Baldur's Gate 3: Reuniting Isobel and Ketheric!

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hey everybody welcome back to another policy 3 video this one's gonna be a little bit different this one isn't going to be an achievement per se but it is going to show you what it looks like if you do decide to play the evil campaign during Act 2 and side with Catherine Thorne and the absolute so hope you enjoy the video as always please like comment and subscribe and thanks for watching let's get into it [Music] [Music] I didn't realize I had an audience [Music] the true soul Who's going to save us all I'm Isabel pleased to meet you [Music] we've been waiting hoping against hope for someone like you free from the absolute influence yet able to walk among cultists it's almost too good to be true but I'd be a poor cleric indeed not to Avail of a blessing when I see one let me guess jahiris sent you to beg a protection spell of her favorite cleric [Music] the blessing Falls uneasily every old tainted body help but dream to kill her would destroy all of the last Light you yearn for it so deeply perfect it'll make you immune to the Lesser effects of the Shadow curse which will get you closer to the towers but there are places it won't help places where the curse is darker stronger the cultists are able to Traverse even the deepest Shadows though I don't know how the Harpers are trying to figure it out it's the lunide magic lady forgive me good news like a nasty little Terrier good luck and may the moon Maiden protect you while you're busy in the towers I'll be sure to wait do you hear that something's wrong [Music] hello Isabelle Marcus is that you what's happened to you I've been blessed you can be too come with me and you can hear all about it from catherick himself [Music] it would be you do you do and mine so my instructions are clear take the girl to catherick what's going on you have something to say you too yeah you're like them aren't you absolutists what fools you both are Catherine will never give you whatever it is he's promised you he already has time to go Isabella [Music] foreign guide my hand there's a dear moment to play the repaying place so well why let him take her alive when you could flood them both with a bloodbath [Music] thank you do you understand what you've done without Isabel everyone in this scene is as good as dead I trusted you so Thanos forgive me I let you in So It Begins so it will end for a little while longer you and I are destined to fight side by side our Shades don't take you I have the next claim on your head until then to battle my old friend thanks for your help with Isabel the general was most pleased don't worry I gave you some credit I should speak up the general has high expectations of you you're exceeding them I hear Balthazar has returned and more importantly the Night song is with him plus if that wasn't enough you've already rescued Isabel from last night what an eager little thing you are I can see makes me wonder how deep and dark those talents of yours run but enough of my daydreaming General Thorne is ready to see you are you ready to stand by his side in the presence of the absolute herself then go purge those nerves kill something or hump something or both the general will not tolerate any doubt in his servants go on now the general is not a man to keep waiting there you are the absolute bids you step forward true soul she is so very close to us here true soul I was so hoping to thank you in person our forces are gathered the Night song bound and we are ready to March at last but most importantly Isabelle you brought my daughter back to me she's being introduced to the absolute as we speak soon it will be as though we were never apart you have our thanks for your part in our reunion no one of sound mind can look at what the absolute offers and resist but I know it wasn't easy for his accept how our family has changed she was always stubborn clung to saluna even after her mother's death ironic then that it was Isabel who drove me into Char's arms he died and I was left alone and made perfect prey for lady loss she promised vengeance Oblivion but her plans came to naught only one God empowered me to bring my Isabel back that is the God I serve now the God we sir everything you've ever wanted it's time for you to learn true power make use of my own altar kneel in her name and the absolute will come [Music] come that true song let us pray hear us absolute killer let her in true Soul claim your reward fall into her embrace imprisoned I scour this land in search of it you bring it to my door slave take it freedom fight enough if you cannot take it then take him Balthazar will find a way to it now [Music] you're awake good general form has tasked me with relieving you of a certain artifact I hear it slow [Music] and I have more than a few tools once balthazarus through with you he will be left as just another undead thrall unless you can stop him in time moving ahead you what in the name of the nine Hells are you doing here Balthazar I should have expected his weakness you could have run away scounded with the prism the one thing that could prevent me from fulfilling my destiny but the lore of one's Destiny is irresistible isn't it perhaps you hope to learn your place in history before you are erased from it the bright flash of clarity before the snuffing out places to die so that I might finally live let us speak plainly my Lord Merkel gave me the one thing I desired the one thing no other God could grant me daughter's life returned her heart beating once more for that he asked that I serve as his chosen join Oren and gortash to grow The Cult of the absolute and then take control of it he's never had a more devoted follower I have fought great Wars before in the service of other gods and other powers but for Merkel I would condemn all of pharoon to death you are all that stands between me and my destiny and you have brought the prism here I will kill you now and then I will raise you as my servant yes say farewell Isabel I'm grateful to you for bringing me home I Was a Fool to resist I know better now good luck in the city of judgment I wish you the best sincerely my Lord I offer you these Souls so they may return as servants to your cause join the Army Army of soul witness Lord merkel's Glory that's gonna wrap this video up I hope you all enjoyed as always please like comment and subscribe if you did and even if you didn't you can just dislike it but thank you all so much for watching I hope it helped and I really want to say thank you so much to all the people that have subscribed to my channel and have been watching these videos it's been incredible and I would never have thought I'd have this many views or subscribers at this point um but yeah I will try to keep be consistent try to keep at least one video a week if not more just gonna try to find content to make that isn't redundant or just kind of a waste of your time so as always thanks so much and I look forward to seeing you in the next one
Channel: BGP
Views: 34,983
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bg3, Balder's Gate, Baldurs Gate
Id: oSDd4AUlZ5o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 42sec (1002 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 18 2023
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