify the tling not normally I don't have anyone who can do it at the moment um but even if I did it usually says it has to be a party member do that of course oh well porer one day since you gpk with the cloud of daggers got sign up right how many days has it been game over yeah I just don't want to party white pretty much come on get on the lift perfect oh enough waiting I crave blood and down we go repositioning right I'm going to end it there it's about good time for me I I think I'll stream tomorrow I don't normally on Sundays it's usually like my video making day but um don't know maybe I can find a short video to make and then uh continue with this tomorrow cuz I do want to stream this one a bit more so I can show my Folly and my eventual doom on stream thing is in early game the stakes aren't so high But as time goes on right I'm going to save this not that it really matters that I've just quick saved it yeah but I can't even name my save all right yes thank you very much for watching thank you for all of your input and for leaving Jeffrey the right moment so I can kill those uh haries uh have a good weekend and a good week and hopefully I'll catch you in the next one where's the end stream button there
Channel: Casual Veteran Gamer
Views: 3,941
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bg3, baldur's gate 3, baldur's gate 3 livestream, bg3 livestream, baldurs gate 3 livestream, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, livestream baldurs gate 3, livestream baldur's gate 3, livestream bg3, baldurs gate 3 honour mode, baldur's gate 3 honour mode, bg3 honour mode, honour mode baldurs gate 3, honour mode baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3 challenge run, honor mode bg3, bg3 honor mode
Id: PyumpQ0NSCQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 159min 56sec (9596 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 02 2023
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