Baldur's Gate 3: Leave No One Behind Achievement Guide

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hey everybody welcome back to another polish K3 video in this one will be covering the achievement leave no one behind which is to save every tiefling Refugee you can throughout the game in a single playthrough so this one can be a little difficult if you miss a single one of them obviously you've had the achievement and they can die very easily so without further Ado let's get into the video alright so the first tieflings you're probably going to run into is going to be over here at the roadside Cliffs Waypoint so once you get here just head straight North this is very early on in the game and there's going to be two tieflings guarding lizel in like a cage a big note here don't shoot Lysol out of the cage or don't break the cage just yet either deceive these two tieflings or persuade them to leave because if you do break Liesel out while they're there they can go hostile or actually they will go hostile and then you're gonna have to fight them so just have someone that's good at Charisma talk your way out of it and then have them leave and then you'll be able to save these two for the time being okay our next stop is actually going to be the Druid Grove there's a lot of tieflings you need to interact with here so just be prepared for that if you don't know where the Druid Grove is just head straight North from where you save Liesel and you'll run into some humans that get attacked just follow the storyline and you'll wind up in this area so with Roland and his posse what you're going to want to do is convince them to stay at the camp because if you don't they'll go out and then they'll die in act two so you want to make sure that you keep them here with the tieflings in the uh in the group okay now that we convinced Roland and his little Entourage to stick around you're gonna make your way over to the other side of the Druid Grove this is above the bear the Sleeping Bear on the elevator if you know where that is otherwise just kind of look where I am on the map you're gonna see this bug bear assassin trying to kill this random tiefling girl make your way over here you may want to turn on turn base mode when you get close because he still he will start walking up and if he does get next to her he will just one shot her and then this is the first of the tieflings that is very easily killed so just be mindful of that and also be mindful of your difficulty if you are playing on tactician mode these bear bug Bears can really hurt continuing on this wonderful adventure to save all the tieflings you're going to make your way down to the Druid Grove proper where you're going to see a mob basically yelling at these Druids because their daughter has been captured by korga the head Druid so you're gonna really can't do much wrong here they're gonna basically tell you to go see korga so walk down there talk to korga and you're going to convince her whether through persuasion deception whatever to let Arabella go um for context you may have specific choices available based on your class for example in this clip here you'll see that I have a paladin option and the Paladin is able to basically be the judge over this little situation I don't really understand how it works seems like weird politics but every class might have their own kind of unique options here but all you have to do is make sure that Arabella lives this encounter okay next up on the list of tieflings that make bad choices that we need to save is Mercon this is a small tiefling boy who's decided to take a forever bath with harpies over here on the coast so we're gonna go save him um basically if you don't know where this is It's directly east of that stone door where you saved Arabella so we're going to walk over here save him and kill some harpies one thing you should note is I like to split my team up kind of like how you're seeing here so that way you can the harpies do fly around so they can be kind of annoying to hit if you're not ranged so if you spread them out kind of they'll Fly to Your melee users up near the top there and then you can despite them as they come another note is Mercon will just wander towards the singing Harpy so you want to take that one out as quickly as possible that way he will it'll break the trance and he will run back towards the town he doesn't have a lot of health so if he gets too close to these harpies they will just like one shot him especially if you're in a tactician mode and again ruin your achievement so be mindful of that kill the singing one first and then once you've completed this you'll have saved this team okay with all those teethlings saved and the other is convinced to stick around now you need to go finish off the goblin leaders at the go at the goblin Camp so you'll need to kill Priestess gut menthara and draw ragslin with all three of them dead you'll have secured the tieflings and made the made it safe for them to travel to Baldur's Gate and where they're going to get into even more trouble in Act 2 and 3 where you're going to need to save them multiple times so um this is the first part this is act one basically completed just finish off those three leaders and you'll be good to move on to act two all right starting act two you're gonna end up at last Light in for those of you that haven't gotten here yet this is basically a you have to kind of go here in order to progress the story I guess unless you go evil campaign but if you're going evil campaign you really can't do this achievement so there's that um so when you actually hear it last slide in you're gonna need to come talk to Isabella up here and it's going to trigger a fight so be mindful this is a very easy spot to mess this achievement up these tieflings absolutely love dying here and if Isabella is taken or is killed every T fling dies so depending on again that your difficulty mode if you're on tactician this one can be tough because you have to keep multiple people alive at different parts of the map so if you're looking at my gameplay right here you'll see I'm actually have people positioned throughout the area that way um I have people ready to fight every one of these things as they come up so be mindful of that these tieflings will die in one to two hits from these gargoyle looking things and for some reason Isabella just loves to throw guiding bolt at melee range and not heal herself so she just kills herself repeatedly so be mindful of that all right with Isabella safe all of your teeth links alive and well what you're gonna need to do is go down into the lobby and talk to them so make sure that everyone is still good you're gonna find out that mole is missing don't worry you're gonna find her in act three and then talk to Roland he's gonna tell you about all of the other tieflings and that they're at moonrise Tower so you're going to be heading that direction once you actually get over there though before you go into moonrise Tower head north towards the house of healing we're actually going to help Arabella first she's the tiefling girl you saved at the Druid Camp she's gonna be out here looking for her parents so on your way up there will be a few mobs that you can deal with but once you get up here towards the gate Arabella will be here there'll be a little cut scene where she'll tell you about her new powers and that she's looking for her family so to actually find her family what you're gonna need to do is go into the house of healing's infirmary which is to the West just head over that direction there is like a dozen different ways into the house of healing but just make your way to the infirmary however you do it just follow the guide if you want to when you get in there you'll see her parents are lying down interact with them and then you'll take that information back to Arabella in your camp and then you will progress her storyline to where she will be saved no no no no I don't believe you it isn't true it isn't get away from [Music] all right the next key thing on the list to save is Roland so after you go towards moonrise Tower he will leave the Inn in search of his little group while drunk in his stupor he thinks he can take on a bunch of these Shadows by himself spoiler he can't so you have to come save him so from The Wraith wind Waypoint just make your way over here to the South East I guess South South by Southeast and you'll find him down here with a torch just kind of standing here like a dumbass and you're gonna save him from these two Shadow creatures that he would inevitably die to if you aren't here so very important if you want this achievement you have to go save him here or like I said he will die after this he will acknowledge that he is incapable and then he will go back to the in and wait for you to save everyone else because why wouldn't he think yes there is instead I found myself cornered by Shadow or not I failed Cal and Leah all right so another critical Junction for this achievement is at moonrise Tower so you need to get to the moonrise Tower prison if you haven't been into the prison as soon as you come to the main doors just keep going straight once you encounter the cutscene with the owner of the estate it'll be to the right so just go to the right out of the throne room and it'll there'll be some stairs that lead down once you come down here you're going to notice that you have your tieflings in one cage and some deep gnomes in the other if you tried talking to these gnomes or the tieflings the guards will react to it so don't do that so the best way to do this is have a bludgeoning weapon on hand so if you have a mace or a mall or something of that nature whatever type of quality it is it is you might even be able to do it with a torch but you'll toss it through the bars while nobody's looking I advise you put on turn based mode once people are kind of far away you'll toss it in here to the Deep gnomes to Wolverine and he will break the wall in the back thus releasing himself and then he will go save the tieflings once they break out no matter how stealthy you were the guards will respond all the gates will open up and combat will start so I advise you position yourself accordingly once you give him the item and then once you bite off all the guards and make your way through the story a little bit you'll find this boat in the back where the Deep gnomes and the tieflings will convene and then they will ask your opinion take them to moonrise Tower I have on my first playthrough I just sent them I picked option two there's a place you know across the water you'll be fine they were in fact fine however I picked it on this playthrough you get to kind of see them get here and then it's just more secure to make sure that all the tieflings are actually making it as they should I don't know what happens if you have them wait in the water I would advise you don't do that I mean it might work but I have no idea what happens so as far as the achievement goes just escort them back have them pick the first option and they'll make it back to the in all right now that we're at the end and we've saved the tieflings from moonrise just go around and talk to all the escapees so talk to Roland and his group talk to alfria The Bard and just talk to all of them make sure that everybody's good and that they are ready to move on to the next area another group of tieflings you need to talk to is Dennis and his wife which is outside of the end so as soon as you come out the main doors just make a left and go down towards the just the path there and you'll see them talking kind of under the bridge and just talk to them make sure that they everything is good with them and then we'll move on to the next tiefling rescue all right the last tiefling we have to save in act two is going to be zebler so you're gonna make your way through the story again just keep progressing you're gonna inevitably have to fight an individual at moonrise Tower once you beat phase one he's going to do some stuff and a new area is going to be opened up to you which is the Mind player colony when you get here just follow the path and then hug the left wall you'll find the Tad pooling Center go to the little control panel hit the release button everything will open you'll have to fight three mind players and some little brains maybe it's two and then once you have everybody dead zebler will tell you what really happened and you'll just tell him to go help his people and then again keeping him alive all right with Act 2 behind us we're going to move on to act three here at act three you're just gonna need to talk to some of these teeth links just to make sure they got to where they were supposed to go and so that you can complete the quest that is save the teeth links the first group you're gonna encounter is this refugee camp it's basically as soon as you get into Baldur's Gate you'll find them over off to the side just follow the path and you'll run into them the next tieflings you're going to want to go check in on are over at the elf song Tavern you'll check in on lacrisa and alfria The Bard and her fighter friend that you saved for Moonrise Tower again you'll just talk to them and ensure that you update your save the tieflings quest all right so now let's go find mole and see what she's been up to since act two so start the Basilisk gate make your way to the manhole cover and then come down here into the sewer there will be a stone wall there it's already been blown up make your way over to this no entry no exit door this is the Guild Hall itself instead of wasting lock picks just smash the door down you can use a sword or some hammer or a spell and no one's going to bother you and you can just walk right in once you do get in the door go down the stairs to your left and then mole will be there with a shop now one thing I didn't Showcase in this video in my first playthrough I went and killed Raphael in his House of Hope because spoilers Raphael does make a deal with mole and that's how she's in the guild already so if you go to the house of hope you'll find Raphael's and moles contract I did steal that and killed Rafael I don't know if that affects the achievement but just giving you a caveat in case it does all right we are almost done last step so now we're going to need to go check in on Roland and finish off his quest line so make your way to the Sorceress sundry which is to the west of the Basilisk Gateway Point you'll come inside and Find Roland behind the counter and what we're gonna do just for the sake of the achievement is kill his boss if you followed this guide all the way up to this point Roland will actually join the fight with you so you do have to be careful and make sure he stays alive depending on your difficulty the mobs up there can be very strong there's four Elementals and his boss laroican and laroican is a pretty strong Mage so it can get a little dicey so make sure you keep him safe if he dies during the fight you will lose the achievement so I advise you save before the fight I know some people don't like to save scum so just be careful with that process this would be a terrible time to lose his achievement so this is the last step once Roland is secured and he has taken over the sorcerer sundry he will move in his team and then you will be done until the end of the game everyone else will stay safe all right so that is going to wrap up this video I know it was a long process hope you enjoyed the video uh I am going to be releasing the she canopy cage achievement in the next few days as well since I got that one kind of along the way um if this guy did not work for you please let me know in the comment section below I did get the achievement on my first playthrough so I had to do it all again and I think I got them all I'm pretty sure but if I didn't please let me know and I will update the video if I need to but I hope you enjoyed I hope this guide was helpful and I'll see you in the next one have a good one
Channel: BGP
Views: 221,607
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bg3, Balder's Gate, Baldor's Gate, Tieflings, Leave No One Behind
Id: 5n6o20vXssM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 10sec (1030 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 03 2023
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