Level 6 Spell Tierlist & Guide for Baldur's Gate 3

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here we are the level six spells finally when I rate these spells I really do have to think about is each spell worth the level six spell slot that we have we get one per long rest but I will say that there are two quarter staves that give you an ability called Arcane battery which lets you cast the spell without using a spell slot so perhaps you would use it on your level six spell there is also a necklace that can let you restore a level six spell slot and there is a eled ability that lets you free it's called free cast that lets you cast the spell without using a spell slot I would suggest you're probably going to use those on the level six spells another thing I will be thinking about is do any of the lower level spells do the same thing but better and as with all the other spell lists I will be taking into account concentration if it's required the damage type where cold and lightning will be higher I don't need to think about if anything can be upcast because well none of these can be upcast this is just my opinion my thoughts please let me know your thoughts explain to me why I'm wrong and do give extra information if there's anything missing missing and that's been really really useful and really really helpful and I've been really glad all the comments I've had where you've been like oi CVG you missed this bit about this spell and that's awesome thank you very much as always I will be going in alphabetical order starting with Arcane gate this is available to Sorcerers warlocks and wizards so the fists have been spared for this particular spell it does require concentration create two linked teleportation portals for 10 turns and the range is 60 ft so you can pick two places one over here let's say and and let's say one over there and then you can walk through one Arcane gate and get to the other since the range is 60 ft I guess you could get two portals 120 ft away from each other at opposite ends of the range so where can this be useful now I'm here for reason you can actually get to different places let's go to Tactical View Press o if you didn't know and let's put one up there and you can get to places perhaps you hadn't been able to get to before now you might be able to use this dra going a fight if you want to run away I suppose or maybe you want to lure one or two people up to where you are and then drop concentration so it takes time for everyone else to catch up to you one annoying thing is there's no indication once you've actually clicked once so just clicked where the first portal is going to be but there's no way to know if I've clicked it if I've made a mistake perhaps I don't want it there there we are two more portals I'm going to stick this in C tier one is concentration and secondly there are other spells to get you around now the good thing about arcane is you don't need to get cast on anyone so what I mean by that is sure Misty step can pretty much do the same thing except every character has to cast misy step this obviously does last for longer it can be good for exploring but as I said at the beginning of the video this is a level six spell slot we're talking about what I would like to have is if we can put it in places we can't see during combat I want to be using these other spells outside of combat I might use other things to get my party around another example could be the arrow of transposition s Kong is now a legendary champion of available from today's sponsor raid Shadow Legends that's not all you can get them for free for a limited time if you're anything like me then you'll enjoy the fantasy RPG setting the turnbas combat leveling up your Heroes and all the rewards you get from quests the game is available for Android iOS and PC you can download and try the game for free using my link or the QR code and you'll receive two strong Champions lightsworn and then once you get to level 15 Juliana to give you a nice strong start to your adventure new players can also get the Legendary 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promo codes blade barrier is next and this is only available to clerics so let star in our cleric here summon a wall of Razor Shar blades that turns the area into difficult terrain and damages anyone foolish enough to come close so it does require concentration 6 d10 slashing damage that's quite a lot so a bit like some of these other area spells we've seen you click one place and you can see where the wall of thorn wall of thorns where the blade barrier is going to come up perhaps I want to do it that way it's slightly narrow there are some wider area effect spells witnessed assaulting someone so you do damage when it goes down I want to keep aaran safe so maybe here is one use of Arcane gate right one there one there now that was a level six spell slot though get him to run away oh no don't no no damn okay staran knows exactly what he's doing witnessed assaulting someone let's try and not show off Arcane gate let's just run away so the beginning of their turn if they're in the blade they take a chunk of damage I'll wait to see what these two do as well cuz they might try and jump through it no no gone ah she's not oh there we are and it slows them down now I feel like hopefully I've learned when I put wall of fire a bit too low in that tier level four tier list I think for clerics this probably is an S tier spell I really used this myself in my first play through in the house of grief it's quite a difficult fight in there a lot of enemies it slows them down they don't seem to completely avoid it I've see them jumping through it and there's loads of damage when you when you put it down and when they walk through it really really good G lightning is next so this is available to Sorcerers and wizards strike an enemy with lightning three more bolts will leap from the target electrifying as many as three other enemies within 60 ft it's a dexterity saving throw if they fail they take the full damage if they pass they take half damage it's guaranteed now I want to show you something to show you how awesome this spell is it's lightning damage so if enemies are wet they're going to take double damage so I'm actually going to awesome and we can twin chain lightning one and two oh deleted awesome and I've got will here in his nice sexy outfit straight up to S TI it's party safe yeah and it's lightning damage we can double it it's guaranteed damage even if they pass a dexterity saving through you still get some damage done which can still be doubled the metam Magics are great with it it's just my go-to damaging spell if I want to Target more than one enemy and I've got a sorcer or wizard chain lightning is my go-to spell and now we have Circle of Death this is available to Sorcerers warlocks and wizards sculpts a massive sphere of entropic energy around a creature devastate the Target and all surrounding creatures so the targets make a constitution saving throw this does affect allies so you can see if I Target tavas ax here everyone around is highlighted I can just about Target the fist at the back and it gets all of them the area of effect is very very large the downsides to the spell are a few several I think one you do have to Target an enemy I can't just put it down in the middle of nowhere two it is necrotic damage now aren't as many Undead who are resistant or maybe immune to necrotic damage in act three I say act three because we have to be level 11 before we get our level six spells and I would suggest that most people will be in act three when they get these and lastly the Damage Done is kind of only 8 D6 that's the same as Fireball I can actually get these fist because I can Target anywhere I want and if I cast it at level six I can do 11 D6 damage I don't like Circle of Death very much the area it's like a double-edge sword the area is too big you've really got to keep your allies clear and there might be some perhaps neutral NPCs around now I will say cuz someone's going to definitely talk about it there is an item they've talked about it with all the necromancy spells the staff of cherished necromancy which you get in act three in Boulders gate you kill a creature with a spell you get life Essence which means you can cast a necromancy spell for free so you could cast Circle of Death over and over and over again at which point for one particular item perhaps this s tier because then there's basically no cost to it aside from that I think the drawbacks are a bit too many for me and Sorcerers and warlocks get chain lightning which we can double the damage of and only hit enemies not as many perhaps but when we have chain lightning in the same spell level I feel like it's just not quite good enough I realized I didn't show it to you let's at least show it to you once see witnessed assaulting someone next up is create dead available to clerics warlocks and wizards now you might find yourself with some bodies lying in the street for no known reason and you might find yourself with a level six spell slot and create Undead so Target a corpse and we get ourselves a very little mummy what can mummies do oh they got a rotting fist I wish had basket to tell us it's fisting time you can attack an enemy do 2d6 plus three plus 3d6 necrotic damage and maximum hit points reduced by8 awesome you can try and use your Dreadful glare now unfortunately it's only a single Target you can do it once per turn though ah they saved if an enemy is frightened you can then use your multi-attack which is huge amount of damage well we can see here that the total damage 16 to 66 far more than enough to oops that's Dash far more than enough to take out a refugee man Refugee running away from W just staring down a mummy in the face like uh not SC sced of you what about you maybe it's too close to Halloween I don't really think it's a real Mumy one of the problems though is that the DC is only 11 so inside combat where there are enemies that are much stronger than a refugee uh the chance of that working is probably quite low anyway I'm going to come back to here so I can I can ignore the Flaming fist that come along it's another necromancy spell so if you're going to use the staff of cherished necromancy you can cast this for free still it's a summon 93 hit points is great mummies are vulnerable to fire damage though keep that in mind the Dreadful glare probably won't work so well but but the rotting fist is pretty good I would suggest that upcasting animate dead might be a better choice at level six because then you actually get a whole flock or pack of ghouls three flying ghouls or three normal ghouls perhaps might be more useful each of those ghouls are considerably weaker than the mummy so it maybe down to a tier it's hard to say yeah I'm going to leave it down an a tier for those two reasons actually sorry going to go back on what I just said the fact we can upcast animate dead and the Dreadful glare is not going to work very well in combat and now we have disintegrate available to Sorcerers and wizards so what does it do you point your finger at someone they make a dexterity saving throw if they fail they take 10 D6 plus 40 damage 50 to 100 damage if they pass they take no damage I can see a pile of Ash cuz I accidentally wasn't recording when I used this last time all right G that looks awesome however my level five spell curriculum of strategy Artistry of War can do the same thing and if I wanted to I could Target more than one enemy there's no dexterity saving through the damage for curriculum of strategy Artistry of War isn't 18 to 78 this is still a bugged tool tip there are six lots of of 8 to 18 which actually means the total damage here is 48 to 108 very very similar to the 50 to 100 for disintegrate and there's no way the enemy can pass a saving throw for that for curriculum strategy AR tree of War but disintegrate if they pass a saving throw nothing happens I desperately want to love the spell it looks awesome and if an enemy does get turned to Ash actually you can still get all of their items the items don't turn into Ash or dust I just have to put it down here because there are so many better spells that cast I can cast culum strategy arry of war or if I really want to do damage to a single Target up cast a level six Wich belt to an enemy that's wet and you will do more damage than disintegrate and there's no way that they can pass a saving throw and by the time we get to the high levels we can have things like blast we can have advantage to make sure the attack r four which belt does actually work but as a single Target damaging spell for level six spell slot disintegrate doesn't actually do it for me the baite is our next spell this is available to bars Sorcerers warlocks and wizards so you get three options when you cast it it does require concentration it's a wiz them saving through so I can choose to put a creature to sleep make them frightened we should make sure they can't move and their attacks have disadvantage or afflict them so they have disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks let's go for Sleep let's say gone to sleep for 10 turns people can wake them up with a shove which will probably happen here so perhaps sleep wasn't the best use here just try and stop them yeah no choice but so we'll see on the next turn while they're all doing nothing and the B can now recast one of these without using a spell slot but we do require concentration I don't think this is actually going to work on the steel Watcher I'm fairly sure they're immune to frightened don't really know why it let me cast that but it takes my action so for the most part this isn't that great because of if we want to have some sort of crowd control we've got some level Force but we've got some lower level spells we got H person hold monster polymorph banishment one of those but the fact it's got sleep it is quite nice but I will also say that if we want to use the Sleep option we still have Glyph of warding which does the same thing and this uses your action to put a single enemy to inflict this debuff on a single enemy and lots of fights have lots of enemies now you can use this to put some bosses to sleep though because of that because I think it does have a use I'm going to leave it at C tier but it's almost down in D for me just because of the concentration requirement and the fact we can only affect a single enemy each round because it takes an action of course we could be hasted I suppose and do to do it to two enemies but then we can cast two spells with those actions not level six spells but we could cast two spells FL to Stone is next which is available to wizards and warlocks and it does what it says on the tin it will turn someone's flesh into stone but it's not as simple as point and click the enemy has to to fail four Constitution saving throws in a row let's see this now you can cast this on a neutral NPC and they won't say anything I'm actually going to try and increase the chances here cuz I don't think this will work well if it's only a 75% chance so that was a potion of Arcane power battle M what was actually making the name up that was a potion of battle M's power which increases my spell save DC by three so where's it gone here we are flesh the stone 90% chance that's pretty good is a better ah 95% all right even better so restrained stage one at the end of the turn I'll make another Constitution saving Thro and it goes to restrain stage two we'll watch it happen in real time stage three and finally no talking your way out of this they have turned to stone and when I tested this even if I kill all of these enemies here I'm still going to going to be stuck in combat I guess I could run away and then yeah like literally flee combat this counts as an enemy in the combat they are petrified they turned to stone they can't hurt you that was the best case scenario so I've just reloaded just to show you what happens Ser on some 75% hopefully this all right save failed we looking good save failed save failed I want to show what happens if they pass a saving through witness assaulting someone so I want to point out the chances of it working is your percentage to the power of four so with a 75% chance of the enemy failing if you do 75 to the power of four that tells you the chance of it actually working over the course of four turns and so they say make a single save and that's it they're not Turn to Stone just because they have to fail four Constitution saving throws in a row and it requ requires concentration and in combat most combats are over within four rounds I would suggest I would say just not worth it you might be able to turn a boss into stone sure and then whale away on the boss fine I'd probably rather do it more quickly because when someone has turned to stone when they are petrified they are going to be resistant to pretty much all damage next up is globe of invulnerability this is available to wizards and Sorcerers so what does it do you create a barrier that makes creatures and objects inside it immune to all damage you can just about see the outline if you are a sorcerer you could actually extend this it only lasts for three turns and does require concentration you are immune to all damage but you're not immune to status conditions so if the steel Watcher comes inside here and then hits us with the sword and knocks lasar prone she will lose concentration so let's see it in action first no it's just using unarmed strike how kind wait no I don't need to do that what am I talking about all right invulnerable no damage taken enemies will also be invulnerable while inside the globe so you do want to try and kind of push them out keep them out so they're all going to come in try and inflict conditions on us try and hurt us but nothing's going to happen unless they knock us prone so can still be bleeding which does give disadvantage on Constitution saving throws so it's not quite the be all and end all of winning a combat but for the most part it is I would say I did ask my viewers on Discord if you got any tips and tricks for the level six spells one that came up is if you put guardian of Faith just within the globe on the edge of it it becomes invulnerable now why is this important this is important because when the guardian of Faith deals damage it deals damage to itself but if it's invulnerable it doesn't take that damage to itself we can still deal it out the person person who sent this trick wanted to remain anonymous so I'm not going to say their name so thank you very much to them now to try and show off this thing with guardian of faith I'm actually going to recast this two Globes of invulnerability now let's take hers down oh my B needs to get inside his mes need to heal myself let's see this right it takes uh that's what I wanted to show you guardian of Faith didn't lose hit points so we can hit for 20 more Dam D later so we see it here again and it will keep on going get out damage every time an enemy Within its range attacks one of the party members anyway straight up to S tier can really really save you in a difficult fight I myself and I've seen other people say they've used it in the fight in a House of Hope For example do any difficult fight you can stick this up and you're almost guaranteed to be safe for a few turns get rid of as many enemies as you can and then walk out and you'll be absolutely fine arm is next only available to clerics so you target a single enemy they take a or make a constitution saving throw if they fail their hit point maximum is reduced by the damage dice that are R never goes below one so can't kill someone with it they pass a saving throw they still take half the damage but maximum hit points are not reduced so 50% chance flip of a coin saved right bit sad did 25 damage that's not that much it would have done 50 damage to a single Target in fact instead of being 50 damage this would actually go down to 15 hit points in total slightly ambivalent about this as far as I can tell it's it's the cleric's only single Target level six spell but if if I want to do damage I'd probably want to do your used blade barrier because this is necrotic damage and blade barrier can do damage to more than one person and over multiple turns I guess there's a small benefit to reducing the hit point maximum in that they can't heal themselves above the new hit point maximum and maybe they can be put to sleep level one sleep spell so I can kind of see it has its uses but for cleric I'd probably want to use yeah some of these other spells for the level six spell slot and next step is heal this is available to clerics and Druids this time and we have here our classic Druid will heal heal to targets wounds and remove blindness from any diseases to 70 healing just 70 now no one's hurt now I've made everyone pretty much here a spellcaster so we can see 70 hit points it's healing up most of the maximum hit points of these characters however these are casters mostly with not the highest number of hit points as with the other healing spells healing draw combat is generally not that great however this is one time where the healing done is very good at least compared to the other healing options we get so even a level six he wounds does 68 plus your spell casting ability modifier of healing the average isn't going to be that good this also does cure blindness and diseases but during combat I wouldn't use it outside of combat I would probably just take a short rest or a long rest as an emergency yes fine I can see that join combat but outside of combat there's just no need for this generally I say this I feel like I say this every time with the um with healing spells generally it will be it will be better to kill some enemies such as with blade barrier healing one of your allies preemptively or up from being downed if they're down please use healing word or mass healing word or throw a potion at them and can throw some very high level potions as well by the time we get heal and next upep is Hero's Feast also a ailable to clerics and Druids the Spell's got quite a bit going on you and everyone around can't be poisoned diseased or frightened cool your hit point increases hit points increase okay it doesn't tell you by what and you make wisdom saving throws with Advantage what it doesn't tell you you also to produce some camp supplies now before I do that I should just get some get some summons out now why am I doing this well her when I cast Hero's Feast it affects all allies within range thoroughly stuffed and what it doesn't tell you here it is the feast supplies usually for me it has contained a bottle of water always nice to have the camp supplies given would be fine for Explorer and standard mode difficulties for tactician it doesn't give you the 80 but by the time we're in act three camp supplies are not a problem so we can see here we get 12 extra hit points from being thoroughly stuffed that alone is great oh and also it does stack with Aid so level six aid and look at that even scratch has 42 hit points you can get like Camp cast this you can get some Ally or highing to cast these and kick them out your group afterwards and there is an even extra bonus to all of this I need to prepare a certain spell now this is thanks to J fade if you haven't checked out his Channel please do in fact let's just come in here so Cloud kill pretty cool spell lovely air affects your allies so like I don't always want to use it but witnessed assaulting someone we are immune to poison damage so we can just walk inside the cloud kill and have all the enemies come to us anyway easy s tier doesn't require concentration gives you a whole bunch of Buffs affects all of the Allies within range Stacks with Aid I find myself casting this at the beginning of the day quite often and just replenishing the spell slot using the necklace that there is next is UK's freezing sphere this is only available to wizards here we are you create a sphere that does 10 D6 cold damage there two choices you can either just throw it l it and you'll do damage to these enemies they do get to make a constitution saving throw if they pass they only take half the damage and it will also create ice which is good for knocking people prone especially Wizards who are concentrating the other option is you create an item that after 10 turns will explode to do the same amount of damage so you can as it says you can put it in your pocket give it to an ally or throw it away the area is it's pretty decent I would say it's an evocation spell so if you're an evocation wizard you won't affect allies otherwise you will it is cold damage so it can be doubled if we make enemies wet so let's show that and throw it at them boom lovely amount of damage so I do want to show you what you can do with the portable sphere to crate it explosion imminent right it's what you can do let's go to pick pocket someone except reverse pickpocket them there you are let's try and get out of range and then we'll wait boom violence now interestingly it didn't start combat this time it does create a nice surface also she fell over again comedic timing I feel going to stick it an a here uh what I don't like about it is it does affect allies so you do have to keep clear but what I do like is that it's cold damage which can be doubled we've got the option of turning into an item which we can give to other people and it does have an area of effect is pretty good it doesn't do quite as much damage as chain lightning however again the damage is fairly decent I feel like on an evocation wizard this would be higher of s tier because it doesn't affect allies because the area is so large you have to make sure everyone's out of the way and then we have Auto irresistible dance this is available to BS and wizards there we are Auto irresistible dance I do want to point out this video is being recorded in patch 4 before patch four there was a bug where if you cast oto's irresistible dance there is no save against it at all whatsoever and enemies would be well let's show you there we are out one thing I do want to point out is when you first cast it it is 100% chance to hit there's no save against it everyone will have advantage on attack RS against them so if I was to cast Firebolt there we are Otto's irresistible dance but on subsequent turns the enemy will get to make a wisdom saving Thro it does require concentration so you know this is fighting with other control spells and it only affects a single enemy I'm going to leave it in B for the fact that the first casting of it has 100% chance to hit now I guess we could make the argument that if you had a very high spell save DC then that doesn't matter too much but it is competing against hold person like honestly here hold person would win out right I can cast it I'm no upcasting to level six I can Target five enemies I've only got four enemies available at the moment so even level five one 2 3 4 and honestly hold person if it lands is better than Auto resistable dance I would say attacks from within 10 ft our Critical Hits automatically in so on where utos irresistible dance you only have Advantage enemies do have disadvantage on dexterity saving throws with otos irresistible dance which is a nice little benefit but when it's competing against other concentration control spells I don't think it's any higher than a before patch four this is basically s tier because it takes out an enemy guaranteed with no saves against it but now it can be saved again against against in subsequent turns next up is planer Ally this is only available to clerics although if you watch my level five video you will know that there is a way to get the diva as a level five spell for wizards there's an item that gives PL Ally cambion which is the infernal rapia given to you if you save a certain NPC towards the end of act two so here's the cambian now I've already shown the diva in a previous videos let's get up the jinny to the jinny here what's it Jin yeah jinny has a simitar just an extra two do 10 poisoning damage that's all right does have kind of a breath weapon which can do 48 poison damage if they fail a constitution saving throw and it can make enemies drunk which is kind of cool gives disadvantage on dexterity saving throws can effectively Misty step around and also restrain enemies let's see if we can do that ah they all saved against it I wonder what the saving throw is 15 that's actually okay compared to the m which was 11 someone 15 isn't the best but it's workable cambian can shoot out Raz of fire a bit like scorching Ray but it's 3d6 fire damage per Ray instead of 2d6 which is pretty cool can charm people but the rates of success on this are usually low because the spell safe DC is low and if someone is charms they can then go and use draining kiss I've actually really got this to work the charm just has such a low percentage chance to work let's uh just show that while we're waiting we get an extra summon they're quite strong they've got a decent number of hit points especially the jinny here here 161 hit points that's way more than most characters I would say so this fish charm only works on humanoids 60% 60% and then well 20% it's a wisdom saving through and then the thing is that's this action done the next turn you can use this 10 to 55 damage I'd probably rather just cast razor fire twice and get about the same amount of damage done now being restrained is awesome because we get advantage on attack rolls and then let's just show drunken in here can we get closer I just killed someone anyway up into s tier it's awesome the summons are strong and we get a choice of three different summons next we have Sunbeam this is available to Druids Sorcerers and wizards this spell does require concentration enemies make a constitution saving throw we do 68 damage if they pass they take half of damage and is a beam like a Sunbeam coming out a bit like lightning bolt it does affect allies although it is an evocation spell so if you're an evocation wizard obviously that doesn't have to worry [Music] you if they fail the saving throw that also blinded which is pretty cool on the next turn if I still have concentration I can then recast it without using a spell slot so it's radiant damage but by the time we're in act three that's not as important now there are items that give a debuff to enemies radiating orb if you deal radiant damage so that does work quite nicely with this spell but unfortunately It suffers from concentration and the Damage Done isn't really amazing 68 is okay if it lasts 10 turns then yeah sure you can do loads of damage but what could I have done instead I could have cast oh I don't have it here does anyone have lightning bolt I don't know if they do ah we do perhaps I could have had lightning bolt which is 86 damage instead of 68 and lightning Bolt's damage can be doubled and it's only a level three spell slot now obviously it doesn't blind enemies blinding enemies is awesome so for me because I've got other damaging spells that affect a larger area Sorcerers and wizards have access to chain lightning for Druids it's probably a bit better they don't get very many damaging spells so I'm going to leave it at B because it's not just damage it does give a debuff potentially we can recast it again and again but the concentration just really hurts it because then I can't use for example globe of invulnerability here we got the last three W spells next www wall of ice is first this is available to well only Wizards so it's another wall spell it's a bit wider than blade barrier so I can cast it perhaps I should get a bit closer I say that and then I'm probably going to lose concentration but there we are Come On Target is blocked ah it doesn't like changes in height very much right there we are Behavior has caused upset so creates ice first of all oh and the the still watch standing on top of it now slightly annoyingly this is a bit inconsistent I find because it does say deals 10 D6 cold damage to anyone standing in the way but these people were standing in the way and didn't receive that damage now interestingly it does also say when the ice is broken it leaves behind a cloud of frigid air that deals 10 D6 cold damage now is cold damage so as always we can double that damage if enemies are wet or Allies I suppose if you want to get your allies wet so I'm going to try and Destroy This pillar here no this pillar here beneath the steel Watcher so it should fall into the the uh frigid air hopefully the area of the air inside is the frigid air I think is very narrow so we did some damage to the steel Watcher it's in the icy Cloud that's the name of the surface right let's just see laser I'll get you out of here maintain concentration it is a concentration spell so don't take damage if they start their turn inside the icy Cloud which is pretty unfortunate really so I'm going to wait for their other fist turns so didn't go into the icy Cloud this one won't either obviously Taza here whoa we don't want that happening I'm kind of disappointed by the spell because the damage just doesn't seem to work as often as the spell describes that it should do and it's concentration it's a wizard only spell and they don't get a lot of concentration spells perhaps in this in this spell level but they do have lots of concentration spells in general but it is cold damage so if we can get it to work that's good we can use it to cut people off but we may as well just use wall of stone for that level five spell instead and if we want to do an area of effect damage we've got auk's freezing sphere or chain lightning for that on the wizard anyway wall of thorns yet another kind of wo spell this is for Druids only so we the Druid here showing off the w spell it's got a fair bit going on so we create a wall of thorns uh and surrounded by entangling Vines this is pretty good and creatures can move through the wall but they take 78 piercing damage awesome and the movement speed is quartered that's pretty strong so I'm going to put this more slightly more horizontally now to try and force the enemies to come through it that's pretty cool so some of them let's have a look here so some of them failed their saving through now slightly oddly says DC3 here here it says dc2 which is quite low a bit annoying that's what says dc2 DC3 when they succeed who knows the ones that pass serving throws still receive the damage but it's only in the very center to the enemies receive the damage around the outside of the entangling vines which are the ones that can well entangle enemies we can see fist's cylinder here is entangled because she's inside the vines these Vines down here can be burnt away using fire damage I would avoid using fire damage in this sort of fight don't use Fireball or wall of fire so even if they jump through it they still have to make a saving through DC there is three it's annoying still they took half the damage to the half resistant which is what it went down to seven 78 is pretty good damage so let's see them yeah you only get damage inside the main thorns on the inside what are you going to do eight y still receive 20 damage even though they pass their saving throw now the enemy has been quite clever to jump over the vines most mostly don't know why this dude didn't now this is a concentration spell it does seem to be bugged with a DC 3 if it wasn't such if it wasn't a bug to DC I'd put it at s tier as of recording it's bugged I do think it's very useful it's like blade barrier for example plus it's got the added benefit of quartering in enemy the enemy's movement speed and also potentially in tangling enemies which gives you advantage on attacks against them and so on but purely because of the bug I'm going to leave it down in a and lastly we have windwalk this is also only available to Druids ending on a druid note here and we've got our famous Druid wheel once again so what what does it do all allies get the gaseous form condition show you interestingly it doesn't require concentration so you can stay like this as long as you want each person has control over their own gaseous form so we can oh was up here earlier fly up to here if we want to good stuff eh and everyone's going to be able to follow now one good thing about gasit form is you can go into the tiny little like pipes and things you would might not be able to if you were your normal size you can go through bars we can fly around float around it's pretty cool the only real downside is it's a level six spell so we got to use a level six spell slot to do this it's very good for getting around Boulders gate itself who cares about pods when you can just fly around can I fly up here yes I can look at this so this is very good for exploring I'm going to be a bit kind I've been unkind to utility spells in the past I'm going to put up a b tier tiny bit like with Arcane gate there are other things that do this there is the level three spell gas is form itself that only affects one person at a time though but if you're going on a big exploring binge gasius form is amazing for that actually the main downside to gasas form is you can't do anything else apart from moving around we can deal one damage so don't get into combat it's not a good idea you are resistant to all damage but I mean probably shouldn't be getting into combat anyways so wouldn't say it's a massive bonus yeah I'll leave it at B so that's my opinion I'm just a filthy casual ual anyway you let me know why I'm wrong I do find that with the level six spells there are a few just top hitters right up here and it's really difficult to justify using some of these lower lower ones most of the time but they do have their uses just disintegrate and flesh the stone just really really don't do it for me thank you very much for watching thank you to the members of my channel this isn't the end of my tier lists it is the end of the mainstream spell lists though and please remember to download Rage Shadow Legends and by using the link or QR code you'll get a huge Head Start in the game
Channel: Casual Veteran Gamer
Views: 68,609
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldur's gate 3, bg3, baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, baldur's gate 3 tierlist, tierlist baldur's gate 3, tierlist baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 tierlist, level 6 spell tierlist bg3, baldurs gate 3 spell tierlist, spell tierlist baldurs gate 3, level 6 spell tierlist, level 6 spell tierlist baldur's gate 3, level 6 spell tierlist baldurs gate 3
Id: 4yqeAwkujWQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 55sec (2335 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 24 2023
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